Child's foot: stages of the formation of a child's foot, the right shoes. Children's foot and its development: nothing will come of it without natural training How your feet change

Foot size - how many years does a person's leg (foot) grow?

    Everyone has it differently. Usually in girls, the growth of the foot ends earlier than in boys. It is believed that by the age of 25 the growth of the foot ends in the sense that the bones no longer grow. Then the nuances with general health begin.

    With weak ligaments, as well as with an increase in weight, the foot increases in size as a result of spreading. Excessive physical activity works in the same direction: for example, two Russian skiers who independently traveled to the North Pole had their legs increased by two sizes. One pregnancy is enough for women to never fit into girls' shoes again.

    Tumors of the pituitary gland can provide bone growth that can only be stopped with the help of a surgeon. There is also another disease - elephantiasis, in which the skin and subcutaneous tissue grow uncontrollably. It also occurs in children. Standard shoes in these cases are almost no longer suitable.

    There is more information!

    I don't know about women. But in men, two parts of the body grow throughout their lives. One of them is feet. I had size forty-two before the army. And at my present age, which is very serious, I can hardly climb forty-four.

    And another part of my body is also growing all my life. You won't guess anything. And not at all what you just thought.

    Unfortunately, however, the nose.

    At least in my example. Since childhood, my nose has been of impressive size, which gave reason to tease all sorts of idiots. And in fights he was an excellent target. But for some reason the girls liked it. And by the current years, it has increased so much that in the morning, waking up in the mirror, ears are not always visible.

    I myself wonder what other national features are...

    I will judge by my children, these are girls, at first, at a transitional age, the foot began to grow actively, and then the growth itself, this is from 13 to 16 years old, after 16 years, the leg no longer grew at all and remained the same. For example, the eldest daughter has a size 37, the youngest has 36, she is 15.

    At the age of 16, my foot growth also stopped and my foot size remained 36.

    My foot was size 43 when I was 19. Now, more than twenty years later, its size has remained unchanged. Human bones usually grow until the age of 24. But the foot takes on the weight of the body all his life, and I think it can increase, depending on how long a person is on his feet.

    It is difficult to name any one number or interval into which all people will definitely fit.

    I met in the press on this topic data that the size of the legs in men and women is formed at the age of 16-19 years (at this age, active growth ends). But little by little, the leg continues to grow until the age of 25. Often the end of a woman's leg growth is correlated with the first menstruation.

    My leg stopped growing at the age of 18-19, when it finally settled down; native 44th.

    The size of the foot can grow for each person individually, it can happen up to 16 years, and it happens that the foot increases in size even after 25. I don’t even know what it depends on, but not only the lower parts of the body (feet) can grow for a long time but ears, noses and even fingers.

    But as far as I know, after fifty people, on the contrary, begin to grow in the other direction, and naturally all other parts of the body also decrease.

    Foot growth and foot enlargement are two different processes with the same result. Fork growth is quite large, the formation and growth of the foot can be completed at 16, but can continue up to 25 years. This does not mean that your shoe size will remain unchanged from the age of 25. With age, she flattens out under the weight of the body, the need to constantly walk, simply because of the increase in weight. The development of diseases can also affect the parameters of the foot, details here. Often the only way to get shoes of the right width is to go up to a larger size, although feet of the same length can have different fullness and rise.

    Finally -

    The leg grows during the first 20 years of life. Different rates in different age periods. Maximum during adolescence in both boys and girls. All parents have experienced this when there is not enough seasonal shoes. In the summer flip flops and sandals save. But winter and autumn shoes are a problem. For many guys, after serving in the army, the leg grows by 1-2 sizes. Further, with age, the size of the leg increases, but mainly due to problems with the joints of the foot: the expansion of the foot in the longitudinal and transverse dimensions, as well as the knee joints - osteoarthritis, the increase in the foot occurs due to the thickening of the periarticular tissues (periarticular bags, an increase in the amount of intra-articular fluid - synovitis), age-related flat feet are formed, so older people are forced to buy other, more comfortable shoes.

    I don’t know about everyone else, but at the age of 14 I already had 43 foot sizes. Not much time passed and my size reached 43.5 and stopped.

    By the way, my son also, at the age of 12, his foot size reached 42 sizes.

    I think that a person's leg grows up to 15-16 years, and then stops.

    Well, about the same age or a little earlier. Growth stops, but the foot can still increase in size, so to speak trample onquot ;. This is often seen in pregnant women. Before pregnancy and childbirth, women's feet are usually a size smaller.

In order to choose the right shoes for your child, you need to know the features of the development of the legs at each stage of growth. After all, properly selected shoes affect the correct anatomical formation of the child's foot.

Foot- this is an important and complex part of the legs and the entire skeleton. Suffice it to say that it accounts for a quarter of all the bones of our body, or rather 28. They are connected by 107 bonds and set in motion by about 20 different muscles and tendons. When we walk, the foot bears the load of the whole body.

In young children, bone tissue does not form immediately, the feet of children are flexible and soft, and while the bones are not yet strong, they are very sensitive to any pressure and loads.

If the shoes are small or do not fit well, the foot will tend to adapt to the shape of the shoe, thereby there is a danger that the child's foot will not form properly, and this can lead to various kinds of problems in the future. In order to avoid damage to the foot, so that the bones and muscles of the legs develop better from the very beginning, it is very important to choose the right shoe in length and width so that it does not press. When choosing shoes, you should consider

Stages of formation of a children's leg. Child's foot.

Stage 1 - crawling.

Child's foot:

The bones of the foot have not yet formed at all. The shape of a child's foot is formed by soft pliable bones resembling cartilage.

At this stage, the foot does not have a clear arch.

As the child grows, the soft bones gradually harden and become more and more rigid. They are protected by a layer of subcutaneous tissue or baby fat. At this stage, the fingers are about the same length.

Correct shoes:

- Very light and flexible outsole that helps to find motor skills.

- Grooved outsole from toe to heel for optimal resistance to movement.

- 10mm free space for growth - enough for further growth, but does not allow the child to stumble when he learns to reach up.

- Machine washable at 40C.

- Targets sizes and halves, different widths.

Stage 2 - the first steps.

Child's foot:

The soft cartilaginous structure of the foot begins to ossify - gradually most of the bones are formed, which subsequently form the final structure of the foot.

Correct shoes:

- Reliable toe, heel and midfoot protection.

- Grooved outsole that provides optimal support during crawls and first steps and creates a feeling of stability.

- Lightweight and highly flexible sole that makes the child feel the floor and feels more stable.

- 1mm free space for growth - enough for further growth, but does not allow the child to stumble when he learns to reach up.

— Smooth seamless inner surface, does not rub the child's leg.

- Coating made of leather or other soft breathable material, optimally fits the foot.

- The shape matches the natural shape of the fingers.

- Simple adjustable buckles and heel loops for easy on and off.

- Machine wash at 40 C.

- Target sizes and half, different widths.

Stage 3 - walking.

Child's foot:

At this stage, 25 bones are forming in the baby's foot, but they are still far apart, filled with softer tissue. It is very important that these bones grow naturally, otherwise they will not properly align with each other.

This stage is characterized by very rapid growth of the foot.

Correct shoes:

- Cut off soles so that the child does not stumble.

- Lightweight, flexible outsole, promotes the development of walking skills.

- Coated with soft leather and other natural, breathable materials to keep the foot cool.

- Underwired hem with soft padding for protection and support.

Stage 4 - from 2 to 4 years.

Child's foot:

Between the ages of two and four, the scaphoid begins to ossify, and the baby fat around the bones is resorbed as the foot matures.

Oddly enough, at this stage there are more bones in the foot than at any other time - 45 bone centers, the fusion of which occurs over the next 15 years of the child's life.

If during this period the child does not yet have a clear formation of the arch of the foot, then you should not worry, but you should look for shoes that supported the arch.

Correct shoes:

- Very flexible front.

- A heel counter that has a pronounced shape and provides stability when walking.

- Additional padding that serves as a pillow for the legs when playing sports or active games.

- Covering of soft leather and other natural breathable materials.

- Comfortable adjustable straps.

- Free space 14 mm for growth.

- Shoes with an overly wide or protruding heel should be avoided as this creates difficulty in walking.

It is important to remember that the foot is fully formed before 6 years. By this age, you can not use the arch support, without special recommendations from the orthopedist. ABOUT

The maximum elongation of the skeleton falls on the period
from the appearance of a sesamoid bone in the I metacarpophalangeal joint
until the end of synostosis of the I metacarpal bone.

It is known that growth continues up to 17-19 years for girls and up to 19-22 years for boys. At the same time, periods of its acceleration alternate with periods of relative deceleration.

  • The most intensive growth is observed in the first year of a child's life (an average of 24-25 cm per year).
  • From a year to 2 years, girls grow at least 11 cm, boys 10 cm. The growth rate in this period should not exceed 13 cm per year.
  • Between the ages of 2 and 5, boys and girls grow an average of 6 cm per year, with a maximum of 8 cm per year. Before puberty, boys are taller than girls.
  • After 5 years before the start of intensive pubertal growth, the growth rate under normal conditions is 5 cm per year.

In the pubertal period, a specific growth spurt occurs with a peak average annual increase of 9.5 cm for boys and 8 cm for girls, and the acceleration of growth in girls begins 2 years earlier (for a period of 10 to 12 years) than in boys (acceleration of growth boys are between the ages of 13 and 16). As a result, at 11-12 years old, girls are taller and heavier than boys.

In subsequent years, the growth rate gradually decreases.

After 14 years, ossification zones appear in the epiphyseal cartilages (the so-called growth zones), which are located between the body of the tubular bones and their heads. In these zones, cartilage cells multiply, which determine the growth of the bone in length. Subsequently, the zones calcify and ossify. The ossification of the cartilaginous bodies leads to the closure of the growth zones, as a result, the growth of the body in length stops.

In different bones, the closure of growth zones occurs at different times. The growth of the body in length basically stops at the age of 17 in girls and at 19 in boys. The final cessation of body growth is observed by the age of 22-25. Currently, the average height of men is 176 cm, women - 164 cm.

Control your child's growth!

Measurement of height using a stadiometer: stand at attention with your back to the vertical stand of the stadiometer, touching it with your heels, buttocks and shoulder blades (or interscapular region). Keep the head in such a way that the lower edge of the orbit and the upper edge of the external auditory opening are on the same horizontal line. Lower the movable bar of the stadiometer until it touches the head (without pressure). Measurement accuracy - up to 0.5 cm.

If it is not possible to measure height with a height meter, attach a centimeter tape to the door jamb or wall so that its end is located slightly above your head. Place a ruler on your head (parallel to the floor) and press it against the tape, marking your height. It is necessary to determine the height of the child at least twice a year.

Factors affecting growth:

  • Heredity. Small parents don't often have tall children. Heredity does not affect the length of the child's body at birth.
  • Nutrition. It should be rational and meet the needs of the body both in terms of qualitative composition (ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, content of vitamins, mineral salts, etc.) and quantitative (calorie content, food volume, etc.). Malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy, and subsequently the child, significantly affects its growth. Only through rational nutrition growth can be increased by 10%.
  • Diseases of the endocrine glands (endocrine glands) and chronic diseases of childhood. In diseases of the endocrine glands, both acceleration of growth and its slowdown can be noted. Chronic diseases of childhood (hepatitis, kidney failure, cardiac anomalies, chronic lung disease, severe anemia) are associated with growth retardation.
  • External factors: geographical environment, climate
  • Healthy lifestyle: observance of hygiene requirements, rejection of bad habits, physical education and sports (especially for a developing organism).

With little physical activity, there is a delay in bone development and growth may slow down. It can also slow down under prolonged and excessive static loads. Extreme loads of a dynamic nature cause only a slight increase in bone length. To date, there is no doubt that regular physical education and sports contribute to the growth of the body, stimulate its development. At the same time, excessively high physical activity can significantly slow down and even stop the growth process.

Projected growth of the child

Table 1 Proper Growth Values
for boys and girls
normosthenic body type
Height, cm
boys Girls
3 95 94
4 101 100
5 107 106
6 113 112
7 119 118
8 125 124
9 131 130
10 137 136
11 143 142
12 149 148
13 155 154
14 161 160
15 167 -
16 173 -

Despite the fact that the growth of the body in length occurs unevenly, at the age of 3 to 14-16 years, the relationship between height and age is close to linear and can be described by simple equations without any special errors.

The growth values ​​calculated using the indicated formulas (see Table 1) deviate from the average actual values ​​by no more than + 2.5 cm for boys and 3-3.5 cm for girls.

The final growth of the child may differ from the due, which depends primarily on the growth of his parents.

In most cases, formulas 3, 4 give the correct forecast. The incorrectness of the forecast may be due to the fact that the final body length is determined not only by the growth of the parents, but also by the growth of their more distant ancestors and relatives, as well as a number of other factors.

Growth can be predicted fairly accurately at the age of 8–11 years. At an earlier age (before 8 years) and during puberty, growth predictions are less accurate. It is practically impossible to predict the final growth from annual increases in body length.

table 2 Table 3
Growth of boys and girls
depending on the height of the parents

(170-185 cm for men and 155-170 cm for women)

in percents
from the final value
growth of an adult
Years Height, cm Growth, %
boys Girls boys Girls
170 175 180 185 155 160 165 170
1 73,70 75,86 78,03 80,20 70,88 73,20 75,45 77,74 43,35 45,73
2 82,96 85,40 87,84 90,28 81,28 83,90 86,43 89,15 48,80 52,44
3 92,48 95,20 97,92 100,64 88,85 91,71 94,58 97,44 54,40 57,32
4 98,04 100,92 103,81 106,69 94,71 97,78 100,82 103,87 57,67 61,10
5 104,81 107,89 110,97 114,05 101,10 104,88 108,16 111,44 61,65 65,55
6 110,11 113,35 116,59 119,92 107,37 110,83 114,30 117,76 64,77 69,27
7 117,35 120,80 124,25 127,71 114,84 118,54 122,25 125,95 69,03 74,09
8 122,20 125,79 129,38 132,98 119,09 122,93 126,77 130,61 71,88 76,83
9 128,42 132,25 136,03 139,80 124,28 128,29 132,30 136,31 75,57 80,18
10 133,88 137,81 141,75 145,69 130,43 134,42 138,85 143,06 78,75 84,15
11 137,16 141,19 145,22 149,26 134,21 138,54 142,87 147,20 80,68 86,59
12 141,51 145,67 148,83 153,99 142,71 147,31 151,92 157,15 83,24 92,07
13 147,31 151,64 155,97 160,30 146,49 151,22 155,94 160,67 86,65 94,51
14 153,10 157,61 162,11 167,61 150,27 155,12 159,97 164,82 90,06 96,95
15 160,82 165,55 170,28 175,01 150,75 155,62 160,48 165,34 94,60 97,26
16 167,09 172,01 176,92 180,84 153,11 158,05 162,99 167,93 98,29 98,78
17 168,84 173,81 178,78 183,74 154,54 159,52 164,51 169,49 99,32 99,70
18 169,61 174,60 179,59 184,57 155,00 160,00 165,00 170,00 99,77 100,00
19 169,81 174,81 179,80 184,80 155,00 160,00 165,00 170,00 99,89 100,00
20 170,00 175,00 180,00 185,00 155,00 160,00 165,00 170,00 100,00 100,00

Estimating the child's growth rate

An assessment of the child's growth rate is made on the basis of a comparison of the actual size of the child's growth with the proper one.

Example: Boy 12 years old, height 151 cm.
Father's height is 176 cm, mother's height is 164 cm.

The growth forecast for the child is determined by the formula (3): (176 + 164) x 0.54 - 4.5 = 179.1 cm

According to Table 3, we determine that at the age of 12 the boy's height should be 83.24% of the final height of an adult, which from 179.1 cm is:
179.1 x 83.24% / 100% = 149.08 cm.

Since the actual height of the child is 151 cm, and the proper height is 149.08, we have an advance of the calculated (proper) growth by 2 cm.

The growth rate of a child is one of the indicators of the normal physical development of the body. Tracking the growth and development of the child regularly, one can detect a violation of the main indicators of the growing child's body, which are important for the clinic of childhood diseases.

If you find that your child's actual growth is behind normal, contact your doctor without delay to find out the cause.

Remember! Influences on growth processes are effective mainly up to 16-18 years in women and 18-20 years in men, that is, until the growth zones in the epiphyses are closed. Timely elimination of adverse factors affecting growth, the use of a set of measures that stimulate growth, prevents short stature, which now, against the background of the existing acceleration, is a condition associated with severe psychological problems of the child.

After the cessation of growth in length (from 20 to 25 years), it is possible to increase growth by correcting posture defects (for example, stoop) or eliminating scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine). The increase in height in this case can reach 5 cm, and in some cases 10 cm or more.

You should immediately consult a doctor in case of faster formation of the foot and hand compared to other morphological indicators. That is, if a child in the primary grades of the school has an average height for his age, but already wears a large shoe size and, moreover, he has long hands, it makes sense to consult the child with an endocrinologist.

Changes in growth characteristics at the beginning of this period do not depend on sex, but later on sex begins to play a major role. It must be remembered that for boys this period ends at about 12-13 years old, for girls - at 11-12 years old.

The options are different, but on average, for both sexes, the age of completion of certain growth processes, due to which this period was singled out, is 12 years.

At this age, a child, regardless of whether it is a girl or a boy, enters the phase of preparing the body for the next growth and weight jump due to hormonal changes that determine the future structure, behavior and reactivity of the child.

Considering the child's body through the prism of dry scientific facts, we can distinguish several parameters and indicators that are visible to the eye, which are called anthropometric and somatoscopic:

    long-length parameters, such as body length, arm, leg length, length of individual segments of the body and limbs;

    latitudinal parameters, such as shoulder width, pelvic width;

    circumferential parameters, such as the circumference of the head, chest, limbs in the proximal (approximate) and distal (remote) areas;

    thickness parameters, such as the thickness of the subcutaneous fat fold at the level of the navel, limbs in the proximal and distal sections;

    mass parameters such as body weight, weight of various components (muscle, bone and fat).

Changes in longitude parameters at this age are not so significant compared with changes in other parameters. If earlier the length of the child's body increased by an average of 6-8 cm per year, now your beloved little man will add only some 3-4 cm per year. The length of the body at this age indirectly reflects nationality, similarity to the father or mother, exposure to certain evolutionary trends. And we are not able to influence the length of the body.

There is a formula by which you can calculate how tall your child will be when he becomes an adult. To do this, you need to add the height of the mother and father, divide this amount in half. Then, if you need to calculate the height of the son, then you need to add 6.5 cm, and if the height of the daughter, then subtract 6.5 cm. (Example: mother's height is 164 cm, father's height is 176 cm, in total this is 340 cm, divide in half, we get. For a son, the average final height will be about (170 + 6.5). For the daughter - about (170 - 6.5). It is necessary to closely monitor the asynchrony of limb length increase at this age, since children subject to evolutionary trends such as acceleration, retardation and gracilization very often have growth asynchrony, ambidexterity and left-handedness. Let us reveal the meanings of these terms: acceleration is an increase in the growth rate in length compared to the growth rate in width, retardation is a slowdown in the end of growth processes, gracilization is a decrease in the bone component and a corresponding decrease in the circumferential parameters of the limbs, ambidexterity is the ability to control both hands. The presence of these signs begins to manifest itself at this age due to the asynchrony of growth, which ultimately leads to a violation of posture. Keep a close eye on your children and remember that children with evolutionary trends have a very high level of intelligence, are prone to mathematical sciences and are very organized.

Changes in latitudinal parameters at this age, they occur more intensively compared to long-term ones. The width of the shoulders, the width of the pelvis increases. In boys, these changes are not very pronounced, and, as a rule, the width of the shoulders does not much exceed the width of the pelvis by the end of this period. In girls, a more intense increase in the width of the pelvis is observed, and by the end of the period it can be seen that the width of the pelvis already exceeds the width of the shoulders.

Increasing circumferential parameters girls are more pronounced than boys. It must be remembered that good nutrition, the mode of work and rest will primarily be reflected on these indicators.

The circumferential parameters, along with the thickness ones, change very strongly in this period in the direction of increase. The thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer increases and, in general, body weight increases. Bone, muscle and fat components of the body undergo changes in quality and quantity. The muscle component increases more in boys than in girls, the bone components increase equally, which cannot be said about the fat component, which increases more significantly in girls. The increase in the fat component in girls is of great importance in connection with the onset of sexual development. Often, insufficient fat content in the body of a girl leads to a delay in sexual development. There is a threshold for the content of the fat component, below which the menstrual cycle in girls does not begin. This threshold is about 15-17% of body weight.

Why does a person grow and when does growth stop? Two factors influencing growth are known to all - these are genetic potential and nutrition in early childhood.

Tall parents tend to have taller children than shorter ones. This, however, is observed under the condition that children eat in general quite correctly. Many scientists and doctors who study human growth and development have come to the conclusion that certain programs are inherent in each person, including the “Growth Program”, but, as numerous observations show, mainly in adults whose growth is below average, the mentioned program turned out to be not completed. The slightest change in DNA can lead to an increase or decrease in height. According to British and American scientists, a gene has been discovered that can explain differences in people's height. The discovered gene is called HMGA2. According to the theory of scientists, a person grows by 1 cm if one of the basic "letters" of the gene is changed. At the same time, it cannot be argued that HMGA2 is completely responsible for human growth: there is a chance that other genes have their influence, but scientists have not yet discovered them. At the same time, it is known that our growth is determined by heredity by 90 percent, and only 10 percent of it is determined by ecology, nutrition and other external factors.

Intrauterine factors are also extremely important, since the most intensive growth occurs just during pregnancy. If during this period there is damage to the placenta and thus the nutrition of the fetus is disturbed, the child may be born with growth deficiency and low body weight.

From the first year of life until the cessation of growth, the endocrine system plays a leading role in the regulation of growth. The growth of the skeleton and other organs is under the influence of growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, a small endocrine gland located at the base of the brain. The release of growth hormone is stimulated by the centers of the hypothalamic region of the brain. For a long time it was unclear how growth hormone affects skeletal cells, stimulating their growth. It turned out that there is an intermediary on this path - insulin-like growth factor-1 produced by the liver and a number of other tissues, which has much in common with insulin in structure. This factor is released under the influence of growth hormone and circulates in connection with a certain protein; the lack of one or the other affects the rate of growth.

But growth hormone is not the only growth regulator. The growth hormone antagonist, somatostatin, is also secreted in the body. Normal growth is maintained due to the balance in the release of these two hormones.

In addition to growth hormone, which is the main factor influencing growth, thyroid hormones and sex hormones are also important. The first years of a child's life are important, when the level of thyroid hormones is high. It is at this stage that hormones ensure the maturation and differentiation of bone tissue and the central nervous system. A child is born with a large thymus gland. During childhood, it continues to increase, and at the age of 13 or 14 it begins to shrink. The thymus gland has a connection with the gonads. It works while the gonads are small. As soon as they begin to develop, the thymus stops its work. That is why, when a person finally matures sexually (at about the age of 22), he practically stops growing.

Sex hormones accelerate growth, but with their excess in childhood, early closure of growth zones can occur. The child may be small. A lack of sex hormones during puberty leads to growth retardation.

At an older age, growth retardation can provoke any chronic disease - for example, intestinal absorption disorders, frequent bronchopulmonary infections, heart defects, liver dysfunction, kidney disease, anemia, etc. Therefore, we can say that height is a very sensitive index of a child's health. Growth retardation in most of these diseases is reversible - when the cause of the disease is eliminated, the rate returns to normal.

Despite the fact that generally accepted schemes and schedules provide for a stable gradual progress in body growth, most children grow in a completely different way - as if in jumps that alternate with pauses.

There are 3 stages of intensive human growth: the 1st year of life, 4-5 years, the period of puberty (puberty). During these periods, all body systems work at full strength, so the child's adaptive capabilities are reduced at this time - he gets sick more often, functional disorders of various organs and systems appear. In the case of a decrease in growth rates, the body seems to calm down, there is a gradual growth and development of internal organs.

During puberty, there is a growth spurt. In girls, it is observed at the age of 11-12, the increase in height is from 6 to 11 cm (an average of 8 cm per year). In boys, puberty occurs later, at 13-14 years old, and the increase in height during this period is from 7 to 12 cm (average 9.5 cm).

Girls usually by the age of 15 practically already have their final growth, that is, they stop growing, and boys at this age grow very intensively and reach their final growth only by the age of 19-20.

In fact, a person continues to grow slightly even after the age of 25 and reaches his maximum height around the age of 35-40 years. After that, it decreases by about 12 mm every ten years. The reason for this is the dehydration of cartilage in the joints and spine as we age.

"When growth stops" and other articles from the section