Happy birthday to my husband's mother in prose - congratulations in your own words. Happy birthday wishes to husband's mother Happy birthday wishes to husband's mother

Don't let wrinkles bother you
And children pay more attention
Bright hope and goodness
And at home only cozy warmth.

Health to you for many years,
Never get sick
More optimism, inspiration
Always good mood.

Thank you, mother-in-law,
For always helping me
Don't see my flaws
For your kind and wise words.

You are the best in the world, it's not a secret
How sometimes your advice is needed,
Happy birthday, I sincerely congratulate you,
I wish you good health and happiness.

There are mothers-in-law who drink blood,
And for me you are my best friend.
You give us warmth and love,
Caring mother and wife.

Today I want to congratulate you
With that Day that once a year everything happens,
May joy visit you many times,
And happiness never leaves!

Happy birthday, dear mother-in-law!
You are an irreplaceable mother for my son
I wish you a serene life
And always be kind and gentle.

I wish you less swearing and quarrels,
So that the house is full of happiness,
Let the good wait ahead
Joy and love to you.

I wish you only happy tears
And in the sky of bright stars
I wish you success in everything
Let the laughter please the grandchildren.

It's good that I have you
Mother-in-law, you are worthy of praise,
You are the best on earth
I am very, very lucky to be with you.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I wish you health for many years
Let adversity bypass you,
Let life flow like a full river.

Friends say mother-in-law
He drinks blood drop by drop.
And I can honestly say
I value my mother-in-law.

And wish on your birthday
I want you not to know problems
I will always help my mother-in-law
I will save you from all worries!

Happy birthday, mother-in-law!
Your blood is in my husband
You have a great son
My daughter and I are proud of him.

You are very beautiful today
With such beauty, invincible
Let health not worry
There will be no pain and nothing aching.

Great happiness and joy
Until the deepest old age
Your beloved grandfather is with you
He will hide you from sorrows and troubles.

Happy birthday my second mom!
Stylish, beautiful and wise you are a lady!
Happy birthday to you today,
I wish all the best to the best mother-in-law in the world!

To be loved by everyone, to always be our light,
Let the life of the year pass calmly and easily!
The mother-in-law is just like you - the rarest luck,
Good health to you, joy, and nothing else!

My beautiful mother-in-law
Let me congratulate you.
Oh God, how lucky I am!
I will not lie now:

You taught me a lot
And helped me a lot
For your son separately - bravo!
You gave birth to a hero!

You are like a mother to me
And, keeping our wonderful life,
You give your love
Dear, kind mother-in-law!

I wish you on your birthday
So that an angel, like a bright guard,
Saved you from grief
And got rid of anxiety

For you to be happy
And don't forget about us
Always helped in life
You gave your wisdom!

Dear mother-in-law I carry
Bouquet of wonderful flowers
And on a holiday I will make a toast,
Singing goodness and honesty,

Kindness, wisdom and love,
What does she give us?
May the beloved mother-in-law
Doesn't suffer in life

On her birthday she
Wonderfully having fun
Let now a glass of wine
Sparkling with joy!

"Thank you" say today
mother in law dear
For the fact that in happiness and adversity
She is always with me

She keeps our family
Like a white-winged angel
As a wise mentor, senior
And warms with a cute look!

And on a wonderful birthday
Let her bloom!
Let it shine with fun
A glass of sparkling wine!

Mother in law has a birthday!
So let's celebrate!
Sincere congratulations
Let them sound!

Let the mother-in-law know no grief
And will be happy
It is good that there will be a sea in life,
Nobody will judge

Let everyone give toasts on the holiday,
Odes with verses!
Mother-in-law, we really ask - just
Be with us!

Thank you for your son
After all, you raised a man!
I give you flowers today
I want you not to know grief!

My beloved mother-in-law
Accept congratulations,
Your affection and love
Give to our family!

May health and goodness
You are always accompanied!
A verse of gentle, bright words
Happy birthday to you!

I appreciate good advice
What do you always give me
You share the light of the soul
Give everything you can give!

Mother-in-law beloved, dear,
You are my second mother!
I sincerely wish on a holiday
Be healthy, do not fade,

Give us your guidance
Always protect from trouble
And on your wonderful birthday
Accept gifts!

I love my mother in law
And on her birthday
I kiss good hands
And I give her my heart!

She is my second mother
And in the world there is no kinder one!
I will become a wonderful daughter
I will take care of her!

She raised her son
Who became a faithful husband!
I want my mother-in-law to shine
And lived to more than a hundred!

Thank you mother in law
After all, you raised a man,
I won't let you down in my life
I will take away sorrow and grief

Get away from our family!
On your birthday, your wonderful
I will read you poetry
Sincerely wish you well!

May love, success and happiness
You will meet more often
May health be strong
Let native people love!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
You, beloved mother-in-law!
Me and my husband - we cherish you,
Love burns between us.

I sincerely wish you
Live and see no grief
smile daily,
And bad people do not know.

May happiness smile upon you
And health will come to you
Joy resounds,
And luck will find you!

Happy birthday, happy anniversary
My dear mother-in-law.
There is no sweeter you in the world
May love be with you!
Let the road light up
The sun is always bright
Let life illuminate the path
Guiding star!

My mother-in-law, I congratulate you on your anniversary,
I wish you much happiness and love!
I haven't seen much kinder people.
Than you! I want the Lord to bless
All your difficult years,
Let luck smile on you now
And let sorrows and hardships perish,
And happiness will open its door to you!

I want to congratulate you on your anniversary
My beloved mother-in-law.
With her, life became more fun for me,
She gave me love.
I became her own daughter,
She gave me support
And like a wingless angel
Removed sadness from life.

Mother-in-law, let me congratulate you!
You have an anniversary today
But you are by no means older
And even a little more cheerful!
It's like you've rejuvenated!
So may God always then
Takes away for a birthday
You have all the extra years!

My dear mother-in-law, dear,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
And I want you to know
For me, you have become a mother!
Don't let the years make you old
The children help
And love and kindness
They will always be there!

Happy Anniversary, mother-in-law!
Thank you for your wise advice
And for your support, for love,
Which we are so generously warmed.

Health to you and long - long years,
So that happiness settles in the house.
To smile your kind light
Protected from all misfortunes.

I wish you good luck and love
So that we all have enough strength.
I hope that someday, like you,
I will raise my son well.

I congratulate again and again
My beloved mother-in-law!
Let the sun shine for you
And we, giving our love,
We'll come to you for your anniversary!
Meet us, dear, soon,
We wish the ocean happiness
So that a fountain of health beats in it!

Mother-in-law's birthday today
But I don't want to call you that.
And even though you are not my own by blood,
But for the soul - my second mother.

As a mother, I wish you patience,
Health and peace of mind,
For your current affairs - inspiration,
And fulfillment of desires for dreams.

May fatigue not touch your good hands,
And the good light will not dim the eye,
And let it give joy for many years,
And white snow and white cherries!

I wish my beloved mother-in-law happiness and kindness,
And the eternal joy of flowering,
Smiles, sun and warmth
On your bright holiday - anniversary!

I'm ready as long as it takes
Repeat over and over:
Happy anniversary, husband's mother,
Dear mother-in-law!
look at me hard
You won't have to, damn it.
If I offend anyone
Give me a fine for this
And now for friendship, I see
It's time for us to brotherhood!

Mother-in-law, beloved, I congratulate you,
Today everyone is younger, you are more beautiful!
Know that we are always with you, we are always there,
So that hopes and dreams come true!

Sweet, kind, bright,
I congratulate you on the holiday.
Days of endless, carefree -
Here is what I wish you.

Happiness so immeasurable
What can not be embraced with hands.
Great joy in life
My dear mother!

May this anniversary day
The house will be filled with laughter
And at the table of celebration
Only the sound of glasses is heard!

Congratulations on your anniversary
For me - a great honor.
I will not regret warm words.
How wonderful that you are!

You are my second mother.
Husband dear mother.
And today I'm right for you
From the bottom of my heart I want to say:

You are always ready to help.
And the years don't age you.
Be happy, healthy.
Never get sick.

My mother-in-law, my soul
I heartily congratulate you!
Be happy, be healthy
May the path be easy in life.
Today is a holiday - anniversary,
Meet your guests soon
Set the table quickly
And accept congratulations!

Happy birthday to my husband's mom
Today I will congratulate you.
We can get along with each other,
In our family - only peace and quiet.
And if we argue a little -
Well, well - we'll come to a consensus,
And I can my mother-in-law
Always trust in everything.

My mother-in-law is my friend!
Not many people are so lucky in life
And we got along with each other
And we've been friends for years
Happy birthday to you, dear,
My beloved mother-in-law
I wish you health, happiness,
And do not be sad for nothing!

The mother-in-law is not just the mother of the husband,
You have become a mother to me.
I congratulate you, mother, on your anniversary,
I wish you happiness and spiritual fire.
Let the years of life last forever
Warmed by care and love.
I am grateful to God and fate
For being my mother-in-law.

I want to congratulate you soon
My dear mother-in-law
With your bright anniversary,
I wish you happiness!

your kind advice
And support in difficult times
Delicious pies secrets
I remembered many times.

I want to wish you health
Angel to protect from troubles
Never know sorrow
All the best to you! And for many years!

Thank you for everything, my mother-in-law!
For your kind and sensitive words,
For your tenderness, maternal warmth,
I sincerely want you to be lucky!
So that on your anniversary we gather at the table
Congratulations on a wonderful celebration!
We wish you health, long years,
And so that you live happily and without trouble!

Hurry, pour some wine
Open congratulations -
Happy long-awaited anniversary
My sweet mother-in-law!

Stay young and fresh
And I'm not afraid to admit
You with your gentle hand
Save our union.

I will repeat stubbornly
I'm not kidding and I'm not kidding -
That your second mother
I love very much.

Today is a holiday at the mother-in-law -
She is good today.
She is not my mother by blood,
But very close soul.
My mother-in-law gave me a son
And I gave birth to her grandson.
Family ties are our strength
She is stronger than the bit.
Mother, congratulations.
I wish you peace and prosperity
Blossom with happiness I conjure
Love to surrender without a trace.

I want to congratulate my mother-in-law!
I write words in honor of the anniversary:
Children care and love
Let your heart warm.
I wish you forever young
And stay brave.
To be cheerful and mischievous,
Don't be discouraged and don't give up!

Mother-in-law is better for me not to wish,
Thank you for believing and waiting!
On your anniversary, I want to tell you
Thank you for always understanding me!
May your dreams come true in your life!
May the Lord keep you from harm
To give you flowers every day,
Lots and lots of happiness for my heart and soul!

So many words I want to say
I give you my heart, my soul just like that.
I was loved like my own daughter
In your words, you did not put a "point".

Don't interfere in our relationship
We made all the decisions ourselves.
For understanding "thank you" - I'll say
I will also add that I value you.

And on the anniversary day, I congratulate you,
May wishes come true now.
Let the angel protect from adversity
And let there be no bad weather in the house!

Today is a holiday - the mother-in-law's anniversary!
And the house is full of acquaintances and friends!
I want to congratulate you mom, from the bottom of my heart,
Hurry up to celebrate your holiday!
I wish you happiness forever
Let life slowly flow the river!
And let the dream live in your heart
And don't get old mom, never!

Happy anniversary to you, dear,
You are my second mother.
I'll say it again
How much I love you.
I wish you health
Longevity, bright thoughts
And a pinch of coolness
To endure our boom.

We have been friends with you for many years,
And it seems that we live, do not grieve!
I love you like my own
Let me kiss you dear!
I congratulate you on your anniversary,
And I wish for you
For many years of love and happiness,
Let all bad weather pass!

In response to any problems
She only arches an eyebrow
Any topic is subject to it,
Our magical mother-in-law.

Other daughters-in-law were less fortunate
Mother-in-laws are their usual ones.
And ours is more beautiful than all women,
From a kind of sorceress steep.

She conjures over the stove,
Above the ironing board
She heals our wounds
And rules fate.

We are behind the wall, behind it,
We are delighted sometimes.
Mother-in-law dear, happy birthday
Let us congratulate you!

All relatives will gather today
After all, the holiday is the mother-in-law's anniversary!
There will be fun and, clinking glasses,
All the toasts for today are only about her!
About her, beloved, dear to us,
And we can't count good wishes
Sounding, our mommy, for you,
Health to you, and happiness you have!

My beloved mother-in-law
I congratulate you!
Health, happiness, long life
I wish with all my heart.
Live easily, not knowing the troubles,
Love children and grandchildren.
A wonderful life is your secret
Let it be all science!

Dear husband's mother,
It does not matter that the years are circling.
Let the anniversary come
You don't regret anything.
Until now, skirts
Wear it like a girl.
Legs - a feast for the eyes,
On them like jam
The men fly
They want to paint.
Always be beautiful
Beloved and happy
Let the smile shine
And, as always, captivating.

Our dear, congratulations,
You give warmth to your soul.
Children, grandchildren, we wish you everything
Live many, many, many days!

Happy Birthday dear,
I want to wish so much
I don't know a better person
After all, you are my second mother!
Longevity, love, happiness,
Let them bypass the house of bad weather,
People of third-party kindness,
unbreakable beauty,
And I wish you much more
Happy anniversary, my mother-in-law,
You are the best in my world,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

You are like a mother to me, dear mother-in-law!
You have helped us a lot in life
I don't even dream of another
How much love and warmth
You give us.
We love you very much,
And on your anniversary now
We will congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Than you, there is no more expensive with us!

You gave your family so many years -
Cooked, washed and baked
She gave us the light of her smile,
The family hearth was sensitively protected.
Answering care with care,
We all adore you.
Be healthy and happy, dear.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything!

Everything was in life:
Joy, pain of loss,
You raised us, tired without knowing
In worries, forgetting about yourself.
Thank you for everything, dear
And many, many more years to you.
Today is your birthday
And how many knocked - no matter.
So be forever young
After all, life is given to us all once!

Dear, good, dear,
Do not be sad today about the years.
You are so young for us
Even with silver hair.
Your wrinkles are invisible to us,
And for us you are not more beautiful.
Be beautiful and cherished
Many, many more years

You, as always, are full of worries,
After all, life was not easy.

It's gone through your heart!
You deserve joy in life
Many days ahead.

And every day, and every year!

Don't bow down to sadness
And do not be sad in the silence of the night.
We congratulate you today
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts!

To a sweet mother with bows
We came today
gray haired
Children, mother, yours.

It is your birthday
And a big anniversary
So congratulations
From native children.

In our souls forever
You have found your shelter.
How full are the rivers in spring,
So the souls are warm.

We love, appreciate and believe:
The strength of the spirit is strong.
And like mom and grandma
We really need you.

Yours head
We bow before you
And you stroke them again
With your good hand.

We are forever loved
No dearer, relatives!
Mother, protected by God,
You live, don't get sick!

Many of your nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries for us can not be counted,
Earth bow to you, dear mother
For the fact that you are in the world.

Your love is enough for everyone
So beautiful and down to earth.
You surround us with care and warmth,
And we want you to be.

Let the years have no power over you.
Let all troubles bypass
But health and great happiness
They always walk beside you.

You bring joy to people and family,
And we hurry, as in childhood, we will hurry to you.
You can support, warm your soul,
Let yourself believe in yourself, regret with your heart!

It is so difficult to express all the love in words.
We say "thank you" to our beloved mother.
For your care, sensitivity, kindness,
And sleepless nights, a long series!

Mother dear, we congratulate you.
Happy that you were born!
Be always healthy and happy too.
We want to be like you in everything!

The warmth of your hands, the kindness of your eyes
We met in sadness and pain more than once.
When it got really hard
Saved your spiritual warmth.

We wish you health and joyful years,
May each day be warmed by the sun,
May happiness always live in your house,
Let the soul be, as it is now, young!

My dear husband is a stronghold of life.
Devotedly and faithfully with him always goes.
Everything will be in time at home, at work.
And always in order, and always in care!
Can do everything in the world: tasty food,
Improve the technique, even hammer in a nail!
Your wonderful house is surrounded by flowers -
It's also mom. It's comfortable with her!

Your kindness is endless
And care knows no fatigue,
Mother's soul beauty
Unaffected by adversity and old age,

Let the years go by
And wrinkles fall stubbornly,
Be healthy you, mother, always,
Be happy, dear mother!

Live, dear, up to a hundred years
And know that there is no better than You.
So that you are next to us
Today, tomorrow and always
We wish to live without old age,
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment,
Happiness is unlimited.
We wish you earthly blessings,
We know - You deserve them!

There are many wishes in the world
Do not count them all.
I just congratulate you
I love it the way it is!

I want to live and not grieve,
To endure misfortune and grief.
And be as kind, sweet,
Love yourself and be loved.

You, as always, are full of worries,
After all, life was not easy.
Oh, how many difficult, difficult days
It's gone through your heart!

You deserve joy in life
Many days ahead.
So be happy and healthy
And every day, and every year!

Mommy is our dear, beloved!
Grandma is glorious, irreplaceable!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best in your life.

So that you never get sick
So that you never grow old
To be forever young
Cheerful, kind and gentle such!

Thank you, dear, that we have you,

For a kind soul and a warm word,
For not seeing bad things in life.

Thank you our dear man!
We wish you good health for your long life.
We kiss kind, glorious hands,
With love to you, your children and grandchildren.

You, dear, the sky endowed
tact of the heart, wise kindness.
You surrounded the whole family with care,
because you have a golden character

You are the best in the world!
We all admit it lovingly -
And the son, and your grandchildren, children -
We just can't live without you.

Thanks dear for your input.
Live a hundred years and more
In the rays of health, joy and happiness,
In the arms of unclouded love!

You are a wonderful mistress, a wonderful mother,
Can't be added, can't be taken away!
Care is in the blood, you are full of love,
Beautiful and wise was born into the world!
Thank you, dear, you are our amulet,
In any weather - in the heat, in the slush, in the snow!
You are our sun, you are our amulet,
We wish you long, joyful years!

We kiss your hands, dear,
Wrinkles and gray hair
And lowly we ask Your forgiveness
For the pain and sadness that everyone presented.
Live longer, beloved man,
And most importantly, of course, do not get sick.
Believe that you are needed in the world
For my husband, all relatives and us children.

And every day, and all year round,
You, mommy, are full of worries,
Everything needs to be done - here and there,
Cook dinner, five minutes

Find a vacation - and again
To arrive in captivity from everyday life.
But today the mood
Congratulations to the husband,

And from the kids all the gifts,
And strong hugs, hot.
We will give you inspiration
Let's say together - happy birthday!

Dear beloved mother
Happy birthday, I congratulate
I promise to always be obedient,
And in studies one of the best.

His good, miracle wife
I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
I promise to give only joy
Don't make you even a little sad.

Let love surround you
And wonderful family comfort,
So that you know in your heart that
You are always loved and expected.

Rise up darling
Jump on your hands quickly
I congratulate you so
Your anniversary has arrived!

I'm ready for you today
Wear it in your arms all day
Like on the 8th of March
Compliments to speak.

Smile, don't worry
I keep my mouth shut
How many hit today
I won't tell anyone!

The best Mom in the world
And a wonderful miracle wife!
Stay up late, wake up at dawn
We all need air like air.
We promise that we will obey
Your nerves never wag.
Mom, love, we love you
It's better to never find you!

Mom, you deserve all the flowers,
That grow everywhere on earth!
We do not regret words for you,
We owe a lot to you.
And accept for your birthday
From a galaxy of loving hearts
Happiness that brightens your days
And in the eyes will enhance the bright shine!

Take it my love
Mom, birthday
From children and grandchildren
Congratulations with love.

You will take away any trouble with your hands,
Wounded souls, you will heal, mother.
The most beloved, the most dear,
We wish you health and love.

The sun shines in the sky or it rains,
We ask only one thing, do not leave.
We need you, mom, always there, here,
Let the angels in heaven wait for now.

While you are quiet, meekly sleep
On your birthday
thought to write to you
Your poem.
You often say
That there is no more patience.
But I'm grateful to fate
For every moment.

Happy birthday my dear
I wish you easy deeds and thoughts,
Bright thoughts and human smiles,
And working days without mistakes!
Clear and warm light
To be in the hands of living power,
For the birds to sing, the clouds to float,
So that life plays and seethes!

Happy birthday to you, beloved wife,
Let the vulnerable soul be warmed with good,
May your gentle wrinkles be smoothed out,
Let the serene years come
Let any mountains submit
Let the eyes warm from affection,
Let the distant star respond
And your thoughts will be imbued!

Dear Mom, you are alone in the world
Husband hugs sincerely, and children love dearly.
Crazy moments fly and rush day after day,
But mommy and daddy are still young!

Today is the birthday of my beloved mother,
The most devoted wife, and a little jealous.
So let by all means all desires, dreams,
And we will achieve the long-awaited goals!

We offer you all our favorite flowers,
Our mother, rejoice, and do not rush to live.
You enjoy every day with tenderness,
And we thank you, mommy, for everything!

Dear mother, tender wife,
Ah, such a woman will be needed by everyone!
Young, stylish, pretty,
Sweet, beautiful, with a kind soul.

You will outshine even the light of the sun,
May fate give life many years!
Mischievous children congratulate mom,
Wishes are given to her by guests and relatives.

You became my second mother,
How lucky I am to have you.
They say the mother-in-law is stubborn
And he does everything in spite.

So I congratulate you
Happy birthday, happy your day,
And I hug you tightly
And kiss with a spark.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
The woman who became my own,
And wish you success, inspiration,
And always be young.

I'm still in a hurry to say "thank you" for everything,
Help, support, advice.
Mother-in-law is better, kinder and more beautiful,
Than you, not exactly in the whole wide world.

I was very lucky not only with my husband,
But my husband's mother was also lucky,
After all, next to you even in the cold
Not cold at all, quite the opposite, warm.

My dear second mother,
Happy birthday to you, dear.
I congratulate you, I hug you tightly,
And I wish you all the best now.

Always stay the same
Beautiful, young. smile
And we will always help you
And we will smile too.

Thank you, mom, for your son,
Who became my beloved husband.
My love for your family will not grow cold,
My place is with my husband, always by his side.

And I am very glad that you are also near,
First assistant, mother-in-law,
You have become my second tender mother,
And the love for you burned in my heart.

With love, I hasten to congratulate today
Happy birthday to you, wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that our feast was cheerful,
So that you never have to despair.

You raised your son for many years,
He was raised to be a great man
I am with him now next to the heat, in bad weather.
Thank you dear for your son.

He owes everything to you: his upbringing,
With your intellect, face and character,
received education,
I owe all this only to my mother.

And with a low bow I will say "thank you" to you,
Happy birthday to you today
On my own behalf and on behalf of your son,
Let's have fun together today.

On the day we met, I immediately felt
What is not a simple mother-in-law, but received a mother
Caring, kind, compassionate, kind
Young, beautiful, loving and cheerful.

I am very lucky not only with my husband,
Luck gave me a gorgeous mother-in-law.
I'm so proud that feelings between us have not cooled down,
And I promise: I will be proud of it again and again.

And therefore, with my great love
And with no less gratitude
I'll celebrate my birthday with my mother-in-law
With my second mother, close and dear.

You are not just the mother of my beloved husband,
You are my second mother, kind and sweet.
How many times have you helped out in difficult times
It is impossible to count it absolutely.

And so on your holiday, on a glorious birthday
We'll throw a party, there'll be fun!
We will raise our glasses to you
Say "thank you" for helping.

Because your help is priceless
You raised me a faithful husband very well,
Babysitting with grandchildren, helping in the house -
Golden mother, kind, perky!

Let adversity pass you by
Let only happiness knock on your home,
Let life bring one pleasure
Because it's your birthday today!

And you will remember this celebration for a long time,
After all, many people will come to visit us,
They will give you gifts, kiss you, fill you with flowers.
How glad we are that you are always with us!

Dear! Darling!
We need you!
You are good and beautiful
Gentle at heart.
You are our hope
Support and happiness
You give us kindness
Love and participation.
Healthy always
And be cheerful
May the sun of luck
Will light your path.

Light, light, beautiful and proud
You always go through life without difficulty.
You are a devoted, tender wife
And in the heart of a husband you reign alone.
We are glad to congratulate you on your birthday,
You are our pride, happiness and joy!

Thank you, dear, that we have you,
What we see and hear you every hour,
For a kind soul and a warm word,
For not seeing bad things in life,
Thank you, our dear man!
We wish you good health for your long life!

Gentle hands, kind smile -
You are my magical goldfish!
You can fulfill all my desires
You will always support, you will always help!
Dear Mom, I admire you -
And I'll try to be as cute
Happy birthday, mommy, I congratulate you!
You are the most beautiful! I love you!

For a mother, the main thing is health,
And the happiness of her dear children.
So let the years flow without a trace
And joy gives the sparkle of native eyes!

Let there be no grief, problems will go away,
Let life give meetings and smiles of the sun,
Let, dear mother, the years run,
Let happiness melt the cold ice!

For you, mommy, scarlet bouquets,
For you all the songs, toasts and poems,
For you, greetings fly from the past,
There are lights in the sky for you!

May life be filled with good
Dreams will soon come true!
The good will be remembered, the unnecessary will be forgotten!
Let the holiday be sure to cheer you up!
You are as charming as the song of spring birds,
Always irresistible, like the sun in the sky is clear
Be the most beloved and the most beautiful!

Mom, dear, dear
Happy birsday, my dear!
Happiness, joy, fun,
Let the house be filled.
There will be a bright mood
Be successful in everything!

Happy birthday, dear mother-in-law!
I wish you good luck in everything.
I love you with all my heart, congratulations.
Let your home be illuminated with happiness.

Every day let yours be happy
Let the soul radiate joy
The world around will be clean, beautiful,
So that life is always good.

You more often, please, smile,
After all, a smile really suits you.
Always try to be cheerful
And let the bad pass by.

Dear mother-in-law I carry
Bouquet of wonderful flowers
And on a holiday I will make a toast,
Singing goodness and honesty,

Kindness, wisdom and love,
What does she give us?
May the beloved mother-in-law
Doesn't suffer in life

On her birthday she
Wonderfully having fun
Let now a glass of wine
Sparkling with joy!

From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday to you!
Here is a gift as a token of respect,
Happy Holidays, dear mother-in-law
May happiness and love accompany you.

Don't let wrinkles bother you
And children pay more attention
Bright hope and goodness
And at home only cozy warmth.

Health to you for many years,
Never get sick
More optimism, inspiration
Always good mood.

Thank you, mom, for your son,
Who became my beloved husband.
My love for your family will not grow cold,
My place is with my husband, always by his side.

Mom I call you loving,
You are an example for me in everything,
Thank you for raising such a son,
And I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Be happy, never get sick
In everything I wish you joy, good luck and kindness,
I promise to be a good daughter-in-law for you,
And your advice is always appreciated.

Husband's mom, you are the only one in the world,
Good, kind, wise, glorious,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I wish you good health, and this is the main thing in life.
Thank you for your wisdom, for good,
God grant that you are lucky in everything,
Let life flow like a full river
May fate be kind.

And I am very glad that you are also near,
First assistant, mother-in-law,
You have become my second tender mother,
And the love for you burned in my heart.

On your birthday, dear mother-in-law,
May fate reward you with health
There will be a soul, as it is now, young,
And your angel keeps from misfortunes!

Dear mother-in-law!
Congratulations on your honor!
Long life and patience
I wish you a birthday!

Fulfillment of all desires
And good luck in everything you do!
Having fun in games with grandchildren,
Live smiling every day!

Husband's mom on her birthday
I would like to wish
To visit with impatience
Grandchildren were waiting for you again,
So that a pleasant anticipation
Every day was filled
Happiness to you - increase,
Long life, health, strength!

Fun splashes powerfully with a song,
Mother-in-law health forever
Let you fat ears,
So that there are magnificent breads,

Greater happiness in life,
To laugh - not to be sad,
So that without tears and troubles -
And marry all the grandchildren!

When I married your son,
I didn't think I'd get a second mom!
On your birthday, I want it to be
Everything is always good with you - hold on to your dream!

Today our mother's holiday has come -
Birthday of the most important lady for us!
All poems, gifts, songs, congratulations
For you, dear mother, without a doubt!
We heartily congratulate you with the children,
We wish you dreams come true.
Together we are a family, we can easily do everything.
Otherwise, may God help you!

Happy birthday, dear, dear!
We sincerely wish you many more years!
We lived as a friendly family, not losing heart,
Under your caring wing, without trouble.
You are a beautiful wife and mother,
You are the spiritual support of the whole family.
You work and work tirelessly.
Happiness, sunshine, and live two hundred years!

You are the best in the world, it's not a secret
How sometimes your advice is needed,
Happy birthday, I sincerely congratulate you,
I wish you good health and happiness.

Mom, on your birthday I wish you always to be a gentle angel, an amazing woman and a truly happy person ..

Happy birthday to you, mom,
Congratulations to the whole family,
Be happy yourself
And so young!

So that health is near
Joy, your beauty,
So that with just one look
You drove everyone crazy.

Be as sweet as you
Kind and dear.
And thank you for your son
He is a golden man!

You raised your son for many years,
He was raised to be a great man
I am with him now next to the heat, in bad weather.
Thank you dear for your son.

Mother-in-law's birthday today
But I don't want to call you that.
And even though you are not my own by blood,
But for the soul - my second mother.

As a mother, I wish you patience,
Health and peace of mind,
For your current affairs - inspiration,
And fulfillment of desires for dreams.

May fatigue not touch your good hands,
And the good light will not dim the eye,
And let it give joy for many years,
And white snow and white cherries!

The most beautiful, tender, wisest most -
I want to confess my love to you again:
I always call you mom
And I never say mother-in-law!
On the day of your big anniversary
I want to quench your sorrows:
Let your temples turn slightly white,
But the youth of the soul cannot be hidden!
I do not want empty praise -
May wishes bind this verse:
May God bless you with good health
And many, many simple joys!

But you are by no means older
And even a little more cheerful!
So let
God always then
Takes away for a birthday
You have all the extra years!

“I wish happiness to my beloved mother-in-law”

I wish my beloved mother-in-law happiness and kindness,
And the eternal joy of flowering,
On your bright holiday - your birthday!

“For your husband, you are like a standard ...”

For husband
You, as a standard forever,
And I love him without memory,
I congratulate
you cordially,
Between us to be - only friendship and warmth!

Congratulations on
Births for a beloved mother

“Beloved mother-in-law, congratulations!” Today everyone is younger, you are more beautiful!
And know that we are always with you,
So that hopes and dreams come true! “You are the mother-in-law, and I am the daughter-in-law”

You are the mother-in-law and I am the daughter-in-law
I'm terribly lucky!
What have I found in life
In your affectionate family.
May health give you
The God!
And with all my heart I wish
Less stress and anxiety!

Happy Birthday Mother-in-Law

Why are there so many sayings and anecdotes among the people about the relationship between the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law? Is it because they are two women who feel love for one man? Both of these female roles are not easy.

And in school no one teaches girls how to be a good daughter-in-law when they are young and how to be a good mother-in-law when they are older. Only life teaches such lessons. And you will find the best SMS congratulations on your mother-in-law's birthday on this page of the site!

It is not always easy to understand and accept your husband's mother for who she is. But, if you try, show patience and tact, then you, our dear readers and daughters-in-law in life, can win the love of your mother-in-law.

We need simple human understanding, trusting communication and respect for each other. Moreover, with your original SMS congratulations on your birthday, you can please two people at once - your mother-in-law and your husband!


Mother-in-law happy birthday voice greetings

SMS birthday greetings to the mother-in-law

Total: 17 sms. Not many people are so lucky in life
And we got along with each other
And we've been friends for years
Happy birthday to you, dear,
My beloved mother-in-law
And do not be sad for nothing! sent 2 times
Mom, happy birthday, we say together,
Let there be no unrest, we will bestow love,
We are your children, dear, and son and daughter now,
We wish that the rays of your eyes laughed! sent 2 times
You are the mother-in-law and I am the daughter-in-law
I'm terribly lucky!
What have I found in life
In your affectionate family.
May health give you
The God!
And with all my heart I wish
Less stress and anxiety!
Many of your nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries for us can not be counted,
Earth bow to you, dear mother
For the fact that you are in the world.
Your love is enough for everyone
So beautiful and down to earth. You surround us with care and warmth,
And we want you to be.
Let the years have no power over you. Let all troubles bypass
But health and great happiness
They always walk beside you.
You bring joy to people and family,
And we hurry, as in childhood, we will hurry to you. You can support, warm your soul,
Let yourself believe in yourself, regret with your heart!
It is so difficult to express all the love in words.
We say "thank you" to our beloved mother. For your care, sensitivity, kindness,
And sleepless nights, a long series!
Mother dear, we congratulate you.
Happy that you were born!
Be always healthy and happy too. We want to be like you in everything!
Your hands, kindness
of your eyes
We met in sadness and pain more than once.
When it got really hard
We wish you health and joyful years,
May each day be warmed by the sun,
May happiness live in
Your home always
Let the soul be, as it is now, young!
We wish to know everything and comprehend everything,
It's not worth it to be sad about the past years,
Until a hundred years, at least, to live,
And then the Almighty
Will help you. Devotedly and faithfully with him always goes. Everything will be in time at home, at work.

And always in order, and always in care!
Can do everything in the world: tasty food,
Improve the technique, even hammer in a nail!
Your wonderful house is surrounded by flowers - This is also a mother. It's comfortable with her!
And care knows no fatigue,
Mother's soul beauty
Happy birthday to you
And wishing a lot
For a husband (i.e.
You - for your son),
For education, patience
May everything be great for you:
In career, friendship, personal life.
May many more years
you live
And pamper and love grandchildren.
So that every day was like a holiday!
I heartily congratulate you on
I wish never to know worries.
Let the mood be at the highest level
And be happy, let him take care of you
The God!
You are our helper and reliable support.
You be young, healthy and beautiful.
I wish you longevity, no doubt.
And I say: thank you for your son!
Thank you for your hard work and understanding
Thank you for your patience again and again.
Thank you for all your efforts.
May love reign forever in your home!
There is a special love in my life - My glorious and kind mother-in-law - A wonderful grandmother and mother,
What could give me such a son.
On your birthday and all the following days,
And when we are near, and when we are alone
I won't stop thanking you
That you try not to blame your daughter-in-law,
That you come to visit, only warning
That you do not act against your son,
What gives the family a great chance to breathe
And sometimes I take a break from the children.
Well, the fact that the years are added,
You will never be reflected - We will surround you with care and guardianship,
To know how much we appreciate you.
Happy birthday, mom dear!
It just so happened
You are my mother in law
But we are relatives, because we know:
in my children
Your blood is flowing.
May health
It won't let you down
The shadow of sadness will not darken the face,
A ray of sunshine in the morning welcomes
Heart, like a chronometer, let it beat.
Be happy in children and grandchildren,
With quiet joy in your soul, go to bed.
Congratulations and kisses
your hands,
Let's not lose optimism!
There are not many mothers in the world,
But the gifts are presented by fate.
You are the mother-in-law, we are happy children.
And today for
You are all words.
Happy Birthday
I congratulate you!
From the bottom of my heart I want to wish:
Be healthy, happy, beautiful,
Do not get sick, do not be sad, do not suffer.
Let life be easy and calm
May the soul be full of happiness.
I will tell
Thank you for your son
I am a happy daughter and wife.
There are not many mothers in the world ...
And without flattery I will say, friends:
I'm a daughter-in-law and a daughter, it's not a secret,
I have two mothers now!

My mother-in-law,
I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you warm heart
And women's happiness without end.

Let there be a lot of laughter in the house,
Fun, kindness, success,
Let our friendship not melt
And it will only get stronger with age!

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
May all dreams come true
More joyful moments
Less hassle in life!

I wish you a holiday, mommy,
So that you both smell and bloom,
So that all sorrows pass you by,
Go through life with a smile!

I congratulate you tenderly on your birthday,
It may be trite, but I will say
Mother-in-law, I call you mother,
As a native mother I protect.

I wish you good health
So that there are no diseases forever,
May the Lord give you good luck
And everything that makes a person happy.

I bow to your dear hands,
And I will say, of course, not melting,
You raised your son well
The best man for me!

Happy birthday mother in law
I congratulate you,
I wish you to be happy
Your every day and hour.

Good health and strength
For many years to come
The smile on your face is blooming
You have it all year round.

For a son, let your soul
Doesn't ache, doesn't hurt
May happiness be a good fate
Attract like a magnet.

You are in your big family
They took me in like family.
Gave me love
Though not a mother, but a mother-in-law.

But I'll tell you not melting -
Become a mother to me!
Your birthday today
You accept congratulations.

I want to wish you
Never lose heart.
Be always beautiful
And, to the delight of all, happy!

I can't find the words
To congratulate you beautifully.
I wish you mother-in-law
To live only happily!

Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart
It's so nice to congratulate you
New heights for you to reach
And get rich suddenly!

Is there a beloved mother-in-law?
The question, of course, is not about us!
My mother-in-law is unique
All congratulations to you!

You are the best, I know for sure
You are patient and wise
And our union is reliable, lasting,
No, I and you, but only - WE!

I wish you great health,
For a very, very long time,
Loving I call you mother-in-law,
Good luck to you, good man!

Another year has flown by
Spins the wheel of life
Left far behind
It's been a year, so what?

You should not be sad:
You are as young as ever.
Let the years not upset you
You are bright, gentle, kind.

Let good luck accompany
Faith, happiness and love.
In life you do not know crying,
My dear mother-in-law.

You became my second mother,
How lucky I am to have you.
They say the mother-in-law is stubborn
And he does everything in spite.

This is bullshit, not true at all.
I'm so glad you're here
That you became a second mother,
That you are with us.

So I congratulate you
Happy birthday, happy your day,
And I hug you tightly
And kiss with a spark.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday
The woman who became my own,
And wish you success, inspiration,
And always be young.

I'm still in a hurry to say "thank you" for everything,
Help, support, advice.
Mother-in-law is better, kinder and more beautiful,
Than you, not exactly in the whole wide world.

I was very lucky not only with my husband,
But my husband's mother was also lucky,
After all, next to you even in the cold
Not cold at all, quite the opposite, warm.

My dear second mother,
Happy birthday to you, dear.
I congratulate you, I hug you tightly,
And I wish you all the best now.

Always stay the same
Beautiful, young. smile
And we will always help you
And we will smile too.

Thank you, mom, for your son,
Who became my beloved husband.
My love for your family will not grow cold,
My place is with my husband, always by his side.

And I am very glad that you are also near,
First assistant, mother-in-law,
You have become my second tender mother,
And the love for you burned in my heart.

With love, I hasten to congratulate today
Happy birthday to you, wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that our feast was cheerful,
So that you never have to despair.

You raised your son for many years,
He was raised to be a great man
I am with him now next to the heat, in bad weather.
Thank you dear for your son.

He owes everything to you: his upbringing,
With your intellect, face and character,
received education,
I owe all this only to my mother.

And with a low bow I will say "thank you" to you,
Happy birthday to you today
On my own behalf and on behalf of your son,
Let's have fun together today.

On the day we met, I immediately felt
What is not a simple mother-in-law, but received a mother
Caring, kind, compassionate, kind
Young, beautiful, loving and cheerful.

I am very lucky not only with my husband,
Luck gave me a gorgeous mother-in-law.
I'm so proud that feelings between us have not cooled down,
And I promise: I will be proud of it again and again.

And therefore, with my great love
And with no less gratitude
I'll celebrate my birthday with my mother-in-law
With my second mother, close and dear.

You are not just the mother of my beloved husband,
You are my second mother, kind and sweet.
How many times have you helped out in difficult times
It is impossible to count it absolutely.

And so on your holiday, on a glorious birthday
We'll throw a party, there'll be fun!
We will raise our glasses to you
Say "thank you" for helping.

Because your help is priceless
You raised me a faithful husband very well,
Babysitting with grandchildren, helping in the house -
Golden mother, kind, perky!

Let adversity pass you by
Let only happiness knock on your home,
Let life bring one pleasure
Because it's your birthday today!

And you will remember this celebration for a long time,
After all, many people will come to visit us,
They will give you gifts, kiss you, fill you with flowers.
How glad we are that you are always with us!

Don't let wrinkles bother you
And children pay more attention
Bright hope and goodness
And at home only cozy warmth.

Health to you for many years,
Never get sick
More optimism, inspiration
Always good mood.

You are the best in the world, it's not a secret
How sometimes your advice is needed,
Happy birthday, I sincerely congratulate you,
I wish you good health and happiness.

Today I want to congratulate you
With that Day that once a year everything happens,
May joy visit you many times,
And happiness never leaves!

I wish you less swearing and quarrels,
So that the house is full of happiness,
Let the good wait ahead
Joy and love to you.

I wish you only happy tears
And in the sky of bright stars
I wish you success in everything
Let the laughter please the grandchildren.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I wish you health for many years
Let adversity bypass you,
Let life flow like a full river.

And wish on your birthday
I want you not to know problems
I will always help my mother-in-law
I will save you from all worries!

You are very beautiful today
With such beauty, invincible
Let health not worry
There will be no pain and nothing aching.

Great happiness and joy
Until the deepest old age
Your beloved grandfather is with you
He will hide you from sorrows and troubles.

To be loved by everyone, to always be our light,
Let the life of the year pass calmly and easily!
The mother-in-law is just like you - the rarest luck,
Good health to you, joy, and nothing else!

You taught me a lot
And helped me a lot
For your son separately - bravo!
You gave birth to a hero!

Mom I call you loving,
You are an example for me in everything,
Thank you for raising such a son,
And I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Be happy, never get sick
In everything I wish you joy, good luck and kindness,
I promise to be a good daughter-in-law for you,
And your advice is always appreciated.

Husband's mom, you are the only one in the world,
Good, kind, wise, glorious,
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
I wish you good health, and this is the main thing in life.
Thank you for your wisdom, for good,
God grant that you are lucky in everything,
Let life flow like a full river
May fate be kind.

For the husband's mother, congratulations, flowers,
You are the hero of the occasion today,

Live long in joy and happiness.
May health never fail you
Let fate generously reward in full,
Luck don't let you go
Let reliable friends surround you.

You raised a husband for me
Gentle, sweet, glorious,
I affectionately call you mom
With all my heart I wish you all the best.
Good luck, inspiration,
Joy, good luck, good mood,
Happy birthday, congratulations
Let all doubts disappear from life

Husband's mother, praise and honor to you,
To be honest, your merits cannot be counted,
I always go to you for advice
Thank you for our meeting.
Happy birthday, accept congratulations
Live long in happiness, joy,
May health be strong
Let sadness forget you forever.

I'm glad to congratulate you on your birthday,
Husband's mom, you are a joy to me,
On your birthday, accept the words of gratitude,
You are an example to me in everything, always.
Let life flow like a full river
May you always be lucky in everything,
Let everything that is planned come true
Let fate be filled with bright moments.

You are a wonderful mistress, a wonderful mother,
Can't be added, can't be taken away!
Care is in the blood, you are full of love,
Beautiful and wise was born into the world!
Thank you, dear, you are our amulet,
In any weather - in the heat, in the slush, in the snow!
You are our sun, you are our amulet,
We wish you long, joyful years!

We kiss your hands, dear,
Wrinkles and gray hair
And lowly we ask Your forgiveness
For the pain and sadness that everyone presented.
Live longer, beloved man,
And most importantly, of course, do not get sick.
Believe that you are needed in the world
For my husband, all relatives and us children.

And every day, and all year round,
You, mommy, are full of worries,
Everything needs to be done - here and there,
Cook dinner, five minutes

Find a vacation - and again
To arrive in captivity from everyday life.
But today the mood
Congratulations to the husband,

And from the kids all the gifts,
And strong hugs, hot.
We will give you inspiration
Let's say together - happy birthday!

Dear beloved mother

His good, miracle wife

Let love surround you
And wonderful family comfort,
So that you know in your heart that
You are always loved and expected.

Rise up darling
Jump on your hands quickly
I congratulate you so
Your anniversary has arrived!

I'm ready for you today
Wear it in your arms all day
Like on the 8th of March
Compliments to speak.

Smile, don't worry
I keep my mouth shut
How many hit today
I won't tell anyone!

The best Mom in the world
And a wonderful miracle wife!
Stay up late, wake up at dawn
We all need air like air.
We promise that we will obey
Your nerves never wag.
Mom, love, we love you
It's better to never find you!

Mom, you deserve all the flowers,
That grow everywhere on earth!
We do not regret words for you,
We owe a lot to you.
And accept for your birthday
From a galaxy of loving hearts
Happiness that brightens your days
And in the eyes will enhance the bright shine!

Take it my love
Mom, birthday
From children and grandchildren
Congratulations with love.

You will take away any trouble with your hands,
Wounded souls, you will heal, mother.
The most beloved, the most dear,
We wish you health and love.

The sun shines in the sky or it rains,
We ask only one thing, do not leave.
We need you, mom, always there, here,
Let the angels in heaven wait for now.

While you are quiet, meekly sleep
On your birthday
thought to write to you
Your poem.
You often say
That there is no more patience.
But I'm grateful to fate
For every moment.

Happy birthday my dear
I wish you easy deeds and thoughts,
Bright thoughts and human smiles,
And working days without mistakes!
Clear and warm light
To be in the hands of living power,
For the birds to sing, the clouds to float,
So that life plays and seethes!

Happy birthday to you, beloved wife,
Let the vulnerable soul be warmed with good,
May your gentle wrinkles be smoothed out,
Let the serene years come
Let any mountains submit
Let the eyes warm from affection,
Let the distant star respond
And your thoughts will be imbued!

Dear Mom, you are alone in the world
Husband hugs sincerely, and children love dearly.
Crazy moments fly and rush day after day,
But mommy and daddy are still young!

Today is the birthday of my beloved mother,
The most devoted wife, and a little jealous.
So let by all means all desires, dreams,
And we will achieve the long-awaited goals!

We offer you all our favorite flowers,
Our mother, rejoice, and do not rush to live.
You enjoy every day with tenderness,
And we thank you, mommy, for everything!

Dear beloved mother
Happy birthday, I congratulate
I promise to always be obedient,
And in studies one of the best.

His good, miracle wife
I want to congratulate you on your birthday.
I promise to give only joy
Don't make you even a little sad.

Let love surround you
And wonderful family comfort,
So that you know in your heart that
You are always loved and expected.

Dear mother, tender wife,
Ah, such a woman will be needed by everyone!
Young, stylish, pretty,
Sweet, beautiful, with a kind soul.

You will outshine even the light of the sun,
May fate give life many years!
Mischievous children congratulate mom,
Wishes are given to her by guests and relatives.

Her husband brought her white flowers as a gift,
With true intent to make dreams come true
It doesn't take much to be happy...
Loyalty and loyalty, attention and care! ©

Always be young and beautiful
So that joy takes you with your head!
To have more luck in life,
A lot of money so that there is no change in the markets.
So that good, good dreams come true,
For people to be honest with you.
To make good friends
And to enjoy your life.
Know that with your daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter,
Never get bored. Those kind of things!