Wedding hairstyles in the Greek style. Wedding hairstyles in the Greek style - a selection of the most beautiful styling Hairstyle short hair for a Greek dress

There is nothing strange in the popularity of colorful Greek themes. Hairstyles in this style are not frivolous and not at all mannered, but sensual and refined. Turn on your imagination and, using our tips, create stunning images.

Hairstyle options for a Greek style dress

The simplest and, one might say, the classic option is curled curls. It looks especially impressive on long strands. It was originally conceived that the hair would cover the collarbone. Several strands must be fixed at the back of the head.

Gum for the Greeks was a universal thing. It resembles a bezel, but it fits much tighter and more secure. Decorative elements (flowers, weaving, rhinestones) will add "antiquity" to your image.

Strands can be collected in a side tail and wrapped with a ribbon. Alternatively, collect the hair in a loose knot. The knot itself (“korimbos”) was performed on long hair with a straight parting. Hair can be put along the cheeks. If you have bangs, then you should not pin up strands high. You can leave the bangs as they are, or comb them into a side parting. An interesting option is the "cicada". This is a kind of hair bow, reminiscent of the wings of a cicada.

As a hairstyle, a mix of large and small braids paired with loose strands is suitable. You can braid two pigtails on the sides, while directing them from the temples. Behind the braids should be fixed with a decorative hairpin or a regular hairpin. We advise owners of perfect posture to braid a crown of braids. Fasten the free ends of the strands in the back of the head. The Greek tail is made easier than ever. Twisted curls are collected in a tail, and along the entire length it is intercepted with a ribbon or a thread of beads.

You might think that it is suitable only for beauties with long curls. If your hair is at least 10 cm long, then you can also “get closer” to antiquity. Curling is the first step, but don't brush your already curled strands or they won't last as long. The next step is styling. If the goal is romantic naive, then it would be better to style the hair obliquely. Remember that bandages visually make the head with a short haircut heavier. An alternative would be a braided tourniquet or thin ribbon.

Wedding hairstyles for a Greek dress

Such an element as a veil is not provided in this case. It is believed that the Greek style welcomes minimalism in detail. The Greeks preferred to focus directly on the appearance of a person, and not on his jewelry. Long hair would be appropriate to decorate with flowers or a diadem. For short hair, it is better to create additional volume by lifting the strands in the root area. If you have short hair, then in addition to your own twisted strands, add a chignon to your hair. To add a “holiday” look, decorate your head with decorative elements of your choice.

A rather elegant wedding hairstyle for a Greek dress will be the next option. Hair needs to be fixed at the back in a bun or knot with hairpins. The hair should look voluminous, not slick. After that, we wind the tape or fabric twice or thrice: first, closer to the forehead, then in the middle and closer to the knot. If desired, you can divide the hair from the temple to the back of the head into an even parting, after which the hair is wound onto a bandage.

As you can see, there are a huge number of variations of hairstyles for a Greek dress. This is a universal styling option, because it is appropriate both at a celebration and on a weekday. The main thing is that in order to "build" such a masterpiece, you do not need the help of outsiders. Everything is extremely simple.

Before the wedding, the bride has so many worries: a banquet, guests, a celebration program ... But there are also pleasant chores among them: choosing a make-up, outfit, hairstyle. Everything requires great responsibility. Every girl wants to become a real queen on such a day. And to help her - hairdressing ideas inspired by Ancient Greece, its beautiful goddesses, nymphs and heroines.

Hairstyles in the Greek style

Greek style is the most popular in wedding fashion. Many brides even choose outfits that exactly copy ancient Greek robes in style and trim.

Such dresses amaze with perfect symmetry, beauty of lines, and accentuated attention to finishing details. An excellent option for hairstyles for a Greek dress will be styling in the same Greek style. This hairstyle is the most popular among modern beauties.

Lush hairstyles remain the most luxurious models. They are elegant and sophisticated, styling on long hair is especially good. When choosing an option, not only the features of appearance are taken into account, but also the desired image. Laying can visually draw attention to shortcomings or reliably hide flaws. Extra elements are useless, since the hairstyle is already voluminous.

Often, Greek wedding hairstyles are decorated with flowers. Judging by the myths, the ancient Greek goddesses loved to weave flowers into luxurious curls. Styling looks amazing with a pair of snow-white lilies, bells. Fresh flowers are the perfect solution. More and more brides prefer this decor.

Styling classification

Models in the Greek style are universal. They are suitable for all girls, regardless of the length and shade of their hair. Of course, medium or long curls are optimal for such styling. But with the help of hairpieces and overhead strands, you can build an exquisite version even on a short haircut.

There are so many variations that young ladies with any face shape will find their ideal hairstyle. A curling iron will solve the problem of straight hair: Greek styling requires curls.

Conventionally, all models for the celebration are divided into several groups:

  • hairstyles with corimbos, or Greek bun;
  • Greek braids;
  • Greek tails;
  • Greek cascades;
  • lampadions.

Knots in Greek

The Greek knot is the most solemn option. The hair is either completely collected in the occipital knot, or the strands are partially left free. But with any option, the neck is as open as possible to demonstrate the beauty of the bend and the smoothness of the lines.

The location and shape of the node are different. Permissible are peculiar "babettes" with additional volume at the back of the head, raised above the head like a kokoshnik. Good and low knots near the neck itself.

In shape, it can resemble a cone, as in the classical version of the ancient Greek women, or have a relief. Especially solemn models are decorated with curls that stand out from the styling. Curls are effectively placed near the face or around the corimbos.

However, the most spectacular option is a knot with beautiful curls flowing from under it.. This style is ideally combined with wedding veils, which is why it is undoubtedly recognized as the best Greek-style wedding hairstyle with a veil.

The choice of veil is approached with caution: too heavy will ruin the hairstyle, so it is optimal to choose a light, weightless veil. Covers decorated with sequins and rhinestones are in the past. Modern options are minimalistic, the decor is permissible only at the place where the veil is attached.

Be sure to choose a veil to match the dress. The cream top looks dirty against the background of the snow-white bottom.

The popularity of the Greek braid has not decreased since the mid-2000s. Slightly careless twisted weaves with strands pulled out of them, adding volume to the braid, are real masterpieces of hairdressing.

The braid is never braided too tight to create volume. There are several variations of weaving:

  • spikelet weaving;
  • thin and long braid;
  • braid is voluminous.

A thin and long braid is woven more tightly, without pulling strands out of it too much. Weaving looks great, complemented by beads instead of ribbons. A voluminous braid is loosely woven to facilitate the extension of the strands on the sides and create a certain volume. Spikelets are braided from the crown or wrapped around them with hoops. Fresh flowers look great with such a hairstyle.

Variations are acceptable with a single side braid thrown over the beauty’s chest in the form of a whole cascade of curls, or several braids framing the girl’s head from the temples to the area behind the ears. There, small braids are intricately intertwined into an original pattern on the back of the head.

The Greek braid is successfully used as an auxiliary element when styling in other hairstyles.. Weaving looks more spectacular without a veil. The best addition to it will be a diadem or fresh flowers.

The Greek tail is the simplest option. The hairstyle looks like a simple tail, tied at the back of the head with a bundle and wrapped inside itself. Thanks to him, a roller is formed on the girl’s head, the beauty of which can be enhanced by side strands twisted into bundles.

Fantasy curls lie picturesquely on the bride's chest and shoulders. At first glance, styling is simple, but it has enough variations. You can create a tail based on several bundles, going down in pairs at the temples, forming an original mesh on the head.

Variations with the output of the tail to the side are not uncommon to demonstrate all the spectacularity of beautiful curls.. Mixes of Greek weaving and tail are also popular. The scythe, braiding the head with an elegant pattern, is pulled at the bottom with a tourniquet, turning into a tail.

Since all the beauty of styling is carried forward or on the sides, the hairstyle goes well with a veil. For short hair, it is the tail that is the best option, since the easiest way to create it is to use overhead strands or hairpieces.

For a cascade in Greek, freedom of hair arrangement is necessary.

Curls decorated with unpretentious curls are complemented by accessories that are effectively located on the shoulders or chest of the bride.

Be sure to keep the curls away from the face. The cascade should be located only in the transition zone of the head to the neck, a variant with additional volume upwards is possible.

The choice of a dress model for such a hairstyle should be careful, because the bride's neck and shoulders should be as open as possible.

Lampadion: an exquisite masterpiece

Lampadion is the most effective model. The hair is completely removed from the face. It is permissible to leave only a few random strands.

The curls collected high on the back of the head form a kind of crown or volumetric bundle. Like tongues of flame, strands with different-sized rings of hair are knocked out of it.

Hairstyle and the most spectacular, and the most difficult to perform. You can see the best options in a professional solution by asking the query "Greek wedding hairstyle" in the search.

Hairstyles with tiaras

Not a single hairstyle in the Greek style can do without diadems. But the attribute should be chosen wisely. Take into account the image as a whole and the outfit in particular. Harmony is important in everything. Ideally, if the gems are combined in tone, and their size should be the same.

Additional jewelry to the diadem is selected only with full confidence in the need for such a decision. Excesses will nullify all efforts. A tiara is preferably made of beautiful metal. Gold is optional, but it is important that it looks expensive.

Creation of a Greek hairstyle

Greek-style styling is already decorative and jewelry in execution. Even a Greek braid wedding hairstyle without any decor is already considered a solemn option. But the special filling turns the styling into a real miracle.

Hoops, ribbons, headbands will allow you to implement a lot of interesting ideas. You can successfully use the decor in a solo performance, or you can put on several headbands, different in width and height, color and decor at the same time.

With the help of a hoop with ribbons, you get the most complicated lampadion. It is permissible to effectively wrap curls with accessories, set the shape, direction of the cascade of curls, exquisitely limit the bangs.

Creating a hairstyle is the easiest way to get a master. But you can also bring your fantasies to life on your own. Before starting work, prepare:

  • invisible ones of the same shade with hair;
  • iron;
  • a comb with a pointed tip;
  • brush;
  • thermal protective agent;
  • clamps;
  • wax for modeling braids (if desired).

Start by dividing the entire mass of hair into four zones: nape, temporal, parietal, bangs. The occipital from the parietal region is fixed with clamps or collected in bundles.

Fix the braid above the beam. The hairstyle is ready.

Refinement of weaving

To create an exquisite Greek braid, the hair is curled along the entire length with an iron. You can use corrugation to create additional volume.

On the left side, near the forehead, a strand is isolated and divided into three parts. Weave a French braid, braiding strands to it only from above. Get a more convex weaving. Do not tighten tightly, stretching each interception with your fingers.

After reaching the middle of the back of the head, weaving is continued with only three strands. The same actions are done on the right side of the head.

When the weaving of both braids is completed, they are connected with a hairpin, fixing the accessory in the middle of both weaves. You can replace the hairpin with a ribbon. The hair is fixed with varnish.

Knot in Greek

To create a Greek bun, the hair is curled and taken into a ponytail at the back of the head. Hairpins randomly fasten curls. The more careless the styling, the better. Let's say a light bouffant for volume.

You can do a straight cut. On one side, a braid is woven and laid out in the form of a rim. Similarly, you can form a beam on the other side. A detailed description of the creation will help in creating a stylish version on your own.

It is fashionable to carry out a lot of experiments with a beam. The hair at the back is wrapped with a voluminous and lush knot, complemented by beads or flowers. The bangs are fixed with a hoop. But be sure to think over the outfit. Ideal with such a styling model would be a cream-colored floor-length dress.

From hair of any length you can create inimitable wedding models. It is important to choose the right styling style. To this end, you should consult with a professional in advance.

Even with a decision already made about the wedding model, the advice of a stylist will not be superfluous. The master will tell you how to style the bangs for greater expressiveness of the eyes, and which curl is better left uncollected to create a romantic look.

One of the most pleasant and reverent moments in preparing for the wedding is choosing a wedding hairstyle. At the same time, this is also one of the most crucial moments, because the appearance of the bride on one of the most important days of every girl's life depends on this choice. One of the most common types of hairstyles is Greek-style hairstyles, which we will discuss in this article.

A huge variety of hairstyles in the Greek style, so that almost every girl will be able to choose a hairstyle suitable for her face shape and hair type. Under the Greek hairstyle is understood either hair that is completely pulled back, or with slightly released strands. Such hairstyles are practical to wear - the curls do not interfere, the hairstyle is not very heavy and quite resistant, moreover, it is easy to choose a styling suitable for a wedding dress. It is best to do a hairstyle on hair of medium length or even long. Girls who have short hair should not despair - you can grow hair or use hairpieces or false strands. Greek hairstyles are done on curly hair - so girls with a natural curly hair structure are lucky here. And beauties with straight hair should not be upset - here curlers or curling irons come to the rescue. As for the variety of hair types, here every bride will be able to find a suitable styling from a huge variety of options.

Features of Greek hairstyles

The most important distinguishing feature of all Greek hairstyles is that they are made on large supple curls. First, the hair is twisted (if it is naturally curly, then it does nothing), and then, without combing, the main part of the hair is collected either with a double hoop, or fastened with invisibility, or even collected in a ponytail or braided. A few curls are often left for a more romantic look. We recommend using invisible even if you have large accessories that hold back the hair - this way you will give the structure even more strength. And, of course, do not spare styling products so that the hairstyle does not fall apart. The main advantage of such styling, in addition to beauty, is versatility and ease of wearing. The hair is beautifully collected and does not interfere with the bride on the most important day of her life. Of the minuses, it can only be noted that the curls may not withstand a long load and bloom, but you can avoid this - use high-quality styling cosmetics and do not spare clamps - invisible, hairpins, clips. And be sure to stock up on patience - you will need not only manual dexterity, but also a certain skill.

Variations of a wedding hairstyle in the Greek style

As we have already said, there is a huge variety of Greek hairstyles from simple styling in the style of minimalism to complex weaves and designs using accessories.

  • Wedding hairstyle with Greek knot. This type of styling is also called corimbos. To create it, all the hair is collected at the back in a kind of bun. It can be located on the back of the head, and at the very bottom at the base of the neck. Often, several strands are taken out of the bundle to create the effect of naturalness and slovenliness. Often this hairstyle is combined with various weaves or accessories. For the stability of the corimbos, it is necessary to tightly fix the main knot, on which the remaining strands-curls will be applied. Best suited for girls who want to bare their neck and show an oval face.

  • Greek braid. Classic weaving of tight or loose braids for curly hair. Often, several strands are not woven in order to make the image more romantic. For such a hairstyle, you can use false strands, so we advise brides with short hair to pay attention to it. A braid looks good, decorated with accessories in the form of decorative hairpins, hairpins or even fresh flowers. For several years now, naturalness and naturalness have been in the trend, so we recommend using free weaving techniques to achieve this effect. In addition, this will create additional volume.

  • Greek tail. This hairstyle opens the oval of the face and neck of the bride. This is the usual tail tied at the back of the head with a tourniquet, then wrapped inside itself. As a result, a roller is formed, the beauty of which can be enhanced by first rolling each side strand into a bundle. The hair can be gathered or beautifully laid on its side, framing the girl's face. The Greek tail can be made from several small bundles, going down in pairs from the temporal region, forming a kind of interesting net on the head. This hairstyle is ideal for girls with short hair, because it is in this style that the easiest way is to discreetly use artificial strands.

Accessories for wedding hairstyles

To decorate a Greek hairstyle, you can do without accessories at all or use one or more decorative ornaments. We will tell you in detail which accessories can be suitable for each type of hairstyle.

  • Bandage. This accessory is not very common for decorating hairstyles, so you can use it if you want to stand out and look unusual. A headband can decorate your head if you choose a Greek knot or lampadion hairstyle - this will make your hair look more elegant. There are many variations of headbands - minimalistic, decorated with flowers or embroidery, with beads or a color that contrasts with the dress.
  • Veil. This is the most bridal accessory for the bride. The veil is suitable for absolutely all hairstyles in the Greek style, you just have to choose a style that suits the style of your dress and the wedding as a whole. Please note, initially, you need to know that in the case of the Greek wedding hairstyle, it is the styling that plays the main role, and the veil is just an accessory. In other words, it is necessary that the veil does not cover all the beauty of the hairstyle.

  • Diadem. This accessory is a kind of alternative to the bandage, only more traditional. With this accessory you will feel like a real princess at your wedding. But be careful - such an accessory should be chosen very carefully - thin small tiaras need to be installed above the frontal part of the girl's head. In a complicated and high hairstyle, the diadem is placed at the base of the knot or bun.

  • Flowers. The trend of the last few wedding seasons is naturalness and naturalness. Be in trend - decorate your head with fresh flowers. They will suit every hairstyle in the Greek style, you just have to choose the right flowers. Flowers woven into a braid or a scattering of small delicate flowers on a cascade will look especially beautiful. Do not forget that the flowers should be pre-treated with wax, otherwise after a few hours of celebration there will be no trace of the original beauty.

  • Headband-elastic band. In fact, the accessory is similar to a bandage, only more practical and comfortable to wear - it will also be good to sit on a high Greek knot, a lampion, or on unusual variations of a tail or braid. In addition, thanks to the rim, it is possible to build a complex lampion or beautifully and unusually wrap curls in it, give shape and direction to a free cascade of hair, or simply decoratively delimit the bangs.

We are sure that our advice will help you decide on the choice of hairstyle and its execution. Remember that you are naturally beautiful, so choose a hairstyle and accessories that can enhance your natural beauty and hide small flaws. The hairstyle should be chosen based on the style of the dress, the features of your face and hair, and the style of the wedding as a whole. We hope the article was helpful to you.

The art of creating hairstyles has been passed down from generation to generation. The techniques of cutting, curling, coloring hair have survived to this day, because wedding hairstyles in the Greek style have always emphasized with their elegance the inner beauty of the human person.

Of medium length with a diadem or a leather hoop around the head, the girls of Ancient Greece were decorated. Wedding hairstyles in the Greek style are very popular now.

Harmony with a dress

The head, decorated in the Greek style, makes every girl feel like a noble goddess, admired by numerous admirers. At the same time, it is hair styling that serves as the starting point for creating a unique and inimitable image, giving it a mysterious charm that drives strong men crazy.

A wedding hairstyle in this style will make an indelible impression on those present with its natural simplicity and exquisite attractiveness. It is the closeness to nature, the naturalness of this style that has supported its popularity for many years. Below we will look at what hairstyles are suitable for a Greek-style wedding dress.


  • , decorated with ribbons and flowers, may be tightly or loosely tied. The main thing in such a hairstyle is slightly perceptible notes of negligence, emphasizing the naturalness and everyday life of unfading female beauty.
  • Greek knot is a fairly simple version of the hairstyle, when the hair is wound back and collected with an ordinary elastic band. This arrangement of hair visually resembles a bright fire coming from the very heart. The difficulty lies in the fact that in order to create strength, it is necessary to form a strong base of hair, on which other strands will be applied, bringing the creative fantasies of the hairdresser to life.
  • Greek tail implies hair lying loose on the shoulders, gathered in a neat pigtail or beautifully curly without any restrictions. This hairstyle adorns any shape of a girl's face, emphasizing her freedom and independence. When marrying such a girl, a man makes a conscious choice, prompted by his heart.

Attention! The hairstyle of the bride in the Greek style should be slightly casual: this emphasizes the natural everyday beauty that is always inherent in a girl.

A Greek-style wedding hairstyle is unthinkable without accessories: tiaras, headbands, with flowers and exotic plants. It is they who personify tenderness, purity, the power of nature, which is able to withstand any external factors filled with aggression and destruction.


Wedding hairstyles in the Greek style with a veil, diadem or have a special charm. A veil of different lengths, having one or more tiers, will allow you to create a unique image of the bride, which will remain in your memory forever. After all, hairstyles for a dress in the Greek style should be combined with attributes!

A medium length headpiece will perfectly emphasize the restrained simple beauty. A single-tiered, multi-tiered veil, due to its splendor, will successfully complement the short and medium hair of the bride. The hairstyle is recommended to be done with a pile, and the veil should be fixed inconspicuously using special hairpins. The low styling of medium hair will be successfully complemented by a romantic veil-mantilla, a hoop, a diadem.

It is better to wear a long veil with smooth, voluminous hairstyles, and loose hair will stand out from such a style, breaking the harmony of the overall image of the girl. The romantic and gentle style of the bride will be organically complemented by flowers decorating her hair.

Style for everyone

Medium-length hair is the most practical and convenient: it is easy to wash, style, and periodically create a new look. Lacquered simple curls, braided pigtails, loose hair with subtle elements of negligence are available for the bride and her bridesmaids during the wedding ceremony. The exquisite image of the Greek beauty, filled with romanticism, will not leave others indifferent. Femininity, simplicity, sophistication, tenderness embodies this hairstyle, which is distinguished by versatility, naturalness, and practicality.

A common wedding hairstyle for medium hair in the Greek style is a bun, which is created at the crown or formed on the side.

The work of the hairdresser's creative imagination can be distinguished by increased accuracy, smoothness and strictness of forms, or be careless, emphasizing naturalness, everyday beauty. A veil, a veil, a flower, a large hairpin, a diadem will ideally complement the appearance of such a female head.

Intricate ornate patterns are available for the bride's hair, which is of medium length. Curly and bouffant perfectly complement tiaras, beautiful hairpins, pearl beads, fresh flowers. Especially popular recently are hairstyles with various curls. To create them, curlers, special irons are used.

Any style, the image of the bride is combined with a bang, which is able to correct the shape of the face, cover a high forehead. Crowns, tiaras, veils, veils will add mystery, aristocracy, uniqueness and originality to the image of the bride.

The image of the Greek goddess is perceived holistically, but primarily associated with her hairstyle. The easiest way to do your own styling is to curl your hair using medium curlers, fluff it up a little and backcomb it, adding volume. Then form a loose bun at the back without a hint of any contraction, spreading a few strands of hair in front so that they frame the face. A hoop, diadem, ribbon will complement such a hairstyle, decorating the natural casual appeal.

wedding planner

It is important to ensure that the flowers in the hairstyle are in harmony with the bride's bouquet. In addition, bridesmaids can also use flowers of the same kind and style.

Elena Sokolova


Many girls highlight braids as the main element of their hairstyle. Reminiscent of spikelets of wheat, braids, embracing the bride's head in the form of a hoop, give a sense of solemnity, hold well throughout the day.


Step by step instructions

Greek hairstyles for medium hair are ideal for experimenting in order to find the best styling option and design an inimitable hairstyle. A bun, a shell, a braid around the head, a bow using ribbons will perfectly decorate the head of a girl with such a length of hair.

Forming a hair bow

Hair styled in a bow, framed with flowers, original hairpins, will look very good during the wedding ceremony. In addition, a veil is perfectly attached to a hair bow with hairpins. To create such a hairstyle does not require special skills, abilities and special hairdressing tools. You will need a comb, hairpins, ironing, invisible, varnish. A wedding hairstyle in the Greek style is done step by step quickly and easily.

To make a beautiful bow, just follow the following sequence:

  • First you need to collect the hair in a "ponytail" at the top.
  • Separate the bangs and secure it with a clip.
  • At the next stage, a loop is made from the ponytail, which is fixed with an elastic band that matches the color of the hair. In this case, the end of the tail should be in front.
  • The loop is divided into two halves and bred to the sides while pressing against the head.
  • The tip of the tail remaining in front is thrown back through the middle of the bow and fixed there with the help of invisibility.
  • At the last stage, the bow can be decorated with a veil or veil.

Important! If you find it difficult to create wedding hairstyles in the Greek style, photos will help you understand the procedure.

Making braids

Different styles of hair weaving enrich any Greek hairstyle. Especially popular is the openwork pigtail, French braid, French waterfall, fishtail. Decorated with fresh flowers, blonde hair braids will create a unique inimitable image of your beloved girl, who is able to endlessly amaze, enchant with her tenderness and beauty.

The technique of weaving a French braid is not too difficult. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions:

  • The upper part of the hair should be divided into three equal parts. The right strand of hair fits on the middle strip, and the left one covers them from above.
  • For convenience, it is better to shift all the strands to your left hand and separate them with your fingers.
  • A small section of hair on the right side is added to the braid and moved to the left.
  • The middle strand is shifted to the right. The main thing is to avoid mixing hair and confusion.
  • On the left side, a thin strand of hair moves to the right, and the middle part moves to the left.
  • Following such a simple technology, bring the weaving of the pigtail to the end.
  • Wedding French braid in accordance with personal preferences can be decorated with flowers, veil. In both cases, such a hairstyle looks rich and beautiful.

If you are interested in wedding hairstyles in the Greek style, the video tutorial will help make them a reality. See how a stylist creates beauty. Get inspired and you will succeed.

Summing up

Every young girl dreams of looking irresistible at her own wedding, captivating others with her beauty. , accessories, form a holistic image that reflects the inner essence of a woman and her natural beauty.

Greek hair style, characterized by naturalness, which perfectly combines exquisite divine notes and everyday colors of the world. Having approached seriously her own image, having experimented with festive styling, a girl can independently make a beautiful hairstyle in the Greek style.

Having created her own image with the help of a hairstyle, a veil, a free dress, a young girl psychologically determines her future, full of hope and the greatest achievements.

A girl named Fashion swiftly rushes past us, tapping her heels and throwing back a train of outlines behind her. We do not have time to try on another outfit, because it is replaced by a fresh one, invented by her. Recently, the flirtatious young lady Fashion proposed hairstyles in the Greek style. Whether the "Game of Thrones" inspired old memories, or maybe the holidays in the resorts of Greece impressed her ...

Milady Fashion thought about it and came up with a string of proposals for everyday looks, cocktail parties and photos of wedding feasts.

Distinctive features of hairstyles

The style of the Balkan Peninsula implies:

  • Femininity;
  • Perfection;
  • Versatility;
  • Simplicity.

The personification with the Greek goddesses who amaze us with prettiness and purity, impeccability and wisdom. The chiseled bend of the neck, the languid look, the open shoulders are associated with celestials. They push the owner to throw strength on her figure and face, follow the diet, do exercises.

To create a Greek hairstyle, you will need curls that are completely or partially placed in a bun, ennobled with multi-layered braids, and complemented with jewelry.

Accessories that complement the image

Each haircut looks more elegant if it is complemented with satin ribbons, hoops, headbands, colored hairpins. Not only the strands will “play”, but the clothes will also be filled with new colors, indicating your impeccable taste.

Greek hairstyles for medium hair

Modern women prefer strands of medium length. This is justified by the convenience of self-installation and practicality. Smooth, curly, light and dark shades inspire enthusiasm, organically outline ideas.

The only exceptions are short strands, with which it is impossible to do any complex hairstyles. Let's try to depict entertaining styling variations with step-by-step explanations. We open a visual and educational practice on strands of medium size.

Women with hairstyles for medium hair should pay attention to the knot from which the debutants are repelled. A light and original version, made by hand, will emphasize the expressiveness of the look. To begin with, curl the curls with a curling iron. Then they are divided into a straight or corner parting and thrown back. Make a beam of a cone-shaped or trapezoidal shape with the help of invisibility. It is located in the middle or at the bottom of the back of the head. Decorate with ribbons or a bandage. If desired, part of the side hair is not fixed into a knot, but left to fall freely or braided.

Combine with classics for business meetings, trips to the theater. A strict jacket, high-heeled shoes, a floor-length dress will complement the silhouette.

The strands are laid in vertical portions up to the neck. Then pick them up with several long ribbons. A robe with a neckline and a bracelet made of large stones complete the look.


A great solution for curly curls of medium size. Light bouffant at the roots, then collect strands at the crown in the tail. Put a double hoop on your head. Youth image for students and senior schoolgirls who know how to appreciate and accept the beauty of Greece.

Multifaceted headband and headband

A handy styling tool for beginners. You will love the Greek headband with an elastic band, you will quickly get comfortable with it and fall in love with antique moods. It is combined with the growth line of the strands, each strand is twisted with a flagellum of the same thickness and tucked into the bandage. This accessory is used to combine with a bun formed at the back of the head. Strands are released on the sides, along the cheekbones, making the face elongated.


We embody the seductive magic, which is covered with a hair net "stefana", decorated with rhinestones, stones and threads. Collect a bunch at the back of the head from curled curls, cover with stefana on top. Let out a couple of locks on both sides for sophistication of style. The images of the ladies of the early 20th century approach us, reminding us of such feminine traits as meekness, sophistication, and erudition.

Apollo bow

The bride in this role will attract the enthusiastic eyes of the guests and, of course, the happy groom. Twisted, soft strands are collected in a knot in the form of waves. Curls near the forehead slightly cover the temples. A tiara with stones or a string of pearls crowns Apollo.

Greek hairstyles for long hair

For the embodiment of Greek designs, long strands are ideal. For a strong fixation, they are pre-coated with foams, mousses. And in the end - fix with a colorless varnish.


An image for a high evening hairstyle, which will be created and modeled by the master. Laying starts with a straight parting. Next, they take a large strand at the back of the head, fix it with an elastic band and curl it in the form of an elongated curl. Do the same with the rest of the elements. When the winding is completed, they throw the hair back, fix it next to the first strand. The free edges are placed in a knot, at the bottom of which one or two pigtails from unused curls are skillfully braided. Top is decorated with a diadem or a triple hoop. A lampadion for ceremonial receptions is being created and planned with elegant decorations, decorated with thread-earrings and necklaces from one collection. Delight and admiration are torn from the contemplation of luxury.

Greek tail

Hairstyle for long hair is easy to perform, emphasize beautiful, thick curls. To begin with, they are curled, collected in a side tail and intercepted with an elastic band. The ribbon of beads wraps around them perfectly. A romantic date will be easy and relaxed, all questions will be answered.

Braids crown the head

To emphasize a straight posture and a graceful neck is subject to a crown of braids. Braids are woven from strands, the free ends of which are fixed with hairpins at the back of the head. Bangs on the eyes will not interfere with the image. Styles