Congratulation with gifts for birthday phone. How to present a mobile phone in an original way? How to give a mobile phone

In the modern world, it is customary to give almost everything, but mobile phones are especially popular. It is appropriate to give them to absolutely everyone - friends, relatives and even work colleagues.

The most important thing is that the gift must be presented in some unusual way. There must be intrigue. The gift must be originally “packed” and correctly “presented”. As they say, a surprise should be a surprise!

How to pack a mobile phone in an original way?

A mobile phone is a rather small thing, and therefore if you pack it in a large package, no one will guess what they want to give. The phone can be wrapped several times with packaging material and, after tying a ribbon and a bow, hand it to the addressee. The intrigue will grow every minute, because before the gift recipient gets to the phone, the packaging will literally “melt” before our eyes.

A mobile phone can be handed into the paws of a teddy bear or put in a Santa Claus souvenir bag. You can tie a ribbon to a radio-controlled toy car or plane and let the gift find its owner by itself.

A gift can be packed in an old box from something that will definitely not bring joy to the recipient of the gift, but when he opens the box, there will be a pleasant surprise, especially if you have long dreamed about this thing and planned to purchase it.

When packaging a mobile phone, the packaging material can be shaped into a large candy or a flower. You can put cute stickers on top and even attach a balloon.

How to give a mobile phone?

A mobile phone can be carefully placed under the pillow or in the pocket of the future owner, setting a beautiful melody and a suitable picture on it and just making a call. There will be no limit to surprise and delight! You can cut a pocket inside the book and, putting a mobile phone there, hand it over to the addressee with a solemn air.

When a mobile phone is intended for a child, here you can play a little, warm up the curiosity of your beloved child! Come up with notes that you will place (hide) throughout the apartment. While reading the messages in the notes, let the child find his "treasure". You can tie a ball of thread to his bed and let him wind it up. He, winding around the apartment several times, will finally find his treasure!

To present such a valuable gift, you can hire professional specialists. These can be clowns and characters from various fairy tales that some entertainment company will gladly provide you with. Put your mobile in socks, mittens or a hat and give it as if the gift is not valuable, ask to try it on again. Tie a mobile phone to one of the balls that can fill the banquet room and let him try to find his gift.

You can ask a friend to give a phone to your companion as if by chance during an evening walk. If this is a woman, you can accompany the gift with flowers, of course, it is better for a child to give some other toy to the phone, and for a man - a good bottle of cognac!

The most convenient means of communication today is the telephone, and mobile. Agree, it is already hard to imagine how we used to live without this portable device, which in a matter of seconds is able to connect us with dear and close people, work colleagues, overcoming distances of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

Landline phones are also a convenience, but with the advent of mobile phones, many stop using them. If you are thinking about what to give, then consider such a gift option as a phone! And also use poems for a phone gift to present it in an original way. Agree, it will be nice to open the box and see a note or a postcard there, in which verses for the gift are inscribed. Surprise is easy! The main thing is desire and a little imagination!

If Napoleon knew
How convenient is the phone
Then he himself would certainly
Chatted with everyone unforgettably,
But he's out of luck
Time passed quickly
A mobile phone
Later invented
And you're lucky
Keep a gift for everyone!

Anniversary phone

We congratulate you on your anniversary,
We wish you happiness, health,
Let it be a great trophy
This phone, what he can call himself!
We give it with all our heart,
So that you are always in touch,
And your voice to hear
From anywhere in the world we could!

Cool poems for a gift phone

That an elephant can call
To your landline phone
Chukovsky wrote long ago,
Then he did not think, did not know
How much progress will step,
That Beeline will come to us, MTS,
And behind him - Megafon, Tele 2,
Head is spinning!
We don't know which one to choose
But we hand over a mobile phone,
You choose your operator
And call all of us more often!

The Best Gift Shops in Russia You Can Trust

  1. - The gift shop is beyond competition. No one has such an original and large assortment. Very fast response to orders.

Now a mobile phone is a fairly common gift. thing is necessary, useful, so why not? moreover, many people simply dream of a new, more modern and sophisticated model. but, you see, just handing over the box with the phone .... this, to put it mildly, is not original. such a presentation, of course, will not spoil the impression of the gift itself, but you can, after all, give a present more effectively.

1. you can download the favorite music of the person you are congratulating to your new phone in advance, put on the screen saver the picture or photo that he is guaranteed to like, leave a confession or congratulations in draft SMS or notes.

2. as an option, you can pack the phone in a box from under some very old model, preferably in black and white, etc. or even in a box from a landline phone.

3. if a person does not expect at all and does not guess what exactly you are going to give him, then at night you can put a brand new device in the place where the old one lies, and remove the old one for the time being - for the time being.

but you need to see if the alarm is turned on, otherwise you never know. if it is enabled, then, of course, on the new phone you need to set it to the same time.

4. or you can enter your number in the phone book and sign, or, as usual, "Mom", "Dad", "Beloved", "Beloved", "Sunny", "Sister", etc. , or somehow more original - "Mr. President", etc. and wake up with a call at the right time. just really wake up, and not "well, I called, but you didn’t wake up, and I decided to take pity on you." after all, plans for the day can be very different: from a quiet celebration with the family, to an important interview in the morning and a crazy break in the evening.

5. Email replies suggest something like this:

“Yes, take a thread of shampoo with an opaque bottle the size of a cell phone.

Pour it out. Wash the bottle. Take off the cover. Cut the bottle lengthwise, at the seams. From neck to bottom. Just don't cut the bottom. The bottle will fall apart to the sides, but will remain in one piece.

Take soft multi-colored wrapping paper, cut into small pieces, remember each. Then fill this bottle with a mobile phone lined with crumpled pieces of multi-colored paper, and secure with a cap. Wrap up nicely.

You will present - ask to open at once. The bottle will disintegrate in a cascade of multi-colored paper, and inside is a mobile phone."

6. you can decorate the phone in advance with vinyl stickers or Swarovski crystals

7. you can say that, they say, flowers are the best gift, or that there was not enough money for anything other than a bouquet and give, for example, tulips. and either attach the phone in a case \ in a box to the bouquet, or with the words "here's another flower fell out" give the phone, on the screen of which the same flowers and the same color.

8. you can temporarily leave the hero of the occasion at home alone, previously, not just hiding it completely, but putting a brand new phone (already turned on and with a SIM card) in a secluded place. and after a while, of course, call this mobile phone. you need to call, of course, for a long time, until the phone is found and you are answered, otherwise the whole effect is lost.

9. a mobile phone is a compact thing, so if you want to make fun of it, you can put it in a pack of cigarettes, and in a box, and in a cosmetic bag, and even in socks. Naturally, all these things should be new and presented as a gift. and it is even more natural that having decided to pack the phone in this way, it must be done without damage to the device. those. The phone must be in a good and high-quality case. otherwise, surprises await not only the birthday person.

Mobile phone is a great gift for any occasion, be it a birthday, New Year, anniversary, etc. Such a wonderful surprise can be presented not only to loved ones, relatives, friends, but also to management or colleagues. In addition to choosing a phone model, it remains important gift wrapping and the presentation itself. If you figure out how to give a phone in an original way and pack it in an unusual way, this will bring a person unforgettable impressions and positive emotions for a long time.

How unusual to give a smartphone


To unusually give a smartphone to a man, you need to be strict and creative. It is important to remember that men are earners, conquerors, they like to feel themselves in charge of everything both at home and at work, so confetti and balloons will not be appropriate here.

For young guys

Install an original ringtone on your device and sign your number, for example, "Favorite". Then pack it in a perfume box and give it as a gift. Obviously, the young man will not immediately begin to unpack the gift. Call after 10-15 minutes. He will begin to look with interest, where the phone is ringing. When he unpacks and finds his real present, wish him a happy birthday and give him a kiss. Such a surprise will bring a “sea” of positive emotions!

For men

Buy an inexpensive detective in a beautiful cover, cut out a recess in the pages for a mobile phone. Set a ringtone for your number, for example, from the feature film "Sherlock Holmes", and sign the FSB or something like that. The draw will be great!

Think about what a man likes, what hobbies he has, and you can build on this and come up with many unique and unusual pranks for any occasion and even without it!

Girl or woman

It is much easier with the female sex, you can fantasize more about the originality of gifts. If you are still wondering “How to give a phone to your beloved in an original way?”, Then, in addition to the gift itself, you can buy balls, hearts, a toy and much more.

  • Option 1. If your female representative loves small pets, you can buy a decorative rabbit, kitten or puppy for her birthday. You can put a small backpack with a mobile phone on the back of the little "fluffy", and do not forget to decorate the animal itself with a beautiful bow.
  • Option 2. If the reason for the gift was the holiday of March 8 or Valentine's Day, in this case, from the very morning, while your beloved is sleeping, put rose petals in the shape of a heart on the bedside table near the bed and put a beautifully packed box with a telephone in the middle. Set an alarm clock with a beautiful melody in advance on your mobile.
  • Option 3. Lay out a path of favorite flower petals or cut colored hearts from the front door to the girl's bedroom. Decorate the room with helium balloons with shiny ribbons, and put a beautiful musical toy, always new, on the bed. In musical soft toys, as a rule, there is a niche with Velcro, it is in this hole that you can hide the phone. The hero of the occasion will be delighted with the gift she sees, but there will be even more joy when the main gift rings in the toy!

There are many ways to give a woman an unusual and original gift, the main thing is your feelings and creativity!

To kid

Every child dreams of a brand new phone! For children, mobile is personal space: friends, games, photos, etc. Make sure that as a gift the child receives not only a box with a phone, but an unforgettable experience that he will share with everyone around him.

  • Example 1 For a birthday, you can give a toy - your favorite cartoon character. It is this hero who will hold a brand new mobile phone in his hands. At the same time, decorate the rooms with balloons, festive inscriptions "Happy Birthday!" and don't forget the candles.
  • Example 2 On New Year's Eve, you can hide a large box under the tree with the child's name signed on top. In this box, put soft paper and another box with the inscription "Look further." The next box may contain sweets with the same inscription and tips. You can continue and hang a Kinder Surprise egg on the Christmas tree with further tips. Thus, the phone itself can be hidden in a Christmas tree with toys or in your child's room.
  • Example 3 Pack various small toys, sweets and a phone in paper to make balls, then wrap it in foil and tie it with thread, hang the edge of the thread on the doorway with tape, in the room where you will celebrate the holiday. There should be about 10 such balls. Then the child is blindfolded, untwisted and given scissors, with these scissors he must cut the thread and find his gift. Thus, you get a fun holiday and an unusual presentation of a long-awaited gift.

Useful video - 3 ways to pack a gift

A rectangular smartphone box is easiest to pack in gift paper. There are three great (and most importantly fast) ways to do this in the video:

Knowing the hobbies of people dear to you, you can make a very unusual and original gift and arrange a fun holiday that will be remembered for a lifetime. Make gifts and surprises for your loved ones!

  • Step 1 Choose one of the congratulations on our website that you want to send to your loved one on the phone.
  • Step 2 Enter the phone number of the recipient of the congratulations (birthday) and select the time at which you want to call. You can "Right now" or "Specify time" - indicating the day, hour and minute of the call.
  • Step 3 Choose a payment method for the order. You can pay by phone (only for MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2 subscribers), or pay with a bank card, Yandex Money or Webmoney. When paying with a card or electronic payment systems, congratulations will cost you 10% cheaper (there is no mobile operator commission). Click the Send Congratulation button.
  • Step 4 Subscribers of MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele2 will receive a free incoming message, by answering which you confirm the payment (detailed instructions will be in SMS). When paying by another method, you will be redirected to the website of the payment system.
  • Step 5 After paying for the order on the specified day and time, our system will call the recipient and he will hear the congratulations you have chosen in the receiver. If you paid from your phone, you will receive an SMS message stating that your congratulations have been successfully delivered!


  • What happens if the birthday person's phone is temporarily unavailable? If the recipient's phone is busy, turned off or he did not pick up the phone, then our system will call him with an increasing interval for 10 hours until the subscriber picks up the phone. Have you ever answered your phone for 10 hours? Unless the subscriber turns off the phone for a day. In other cases, congratulations will be delivered!
  • How much will it cost for a birthday call? If the birthday person has free incoming calls, then this call will be absolutely free. For him, this is a normal incoming call. If the subscriber is in roaming, then the fee is only for roaming and nothing on top.
  • Can I send a greeting to a friend in another country? Yes, congratulations will be delivered to any phone anywhere in the world. It is important to enter the recipient's phone number correctly. The recipient's phone number is entered from the country code, then the mobile number, for example, if you want to send a congratulation to Ukraine, the recipient's number will start with the Ukraine code 380
  • What should I do if I did not receive an SMS for payment? Such a problem may be when your operator's line is busy on holidays. Choose the method "Card / Yandex Money" they always work + get a 10% discount.
  • What time is the call made? If you selected the "Right now" option, the robot will start calling immediately after receiving the payment. If time is specified, then 30 seconds before the specified point. Sending greetings is carried out according to the local time of the customer (sender) of the greeting.
    Example No. 1: you are in Novosibirsk and indicate the delivery time is 9.00, congratulations will be sent at 9.00 in Novosibirsk. If you are in the same time zone, you don’t need to think at all, just indicate your local time.
    Example No. 2: I am a customer from Sochi (Moscow time here), I want to congratulate a friend in Novosibirsk, we have a 4 hour difference, I need them to call him at 10.00 Novosibirsk time, so I indicate delivery at 10.00 - 4 hours = 6.00 in my opinion time.
  • Advice You can add several congratulations you like to your favorites by clicking on the star in front of them and then select one of them.
  • Advice Check the box next to deliver from my phone number and choose Putin, the police or a sexy blonde for pranks. Surprise guaranteed! You will have to pay from the phone - to confirm that the specified number is yours.

How can I use it?

  • Always an unexpected surprise. Remember how sharply you react to everything new and original? Pugacheva herself or Vladimir Putin is calling you. Wow! How pleasant are these unexpected emotions, how do they energize and delight? Congratulations in voice form, against the background of your favorite melody, in the voice of a famous politician, singer, actor or people's artist - it's always pleasant and interesting.
  • Way to surprise. Among the huge selection of a wide variety of voice greetings, you can find exactly the one that the hero of the day or birthday will surely like. You can be sure that this surprise will be special and unique.
  • A great addition to any gift. Voice greetings can accompany the presentation of a gift to a birthday person, because you yourself determine the exact time to send a surprise. Congratulatory words can be heard at the time of the toast, when all the invitees come together to honor and praise the hero of the day. Surrounded by relatives, such a surprise will be received even better by the birthday man.
  • Funny pranks. Another advantage of a voice surprise is the ability to combine the text of congratulations with an unexpected prank. Humor is our savior. It makes life brighter, more pleasant and easier. Laughter, a sincere smile and delight - this is what you and your family can get from a voice greeting. Real and sincere emotions are not often found in life. Give them to each other every day!
  • An opportunity to joke or check your soulmate for fidelity. Send a friend or your significant other a frank recording from the opposite sex and listen to what he (she) will say in response to the recording.
  • Voice alarms. A text that motivates you to achieve with cheerful music from the very morning is what you need to cheer up and set up a person close to you to win before an important meeting or before passing an exam.