Scenario day of trade worker. Poems for the script "Day of Trade" Scenario of the competitive program for the day of trade

Decoration: balloons…….

VED.:. Good afternoon!

(if the second host - hello)

VED.: We welcome all those gathered in our hall.

VED.: Every year on the last Sunday of July, trade workers celebrate their professional holiday.

VED.: Congratulations on your holiday! You, always respected,

In its own way charming, delicate.

VED.: You who have created an atmosphere of kindness, trust, knowledge and experience around you! Each of you is unique in your own way.

We are glad to see everyone. We wish you success and, of course, good mood.

1. Musical number __________________________________________

VED.: Our holiday opened ________________________________--

The branch of trade has been put forward by the state to a prominent place, because it is a sphere of good, services.

Attaching great importance to the Day of Trade in order to create a solemn atmosphere, congratulations and awards are provided for the best workers in this field today.

VED.: We invite the head of the administration of the Kursk municipal district to the stage Sergei Ivanovich Kalashnikov.


VED.: And now the solemn moment of the award. (the presenter reads the certificates of honor, the head presents).

presentation of Honorary Diplomas of AKMR.

VED.: For all the awardees sings _________________________________

2. Music. room _________________________________________

VED.: Since ancient times, mankind has been engaged in trade. Our great-grandfathers, having moved from central Russia, Ukraine to the new lands of southern Russia, also could not do without trade. Shops and bakeries were built.

VED. Much water has flown under the bridge since then...

See how today the industry is being transformed into a modern service industry. How many beautiful and comfortable shops we have. Life has changed a lot, something new has been introduced, something has been crossed out, but trade was, is and will be. (FANFARES).

VED.: And returning today to this beautiful, cozy hall, where trade workers are honored. We invite the head of department __________________ to the microphone Natalya Nikolaevna Indalova.

Presentation of letters of thanks.

VED.: And the next musical gift for you will be a song performed by _________________________________

3. Musical number _______________________________________

VED.: The prestige of the profession ... The synonyms of this word are authority, influence, respect. Authority does not come by itself. Respect too. They are available only to those who are conscientious, hardworking, attentive to people.

ED: Serve in the store, is it easy for me? -

You always get up for work before dawn.

A month hangs over a sleepy street, it happens that even the radio is still asleep ...

And yet a good service - I serve people!

And that's what I value the most...

VED .: A long time ago, in early childhood, we boys and girls enjoyed playing "sellers and buyers". "Weighed" and "sold" sand cakes and candy-pebbles. And it's just wonderful when childhood dreams come true.

VED.: Each person at one time reflects on the choice of profession. The choice is very great and it is important not to make a mistake.

VED.: And what happiness for life to choose the profession you like. To work with pleasure, to proudly celebrate such a wonderful holiday today.

VED .: We congratulate you on the holiday, we wish you well-being and patience, always be young, kind, caring, sensitive to each other, and to the people who live and work next to you. Accept our musical gift: ____________________________

4. Musical number ____________________________________

We want to congratulate you

And let from year to year

Goods will be fine

And the prices are all good

And business will become creative.

May you always be lucky!

5. Music number ______________________________

VED.: From the bottom of our hearts, we once again congratulate you on the holiday! Hope ... Perhaps there is not a single person among you who would not hope for the best, that your dreams and expectations will come true.

6. Music number __________________________________________

VED.: Once again we congratulate all trade workers on their professional holiday.

VED .: Accept the warmest wishes of health, family well-being and may you always be in a great mood, smile in any weather, be able to talk with a stranger about the most important thing and work, even if it’s raining outside and everyone is annoyed, happiness to you, peace your home.

7. Music number ________________________________

Music is playing in the hall while all participants of the corporate party are gathering. An evening dedicated to the professional holiday of trade and service workers is led by a small group or one presenter. The hall is festively decorated, at the entrance there is a poster "Trade is the engine, capital is a reliable ship, and we are its sailors."

- It's already evening, it's the night,
And everything around was quiet, finally,
I look, it goes quietly through the square,
A slightly unusual person.
Dressed, like everyone else, in ordinary clothes,
But, I managed to catch something in the image,
His face shone with a ray of hope
Gave the mood of love.
I'm not mistaken, this is the seller of luck,
And I was ready to buy everything
And I didn't even need to surrender
I bought the opportunity to have an interesting life.
After all, you are not selling goods, you are selling products,
The buyer does not notice on the fly,
that you give a piece of your heart
Your love, care, kindness.
With your professional holiday, dear friends, fill your glasses and drink for yourself, for good luck sellers!

(Musical composition sounds.)

- Fanfare sounds solemnly
Valuable gifts are waiting for their customers
Diplomas, diplomas, for the most, most,
To celebrate hard work.
For congratulations and presentation of valuable gifts, the floor is given to the boss (full name).

(Each award and congratulation is sounded by the corresponding solemn music.)

- On a warm July evening,
Everyone who is closely connected with trade,
Accept this congratulations
And wish you success.

Let luck smile
The trading business is booming
Solve difficult problems!
May your God help you with this.

Oh, almighty ancient Veles!
Trade affairs to all masters
Send your blessing
Success, happiness and kindness!

Not much and not enough is said here.
Fill your glasses to the brim
There is only one truth in words
Glasses must be drained to the bottom!
Musical pause.

- All people are divided into two groups: sellers and buyers. And you, like no one else, know what sometimes picky buyers come across. Moreover, you yourself often become buyers.

Now, I will ask you questions, and you try to answer them.
1. You want to buy something, but the product is high on the shelf, what are you asking? (May I see? Give me that thing? Etc.)
2. The seller did not hear you. (Knock. Come, please!)
3. The seller came up, but did not want to get the goods from the shelf. (I need to see that thing over there. Please give it.)
4. The seller dissuades you from buying this and offers something else. (Are you out of your mind? Give me a complaint book.)

On another sheet of paper, write down the answers to other questions.

1. The buyer, he asks. Is the seller's kiss included in the price of the goods? (Not.)
2. The buyer pinched your soft spot, your actions. (Give a slap in the face. I'll call the police. What do you allow yourself.)
3. The buyer got your phone number and promises to call every hour. (My husband is jealous. Dear, leave me alone. Go out.)
4. The buyer gives you a rose as a sign of gratitude. (Thank you! Very nice, come again.)

Then two players are selected from those present. One buyer, another seller. They read the recorded answers, it turns out a funny monologue.

- You need a lot of health
Bubbling champagne in glasses
There is only one truth in words
We drink to the bottom of health.

A musical pause, during which several people are selected, they are given stars with numbers. A competition "For professional suitability" is being held. The person under the star number one is called. His task is to determine as accurately as possible how much money is in the bag. Small coins of different denominations must be placed in the bag. Then, recalculate, if the amount approximately coincided, then the participant is awarded the diploma “Expert of the Mint”. Participant number two is asked to indicate the exact amount of paper money in the pack. If he guesses correctly, then a diploma is awarded to the “Best Collector of Waste Paper”. The player at number three must say by eye how much a piece of cheese weighs, for the most accurate answer, the diploma “Taster of the Year” is awarded. Competitor number four must not make a mistake in guessing the displacement. He must determine how many grams of vodka are poured into a glass, for the exact answer, the letter "Fighter against drunkenness." And participant number five must blindfold guess what he was fed. Use a little-known fruit, for example: avocado, mango, passion fruit. For the correct answer, the diploma "Connoisseur of the Year" is awarded.

- Yes, you can't be taken with your bare hands.
Craftsmen in their field, do not take away!
For your knowledge, for your becoming
I'll offer to raise a glass!

A musical break during which two or three participants are selected. They go to the utility room, where the host dresses them in gypsy costumes, you can also take men, they will cause more laughter in this costume. The task for the participants is to “squeeze” as many items or money as possible from those present. At the end of the competition, count the results of "begging" and reward the winner with a gypsy horse (toy). For the participants and all those present, announce the dance "Gypsy".

- Oh, where did it bring us,
Trade, ancient craft
It doesn't take a lot of talent to do this.
I am ready to give a grant for talents.
DJ turn on the tape recorder
I announce a dance marathon.

A new cheerful and comic script for holding a festive event, a corporate party with managers and colleagues at work on the day of trade.

Poems and congratulations to the entire team of workers, contests, humor and songs of alteration in a comic scenario for holding a holiday dedicated to the Day of Trade.

The scenario involves: a presenter, a girl manager, a merchandiser, an impostor auditor and a real auditor.

Dear colleagues! Today we have gathered to have fun in our friendly team to celebrate our professional super holiday Trade Day! We sincerely congratulate everyone on this wonderful holiday and give the floor to our leader ... (name, patronymic).

The manager sums up the results, briefly talks about the achievements, thanks the team and congratulates everyone on the occasion of the Trade Day and awards the best employees of the company.

Solemn speech, flowers, gifts, certificates, medals or memorable souvenirs can be prepared in advance if desired.

This is where the solemn part of the script ends and the entertaining part begins.

The manager (girl) and the merchandiser enter the stage.


Lord! The Inspector is coming!

TAvarAved (Raikinsky, wearing a cap):

What an auditor! They won't let you rest! Auditors, Trezors, Patterns ... And even if so, let him go! We are all clean!

The inspector, an impostor, beautifully dressed, enters the stage.

Here I am! Didn't you wait? Very nice table set! You live well! With what kind of profits, if you please, inquire?


With a trading allowance, nice man. Where are you from? So dressed up, as if singing at the opera.

The auditor (sings a song to the music "I am a waterman", m / f "Flying Ship"):

I am the Inspector, I am the Inspector

I was not expected here. Shame!

I have a prominent swollen belly.

I'll take my pocket!

(Ugh! Bribes are disgusting!)

Oh, my life is a tin ...

Yes, well, into the swamp!

I live like a bastard.

And I fly, and I fly

And I want to fly!


I said: from the opera!


Carry a report? Do you want annual or quarterly?

What kind of dirty hints? (whispers) Announce the full amount, please!


Listen, DarAgoy TavarYch! Tell me straight, what do you want? If you want - there is black caviar, if you want - there is red caviar, white bottom, black top, forty-second - the most popular - everything is there!

I'm ready to make concessions

Seeing good deeds

The manager announces that the cranky guest wants to know how attentive the audience is. It is necessary in 10 seconds to find the moved object on the display (on the tray). All small items - about 20 pieces. Items are named and shown in order. The order and number of items on 2 trays is the same.

2 people are called from the hall. During the movement of the object, the participants are blindfolded. Winner - a prize (pen, cake, etc.)

(The Gogol Inspector during the award ceremony tries to snatch something from the calculation, but does not go unnoticed)


Yes, you are a bastard! Very visible!

And we are honest here! Oh, it's embarrassing!

Pah-you! DARAGOY! And take a walk past the turnstile from the magnet! Back and forth, back and forth!

(The inspector passes, the magnetic turnstile honks furiously)

Nearly all items from the previous competition are taken from the pockets of the Auditor.

The essence of the competition

Since the holiday is our day of trade, it is necessary to remember the cost of goods by ear. They show them, announce the cost. The contestant must mentally add up all the numbers. There are about 10 two-digit numbers. Depending on the success of the event, the counting can be repeated, but with a different contestant and with other “goods”. Awarding of the winner - according to the results.


We don't need calqulAtArAv,

When such shots exist!

And you, tavarych, you can see it is necessary

Sit down on a chair for a year or two (to the Inspector)!

The pseudo auditor is seated on a chair.


Let's not quarrel! After all, it's a holiday!

Walk and sing, honest people!

And you (to the Inspector), my friend, are a big prankster!

It seems that they are not honest and miserly!

I demand! .. I am a book of complaints

I will rewrite along, across!

You did not offend, but a sting

Stuck in my beautiful side!

I'll blow money out of you!

Silent scene will be for you!

Who is not standing, but looking for something,

Goes to pockets and money!


Are you threatening with a silent scene? Yes? Attention! The Real Inspector is coming to us!

(The impostor auditor freezes in an absurd pose)

Real Auditor:

I'm like Santa Claus in the middle of summer!

But this is what happens on our holidays.

The performance is a counterfeit coin.

We have order: no missing!

Goods are brought to the shelves.

Full of sheds. Enough for everyone!

There are scarce pins.

I don't hide them and I don't eat them.

Down with trade from under the floor!

No need for a deficit!

I won't say much:

Available, slides stands.

Congratulations to everyone! For prosperity

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

And even more: you are out of touch

During the breaks, dance competitions, songs for the day of trade, a festive disco, and dances are held.

- Hello, dear friends!

- Good afternoon, dear trade workers!

- It is with great pleasure that we greet everyone gathered in this hall.

- It is customary for the British to say: “My house is my fortress”, and at the same time lock the gates.

- We, on the contrary, open doors, lower bridges, open windows, letting in as much fun, light and warmth as possible into our hall.

- Today we have gathered on the occasion of a holiday dedicated to our dear trade workers.

- We have wonderful guests today. We are glad to see everyone.

- Make yourself comfortable. Our meeting is not quite ordinary, and it begins with a musical number.

(Leaders sing a song dedicated to trade workers).

- And now, on Thursday Day trade , we will congratulate and reward the best workers in this field.

- Congratulations on your holiday! always respected,

- Delicate and charming.

- You, who skillfully created an atmosphere of trust, kindness, experience and knowledge around you!

- Accept our next musical gift in performance (artist name).

- Humanity has been engaged in trade since ancient times. Our great-grandfathers could not do without commercial business . The first bread shop in our city was built in (year).

- A lot of water has flown under the bridge since then... And today this industry has been transformed into a modern service industry. Now in our city there are many comfortable and beautiful shops. Life has changed a lot, brought in something new, and crossed out something, but trade has always been and will always be.

- And today, returning to our beautiful and cozy hall, we invite the Mayor of our city to the microphone (name of the mayor).

- Service- this is a magnificent, primordially Russian word! Now it is going through the stage of its new birth. The state puts forward the branch of trade to a prominent place.

- Prestigious profession... Synonyms of this word - respect, influence, authority. Authority does not come by itself, and neither does respect. They are available only to conscientious, hardworking, attentive people.

- Today we can not determine the best, because all of you are equally good.

- And how long ago, in distant childhood, we girls and boys loved to play "buyers and sellers" so much. "Weighed" candy-pebbles and cakes made of sand. It's just wonderful that childhood dreams sometimes come true.

At one time or another, every person thinks about choosing a profession. And how important it is not to make a mistake.

- We sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday, wish you patience and well-being, always be kind, young, caring, sensitive to people and to each other. And as a gift from us, accept this wonderful musical composition.

- Dear friends, our holiday has smoothly approached its unofficial part!

- So it's time to say the first toast. As one wise man said, genius is only one percent talent, ninety-nine percent labor. The world does not yet know a single lazy genius. The work of hands, mind and soul - isn't this the secret of the highest skill of trade workers?

- It is very nice when a lot of guests come to the holiday. This means that the organizers and heroes of the occasion deserve great respect and attention, and, of course, kind words. (A toast sounds in honor of trade workers).

- From the bottom of our hearts, we once again congratulate you on the holiday! Probably, many of you hope for the best, believe that all expectations and dreams will come true.

- We wish Nadezhda to always add optimism, success and spiritual energy to you!

- To lie, a person needs to know the truth, that is, the truth. And we know that the truth lies in what? That's right, wine! Why are we sitting? For the truth!

- Please accept our warmest wishes for happiness, health, family well-being. May your mood always be wonderful, smile regardless of the weather, be able to keep up a conversation with a stranger and work, even if there is a lingering rain outside the window. Happiness to you and your families!

(Sounds musical number).


  1. Greetings;
  2. Official part;
  3. Comic rules of the evening;
  4. Acquaintance "Bouquet";
  5. Wishes for the profession;
  6. Theater of Miniatures “Detective;
  7. Tickets "What is the question - such is the answer";
  8. "Calendar leaves";
  9. Blitz - tournament;
  10. Games, dances, skits;

What you need to prepare:

  • Flowers for the game "Bouquet;
  • Sheets with inscriptions of heroes;
  • Tickets with questions and answers;
  • Tear-off calendar;
  • Game inventory

Q: Good evening, dear friends! Hello! So the long-awaited holiday "Cooperation Day" has come! Today you will find a lot of interesting things, and I sincerely congratulate you on this, rightfully deserved, wonderful day! Our holiday is summer, so let's combine it with the sun, kind smiles and good mood! Now let's get to know each other. (Leader introduces himself). You already know me, and now I would like to get to know you. The game is called "Bouquet". You take a bouquet and name yourself and pass it with a smile to your neighbor or neighbor, who in turn will also smile at you!


Q: Let me toast, wishing you good and sunny days!

Look for a smile, appreciate a smile

Give a smile to your friends!

Give to passers-by and good people,

You can't live without a smile! TOAST!

Q: Let's not forget that we have a professional holiday, so we would like to pay special attention to trade and consumer cooperation workers! The profession of a salesperson is subject to danger and a kind of risk: thieves, shortages, rude buyers ... the police ... We offer a life situation. Let's play detective!

Scene "Theatre of Miniatures". Prepared guests perform, play skits.

Scene about the seller and the buyer

The buyer approaches the consultant.

BUYER: Tell me, do you have a book called How to Succeed and Influence Others?
INTERVIEWER: She's long gone
BUYER: And “How to submit a report quickly and dump from work to Zainka”?
CONSULTANT: No. But I can advise “How to quickly hit the bath on Friday”
BUYER: I'm not interested. Is there a book called "How to borrow a couple of grand and not give back longer"?
CONSULTANT: There is none
BUYER: And "How to meet a girl and bring her home on the first day"?
BUYER: Ah...
CONSULTANT: (interrupts) There's a book called "How to Dump Your Counselor and Find Books Yourself"

Scene about the police

Two operas are talking

1st: Seryoga, is there anything to read?
2nd: I'll see now ... Have you read Akunin?
1st: Yes, I read everything Akunin
2nd: Wonderfully writes, agree!
1st: Yes, he can. Is there Ulitskaya?
2nd: No, Vadik took Ulitskaya to read. Pelevin is.
1st: Is it interesting?
2nd: Well, in general, yes ... (holds out a folder with a file) Here, see for yourself
1st: (reads a sheet from the folder) I, Alexander Mikhailovich Pelevin, being in a state of intoxication, inflicted three knife blows on citizen Uvarova ...

Funny scene about the police 2

Employee 1: Where do we have tea?! He's a tease! He's Lipton! He's a bag on a string!
Employee 2: It's in the closet! He's Plywood! He's "The Dump"! He's "Understand, finally"!
Employee: Where's the sugar?! He is also "Sweet", he is also "Sticky", he is also "White Death"!
Employee 2: Today at 9:45 Moscow time, I recorded the absence of sugar. Operational and investigative measures yielded a result: the trail leads to the 15th office.
Officer 1: Operational group - go!

And now each of us will be able to play the role of ... an actor! (The host distributes roles and invites participants to come out to him to play theater). Your task is to perform all the actions of the heroes of the scene that I will pronounce. The key is to improvise!

fairy tale performance

Roles: Curtain, Throne, Princess, Prince, Blow Kiss, Window, Dragon, Dragon Heads, Dragon Tail, Horse, Clouds, Sun, Trees, Wind.

The curtain opens…

Castle. A Princess sits on a Throne in the palace... A beautiful Prince enters... Sends a kiss to the Princess... They begin to be nice... At this time, an evil Dragon flies in through the Window... with three Heads and an orgomic Tail... grabs the Princess... and flies away... The Prince goes to save the bride... Saddles his Horse… and rushing like an arrow to the Dragon’s cave… Clouds cover the sun…, Trees creak in alarm… Wind knocks the Horse down… and prevents the Prince from approaching the cave… The Dragon appears… Its three Heads spew flames and smoke… The battle begins… The Prince cuts off the first Head …, second and third… The Dragon’s body convulses…, the Tail dangles from side to side… The Princess runs out…, stumbles over the Tail… and almost falls… The Prince catches her… They kiss… The tail continues to dangle…

The curtain closes...

Q: we wish everyone good luck and faith, so that everyone will have good news,

Happiness to all without end and without measure, And now let's be together, together,

For our holiday, we will fill the glass again,

Let's just smile at each other again

Let work give joy and love,

We'll be back here in a year!

For all the good things, for your team!


Q: And now let's play a question and answer, often we get completely different answers from life, which we would like! I am sure that people with a sense of humor have gathered here, so we will succeed! Question and answer game.

  1. do you want to become a ballerina?
  2. are you always this cheeky?
  3. Do you like Arnold Schwarzenegger?
  4. do you go to the casino?
  5. do you make mistakes in your life?
  6. do you want to have a lover?
  7. do you often go to weddings?
  8. do you often fall out of bed?
  9. Do you enjoy kissing your husband (wife)?
  10. are you under the influence of alcohol?
  11. do you eat at night?
  12. would you like to get drunk today?
  13. Do you like Borya Moiseev? (girl)
  14. how often do you climb to a neighbor's cottage?
  15. do you like your boss?
  16. can you buy love with money?
  17. Do you succumb to the temptation of love affairs?
  18. do you like swimming naked?
  19. do you often eat that much?
  20. Are you adventurous?
  21. Are you thinking about spending the night in someone else's bed?
  22. do you wash in the bathroom?
  23. Do you dream of performing in a striptease?
  24. do you snore in your sleep?
  25. Are you willing to kiss in public places?
  26. do you like women?
  27. do you like vodka?
  28. Do you want to win the contest for the sexiest ass?
  29. you give bribes to the policeman?
  30. do you meet on the street?
  31. How much time do you devote to love affairs?
  32. want to kiss me?
  33. do you like frog legs?
  1. I can't imagine my life without it.
  2. I don't answer political questions.
  3. I love you, but at someone else's expense.
  4. Only on payday.
  5. No, I am a very shy person.
  6. I find it difficult to answer the truth, because I do not want to spoil my reputation.
  7. Only when I feel a little weak.
  8. You can try it away from home.
  9. I don't know myself, but others say yes.
  10. This is my hobby.
  11. Just not here.
  12. Please don't put me in an awkward position.
  13. Ask a more sober one.
  14. Why not? With great pleasure!
  15. My blushing is the most striking answer to this question.
  16. Only when I rest.
  17. Youth is long gone.
  18. Without witnesses, this case, of course, will go.
  19. This opportunity should not be missed.
  20. I'll tell you this in bed.
  21. Only when you want to go to bed.
  22. You can already try this.
  23. If it can be arranged now, then yes.
  24. Only when there are troubles at work.
  25. If I'm strongly asked to.
  26. I can for hours, especially in the dark.
  27. My financial situation rarely allows me to do this.
  28. No, I tried once (a) - it didn’t work out.
  29. Oh yeah! This is especially great for me!
  30. Damn it! As you guessed.
  31. In principle, no, but as an exception, yes.
  32. Only on holidays.
  33. When I'm drunk (a), and I'm always drunk (a).

Q: Don't be fooled by life's surprises,

May your wishes and dreams come true in the end!

After all, if you have no problems with a sense of humor,

You will save yourself in this world and help everyone!


Q: Our life consists of a string of years, seasons, days of the week, and just numbers. You have in your hands calendar sheets from 1 to 30, the month of June!

Complete the leader's tasks:

  • Gather on the days of the week;
  • Find yesterday or tomorrow, etc.

The host has a drum with numbers from 1 to 10, the drum spins and the host announces the numbers. people from the "calendar" come to him, for example 1 and 7, they formed the seventeenth number of the calendar. They perform a dance in the Spaghetti Dance competition. A GAME!

Q: Maybe this couple was not destined to meet,

But, I want, friends, I still confess,

That you were excellent, a great example for us,

You have become a bright light today in a gray world!


Q: And now the blitz tournament! I will ask you intelligent humorous trick questions and I want to get no less original answers to them!

  • The man was driving a large truck. The headlights weren't on, the moon wasn't there either, the lights along the road weren't shining. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car, but the driver did not run over her. How did he manage to see her? (There was a day)
  • Why do ducks swim? (From the shore)
  • When the car is moving, which wheel is not spinning? (Spare)
  • Why is the dog running? (On the ground)
  • What is the tongue in the mouth for? (Behind the teeth)
  • Can it rain two days in a row? (No, because the night separates the days)
  • When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into a house? (When the door is open)
  • Which month is the shortest? (May - it has only three letters)
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
  • What is between the window and the door? (Letter "and")
  • What will happen to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (He gets wet)
  • How many peas can go into one glass? (Not at all. They can't walk!)
  • How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (Only one thing: after the first it will no longer be on an empty stomach)
  • What happens if a black scarf is dipped into the Red Sea? (get wet)
  • Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)
  • What question cannot be answered with "yes"? (Are you sleeping now?)
  • What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)
  • What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)
  • What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
  • What are we eating for? (At the table))
  • How long can you go to the forest? (To the middle - you go further out of the forest)
  • What disease has never been ill on earth? (nautical)
  • What notes can measure space? (Mi-la-mi)
  • How to pluck a branch so as not to frighten away a bird? (Gotta wait for her to fly away)
  • A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (None, because the bottom fell)
  • How to write "dry grass" in four letters? (hay)
  • What can be seen with closed eyes. (Dream)
  • Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (Same per kilogram)
  • Two birches grow, each birch has four cones. How much? (Cones do not grow on a birch)

B: For agility for ingenuity

For excitement and intensity,

Pour it quickly

Glass full of vodka!


Q: The next game is Men's Revelations. This is a screaming game. Women after each phrase of the leader shout “Yo-ho-ho!” If they agree! And "Oh-oh-oh!" - if you do not agree. And the men add "And a bottle of beer!".

So, let's begin!

So I would like a car ... (the host is waiting for the reaction of the guests) ...

To marry a prima ballerina ...

One currency in the wallet ...

To Nice, if only for a minute...

Barbecue every day...

And a friend - just chic ...

To catch a buzz on football ...

Their taps generously pour vodka ...

And the job would be easier...

And better health...

B: The sun is shining outside the window,