Happy February 23 grandfather

Congratulations on the twenty-third of February,
Grandpa, I'm your granddaughter
You always worked and managed everything,
Not afraid of the most difficult things.
Outside, winter and snow sweeps,
Behind, there was a new year,
And gullible February ends,
The past is not a pity.
I'm glad to congratulate you again
On the holiday of February 23rd.

Since February 23, beloved grandfather,
Behind your back, there is a victory,
We are proud that we have such a hero,
With a gold star on his chest.
Even though I'm a girl, I understand in war games
And for this, I respect grandfather,
Our pride is this holiday for you,
Congratulations on the twenty-third of February.

Grandpa, I love you so much
And you always loved me
Played with me every day
He carried his beloved granddaughter in his arms.
May you have a lot of health
And a lot of happiness and love,
Since February 23, dear, may all dreams,
In life, yours come true.

On the holiday of all brave men,
I hasten to congratulate you.
You are the only one in the world
Guardian, friend, protector and mentor!
Your kind eyes and hands
Let them be near and keep from troubles.
Thank you for everything Grandpa!
Be happy for many, many more years!

My grandfather is dear
As a granddaughter I wish
Good luck, joy, love,
May all that you dream come true
And waiting only for happiness ahead.
May there be a lot of sun in your life,
And inspiration and light,
May strong friendship, love,
Your soul will be warmed.

Grandpa, you are my protector
I love and respect you
Lots of happiness and health
Sincerely from my heart, I wish.
May your dreams come true
A lot of warmth to you, love,
May the Lord protect you
Kindness and happiness sends.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day:

- This, of course, is a universal men's holiday, but people of age, perhaps, deserve a little more attention on this day than young men. Therefore, if you plan to congratulate your grandfather, then think carefully about what exactly you will give and what specific words will fly from your mouth to him. After all, I’ve probably heard a lot of congratulations in my life, and it will be very difficult to surprise him.

You know what, focus your attention not on the gift, but on the words. After all, age people treat material values ​​​​a little differently than we do. No, of course, your grandfather will certainly be pleased to receive a practical and useful gift, then the effect of congratulatory words can be no less strong. Tell him all yours, show all the warmth and give maximum attention.

You can take ready-made congratulations on February 23 to grandfather right here. Vlio has an extensive collection of beautiful poems. The choice is so great that you just can not help but find something suitable. Sit for 10-15 minutes in this section, and you are guaranteed to come across a worthwhile verse. Believe!

Grandpa, Happy Holidays! You are the best
Protector, friend of my soul!
Let there be no clouds in life
Your days are not darkened!

Male February glorious holiday -
In your honor he exists!
After all, with your beautiful courage
Now we have an example in life!

The pride of the whole family you are undoubtedly
Happy holiday, our beloved you,
Let your heart beat longer
A sensitive soul does not grow old.

And today we raise a toast
Yet February 23
Dear grandfather, again sincerely wish:
A sea of ​​happiness, joy, kindness!

I want to congratulate my grandfather
Happy twenty-third of February!
The whole family is proud of you
I'm especially proud of myself.

You wise always give advice -
There is no smarter grandfather in the world.
I want to wish you health
And do not know defeat!

On February 23, I congratulate my grandfather,
And I wish him happiness, love and kindness.
Let the years not disturb him,
And let fate help in everything.

I wish you strong health
And abundant prosperity to you.
Know that we appreciate you constantly,
Thank you for a flawless world.

Tired of a hard life
Beaten by fate itself
But, devoted to the Fatherland,
You accepted this fight!

We are the strength to admire
We don't get tired of yours!
Happy February Men's Day!

Happy Defender's Day,
I will not leave him unattended.
Grandpa is always my hero
Even though he's not very young anymore.

He was still a boy during the war.
I did not fight, but I experienced a lot.
Let there be no military awards and medals,
The boys defended the country with hard work.

I'm proud of my old grandfather.
He's number one defender!
He is both a friend and a commander for me -
Loved, needed, irreplaceable.

Red day on the calendar -
We honor men.
On the best holiday in February
We want grandpa

Wish the sea health
For many years.
And in the living space
Always live with a smile!

The sky is peaceful
Above your head let.
And drives away
All the longing and sadness.

Congratulations, dear grandfather,
Happy Defender of our Fatherland Day.
And I wish you health and strength.
And a calm, cloudless life.

The kindest and most courageous!
I love you with all my heart.
This holiday is both bright and important.
I wish you much happiness.

Happy February 23, I congratulate my grandfather,
I wish you health, good luck, prosperity.
So that you have enough strength
To never ask for help.

Be always kind, pure and faithful,
Reliable, beautiful and not superstitious.
We wish you happiness twice
So that your grief is torn apart by laughter.

pozdravik.ru force,
such a man
We go fishing together So that there is only grief
An example from you, February! I wish you
Let health be the most important in our "You are always for all of us people
“Grandpa congratulations on 23 Congratulations on 23
This, without a doubt, in the forest
It doesn't matter! As from the strong,
Good health and best of all!
Life. Example "
They help to become happy, February "
My beloved grandfather! For mushrooms, For you to be healthy
Bold, courageous, courageous long life.
And years of you Be healthy, strong
Here is the holiday From the heart to you
My beloved grandfather I congratulate my beloved grandfather.
Let there be life Best friends with
And I didn’t get sick and a reliable person.
I wish you dear, let them not take it!
And be yourself, it has come - I wish you twenty-third
© always yours,
We are grandfathers, And about nothing
Proud of you, grandfather, always stay
It doesn't matter that
May your years be February 23!
Never lose heart, February!
February with frost in Warm and joy
Teaches you to live honestly in life Defender of the Fatherland Day
Just as cheerful, snow beyond the threshold!
They will not lay down as a load.
Good health, strength
And idle
Happiness and health
Guests run in
Warmed me, my grandfather,
sorry! I wish you peace of mind
Active, kind and In your house
Know what's in
Grandfather I wish! Do not grumble!
I want you, and no
I congratulate you on
God bless Grandpa, from the bottom of your heart
good health and
fair. Let everyone let comfort reign! Any moment and you are always with us
"Happy Defender's Day
And very glad, strength, to resist him,
February 23, he is up to 100
Congratulate direct roads leading
​ Day along with February Men's Day!
An hour any example to everyone
Homeland "what are you
Grandson - grandfather, And know - years.
I'm in a hurry from 23
to success. All by the first ray of the sun
He is the best We are strong with
You serve the perfect! Congratulations, dear grandfather,
I have! Congratulations on the 23rd,
Not in the world Happy holiday, grandpa,
February, good, dear grandfather!
Brings you joy, calendar day! You with your union. Happiness is waiting for you,
Happy Defender's Day "From the twenty-third of February!"
I wish you health, I'm better than my grandfather! © accept from grandson
You are the best in the world PozdravOK.ru pleasure and enjoyment.
And for you, who is wiser in the family
Believe, our fatherland.
I want to congratulate grandfather at your home.
I will try to grow up like congratulations,
Grandfather - and Grandpa, dear, I hasten to congratulate I also wish you beloved grandfather,
Everyone? Whatever you want
And I wish you health
You went through a lot on you
Let February 23 know it
I am twenty-third dear grandfather, positive,
Congratulations - the edge Who will always come
- you will gain! And strength.
From the twenty-third and saw the massacre, My grandfather, you will bring a lot of admiration,
So let February become you!
goodness, warmth
with advice?
greets.ru And calm, cloudless
For your Motherland, an example to others always,
May your best life come true.

Congratulations to grandfather on February 23

And the world. You know a lot
Who is a football fan, an avid life.
You are proud of everything always served, Today at 23
Cherished dream, I wish you good health, add everyone,
Grandpa, I congratulate you and you know how
Business success? Fisherman -
The kindest and family - I am your spirit,
February, Let no sorrow

So that you never for a long time All congratulations from yourself
From February 23 You will scold, regret,
And not old Not doing nothing
The most courageous! Proud, in particular, my grandfather envied,
May there never be hair. ©​
Didn't get sick, loving!
and from all
Any question - yet, at the same time.
You can just sit. I'm all of you.

I am honored and
Will affect gray hair. For me in everything
Let loved ones please everyone I wish this holiday
I want to wish the soul there is an answer!
Our grandfather - so.
I adore with my soul. You will give the wise
Courage is still in the service of the motherland, an example, my grandfather,
love, long-awaited,

Many more years May you be happy
This is it! You are with us
This holiday and always advice - laid down in childhood. ©​
You defended, Today he is like that And only kind, bright
To be healthy and good health and
Lives! Congratulations on the 23rd.
You play when we are bright and important. Smarter than grandfather in
Happy Defender Grandpa's Day, And fight back

Festively dressed, change.
Didn't get sick at all! Brave courage, more
​SuperTosty.ru​Let it be clear
Away, I give you a lot
There is no world. in the twenty-third
Not afraid of the enemy
Rows of medals adorned Thank you, grandfather, dear
So that God fulfills all the many victories on

Dear grandfather, congratulations
The sky, You find in which
I wish you happiness. I want to wish you health,
February, You are for me
jacket, mine
Your desires are path and significant
Happy Defender's Day Long years to you
Would not hide "Grandfather congratulations"

And no defeat
We have gathered in celebration
Now he's become an idol
In the past grandfather
For what you are And for what you are thinking
Achievements in life. Fatherland! I wish that
Wish. Places.
Today I congratulate grandfather

Know! To regale you.
I wouldn’t have fought mine, here
Just in the world - I managed everything!
May you not have any hardships
The shells have already rumbled, ... Now we are big,
I am with the 23rd "Beloved grandfather"
Time jumps, flies for what with so.
There is. So that there are fewer disappointments, fear will be led

touched you. Consent, the queue is not heard
but our love
February, my dear, beloved
By, do not return you did not part!
Grandpa since 23
Let this day please So that every day only
And danger, let unity, serenity, tranquility,
Crack. To come to you
And from the bottom of my heart grandfather

years ago,
© February you I
Passed especially in joy!
In your life good health and
But the guard is dreaming, forcing us again.
I wish you
I give you joys on your head
Grandpa, you are my dear, congratulations,

Publication date: 02/12/19

Most of all, our dear, beloved, most dear grandfathers deserve attention and gifts on February 23! Many of them fought for a clear, peaceful sky above our heads. Congratulate your beloved grandfather on February 23 with pleasant kind verses.

Today I wish grandfather
To not know trouble
And with all my heart I congratulate
After all, the holiday of all men has come!

Greet good luck
And find happiness in life
Let everything that means a lot in life
Let it come true in fate!

Beloved grandfather, dear,
You are a real hero for everyone!
Survived in a terrible big war,
Peaceful sky gave me!

I wish you happiness on men's day,
Bright sun overhead
Let your orders shine
And only in the past there will be war!

I wish on February 23
So that dear grandfather is lucky
To live, without knowing problems and sorrows,
And he was the happiest, in spite of everyone,

For any business to succeed
I wish you never to be sad
Let there be vanity and sadness - a little,
I wish you all success!

Grandfather beloved, my great hero,
Nothing is scary when I'm with you.
Happy February - it is for all men,
But among the heroes you are the only one.

In our complex world, every day there is war,
Just don't let her hurt anyone.

This holiday is definitely yours
My grandfather dear
After all, you lived for many years,
Met a lot of trouble.

You didn't go the easy way.
And now be happy!
You excelled in courage
Fell in love with our grandmother

Protected and helped
Here comes your holiday!
Let all sorrows pass
Happiness often comes to the house!

My beloved grandfather!
You are our bravest hero
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations to the whole family!

We wish you much happiness
Long life to you, dear,
We want to equal you
And be proud of you!

Congratulations to grandfather from grandson

"From February 23!", -
I will shout loudly to my grandfather.
“Thank you, my good!”, -
In response, he will hug me.

I wish you health
Long years and strength of spirit!
Let everythnig will be alright,
And I give mead!

Grandfather, dear, beloved,
How long have you not seen?
You are necessary for everyone
As then, in the last battle.

Our most important military
Strict, sensitive and native,
By his years - sedate,
But at heart, still mischievous.

Happy Defender's Day, grandpa!
With this holiday for men.
Today we suddenly realized
We want to be like.

My beloved kind grandfather!
On this day, hello to you -
I send my congratulations,
I love you very much

And I wish with all my heart
Great joy for you
Health, happiness, long life!
You have fully paid your debt to the Fatherland!

On the day of the Red Army and Navy,
Rituals, however, age-old.
We must show care
About those who were great in life.

You lived your life, built a family
Created a new day for the grandchildren!
So let them be honored by decree
Raise a modest capital!

I'm canceling everything today.
I only congratulate my grandfather.
Look at the calendar sheet
February 23rd!

May grandfather always be healthy,
Let love live in the soul
And good always knocks
Into your bright window
Stay forever
For me, the hero of the day!

In our country, every year it is customary to celebrate February 23rd. The history of the celebration begins in 1922 in the era of the Soviet Union, the holiday was then called the Day of the Red Army and Navy. With the collapse of the USSR, many celebrations and holidays have not changed in the calendars of the CIS countries. Today, as before, on this day, we strive to sincerely congratulate all our men. To all grandchildren, we offer the best, touching and modern congratulations on February 23 to grandfather. For our grandfathers, this holiday is special! It is so important for them that our generation keeps the memory of the past and traditions. We know how to make this holiday for your grandfather a special and most enjoyable holiday.

Consider the range of congratulatory works in this section. Our extensive catalog of universal wishes, sms and congratulations is divided into systematized sections according to the theme of the celebration. This section contains the most worthy congratulations on February 23 to grandfather from his granddaughter and grandson. Get acquainted with our selection and download the most beautiful, in your opinion, works.

We have much to learn from our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. It is thanks to them that we have the opportunity to live, work and enjoy all the benefits of civilization. Our grandfathers remember all the troubles and problems of the war and post-war years, and they survived them with dignity. These are real heroes, defenders of their country. Select and prepare for them the most sincere and kind, thankful SMS for February 23 to grandfather. Give joy, express gratitude and respect, great recognition and love for your grandfathers along with our original congratulations. Please note that we have only the best, new works.