Presentation of ecology in the physical education of children. Presentation of the use of health-saving technologies in physical education and health improvement of preschool children. Direction of work on project implementation

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Ecological education of preschool children

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He who does not love nature does not love man either, that is a bad citizen. Fedor Dostoevsky

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Relevance of the topic: “Everything good in people comes from childhood! How to awaken the origins of goodness? Touch nature with all your heart Surprise, learn, love! I want the earth to flourish, And babies grow like flowers, So that ecology becomes for them, Not a science, but a part of the soul! » The relevance of introducing environmental education at this particular age (from 3 to 6 years old) lies in the fact that during this period of life, children are very inquisitive, kind and sympathetic. Since they have not yet formed a model of behavior and attitude towards nature, and knowing the goals and objectives of environmental education, it is possible to develop in them the correct attitude towards all nature.

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The purpose of the project: To form in children environmental knowledge, respect for nature and everything around. Project objectives:  To form in children a careful, responsible, emotionally benevolent attitude towards the natural world, towards living beings, in the process of communicating with them.  To form the skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity.  To develop children's imagination, speech, fantasy, thinking, the ability to analyze, compare and generalize.  To protect and strengthen the health of children.

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Preschoolers are the initial link in the system of continuous education, which means that the content of their education should be related to the content of environmental education. Elementary environmental knowledge acquired by children at a young age will help them to further master environmental subjects;

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Knowledge is not an end in itself, it only helps to form in children a certain attitude towards nature, environmentally competent and safe behavior, and an active life position; Preschool children have a very developed cognitive interest, in particular in nature. It is at this age that they perceive the world as a whole, which contributes to the formation of an ecological outlook. It is very important to maintain this cognitive interest;

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The content must be scientific. Despite their age, children should receive in an accessible form scientific ideas about the world around them, in particular, about nature. The formation of a scientific worldview is especially important in our time, when a mythologized consciousness is widespread in society, a non-scientific approach to explaining natural phenomena; The content should contribute to the formation in children of a holistic perception of the world around, on the one hand, and the interrelationships of the parts of this whole, on the other;

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Environmental education is a part of general education, it has an interdisciplinary character, promotes the development of thinking, speech, erudition, the emotional sphere, moral education, that is, the formation of the personality as a whole; Norms of environmentally competent safe behavior: children should learn to understand and form independently on the basis of a complex of elementary environmental knowledge and awareness of cause-and-effect relationships in nature;

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Description of the slide:

Model "Ecological education of preschoolers" Familiarization of children with nature Organization and holding of exhibitions, reviews, competitions Labor activity in nature Creation of conditions for work on environmental education, equipment of nature corners in groups, equipment with items for caring for plants Observation of living objects and seasonal natural phenomena -targeted walks -excursions -work with nature calendars, sketches Creating a fund of methodological and visual-illustrative material, an exhibition of books on natural history, designing material on environmental education for parents Communication with the educational process, environmental leisure, musical holidays, quizzes on environmental topics , construction from natural material Ecological education of preschoolers

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Layout "Joint activities of the educator and children" Diagnostics of the ecological education of children Role-playing and d / games Targeted walks in nature Observation in the corner of nature Working with models Visual activities on environmental topics Watching films about nature Experimental, experimental, search activities Creating self-made books Reading children's fiction Environmental leisure and holidays Examination of didactic pictures, illustrations about nature Work in the mini-center of nature and on the site Conversations with children on environmental topics Work with the calendar of nature Collecting collections of seeds, stones, shells Joint activities of the educator and children

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Model "Ecological education of parents" Cognitive block Environment and health of the child The state of the environment in their own microdistrict, city Ways to solve these problems Development of the child through acquaintance with the outside world Methods for familiarizing the child with the outside world Activity block Participation in environmental campaigns together with children holidays, excursions, hikes Growing plants Reading literature together with children Normative block Knowledge of the rules of behavior during outdoor recreation, environmental safety rules and norms of behavior in experimental situations Choosing environmentally safe areas for walking with children, playing sports, gardens, summer cottages Valuable block Nature as a universal value for man The importance of nature in human life Child health and nature Man is part of nature Formation of reasonable needs

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RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION I, as a teacher: I try to take a responsible approach to the organization of the natural environment in the group, introduce new technologies into practice, know the methodology of environmental education, conduct experimental work with children, develop integrated classes, and engage in environmental education for parents. Preschoolers: rejoice at meeting nature on their own initiative observe living objects see the diversity of the natural world recognize the value of life have ideas about the rules of behavior in nature the beginning of ecological culture is formed Parents: participate in joint actions and introduce children to the natural world

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Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational

institution kindergarten No. 4 "Sunbeam"

Chernyakhovsk, Kaliningrad region

Experimental activities as a means of environmental education of preschoolers

Prepared by the teacher

Galkina Olga Alexandrovna

The ecological upbringing of a preschooler is expressed in a humane-valuable attitude towards nature, the main manifestations of which are:

  • goodwill towards living beings;
  • emotional responsiveness to their condition;
  • interest in natural objects;
  • the desire to carry out positive interaction with them, taking into account their characteristics as living beings;
  • the desire and ability to take care of the living, to create the conditions necessary for life.

The tasks of environmental education in groups of senior preschool age

  • Development in preschool children of ecological ideas, knowledge about the value of nature and the rules of behavior in it;
  • Formation of skills of various activities in nature and the formation of environmentally oriented interaction with its objects;
  • Formation of skills of various activities in nature and the formation of environmentally oriented interaction with its objects,
  • Children's accumulation of emotionally positive experience of communication with nature.

Research activity is the path to knowledge through one's own creative, research search.

Components of research activity:

  • problem identification,
  • development and formulation of a hypothesis,
  • observations, experiences, experiments,
  • judgments and conclusions made on the basis of experiments, experiments.

Research tasks are specific for each age.

1. Expand children's ideas about the physical properties of the world around them: - introduce various properties of substances (hardness, softness, flowability, viscosity, buoyancy, solubility).

To acquaint with the main types and characteristics of movement (speed, direction).

2. Develop ideas about the basic physical phenomena (reflection, refraction of light, magnetic attraction).

3. To develop children's ideas about some environmental factors (light, air temperature and its variability; water goes into various states: liquid, solid, gaseous, their difference from each other; air is its pressure and strength)

4. Expand children's ideas about the importance of water and air in human life.

5. Expand ideas about the use of natural environment factors (sun, earth, air, water, plants, animals) by humans to meet their needs.

6. To introduce children to the properties of the soil and its constituent sand and clay.

7. Develop an emotionally-valuable attitude towards the world around.

Stages of organizing and conducting experiments

1. Statement of the problem (task).

2. Search for ways to solve the problem.

3. Conducting experiments.

4. Fixation of observations.

5. Discussion of the results and formulation of conclusions.

Stages of work



Stage 1

"Training in research activities"

1. The development of the preschooler's skills to see problems, put forward hypotheses, ask questions, define concepts, classify, observe, experiment, make judgments, draw conclusions and conclusions.

2. The use of exercises and didactic games aimed at developing research skills in other classes, in various activities.

Stage 2 - "Children's research practice"

It includes educational activities for the development of knowledge by children and the development of their research search skills.

1. Organization of independent research practice for preschoolers

Stage 3 - "Presentation of research papers"

Involves holding independent.

1. Acquaintance with the results of your work



K.V. Barchan

Preschool teacher

Gusakovskaya secondary school.

North Kazakhstan region, Aiyrtau district, with. Gusakovka.

"A healthy body is the product of a healthy mind."

Bernard Show

Health is the presence in a healthy person of a state of complete

physical, mental and social well-being,

not just the absence of disease or

physical defects.

World Health Organization.

This definition assumes that a healthy person has such a strong faith in health that he is not afraid of any adverse situations in which each of us can always find himself.

The health complex consists of the following points:

    adherence to a rational sustainable daily routine.

    sufficient daily activity;

    development of psycho-emotional stability;

    hardening procedures.

The health preservation and promotion program includes a number of mandatory conditions, the fulfillment of which will provide the background of health on which the successful implementation of both physical and mental activity is possible, as well as endurance, strength, dexterity, and beauty.


    Improving the work on health promotion, development of movements and physical development of children is always relevant.

    It has been established that only 7-8% of health depends on health care and more than half - on a person's lifestyle.

    Caring for a healthy lifestyle is the basis of physical and moral health, and health promotion can be ensured only through a comprehensive solution of pedagogical, medical and social issues.

This led to the need to organize physical education in the preschool educational institution in such a way that it:

    helped him use the reserves of his body to maintain, strengthen health and increase its level;

    introduced children and parents to physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.


How in the conditions of the modern world to teach children not to succumb to the temptation of a sedentary lifestyle and accustom them to a healthy style of behavior.

Objective of the project:

    Organize physical education in the preschool educational institution in such a way that it provides each child with a harmonious development, helps him use his body's reserves to maintain, improve health and improve his level.

    Introducing preschoolers to physical culture and a healthy lifestyle.


Improvement of body functions, means of movement, respiratory gymnastics, massage, hardening.

Identification of the interests, inclinations and abilities of children in motor activity and their implementation through the system of physical culture and health work.

Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle; developing habits of adherence to the regimen, the need for physical exercises and games.

Expected Result:

Reducing the incidence rate.

Increasing the level of physical fitness.

The formation of a conscious need for a healthy lifestyle.

A beneficial effect on the development of speech, broadening the horizons, physical and moral qualities, maintaining and strengthening health.

Project idea:

Using effective health practices:

    outdoor games;

    breathing exercises;

  • hardening;

    correctional gymnastics in a game form in the system of educational and recreational work.

Participants of the pedagogical project:

1. Children of the preschool class.

2. Educator of the pre-school class.

Implementation period:

Stages of project implementation:





Scientific basis of the project:

The project used ideas about raising a healthy child, as well as information from literary sources:

Zmanovsky Yu.F. "Healthy schoolboy".

Alyamovsky N.N. "Health".

Kazakovtseva T. "Health since childhood".

Kudryavtseva V.T. Egorova B.B. "Developing pedagogy of health improvement."

The concept of the project is based on the interpersonal scientific and practical direction of B.B. Egorov, V.T. Kudryavtsev - developing pedagogy of health improvement.

The main features of this direction:

Ideas about a healthy child as an ideal standard and a practically achievable norm of child development.

Improvement is interpreted not as a set of therapeutic and preventive measures, but as a form of development, expansion of the psychophysiological capabilities of children.

The key principle of health-improving work with children is an individually differentiated approach.

Essence of the project:

The successful solution of the tasks set and the fulfillment of the requirements of the State Standard is possible only under the condition of the integrated use of all means of physical education.

Work on raising a healthy child is carried out through a system of physical culture and health work, which includes eight interrelated sections

Practical significance:

    Valeological knowledge, massage teach children to be conscious of their health.

    Morning exercises, running, physical education, breathing exercises - for daily physical education.

    Folk outdoor games contribute to the development of speech. Physical qualities, the formation of patriotic feelings

The percentage of morbidity in children during the year.

Diagnosis of the level of physical fitness of children.

Dynamics of the level of physical fitness of children.

results and products.

    Long-term planning for physical education using the indicated health-improving methods.

    The system of breathing exercises in the form of a game.

    Game complexes of exercises for the prevention of posture disorders.

Certainty of the prospects for continuing work on the project, the validity of the conditions for this:

Improving the quality of education by improving the methods of conducting classes;

Development of a more advanced system for diagnosing health improvement, physical and mental development, and physical fitness of preschool children.

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The theme of the project is "Game as a method of environmental education" Author of the project: Chernysheva Elena Viktorovna, educator of the MADOU kindergarten of a general developmental type "Ivushka"; S. Tatanovo, Tambov district, Tambov region.

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Relevance: The game is the leading activity of preschool children, a means of self-expression of the child. Promotes the development of cognitive interests. Exacerbation of the environmental problem in the country, the need for the formation of environmental consciousness in children.

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Purpose: to prove: the game method is the most effective in the environmental education of a preschooler

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Contradictions: Between the fact that the main activity of preschoolers is the game and the insufficiency of using them in the environmental education of children Between the knowledge of children and their application.

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The main question of the project: How to achieve strong knowledge and stable rules of behavior in nature with the help of the game. Project participants: Children of the senior group, parents of pupils, educators.

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Hypothesis of pedagogical research: Using the game as the main method of environmental education of preschoolers, I will help them to more successfully acquire knowledge, accumulate in them an emotionally positive experience of communicating with nature, and develop a careful attitude towards it. Object of study: the process of formation of environmental knowledge, skills and abilities in preschool children. Subject of research: the use of the game as the main method of formation of environmental learning skills of preschoolers.

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Scientific and methodological substantiation of the relevance of the topic: The first aspect Preschool childhood is the initial stage in the formation of a person's personality, his value orientation in the world around him. During this period, a positive attitude to nature, to the "man-made world", to oneself and to the people around is laid. It is very important to form in a child a sparing, protective and responsible attitude towards objects of animate and inanimate nature already in early childhood.

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The second aspect A particularly relevant and effective method in the environmental education of children for the period of preschool childhood is the game, since the game is the leading activity in the life of preschool children. The game is primarily an emotional activity: a playing child is in a good mood, active and friendly. Everything that children like, everything that impresses them, is transformed into the practice of a story or some other game. Therefore, if preschoolers organized a game on a natural history plot (zoo, farm, circus, etc.), this means that the resulting performances turned out to be vivid, remembered, and evoked an emotional response. “Ecological knowledge, which causes an emotional reaction in children, will enter into their independent game, become its content, better than knowledge, the impact of which affects only the intellectual sphere.” S. N. Nikolaeva

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Stages of the project: preparatory stage: (1 month) Bringing to the attention of the project participants the importance of this problem. To interest each teacher in the topic of the project. Selection of methodological literature, illustrative material, manuals, toys, attributes on this topic. Drawing up a list of necessary equipment (camera, computer, multimedia projector) Development of diagnostic tools to determine the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of children in ecology. Carrying out initial diagnostics. Drawing up a long-term plan.

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The main stage (7 months) Creation of a developing ecological environment Work with children Work with parents

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Subject-developing ecological environment (corner of nature) Mini-garden Collection of seeds Ecological games Mini-laboratory Analogue toys, dummies

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GAME Games With the rules of IOS with literary characters Role-playing game of IOS with toys analogous to IOS of the type of travel Work with children

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Participation in morning performances Visual information Parent meetings Individual conversations, consultations Involvement in the design of the subject environment Work with parents

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Final stage (1 month) Multimedia presentation on the results of the project implementation at the pedagogical council Organization of a joint exhibition with parents "Nature and Fantasy" Organization of an exhibition of didactic games in a methodological room with natural history content Control section. Summarizing

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Results of the study: When children get acquainted with nature through play activities, ideas about the diversity of the plant world are formed; the variety and wide range of natural history games help children acquire the skills of caring and caring for the inhabitants of nature, the skills of caring for them; children have formed an arbitrary regulation of behavior through the development of the ability to follow the rules of the game; children became friendly, learned to work together.

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Evaluation of the result To diagnose the level of ZUN, the method of individual conversation (according to S.N. Nikolaeva) was used, which includes 3 parts: The first is the child's idea of ​​the essential signs of living and integrity as the most important condition for the life of the organism. The second is the study of the idea of ​​the properties of an integral living organism: its need for environmental conditions, state. The third is about the adaptation of living beings to different habitats. As a result, the following criteria were identified: ideas about seasonal changes, ideas about domestic and wild animals, knowledge of trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, the ability to name the surrounding objects, their properties and purpose, respect for nature, skills in caring for plants and animals, knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature, knowledge of ecological games.

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MDOU No. 81 "Child Development Center - Kindergarten" Konyok - Humpbacked Horse "

The world surrounding the child is, first of all, the world of nature with an infinite wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind. V. Sukhomlinsky

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preschool childhood

  • slide 4

    Games, experiments, observations, experiments, drawing.

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    The program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by M. A. Vasilyeva

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    Project on the formation of ecological culture in the conditions of the Far North


    Slide 7

    Sensory perception

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    Labor assignments

  • Slide 9

    The project presents such types of directions in the environmental activities of the child, such as:

    cognitive (formation of ideas about the natural world), perceptual-emotional (formation of a positive attitude towards nature) practical (formation of a tendency to manifest positive interaction).

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    Objective of the project:

    Formation in preschool children of a consciously correct attitude to phenomena, objects of animate and inanimate nature that make up their immediate environment

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    Project objectives:

    formation of a system of elementary scientific environmental knowledge, accessible to the understanding of a preschool child in the conditions of the Far North; development of cognitive interest in the natural world, a sense of empathy for natural objects; the formation of the initial skills of environmentally competent and safe behavior for nature and for the child himself; the formation of the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it (care for living objects), as well as the skills of elementary environmental activities in the immediate environment.

    slide 12

    Basic principles for the implementation of the project on environmental education

    The principle of scientific approach The principle of accessibility The principle of humanism The principle of activity The principle of integration The principle of consistency The principle of regionalism

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    Stages of project implementation:

    I. Organizational (August-September 2006) II. Implementation (October 2006 - May 2008) III. Productive (June - August 2008)

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    Project participants

    Children of MDOU No. 81 "Child Development Center - Kindergarten" Little Humpbacked Horse ", educators, parents, employees of the museum, library, art gallery, scientists of the Bolshoy Arkticheskoy State Nature Reserve.

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    Direction of work on project implementation

    project Publication of information and methodological material Communication with society Interaction with parents Developing environment groups, preschool educational institutions Circle work A cycle of cognitive activities with children

    Slide 17

    Visual activity Experiments Ecological culture Reading Observations Physical activity Playing activity Musical activity Labor activity Designing Theatrical activity Education of ecological culture through different activities of the child

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    Children's creativity

  • Slide 19

    universe water air sun sand clay stones seasons inhabitants of a corner of nature migratory and wintering birds plants wild and domestic animals forest indoor plants tropical forest pond, lake, river sea meadow how a person uses nature how a person protects nature steppe taiga Man and nature the land in which I live

    Slide 20

    "The Land I Live in"

  • slide 21

    Ecological circle "Young naturalist"

    Purpose: Formation of environmental knowledge through experimental children's activities Tasks: formation of skills in experimental activities; development in children of cognitive interest in research activities; development of logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions based on a comparison of facts, results, observations.

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    Experimental activities

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    Ecological education of parents

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    From the results of the preliminary survey, parent surveys, it follows that the most significant information is:

    data on the environmental situation in their city, kindergarten microdistrict, residential area; rules of conduct in extreme conditions (adverse environmental situations, disasters); requirements for the ecology of the dwelling; the role of indoor, medicinal, food plants; selection of environmentally friendly places for walking with children, outdoor recreation; keeping pets in the house and their importance for the upbringing of the child; development of the child as a person in the process of environmental education; information received from the child about activities in kindergarten.