Foundation cream beige. Beige foundation with natural shades How to choose according to your skin tone

The success of the created image depends on how well the foundation is chosen - if something is done wrong, it will immediately catch your eye, and even the most beautiful makeup will look unsuccessful. An even, healthy tone is the basis of a good appearance, not a single make-up can do without it, and sometimes it is the creation of the tone of the face that takes the bulk of the time. Let's find out how to avoid mistakes and choose the right foundation for the perfect shade.

How to choose the right foundation for skin color

The first thing you pay attention to when buying a foundation is its color. Manufacturers offer a lot of options, in some lines there can be about 20 shades. Most importantly, never rely solely on the color of the product in a tube or jar - it can be radically different from what happens when applied to the skin.

Yellowish skin color

There are a lot of natural yellowish skin tones, and more than 70% of women have just such a face, although at first glance no yellowness may be visible at all. Ivory is considered the lightest option - such skin seems almost transparent and does not have a pronounced yellow tint. But darker shades have a pronounced yellowness, sometimes so much that the face is painted in olive colors. Often the skin has an uneven tone, which women seek to correct with makeup.

Things are much simpler with a uniform complexion - a thin layer of foundation will be enough as a base. If you have skin with moderate yellowness, which does not look unpleasant or painful, you need to select a toner of a similar color with a maximum spread of plus or minus one tone. In the name of foundation creams for this complexion, the word “beige” is almost always present.

Pinkish tint

Usually such skin looks quite healthy on the outside, but in reality it turns out to be very thin and sensitive. In light versions, it is extremely difficult to distinguish reddish skin from yellowish, here - yellowish skin acquires a brown tint, and pinkish skin usually does not tan much, initially blushing, and then acquiring a copper tint.

The correct foundation should always match the natural color of the skin, since the purpose of this cosmetic product is to hide imperfections, even out the tone and give the face a healthy look, and not change its color. In order not to saturate the red tones, it is better not to buy rich pink products, let it be pink with a slight hint of beige, and then the face will take on a pleasant, natural look.

If the pink tint is too intrusive, and you are trying to remove it, then you should neutralize it with beige shades of foundation. But deciding to take such a step, you will have to work hard - it is important to create a natural transition to the neck so that the face does not look like an element separate from the rest of the body. Color correction is resorted to only in individual cases, when it is absolutely necessary.

Consider skin type when choosing foundation

When choosing a foundation, not taking into account the type of skin is a huge mistake. Of course, even the wrong product will be applied to the skin, but the nuance is how it will look after some time. Incorrectly chosen tonalnik can emphasize peeling, cause a feeling of tight skin, or lose its properties an hour after application and miss a greasy shine on the face.

To avoid this kind of trouble, when buying, be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. Owners of dry skin should give preference to products with moisturizing properties - they will not only fit well on the face, but will also help improve skin condition without causing any discomfort. When applying, be sure to make sure that the peeling is hidden, and not emphasized by the product. For oily skin, special tonal creams with a matting effect are produced. They have a drying effect, which allows you to give the face an even, velvety tone without any shine.

Combination skin type requires more attention - here you need to choose only a special product, without a pronounced drying or moisturizing effect. In order not to worsen the condition of dry areas of the face, it is recommended to apply a little moisturizer to them before applying the foundation.

How to choose a foundation color for problem skin

Choosing a color for skin with foci of inflammation and redness is not an easy task. Skin problems must be carefully treated, and if there is a need to hide them for some reason, then the cream itself must be well chosen - the product must improve the condition of the skin, be enriched with medicinal components, extracts and vitamins. There should not be any oils or any other fatty components in the composition. The consistency of the product should not be too dense.

It will not be possible to mask the foci of inflammation with the help of a toner, for this purpose special products with a high degree of pigmentation are intended - correctors. When all the imperfections are hidden, you can apply a cream to even out the tone, the color should be chosen similar to the natural complexion.

We test the product on the skin upon purchase

Many women test foundation on the inside of their wrists. But, if you look closely, the color of the skin in this area is different from the color of the face, not to mention the thickness. It would be correct to apply a little cream on the side of the jawbone - this way you can get a real picture of how the tone will fall on the face. Another important rule when choosing is natural lighting in the daytime. Only in such conditions can you clearly see how the tone matches the shade of the face. Some women do it differently - they buy a product darker and lighter than their skin, and then mix them, creating the perfect shade, testing it in the same way.

If the foundation is selected to create an evening look, then a darker version is allowed. Also, to give the face a natural outline, emphasize areas of darkening and lightening, women sometimes use different tones of creams, as if sculpting their appearance with them.

Video: how to choose the perfect foundation

The master talks in detail about how to determine the tone of your skin using several popular methods (vein color, white towel, gold and silver jewelry). The video also highlights the nuances of testing the color of the foundation - how, where and how much to apply it.

In the cosmetic bag of a modern woman, you can find a lot of tools to create the perfect make-up. One of the most necessary cosmetics is foundation. With it, you can quickly even out the tone of the face and hide minor imperfections.

Cosmetics manufacturers produce foundations in various shades, among which the most popular is a neutral beige tone. But even if a girl has already decided on a suitable shade of makeup base, she may face the problem of choosing a manufacturer. The cosmetic should lie flat on the skin, contain safe components and not cause allergic reactions. To facilitate the process of choosing a suitable manufacturer, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best foundation creams.

According to the manufacturer, the use of Diorskin foundation allows you to do professional make-up at home with your own hands. The cream is intended for owners of normal skin. The product has a light texture, falls on the skin like a veil and makes it velvety to the touch.

Foundation is able to mask small flaws. The effect of its application lasts for 16 hours. The tool is available in 16 shades, including pink-beige and light beige.

The tool from the English company Rimmel is considered the best in the budget price segment. The line of the company has 11 shades, including classic beige, natural beige and light beige foundation. Match Perfection has a gel-like consistency, is easy to apply and spread over the skin and lasts for a long time - up to 16 hours. The product moisturizes the skin, effectively masks redness, does not pollute the pores, and gives the face a slight shine.

L'Oreal Nude Magic Cushion Foundation

The French brand L'Oreal is famous for the production of high-quality cosmetics. One of the company's popular products is the Nude Magique cushion. This is a practical and hygienic product that comes in a non-standard box for foundation creams, reminiscent of a powder box. Cushion from L'Oreal masks pores, gives the skin a healthy look, moisturizes and saturates it with oils and vitamins. It comes in three shades: golden beige, porcelain and vanilla pink. A photo of the cushion on the skin can be seen below.

The French company has launched a foundation with extracts of exotic fruits and berries, which saturate the skin with vitamins, tone it and give it a healthy look. A pleasant fruity aroma, which is given to the foundation by goji berries, lychee and pomegranate, has already conquered more than one girl.

Despite the name, Healthy Mix Serum Gel does not have a gel, but a creamy texture. It is conveniently applied to the skin of the face, evens out its tone without contaminating the pores. Foundation is designed for owners of dry and normal skin. For girls with oily skin, it is recommended to use the product in combination with powder, since the base itself does not give a matting effect.

Foundation from the American brand MAC is a professional cosmetic product. It gives the face an even color, masks all existing defects, makes the skin matte, soft and velvety to the touch. The foundation can last up to 16 hours.

Maybelline's Super Long Lasting Makeup Base provides long-lasting coverage that lasts up to 24 hours.

There are eight shades in the palette:

  • Ivory;
  • natural beige;
  • classic beige;
  • dark beige;
  • golden beige;
  • light beige;
  • matte beige;
  • peach beige.

Among the entire palette, the matte-beige shade of foundation is especially popular. The Maybelline remedy is available in a durable glass jar, equipped with a dispenser that allows it to be used sparingly. The foundation can be applied with a brush or fingers.

Maybelline Dream Satin Fluid

Dream Satin Fluid from Maybelline will help create a perfectly smooth coating and hide minor flaws on the face. The foundation has a delicate texture, is conveniently applied to the skin, envelops and creates a satin effect. After application, the skin becomes smooth and radiant. The color range of the tonal foundation includes seven shades:

  • natural beige;
  • caramel beige;
  • golden beige;
  • dark beige;
  • honey beige;
  • light beige;
  • Ivory.

If you choose the right shade of foundation, you can make natural makeup and hide redness. How the golden-beige foundation looks on the face can be seen in the photo.

Yves Rocher Fluid Foundation Cream has a light texture, it does not spread and does not leave marks on clothes, it can stay on the skin for up to 14 hours. The foundation comes in ten shades: four pinks, four beiges and one gold.

The beige color of the foundation "Zero flaws" 14 hours is able to hide all the imperfections on the skin, without leaving the effect of a mask. The skin becomes smooth, matte.

Natural beige foundation is available under many famous brands. The choice of a particular manufacturer should be made, guided by your own preferences and reviews of other buyers. So today the most popular manufacturers of high-quality and persistent beige foundations are Maybelline, Yves Rocher, Loreal and Rimmel.

“Tell my mirror, my light, but tell the whole truth, am I sweeter than everyone else in the world, all blush and whiter?” - how many real modern beauties would hear an affirmative answer?

Immediately after waking up, without water procedures, a cup of invigorating coffee and applying makeup, only movie heroines glow with charm. In order for an ordinary young lady to approach the cherished ideal, it is necessary at least to “draw her face”.

The key to a neat make-up is a uniform skin tone created by foundation.

The cosmetic industry of the last decade has given a woman a lot of all kinds of products to even out complexion. These innovative tools perform many functions and meet the needs of even the most demanding girl.

However, the abundance of the assortment does not help at all to solve the main problem: how to choose a foundation for skin color.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to deal with the color type, i.e. facial skin tone.

Professional makeup artists have identified three main skin types:

  • neutral;
  • cold;
  • warm.

Pure types are defined by the following features:

  1. Cold- the color of the veins on the wrist is bluish or purple; skin color in natural light with a bluish tint. The preferred metal for jewelry is silver;
  2. Warm- the color of the veins on the wrist is olive or khaki; skin color in natural light with a yellowish tint. The preferred metal for jewelry is gold;
  3. Neutral- the color of the veins on the wrist is blue-green; skin color in natural light with a green tint in the sun. The preferred metal for jewelry is any.

In addition to explicit types, there are mixed variants.

When choosing a foundation, the color type is not the only point on which to rely.

One of the secrets of choosing the right cream to even out the color of the skin is a clear definition of another nuance.

Depending on the reaction to the sun, the epidermis is divided into red and yellow.

If the tan lies with ease and evenly, then the woman is the owner of the yellow skin class. The red class is characterized by a sharp reaction to ultraviolet, expressed by redness and a copper tint of tan.

How to choose a foundation for skin color: basic rules

The choice of tonal means should be given special attention. Aligning the complexion, masking defects is the most important and responsible stage of make-up. If the tone is chosen correctly, the cream is applied skillfully, then minimal manipulations with the eyes and lips are most often enough to create a beautiful image.

Otherwise, the girl is faced with the problem of "age makeup" when the face looks much older than its real age, or with a “mask effect”, when the foundation creates an inanimate, alien cover on the face.

To find out how to choose a foundation for a color, you should initially determine your color type and skin type in general. And based on this, listen to the advice of makeup artists.
  1. With skin belonging to the red type, such cream options as pink beige, apricot or copper are in harmony - those that carry scarlet notes at the base.
  2. For owners of the yellow type, experts insist on choosing from foundations of such shades as light beige, gold, walnut, sand.
  3. For a trip to the store for foundation, it is optimal to choose a clear sunny day so that you can evaluate the product in natural sunlight.
  4. Experts recommend that, even if the room is very light, go outside and check the shade of the product again before buying.
  5. The foundation must be applied to well-cleansed skin, so you can not pick up a tinting agent without washing your face.
  6. Cosmetologists advise on the eve of a responsible choice to carry out a home exfoliation procedure, remove dead cells, apply a moisturizer, then the skin will be as prepared as possible for the selection of foundation.
  7. Testing cream on the wrist is the most common mistake. The color of the skin on the face and hand is significantly different. The shade of the wrist serves only as a hint in determining the color type.
  8. The test tool in the store should be applied to the cheek, the only way to assess its suitability.
  9. Professional makeup artists practice the use of several colors of foundation in one make-up, for example, the main tone and a lighter shade in the eye area, and a darker tool on the nose and along the contour of the face.

Note! To choose a foundation for the color of problematic skin, with significant defects on the face (acne, acne, scars or red streaks), allows testing the product in the area behind the ear - where the skin most closely matches the complexion.

How to do this is already the second point, it is better to resort to the help of a trusted friend.

There are no fashion trends and popular shades in choosing a foundation. This the tool is selected strictly based on external data, for each specific type of skin.

Color palette for fair skin

Light skin is often called porcelain for its noble pale hue, similar to the cheeks of sophisticated dolls.

How to choose a foundation for skin color, advice will help: study the names of shades. The most suitable products labeled "light", "transparent".

Pale skin is characterized by some soreness and dullness, therefore make-up artists recommend foundations with a subtle peach sheen, then the skin of the face will be fresher and healthier.

The main secret of how to choose the right foundation that suits a particular shade is to test three similar tones on the face and determine which one will merge with the skin color.

When there is difficulty which of the two shades to give preference to, experts advise choosing a lighter one.

Owners of pale skin often plan to give the face a tan effect with foundation - this is a serious mistake that leads to unnatural makeup. The tone should be as close to natural as possible. Other cosmetics are used to get a tan.

Color scheme for gray, earthy skin

Industrial cities have not had a favorable ecological situation for a long time. Smoke, smog, constant stress and a rare stay in the fresh air lead to the fact that even the most enviable beauties complain of an earthy complexion. Such skin looks gray, tired and aged.

With careful selection of the cream, this problem is also solved. For a fresh face cosmetologists advise using tonal foundations with a pinkish-brown tint.

The tone of the foundation, if the skin is prone to redness

Due to the proximity of capillary vessels, even a healthy epidermis, without blackheads and acne, may have a reddish tint. More often a clear red tone of the skin stands out in the nasolabial region. A good foundation is able to even out this flaw and provide a uniform, long-lasting beautiful make-up.

To mask skin that is prone to redness, tonal products are used that have a shade with a slight green. The most acceptable cold shades.

And here pink color scheme is a clear exception from suitable tonal creams for this type of skin.

Shades of foundation for dark skin

The most suitable colors for owners of dark skin are the nuances of chocolate or caramel.

In general, women with dark skin are naturally lucky and need a minimal amount of tint.

If the choice is from two similar shades, then in this case it is worth giving preference to a darker cream.

How to choose a foundation for evening makeup

At a festive event, when entering a secular society or a romantic dinner for two, a woman wants to look especially charming. To create a charming image, you will definitely need persistent, carefully executed makeup.

There are a couple of nuances of choosing a tonal for an evening event:

When a photo session is planned at an evening event and you want to look beautiful both live and in the pictures, it is extremely foundations with reflective particles should be used with caution, which, when the camera flashes, stand out on the face as white spots.

In general, if light tonal foundations are suitable for daytime makeup, then For an evening out, it is better to use dense creams., maximally leveling the surface of the face.

Newbie mistakes when choosing foundation for skin color

Despite the numerous recommendations of experts, a lot of master classes from leading makeup artists, there are girls with clearly incorrect makeup. At best, the foundation does not emphasize their beauty, but more often than not, it looks comical and even frightening.

In order not to be considered a beginner in the art of make-up, it is important to know how to match the foundation to the color of the skin in order to avoid mistakes.

In this way, you will save yourself in advance from mocking looks due to your stupid and inappropriate makeup.

The list of common mistakes includes:

  • selection of tone, based only on the index given on the package;
  • using the tester on the wrist or back of the hand;
  • the choice of means in dim artificial lighting;
  • applying a shade of tinted base that is obviously darker than the main complexion, hoping to get a tanned look;
  • the use of a cream that is not suitable in composition and density for the type of epidermis (for young, fresh skin, you should not use dense, heavy tinting agents, while problem faces require more careful adjustment);
  • the use of one product all year round (in different seasons, the color and condition of the skin, and the level of necessary protection from the sun and bad weather change);
  • focusing solely on the price of the product (when choosing a foundation, the main characteristic is the coincidence of tones, and not the price category).

Pro tips: how to choose the right shade of foundation

Experienced makeup artists often share their secrets for choosing a foundation.

Here are the most interesting and useful ones:

In order to correctly select a foundation that suits both the color and the type of skin, it is worth allocating enough time to study the assortment of the store.

This is not a matter of haste. With the right choice of foundation, a woman can always achieve a neat make-up and a spectacular expressive appearance.

From this video you will learn how to choose a foundation for skin color.

This video will tell you how to choose the shade of foundation.

Very often, girls face problems when choosing a foundation, since it should not only perfectly mask any imperfections, but also even out the tone of the face, and also fit the skin type. The beauty of the entire make-up as a whole will directly depend on how well the foundation is chosen.

Popular gamut

In the manufacture of tonal products, manufacturers often produce many different shades - for each line of cosmetic products. Their number can sometimes reach fifteen or twenty or more.

The most popular shades that are usually presented by all the most famous brands are peach, sandy beige, ivory, golden beige (“light tan”), juicy sunny, porcelain, porcelain color (without yellow), green with a yellow undertone, as well as without yellowness, sandy, caramel and many others.

Note: even if the foundation comes in a transparent container, there is no way to determine how it will look on your skin. It will not work and pick up a shade of cream according to the palette in the magazine. The selection of foundation can be done only by applying different shades of the product to your skin. You can do this in specialized cosmetic stores, on the windows of which there are samplers of each cosmetic product on sale.

Remember: choosing the wrong tone of the cream, you risk spoiling the entire makeup. In this case, the skin of the face will look unnatural, and it may also be very different in color from the neck and other exposed areas of the body.

How to choose one that is not visible on the face?

Finding the perfect tool is very simple - just conduct a simple test. You need to apply a little foundation on the cheekbones, wrist or chin. If possible, it is better to apply the product on the face. Be sure to wait five minutes after application.

If you guessed right with the tone, the cream will be invisible on the skin - as if it is completely transparent. The skin with the applied product should look fresher, and the complexion should be even and beautiful.

How to choose according to skin tone?

When choosing a foundation, you must first determine what skin tone you have. To do this, just look closely at your wrist in natural light. Pay attention to the wreaths on the hands. If their hue is slightly bluish, your tone is cold, but if the wreaths have greenish, yellowish or olive hues, your tone is warm.

Girls with a cool skin tone are better off choosing foundations with pinkish tints, and those with a warm skin tone are better off choosing shades of beige.

If you cannot unequivocally decide what tone you have (warm or cold), you can opt for products with neutral colors, which are universal for all types.

Very often, when choosing a shade of foundation, ladies are guided by skin color. There are two main types:

  1. Reddish pink skin(found in people with good active blood circulation) - a cream in pink shades is suitable for such girls.
  2. Tan skin(found in people with a high content of melanin) - owners of this type are ideally suited for golden and brown shades of tonal products.

How to make a tone lighter?

Many makeup artists who are guided by the basic rules of cosmetology advise when choosing a foundation to take a product one tone lighter than the skin tone. Thanks to this, the tone will look more natural and give the skin of the face freshness and beauty.


Many cosmetic companies are engaged in the production of tonal products, among which there are brands that are very popular and in demand among customers. This Avon, Faberlic, Maybelline, L "Oreal, Max Factor and many others.

When choosing a manufacturer, pay attention to a few key important points:

  • product characteristics;
  • the presence of the shade of the product you need in the manufacturer's palette;
  • cream consistency;
  • the presence of the required amount of funds and a dispenser convenient for you;
  • price range;
  • additional properties (sun protection, nutrition, tightening and many others).

The cream meets all the points, it looks very natural on the face, the skin has not deteriorated. The matte skin lasted about 8 hours with my oily skin. Dry areas periodically appear on the face, he did not emphasize them. For me, my favorite at the moment of all the BB creams that I used is SKIN79 Green (green) and it was because of its shade that my skin looked very fresh, radiant, even tone. The tone is slightly lighter than my real one, as stated this BB corresponds to Misha's 21 tone. I almost forgot, it has a gorgeous silky texture, when it is on the face, the skin is very soft! Unfortunately, now it is over and I write more from memory my feelings. The texture is quite thick and not easy to apply. I disguised my small flaws quite well, if necessary, you can apply a second layer pointwise and everything will be hidden;) the disadvantage for me is its inefficiency, because it is not easy to apply. Overall wonderful.
This is my first cushion. But comparing it with the usual liquid bb and tonal foundations, to say that this is a delight is to say nothing. Perfectly covers blackheads and redness. At the same time, it has a pleasant texture... No mask effect. I am delighted with this product. Everything is at the highest level, both packaging and content. By the way, I ordered a cushion in shade 21, I was afraid that it would be too light, but it’s not completely wearable and, most importantly, it doesn’t turn yellow.
During the day, the cream lasts an average of 10 hours, depending on weather conditions, then it begins to oxidize, fall into the pores and crawl away somewhere. But if you use a primer and powder, then the effect can be significantly extended. The maximum time that my bbik lasted was twenty painful hours of flight. I don’t really count on the sun protection factor, most often I apply sunscreen under the bb cream. Although sometimes I am lazy, especially when there is very little time for training. My skin is not particularly problematic, so the Perfect Cover coverage is enough for me, although I adequately understand that it is average. And also in a solo performance, the cream can emphasize peeling and unevenness, but this is also a solvable issue. The finish of the product is not matte, but also to wet, like to the moon. I do not powder, I let the cream sit down, and it, in turn, is almost completely absorbed by the skin over time. If you wash it off correctly: with hydrophilic oil, facial wash, and complete the cleaning procedure with toner, then there will be no rashes guaranteed. I even wash myself according to this scheme in the morning, so for me this is an ordinary ritual.
Lays down in an even layer. The face evens out, hides light redness. Acne, of course, will not hide, but it can even out 100 percent. I liked that the BB cream protects from the sun, sunscreen. Gives hydration, even without a moisturizer. The BB Cream is long lasting and lasts all day. It does not slip during the day, it does not need to be adjusted or corrected. What is convenient cream adjusts to the complexion. Does not yellow the face. In the evening, it is easily washed off with micellar water.