Nice lettering on the handles. Inscriptions on wedding rings: examples of engraving in Latin and different languages. Samples of unusual inscriptions

Everyone knows that gifts are different. But everyone, whether he presents a cool souvenir or an elegant piece of furniture, wants his gift to become memorable, that is, after a few years, its owner remembers who gave it to him and for what reason. In this regard, many are looking for a gift for a man with an engraving. This is the best solution in this case.

When choosing a gift for a man with an engraving, first of all, pay your attention to gift awards with an individual design. Similar gifts are presented on the site in three categories: "Gift Orders", "Gift Medals", "Gift Cups and Figurines". Their beauty is that the inscription will be engraved according to your wishes. Thus, the present will become truly unique and outstanding. The choice of awards with empty spaces left in them just for your heartfelt words and wishes is impressive. This includes a Medal with an individual design and a Award figurine with an individual design, as well as orders and cups. Thus, everyone can choose for himself what he likes more than others. So, for example, the award cup has a more solid and representative appearance, and the award figurine in the form of an Oscar looks prestigious, but is awarded, as a rule, as a stylish joke.

In addition to awards as a gift for a man with an engraving, you can buy a lot of interesting and attractive gizmos. In principle, a metal nameplate for a commemorative inscription can be attached to any hard surface. The most popular gifts are Genealogical books and Tables for breakfast in bed. The first option is suitable for anniversaries. With age, we are increasingly turning to our roots, we are interested in the life of our ancestors, the history of our family, so this publication will be received with genuine enthusiasm, and filling the pages of the book will be carried away not only by the recipient of the present, but also by all his household members.

A table for tomorrow in bed "With love" is a wonderful romantic gift for a man with an engraving, if a nameplate is attached to it. Such a piece of furniture can be presented on any romantic date: a wedding anniversary, or, for example, Valentine's Day. The inscription made on this product will be the best reminder to a man of the one who gave him such a wonderful present.

A gift for a man with an engraving is, first of all, a good memory, so each engraved inscription should contain:

  • The date of the solemn event
  • Giver's name (from whom the gift is from)

In addition to this, the engraving may include unique wishes, congratulations, or even a short aphorism. Your choice is limited only by your imagination and the small size of the shield, but usually it is enough to turn the gift into a truly unusual, special and memorable one.


May your birthday be as unique as you!

May your birthday be unforgettable!

Really good friends are hard to find, hard to leave, and impossible to forget.

Alyonushka, my love is with you forever!

A year older is a year wiser (or smarter, or more fun...)

From true friends!

I wish there is a lot of happiness
So that joy is an eternal companion,
To always be on the road of life
You have enough light and warmth!

For a man or woman, beloved and dear:

Beloved girl from Artyom.

Open, look, smile!

With love, Anechka.

The best from the best.

When you feel sad, look at (the subject is indicated) and remember my smile! Alyona.

With you, every second is precious!

Only when I met you, I realized why I need a heart ...

Be a good boy (good girl).

For you with love…

Thinking about you...

Waiting for you...

Best (best) friend (friend) ...

Beloved (beloved) ...

Beloved (beloved) husband (wife) ...

To my beloved (my beloved)...

I love you more than chocolate!

I will always be with you!

Only when I met you, I realized why I need a heart.

My heart is with you, remember this.

Happiness is hours spent together.

Just stay with me.


Another good luck.

From true friends (true friend), in case we (me) are not around.

You don't have to have wings to fly. You need to have people in your life who will not let you fall.


- The best Boss.

Beloved boss.


The best director

Spoon (pen, mug, notepad, etc.) of the boss.

On the lighter:

If the fire is not enough, remember that you have my heart!

Light up for life!

Burn, but don't burn out, love, fly higher!

Accept the light fire of my love!

Brother, stop smoking!

Lucky lighter (First name, last name).

Good luck Man!

May it be useful to you!

Light from HELL!

To a fiery man from an atomic girl.

Don't forget to "refuel".

Live fast love hard die young.

If You Can't Fix It Fuck It.

I love you for today tomorrow and forever.

Never put off tomorrow what you can do today.

- If the world seems cold to you, turn on the fires to make it warmer!

For a businessman:

Wherever you see a successful business, it means that someone once made a bold decision.

Business is a relationship of people, not money.

Striving to be the biggest brand is pointless. It is much more important to become the most respected brand.

You can't wait forever for the right moment, you just have to create it.

There should be no limits for us.

The lucky person is the person who did what others were just about to do.

Be at the right time in the right place. And live under the motto "Always!"
- In life, more depends on you than on external circumstances.
- To see the main thing and not to be exchanged for trifles.
- Up to thirty you work for a reputation, then it works for you.
- Audacity and trust in partners.
- My secret is in the absence of greed.

It is difficult to build a business without overestimated ambitions, but over the years ambitions grow into a rational plan.
- Everything I do is fifty-one percent art and something useful to the world, the rest is business.
- Do not be afraid to do, did - do not be afraid.
- Be loyal to those who are loyal to you.

The future won't come by itself if we don't take action.

What matters is not whether you were knocked down, what matters is whether you got up again.

On the mirror:

May the reflection in this mirror remain the same even after 50 years!

This mirror reflects your irresistibility.

Anechka, the place in my heart is occupied only by you!

Beloved, be always so irresistible!

May the reflection in this mirror remain the same even after 50 years!

In this mirror, the reflection of your soul!

With love, Anechka.

Beloved girl from Artyom.

Anechka, you are my happiness! Only your Seryozhka.

Open, look, smile!

May your smile always be joyful!


Let the wind fill the sails

There will be seven feet under the keel!

Luck in the sea will smile

And in life it doesn’t storm at all!

Seven feet under the keel!

On the pendant "half of the heart":

- One life one love
- There are no accidents - There is fate
- Half of my soul
- I'll make you happy. I will bring you joy

I always share with you
and laughs and sadness,
I just love you,
we are two halves...

1 half: "I love you very much, do you hear?"
2 half: "I can't live without you, you understand?"


Medicine is the queen of sciences, for health is absolutely necessary for everything great and beautiful on earth.

In medicine, the main medicine is the doctor himself.

Recognizing latent diseases. A skilled physician gives us healing.

Only the profession of a doctor brings effective help to people.

A good doctor is always a researcher, if not in the laboratory, then at the patient's bedside.

Learning to be a doctor means learning to be a human. Medicine for a true doctor is more than a profession - it is a way of life.

Treat the sick as you would like to be treated in the hour of illness. First of all, do no harm.

The simplicity of the doctor's behavior contains one of his precious qualities.

Whatever house I enter, I will enter there for the benefit of the sick.

Of all the sciences, there is no doubt that medicine is the noblest.

Shining to others, I burn myself.

Love for medical art is love for humanity.

To become a doctor, one must be an impeccable person.

You must always learn, the doctor must constantly improve.

For a soldier or those who are far away:

- You own my heart - "Mon Coeur Est a Vous".
- Distance does not matter if you are in my heart.
- Loving a soldier is pride, and waiting for a soldier is an HONOR!!!

Take bad luck away from him

Save him, God, please!

He means a lot to me

I love him more than life!

On the handle:

To record wise thoughts.

Always... Everywhere... Your...

For signing multimillion-dollar contracts.

Lucky Pen.

For fishermen:

Better a bad day fishing than a good day at work.

Cool fisherman...

On the business card:

There are no barriers to the aspirant!

If it's stupid but works, then it's not so stupid!

Always choose the most difficult path - on it you will not meet competitors.

Change your thinking and you will change your life.

You learn the fastest in three cases - up to 7 years, at trainings, and when life has driven you into a corner.

Management is the art of achieving goals with limited resources.

The Internet does not change the business model, it can only give new powerful tools to existing ones.

It doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. We hire smart people to tell us what to do.

Anyone who wants to see the results of his work immediately should become a shoemaker.

To live well, you need to work hard. And in order to become rich, you need to come up with something else.

It's best to sell people their dreams...

Don't be afraid to be like everyone else and everyone wants to be like you!

Your well-being depends on your own decisions.

Good friendship on business, but not business on friendship.

For keychain:

Good Luck Friend

Vladimir. tel.8-ххх-ххх-хххх Please return my keys.

Alexey (Car logo) tel. 8-xxx-xxx-xxxx

Happy those who have!

To your beloved! :)

Anya, the place in my heart is occupied only by you!

Alyonushka, my love, with you forever!

When you get sad, look at the keychain and remember my smile! Vika.

Vladimir. tel.8-xxx-xxx-xxx Please return my keys.

Alexey (Car logo) tel. 8-xxx-xxx-xxx

Happy keychain. Brings luck only (First name, Last name)

Happy possessing!

To your beloved! :)

On a knife, pistol:

Do not take out without need, do not invest without glory.

Soul to God, life to the Fatherland, Honor to no one.

For spice in life.

Lady luck, for whom you are kind, and to someone otherwise.

Dagger in the hands of a fool - Impatient. In the hands of the sage - Unhurried.

Do not take out without need, do not invest without glory!

For spice in life.

For hours:

Time works for us while we work.

Time, unlike money, cannot be accumulated.

Everything comes on time if you know how to wait.

He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.

Minutes are long and years are fleeting.

Sorrow is carried away on the wings of time.

Overtaking time, do not get ahead of events.

Only time belongs to us, what was, will not be again.

Save time. His loss is irreparable.

Thanks for the sweet moments.

With you, every second is precious.
- Waste of time is the worst of all evils.
- You can't save time.
Now is the only time to live.
- Time does not like to be wasted.
- Use the current time in such a way that in old age you do not reproach yourself for your youth lived in vain.
- It is impossible to repeat your youth, to return the youthful audacity, beauty and even gait.
- To choose time means to save time, and what is done out of time is done in vain.
- Life is given only for a while.
- Time never waits.
- Waste of time is the biggest waste.
- Don't waste your time.
- Know the time for everything.
- Time with you is priceless.
- Only time matters.
- Time is the most precious of all treasures.
- The most valuable gift you can give to someone is your time, because you give something that you can never get back.
Every second with you is priceless.

- With you, every second is precious.
- Happy together every second.

Trust and understanding is the only valuable gift we can give each other...
You will always find hope in the eyes of the one you love.

On the thermocouple:

It is more pleasant and sweeter for me to drink from my cup.

My wife bought it for me and gave it to me for the holidays.
- My man is always right, always the best and always the winner. He's my man!

8.30 - Rise 9.00 - Dispersal of clouds 10.00-19.00 - Feat.

For diary:

- "Luck" comes after careful preparation; "bad luck" is the result of negligence.

Ideas are the key to the future.

By putting your dreams and goals on paper, you begin to grow into the person you most want to be. Let your future be in safe hands - your own.


We either learn to live together or die alone.

A person should be with those with whom his thoughts live.
- Do not be shy about your feelings and desires... There will be no other life for them...

Miracles are where they believe in them.
- If you want to see a miracle, be it!
- I don't know what I want, but I'll get it.
- Happiness is the ability to enjoy simple things.
- Be happy in this moment. This moment is your life.
- Life begins with love.
Love is a lifetime moment.
- And even what cannot be .. One day it can be too!
- A person is able to change his life, changing only his point of view.
- Happiness itself will find you - the main thing is to open arms for it.
- What is not done, everything is for the better. It was good, it will be even better!
Does the world seem to be collapsing? This is not true! He's just rearranging. And maybe for you!
- When the wind of change blows, put not walls, but sails.
- Fall asleep with a dream - wake up with a goal

- No desire is given to you separately from the power that allows you to fulfill it.

Create a dream and the dream will create you.
- When a person seems that everything is going awry, something wonderful tries to enter his life.
- A gram of your own experience is worth more than a ton of other people's instructions.
- Happiness is when you thank God more often than you ask.
- Difficulties are not a punishment for the past, but a test for the sake of the future.

We promised to tell you about the most popular phrases for engraving on jewelry.

Hand on heart, we can safely say that most of the clients of our workshop use the laser engraving service. After all, we make to order unique jewelry made of gold, platinum and silver, which you will not see on any other person in this world. Moreover, by engraving a ring, pendant or bracelet, you will perpetuate the memory of a day, date or feeling for a lifetime.

What beautiful inscriptions for engraving do you know? If you google, you can find thousands of options, but we will focus only on the most popular phrases. For convenience, we will break them down by topic.

Phrases in Latin for engraving

Latin is now spoken only by doctors and pharmacists, but since this language is considered one of the most ancient progenitors of many languages, Latin inscriptions are the most popular phrases not only for engraving, but also for tattooing.

How to convey a deep meaning and express your feelings in a few words? It is phrases in Latin that will help to briefly and veiledly describe your desire.

Phrase Translation Subject
Ab imo pectoreWith full sincerity, from the heartA life
Ad infinitumTo infinity, without endA life
Ad finem saeculorumUntil the end of timeLove
Ad futuram memoriamFor the long memoryA life
Aeterna historiaEternal historyLove
Amantes-amentescrazy loversLove
Amor omnibus idemLove is the same for everyoneLove
Audaces fortuna juvatFate helps the brave (Virgil)A life
Bonum factum!For good and happiness!A life
Con amoreWith loveLove
CredoI believe!A life
Caritas et paxRespect and PeaceA life
Bene sit tibi!Good luck!A life
Dum spiro, speroWhile I breathe I hopeA life
Fac fideli sis fidelisBe loyal to the one who is loyal (to you)A life
Fortiter ac firmiterStrong and strongLove
In aeternumForever, foreverLove
Omnia vincit amor et noc cedamus amoriLove conquers all and we submit to loveLove
Pia desideriaGood wishes, cherished dreamsA life
Pro memoryin memory of somethingA life
Quilibet fortunae suae faberEveryone is the blacksmith of his own happinessA life
Sic erat in fatisSo it was destinedA life
Sursum Corda!Head up!A life
Vive valequeLive and be healthyA life
Volente deoWith God's helpA life
Vale et me amaBe healthy and love meLove

In fact, there are a lot of Latin inscriptions that can be used for engraving.

Looking for a phrase for your engagement ring? Apply Aeterna historia (eternal history), and live your whole life together in great common love and understanding.

Want to cheer up a friend? Give him a pendant for a bracelet that will be engraved with Sursum Corda! (Higher head!). And here is the inscription in Latin Ad futuram memoriam (For a long memory) will always remind of the giver, such an ornament.

Most phrases for engraving on jewelry refer to relationships, love and family. Therefore, we have identified several topics of such inscriptions.

Inscriptions for engraving beloved

You always want to give your husband or beloved boyfriend something special that would remind you of your sincere feelings every minute of his life. What gold jewelry does your missus wear? Do you want to surprise him?

If your loved one wears a gold or platinum bracelet on his hand, you can order a ring or a keychain that will be identical in style, as if from one set of precious jewelry. You only need to take a picture of the product and send it to our master, describing all your requirements. Rest assured, you will be 100% satisfied with the result. Also, if your soulmate wears a chain, you can give him a stylish men's pendant. But what kind of engraving text should your loved one put on the product? Below you will see the most relevant phrases.

Phrase Translation
Amour Mio (Italian)My love
Friends & LoversFriends & Lovers
Mon Amour (French)My love
My BelovedTo my beloved (oh)
my heartMy heart
my worldMy world
My HeroMy hero
Best Dad EverBest dad ever
All my loveall my Love
I love you baby…I love you, baby...
In our anniversary...On our anniversary...
In our day...On our day...
Thinking of you...Thinking of you...
On my own…
We will always have Paris!quote
There is no more wonderful feeling in the world than to know love in return.(c) Moulin Rouge
Live in the moment, love recklessly...(c) Remember me
To the best of the best
Always... Everywhere... Your...

Important! Did you know that you can choose not only a phrase for engraving, but also a font, photo or symbol. Yes Yes! This is not a fairy tale! With the help of laser engraving on jewelry made of gold or platinum, all the wishes of the client can come true! The font you can choose fromMicrosoft Word , or draw your own unique font yourself.

Love phrases for engraving

Love inscriptions are most often found on paired jewelry: rings, pendants, pendants and bracelets. It can be either two completely identical phrases, or a male and female version. For example, on the pendant - a half of the heart that the girl will wear, it says “Love”, and on the male version - “Forever”, or on the female ring “I love you”, and on the second - “I know”.
forever togetherTogether forever
I love youI love you
Love for InfinityLove to infinity
Love is EternalLove for ages
Love, Honor, CherishLove, honor, care
My Heart is Yours ForeverMy heart is forever yours
With love...With love...
I'm always thereI am always near

Undoubtedly, one of the most popular phrases is "I love you." But in different languages, the inscription looks very extravagant. Perhaps in Chinese or French, such a phrase is more to your liking?

Inscriptions on wedding rings

How to keep the most important phrase of your life? How to capture this moment? Confess your love, your sincere and strong feelings... Engraving on wedding rings will help you cope with this task. Be very responsible in choosing the inscription inside the wedding rings. This is not an empty phrase, it must mean something to you. Perhaps this will be the date of your acquaintance, or the wedding. Or affectionate nicknames that you call each other. Can't decide on the text of the engraving of wedding rings? Check out our selection of the most popular love phrases.
Phrase Meaning
Love is EternalLove is Eternal
Never to PartWe are one
Be MineBe mine (mine)
From 11-11-11 until foreverFrom today (dd/mm/yy) and forever
From this moment on 11-11-11From now on 11-11-11
God bless this marriageGod bless this marriage
God Joined UsGod connected us
Animae dimidium meaehalf of my soul
Mon Coeur Est a Vous (French)You are the ruler (ruler) of my heart.
Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.
Eternal history.
Amor apasionadoardent love
Deus Nos Iunxit (lat.) God connected us
Ab ovo from the beginning till the end

Beautiful inscriptions on wedding rings can also be humorous. If you are a cheerful person and love extraordinary things, order an engraving " game over" on wedding rings. "Put it back!" or "Goodbye freedom!"- such inscriptions will cheer you up all your family life.
"Stop - busy!"- This is a variant of the phrase for engraving on the bride's ring. Grooms, pay attention!
A bit later, we'll take a deeper look at the Centaurus Journal Jewelry Blog with a selection of phrases to engrave on wedding rings. Don't forget to subscribe to our updates!

Virgil (s) I believe! A year older - a year wiser (smarter, more fun ...)On your birthday Vivere est cogitareto live is to think! From true friends! Good Luck Friend Happy Birthday!...Happy Birthday! My GratitudeMy thanks Citius, altius, fortius!Faster, higher, stronger! Detur dignioriMay it be given to the most deserving EvvivaLong live!
When choosing a precious gift for a friend, do not forget to engrave it. It can be a photo of you together on a pendant or keychain, or a phrase about friendship.
Phrase Meaning
best friendsBest friends
True Friends are RareTrue friends are rare
More than friendsMore than friends
A friend is one soul living in two bodiesAristotle (s)
Amicus verus - rara avisA true friend is a rare bird
Amicus certus in re incerta cerniturA true friend is known in the wrong deed (in trouble)
Amicus verus cognoscitur amore, more, ore, reA true friend is known by love, attitude, word, deed
My fated soulmateMy true soul mate
Super Friends!Super Friends!
We'll Rule the WorldWe will rule the world

In our workshop, we ONLY engrave jewelry that has been custom-made by our artisans!

1. Serving the law - serving the people / On guard of order / law / security

2. Always in your hands / Forever in your hands / Now always with you

3. Everything is in your hands, and even me / Carry me always with you

4. I want it, so it will be / Believe in success, and it will come!

5. For sincere words / For beautiful thoughts

6. A man wrote down - a man forgot

7. A man said - a man did

8. All that is written will come true / All that is written will come true

9. Such beauty will not write stupidity

10. Follow your dreams

11. You are the best! As always!

12. May dreams come true

13. A dream is born to come true!

14. Go to sleep with a dream - wake up with a goal

15. For important words and smart thoughts / For smart / serious thoughts

16. Amulet from an evil boss

17. Ward against illiteracy / Ward against forgetfulness

18. Be who you are

19. Soul of the team

20. Your thoughts become your life

21. Success in all endeavors

22. These thoughts will go down in history

23. Talent works, genius creates

24. Luminary of the mind of our era

25. To the most important man

26. To the happiest person

27. Do what you love

28. Do not offer a job

29. For drawing money

30. For cunning plans

31. Positive attitude and high flying

32. To apply for leave

33. Lifesaver

34. Personal Hottabych

35. You can’t forbid beautiful writing

36. Not handwriting, but a riddle

37. To write down recipes for happiness

38. For complaints and suggestions

39. Your every thought is a masterpiece

40. To record golden thoughts

41. Thought Giant / Write down a good idea

42. (NAME) - for numerous autographs

43. (NAME) - the future luminary of science


1. Golden Boss / Business Shark

2. You are our faithful helmsman

3. The handle of a successful person

4. To conduct successful business

5. The king's word is law

6. For royal decrees

7. To increase capital

8. To record income and excess income

9. Career growth / Achievement of new heights / To new heights

10. For a decisive signature

11. Luminary of the mind of our era

44. My request is an ORDER! / I wrote - you do!

45. I'm in charge here

46. ​​Best of the Best

47. Director. Great tactician and strategist

48. Boss. The person who decides everything.


1. Accounting is a delicate matter

2. So that debit and credit always converge

3. To record income and excess income

4. Money talisman

1. Our health is in your hands

2. Our health is grateful to you

3. To the golden doctor with gratitude

4. Luminary of the mind of our era

5. Thank you for the gift (saved, saved) life

1. Thanks for the skills and knowledge

2. Luminary of the mind of our era

3. Full name, to the one who brings us to the people


1. There are no barriers to the aspirant!

2. If it's stupid but works, then it's not so stupid!

3. Always choose the most difficult path - on it you will not meet competitors

4. Change your mindset and you will change your life

5. It's best to sell people their dreams...

6. Don't be afraid to be like everyone else and everyone wants to be like you!

7. Your well-being depends on your own decisions.

8. Friendship in business is good, but not business in friendship.

9. To conduct successful business

10. Business shark

11. Success in all endeavors

12. Money rules the world

13. I have unpretentious taste: the best is enough for me (Oscar Wilde)

14. My life, my rules

15. See the main thing and not waste your time on trifles

16. A beautiful start to a new life

17. Success doesn't come to you ... you go to it (Marva Collins)

Success doesn't come to you... You go to it.


1. I am with you in every moment of the day

2. Love every minute

3. With you, every second is precious

4. Better a moment with you than an eternity without you

5. Thank you for finding time for us

6. The future won't come by itself if we don't take action.

7. Time works for us while we work.

8. Time, unlike money, cannot be accumulated.

9. Everything comes on time if you know how to wait

10. Who does not know the value of time is not born for glory

11. Minutes are long and years are fleeting

12. Sorrow is carried away on the wings of time

13. Ahead of time, do not be ahead of events

14. Only time belongs to us

15. What was, will not be again


1. NAME, the place in my heart is occupied only by you!

2. NAME, my love, with you forever!

3. When you get sad, look at the keychain and remember my smile! NAME.

4. Happy keychain. Brings luck only (First name, Last name)

5. Happy are those who have!

6. To your beloved! :)

7. Now always with you

8. For me, you are the best support and support.


1. (NAME), the place in my heart is occupied only by you!

2. (NAME), my love, with you forever!

3. Beloved, always be so irresistible!

4. Even after 50 years, the reflection in this mirror will remain the same!

5. This mirror reflects your soul!

6. With love, (NAME) / Beloved girl from (NAME)

7. The most beautiful in the world.

8. This is just me (you).

9. (NAME), you are my happiness! Only yours (NAME).

10. You are beautiful - no doubt!

11. You decorate the world! You're the best!!!

12. This mirror reflects your irresistibility.

13. Oh, what a blessing to know that I am perfection!!!

14. Conqueror of men's hearts.

15. The whole world is at your feet.

16. Open, look, smile!

17. May your smile always be joyful! Your smile is my happiness.

18. Smile at the bright sun and all people from the very morning!

19. The most charming / beautiful / unique.

20. Do not chase happiness, it is always in yourself.

21. Smile at life and life will smile at you.

22. The embodiment of female beauty and tenderness.

23. Appreciate yourself - you are so alone.

24. Appreciate yourself - you will achieve everything.

25. A woman is no less mysterious than her handwriting.

26. You are perfect in everything.

27. Beautiful, whatever one may say.

28. A beautiful woman cannot have flaws.

29. Be happy today and always!

30. You are on the account of all the nicer, more beautiful and ...

31. You are smarter than everyone in the world, more beautiful and kinder than everyone !!!

32. You are so seductive!

33. Seductive and incomprehensible.

34. The world belongs to those who are happy with it.

35. You are like an angel, beautiful and gentle.

36. When you look at this, remember me.

37. My life is measured by your smiles.


1. May the source of life-giving moisture not fail

2. For you to always be interesting to live

3. Drink one only on the weekend!

4. May the hand of the giver not be impoverished ... pour a friend ...

5. Truth at the Bottom

6. Everyone can drink

It is only necessary

Know where and with whom

Why, when and how much.

7. From the Minister of the Interior to the most sober driver


9. Not for the sake of damned drunkenness, but only so as not to wean

10. Living water / Life-giving cocktail


1. Amour Mio (Italian) - My love

2. Be Mine - Be mine (mine)

3. Beloved - Beloved, desired

4. Endless love - Endless love

5. Eternally yours - Forever yours

6. For You ... - For you ...

7. Forever - Forever

8. Forever in love - Forever in love

9. Forever together - Together forever

10. Forever, Amen - Forever, amen

11. I Love You - I love you

12. Je t "adore (fr.) - I adore you

13. Mon Amour (fr.) - My love

14. My Angel - My Angel

15. My Beloved - To my beloved (oh)

16. My Heart - My heart

17. My Love - My love

18. My Miracle - My miracle

19. My Star - My star

20. My Strength - My strength

21. My World - My world

22. Myn Genyst (German) - My heart

23. Only You - Only You

24. Our Fairytale - Our fairy tale

25. Pretty Lady! - Gorgeous!

26. Say: "Yes!" - Say yes!"

27. This Love - This is Love

28. True Love - True love

29. True Romance - True love

30. With Love - With love

31. You "re My Everything - You are everything to me

32. My Hero - My hero


1. Ab imo pectore - With complete sincerity, from the heart

2. Ad infinitum - To infinity

3. Ad futuram memoriam - Long memory

4. Ad memorandum- For memory

5. Ad multos annos - For many years

6. Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur - A true friend is recognized in trouble

7. Amor apasionado - Passionate love.

8. Amoromniavincit - Love conquers all

9. Amor omnibus idem - Love is one for all

10. Ars longa, Vite brevis - Art is long-lived, but life (of a person) is short

11. Audaces fortuna juvat - Fate helps the brave (Virgil)

12. Aut bene, aut nihil - Either good or nothing

13. Animae dimidium meae - Half of my soul

14. Amor omnibus idem - Love is one for all

15. Amor vincit omnia - Love conquers all

16. Beati possidentes - Happy are those who have

17. Bene sit tibi! - Good luck!

18 Benedicite! - Good afternoon!

19. Bene placito- Of good will!

20. Bona mente - With good intentions

21. Bonum factum! - For good and happiness!

22. Con amore - With love

23. Consensu omnium - By common consent

24.D.D.D.-Dat. Dicat. Dedicat. - Gives. Dedicates. Honors. (Ancient dedicatory inscription)

25. Detur digniori - Let it be given to the most worthy

26. Dumspiro, spero - While I breathe - I hope

27. Fac fideli sis fidelis - Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you

28. Vivevaleque - Live and be healthy

29. Omnia mea mecum porto- I carry everything with me

30. Omnia praeclara rara - Everything beautiful is rare

31. Quilibet fortunae suae faber - Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness

32. Rari quippe boni - Good people are rare

33. Semper in animo meo - Forever in my heart

34. Ubi tu Ibi ego - Where you are, there I am

35. Vale et me ama- Be healthy and love me

36. Vitasinelibertate, nilmeaning - Life without freedom has no meaning


1. Love is Eternal - Love for the ages

2. Never to Part - We are one

3. BeMine - Be mine (mine)

4. My Beloved - To my beloved (beloved)

5. AlifetimeisallthatIneed - Life with you is all I need

6. Forevermylove - Forever my love

7. I found love, & love was you - I found Love and it was You

8. I love U to infinity & beyond - I love you to infinity and beyond

9. I Love You - I love you

10. I want to be with you everywhere - I always want to be with you

11. I want to grow old with you - I want to grow old with you

12. I will always love you - I will always love you

13. I will love you my whole life - I will love you all my life

14. I "ll always love you to forever - I will always love you

15. My first, My Only - My first, my only

16. My heart is your heart always - My heart is yours forever

17. My life began with you - My life began only with you

18. My one true love - My only true love

19. My True Love - My true love

20. Together Forever - Together forever

21. Still and Always the One

22. The other half of me is you - The other half of me is you

23. We are for each other - We are made for each other

24. While I "m breathing - I love and believe - While I breathe - I love and believe.

25. All we need is love - All we need is love.

26. Remember who you are - Remember who you are.

27. The love of my life - Love of my life.

28. One life long love - One love for life.

29. Respect the past, create the future - Respect the past, create the future!

30. My guardian is always with me - My guardian is always with me.

31. Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you

32. My angel is always with me - My angel is always with me.

33. Life is beautiful - Life is beautiful.

34. The best thing in our life is love - The best thing in our life is love.

35. Enjoy every moment- Enjoy every moment.

36. You remember how it all began ...

37. Neverlookback - Never look back.

38. Live without regrets - Live without regrets.

39. My dreams come true - My dreams come true.

40. Dear Universe, thank you for you my guy… - Dear Universe, thank you for my boyfriend

Phrases in Latin for engraving:

  • Ab ovo - From beginning to end
  • Ad infinitum - To infinity
  • Amantes - amentes - Mad Lovers
  • Ars longa, Vite brevis - Art is long-lived, but human life is short
  • A die - From this day
  • A solis ortu usque ad occasum - From sunrise to sunset
  • Absque omni exceptione - Without any doubt
  • Ab imo pectore - With full sincerity, from the heart
  • Ad finem saeculorum - Until the end of time
  • Amor non est medicabilis herbis - Love cannot be cured with herbs
  • Amor omnibus idem - Love is one for all
  • Amor tussisque non celantur - You can't hide love and cough
  • Beati possidentes - Happy are those who have
  • Bene placito - Of good will
  • Caritas et pax - Respect and Peace
  • Con amore - With love
  • Consensu omnium - By common consent
  • Consortium omnis vitae - Commonwealth of all life
  • Credo - I believe!
  • De die in diem - From day to day
  • Dei gratia - By God's grace, thank God
  • Evviva - Long live!
  • Ex consensu - By agreement
  • Fac fideli sis fidelis - Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you
  • Fata viam invenient - You can't escape fate
  • Fiat voluntas tua - Thy will be done
  • Fortiter ac firmiter - Strong and strong
  • Hoc erat in votis - This was my desire
  • Hoc erat in fatis - So it was destined by fate
  • Ibi victoria, ubi concordia - There is victory where there is agreement
  • In aeternum - Forever, forever
  • In saecula saeculorum - Forever and ever
  • Lex fati - Law of Fate
  • Liberum arbitrium - Freedom of choice
  • Lux in tenebris - Light in the dark
  • Mane et nocte - Morning and night
  • Natura sic voluit - So nature wished
  • Ne varietur - Not subject to change
  • Nil nisi bene - Nothing but good
  • Non dubitandum est - No doubt
  • Non solus - Not alone
  • Nunc est bibendum! - Now let's feast!
  • Omnia vincit amor et noc cedamus amori - Love conquers all and we submit to love
  • Omnium consensu - By common consent
  • Optima fide - With full confidence
  • Ore uno - Unanimously
  • Peccare licet nemini! - Nobody is supposed to sin!
  • Per aspera ad astra - Through hardships to the stars!
  • Pia desideria - Good wishes, cherished dreams
  • Placeat diis - If the gods will
  • Pro bono publico - For the common good
  • Pro ut de lege - Legally
  • Probatum est - Approved
  • Proprio motu - At will
  • Quilibet fortunae suae faber - Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness
  • Sancta sanctorum - Holy of Holies
  • Sic fata voluerunt - So it was fate
  • Sponte sua - Of good will
  • Sed semel insanivimus omnes - One day we all go crazy
  • Sic erat in fatis - So it was destined
  • Sursum Corda! - Higher head!
  • Ubi concordia - ibi victoria - Where there is agreement, there is victory
  • Vires unitae agunt - Forces work together
  • Vale et me ama - Be healthy and love me
  • Vivere est cogitare - To live is to think!
  • Volente deo - With God's help

One or two words to engrave. These short phrases are well suited for small size jewelry and souvenirs with a small engraving surface, such as rings or small pendants, etc.

The engraving text on the watch will be better if it is short and deep*

Short phrases for engraving:

  • A perfect fit
  • Affection and Truth - Love and Truth
  • All for You - All for you
  • Amen - Amen
  • Amour Mio (ital.) - My love
  • Be Mine - Be mine (mine)
  • Beloved - Beloved, desired
  • Destiny - Destiny
  • Endless love - Endless love
  • Eternally yours - Forever yours
  • For You… - For you…
  • Forever - Forever
  • Forever in love - Forever in love
  • Forever together - Together forever
  • I Love You - I love you
  • Je t "adore (fr.) - I adore you
  • Love Always Wins - Love always wins
  • Love Flourishes - Love flourishes
  • Mon Amour (fr.) - My love
  • My Angel - My Angel
  • My Beloved - To my beloved
  • My Heart - My heart
  • My Miracle - My Miracle
  • My Star - My star
  • My Strength - My strength
  • My world - my world
  • Myn Genyst (German) - My heart
  • Only You - Only You
  • Our Fairytale - Our fairy tale
  • Pretty lady! - Gorgeous!
  • Say yes - Say yes
  • This Love is Love
  • True Love - True love
  • True Romance - True love
  • With Love - With love
  • You "re My Everything - You are everything to me
  • My Hero - My hero
  • My Savior - My Savior
  • Anytime - At any time

Three or four words to engrave. It works well for classic rings, medallions and bracelets. You can write something personal about love to hint at your true feelings.

In medium sentences, you can find the right engraving text for your loved one

Medium phrases for engraving:

  • A halo for my angel - The radiance of my Angel
  • a million charming words... - A million gentle words
  • A Million Thanks
  • All for You - All for You
  • All my love - All my love
  • Always Faithful - Forever faithful
  • Amor apasionado (Spanish) - Burning love
  • Anything for Love - Everything for love
  • Autre Ne Vueil (French XV century) - No one but you
  • Best Dad Ever - Best Dad Ever
  • Best Friends - Best Friends
  • Best Friends for Life - Best friends for life
  • Best Mom Ever! - The best mom ever!
  • Big Brave Thing - Be brave
  • By the Grace of God - By the blessing of the Lord
  • Con tutto l "amore (Italian) - With all the love
  • Crazy for you - Crazy for you
  • Dreams do Come True - Dreams come true
  • For All Time - For all times
  • For you - with love... - For you - with love...
  • Forever isn't long enough... - And a whole eternity is not enough...
  • Forever my love - Forever my love
  • God bless this marriage - The Lord blesses this marriage
  • God Joined Us - God joined us
  • Happiness is a choice - Happiness is a choice.
  • Happy Birthday!... - Happy Birthday!...
  • Home is where we are... - Home is where we are...
  • honestly and for true - honestly and fairly
  • I can never say enough - I can never say enough
  • I choose you - I chose you
  • I finally found you - I finally found you
  • I Love You Mom(Dad) - I love you Mom(Dad)
  • I LOVE YOU MORE! - I love you more!
  • I love you, baby ... - I love you, baby ...
  • I "ll Always Need You - I will always need you
  • I "ll Never Forget - I will never forget
  • In our anniversary... - On our anniversary ...
  • In our day... - In our day ...
  • In your birthday... - On your birthday ...
  • In Your Debt - You are indebted
  • It Will Only Get Better - It will only get better
  • It "s just the sex !!! - It's only sex !!!
  • Joined under God - United by the Lord
  • Just For You ... - Just for you ...
  • Keeper of my Heart - Keeper of my heart
  • Let Us Love Always - Our love will last forever
  • Let's Grow Old Together - Let's grow old together
  • Let's Love and Cherish! - Let's love and cherish!
  • Let "s Travel the World - Let's travel the world
  • Lost without You - Lost without you!
  • Love Conquers All - Love Conquers All
  • Love Endures All Things - Love endures everything
  • Love for Infinity - Love to infinity
  • Love is Eternal - Love for the ages
  • Love, Honor, Cherish - Love, honor, care
  • Mine, mine, all mine!!! - Mine, mine, all mine!!
  • Mon Coeur Est a Vous (French, XV century) - You are the ruler (ruler) of my heart
  • More than Friends - More than friends
  • More Than Love - More than love
  • My dream came true... - My dream came true...
  • My fated soulmate - My true soul mate
  • My first, My Only - My first, my only
  • My gentle lover - My gentle lover
  • My Glorious Wife - My amazing wife
  • My Gratitude - My Gratitude
  • My Knight in Shining Armor - My knight in shining armor
  • My Little buttercup... - My little buttercup...
  • My One and Only - My only one
  • My One Desire - My only passion
  • Never to Part - We are one
  • No One But You - No one but you
  • Nothing without You - Nothing without you
  • Now and forever - Now and forever
  • Now You "re Mine - Now you are mine
  • Only for... - Only for...
  • Our Love is Destiny - Our love is destiny
  • Our Own Little World - Our own little world
  • Remember me... - Remember me...
  • Remembering Summer... - Remembering Summer...
  • Singing in the Rain
  • Take my heart - Take my heart
  • Thanks for Everything - Thank you for everything!
  • The best friend... - The best friend...
  • Thinking of you... - Thinking of you...
  • True Friends are Rare - True friends are rare
  • Trust Love - Trust love
  • Two Souls, One Heart - Two souls, one heart
  • Une Dezir (French, 15th century) - My only desire
  • Une Dezir (French, 15th century) - My only passion
  • Until the End of Time - Until the end of time
  • Waiting for You... - Waiting for You...
  • We "ll Rule the World - We will rule the world
  • We "re Better Together - We are better together
  • With love... - With love...
  • With Love for You… - With love for you...
  • Words are not Enough
  • You & I Forever - You and I forever
  • You Are Always Right - You are always right
  • You are my sunshine - You are my sunshine
  • You are so beautiful!! - You're so beautiful!!
  • You Changed Me Forever - You changed me forever
  • You have my heart - You own my heart
  • You Stole My Heart - You stole my heart
  • You "re in my heart - You are in my heart
  • You "re my Firefly - You are my Firefly
  • You "re my One and Only - You are my one and only
  • You "re my World - You are my World
  • Yours Always - Always yours

Five or more words to engrave. You can use them for jewelry or souvenirs and gifts, such as watches, card holders, plaques, etc..

Engraving text examples in large phrases are perfect in any language*

Long phrases to engrave:

  • A lifetime is all that I need - Life with you is all I need
  • a million charming words... - A million gentle words...
  • A Singular Soul…Two Bodies
  • A solis ortu usque ad occasum - From sunrise to sunset
  • A Vila Mon Coeur Gardi Li Mo (French) - Here is my heart, keep it!
  • Accompany me to the edge of the sea... - Together with me to the edge of the sea...
  • All my love always and forever - All my love always and forever
  • All You Need is Love - All you need is love
  • Always-for your eyes only - Always-only for your eyes
  • And love was you - And love was you
  • Ani L "dodi V" dodi Li (Old Hebrew) - I love and I love
  • As long as there are stars - As long as there are stars
  • As the firelight in the night… - Like lightning in the night…
  • Baby, i "m amazed by you! - Baby, I'm crazy about you!
  • Can I kiss you forever? - Can I kiss you forever?
  • Dear Universe, thank you for you my guy... - Dear Universe, thank you for my boyfriend...
  • don "t forget ... i love you. - Don't forget ... I love you.
  • En Bien Aimer (fran.XV century) - Surrounded by love
  • Eternity is in our lips and eyes - In our lips and eyes, infinity
  • Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours - All yours, all mine, all ours
  • Every moment with you is a blessing! - Blessings with you every minute!
  • Eyes Like the Sea After a Storm - Eyes like the sea after a storm
  • Forever And Always Your First Lady - Forever and always your First Lady
  • God watch between us when we are absent from one another -God is watching over us when we cannot take care of each other
  • Here is My Heart, Guard it Well! - Here is my heart, keep it!
  • I Am Beloved "s and My Beloved is Mine - I love and love
  • I Can "t Believe You Said Yes - I can't believe you said yes"
  • I found love, & love was You - I found Love and it was You
  • I knew from the moment I met you... - I knew it from the moment I met you...
  • I love you. . . more than ice cream! - I love you..more than ice cream
  • I made a wish and you came true - I sought and you became mine
  • I want to be with you everywhere - I want to be with you everywhere
  • I was born for you - I was born for you
  • I will always love you - I will always love you
  • If found, keep man and return ring - If you find it, leave the man to yourself and return the ring
  • Il Mio Cuore e il Tuo Per Semper (Italian) - My heart is forever yours
  • Just let me be with you...forever. - Just let me be with you...forever.
  • Love encouraging, like sunshine after the rain - Love is encouraging, like the sun after the rain
  • Love is friendship set on fire
  • More than all of the stars - More than all the stars
  • More than the whole world - More than the whole world
  • My Heart is Yours Forever - My heart is yours forever
  • My life began with you - My life began only with you
  • My love, my life, my friend - My love, my life, my friend
  • My love, my wife My one and only - My love, my wife My only
  • Right now I love you more than ever - Now I love you more than ever
  • Two Friends Become One - Two friends become one
  • We are for each other - We are for each other
  • We are written in the stars - Our names are imprinted in the stars
  • When God made you He was thinking of me - When the Lord created you, he thought of me
  • When this you see, remember me - When you look at this, remember me
  • Whom God has joined together let no man put asunder - Whom the Lord has joined together, man cannot separate!
  • You are simply my best time - You are my best time
  • You are the Sun, the Moon, the Stars - You are the Sun, the Moon and the stars
  • You really are my angel - You really are my angel
  • You remember how it all began... - Do you remember how it all began...
  • You Shook me All Night Long
  • You "ll always be my favorite - You will always be my lover
  • You "re the answer to my prayers - You are the answer to my prayers

Who smokes? A lighter is a versatile and useful gift that will be used regularly. You can also additionally decorate the accessory with a cute pattern or write a sincere wish on it. Engraving a lighter on your loved one is the best way to show your feelings and a great way to please them with a truly unique gift.

Text or drawing to engrave

Agree, it is very pleasant to use exclusive things. The idea of ​​making lighters unique was first thought of by George Blaisdell, the founder of Zippo. Already in 1935, every customer had the opportunity to put their own initials or full name on a smoking accessory. Today, engraving on a lighter intended for a loved one allows you to turn a banal item into an original gift. Such a gift will be remembered for a long time. The most important question: which lighter to choose and what exactly to write on it? A popular option with the initials of lovers or the name of the owner. You can write a short love quote, a wise aphorism, or a meaningful date. Experiment with font and language choices. Engraving on a lighter for a loved one can be done in English or Latin. Modern technologies allow even artistic drawings to be applied to metal. The most important thing is that the area of ​​​​the product body is enough to fulfill the customer's plan. Do not rush to choose one of the standard drawings that the master will offer you. After all, the meaning of any item with engraving lies in its originality and uniqueness. Try to come up with something special. It is appropriate to give your beloved a lighter with the inscription: "Let our love burn forever!". And if a man is all right with fantasy, then you can choose a comic option: “I’m all on fire!” or "I love it when you rock."

Engraving on a lighter for a loved one: text and drawing. Where to order?

In any major city, you can easily find a salon offering engraving on metal and other materials. Very often this service is offered by jewelry stores and watch shops. Since engraving on a lighter for a loved one is a demanded offer, in many salons you can buy smoking accessories and immediately order inscriptions and drawings on them. Engraving is done with the help of special tools and equipment in a matter of minutes. After that, the finished product can be immediately picked up and used. Engraving does not violate the integrity of the body of the lighter and does not affect its functionality. This is a completely safe way to decorate a product.

engraving cost

How much does it cost to engrave an inscription or drawing on a lighter? Usually the cost of work is discussed with the customer individually, depending on the complexity and size of the drawing. On average, decorating one lighter will cost 400-1500 rubles. The cost of engraving services also depends on the qualifications and relevance of a particular master. If such a cost seems too high for you, just imagine how much joy engraving on a lighter will bring to your loved one! The price of this service fully justifies the emotions that your chosen one will receive when receiving such a gift.