The most effective eye masks for wrinkles. Recipes for the most effective masks for wrinkles around the eyes. Which face mask for wrinkles to choose: homemade or purchased

It's no secret that the skin around the eyes is one of the most vulnerable areas of the face. In the absence of delicate care and the presence of adverse factors (constant squinting from harsh light, prolonged work at the monitor, the use of poor-quality cosmetics and eye makeup removers, excessive dryness of the skin as a result of diseases, etc.), the first wrinkles, bags, circles and puffiness may appear already in 20-25 years of age.

Therefore, cosmetologists and dermatologists advise starting the use of special care products designed for the thin skin of the eyelids and the area under the eyes from the age of 20. By eliminating the adverse causes that cause dry skin, and using special creams, gels, mousses, balms, etc., you can maintain healthy skin. This recommendation applies to women in their 20s and 30s.

In addition to professional and therapeutic cosmetic products, which are desirable to be selected taking into account the age and characteristics of the skin, delicate home care for thin skin around the eyes can be diversified with special masks and compresses based on natural products available in the refrigerator or sold in any pharmacy. It makes sense to carry out such procedures after the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary.

A high-quality mask for wrinkles around the eyes at home ideally solves several problems at once:

  • moisturizes the skin;
  • nourishes the deep layers of the dermis;
  • replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • enriches the epidermis with antioxidants that protect cells from the adverse effects of internal and external factors;
  • prevents the appearance of crow's feet, folds and wrinkles;
  • partially reduces the depth of the already existing wrinkled mesh;
  • eliminates dark circles and blueness;
  • removes puffiness due to the normalization of cellular metabolism;
  • tightens the skin of the eyelids, showing lifting properties.

According to many women and professional cosmetologists, an effective mask for wrinkles around the eyes should contain as many components as possible, and their action should be complex and complementary.

At what age can you make masks for wrinkles around the eyes?

Experts advise starting to perform masks for wrinkles around the eyes at home after 30 years. This form of care will prevent the formation of a wrinkled network, "crow's feet", mimic folds, and will also allow you to diversify the supply of nourishing and moisturizing compounds to delicate skin.

A mask made from homemade cottage cheese and fatty sour cream (1: 1) has proven itself well for this age category. The mixture is applied to the eyelids for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water. In the absence of a feeling of tightness, the cream can not be applied after the procedure.

Compresses and masks around the eyes from wrinkles after 35 years of age are aimed at strengthening the cellular nutrition of the delicate area of ​​​​the face, reducing the occurrence of wrinkles that have already appeared and preventing the appearance of new ones. Such procedures should be included in the mandatory facial care program if the lady wants to keep her youth as long as possible.

After 35, the starch-milk mask works great, removing puffiness and evening out the color. To prepare it, knead a boiled potato, add 3 teaspoons of cream to a thick puree, place the mixture between layers of gauze and apply it warm on the eyelid area until the mass has completely cooled.

Systematic home use of a mask for wrinkles around the eyes after 40 years, and the course of procedures should be at least 15-20 with an interval of 4-6 days, is the key to the ideal state of the delicate area of ​​​​the face and the need. It is no secret that it is the condition of the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes that most often gives out the true age.

For mature skin, sea buckthorn oil, enriched with vitamins A and E, is suitable. The contents of 3 Aevit capsules are squeezed into 60 ml of oil. Lubricate the area around the eyes every evening before going to bed for 40 minutes, after which the remnants are blotted with a paper towel.

The use of vegetable and essential oils for home skin care around the eyes

In most beauty recipes, as a rule, vegetable oils are present. Since the main problem of the delicate area of ​​the skin around the eyes is dryness and nutritional deficiency, it is the oils rich in lipids and fatty acids that are so in demand in masks and compresses.

The following oil extracts are most often used against wrinkles under the eyes:

  • olive;
  • grape seeds;
  • peach;
  • apricot;
  • cocoa;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • burdock;
  • sesame;
  • macadamia;
  • shea (shea);
  • jojoba;
  • masket roses (wild rose);
  • almond.

The listed vegetable oils are combined with each other, as well as with other products, for example, extracts of medicinal plants, pharmaceutical vitamins, aloe vera, fruit pulp, herbs, honey, eggs, flour, tea, sour-milk products, etc.

Oils are also suitable as a base for pure ethers. Never exceed the concentration of the active ingredient in recipes for masks and oil compresses, so as not to provoke the opposite effect in the form of swelling and allergic reactions of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

It is worth noting that not all etherols can be used under the eyes, and before the initial use, a test for individual tolerance must be carried out. The most common esters found in recipes for youthful eye contour skin are carrot, rose, myrrh, limette, patchouli, neroli, sandalwood and lavender.

The best masks for wrinkles in the eye area based on vegetable oils

All procedures are performed only on cleansed skin. Be sure to carry out make-up removal to remove the remnants of mascara, pencil and shadows.

Option number 1. Mix with a wooden spatula 2 tablespoons of warmed olive oil and 7-8 drops of pharmacy tocopherol (vitamin E). Saturate cotton pads with oil and apply on closed eyes for 15 minutes. The same composition is also suitable as a night cream (gently distribute a few drops along the contour of the eyes with fingertips).

Option number 2. Banana-oil mask moisturizes the skin well, smoothes wrinkles and provides saturation of the epidermis with beneficial lipids. Mash half a banana, add a tablespoon of vitamin E and grape seed oil to the gruel. The product is applied to closed eyelids for 30 minutes, washed off with warm chamomile tea and a special moisturizing eye cream is used.

Option number 3. Melt a tablespoon of cocoa butter in a water bath, add the same amount of tocopherol oil solution and sea buckthorn seed oil. The tool works well on the crow's feet area and intensively nourishes the skin. The compress is applied using cotton pads soaked in a warm mixture for 20-30 minutes.

Option number 4. Melt 5 g of shea butter, add the same amount of avocado seed oil to it, add 2 drops of rose and neroli ether to the composition. The tool is suitable for oil compresses, and as a nourishing eye cream.

Anti-aging masks against blue circles, swelling, wrinkles and crow's feet

Cucumber mask. Everyone knows the whitening, refreshing and moisturizing properties of cucumber. Remember how in most Soviet films the ladies relax with a mask on their faces and slices of cucumbers on their eyelids? Such procedures will relieve bruises, smooth out wrinkles, and rejuvenate the skin.

The simplest version of the cucumber mask is to apply two slices oozing juice on each eye (1 on the upper eyelid, 2 on the lower) and lie down in this form for 10 minutes. A gruel made from cucumber pulp with parsley leaves pounded in a mortar (1: 1) and a few drops of vitamin E also works well.

Bread mask. This recipe was used by our grandmothers. The pulp of wheat bread was soaked in whole milk (it is better to take country milk) and applied to the eyelids for 30 minutes every day for a week.

Oatmeal mask. Mix oatmeal or powdered oatmeal flakes with pounded yolk and a few drops of honey until a creamy consistency is obtained. If the product turned out to be thick, then it is diluted with warmed milk. The resulting slurry is placed between two layers of gauze and applied to the eyes for a quarter of an hour.

Potato mask. Puree of fresh root vegetables is an ideal remedy for refreshing tired skin, as well as against swelling and dark circles in the contours of the eyes. To enhance the effectiveness of the procedure, a decoction of parsley and ground oatmeal are added to the raw potato gruel puréed in a blender (potatoes are mixed with flour 1: 1, then the mass is diluted with parsley extract). It is recommended to wash off the mask with strong green tea.

Gelatin mask. Gelatin treatments are beneficial for mature and tired skin. Dilute gelatin with milk 1: 1, heat the composition in a water bath until the crystals are completely dissolved, add ½ teaspoon of honey to the warm mixture. The mask is applied to the area around the eyes with a brush, washed off with warm water.

Choose the formulations that are right for you by trial and error. Procedures give a visible result only with regularity and perseverance. Periodically change mask recipes in order to diversify the nutrition of the skin around the eyes and make the care diversified. Smooth skin to you at any age!

With such a problem as wrinkles on the face around the eyes, not only older women, but also young girls face. And at any age, the appearance of crow's feet will be a disaster. To delay this process longer, you need proper skin care. How to properly monitor the face, what to do with skin aging and which face masks for wrinkles around the eyes are the most effective, we will consider in this article.

Wrinkles around the eyes and their causes

Unwanted wrinkles can appear for various reasons, and in any case, a solution must be immediately sought for this problem. In addition to natural aging, skin elasticity is affected by:

  • weight loss or gain;
  • disturbed daily routine;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • stretching of the skin due to the movement of facial muscles (mimic wrinkles).

Especially it is necessary to pay attention to age wrinkles. The older a woman gets, the more collagen deficiency increases. Collagen is a protein protein that is responsible for skin elasticity. Every year this deficiency is more and more manifested on the face of a woman in the form of wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask for 25-35 years

Recipes for masks against wrinkles around the eyes

Masks for mimic wrinkles around the eyes at home. This type of wrinkles occurs at a very early age. Emotion on the face causes the cheekbones to move, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. This is a completely normal natural process, and there is no escape from it. But you need to follow these nuances. If the crow's feet deepen, then you need to turn to the folk recipe.

With mimic wrinkles under the eyes, the following face masks at home are useful:

  1. Birch leaf mask. We take a handful of birch leaves and fill them with cold water. The elixir should be infused for 10 hours. Then, in this infusion, soak cotton swabs and apply to the eyes, closing the eyelids.
  2. Strawberries combined with honey is an excellent combination in the fight against mimic wrinkles. Mix the crushed berries with honey (with its use you need to be careful not to be allergic). Apply to the problem area and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse off with a cotton pad soaked in milk.

Masks for the skin around the eyes after 30 years. During this period, the process of cell regeneration slows down, so it is recommended to use tonics at home. These so-called crow's feet or cobwebs are not very scary. The main thing is to keep the skin in good shape.

Here are some examples of moisturizing eye masks after 30 years:

  1. The most famous way is the use of cucumber. The recipe is simple: choose a slightly overripe cucumber for such a mask (this will have a more moisturizing effect). Cut the vegetable into thin rings and apply over the eyes for a few minutes.
  2. Tomatoes, egg yolk, water. Mix these ingredients. Apply the resulting mask for 10 minutes.
  3. Mask for the face around the eyes from wrinkles from Hercules. Mix oatmeal with warmed milk and let it brew for 20 minutes. Next, wrap the resulting mixture in a gauze bandage and apply it to the problem area for half an hour.
  4. With the help of a Spanish mask, wrinkled defects can be smoothed out. Grind the boiled beans and add lemon juice (a few drops). The mask is aged in the aisles for 20 minutes.

It will be useful for masks for wrinkles around the eyes to use essential oils as an additional component. They will additionally nourish and moisturize the skin.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask for mature skin

Face masks for wrinkles around the eyes after 35 years. New wrinkles do not appear at this age, but those that are present are aggravated. During this period, the main thing is to maintain and create the necessary conditions for care. At this age, it is better to give preference to herbal lotions rather than masks. But they also should not be abandoned.

Here are the best lotions and eye masks at home after 35 for wrinkles under the eyes:

  1. Sage (1 teaspoon) pour boiled water (1 cup). Divide the broth into two containers. In one bowl, it is necessary to cool the solution a little. Soak cotton swabs in it, then apply to the area around the eyes for 10 minutes. In the meantime, cool the second part of the lotion. Put on the problem area for the same time interval. After such a contrasting application, the eyes will gain shine, and the skin will become elastic.
  2. Grate raw potatoes. Wrap the resulting puree in a gauze bandage. This mask is applied under the bags under the eyes for a few minutes. After that, any moisturizer is gently applied. After waiting about 10 minutes, the cream and the rest of the mask are removed with a cotton pad.
  3. A mask of boiled potatoes, grated with the addition of one tablespoon of flour and two tablespoons of milk is very useful.

Masks for the skin around the eyes after 40 years. At this age, the skin changes a lot, because there is a reduction in the thickness of the epidermis. She is no longer so elastic, but at the same time she is still far from deep aging. If it is not given the right attention, the aging process will accelerate. Therefore, in addition to home remedies for combating aging, it's time to start using age-appropriate cosmetic creams.

As for folk cosmetology, the following eye masks for wrinkles after 40 should be highlighted:

  1. For mature skin, homemade potato masks are also useful. Shredded potatoes with the addition of one tablespoon of flour and two tablespoons of milk.
  2. Spinach with the addition of vitamin A enters the anti-aging process. Squeeze the juice from the spinach and mix with a teaspoon of the vitamin. It is necessary to apply moistened cotton pads for half an hour. Then wipe around the eyes with milk.
  3. A therapeutic emulsion of grated banana with whipped cream is obtained very tasty and appetizing. This gentle mixture is applied for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Add grated yolk and honey to freshly squeezed orange juice. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes.

Masks for the skin around the eyes after 50 years. At this age, there comes a stage when the skin is at the peak of aging. You can no longer afford what was allowed ten years ago. The skin reacts sensitively to any irritants: sleeping positions, frequent exposure to the sun, smoking, etc. All this is accompanied by a low level of collagen, lack of hormones, diseases that come with age.

In this case, face masks for mimic wrinkles, with a high content of vitamin components and trace elements, should be used at home. In these years, all the same means are used as at an earlier age. Obviously, the use of lifting after 50 years will not give the same effect as before, but it will still be possible to slow down the aging process of the skin.

I would like to emphasize the general rule for the use of masks for all age categories. It is best to do lifting in the evening before going to bed, on cleansed skin. During the night, the skin will rest, the beneficial vitamins absorbed by it will easily interact with the cells. Already in the morning the result will be noticeable. There will be a natural shine in the eyes, and the skin will be soft and silky.

Extra care for wrinkles under the eyes

Skin care around the eyes is not just lifting. You should eat right, give up bad habits, lead an active lifestyle, observe the daily routine.

The aging process is inevitable, but remember that it can be delayed. If you take care of yourself and your skin, then youth will not leave you so easily.

The best masks for wrinkles around the eyes

Rules for choosing and applying masks

Masks at home from wrinkles and circles under the eyes of women have been used for hundreds of years. Some of the fair sex are quite satisfied with the result obtained as a result of care.

Others do not notice much change, and in rare cases, additional defects appear. So that self-prepared formulations used for skin rejuvenation do not lead to undesirable consequences and allow you to see positive changes, you must always follow a few rules:

  1. Masks for the area near the eyes from wrinkles are prepared according to special recipes. Do not use those home remedies that are designed to rejuvenate the entire face.
  2. After 40 and 50 years old, anti-aging masks are done in a course of 10-15 procedures every two to three days.
  3. If there are wounds, irritation or inflammation around the eyes, then the procedure should be postponed until the skin is restored.
  4. The exposure time of the applied composition is on average 10-15 minutes. It's not worth overdoing it.
  5. It is better to plan the procedure for caring for the delicate skin under the eyes in the evening, but the mask should be applied no later than an hour before bedtime.
  6. When applying the prepared mixture, the skin does not need to be stretched. The mask is distributed with light patting movements.
  7. It is unacceptable to get the prepared product on the mucous membranes of the eyes. If this happens, then it is necessary to quickly rinse the eyes with plenty of running water, otherwise inflammation may develop.
  8. The composition must first be tested for tolerance. This is done by applying the mixture on the wrist. The mask can be used if burning, itching, swelling and severe redness do not appear within one to two hours.
  9. The effectiveness of care increases if you do not talk during the rejuvenation session. It is advisable to lie down with your eyes closed during the exposure.
  10. The mixture from the eye area is best removed with a soft disc dipped in warm herbal decoction.
  11. To enhance the effect, the skin should be moisturized after the session with a suitable nourishing cream.

An eye mask for wrinkles at home should be prepared in full accordance with the chosen recipe. Substitution of ingredients, increase or decrease in their quantity impairs the effectiveness of the composition and may lead to irritation.

Recipes for effective and easy-to-prepare masks for wrinkles in the eye area

Creamy potato

The average tuber of fresh potatoes should be washed, peeled and grated. A teaspoon of high-fat cream is added to the resulting mass. This mask for wrinkles near the eyes can be used by women after 30 years.


Grind a handful of oatmeal flakes in a coffee grinder. The resulting flour is poured with a couple of tablespoons of hot milk. The mixture should swell for half an hour, after which it is still warm distributed under the eyes.


The pulp of one medium-sized ripe banana should be mashed and mixed with a spoonful of softened butter. The finished mass is applied under the eyes, it is possible to apply it on the eyelids.

Cucumber milk

A medium-sized fresh cucumber without skin is rubbed and mixed with two tablespoons of whole warm milk. Cotton pads are moistened in the gruel, after which they are applied under the eyes. This anti-wrinkle mask at home after 50 years allows you to moisturize thin skin, brightens it, significantly reduces the visibility of existing "crow's feet".


From fresh tomatoes you need to squeeze a spoonful of juice, free it from seeds and mix with one egg yolk. Children's dry mixture in the amount of two small spoons is diluted with water to the state of gruel and combined with egg-tomato mass. The disks are wetted in the resulting mask and applied to the periorbital region for 15 minutes.

Eye mask for wrinkles recipes


A nourishing and moisturizing watermelon mask is perfect for eliminating wrinkles. You will need a spoonful of well-mashed watermelon pulp, it must be mixed with a spoonful of not too fatty sour cream and thickened with a spoonful of ground oatmeal. Thoroughly mixed mass is distributed under the eyes in a dense layer.

peach honey

Curd honey

Soft cottage cheese of high fat content in the amount of one spoon should be ground with an equal amount of whole milk. A small spoonful of heavy homemade cream, melted linden honey and olive oil are added to the milk mixture. The prepared mixture is applied under the eyes, it is also suitable for nourishing the entire face.


It is necessary to prepare a fresh currant, raspberry, strawberry, blueberry or strawberry. The cooked berry turns into puree, a teaspoon of honey, a spoonful of high-fat sour cream is poured into it. The resulting mass is applied in a thin but dense layer under the eyes.

Honey cabbage

Juice is squeezed from two spoons of sauerkraut, then honey is added to it in the amount of one spoon and a few drops of olive oil. The cabbage-honey mass is transferred to gauze and placed on the skin.


A small potato tuber needs to be boiled, mashed and mixed with a small amount of finely chopped parsley. After 15 minutes, a spoonful of grated raw potatoes and 2-3 drops of olive oil are added to this mixture. The mass is mixed, placed in a gauze bag and applied in the area under the eyes.


Two fresh spinach leaves need to be chopped, squeezed out of the resulting mass of juice and mixed with a teaspoon of liquid vitamin A. You can keep the mixture applied under the eyes for 20 minutes, it is better to remove it with herbal infusion.

Creamy mask with aloe

From the fleshy leaves of aloe, you need to squeeze out two tablespoons of juice, a tablespoon of heavy cream and a teaspoon of olive oil are added to them. After thorough mixing, the mass is applied under the eyes.

green mask

Fresh parsley, spinach and lettuce should be chopped (one spoon each). Oatmeal flakes are crushed into flour, which thickens the cooked green mass. The mixture is applied under the eyes for 15-20 minutes. The use of a "green" mask gradually leads to smoothing of all fine wrinkles.


A spoonful of fresh or frozen rowan fruits should be mashed in a blender. To the resulting mass is added a spoonful of soft cottage cheese or sour cream, a beaten raw egg and a spoonful of honey. Cotton pads are moistened in the prepared mixture, which then need to be applied directly to closed eyes. The remains of the mask are washed off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Video: Eye mask for wrinkles at home

Every woman knows that the skin around the eyes needs extra care. It is in this area that the first wrinkles appear. You can notice them at a very young age - about 20 years. Is it possible to fight this? Yes, you can and should! A mask for wrinkles around the eyes will help to cope with the problem. To choose the right mask, you need to understand the characteristics of the skin in this area.

Features of the skin around the eyes

The area around the eyes and eyelids is the most delicate area on the face. Why do signs of aging appear in this area in the first place? We list the main reasons:

  • The difference between the skin around the eyes is that it is thinner than the rest of the skin, almost devoid of subcutaneous fat, muscles; there are very few sebaceous and sweat glands in this area.
  • The eyes are constantly at work: blinking, the habit of squinting, even smiling, contribute to the appearance of facial wrinkles. Around the eyes, this happens faster than in other parts of the face.
  • Due to the fact that the lymph flow around the eyes is slower than in other areas, swelling of the eyelids and “bags” under the eyes may appear.
  • This delicate area is the first to react to atmospheric influences: ultraviolet, cold, frost.
  • Chronic lack of sleep, stress - all this can cause discoloration of the skin under the eyes and the appearance of wrinkles.

Given these factors, care for the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes should begin at the age of 25.

  • proper balanced diet,
  • complete sleep,
  • selection of creams and products, taking into account the type and condition of the skin.

Age-appropriate care products

Under the age of 30, skin hydration plays an important role. It is best to use water-based gel products. The texture of such gels allows you to instantly absorb, does not leave shine. When buying such funds, one should not be lazy to find out what they consist of. In addition to moisturizing, vitamins A, C, E, and plant extracts are useful.

After 30, you can not neglect skin care products around the eyes. Preference should be given to creams with biologically active substances, oils, minerals. Gels and creams with a lifting effect are effective.

For skin 40+, you will need products with lipids, fruit acids and hyaluronic acid and vitamins.

The first time you buy this or that product for the skin of the eyes, you should definitely check it for the absence or presence of an allergy. To do this, apply a small amount of cream on the lower eyelid.
After 24 hours, it will be clear whether it can be used or not.

An alternative to a purchased product can be homemade masks and creams. Their preparation does not require special skills. The ingredients for them are the usual means: pharmacy oils and vitamins, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, etc.

Effective Home Remedies

Home remedies can be just as effective as over-the-counter creams. The main thing is to choose a mask that will suit your face. Regular use of masks can improve skin condition.

With home remedies, you can:

  • reduce swelling,
  • reduce the number of fine wrinkles,
  • tighten the skin
  • nourish the dermis with minerals and vitamins,
  • brighten the skin under the eyes, getting rid of dark circles.

Super Remedies for Everyone

  1. tea bags. Brew the bags, squeeze lightly and put on the eyes. Keep 15 minutes. After that, wash with cool water.
    Thiamine and tannins found in tea tone the skin of the eyelids and relieve swelling, give the skin elasticity, and smooth fine wrinkles. Green tea is more effective than black tea.
  2. cucumber slices. Put cucumber slices on your eyes for 15 minutes. Cucumbers contain vitamin C and caffeic acid, thanks to these substances, puffiness disappears, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Smoothing compresses for the eyes with a brightening effect

Often wrinkles are accompanied by pigmentation disorders and bruises under the eyes. To get rid of both, you can use whitening masks. This will help raw or boiled potatoes, cucumber masks, dairy products.

  • Grated potato compress. Grated potatoes (raw), wrapped in gauze, applied to the eyes, kept for 15 minutes. Then you need to wash, apply cream.
  • Curd compress. Wrap cottage cheese in gauze, apply to the eyelids for 15 minutes.
  • Mix of parsley with sour cream. Grind fresh parsley in a blender. Mix equal amounts of sour cream and parsley. Apply the mask under the eyes for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water after use.
    Such a mask from wrinkles around the eyes will “feed” the skin, give it firmness and elasticity.

Oils and extracts

Drugs sold in a pharmacy (for example, apricot oil, aloe extract), as well as oils used in cooking, will help fight wrinkles.

It is necessary to start caring for the skin around the eyes at the age of 25.

Several recipes for deep wrinkles with well-known products

A wide variety of products are suitable for anti-wrinkle masks, sometimes even those that we don’t think about the beneficial effects on the skin. Some eyes are quite effective and interesting.

Which mask is best

The best mask for deep wrinkles around the eyes at home is the one that is right for you. You need to try several to choose the one that will become a lifesaver in the fight against wrinkles. Someone likes masks with dairy products, which not only smooth wrinkles, but also intensely nourish the skin. Some people like quick remedies like cucumber slices or tea bags.

When choosing, you need to "start" from the type of skin: dry or oily, prone to acne or acne, sensitive or not. It is also important to take into account not only the characteristics of the skin, but also age.

  • the skin gets used to the product and its effectiveness is lost;
  • each mask has a different combination of vitamins and nutrients that the dermis needs;
  • alternating masks, you will provide the skin with everything necessary for youth and radiance.

One of the best eye mask recipes in this video:

So, the skin around the eyes gets tired and ages faster than other parts of the face. It reflects all the hardships: stress, disease, precipitation, ultraviolet. Women need to take care of this area. And you can start as early as 20-25 years. A mask for wrinkles around the eyes can be purchased or made independently. For masks, both pharmaceutical products and food are used. Masks must be alternated to avoid the effect of addiction. The best mask is the one that suits your skin.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

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A woman begins to think about her age and the action of inexorable time at the first signs of aging found on her face. And this happens already closer to 30 years (for someone a little earlier, for someone - later), when the notorious "crow's feet" begin to erupt. A network of small wrinkles, diverging in different directions from the corners of the eyes, ages, makes the look no longer so bright and attractive. BUT after 30, closer to 40, the skin in these places sags and real wrinkles appear more and more clearly.

From such a reflection in the mirror, any woman can panic. However, you should not run to a beauty salon and rush into mesotherapy and photorejuvenation. To get started, try homemade masks for wrinkles around the eyes from the most common products that can quickly and effectively save you in such a situation.

Causes of wrinkles under the eyes

Many homemade masks are versatile: put sour cream on the face - refreshed the skin, mixed honey with an egg - nourished it. It is a completely different matter with the means intended for skin care around the eyes. This area of ​​the face differs from all others in its structure, so far Not all products are suitable for removing wrinkles from it. Having learned why the first disturbing signs of aging appear here, you can prevent their appearance in time. Some reasons are due to physiological factors that are not dependent on the woman, and some are due to improper care:

  • There are no sebaceous glands in this area of ​​the face that would moisturize the skin, so gradual dehydration (loss of moisture) leads to the formation of unpleasant folds;
  • Around the eyes are tiny muscles that reflect every emotion that a person experiences: hence the inevitable facial wrinkles that no one can avoid;
  • Over time, cells lose their ability to produce such important compounds for skin elasticity as elastin and collagen - as a result, folds, bags, nets of small, radiant wrinkles are formed;
  • Without additional protection, this area of ​​​​the face suffers first from adverse atmospheric phenomena (heat, frost, snow, winds, ultraviolet radiation, etc.), which injure the sensitive, thin, delicate skin around the eyes: therefore, it is recommended to use all kinds of protective masks;
  • The abuse of decorative cosmetics actively contributes to the elimination of moisture from the cells, and the skin begins to age and wrinkle;
  • Prolonged stay near the computer is another indirect reason that can provoke the appearance of wrinkles in this area of ​​the face;
  • A disturbed daily routine (chronic lack of sleep) also eventually leads to the fact that the first wrinkles under the eyes appear already in twenty-year-old girls;
  • Improper nutrition does not provide the body with the substances it needs - the skin also lacks them, the result is sagging and folds.

The peculiarities of the structure of the skin around the eyes make it necessary to treat this part of the face more carefully and more carefully. Elementary care rules (using nourishing masks, cleansing the skin of cosmetics by washing every day before going to bed) help prolong youth and prevent the early appearance of wrinkles. You also need to forget about long sitting at the computer after midnight and daily fast foods with soda in order to put your appearance in order.

No need to think that wrinkles are the lot of old people. under the eyes they can appear at any age, and you need to be prepared for this both mentally (do not panic and do not get upset ahead of time), and physically. Everything is solvable: see for yourself by getting rid of wrinkles with special products designed to combat wrinkles around the eyes.

Not only salon procedures, but also homemade masks will help to cope with bags under the eyes:

For oily skin, homemade egg white masks are ideal. Recipes here>>

Ways to eliminate "crow's feet"

In order to smooth, tighten the skin around the eyes, so that the “crow's feet”, if not completely gone, then at least become not so sharp, clear and bright, there are several ways that can be implemented at home:

  • Self massage normalizes blood circulation, with the help of which skin cells are fed with essential substances and oxygen: it is enough to lightly tap the skin around the eyes with your fingertips twice a day - old wrinkles will gradually smooth out, and you can not wait for new ones;
  • Contrasting compresses- Another very effective way to eliminate "crow's feet";
  • Rubbing with herbal ice cubes perfectly cope with the folds of any depth under the eyes: make infusions or decoctions of herbs at home and freeze them - the resulting ice cubes will make the blood rush to the skin and nourish it with everything you need.

If the skin condition is already running, if the precious time to fix everything on your own has already gone, at the age of 40 years old it is already difficult to cope with wrinkles around the eyes on their own. Therefore, there is nothing left but to go to the beauty parlor. They can offer photorejuvenation, mesotherapy or masks based on organic acids.

Efficiency will be obvious, but the disadvantage of such procedures is the need to subsequently return to them again and again. Therefore, most women prefer to turn to proven means.

Masks against wrinkles around the eyes - the best recipes

Those women who regularly use homemade eye masks for the skin around the eyes have an expressive, radiant look. After all, it is not spoiled by small rays of wrinkles emanating from the corners of the eyes in different directions. If the fact of their appearance is already evident, among the masks you need to choose exactly those that have a lifting effect and are distinguished by a high degree of hydration. It is these two properties that will allow them to cope with adversity. Choose, try different recipes, find the remedy that suits you.

  • Yeast + milk

Dilute ordinary yeast (25 g) with warm milk to the desired consistency: the mask should not be too thick so that, when drying, it does not tighten the skin; and should not be too liquid so that it does not drip into the eyes. In this mask, it is allowed to replace milk with olive oil.

  • Potato + cream

Grate fresh, raw potatoes on the smallest grater. In 1 tables. spoon learned puree add 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of fatty (25-30%) cream. This mask can be used from the age of 18.

  • Apricot + sour cream

Grind the apricot pulp to a puree state, beat in equal amounts with fatty (from 30%) home-made sour cream.

  • Lemon + salt

The mask is very effective in combating wrinkles near the eyes, but be careful: salt can irritate the delicate skin in this place. And if the mixture gets into the eye, it can cause long-term redness. Cut a ripe lemon in half. Squeeze juice from one half by hand (it will turn out about 1-2 tablespoons). Beat the raw protein to a state of airy foam, add it to the lemon juice. At the very last moment, add a very small pinch of salt (1-2 grams). Stir thoroughly before application and do not forget to check for skin reactions.

  • Oatmeal + milk

Ideally, use oatmeal for the skin around the eyes. But in its absence, you can grind ordinary oatmeal in a coffee grinder. Pour them (2 tablespoons) with the same amount of hot milk, leave for half an hour to swell. The paste is best applied warm.

  • Honey + protein

Beat honey in warm, liquid form (1 tablespoon) with fresh egg white, add wheat flour (1 teaspoon), known for its astringent and rejuvenating properties, to thicken it.

  • Banana + butter

An ideal remedy for mimic wrinkles. Mash the banana pulp with a fork, mix (1 tablespoon) with butter, previously melted to a liquid state (1 tablespoon).

  • Camphor oil + pork fat

If you are not afraid of the smell of camphor and you are completely calm about interior fat, this mask can justify your wildest hopes for getting rid of wrinkles. Mix camphor oil (3 tablespoons) with the same amount of interior pork fat, previously melted in a water bath.

  • Bread + milk

Pour a piece of stale white bread without a crust with a small amount of warm milk. Wait for swelling, knead and apply warm to the skin around the eyes.

  • Honey + dairy products

Pour cottage cheese with milk in equal amounts (1 tablespoon each), stir. Add honey in warm and liquid form and cream (1 teaspoon each). Pour 1 tsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil (can be olive). Dairy products should be of the highest fat content.

Do not expect an instant and magical effect: after the first and even the second application of the mask, wrinkles around the eyes will not disappear immediately.

Wrinkles will gradually become less clear, not so noticeable and sharp, the appearance of new ones will stop. If at the same time you continue to chronically not get enough sleep and do not provide your body with vitamins and other substances it needs, the masks may turn out to be completely ineffective. Only a comprehensive solution to this problem can guarantee you the desired result.

Rules for the use of anti-wrinkle masks

The special structure of the skin around the eyes requires the competent use of prescription masks. This will enhance their effectiveness.

  1. If there are no wrinkles, there is no need to suffer prematurely from what has not yet happened and use these remedies as a prophylactic. Choose any other - nourishing or just moisturizing, but without a lifting effect. Otherwise, the result will be just the opposite.
  2. Masks for wrinkles under the eyes exclude any experiments with recipes. If it is indicated that you need to take sour cream for its preparation, please be so kind as to use this particular product, and not kefir, curdled milk or yogurt.
  3. You will be able to find homemade eggs and dairy products for making the mask - the effectiveness of the mask will increase several times.
  4. For abundant hydration of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face, use dairy products of the highest fat content.
  5. Pre-check the prepared mixtures for allergies: lubricate the wrist with a small amount, rinse after 15 minutes and observe the reaction for 3-4 hours. The absence of itching and rashes is an indicator that the mask can be applied to the sensitive area near the eyes.
  6. Before applying, thoroughly clean the eyelids and eyelashes from cosmetics.
  7. It is recommended to apply with light tapping movements with fingertips, as if “driving” the product into the skin.
  8. During the action of the mask, it is not recommended to walk around the house, do something, show emotions. It is better to lie on your back with your eyes open, relax, think about the good.
  9. Make sure that the mixture does not get into the eyes, otherwise any of the ingredients may irritate them, and they will turn very red.
  10. Do not keep such masks longer than 15 minutes. The optimal time is ten minutes.
  11. Rinse with water at room temperature or with a cotton pad dipped in a decoction of herbs.
  12. Regularity is the key to the effectiveness of any mask. Therefore, do not forget to do them a couple of times a week after a bath or shower before bed.
  13. Change the composition of the masks so as not to cause the skin to become addicted to the same ingredients. After sitting on one recipe for a month - it's time to use another. Then, if necessary, you can return to the old one.

Wrinkles under the eyes appear the very first and can spoil the appearance of the most beautiful and young face. To eliminate them, it is not necessary to seek help from modern cosmetic procedures - you will always have time to do this. To start try folk remedies, tested by time and experience of our ancestors. Natural, natural products, the quality of which you can be sure of, will allow you to prepare anti-aging anti-wrinkle masks around the eyes with a lifting effect. They will return your look to its former expressiveness and delay the inexorable action of time for another n-th number of years.

The first sign that the years are still moving inexorably, despite your desire to always remain young, is the wrinkles around the eyes. No matter how hard you try to hide your age, it is precisely such a nuisance as wrinkles that once again hint at your years.

If you are well over 40, and those around you give you no more than 30, then you can be considered an incredibly lucky woman. Usually, after 40 years, a woman begins to plunge into her own complexes. Everyone tries to cope with this in different ways, but the only way to deal with the pranks of nature is to use its benefits. We are talking about the use of natural remedies in the fight against age-related skin changes. In this article, we will tell you how to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, while using only natural ingredients in the form of masks.

For our visitors, we have prepared a list of the most effective and effective masks that not only help in the fight against skin aging, but also saturate it with nutrients.

Honey-oatmeal mask

The honey-oatmeal mask is incredibly easy to make. It will only take a couple of minutes of your free time. After a day at work, this light essence will be an excellent way to soothe tired eyes. So, it is necessary to pour 2 tablespoons of honey into an aluminum container (it is important that it is not candied), 2 tablespoons of oatmeal crushed with a blender and 1 spoon of strong black tea. The entire contents of the container must be heated over low heat for several minutes. Then transfer the mass to another storage container (a jar of used cream is perfect) and let cool. This mixture is applied all over the face and then the face is covered with a paper napkin and a towel. In this position, it is better to stay for about half an hour.

Milk and egg mask

To prepare this consistency, separate the yolk from the protein and wipe it until a white mass is formed. In a separate bowl, mix a spoonful of milk and a spoonful of flour until a homogeneous mass is formed. After that, combine the contents of this container with egg yolk. The resulting mixture should match the consistency of sour cream. It is applied for about 5 minutes in a thin layer on the area around the eyes. There are no fundamental contraindications if the mixture is applied to the entire face and neck. Such a composition will give the skin a rested look, charge it with vitamins and help to give the face a light rejuvenated shade.

Milky Hercules Mask

To prepare it, you will need to take 2 tablespoons of herculean flakes, 4 tablespoons of milk, 2 tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil. Flakes do not need to be crushed. They just need to first be poured with slightly warmed milk, and then add the rest of the ingredients. As soon as you see that the flakes have acquired the state of porridge, then the healthy mixture can be considered ready. It is applied to the face and left for about 20 minutes. It is important to remember that this mask is considered ideal for women over 40. At an earlier age, it is better to use other means.

Yeast mask

The yeast mask is prepared for a long time, as it must be insisted. So, take 1 tablespoon of dry yeast and pour it with warm water. After that, add a spoonful of flour to the contents. Everything must be mixed well so that there are no lumps. Then the resulting mixture should stand in a warm place to start fermentation. A day will suffice. So it is better to prepare it at night to use it in the morning. On the area around the eyes, you need to apply the resulting mixture in a thin layer and hold for half an hour. After that, it must be washed off. To achieve the best effect, it is better to wash it off with warm tea.

Cognac mask

Considered the most effective! This is evidenced by the mass of positive reviews of women who have already tried it. So, for its preparation, you will need to take 100 grams of heavy cream, a spoonful of fresh honey, 2 tablespoons of cognac, lemon juice. Also, in a separate bowl, grind the egg yolk, which is then added to all the other ingredients. The mixture is applied for about 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. After its application, it is necessary to smear the skin with a cream.

Aloe mask

If a plant such as aloe grows in your home, then you should know that this is an excellent tool in the fight against wrinkles. To prepare a useful remedy from aloe, its leaves must be kept in the refrigerator for several days. Then you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves. You can use a juicer. The juice is mixed with egg yolk and applied evenly to the entire surface around the eyes. Keep the mask on for a few minutes and then rinse with water.

green pea mask

The mask is easy to prepare due to the minimum number of ingredients. It is necessary to wipe canned or boiled peas through a sieve. It only takes a couple of spoons. Then the resulting mass is mixed with the pounded yolk. This mixture is applied for 5-10 minutes.

apple mask

It is prepared as follows: one medium apple needs to be baked in the oven. Separate the resulting pulp from the skin and bones and put in a container. Then add a spoonful of honey and vegetable oil to the contents. The resulting mixture cools, but it is desirable that it be warm, not scalding. Apply the product for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm tea.

Honey Yeast Mask

A small amount of "fast" yeast must be mixed with one tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil. Cosmetologists advise the use of just such an oil, and not olive oil. The mask is applied in a thin layer for 10 minutes, after which it is erased with a cotton pad and washed off with water.

Linden mask

Linden flowers (dried) are poured with boiling water and infused throughout the day. After that, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the resulting broth and add to it a spoonful of honey, vegetable oil, black tea brewing. You get something like a lotion, which you need to regularly treat the skin around the eyes.

Whatever mask for the skin around the eyes you choose, you need to remember that you may be allergic to some components. Thus, immediately after applying it to the face, you should monitor the condition of your skin. At the slightest appearance of burning or itching, you should immediately cleanse your face with water.

We all experience wrinkles sooner or later. The area around the eyes is considered the most vulnerable part for their occurrence, since the skin there is very thin and delicate. During the day, this area is subjected to a lot of stress due to laughter, squinting, blinking, etc. In addition, sleep deprivation, unhealthy lifestyles, and daily exposure to cosmetics lead to early signs of skin aging, in particular wrinkles around the eyes. With the help of traditional medicine recipes, wrinkles around the eyes can be eliminated or made less noticeable.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes. The early appearance of wrinkles around the eye area does not at all indicate aging of the body. Withering of the skin in this area can be due to many reasons, in particular: inattentive attitude towards yourself, improper care and the use of not quite high-quality cosmetics. All this in combination can provoke the appearance of wrinkles as early as 22-25 years old.

The delicate skin around the eyes requires special careful and regular care, since a lack of moisture leads to dry skin, its withering, loss of elasticity and firmness, and as a result, to early wrinkles. Too active facial expressions, malnutrition, stress also adversely affect the condition of the skin around the eyes, which leads to early wrinkles.

The so-called "crow's feet" around the eyes are very difficult to disguise with any means of decorative cosmetics (concealers, etc.), they only make them more noticeable. Therefore, the way out in this situation is the use of natural cosmetics and folk remedies, as well as active prevention of wrinkles from the age of twenty.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes - moisturizing. Folk remedies based on herbal supplements are great helpers in skin care. Among them, aloe and essential oils have active moisturizing properties. Aloe, for example, is excellent at combating dry skin in the sensitive area around the eyes. To eliminate wrinkles, it is recommended to apply the juice of this plant daily at night to the area around the eyes, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane. If you do not have this plant at home, you can purchase it ready-made in the form of a gel, which will contain at least 98% of the juice of this medicinal flower, and use it in the same way.

According to traditional medicine recipes, essential oils of peach, almond and apricot serve as excellent moisturizers that fight wrinkles around the eyes. A few drops of any of the listed oils should, as it were, be driven with fingertips into the area under the eyes. By the way, natural butter can be used in the same way. It perfectly smooths out crow's feet.

A wonderful method of dealing with such wrinkles is a homemade cream that you can make yourself. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of vitamin E oil solution with the same amount of cocoa butter and sea buckthorn oil. This nourishing cream must be applied in a thick layer on the upper and lower eyelids, secured from above in the area of ​​​​the outer corner of the eyes with small pieces of parchment paper. To withstand such a mask for fifteen minutes, after which soak the rest of the cream with a napkin. You can't rub at all. You need to make such a mask twice a week, preferably two hours before bedtime.

Olive oil is also good for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes. It is used as a compress, after which it is necessary to lightly massage the skin of the eyelids and the area under the eyes. This herbal product is also effective to add to various masks. In particular, a mixture of 50 ml of oil and 10 ml of vitamin E oil solution is “driven in” with light patting movements with fingertips in the area around the eyes. After that, you must wait five minutes, and remove the remnants of the mixture by blotting with a napkin. This mask can be done every day, preferably at night. As a prevention of wrinkles, it is effective to use a mixture of olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice in the form of a mask. The mixture is applied to the skin and left for ten minutes, after which its residues are blotted with a paper towel.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes - folk remedies. Nourishing and moisturizing masks are the main weapon against wrinkles around the eyes!

The simplest and fastest mask to prepare is the following: grind the crumb of wheat bread in slightly warmed milk and apply evenly to the skin around the eyes. Keep the mask for fifteen minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.

Honey due to its unique properties is the most useful ingredient in cosmetic masks. Mix a tablespoon of wheat flour, add a tablespoon of honey melted in a water bath, beaten egg white. Spread the resulting mass in a warm form in an even layer on the area around the eyes. Once the mask has completely cooled and dried, you should wash with warm water. In this recipe, it is also good to use oatmeal instead of wheat flour, only the time for applying the mask will be about half an hour.

Mix a mass of peeled and chopped raw potatoes with a small amount of high-fat cream and apply to the area under the eyes. Wash off the mask after fifteen minutes. At the same time, compresses in the form of cotton pads dipped in strong tea brew can be applied to the upper eyelids.

Cosmetic ice is also effective in caring for the delicate skin around the eyes. Its use increases blood circulation, as a result of which the skin receives more nutrition and moisture, which increases its elasticity and tone. For making ice, both ordinary drinking water and a decoction or infusion of medicinal plants are suitable. Pour water or medicinal infusion (for example, parsley, chamomile, calendula, etc.) into special ice molds and freeze in the chamber. For making ice, a mixture of milk and water, taken in equal proportions, is also suitable. With light movements, it is necessary to wipe the skin around the eyes with an ice cube in the morning and evening.

Milk compresses are also famous for their positive effect on the skin. It is necessary to put cotton pads, previously soaked in boiled milk, on the eyelids and leave for five minutes. After this time, repeat the procedure, but use other discs. Do this three times in a row, then wash with warm water and apply a cream specially designed for this to the area around the eyes.

Grind three medium-sized strawberries with a teaspoon of honey. Wrap the resulting mass in gauze and apply to the eyelids. Such a mask must be kept for at least twenty minutes, and then wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in milk. Such a mask not only smoothes wrinkles, but fortifies the skin, giving it a healthy look.

Grind the asparagus with a grater and squeeze the juice out of it. Take two teaspoons of the resulting juice and add two teaspoons of almond, peach or olive oil to them. Soak cotton pads in the resulting mixture and apply to the eyelids. Wash off with warm water after thirty minutes. Regular use of such a mask, in addition to smoothing wrinkles, perfectly eliminates swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

Masks based on flaxseed smooth and nourish the skin around the eyes. Two tablespoons of flaxseed pour 400 ml of boiling water, put on fire and cook until the seed is completely boiled. After that, it must be placed in gauze and applied to the eyelids. After twenty minutes, the face must be washed with warm water, and then cool.

Perfectly smoothes the skin and helps to get rid of wrinkles mask based on honey and hercules. To prepare it, grind oatmeal flakes, take two tablespoons and mix them with the same amount of honey and a tablespoon of strong tea leaves. Put the mixture in a water bath to get a homogeneous mass. Apply the resulting mask in a warm form on the area around the eyes (you can cover the whole face), cover the face with a towel on top. After twenty minutes, wash off the mask with warm water, then apply a specially designed cream to the skin.

Mix the egg yolk with the juice of half a lemon, the zest, pre-chopped, and a teaspoon of olive oil (can be almond). Apply the resulting mass to the area around the eyes and leave for half an hour, then soak cotton pads in cool milk and remove the mask.

Spinach is truly a rejuvenating plant. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, adding it to cosmetic masks not only eliminates small wrinkles, but also smoothes deep ones, and also prevents the appearance of new ones. To prepare such a mask, it is necessary to chop and squeeze the juice from two spinach leaves. Take a teaspoon of the resulting juice and add to it 10 g of an oily solution of vitamin A, as well as a teaspoon of your usual cream or gel for the eyelids and skin around the eyes. Apply the mask to the skin, and then remove it with cotton pads dipped in cold boiled milk.

Mix banana pulp and heavy cream or sour cream in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mass for fifteen minutes, then rinse with warm water. Instead of sour cream or cream, melted butter (natural) can also be used, only in this case the mask should be kept much longer (25-30 minutes).

Mix a tablespoon of well-mashed apricot pulp with a teaspoon of high-fat sour cream. Apply the mixture on the area around the eyes for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water. In this recipe, sour cream can be replaced with fatty cottage cheese or vegetable oil (olive, almond).

You can make homemade eye cream for wrinkles. To do this, pour 100 ml of boiling water over a mixture of one teaspoon of chamomile and the same amount of linden, let it brew for fifteen minutes. Then strain the infusion, take two tablespoons of the infusion, add a tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of castor oil. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed, which can be used as a cream at bedtime. This cream should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than five days. Then make a new batch.

From "crow's feet" the following lotions or compresses perfectly help: dill seeds or chamomile, or sage, or parsley, pour into a gauze bag and dip in hot milk or water for several minutes. Then pull out, cool and apply warm to the eyelids and the area around the eyes. After fifteen minutes, wash with warm water. Such compresses help eliminate wrinkles and eliminate swelling.

Parsley is a fairly common component in cosmetic masks. Its use reduces swelling under the eyes and eliminates swelling. Parsley can be used in combination with chopped raw potato mass or with low-fat sour cream in a 2: 1 ratio. Apply the mask for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool water.

Parsley can be used neat. Namely, squeeze the juice out of it, moisten cotton pads in it and apply on the eyelids. After that, you need to wash with cool water. This procedure perfectly relieves tension, eliminates swelling and smoothes the skin.

An infusion of birch leaves is also suitable as a compress for wrinkles. Pour the raw material with a glass of cold water and leave for at least eight hours, after which the infusion should be filtered.

As lotions for wrinkles, it is effective to use herbal decoctions. Mix equal amounts of mint, sage, chamomile, take a tablespoon of the resulting raw material and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Put in a water bath for twenty minutes, then cool the broth and strain. Moisten cosmetic disks in such a decoction and apply on the eyelids for fifteen minutes, no rinsing is required.

There are a huge number of folk recipes for skin care around the eyes. I brought only a small part. If you are not lazy, you can achieve wonderful results.

Prevention of wrinkles around the eyes. To delay the appearance of wrinkles, you need to learn how to properly care for your skin, and you need to start doing this as early as possible. In particular, care for the skin of the eyelids should begin at the age of twenty. In care, you should use only high-quality caring complexes and decorative cosmetics. Moreover, when choosing cosmetics for the skin around the eyes, one should focus not on the type of skin, but on age. For mature skin, concentrated preparations based on active substances are recommended that accelerate skin regeneration, the production of collagen and elastin, which normalize the content of lipids and glycans (what fills the space between collagen fibers). And for young skin, you can use only cosmetics with plant and fruit extracts.

Do not neglect folk remedies, because they serve as an excellent prevention of wrinkles, thanks to natural ingredients.

It is very important to pay attention to your facial expressions, because squinting is often one of the main reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, since regular exercise contributes to faster wear of collagen fibers. Forget about rubbing your eyes! This childish habit should be eliminated as soon as possible, as well as propping up the face with a fist.

A complete and balanced diet plays an important role in the health and preservation of youthful skin. Over the years, the natural process of collagen production is significantly reduced. Replenishment of its losses should occur through chemicals that enter the body with food. Include in your diet more vegetables that contain carotene (carrots, spinach), eat more fruits, especially red ones, drink natural fruit and vegetable juices (carrot).

To prevent wrinkles around the eyes, it is charming to wear high-quality sunglasses while in the open sun, regardless of the seasons. If you have nearsightedness, you should buy contact lenses or glasses.

In order to increase blood circulation, it is recommended to self-massage the area around the eyes daily with light patting movements. It is necessary to carry it out after morning cosmetic procedures and applying cream. All movements should be performed strictly along the massage lines with the pads of the third and fourth fingers. If you already have deep wrinkles, then in addition to self-massage, once a week you need to do a massage in a beauty parlor.

It is effective to use a homemade wrinkle prevention cream based on camphor oil. To prepare it, mix 50 ml of unsalted fat (interior lard), previously melted in a water bath, with the same amount of camphor oil and pour into a jar. Use this cream twice a week at night.

Wrinkles around the eyes very often appear due to the incorrect position of our head during sleep. You can not use too high a pillow for sleeping, as it disrupts the venous outflow in the skin of the eyelids and contributes to the appearance of bags. Sleeping on your stomach with your face buried in a pillow is a very bad habit. Sleeping in this position leads to the early appearance of crow's feet. It is best to use a roller or a flat pillow for sleeping, while the position should be either on the back or on the side.

Very important also. For a complete sleep. That is, you and I need at least eight hours to feel normal. Be sure the room in which you sleep should be well ventilated. In addition, it is desirable that there are no sources of electromagnetic radiation (computer, cell phone, TV, etc.). Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Useful tips for keeping the skin around the eyes youthful.

  • For washing, use only cool clean drinking water, you can use melted water (not from the tap and not boiled!). This water will improve blood circulation. You can use cosmetic ice.
  • Apply the cream to the area around the eyes in small portions, distributing it with pinpoint strokes with the pads of the ring fingers (since the ring fingers are less developed, they will not be able to deform the skin).
  • In the morning, nourishing creams or gels should be applied, and cosmetics with a lifting effect should be applied in the evening. Otherwise, you can get severe swelling.
  • Never use face cream on the skin of the eyelids.
  • Be sure to use sunscreen products.
  • Cosmetics should be changed every three to four months to avoid addiction or allergic reactions.
  • In winter and autumn, multivitamin complexes should be taken.
  • Walk more in the fresh air, lead an active lifestyle.

The beauty and youthfulness of the skin is the result of regular and thorough care. Therefore, learn to take care of yourself and your skin as early as possible in order to prolong its youthfulness and blooming appearance.

Many people know that the skin around the eyes is the most vulnerable on the face. It becomes thinner and fades much earlier than on the rest of the face, and also in this area, unwanted first wrinkles, known to everyone as "crow's feet", appear faster. They may already be present even in youth, if we are talking about a too mobile face. The presence of wrinkles is also accelerated by harmful factors and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Features of the skin around the eyes

Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse the aging process of the skin around the eyes. However, it is quite possible to significantly slow it down, as well as completely prevent the situation when the skin loses its optimal elasticity and becomes sagging, bags appear on it, the eyelids sag heavily from above, and the corners of the eyes drop.

In any way, no cosmetics, even very expensive and super-efficient, can hide such an unpleasant picture. That is why the skin around the eyes needs proper care, which must be carried out from a very young age. Therefore, face masks around the eyes will be very effective here, the best recipes of which are presented below.

Dryness is the main problem of the skin around the eyes.

The eyelids are constantly in motion, as the eyes are the most mobile organs of the face. A person squints, closes them and opens them, expresses feelings with facial expressions, the eyelids stretch.

At a young age, the skin on the eyes is elastic and does not lose its shape, while the eyelids perform about twenty thousand different movements daily. However, over time, all this changes, so it is impossible to do without special means to protect the skin.

Of course, it is imperative to buy cosmetics for the eyes, go to beauty salons, and also apply various homemade masks for the skin around the eyes, which, if used correctly and in a timely manner, will definitely help to significantly slow down the aging process, get rid of swelling, wrinkles and dark circles.

Edema and how to deal with them

Edema is the most common problem for many people, and experts say that the eyes can become swollen due to impaired lymph circulation in the area. Various special masks can reduce the severity of edema and remove them forever. They use completely different ingredients, including bananas, sour cream, spinach, parsley, cucumbers, pumpkin. Masks of the skin around the eyes are known for such effective recipes.

Masks with sour cream and parsley relieve swelling and reduce bags under the eyes. It is necessary to grind one teaspoon of parsley and mix with two tablespoons of sour cream. Put the resulting mixture on your eyes, and after twenty minutes, wash it off with cool water.

Another fairly simple and common mask consists of apple pulp. To make it, you need to grate an apple and put the resulting slurry on the swelling. Or you can take thin slices of an apple and keep them on problem areas for fifteen minutes. Such a mask is quite effective in the fight against edema, since the substances contained in apples can quickly eliminate them.

Dark circles under the eyes and how to deal with them

Another common problem is dark circles under the eyes. In fact, they are even more common than edema, and the main reasons for their appearance can be completely different. So, for example, if you sleep little and often

be subjected to stress, as well as in the case of capillaries located too close to the surface of very thin skin.

The most suitable remedy is, of course, sound and healthy sleep, daily walks, as well as physical exercises. And if, at the same time, various folk remedies are also used, including masks for the skin around the eyes (at home), then these circles can significantly decrease, and subsequently disappear altogether.

Raw potatoes - a versatile and effective remedy

Raw potatoes and here can come to the rescue. In such situations, you can use the same recipe as when removing edema, and you can also mix

raw grated potato and a couple of teaspoons of milk and flour. This mixture should be applied to closed eyelids for ten minutes.

The most famous mask for the skin around the eyes from swelling is also made from raw potatoes. This vegetable is always at hand, so many women use it. It is necessary to choose one small potato, wash it with a brush under running hot water, then dry it with a napkin, and then grate it.

Put the prepared mixture on small gauze napkins and apply them under the eyes, while pressing them more tightly against the swelling. After the mask is removed, you need to wipe this place with a cotton swab dipped in cold tea.

Wrinkles and homemade masks against them

The main reason for the very rapid appearance of wrinkles is the increased dryness of the skin around the eyes in many people, and accordingly, it needs to be constantly moisturized. Therefore, masks for the skin around the eyes and eyelids from wrinkles are even necessary procedures.

A fairly simple and at the same time very effective remedy is to use natural vegetable oils. They were actively used in the last century, and

Thanks to them, freshness was preserved even in the elderly. You can use apricot, almond, peach oil. These types of oils should be gently rubbed with the pads of your fingers.

The banana mask is very effective. A teaspoon of banana gruel and cream (you can use sour cream) is applied to the eyelids and held for fifteen minutes, and then the mask is washed off with cool water.

In addition, spinach has beneficial antioxidant properties that allow you to use its juice in order to reduce fine lines. To do this, you need to chop two leaves of spinach, squeeze out the juice and mix one teaspoon of it with cream. Keep such a mask for half an hour, and then wash off with cold boiled milk with a swab.

These simple masks for the skin around the eyes at home will help get rid of unwanted wrinkles.

The most effective mask recipes for the skin around the eyes

Mask for the skin around the eyes with honey and egg yolk. To prepare it, you need one egg yolk and a couple of tablespoons of honey. Such a tool is considered the simplest. The time of its use is from five to ten minutes.

Another effective remedy is a decoction of sage. To do this, you need to use half a glass of water and a teaspoon of chopped sage herb. Such a decoction should boil for at least ten minutes.

Mask for the skin around the eyes with the addition of carrots. For such a recipe, you need one tablespoon of grated carrots, the same amount of starch and half an egg yolk. Keep this mask on your eyes for about twenty minutes. Ultimately, the skin in this area will be even and more toned, swelling will subside and the color will even out.

Fatigue of the skin around the eyes is not a problem

Mask for the skin around the eyes from fatigue of the eyelids with cucumbers and green tea. To prepare it, you need to take half a cucumber and brewed green tea. Cucumber must be cut into slices and put them in chilled tea. Then put the mixture in the refrigerator for one hour. After that, slices of cucumber should be applied on top of the eyelids and left for seven minutes.

The lavender eye mask is very effective. It will require a couple of teaspoons of dried lavender and ten drops of lavender oil. It is necessary to use two small pieces of cloth in which the lavender is placed. Of these, you need to make small bags, which are poured with a minimum amount of warm water using oil. Keep the bags in front of your eyes for about ten minutes.

Making natural butter

You can also make your own natural oils at home. This will require one tablespoon of olive oil and three drops of vitamin E and A. Pour the oil with vitamins into a small glass bowl and stir well. The process of applying oil under the eyes is carried out with the help of cotton swabs in the morning and before bedtime. After a few minutes, the skin should be blotted with a napkin and the remnants of the product removed. You can use almond oil instead of olive oil in this recipe.

Such masks for the skin around the eyes have a positive effect. However, in addition to their use, it is also important to follow some rules. It is necessary to avoid stress and give up various negative reactions to all sorts of unpleasant situations, give rest to your eyes, sleep peacefully and eat exclusively natural products.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes can be made independently at home. At the same time, after some time of regular use, positive dynamics will appear: the depth of wrinkles will decrease, the skin will become soft and elastic.

Rejuvenating eye masks contain natural, nourishing and hypoallergenic ingredients. It is better to apply them with a special cosmetic brush so that the composition does not get into the eyes.

An anti-wrinkle mask around the eyes should only consist of components that will not irritate sensitive skin.

The most effective recipes:

Honey mask for crow's feet.

  • First of all, you need to prepare a bowl, place 1 tbsp. l. lightly warmed honey. Add one beaten egg white to it. Mix everything thoroughly and sprinkle with flour to get the consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply the resulting product to cleansed skin for 10 minutes.

Homemade masks for wrinkles around the eyes based on olive oil and vitamin E

  • It is necessary to take both ingredients and mix 3:1.

Gently lubricate the eyelids and surrounding areas with the resulting oil composition. After 15 minutes, wipe off excess oil with a cotton pad. Rinse is optional.

Parsley eye mask

This remedy is easy to prepare.

  • It is enough to take a bunch of fresh parsley, rinse thoroughly and, after chopping, apply on the eyelids and adjacent areas.

If you do this procedure several times a week, then wrinkles will soon be smoothed out, the epidermis will become elastic and elastic.

Starch mask for wrinkles around the eyes

This component is actively used by hundreds of women as an alternative replacement for expensive Botox.

  • For these purposes, you need 1 tbsp. l. starch, which must be poured into a bowl. Add 1 tsp. fine salt and dilute with warm milk to the consistency of liquid sour cream. To enhance the effect around the eyes from wrinkles, you can make a composition with honey. To the finished mixture you need to add 1 tsp. liquid honey and mix thoroughly.

Effective anti-wrinkle masks can be purchased ready-made, but they are not as useful for the epidermis as those prepared with your own hands at home.

Rejuvenation will come gradually with regular use.

Additional Recipes

To eliminate crow's feet around the eyes, you can use the following effective recipes:

Milk face masks

  • To prepare a useful remedy, you will need milk and white wheat bread.

Ingredients contribute to the nutrition of the skin, give it elasticity and whiten. The fatter the milk in this case, the better. It needs to be warmed up and dipped in breadcrumbs. This wrinkle remedy should be applied to the problem area and kept for about 15 minutes.

Aloe face mask

This composition is perfect for combating age-related changes.

  • From wrinkles around the eyes at home is better than aloe and honey, it's hard to find. Therefore, both ingredients are required, which are mixed in equal amounts. An additional component should be added to the resulting composition of olive oil.

This rejuvenating eye mask is applied in a thin layer. Wash off with cool water after 15 minutes.

The components of the compositions can vary depending on the type of skin. You can use apricot oil instead of olive oil. An under eye wrinkle mask will work more effectively if applied warm.