Script for grandfather's birthday. Grandpa's birthday script Grandpa's birthday concert

Grandpa, happy birthday!
Be cheerful, don't get sick
For the years that have passed
Look more fun.

Grandchildren are with you -
Wealth and joy.
And more for happiness
Probably not necessary.

Great birthday
Spend today.
wonderful moments
More to come!

My dear grandfather
Happy Birthday to You!
Take it soon, dear,
Congratulations from me!

I want to wish you
Be cheerful, don't get sick
Meet the second youth
Don't regret anything!

Happy birthday to the best grandfather in the world! Good health to you, good mood, strength and energy. I want you to be there for many years, helping with wise advice and a kind word. May there always be peace and tranquility in your soul, and may life bring many bright and happy moments.

Dear grandfather, dear,
You are dear to your grandchildren.
We congratulate you!
And we wish, loving:

For you to be happy
Lived up to a century
For grandma to love
Very tasty to feed!

So that the legs do not hurt,
Eyes vigilantly to look,
Ears would hear us.
Congratulations now!

Happy birthday dear grandfather
How many victories have you achieved!
The most important thing in our life
The kindest and most courageous.

Let health not fail
Grief does not enter your house.
Rejoice us more often, indulge,
Hug, love, kiss!

Happy birthday my love
The best grandfather in the world!
I want to wish you
To live another hundred years.

Let health be stronger
The day is longer, the night is shorter.
For us to play more
I have a lot of fun with you.

You are a very wise person
It's like you've lived a lifetime!
You are kind, generous, very brave,
And of all trades you are skilled.

I always take an example from you
You are a real gentleman.
I'm proud of you, dear grandfather,
You are my authority.

So Happy Birthday
And I wish you many more years.
Good health and happiness,
Protect yourself from all bad weather.

Happy birthday, grandpa.
Let everythnig will be alright.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Live for many more years.

Grandpa, thank you for your concern,
that you raised us.
Accept our gifts
On this day and at this hour.

Let diseases not disturb
Your loved ones will be with you
Let luck not fail.
This holiday is only yours!

Happy birthday, grandpa!
Long years to you and strength,
So that you continue in life
He was just as brave.

To avoid sadness
May you always be lucky
Wishes will come true.

Our grandfather is the best in the whole wide world,
And everyone knows this, relatives and children.
Today, grandfather, we congratulate you
And we wish you long life!

Accept congratulations on the name day,
We will arrange an unprecedented feast for you:
We will give you gifts and flowers,
To know: the best, grandfather, you!

Health to you, positive, success,
Beautiful sunrises and cheerful laughter.
Always stay the way you are
So that we could not count all the achievements!

Our grandfather, congratulations to you,
We only wish you excellent health.
There will be health, and then they will be -
Strength, smile and joy always.

We love you, you are the pride of the family,
Happy, fun, dear live,
Let them not disturb, grandfather, years,
The life behind the service station is desired by the family.

Duration - 2 hours or more
Number of participants - from 30 to 60 people
The venue is a small but cozy closed-type room.
Props - grandfather's posters, an armchair, tables and chairs (by default, you can use those that are in the restaurant itself), the Decameron book, a basin, laundry soap, a pair of men's socks, photo puzzles.

P.S. The name and surname of the birthday man should be a priori changed to the real hero of the day.

Grandpa arrives in a luxury limousine that is booked for him in advance and an elegant suit, a home delivery gift from an unknown patron the night before. He gets out of the limousine directly onto the red carpet, and from two sides he is surrounded by guests and clapping. Fan girls run out and literally hang themselves around his neck, leaving bright red lipstick marks on his cheeks, forehead, neck and arms. Some of them ask for an autograph on large posters with his image (you can prepare it in Photoshop in a comic style), the other asks for a joint photo as a keepsake.

Host (while grandfather walks the red carpet): Dear guests! Here he is! The one we've all been waiting for! The most popular grandpa around! The culprit of today's celebration and just a wonderful person with a capital letter! Meet with applause! Louder! Even louder!

Guests enter the hall and take their seats. Their tables for 6 people form a wave-like figure or a semicircle. Ahead is an easy chair, a table and a long chair. The light in the hall is muffled, only the central piece is brightly lit.

Presenter (points to a chair for his grandfather, sits down on a chair himself): Well, Arkady Petrovich, we will start, perhaps, with a warm-up. Agree to answer a few tricky questions very honestly? Say, put your hand on the bible?

Grandfather: Agree.

Presenter (takes out a book wrapped in a rag and holds it in his grandfather's hands): Before this difficult test, I will ask the audience to keep the utmost silence so as not to interfere with Arkady Petrovich's concentration. Let's get started. And the first question is about your other half. Tell me, please, how long have you known each other?

Grandpa answers.

Host: Okay. Do you remember your first kiss? What fruit or vegetable can you compare it to?

Grandpa answers.

Leading: What a memory! Clap, this is worthy of attention! (Everyone claps). And with whom was this very first kiss? All right, all right, let's not collect dirt on you. Tell me, here are your grandchildren and granddaughters sitting in front of you. Maybe they asked you more than once and did not get a specific answer. And which one do you love the most?

Grandpa answers.

Leading: Did you hear grandchildren? This means that your grandfather's heart is equally divided between all of you. And if it seems to you that he pays more attention to someone and less to someone, know that he will always improve, just don't be afraid and don't hesitate to ask about it. And the last question for the hero of the day. Which of your female fans would you go to a concert with? (In the corner are the same fans who ran out at the beginning, and desperately send kisses).

Grandpa answers.

Leading: A wonderful choice. After the holiday, she will be waiting for you backstage, and now sit down with your wife and deservedly get a pretty spanking from her.

Grandpa leaves. The host unfolds the rag and takes out the book.

Presenter (shakes the book in the air): You are a holy man! They swore the truthfulness of the answers to the Decameron! That's the grandfather. But today we have no right to punish you. Today you are not only our star, but a real hero. We are proud of you, love you and wish you to always be in good shape and in a good spirit!

Congratulations on your anniversary, grandfather!
May you have fun today!
Let the victory march play for you
And sorrows will forget their way to you!

You are support and support for everyone,
You are the fire that warms the soul,
Grandchildren will grow up, they will perform very soon
What their grandfather dreams of!

Quiet music plays.

Leading: Before continuing our entertainment, I suggest a little refreshment to the melodic tunes. Bon appetit everyone!

The music gets louder, cutlery jingles.

Leading: Dear guests! Let's get back to our games. You can combine eating with watching and enjoy the evening killing two birds with one stone. For this number, we will need volunteers from among people who perfectly know the character and tastes of grandfather. Well, bolder, nominate your candidacy.

In this competition, the participation of the wife of the birthday man, one or two of his children, a close friend or neighbor is mandatory. Participants sit opposite the leader.

Leading: I explain the rules of the game. I will ask questions about my grandfather. If you know the answers to them, clap your hands once. The participant with the most correct answers will win a special prize. We will talk about it a little later. Ready? So, the first question. What doesn't Arkady Petrovich like to eat in the morning?

Very good. Second question. How often does he put on a "dress suit"?

Question number three. Be careful. What expression or word does Arkady Petrovich use most often?

Fourth question. What habit could he never give up? And why?

Fifth question. With what hero does Arkady Petrovich associate himself?

Question six. Why does he have a beard or mustache? (If he does not wear them, then you should ask why he shaves them off)?

And the final question is number seven. What does our hero of the day really want at the moment?

Leading: Bravo! You really know Arkady Petrovich very well. His habits, his intentions and even desires. Therefore, we are not at all afraid to entrust you with something personal, which is the prize that you have won. Please take out the bowl. (The assistant takes out a basin with water and laundry soap). Now let's ask grandpa to change his socks. Now you will be given a new pair, and our winner will cleanly wash your old one. (To the winner) Roll up your sleeves. There is a job ahead, oh what a responsible one! And you, dear gentlemen, invite your ladies and girlfriends to dance, now an incendiary rhythm will sound.

When the dances are over and the guests sit down to eat again, the host should announce the next number.

Leading: We decided to play the next game for the grandchildren. Therefore, to the general applause, we will ask our small and adult chicks to go to the middle of the hall.

The assistant takes out medium-sized puzzles from a large photo of grandfather. The photo should be funny.

Leading: Let's split into three teams. At my whistle, you begin to collect a whole portrait of your grandfather from small pieces. Those guys who cope with the task earlier will have the opportunity to read their congratulations in front of the audience. Did everyone understand? Then...let's go! (Whistling).

The winners read poems and congratulations, the losers clean up all the garbage.

Host: Our evening is not over yet. The hall became cold. So let's warm it up with hot songs and dances together!

After the dancing, the final part begins.

Leading: Our dear, Arkady Petrovich! Well, what kind of birthday, especially an anniversary, without traditional gifts? Today your guests have come to you not only with empty hearts, but also not with empty hands.

On your birthday we give love,
Attention, care, faith, affection,
We will be grateful to the sky again,
What gave us such a fairy tale.

Live long, happily, comfortably,
We will be with you where the path is difficult,
We will remember what is selflessly
You never let us drown.

After that, all the guests and relatives begin to give gifts, accompanying this with comic statements.


The birthday of a beloved grandfather is a real holiday that cannot be missed, and it is even better to prepare for it in advance. Take the celebration into your own hands, think over the scenario, or rather just study it, because we have already prepared it for you.

And so that this day stands out from all the others, be sure to decorate your house or restaurant (depending on where you will celebrate the holiday) with balloons. Make large photo collages from his life for your beloved grandfather, you can present as a gift a large family photo album already with photos inserted and necessarily signed next to it. Congratulatory posters and garlands also do not interfere.


(all guests are sitting at the table, the host starts the holiday)

Holiday for grandfather,
I want to celebrate grandchildren
And of course everyone will give gifts to the dear,
But in order for him to feel himself in charge today,
Let's give him a round of applause!

(everyone begins to applaud, the birthday boy enters the hall)

I give the first word to my grandchildren,
And I'll step aside!

(the presenter steps aside, the grandchildren come out, first they read a poem, and then they present the Diploma of the best Grandfather to the birthday man)


Alone in the world you are with us,
Grandpa you are just class
It's always easy with you
You can tell us everything
Support at the right time
You will always give a whole basin of sweets,
What can I say, one
And we love you very much
And we are for your birthday
We wish you well, inspiration,
Health, happiness the whole house,
Well, in the end, accept the Diploma!


Oh, I wish there were more moments like this
Worthy applause,
Now everyone can sit at the table,
Drink and eat well!
And the toast is the first for one,
So that beloved Grandfather lives another hundred years!

(eating, music playing)

Any Grandpa in the world loves to go there...
To drive a fishing rod to the river,
So let's remember everything now
What caught and what can catch (name, patronymic) for you!

The competition is called: "Grandfather's Fishing". The presenter makes riddles, the answers of which are the names of certain fish. To those who answer correctly, the presenter gives an incentive prize. Namely dried fish, or a package of squid.

He's prickly like a hedgehog
But his name is still...?

(answer: ruff)

She is thin, like a stick,
But it's dangerous, and it's...?

(answer: pike)

He is big without scales and loves to admire the bottom,
Of course it's black...?

(answer: catfish)

He is herbivorous, does not like meetings with pike,
For something very tasty dried and this ...?

(answer: bream)

This fish is simple
And her name is...?

(answer: sopa)

He is big, but not a sailor,
Honorary representative of the Perciformes and this...?

(answer: zander)

And such a representative of the cod family is very necessary for everyone,
And it's very beautiful, spotted...?

(answer: burbot)

Solved all the riddles
Dismantled all the gifts
And now it's time to give surprises ourselves,
Congratulate the birthday boy!

(guests take turns congratulating the birthday boy)

There is a reason to fill glasses,
For all the words we hear, we will drink!

(eating, music playing)

And now a competition for grandchildren and children,
Who wants to participate, come to me soon!

The competition is called: "How many years, so much work." All interested grandchildren and children take part, then we are divided into two groups - male and female. Each group will have its own task, for the male part to wring out from the floor exactly as many times as the birthday person performs, and the female part needs to voice such a number of different compliments and wishes to the birthday person. In the end, the winner is the one who passes the test with dignity. The prize is up to you.

Everyone felt grandfather's year,
And now it's time to drink for them,
May you (name, patronymic of the birthday man) be fulfilled,
May so many of your wishes come true!

(everyone eats)

And now I ask you to put the glasses and forks to the sides,
We need to put dancing first!

(dance break, take into account the age of the birthday person, select his favorite compositions)

Everyone danced heartily
I would even say absolutely
And now I'll distribute crackers to everyone,
May the holiday bring joy to us!

(the presenter distributes crackers to everyone)

And so, one, two, three,
Flappers in honor of the birthday of a dear and respected (name, patronymic of the birthday man), we clap our own!

(at the expense of all the guests clap confetti crackers, the holiday continues, but already without a host)

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Grandpa's birthday script

When planning a grandfather's birthday scenario, it is important to consider who exactly will be invited to the celebration. As a rule, such holidays are celebrated in the company of the family. For the celebration, you need to choose a leader. It could be a son or daughter. The holiday begins and all the guests gather at the table.

– On this festive day, we have gathered here to celebrate a solemn date for our dear grandfather, father. Let's fill our glasses and drink to his health!
All guests drink and eat.

- On this festive day, the closest people of our birthday man are present in the hall - this is his family.

Then the grandfather's birthday script includes congratulations from the family - wife, children, grandchildren.

Our birthday boy loves his grandchildren very much. But this love is mutual, because the grandchildren also love him. On this festive day, they prepared a gift for him.
The grandchildren then perform a dance for their grandfather. To do this, they need to prepare in advance. You can choose your favorite grandfather song. Another option is a dance, which is used to musical accompaniment in the form of a song dedicated to grandfather.

- Our birthday boy loves to have fun and sing ditties. Which of the guests knows the most ditties? Let's check!

Further, the scenario of Grandpa's Birthday includes a competition in the program. The task is to perform funny ditties. If the participants do not know ditties, they can make up their own, which will also be a lot of fun. For the performance of ditties, it is necessary to select the appropriate musical phonogram. You can perform ditties along with dancing, if the participants of the competition wish. The one who is the last to perform a ditty receives a prize and the title of winner.

– The life of our birthday boy is rich and interesting. Let's check which of the guests knows the hero of the occasion best!

Then there is a competition. Its essence lies in the answers to the questions that will be asked. These are questions about the life of the birthday man. The following questions can be suggested:

- when he went to school;
- when he entered the institute;
- What university did you study at?
– general work experience;
- how many grandchildren;
- What are the grandchildren's names?
- when he got married.

Also, the list of questions for this competition can be further expanded. The participant who gives the most correct answers wins a prize.

- The life of our birthday boy cannot be imagined without his relatives, close people. Let's remember what funny stories happened in life.
Then a competition is held in which it is necessary to tell the funniest story that happened in the life of the birthday man. This competition will certainly make all the guests smile, as well as the birthday man himself. The winner is determined by the birthday boy. The winner receives a prize.

Our birthday boy is a fishing lover. I suggest that all participants also pay attention to this interesting hobby.

After these words, a competition is held. To do this, you need to prepare inventory. It will take several bottles. They contain a folded piece of paper on which the task is written. It needs to be done. A thread is tied to the leaf. Several participants are invited to the competition. They choose a bottle and pull out a leaf with a task from it, which they then complete. As an example of tasks, the following options can be offered:

Write a poem for a birthday
- sing a congratulatory song;
- sing your favorite birthday song;
- dance a dance;
- to tell a funny anecdote or a funny story.

After this competition, a sweet table is set with a festive cake.

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach," remember this proverb? So, do a Food Boom for your dad today. Let everything he loves be on the table today. Definitely meat dishes.

Your dad loves fishing or hunting, then choose the appropriate gift for him. You can choose this gift in the section "Presents for men".

You can also ask friends to choose gifts from the same theme. For example, if he loves fishing, then all gifts should be on this topic (fishing rod, spinning rod, tent, etc.)

Invite his "bosom" friends and find his old demobilization album. Ask friends to remember some funny stories from dad's past.

Happy birthday to your beloved father and husband. Wish him all the best and give him a gift. When guests come with gifts, he will see how they prepared for his birthday, he will be very pleased.

After the guests have tasted all the dishes that you cooked with soul. You can arrange several drinking competitions. For example, a competition for the best funny story, with dad in the title role. Friends will already be prepared for this competition in advance, and fun at the table will be guaranteed.

Be sure to give the floor to the guests of the holiday after each competition so that they congratulate the birthday man with all their hearts. He will be very pleased.

Arrange a funny fishing trip for the birthday boy. You can hold a "Bite" contest. To do this, prepare glass bottles and pencils on strings in advance. There will be a lot of laughter, that's for sure. And you capture these actions on your camera. These frames will decorate the new dad's album.

Congratulations for dad on his birthday:

Daddy, we congratulate you today and wish you to always remain an example of a real man for us. You have all the masculine to become, courage and reliability. And there is love in the heart. Love for the Motherland, for his wife, for his children. You give us this love, and we return it to you many times over. Daddy, we love you and wish you to stay healthy and vigorous for many years to come.