Clots and tissues during miscarriage - what is it and how do they look? Miscarriage. Why is this happening? Who had a miscarriage at 10 weeks

A miscarriage at the 10th week of pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence, which occurs in 10-15% of cases of successful conception. The final period of the first trimester is especially dangerous, since a variety of negative factors can provoke spontaneous abortion.

If you have had such a misfortune, do not rush to despair. You need to undergo a full examination, find out the cause of the miscarriage, recover, and try again to get pregnant. Doctors say that miscarriage at 10 weeks can be prevented. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the state of your body. If you feel abnormal, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor.

To avoid miscarriage at the 10th week of pregnancy, it is important to know in advance about the dangers that may lie in wait for the expectant mother at this time.

At this stage, cardinal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, and the patient notices them. The woman realizes that she needs to visit a doctor and be registered in the antenatal clinic. The fetus inside the womb is developing rapidly.

By week 10, he already has the rudiments of all vital organs and systems. A complete gynecological examination, including ultrasound and a blood test for hormone levels, will determine the condition of the embryo, identify possible violations and deviations.

If at the initial stage of pregnancy you feel pain in the abdomen, radiating to the lower back, or you have a discharge mixed with blood, consult a doctor immediately. These symptoms may signal the danger of a miscarriage.

The threat of spontaneous abortion at week 10 may occur due to the high tone of the uterus or insufficient concentration of progesterone in the patient's blood. During the examination, the doctor will easily notice such dangers, and tell you how to protect the fetus.

A common cause of early miscarriages is a shortened cervix due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency. The entrance to the reproductive organ in such patients is not closed tightly, which means that an infection can penetrate into the fetal egg, the membranes will become insufficiently elastic, and the embryo will die.

The danger is that the expectant mother may not feel alarming symptoms at all, and the doctor detects the threat after an examination or ultrasound examination.

If ICI is detected in a timely manner, there is every chance of successfully maintaining the pregnancy. To eliminate the danger, medical or surgical treatment is prescribed. After 10 weeks, the risk of spontaneous abortion decreases.


From 5 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is especially high. According to medical research, about 25% of conceptions end in such a tragedy. To avoid miscarriage, you need to know its main causes.

Often, interruption occurs due to the wrong lifestyle of the expectant mother - smoking, drinking strong alcoholic beverages. The expectant mother should carefully monitor her emotional state, avoid stress, physical overwork and high power loads, infectious diseases.

The most common negative factors that provoke miscarriage in the early stages can be considered:

  • Serious pathologies of the development of the embryo;
  • Dangerous diseases of the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system;
  • Disturbances in the hormonal balance in the body of the expectant mother;
  • Insufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood.

If, after the examination, the physician found serious violations in the development of the embryo, the patient is recommended to have an abortion. Up to 9 weeks, such an operation is completely legal and relatively safe.


Spontaneous termination of pregnancy at an early stage can be different. In modern medicine, there are several different types of miscarriages.

  • Inevitable. The patient has a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, and uterine bleeding immediately opens. The cervix dilates, which leads to the rupture of the fetal egg, and the embryo inevitably comes out along with the secretions.
  • A failed miscarriage. The embryo dies, but the fertilized egg is not damaged, and it remains in the uterus. This condition can only be determined during a gynecological examination. The doctor will notice that there is no fetal heartbeat.
  • Full. During such a miscarriage, the embryo completely leaves the uterus, the discomfort is minimal, the bleeding does not last too long.
  • Anembryony. The egg connects with the sperm, the formation of the fetal egg begins, but the embryo does not form. It turns out that there is no pregnancy, but there are symptoms.
  • Repeated miscarriage. In some patients, spontaneous interruption occurs quite often. This disorder is due to various factors.


If you have a miscarriage in the early stages, you should definitely visit a doctor, undergo an examination, and discuss further therapy to restore reproductive health. As a rule, patients during this period have a very difficult emotional state, especially when the pregnancy was desired and planned.

You need to understand that no one is immune from spontaneous abortion, and this is not your fault. After a complete examination of the reproductive system and a study of the blood test, the physician will be able to find out the exact cause of the miscarriage.

If such unsuccessful pregnancies occur frequently, a thorough investigation should be carried out. The cause of this pathological condition may be a genetic abnormality, infection or hormonal failure. Appropriate treatment will eliminate such a danger during the next conception.

Patients after a miscarriage are usually prescribed antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives. This therapy allows you to quickly restore hormonal levels and get rid of a harmful infection.


Pregnancy must be treated responsibly and prepared for this important stage in advance. Planning for conception includes the elimination of dangerous factors that can provoke a miscarriage. A pregnant woman should lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Be sure to watch your diet. In your daily menu should be the whole range of essential vitamins and minerals. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, try not to overwork at work, do not exhaust yourself with sports training.

Ask your gynecologist when the most dangerous period of pregnancy comes, when a miscarriage can occur. During this period, be extremely careful, try to get only positive emotions. If you experience anxiety symptoms, go to the hospital immediately.

Abortion is a difficult step for any woman. The procedure is carried out up to 28 weeks, but serious problems can be avoided only in the early stages. Termination of pregnancy affects both the physical and moral condition. Therefore, it is better to have an abortion before 10-12 weeks.


Each period has its own way of terminating a pregnancy. Some options have virtually no consequences, others are accompanied by complications.

  • Medical.
  • Surgical.
  • Vacuum.

At week 10, abortion is done more often through surgery. Timely interrupted pregnancy in this way practically does not give complications. However, problems cannot be avoided.


Experts use several methods. The method is chosen depending on the duration of pregnancy.

  • Vacuum excochleation.
  • Surgical intervention.

The first option is applied until the end of the 10th week. Specialists use a vacuum excochleator. It is a cylindrical instrument with an oval socket at the end. A hose is connected to the device, connected to the suction and the waste container.

With the help of a dilator, the channels of the neck are moved apart. After that, a cannula is inserted into the uterus, and the pressure pump is activated. The method requires caution and is carried out exclusively by professionals. By rotating the instrument, the doctor destroys the fetal egg, treating the walls of the uterus. The waste is pumped into the tank by a pump. This method is considered safer than surgery.

After the procedure, a bag of cold liquid is placed on the woman's stomach, and then drugs are injected that help the uterus contract. The recovery time after the procedure is different for every woman. The patient is discharged only after examination and permission of the doctor.

The second method is applied from 10 to 12 weeks. During the surgical termination of pregnancy, the patient is under anesthesia. With the help of a special tool, the cervix expands. The doctor, using curettes, removes the destroyed tissues of the fetal egg.

The specialist completely cleans the walls of the uterus. In this case, vacuum aspiration can be used. The doctor, with the help of ultrasound, must make sure that all the contents are removed. After the successful completion of the intervention, the doctor observes the patient for some time. A woman needs to observe bed rest, as well as take drugs that promote uterine contraction.


Like any operation, abortion has some consequences. This is especially true of the procedure carried out at week 10 and later. Sometimes termination of pregnancy leads to irreversible complications. What should be feared during an abortion at such a time?

Complications after the surgical method:

  1. After the intervention, bleeding caused by the use of sharp instruments is possible. Damaged uterine walls sometimes even lead to death.
  2. Bleeding accompanied by abdominal pain means that the curettage was not completed. The particles of the embryo remaining in the uterus lead to inflammation.
  3. Other complications appear in the patient within a month after the abortion. Inflammatory processes occur due to an infection, parametritis, salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis. These diseases are accompanied by pain, discharge, high fever.
  4. Termination of pregnancy makes itself felt even after years. In women, the hormonal background is disturbed, menstruation failures. There are problems such as miscarriage, problems with tubal patency.
  5. It happens that as a result of an abortion, a woman becomes infertile.

Complications after the vacuum method:

  • There may be pain in the genital area.
  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • The appearance of unpleasant secretions.
  • Vomit.
  • Heat.
  • Absence of menstruation.
  • Hormonal disruptions.

Each method of abortion at week 10 has complications. Therefore, after the procedure, it is important to monitor your well-being, and if problems arise, immediately contact a specialist.


Termination of pregnancy is accompanied by a hormonal breakdown. Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid it. An organism tuned in to motherhood produces certain hormones that cause a breakdown during an abortion. When interrupted at week 10, the consequences are much more serious than in the early stages.

You need to consult a professional about abortion. If it is easy to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages, then unforeseen complications may occur at week 10. Only a highly qualified doctor is able to cope with problems. Although even a specialist will not save the patient from the consequences.

Abortion results in:

  • Violation of blood pressure.
  • Immune problems.
  • Violation of blood circulation.
  • Kidney and liver problems.
  • Microtrauma.
  • fatigue.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Irritability.
  • Ovarian problems.

When scraping, only the latest equipment should be used. This will help to avoid damage to the walls of the uterus, the occurrence of scar tissue, and in the future, problems with the fetus.


There are some tips that a woman should follow after an abortion. The rules are the same for any abortion method.

  1. No sex for at least 21 days.
  2. Abstinence from stress. Do not lift weights or play sports.
  3. After an abortion, you can not visit baths, saunas, swim in public reservoirs.
  4. Pay special attention to hygiene.
  5. It is necessary to abandon the diet.
  6. It is important to constantly monitor your well-being.
  7. Avoid alcohol for two weeks.

After an abortion, a woman should pay attention to her health. The right lifestyle will help speed up rehabilitation, as well as avoid most complications. A woman needs more rest, and if the pregnancy is terminated at 10 weeks or later, the services of a psychologist may be needed. In addition, until the recovery is over, a new pregnancy should be avoided.

A threatened miscarriage is often referred to simply as a "threat" by doctors and patients alike. Will this state lead to sad events or can they be avoided? Most often, this depends not only on the timeliness and literacy of the actions of doctors, but also on the behavior of the expectant mother herself.

The threat of termination may occur throughout pregnancy; its reasons may be varied. If this condition occurs on the term before, talking about the threat of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), and on the terms from - about the threat of premature birth.

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage

Stomach ache. Regardless of the gestational age, a sign of trouble is a cramping or pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the center. In the first trimester, there are often unpleasant sensations in the lateral sections of the abdomen. They are associated with changes in the ligaments of the uterus and are not related to the threat of abortion.

Tension of the muscles of the uterus, which is often referred to as hypertonicity. Here it is necessary to separate the hypertonicity diagnosed by ultrasound, and the hypertonicity that the patient herself feels.

Pathological course of pregnancy may be one of the reasons for its interruption. Most often we are talking about gestosis of pregnant women, in which blood pressure rises, edema appears, protein in the urine. The reason for the termination of pregnancy can be placenta previa, when the placenta is attached in the area of ​​​​the exit from the uterus: the conditions for the blood supply to the fetus in this case are worse than if the placenta were attached in the middle or upper part of the uterus. These conditions lead to premature birth in the second half of pregnancy.

Acute inflammatory and general infectious diseases, such as tonsillitis, influenza, viral hepatitis, appendicitis, pyelonephritis, causing fever, circulatory disorders between the mother and fetus under the influence of toxins, can lead to abortion at any time.

Chronic diseases of the expectant mother that she has even before pregnancy, especially diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, heart defects), diseases of the kidneys and other organs can cause abortion at any time. In these cases, the likelihood of complications depends on the severity of the chronic disease.

Injuries, such as bruises, fractures, concussions, especially abdominal injuries, can lead to termination of pregnancy. In this regard, head injuries deserve special attention. Even those concussions and bruises of the brain that a woman suffered even before pregnancy can lead to a threat of miscarriage and premature birth. This is due to the fact that one of the structures of the brain is the main endocrine gland - the pituitary gland, which regulates the work of other organs that ensure the normal course of pregnancy. With "fresh" and chronic injuries and the brain, blood circulation and the pituitary gland may be disturbed, which will lead to a failure in ensuring pregnancy.

stress, to which many tend to attribute a fatal role during pregnancy, in themselves, as a rule, are not the cause of the threat of termination of pregnancy: they can only become a predisposing factor in the presence of the above reasons.

Treatment of threatened miscarriage

With the threat of termination of pregnancy, a woman is recommended to observe bed rest, that is, her physical activity is reduced to a minimum. Sometimes a pregnant woman is not allowed to get out of bed at all.

Naturally, the probability of losing a child causes anxiety and fear in a woman, which does not contribute to the preservation of pregnancy. Therefore, at any time, with the threat of termination of pregnancy, sedatives are prescribed - valerian or motherwort. You can help yourself to calm down. To do this, you need to try to relax, no matter what position you are in (lying or sitting), and think about something pleasant, even if it seems that there is nothing good in life at the moment. For example, imagine a baby.

If the threat of termination of pregnancy occurs in the first trimester, then, as a rule, hormonal drugs are prescribed that contribute to the normal course of pregnancy. These include drugs that have the effect of progesterone (duphaston, utrozhestan, etc.), as well as drugs used for and immune causes of threatened abortion (dexamethasone, metipred).

If, during examination and ultrasound, insufficiency is detected, then sutures are placed on the cervix that "do not release" the fetal egg. The operation is performed under anesthesia. At the same time, the woman is given drugs that relax the uterus.

Starting with the treatment of the threat of interruption, drugs that relax the uterus are used. These are drugs from different pharmacological groups, but they are united by the fact that they relieve spasm of the uterine muscles (sulfate, ginipral, partusisten, etc.). Medicines are most often administered through a drip.

In the presence of spotting in a pregnant woman, hemostatic drugs are used. If necessary, treat infectious, inflammatory, chronic diseases of internal organs.

In conclusion, I would like to say that most situations in which there is a threat of termination of pregnancy can be avoided. To do this, before pregnancy or at its very beginning, you need to determine if there are any reasons that can lead to this complication of pregnancy. But do not take the diagnosis of "threatened miscarriage" as a sentence. By contacting a doctor in time, you will provide your baby with favorable conditions for further growth and development.

Valentina Remizova,

By the middle of the third month of waiting for the baby, the expectant mother is already quite accustomed to her position and takes all the changes that happen to her for granted. Outwardly, no special changes were noticed compared to the previous week, but for the baby they are quite significant. What happens at the 10th week of pregnancy with him, and how does mom feel?

fetus at 10 weeks pregnant

The 10th obstetric week is 9 full obstetric weeks or 7 full fetal weeks. Very soon, the gynecologist will begin to call the embryo a fetus, but for the expectant mother this is not essential: for her, a “baby” lives in her tummy from the first days.

Size and weight

The child has already grown significantly. In length, it can reach 3-4 centimeters and weigh about 4 grams. Now there is an intensive growth and development of the future man, the formation of internal organs and functional systems of the body continues.

What develops in the tenth week?

The placenta is already intensively forming, and "on the go" takes over the reproduction of hormones. The baby's heart now has 4 chambers, the main blood vessels are practically formed. The brain grows, eyes, arms, legs continue to develop. The development of the intestines and respiratory system continues. The baby already has an anus, and the kidneys produce urine.

10 obstetric week is important in that this is the moment of the beginning of the formation of the reproductive organs (ovaries or testicles). And now the baby is moving inside the mother, however, she still does not feel it.

What does the baby look like?

The baby looks more and more like a human. His rudimentary tail has already fallen off, the arms and legs have “peeled off” from the body, bend at the joints, fingers form on them. The tip of the nose stands out on the face and there are already the rudiments of the eyelids. It is not yet possible to know the sex of the baby. However, the next screening at 12 weeks is already able to show who the mother is carrying under her heart - a son or daughter.

Feelings at 10 weeks pregnant

What's new in the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy for a woman?

Physiological changes in a woman

The beginning of the third month of pregnancy is not yet noticeable changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. But she herself notices these changes. Due to the increased volume of circulating blood, veins in the legs and abdomen may become visible. However, red blood cells are not produced as quickly as plasma, and due to the lack of the first, a woman feels weak and quickly gets tired.

If the toxicosis is not very harassing, and the appetite does not decrease, then by the 10th week a woman can add up to 2 kilograms in weight. So far, the belly is not very noticeable, and a special “pregnant” wardrobe is not required.

How does the uterus react in the tenth week of pregnancy?

At 9 completed weeks of the obstetric period, the uterus increased markedly in size. Now she is 8-10 centimeters in height. Now the baby in the uterus is reliably protected from external influences by a cork - a clot of mucus that covers the cervix. The cork will stay in place until childbirth.

Already now you can start doing Kegel exercises - this will prepare the uterus for childbirth, make the muscles of the vagina elastic and elastic. However, with hypertonicity of the uterus, such activities are prohibited!

Breast at 10 weeks pregnant

Some women notice that their breasts have stopped hurting at 10 weeks pregnant. This is due to the fact that the hormonal "boom" has somewhat slowed down. The breasts may become noticeably larger and heavier. Nipples and areolas become darker. Large veins may pop out. Now is the time to start preparing for lactation: “harden” the breast, otherwise the sensitivity of the nipples can cause severe pain when the baby starts eating. The chest should be washed with water at room temperature and rub the nipples with a waffle towel.

Nausea at 10 weeks pregnant

Nausea still worries in the morning on an empty stomach. The blame for everything is hormones that have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the intestine. To avoid discomfort, it is worth eating often and in small portions, it is better to take breakfast in bed. After each meal, it is recommended to lie down a bit. Drinking will help from frequent nausea - water or sour fruit drinks, juices, mint tea saves well. For many women, brushing your teeth frequently or rinsing your mouth with breath fresheners also helps. Vomiting more than 5-10 times a day is a possible reason for hospitalization, as it can cause dehydration.

Discharge at 10 weeks pregnant

Normally, at the 10th week of pregnancy, vaginal discharge may change color and consistency - become thinner or thicker than usual. This is due to hormonal influences. However, there should be no blood impurities in them.

An unpleasant odor and a cheesy consistency of vaginal discharge can be symptoms of vaginosis or thrush. This is a reason for a premature visit to the doctor! Fortunately, today there are enough safe drugs for these ailments, and the doctor will select the best course of treatment.

Sometimes it can be frightening to quickly get wet underwear or daily pads. The reason is the leakage of urine. The pressure on the bladder increases due to the growing uterus, and the muscles of the bladder itself weaken. Sneezing or laughing aggravates muscle hypotonia, and urine may leak slightly.

Features of IVF pregnancy

IVF is an assisted reproductive technology that has helped many couples with infertility. The main difference between IVF and normal pregnancy is that conception occurs outside the female body, and the embryo is transferred to the uterus at the age of 2 to 5 days. But according to statistics, only a third of women carry IVF children before delivery.

7 full embryonic weeks of IVF pregnancy are characterized by the same intensity of development of the embryo's organs as during natural pregnancy, however, with hormonal support with progesterone-containing drugs. If there are no complications, a woman can be registered at the antenatal clinic, however, many expectant mothers prefer observation by their reproductologists.

Features of multiple pregnancy

A multiple pregnancy - pregnancy with twins or more - is diagnosed at the first ultrasound, but if it has not yet been performed, the doctor can detect it during a manual examination of the patient - the uterus, as a rule, is larger in size than it should be for a period of 9-10 weeks. An analysis for hCG will also help confirm the fact of a multiple pregnancy - the hormone in the blood will be significantly higher than normal.

Pregnancy with more than one child is considered a high-risk pregnancy and requires special monitoring. Mothers should be prepared to attend counseling more often. In the first trimester, such a pregnancy carries few more complications than a singleton.

Problems in the tenth week of pregnancy


Symptoms of toxicosis may still not leave the pregnant woman. However, by this time, most women have already adapted to the peculiarities of their state of health and have learned to correct them.

Weakness and dizziness occur due to a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension). If the pressure is constantly low, the child receives less oxygen. Against the background of hypotension, migraine may develop. Headaches can only be treated with a limited number of drugs, and they must be recommended by a doctor. The best remedy for a migraine is sleep, even for a short time.

Toxicosis usually goes away after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Diarrhea and constipation

Constipation often torments pregnant women. They pose a danger, and a very significant one. So, for example, against the background of constipation, the development of hemorrhoids, painful cracks in the rectum, and even the threat of miscarriage is possible.

From constipation, the main and safe remedy is an adequate intake of fluids and foods rich in dietary fiber. Only a doctor can recommend a laxative, since it is difficult to choose a drug without contraindications on your own. In no case should you resort to enemas - they cause uterine contractions! Sometimes you can use glycerin suppositories - this remedy is safe.

But there is also the opposite problem - diarrhea.

If diarrhea is a manifestation of an eating disorder, it is quite simple to eliminate it, “fixing” products will help:

  • crackers;
  • millet, rice porridge;
  • baked apples;
  • soups on lean meat broths;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

From folk remedies, a decoction or blueberry and bird cherry jelly, compote of their dry pears, an infusion of pomegranate peel help well. At the same time, it is important to control the water-salt balance: you need to drink a rehydration solution prepared from a liter of water, 6 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. You can take prebiotics. If diarrhea is caused by infectious diseases, you need to go to the hospital.


Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn, and not only at the 10th week of pregnancy. Heartburn occurs due to the effect of gastric juice on the esophageal mucosa, resulting in a burning sensation behind the sternum - a rather unpleasant sensation.

Heartburn can be due to the effects of hormones during pregnancy, and it is also caused by certain foods (sour foods, pickles, fried foods, brown bread, and others). It is necessary to adjust the diet, a gynecologist can give good advice, but you may need to consult a gastroenterologist, since sometimes heartburn is a symptom of very serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It hurts and pulls the stomach

Abdominal pain during pregnancy in the first trimester is different. Small pulls at the bottom with recoil on the sides can be caused by uterine distension. Such pains are of a non-permanent nature, without bleeding and a general deterioration in the condition of the expectant mother. Sometimes an eating disorder can be the cause.

But the stomach at the 10th week of pregnancy sometimes hurts for more serious reasons, for example, with:

  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • abdominal trauma.

If the pain is permanent, accompanied by bleeding, fever, fainting - this is a reason to immediately seek medical help!

Bleeding at 10 weeks pregnant

Why does he bleed at 9 obstetric weeks? It is no longer possible to confuse bleeding with menstruation, the embryo has long been fixed in the uterus, therefore, implantation bleeding is already in the past. What are the possible reasons?

Sometimes it can be slightly “smeared” after a gynecological examination in the chair or ultrasound with a vaginal probe. Such secretions are caused by minor damage to the inner layer of the epidermis of the vagina. In addition, it can bleed if a woman has not treated the previously formed erosion before pregnancy. The presence of polyps or cysts in the vagina is another possible cause of spotting. As a rule, this does not pose a threat of termination of pregnancy. But the reasons may be more serious. For example:

  • cystic drift is the degeneration of chorion cells into vesicles, in which the embryo resolves, however, pregnancy symptoms persist, but abdominal pain, increased pressure and bleeding are symptoms when ultrasound is required;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • threatened abortion.

Any suspicious vaginal discharge is a reason to immediately consult a doctor!

Ectopic pregnancy

A fairly common pathology is an ectopic pregnancy, in which the attachment of the embryo does not occur to the wall of the uterus, but in the fallopian tube, less often in the ovary, in the abdominal cavity or in the cervical canal of the uterus. At seven embryonic weeks, the embryo is already quite large, it grows, and the fallopian tube expands, which can cause severe pain and fainting in a woman. If measures are not taken in time, this may result in a pipe rupture. In this case, the woman has no chance of having a child, the extraction of the embryo is a prerequisite for saving her life and further reproductive ability.

Threatened miscarriage at 10 weeks pregnant

The middle of the third obstetric month of pregnancy is still a rather alarming period of bearing a child. The threat of miscarriage is mainly due to a lack of progesterone or due to increased uterine tone. An experienced gynecologist will definitely notice if there is a threat, but the woman herself should not be silent about suspicious symptoms.

Another reason for the threat of miscarriage at the beginning of the fourth obstetric month is ICI - isthmic-cervical insufficiency. With this diagnosis, the cervix becomes shorter and opens slightly, and the lower region of the fetal egg lends itself to infection, the elasticity of the membranes is lost, which can lead to the death of the fetus. At the same time, a woman is able to experience no pain at all. The doctor should detect the problem during the examination, and ultrasound can confirm or exclude the diagnosis. Timely diagnosis of ICI increases the chance of carrying a baby and giving birth without pathologies. Treatment consists of conservative or surgical methods. Surgical treatment is carried out either by suturing or by installing a special ring on the cervix.

The age of the mother is an important indicator for the normal course of pregnancy. The older the woman, the higher the risk of miscarriage. However, the obstetric 10th week of pregnancy (from conception - the eighth) is a kind of milestone, when it is left behind, the risk of natural abortion is sharply reduced.

Frozen pregnancy at 10 weeks

When pregnancy is desired, its termination is a real psychological blow for a woman. One of the indications for medical interruption is missed pregnancy. With such a diagnosis, the initially normally developing gestation stops for some reason, the fetus stops growing and dies. However, spontaneous miscarriage may not happen. Sometimes a woman carries an already dead fetus inside for quite a long time, unaware of it, because the symptoms of a progressive pregnancy can persist.

However, the diagnosis can be confirmed by:

  • a blood test for hCG - the hormone concentration will be low for the expected gestational age and its growth will stop;
  • Ultrasound, which will show the lack of dynamics in the development of the embryo.

The most likely causes of pregnancy failure are genetic mutations or infections. The likelihood of a successful subsequent pregnancy is increased after a thorough examination of both partners and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

Termination of pregnancy at 10 weeks

The risk of termination of pregnancy haunts women, starting from the 5th obstetric week, and it is still there at 9 complete fetal weeks. According to statistics, up to 25% of planned pregnancies end in natural termination. Sometimes the reasons lie in the wrong lifestyle of a woman who abuses alcohol, nicotine or drugs. A miscarriage can occur due to physical overload, stress, due to an infectious disease suffered by a pregnant woman.

But most often, spontaneous abortion occurs due to:

  • gross malformations of the embryo;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus of a woman;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system of the mother;
  • lack of progesterone.

Termination of pregnancy can be prescribed by a gynecologist, if there are strong indications for this. Some women are able to make the decision to end their pregnancy on their own through medical or surgical abortion, and at 9 completed weeks, they are well within their rights to do so. There are still disputes about the ethical and religious side of this issue, but it is illegal to condemn a failed mother for this step.

Colds. SARS, fever, flu. Whether it is possible or probable antibiotics?

Antibiotics are, of course, irreplaceable drugs, but they have many contraindications. Pregnancy is one of them for most drugs. And especially this taboo applies to the first trimester, but since it is not known for certain when the formation of the fetal organs is completed, antibiotics are not recommended until the end of the fifth month of pregnancy. But what if the disease attacked - to no avail to drink decoctions recommended by traditional medicine, and then deal with complications, or take a chance and take a pill?

The table below shows the most well-known antibiotics that have indications and absolute contraindications for use during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Indications for use at 10 obstetric weeks of pregnancy
Name of the drug (active ingredient) Possible Complications
Safe according to indications
not identified

Appointed with obvious indications
not known

Fusidic acid
Not recommended
maternal and fetal liver dysfunction

fetal skeletal disorder
Sulfamilanide (for Streptocid tablets)
possible violation of embryonic development, mutations (studies were conducted on animals)

In fact, the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy is not a reason to put a woman's health at risk by refusing effective drugs. There are antibiotics allowed at this time. But there is one condition: their reception is possible only according to indications!

Food poisoning - what to do?

Despite the fact that during pregnancy a woman should carefully monitor her diet, no one is immune from food poisoning. But if under normal circumstances you can use a whole list of drugs for poisoning, what should the expectant mother do?

Be sure to seek medical help, because vomiting and diarrhea that have opened as a result of poisoning can cause dehydration of the body, and intoxication is dangerous for a child. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to wash the stomach, take sorbents and provide bed rest.

Toxoplasmosis at 10 weeks pregnant

With intrauterine infection at week 10, there is a risk of developing pathologies that are not compatible with life. The probability that the fetus will be infected is approximately 30% of all maternal cases.

Analyzes and examinations

Ultrasound at 10 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at week 10 of the obstetric period can be prescribed for:

  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy or IVF pregnancy.

However, unscheduled ultrasound, according to some experts, can carry a potential risk to the fetus, therefore, without special instructions, diagnostics should not be done once again.

HCG at 10 weeks pregnant

Perhaps right now, hCG has reached its peak, and from this week its level will gradually decline. The maximum concentration of the hormone in the blood at week 10 is 290,000 mIU / ml.

If the hormone is still growing, this may indicate:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • Down syndrome in a child;
  • overestimated pregnancy.

The situation is clarified by ultrasound and additional laboratory blood tests.

Norm of progesterone

Progesterone is the most important hormone that allows you to support the development of the baby. A lack of progesterone leads to pathologies of pregnancy, and, as a rule, causes a threatened miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

By the 10th week of the obstetric period, the progesterone content is normally 23-28 ng / ml.

The lack of progesterone is compensated by the additional intake of hormonal drugs: Utrozhestan (oral and / or intravaginally) or Duphaston and their analogues.

Endometrium at 10 weeks pregnant

If for successful implantation, the embryo needs the endometrium to be from 7 millimeters thick, but as the embryo grows, the endometrium must also thicken. In the first trimester, its thickness is normal - 15-20 millimeters.

However, the endometrium thickens not only during a normal pregnancy - with some pathologies, for example, with an ectopic pregnancy, the endometrium still continues to grow.

The tenth week of pregnancy can bring mom both satisfaction from her appearance and grief.

Mom's beauty and health: skin care, hair, nails

Now, under the influence of hormones, the skin of a pregnant woman becomes smooth and elastic. However, pimples are not uncommon. Acne often accompanies the mother until the very birth. According to popular belief, the deterioration in appearance is due to the fact that a girl develops in the mother’s stomach, “stealing” her beauty. However, from a medical point of view, the cause of acne is exactly the opposite: when carrying a boy, due to an excess of male hormones, the body reacts with skin rashes.

Mother's skin now needs special care: to prevent stretch marks that particularly attack the chest, hips and abdomen, it is worth using special creams or ordinary cosmetic oils. Solarium is not recommended!

Now mom's hair pleases her more than ever - they have become softer and more obedient, they have stopped falling out and splitting at the ends. Many are afraid to visit a hairdresser, but the harm from hair coloring on the fetus has not been proven.

If in doubt, you can replace the usual dyes with natural ones, basma or henna, or completely postpone the staining. But the perm should be abandoned!

Manicure at the 10th week of pregnancy is not contraindicated, but it is better not to do nail extensions. It is worth visiting only proven, trustworthy masters - there are frequent cases of infection with a fungus and even HIV precisely through manicure tools.

Sex at 10 weeks pregnant

Despite the fact that a woman may experience increased attraction to a man, sex is dangerous at 10 weeks of gestation if:

  • there is a threat of miscarriage (especially with IVF or multiple pregnancy);
  • the uterus is in good shape;
  • There are doctor's orders.

If everything is good with the health of the expectant mother, then closeness will benefit her - positive emotions are very important now.

Sometimes couples experience some embarrassment from the realization that a third person is present during their lovemaking. However, in fact, the child practically does not feel any vibrations - he is protected by amniotic fluid and the wall of the uterus. And during an orgasm that a woman experiences, due to the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, the baby receives more oxygen.

Sports at 10 weeks pregnant

Sports, with the exception of swimming, are a risk factor for miscarriage at 10 weeks. Strength exercises and sports such as wrestling (karate, boxing, and so on), running, jumping pose a particular threat.

Relaxation exercises and breathing techniques have a positive effect on pregnancy. You can apply static exercises to stretch the muscles (especially the spinal ones).

Travel: travel and flights

Due to the woman's still unsettled condition and the high risk of miscarriage, it is better to postpone long and tiring trips until at least the 18th week of pregnancy. If the expectant mother suffers from toxicosis and hypotension, flights can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

The best options for recreation at this time are sanatorium or resort without a noticeable change in climate and time zones.

Diet in the tenth week of pregnancy

Due to the manifestation of toxicosis, the expectant mother sometimes does not want to eat at all, but it is still necessary to eat. And the opposite problem may arise - an excessively high appetite. It's not worth overeating! It is best to take meals frequently (every 3-4 hours) in portions of about 150-250 grams.

What can't be eaten

So that there are no problems with digestion and the baby does not receive "harmful things", and the mother feels good, it is worth excluding or limiting from the diet:

  • coffee;
  • milk chocolate;
  • smoked meats;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • blue cheeses, smoked and very salty;
  • soda;
  • whole milk;
  • meat and fish products of insufficient heat treatment: sushi, slightly salted fish, steak with blood, and so on;
  • citruses.

Do not eat foods with carcinogens, artificial colors and flavors, high in preservatives.

What can you eat

A balanced diet is the key to good health for both mother and child. How should mom eat?

The basis of the food pyramid of a pregnant woman at week 10 should be cereals and cereals (cereals, bread, pasta). Vegetables and fruits, vegetable proteins (nuts, seeds) are the next "floor" of the pyramid: they should be enough in the mother's daily menu. A slightly smaller part should be seafood, fish, meat and poultry. This is followed by dairy products, preferably fermented milk and cottage cheese. In general, the daily need of a pregnant woman for food can be traced in the table.

Supplements, vitamins

The end of the ninth, the beginning of the tenth week of pregnancy is a period of special need for both the mother's body and the fetus in vitamins and trace elements. Even the most balanced diet is not able to cover the needs for them. So, for example, iodine, which is important for the endocrine system of mother and child, is not enough for all pregnant women, unless, of course, they live on the coast. And folic acid from food is practically not absorbed, and in fact it is necessary for the formation of the nervous system of the fetus. Calcium also comes from food in a small amount, and the skeletal system of the mother and baby suffers from its lack. Vitamin C is also needed, which is important in the hematopoietic system and the immune system, and it is destroyed during the heat treatment of fruits and vegetables. How to be?

Vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women will help. It is rather difficult to approach their choice due to the variety of manufacturers and prices. However, the doctor will advise the best option, taking into account the needs and requirements of each patient in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Is alcohol allowed?

Do you think that a little beer or a sip of wine at the very beginning of pregnancy is safe? This is not true!

Alcoholic embryopathy affects up to 50% of newborns born to mothers who abuse alcohol.

“For a child, the very conception in a state of alcoholic intoxication is already dangerous,” warns the author of a textbook on neonatology, Professor Shabalov L.P. “These children have lower intelligence, neuroses, visual and hearing impairments, and high aggressiveness are more common.”

Children whose mothers drank alcohol in the first weeks after conception already suffer from a deficiency of folic acid and vitamin E, zinc and oxygen in utero. As a result, they inhibit the synthesis of proteins and DNA, slow down the development of the brain, develop pathologies of the cardiovascular system and internal organs. In addition, such children are more prone to deformities: they can be born with facial asymmetry, a cleft palate or cleft lip, with underdeveloped fingers (fused) or with muscular hypotonia. The risk of cerebral palsy, oligophrenia increases. At the same time, the mother is not always to blame - it is enough that the father was drunk at the time of conception.

The tenth obstetric week of pregnancy is a relatively calm stage in a woman's life. Now there is still no particular fatigue from work, the body has not undergone significant changes that require a change of wardrobe, toxicosis is slowly receding. You should beware of physical overload, review your diet and enjoy every day, bringing new sensations and joy from the realization of upcoming motherhood.

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You still easily fit into tight jeans, have not yet encountered morning sickness, age spots, stretch marks on your stomach. But you already have a test with two red stripes - the main proof of your belonging to the happy class of pregnant women.

Your treasure is still quite tiny. Only the most sensitive equipment can detect its presence in your womb. But this does not prevent you from coming up with a name for him, talking to him and stopping at stores with children's clothes to look after something for an unborn, but already existing baby. But this joyful prospect, this rosy illusion can be interrupted overnight by a terrible and inexorable word.

According to statistics, 15-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages.. In most cases, this happens when a woman does not yet realize that she is pregnant. But sometimes it happens to those who have already become attached to their belly-maker and fell in love with him. How to console a woman in this case? Only next pregnancy. But those who have had such a misfortune in their lives, and those who have not yet known the bitterness of loss, should go through a small educational program on issues related to miscarriage. The most important thing is to know what factors can cause miscarriage, and what can be done to prevent miscarriage.

A small embryo develops in the uterus, embedded in its mucous membrane, for nine months. If for some reason he is expelled from the uterus before 22 weeks of pregnancy, then they talk about spontaneous abortion. Or, as it is more commonly called, a miscarriage.

A miscarriage is early - for up to 12 weeks, and late - from 12 to 22. The expulsion of the fetus from the uterus for a period of 23 to 37 weeks is considered premature birth. From 37 to 42 weeks - urgent delivery, that is, normal. But if childbirth occurs after 42 weeks, then they are called belated and in this case they say that the woman is “overwearing”.

There is also its own, if I may say so, classification of newborns. If childbirth occurred before 22 weeks, doctors talk about the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus. But a fetus born between 22 and 37 weeks is already considered a premature newborn. At the same time, he must weigh at least 500 grams and have a height of at least 25 cm. In recent years, doctors have finally come to the consensus that the sixth month, or rather, 22-27 weeks, should be considered the boundary between miscarriage and premature birth. pregnancy. As experience shows, starting from the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, the newborn has a chance to survive. Along with a miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) that occurs without outside intervention, there is also the so-called artificial abortion (from the Latin abortus artificialis \ in which the pregnancy is deliberately terminated by prescribing drugs or minor surgery. Approximately 10% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. The first symptoms of a miscarriage are cramping pains in the lower abdomen and bleeding.When examining the blood released during a miscarriage, in more than 50% of cases, the fetus either could not be detected at all, or it had pathologies.Thus, spontaneous miscarriage is a natural termination of pregnancy, which regulates the body itself women.

Cramping pains in the lower abdomen.

Bleeding in the first 22-27 weeks of pregnancy.

Rules and exceptions

As a rule, a child born before six months is not viable. Only in one case out of a hundred doctors manage to save the life of this tiny creature. As an example, we can recall one five-month-old Danish girl who was born with a chicken weight of 675 grams! There were practically no chances for her salvation, such crumbs are not able to “ripen” in an ordinary incubator. But the doctors put the baby in ... a font with a nutrient solution, creating for her a kind of mother's womb. And the girl survived! Seven-month-old babies survive quite easily, of course, with proper care and under medical supervision. But in eight-month-old newborns - a paradoxical situation! - there is almost no chance to survive ...

Why do spontaneous abortions happen? What prevents the fetus from developing normally inside the uterus? What forces drive him out of the mother's womb ahead of time?


If you notice the first signs of an approaching disaster in time, you usually manage to save the pregnancy. Symptoms may be different, but any kind of bleeding should be considered a dangerous signal.

Pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, especially cramping, spotting, bleeding - if any of these symptoms appear, immediately consult a doctor, call an ambulance. In such situations, every minute counts. Bleeding with pieces of tissue suggests that a miscarriage has already occurred.

Although bleeding is not always a threat. A miscarriage begins with bleeding that progresses from mild to severe, as well as possible spasms. Sometimes it is very small, no more than a drop. Sometimes the color of the blood is bright red, sometimes dark brown. Bleeding may be very light, but may continue for several weeks.

A woman may feel abdominal cramps or some other discomfort, reminiscent of those that occur during menstruation. Some women experience pain, but not all. Then all this can completely stop, and then resume again. If treatment is started immediately, in some cases the fetus can be saved and the pregnancy can be brought to its logical end - childbirth.

Or it may be that after becoming pregnant, a woman feels quite normal for several weeks or months. And suddenly, suddenly, she starts having contractions and bleeding.

If among the secretions she finds something similar to the particles of the embryo, then a miscarriage has occurred, and the pregnancy has ceased. Usually the fetus dies a few days or weeks before nature removes it from the uterus. Therefore, parts of it are small and may not be noticed among the blood secretions. In fact, a miscarriage resembles an inflated gray-white balloon.

This is if the placenta is not ruptured. Or you can see pearl-white particles in blood clots. Then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

The conversation will focus on early miscarriages that occur for up to 12 weeks, because the vast majority of them happen during this period. So, the most common causes of miscarriages in early pregnancy:

  1. Genetic disorders in the fetus
    According to statistics, about 73% of miscarriages occur for this reason. As a rule, these genetic defects are not hereditary in nature, but are the result of single mutations that occurred in the germ cells of the parents under the influence of harmful environmental factors (radiation, occupational hazards, viruses, etc.). Termination of pregnancy for this reason is a kind of natural selection - getting rid of weak, non-viable offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent such a miscarriage, you can only reduce the risk of genetic abnormalities even before conception, by protecting yourself from the effects of mutagenic factors as much as possible. But with modern ecology, the probability of mutations still remains, because miscarriages that occur for this reason can be considered a boon, because they save a woman from many problems and troubles in the future.

  2. Hormonal disorders
    When the balance of hormones in a woman's body is disturbed, early pregnancy termination often occurs. Most often this happens with a lack of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. With the timely detection of this problem, pregnancy can be saved with the help of progesterone preparations. An excess of male sex hormones can also cause an early miscarriage - they suppress the production of estrogen and progesterone. Androgens are often the cause of recurrent (habitual) miscarriages. The adrenal and thyroid hormones also influence the formation and development of pregnancy. Therefore, dysfunction of these glands can also cause miscarriage.

  3. Immunological causes
    As a rule, this happens with a Rh-conflict. The embryo inherits the Rh-positive father, while the mother's Rh-negative body rejects embryonic tissues that are foreign to it. To prevent miscarriage in case of immune conflict, progesterone preparations are used, which in this case have an immunomodulatory effect.
  4. Sexually transmitted infections: trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection often cause miscarriage.
    Pathogenic bacteria and viruses cause infection of the fetus, damage to the membranes, resulting in a miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to treat infections before pregnancy.

  5. Common infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs.
    All diseases accompanied by intoxication and an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C can lead to miscarriage. The leaders in this list are rubella, viral hepatitis, influenza. Even a banal sore throat can become fatal at 4-10 weeks of pregnancy. And pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis are a serious risk to the fetus. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth undergoing a complete medical examination, identifying and treating all foci of chronic infection.

  6. History of abortion
    Abortion is not just a medical manipulation: it is a huge stress for the female body that can cause dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands; contributing to the development of inflammatory processes in the genital organs. This can cause infertility and habitual miscarriages in the future.

  7. Medicines and herbs
    In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid taking medications altogether. Many of them can cause abortion or cause the formation of developmental defects in the fetus. So, for example, narcotic analgesics or hormonal contraceptives often become the culprits of abortion. You also need to be careful with medicinal herbs: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy - are contraindicated in early pregnancy.

  8. stress
    Strong fright or unexpected grief, resentment or prolonged mental overstrain are dangerous for a small creature in your womb. If you, by the will of fate, are forced to be under the influence of stress, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking sedatives, at least the same valerian.

  9. Unhealthy Lifestyle
    Alcohol, drugs, smoking, regular coffee consumption, improper and inadequate nutrition are all allies of a miscarriage. It is better to correct your lifestyle even before conception.

  10. Falls, heavy lifting, sexual intercourse
    All this, although rare, can become a trigger for abortion, so take care of yourself, and therefore your baby!

Many are convinced that spontaneous abortions occur due to a fall, bruise, or some other physical shock. Any woman who has had a miscarriage can remember that not long before she either fell or lifted something heavy.

And I am sure that she lost her unborn child precisely because of this. But the reason is not in this, but in violations of the pregnancy itself.

Approximately half of spontaneous abortions occur due to abnormal genetic development of the fetus, which can be hereditary or accidental. The woman's body itself destroys the defective and unviable fetus. But you shouldn't be afraid of it.

If there is a defect in one embryo, it does not mean at all that all the others will be the same.

The other half of spontaneous abortions are caused by various known and unknown factors, such as various types of acute infectious diseases suffered in the first trimester of pregnancy, poor environmental or difficult working conditions, excessive psychological or physical stress, abnormal development of the uterus, radiation, alcohol, drugs, and some types of medicines.

Among infectious diseases, the leading role is played by influenza, which is the most common disease.

A miscarriage can occur with a sore throat, pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis and other acute inflammatory processes in various systems and organs. One of the reasons why miscarriage can occur is very poor nutrition (malnutrition and hunger), as well as high blood sugar.

Common causes include a previous induced abortion.

Particularly unfavorable is the production of artificial abortion during the first pregnancy. Women are often prescribed progesterone, since many abortions occur due to a lack of this particular hormone in the mother's body.

I must say that regardless of the reason for the miscarriage, doctors have revealed a depressing pattern: with each spontaneous abortion, the risk that the same thing will happen again with the next pregnancy increases.

There is a diagnosis: habitual miscarriage, which means that the woman had not one miscarriage, but several. This diagnosis is usually made if a woman has had three miscarriages in a row without a normal pregnancy. But in no case should we forget that after a miscarriage you can give birth to an absolutely healthy child.

It should be remembered: despite the fact that each miscarriage reduces the chance of a subsequent successful outcome of pregnancy, a woman can still give birth to a full-fledged healthy child.

The most serious and dangerous symptom of the possibility of a miscarriage is uterine bleeding, even the smallest. Most often, spontaneous abortion begins with weak blood discharge, which intensifies. It may also be accompanied by cramps in the lower abdomen. The color of the discharge can vary from scarlet to brown. Allocations can be very weak, but do not stop for several days.

Pain may or may not accompany a miscarriage. Often symptoms appear, disappear for a while, then return again. A woman should use this period of time to go to a gynecologist's consultation. Often an immediate visit to the doctor saves the life of the unborn child.
A woman's condition can worsen very sharply, without any warning signs. In the event that pieces of tissue are present in the discharge, this usually means that a miscarriage has occurred.

Most often, the fetus died long before it began to be excreted from the body. Therefore, often the withdrawal occurs not entirely, but in parts. If the dead fetus is excreted in its entirety, then it looks like a grayish round bubble. Sometimes white particles are observed among the spotting. Bleeding may be observed for several more days, and pain may still be present.

In the case when the uterus has cleared completely and independently after the termination of pregnancy, the woman does not need treatment. But if fragments of the placenta or fetus remain in the uterus, they should certainly be removed.
The next menstruation, as a rule, begins a month and a half after the miscarriage.

Terms of miscarriage

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy when the embryo is rejected by the mother's body before the term of twenty-two weeks.

Miscarriages are early - if they occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If the interruption occurred from 12 to 22 weeks, then it is called a late miscarriage.

In the case when spontaneous interruption occurred from 23 to 37 weeks of pregnancy, doctors will call it premature birth. Well, if the fetus is rejected from 37 to 42 weeks, this is called urgent delivery. In fact, this is already a normal situation in which an absolutely viable baby is usually born. In the same case, when a woman gives birth after forty-two weeks of pregnancy, childbirth is considered late, which is not very good both for the condition of the baby and for the course of childbirth.

In the case when the baby is born before 22 weeks, from a medical point of view, this is a fetus. But if the birth occurred from 22 to 37 weeks - this is already a premature newborn. Such a baby weighs about half a kilogram, and a sprout is a little more than twenty-five centimeters.

It's amazing that now doctors have learned to nurse babies born even with a weight of six hundred and seventy-five grams! Such cases are extremely rare, but the technology and possibilities of medicine are constantly evolving. Now it is practically not a problem to raise a baby born at seven months. Although such a crumb will cause quite a lot of trouble, especially in the first months of life.
Types of miscarriages

Doctors distinguish between several types of miscarriages or their stages:

Inevitable or incomplete - this is pain in the lumbar region or lower abdomen, combined with the expansion of the lumen of the cervix or uterine hemorrhages. It is called inevitable when there is an increase in the lumen of the cervix, and also when the fetal membrane bursts. With an incomplete miscarriage, pain and discharge do not stop.

A complete miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion when the embryo or fetus has completely left the uterus. With such a course of the hemorrhage process, they stop, as well as all unpleasant sensations.

Failed - the fetus or embryo dies, however, remains in the uterus. A similar condition is detected at a gynecologist's consultation when listening to the heartbeat.

Repeated - if a woman has at least three spontaneous abortions in a row in the early stages. Such a violation accompanies approximately one percent of families.

Anembryony - fertilization occurs with a similar course, but the fetus does not form. The egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, possibly even developing a gestational sac with a yolk sac. However, there is no fetus in the uterus. Although symptoms of pregnancy may be present.

Chorionic adenoma - with such a violation, fertilization occurs with a violation of genetic information, as a result of which, instead of the embryo, just a piece of tissue is formed, which gradually increases in size. All these painful conditions end in spontaneous abortion or abortion for medical reasons.

Causes of miscarriage

According to statistics, 15-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriages. In most cases, this happens when a woman does not yet realize that she is pregnant. But sometimes it happens to those who have already become attached to their belly-maker and fell in love with him. How to console a woman in this case? Only next pregnancy. But those who have had such a misfortune in their lives, and those who have not yet known the bitterness of loss, should go through a small educational program on issues related to miscarriage. The most important thing is to know what factors can cause miscarriage, and what can be done to prevent miscarriage.

The conversation will focus on early miscarriages that occur for up to 12 weeks, because the vast majority of them happen during this period. So, the most common causes of miscarriages in early pregnancy:
Genetic disorders in the fetus
According to statistics, about 73% of miscarriages occur for this reason. As a rule, these genetic defects are not hereditary in nature, but are the result of single mutations that occurred in the germ cells of the parents under the influence of harmful environmental factors (radiation, occupational hazards, viruses, etc.). Termination of pregnancy for this reason is a kind of natural selection - getting rid of weak, non-viable offspring. It is almost impossible to prevent such a miscarriage, you can only reduce the risk of genetic abnormalities even before conception, by protecting yourself from the effects of mutagenic factors as much as possible. But with modern ecology, the probability of mutations still remains, therefore, miscarriages that occur for this reason can be considered a boon, because they save a woman from many problems and troubles in the future.
Hormonal disorders
When the balance of hormones in a woman's body is disturbed, early pregnancy termination often occurs. Most often this happens with a lack of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone. With the timely detection of this problem, pregnancy can be saved with the help of progesterone preparations. An excess of male sex hormones can also cause an early miscarriage - they suppress the production of estrogen and progesterone. Androgens are often the cause of recurrent (habitual) miscarriages. The adrenal and thyroid hormones also influence the formation and development of pregnancy. Therefore, dysfunction of these glands can also cause miscarriage.
Immunological causes
As a rule, this happens with a Rh-conflict. The embryo inherits the Rh-positive father, while the mother's Rh-negative body rejects embryonic tissues that are foreign to it. To prevent miscarriage in case of immune conflict, progesterone preparations are used, which in this case have an immunomodulatory effect.

Sexually transmitted infections: trichomoniasis, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia, as well as herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection often cause miscarriage. Pathogenic bacteria and viruses cause infection of the fetus, damage to the membranes, resulting in a miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to treat infections before pregnancy. General infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases of the internal organs. All diseases accompanied by intoxication and an increase in body temperature above 38 ° C can lead to miscarriage. The leaders in this list are rubella, viral hepatitis, influenza. Even a banal sore throat can become fatal at 4-10 weeks of pregnancy. And pneumonia, pyelonephritis, appendicitis are a serious risk to the fetus. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth undergoing a complete medical examination, identifying and treating all foci of chronic infection.
History of abortion
Abortion is not just a medical manipulation: it is a huge stress for the female body that can cause dysfunction of the ovaries, adrenal glands; contributing to the development of inflammatory processes in the genital organs. This can cause infertility and habitual miscarriages in the future.
Medicines and herbs
In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid taking medications altogether. Many of them can cause abortion or cause the formation of developmental defects in the fetus. So, for example, narcotic analgesics or hormonal contraceptives often become the culprits of abortion. You also need to be careful with medicinal herbs: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy - are contraindicated in early pregnancy.
Strong fright or unexpected grief, resentment or prolonged mental overstrain are dangerous for a small creature in your womb. If you, by the will of fate, are forced to be under the influence of stress, discuss with your doctor the possibility of taking sedatives, at least the same valerian.
Unhealthy Lifestyle
Alcohol, drugs, smoking, regular coffee consumption, improper and incomplete nutrition are all allies of a miscarriage. It is better to correct your lifestyle even before conception.
Falls, heavy lifting, sexual intercourse
All this, although rare, can become a trigger for abortion, so take care of yourself, and therefore your baby!

Risk of miscarriage

If during pregnancy a woman feels heaviness in the lower abdomen, pain in this area or cramps, and if spotting bleeding is observed, this may indicate a threatened miscarriage.
In the event that a woman does not go to the doctor and leaves the situation to chance, spontaneous abortion may occur. Often, with a timely visit to the doctor, a miscarriage can be prevented. But the woman will be under the close supervision of the attending physicians until the birth itself. If the threat was observed in the first weeks or months of pregnancy, this may indicate an abnormal development of the embryo. Therefore, an ultrasound examination is prescribed, which not only allows you to assess the condition of the fetus, but also detect uterine hypertonicity or problems with the cervix. In addition, a blood test for hormone levels and a special urine test are prescribed.

Often, the doctor considers it necessary to check the function of the thyroid gland. For this, a special blood test is also prescribed. It is important to check if an infection, such as cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, or herpes, is the cause of the pregnancy disorder. In order to get a complete picture of the state of the body, there are two more tests: for antibodies to chorionic gonadotropin, as well as for lupus anticoagulant.

Upon receipt of the results of examinations, the doctor prescribes treatment. In the presence of blood secretions, a woman is placed in a hospital, but if her condition does not cause concern, the drug is taken at home.

After a miscarriage

To quickly conceive a new baby after a miscarriage is a natural desire of parents. Although, after the experience, many are afraid that they will fail again. This is a completely normal reaction of the human psyche to a stressful situation. But couples who have experienced a miscarriage should be guided primarily by the advice of a doctor. And they generally boil down to the following:
It is advisable to take a break for six months before the next conception. According to doctors, if you become pregnant immediately after a spontaneous abortion, the risk of such an outcome increases by one and a half times.
During this "technical" break, you need to carefully select contraceptives. Only a knowledgeable doctor can help with this.
Measures to prevent new failures must be discussed with the treating doctor.

Today there are medical institutions specializing specifically in human reproduction. The specialists of these clinics can develop an individual plan of action that will ensure a successful pregnancy in the future. Do not neglect the help of doctors. It is imperative to investigate and find the cause of the interruption. Since these causes can lead to serious illnesses in the future, as well as jeopardize the well-being of subsequent pregnancies.

When prescribing any medications, it is important to check with the doctor how they can affect the functioning of the reproductive system and whether it is possible to become pregnant while taking these drugs, and how long after the end of treatment, conception is allowed.

Abortion is a difficult step for any woman. The procedure is carried out up to 28 weeks, but serious problems can be avoided only in the early stages. Termination of pregnancy affects both the physical and moral condition. Therefore, it is better to have an abortion before 10-12 weeks.


Each period has its own way of terminating a pregnancy. Some options have virtually no consequences, others are accompanied by complications.

  • Medical.
  • Surgical.
  • Vacuum.

At week 10, abortion is done more often through surgery. Timely interrupted pregnancy in this way practically does not give complications. However, problems cannot be avoided.


Experts use several methods. The method is chosen depending on the duration of pregnancy.

  • Vacuum excochleation.
  • Surgical intervention.

The first option is applied until the end of the 10th week. Specialists use a vacuum excochleator. It is a cylindrical instrument with an oval socket at the end. A hose is connected to the device, connected to the suction and the waste container.

With the help of a dilator, the channels of the neck are moved apart. After that, a cannula is inserted into the uterus, and the pressure pump is activated. The method requires caution and is carried out exclusively by professionals. By rotating the instrument, the doctor destroys the fetal egg, treating the walls of the uterus. The waste is pumped into the tank by a pump. This method is considered safer than surgery.

After the procedure, a bag of cold liquid is placed on the woman's stomach, and then drugs are injected that help the uterus contract. The recovery time after the procedure is different for every woman. The patient is discharged only after examination and permission of the doctor.

The second method is applied from 10 to 12 weeks. During the surgical termination of pregnancy, the patient is under anesthesia. With the help of a special tool, the cervix expands. The doctor, using curettes, removes the destroyed tissues of the fetal egg.

The specialist completely cleans the walls of the uterus. In this case, vacuum aspiration can be used. The doctor, with the help of ultrasound, must make sure that all the contents are removed. After the successful completion of the intervention, the doctor observes the patient for some time. A woman needs to observe bed rest, as well as take drugs that promote uterine contraction.


Like any operation, abortion has some consequences. This is especially true of the procedure carried out at week 10 and later. Sometimes termination of pregnancy leads to irreversible complications. What should be feared during an abortion at such a time?

Complications after the surgical method:

  1. After the intervention, bleeding caused by the use of sharp instruments is possible. Damaged uterine walls sometimes even lead to death.
  2. Bleeding accompanied by abdominal pain means that the curettage was not completed. The particles of the embryo remaining in the uterus lead to inflammation.
  3. Other complications appear in the patient within a month after the abortion. Inflammatory processes occur due to an infection, parametritis, salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis. These diseases are accompanied by pain, discharge, high fever.
  4. Termination of pregnancy makes itself felt even after years. In women, the hormonal background is disturbed, menstruation failures. There are problems such as miscarriage, problems with tubal patency.
  5. It happens that as a result of an abortion, a woman becomes infertile.

Complications after the vacuum method:

  • There may be pain in the genital area.
  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • The appearance of unpleasant secretions.
  • Vomit.
  • Heat.
  • Absence of menstruation.
  • Hormonal disruptions.

Each method of abortion at week 10 has complications. Therefore, after the procedure, it is important to monitor your well-being, and if problems arise, immediately contact a specialist.


Termination of pregnancy is accompanied by a hormonal breakdown. Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid it. An organism tuned in to motherhood produces certain hormones that cause a breakdown during an abortion. When interrupted at week 10, the consequences are much more serious than in the early stages.

You need to consult a professional about abortion. If it is easy to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages, then unforeseen complications may occur at week 10. Only a highly qualified doctor is able to cope with problems. Although even a specialist will not save the patient from the consequences.

Abortion results in:

  • Violation of blood pressure.
  • Immune problems.
  • Violation of blood circulation.
  • Kidney and liver problems.
  • Microtrauma.
  • fatigue.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Irritability.
  • Ovarian problems.

When scraping, only the latest equipment should be used. This will help to avoid damage to the walls of the uterus, the occurrence of scar tissue, and in the future, problems with the fetus.


There are some tips that a woman should follow after an abortion. The rules are the same for any abortion method.

  1. No sex for at least 21 days.
  2. Abstinence from stress. Do not lift weights or play sports.
  3. After an abortion, you can not visit baths, saunas, swim in public reservoirs.
  4. Pay special attention to hygiene.
  5. It is necessary to abandon the diet.
  6. It is important to constantly monitor your well-being.
  7. Avoid alcohol for two weeks.

After an abortion, a woman should pay attention to her health. The right lifestyle will help speed up rehabilitation, as well as avoid most complications. A woman needs more rest, and if the pregnancy is terminated at 10 weeks or later, the services of a psychologist may be needed. In addition, until the recovery is over, a new pregnancy should be avoided.

Pregnancy is wonderful. But sometimes it happens that the body itself decides to get rid of the emerging new life, and then a miscarriage occurs. In most cases, this happens in the early stages of pregnancy, in the first 12 weeks.

Statistics say that every fifth woman loses a child before she even knows that she is pregnant. From a gynecological point of view, a miscarriage is considered a spontaneous abortion up to 22 weeks, since children born prematurely - already after 22 weeks and weighing 500 grams, today's medicine has the ability to save. But, if the weight is below 500 grams, then the possibilities are zero.

As we have already said, in most cases it happens that a woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant and nothing worries her. Waiting for the onset of menstruation, she simply registers that she has a delay, and after a few days, menstruation begins, but it is more abundant than usual and with pain.

Sometimes, an early miscarriage is characterized only by moderate pain in the lower abdomen and heavy bleeding, then the woman does not even go to the doctor if the bleeding stops soon. If the bleeding is profuse for several days, then a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided.

In some cases, such delayed periods are very painful, and one day a blood clot comes out. Then we can definitely say about spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages. Usually this clot resembles a bursting bladder with blood. Such a phenomenon always frightens those who encounter it for the first time. After the release of a blood clot, you must definitely consult a doctor: firstly, to undergo an examination and determine exactly what it was; secondly, to check if cleaning is needed.

A miscarriage is a phenomenon that makes both the body and the soul suffer. Many people know that there is such a danger as spontaneous abortion, but not everyone knows about its causes and how it can be prevented.

If we talk about an early miscarriage up to 12 weeks, then basically it is a test and a warning for parents. A miscarriage at this stage of development suggests that either the mother’s body is not yet ready for the normal development of the baby inside it, or something is wrong with the health of both parents, and it needs to be strengthened so that the baby develops healthy in the future, and from an unhealthy body and in the future will get rid of itself.

Early miscarriage: causes

genetic disorder in the fetus. Particular attention is paid to the healthy laying of all organs of the future person, which requires equal 23 chromosomes from mom and dad. And if a mutating element suddenly appears in one of them, then it is recognized as incapacitated, and a miscarriage occurs.

The presence of such elements is affected by ecology, viruses, and occupational hazards. It is very difficult to avoid these factors, you can only reduce the risk of their influence on the body by going on vacation: to fresh air and for a long time. Carrying out a miscarriage, thus, the body produces natural selection, characteristic of all life on earth.

Hormonal disorders. It is known that hormones are responsible for the good functioning of a woman’s body, so their incorrect balance in the body can lead to an early miscarriage. Also, a lack of the hormone progesterone or an excess of the male hormone cause this phenomenon. If such a problem is diagnosed in a woman in advance, then hormone therapy is prescribed to her before planning a pregnancy, which helps to avoid miscarriage.

Rhesus conflict. Not in vain, when planning a pregnancy, they are required to take a blood test to determine the group, both mother and father (if the mother has a negative Rh factor). In this case, the father's Rh is important, since its opposite indicator can lead to the development of an Rh conflict, when the embryo inherits the father's positive Rh, and the mother's body defines its tissues as foreign and rejects them, saving itself, as it seems to him.

If the father also has a negative Rh factor, then this problem does not arise. With the timely diagnosis of such a pathology, the hormone progesterone is used, which plays a protective role for the embryo and eliminates this cause of spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage.

Infections. Infection is bad either way. If you know you or your partner has a sexually transmitted infection, you should get rid of it before you become pregnant. When pregnancy occurs with such a diagnosis, the fetus becomes infected and, again, the body will get rid of the embryo at an early stage.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases of internal organs. Any increase in temperature up to 38 degrees, caused by a disease of the internal organs, can cause an early miscarriage. Typically, such a temperature is accompanied by intoxication of the whole organism, and therefore it is unable to hold the embryo. That's why it's so important to have a full pregnancy check-up to detect and treat any chronic illnesses and get vaccinated if necessary.

abortion. As you know, this is an interference in the normal life of the female body. If an abortion has ever taken place, then it can lead either to habitual spontaneous miscarriages or to infertility.

Medicines. In the first trimester, the use of any medications is generally not recommended, which can lead to defects in the development of the fetus. There are also herbs that are contraindicated in early pregnancy: parsley, nettle, cornflower, St. John's wort, tansy.

Bad mood. More precisely, severe stress, grief, prolonged mental stress can adversely affect the birth of a new life. In this case, only with the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to take some sedatives.

Lifestyle. You need to change your habits immediately when planning a pregnancy. Getting rid of bad habits, a balanced and nutritious diet are the first conditions for the development of a healthy child, the opposite can lead to miscarriage.

physical impact. Unsuccessful falls, heavy lifting are the starting point for a miscarriage and contribute to it only if one of the above reasons is on the face. If the mother is healthy, then this effect must be very strong in order to cause a miscarriage.

Early miscarriage: symptoms

The most common signs of a miscarriage are - lower abdominal pain and bleeding. Also, pain from the lower abdomen can indulge in the lower back. This pain is intermittent. Vaginal discharge talk about the threat of miscarriage at an early date. If such discharge has a reddish or even brownish tint, then you should consult a doctor to avoid miscarriage.

Often referred to as a symptom of miscarriage uterine tone, but only in cases where it is accompanied by discomfort for the mother and pain. If it is not accompanied by anything, then the recommendations of doctors stop at reducing physical activity and reducing stressful situations.

In some cases, even after the above symptoms, pregnancy proceeds normally in the future, only under more careful supervision of doctors, then they talk about the threat of miscarriage.

The symptoms of a miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy are relatively similar. Only they can be accompanied by stronger pain and copious discharge.

Second trimester: symptoms of a miscarriage:

  • the damage to the amniotic fluid sac is indicated by the liquid that drips from the vagina, in which case a visit to the doctor should be instant;
  • vaginal bleeding is a sign of miscarriage in any trimester of pregnancy;
  • blood clots that appear during urination, accompanied by pain;
  • internal bleeding, which can be indicated by very severe pain in the shoulder or in the stomach area.

How is a threatened miscarriage diagnosed?

If your pregnancy is planned, and you went through all the procedures necessary for the preparation that the doctor told you about, passed all the tests and treated all the diseases found in the disease, then the possibility of a miscarriage is reduced to a minimum. If any contraindications were discovered in advance, then great attention is paid to them already at the conception of the baby. In this case, the diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage takes place at the planning stage, and treatment is prescribed in advance.

If pregnancy occurs spontaneously, without prior treatment and examination, then any gynecologist can diagnose a miscarriage during a routine examination. When examining a woman who came with a delay problem, the doctor determines the expected gestational age.

  • checks the compliance of the size of the uterus with a given period;
  • checks for uterine tone;
  • determines if the cervix is ​​closed;
  • draws attention to the nature of the discharge (bloody or mucous).

The most reliable way to diagnose a miscarriage or premature birth already at a later date is a transvaginal ultrasound, which is performed by an experienced doctor. When using this method, the length of the cervix and the condition of the internal os are checked.

Early miscarriage treatment

The most basic and first thing that the doctor advises with the threat of miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy is bed rest. In some cases, in order to keep the pregnancy, a woman is even forbidden to get out of bed. It is clear that your physical activity should drop to zero if there is a threat of miscarriage.

It is also recommended to reduce the level of excitement, bad news and thoughts. Already from the first weeks of existence, the nascent life feels you from the inside, any of your excitement can adversely affect its condition. And violations in the state can lead to its rejection by your body. To avoid these nervous tensions, the doctor may prescribe valerian or motherwort.

You yourself can use relaxation therapy: sit comfortably on a sofa or chair and think about something good. The best thing in this case may be dreams about the future baby, choosing a name, mentally drawing his portrait. But all this after consultation with a doctor.

If the threat of termination of pregnancy is more serious and just good thoughts are not enough, then the first thing the doctor does is determine the cause of the threat. After determining the cause of the threat of miscarriage in the first weeks of pregnancy, prescribe hormonal preparations, which are designed to maintain a good course of pregnancy.

You may be prescribed progesterone (it is part of utrozhestan, duphaston), they may prescribe drugs for hyperandrogenism (with a large amount of male hormones), as well as drugs if there is a threat of Rhesus conflict.

If the doctor deems it necessary, they may conduct an additional intrauterine ultrasound examination. If such an examination reveals deficiency, then sutures are placed on the cervix that stop the fertilized egg inside the uterus. Such an operation is performed in a hospital and under anesthesia, at the same time relaxing drugs are injected into the uterus.

Most cases of threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy are treated in a hospital, sometimes women have to stay under the supervision of doctors until the very end of pregnancy, that is, until childbirth. In some cases, treatment begins in a hospital, and then goes to home, subject to bed rest. Sometimes, having undergone treatment for a threatened miscarriage at an early stage, a woman does not return to him until the very birth.

Prevention of miscarriage

It is possible to avoid miscarriage in most cases. If a couple treats their decision in a balanced and responsible way, then a doctor’s examination will be completed in time, which will reveal all kinds of deviations and inconsistencies in the organisms of a man and a woman. A preliminary examination will cure all kinds of infectious and hormonal diseases that can cause a miscarriage later.

Even six months before the planned conception, the habits and lifestyle of the couple should be changed. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help reduce the risk of miscarriage.

Consequences after a miscarriage in the early stages

From a medical point of view, serious consequences after a spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages are extremely rare. Big problems can arise if this miscarriage is caused independently with the help of drugs or alternative preparations, or if particles of the fetus remain in the uterus, which most often happens in later periods with miscarriages.

It is in order to avoid such problems and in the early stages that gynecologists prefer to do preventive cleaning of the uterus after a miscarriage. If a woman goes to the doctor, she always undergoes a follow-up ultrasound.

Many believe that the consequence of one miscarriage is subsequent spontaneous miscarriages. But in reality this is not so. Subsequent miscarriages occur after the first only if the cause of the first miscarriage has not been identified or this cause has not been treated.

A miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy does not have severe consequences only if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. If we neglect this fact, then severe uterine bleeding can occur, that is, a large loss of blood, which will lead to death, or blood poisoning, which is also extremely unpleasant and dangerous.

Even if the next menstruation does not go as usual (more abundant or with severe pain), it is better to consult a doctor about this, in case you were pregnant and did not notice this. The answer to the question of what to do with an early miscarriage is to see a doctor, if it’s very bad, then even call an ambulance.

The 9th week of pregnancy means that two whole months of the “interesting situation” are behind. The baby continues to develop intensively, and the expectant mother successfully masters a new role. These days it is very important to monitor your condition and follow a lot of recommendations.

Deadline Reminder

What happens to the baby and mother

Skinny jeans and dresses don't go together anymore? That's the way it should be. The expectant mother, most likely, continues to gradually gain hundreds of grams. It happens and vice versa - the weight may decrease slightly. This should not be feared if there is no severe toxicosis, and the state of health is good.

The basis of the baby's body is laid almost completely.

Fetal development

Almost all organs and systems are formed, but many still do not function at full capacity. For the second week now, the little “bubbler” is exactly the fetus, not the embryo.

This is what the fruit looks like (clickable)

  • At the 9th obstetric week, the fetus acquires a cerebellum. This section of the brain is responsible for the coordination of movements.
  • The tail gradually disappears, soon it will become the coccyx.
  • On the handles, the membranes between the fingers gradually disappear, palms are forming.
  • The legs are still less developed, they are extended forward, the feet are barely outlined, the toes are not separated.
  • The eyelids are fully formed and now cover the eyes.
  • The whole fetus straightens a little.
  • A neck is outlined at the base of the head.
  • Some reflexes are formed, for example, swallowing.
  • The adrenal glands produce adrenaline.
  • The kidneys are already occupied with something like the process of water exchange. If the unborn baby swallows amniotic fluid, they will be excreted in the form of urine.
  • There is a laying of lymphatic and nerve nodes.
  • Both lips are clearly visible on a tiny face.

The whole baby is like a cherry. The size of the fetus varies between 22 and 30 mm, and the weight is about 4 g. At a period of 9 weeks, a complete transition to placental nutrition occurs.

What does the fetus look like if you do an ultrasound?

In this case, a lot depends on the hardware. And also - from the position of the body of the fetus at the time of the study. The future baby may only look like an oblong light spot against the background of a dark uterus. But you can also see the slightly blurred contours of a tiny body - the head and torso.

Feelings of the expectant mother

If a woman has not had toxicosis of pregnant women before, then it can begin. If there is already toxicosis, then it is unlikely to stop. However, everything is very individual here. Some expectant mothers never recognize nausea and vomiting. But food addictions are familiar to almost all pregnant women.

What else can a future mother feel:

  • drowsiness, lethargy, depression;
  • the nose seems to be stuffed up all the time (this physiological condition is called the runny nose of pregnant women);
  • fatigue "above average";
  • it is difficult to concentrate;
  • emotions (both light and negative) sometimes just go wild;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples appears or persists;
  • constant feeling of stuffiness.

A special topic now is smells. Sensitivity to them is markedly increased. Sometimes a pregnant woman is just a phenomenon. For example, she distinguishes different varieties of apples by smell. Or, in a crowd, he unmistakably recognizes several perfume compositions at once. True, more and more sad. Any strong odors begin to irritate, some to the point of nausea.

External signs

Only a very attentive person "from outside" can distinguish a future mother from other women. Sometimes in the 9th week, the gait changes a little and the figure changes a little more noticeably. Despite the fact that the uterus reaches the size of a grapefruit, a woman's slightly grown belly is practically invisible under clothes. But the woman herself sees a lot in herself.


A very striking manifestation of pregnancy is breast swelling. It may start now, or it may already be going on from past weeks. The bra set may need to be updated. If the breasts were rather big before pregnancy, the supporting function of underwear is very important. And one more thing: the bra should in no case interfere with free breathing with full breasts. Expectant mothers are sometimes stuffy anyway, and if you still tighten your chest, it’s not far to faint.

The tummy is still growing a little. But if the expectant mother is already gaining weight, and her breasts have grown, the appearance of the first stretch marks is not excluded.

The general condition of the skin at the 9th week may be different. Some mothers still notice pimples in one place or another. And others already feel how soft and smooth the skin becomes all over the body. In addition, changes in metabolism can lead to some dryness of the hair and skin.


If a small amount of white or yellowish mucus comes out of the vagina, this is normal. Brown discharge requires attention, they must be told to the doctor. Such smears may appear due to cervical erosion. It is safe for the baby, but harmful to his mother. Treatment is usually carried out after childbirth.

Bleeding is one of the first signs of a miscarriage. In case of any bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In rare cases, clear yellowish discharge from the chest may appear. It's colostrum. It usually appears at a later date. If the discharge leaves stains on your clothes, it's time to buy bra pads. They need to be changed regularly. Otherwise, unpleasant bacterial infections of the breast skin may develop.

Body temperature

The expectant mother can spend more than one week with a temperature of about 37.0-37.4 ° C. This is how the hormone progesterone acts on the body of a woman. If there are no other signs of colds and / or infectious diseases, this body temperature is quite normal. But if the thermometer showed 38 ° C and above, this is definitely a symptom of a disease.

What if the baby is not alone?

Pregnancy with twins (or triplets) does not mean more severe toxicosis. Other signs are also not multiplied by two or three. As a rule, with multiple pregnancies, future babies have a smaller height and weight. More significant weight gain for the expectant mother, as well as increased medical supervision, are all in the future.

Complications of pregnancy

Severe toxicosis shows that not everything in the body of the expectant mother is good. How to understand that nausea and other signs threaten a woman's normal well-being? Here are the warning signs:

  • nausea is felt almost constantly;
  • vomiting is frequent, more than twice a day (if more than five - urgently see a doctor);
  • the body reacts with a “storm” to any food;
  • weight loss causes weakness and a severe decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood (anemia).

All of these signs require medical attention.


Many pregnant women have bowel problems. The worst thing is constipation. Of course, it is absolutely impossible to strain in the toilet! Firstly, it is bad for the unborn baby. Secondly, you can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids. There is only one way out - to establish nutrition so that the intestines work correctly and fully. In acute cases, the doctor may prescribe a local laxative. It is not recommended to choose such medicines for the expectant mother herself, even if the remedy is advised by pharmacists at the pharmacy.

Stomach ache

The expectant mother needs to be careful if her stomach hurts every now and then. It can be flatulence, and the threat of miscarriage. In the first case, pain can occur in any part of the abdomen, they are combined with bloating and gas from the intestines. In the second case, the pain seems to be enough from the inside (doctors call this cramping) and gives it to the lower back. Often there is a feeling that the stomach is pulling. If at the same time spotting appears, the threat of miscarriage is more pronounced.

Frozen pregnancy

An equally alarming sign is the abrupt cessation of all manifestations of pregnancy. The sudden disappearance of toxicosis and other "pregnant" sensations may be a sign of a halt in fetal development. Frozen pregnancy at the 9th obstetric week is a serious complication. It requires careful examination and a number of medical measures.

Spontaneous abortion (fading or miscarriage) can happen for various reasons:

  • genetic abnormalities;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • injuries, falls.


However, pregnancy can be terminated at the request of the woman herself. Until the 12th week, every expectant mother has the right to make a decision and refuse to continue bearing the fetus. It is important to remember: negative emotions, parting with the father of the unborn baby, or the desire to “live for yourself” are bad advisers in this matter. The decision regarding abortion must be responsible. The termination of pregnancy itself is carried out in medical institutions under the strict supervision of medical specialists.

In the life of a future mother, there are a lot of “not”, “possible” and “necessary”. Literally everything now depends on attention to yourself and to the future baby.


The diet of a pregnant woman for all nine months remains approximately the same. Nutrition is adjusted according to the circumstances. For example, if the expectant mother suffers from constipation, you need to exclude:

  • tea, kissels, cocoa;
  • fresh pastries and bread.

And in order to further stimulate intestinal activity, food must contain:

The list of exceptions is, alas, mandatory. But from the products for stimulating the intestines, you can choose only those that you like.

General nutrition rules:

  • lean meats;
  • fatty fish (they contain important food acids);
  • dairy and sour-milk products to choose from;
  • cereals;
  • sweets - only natural (not cakes and not sweets);
  • as prescribed by a doctor - vitamins, folic acid and / or iron preparations.

Health and beauty care

Now the expectant mother needs to visit the antenatal clinic (if this has not already been done). The doctor will officially confirm the pregnancy and order blood, urine, and vaginal swab tests. They will be checked:

  • general condition of the body;
  • sugar level;
  • the presence / absence of various infections, including genital;
  • blood group (if necessary).

In addition, the doctor will refer the expectant mother to the local therapist and several narrow specialists. Everyone will examine the pregnant woman in accordance with their specialty and make recommendations.

The 9th obstetric week may be overshadowed by the first signs of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen and chest. In this case, the expectant mother needs a special cream for stretch marks. Another way to help your skin is to rub olive oil into it.

  • Smoking and alcohol should be a thing of the past by now. At least - from the moment of the first suspicion of the onset of pregnancy.
  • Forget about weights. If you still have to lift something, you need to do it in a special way. Do not bend over, but squat down, take the load with both hands, and then stand up. And yet it is better if such a situation does not arise at all.
  • Hot beaches, sauna and hot baths are contraindicated for pregnant women.
  • The same can be said about a sharp change in climate. It's not just about temperature fluctuations. For a baby, absolutely everything matters: air, water, weather, and so on.
  • It's time for a sports mom to change the type of outdoor activity. And unsportsmanlike, it's time to think about future childbirth and recovery. The best activities for expectant mothers are yoga and swimming.
  • It is advisable to abandon heavy country work. You can pick berries (if you don’t need to stand on a ladder for this), cut flowers and greens. And no fight for the harvest.
  • If you want to watch a movie, give up "horror", thrillers, bloody detectives and mysticism. The same recommendation applies to reading books.
  • Don't give in to negativity. The best mood is calm, bright emotions.
  • Sexual life should take into account the situation. Sexual intercourse should not be rough or too violent. In some cases, this can lead to uterine contractions and the threat of miscarriage. If you have multiple pregnancies, your doctor may recommend limiting your sex life. In addition, due to hormonal changes, the expectant mother may stop enjoying sex. This must be told to the future father. Omissions in the family are the worst option when expecting a baby.

If the expectant mother is attentive to her condition, the ninth week of pregnancy will definitely pass safely.

10 weeks pregnant

10 obstetric week of pregnancy is a transitional period. At this time, the fetal development of the child begins. The embryo, which up to this point was just an embryo, is already beginning to become a full-fledged fetus. Organogenesis is completely completed, all the necessary internal organs have already been laid. But they are still in their infancy. The child actively develops the brain, the heart beats, the skeleton and limbs appear.

During this period, the initial period of the formation of the placenta ends, it becomes fully ready to contribute to the further development of the child and supply it with nutrients. The corpus luteum, to which the embryo was originally attached, has already fulfilled its function and is now gradually decreasing in size.

What does a woman experience at 10 weeks pregnant?

A woman at week 10 continues to feel signs of toxicosis, characteristic of the first trimester of pregnancy. In each organism, with a single pregnancy, it manifests itself individually. Toxicosis may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • increased sensitivity to odors;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness.

Often a pregnant woman at week 10 feels severe bouts of hunger. She begins to eat a lot, her tastes change and addictions to those products that did not cause sympathy before pregnancy appear.

The well-being of a woman at this time is extremely unstable. She quickly gets tired, periodically feels drowsiness and apathy. She has a quick change of mood, causeless joy is replaced by bouts of irritation. Often a mild depressive state develops, accompanied by tantrums and tearfulness. Constant stress can lead to insomnia.

In the lower abdomen, a pregnant woman at week 10 may feel slight sipping and aching pains. There may be constipation and the urge to urinate frequently. After eating fatty and spicy foods, heartburn often appears. Sleeping on your stomach becomes uncomfortable. Pregnancy is not yet visible externally, but tight clothes are already becoming cramped at the waist.

Changes in a woman's body

At week 10, a change in the hormonal background continues to occur in the body of a pregnant woman. This is what causes emotional instability, weakness and toxicosis. In addition, because of this, skin rashes, pigmentation and increased hair growth can suddenly appear.

The uterus gradually increases in size and reaches a diameter of 10-12 cm. It moves slightly above the pubic area. It can be felt if you press lightly in the lower abdomen. Breasts swell, coarsen and become noticeably larger. Sometimes colostrum can be secreted from them.

The pressure of the uterus on the bladder provokes frequent urination. The woman's body's need for fluid and nutrients increases. The placenta continues its development, now it is securely fixed inside the uterus. The volume of amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac reaches 20 ml.

Fetal development

In a child at week 10, brain cells begin to develop especially actively. Every day their number increases by almost a quarter of a million. The body length of the embryo is approximately 3-4 cm, while the head is disproportionately larger than the body. The weight of the fetus is about 4-5 grams. The baby has formed limbs and elbow joints, he is already starting to bend his arms. Small nails are visible on the fingers.

The fetus actively moves and swims. His heart beats at a frequency of up to 160 beats per minute. The kidneys, intestines, pancreas and liver take their rightful place in the baby's body, but they will begin to fully function only after the birth of the child. The bones of the skeleton are formed in the fetus, the skin is covered with thin hairs.

At the 10th week of development, the child appears:

  • the first rudiments of teeth;
  • central nervous system;
  • taste buds on the tongue;
  • genitals;
  • circulatory system;
  • muscles of the jaw, neck and larynx;
  • external outlines of the ears and nose;
  • nerve endings in the skin.

The umbilical cord is attached to the wall of the placenta and thickens. It forms a bloodstream that will supply the baby's body with nutrients until the end of pregnancy.

The embryo loses its tail. It disguises itself between the buttocks of the embryo, as a result, the fetus becomes more and more human.

The baby's liver begins to function, it produces blood cells in a small amount. Sex hormones are actively produced by the adrenal glands. The gill slits are covered with a thin film, and then become completely invisible.

To ensure the full development of the fetus and maintain good health, a woman at the 10th week of pregnancy must follow a diet. Food should be consumed in small portions 5-6 times a day. In her diet, she needs to add as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

In addition, you should use:

  • milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese;
  • nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds, dried fruits;
  • cereals, wholemeal bread;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • seaweed;
  • meat of poultry, rabbit, turkey;
  • lean pork, beef;
  • any kind of fish.

It is undesirable to eat a lot of salty, spicy and fried foods, as they can provoke an attack of heartburn. With caution, you need to add seasonings, mayonnaise, ketchup, garlic and onions to dishes.

A balanced diet and healthy food will help to supply the body of a pregnant woman with everything necessary for the baby to fully develop.

Particular attention should be paid to a sufficient amount of liquid consumed. A pregnant woman should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, including soups. But it is advisable to completely refuse the use of coffee and black tea, since they cause nervous tension and contribute to the appearance of insomnia. The most useful drink for a pregnant woman will be green tea, herbal mint, freshly squeezed juice or natural fruit drink. As a full-fledged source of liquid, you can use juicy berries, watermelons, melons at this time.

Hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body at the beginning of pregnancy are natural and necessary. However, they lead to such unpleasant side effects as nervousness, increased fatigue and depression.

A woman's stay at the 10th week of pregnancy in a constant stressful state can negatively affect the development of the baby. Therefore, every effort should be made to overcome these difficulties and cope with mood instability.

It is great if a woman has the opportunity to take a leave of absence from work for this period. This will allow her to more easily survive the period of toxicosis, weakness and apathy. A woman definitely needs to eat fully, sleep as much as possible, try not to be nervous over trifles. Sex during this period is not prohibited if there is no threat of miscarriage for medical reasons. Positive emotions received during the closeness of a woman with the father of a child will only contribute to the speedy overcoming of the difficulties of the initial stage of pregnancy.

If a woman used to go in for sports, then at the 10th week of pregnancy she can continue to lead an active lifestyle. Excellent effect on the health of a pregnant woman:

  • swimming in the pool;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • yoga;
  • fitness, aerobics.

A woman's daily walks in the fresh air are extremely beneficial at this stage of a child's development. Saturation of the mother's body with oxygen helps the fetus to receive everything it needs through the umbilical cord.

Women's clothing should be free, not restricting movement. It is best to wear underwear made of light, breathable fabrics during this period. Avoid items made from synthetic fibers.

It is strictly forbidden during this period to drink alcohol, smoke, take drugs. Even in small doses, toxic substances can destroy the brain cells of the embryo and adversely affect its further development. Being in the same room with smokers is also undesirable. Inhalation of paint fumes, solvents, toxic adhesives, gasoline and other harsh chemicals should be completely avoided.

Lifting loads weighing more than 3 kg at this time by a pregnant woman is unacceptable. This can lead to the loss of a child. As vitamins throughout the 10th week, you need to take folic acid. All other drugs, nutritional supplements and vitamins can be taken only after they are prescribed by a doctor.

Mandatory examinations

It is at week 10 that a woman needs to be registered in the antenatal clinic. The gynecologist at the appointment will confirm the presence of pregnancy and give a referral for the following studies:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B;
  • determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  • blood sugar test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • smear for cytology from the vagina.

If there are any complications, a woman can be additionally sent to study the level of hormones, as well as to check for the fact that she has any specific infections. Ultrasound at this time is prescribed only if there are medical indications for this.

If there is a risk of developing Down syndrome in the embryo at the 10th week of pregnancy, the following studies are carried out:

  • chorionic villus biopsy;
  • taking a puncture of the fetal bladder;
  • fetoscopy.

These procedures help to detect the presence of genetic abnormalities in the development of the baby at the earliest stages. Based on the results of the studies, a decision is made to maintain or urgently terminate the pregnancy. The earlier these tests are performed, the safer further medical actions will be for the woman.

Risks of the 10th week of pregnancy

Sudden bleeding at 10 weeks can be a formidable sign of serious problems with bearing a child. Immediately after the appearance of spotting, a woman should call an ambulance or go to the nearest hospital.

Even slight traces of blood can indicate the risk of miscarriage, especially if their appearance is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. In rare cases, spotting may appear after gynecological examinations of the vagina, especially if there is erosion on the cervix. In addition, their cause may be the careless behavior of the spouses during intercourse.

Normal vaginal discharge in a healthy pregnant woman at week 10 is homogeneous and has a light shade. If you notice a change in their color or consistency, they have an unpleasant odor, you should immediately contact your doctor. This may be a sign of an infection that is developing in the vagina. This situation is dangerous because harmful bacteria can enter the uterus and disrupt the development of the fetus. Timely treatment of a vaginal infection will protect the baby and keep his mother in good health.

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen at week 10 are not a symptom of danger if they are mild and not accompanied by suspicious discharge. However, if the pain continues for a long time and is constantly increasing, then it is necessary to call an emergency medical team or go to the nearest medical center.

ultrasound of fetal development

On the ultrasound images of the fetus at 10 weeks, the head, torso, arms and legs are clearly visible. The baby swims freely in the amniotic fluid. The head looks very large, it is actually half of the entire body of the child.

However, he can already clearly see a thin neck, heart, spine. He moves his arms and legs, tilts his head.

The eyes look like dark large dots. The general appearance of a small person is slightly looming. You can even see the ears, nose and mouth. The reproductive organs are not yet visible, they will develop much later. The fetus is firmly connected to the placenta through a thick umbilical cord.

Photos of pregnant women at 10 weeks

Despite the fact that pregnancy at such an early stage is still almost invisible, however, in the pictures of girls at week 10, you can clearly see a slight roundness in the lower abdomen.

It is especially noticeable in women with a lean physique.

Here you can clearly see that the uterus has moved and is located above the bladder. It is the pressure that she puts on him that is the reason for the frequent urge of women to urinate.

The 10th week of pregnancy is the most important period during which the formation of the rudiments of all the internal organs of a small organism is completed. The most important event of this week is visiting the antenatal clinic and registering.

Basal temperature from A to Z

Girls who had a miscarriage at 8-10 weeks please respond!

Girls who had a miscarriage at 8-10 weeks, please respond at home!

Please write HOW exactly everything happened, in detail (I'm not squeamish), it's important for me to know everything.
I had a miscarriage yesterday at 10 weeks. And everything was like this: before that, it was smeared for 3 days, yesterday, cramping pains in the lower abdomen lasted 2.5 hours. Then blood began to flow, a lot and with clots, about 3 hours, no longer. During this time, a large lung-like piece came out (I think it was the placenta), about 6-7 cm in diameter and half a cm thick. After that, the pain subsided and the bleeding became less. And today it's just a little smeared. And it doesn't hurt. This is fine? Or can it be repeated for several days and everything comes out? I didn’t see the embryo because I suspect that maybe not everything worked out yet ... the doctor said to see him only on Friday, then we’ll see if everything worked out. I'm very sorry for the details, of course, it's just very important for me to know whether it was the same for you, there is no detailed description anywhere on the Internet. Please don't delete this blog.

Read comments 59:

Thank God, I didn’t have this, but, let’s say, I’m a little familiar with biology, and I can assume that it’s possible that everything happened with that piece. I just remember from blogs that your embryo froze more than a week ago, at such times it is still quite small, and with that piece of placenta it could somehow “merge” when it began to disintegrate. I hope everything worked out. Get pregnant as soon as possible and give birth to a strong baby and forget it like a bad dream.

I had heavy bleeding for a period of 8 weeks, they scraped out ... but I didn’t see any large pieces - the fetal egg is still small 3 cm, the embryo is even smaller .. there is no placenta yet ... large clots are most likely the endometrium ... you need to see a doctor

Don't worry - everything will be fine, I myself experienced 2 STs ... I gave birth on the third attempt ...

Tanya87, thanks for the answer! I will hope ... I don’t think that it has merged with the placenta ... On Friday, the embryonic was 2 cm on ultrasound and is clearly visible ..

Lana1580, you will not see either a fetal egg or an embryo for sure ... after fading, everything is reduced very quickly ...

Adett73, the placenta at this time is already there, just not yet mature enough. but there is. If you had a purge, you might not have seen it ...

Adett73, and it wasn't a blood clot... but a piece of tissue, meat. I'm sorry…

Lana1580, I had a complete spontaneous miscarriage, at the time of admission to the hospital there was no fetal egg by ultrasound, before that it was ... everything is too small in size and you can’t tell the lumps of the endometrium from the fetal egg exactly ... especially as I said when fading, everything is reduced very quickly …

Lana1580, the endometrium is a piece of tissue ...

Adett73, there is a placenta, it's just small. Completely formed by 20 weeks. Until 20, it seems that they don’t even write the placenta, but the chorion. But I think there was just that piece where the placenta was formed, it just came out with a blood clot, so it seemed larger. Just at the place of attachment of the chorion to the uterus, the vessels grow especially. And the embryo, believe me, you can not notice. God forbid that everything worked out and this time there was no cleaning!

Tanyushka87, there can’t be a placenta of a larger fetal egg, excuse me, 3 cm, well, 4 cm at such a time, the edge ... well, not 7 cm at all

Adett73, well, maybe you’re right, maybe the egg didn’t come out entirely, but in parts ... and I placed the placenta in a jar of formalin, I’ll give it back if they take it for examination ... thanks for the answers! Now there is at least a little hope that everything has cleared up. I really want a baby, but God does not give ...

Adett73, 6 cm. Just measured. Dense fabric, like skin, on one side is white-pink, on the other, all in small veins. I'm going to give it a test on Friday.

Lana1580, I am sure that you and your doctor will figure out what is the reason for your failures ...

Lana1580, damn it, scraping in this regard is still a reasonable option, I wouldn’t be able to collect the pieces myself ... the second time when scraping I asked for histology to be done for me and genetics, so to speak, to order ... after that they told me the reason

I can tell my story, seven years have passed, but I still don’t know what it was. was 8 weeks. I was at work, I felt a pull in my groin as if the months should begin, I went to the toilet to look at the trotters, I leaned over and blood rushed out of me, I squeezed my hand, then the muscles of the vagina, put paper and ran home, lived straight 300 meters from work. I went outside to take a bath. I relaxed my muscles and such crap came out of me - the size (diameter) is slightly smaller than the palm, 7-8 cm and a hole in the middle 2 cm, shaped like a big donut with an edge thickness of 2-3 cm and not a blood clot, but as if under a transparent with a leather film there are all sorts of thin guts, inclusions darker and lighter. and I even washed the plump one under water, sorry for the details, but I shoveled the entire Internet and did not find anything. The doctor did not believe me and there was a type of cleaning, but they did not say anything after it.

Miscarriage at 10 weeks pregnant

A miscarriage at 10 weeks of gestation is a fairly common occurrence that occurs in 10-15% of cases of successful conception. The final period of the first trimester is especially dangerous, since a variety of negative factors can provoke spontaneous abortion.

If you have had such a misfortune, do not rush to despair. You need to undergo a full examination, find out the cause of the miscarriage, recover, and try again to get pregnant. Doctors say that miscarriage at 10 weeks can be prevented. To do this, you need to carefully monitor the state of your body. If you feel abnormal, be sure to make an appointment with your doctor.

A threat

To avoid miscarriage at the 10th week of pregnancy, it is important to know in advance about the dangers that may lie in wait for the expectant mother at this time.

At this stage, cardinal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother, and the patient notices them. The woman realizes that she needs to visit a doctor and be registered in the antenatal clinic. The fetus inside the womb is developing rapidly.

By week 10, he already has the rudiments of all vital organs and systems. A complete gynecological examination, including ultrasound and a blood test for hormone levels, will determine the condition of the embryo, identify possible violations and deviations.

If at the initial stage of pregnancy you feel pain in the abdomen, radiating to the lower back, or you have a discharge mixed with blood, consult a doctor immediately. These symptoms may signal the danger of a miscarriage.

The threat of spontaneous abortion at week 10 may occur due to the high tone of the uterus or insufficient concentration of progesterone in the patient's blood. During the examination, the doctor will easily notice such dangers, and tell you how to protect the fetus.

A common cause of early miscarriages is a shortened cervix due to isthmic-cervical insufficiency. The entrance to the reproductive organ in such patients is not closed tightly, which means that an infection can penetrate into the fetal egg, the membranes will become insufficiently elastic, and the embryo will die.

The danger is that the expectant mother may not feel alarming symptoms at all, and the doctor detects the threat after an examination or ultrasound examination.

If ICI is detected in a timely manner, there is every chance of successfully maintaining the pregnancy. To eliminate the danger, medical or surgical treatment is prescribed. After 10 weeks, the risk of spontaneous abortion decreases.


From 5 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage is especially high. According to medical research, about 25% of conceptions end in such a tragedy. To avoid miscarriage, you need to know its main causes.

Often, interruption occurs due to the wrong lifestyle of the expectant mother - smoking, drinking strong alcoholic beverages. The expectant mother should carefully monitor her emotional state, avoid stress, physical overwork and high power loads, infectious diseases.

The most common negative factors that provoke miscarriage in the early stages can be considered:

  • Serious pathologies of the development of the embryo;
  • Dangerous diseases of the uterus and other organs of the reproductive system;
  • Disturbances in the hormonal balance in the body of the expectant mother;
  • Insufficient concentration of progesterone in the blood.

If, after the examination, the physician found serious violations in the development of the embryo, the patient is recommended to have an abortion. Up to 9 weeks, such an operation is completely legal and relatively safe.


Spontaneous termination of pregnancy at an early stage can be different. In modern medicine, there are several different types of miscarriages.

  • Inevitable. The patient has a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, and uterine bleeding immediately opens. The cervix dilates, which leads to the rupture of the fetal egg, and the embryo inevitably comes out along with the secretions.
  • A failed miscarriage. The embryo dies, but the fertilized egg is not damaged, and it remains in the uterus. This condition can only be determined during a gynecological examination. The doctor will notice that there is no fetal heartbeat.
  • Full. During such a miscarriage, the embryo completely leaves the uterus, the discomfort is minimal, the bleeding does not last too long.
  • Anembryony. The egg connects with the sperm, the formation of the fetal egg begins, but the embryo does not form. It turns out that there is no pregnancy, but there are symptoms.
  • Repeated miscarriage. In some patients, spontaneous interruption occurs quite often. This disorder is due to various factors.


If you have a miscarriage in the early stages, you should definitely visit a doctor, undergo an examination, and discuss further therapy to restore reproductive health. As a rule, patients during this period have a very difficult emotional state, especially when the pregnancy was desired and planned.

You need to understand that no one is immune from spontaneous abortion, and this is not your fault. After a complete examination of the reproductive system and a study of the blood test, the physician will be able to find out the exact cause of the miscarriage.

If such unsuccessful pregnancies occur frequently, a thorough investigation should be carried out. The cause of this pathological condition may be a genetic abnormality, infection or hormonal failure. Appropriate treatment will eliminate such a danger during the next conception.

Patients after a miscarriage are usually prescribed antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives. This therapy allows you to quickly restore hormonal levels and get rid of a harmful infection.


Pregnancy must be treated responsibly and prepared for this important stage in advance. Planning for conception includes the elimination of dangerous factors that can provoke a miscarriage. A pregnant woman should lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Be sure to watch your diet. In your daily menu should be the whole range of essential vitamins and minerals. Sleep at least 8 hours a day, try not to overwork at work, do not exhaust yourself with sports training.

Ask your gynecologist when the most dangerous period of pregnancy comes, when a miscarriage can occur. During this period, be extremely careful, try to get only positive emotions. If you experience anxiety symptoms, go to the hospital immediately.

Frozen pregnancy (9 weeks): how to prevent misfortune?

8-10 weeks is one of the critical points when a frozen pregnancy can occur. What is it and how to prevent the loss of a child? Frozen pregnancy is the death of the fetus, which occurs most often in the early stages - up to 13 weeks.

The most likely time when a frozen pregnancy can occur is 8-9 weeks. This time is one of the critical points, but the risk remains until the 11th week, after which it decreases slightly. Symptoms of a missed pregnancy A missed pregnancy means that the fetus stops developing for some reason and dies.

But at the same time, a miscarriage does not occur, so the woman continues to feel pregnant, but the detachment of the placenta and the fetal egg will gradually occur and a miscarriage will begin. Signs of a missed pregnancy: the breast ceases to swell, its sensitivity decreases, toxicosis ceases to torment; bloody issues; the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) does not increase, even slowly decreases; feeling unwell: fever, pain in the lower abdomen; decrease in basal temperature.

At a period of 8-9 weeks, it is quite difficult to notice a frozen pregnancy on your own - for some, toxicosis never started, spotting is not an obligatory symptom, and poor health can be associated with anything. By the way, spotting can be a sign of a miscarriage that has begun and a missed pregnancy. At a later date, a frozen pregnancy is also possible: mothers notice it by the absence of fetal movement.

Only a doctor can reliably make a diagnosis if the examination reveals some of the signs of a missed pregnancy: if the fetus does not have a heartbeat, the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age, or the level of hCG is below normal.

In the case of a missed pregnancy at 9 weeks, doctors will likely wait a while until a miscarriage occurs. If nothing happens, then it is either stimulated with medication, or an abortion is performed - curettage of the uterine cavity, or vacuum aspiration.

After a procedure, a woman needs time to recover before the next attempt.

This period is individual - from six months to a year, and it depends not only on medical indications, but also on the moral state of the expectant mother. It is difficult for pregnant women to recognize a frozen pregnancy: the time spent by a dead fetus in the mother's body can be different - from several days to a month. Therefore, subsequent psychological rehabilitation should be given enough time.

In the first place are genetic disorders - hereditary or acquired mutations that are not compatible with life. If parents have a family history of genetic diseases, then you need to consult a doctor. If possible, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that can cause mutations - radiation, unfavorable environmental conditions, harmful production.

The second reason why pregnancy can freeze is infection. Both sexually transmitted infections and common infectious diseases can affect fetal development.

Hormonal disorders are also a common cause of missed pregnancy at 9 weeks. Especially important is the normal level of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, testosterone, and other male hormones.

The probability of a missed pregnancy at 8-9 weeks increases in the presence of abortions, cases of missed pregnancy in history. Unfortunately, with IVF, the likelihood of a sad outcome is also high.

As you age, the risk of miscarriage increases. In twenty-year-old pregnant women, only 10 percent of cases, in thirty-five-year-olds - 20 percent, but in forty-five-year-olds - 50.

There may also be a frozen pregnancy, the causes of which are associated with the use of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs. It is difficult to imagine that a woman who is looking forward to a child will deliberately use harmful substances, but it often happens that a woman does not yet know about her pregnancy and continues to lead her usual lifestyle, for example, taking some kind of pills for a headache or even an elementary cold .

Sometimes the cause of a missed pregnancy is an attempt by doctors to stop a miscarriage - the pregnancy persists, but the child can no longer be saved.

Unfortunately, in many cases, doctors are not able to tell why the pregnancy stalled. Most likely, the fetus had developmental defects that would not have allowed it to grow into a normal healthy child. You need to understand that if a frozen pregnancy nevertheless happened, 9 weeks is a short time, it would be much more difficult to lose a child in the last trimester of pregnancy, or to give birth to a dead baby.

Prevention of missed pregnancy

Most preventive measures should be taken before conception:

It is necessary to undergo an examination, both mother and father, for possible genetic abnormalities and compatibility. Get tested for infections and get the recommended course of treatment if infections are found. If there was a miscarriage or missed pregnancy, you should, if possible, find out the cause and undergo treatment.

More than 80% of women who have had a missed pregnancy give birth to healthy children during a second pregnancy.

Since the immunity of a woman during pregnancy is weakened and susceptible to various infections, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system and try not to be in crowded places.

Frozen pregnancy is a misfortune, but not a sentence. After it, you can successfully become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. The main thing is a positive attitude and support from loved ones.

Dangers at the 9th week of pregnancy. What should you beware of?

At the ninth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother can still hide her “interesting position”, because there are still few changes in her appearance (although, perhaps, a new bra has already appeared in the wardrobe - a size larger). But the “internal” processes take their course, but how dangerous is this period? What dangers at the 9th week of pregnancy can lie in wait for the expectant mother and her child?

Pregnant woman at 9 weeks

The first thing that even very attentive people around can notice is a rapid increase in the breast, by this time it can “grow” by a whole size. True, pain, burning in the nipples can intensify. The sensitivity of the skin also increases - many women note peeling, dryness, and if hormones are connected, then acne may appear (as in adolescence).

The tummy remains almost invisible, since the size of the baby is very small and the uterus has not changed much. But its growth can already cause pain in the hips, lower back and buttocks. This is due to the fact that the uterus presses on the sciatic nerve (in this case, a change in position during sleep can help - it is better to sleep on your side).

Toxicosis only increases, nutrition becomes even more problematic - the appearance of some foods makes it worse, and an irresistible addiction appears to others. You should not deny yourself what you really want, because the body itself knows what it needs, and an attempt to feed yourself with healthy foods can lead to the fact that you will still remain hungry (the body will still get rid of what it currently needs). moment does not fit).

At this time, the discharge also intensifies, but it is worth remembering that only white or transparent discharges are physiological, which are not accompanied by itching, sour smell and discomfort. Why do they appear? Blood circulation increases and the walls of the vagina are more intensively updated.
Brown, blood-streaked, curd-like and foul-smelling discharge is a reason to see a doctor.

Baby at 9 weeks

The fetus is now completely dependent on the mother, since the placenta has formed and all its forces will go to weight gain and growth. The future child is still the size of a bean, its weight is only 2 grams, but (just imagine!) Fingers on the handles have already formed, rudiments of nails have appeared, fingers are also beginning to form on the legs. The tail (yes, it definitely was) turned into a cat, and the face became similar to a human one - you can see the nose, mouth, ears and big eyes, which are still always closed.
The skin is so thin that you can see all the vessels. The heart has already formed, but the brain is just developing.
At this stage, the fetus is very sensitive to all toxic substances (meaning not only poisons and toxins, but also tobacco smoke, drugs and alcohol), infections and the psychological state of the mother. The period is quite dangerous, so you should know what dangers at the 9th week of pregnancy can lie in wait for the expectant mother and her child.

Dangers at 9 weeks pregnant

The main risks are miscarriage and spontaneous abortion. Why is this happening? If the pregnancy is defective or there are disturbances in the development of the fetus, nature interrupts it.
The successful course of pregnancy depends to a large extent on the formed placenta, because the corpus luteum can no longer provide the necessary amount of hormones and it takes over this function.

Anemia is also quite common during pregnancy. Hemoglobin deficiency in the blood is due to the fact that against the background of an increase in blood volume, some of its components increase unevenly. It is anemia that can cause frequent dizziness, weakness and fainting.
To prevent this problem, it is necessary to regularly take a complete blood count, this will help cure anemia before it begins to negatively affect the child's health. A general analysis also makes it possible to find out about the presence of inflammatory processes that are asymptomatic, but can harm the child. Such an analysis is prescribed at least 3 times, but in problem situations it can be carried out much more often.