Rose petal tonic (rose water) and recipes with roses. How to make rose petal lotion? Rosehip petals application in cosmetology

Often, a comparison with a blooming rose is perceived by women as a banal compliment. However, it is worth considering: this flower is truly beautiful, and maybe a true lady really should be a bit like him? Take at least velvety rose petals. Wouldn't you like to have the same soft and pleasant to the touch skin? It turns out that achieving this result is very easy: the queen of flowers herself will help you, or rather, homemade lotion from rose petals.

Preparing the ingredients for such a lotion is very simple. You will need a little of your time, a special plastic container and, of course, rose flowers. When the fragrant bouquet presented to you begins to fade, collect all the petals from it in a container prepared in advance. Just do not wait until the flowers dry - in this case they will become brittle and unusable.

In summer, however, you can not touch a beautiful bouquet. Almost all types of roses that grow in our climate are suitable for making lotion. If you have a flower garden in your garden, cut off a few blooms that have already bloomed. So the lotion will turn out fresher than when using store-bought rose petals. Rosehip flowers are also suitable - do not hesitate to use the gifts of nature for the beauty of your face. It will be useful to learn about some tips for using a fragrant tonic.

  1. If the alcohol-based lotion turned out to be too concentrated, it can be diluted with ordinary boiled or mineral water. It is also appropriate to add any essential oils to the product to enhance its effect.
  2. Excess oil-based lotions should be removed immediately with a paper towel - this will save you from an unpleasant shine on your face.
  3. To maximize the beneficial properties of rose petal lotion, it should be poured into a clean dark glass container and placed in a cool, dry place.

When the main ingredient of the tonic is ready, you just have to choose the right recipe and prepare a miraculous mixture. To facilitate this task, we have prepared for you several options for pink lotions to solve a wide variety of problems. Which one to choose is up to you, based on personal wishes and skin reaction to certain components.

Best Rose Petal Lotion Recipes

One of the quickest ways to pamper your skin with rose lotion is to simply soak the collected petals in a little boiled water. When the infusion has cooled, soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face with light movements. This will give the skin softness, radiance and freshness. In the hot season, you can add a couple of drops of mint essential oil to the lotion and pour the composition into a container with a spray bottle. You will get a wonderful refreshing face spray, not inferior in quality to expensive cosmetics.

However, rose petal lotion can be prepared in another way. In addition, it may include additional ingredients that moisturize and cleanse the delicate skin of the face. The following recipes are extremely effective.

  1. Versatile flower mix. Fill a 200 ml container with white lily and rose petals, fill them with vodka and leave to infuse at room temperature for a couple of weeks. After that, strain the lotion and dilute it with fresh cucumber juice in equal proportions. Let the mixture sit for a few more days and then use it as you would a regular face lotion. Lily, like a rose, gives the skin elasticity and freshness, because this remedy is considered very effective and useful. Cucumber juice helps tighten pores and reduce inflammation. Such an ensemble with a bright aroma of summer will surely please your skin.
  2. Pink lotion for irritated skin. If your epidermis is prone to dryness, it is better to use mild oils as an additional ingredient that will nourish and moisturize the tissues. Pour 100 g of rose petals with 150 ml of peach oil and boil the mixture over a fire until the flowers are completely transparent. Then cool the lotion, soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face. This recipe will restore the skin tenderness and elasticity.
  3. Lotion for aging skin. This tonic perfectly refreshes the mature epidermis, soothes irritated areas and has a lifting effect. Preparing the composition is very simple. Mix 20 g of garden rose petals with 1-2 chopped sprigs of parsley and dill, pour 100 ml of warm water and soak the infusion for 3 hours in a warm place. Then use the elixir for its intended purpose, remembering to apply a nourishing cream after use.

We are sure that you will be inspired by our useful tips and recipes. Pamper your skin with fragrant lotions and enjoy its freshness and smoothness. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video, the heroine of which will tell you about some of the intricacies of preparing a magic remedy from a rose. Blossom and inspire others with your beauty!

When a woman is told that her skin is as soft as rose petals, this is a wonderful compliment for her. Comparison of the skin with the petals of this flower did not appear by chance. Rose water, masks and lotions from garden rose petals really make the skin soft, velvety and youthful.

From the petals of this beautiful flower, you can independently make tonics, masks, lotions, creams. But you need to use only roses grown naturally, and not bought in a store. Shop roses are treated with pesticides, so they are not suitable for making homemade cosmetics.

Rose petals for the face. homemade recipes

Recipes for homemade rose petal masks

In such masks, pink infusion is most often used. To prepare such an infusion, pour 1 tablespoon of rose petals with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. On the basis of this infusion, you can make different masks, for example, a mask to relieve peeling and irritation. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of starch with warm infusion until a slurry is obtained and apply on the face for 20 minutes.

A nourishing, refreshing, smoothing mask

Take 5 buds of withered roses, put them in a glass jar and pour a glass of hot mineral water, let stand for 30 minutes. Then strain and dilute 1 tablespoon of crushed oatmeal with this infusion until you get a slurry and add a teaspoon of honey there (if you are not allergic ). Apply this mixture on the face, neck and décolleté, massaging the face for 1-2 minutes, and then leave for 30 minutes. Wash off the mask with the remaining infusion. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

Emergency mask

The following rose petal mask visibly refreshes and rejuvenates the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Dry the rose petals and grind them in a coffee grinder to a state of flour. Take 1 teaspoon of this “flour”, add 1 dessert spoon of cream or sour cream and one teaspoon of egg white to it. Mix everything very carefully and apply on the skin for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with cool water, then wipe the face with tonic.

If you have oily skin, then sour cream should be fat-free, and add twice as much protein. For very dry skin, sour cream should be oily, and use yolk instead of protein.

Mask for aging skin

Add pink flour to your daily cream at the rate of 1 teaspoon of flour to 1 teaspoon of cream. This can be done twice a week.

Lifting, softening mask

Take one teaspoon of boiled yolk and rub it with two teaspoons of rose infusion. Add one teaspoon each of honey and olive oil, mix and apply to the skin for 30 minutes.

Homemade Rose Lotion Recipes

Rose petal lotion for oily skin

Put one glass of rose petals in a glass jar and fill them with one glass of cologne (or vodka). Close the jar, shake well and put in a dark place for 10 days. Then strain and add 2 tablespoons of boiled (cold) water.

This lotion softens the skin, gives it a healthy look and tightens pores.

Lotion for dry and sensitive skin

Dial half a glass of withered rose petals and pour boiling water over them (up to a full glass). Leave to brew for a day. Then strain the infusion and add 1 teaspoon of sorbitol diluted in 1 tablespoon of hot water to it. The lotion can be used instead of washing, it will cleanse the skin and give it smoothness.

Tonic compress

Rose petal cream

rose petal oil

Cleansing, toning & nourishing oil

Pour a glass of dry rose petals into an enamel bowl, add a glass of vegetable (preferably olive) oil and put in a water bath for two hours. Then cool the rose oil and strain. Store in the refrigerator in a dark place in a glass container.

Oil for dry skin

Pour dry rose petals with peach or almond oil so that it completely covers them. Put the mixture in a water bath and heat until the petals are completely discolored. Cool, strain and pour into glassware. Store in refrigerator. This oil can not only soften dry skin, but also use it to remove cosmetics from skin of any type.

Spring is not far off, and there is summer. Feel free to try these homemade beauty recipes and your skin will become soft and velvety, like rose petals!

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Looking for cleansers? Wondering how to make rose petal lotion at home? Stay. Today we will share recipes from the chests of our grandmothers, proven by time and generations. You will definitely find something of your own, the main thing is to decide for which skin you need a product and which of the components below you can use.

Experimental lovers can deviate slightly from the recipe below by adding something of their own. Perhaps you will create a unique recipe, it is only important not to forget about the proportions of the main components and not to overdo it with the percentage of alcohol. Such lotions are stored on average three days. So...

Raw material preparation

How to make rose petal lotion at home and what types of roses are suitable for this? Actually, the variety in this matter is not as important as the place of cultivation. In general, it is better to stick to the basics of collecting medicinal plants.

1. It is very undesirable to pluck flowers from bushes growing in the city, near highways and railroad tracks, since the content of lead, sulfur, zinc in raw materials will many times exceed the permissible norms and will serve not for good, but for harm. Ideal places are planting roses, remote from cities and indoor home greenhouses.

2. It is necessary to collect a rose before full blooming, when it is in the stage of half-buds and contains the maximum of useful substances we need. Of course, a loose flower is also suitable, but its quality will no longer be the same. Do not take roses that have begun to crumble to make lotions.

3. The plant must be dry, so if it rains, take your time and let the rose dry. The best time to pick roses is in the morning.

4. You can use both fresh petals and stockpiled for future use (you will read about this in more detail below). It is necessary to dry a rose intended for the preparation of lotions in a cool and obligatory shaded place.

5. It is better to store a dried rose in tightly closed glass jars, dividing each species at least by color.

The basics of the composition of store lotions

The kings of the "magic potion" are, of course, rose and rose hips. Additionally you will need:

  • distilled water;
  • high-quality vodka (diluted alcohol will do);
  • juniper;
  • chamomile;
  • jasmine;
  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • aloe;
  • lemon;
  • pink tincture.
By the way, the latter is prepared separately and in advance.

Rose tincture

It will come in handy for most lotions, so make it ahead of time and keep it in the fridge. This is a kind of tincture of the freshest rose petals and vodka.

It is prepared as follows: we fall asleep the flowers in a glass container (up to the top), fill them with vodka, put them in the cold. In a day, the tincture will be ready. It is not necessary to filter it. You can store until the next harvest, pouring the required amount if necessary and closing tightly again.

As a lotion, you can use only pink tincture, without additives, but diluted (a tablespoon in a glass of water will be enough).

Juniper tonic lotion with rose

You will need: a dozen juniper berries, lemon juice (a teaspoon), a third of a glass of crushed rosehip or rose petals, a tablespoon of vodka, a glass of boiling water.

Cooking. We start with juniper. We throw the berries into pre-filtered boiling water, let it boil for a minute, remove from the stove, add the prepared rose petals, cover with a tight-fitting lid and wrap. After cooling, strain, add lemon. The lotion is ready. Pour it into a dark ceramic (or glass) dish, close tightly, put in the refrigerator.

The product is suitable for any type of skin. You can use it daily, both in the morning and in the evening. Alcohol, which is part of this lotion, disinfects the skin and additionally plays the role of a natural preservative, increasing the shelf life up to a week. Then the lotion is prepared again.

From rose hips and roses

You will need: fresh rosehip and rose petals (red, pink, cream), vodka.

Preparing the lotion is as simple as possible and lasts longer than other similar home-made products. We fill a half-liter jar with rose and rosehip petals, fill it with vodka and close it with a plastic lid. We leave to infuse for a day. It is not necessary to put it in the refrigerator. After a day, filter, dilute with water in half. The lotion is ready.

It rejuvenates and tones the skin, making it more elastic. Contraindicated in those who have vessels too close (the so-called "mesh" with pale or very light skin).

Lotion pink with honey. You will need: 20 grams of honey (ideally - forbs, better than the first collection), a third of a glass of rose water, lemon (20 drops).

Cooking. Mix the ingredients, shake thoroughly. Everything. The lotion is ready to use. Suitable for absolutely any skin. Contraindications - allergy to honey.

Lotion for problem skin

You will need: table vinegar, water, rose petals (four full glasses), table vinegar (glass).

Cooking. We cork the vessel, put it in the underground for three weeks. All this time, shake the infusion daily (once a day is enough).

After three weeks, we filter the resulting infusion and add the same amount of water to it.

It not only cleanses the skin, but also evens out the color, narrowing the pores. We store it in the refrigerator.

With cucumber and glycerin

You will need: a glass of rosehip or rose petals, a glass of water, vodka (20 gr.), Glycerin (10 gr.), Cucumbers.

Cooking. Pour the petals with boiling water and wait until it cools down. In the meantime, grate the cucumber on a grater and squeeze the juice (a quarter of a glass is enough). We mix the cooled rose water with cucumber juice, add cucumbers, glycerin, vodka. Close and shake thoroughly. Ready.

This lotion is suitable for any skin, lightened it a little, evens out the tone. It is stored in the cold for a maximum of three days.

With rose and almond

You will need: 30 gr. almond oil, harvesting petals, 10 gr. tinctures.

Cooking. Pour rose petals with oil and put in a water bath. Heat the mixture until the rose loses its color. Cool, strain, add tincture.

Tonic perfectly removes decorative cosmetics.

Vitaminized, with jasmine

You will need: harvesting petals, the same amount of jasmine, a glass of water, 30 gr. tinctures, vitamin B (liquid, 1 ampoule).

Cooking. Mix jasmine with rose, pour boiling water over it, cover and leave for 3 hours. We filter the mixture, add the tincture and pour the entire ampoule of vitamin B into it.

Soothing Lotion with sage, mint and aloe

You will need: a mixture of parsley leaves, mint, sage, plantain, chamomile flowers, aloe juice (5 grams each), tincture.

The preparation is not too different from the options suggested above, however, it deserves special attention, since this recipe is really universal. How to make a rose petal lotion at home that will suit any skin and at the same time also become a tonic? Pour boiling water over everything except aloe, cover and leave for an hour. Filter, add a tablespoon of tincture and aloe juice. Lotion-tonic is ready.

Good day, dear readers! Now at the peak of popularity natural cosmetics with essential oils. I suggest looking at recipes from a different angle. Why don't we add flower petals instead of ethers? After all, the latter also have oils. How to make rose petal lotion at home? Consider the process of creating cosmetics!

Effect on the skin

To understand how a flower can help us, you need to learn a little more about the composition. The buds contain essential oils, flavonoids, antioxidants, tannins and a whole complex of vitamins: B3, C, D and the inseparable "couple" - A and E. You might think that we are talking about some kind of professional cream, but no: just what we used to consider useless.

How does the plant affect the skin? The main effects are:

  • giving silkiness;
  • deep cleansing;
  • hydration, fluid retention inside;
  • smoothing wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones;
  • treatment of burns, protection from sunlight and ultraviolet radiation;
  • restoration and regeneration;
  • softening;
  • removal of inflammation, removal of acne;
  • elimination of redness and irritation.

The inspiring subtle fragrance is just a nice bonus. Rose cosmetics are both useful and pleasant to use.


Before you start creating the first composition, you need to harvest. As with wine, shop-bought flowers will not work. You do not know what land they grew on, what they were sprayed with and what they absorbed into themselves. When combining the components, the active substances will penetrate the skin. You don’t want some toxic chemical to “introduce” into the epidermis, do you?

If you are sure of the origin of the buds, then you can not wash them before selecting them. On the surface there are many useful substances that are undesirable to remove. Select wilting or spoiled parts. They tend to carry more bad than good. Spread the remaining raw materials on a coarse cloth and place to dry away from the sun and drafts.

You can use fresh leaves here and now. However, if you plan to enjoy homemade cosmetics in other seasons, it is advisable to make preparations for the long term.

Dried petals are stored for about 2 years, if all conditions are met: lack of light, coolness and packaging in fabric or paper bags. From my own experience, I will say that your stocks will simply run out earlier. After natural remedies, you can’t even look at others.


Let's start with the simplest. Lotion is a liquid with a light texture, which is needed to cleanse, soften, refresh and slightly tone the skin. The tool is universal: you can choose a formula for any type of skin; use it both in summer and winter. In the case of roses, cosmetics are especially relevant in the warm season, as they protect from sunlight.

For oily skin, alcohol-based lotions can be prepared. When dry, this is strictly prohibited. It is better to prefer a solution on an aqueous or acid base. Owners of the combined type can safely resort to mixtures with a low alcohol content.

Let's move on to the most interesting part - the recipes.


Fill a small 250 ml jar with buds and fill the contents with 100 ml of 9% vinegar. Put in the refrigerator for a week. Shake occasionally to distribute ingredients evenly. Remove the precipitate and dilute with 100 ml of water.

Pour the same number of petals with 100 ml of vodka and add 1 tsp. lemon juice. Further - the same actions. If there is too much sebum, you can do without water. The concentrated solution will deeply cleanse, narrow the pores and make the face brighter.

When dry.

To soften the composition, take jasmine and rose petals (2: 1). The quantity is the same as in the previous recipes. Vodka should be only 50 ml. Fill the remaining space with purified water. If the skin is very dry, add 1 tbsp. l. almond or peach oil. Keep in the refrigerator for a week and remove the sediment.


The most important advantage of rose-based masks is a strong rejuvenating effect. For young girls, the plant helps to preserve beauty, for adult women - to smooth out existing fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. Of course, one should not hope for a miracle, but with an integrated approach, a transformation occurs.

When dry.

Pour a glass of lightly packed petals with almond oil. In extreme cases, olive oil is fine. Keep the mixture in a water bath until the leaves lose their natural color. Strain after cooling. Apply for 20 minutes, then wash off. The oil can be used to remove makeup. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator.

For narrowing pores.

Chop up the petals. Mix them with lemon juice and glycerin in equal proportions. Rub well, then apply the mass on the face for 20 minutes.

With irritation and peeling.

Fill a glass of raw materials with boiling water and leave for an hour. Strain the infusion. Bring potato starch to a jelly state. Apply the mask in 4 layers, allowing each previous one to dry and lightly grab. After the last one, wait another 15 minutes. Wash away.


Mix dry petals with flower honey and sugar in equal proportions. Keep the combination on your face for 5 minutes, then start massaging with light circular motions. Wash away. Don't forget to use a nourishing cream. I talked about the preparation of natural formulations in another article.

Rose petals are not only a decoration, but also a powerful rejuvenating vitamin complex! I hope that I have helped you look at old things in a new way.

Have you tried natural flower cosmetics? Share your impressions!

With the help of daily facial skin care, you can maintain beauty and youth for a long time. And for this it is not necessary to buy expensive cosmetics of popular brands. Sometimes the most effective methods are at hand. Well, or in a vase on the table. For example, an ordinary rose will help in facial care, cheer you up and save your budget.

For the manufacture of home cosmetics, rose petals and rose hips are suitable. You can even use flowers that were plucked a few days ago and have already managed to please with their beauty. Slightly dried petals will not reduce the effect and will not spoil the final result. The only condition is to use flowers grown at home. The use of strong chemicals and the presence of a roadway near the bushes will significantly reduce the beneficial properties of the plant.

What do the petals do? What is their advantage?

  • Smoothes the surface of the skin, gently cleanses it, fills it with freshness.
  • Petals nourish the skin with a rich set of vitamins and microelements, intensively fight the signs of aging.
  • They have a firming and stimulating effect.
  • Improve mood, act as a natural antidepressant.

With your own hands, you can make a lot of cosmetics from rose petals. However, it is lotions that will take less than the rest of the time to manufacture. Besides, what could be easier to use?

It is enough to wipe the face with a solution after water procedures, and the result will appear in the near future.

Pink lotion for oily problem skin

You will need 4 full glasses of dry petals (preferably red ones) and half a liter of table vinegar. The infusion is prepared under a tightly closed lid for about three weeks. Then it is diluted with boiled chilled water, the proportion is 1:1. This lotion cleanses the skin very well, evens out the color and tightens the pores.

You can make a lotion from two tablespoons of dry petals and 100 ml of vodka. She will infuse for 10 days. Then the solution is filtered, a little squeezed lemon juice is added to it. This lotion has a matting effect, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

If you pour rose petals with a liter of water, bring to a boil, and then cool and strain, you get the simplest pink lotion. It helps to get rid of blackheads. And if you add a little cucumber juice and 10 ml of glycerin and vodka to it, then you can additionally make the complexion more even, brighten it.

Pink lotion for dry sensitive skin

In most cases, the rose is not used in cosmetics for dry skin, but there is still a couple of recipes. For example, you can pour three cups of dried petals with peach oil. It's also a good idea to use almond oil. This mixture is heated on a steam bath until the petals completely lose color. In addition to wiping, such a lotion is used as a means for removing decorative cosmetics.

You can add the same amount of jasmine leaves to two tablespoons of dry petals, then pour boiling water over the whole mixture, and then let it brew for 3-4 hours. Strain the resulting solution, add a couple of tablespoons of cologne, as well as two ampoules of vitamin B.

Pink lotion for tired skin

Such a tool will help restore skin tone, refresh it. To prepare, you need to mix a simple infusion of rose petals with a teaspoon of honey. Add a little fresh lemon juice or 50 ml of alcohol to the resulting mixture. Store lotion in a tightly closed container.

You can prepare a lotion with a calming effect. To do this, dry rose petals, sage, mint, chamomile, aloe, plantain and parsley are mixed in equal parts. A tablespoon of such a dry mixture must be poured with hot water and put in a dark place to cool and infuse. After three hours, this lotion can be filtered and used as directed.

If you mix dry rose petals and parsley and dill leaves, pour boiled water and set aside to infuse, you will get a lotion that fights the first signs of aging.