Is it important to shave your legs? How to properly shave your legs and care for them after shaving. Epilation of the intimate zone: a hot topic

Shaving legs is not the most favorite procedure for women. Many, instead of enjoying the smoothness and velvety of the skin, suffer from irritation, wounds and ugly appearance of the legs. Why this happens and how to avoid these unpleasant consequences, we will talk.

Leg hair removal methods

If you are using an epilator, the hair is grasped with micro forceps and pulled out from the root. A razor with a sharp blade cuts the hair at the root. In both cases, the hair follicle remains in the skin, which is responsible for the production of hair-forming cells. That's why shaving and depilation with an epilator are not methods of final hair removal. The only way to permanently get rid of them is to use . A beam of laser radiation absorbed by the melanin of the hair destroys its bulb, which stops the production of hair-forming cells.

Of all the methods, shaving is the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to remove leg hair and get smooth skin. You can do the procedure at home, and all the costs are just a one-time purchase of a reusable razor and replacement blades for it. Often during it, many have such undesirable side effects as irritation, redness, itching, burning.

Why do I get irritation after shaving my legs?

Every beauty treatment, including shaving, has good and bad sides. The main advantage of hair removal with a razor is the absence of visible hair and the speed of the procedure. Unfortunately, the effect does not last long, after 1-3 days the hair begins to grow back. To keep your legs smooth, you need to shave regularly.

The razor cuts the hair evenly on the surface of the skin, leaving the hair follicle inside. Irritation or cuts are not only due to improper shaving or the use of a bad razor with not very sharp blades. The main cause of the problem is that by shaving the hairs with a mechanical razor, you affect the surface of the skin, removing the top layer of the epidermis along with the hairline. Because of this, irritation and infection occur.

Ingrown hairs are also common. This is often associated with the use of an epilator, which instead of cutting the hair, breaks it, causing it to loosen and curl, so that it no longer has the strength to break through the skin and begins to grow deeper into it. This is manifested by redness, soreness, severe itching in this area and, finally, inflammation. For some, this is due to a genetic tendency to develop ingrown hairs, for others it is due to poor post-shave care.

A very common occurrence after shaving the legs is inflammation of the hair follicles. The reason for this is a bacterial infection, which can be caused by cutting the skin with a razor. Most often it occurs due to gram-negative bacteria and staphylococcus aureus. Inflammation of the hair follicles is manifested by small painful vesicles on the skin, sometimes filled with purulent contents. Don't you dare push them! This will worsen the situation even more and may lead to an infection. It is recommended to disinfect them and lubricate with antibiotic ointment.

How to shave your legs

Shave your legs properly. This will reduce the risk of unwanted effects after the procedure, such as redness, bleeding, pain or itching. You can do the procedure yourself at home. It will only take 10-15 minutes.

Rules for proper shaving:

  1. The skin of the legs must be clean.
  2. Take a warm bath before the procedure. It will make your skin and hair softer, making it much easier to shave.
  3. Apply shaving gel and foam to your legs. This will improve the glide of the razor, reduce the risk of cuts and prevent irritation.
  4. The skin should be slightly stretched. Not only will this give you a more precise and close shave, but it will also reduce the risk of cuts.
  5. From time to time rinse the razor with hair and foam in clean water.
  6. The razor should be directed in the direction of hair growth if you have very sensitive skin, or in the opposite direction. This is most often an individual matter, and you should choose the method that works best for you.
  7. After shaving, disinfect the skin, for example, with hydrogen peroxide applied to a cotton pad. Never use an alcohol-based product. The effect will be opposite to the intended one - the skin will become irritated, dry and itchy.
  8. After 10-15 minutes, apply a moisturizer on your feet. It will have a soothing effect, and you will avoid the feeling of tightness of the skin and the appearance of irritation.
  9. The razor after shaving should be thoroughly disinfected. If you are using a disposable machine, do not use it multiple times. Such devices do not have the ability to detach the head and conduct a thorough disinfection. The bacteria that develop on it can cause infections the next time it comes in contact with the skin.
  10. The razor should be stored in a clean and dry place and disinfected before each subsequent use.

Care after shaving legs

Proper post-shave care is extremely important to prevent the negative effects of hair removal. As you know, the skin is irritated after shaving, because the razor, along with the hair, also partially removes the top layer of the epidermis. This procedure slightly interferes with the normal functioning of the skin, so it requires proper protection and hydration.

After shaving, disinfect your legs with a non-alcoholic preparation, then apply a cream or balm that soothes or moisturizes it. The skin must be moisturized after hair removal, otherwise after shaving you will feel itchy, you will have redness and irritation.

If scratches and bleeding occur, potassium alum can be used. It is a natural mineral that resembles a crystal, formerly called "after shave". It has an acidic Ph, so it has an aseptic and astringent effect. It reduces bleeding and prevents bacteria from entering the wound, which facilitates and speeds up the healing process.

To avoid ingrown hairs, exfoliate regularly after shaving your legs. Wait a few days, after which you can carry out the first procedure. It is recommended to do it at least once a week. Peeling exfoliates the upper layer of the epidermis, so that the hairs then easily break through and grow normally, and do not grow into the skin. For this procedure, you can use a special composition with granules, which can be easily bought at any cosmetic store. Enzymatic peels are especially good - they gently and effectively cleanse the skin.

It will help get rid of redness and irritation - it has bactericidal properties, has a calming effect.

How to choose cosmetics for foot skin care after hair removal

There are many preparations on the cosmetic market that care for the skin of the legs after depilation. Look at the ingredients of your skin care products to choose the one that will soften and soothe your skin. It must contain substances such as:

  1. Aloe- has anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, bactericidal and regenerating effect.
  2. Allantoin- reduces irritation, eliminates redness, soothes the skin.
  3. chamomile- has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves itching and irritation.
  4. D-panthenol- moisturizes by retaining water inside the skin cells, regenerates, soothes and accelerates healing.
  5. - deeply moisturizes the skin, soothes irritations.
  6. Vitamin C- accelerates healing.
  7. Cornflower extract- reduces irritation and inflammation, also has an anti-allergic effect.
  8. Plantain extract- has an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect.
  9. Green tea extract- moisturizes, softens and soothes, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, soothes itching and burning.

Shaving your hair can be smooth and hassle-free if you take good care of your skin. It is worth paying a little attention to it, and you can enjoy its beautiful appearance and smoothness. and caring for her after shaving, you will not encounter problems such as tightness and dryness, small wounds, irritation, inflammation and the appearance of ingrown hairs. Your legs will be perfectly smooth and beautiful.

Well, the cold is finally gone, sunny, warm summer ahead! And we have summer worries.

How to take care of yourself during the summer season? Do not forget to protect your skin and hair from the sun, moisturize our skin so that the summer heat does not dry it out! And, of course, put your legs in order, because the season of open shoes and short skirts has already begun.

How do we fight unwanted hair on our legs? Someone prefers epilation in a beauty salon, someone does it at home, but many traditionally give preference to shaving their legs - as the fastest and most painless way.

Today we will tell you about the main mistakes, that we do when we shave our legs. Avoid them to keep your legs beautiful and your skin healthy and beautiful. And to avoid ingrown hairs!

So you're making a mistake if...
1. Do not steam your skin before shaving. To soften the hair and simplify the process of shaving, it is better to do it "on steamed skin", that is, after taking a warm bath or shower.
2. Don't exfoliate your skin before shaving. Removing dead skin scales not only improves the quality of your shave, but also reduces the risk of skin injury.
3. Shave your legs quickly. If you want to shave your legs well, do it carefully and slowly. Haste can cause cuts!
4. Shave your legs when your skin is irritated or inflamed. Never do this! Wait a few days for your skin to clear up before you shave.
5. Take a bath or shower after shaving, and then immediately dry off. This mistake can lead to skin irritation.

6. Use a dull razor. Change your razor every 3-4 shaves!
7. Shave your legs just before going to the beach. This is fraught with irritation! Before sunbathing, the skin after shaving should rest for at least 12 hours.
8. Dry your feet with a hard towel and apply the cream to dry skin. Feet should be slightly wet and apply the cream on wet skin!
9. Shave dry. Some girls, when there is no time, practice quick shaving of dry legs. This is very harmful! Even if there is no shaving product, the hairs should at least simply absorb water for 2-3 minutes. If you shave dry legs, then this will be a poor quality shave, the skin will be irritated and ingrown hairs may appear.
10. Use soap instead of shaving cream or gel. Soap dries the skin very much, and the razor also removes the top layer of the skin, so redness and itching are almost guaranteed. If you don't have shaving cream, it's best to use a hair balm.
11. Use a disposable razor many times. If you use a disposable razor, remember that it is a "disposable" razor. Throw it away after the first use.

Whether you're an athlete or you just love smooth skin, shaving won't be a hassle. All you need is a little patience and concentration, especially if you are doing this for the first time. The more often you shave your legs, the easier it will be in the future!


Part 1

Preparing to shave

    Decide on the area to shave. Think about exactly what part of your legs you want to shave. This isn't the case for all men, but men's legs are equally hairy up to the knee and above, and it can be hard for you to find the line where you should stop. Think about the reasons why you shave your legs. Then look at yourself in the mirror and determine the desired shave.

    Trim the hair on your legs. If this is your first experience, use scissors or an electric clipper to pre-cut your hair before shaving, otherwise it could clog your razor blades later on. To speed up the process, use an electric clipper. If possible, do this outside, wearing the shortest possible shorts, otherwise the house will be a mess. If this is not possible, you can lay one or more towels on the floor and do the procedure while standing on them, so that in the future it will be easier for you to remove the cut hair.

    Take a shower. Rinse off any hair particles that may be left on the skin after cutting. The water will help soften the hairs and make it easier to shave afterwards. Remove any dirt that could clog your razor blades or cause an infection. Exfoliate your skin with a washcloth in gentle circular motions.

    Part 2

    Leg shaving process
    1. Use the right razor. Use a five-blade razor to reduce the chance of cuts. If you have a lot of hair on your body that you need to get rid of, you should get a new razor. Always keep spare cassettes on hand just in case, as the blades used can become dull during the process.

      Return to the shower. Re-shower while shaving. Or even fill your own bath. You can sit on the side of the tub and get your feet wet while shaving. This way you will be able to simply flush all the hair down the drain.

      • You can also use the bath while cutting your hair with scissors or an electric clipper, but long hair can clog drains.
    2. Soak your feet. Use shaving cream and apply it in a thick layer until it lathers. Do not use light transparent or translucent creams, otherwise you may miss some areas when applying them. Keep in mind that unlike shaving facial hair, here you will need to bend over and dodge in order to carefully examine all areas. Make your work easier by applying a cream that will be clearly visible.

      Select the starting area of ​​the body to shave. Shaving such an extensive area of ​​​​hair growth will take you some time. Consider the amount of time you may need to do this. Treat shaving like a plan of attack. Consider the following points:

      Start shaving. Shave in short stripes to prevent clogging of the razor. Rinse your razor continuously under hot water to remove hair and shaving foam. Apply as little pressure as possible to the razor. Change the cassette if you can't get the hairs out of it, as this means the razor is either rusty or too clogged.

    Part 3

    Terminating a process

      Wash yourself. Flush the water if you have taken a bath. Turn on the shower and rinse the shaving cream off your legs. Remove stubborn hairs and shaving cream. Run your hands over the skin to check its smoothness. If necessary, repeat the procedure for shaving certain areas and rinse your legs again.

      • Always rinse off lather and hair before shaving again. Avoid clogging the razor and do not pass it over the skin a second time if you have already sufficiently shaved the hair in this area.
    1. Wash your feet. Prevent sores and irritation. If possible, use tea tree or witch hazel soap to soothe and disinfect the skin.

Men from different countries approach the issue of getting rid of vegetation on the body in a completely different way. If the Germans and Brazilians prefer to shave their armpits and even their chests, then the Russians and the French resort to hair removal only in the most extreme cases, considering their “intimate zone” a territory of special control that no one should approach. Especially with a razor.

The P&G Research Center studied the attitude of men around the world to the presence or absence of vegetation on their body. Survey participants indicated how much hair they preferred to keep on their legs, chest, underarms and groin (1) . The results are presented below. A unit in the answer means depilation and an almost complete absence of vegetation, a five means dense thickets.

And why is it needed? What is the difference between a body hair trimmer and an electric trimmer?

Men's hair removal in the world: statistics

If back in 1985 only every fourth man in Europe bought shaving and personal care products on his own (mothers, girlfriends and wives did it for the rest), then in 1998 every second man did it, and in 2014 - a significant 76% (2) . At the same time, Germany is the largest European market for facial and body hair removal products (about 22% of all sales).

The Germans prefer to leave the lower part of the body and the hair on the legs "as is" and not epilate - apparently, the predominance of a cold climate by European standards affects - while trimming the hair in the groin and on the chest with a special trimmer. Armpits, they prefer not just to cut short, but to shave almost completely.


  • Legs - 5/5
  • Groin area - 3/5
  • Armpits - 1/5
  • Chest - 3/5

In which countries do men shave their legs?

The hot climate of Spain with its developed beach culture has a noticeable effect on local residents - unlike men from other countries, the Spaniards categorically do not tolerate the presence of vegetation on their chests and almost completely epilate their hair on their legs, but without shaving their armpits and often wearing a lush beard.

Products for men's hair removal (for example, wax strips for removing hair on legs Veet for men) are sold not only in specialty stores, but also in every major supermarket. In addition, from advertising posters of laser depilation salons, tanned machos with completely hairless chests and carefully shaved belly will smile at you all over Spain.


  • Legs - 1/5
  • Groin area - 3/5
  • Armpits - 3/5
  • Chest - 1/5

Bristles and other traditional values

The attitude of Russian men to the issues of epilation and removal of body hair is close to the understanding of this topic in France. Most French people prefer to leave their hair “a la naturel”, without shaving or cutting it, especially anxiously watching the preservation of intact hairline in the groin and legs. Note also that even French girls do not always shave their armpits.

Since the main trend of male beauty in France for several decades has been considered a neat three-day stubble, companies Phillips And Brown they actively sell special trimmers for beard care on this market - which, no doubt, gradually leaves its mark on the attitude of men to the “struggle” with intimate vegetation.


  • Legs - 5/5
  • Groin area - 3/5
  • Armpits - 3/5
  • Chest - 2/5

Epilation of the intimate zone: a hot topic

The hot Brazilian summer literally obliges men to take a shower at least twice a day - no other country shows such figures. In addition, Brazilian men actively use deodorants and antiperspirants. Since unshaven armpits make application of the product much more difficult, the question of whether to shave or not to shave is not even discussed.

Trimming the hair in the groin (or even completely depilating it) is another Brazilian tradition. Most modern methods of intimate hair removal (for example, shugaring - removal of hair on the body with a thick sugar paste) are widely known in Brazil and are available both in many specialized salons and even at home.


  • Legs - 4/5
  • Groin area - 1/5
  • Armpits - 1/5
  • Chest - 1/5
Is sport one of the factors accelerating hair loss? All about the effect of testosterone on.

Men's epilation review

The following is the story of our reader Maxim, who agreed to talk about his experience in various types of hair removal: “For the first time, my girlfriend made me shave “there” as a joke: for us it was a kind of game. She shaved me, I shaved hers. To be honest, the intimacy after that was amazing, and the sensations are absolutely unusual and vivid.

Unfortunately, when the hair began to grow back, it was unpleasant and even painful. Considering that my girlfriend and I shaved at the same time, we had to "observe morality", because otherwise the process was like rubbing with sandpaper. It was then that I seriously thought about the complete removal of excess vegetation on the body with the help of epilation or even a laser.”

Waxing for men: does it hurt?

“When I went to study in Australia, I saw that the attitude towards body hair is different there: many men remove their hair, not at all considering it something suspicious. I got curious and found out that they do waxing. The hardest part of this process is staying calm (in every sense) when the salon girl waxes your "intimate area".

The process took about thirty minutes, it was practically painless. We chatted quietly as she fiddled with me, removing hair from my crotch. The most difficult thing is to distract yourself from what is happening and think not about what a beautiful girl is working on you right now, hmm ... well, you understand. And it’s really difficult, because she gently lifts the “object”, concentrating on removing the hair around.”

Do you likegirlsepilated men?

“When I returned to Russia, the girls who saw the degree of my grooming “there” were completely delighted. I usually leave short pubic hair (it really looks weird without it), and remove all the rest in the crotch area. This significantly increases sensitivity and, let's say, simplifies the "process" for the girl, since her hair does not interfere.

As for the hair on the chest and underarms, I removed hair from the torso with wax, and this is even less painful than working with the intimate area. Let's just say, if you have something to show, then the relief muscles look better without vegetation. I have been shaving my armpits since childhood - this is a matter of hygiene, not beauty. When there is no hair there, there are fewer yellow sweat stains on shirts.”


The attitude towards the vegetation on the body of men from different countries is different: the Spaniards prefer a beard and shaved legs, the Brazilians - shaggy legs and shaved chest, and the Russians and the French usually do not shave anything at all. At the same time, armpit hair removal is increasingly seen as a common hygiene procedure, and hair removal from the intimate area is considered as a concern for convenience for your girlfriend.

Scientific sources:

  1. Body grooming and hair removal for men around the world,
  2. Men's grooming industry: Time for emerging markets to steal the show,
  3. Glowing growth for European mens grooming market,

Recently, one of the editors of Men's Health noticed a guy with shaved legs in a rocking chair. And the editors thought: maybe this is such a fashion? Obviously, cyclists and swimmers need this due to their specifics: the former heal wounds and scratches faster, the latter improve aerodynamics. But we wanted to know if the average guy should shave himself down there.

So we polled the subscribers of our Facebook group. The results simply amazed us. It turned out that while most guys don't shave their legs cleanly, 33% use a trimmer to trim their leg hair. And another 15% still shave clean. Thus, almost half of the respondents do something with the hair on their lower extremities.

What do women think about this? We asked colleagues at Women's Health to survey the followers of their Facebook group. And here are the results: almost 30% of women said they like it when a man has short hair on his legs, and 22% love it if his hair is shaved clean. This means that more than half of the women surveyed believe that something needs to be done about the hair on their legs.

So if you haven't done anything with them so far, you might be surprised that you ended up in the majority by a very small margin. And if you want to experiment, here's everything you need to know before applying a razor to places it hasn't been before.

Why do guys do it?

Here's how Atlanta male image consultant Aaron Marino explains the phenomenon: “Most guys don't want to shave their legs clean, but they trim and thin their legs so they don't look overgrown. That is, they, in fact, take care of the hair on their legs. I myself find it more aesthetic. When I started to swing, I shaved off the hair from my arms so that the relief of the muscles could be better seen. In the world of bodybuilding, it is not considered taboo to get rid of body hair. So I continued what I started and shaved off the hair on my legs. So I like the way I look and feel my body. I just don't need hair."

How do they get rid of their hair?

Spas today aren't just for women. There you may be offered leg hair removal with wax, which gives a longer and cleaner result than shaving. It hurts, yes, but it's worth it. Well, if you have a low pain threshold or a thin wallet, no one bothers you to shave your legs yourself. Buy a good shaving gel, a disposable machine and go. To avoid cuts, keep the blades parallel to the floor. In other words, move up from your ankles to your hips. And keep your knees straight, as razors don't do well on curved, hard areas like a bent knee.

What do clean-shaven legs look like?

Some parts of your body will not shine no matter how much you shave them. For example, your testicles. But your legs... If you can shave them without getting cut, your skin will glow. To enhance the effect, you can use body oils, and use lotions to moisturize.

What about depilatory creams?

According to those who have tried them, this option should be considered as a last resort. These products may work on fine hair but fail on thick hair, so your legs may end up partially covered with hair. Well, it stings from these creams, be healthy. Not to mention, at least 72 hours should elapse between applications, so in case of an unexpected date, there can be problems. In general, it is better to shave.

And if I want to get a tattoo on my calf, is it a good idea to shave my legs?

Not good, just great. All of the tattoo artists we interviewed said they always enjoyed working on a clean canvas.