Face lifting procedures. Facelift without surgery - is it effective, choose the best method. Lifting anti-wrinkle cream Svoboda Diamant for mixed and normal skin

A non-surgical facelift is a complex of various techniques aimed at renewing epidermal cells and activating neocollagenesis, which makes it possible to achieve a rejuvenation effect without the use of surgical intervention. The fight against the visual signs of aging is one of the most important tasks of aesthetic medicine, which today offers a large number of methods of minimally invasive facelift.

Today it is possible to achieve a lifting effect not only with the help of various generators of thermal and light energy, but also using medical preparations, for example, neurotoxin lyophilizates or modified forms of hyaluronic acid. All these methods are effective both for physiological skin changes caused by natural dehydration and thinning of the collagen dermal layer, and for signs of photoaging and menopausal aging (negative skin changes that occur against the background of reduced estrogen secretion).

At what age is a facelift necessary?

A facelift is considered by many to be a procedure necessary only for women approaching old age (after 50 years). Actually it is not. The first changes, indicating the beginning of the natural aging of the body, appear on the skin after 30 years. During this period, a gradual decrease in fluid in the cells of the dermis and epidermis begins, which leads to the drying of the collagen layer formed by elastin and collagen fibers, its deformation and loosening.

The biological synthesis of fibrillar peptides, which are responsible for the elasticity, youthfulness of the skin and its ability to stretch, decreases, which leads to the appearance of the first folds and creases in the forehead, movable eyelid, and corners of the eyes. Over time, the nasolabial folds and labial-chin grooves become more pronounced - one of the most obvious signs of deformation, mimic and physiological aging of the skin.

A few years later (closer to 40 years), under the influence of endogenous factors, gradual fading of the skin occurs: it becomes flabby, becomes wrinkled, fades, acquires an unhealthy "earth" shade. In many at this age, the phenomena of gravitational ptosis become noticeable: soft tissues in the lower part of the face descend and, as it were, sag in the area of ​​the cheeks, the lower border of the zygomatic arch and chin.

The situation is aggravated if a woman leads an unhealthy lifestyle: she abuses alcoholic beverages, moves little and rarely goes outside, smokes, works in hazardous industries, and does not follow a balanced diet. In the presence of these factors, skin changes that indicate its biological aging against the background of the loss of physiological cellular potential may be an indication for the use of hardware or injection lifting even in patients younger than 30 years.

Important! The optimal age for contacting a beautician for a non-surgical facelift is considered to be between 40 and 50 years. After 50 years, the effectiveness of minimally invasive methods of skin rejuvenation is less pronounced, and some neglected defects in this age group can only be corrected by surgery.

Indications for the procedure

Indications for any type of non-surgical lifting are any skin changes that occur against the background of the aging process and cause psychological and emotional discomfort to the patient, as well as negatively affecting his self-esteem and self-confidence. These may be the following defects:

  • skin folds, grooves, creases on the forehead, in the perioral and periorbital space, wings of the nose;
  • wilting, thinning, sagging and increased dryness of the skin;
  • phenomena of gravitational ptosis (sagging cheeks, omission of tissues in the lower part of the face);
  • local deficit (for example, in the area of ​​the zygomatic fossa) or excess ("second chin") of soft tissues;
  • periorbital edema (bags under the eyes);
  • uneven, dull, dirty-gray, lifeless complexion (appears against the background of slow blood microcirculation in the vessels of the dermis).

All these signs are an indication for a professional facelift in a beauty parlor, since home care products in this case are practically ineffective. The maximum result, which allows for a long "shift" of the need to contact plastic surgeons, with such changes can be achieved in patients in the age category from 30 to 50 years.

In old age, wrinkles become too deep, and their number is constantly increasing, which leads to wrinkling of the surface layer of the epidermis (senile skin). With such changes, hardware cosmetology is ineffective, and the only way to slightly correct the defects that have appeared is plastic surgery.

Advantages and disadvantages of minimally invasive (non-surgical) rejuvenation

Skin tightening without surgery undoubtedly has a large number of advantages compared to plastic surgery. The main one is minimal tissue trauma, since all methods of facial rejuvenation are performed using minimally invasive (bloodless) techniques. The recovery period after such a lifting is several times shorter, is not accompanied by severe pain, does not require a visit to the clinic for dressings and issuance of a sick leave due to temporary disability.

Table. Surgical and non-surgical facelift: comparison

Parameters/characteristicsPlastic surgeryHardware methods (fractional thermolysis, laser resurfacing, radio wave lifting, etc.)Injection facelift (thread lifting, contouring, botulinum therapy)
The degree of tissue traumaHigh.Moderate.Low.
The duration of the recovery periodUp to 4 weeks.Up to 2 weeks.About 3 days.
The duration of the sparing regimen after correction1-2 months.2 weeks (tanning and sun exposure may be limited for up to 30 days).7-10 days.
The need for pain medication after the procedureIn most cases, analgesics are required, as well as regular dressings (until complete healing).Usually not required.Not required.
Anesthesia methodGeneral anesthesia.Local anesthesia with lidocaine and prilocaine.Local anesthesia (in some cases, injections are performed without prior anesthesia).
Exploratory surveyThe patient must undergo the minimum necessary examination, provided for by the protocol for the use of general anesthesia (OAC, OAM, blood biochemistry, blood clotting test, etc.).Not required.Not required. In rare cases, the patient will need to obtain a doctor's opinion and an extract from the outpatient card, or pass a tolerance test for the drugs used.

Important! The main advantage of a non-surgical facelift over surgical methods is the natural stimulation of neocollagenesis - the synthesis of fibrils, precursors of fibrillar proteins responsible for skin elasticity and skin turgor. As a result, the skin is not only tightened, but also becomes fresher and more beautiful due to the restoration of hydration and metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Cons of non-surgical facelift

Despite a large number of advantages, a non-surgical facelift also has disadvantages. The main disadvantage of such a lifting is the short duration of the achieved effect and the need to resort to cosmetic rejuvenation techniques again. For example, the result after contour plastic surgery lasts about 4-6 months. The effect of injections of Botox and its analogues lasts about the same time, after which the effect of the drug ends, and it must be injected again.

In this regard, hardware methods are more effective (the result can remain practically unchanged for 1-3 years), but such methods are often quite painful, require strict adherence to the regimen after the procedure, and have a large list of contraindications. Also, hardware cosmetology, for example, RF-lifting, fractional photothermolysis or deep infrared peeling, are a good alternative for patients who are not ready or have contraindications for plastic surgery, as well as people with a pathological fear of needles and syringes (trypanophobia).

Face lifting without surgery: techniques

Cosmetologists today have in their arsenal a large selection of procedures that allow for the correction of visual defects and complex skin rejuvenation without the use of plastic surgery. Such methods are safer and easier to tolerate, moreover, their action continues for several months after the procedure, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and its health. Below is an overview of the most popular and modern methods of non-surgical lifting with a high degree of effectiveness and positive dynamics in a large number of patients.

Thread lifting

A facelift with threads is one of the most effective methods of rejuvenation, which is the implantation of special threads made of metal or synthetic materials under the skin. Threads are implanted under the skin through microscopic punctures using a medical cannula with a pointed mandrel. The exception is the Tissulift and Silhouette Lift, which require relatively large incisions (about 2 cm) in the temporal line of the parietal bone. Over time, the thread dissolves, and in its place a dense layer of connective tissue forms, which forms the contour and oval of the face and comprehensively solves several problems of aging skin at once: wrinkles, skin creases, ptosis, nasolabial and labio-chin grooves, etc.

The result after such a lifting is preserved for 2-3 years, after which the correction must be done again. Despite its high efficiency, thread facelift is not the preferred choice for patients with signs of dermal aging, as the procedure has a large number of side effects, including:

  • allergic reaction and poor tolerance of the materials from which the implanted threads are made (rejection reaction necessitates repeated intervention to remove the thread);
  • swelling, bruising and severe pain at the puncture site;
  • high risk of compression effects on the facial nerves, leading to a disorder of facial expressions and articulation;
  • change in the contours and oval of the face (one of the most common complications due to incorrect actions of a specialist and violation of the implantation technique).

One of the unpleasant consequences for the patient in some cases is also the inability to hide the fact of a thread facelift from others. This often happens when reinforcing the face with gold and platinum threads, the tips of which, over time, can “crawl out” to the surface of the skin.

The thread lifting procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia and lasts about 1-2 hours.

Important! Patients who have undergone a platinum or gold reinforcement procedure are subsequently prohibited from undergoing any thermolifting methods, including radio wave lifting and fractional photothermolysis.

Contour plastic

Contour plastic surgery is considered the safest non-surgical facelift procedure, which allows correcting a whole range of aesthetic defects of aging skin: creases in the corners of the eyes and lips, local soft tissue deficiency, nasolabial folds, weakened skin turgor, mild gravitational ptosis.

Contour modeling is an injection method of rejuvenation and consists in the subcutaneous, intradermal or intramuscular injection of injectable implants, which cosmetologists call fillers. The most popular in aesthetic medicine are fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which is a biological component of human fluids and tissues (tear secretion, cartilage fiber, synovial fluid, lubricant) and is part of epidermal cells. Hyaluronic acid maintains the required level of hydration (moisture) by attracting water molecules, restores the firmness and elasticity of the collagen layer - the protein frame of the skin.

Hyaluronic fillers have excellent bioavailability and maximum compatibility with human tissues, therefore such injections are considered quite safe (collagen preparations have the same properties), but the effect of such preparations remains for a short period of time - no more than 4-6 months. After that, the hyaluronate is destroyed, and the plastic needs to be done again.

More effective fillers (the effect persists for 1-2 years) are drugs that include:

  • silicone;
  • polylactide (polylactic acid);
  • calcium hydroxyapatite.

The technique of contour modeling is quite simple: first, a special marking is applied to the problem area, after which a series of punctures is performed at a distance of no more than 2-3 mm from each other. The recovery period is short - from 3 to 7 days.

Note! The introduction of biodegradable fillers based on collagen, hyaluronic acid and other absorbable preparations is prohibited if the patient has previously undergone contouring with silicone or polyacrylic fillers.

Botulinum therapy

Injections of Botox and its analogues ("Botulax", "Dysport", "Refinex") are called by many cosmetologists and the patient "injections of youth". The method is effective in the initial forms of aging, when mimic folds, creases and grooves appear on the skin. The active substance of these drugs - protein botulinum neurotoxin - has a muscle relaxant effect and blocks the functions of the neuromuscular synapse of neurons. In other words, the drug "freezes" the transmission of impulses that give the command to muscle contraction from neurons to the extrafusal fibers of the facial muscles. Facial muscles relax, which leads to a weakening of skin tension and smoothing wrinkles caused by increased muscle activity.

Injections are performed on an outpatient basis with an injection syringe and sterile thin needles (diameter from 0.27 to 0.29 mm), before the procedure, it is possible to anesthetize the puncture sites in particularly sensitive patients, although the injections themselves are well tolerated and are accompanied by mild pain.

In addition to the positive characteristics (quick result, high efficiency), botulinum toxin injections also have many disadvantages, including:

  • high neurotoxicity of the drug;
  • short-term effect (up to six months);
  • possible violation of articulatory and mimic activity (within a few days after the procedure, there may be a “mask effect”);
  • a large list of side effects (visual disturbance, impaired normal muscle activity, complications from the heart and blood vessels, etc.).

As cosmetology practice shows, the maximum results in facelift and complex skin rejuvenation are achieved with the simultaneous use of Botox and biodegradable fillers.

Important! Approximately 3-4% of patients in the blood can detect immunoglobulins that prevent the action of botulinum toxin. Such patients are advised to choose other rejuvenation methods, since Botox injections in this case will be ineffective.


Plasmolifting is a relatively new method of non-surgical facelift, which is based on the use of authentic (own) human tissues, namely, blood plasma. Plasma is a homogeneous yellowish liquid of a viscous consistency, in which blood cells (erythrocytes, platelets, etc.) settle. The rejuvenating and tightening effect of the introduction of human plasma into various layers of the dermis is determined by the properties of the components that are the main structural units of the liquid.

  1. Albumen. It is a protein that is the main component of blood plasma. Getting under the skin, it not only fills the voids in the loose layers of collagen and elastin, but also stimulates its own neocollagenesis (the synthesis of fibrillar protein that maintains skin firmness and elasticity).
  2. Vitamins and minerals. Blood plasma has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Beneficial substances, getting directly into the skin, nourish it, increase antioxidant protection, even out the complexion and restore the normal level of moisture, the decrease of which provokes age-related changes in the skin.
  3. Glucose and lipids. These components are responsible for oxygen transport and metabolism of epidermal cells.

For plasmolifting, a person's own plasma is used, which is separated from the erythrocyte mass as a result of extracorporeal plasmapheresis.

Hardware Methods

Hardware facelift methods are the most traumatic of all non-surgical lifting methods, but the effect of such procedures remains for a fairly long time.

Table. Types of hardware lifting

ProcedureShort description
This is a laser lifting method, for which a special fractional laser is used, the beam of which is scattered into multiple streams (fractions). Getting on the skin, such a beam penetrates into various layers of the dermis and epidermis, forming microthermal treatment zones, and heats them up to 250-300°C (evaporation temperature). Under the action of the device, damaged and pathologically altered cells are destroyed, and healthy elements begin to actively form in their place, forming a renewed skin layer.
A radio wave facelift is performed using a radio wave energy generator whose rays heat the skin to a temperature of 60°C, also called the tightening temperature. Radiofrequency radiation does not destroy collagen, but contributes to its compaction and filling of voids in the collagen layer. As a result, the skin is noticeably tightened, skin turgor improves, wrinkles are smoothed out, and tone is evened out.
The method consists in the impact of microcurrents at a given depth, which leads to the activation of metabolic processes, the stimulation of neocollagenesis and the gradual renewal of the skin at the cellular level. Microcurrent therapy has a positive effect not only on epidermal cells, but also on blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as facial muscles.


Each method of non-surgical facelift has its own limitations, determined individually after consultation with a cosmetologist, but there is a list of contraindications common to all types of hardware and injection lifting. These include:

  • acute inflammatory processes, burns, wounds on the skin;
  • any condition accompanied by impaired hydration, high fever, intoxication or fever;
  • oncological diseases (neoplasms of various etiologies);
  • systemic connective tissue diseases with an autoimmune mechanism of pathogenesis (Libman-Sachs disease, scleroderma, etc.);
  • partial or complete insulin deficiency in decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • infectious diseases (including active form of tuberculosis);
  • severe blood diseases, accompanied by hemophilia and a violation of its coagulation.

A facelift is contraindicated for women during pregnancy, lactation and various bleeding, as well as for patients under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Photos before and after

Video - Facelift without surgery

Loss of skin elasticity is a natural and inevitable process associated with aging and age-related changes in the human body. It cannot be stopped, but it can be slowed down.

To preserve youth, health and beauty of the skin, it is necessary to provide it with thorough and regular care, hydration and nutrition from a young age. To do this, you should use high-quality cosmetic formulations and products made according to folk recipes. If wrinkles and other signs of aging are already present, a skin tightening on the face will be required.

Typically, the lifting procedure is used by patients aged from 40 years old, but in some cases, a facelift may be required at a younger age, especially after a sharp weight loss or a nervous breakdown.

Hardware lifting

There are several types of hardware skin lifting - this, and.

During the session, a special probe is exposed to the surface of the skin, cooled by about up to -20 °С. After that, a nutritional composition with vitamins, hyaluronic acid, amino acids and collagen is applied to the treated soft tissues. As a result, the skin is saturated with useful substances and oxygen, blood circulation in the capillaries improves, and decay products are removed. For a pronounced effect, a course of 6-10 sessions. The technique is suitable for skin rejuvenation on the face, décolleté and neck.

The method is based on the influence of radio frequency energy. During the session, strong heating of soft tissues is carried out, due to which the filamentous fibers of the protein are dehydrated and lose their ability to stretch, and the collagen molecules are combined into tight spiral elements, creating a frame inside the dermal tissues. The result becomes noticeable after 3-4 sessions and stored for up to 4 years. RF lifting is suitable for face and body skin tightening.

During fractional radiation, the elimination of old and stimulation of the production of new collagen fibers occurs. During the session, a special cooling gel is used to minimize discomfort and soreness. Efficiency is noticeable already after 3 procedures. Laser rejuvenation in most cases is used for the face area.

Injection lifting

Injectable skin lifting techniques are an alternative to plastic surgery, while they have no contraindications and do not require a special recovery period. These include bio-reinforcement, ligature lifting, and volumetric modeling.

Special compositions (mesococktails) used during the procedure help to cope with acne, skin pigmentation and the first age-related changes. The composition of each meso-cocktail is selected individually, usually it contains vitamins and amino acids, nutrients and other useful components. For the result, a course of 3-4 sessions.

A delicate technique, the essence of which is the subcutaneous injection of platelet-rich plasma. After the session, cellular structures are saturated with active oxygen, and natural regenerative processes are activated. Plasmolifting is acceptable from 25 years old. For persons aged 35 years and older, a complex plasma-lifting with other more radical rejuvenating techniques is recommended.

Injections of the natural moisturizing component of the skin - hyaluronic acid - contribute to the saturation of tissues with moisture, the active synthesis of new elastin and collagen fibers, help to get rid of post-acne marks, stretch marks, scars and scars. The technique is suitable for young patients who do not yet have serious problems and age-related changes, but already notice the first signs of skin aging and aging. The results are saved for a year.

During the session, a thick gel-like composition based on hyaluronic acid is injected subcutaneously, which is evenly distributed and forms the framework necessary to support the facial oval. The procedure is especially relevant for persons from 40-45 years old, the results are stored for up to 12 months.

With the help of a flexible needle, the thinnest threads created from polydioxanone and coated with polyglycolic acid are inserted under the skin. This helps to recreate the facial frame, smooth out deep wrinkles and folds. After 5-8 months, complete biodegradation of polydioxanone threads occurs, but the results are preserved for up to 1.5-2 years. Ligature lifting is performed under obligatory local anesthesia.

Injection of fillers (fillers) promotes intensive moisturizing of soft tissues and stimulation of metabolic processes in the skin. The results become visible after the first session and last up to 1-1.5 years.

Volumetric modeling

The technique is in many ways similar to contouring, but in this case, fillers are introduced to a greater depth. The effectiveness of the procedure can be compared with aesthetic plastic surgery. The effect of volumetric modeling is preserved for up to a year.

Thread lifting

This is a gentle technique that involves the subcutaneous injection of special threads. The installed threads are pulled up, moving and fixing sagging soft tissues in the right place. The procedure is minimally invasive, fast and safe, but requires complex actions and should be carried out only by a highly qualified and experienced surgeon who has all the necessary knowledge not only about working with the external, but also with the internal structure of the face.

Depending on the indications and individual wishes of the patient, the following can be used:

  • non-absorbable threads (Aptos, Silhouette Lift) made from biocompatible materials (polypropylene and others)

  • absorbable mesothreads made from polylactic acid and completely biodegradable (dissolve in a few months). In addition to soft tissue tightening, they help improve the health and general condition of the skin.

The results obtained after thread lifting remain for about 2-3 years, after which it is possible to introduce additional threads or perform other procedures (the presence of threads in the skin allows cosmetic and surgical manipulations).

Deep peels for skin tightening

Circular lift, or ridectomy

It is a classic surgical method of radical skin tightening. The intervention is performed under general anesthesia and takes up to 2-3 hours.

In the course of the work, the surgeon makes an incision in the temporal zone and passes it further along the auricle. If it is necessary to correct a double chin, another incision is made under the lower jaw. The doctor separates the skin, if necessary, removes excess soft tissues and subcutaneous fat. The tissue is then pulled up and sutured.

Ridectomy is a fairly traumatic intervention that requires rehabilitation. The healing process will depend on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, on average it takes up to 2 months. The effectiveness of the operation is maintained for up to 7-10 years.


During the operation, deeper skin layers are affected than with a circular lift, so its results are stored for a longer period (from 15 years or more). The technique of spacelifting and ridectomy is similar in many respects, but in the first case, after making an incision, the doctor forms a facial oval by shifting the fibromuscular layer, then sutures without stretching the covers. Rehabilitation after the technique lasts from 1.5 to 2 months.

Endoscopic lifting

One of the most gentle and at the same time quite effective methods of surgical skin tightening. In most cases, it is performed for lifting the upper half of the face.

During the intervention, the surgeon makes micro-incisions along the hairline and introduces special soluble plates through them, which provide a tightening of muscle structures and skin. After all the manipulations, drainage tubes are placed in the incisions, and a compression bandage is applied to the correction area, which must be worn for 15 days.

IMPORTANT: Full rehabilitation after the technique lasts about 3.5 months, the result is stored for 15 years.

Complex skin lifting from a professional

Yulia Andreevna Zhuchenkova, a dermatologist and cosmetologist, tells about complex lifting. He is a full member of the Moscow Society of Dermatovenereologists and Cosmetologists. A.I. Pospelov.

“To lift the skin, it is necessary to carry out a series of consecutive procedures, as well as remember about maintenance procedures between courses. You should start with skin treatment with microcurrent therapy, Elos-therapy, phototherapy. A course of skin biorepair with Mezo-Wharton P199 was recommended. Mezo-Wharton P199 contains a complex of peptides, amino acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, minerals and antioxidants to stimulate regeneration, nourish the skin, and moisturize. 3-5 bioreparation procedures are carried out with an interval of 1 time in 10-14 days. In the intervals between course procedures, patients receive a thread lifting - the introduction of 40-60 threads of various configurations along the oval of the face, middle and lower thirds.

As a result, the face is tightened, the skin becomes dense, radiant, moisturized. Lifting has a lasting result, helps prevent photo and chronoaging due to intensive work with the quality of the skin, with all its layers and structures. As a home support, we prescribe lifting creams and serums for daily use by Skinceuticals. The sooner you contact a cosmetologist, the higher the result you will get!

Skin lifting at home

To tighten the skin of the face at home and get rid of signs of age-related changes, you can use the following folk recipes:

  • To 200 grams of mashed fatty cottage cheese, add 2 tablespoons of borax and half a tablespoon of salicylic acid. Mix the mixture and infuse for 8 hours. Apply the final composition to the skin, hold until dry, then rinse
  • Mix a tablespoon of honey with a little rose water. Apply the resulting composition on the face and hold for 30 minutes, then rinse
  • Dilute a tablespoon of cosmetic pharmacy clay with warm water to the consistency of fatty sour cream, add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and liquid honey. Apply the finished composition to the face until completely dry, then rinse
  • Beat the egg white into a foam and apply to a clean face. After 10 minutes, repeat the procedure, keep the composition on the skin for another 10 minutes and rinse
  • Peel the tomato from the seeds and shell, chop into a puree and add a teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the composition on the face for 10-15 minutes, then remove it and wash
  • Peel and mash the boiled potatoes, add milk, mix. The resulting composition is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Another recipe option is to use grated raw potatoes as a face mask.
  • Grind a tablespoon of hercules in a coffee grinder, add a tablespoon of finely chopped dill and a few drops of cosmetic oil (olive, avocado, grape seeds). Apply the final composition to the skin for 25 minutes, then rinse
  • Mix egg white and wheat flour with starch (1:1:2), mix. Apply the finished composition on the face for 20 minutes, then rinse
  • Grind half a banana into puree, add 2 tablespoons of milk and a tablespoon of any oil (olive, avocado, jojoba). Apply the resulting mixture on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

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Save so as not to lose!

The beauty industry is able to offer women a wide variety of cosmetic procedures, thanks to which many defects in the skin of the body and face can be eliminated. A huge choice often makes you get lost and resort to eliminating skin imperfections through surgical intervention. However, today there is a more gentle and no less effective procedure that allows you to restore the skin to a healthy look - RF lifting.

What is RF lifting

It's no secret that with age, the skin begins to noticeably fade and lose its elasticity. Age-related changes affect not only the face, but the whole body. Almost any defect, regardless of the cause of its occurrence, can be eliminated or corrected with the help of radio wave lifting.

RF lifting of the face and body is a complex of cosmetic procedures that are performed without the use of surgical intervention, since they are based on the impact on the deep layers of the dermis by electromagnetic pulses.

The radio waves emitted by radiolifting devices contribute to the heating of tissues, due to which the old or stretched connective fibers of the epidermis are destroyed. This stimulates the production of collagen, which provides the skin with elasticity and renewal. By carrying out the procedure of radio wave lifting, it turns out to start the natural processes of healing and rejuvenation of skin cells from the inside.

A positive effect is achieved due to the fact that electromagnetic pulses affect the lower and middle layers of the epidermis, as well as adipose tissue. This leads to a noticeable reduction in wrinkles, smoothing the skin, eliminating the effects of stretch marks and improving the overall condition of the skin.

Types of radiolifting

There are several basic techniques for performing radiolifting. They differ from each other by the peculiarity of the procedure and the brand of the device:

Each method is effective and unique in its own way. However, a positive result will be noticeable only if the procedure is performed by an experienced cosmetologist.

Benefits of radio wave tightening

There are 2 directions of the procedure: RF lifting of the body and lifting of the skin of the face. Regardless of the type of procedure, referrals in cosmetology have a lot of undeniable advantages.

Disadvantages of lifting

Radio wave lifting has several significant disadvantages:

Before undergoing a course of treatment through radio wave lifting, you will have to consult with an experienced cosmetologist.

Indications for the procedure

In order to achieve a positive effect from RF lifting, you should consider what indications exist for its implementation:

Contraindications for lifting

Regardless of which area of ​​the skin is planned to be rejuvenated or lifted, you should know that radiolifting has a number of contraindications.

  • It is impossible to act on the surface of the skin in the event that there are dermatological diseases.
  • The restriction is the age of up to eighteen years.
  • The presence of thrombosis or neoplasms on the skin.
  • If there are autoimmune abnormalities in the patient's body.
  • The presence of embedded metal implants under the skin.
  • The presence of diabetes is considered a contraindication.
  • Deviations in the work of the thyroid gland.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • It is impossible to act on the skin if botulinum toxin injections have been previously performed. In this case, you must wait at least two weeks.
  • You can not resort to radiolifting if a woman has undergone a chemical peeling procedure - in this case, you should also wait at least two weeks, after which you can start lifting.
  • Severe hypertension.
  • The presence of gold threads in the area of ​​radio wave exposure.
  • Viral, infectious and fungal diseases.
  • The presence of oncological pathologies.
  • Injury to the skin in the area of ​​the forthcoming treatment.

The presence of at least one of these restrictions is a reason for refusing the procedure. If these contraindications are ignored, adverse side effects may occur.

Adverse reactions

In very rare cases, after the procedure, or as a result of the fact that it was done without taking into account existing contraindications, unwanted side effects may develop:

  • Increased pigmentation.
  • The appearance of a feeling of discomfort or noticeable pain.
  • The occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Swelling in the area of ​​manipulation.
  • Irritation or redness of the skin.
  • The appearance of a burn in the area of ​​​​impact on the skin.
  • Subcutaneous defects in the form of bruises or hematomas.

If at least one of the above signs is observed, you should stop the procedure and consult an experienced dermatologist.

Consequences of the procedure

As a result of high-frequency current exposure to the deep layers of the epidermis, a relatively quick positive effect can be achieved compared to other similar procedures. This is achieved due to the activation of biochemical processes leading to the renewal and rejuvenation of tissues, resulting in the following positive changes in the layers of the epidermis:

In most cases, results can be seen after the first session. However, to achieve and consolidate the effect, at least 6-8 procedures will be required.

Stages of radiolifting

Before moving on to RF lifting, the specialist conducts a consultation. The cosmetologist collects an anamnesis, examines the problem areas that are to be treated, in the absence of contraindications, chooses one of the methods of RF lifting.

The process of tightening and rejuvenating the problem area of ​​the skin on the face or body comes down to the following manipulations:

  • Before starting skin cleansing, a woman needs to completely get rid of clothes if she has to work with the body, or get rid of cosmetics when manipulating her face. When doing this, remember that all jewelry and other metal objects must be removed, as they can interfere with the passage of radio waves.
  • After that, the skin area to be treated is treated with a thin layer of glycerin to prepare and moisturize the skin.
  • A special conductive ointment is applied: it allows for maximum skin contact with the electrodes.
  • Cleaned and treated skin is affected by special nozzles, which are called maniples. With their help, the beautician with light massaging movements affects the problem areas of the skin.
  • The required power of the apparatus, exposure time and heating temperature are selected individually, depending on which zones are being treated.
  • The skin area warms up from 42 to 50 degrees. In the process of manipulation, the patient may feel a barely noticeable tingling and warmth. It is important to note that the temperature regime is always selected with maximum accuracy - this helps to avoid injury or severe drying of the skin.
  • The impact can be carried out for 20-50 minutes, which directly depends on what kind of result is planned to be achieved as a result of radiolifting.

At the end of the procedure, the patient can immediately feel the effect of radio wave exposure: the skin becomes soft, toned and smooth.

The condition of the skin, as well as its elasticity, directly depends on the general state of health. Often people need a good rest and deep relaxation in order to get back in shape. Compliance with the rules listed in the article and the implementation of simple exercises and care procedures will help you stay young and beautiful all your life!

How to tighten the oval of the face? This question is asked by many people who want to maintain or restore their skin to its former elasticity. Modern medicine and cosmetology do not stand still. Many ways have been developed to keep youth, there are special exercises and tools that help the skin become taut. There are also non-surgical methods that allow you to tighten the oval of the face without surgical intervention.

Face oval: how to tighten at home

  • Massage

Of course, when a certain milestone is reached, it is necessary to resort to radical methods, however, first things first.

How do aging processes occur in the body (and can they be slowed down)?

The first step is to understand the nature of aging. What is it due to? The fact is that after 25 years, the natural aging process begins in the human body.

Metabolism gradually slows down, and the production of collagen is also reduced, and, as you know, it is he who is responsible for skin elasticity. The platysma (muscle complex of the neck and lower part of the chin) atrophies earlier than other areas of the body, so the aging processes are most pronounced here.

If you constantly maintain the body in good shape, then the skin will look younger and toned.

The presence of bad habits (alcohol abuse and smoking) also negatively affects the appearance. Exercise and proper nutrition can have a very strong impact on the state of the body.

It is necessary to refuse to eat semi-finished products, sausages, fast food and ready-made sauces, such as mayonnaise, etc. You should reduce the consumption of rich pastries or completely abandon it.

All these foods contribute to the appearance of adipose tissue, which gives the skin a flabby appearance.

More attention should be paid to water consumption.

For 1 kg of weight, 30 ml of water per day should be supplied. That is, with a weight of 50 kg, a person should drink at least 1.5 liters of water. A healthy lifestyle is the best way to prolong youth.

Why is there a second selection?

The second chin can be formed due to the following reasons:

  • malocclusion;
  • incorrect posture;
  • excess weight;
  • age changes.

Many people manage to get rid of the double chin after treatment at the dentist, correcting their posture, or losing weight.

Physicians managed to trace the connection between age-related changes and lack of sleep. It turned out that people who sleep less than 7-8 hours a night suffer from premature signs of aging.

The main enemy of a person is age-related changes, it is with them that it is most difficult to fight. However, do not despair, there are many methods that will help get rid of the second chin. More optimism, and victory will be yours.

TOP 5 exercises for face oval

So let's start with the exercises. Along with physical activity, you need to do some exercises that will help tighten your neck muscles.

This will help tighten the oval of the face, make it clearer and more expressive. These exercises will help tighten the oval of the face at home even after 50 years. Below are these exercises:

    Stand in front of a mirror or sit up straight in a chair. Do not lean on, even if at first it will be uncomfortable. The back muscles will gradually get used to this position and it will be easier to sit straight. You need to slightly raise your head, but do not throw it back. Now, with your head up, you need to stretch your lower jaw forward and stand / sit for as long as you can. We mark the time. At first, the strength is enough for no more than 2 minutes, but whatever the result, it must be written down. Gradually, it is necessary to increase the duration of the exercise, by about 20-30 seconds. This exercise will help to tone the muscles of the chin and neck. The exercise should be repeated 2-3 times a day.

    Exercise - self-massage. Best done after a hot shower or bath. It is necessary to pat yourself on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe second chin with the back of your hand. The exercise should last at least 2-3 minutes. An indicator of the success of the massage should be a pleasant numbness of the skin in this area. Owners of dry skin can combine exercise with moisturizing creams or olive oil. Excess moisturizers after exercise must be removed with a dry cloth.

    Take a regular pencil, hold it with your teeth. Try to draw 10-15 letters in the air.

    Sit up straight. Make circular movements with your head in different directions. In addition, tilting the head will also help.

    For this exercise, you need a shower with strong water pressure. It is necessary to direct the jet to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe second chin. As in the previous exercise, there should be a slight tingling or numbness of the skin.

This method dries out the skin very much, especially if hot water is used. After the exercise, you need to use moisturizers.

The latter procedure is used even in specialized salons. It is known as hydromassage. For its implementation, special bathtubs or showers are used, in which a mode of supplying increased water pressure is provided.

Among the majority of SPA procedures, this method is considered to be the most effective. Fortunately, you can organize it at home.

How to tighten the oval of the face at home (after 35, 40 and 50 years)?

A mesoscooter is able to improve the oval of the face. This is a special device, on the nozzle of which there are many needles with a length of 0.3 mm. Special products containing a large amount of hyaluronic acid and vitamins are applied to the face.

Similar drugs and this device can be purchased at specialized cosmetic stores.

Some manufacturers present cosmetics based on hyaluronic acid, lipolytics (fat burning injections), DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol - a natural antioxidant, used in cosmetology as injections) or collagen.

Such tools allow you to fight the aging process at home and give excellent results. To purchase them, you also need to contact the relevant stores.

After applying them, it is necessary to massage with a mesoscooter. Thin needles will make many small incisions, ensuring deep penetration of funds under the skin.

In addition to the direct effect of cosmetics, the natural processes of skin regeneration are activated, which also contributes to rejuvenation.

Extremely effective means that have a fat burning effect. These are masks based on honey, mustard, red pepper, cocoa and other natural ingredients. This also includes wraps. Therefore, pay attention to the composition of the masks or creams that you purchase.

People suffering from cardiovascular diseases should be extremely careful about such procedures. Oriental practices are actively used, which are able to influence special points in the body.


There is another effective method that actively fights the first signs of aging. This is a massage. He is able to maintain and correct the oval of the face. Trite, but it works!

It is better if the massage is carried out by a highly qualified specialist, who was educated in this area.

But it is not always possible to go to an experienced specialist. In this case, you can try self-massaging, but most importantly, do not forget about the rules for its implementation.

  • Initially, hands are thoroughly washed, it is also worth washing. Use a moisturizer and apply it on your face.
  • To warm up the skin, make light movements with your fingertips in the cheeks, temples. It is worth moving from the wings of the nose.
  • Next, the forehead is massaged. Make light pressure movements from the eyebrows, as if trying to smooth out the forehead.
  • After that, carry out similar manipulations, but from the chin to the ears.
  • With the back of your hand, make patting movements in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chin and cheeks. At the end, massage the neck and the area under the jaw with your fingers.
  • To achieve results, regularity is important. Do a massage in the morning for half an hour. Complete the procedure with masks that are applied in the evening.

The best masks for lifting the oval of the face

Folk masks can still come to the rescue. Of course, they will not be able to correct the neglected situation, which is why you should think about your beauty in advance and start using such tools at a young age.

Here are some effective masks:

  • Take the protein from one egg and beat it. It must be mixed with honey, butter or milk. This is a wonderful remedy, but it is better to refuse it for owners of dry skin.
  • If you mix the yolk with the same ingredients, then you can also get a tightening effect. But this mask is also suitable for dry skin.
  • First, melt the gelatin, a water bath will help for this. All kinds of components are added to the resulting mixture, but do not forget to take into account the type of your skin. If you have oily skin, take kiwifruit or strawberries for example. Owners of the dry type should use sour cream, cream. And in the case of normal skin, honey, herbal decoctions are suitable.

The main thing is to use fresh products, change mask options periodically. It is also worth taking courses (10-15 sessions each), after which it is worth taking a break.

Other effective home and salon methods

The following techniques will help to tighten the oval of the face at home:

    Cosmetical tools. This category usually includes creams, masks and serums that can penetrate deep into the skin and contribute to the production of collagen. They can have a visible effect only at certain stages of aging. In the advanced stages, these drugs can be included in complex care, but do not act as the main methods of combating skin aging. It should also be understood that high-quality products have a fairly high cost.

  • Hardware procedures in a beauty salon. These include laser resurfacing, cryolifting and RF-lifting. Laser and mechanical effects on the skin can improve metabolic processes, remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis, and also produce a natural tightening. RF-lifting has an effect on elastin and collagen molecules, forming a pronounced lifting effect.
  • No operation. This is a face and neck lift with special threads that are inserted under the skin and create a frame. The main advantage of this method is its high efficiency. One procedure can reset up to 10-15 years.

Each of these methods should be used when there is objective evidence. At a particular age, it makes sense to resort to one or more procedures. Let's consider which ones.

Question answer

  • Is it possible to achieve a lifting effect with peeling?
  • What components are best used for home masks to get, albeit a small, lifting effect?
  • Are Contrasting Washes Beneficial?

After 35 years

The first pronounced signs of aging appear after 35 years. At this age, it is too early to resort to radical methods, but it is time to start actively caring for the skin of the face. The following methods will work:

  • massage;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • injections (mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid);
  • hardware procedures.

The course of recovery should be prescribed by a cosmetologist.

After 40 years

The age when it is time to start an active fight against skin aging. The main methods of restoring elasticity should be used:

  • non-surgical method of facelift with threads;
  • hardware procedures.

As an additional care, you must use:

  • massage;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • mesotherapy injections.

The course of recovery should also be determined by a cosmetologist.

After 50 years

Depending on the general condition of the body and skin, the cosmetologist must prescribe a course of skin care. As a rule, it is at this age that there is a need to resort to surgical intervention.

However, the need for surgery is determined not by the age limit, but by the general condition of the skin. At this stage, a complete list of skin care is needed:

  • massage;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • injections;
  • hardware procedures.

Many of these treatments can be done on your own at home.

How to get rid of sagging cheeks at home?

You can deal with sagging cheeks on your own at home. To do this, you must perform the following steps:

    Buy a special massager for the face. Usually, it looks like a glove with massage brushes. Then the following remedy is applied to the face: 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil, olive oil in the same proportion and a drop of lemon juice. The resulting substance is applied to the face, after which it is gently rubbed into the skin with a massager. This procedure should be repeated no more than once a week. There is a powerful nourishment of the deep layers of the skin, and massage provides blood flow, as a result of which regeneration processes are launched.

    Blue clay masks actively help with sagging cheeks. Substances contained in blue clay supply the skin with the necessary trace elements, due to which the skin begins to recover. Blue clay also moisturizes the skin, and, as you know, it is the lack of moisture that leads to sagging skin.

    At home, you can perform Tanaka self-massage. This is a special oriental technique that acts on the restoration and tightening of the skin of the face. The essence of the massage is the impact on certain lymph nodes located on the head of a person, as well as on the muscles of the face. The muscles of the forehead, around the eyes, the nasolabial triangle and the temporal part are involved in the process.

    If sagging cheeks were the result of weight gain, then it is necessary to fight the root cause - obesity. As described above, an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and proper hydration can have an incredible effect.

Summing up, I would like to note that the condition of the skin, as well as its elasticity, directly depends on the general state of health. Modern ecology has an extremely aggressive effect on the human body, and lack of rest and nervous strain can exacerbate the situation.

Often people need a good rest and deep relaxation in order to get back in shape. Compliance with the above rules and the implementation of simple exercises and care procedures will help you stay young and beautiful all your life!published.

Evgeny Shagov

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Age-related skin changes begin as early as the age of 20, when the number of dying cells increases every day compared to those that are born. That is why, after a few years, the first “bells” begin to appear that the skin is aging. The complexion becomes dull, age spots appear, turgor and elasticity decrease, and dryness increases, causing the appearance of the first wrinkles.

It is known that women over 40 turn to the help of plastic surgeons, and this is not surprising, because at this age cosmetic products do not help much. And what about those who are between 25 and 40 years old? For such patients, cosmetologists have a whole arsenal of facelift options without surgery. What methods of non-surgical tightening exist and what are their advantages? This will be discussed.

Benefits of non-surgical facelift

All facelift methods without surgery are based on the principle of therapeutic trauma to the inner or outer skin layers. At the same time, the layers of the dermis respond differently to damage, but in all cases this intervention ends with the formation and formation of new fibers of collagen, elastin and molecular chains of hyaluronic acid.

Undoubtedly, surgical operations are in many ways radical and can eliminate many problems of aging in one operation, but non-surgical lifting has its own advantages, which you need to know before deciding to use any of them.

So, below are the benefits that a facelift without surgery has:

  1. The presence of minimal contraindications to such manipulations. The exceptions are mainly infectious diseases, pregnancy and lactation, oncological diseases and diseases associated with the blood coagulation process.
  2. The virtual absence of side effects and negative consequences, except for the possibility of swelling, bruising, hyperemia and peeling of the skin.
  3. Shortened recovery period. Low level of pain. Generally, local anesthesia is sufficient for the patient. An exception is, perhaps, a lift with surgical threads. Even the use of anesthesia is possible here.
  4. The rapid appearance of the first results and the increase in the effect of rejuvenation. Many methods of non-surgical lifting remain effective for up to several years.
  5. General positive and healing effect on the body. Many cosmetic rejuvenation manipulations involve the body's reserve forces: blood and lymph microcirculation improves, blood flow rate normalizes, blood vessels are cleansed and metabolic products are excreted.
  6. Most procedures are performed on an outpatient basis and do not require hospitalization.
  7. Low invasiveness or non-invasiveness of methods, as well as reducing the risk of infection of the body during manipulations. There are no traces of exposure, scars and scars on the skin.

How to make the right choice?

Unfortunately, none of us can stop time, but we can prolong youth and stay at the top of strength and energy if we use the hidden reserves of the body and use the ability of cells to self-renew. Which procedure to choose from among the existing ones? This problem can only be solved by cosmetologists who diagnose and determine the dominant type of skin aging.

Diagnosis is very important, as it can be biological aging (premature aging due to external and internal factors), photoaging (due to solar radiation), as well as chronoaging, when aging occurs due to age. It is important to determine not only the type of skin, but also which of the skin layers to correct.

A facelift without surgery is achieved mainly in two ways, each of which has its own nuances and with which you can achieve the necessary changes.

These include:

  1. Correction techniques that are aimed at eliminating the early signs of aging and are performed at the level of the dermal layer of the skin. These technologies are used in cases where there are no obvious wrinkles and skin sagging. These methods include RF-lifting, laser dermabrasion, laser fractional thermolysis and laser nanoperforation, bioreinforcement, the use of microcurrents, plasmolifting, photorejuvenation, and vector lifting.
  2. Correction techniques that eliminate ptosis, as well as medium and deep wrinkles. These methods act at the level of the hypodermis and muscle layer, that is, at a deeper level. These include botulinum toxin injections and thread lifting.

How do non-surgical lifting methods work?

According to experts, many of the methods of non-surgical lifting are a worthy alternative to methods of rejuvenating the face and body through surgery. Almost each of them uses the ability of skin cells to self-repair and renew collagen fibers.

  • RF lifting or . The effect on tissues is produced by low-frequency radio waves, as a result, the stretched collagen fibers are reduced. After several sessions, the mechanisms for the production of new molecules of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin are launched. The procedure can be applied on any part of the body and face, and 5-6 sessions can keep the effect up to 24 months.
  • Skin rejuvenation with laser technology(, laser nanoperforation, and others). With the help of laser radiation, many signs of age-related changes can be eliminated and the turgor and elasticity of the skin can be significantly increased. There are two types of exposure: ablative (when epidermal cells are simply evaporated and the lifting effect is achieved by regenerating damaged tissues) and non-ablative (when protein coagulates in deeper dermal layers and processes of neocollagenesis and tissue restructuring are triggered). To prevent the occurrence of destructive changes, laser therapy is carried out from the age of 25 and 1 session is enough. For a lasting effect, you will have to take a course of several sessions.
  • bioreinforcement, simply - injections of hyaluronic acid. To maintain the excellent condition of the skin, it is enough to carry out 1-2 procedures in 6-12 months, starting from 25-30 years.

Read more about the procedure in the article: - an alternative to surgical facelift

  • Electrotherapy- based on the effect of microcurrents on the tissues of the dermis. With this method, you can not only perform a lifting without surgery, but also eliminate problems such as cellulite and fat folds.
  • Plasmolifting- therapy in which platelet-rich plasma obtained from the patient's own blood is injected under the skin. It is enough to conduct only 2-4 sessions of 1-2 courses annually in order to remain young and fit for many years.