Tattoos for obese men. Beautiful male tattoos. Choosing a tattoo for men

An excellent indicator of masculinity and strength will be stylish men's tattoos. They will be an excellent choice for real gentlemen, and there are more than enough types and types of tattoos so that every man can choose something that matches only his character.

Types of male tattoos

Most men prefer to choose predatory animal tattoos. The most popular are:

Lion or tiger, which denote courage and inner strength. They can be as small as only with the image of the muzzle of an animal with a predatory grin or a whole picture. The skill of the artist will make him almost alive and it seems as if he is preparing to jump.

Strict and strong people prefer beautiful male tattoos that depict a bear. It is the main symbol of the courage of its owner.

Lovers prefer to put on the body the names of their soulmates, showing how they value and adore their woman. Beautiful male tattoos are made in the original style, both hieroglyphs and runic symbols are used.

Our catalog of male tattoos

Our catalog offers you a variety of original tattoos for men to choose from. Each of them can be an addition to the overall image and style. Bright and colorful pictures are suitable for those men who prefer to shock everyone and everything. Do not be afraid to experiment and choose large drawings. Beautiful male tattoos made in the style of Dot Work or Black Work will look perfect on arms or legs. Each of these methods is perfectly mastered by the masters of our salon. They will make exquisite tattoos for men that will show everyone around them the charisma of their owner.

A tattoo is not just a drawing on the body. This is a way of self-expression, emphasizing individuality. Tattoos often carry a sacred meaning, serve as a talisman or a reminder of an important event. Men's tattoos are designed to emphasize the strength, masculinity, will and brutality of their owner.

The location of tattoos in men

Men in most cases prefer large tattoos, so they choose places where a three-dimensional pattern will fit.

Common places for tattoos in men:

  • Hips
  • Back
  • Breast
  • Side and back of the neck

Tattoos on the arm for men most often done at the top. The shoulder is considered a universal place for this. The pattern emphasizes the power of the biceps, and a correctly stuffed pattern will also “come to life” from the play of the muscles. For application on the shoulder, large images are best suited: animals, ornaments, etc.

If the plans include tattooing on the back, chest or neck, then you should think about the integrity of the plot. So that the pattern on the shoulder smoothly passes to another zone.


The forearm, as a place for underwear, is popular because of the low sensitivity of this area to pain and openness to prying eyes. All kinds of inscriptions and quotes are suitable for application on the forearm. On the wrist, men often make a closed tattoo that wraps around the entire wrist. These can be images of watches, ornaments, bracelets, a growing forest, etc. Men also put small designs on their wrists, such as barcodes, inscriptions, and other small symbols. The wrists are sensitive to pain.

Male wrist and forearm tattoo


Caviar has become a favorite place for tattoos recently. They can beat the tattoo both on one leg and on both. A paired pattern is applied to the calves, one plot, broken into two legs or unrelated tattoos, but made in the same style. The drawing is most often large, sometimes it is applied to the entire lower leg. It is believed that the calves are not very sensitive to pain.

A large pattern is also stuffed on the hips, representing a whole plot or images in the same style. Such a pattern can be located both on the front of the thigh, and close the leg completely. It hurts the most on the inside of the thigh. On the front and on the outside of the thigh, the sensation of pain is tolerable.


The back is the largest place for a tattoo. Entire plot pictures, military battles, or just a large image of something are usually applied to the back. Due to the flat surface, the back is most convenient for tattooing.

The back is a painful place, as there are a lot of nerve endings along the spine. And you need to keep in mind that it will be inconvenient to take care of a tattoo on your back yourself.


A universal place for a male tattoo is also the chest. The size of the chest area allows you to fill large-scale paintings. Men most often fill tattoos in the upper chest, emphasizing the breadth and power of the shoulders and sternum. Due to the presence of pectoral muscles, this is a fairly painless place. Exception: nipple areola, collarbone area, armpits, these places are quite sensitive.

If you plan to build pectoral muscles, then the tattoo should be postponed until muscle mass is gained. Otherwise, if a tattoo is done before an increase in muscle volume, then it will stretch and this will spoil its appearance.


A tattoo on the neck can be either a continuation of other tattoos or a separate image. These tattoos can be small or large. The neck is almost always in full view of others, this should be taken into account when choosing a sketch. The neck is a rather painful place for pricking.

Large-scale tattoos are gaining popularity, covering the whole body with a pattern. Such a tattoo can begin on the foot and end on the neck. An example of a large-scale “sleeve” tattoo, a pattern stuffed on the entire arm, can go to the back or chest, represents one plot.

Theme of male tattoos

According to the popularity of themes for tattoos, we can distinguish:

  • Predatory large animals and birds (wolf, bear, lion, tiger, eagle);

Lion - victory, nobility, justice, pride.

The wolf is a symbol of strength, courage, loyalty, bravery and freedom.

Bear. The raging bear means strength, courage, power, courage. Calm bear - wisdom, confidence.

  • Mythical, heraldic animals (dragon, chimera, unicorn);

Centaur - thirst for freedom and adventure, the desire for independence.

Chimera-mysticism, aggression, passion for esotericism, fatalism.

The Dragon. For Eastern culture, it is a symbol of courage, kindness, nobility. For Western culture, strength, aggression, courage.

Unicorn - courage, strength, purity.

Gargoyle - a talisman against evil and temptation.

  • Gothic drawings (Skeleton, skull);

Demon - symbolizes the vice that the carrier has or from which he wants to get rid of.

The skull is a reminder of the finiteness of everything, a talisman of death.

  • Japanese motifs (samurai, geisha);

Geisha - desire for beauty, love for women.

  • Religious motives;

Angel-talisman for its owner, protection from misfortune.

  • Ornaments (Celtic, Slavic motif, runes, mandalas);

Mandala - harmony, orderliness of the inner world.

  • Military motives (warriors, knights, Vikings);

Knight-courage, courage, morality, honor, the ability to overcome everything.

  • Marine motives;

The steering wheel is a passion for adventure, changeability.

Anchor-reliability, constancy.

  • Inscriptions (quotes, aphorisms, phrases, names, individual words). The inscriptions carry a certain meaning for a person, remind of an important event, become a life credo;
  • biomechanical images. Such images represent torn flesh, inside of which is a mechanical structure. The mechanisms are drawn very clearly, faithfully copying reality.
  • Images of belonging to a subculture or group. Such tattoos are pricked, for example, by Goths, bikers, military men, criminals.

The presented topics can be performed in different styles and different techniques. The image can be black and white or color, natural or graphic.

Tattoos for men from time immemorial have been full of special symbolism, which tells a knowledgeable person a lot about the character and personality of a man. From ancient times, great wars and leaders leading peoples adorned their bodies with a string of complex tattoos telling about their exploits and changing social status.

Modern tattoos for men are much less often filled with canonical symbolism. Much more often men decide get a tattoo in order to fully show their brutality, determination, courage or romance. However, this does not make men's tattoos less significant - the male body, decorated with a stylish salon tattoo, provokes increased female attention. Subconsciously, women classify men who have decorated their bodies with tattoos as cool machos who can prove their word with deed. Male tattoos - symbolism Gothic, biker and Celtic tattoos can be considered classic male tattoos. Images of dragons and other heraldic animals are in constant demand among the representatives of the stronger sex. The images of predatory animals and birds are no less popular - often the image of a predator becomes a kind of totem of a man, an external manifestation of the inner state of his soul.

The most impressive men's tattoos look on a trained body with relief muscles. Our tattoo masters, using the natural relief of the muscles, create voluminous tattoos that live their own special, unlike anything life. Such tattoos are obligatory - a voluminous tattoo is an excellent motivation for regular physical exercises that keep the muscles in good shape.

Male tattoos - meaning

Do not forget that in our country, male tattoos have long been characteristic of persons serving sentences in places not so remote. Zon's tattoos, made in the overwhelming majority of cases at a primitive level, did not serve to decorate the body, but were a carrier of information about the person whose body the drawing was applied to. That is why, before choosing this or that drawing, consult the master - and what can this symbol mean? A professional answer to this question will help you make the right choice.

Men's tattoos - the price of the issue

At first glance, a professional studio tattoo may seem expensive. However, do not forget that a tattoo is not just a few painted square centimeters of skin. A male tattoo is an iconic detail of your image that will stay with you for a lifetime. Agree, things that determine your self-consciousness should be trusted only to the hands of real specialists who can not only accurately embody your idea, but also provide a high level of security and give certain guarantees. Prices for tattoos are amenable to simple calculation, but the newly acquired status of a self-confident man is priceless.

An excellent indicator of masculinity and strength will be stylish men's tattoos. They will be an excellent choice for real gentlemen, and there are more than enough types and types of tattoos so that every man can choose something that matches only his character.

Types of male tattoos

Most men prefer to choose predatory animal tattoos. The most popular are:

Lion or tiger, which denote courage and inner strength. They can be as small as only with the image of the muzzle of an animal with a predatory grin or a whole picture. The skill of the artist will make him almost alive and it seems as if he is preparing to jump.

Strict and strong people prefer beautiful male tattoos that depict a bear. It is the main symbol of the courage of its owner.

Lovers prefer to put on the body the names of their soulmates, showing how they value and adore their woman. Beautiful male tattoos are made in the original style, both hieroglyphs and runic symbols are used.

Our catalog of male tattoos

Our catalog offers you a variety of original tattoos for men to choose from. Each of them can be an addition to the overall image and style. Bright and colorful pictures are suitable for those men who prefer to shock everyone and everything. Do not be afraid to experiment and choose large drawings. Beautiful male tattoos made in the style of Dot Work or Black Work will look perfect on arms or legs. Each of these methods is perfectly mastered by the masters of our salon. They will make exquisite tattoos for men that will show everyone around them the charisma of their owner.

Despite the fact that most tattoos can be classified as unisex, in modern culture, there is still such a thing as tattoos for men. The main difference is that in most cases such a drawing symbolizes something or carries an encrypted meaning. At the same time, a female tattoo is more of a method of decorating the body and a cool way to attract men.

Of course, many young guys get tattoos just to stand out among their surroundings. But true fans of body painting, nevertheless, take each tattoo seriously. This unspoken tradition comes from antiquity, when drawings on the body were an important element of a man's self-identification in society. The tattoo simultaneously played the role of a passport, was used to intimidate enemies and was an original decoration of a strong male body.

An interesting fact is that the culture of male tattoos in our country is in close contact with the prison environment. It was there that tattoos received special recognition, becoming an element in determining a person’s place in the criminal hierarchy. By the way, before getting a tattoo, it will not be superfluous to find out the prison meaning of the symbol you have chosen. Wouldn't you like a harmless decoration to play a cruel joke on you?

Choosing a tattoo for men

Before you start choosing a sketch of a male tattoo, you should answer the question of what this or that symbol means. A tattoo is a kind of totem that will be your companion, assistant and talisman everywhere. The owner of the tattoo should choose a plot that will reflect the traits of his character or the qualities that a particular person would like to acquire. For the representative of the stronger sex, symbols denoting will, dominance and aspiration to win will be an excellent choice of tattoo. That is why you can often find tattoos depicting a predator on the bodies of men, because it is these creatures that frighten and rule over the animal world for thousands of years. Among the possible options, we note the following:

  • or These animals symbolize strength and courage, social dominance, calmness and rebelliousness.
  • This animal means power and perseverance, steadfastness and great potential.
  • Since ancient times, this animal has been the personification of freedom and self-sufficiency.

Among the alternative popular male symbols, we note the following tattoos:

  • This symbol represents the frailty of life and the subsequent incarnation, although at first glance it looks very intimidating.
  • Weapon. It can be both cold and firearms. Such tattoos symbolize love of freedom and the desire to win.
  • Armor. Such a tattoo on the shoulder or chest represents masculinity and invulnerability.
  • Very popular among men who have certain life principles and express them through verbal symbols or even mottos.
  • patterns. A very popular male format is patterns and tribals on the shoulders and forearms. Such tattoos are more of an ornament than symbolize something deeper.

As you can see, tattoos for guys and men have their own specifics. Body painting for the representatives of the stronger sex is a way of self-expression and creative embodiment of their victories. But there is something pragmatic in a tattoo for a man. In particular, tattoo fans will be pleasantly surprised to learn that girls unconsciously perceive the tattoo on the male body as a victory trophy or battle scar. Do not hesitate - such a warrior will not be left without the attention of the beautiful half of humanity.