Cool postcards with the day of the sea. Beautiful postcards with Navy Day: an exclusive selection of pictures. Beautiful postcards Happy Navy Day

Beautiful animated postcards, pictures of Navy Day 2020 are received today by everyone who has connected life with the glory and pride of Russia - its navy!

A professional holiday - the Day of the Russian Navy is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of July. This holiday is the most beloved not only for all sailors who are serving and have already served in the Navy!

Navy Day is considered the most spectacular and long-awaited holiday of the summer - after all, festive events are held in cities on this day - parades, concerts, processions, fireworks and much more.

Brave guys in sailor suits today receive congratulations from all their loved ones, relatives, colleagues and friends. Be sure to congratulate your familiar sailors on their professional holiday - Navy Day! Our collection of beautiful animated pictures for the event will help you with this.

The sailor is not the one who put on the vest,
And who did not swim in the seas, but walked.
Who, despite the storms and the north-east,
He served for hours in a stuffy cabin.

The sailor is not the one who multiplies the circle of women,
And the one who is a faithful and reliable friend.
Who at any latitude will save
Love and tenderness, strong as granite.

Good health and happiness for a whole century
I wish everyone a Happy Navy Day!

you dedicated your life
Sea spaces, ship,
Keeping the cold waters calm
Through the storm, storm, always forward.

We congratulate you, friends,
Happy day of the faithful brothers of the ship,
Raise the flag for the Navy
And we wish you all the best!

Honor and glory to the sailors
This summer holiday.
Peace and health to you,
Joy and happiness.

The navy - the stronghold of the State -

Today honors the country!

Covered himself with immortal glory

Vivat, you children of Neptune!

Let the seagulls sing songs to you

And the waves are swaying.

Relatives are waiting for an ambulance

And look forward to counting the days.

We wish you only peaceful days

Let the perky laughter sound

And no matter how difficult it is for you,

Believe in luck and success!


Russia is a maritime power, and therefore Navy Day is considered the most important holiday of the year, which is hosted by the Northern capital. This year, this holiday is celebrated on July 29.

Navy Day has been one of the favorite holidays of Russians since the times of the USSR. At the same time, it is celebrated not only by military personnel of the naval forces of the troops. The holiday is already used to be celebrated by all those who stand guard over the sea borders of Russia, participate in the preparation of ships and units of the Navy, as well as family members of military personnel, teachers of naval educational institutions, veterans of the Second World War and the Armed Forces.

GIFs on the Day of the Russian Navy: You can congratulate the sailors with electronic postcards

Happy Navy Day!
I wish you a great sea in life,
Let the salty wind bring happiness
It brings a different miracle into your life.

Let the waves float so softly
And storms bypass by the side, furtively.
Sunny days and joyful moments
Radiant life, more inspiration in it.

Neptune will invite you to swim
Congratulations on the day of the navy.
His work is difficult in the seas.
He follows the depth.
For every inhabitant of the sea
And beyond the Gulf Stream.
We all love the sea for
What does it have to do with dreams?
Distant harbors, ports.
It beckons us with beauty.

Happy Neptune Day! May the sun and the sea
In bright splashes they playfully laugh,
On the coastal cheerful expanse
Tales of waves and deeps will gather,

In the reckless sea carnival,
Where are the mermaids, jellyfish and fish,
To bathe you in happiness
And the reward was smiles!

Let it bring the Day of Neptune
Joy without counting
Sea of ​​happiness and kindness
To everyone who was in the Navy!

May success in any of the cases
Life promises you
Honor and loyalty - that's the lot
Brave and courageous!

Russian Navy Day 2018 - how to congratulate, pictures, postcards. There is one day left before one of the most important Russian holidays - Navy Day. Every year Russians celebrate the holiday on the last Sunday of July. This year, Navy Day fell on July 29th.

On July 29, festive events and celebrations dedicated to the celebration of the Navy Day will be held throughout the country.

The events will be held not only in cities that are related to the Russian Navy, but also in cities and towns located far on land.

We offer a selection of colorful congratulations on the Day of the Russian Navy.

Navy Day has been one of the favorite holidays of Russians since the times of the USSR. At the same time, it is celebrated not only by military personnel of the naval forces of the troops.

The holiday is already used to be celebrated by all those who stand guard over the sea borders of Russia, participate in the preparation of ships and units of the Navy, as well as family members of military personnel, teachers of naval educational institutions, veterans of the Second World War and the Armed Forces.

You can congratulate them with electronic cards, which are very popular nowadays because of their simplicity and accessibility.

Such congratulations will help not to miss anyone who has something to respect on Navy Day.

On the day of the Navy, July 29, 2018, many commemorative and festive events take place in Russia. The center of all the festivities will be St. Petersburg, where the largest naval parade will take place. Concerts with the participation of celebrities and fireworks are expected.

You can congratulate the military personnel of the Navy in SMS. Such a simple way with short congratulatory lines will be appropriate and, of course, pleasant.

Navy Day - this is the date!
Thank you guys for life.
You are the honor of the country, its joy,
Everyone has their own reward.

navy day,
Congratulations fly from all sides.
Head proudly on the rise,
And the tunic is ironed without laziness.

Protecting the expanses of the Fatherland,
You sail the oceans, the seas.
Though sometimes they are so capricious,
So far away is my native land.

Today, the Navy is a branch of the RF Armed Forces, the Ros-Registr website writes. The target tasks of the fleet are the armed protection of the interests of Russia, the conduct of hostilities in the sea and ocean waters of the war. The Navy can deliver nuclear strikes, destroy fleet groups at sea and bases, protect its maritime transportation, and assist the Ground Forces.

The Russian Navy includes surface and submarine forces, naval aviation and marines, coastal defense troops. This also includes ships and vessels, special-purpose units, units and subunits of the rear. Such a diverse structure of troops suggests that a huge number of people work for the benefit of protecting the maritime borders of the state. You can congratulate on the professional holiday Navy Day in verse.

There are sailors
The main thing is honor
Holy duty before the Fatherland ...
Sometimes you need rest!

On this day like never before
Have fun gentlemen!
All continents hear
How sailors walk!

The Day of the Russian Navy is a professional holiday for people on duty associated with the Navy, as well as one way or another related to the fleet. In addition to military personnel, the holiday is celebrated by members of their families, employees of enterprises serving the Russian flotilla, as well as veterans of the armed forces. And of course, all of them must be congratulated on an important holiday, it is for these purposes that we have prepared bright, exclusive postcards on the Navy Day.

This page is periodically updated with new copies of actual postcards.

Since 1939, the holiday has been celebrated annually on July 24, later in 2006 the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the inclusion of this professional holiday in the corresponding list, and it began to be celebrated on the last Sunday of July. That is, its date floats from year to year. On this day, the Andreevsky flag is traditionally hoisted on ships, together with signal flags. Parades, demonstrations of combat equipment, ships, and sports competitions are held at military bases. It is noteworthy that some ships arrange so-called "open days", where everyone can explore the situation. On this day, concerts are held with the participation of pop stars, but the culmination of the evening is a protracted salute.

The official symbol of the navy is the flag with the St. Andrew's Cross.

Andrew's flag.

Beautiful postcards Happy Navy Day

The pictures below for the Navy Day can be downloaded completely free of charge to your phone, smartphone, laptop, tablet or computer. To do this, select the image you like, in the drop-down menu, select the item "download" or "save". Well, after that, send it to the heroes of the occasion by any usual messengers: whatsapp, viber, e-mail, icyq, skype or by using social networks.

Russian Navy Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of July.

Cheerful, incendiary and cool congratulations (video)

Audio congratulations on the Navy Day

We hope you liked the congratulatory pictures on the Navy Day presented on this page. In order not to lose sight of the page, save it to your favorite social network, just click on the appropriate button below. Well, postcards with Airborne Forces Day, celebrated on August 2. Happy holidays and see you in the next reviews.