White shark tattoo. What does the shark tattoo mean? Shark Tattoo Variations

Although our distant ancestors thousands of years ago applied tattoos to their bodies, we can still confidently say that modern tattoo art is rooted in the regions of the southern seas - Polynesia, Melanesia, New Zealand.

Among primitive peoples, the appearance of a person spoke of a lot. Belonging to a particular tribe and the status of a particular individual in it could be determined only by looking at a young warrior or a gray-haired old man.

And since almost no clothes were worn in Polynesia, almost all the necessary information was encoded with the help of tattoos.

The use of sharks in tattoos

Here, by the way, sharks came to the rescue. One of the favorite materials for the manufacture of a special tattoo tool was.

And for the preparation of the coloring mixture was used, including,. By the way, the Indians of Central America used a similar composition thousands of kilometers from the islands of Oceania.

Among the Maori tribes that inhabited New Zealand, tattoos in the form of a shark or other animals were not often used. Usually, an intricate pattern of various swirling and intersecting lines was applied to the face.

At the same time, one of the most common elements of the drawing was a stylistic image, consisting of two spirals diverging in different directions.

Such a tattoo emphasized the high status of its wearer and his high military qualities - fearlessness, dexterity, perseverance.

What is more here - bravado, superstition or something else - we do not undertake to say. At the same time, sometimes a bared shark's mouth can show off just in place of a bitten off limb.

Photo: shark tattoos on the back

Recently, a shark tattoo has been popular among male businessmen. It speaks without words about the character of a person and his behavior regarding business. The fact that this person is strong in his business, fast, resourceful, cold-blooded. That is why men who do not have these qualities should not do it.

It is also suitable for those who want to arouse fear and respect in others at the same time.

The image of a shark looks equally impressive on all parts of the body and is most often applied to the shoulder blades, shoulders, forearms, back, calves, both in a realistic style and in the form of original illustrations.

The most common types of sharks in tattoos are the hammerhead shark and which are most often applied in the style of realism. Sharks are also depicted with anchors and flags.

We invite all readers and visitors of the "Shark Lagoon" website (a simple registration is required) to leave in the comments your images of your favorite shark tattoos!

Choose your shark!

The shark is one of the oldest and most dangerous creatures on the planet. According to archaeological data, sharks have lived in the seas and oceans of our planet for about forty million years, that is, this creature even outlived the dinosaurs. Nature made the shark the perfect predator, she is endowed with great strength, speed, power, wit and bloodlust.

The meaning of the shark tattoo is aimed at expressing rage and fearlessness, power and aggression, courage and perseverance, self-confidence and grace. But this is only in the general case, because for many centuries, cultures of different peoples have revered the shark in different ways, attributing to it completely different qualities and characteristics. Shark tattoo is most suitable for persistent people, self-confident and rebellious.

Let's not forget that the shark is always used in speech in the feminine gender, so it can become an original distinctive symbol of a strong woman, and arouse admiration, fear and curiosity among others. The meaning of the shark tattoo is also manifested in its love of freedom and purposefulness..

In sections of ancient Polynesian tattoos, the shark symbol served as protection from predators and enemies. And on the Australian continent, sharks are treated with special respect and reverence, because for them the shark has become an image that connects the forces of the earth and the sea. And for the Indians of Central and North America, sharks were a symbol of survival and hunting. Shark tattoos are often applied by people who work or often swim in the sea: sailors, sailors, fishermen, and others. For sailors, such a tattoo has become a way to express readiness for anything that does not wait for them on a long journey, the desire to return home to their relatives and the readiness to die at sea from sharks and hunger. In the Middle Ages, such a tattoo was treated as a strong amulet in the sea. And the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands for a long time worshiped the image of a shark as an all-powerful spirit of water and saw grace and grandeur in it. Japanese culture also treated the shark with respect, as a messenger of the sea hogs, it was believed that the shark helps everyone who believes in it.

A separate meaning of the shark tattoo was its mention as a metaphor for successful business, or incredible success in gambling. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of power, dominance and superiority over an opponent.

Separately, hammerhead shark tattoo should be highlighted. This fish is one of the most unusual creatures in the world. The image of the hammerhead shark evokes feelings of surprise, fear and curiosity. This is a fish with unique abilities, some of which have not been solved by scientists so far. It is dangerous and bloodthirsty, in addition to the above meanings, it also symbolizes cunning and greed.

In general, if you are a self-confident person, you are distinguished by perseverance and a special desire to achieve your goal, a shark tattoo will suit you perfectly. It is also suitable for those who want to arouse fear and respect in others at the same time.

Sharks are very ancient animals, according to scientists they are more than 400 million years old, they are rightfully considered the most bloodthirsty predators in the water. The ability to feel prey for several kilometers, as well as cases when human blood lured sharks, became the basis for tales and myths about the bloodthirstiness of sharks, many films were made showing the cruelty of these animals, for example, "Jaws", perhaps after that it grew up popularity on tattoos with sharks, the meaning of which we will talk about today.

The main meanings of a shark tattoo

One of the most common shark tattoos I've had to do is the open mouth tattoo with the grin of a shark, the main meaning of which is fearlessness, bloodthirstiness, aggression. Mostly suitable for young people associated with the sea, or with dangerous work like a lifeguard.

Sharks are also known for their explosive speed, before attacking the victim they are able to develop tremendous speed, so one of the meanings of a shark tattoo is a symbol of speed and agility, both girls and young people make such tattoos.

Nevertheless, the main meaning of a shark tattoo lies not in its skills, but in relation to it, for sure everyone knows an amulet or a charm with a shark tooth, this is not surprising, because it always seemed to a person that no one would dare to name a symbol of such a strong and merciless predator harm. It is not surprising that there are many who want to get a tattoo with a shark in the form of a talisman.

Where to get a shark tattoo

One of the most popular places to stuff a predator is on the shoulder, especially if you want to show a grin. an interesting idea, for me, it seems, to make a tattoo on the forearm, with a shark floating out from under the clothes, as it were.

The whole animal can be depicted on the back or shoulder blade, there is enough space even for a whale shark or a hammerhead shark.

The meaning of the shark tattoo in the zone

In places of detention, shark tattoos are made by aggressive, ruthless people, or those involved in the smuggling of marine animals.

The shark is considered a symbol of danger and greatness, and for good reason - one of the varieties of sharks is considered the most dangerous and cruel killer on our planet. Shark tattoo, the meaning of which is associated with danger and fear, no doubt causes awe. However, in some cultures, the shark is considered a positive symbol. Below we will look at examples of the image of this animal in different cultures, as well as what meaning this symbol carries in the modern world.

shark on guy's leg

Shark tattoo: who is this tattoo suitable for?

Few people know about it, but the shark is one of the most ancient and dangerous creatures on the planet. Scientists claim that sharks have been living in the oceans and seas on Earth for over forty million years, which means that they are even older than dinosaurs! The shark is an incomparable predator: it is hardy, strong, fast and powerful, as well as bloodthirsty. Remarkably, this is one of the few animals that exist on our planet that can kill not only because of hunger, but also because of passion: very often, having killed the victim, the shark does not even eat it.

A tattoo depicting this insidious animal is suitable for those people who want to express their fearlessness.

Tattoo on the temple in the form of a shark with three eyes

The qualities that a shark tattoo symbolizes

  • Fearlessness
  • Explicit aggression
  • Rage expression
  • Power
  • Courage
  • perseverance
  • self-confidence
  • gracefulness
  • strength of character
  • persistence
  • defiance
  • pride

Tattoo on the leg of the underwater world with a shark

Shark - a symbol of a woman or a man?

Very often, a shark tattoo, the photo of which looks quite frightening, is associated with the feminine. Even some expressions in the people are used more in the feminine than in the masculine. The image of this animal can evoke curiosity, fear, admiration and some kind of awe, so a shark tattoo, the meaning of which is to cause fear, can be perfect for a strong and strong-willed woman, purposeful and ambitious, who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. goals.

Tip: if the definition of “strong and purposeful woman” is not about you, this is not a reason to refuse a shark tattoo, but on the contrary: having applied this symbol to your body, you may wish to acquire certain qualities that nature has endowed this animal with, and your life can change dramatically.

In the business world, the image of a shark has become special and is considered a synonym for success, dominance over partners and rivals.

Shark in Polynesian style

In what cultures was the shark symbol revered?

In different cultures and parts of the world, the same symbols have different meanings. For example, on the islands of Polynesia, the image of a shark in a tattoo was considered a talisman against the most terrible enemies and predatory animals. And in Australia, the indigenous tribes revere and respect the sharks, because they consider it a sacred animal, connecting the forces of the ocean and the earth. In Central and North America, the Indians considered sharks a symbol of survival and hunting, and in Iceland, the ancient Vikings hunted this animal, as it was a source of food for many people in the winter.

Shark in the form of a sketch on a sheet of paper

Who are shark tattoos suitable for?

The shark tattoo, the meaning of which can be interpreted as a symbol of fearlessness, is suitable for people associated with the sea: fishermen, sailors, sailors and sea captains. In the last century, sailors made tattoos with the image of this animal on their bodies in order to express their readiness for a long voyage. It was a symbol of the fact that they are ready for anything in this life and, hoping to return home to their family and loved ones, they accept their fate and are ready to die at sea from hunger and from sharks.

In the Middle Ages, among sailors, it was believed that the image of a shark could serve as the strongest amulet in the sea, and on the islands in the Pacific Ocean in ancient times there was a cult to worship sharks as omnipotent water spirits and a symbol of grace and incredible greatness. In Japan, one of the most "marine" countries, the shark was also treated with great respect and awe as a messenger of the sea gods. It was believed that the spirit of the shark helps everyone who believes in its power.

The hammerhead shark was a separate symbol, which differed in meaning from the classical one: the image of this animal evoked a feeling of surprise, curiosity and fear. It was believed that this creature was endowed with special abilities, some of which scientists still cannot explain. The hammerhead shark was credited with such qualities as cunning and greed, in addition to the traditional danger and bloodlust.

shark tattoo with blood

I lack confidence in myself, so I decided to get a tattoo of a shark. These animals have always been associated with cunning, strength, they inspire respect and in the life of people a person is compared with sharks if he has succeeded. I can’t say that there is something mystical in this, but I really noticed that I had more inner strength, I became much bolder and more determined. I don't know if my tattoo works, or if the change in my character can be attributed to the so-called "placebo effect", but it works! What difference does it make, why exactly?

Ekaterina, Moscow

Shark with an anchor in the form of a terrible tattoo on the shoulder

I have a tattoo in the Polynesian style, this is black work with a shark. As the master told me, sharks were revered in Polynesia because of their power and extraordinary strength and endurance. It seems to me that I have a lot of qualities from a shark: I am a strong, purposeful person who is used to getting what he wants, which is why I liked the idea of ​​​​getting a tattoo with a shark. And she looks really impressive and stylish)

Vyacheslav, Kaliningrad

Video: shark tattoo designs

shark tattoo sketches

The shark tattoo is most common in Western countries, and is also found among jailers from the former socialist camp. However, this is true only for artistic tattoos. Sloppy and crude shark drawings are often found among representatives of the Polynesian, Hawaiian cultures and inhabitants of other Pacific islands. Therefore, before stuffing such an animal, you should know what a shark tattoo means among different peoples and countries around the world.

The history of the shark symbol in world and tattoo culture

The shark is an ancient animal that, according to some sources, appeared even before the dinosaurs or developed along with the pangolins. Perhaps that is why this fish has become an important symbol in many world cultures, from Australia to North America.

The Polynesians, from whom the development of the tattoo began, believed that the shark is a kind of amulet against enemies and other predators, as well as a sign of grace and beauty. In many other Pacific islands, the fish was the all-powerful water spirit. Because of this, many peoples stuffed themselves with tattoos in the form of a shark.

The Hawaiians have a legend that one of the progenitors of the tribe was grabbed by the ankle by a shark, and the queen miraculously managed to escape. Since then, many Hawaiian girls have been getting shark tattoos on their lower legs, as they believe that this will help them avoid encountering a dangerous predator.

The same Hawaiians had another belief. 9 deities were associated with sharks, who were guardians of the deep sea and reliable defenders of the island of Hawaii and the entire Hawaiian people. Some Polynesians, on the contrary, considered these fish not as gods, but as important resources and food, bestowed by the spirits of their ancestors. The designation of the shark tattoo was associated with people's gratitude for the donated resources.

In Australia, the animal was treated with special respect, because it was considered the messenger of the gods, as well as the link between the sea and the land. In the beliefs of some peoples of Oceania, it was laid down that a shark tattoo means a person's connection with the Great Shark. Her name was Mäna, and it was from this animal that the whole world originated. The inhabitants of the islands believe that all the troubles in the form of storms, strong winds or an unsuccessful catch are the result of the wrath of the Foremother, and the tattoo will help appease her, ask her to take pity on people.

The cult of sacred sharks is also widespread in other countries - South China, Vietnam and Japan. Vietnamese fishermen refer to a species of whale shark as "Ka Ong". Translated into Russian, this name means "lady fish." In Japan, the locals consider the animal to be the messenger of the sea gods and believe that it is ready to help anyone who believes in it. However, there is another belief, according to which sharks are sea monsters that take the souls of dead sinners.

Among the Indians of Central and North America, the sea dweller is considered a symbol of successful hunting and survival.

The modern negative symbolism of sharks, and even the fear that people feel towards them, is more associated with horror films, where fish were presented as merciless predators. In fact, most species of sharks are generally safe for humans, while the rest attack him only when provoked or by mistake.

What does a shark tattoo mean?

By nature, the shark is an ideal predator with a subtle "scent", cunning, speed and strength. It is this meaning that can be hidden behind a tattoo. For most people, the image of a fish is associated with ruthlessness, bloodthirstiness and rage. Therefore, a white shark tattoo is best suited for strong, self-confident individuals who are ready to fight to the end and even show cruelty towards others.

The shark is also a symbol of danger, fearlessness, cunning and even some deceit. A tattoo depicting this fish is often used by purposeful people in order to emphasize their character or, conversely, to develop some new qualities. One of the other meanings is the craving for freedom, independence from public opinion and rules. The owner of a shark tattoo usually wants to impress others, cause them fear, respect, or at least curiosity for their person.

As you know, these fish never stop in place, are constantly on the move and are distinguished by the speed of their swimming. Another meaning of the shark tattoo is connected with this: constant development, the ability to adapt to any situation, the desire to express oneself and tirelessly go towards one's dream.

Everyone is familiar with the phrase "business shark" or "policy shark". They symbolize that a person has an iron grip, leadership qualities, greed, a strong sense of his own superiority and is used to dominating everything, always winning (there is a similar meaning in gambling). From here came another tattoo designation: power, the desire to control other people. Because of this, white shark tattoos can often be found among successful businessmen, executives, and athletes. For them, such a tattoo is not only a reminder of victories, but also a personal talisman, an assistant that will allow them to reach new heights.

What does a shark tattoo mean for sailors

In the Middle Ages, tattoos depicting these fish were especially common among sailors and fishermen. They symbolized fearlessness, courage, readiness to face both these predators and other dangers at sea. The sailors considered the image with a shark to be a powerful amulet that would help them return home, and if they were not destined to return, they would die proudly, with their heads held high.

Shark tattoo: meaning in the zone

The greatest symbolism of tattoos in prison was acquired at the beginning of the 20th century in the territory of the countries of the former USSR. Since a shark is not a typical inhabitant of these latitudes, then a tattoo with such an image is not often found among prisoners. The meaning of a shark tattoo in a zone can be different. By analogy with the world symbolism of an animal, a stuffed fish symbolizes love of freedom, the desire to get out of prison, as well as strength, fearlessness and aggressiveness.

In cities located on the seashore, there is another interpretation. Often, a shark tattoo in the zone happens to greedy people who have sat down for embezzlement or taking a bribe. Less often, this predatory fish was stuffed by smugglers and those who carried out illegal transportation by sea.

Places of drawing the image on the body

Like most other popular tattoos, shark designs are usually placed on the arm: shoulder, forearm, wrist or even hands. Moreover, it has been noticed that sketches for shark tattoos for men are usually chosen for biceps. So the guys try to emphasize their courage and strength. In addition, it is believed that the shark on the shoulder also means perseverance, determination, by analogy with the phrase "work tirelessly."

Some original sketches are best applied to other parts of the body, for example, in the calf muscles of the legs or thighs. Often, a tattoo is stuffed on the ribs, shoulder blades, neck or even the back of the head. A large sketch is best placed on the back or stomach.

What colors are suitable?

From the photo of shark tattoos, it can be seen that this image is rarely stuffed in black and white. To convey the mood of the sketch idea, the expression of strength, aggression and fearlessness of the fish, it is much better to choose several bright shades at once. The shark itself is usually depicted in its characteristic gray-white tones, and the background for the picture is the blue sea or a graphic pattern of waves in black. The animal also looks good surrounded by marine shades: green, blue, purple, etc.

Features of the image of a guy and a girl?

Although this dangerous predator is more associated with truly masculine character traits - aggression, independence, self-confidence and dominance - a drawing with a shark can be equally often found on the body of a guy and a girl.

Often the meaning of a shark tattoo for girls is intertwined with love for the family and children, a strong maternal feeling. This is due to the fact that some species of this animal carefully take care of their offspring and take care of small sharks. Sometimes women stuff a shark with a cub as a sign of strong love for their own child and readiness to protect him to the last. In addition, female shark tattoos can also suit strong girls who have achieved a lot in business or in the service. In this case, the tattoo will symbolize independence, superiority over prejudices about the meaning of a woman, strong character and self-confidence.

The meaning of a shark tattoo in men rarely differs from the options described above. Some guys still put a special meaning into their sketch. For example, the Chinese often stuff these fish, as they use animal products not only for food, but also for the treatment of cancer and some other diseases. So a tattoo can symbolize victory over death, getting rid of an illness. Fish fins are considered a strong aphrodisiac, so such an image for men means male power, passion.

Popular Shark Tattoo Styles

For the image of sharks on the body, such styles as realism, polynesian, old and new school, black and white tradition, dotwork, graphics and watercolor are most often chosen.

Realism can be considered one of the best techniques for conveying the strength and ruthlessness of an animal in a sketch. This style allows you to create real masterpieces of art. Often, in a realistic manner, entire "sleeves" with sharks and other inhabitants of the underwater world are stuffed. The more the drawing looks like a photograph or even real events, the better the work is considered and the better the skills of the master.

Polynesia is one of the oldest tattoo styles, it is somewhat similar to the popular "tribal" and other graphic techniques. Polynesia is best suited for drawing images on the back or shoulder, which is designed to be a person's amulet or even his patron. The peculiarity of the technique is the use of exclusively black color. Another feature is the strong resemblance of drawings to woodcarving, which is achieved by interlacing parts of the silhouette and an abundance of intricate patterns and lines.

Nautical tattoos often become popular over time among people who are not related to navigation. The shark tattoo is no exception. For the first time, such images appeared among sailors in the old school style - a bright and even somewhat casual style. For tattoos in this technique, the most important thing is, first of all, the brightness and significance of the pattern, and not the accuracy of its execution. In this regard, you can often find tattoos in old and new school with sloppy bold or interrupted contours, incorrect animal anatomy, etc.

How important is the meaning of a tattoo?

Tattoo artists and the owners of drawings on the body themselves have been arguing for a long time about whether an artistic tattoo has any meaning and how it affects the fate of the bearer of the drawing. There is an idea that a tattoo can become a talisman or a talisman, or vice versa, bring misfortune. Be that as it may, the designation of a shark tattoo is quite strong and it can change the interests of a person, his outlook on life. Because of this, frightening animal sketches are not recommended for strong personalities, as this can affect their character, make them unnecessarily cruel and unbalanced. However, one cannot argue with the fact that a tattoo depicting a grin of an animal will give self-confidence and help you become more purposeful.