Proper lip care. Lip skin care Recipe for a softening and nourishing lip mask from cottage cheese

Beautiful female lips attract the attention of all men. And in those cases when they are "not hidden" under a thick layer of lipstick, but look natural. If nature has not endowed you with plump and bright lips, then you need to make every effort to make them so. That is why it is necessary to carry out timely lip care at home. They require the same attention as hair care or dental care, that is, you need to monitor the whole body.

First of all, do not forget that your lips require daily care. Before starting the procedure, you must wash off the lipstick or gloss from your lips. To make the lips always look attractive, soft and tender, you can do a special massage, exercises, apply moisturizing masks using cosmetic or folk remedies. Particular attention should also be paid to chapped or chapped lips.

Massage and exercises for the beauty of the lips

Massage should be done in order to improve blood circulation, because, in this case, your lips will acquire a rich color. A similar action can be performed with the help of fingertips. Perform tapping movements for 2-3 minutes. Massage actions with a toothbrush will work well, just do not overdo it.

You can also use special massagers to massage the lips. After the procedure, moisturize the lips with a hygienic cream or sunflower oil. Remove the last two ingredients with a cotton pad after a while.

You can try to use it, it's like a massager that allows you to enlarge your mouth. But this is temporary, so for a long-term effect, it is better to carry the device with you.

To give lips elasticity, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Pull out your lips and blow as if you want to blow out a candle. Then relax them. You need to repeat the exercise five times.
  • It is necessary to take a deep breath and inflate full cheeks. Exhale slowly at first, then quickly. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
  • Pull your lips forward, and then move them up and down. You need to repeat the exercise 6 times.
  • Make motional movements of the jaw together with the lips to the left and right. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Lip care with cosmetics

The use of cosmetic products has a positive effect on the general condition of your lips: they are able to nourish and moisturize them. To achieve this effect, you can use cosmetics to care for the area around the eyes, because the skin around the eyes is also very thin. This cream can not only remove bags under the eyes and other visible defects, but also help lips. So that the lips do not dry out and do not crack, it is necessary to use oil solutions of vitamins A and E, which can be purchased at pharmacies. Half an hour before going outside, you should apply the solution, and then wipe your lips with a napkin.

You can use various scrubs, balms, serums, creams containing effective caring ingredients. For example, such as shea butter, which protects the lips from dehydration. As well as sea buckthorn oil, which has a healing effect. Collagen, which is contained in cosmetics, prevents early aging of the skin of your lips. The peptides included in many products make the skin of the lips more elastic and elastic, and hyaluronic acid is able to retain moisture.

It is recommended to apply cosmetics in the evening. For example, the cream can be left on the lips for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. As a rule, the method of using a particular cosmetic product is indicated in the annotation, so read it carefully before use.

Lip care is unimaginable without the use of hygienic lipstick. It contains natural caring ingredients that are also able to moisturize and nourish the skin of the lips at any time of the year: whether it is a hot summer or a cold winter. Do not forget that such decorative cosmetics as lipstick or gloss can also carry out direct care. They should contain vitamins and other caring components. Thanks to this, your lips will be moisturized throughout the day. The choice of decorative cosmetics should be approached with all responsibility, because a low-quality product can cause irreparable harm to the lips. You need to choose lipstick, the expiration date of which is at least 3 months.

5 effective lip masks using folk remedies

What to do if the lips are chapped

The most common cause of chapped lips is wind. But besides this, there are other reasons: decorative cosmetics, lack of vitamins, lip licking or inappropriate toothpaste. The process of chapping the lips involves the loss of a large amount of moisture, so they become dry, unpleasant to the touch, and also pale.

If you feel that your lips are chapped, then first you need to find out the reason for the appearance of this process. But in any case, you must immediately use various masks, creams and balms containing nourishing moisturizing ingredients. In this case, the former beauty of your lips will return soon.

What to do if lips are chapped

Lip care is a rather painstaking process, especially if they are chapped. The causes of cracks can be different: lack of vitamins, an allergic reaction to cosmetics, excessive consumption of sugar or alcohol, as well as the habit of licking and biting lips.
Such “damaged” lips require especially careful care. So that there is no trace of cracks, it is necessary to use nourishing masks, creams, balms, as well as ointments containing antibiotics that also help. Also try to drink as much as possible and consume the right amount of vitamins.

Do not forget that careful and timely care of your lips will soon bear fruit. Now they will always be soft, tender, moisturized and saturated. Such luxurious sponges are the key to success in all situations.

Be sure to read:

From the article you will learn why lips lose their attractiveness and what folk remedies they can be put in order.

A large number of women dream that their lips always remain sensual and attractive. But unfortunately, with improper care, the skin of the lips becomes dry and less elastic. Preventive and therapeutic procedures can help to avoid such problems.

Many girls do not think about how the skin feels, which is under the influence of decorative cosmetics almost all day. Therefore, they believe that in the evening you can apply hygienic lipstick to the skin, and you can safely go about your business. But it is precisely this attitude that leads to the fact that the lips lose their attractiveness.

Reasons for losing attractiveness

We all know that the dermatological integuments of the mouth are very thin and delicate, so they can be easily injured. Most often, we begin to do various cosmetic procedures only after the defects become very noticeable.

We apply masks, balms and special creams and lips become beautiful, sensual again. But it would be much better if we tried to prevent the appearance of skin defects.

Causes that affect the condition of the lips:

Bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol have a negative effect on the human body. Once inside, they interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs, and this immediately affects the state of health and appearance.
Constant stress. Some women, nervous, begin to bite their nails. By doing this, they imperceptibly injure the skin. Microcracks appear on the surface of the mouth, which can become inflamed over time
Constant licking of the lips. While outdoors, try to lick the skin as little as possible. This can cause peeling and cracks. It will be better if before going outside you lubricate the epidermis with hygienic lipstick
Environmental impact. Sharp temperature fluctuations, strong wind, rain and snow make the skin very dry. And this means that it can begin to peel off and crack. Nourishing creams or, for example, natural honey will help to avoid such problems.

Cosmetics for lip care

Today, women can quite easily buy their favorite lipstick or cream. In absolutely any shopping center you can find a huge selection of lip care products. Of course, first of all, women pay attention to the bright packaging, smell, price, and only in the end they think about the quality of the chosen product.

But still, if you approach the issue of choice with all responsibility, then you can buy a good product that will nourish, moisturize and protect your lips from the negative effects of cosmetics and the environment.

Cosmetics that will prolong the youth of your lips:

Oil vitamin solutions. Combats dry skin and prevents the appearance of cracks. They should be applied to the skin 30 minutes before going outside. So that the skin is not greasy, the remnants can be blotted with a paper towel
vegetable oil. Very well protect against dehydration shea butter and sea buckthorn. Lips can be lubricated with a clean product or you can buy ready-made cosmetics made on their basis.
Cosmetics with collagen and peptides. Collagen will help slow down the aging process, and peptides will make the epidermis supple and velvety.
Decorative cosmetics. In addition to the fact that it gives a beautiful visual effect, balms, glosses and lipsticks also have a protective function. But such properties are possessed by products that contain vitamins and caring components.

Lip massage

Regular and proper massage helps to take care of the lips quite well. Thanks to this effect, blood flow to the skin increases, and it becomes brighter and fresher.

But in order for such a procedure to have a positive effect, it must be done carefully enough. If you exert a very strong mechanical impact, you will not only not improve the appearance of the mouth, but also inflict new injuries on it.

Types of massage:

We use scrub. You can buy a ready-made product or prepare it at home, for example, from fine sugar honey and essential oil. The mixture is applied to the lips and rubbed into the skin with light circular movements.
We use a toothbrush. A brush with soft bristles is ideal for this massage. Before the procedure, it must be lubricated with honey or high-quality butter
We use ice cubes. You can freeze pure water or herbal decoction. The cube should be wrapped in a thin and soft cloth and driven over the skin for at least two minutes. This procedure helps to slightly increase the volume of the lips.

Lip Augmentation Exercises

Many women believe that the only way to enlarge lips is with the help of beauty injections. Of course, such a procedure will help make the mouth beautiful and sensual, but in order to carry it out, you need to spend a little.

Another disadvantage of this method is the pain that not all women are willing to endure. In this case, the girls have no choice but to do special exercises.

Exercises that will help increase the volume of the lips:

"Smile". Sit comfortably and clench your lips and teeth, and then smile and stay in this position for 5 seconds, and then relax. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times
"Show me your tongue". Open your mouth and stick out your tongue as much as possible. Fix the tongue in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat this action 12-16 times
"Dandelion". Inflate your cheeks as much as possible, and then begin to slowly release the air. Make sure that the mouth is completely relaxed during the blowing process. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times

Daily lip care

Although all kinds of masks, scrubs, balms and lotions are quite effective in eliminating skin problems, it would be better if you do everything so that they do not appear at all. After all, if you pay attention to your lips every day, then it is likely that they will always be in great shape.

Care rules:
Be sure to remove make-up at night
Get a massage
Apply protective balms
Make softening and nourishing masks

Treatment of lips with folk remedies

Cracks are the biggest enemy of our mouth. Most often, they appear if a woman has not taken action as soon as she notices that the skin of her lips has become dry and rough. If this defect is not eliminated very quickly, then inflammatory processes can begin that affect the deeper layers of the skin.

Folk remedies:

Make masks from fatty cottage cheese and pumpkin juice
Lubricate the epidermis with vegetable oils
Make homemade buttercream with mullein flowers
Do cool salt baths

Lip masks

No matter how good purchased products are, masks prepared at home will always be more popular and more affordable. Indeed, in order to make a miracle cure, you will only need to open the refrigerator or pantry, and take all the necessary components from there.

To prepare masks, you can use vegetables, fruits, honey, vegetable oil, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter and lemon. The main thing is that all the ingredients are fresh and of high quality.

banana mask

RECIPE: Such a tool will nourish, moisturize and soften the dermatological integument of the mouth. To prepare it, you will need a ripe banana and butter. Banana is ground into a pulp, mixed with oil and applied to the skin of the lips. The mass should remain on the epidermis for 10-15 minutes. After it expires, you can remove it with a cotton pad or rinse with warm water.

honey mask

RECIPE: To prepare the mask, you need to take honey and pork fat in a ratio of 2: 1, mix everything thoroughly and transfer it to a clean container that is hermetically sealed. The resulting mixture can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 10-15 days. The mask is applied in a thin layer on clean lips. It is not necessary to remove it, you can wait until it is absorbed by itself.

Vitamin mask

RECIPE: To prepare such a mask, you will need the following ingredients: oil vitamins, honey and vegetable oil. All components are mixed and applied to the skin. Apply the mixture on the skin with light circular motions and leave it there for 15 minutes. After the time is up, wash off the residue with warm water. You can do this procedure 2-3 times a week.

What to do if the lips are chapped?

  • If it so happens that after a long interruption on the street your lips are chapped, then you will have no choice but to run to the pharmacy and buy an emollient
  • But unfortunately, ready-made cosmetics cannot always quickly eliminate the problem, because in addition to weather conditions, there are several other reasons that affect the condition of the dermatological integument, for example, not quite high-quality cosmetics. A homemade nourishing mask can help solve this problem.

Recipe: Buy the fattest kefir and apply it to the dry epidermis. When it is completely dry, repeat the procedure again. In order for the skin to be well moisturized throughout the day, it is necessary to apply the mask at least 10 times.

What to do if lips are chapped?

  • Cracks on the lips always cause a lot of inconvenience. They hurt, itch, and look ugly. Usually a person with such a problem cannot speak, eat, drink and make up normally.
  • If the cracks appeared due to poor care, then it will be possible to get rid of them quite easily. But if a woman has problems, for example, with the thyroid gland, then she will first have to consult an endocrinologist

Recipe: Take aloe juice and heat it up to 35 °C, add sugar and peach oil to it. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and leave it there for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, wash off everything with warm water and treat your lips with any nourishing balm.

Video: My winter lip care Recipes

An attractive image is made up of little things, and the beauty of the lips depends on how evenly the lipstick will lie. In addition, if left untreated, lip glosses and long-wearing lipsticks can dry out delicate skin, leading to infection if used frequently. Therefore, this part of the female face must be monitored as carefully as the rest. Do you remember to wash off your makeup before going to bed, use scrubs, periodically exfoliate and regularly apply eye cream? Despite such a reverent attitude to their appearance, many ladies do not pay due attention to their lips.

It is not at all necessary to resort to the help of specialists and leave huge sums in the salons. Lip care at home is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. You just need to follow a few simple rules: periodically massage your lips, moisturize them and use only high-quality (by no means expired!) Cosmetics.

To begin with, let's decide what adversely affects the beauty of women's lips, and what prolongs her life:

  • Each of us has bad habits: some smoke, others bite their nails, and still others bite their lips when stressful situations arise. If you are one of these people, start fighting this peculiarity of yours right now. The fact is that such biting leads to the formation of microscopic cracks in the skin, through which microbes easily penetrate the human body. As a result, inflammatory processes often develop.
  • If you feel dry lips, in no case do not lick them. Apply moisturizer or special lip balm. Otherwise, they will only crack more and begin to peel off.
  • One of the most beneficial procedures for the delicate skin of the lips is a massage, which should be done several times a week. Use a regular soft bristled toothbrush. This will not only improve blood circulation, but also help get rid of old, dead scales. After the massage, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream, and olive, sunflower or other vegetable oil is suitable from folk remedies.
  • Especially important is the care of the skin of the lips in the autumn-winter period. Cold wind and frosts lead to the fact that tender female lips crack and wind. Therefore, experts recommend lubricating them with natural honey, which perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and refreshes lips. Apply it on the skin and hold for at least five to seven minutes, then rinse.

Careful attitude to your appearance, proper and systematic care of the skin of the lips will help to keep their shape and freshness for many years.

Lip care at home: gymnastics, peeling, moisturizing

As mentioned above, in order to maintain the beauty and freshness of the lips, it is necessary to massage regularly. This procedure takes quite a bit of time, but believe me, it's worth it. Soon you will notice that the skin will become tender, it will be less flaky. Perform light patting movements with the pads of your fingers on the lips for one to two minutes. Then lubricate them with a fat nourishing cream, after a quarter of an hour, wash off the remnants with warm water. Massage can also be done with a toothbrush. Only pick up with soft bristles so as not to damage sensitive skin.

It's no secret that with age, the elasticity of the lips decreases, their shape is gradually lost. To slow down this process, cosmetologists recommend doing special exercises once or twice a week:

  • Pull out your lips, releasing air through them, and then relax - this movement is similar to blowing out a candle. Repeat it seven to ten times.
  • Take air into your mouth, inhaling deeply, and puff out your cheeks, then gradually push it out of you. Eight or nine approaches will be enough.
  • Another effective method for maintaining the elasticity of the lips is vigorous articulation. Say the vowels out loud, namely: "A", "S", "O", "I" and so on.
  • Move the lower jaw ten to twenty times, first to the left, then to the right.
  • Now your task is to stick out your tongue as far as possible and stay in this position for two to three seconds. Of course, there is little pleasant in this, and the exercise looks at least funny from the outside, but remember - you care about your beauty and its durability!
  • And finally, one more task: do not open your mouth too wide - the way fish do during breathing - then close and release your lips.

Gymnastics can be done at any convenient time: at home, during a work break, before going to bed. It will take only five to eight minutes to complete the exercises, but the result will surely please you. In addition to such simple exercises, one more rule must be observed: regularly exfoliate, nourish, and also moisturize the skin of the lips.

To get rid of keratinized scales, you can use a gentle and gentle peeling. The product is sold both in pharmacies and supermarkets. The main difference between scrubs designed specifically for lips is that their base is quite oily. Therefore, it is not necessary to wash off the cosmetics at all - just remove the excess with a napkin or cotton pad.

The lips, as well as the area around them, are similar in their properties (increased dryness, sensitivity and thinness) to the skin around the eyes. Therefore, they should also be looked after regularly and correctly. Be sure to buy a special lip cream, pay attention that it contains moisture-retaining components. It can be shea butter or, for example, aloe juice. And if for some reason you don’t have the opportunity to purchase such cosmetics, then use the same cream that you apply on the eyelids and under the eyes to moisturize the area around the lips.

Remember that lip care at home will help keep them beautiful and healthy. Lip massage with natural honey or olive oil is especially helpful for dry or chapped lips. You can buy a special cream for lip skin care or use a gel for the skin around the eyes - this will save you the purchase of two products with the same effect. By the way, the gel for the skin around the eyes is an ideal tool for the base for lip makeup, because it contains UV filters, in addition, with it the lipstick will lie more evenly and will not dry out the skin. And rubbing the skin of the lips with fruit juice from berries, you will notice in a few days that their color has freshened up.

As for lipstick or gloss, they should be selected not only based on the color scheme. If you see that cosmetics consist of components such as almond or cocoa butter, vitamins E and A, pay for the purchase without even thinking. After all, such decorative cosmetics will not only emphasize your beauty favorably, but will also give the effect of care throughout the day.

Today, many salons offer a service to improve the contour of the lips - tattooing. Most modern women are happy to go for this procedure and endure some discomfort, because “stuffing” a new lip line causes far from the most pleasant sensations. However, before you decide on a tattoo, remember that you will have to follow the skin of the lips even more carefully later.

Lip care after tattooing requires special attention. A few weeks after the procedure, it is not recommended to use lipstick, all this time it is necessary to wash only with boiled water to prevent infection. Until complete recovery, you can not visit saunas and pools, you need to exclude hot and alcoholic drinks, rough and spicy food from your diet. This is required so as not to damage the healing sites. Apply a protective cream several times during the day, and as a result, your lips will be the ones you have always dreamed of. A firming cream should also be used after two weeks - it will help the tattoo last as long as possible.

Do-it-yourself lip masks and peeling

Not only the skin of the face needs additional care, we must not forget about the lips. Despite the fact that the modern cosmetology industry offers a wide variety of care products for all parts of the body, folk remedies still do not lose their relevance. Often they are even more effective than purchased masks, scrubs, and more.

There are many different recipes, so if you have a free minute, devote it to caring for the beauty and tenderness of your lips:

  • This mask will help smooth the skin, give it shine and freshness: combine two tablespoons of sour cream with the same amount of fresh carrot juice. Apply the resulting mixture on the lips and hold for about seven minutes, then rinse with not too hot water.
  • Women who are prone to peeling, suffering from dry skin of the lips, are advised to take note of the following composition: mix freshly squeezed carrot and cucumber juices, as well as sour cream, honey and cottage cheese. After the procedure, apply a little olive oil to your lips.
  • A lip mask of grated apple and butter, taken in equal proportions, heals cracks and softens the skin of the lips. To prepare it, grate fresh fruit with a grater and combine it with a teaspoon of melted butter. Lubricate your lips with homemade cream, after half an hour remove the excess with a cotton pad or rinse with lukewarm water.
  • The most effective nourishing mask is a mixture of honey and lard. Stir five grams of a fragrant golden product with half a tablespoon of lard, which should be melted in advance in a steam bath. Regular use of homemade cosmetics will make your lips more tender, give them a bright color and elasticity.
  • A cream and cottage cheese lip mask will make your lips more elastic in ten minutes. Rinse it off with cool water, then apply a layer of hygienic lipstick.

Before moisturizing and nourishing procedures, it is necessary to get rid of the keratinized upper layer of the skin. An indispensable assistant in this matter is a scrub:

  • Lip peeling is quite simple to do at home. By taking a teaspoon of ground oatmeal and a little olive oil, you can make a moisturizing lip scrub at home. After applying the mixture, you need to massage your lips for several minutes, then rinse it off with water and apply a greasy cream.
  • Peeling from aspirin and cane sugar with the addition of glycerin and jojoba oil is no different from salon peeling using salicylic acid and alpha hydra acids. A scrub that helps protect the lips is prepared as follows: aspirin and cane sugar are taken in equal amounts (it will take about two teaspoons of the finished dry mixture), then a few drops of jojoba oil and glycerin are added to this mass. It should be noted that the better the sugar is crushed, the more tender the lip scrub will turn out. Sweet taste will make the procedure even more pleasant. The same mixture can also be used on the face. Home recipes are often more effective than salon treatments.

Lip care in winter should be more thorough: you need to protect them from frost and chapping, use moisturizing and protective lipsticks more often. It is also necessary to postpone lip glosses that dehydrate the skin until spring. And, of course, use lip balms for extra protection.

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Women's lips always attract the eye of men, but weathered, chapped skin will never arouse admiration. Therefore, it is useful for girls to know the secrets of lip care, what masks and exercises to do. This is written in detail in this article.


Nature has not endowed all girls with bright and plump lips, but with just a little effort, you can achieve such a result on your own, and it is not necessary to seek help from plastic surgery. It is enough to regularly perform a simple set of exercises specially designed to maintain the beauty of the lips, as well as use homemade masks and modern cosmetics.

Causes of the loss of attractiveness of the lips

Every girl needs to know the reasons that can ruin the beauty of her lips. The most common are the following:
  1. Bad habits such as smoking. In stressful situations, some girls begin to bite their lips or nails. As a result, microscopic cracks appear on the surface of the delicate skin of the lips, through which harmful microbes penetrate into the body, which in turn provokes the onset of inflammation.
  2. Even with severe dryness of the skin of the lips, you can not lick them, otherwise they will begin to peel and crack even more. The ideal option would be to use hygienic lipstick or cream.
  3. Frosts and cold wind lead to the appearance of cracks on the skin of the lips. Therefore, it is useful to lubricate them with natural honey, which perfectly refreshes, nourishes and moisturizes the skin and becomes simply indispensable with the onset of cold weather.

Cosmetics for lip care

A positive effect on the general condition of the skin of the lips has a regular use of cosmetics. They perfectly moisturize and nourish. For this purpose, you can also use cosmetics designed to care for the skin around the eyes, because in this area it is very delicate and thin. Modern creams not only quickly eliminate ugly dark circles and bags under the eyes, but also remove visible lip defects.

To prevent dryness of the skin of the lips, to cure the cracks that have appeared, it is recommended to use special oil solutions of vitamins E and A. Approximately 30 minutes before going outside, the solution is applied to the lips, after which the remnants of the product are removed with a clean napkin.

It is recommended to use a variety of balms, scrubs, creams and serums, which include caring substances. For example, shea butter will help save the skin of the lips from severe dehydration. No less useful is sea buckthorn oil, which has a powerful healing effect.

It is useful to use cosmetics, which include collagen, as it prevents the onset of premature aging of the delicate skin of the lips. It is worth choosing products containing peptides, due to which the skin becomes elastic, soft, tender and velvety. Hyaluronic acid will help retain life-giving moisture inside the skin.

It is advisable to use caring cosmetics in the evening, because some creams need to be kept for at least half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. Before using any tool, you must carefully read the annotation attached to it.

No girl can imagine lip care without using hygienic lipstick, which contains a variety of caring substances that perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin. They can be used not only at any time of the year, but also during the day, so they become simply indispensable and take first place in every girl's cosmetic bag.

Delicate care for the skin of the lips is also provided by decorative cosmetics, for example, gloss or lipstick. It is desirable that they contain not only caring components, but also various vitamins, thanks to which your lips will remain well hydrated throughout the day.

With special attention it is necessary to approach the selection of decorative cosmetics, giving preference only to well-known brands, because low-quality products can do more harm than good, and only worsen the condition of the lips. Before buying lipstick, look at the expiration date, which should be at least 3 months.

Massage to improve blood circulation of the lips

Massage is very useful for the lips, because it improves blood circulation, therefore, the lips acquire a brighter shade. To achieve this result, massage can be performed independently at home - light tapping movements are made for several minutes.

Massage with a toothbrush gives a good effect, the main thing is not to overdo it much, otherwise a completely opposite result will be obtained. For massage, you can also use specially designed massagers.

After the massage is performed, it is necessary to moisturize the skin of the lips with any hygienic lipstick, a cream or simple vegetable oil can be used, which is applied with a clean cotton pad.

Lip Beauty Exercises

You can achieve amazing results with the help of fairly simple exercises that need to be performed regularly:
  • The lips are pulled out with a tube, then you need to blow, then they relax. The exercise is performed at least 5 times.
  • Motor movements are performed with the lower jaw, while the lips move with it to the right and left. It is necessary to do 10 repetitions in one direction and the other.
  • The deepest breath is taken, full cheeks are inflated. As slowly as possible, and then a quick exhalation. Requires at least 10 repetitions.
  • The lips are pulled forward as much as possible, after which they make movements first down and then up. You will need to do 6 repetitions.

Daily lip care

For the beauty of the lips, it is recommended to perform simple procedures every day:
  1. At night, it is useful to apply sunflower, olive or castor oil to the skin of the lips, a simple hygienic lipstick is suitable so that the skin is well moisturized.
  2. If ugly red spots appear on the surface of the lips, in order to remove them, it is recommended to prepare the following remedy - 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water. The mass is cooked over low heat until it acquires a state of porridge. Then the ointment is left for a while until it cools down, and applied to the lips.
  3. To soften the skin of the lips, it is recommended to use glycerin-egg ointment. It is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. glycerin is mixed with 1 tsp. boric acid and egg yolk. During the day, it is useful to wipe the skin of the lips with fresh cucumber juice.
  4. To solve the problem of peeling of the skin of the lips, it is necessary to use the following remedy - 10 g of sunflower oil and 5 g of cocoa powder are mixed. The resulting mixture is slightly heated, poured into a porcelain container and left until it completely hardens. This ointment can be applied to the skin of the lips before going to bed, leaving it all night, or before going outside.
  5. Painful cracks on the skin of the lips are removed with homemade ointment - 2 g of boric acid is mixed with 10 g of petroleum jelly and 8 g of lanolin.
  6. Chapped lips can be smeared with a small amount of liquid honey, which is left for about 20 minutes. The curd-plum mask also brings benefits: the components are mixed in equal amounts, the resulting mass is applied to sponges, covered with a paper towel and left for 10 minutes.
  7. The following cream will help against cracks in the lips - 5 g of Potentilla rhizomes powder is stewed in 20 g of butter. The resulting composition is applied to problem areas. A positive result will be noticeable literally after the first procedure.

Masks for the skin of the lips

With regular use of masks for lip care at home, they become soft, elastic, rich and bright natural color returns. Home masks will be a great alternative to expensive cosmetics that do not always give the desired result:
  • To give the skin shine and smooth it, it is recommended to use the following mask - 1 tbsp. l. fresh carrot juice is mixed with the same amount of sour cream. The finished mass is applied to sponges, after 7 minutes it is washed off with warm water.
  • Against the problem of increased dryness and peeling of the skin of the lips, you should regularly use such a remedy - mixed cottage cheese, honey, sour cream, cucumber and carrot juice. After using such a mask, a small amount of olive oil is applied to the lips.
  • The following composition softens the skin of the lips and heals cracks - butter and grated apple mixed in equal amounts. Lips are lubricated with a ready-made cream, the product is washed off after half an hour with warm water or a clean cotton pad.
  • A mixture of lard (0.5 tablespoons) and honey (5 g) perfectly nourishes and cares for the skin of the lips. Salo must be melted in advance in a steam bath.

With special attention, you need to take care of your lips with the onset of cold weather and before going out, be sure to use protective and moisturizing lipsticks, and lip glosses should be abandoned until spring, because they dehydrate the skin and can cause severe peeling.

How to care for lips - look at the video:

Thus, the most important thing is to remember that just like your hair, your lips need daily care. Before proceeding with the procedures, all cosmetics are removed. Special exercises and massage will make your lips attractive, tender and soft. In this case, special attention should be paid to chapped or chapped lips.

In order for the lips to be soft, velvety and tender, you need to take care of them daily, with the help of special and homemade cosmetics, massage and other means - it’s not for nothing that they say that a woman’s face becomes attractive thanks to bright, expressive eyes, and gentle, sensual lips - men cannot pass indifferently past such women.

The most affordable means to make lips tender are homemade masks from ordinary foods, decoctions and herbal infusions, as well as vitamin and other preparations that can be bought at a pharmacy.

Lip care principles

Home lip care is based on three principles: cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, protection, which is an absolute analogy with daily facial skin care in general.


This is the first and most important step in lip care. It includes daily cleansing of the lips from impurities and residues of decorative cosmetics. To carry it out, it is enough to have a regular cleansing milk or emulsion (this can be the same cleanser that you use to cleanse your face) and cotton pads, with which you should thoroughly wipe your lips before applying a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Also, in addition to daily cleansing of the lips, it is necessary to carry out a gentle exfoliating peeling every 7-10 days. Candied honey or sugar in combination with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio is perfect as a soft peeling for the lips.

Consider! Cleansing of the lips should be carried out with light circular movements, without stretching their thin upper layer - otherwise you can provoke the premature appearance of wrinkles with your own hands.

Hydration and nutrition

Moisturizing and nourishing is an important step in lip care. Be sure to stock up on hygienic lipstick or balm (it is better to buy at a pharmacy) and use it throughout the day. Hygienic lipstick will protect the skin of the lips from drying out, chapping, cracks and ultraviolet rays. Use it as a base for lip makeup, so they will be completely protected.

Also stock up on nourishing cream. Apply it on your lips before going to bed so that during the night the skin has enough time to “saturate” with vitamins. The action of the cream will be more pronounced if, when applying it, you massage your lips with your fingertips.


In order for the lips to always look well-groomed, they must be protected from the adverse effects of the environment. You can do this with lipstick with protective components, lipstick with SPF protection and lipstick for the cold season. Don't think that sun protection is a fashionable excess. We protect the skin of the face from harmful ultraviolet radiation, but we do not care about the lips.

Although the skin of the lips is no less (and even more!) Sensitive than the skin of other parts of the body. If the skin of the face quickly reacts to improper care, the lips can "endure" for many months. But then it will be very difficult to restore their beauty and youth. And, of course, when choosing a lipstick, pay attention to the one that includes oils and nutrients.

Lip masks

fruit and vegetable masks

Summer is a great opportunity to please lips with fruit masks. On a fine grater, it is necessary to grate, previously peeled, fruits or vegetables such as: banana, cucumber or beetroot, apple, melon, watermelon, gooseberry, currant, strawberry and so on. Mix the resulting pulp with a small amount of butter and generously anoint the sponges. After the expiration of 10 - 15 minutes, remove the remnants. Fruit and vegetable masks effectively moisturize, nourish and soften the skin of the lips.

The recipe for a softening and nourishing lip mask from cottage cheese

Rub half a teaspoon of fat homemade cottage cheese thoroughly with 1 teaspoon of cream, and apply the resulting mask in a generous layer on the surface of the lips. After 10-15 minutes, wash off the mask, and lubricate the lips with a small amount of Vaseline, or hygienic lipstick. Instead of cream, cottage cheese can be mixed with vegetable oil, milk, carrot, cucumber or beetroot juice.

sour cream moisturizing lip mask recipe

In 1 teaspoon of sour cream, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice, and the same amount of any vegetable oil. Apply a thick layer of mask on the surface of the lips, and hold for 15-20 minutes.

  • Do not forget every day, at night, to lubricate delicate skin with a cosmetic cream containing vitamins E and A.
  • Use a mixture of fresh carrot juice and cottage cheese 3-4 times a week, which lubricate the lips for 10-15 minutes.
  • In the presence of severe inflammation, apply a warm compress from a strong infusion of chamomile flowers. Soak a cotton swab in it and apply it to the inflamed skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • When removing makeup, do not forget about the lips. Remove makeup from them using cleansing cream or milk.
  • Do not forget to regularly use protective balms, and not only in summer, but all year round. Just choose a remedy based on the season. In summer, you need to use a balm containing a sunscreen and moisturizing ingredients. And in winter, it should protect delicate skin from frost.
  • To give your lips a bright color, this remedy will help you: Connect together 1 tsp. rice flour and olive oil to make a paste. Apply the mask, wash off after 20 minutes. with a wet swab. Then, immediately lubricate the skin with a thin layer of bee honey.
  • Such a remedy can give tenderness and softness: rub 1 ripe strawberry with honey and lubricate your lips. This mixture should remain on the lips for at least 20 minutes. After that, you can just eat it. Then lubricate with fat cream.
  • Complete care will not be complete if you do not eat right. Pay attention to your diet. For the beauty and health of this important part of the face, eat more foods containing vitamin A. You will find it in carrots, beets, salads, liver. Also eat more orange-colored vegetables and fruits.
  • To avoid jams and cracks in the corners of the mouth, add foods containing vitamin B to your diet. It is found in garden greens, legumes, green vegetables and sour-milk products.
  • It must be said that sometimes, even ordinary toothpaste containing fluoride can provoke inflammation of the skin in the mouth area and causes increased dryness of the lips. So be careful.

Cracks in the lips and corners of the mouth

The formation of cracks is the most unpleasant thing that happens to the lips. Chapped lips and the corners of the mouth make it difficult to eat, making it painful. The unpresentable appearance also matters. Even lipstick also lays unevenly and ugly.

Causes of cracks

1. improper use of drugs, especially antibiotics;

2. fungal or bacterial origin of cracks. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, the so-called seizures, are formed under the influence of a streptococcal infection or candidiasis (fungal disease);

3. excessive consumption of sugar;

4. excessive alcohol consumption;

5. the habit of licking lips too often, biting and gnawing them;

6. severe drying of the lips with a runny nose due to the need to breathe through the mouth;

7. lack of vitamins A, groups B, C, E.

The first two reasons can only be established with the help of a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary treatment. Causes 3-5 are our bad habits, and of course, we should get rid of them. Cause 6 can be eliminated by regular use of cold remedies during a cold. Reason 7 is eliminated "from the inside" - it is necessary to eat as many foods rich in missing vitamins as possible.


If you are actively engaged in eliminating the cause of cracks and seizures, you can proceed to healing cosmetic procedures:

Lubricate lips daily with olive or linseed oil;

Before going to bed, make masks from butter, sea buckthorn oil or calendula oil;

3 times a day, wipe the cracks with aloe juice squeezed out of a freshly cut leaf;

Treat cracks with a special ointment for the treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time (they will help you pick up such a tool in a pharmacy).

At the time of treatment, you should refrain from eating irritating foods - pickled vegetables, sour juices and fruits.

Special exercises for lips

☀ stretch your lips and blow as if extinguishing a candle, then relax your lips.

Repeat 7-10 times

☀ Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. Exhale slowly at first, then as if pushing the air out.

Repeat 10 times.

☀ articulating vigorously, pronounce the vowels “a”, “o”, “u”, “i”, “s”.

Repeat 7-10 times.

☀ Pull your lips forward and open your mouth like a fish breathing. Close and release your lips.

Repeat 10-20 times.

☀ move the lower jaw simultaneously with the lips in sequence to the left and right.

Repeat 10-20 times.

☀ stick out your tongue as much as possible and hold it for 2-3 seconds. Remove your tongue and relax for 1-2 seconds.

Repeat 5 times.

Massage for volume and juiciness of lips

Massage your lips with a soft toothbrush.

Slow careful movements will not damage the skin of the lips, but will serve as an excellent cosmetic massage that activates the natural processes of regeneration and hydration. Ideally, for massage it is better to allocate a separate toothbrush. For thin lips, a brush marked SOFT or for children is perfect.

A good idea is to have a lip massage every night before bed. To improve blood circulation and restore the natural brightness of the border of the lips, moisten the brush in cold water before massage. Apply a little vegetable oil (shea, almond, avocado, jojoba) to your lips and gently massage your lips with a brush for one minute. This will provide your lips with softness and shine, without taking any time, effort or money.

Ice is one of the most popular methods to help increase lip volume at home. Massage your lips with an ice cube and then apply a moisturizer or balm. Such cryomassage is an excellent express tool for giving lips an appetizing swelling before an important date or photo shoot.

Short-term exposure to cold has a somewhat shock effect, which activates all metabolic processes, increases tone, and improves oxygen saturation of skin cells. By regularly performing ice massage, you can make your lips not only more attractive, but also more resistant to external influences. And even in cool weather, without the use of a balm, lips will shine with health and beauty.

☀ never lick or bite your lips, and even more so do not do it in the cold;

☀ do not use water to remove makeup, stock up on special products;

☀ Moisturize your lips more often using balm or vegetable oil (ideally sea buckthorn); buy high-quality lipsticks containing nutrients;

☀ do not leave the house without lip balm or lipstick;

☀ at night, apply a restorative agent or sour cream; stop smoking and drinking alcohol - tobacco and alcohol kill the beauty of the mouth.

Now that you have new lip care secrets, your smile will become even more charming and your face more attractive.