Solarium in the apartment. What to look for when choosing a solarium for home use? Is it worth buying

Summer is long gone, and so is the tan. The skin gradually becomes paler. How to keep a nice dark shade? Of course, women can use cosmetics, but a more effective way, which also gives a stable result, is a visit to the solarium. And if there is absolutely no time for a beauty salon? Then buy a home solarium.

Photo by E. Savina Far from all manufacturers of "solar" equipment produce solariums for the home - as a rule, they specialize in models for beauty salons. The most common household varieties are for the face and décolleté. In such devices, 4-7 UV lamps with a power of 15-25 W each are installed; Usually there is also a timer. Similar devices can be found in the assortment of VES Electric (Spain), Beurer, Dr. Kern (both - Germany), etc. Depending on the manufacturer, prices fluctuate in the range of 3-7 thousand rubles *.

1-2. Solariums 50 Bodywave (Q-Med) (1) and SP3000Q (Smart Technology - Q-Med) (2).
3. A home solarium for the face, such as the NT 446 U (Dr. Kern) model with six 25 W tanning lamps, a 30-minute timer and a memory for four people, will be your assistant in maintaining a healthy complexion in winter.
4-5. One-sided solariums will "paint" the whole body. They can simply be installed above the bed. These are models such as Salsa (Alisun) (4) with 12 lamps of 100 W each and a mirror reflector, as well as 10 V (Opal) (5) with a fan to cool the lamps.

If you want to change the color of your entire skin, you can look at one-sided tanning beds for the body. They are a rectangular frame with UV lamps on a special stand-support, and you can change the angle of its inclination, which means you can sunbathe while standing, sitting or lying down. The main thing - do not forget to periodically roll over and remember that the power of such models is quite large (about 1.5 kW). They are more expensive - from 15 thousand rubles. They are produced by Kettler (Germany), Tanzi (Poland), Alisun (Netherlands) and others. Another type of one-sided solariums is suspended, attached to the ceiling, for example Sunsky (Dr. Kern). This home solarium will be a permanent element of your interior.

7. Horizontal solariums are the simplest and fastest helpers, but they are expensive and take up a lot of space. The Luxura (Hapro) model has a body fan and a separate face emitter.
8. Allura (Alisun) is equipped with 26 lamps and automatic cooling system. The lower glass is reinforced, its thickness is 4 mm.
9. Solarium Prestige (Dr. Kern) has 40 lamps, and it can be controlled using a remote control.

Sunbathing Rules
In winter, we lack vitamin D, not to mention a bronze tan. But getting this vitamin with the help of a solarium should be done very carefully.
1. The most important thing is a reasonable approach to the number and duration of sessions. Before the procedure in a home solarium, it is better to consult a doctor.
2. Do not sunbathe under the sun and in the solarium on the same day.
3. Always wear safety glasses.
4. After the session, you can lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
5. If skin pigmentation has changed, swelling and inflammation have occurred, seek medical attention.

Who is contraindicated for solarium
1. People with skin defects (pigment spots, large moles, etc.).
2. Children under 15 years old.
3. Pregnant women.
4. People with high blood pressure, tumors, dysfunctions of the liver, heart, and kidneys should be especially careful.

Finally, those who are too lazy to turn over can choose a double-sided horizontal or vertical home tanning bed. The main advantage of such devices is a quick tan. They look like ordinary solariums in beauty salons: the horizontal ones resemble a couch closed with a lid on top, and the vertical ones look like a cabin. Up to 24 100W lamps can be installed here. Therefore, a separate space must be allocated for such a massive apparatus, and in addition, the capabilities of your electrical network must also be taken into account. Similar models are produced by Alisun, Dr. Kern and others. Price - from 200 thousand rubles. Sellers claim that wealthy clients often purchase professional solariums for their homes. The line between such "beds" and household is very noticeable. They have a different number of lamps; in addition, the former may have various additional functions. For example, in professional solariums there are more than 28 lamps, so there must be a cooling system for lamps and electronic components. Most often, there are devices that create a comfortable microclimate for the user: you can adjust the temperature inside the device with an accuracy of 1 C or simulate a light sea breeze using nozzles located along the human body.

10. Sunshower - an unusual solarium that is designed to be built into the shower. With it, you can sunbathe while taking a shower, which means you do not waste extra precious time. The solarium uses 5 lamps with a total power of 400 watts.
11. One-sided Kettler solarium allows not only to easily change the angle of the lamps, but also to move the entire device, since the tripod is mounted on movable casters.
12-13. Horizontal double-sided solarium Prestige (Dr. Kern) is equipped with a fan.

All solariums have a common property: the radiant power of the lamps decreases over time (their average life is 500-800 hours). If this affects your tan, you can slightly increase the duration of the session or replace the lamps, but only at an authorized service center. Used lamps should be taken to special points where they are disposed of, as they are harmful to the environment. Before buying a solarium, consult your doctor.

Benefits of tanning
1.Gives your skin a beautiful tone.
2. Promotes the production of vitamin D.
3. Dries out acne.
4. Relaxes the muscles.
5. Beneficial effect on the respiratory system.

Cons of tanning
1. Faster skin aging.
2. The appearance of age spots and moles.
3. Development of skin diseases (up to cancer).
4. Damage to the hair structure.

The editors would like to thank Sun Planet, "Sauna Master" (Dr. Kern), "Mediaprofit", "Solana", Ves Electric for their help in preparing the material.

The latest technologies allow you to get a beautiful tan at any time of the year, right from the comfort of your home. To do this, just choose and buy a home solarium. How not to make a mistake with the choice and not harm the body with sunbathing? We'll talk about this and more later.

Is it worth buying?

To answer this question, you can focus on the beneficial effects of a solarium on the general condition of the body. Numerous studies prove that short-term sunbathing has such a positive effect:

  • can reduce the manifestations of acne and other inflammations on the skin;
  • eliminate an ugly, greenish, too pale complexion with thin skin;
  • increase the production of endorphins - hormones of joy, relieving prolonged depression and stress, blues in the autumn-winter period;
  • normalize the hormonal background;
  • provide warming up of an organism at viral and catarrhal diseases;
  • increase immunity;
  • cause sufficient production of vitamin D;
  • make it possible to receive sunbathing at any time of the year;
  • regular sessions allow you to completely or partially refuse tonal creams and powder.

Using a home solarium, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Which to choose?

The domestic market has a huge selection of imported models, as well as worthy options for domestic production. You should not buy a device, guided solely by brand popularity or cost.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intended exposure.

Two types of solariums are suitable for home use:

  • Only for the face. Irradiation area - face, neck, décolleté. Most often they are a small plastic frame, into which 4 to 6 ultraviolet lamps of low power (up to 30 W) are inserted. The device is installed on any horizontal surface, turned on and directed to the face.
  • Models for the whole body. They allow you to get a tan not only on the face and neck, but also on the back, arms, legs. The most popular solariums, folding several times. Disassembled, they are a T-shaped lamp on a tripod. When folded, they take up very little space.

Of course, you can buy a professional horizontal or vertical installation.

Main selection criteria

When choosing a home solarium, it is necessary to pay attention to the following most significant characteristics for the user:

  • Dimensions. First of all, it is necessary to proceed from the availability of free space in the house to accommodate the device. Closed solariums, due to their impressive overall dimensions, will not be able to fit in every house, and even more so in a small apartment.
  • Power. Determines the efficiency and speed of the device. The higher it is, the faster you can get a beautiful tan with the help of the device. It is the power of the solarium that has a primary influence on the price. More powerful devices are quite expensive. But, if you have sensitive skin, you should give your choice to a solarium with a lower indicator.
  • Zones for influence. The above models are for the face, neck and décolleté or for the whole body. It all depends on the purpose of the radiation and the desired effect. In some cases, a small compact device for the face and neck can be used for the whole body, irradiating different areas in turn.
  • Lamps. Solariums are used with high or low pressure. For home use, you should choose models with low pressure to avoid burns. Although they cost an order of magnitude more expensive than high ones, you should not expect an intense tan from such devices, even if we are talking about powerful devices. For more persistent and bright pigmentation, you should go to professional beauty salons and medical centers, where powerful high-power units are installed.

It is also worth bearing in mind that the lamps in tanning beds work on a different principle than typical incandescent lamps. Over time, they breathe out. The average duration of their work is from 500 to 800 hours.

  • Radiation. A very important parameter. Radiation in solariums is determined by the ratio of UVB / UVA radiation spectrum. Pay attention to the UVB parameter (medium ultraviolet) - its numerical value in the ratio should not exceed 3%.
  • The presence of a timer. An important function that allows you to turn on the device and set its operating time. The user does not have to carefully monitor the time of the procedure, which will minimize the risk of burns.
  • Additional functions. Influence the price in the direction of its increase. Consider whether you need all the additional options offered. Often, manufacturers can offer such of them: automatic shutdown in case of overheating, the ability to program tanning modes, the presence of a display. For closed options - air pumping, the presence of a couch, music.
  • Availability of a warranty card. It is extremely important for the timely maintenance of the device during the warranty period.
  • Availability of service centers. important selection criterion. Not all manufacturing firms have service centers in every city. And you will have to use their services, at least for replacing lamps.

Before buying a home solarium, you should carefully study the main characteristics, as well as reviews for each model. You should not save on such equipment. Experts recommend purchasing units in highly specialized stores.

Additional Acquisitions

The purchase of a solarium and its use implies the need to use other additional means of protecting sensitive areas of the body and caring for irradiated skin. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate additional money for their acquisition. These include:

  • Special goggles for the eyes and a cap for the hair, which are worn during sunbathing.
  • The use of special tanning creams in the solarium (ordinary beach ones will not work).
  • Cotton underwear. Any other composition of underwear fabric cannot be used for this kind of tanning.
  • To cover the chest, special protective caps are needed.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with a peeling or scrub. Thanks to this, the tan will lie down in a uniform, even layer.
  • Mandatory use of a moisturizer for the treatment of irradiated skin areas.

Possible harm

When choosing a solarium for home use, it is important to remember that the use of artificial irradiators is fraught with negative consequences for the body, namely:

  • there is a high risk of excessive pigmentation;
  • increased risk of skin cancer and other cancers;
  • severe dehydration of the skin and its premature wilting.

For some diseases, the use of a solarium is prohibited. Therefore, before buying and starting procedures, you should consult a doctor.

How to use, so as not to harm?

  • Install the device on a flat surface in a convenient place at the same level as the irradiated area of ​​the body.
  • Do you wear contact lenses? Don't forget to take them off.
  • Avoid irradiation of skin with hypersensitivity and irritation.
  • The time of each session should not exceed 15-20 minutes.
  • Do not sunbathe in one day under the solarium and natural sunlight.

Popular Models

. Designed for the face, featuring an attractive design and bright colors. It has 4 working lamps with a total power of 75 watts. The device has an extensive tanning area that allows you to fully cover the entire face, neck and décolleté. The device is equipped with a convenient carrying handle, as well as a built-in timer. The solarium comes with 2 pairs of goggles. The unit has 2 vertical tilt positions for maximum comfort and even tanning.

The average cost is about 40 US dollars.

. A device with small overall dimensions, consisting of 4 working lamps for irradiation with a power of 75 W. The device has a built-in working timer. The solarium is characterized by low power and, accordingly, an affordable price. Used to irradiate the face and neck. Provides an even tan.

The average price is 55-56 US dollars.

A device with a pronounced therapeutic effect, recommended for use in adults and children. Solarium helps to cope with allergic reactions, infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Consists of 2 work lamps with a total power of 30 W. Along with the therapeutic effect, the mini-sunbed makes it possible to acquire an attractive golden tan.

The average cost is $85.

Efbe-Schott 834. Solarium consisting of 4 lamps with a total power of 75 watts. The device has a built-in timer, as well as a special memory counter, an auto-off function. Comes with 2 pairs of goggles. The irradiator allows you to get a luxurious golden year-round tan, improve skin condition.

A tanned beauty passes through the snow-covered streets, and it seems to the oncoming passers-by that they have met a magical piece of sunny summer ... Sunburn is so beautiful and exotic! In addition, the benefits of ultraviolet rays for the body have long been proven by doctors. I finally decided to fulfill my dream and buy myself a home solarium.

It is necessary to approach such a purchase with all the details. I studied articles about solariums, consulted with sellers. So, in order. Home tanning beds can be divided into facial and full body tanning beds, which, in turn, are divided into one-sided and two-sided.

Facial - this is, in fact, an ultraviolet lamp on a tripod. You put it on your desktop, note the time, and sunbathe. On such a lamp you can chip in the whole office, or buy for the whole family. A few minutes under the rays of a facial solarium a week, in addition to tanning, give a healing effect: ultraviolet stimulates the body, strengthens the immune system. Too much tanning, just like excessive sun exposure, can lead to skin problems. The only problem with facial tanning beds is that only the part of the body that is placed under the lamp tans.

However, it is known that our face and shoulders are the most difficult to tan: the skin here becomes rough from constant external influences. A relatively cheap home facial tanning bed is a must-have in my office, I thought, and started asking prices. Of course, in online stores: here the equipment is cheaper, because. There is no extra charge for renting the store premises.

The first with the help of the search engine (section "products") was an online store. In the health equipment section, I found a small tanning bed for $121. One of the most inexpensive. Made in Holland by Philips. Automatic shutdown by a timer so as not to overheat, even a reminder counter for two people. It seems that everything is as it should be. Even two pairs of goggles are included. Noted and moved on.


Not too informative. Not interested. From the point of view of the quality of the journalistic text - very weak. Only suitable for a woman's newspaper printed on inferior paper.

25.09.2003 12:17:19, Julka

online sporting goods store

09/06/2003 19:33:51, Roman

I visit the solarium once a week and I can’t say anything bad, of course I can’t say how this affects my health, but I have become better and more attractive, which is what I wish you.

01.09.2003 12:45:20

In order not to think about whether they wipe the solarium or not, sunbathe in a vertical solarium.

In order not to worry about your skin - do not abuse it, use creams before and after the session and drink hot green tea 2-3 cups a day when you go to the solarium

04/23/2003 02:53:41 PM, Alexey

01/29/2003 10:04:44 PM, AnkA

I have been tanning in the solarium for more than 5 years. And it started after buying a subscription to the pool. By nature, I am dark-skinned, but among waterfowl, I looked like a "black sheep". everyone, for a decent fee.
Now it's like an unconditioned reflex - out of the water under the sun.
It seems that everything is in order with health, but only moles have increased and in the summer under the ordinary sun I no longer sunbathe as before. My friends laugh at me - Panther used up all the melanin in the solarium in winter.

12/11/2001 10:33:24 AM, Panther

I agree that there are benefits, if not abused. .IMHO.

All this is superfluous and useless! I get up early, warm up to invigorating music, warm shower and cold dousing, fruits for breakfast, good mood and love of life - and I look much younger than my peers, and most importantly - healthier and more natural ... What do you want!

06.12.2001 17:05:53, Jay

In the Moscow climate, it is more useful than harmful. Especially in winter, the main thing is not to get too carried away. Daylight (not the sun!!) from October to March I see on weekdays only 20 minutes on my way to work. It's probably not very useful either. Sometimes looking at your pale face in the mirror is disgusting, and in the office with fluorescent lighting it generally gives off greenery. Now I lie once a week for 20 minutes in this luminous coffin. I hope not to your own detriment. :))

Girls, isn't the solarium harmful???? Those women with us who visit the solarium twice a week look twice as old as their non-sunbathing peers ...

Vertical solarium

Despite the fact that tanning in a solarium is available at almost every step, not everyone has the opportunity to visit beauty parlors. There are many reasons for this. For some, this is not a cheap pleasure, someone refuses to sunbathe because of the possibility of contracting a fungus, and for someone it is simply inconvenient to get there and spend a lot of time on the road. In any case, having a great desire to sunbathe all year round, many decide to purchase a home solarium.

How to make the right choice

If the decision has already been made, and you want to purchase a home solarium for the body, it is worth understanding some of the details that will help you make the right choice.

Varieties of solariums

Mini solarium for the face

Among the home solariums on the market, there are several varieties:

  • Horizontal. Standard model with a closing lid, while tanning is taken in a lying position.
  • . Cabin that requires much less space than horizontal installation. Compact side-mounted installation in the corner of the room is possible. Tanning is taken in an upright standing position.
  • Compact mini solarium. Portable, which is installed on a flat surface at head level.

Additional features

If you don't tolerate heat well, a cooling system can be a useful additional feature when choosing a home tanning bed. However, when using this function, you need to be extremely careful, because if you do not feel heat, you can easily burn.

Some solariums are equipped with an additional function of face tanning. Before buying such a solarium, think about whether you can transfer direct radiation to your face.

Collagen tanning beds are one of the varieties of tanning devices, but their promises for a rejuvenating effect are rather dubious, so it's up to you to decide whether it's worth overpaying.

Solarium do it yourself

Some lovers of the "chocolate shade", in order to save money, resort to a radical method and make a home solarium with their own hands. It is difficult to speak objectively about the expediency of such an installation, but theoretically, in this way, the desired result can be obtained. The only advantage of such a "tanning bed" is its cheapness. However, the unpresentable appearance and inconvenience in use do not play in favor of a do-it-yourself solarium.

Many people know that exposure to the sun in moderation and compliance with safety rules, we look prestigious and fashionable, strengthen our immunity, improve blood circulation in all tissues of the body, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and stimulate regeneration processes. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays vitamin D is produced, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin, bones, muscles, improves mental and physical activity, and protects us from various diseases.

Sunbathing, a person acquires an attractive and sexy appearance, good health, joy of life. Long winter months, prolonged lack of sun cause drowsiness, low mood, vitamin D deficiency, reduce body's immune defense. Today, modern technologies give us the opportunity not only to get rest, beauty and relaxation, but also a bronze tan at home. To do this, it is quite easy to choose and buy a home solarium for the face and body.

By purchasing this device, you will please yourself piece of home sun, feel the healing effect, you can have a beautiful, swarthy skin color at any time of the year. However, before using a solarium, you need to know what type of skin you have and what kind of tan is preferable.

Also, do not overuse artificial irradiators, especially if you have sensitive or irritated skin. It must be remembered that too active invisible sun rays contribute to skin aging, dry her. For certain diseases, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. To date, the choice of mini-solariums is quite large. The cost of a homemade small irradiator will pay off over time and will be cheaper than frequent weekly visits to beauty salons.

When buying a solarium for the face and body, you need to pay attention to such points:

Criteria for choosing a mini-tanning bed

The best mini tanning salons

Mini solarium PHILIPS HB 179/01

Stylish design and unusual colors of this home solarium will give positive emotions to all its owners. The facial irradiator has 4 lamps Philips Cleo, with a power of 15 watts. The total power is 75 watts. Natural, safe and uniform tanning is ensured by a system of UV reflectors. A 27×21 tanning area is focused, which completely covers the entire face. Built-in mechanical timer up to 60 minutes, auto-off, convenient handle for transportation. Lamp life is 500 hours. The set includes two pairs of special protective goggles against ultraviolet radiation. It is possible to adjust two vertical tilt positions to create optimal conditions for a comfortable, safe, beautiful tan. Manufacturer - Royal Philips, Holland.

Price – $40

Mini solarium DR. Kern Quatro

A small-sized, high-quality irradiator for tanning consists of 4 ultraviolet tubes of 15 W, connection - 220 V. The compact device has a built-in mechanical timer up to 30 minutes, low power (75 W) will save electricity. The low cost makes it available to every interested buyer. This mini-tanning bed for the face and décolleté area will give you the opportunity to enjoy warm solar energy in a couple of minutes, strengthen the protective immune system. Moderate sunbathing eliminates the occurrence of sunburn of the skin, will help you look more attractive and healthier, gain a positive attitude and self-confidence. Manufacturer - D.R. Kern, Germany.

Price – $56

Mini solarium Sun OUFK-03

The irradiator with ultraviolet rays is used for medicinal purposes, for allergic, infectious, inflammatory diseases, for hardening children and adults at home. The mini solarium Sun is used for local, local and general exposure to ultraviolet rays. It is also an economical, fairly easy way to get a natural, even and safe tan. The solarium has two built-in lamps - Philips Cleo Compact, 15 watts. Time of continuous work - 30 minutes. A quartz lamp helps to improve appearance, improves overall tone, cleanses the skin, improves mood, compensates for the lack of sunlight, and has a general therapeutic effect. At home, at any time of the year, you will enjoy bright artificial sunlight, boast a beautiful, golden skin tone, and also get a healing and healing effect. The set of mini-tanning bed includes protective, special goggles for the eyes. Manufacturer - Sun, Russia.

Price – $85

Mini solarium Efbe-Schott 834

A home device for artificial face tanning has the optimal number of lamps - 4 ultraviolet, 15 watts each. Mechanical timer for 30 minutes, total power - 75 watts. A feature of the model is the presence of a counter-memo function for sessions for 4 people, auto-off at the end of the selected time. The kit comes with 2 pairs of special protective goggles for the eyes from radiation. This small solarium effectively combines beautiful, stylish, fashionable design and advanced technological features. Observing all the necessary conditions and rules, you will improve the condition of the skin and acquire a safe, natural, golden, year-round tan. Manufacturer - Efbe-Schott, Germany.

Price – $132

Mini solarium Summer Glow HB175

The desktop home irradiator will give pleasure and make your face tanned all year round. The device has 4 ultraviolet 15 watt lamps. The total power is 75 watts. With the strip reflector system you will achieve a golden, comfortable and safe tan. The mini-tanning bed has the function of storing radiation sessions for two people, a built-in mechanical timer up to 60 minutes. The set includes two pairs of special goggles to protect the eyes from ultraviolet radiation. The use of this luxurious, convenient and easy to use home device will increase the body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases. The emitted ultraviolet rays will improve your mood, give you the energy of life, and also provide you with a natural and even tan. Manufacturer - Hapro International B.V., Netherlands.

Price – $223

Mini solarium DR. Kern NT 363 U

German company D.R. Kern has established itself as the creator of the most high-tech and modern equipment for tanning. The device of this brand for home use has 12 lamps of 15 W each, a mechanical built-in timer up to 30 minutes, automatic shutdown after a specified time, high power - 180 W, mains connection - 220 V. A compact solarium for the face and decollete irradiates only useful invisible artificial rays ( UV-A And UV-B) in the required optimal combination, while there is no gamma radiation ( UV-C), which has a negative effect on the human body. With this small home irradiator you will get a safe, soft, natural and beautiful tan at any time of the year. Manufacturer - D.R. Kern, Germany.