Construction of a wrap skirt. How to sew a wrap skirt? A master class with a pattern and tips from the Sewing Cases blog. "Tatyanka" sewn on both sides and gathered with an elastic band in the center of the canvas

Every woman wants to attract the eyes of others. This can be achieved in various ways. A simple wrap skirt will help create a romantic feminine look. Its charm is not only that it is comfortable to wear and can become the highlight of the image. You can sew a similar skirt yourself without a pattern in just an hour!

The main feature of a wrap skirt is its design. All models are based on the principle of fabric overlay. One part of the skirt overlaps the other. Due to this, interesting folds are created. Many people think that such clothes should be sewn only for the summer. In fact, it all depends on the cut and the chosen fabric. Some models can be worn in late autumn.

How to sew a wrap skirt?

First you need to choose a model and material. For summer, it is best to stop at natural fabrics. In such clothes you will be comfortable even on the hottest day. It is worth looking at linen, viscose, cotton knitwear. You can also use chiffon. Despite the fact that it is made of artificial fibers, it will also be cool in it. Usually the skirt is sewn without zippers. You may need buttons, braid.

The easiest way to sew is from a rectangle of fabric. It is best to sew a wrap skirt for the summer in this way. You will not be disturbed by too much side cutout. On the contrary, in the heat it will create a feeling of coolness.

You will need:

  • Lightweight, well-draped fabric - 125 cm.
  • Elastic band for a belt 2 cm wide - 45 cm.
  • Sewing threads to match the fabric

Manufacturing instruction:

  1. Cut out a rectangle from the fabric. Its width is 129 cm, and its height is 98. From the remnants of the material, we cut out 2 belts for ties. The dimensions of the 1st are 20 by 43 cm, and the 2nd are 20 by 74.
  2. Don't forget to add seam allowance and hem to the bottom. They are 1.5 cm. It is also necessary to cut a facing for a 5 by 10 cm belt (allowances are already included in these dimensions).
  3. Take a large rectangular canvas. Mark the allowances on all sides. Iron them inside out.
  4. On the front side, step back from the right edge 3 cm. Draw a line. Repeat one more time. You've got 3 cm deep crease marks. Sweep them by hand.
  5. Fold the belt pieces in half. Then make bevels by cutting off the fabric at the ends. Fold inside out. Sew along the bevels on the machine. Turn out the details. Step back from the bottom cut 7 mm and sew a line.
  6. On the front side of the canvas from the middle of the back, set aside 26 cm on both sides. We form a slit for the tie. To do this, we mark it by setting aside 24.5 cm to the right of the middle, and 24 cm to the left. We retreat 2 cm from the upper cut and make marks of 2-3 mm.
  7. We form a belt. We apply the facing to the upper cut front to front. Transfer tie marks to it. Sweep the belt from the inside along the markings. Cut the facing and the panel between the seams. Try to do it closer to the line. Pull the trim through the slot. Cut and sew the ends, sew the cuts. Top stitch on the wrong side. Finish the drawstring by threading an elastic band into it and sewing the sections.
  8. A similar skirt is best sewn from material with bright pints. They can be both abstract and floral.

Do-it-yourself wrap skirt: patterns

You can sew a skirt based on the sun or half sun. First you need to build a very simple pattern.

You will need:

  • Thick paper sheet
  • Any fabric, lace for decoration
  • Threads to match the material
  • Buttons for fastening the smell - 4 pcs.

Manufacturing instruction:

  1. Measure your waist. Add 2 cm to the measure, and then divide the resulting value by 3. To get the radius, divide it by 2.
  2. We take a dense sheet of drawing paper. In one of the corners we draw a semicircle. The top will be the center. From it you need to postpone the radius. Further from this line you need to set aside a distance equal to the length of the skirt. To make the bottom cut in the form of a half sun, simply cut the thread of the desired length and tie it to a pencil. Draw a line with this device as if it were a compass. Cut out the detail.
  3. Fold the fabric in 2 times. Attach the part to the fold. Set aside 2 cm seam allowances around. In total, you need to cut 3 parts. At the end, one of them should cover a single canvas.
  4. To create a beautiful fold, one of the ends of the canvas should be shortened. To do this, take a pattern. Reduce one of the sides by 8 cm. Connect it to the other smoothly with an arc and cut off the excess paper. Attach the pattern to the place of the future smell and make the necessary marks along the line with chalk. Cut the fabric.
  5. Cut out a strip for the belt, equal to the length of the top cut of the skirt. Add 1.5 cm to it in sections. Fold the belt inside out, stitch the sides. Turn, iron, sew to the skirt in any convenient way. Attach buttons where needed. They should be positioned so that the belt is the size of the waist. Attach lace or any strip of decorative fabric to the bottom edge of the skirt

Wrap skirt: photo

There is an easier way to create a wrap skirt. For him, you can not even build a pattern. In this case, you will need to take the right measurements. First, measure your waist. Hip circumference doesn't matter. because it can be played with the smell of different widths. The skirt will be sewn from a single fabric. Its length depends on your preferences, and its width depends on how deep the fold will be.

One of the lower sides of the canvas must be rounded. So you get a beautiful tail. Just set aside the desired length from the top cut. Then connect its point with the bottom edge of the skirt with a smooth arc. Cut off excess fabric. Finish the side cuts.

You also need to cut out the belt. Its width varies between 8-12 cm. The length is equal to the circumference of the waist plus 30 cm. The strip of fabric is folded with the front side inward. Then the side sections are sewn together, turned inside out. The upper edge of the skirt is sewn on typewriters with large stitches and long nicknames are made up. They are pulled so that the canvas becomes equal to the waist circumference.

Attach the belt to the top of the skirt. On both sides, ponytails of 15 cm should form. They will serve as ties. On the front side along the lower edge of the belt, lay a line on a typewriter. It should connect the unsewn sections of the ponytails-strings. Process the bottom edge of the skirt in any convenient way. It can be a hem stitch or an overlock stitch. The latter method is best used for thin flowing fabric.

By the same principle, you can sew an Indian wrap skirt. She has a number of features. So this model is not sewn from a whole canvas. The highlight is considered to be a peculiarly designed bottom edge. A gathered strip of fabric is sewn to the rectangle. As a result, the lower cut becomes more lush. Also no rubber bands are used.

A strip of fabric is cut out, which is 60 cm larger than the width of the main fabric. It is sewn on like a regular belt, leaving the ends for ties. This wrap skirt, with a particularly simple pattern, is worn with large pleats. The lower part of the canvas is held by hand. Another side is imposed on her. Do this until both ties are next to each other. They should be tied into a beautiful bow.

Many fashionistas are wondering how to sew a wrap skirt. It will take from 1.25 to 3 meters of fabric and a little time. You can not build a pattern. The simplest wrap skirt is a rectangle with a belt and ties. It is best to sew this romantic type of clothing for the summer using linen, cotton, chiffon. Warm options should be done according to the pattern, because they should fit well on the figure and not have large folds.

A wrap skirt is one of the easiest skirt options. We offer a model with several pleats and long ties that will add vertical lines and visually make the figure slimmer. In addition to the ties, the wrap skirt is fixed with an inconspicuous hook and can be easily rearranged in case of a size change.

You won’t need a pattern: our master class, using detailed photos, will tell you how to sew such a skirt from a single rectangular piece of fabric.

Wrap skirt: choice of fabric

How to sew a wrap skirt? We sewed it from cool bright linen, but almost any fabric that drapes well will work for you.

In order to determine the amount of fabric, you must first decide how long your wrap skirt will be. The second important size is the hip circumference. The smell allowance in our case is 18 cm, but you can make it even more. If you want to avoid a large opening of the hem, make a seam at the back and leave a slit or slot in it, then when walking, the wrap skirt will open much less in front. Add to the circumference of the hips the length of the allowance for smell and 8 cm for allowances.

If the resulting number is less than or equal to the width of the fabric, you will need a piece of length equal to one length of the skirt plus 20 cm for allowances, belt and ties. If the width of the fabric is not enough, you will have to make an additional seam, then you will need a piece of fabric equal to twice the length of the skirt plus 25 cm.

We made the ties long to make a large bow and its ends reached the bottom of the skirt. You can only tie the skirt in a knot, then shorten the ties to the desired length when trying on.

So, let's sew a wrap skirt!

Pattern making and cutting

Cut out a rectangle of fabric whose length (AC and BD) corresponds to the desired length of the skirt plus allowances: 1 cm along the top edge, 4 cm along the bottom edge.

The width of the rectangle AB and CD corresponds to the sum of the waist circumference and the wrap allowance, plus allowances of 5 cm on each side. Allowances can be reduced to 3 cm if you are missing a few centimeters to fit the width of the fabric.

Mark the folds. The first vertical fold on the side half is located at a distance of 3 cm from the edge and has a depth of 3 cm. The second fold of the same depth is located immediately behind it.

The crease at the waistline is best marked when trying on a skirt. The pleat should be located near the edge of the top half, and its depth should be such that the skirt sits well at the waist. Pin the fold with pins, remove the skirt and tuck it up.

The length of the tie strips in our model is 90 cm, and the width of each strip is 6 cm (1.5 cm in finished form). You also need to cut out a belt with a length equal to the waist circumference plus 2 cm, and a width of 3 cm and a strip of interlining to strengthen it, 2.5 cm wide and a length equal to the waist circumference.

Working process

  • skirt details
  • interlining
  • hook and loop
  • scissors, thread

Iron 1.5-2 cm along the bottom edge to the wrong side. Iron 1 cm on the sides to the wrong side. Bend each lower corner to the front side to a width of 4-2 cm, chop off and sew as shown in the photo, stepping back 2 cm from the bottom edge.

Fold the tie pieces inward, long edges towards the middle. Iron. Fold in half again, closing the cuts, iron and baste. Sew along the edges of the ties, as shown in the photo. Pull out the note.

Insert one tie into the first vertical pleat to a depth slightly less than the width of the hem. Pin the fold along with the tie. Lay the second fold and pin it off. Sew, securing the folds and the tie.

Insert the second tie into the crease at the waistline, stepping back from the edge the same distance as the first tie. Sew as shown in the photo.

Strengthen the part of the belt with interlining. Fold the waistband right sides with the top edge of the skirt. Sew 1 cm from the edge.

Press the open edge of the belt inward, turn the belt up and iron. Fold the waistband in half, folding the short side seam allowances inward, and fold the long edge over to cover the seam allowance. Baste.

Sew the belt close to the edge and sew the hook: one part to the edge of the bottom panel, the other part to the corresponding place on the inside of the top panel.

The wrap skirt is especially good for women who are constantly losing weight, whose waist sizes are constantly changing, and for girls who are still growing. You can instantly change the size of the skirt by adjusting the waistband or simply changing the button to another place.

But even if the parameters of your figure have been stable for many years, you should not pass by a wrap skirt either, because this season it is extremely popular!

Recently, designers have been betting on an asymmetrical cut: such a non-standard approach makes the thing more interesting and attracts the attention of others to its owner. And for you, as a needlewoman, it’s even “at hand”, because it’s easier to sew such a thing without spending a lot of time on accurate measurements of all the details.

How to quickly sew a wrap skirt

Relying on this creative design solution, we have chosen a very stylish youth model of a wrap mini skirt, which will take you a maximum of half an hour to sew!

  1. Measure the circumference of your hips at the most protruding point and the length of the finished skirt.
  2. Prepare a piece of fabric with a width equal to the length of the future product and a length equal to the volume of your hips.
  3. Fold and finish the edges of the fabric.
  4. Wrap the fabric around you, but at the same time connect the outer edge of the fabric not at the waist, but a little lower, at hip level. If you planned to sew a skirt from the hip, then, accordingly, place the free edge of the fabric even lower.
  5. Secure the fabric with pins.
  6. Sew the edge on the sewing machine, grabbing the inside edge of the fabric. Or sew on a decorative button and make a loop, then you can adjust the size of the skirt.

By the way, with this method of sewing, a lot depends on your imagination: you can make the inner edge of the skirt shorter than the outer one, or vice versa. In this case, you need to attach the free edge of the skirt not below the belt line, but, on the contrary, above.

How to sew a tie wrap skirt

The wrap skirt is very comfortable and you can easily put it on without even going into the locker room. This skirt is also very easy to sew, you can take either a very light fabric for it, or a tighter one, then you can wear it in the city. This maxi length skirt looks especially beautiful.

How to sew a long wrap skirt

  1. Measure around your hips and length from waist to ankles.
  2. Prepare the fabric with a length equal to the girth of your hips + 1/2, and a width equal to the length of the finished skirt + 5 cm. Don't forget the seam allowances.
  3. Sew the edges of the fabric on the sewing machine.
  4. Bend the upper long edge of the fabric inward by 2.5 cm and sew, leaving an opening for the belt.
  5. Wrap the fabric around you so that the inside edge of the fabric is exactly to the side. Sew a tie from the remnants of the fabric 10 cm long and 1.5 cm wide to this junction. Sew the exact same tie to the inner edge of the fabric.
  6. Make a belt for the skirt in your size and insert it into the hole left earlier.

If you do not like the belt on the skirt, then you can make small buttons both inside and outside.

Another interesting option for sewing such a skirt is to mark on the fabric a length equal to the volume of your hips and the remaining 1/2 of this volume to the edge.

Then you get a beautiful, rounded, outer corner.

And by rounding the corners on both sides and making small tucks in front, you will get a skirt that resembles.

But it is quite possible to do without darts, then the skirt will simply be more straight cut.

Or simply, without using a pattern, cut off the edge of the corner.

How to sew a wrap skirt for a girl

The skirts described above are quite suitable for a girl, especially if you use the method for cutting the outer corner along the oblique for each of them - such a beveled edge can

There is a piece of fabric in a cage - I suggest sewing a skirt with a smell.
A short wrap skirt is fastened with large buttons, the top is slightly lowered, finished with a belt.

Wrap skirt pattern

In the pattern drawing of a wraparound skirt, the front panel is shown expanded for clarity. The waist line in the wrap area is non-horizontal, it follows the contours of the pattern.

Layout on the fabric of a pattern of a skirt with a smell

So we have:

  • Back panel with a fold - 1 child.
  • Front panel - 2 children.
  • Belt - 1 child. with a fold

Fold the fabric in half, edges together. In Fig. 3 - a fabric 140 cm wide. To properly sew a skirt into a cage, make sure that the horizontal stripes of the cage of both layers of fabric coincide. Pin the fabric with pins. Vertical stripes do not need to be combined.

On the front panel of the skirt, make an allowance of 4-6 cm per hem along the line of the smell. On the belt we cut out a strip of fabric 6 cm wide (excluding allowances) and waist circumference (76 cm) + smell (25 cm) = 101 cm long. Do not forget to make allowances for the seams and hem the bottom of the skirt.

In our example, the fabric consumption for sewing a wrap skirt is 48 cm. This can be seen from the cells in the drawing.

Before sewing the wraparound skirt, duplicate the hem and waist detail with adhesive padding. We start sewing by sewing darts and side seams.

We turn the glued and swept-up bead to the wrong side, iron it. We process the top with a belt, we hem the bottom with a hidden seam.

So that the pick-up does not turn away when worn, it can also be sewn with a blind seam or sewn on a machine (on a fabric in a cage, a line with matching threads will not be visible at all).

On the fitting, we specify the location of the four buttons. On the inner part of the smell (left), also make a loop, and on the inside of the belt - a small flat button.

A do-it-yourself checkered skirt, short or long, is ready to decorate your mistress.

Let there be color! So in one sentence you can reflect the essence of the work of the Odessa blogger Elena Galant. It was her images that I chose today for the article. It is not easy for everyone to manage color. But Elena is amazing!The bows that she creates are enchanting, they gush with color, brightness, purity. In addition, they are more than accessible and wearable ... However, see for yourself. True color therapy

Autumn mood in spring colors.

The warm softness of autumn...

Color and mood!

And after this bow, I could not resist and decided to write an article-analysis on how to make a pattern for such a skirt. The skirt is wonderful. Truth?

A few more pictures of t Helena , so that you can no longer resist and run to the store for a suitable piece of fabric.

TO too, a wrap skirt is a favorite of the autumn-winter season. Indeed, what could be more ingenious and feminine than a piece of cloth wrapped around a woman's hips.

Wrap skirt modeling

So, let's take a closer look at the skirt model and proceed to the pattern modeling lesson. In a detailed study of the photo, I was able to see that the skirt has an asymmetrical cut. On the right (upper front) panel there is a shallow fold. The floors of the front panel are deeply wrapped in the upper part, and diverge in the lower part. Stitched belt. Slant pockets in front. The fabric is best to take a dense, holding shape, but not dry.

For modeling, we need a pattern-base of a straight skirt. It can be obtained using our Just enter your measurements in the form, press the button and our system will instantly build your basic skirt pattern. You can print it in full size on a printer of any format. Here we explain how. Here you can watch and download free sample skirt patterns.We will make changes to the printed pattern.

Let's move on to modeling. Let's start with the back panel of the skirt. Let's decide on the length and mark it on the part of the rear panel turned around. Note the different lengths of the side seams and the slightly sloping hem.

Let's move on to the front panel. Because skirt on the smell, then two panels. Moreover, we will make a pattern for each of them separately, the skirt is asymmetric.

Look at the drawing. Follow the guidelines. I tried to draw and sign in detail.

The part with the red outline is the right part. She is on top of the model. We get rid of the tucks: we simply cut one from the length, we re-register the second into a fold. Of course, it was possible to do it differently, by folding the solutions of two darts to draw them into the depth of the fold. Could be so.

On the left half panel we remove the tucks. Don't forget to mark the pocket entry line on both panels!

Here's what you should be able to do.

And the back panel. Cut out the belt with a length equal to the length of the waist of the back plus the length of the waist of both panels.

I started the lesson with a mini skirt, and I want to continue with a midi length skirt, of course with a wrap. Skirts of this cut are extremely relevant, and always) Fashion does not work for them. Look how good they are!

A little about how to combine such a skirt. Look at these interesting solutions. Original and modern, bold, fresh and not boring.

photo from the site

Well, what did you persuade? Let's sew! On our website you will find several options for ready-made patterns I suggest you today to make out another skirt of this kind. After all, there are not many good things. I again chose the model for creating the pattern on the website of Elena Galant. Its difference from the one we analyzed above is the absence of a belt.

You need to wear it on top of a petticoat or dress, a long top, trousers, because the floors diverge quite high, ... there are many options, you choose. It is best to sew from suede (leather), natural or artificial, this is the most spectacular option.

Modeling a wrap skirt with midi length

Modeling is very simple. But that's good. After all, everything ingenious is simple!

Again, we need a pattern-base of a straight skirt. The back panel is almost unchanged, only slightly narrowed to the bottom. Check and, if necessary, adjust the length.

Both front panels are mirrored. Therefore, we will model one of them on the details of the front panel of the base pattern in a turn.

As in the previous case, we get rid of the tucks. We outline the width of the facing for processing the upper cut of the skirt.

These are the details of the pattern you should get in the end.

I hope I managed to inspire you today? If yes, then write, send a photo to our. We will be glad!

Thanks to Elena Galant for the beautiful images, for the positive and courage!