Tell a man that he is dear in your own words. I love you in my own words girl. Confessions of love in your own words. Nice words for a guy in the army

Without you, I'm afraid it will be impossible for me to breathe, exist, live! You are my bright ray of happiness, I live by you, I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. I want to sit with my legs tucked under me and watch you go about your business, I want to watch movies with you, walk, I feel good next to you, because I love you madly! 17

All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! You are my favorite person in the world! 4

You lit a great feeling in my heart, I love you and want to always be there. Only with you I am happy, only next to you I feel completely free, happy and most loved! 8

I constantly think about you and love you very much, I want to give you all my tenderness and affection, spend unforgettable days and nights with you, whisper words of love in your ear and just purr with pleasure! 18

I forget about everything, but I never forget about you! You are always in my thoughts, you are very dear to me, I love you madly and just adore you! 17

Without you, I'm just a little man in this world - one of many, and with you I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. When you are near, I feel that I need you. When you are far away, I miss you very much. I think about you all the time and love you very much. 12

I can't imagine myself without you, without your smile, your eyes, your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I adore you! I need you more than life! I love you! 10

I want to enjoy you and your smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and always look forward to meeting you. 11

What is my life? This is happiness - when we are together, this is your smile, the expectation of meeting you, the joy of meeting ... I fell in love with you. You are the person for whom there has always been a place in my heart. 8

You know, I wanted to tell you for a long time... I wanted to tell you... This has been tormenting me for a long time... For a very long time... Ever since we started dating... A lot of things have happened lately... for these days... I thank you for every pleasant minute you gave... In general, it's probably enough to pull... It's time to dot all the i... I want to say that I'm madly, just madly in love with you! 12

I love you for your insanely beautiful eyes that look at me with tenderness and care. I love you for your body, which warms me at night. I love you for your hot kisses, from which your head is just spinning! I love you madly! You are like a gentle sun that makes me happy every day! 14

I don't need gifts, I only need you, your attention... Sometimes, waking up in the morning, I realize that I live for you... I want to be always with you. I love you more than life. 10

I always want to do something good for you, I want to please you with something. I confess to you my feelings, I love you, my only, desired and unique. May our love make us the happiest people. 11

I remember our meeting, when all circumstances came together so that we could find each other. Perhaps this is fate. Probably, everything should have been exactly this way and nothing else. And I'm just happy that it all happened. I want to confess that I love you very much from the very minute we met. 10

When you are around, I feel that you need me just as much as I need you. For me, all life is you, you are my joy and all my dreams! 11

Love is a feeling that sooner or later visits every person. And it is very important not just to experience it within yourself, but to learn how to talk about love to your soulmate. It is especially important to learn how to do this for men. Men often cannot speak out loud about their love. But after all, a declaration of love is not only known to everyone - I love you. There are 100 ways to say I love you.

1. The most beautiful thing that has happened and will happen in my life is you.
2. How beautiful your eyes are, without them my world grows dim.
3. I can't imagine my life without you.
4. Let me do this job for you - I know how much you don't like doing it.
5. Sit next to me, at least for a while.
6. My whole world is you.
7. When you look at me, I bloom like a flower.
8. How pleased I am that you spend so much time preparing food for me.
9. When we are not together, I never forget about you for a second.
10. Every moment of our meetings is forever in my memory.
11. No one knows better than you what I need.
12. How beautiful your smile is - the best I've ever seen.
13. I am ready to kiss even the ground on which your foot has stepped.
14. You come into my dreams every night.
15. I am grateful to God for granting me a meeting with you.
16. When you say words, they sound like music to me.
17. Without your love, my world would be empty.
18. And I won’t live a day without the certainty that you love me too.
19. I just need a feeling of fullness of life that you give me.
20. You constantly awaken desires in me.
21. Having fallen in love with you, I learned to be more patient.
22. Thanks to you, I become better.
23. Even the stars of heaven pale in comparison with you.
24. I reach out to you like a flower to the sun.
25. My whole life is not enough for me to express my love for you.
26. I offer my heart at your feet.
27. The thought that you remember me already makes me happy.
28. Fill my day with your kiss.
29. You were sent to me for my prayers.

Interesting: 10 ways to please a girl

86. I share your desire to be alone.
87. It's good that you always give me a shoulder in a difficult hour.
88. How good it is to be sure that in a difficult moment you can rely on.
89. You always believed in me, sometimes alone in the world.
90. Beloved, I dedicate this song to you.
91. With you, my soul blossomed like a garden in spring after a cold winter.
92. With you I am always happy and under any circumstances.
93. With you, my paradise is really everywhere.
94. How little a person needs to be happy - always look into his beloved eyes.
95. I am ready to listen to your voice day and night.
96. When you sing your songs, the whole world falls silent for me.
97. I am ready to give my life for one moment with you.
98. You know that for me the main thing is your happiness.
99. When we are together, the whole world does not exist for us.
100. Nothing in the world can compare with our love.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Our dates, like the sweet stories of a talented writer, bring pleasant thoughts and tender memories to me the next day. Thank you for this. I love you so much…

I love you sms in my own words, very beautiful in prose

It seems to me that the little round-faced Cupid accidentally fired not one, but several arrows at me, because I love you several times more than what is permitted. And this love slowly but pleasantly burns my being.

Your hands are so gentle that they seem to me like river flows, taking my soul beyond the limits of the possible, into a world of happiness and magnificent pleasure. Thank you for this kindness. I very love you.

It is said that swans find a mate for life. I, like a swan, will remain faithful to you, dear. I will carry my love through the hardships and joys of our relationship, no matter how heavy this burden is.

You and I are like the favorite birds of Venus - doves, which, with their beauty and tenderness for each other, win the hearts of people. Thanks to our love, we gain wings, just one flap of which can give us joy, and one flight - a long-awaited happiness.

I hear how our hearts beat in unison, with their sound encouraging our souls to become sincere, kind, to be distracted from the whole world in the name of our love. This sound has become my favorite music.

You and only you are my idol. I bow before you, like the Egyptians before God Ra. And your strength - the strength that won my heart, hit the target so deeply that in my thoughts I am always only with you.

I am amazed by the bright warm radiance emanating from your heart, full of goodness and tenderness. I am smitten, like a warrior on the battlefield, with your sparkle playing in my eyes. I'm crazy, because I'm wildly in love with you.

Hungry sky drives you crazy

Heart in the head drives about pure love

I start a new day with the next confessions mentally, and then aloud, in love with you. I feel so good next to you that I sometimes think about the fact that people are really like a peach - we are divided into two halves that create one whole. You are my other half and I love you.

I love you sms in my own words to my beloved boyfriend, beloved girl

You are so beautiful that, appearing in my dreams, you amaze with your beauty not only me, but also the inhabitants of my incredible dreams. I am happy that you, a girl who, like a goddess, dazzles her eyes, chose me as her gentleman. I love you sweetheart.

I love you so much that I will vote for you like the Little Mermaid; freedom like Belle; risk my life like Quasimodo. My incredible love knows no bounds.

You are the best guy in the whole world. This is what my heart whispers to me, which beats in a frantic rhythm, like a perpetual motion machine. My soul, like a glass, is filled to the brim with tenderness for you, as well as sincere, magical love.

You gave me incredible, amazing happiness. Happiness, which has become a part of myself, and invisible to others, like the third eye of fortunetellers. This is the most precious gift in my life. And in return, I give you my eternal love.

you are in my life like a string that combines all octaves and

What does a person need in life to become a joyful owner of happiness? Probably just a few phrases spoken by another person who brought harmony to life. A few warm hugs and tender kisses that created an atmosphere of true love. One glance of loving eyes, remaining in the soul forever. Thank you for this.

I love you so much that the gods of Olympus descended to earth to look at a mortal who allowed himself to open his heart to sincere feelings, like the most daring god. And I will love you always, I promise. After all, the feeling that has settled in the heart usually never leaves it.

Am I in love? Probably, not. I was mad from the surging avalanche of feelings; from love, which, like a wave, swallowed me whole. I'm not in love, sorry. I love.

How many minutes of my life are spent thinking about you? It seems to me that there are more than planets in all Universes. I think about you constantly, even in a dream you come to me like a guardian angel. Your gorgeous smile lights up my life like a ray of light in the middle of the night. I very love you.

Love is only a feeling penetrating our flesh, our souls and our hearts. Love is only a feeling that becomes a priority in life. Love is only a feeling that inspires and encourages to do great things. Let love be just the feeling I have for you.

I love you. How is it shown? In blind trust, worthy of respect, strange understanding and the greatest desire to make you truly happy. You know, I don't just love you. I am in love with your playful gaze, magical warmth of your hands and infectious laughter that fills my life.

Let a warm ray of sunshine into your life...

I love you my dear! You are all mine. I feel and understand your every exhalation and inhalation. You know, I don’t want banal scenes and empty words at all, I want to feel your touch every day, meet your eyes and silently read thoughts. I will pass by and touch your hand, linger for a moment, and at that moment a rose will unfold in my soul with a large blooming, fragrant bud. My breath will break and stop from suffocation. And then this rose turns into a soft fluffy kitten, and I breathe and live again! I live by you, I am yours, you are mine!

I love you madly! I don't need anyone else. When you are around, everything becomes beautiful around. Beautiful rain, beautiful snow, beautiful skies. When you are next to me, I feel safe and life becomes easy. I just want your reciprocity. I want to break all taboos with you. Do whatever you want, just stay close. I really, really need you, you are not a habit, you are my betrothed! Desired, dear, beloved, irreplaceable, the only one! You are my holiday, you are a healing source. It's great to have you in this world!

My beloved and dear, I fell in love with your image! I wake up and communicate mentally with you, and fall asleep and embrace the whole world called love. I lose my head from your gaze, bells ring in my ears, and my heart is torn from my chest. You are the best of men, come to me in dreams. Dreams do come true, I know it, there is no mystery here. In the meantime, I'm waiting for you, I hope and love, I will repeat everything to you again: beloved, be with me always, my glorious, gentle and dear, I fell in love with all my heart!

You are for me like the sun, like the air, you have the whole meaning of my earthly existence. You are my dear, only, desired. I know that being with me is not easy. Every day I understand more and more that you are my destiny! I can't do without you at all! My dear girl, I want to confess that I have a very great and wonderful feeling for you, without which not a single person lives, but only exists. I want to take care of you every day, hug you, warm you, kiss you. Love you!

I love your shape in the sunlight, I love when a gentle breeze blows your luxurious hair. I love your bottomless eyes, your walk, your gestures, your voice. I am constantly looking to meet you. Time stretches for a long time when you are not there and flies madly when you are around. You have become the meaning of my every breath, every second of my life. I don't have enough words to express my feelings. I forget about everything when you are around. I love you so much!

Words to express emotions

Often love breaks your heart and "chemistry" does not allow you to find the right, right words to express the whole gamut of feelings. We have prepared for you declarations of love in our own words, which will help you if you cannot find the right words because of the strong and suffocating emotions that overwhelm you. If you are embarrassed to say them to your beloved (beloved) in person, then these words can be sent in or in an SMS message.

It's time to open up and say to your beloved - I love you? Make this confession beautifully, from the heart and soul, so that the heart of your beloved shrinks in a “convulsion” from your tender and beautiful words. And when it opens, absorbing love sounds, you will hear mutual words “about you and about him ...”

I want to tell you


He is leaving. You have no idea when you will see him again. You want him to know and remember your love…. Write to him! Write…. You can say if you have the courage.

I had one very "brave" girlfriend. She said that she would be able to confess her love to a guy, that it would not be difficult for her. In words, yes. She still can't confess to him. And it's been almost six months.

Show some heroism! Don't be afraid to talk about feelings! Words are not a painful injection if they are pleasant. Do not be afraid that he may not understand or reject your feelings. Let! Don't be discouraged, no matter how it turns out. The faster you confess everything, the faster you will find out what lives in the soul of your chosen one. Tell your beloved man about love beautifully!

Confessions in your own words

"Darling, I'll be waiting for you. If you knew with what pleasure I would not let you go .... I love you. You are used to hearing such words. But I can't be silent about love. She fills me up.

Can you take me with you? I promise I won't interfere. I just want to be around. I will be quieter than any silence ....

I can't live without you. I don't want to re-experience the emptiness that surrounds me when you're somewhere far away. I'm not jealous because I trust. I know how much you love me. But I don't get enough looks at your picture. I want to feel your presence. Remember what you experienced when I went abroad .... You didn't find your place. And he was also interested in whether there is an opportunity to go there together.

Love you very much. And I won't be offended if you refuse me. I'll try to understand everything. I want you to know: better than you - no, never was and never will be.

You are the wind, the sound of which I am ready to listen to even for eternity. You are the sea, the waves of which make you stir up all the blood inside the body. You are a mirror that reflects all the virtue and grace of the world.

Man of dreams…. I won't give you up to anyone. You are everything! I feel very good with you. And I'm sure it always will be. You are the best. And you have a lot to learn. For example, the resolution of conflicts. You do everything to avoid any quarrels or disputes that lead to contention or showdowns. I am so proud of you! I'm so glad you're my man. I love you! Want…. Will I say these three words a billion times? Billions are few. I love you much more, believe me ....

I know how envy my girlfriends envy me. But I won't give you to any of them! I've been waiting for you for so many years... You found me! And I won't let you go if you don't want to leave. Darling, thank you for everything! Come soon, so that I don’t completely go crazy with the power of feelings.

Call me - I'll come to you. You don't even have to doubt it. My love is boundless, boundless, sincere. I love you so much that I am ready for absolutely anything. I want to tell you about this every second. But I don't want you to get tired of confessions.

My favorite person! It's good that we are together. Separation is a temporary phenomenon. I really hope it doesn't become permanent. We leave constancy to our feelings!

I will worry and worry about you. I wanted to calm down a little such "passions" .... I am weak, powerless. Not everything is as simple as it seemed at first. I love! Thank you for accepting my such love, understanding it and enduring it. The main thing - do not try to remake it.

Beloved, priceless, beloved! I don't know if you'll like my lines. But know, my sun: they are written with all my soul! Every line is love. You feel it, don't you? I tried to….

Come back soon, my kitten. I will count every millisecond until our meeting. And I will break all the clocks in the apartment if they slowly release time. See how you go crazy with love. But I know how to go crazy, while remaining adequate. Love works such miracles!

I want to stay with you forever. Longer! Enough to enjoy you. You know, I won't have enough forever... I love you very much. The power of love is incredible! Touch me to feel it in your skin. A kiss so that I can reveal to you the rest of the secrets of the forces of love ....

Hug…. Don't let go, don't leave, don't leave! I understand: business, business trips. But I will soon hate your job because it takes you away from me. Selfish? Because I love. And not yourself, but you ....

I love falling asleep, waking up, laughing, having fun, being silent, talking, fantasizing, drinking coffee, walking, traveling…. With you, my dear! I don't want anything without you.

I love…. With each reaping, stronger and stronger. And I don't confuse love with habit. These ladies are very different. They cannot be confused. In any case, those people who know what "love" or "to love" is.

I will not tire of repeating that you are the best. And I'm not at all worried that your self-esteem will skyrocket. Love yourself! Be proud of yourself! Know your worth!

Love you. And I know how women curl around you. I'm not jealous. They envy that you are with me and not with them. You're the one. My!".

If the beloved is not going anywhere, congratulations. Interesting…. He's not going to because you confessed everything to him? Or because your situation is not the same?

One way or another, we can confess with a few words that we all already know very well. Say you love, hug and kiss. The scheme of action is simple, but can say a lot.

Love can be confessed silently

Kiss! Isn't it a confession? Something that can shock anyone! You suddenly arrive... And you kiss him, closing your eyes in pleasure. He is in shock. But he doesn't resist you. This is how recognition is born from silent silence!

Confess your love with your eyes!

A man will understand that you are not indifferent to him if you look at him coquettishly. Don't forget to smile! A smile will do two things: it will destroy all doubt and all skepticism, it will bewitch the man. Don't forget to smile...

Did the man confess first? Confess in return! You are in a winning situation: the first step is more difficult than the second. And you can speak simply, standardly, but with sincerity. “I love you” is a beautiful and pleasant banality, without which all love would have died out long ago.

Declaration of Love to a loved one in verse

Love you!
Like a thin leaf I bow down from the dew
I'll tell you
I didn't know how everyone loves...

Now I love!
Like a fairy tale I see us in a magical dream
I'll tell you:
Now all my thoughts are about you...

My favorite!
So I want to tell you more ... and again,
I whisper to you
I love you, because you are my Love ....

I love you, I love, I love!
I'm scared somehow from love,
I love you, understand me
I'm looking for myself in you...

I'm looking for you in myself
You didn't talk about love
I'm sorry that I love you
My voice is ahead of yours

I love you, I love you, I want you!
I'm afraid you'll tell me in return
I love you, no change
I've been waiting for you all my life

But now you are here beloved!
Love you! My cutest!

Continuation. . .

Confessions for Romantics


The most beautiful, gentle, warm declaration of love to your beloved man in your own words. Love men, they really need your Love. Even if they never admit it. Behind every great man there is always a woman who believed in him and truly loved him.

Dear, my happiness is woven into the letters of your name. You are my heaven, just be with me and hold my hand...

I love our beautiful nights and happy days. I love being in your arms and listening to your heartbeat.

“Darling, your love is the best thing that has happened to me. You are always there when I need. You are my sun and air, without which my life has no meaning. I love you."

Every morning I see desire in your eyes, every evening I drown in your strong arms.

I'm happy to be able to love you to infinity because you and I, now we ...

When we met, it was winter, but in my soul you awakened spring.

The most beautiful, the most wonderful - YOU are the daily cause of smiles and joy.

I may lose everything I have, but I don't want to lose you.

I want to make you the happiest person in the world.

You appeared in my life like a rainbow, illuminating my world with colorful colors.

I love looking into your eyes. Like the sun, you light up my days and warm my nights. I am happy next to you. ()

Whenever I think about you, a star falls from the sky, and if there are no stars on any of the days, you know it's your fault, because I think about you too often.

The star of my heart, part of my life, my half, I would like to say the most important words for me - I LOVE YOU, it was, is and will be!

Every day I feel the joy of understanding and confidence that this is true love, the true that fate gives to each of us when we appear in this beautiful world.

... You said that you can give me nothing but your love ... But with this You give Me everything! And I am ready to leave my business, even when I am at the very top of success. I will pass this success on to another, but I will choose You! I know I can start over, but I'll never find another like You. Because You are my other half, the one that was created for me by nature and God. Together we will succeed in everything that we think of, all desires come true! Because love is a miracle. (declaration of love to a loved one in prose)

I love you! I am with you forever!

Judge me as you like, but I'm not lying, maybe you don't believe me, but I love you!

I will give you the dawn, the moon and stars, moonlight. And the breath of the breeze, gentle as lips touch. I will give myself to you, because I love you!

Now I look into your eyes and say from the bottom of my heart: My dear, I don’t know why, I just love you and I don’t want to lose you for anything in the world.

I have no kingdom, not our crown, I have one love, and I give it to you!

I really miss you ... I miss you even when I'm around, I miss your gentle hands, I need to feel your warmth, warm me ... in return I will give you my love ... I love you.

“Your eyes are a bottomless sea in which I am ready to live and drown ... Will you allow me this? I want to live in the reflection of your eyes, but don't be jealous, I love you more than your eyes."

“Happiness for me is to make you happy, the best man on earth, I want to spend every minute with you, give you all my affection, tenderness and warmth ... I love you.”

Years shrink into moments with you. A second without you equals centuries. I love you so much and it's forever!

My beloved, gentle kitten! I love you more than life! The fact that we are now very hard - I believe it will soon pass! I can't live without you. I love you so much…

There is only one phrase in my head. I love you infection!

I lie in the sun and look at the sea, everything inserts me here, only you are not with me. This thought worries me, it gnaws at my soul more and more. You remember me there and send greetings.

There would be more goodness, happiness, love, beauty in the world if there were more kind and sweet people like you in it!

Believe me, I will not forget you, I will not find another for myself. I love you forever, and I will never stop loving!

I have two suns, one shines on me from high heaven, the second is looking at me now.

If there is beauty in the world, it is in your eyes. If there is pain in the world, then this is life without You. If someone in the world is truly loved, then this person is YOU, believe me.

“I thought about you even when I didn’t know that you really exist in the world ... I dreamed of love that would change my life. I dreamed about you ... And now, when we met, I realized what it means to be truly happy!

I think about you all time. I think of you in the morning as I walk through the cold. I deliberately walk more slowly to think about you longer. I think about you in the evening when I'm lonely without you at parties where I get drunk to think about something else, but I get the opposite effect. I think about you when I see you, and when I don't see you, I think too. I wish I could find something else to do, but I can't. If you know how to contrive to forget you, teach me. (Frederic Begbeder)

I will not be your most gorgeous ex, but I will be the only one who understood you and loved you for who you are.

Section topic: Warm, gentle, funny, sincere words for SMS declarations of love to a loved one, a man, in your own words, a declaration of love to your beloved guy to goosebumps. Remember, the main secret of men who succeed in life is the Beloved Woman!

Sometimes, mired in the daily routine and solving problems, you can forget about the most important thing - love for a loved one.

Not only men should express their feelings in words, women should also periodically remind a man of their sincere love. Speak words of love to your husband more often and you will see that he will answer you in the same way. And this will help you overcome obstacles with joint efforts.

I am given forever you
I'm happy and you are the reason
My closest person
And my only man!

How much I love you!
How glad I am that you are with me.
Thank you for everything.
My dear, I am always with you!

Joy, smiles and happiness,
To share my life with you...
My heart is in your control.
My happiness is to be near.
Next to you, my love
I want to dream more.
You showed me my dear
How can people fly

Everything is filled with you
My days and nights
I confess, my love
You are very dear to me.

My dreams about you
All thoughts about you
The ray of light is you
In a crazy life

Not every man will like to listen to or read long speeches, even if they are dedicated to him.

And not every woman likes reading or writing such poems.

In this case, you can express what you feel in a shorter poetic form.

You are beautiful, my love
I admire you
And every day, living with you -
More and more I fall in love.

I'm talking about feelings
Wanted to tell.
I miss you
And soul and body

You are the meaning of my life.
My air, sleep, my dreams...
How happy I am to be yours!
You made me happy!

It is always a pleasure to receive congratulations from friends and relatives on your birthday. But the words that your loved one will tell you are an important attribute of a successful holiday. Give your loved one such pleasure.

Today is your birthday
I want to wish you happiness!
You are my dear man!
And you should know about it.

I wish, my love,
to you on your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck
easy roads,
Happy returns
my most desired
And the most beautiful!

My beloved husband!
This evening
I want to tell you:
For our union, for our meeting
I am so grateful to fate!
For every look, touch,
For every moment, for every year,
Because on this birthday
Spring sings in my soul.

If you see your loved one less than you would like, then boredom will periodically roll over you.

In such a situation, feel free to talk to your loved one about your sadness. Present it to him in verse - it will be more mysterious and unusual.

Beloved and most dear,
Come quickly. I miss!
You are the only one, you are a hero.
And I'm dying without you.

My love, I miss you
I walk like a shadow, I don’t notice people,
In a dream and in reality I see your face
And I hate our parting.

I do not expect wealth, honors are not needed,
I, as in paradise, from your only glance
And from a smile, lips touch,
I look forward to meeting you.

Without you everywhere is so empty
Even breathing is difficult.
I miss you so much, honey. Sad,
The sun shines outside the window.
I will repeat to you again:
I love you with every cell!

If you want to tell your man about how you feel, but do not like to express your thoughts in verse, then use prose words.

So, you can more accurately and frankly say what you want, as you will not be limited by rhyme.

Why are you so tender? If it were measured in numbers, I would just lose count. Darling, you drive me crazy! I promise that I will repay you the same ....

I never thought that a person can become the meaning of another person's life! I never understood how you can give a man all of yourself, forgetting about pride. But having met you, I realized it so closely and sharply ... And now for me the greatest happiness is to be with you, to believe in the same dreams, breathe in the same air, give my love endlessly and just know that you exist!

What a blessing to have you by my side! It’s even scary to imagine that we could never meet each other, but just pass by without even looking. After all, this is how thousands of people pass by us every day. Without you, there would not be what is dear to me, what I value, what I dream about and what I hope for. There would be nothing without you.

Words of love to a beloved man in your own words

The most sincere and open will be confessions spoken in your own words.

There can be no example of such words, because each couple is individual.

IMPORTANT: Just think about why you fell in love with a person, why you love now, how you feel in his absence, what would you do without meeting him.

When you really think about these questions with all your heart, the words themselves will be transformed into beautiful sentences.

And the beloved man, having heard them, will understand that these words are exclusively for him and only.

You can find verses for congratulations above. But for those who do not like poetry, prose is perfect.

My dear, beloved person. I am grateful to fate for bringing us together, and for the fact that we are together. I congratulate you on your birthday and want to wish you a positive attitude, constant expectation of a miracle, euphoria from life. May Lady Luck accompany you in all your affairs, may everything work out for you with ease and joy. So that your life is filled with harmony, and that you always achieve your goals. And I will give you a reliable rear, love and care. Be happy, dear!

Dear, happy birthday! I want to say “thank you” to your parents for giving this world such a charming person! You are the best man in the world! I wish you all the best, fulfillment of your plans and green light everywhere! Be the same worthy, decent and reliable man always!

Darling, today is your holiday. As they say, there are two most important days in a person's life - the first, this is when he was born, and the second, when he realized why. The day you were born has already arrived! Therefore, I want to wish you to find the meaning of life as soon as possible, do what you love and appreciate what you have!

It is not necessary to write or memorize poetry in order to convey beautiful words to your man. It is quite possible to express thoughts in prose.

Beloved, only next to you I feel like a real woman - beautiful, desirable, weak, capricious. All because you are a real man! Your strength and masculinity are the perfect setting for the main jewel - your soul.

Dear, from the moment you were around, I completely stopped paying attention to troubles, and all the problems that arise seem to be just vanity. You brought peace, confidence and a sense of security to my world and became a reliable guarantor of my peace of mind. You are my true hero and I admire you.

It doesn't matter if you've been married for 1 year or 15 years. You need to confess your love. This will keep the romance in your relationship.

At first I thought I fell in love with you. Then it seemed to me that love could not be so strong and I was just slowly going crazy. Then I realized that I love you so much that I don't mind being crazy just to be around you.

You are so wonderful…. Why did I get such joy as you? What did I do to deserve this? Probably because I love you so much. May my madness of love be and remain your amulet and talisman

Should I confess my love in poetry or in prose? It all depends solely on your and your husband's tastes and preferences.

I want to be loved by you
How I love you alone.
It's not easy to be your wife -
To be your devoted friend.

I love when you sleep sweetly
I love looking into your eyes
And see how they reflect me.
I love it when you say
Shut up, or joke, or grumble,
I love when you laugh
It is contagious for everyone.
I love it when you are gloomy, formidable,
When you are cheerful or serious.
Every gesture of yours is very dear to me,
I love you so much kitty!

You are my favorite,
And without you I can't
I miss you if you're not around
I keep you in my heart.
I am proud of you, beloved husband,
And I will never change.
You are cute, you are unique
For this I love you!

Recognition in your own words - that's what recognition is for their words. The words should concern your husband, your relationship with him.

Speak what your heart dictates. Even if it's a little awkward, don't worry. Your husband will understand that you did not memorize someone's thoughts, but that you are telling him what your heart tells you.

And what no matter how sincere confessions can cheer up and remind each other of romance and great love.

How to find the right words, read the section above "Words of love to your beloved man in your own words."

You can find an SMS confession to your husband to your taste in the article

Do not be shy and do not forget to say beautiful words to your beloved man. After all, you fell in love with him for something. So, he deserves to hear pleasant and sincere words from you.

Video on the topic: Affectionate words to your beloved man