Recipes for making mascara. Do-it-yourself mascara. Various components of mascara types

The composition of mascara is the secret of each company, but the manufacturer is obliged to provide part of the list of ingredients. The global market for the cosmetics industry is overflowing with offers. Each brand is trying to attract buyers with a bright product design, developed by an innovative formula. Women are presented with different forms of brushes, a wide palette of colors.

The production of mascara is under constant control.

Technologies, composition and formulas are unique for each brand of cosmetics.

Before buying, you must carefully study the chemical composition and components of the product, which is indicated on the package:

  1. The H2O retains the liquid in the hairs and dilutes the dye to a paste.
  2. Paraffin makes it possible to use the product for a long time during the day, envelops the eyelashes.
  3. Flavoring.
  4. The presence of mastic gives shine.
  5. Coloring pigments, coal to achieve color saturation.
  6. Mascara is made on the basis of preservatives. Contribute to long-term storage of funds.
  7. UV filter that protects against the harmful effects of the sun.
  8. Sealing resin.
  9. Vitamins A, E, F, panthenol.
  10. Brasmatic acquires protective properties with the help of keratin and melanin.
  11. Lanolin and glycerin promote hydration.
  12. The presence of castor and almond oil provides care, stimulates the growth of hair follicles.

Before buying a product, you need to find out what mascara is made of. Incomprehensible chemical formulas should alert customers. The designation can be quite a common and safe substance. To choose the right makeup products, you should find out how different types of brasmatics differ in their chemical composition.

Ingredients that make mascara lengthening or voluminous

Each woman chooses cosmetics, taking into account the features: skin type, visual condition of the hair. Lacking volume, short lashes are a fairly common problem. The doll look or the effect of false hairs is the standard of beauty that girls aspire to.

Products marked Volume are designed to create additional volume. Excellent result due to the composition of the carcass: wax, silicone, paraffin. Thick consistency, barrel-shaped brush with dense pile. The viscosity of the paste allows you to color each eyelash, resulting in a thickening of the trunk. After complete drying, the look becomes expressive.

The inscription length or extend is placed on the packaging of brasmatic, whose task is to significantly lengthen the eyelashes. A similar effect is achieved using special nylon and silk fibers in the composition. The brush has uniform, spiral and long bristles. After applying the mascara, an enveloping coating is created that contributes to an increase in length. The consistency of the product is quite watery compared to other types of product. Popular form of release: bottles with two compartments. The first contains the contents that lengthen the eyelashes, the second contains the coloring pigment.

What is added to the product so that it is waterproof

The main distinguishing components that make the product waterproof are natural wax, resins, volatile polymers, and persistent dyes that do not leave prints added to the carcass composition. Cosmetics are labeled moisture-proof. Mascara is used at high humidity. Not suitable for daily use. The synthetic components included in the composition can harm the structure of the eyelashes. The material is resistant to make-up removal. To remove, you will need a cleansing gel.

The chemical composition of hypoallergenic mascara

The tool does not contain aggressive irritating elements that can inflame the shell of the eye. Carcasses are marked V.A. or sensitive. The tool can be used in the presence of lenses and hypersensitivity, the tendency of the skin to redness. A balanced content does not cause allergies, irritation, does not affect the epidermis and the state of the organ of the visual system. The University of California published a study showing that a third of women suffer from an allergic reaction to cosmetics. To resolve the situation, a special chemical composition was selected that excludes the factor of irritation: water, wax of animal origin, a complex of vitamins, iron oxide and glycerin.


  • uniform distribution of mascara due to a convenient brush and enveloping effect;
  • has a healing and strengthening effect due to the vitamins included in the composition;
  • permanent use is possible when wearing contact lenses, the developed technology does not allow the paint to crumble;
  • is easily washed off with water.

What components can harm eyelashes

There are four harmful components that are found in almost all brands of decorative cosmetics for the eyes:

  1. preservatives. With the help of parabens, mascara has its properties much longer, but at the same time it provokes excessive production of the female sex hormone - estrogen. There is a risk of developing breast cancer.
  2. The presence of aluminum powder in the composition. The neurotoxic effect of the substance contributes to the deterioration of the conductivity of the nerve fiber, is an obstacle to the natural process of excretion of mercury, regularly ingested with food.
  3. The content of propylene glycol in the composition of mascara can cause a severe allergic reaction of the skin and mucous membranes of the eye.
  4. Retinol acetate can disrupt the vital activity of cells and cause gene mutation.

Often, unscrupulous manufacturers counterfeit cosmetics, putting them on the market under a foreign brand. The composition of such brasmatic for eyelashes is usually characterized by low quality with a significant proportion of components that are cheap to manufacture, but dangerous to use. They recommend buying a quality product that has been certified and has proven itself in the market. Buying cheap cosmetics will not hit the wallet, but it can affect the health of the eyes, the treatment will require much more money.

Quality mascara has its limitations.

With daily use, moisture-resistant cosmetics will harm the structure of the eyelashes, the mucous membrane.

It is strictly contraindicated to use mascara of any kind, brand, composition after the expiration date, even if the consistency and smell have not changed. The resulting irritation can cause discomfort and provoke the development of complications. If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Carcass expiration date before and after opening

Brasmatik for eyelashes has different expiration dates before opening the tube and after. Each product package has an expiration date label to determine safe use. Types of designations:

  • the year, month and day when the product was made, and the date when the application period expires are prescribed;
  • a specific date of manufacture is not spelled out, but a stamp is placed on the day the end of operation;
  • date and time of manufacture is present, you need to calculate the end of use yourself.

Shelf life of a sealed bottle of mascara: 1 year.

Manufacturers often go to experiments aimed at transforming the composition, making mascara not always safe. After opening the original packaging, the period is reduced to three months. The determining factor is the gradual multiplication of bacteria on the brush, provoking eye diseases. At the first sign of inflammation, you should stop using the dye and consult an ophthalmologist.

In general, manufacturers divide mascara into 2 types: waterproof and non-waterproof. Waterproof mascara contains:

  • vegetable and animal wax;
  • polymers;
  • volatile solvents;
  • various resins;
  • mineral wax (often paraffin);
  • dyes.

Depending on the manufacturer, various vitamins and proteins may be added to waterproof mascara.

Silicone polymers are a synthetic chemical that lengthens and adds volume to lashes. A volatile solvent is a component that has a water-repellent effect. Wax of mineral origin has the same property. Dye is added to mascara to give it color. And sealing resins give the cilia the desired shape.

Waterproof mascara contains:

  • water;
  • wax of various origins;
  • dyes;
  • polymers;
  • preservatives;
  • fat base.

Experts note that preservatives and other chemical compounds that make up the carcass can cause allergies. Therefore, the cosmetic product must necessarily pass ophthalmological control.

Additional substances

In addition to the two main types, there are several more subspecies of carcass:

  • lengthening;
  • twisting;
  • bulk;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • with the effect of false eyelashes;

Mascara should be creamy in consistency. If it is very dry or very liquid, then most likely it has expired. In this case, it must be thrown away. When choosing a mascara, it is also important to know that a quality product does not have a pronounced smell.

It is worth noting that not so long ago, experts conducted an experiment and studied the contents of 26 carcass items. It turned out that most of the items contain heavy metals and preservatives, which are prohibited for use. The fact is that heavy metals can cause a number of incurable diseases, including cancer. Also, some manufacturers have included chemicals in the product that environmentalists do not recommend for use.

According to the results of these studies, experts do not recommend purchasing decorative mascara. It contains chemical elements and iron oxide, which can cause irritation, allergies, burning. Therefore, it is better to give preference to natural organic cosmetics.

Mineral carcasses have a more natural composition. The minimum content of chemical elements and the absence of dyes, preservatives and parabens have a positive effect on the cilia, nourishing and strengthening them. Most organic mascara is non-waterproof. However, users note that it keeps well on the cilia, does not roll down and is not washed off with water. Of course, you will have to pay a little more for natural quality, but you don’t have to worry about eye health and possible unpleasant consequences.

The most expressive area on the face is the eyes, but the most significant moment for expressive eyes is not their shape and size, although this is not unimportant, but the length and fluffiness of the eyelashes. Unfortunately, not everyone is given such wonderful "fans" by nature. And mascara comes to the rescue. But who knows what it consists of?

When a long time ago, when the usual Leningrad mascara, into which it is necessary, excuse me, to spit, before applying to the eyelids, could not be found in the afternoon with fire, our women of fashion learned how to make "homemade". The recipe was simple and unpretentious - the soot of burnt matches was mixed with any cream and the mascara was ready. Just don't laugh too hard. Absolutely the entire modern cosmetic industry from Nakhodka to New York still uses soot as part of the carcass. Of course, the cream is no longer used, and wax, soap and water have taken its place. But then it depends on what qualities they want to give to the products.

Waterproof mascara.
Waterproof mascara contains water-repellent paraffin. It allows you to shed tears left and right and not worry at all that your cute face will resemble a panda's face. True, there is a downside to this mascara. In general, there are two of them - it is hypoallergenic, that is, in people prone to allergies, it can cause it and it will have to be washed off with special, very expensive lotions.

Mascara for eyelash extension.
In its composition, it has micro-hairs of synthetic or natural silk. Here they are, sticking to our cilia and giving them the appearance of real "fans". Indeed, there is one caveat. These hairs are very insidious and have a habit of falling off. When they get into their eyes, they irritate them. Therefore, it is better not to wear such mascara for a long time and girls with licks will also have to refuse.

Mascara that increases the fluffiness of eyelashes.
It contains wax granules. She then does not allow the eyelash to stick together with each other. True, it should be said that 300% fluffiness should not be expected, because the number of eyelashes will not increase.

Mascara for curling eyelashes.
It includes a special wax, which makes the cilia, when wound on a special hard brush, be fixed in this way. Very comfortable and beautiful, I must say.

Healing ink.
If suddenly you notice that your rivermen are "sick", run to buy healing mascara. True, it is immediately worth noting that it was called ink by mistake, because it has absolutely no color.

Have you ever wondered how to make mascara at home? Today, this issue is becoming more and more relevant, because the fashion for natural products makes itself felt.

In addition, the environmental situation increases the number of people prone to allergies, so more and more girls complain about the reaction of the eyes to chemical additives. Cosmetics of our own production are natural, so let's talk about how to prepare mascara with your own hands.

About the benefits

Someone will say that if homemade mascara did not differ in its effectiveness from the purchased one, it would not be used. True, the natural product has a shorter shelf life and cannot guarantee a fivefold increase in the length of the eyelashes, but it has other advantages:

  1. Environmentally friendly: no chemical additives or fragrances, only natural ingredients.
  2. You control the entire process yourself, so you can be sure of the quality.
  3. The cost of the product is very low.
  4. Does not spoil eyelashes, does not dry them and does not weigh down.

There are also difficulties, first of all they relate to the required characteristics of cosmetics. Mascara should tint eyelashes, make them longer and more voluminous, while not crumbling, not drying out in a tube, but not smearing over the eyes. If the manufacturers have already identified all the recipes and proportions for creating such effects, then you will probably have to experiment a little and try different recipes. But before we get to them, let's decide what you need.


Of course, a complete list of things cannot be universal, because it will depend on the chosen cooking method. However, there are tools you will need anyway:

  • A jar for mixing all the components, it can be a container made of glass, plastic or porcelain.
  • Stirring stick, ideally made of wood. Use improvised means: an ice cream stick or sushi utensils.
  • A measuring spoon, if there is none, then you can use a kitchen scale. In the absence of both, you need to know that 5 ml of liquid is placed in a teaspoon, 18 ml in a tablespoon.
  • Container for storing the resulting product. It is desirable that it does not let in light, the main requirement is a tightly closed lid.
  • Clean mascara brush.
  • Rubber gloves for hand protection.

With such simple devices, you can start cooking homemade carcasses.

Advice! All tools must be clean, containers should be disinfected in advance, as infection can cause a reaction in the eyes.

Possible recipes

DIY natural mascara is easy. The main thing is to choose the method that suits you to create it.

Option number 1

For girls with sensitive eyes, mascara based on the aloe vera plant is perfect. Take activated charcoal as a paint, two tablets will be enough. Grind them into powder, add 4 - 5 drops of aloe gel to it, you can buy it at a pharmacy. Stir the mixture until smooth, you're done.

‎Advice! Aloe vera gel can be replaced with agave juice, it is also sold in pharmacies.

We have already said that homemade mascara is very economical, and here is proof of this:

  • Activated carbon - 20 rubles / pack.
  • Aloe vera gel - 90 rubles.

At the same time, both of these components will be enough for you for several preparations.

Option number 2

If you have brittle dull cilia, then vitamin mascara will suit you. In equal proportions, mix activated charcoal powder, jojoba oil, liquid vitamin E or vitamin B. Mix everything until a homogeneous consistency.

Such cosmetics will not only give the cilia color and volume, but also improve their condition.

Tips to help you prepare homemade mascara:

Option number 3

If your eyelashes are short by nature, but you want to make your look expressive, then add a well-whipped egg yolk at room temperature to the familiar activated charcoal. Make sure no lumps form. You can store such cosmetics only in the refrigerator, for a period of not more than 2 days.

All three options have a rather liquid consistency, which is not very convenient for application, so we offer you a more professional recipe for homemade mascara.

natural mascara

The same activated carbon acts as a paint here, it can be replaced with black or brown iron oxide. You will need 4 tablets of coal, ¼ teaspoon is enough for its substitute.

To thicken, add ¼ teaspoon of cornstarch to the mixture, half a teaspoon of boiled water will be enough to create the desired consistency. If possible, replace the water with contact lens fluid. Additionally, add 3-4 drops of almond or olive oil. Jojoba extract, grape seed or coconut extract are also suitable.

After you mix everything to a homogeneous consistency, pour the mascara into the container, it needs to be infused for an hour, then the product can be used.

Ink in a bar

This form of eye makeup was popular in the first half of the 20th century, when the mass-produced cosmetics industry was just gaining momentum. For cooking, we need already familiar ingredients: charcoal, cornstarch, water or contact lens fluid. We take these components in the same proportion as in the previous recipe.

Add to them you will have to half a teaspoon of jojoba oil or almond oil, as well as ¼ teaspoon of beeswax or candelilla wax. You can find it in a pharmacy or stores with organic products, the average price for 100 grams of beeswax is 150 rubles.

Grind activated charcoal and mix it well with cornstarch. Put the wax in a separate bowl, add the oil of your choice there. Melt the mixture in a water bath, you can also use the microwave, the main thing is not to overheat.

As soon as the wax and oil become liquid, stir them and quickly add the dry mixture. Put the mixture in a container, using a paper towel, tamp the mass so that you get a bar.

‎Advice! Such mascara lasts longer and is better applied, however, due to wax, it can dry out quickly. In this case, simply dip the container into a container of warm water.

Girls who have tried cooking homemade mascara note that it is not always possible to master this or that recipe the first time. Here are some practical tips to get you up to speed quickly.

Each of the recipes is prepared on the basis of average proportions. However, now you know how to make your own mascara at home and you can change the preparation technologies as you wish.

For example, you can add a few drops of liquid retinol to any composition, it will have a great effect on the health of eyelashes. B vitamins will also add shine and shine, adding a little glycerin, you will notice that the mascara has become better applied.

You don't always have to use black mascara, swap out the charcoal for food coloring and create your own unique look. To create an evening makeup, you can add small sparkles to the mascara.

‎Advice! Powdered eye shadow can also be used as a coloring element. They are perfect for creating a festive look, mascara can be blue, lilac, green, sparkling.

Remember that natural products have a very limited shelf life. For egg carcasses, this is two days, for the remaining 5-6 days in the refrigerator. Exceptions may be wax carcasses, however, they should not be used for more than 14 days.

All prepared products are easily washed off, but their environmental friendliness does not guarantee the absence of an allergic reaction. It happens that girls have an individual intolerance to oils or wax. To be on the safe side, test the skin reaction on a small area first.

Of course, it's up to you to decide whether to choose store-bought mascara or make your own. After all, each option has its pros and cons. But having recipes for homemade cosmetics on hand is useful, because no one knows when they might come in handy.

It is no secret that female beauty is closely related to cosmetic (mainly decorative) products. This statement is not intended to downplay the importance of natural beauty, but the girls themselves have been using cosmetics in one form or another for many millennia. Mascara is a clear confirmation, references to it can be found in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Of course, the composition of eyelash cosmetics was not the same as that of the current specimens, but the difference is not so great.

The task of this type of cosmetics is the ability to highlight eyelashes, emphasize their volume, increase their length and change their natural color. For this, liquid, creamy and dry carcasses with special brushes of various shapes are used. However, the effectiveness of the result for the most part does not depend on the form factor of the applicator or the type of cosmetic product, but on the composition.

The first mascara arose in the middle of the century before last thanks to the efforts of Eugene Rimmel, an Englishman with French roots.

The invention did not create much excitement, but gained some popularity (in many languages ​​​​of the world, the word "rimmel" means ink). The composition of Eugene's product has not been preserved, but the ingredients of his follower Terry Williams are known. The story of Williams has long become a textbook - he wanted to help his sister, who was not very lucky with the guys, and created a mixture to give the eyelashes beauty and volume. Despite the fact that Terry was a high-class chemist, his mixture consisted of several simple components - coal dust and petroleum jelly. Actually, the name of the sister and one of the components served as the name for Williams' carcass - "Maybelline".

Film stars of those years contributed to the spread of the carcass - Theda Bara, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich and many others. In the wake of popularity, many entrepreneurs tried to repeat the success of Williams, but Max Factor, a native of Russia, managed to do this, using carnauba wax as an additional ingredient.

The technical and scientific progress of the last century, if they influenced mascara, then only in terms of the technology for manufacturing the cosmetics themselves and changes in packaging (the usual tube with a brush appeared in 1957). Like decades ago, the main components of the carcass remain:

  • water;
  • wax;
  • mastic;
  • fragrance;
  • dyes;
  • preservatives;
  • seals;
  • vitamins.

Of course, the composition of different manufacturers can vary significantly, so when buying, you should carefully study the components.

And the less incomprehensible chemical formulas they have, the better.

Features and properties of waterproof and non-waterproof mascara

In order to choose the right cosmetics, you need at least a little understanding of all its diversity, which can be observed on the world market. And mascara is no exception in this regard.

Modern carcasses can be divided into several large categories:

  • waterproof (they are also waterproof);
  • not waterproof.

The first option does not contain water-sensitive components, so it is sufficiently resistant to rain, tears and/or sweat.

For the same reason, it can only be removed from the hairs of the eyelids with the help of a special makeup remover. Main Ingredients: Animal, vegetable and artificial wax (bees, rice bran, paraffin), dyes (ultramarine and iron oxide), polymers (arabic resin, modified cellulose) and vitamins A, B5, F and E.

The non-water resistant version shows some resistance to tears, but will not stand the test of rainy weather. On the other hand, soap and water are enough to remove it. The composition is not much different from waterproof mascara - except for the presence of water and preservatives.

The chemical composition of hypoallergenic mascara

According to studies at the University of California (Berkeley), about a third of the world's population have an allergic reaction to cosmetics. For the most part, it is caused by synthetic components that can cause serious damage to the cilia and organs of vision, even for women without allergies. In order to resolve the situation, a whole range of cosmetic mascaras has been developed, the chemical composition of which contains:

  • water (H 2 O);
  • iron oxide (Fe 2 O 3);
  • glycerin (C 3 H 8 O 3);
  • beeswax (contains acids, alcohols and esters of varying complexity);
  • vitamins useful for eyelashes.

Contrary to popular belief, iron oxide and glycerin are completely natural ingredients with no side effects. Hypoallergenic mascara is suitable not only for allergy sufferers, but also for girls with sensitive eyelashes, as well as for those who wear contact lenses.

When choosing cosmetics, you should carefully study the composition - this also applies to hypoallergenic products, since unscrupulous manufacturers often make a corresponding mark on all products indiscriminately - as a marketing ploy. That is why you should avoid purchasing products that contain the most common allergens, such as carnauba wax, petroleum distillers and hydrozenerated resinates.

Ingredients of popular mascaras

The components from which this type of cosmetics is made can differ significantly from different companies. However, over the long years of existence, manufacturers have developed "traditions" regarding both the mandatory components of the substances and the design of the packaging. Below we consider this issue using the example of products from manufacturers that are in the top 5 in terms of popularity among domestic users.

What is Leningrad ink made of?

This product has a long history, during which neither the composition nor the design has undergone significant changes. On a black briquette, you can read the composition: soap, stearin, beeswax, ceresin, vaseline oil, soot, fragrance. Leningrad ink is not subjected to any preservatives or harmful chemical compounds.

What is Maybelline made from?

Employees of the company are faithful to the first recipe, but do not hesitate to experiment. Through experimentation, elongating microfibers have become a permanent component of the products of this company.

"Max Factor"

The Max Factor company, created by a man who was a cosmetologist for Emperor Nicholas II, has always been distinguished by a love of innovation. Therefore, the composition of the carcass at different times contained completely different ingredients: panthenol, nylon fibers, glycerin, propylene carbonate, synthetic wax and others.


Like the previous company on the list, Loreal did not disdain experimentation and innovation. The most popular components of their products are: ceramides, microfibers, vitamin complexes and silicone complexes, as well as silk extract.

"Yves Rocher"

The French have succeeded in the production of cosmetics - Yves Rocher products have a standard set of water, wax and dyes. The only constantly changing component are nutrients - keratins, lanolins, castor oil and others.

Which composition is safe for eyes and eyelashes

It is quite logical that the safest cosmetics are those that contain natural substances and do not cause fear of dangers such as an allergic reaction, redness of the eyes, tearfulness and do not lead to loss of cilia.

The most popular solution among domestic beauties is the famous Leningrad mascara, since it fully complies with the above parameters, however, global manufacturers provide a wider choice, so that everyone can find the right cosmetics for themselves.