What to wear with a peplum skirt. Peplum skirt - what to wear and how to create fashionable looks

Hello my dear readers.
I am glad to welcome you on the pages of the blog "site". Today we will look at how sew a pencil skirt with your own hands.
Last time I described in detail the construction of the drawing and tailoring of a classic straight skirt. And the construction of today's model is entirely based on based straight skirt.

I will not tell you in a few paragraphs about the charms of the pencil skirt model, as they are obvious: incredibly feminine, favorably emphasizes the charms of the figure,
can be completely different: from classic traditional to modern with unusual solutions (lace, slots, scuffs on jeans, ruffles). But if you learn to sew
the main option, then it will not cost you much work to come up with something more interesting.
So let's get started. Our skirt today will be fitted at the waist, with peplum and embossed seams in front and back for beauty. The back section of the pencil skirt will be processed slot.
Also, the skirt will be narrowed to the bottom, which, in fact, will make it a “pencil”, unlike a straight one.

If you find it difficult or inconvenient to make relief seams, or you just don’t like them, then you can skip these points. The end result is not particularly affected.
In the future, if you want to make it with a high or low waist, you can do it on this basis, which we will now consider.
Step one: take your measurements. How to remove .

Now we will build a drawing of a skirt, narrowed to the bottom line with embossed seams and peplum.

Initial data, see:

  • St = 34; Fri = 0.5;
  • Sat = 45; Pb = 1;
  • Dlb = 20;
  • Diz = 60.

When drawing a drawing, you substitute their measurements.

Preliminary calculation of thal undercuts:

1. Calculate the difference between the waist and hips.

(Sat + Pb) - (St + Fri) = (45 + 1) - (34 + 0.5) = 11.5

2. We distribute the difference among the undercuts.

This is the standard value.

We subtract from the difference the undercut of the middle seam.

11.5-1.5 = 10 cm.

3. From this remainder (10 cm) we calculate all other recesses.

4. = half of the remainder = 10÷2 = 5 cm.

5. \u003d one third of the rest \u003d 10 ÷ 3 \u003d 3.3 cm.

6. - what is left. 10-5-3.3 = 1.7 cm.

First you need to build a base - a straight skirt, which was discussed above, and then we will model a pencil skirt.

The basis of a straight skirt.

Put a T in the top left corner.

1. TN down \u003d Diz \u003d 60. Set aside 60 cm from the T point down. Find the H point.

2. TB down \u003d Dlb \u003d 20. Set aside 20 cm from point T down. Find point B.

3. BB1 right - grid width = Sb + Pb = 45 +1 = 46.

4. BB1 divide by 2 and find the point B2. 46÷2 = 23. We draw a vertical through it - this is the position of the side seam.

5. We make out the side recess:

From the point T2 to the right and to the left, we set aside half of the side groove. 5÷2 = 2.5 cm.

We find points T3 and T4.

We find auxiliary point 2. To do this, we set aside 2 cm upwards from point B2.

We connect points T3 with point 2 and T4 with point 2. We draw lines under the pattern, the lines should be slightly convex so that the side of the skirt looks good.

6. Talny deflections: From the point T we set aside 0.5 cm down. We put the point T '.

From the point T1 down 1 cm. We put the point T11.

We connect the points T ' with T3 and T11 with T4 under the pattern.

7. Groove of the middle seam: set aside 1.5 cm from the T’ point to the right. Put the T point. We connect point T "with point B with a straight line.

8. Groove RFP.

We divide the line T»T3 by 2 and draw a vertical line to the line of the hips. This is the center line of the groove. From point 2 to the right and to the left, we set aside half of the undercut RF = 3.3 ÷ 2 = 1.7 cm.

9. Undercut PP.

We divide the T11T4 line by 2 and draw the center line of the undercut (as on the RFP).

From point 2 to the right and to the left, we set aside half of the undercut PP = 1.7 ÷ 2 = 0.9 cm.

We equalize the sides of the undercuts to a greater extent.

Now we have built the BASIS - a straight classic skirt. All other skirts are built on its basis.

Modeling a pencil skirt.

1. It is necessary to narrow the side seams along the bottom line on each side by 3 cm.

To do this, we set aside 3 cm from point H2 to the right and left. We connect these points with point B2 with straight lines.

2. Now you need to pair the side slices. What is this process?

We take a tracing paper and circle the side cut and the bottom line on the RFP.

We combine, i.e. we impose the side cut of the RFP on the side cut of the PP, as if we were sewing them together. And we circle the bottom line on the PP.

And what do we see? The bottom line when stitching will not turn out to be even. We need to line it up as much as possible.


And it turns out that the side line needs to be lengthened by a few mm.

In my case, 7 mm. You can get your own number. We lengthen the side sections in the drawing by 0.7 cm.

3. Skirt on the lobar belt. In order for it to be on the natural waist line, you need to cut off half the width of the belt from the drawing. We have a belt, for example, 4 cm. So we cut off 2 cm. It is shaded in yellow in the drawing.

4. Belt - a rectangle with a width of 4 cm in the finished form, in cutting 4 × 2 + 2 cm allowances = 10 cm. 5) × 2 + 3 + 2 = 74 cm in cutting. Finished 74-2 cm allowances = 72 cm.

5. Draw embossed lines using a pattern. The embossed lines are located on the axial line of the tackle recesses. With the help of a pattern, we bend them a little along the bottom line to one side. I bent 2 cm towards the center of the PP, and 2 cm towards the center of the RF.

6. In the middle seam of the RFP, you need to make a slot. In order for the slot not to open in a stationary position, it is necessary to deviate the vertical line of the middle seam of the RFP to the left by 0.5 - 1.5 cm (depending on the length of the skirt: the longer the skirt, the greater the deviation).

The slot is a rectangle 4 cm wide (in light clothing), 22 cm long (optional, but min down from point B 15 cm).

From point 22 we set aside 2 cm upwards and draw a triangle.

7. We set the control point of the fastener: 2 cm above point B.

8. Basque.

With the help of tracing paper, we close the steel grooves on the RFP and PP. We circle the details to the line of the hips.

The height of the peplum is 12 cm. (You can take your own if you wish). Set aside on tracing paper from the upper cut 12 cm and get the line of the bottom of the peplum.

In order to get tails at the bottom, the lower cut of the peplum must be increased. And we will do this with the help of radial breeding.

We put conditional breeding lines on the basque diagram (marked in yellow, made arbitrarily, you can draw your own). We trace each sector through tracing paper, while at the bottom of the basque we separate the sectors by 3 cm (you can take your own value, depending on which “waves » in Basque you want to get). Adjust the bottom line if necessary.

Allowances on top of 1 cm, on the sides of 1.5 cm, at the bottom of 3 cm. The share thread of the fabric is marked with an arrow in the drawing.

We cut out the details of the belt, peplum, PP and RFP or transfer to tracing paper.

We transfer the pattern to the fabric, taking into account the allowances.

And let's start sewing!

How to sew a pencil skirt with your own hands.

We sweep the side sections of the front and back of the skirt, combining the control points.

We sew on a typewriter from the front of the skirt.

We iron the allowances and process with a zigzag.

We also process the lower section of the skirt with a zigzag.

We sew the front and back parts of the peplum along the side cuts.

We process the lower cut of the peplum with a zigzag. (see photo below. fig.1)

We iron the allowance on the wrong side. We chip off with pins or sweep.

On the front side, we sew with a straight stitch on a typewriter. We iron.

We fasten the peplum to the skirt. At the same time, we make sure that in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lightning, the bottom of the peplum is evenly joined to each other, i.e. was at the same distance from the lightning control mark. (Fig. 2)

We will sew the peplum with a side cut into the zipper opening. We iron. (Fig. 3)

We fasten the duplicated belt to the skirt face to face. (Photo 6)

We sew on the machine.

We do on the one hand on the belt ENTRY ON THE CASTLE.

We smooth out the allowances of the belt on the side of the belt. We cut out the excess thickness on the allowances, as we did on other skirts.

We overcast the lower cut of the inner part of the belt with a zigzag.

(photo 6)

Thus, we fix the inner part of the belt and exclude its displacement while wearing the skirt.

We tuck the bottom of the skirt along the line of allowances to the wrong side.

Iron and sew inside with a hidden seam.

We iron our skirt again. (Photo 7)

Everything!! The skirt is ready!

See also an interesting video on how to sew a peplum skirt:

I hope this article was helpful to you. And see you again on the pages of the blog "Shaysomnoy.rf".

The cyclical nature of high fashion is a universally recognized fact. Therefore, when the peplum skirt returned to the catwalks, everyone was interested in what to wear with such a stylish solution. A peplum is just a not very wide strip of fabric, which is draped with soft folds along the waistline of the skirt or slightly above it, but it miraculously transforms the main product. Sexuality, femininity, frivolous mischief, coquetry - the epithets that designers and fashion designers use to describe a skirt or dress with a peplum very clearly characterize the image created by the models. That is why more and more often in the women's wardrobe you can find this element of clothing, and often as the basic basis of the image.

The desire to look fashionable and stylish leads to natural questions: what to wear with a peplum skirt - photos and recommendations from fashion designers will help you sort out this problem. To create the perfect bow, you need to answer a few questions:

  • What types of basses are there?
  • Who suits a peplum skirt, and who does not?
  • What wardrobe requirements does the product dictate?
  • Rules of combinatorics and style of a fashionable image.
  • Typical mistakes.

Basque: varieties and appearance

Before you figure out what to wear with a peplum, it is worth evaluating the whole variety of this type of finish. Basque happens:

  • detachable - usually used when creating models of dresses, skirts, trousers;
  • one-piece - acts as an element of outerwear, jackets and jackets;
  • "Accessory" - worn alone as a belt or decorative frill.

If on the catwalks you can find all these options, then in women's wardrobes, the cutting option is a priority. It is also distinguished by a variety of shapes, designs, widths and the way it is placed on clothing. The appearance of the decorative element most of all influences the solution of the question: peplum - with what to wear, combine, combine the product?

Basque is most common:

  • lush - with gentle waves located on the waist line;
  • geometric - having clear, pronounced lines;
  • "wings" - an elegant or voluminous solution located on the hips;
  • "bows" - a three-dimensional type of decor, most often symmetrically decorating the hips.

Depending on how exactly the skirt or dress looks, the issue of style compatibility and the creation of bows for specific occasions or situations is decided.

Trying to decide: a skirt or a dress with a peplum - who suits and who does not, it is important to start by clarifying your own type of figure. The main task of the decorative element is to correct the shortcomings of the appearance, but with the wrong choice, it is easy to achieve a completely opposite result.

A lady can not understand the intricacies of proportions only in the only case: if she has narrow hips. Basque on such a figure will be just perfect! In other cases, remember:

  • "Hourglass" and "rectangle" - that's who the peplum skirt suits! The decor emphasizes femininity and roundness of forms, regardless of the length of the decoration and the product itself.
  • "Inverted Triangle" - the proportions of ideal shapes are created by increasing the volume of the hips.
  • "Triangle" - it is worth choosing models of skirts with a straight cut, preferably with a high waist of a strict and clear silhouette.

Wide hips and the presence of a tummy are not contraindications for peplum products. On the contrary, models perfectly mask the splendor of forms, hide imperfections and balance proportions. The only thing to remember is that the peplum should end below or above the widest part of the hips!

Having dealt with the specifics of the figures, you can begin to delve into the intricacies of the question of what to wear with a peplum skirt.

Peplum skirt - what to wear with stylish models?

Peplum, combined with any skirt, gives the latter splendor, showiness and volume. Therefore, when forming a fashionable bow, you need to remember that in no case should you overload the image with details and finishes - it is better to prefer minimalism in the ensemble. When deciding the question “basque skirt - what to wear it with”, they are guided by two style components:

  • color combinations;
  • correct completeness.

When choosing colors, it is not enough to know the rules of the color wheel, you should also take into account some of the nuances:

  1. Contrasting monochrome solutions are suitable for any skirt. A plain blouse, T-shirt or top perfectly complements a laconic look. Equally successful are combinations of a dark bottom and a light top, and oppositely selected options - a light skirt and a dark blouse.
  2. With colored skirts that have complex ornaments and patterns, monophonic solutions are also recommended, identical to one of the colors used in the product. Shoes must have a heel or a low wedge. In summer ensembles, you can try ballet flats and low-soled shoes, although such experiments are not really recommended.
  3. Classic prints - polka dots, geometric motifs, animal colors - go well with plain skirts, giving the image some boldness and sexuality.

Also, those who go for the peplum should know a few unspoken rules for creating a stylish look:

  1. The top matched to the skirt is narrow and short. A fluffy blouse requires proportionate perfection and a very narrow waist, which, alas, not all ladies can boast of. The best solutions for a peplum skirt are turtlenecks, fitted shirts, tight knitwear, strict blouses, tight-fitting jackets or blazers.
  2. The selection of outerwear for a peplum product also has its own secrets. The top should be short enough so that the fur coat, jacket or raincoat is left open about 10-15 cm of the finishing element. This rule applies not only to skirts, it is also necessary for those who want to understand the question - “what to wear with a peplum dress”.
  3. The top - blouse, top or shirt - is always tucked into a skirt. There are no exceptions to this rule, which is worth remembering when creating a fashionable bow.
  4. Sports shoes are contraindicated in stylish models of a strict cut, so it is better to forget about sneakers and sneakers.
  5. With low growth, a heel is required, otherwise short legs will visually look even shorter.

Trend bows with a peplum skirt

Fashion designers like to offer ready-made solutions, allowing you to reduce reflections on the ideal wardrobe to a minimum. Among these recommendations, it is worth highlighting:

  1. A pencil skirt with a peplum - what to wear and who to wear - you don't even have to think! A great combination in a product that allows you to favorably present almost any figure.
  2. Black and white variations. Good in any performance! It is worth buying a skirt with a contrasting design and choosing a monochrome version of the top or following the principle of traditional combinatorics - top and bottom in opposite colors.
  3. Win-win combinations of pastel colors. When thinking in a store what to wear with a green peplum skirt, choose a delicate shade of the product. It goes well with any muted color. The game of halftones will only add femininity and elegance to the image.
  4. And yet a stud! When deciding what to wear with a peplum dress - photos from the shows suggest options - you see that only high heels perfectly complement the model.

Look at this elegant dress with a skirt! Well, isn't it wonderful? And it's not just a pastel combination of colors and two fabrics of different textures. Grace and a certain airiness of the dress gives a skirt with a peplum.

A peplum skirt pattern is built according to the same principles as a regular narrow skirt, with the only exception that a peplum pattern is additionally built to the skirt.

Peplum skirt pattern

The patterns of all three peplum skirts are built according to the same principle. Next, we will tell you how to build a skirt pattern and a peplum pattern.

Peplum skirt pattern

To build a pattern for a peplum skirt, you need to take the following measurements:

1. Skirt length………………………60 cm

2. Half waist………..36 cm

3. Hips………50cm

Peplum skirt pattern: construction

Rice. 1. Skirt pattern

Pattern of a skirt with a peplum. Click to enlarge

Peplum skirt pattern: job description

Draw rectangle ABCD.

Peplum skirt width. AB and DC are equal to 51 centimeters (half circumference of the hips by the measure plus 1 centimeter for all sizes): 50 + 1 = 51.

Peplum skirt length. The lines of the rectangle AD and BC are equal to 60 cm (the length of the skirt with a peplum to measure).

The line of the side of the skirt with a peplum. From point A to the right, set aside 1/2 of the segment AB - point T. From point T, lower the perpendicular down to the intersection with the line DC.

Line of hips of a skirt with a peplum. From points A, T, B they lay down 20-22 centimeters, put points L, L1 and L2 and connect them with a dotted line.

Calculation of the depth of the darts on the waistline of a peplum skirt. Determine the difference between the half-circumference of the hips by the measure (together with the increase) and the half-circumference of the waist by the measure with an increase of 1 cm: 51-37=14.

The difference is 14 centimeters. 7 centimeters are removed into the side tuck (half the difference), 3 centimeters into the front and 4 centimeters into the back (the remainder of the difference).

Side tuck skirt with peplum. The side tuck of the peplum skirt is 7 centimeters. From point T to the right and to the left lay 3.5 centimeters each (half the depth of the side tuck): 7: 2 = 3.5.

From points 3.5 up lay 1 centimeter. Points 1 are connected with dotted lines to point L1, divided in half, and from the division points left to the right and right to the left, 0.5 centimeters are laid aside. The line on the left is drawn through points 1, 0.5, L1, the line on the right - through points 1, 0.5, L1.

Front tuck of peplum skirt. The depth of the front tuck is 3 centimeters. Set aside 5-6 cm from the side line to the right, draw a perpendicular down, the length of the front tuck is 9-10 cm. From the point of intersection of the perpendicular with the waist line to the right and to the left, lay 1.5 centimeters each (half the depth of the front tuck) 3: 2 = 1.5. The lower end of the tuck is taken 0.5 cm to the side seam.

Back tuck of a peplum skirt. The depth of the back tuck is 4 centimeters. AT is divided in half and 2 centimeters are laid from the division point to the left and right.

The length of the back tuck of a skirt with a peplum is 12-13 cm.

The waist line of the back half of the skirt with a peplum. Point 1 is connected to point 2 (darts).

The waist line of the front half of the skirt with peplum. Point 1 is connected to point 1.5 (darts).

Note. If the difference between the half-circumference of the hips according to the measurement with an increase and the half-circumference of the waist according to the measurement with an increase is more than 14 cm, 2 tucks are made on the back half of the peplum skirt. The first one is placed at a distance of 5-7 cm from the middle of the back, the tuck solution is 3-4 cm, the length is 13-15 cm. The remaining distance is divided in half, the second tuck solution is 2-3 cm, the length is 12-13 cm.

Peplum pattern for a skirt

Rice. 2. Peplum pattern

The shape and length of the peplum on the skirt may be different. The pattern shows a peplum 20 cm long and the same along the entire length. You can build a peplum pattern that will be extended to the middle of the back of the skirt. To do this, it is necessary to increase the size of one side of the peplum to 25-30 cm, depending on the model of the skirt (see Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Pattern of an asymmetrical peplum

Calculate the radius for the peplum pattern: R = 1/6 of the waist circumference -1 cm. Construct a semicircle, as shown in the peplum pattern. From the resulting semicircle, set aside the length of the peplum, draw the lower semicircle.

Women's wardrobe consists of a great variety of things, there can be several dozen models of skirts alone, the silhouette is very different: straight, close-fitting, flared. And among this incredible variety, a peplum skirt is of particular interest. The popularity of this wardrobe item is quite understandable. After all, such a skirt looks at the same time strictly due to the straight silhouette, and also original, since it has a decorative element in the form of a frill. A strip of fabric is sewn to the belt of the product and usually reaches the hip line. The length and shape of both the skirt itself and the peplum can be very different. Accordingly, the choice of a skirt depends solely on the taste preferences of a woman.

The peplum skirt enjoys the well-deserved love of all fashionistas in the world. The advantages of this wardrobe item include:

  1. Versatility. The product combines the strict lines of an ordinary straight skirt and the coquetry of an additional element - a peplum. Therefore, it will look quite worthy in absolutely any setting: office, restaurant, social event, friendly party.
  2. Figure correction. A peplum skirt has an amazing ability to visually align the proportions of the body. Narrow hips will instantly acquire seductive volume, and lush hips will become slender.

Don't be afraid to accessorize your look. Modest jewelry will give the image more elegance, but large earrings or a necklace will bring a bit of modern chic.

Fashionable color options for a peplum skirt.

A plain skirt with a peplum identical in tone looks especially impressive, although fabric products with an intricate print, as well as different color variations for sewing the skirt itself, as well as the peplum, are acceptable for the wave. It is important to choose the right top, in this case it should be solid so as not to overload the image.

Popular colors:

  1. White. Suitable for women of any age. Pairs best with light-colored or sharply contrasting tops.
  2. The black. An indispensable option for business style. The top can be any color. An image consisting of a skirt and a black top looks impressive, in this case the waist line can be highlighted with a strap in a contrasting color.
  3. Red. Intense color that grabs attention. The combination of a red skirt with a white or black top looks especially advantageous.
  4. Bright blue. This tone is now at the peak of popularity, and it looks wonderful with snow-white blouses.
  5. Gray. Such a skirt will suit fashionistas who appreciate the rigor of appearance, the product will look great with white or gray shirts, gray vests or pullovers.
  6. Fuchsia. This color has managed to win the love of fashionistas all over the world, and it is worth saying that in such a skirt you will definitely not be able to go unnoticed. You can combine the skirt with pale pink pullovers, as well as lavender or white blouses.

What to wear with a peplum skirt.

A peplum skirt is suitable for women of any height, there are no restrictions on age and body type. There is one important rule - a tight-fitting top. In no case should you wear such a skirt with blouses and loose-fitting sweaters. Otherwise, an elegant, feminine and attractive image will seem unnecessarily heavy and ill-conceived.

Popular images.


A peplum skirt should cover the knee line or be slightly lower. Restrained colors are acceptable: brown, black, dark blue. Top: a blouse of a strict form, possibly a shirt cut, a knitted jumper of an adjacent silhouette, a short jacket. Addition: shoes with stable heels, discreet jewelry.


It is characterized by strict forms without frills. The skirt can be of any non-vulgar length and mostly muted colors. The top should be combined with a skirt: blouse, turtleneck, jumper, knitted cardigan. Addition: high-heeled shoes, fine jewelry, for example with pearls, a medium-sized bag.


Assumes convenience and comfort, therefore deviations from the rules are permissible. In addition, the product can be of various lengths and made in various, even the brightest shades. The top may have a slightly loose shape, but be sure to tuck into a skirt: blouse, shirt, jumper. A tight-fitting top looks spectacular, especially a shortened one. An important nuance is an impeccable figure. Addition: ankle boots with heels, pumps or flats, sneakers, catchy jewelry, shoulder bag.


A long skirt with an asymmetrical peplum looks especially luxurious. The top should be fitted to match the skirt or in a contrasting color. For example, lace, satin top. Products embroidered with beads and sequins will look spectacular. You can add a short jacket of an adjacent silhouette to the skirt. In addition, a peplum skirt will look great with a delicate lace blouse. Addition: elegant jewelry, stilettos, clutch.

Additional photos of peplum skirts (pictures increase):

How to sew a peplum skirt (video):

Now you know what to combine with a stunningly beautiful, fashionable and feminine peplum skirt. We hope that the recommendations presented in this review, as well as the photos, made you think about creating your own individual image!

Fashionistas are always in search of new original images. It is worth paying attention to skirts and dresses with a peplum, as well as other clothes with a similar element.

The peplum will help you look more feminine, it will decorate any girl, and is also suitable for full ones. A strip of fabric that gently drapes the chosen element of the wardrobe will completely transform it.

Who can wear peplum clothes

When choosing clothes with a peplum, you can find the following types:

  • Cut-off - mainly decorates skirts and dresses.
  • One-piece - usually used as a decor for outerwear.
  • Removable - it is worn like a belt.

For different types of figures

Also, looking at the photo, it is easy to see that the basque can have a different shape. It is lush, voluminous, geometric - with straight and clear lines. So any girl will be able to choose an option to her taste.

The question often arises - who are the peplum dresses for? Correct answer: everyone! Of course, when choosing a model, you should not forget about the features of your figure. But this decor will perfectly decorate both thin and full women.

Variations in a dress for full

Slender girls with narrow hips can afford any fashionable styles. The peplum will add volume where it is needed, making the curves smoother and more feminine. If the figure has magnificent forms, then the peplum will divert attention from them a little, visually add harmony and stretch the silhouette. You should only pay attention that this effect can be achieved if the decor ends either above or below the widest part of the hips.

Accent outfits Plus Size

Peplum sets

Another question that worries fashionistas is where to wear skirts and other wardrobe items decorated with peplum. A variety of models allows you to choose the right one for a variety of situations, which is shown in the photos. For example, for a business image. This element will not break out of the dress code, but at the same time it will unobtrusively add femininity. It is only necessary to choose discreet colors. It can be a black or dark blue sheath dress. A pencil skirt is also suitable, including a beige one. You can also pay attention to fashionable jackets.

business suit images

Shoes can be chosen both to match the dress and contrasting.

If you look at the photo, you can see that the peplum is the best suited for evening sets. She looks smart, but not overly flashy. You just need to pay attention to the style of the dress. For a celebration, you should choose lace, with translucent inserts or floor length. Color also matters. Black or navy blue is appropriate for a formal event, while red or even pink can be worn at a less formal one.

White celebrity evening sets

In the element of an evening black dress

Celebrity evening dresses

You can afford the basque option in everyday life. For example, a light summer dress with such decor will help you get a gentle and romantic look. Fashionable long straight floor-length skirts always look intriguing and a little mysterious, and if they are decorated with a peplum, then doubly so. They are well suited for full. The jacket also looks original, and in cool weather it is worth throwing on a coat decorated in this way.

How to wear a dress, skirt or jacket with a similar finish

Combining clothes with a peplum is not as difficult as it might seem. But it will be useful to know which combinations are the most winning.

Dress combinations

When choosing dresses with a peplum, you should pay attention to the style of the case. In itself, restrained and concise, with a similar decor, it will become more feminine and interesting, as the photos show. This outfit can be safely worn to a meeting with friends or to work.

Combined with leather elements

Models in the floor have always been popular. First of all - in evening fashion, because they look bright and festive, of course, if the right material is selected. Examples are easy to see in the photo. It may be interesting to have options in which the top and peplum are sewn from one material, and skirts from another. Moreover, the bodice can be decorated with prints, lace, embroidery, while the hem is made of smooth fabric. A lace dress, for example, black or white, also looks beautiful. Depending on the situation and the type of appearance, you can choose blue, pink, red, green or other.

White lace sets

The peplum makes the mermaid style accessible even for somewhat overweight girls. This model is strapless, floor-length, fitting all curves, very demanding on the figure. A frill made of fabric at the waist will cover the problematic tummy and hips.

Evening Options

It is easy to choose a cocktail dress with such an element. Asymmetric models look interesting, in which one shoulder remains open.

Variations in execution and cut

In the summer, light fashionable dresses made of flying, flowing fabric with a similar decor are relevant. They can be short or floor-length, you can easily go for a walk or a gathering in a summer cafe. For any event, lace is suitable. Beige can be worn in a variety of situations, it is very stylish and at the same time versatile. White, on which a black fabric decoration looks contrasting, is also suitable for every day.

Feminine images

Sets with skirts, tops and jackets

Skirts with a neat peplum are a great solution for both thin and full girls, as can be seen in the photo. A win-win option is a pencil skirt. Monochrome, black and white combinations look interesting. You can safely wear a white top and black bottom or vice versa. Pastel colors are also very good, so if you want to wear a green dress or skirt, then it is better to choose muted shades. Models to the floor are also relevant.

Blake Lively

The peplum is eye-catching, so to combine with such skirts, you need to choose discreet and smooth blouses or shirts. The top is always filled.

Girls who prefer an elegant and romantic style in casual wear can pay attention to peplum jackets. Christian Dior introduced it to the wardrobe, and the created model he called the "bar jacket". They perfectly emphasize the dignity of the figure, examples in the photo. For obese women, elongated models of dark colors are suitable, which will hide extra pounds. Fashionable skirts, especially pencil skirts, and trousers are also good for such clothes. It is worth wearing a jacket with a dress, including a floor length. You can choose from lace. If the peplum is minimalist, then it is allowed to combine such jackets even with jeans.

Feminine silhouettes on the catwalks of the world

Haute couture options