Birthday poems for grandma are short. Happy birthday greetings to grandmother quatrain. Grandmother with love congratulations

Don't know how easy, simple, but tasteful to congratulate your grandmother on her birthday? Birthday quatrains for grandmother from granddaughter will help you do all this. Bright words, unique emotions and joyful mood - all this is just in four lines.

Happy birthday to my grandmother.
I wish her a lot of health, smiles.
Be happy grandma always
And never leave me!

Today is the happiest day
It's my grandmother's birthday.
And with that I congratulate her
I wish her all the best!

All the neighbors love you
All your friends love you.
You have golden hands
My beloved grandmother!

I wish my beloved grandmother
Joyful sun in the morning
In the evenings of beautiful fireworks,
And happy birthday to her.

Today since the morning
I run for flowers.
And with a smile on your face
I will give it to my grandmother!

Thank you grandmother
And I love her very, very much.
I will give her a bouquet of flowers
And gently, gently embrace!

My grandmother is like a golden cabin,
Fulfills my every dream.
I thank her for this,
And I remind you - I love you so much!

Do you want more capacious congratulations? Then look. She will definitely like them.

Do not be sad that another year has flown by
That the world has matured for another year.
You will always be for me
My youngest grandmother.

Laugh, be happy and live
Give us your smiles.
We love you all very much
My beloved grandmother!

Be healthy and active
Young and positive
Have fun and smile
Try not to get sick!
Happy Birthday to You,
My own grandmother!

You, dear grandma,
Ours is very cool.
On my birthday I wish
Be the same as now.

Dear grandmother, happy birthday! I wish you good health, support and understanding of loved ones, a happy smile and a good mood! Be full of optimism and vitality! I love you!

You, grandma, are just super -
Young and good.
Stay the best
May the soul always sing.

Grandma, grandma!
Native man!
How I love you
With all my soul!

On this birthday
You shine like a beam!
May forever in life
There are no clouds!

dear grandmother,
Beloved grandmother.
Happy birthday, darling,
Be always happy.

Happy birthday, grandma!
You are my beautiful
the funniest one,
Good and awesome!

beloved grandmother,
Always be healthy
And always be happy
You are my dear.

Happy birthday, Grandma.
Happy holiday, my love.
Be always healthy
And always happy.

Happy birthday, dear grandmother!
Long life and health to you
So that happiness is next to you,
Many joys of light in fate.

To forever flutter like a butterfly,
And never knew sickness.
Be happy, beloved grandmother,
Dear person for all of us.

We wish beloved grandmother
Health, happiness and warmth,
To be kept by an angel
And only lived in joy!

I'm grandma's birthday
I want sentiment.
You are in care and in love,
Live happily ever after!

Happy birthday grandma
Live and don't get sick
I wish you to meet
100th anniversary.

Happy birthday, grandma!
Be healthy, young.
I wish you all the best
From the bottom of my heart I am on your holiday.
I wish you many years.
We love you all as a family.

Happy birthday, grandma
I give you love.
Kiss me a hundred times
And I'll say "I love you" a hundred times.

Gentle hands always warm
Help everywhere, succeed everywhere,
Say a kind word,
Be, dear, forever healthy,
Let the earth spin with joy
Happy birthday, my grandmother!

modern grandmother
It's hard to please
Wish traffic
"Go" to the Internet.

Fingers confidently
to collect sites,
In general, happy birthday!
No time to be bored.

I wish you to live peacefully with your grandfather,
How doves coo
More health, strength, so that the bullet
You could decide everything
And delicious pies with jam.
I love you, grandma! Happy Birthday!

Grandma dear!
Grandma is awesome!
I congratulate you
I wish from the bottom of my heart
You always be cheerful
You always be smart!
After all, grandmothers are smart
Terribly good!

Grandma dear,
Beloved, dear!
You are the best
My grandma!

I congratulate you
I wish you health!
I want to be your granddaughter
Another two hundred years I!

Grandma, smile soon
I wish you bright days
For you to be healthy
And never got sick!

"Short Poems for Grandma's Birthday"

Grandma, I give you
I am my heart
I love very much
Happiness to you forever!

The best grandmother in the world
With tenderness, with great love
I say these words today
I wish you joy and health!
Let relatives surround you with warmth,
Relatives relate with participation,
Each new day fills your
Only what is called happiness!

We're going to visit grandma
To my grandmother...
We bring flowers, gifts
And congratulations to her.
Write for grandma
Good words -
What only can
Come up with a head!
Among the grannies are excellent
I don't see any
Who would be something better
Grandmothers dear!
Not only on birthday
Not only on the anniversary -
I wish you happiness in life
I am my grandmother.
Let luck be with you
Will always remain
Will not fail health
And cheerfulness never!

"Grandma's Birthday Quatrains"

In the soul of excitement and confusion,
I do not melt joy at all:
Happy birthday today
Congratulate your grandmother.
The poem is written, everything is ready,
Take it, grandmother, read:
Live a hundred years and be healthy
Don't cough, don't sneeze for a hundred years!

Grandma is such a sweet word
It means endless love
To my children and grandchildren.
And what are the years and separation!
You were very young
When they made you a grandmother
She gave us so much care
We were the first for you!
You have done so much for us, granny,
We are grateful for life!
You live in peace, and we are close,
Just don't worry and stay strong!

"Little Rhymes for Grandma's Birthday"

I remember the song by the crib
And your warm hands
With you we played hide and seek
And the first letters were found
You were and are your best friend
My dear grandmother
May illnesses bypass you
The house is a bowl full on the edge!

You have been for me since childhood
Always a second mother.
She gave me so much in life
Was my own favorite!
Let, my grandmother,
On your holiday, on your birthday,
Your life will be happy
To health and fun!

We wish you personal happiness
excellent mood,
So that you are healthy
Lived up to the wedding of grandchildren

Touching as well as cute
The child's word sounds;
How much was in your life
And, of course, there will be
Happy and not so happy days...
But you are not afraid.
All night long
Carry out when needed
Your hands and patience?
So many things to do!
It can be seen to see a lot of skill -
Bright wisdom destiny
Helps out. How wonderful!
Happy to be with you!
We declare loudly
What to love you souls
We will be everything as much as we can
While the thread of life winds.
May the Lord help you
All dreams come true!
For your love and kindness
The depth of beautiful eyes
Let your life be like in a fairy tale
They make you and us happy!

For the best grandmother
Our congratulations,
Lots and lots of joy
Rough fun!

I kiss your tender hands
Eyes that are kinder than you will meet
Accept, grandmother, the words of love,
You are like the sun in our house shine!
May your years be long
And endless souls bloom.
Let the disease go nowhere.
I wish you happiness on your birthday!

Who will knit socks for the winter,
Delicious tea will pour,
Honors, even if
Is there a lot of other things to do?
Who knows more fairy tales
About love and kindness?
This is my grandmother!
Happiness, dear, to you!

On your grandmother's birthday
I wish with all my heart
Only super moods
Stay young!
To have good health
In general, live and do not grieve!
We have always loved you
Let's love 200 years!

You speak the truth, not flattery,
Only good news from you
Thank you, grandma, for being you!
We are grandchildren, and we are always together!
May the Lord fulfill your dreams
And the blizzard does not dust on the heart,
You are the embodiment of kindness
And our best friend!

It's hard to put into words
How we all love you.
You are the only one with us -
Grandma is the cutest!
Do not scold, do not grumble,
You always understand us.
And today we say together:
"Young through all the years!"