Sand crafts in kindergarten. Sand building competition “Building a city Sand buildings for children in the garden

The material may be useful for summer work in preschool institutions, tasks can be varied according to the age of the pupils.

Entertainment "Sand Country" for preschoolers

Target: Creating emotional comfort for children.


Develop fine motor skills while playing with sand;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

To develop the imagination of children, the ability to embody their plan in action.

Material: sandbox, pebbles, seeds, shells, buttons, leaves, feathers, small toys.

Entertainment progress:

The teacher (possible festive option - the Fairy of the Sand Country) invites the children to the sandbox.

caregiver: Guys, today we will go to the Sand Country.

Do you like to play in the sandbox? (children's answers).

Why do you like playing with sand? (Answers of children).

Do you know the rules of sand games? (Answers of children).

In one very interesting book I read these rules. Here they are:

Here you can not bite, fight!

And don't throw sand!

You can build and create:

Mountains, rivers and seas -

To have life around!

Don't offend anyone

Don't ruin anything!

This is a peaceful country

Children, understand me?!

caregiver: And now I propose to play a game

"Sand circle" (dry sand)

The rules of the game are simple: you can draw a circle in any way and decorate it with various objects: pebbles, seeds, shells, buttons, etc. After that, you need to give a name to your sand circle, talk about it.

I propose to use it as a counting rhyme - a poem

We play in the sandbox

Building a house out of sand

We got carried away, we do not notice

That socks are full of sand.

They brought water in a bucket,

So that the house does not break,

Showed off on a hillock

We will water it.

The game "Sand hide and seek" (dry sand)

The game is played by two teams. Each team (in half of the sandbox) has the same number of small toys buried. The team that finds the most in the allotted time wins.

caregiver: Excellent, both teams coped with the task perfectly, worked quickly and together. Do you guys like fairy tales? Can you come up with something fabulous and magical yourself? Then our next game

"Sand Fantasy" (wet sand)

Children sculpt any composition from sand. You can work alone, in pairs or in a team (children's choice).

Children examine the work of their comrades, talk about their own, share their impressions.


"Novousmansky kindergarten No. 1 OV"


And about. head of MKDOU

"Novousmansky DS No. 1OV"

___________ / I.N. Filatov

Order No. __________

From "___" _________ 2017


about the competition for the best sand building

"Sand Fantasy"

1. General Provisions:

1.1 . Look -competition for the best sand building "Sand Fantasy" "is held in accordance with the Plan for the summer recreational work of the MKDOU"Novousmansky kindergarten No. 1 OV"in order to implement the task of shaping the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers in productive activities.

1.2. This Regulation determines the procedure for holding the review - competition "Sand Fantasies" (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) in the municipal state-owned preschool educational institution "Novousmansky Kindergarten No. 1 OV" (hereinafter MKDOU).

1.3. The validity of this Regulation is July 2017

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition:

Purpose: development of creativity of children and teachers.


    creation of favorable conditions for the development of social communication and interaction skills in children through joint activities in the summer;

    development of constructive skills, consolidation of skills in working with sand;

    development of creative abilities of preschool children;

    educating children in an active life position: the ability to occupy free time with interesting things, have a positive attitude not only to their own results of work, but also to the results of the work of other children and adults, to arouse in children a sense of pride in the work done;

    increasing the competence of teachers to guide children's games and

the level of their creative activity in working with children.

3. Participants of the Competition:

take part in the competitionall age groups (teachers and children)

4. Procedure and terms of the Competition

5. Conditions and basic requirements:

5.1. The building must not exceed the size of the sandbox

5.2. Waste material can be used in the construction

5.3 Construction can be done by individual participants or a group of participants independently or under the guidance of teachers

5.4. One work per group is evaluated.

6. Competition evaluation criteria:

When evaluating work, the following is taken into account:

    originality of the idea;

    disclosure of the chosen topic;

    quality of construction, the presence of additional elements;

    aesthetic impression;

    taking into account the age

7. Conditions for organizing and holding the Competition:

7.1. The composition and rules of the jury:

The composition of the jury is formed from among the teachers, parents of MKDOU.

Jury President: and about.head I.N. Filatov

Jury members:

    deputy head according to VMR V.B. Zakharova

    teacher L.N. Chernyshov

    teacher O.P. Bogdanov

    representative of the parent community O.V. Pabolina

7.2. In its work, the jury is guided by these Regulations.

8. Awarding the winners of the Competition

7.1. The winners and prize-winners of the competition are determined by the jury. The jury draws up a protocol on the results of the competition.

7.2. The winners are determined from two age groups: junior and middle preschool age, senior age (senior groups).

7.3. The winners of the competition (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) are awarded with Diplomas of the winners. Participants of the competition receive a certificate of participation in the Competition.

Sandbox games

Children's sandbox toys:

    baby bucket. Now the store sells many different buckets for sand - large, small, round, shaped like a large mold, buckets with nozzles (sieve, watering can, mill).

    Shovels, scoops, toy rakes.

    Molds for playing with sand in the form of various figures - towers, animals, vehicles, etc.

    Utensils. Yes, yes, the dishes can be successfully used in the sandbox - the kid will like to "cook" food out of the sand. And, by the way, not only girls, but also boys cook with pleasure! During the preparation of "food" in the sandbox, you can add various ingredients to the soup, which is cooked in a children's saucepan - pebbles, grass, dandelions, leaves ... the flight of fancy is not limited to anything!

    Plastic machines. My son, when we are going for a walk, immediately takes a set of cars - several trucks, an excavator and a tractor. For games in the sandbox, it is better not to take inertial, expensive cars, as they can be broken when playing in the sand.

    Ships, boats. If your sand games are combined with water games, then you can take water transport for a walk.

    Dolls and animals rubber and plastic, toys from kinder surprises - they will be happy to ride in toy cars, eat "soup" carefully prepared by the baby and sleep on a sand bed.

    spray bottle, filled with water is able to diversify sandbox games.

    Decorations- leaves, pebbles, cones, shells, sticks, etc. will be used during games in the sandbox.

Summer sand games for preschoolers:

    We draw with a stick on the sand.
    We draw drawings - by leveling the sand so that there is a flat surface and with the help of a stick we draw the sun, trees, houses on the sand.
    We draw and develop. With the help of a stick, we draw numbers and letters on the sand, so combine business with pleasure - the baby will enjoy the game, and at the same time learn letters and numbers while playing.
    Guessing. You draw a drawing on the sand with a stick, for example, a typewriter, the sun, a house, and the kid guesses what you have drawn. Then we change - the child draws, and the mother guesses that he depicted a crumb in the sand.

    Hiding toys.
    We bury toys in the sand and look for them.
    You can complicate the game and invite the baby to dig out the toy with his eyes closed, and when the toy is in his hand without peeping, determine what kind of toy it is.

    Cooking to eat. In children's dishes, you can cook "eat" for dolls and toy animals. Soup ingredients can be very different - sand, pebbles, grass, dandelions, leaves ...

    Mountain. We build a mountain out of sand, after which we decorate it with beautiful pebbles, which we find here, in the sandbox.

    We make cookies.
    It is difficult for younger kids to build Easter cakes, but they are happy to break the Easter cakes that their mother carefully blinded. Give the little one pleasure. And later he himself will learn to sculpt sand cakes.
    An older kid can independently sculpt Easter cakes, pies and sell them to you. You can learn to count and study sizes (more or less) during a role-playing game - tell the baby that you want to buy two large and one small Easter cakes.

    We build bridges. You can dig a hole in the sandbox, on top of which place small boards or twigs. Tell your baby that you and he built a bridge that toys can walk on.

    We collect sand in a bucket. For kids it is a pleasure to collect sand in a bucket with a shovel. Then you can turn the bucket over and create the first tower, next to it is the second of the same, the third ...

    Footprints in the sand.
    Join hands with the baby and walk on the sand, leaving footprints on it. At the same time, you can say “top-top-top, it’s fun with (child’s name) we’re walking along the sand”
    With an older child, we complicate the rules of the game: we leave prints in the sand with various toys, objects, and the child must guess whose print it is.

    Role play with animal toys. Build toy houses and act out scenes of how they visit each other, walk, communicate.

    We make sand figures. Again, you can direct sand games into a developing channel and sculpt various figures, numbers, letters from sand.

    We invite the kid to look for pebbles in the sandbox and arrange them in ascending order.
    We remember the account, offering the crumbs to count the pebbles that were found in the sand.
    We lay out numbers, letters, figures, simple drawings from pebbles (sun, house)

    Cars. If you took trucks, a tractor, an excavator with you for a walk, then this is a great opportunity to arrange an interesting game. Load the truck with sand and let the kid take it to the designated place. You can draw a road in the sand along which the car will drive.

Sand play at home:

In winter, as well as on rainy summer days, when it is not possible to play in an outdoor sandbox, you can create it at home. To do this, you need a small plastic box, which we fill with kinetic sand - you can buy it here, or do it yourself (I wrote about how to make kinetic sand on my own earlier in this article).

In the simple ways listed above, you can add variety to sand games in the summer, turning them into interesting, exciting and educational games that will bring pleasure to the child and you. The time spent in the sandbox will fly by unnoticed.

Interesting and fun games for you and your kids! See you soon!

Sincerely, Olya

Favorite children's activity in the summer - sand building. The main condition for the organization of this work is the preparation of sand for work. It should be clean (if necessary sieved) and moist. Children of younger groups of kindergarten it is inappropriate to allocate large sandboxes, since kids do not create large plot buildings, uniting them with a common content, their actions are more often procedural in nature, the buildings are still imperfect and simple. Therefore, small portable sandboxes with legs (1.2 m x 1.1 m, height 50-60 cm) are considered convenient. It is desirable that there are two or three such sandboxes on the site. They can have any shape and design, voluminous umbrellas. It is desirable to make the bottom of the sandbox from sheet iron, since the tree quickly rots from constant moisture. The sand is periodically washed out of the hose (water flows freely). If necessary, such sandboxes can be covered with plastic wrap.

For children of the middle group also use similar portable sandboxes on the site. It is desirable to have four of them. Experience shows that it is better to move them two by one: this way it is easier for children to combine their buildings with a common content. For example, several guys in one sandbox are building a room, while others are building a street, a garden in the next one.

Significant areas are needed for the organization of construction activities (3 mx 4 m), they are already creating large, collective buildings, characterized by structural complexity. The guys themselves monitor the cleanliness of the sand, its readiness for work, work carefully, without soiling clothes, shoes (in warm weather you can play barefoot), if necessary, wash your hands without being reminded. Therefore, to organize the activities of older preschool children, you can build various sand yards right on the ground. Usually they are placed under trees to protect the players from overheating in the sun, and the sand from constant drying. In the absence of trees, shady umbrellas are recommended. Do not arrange sand patios in constant shade; in cool weather it will be damp, cold, and uncomfortable here. Yards made of stumps, from lying logs, from boards have proven themselves well.

Teach the children to take care of the material, not to carry sand around the site. In the event that there is no building left in the sand yard, remind the children to rake it into a pile when leaving the site.


To work with sand children of primary preschool age you can offer plastic buckets, scoops, shovels and molds, medium-sized toys that are durable, easy to clean, various additional materials: boards, plywood stencils depicting people, animals familiar to children, vehicles.

To organize the construction of sand in middle group the same materials are used, with an increase in the number of various additional means: plywood plates of various sizes and shapes, pieces of multi-colored plexiglass, plastic (brushed edges), natural material (twigs, roots, pebbles, shells, etc.).

Children of senior preschool age offer smaller toys, increase the amount of a variety of additional material. These can be cut plastic hoses and pipes of different diameters, pieces of foam, foam rubber, twine, braid, colored wire (sheathed), various plastic and metal boxes, cans of various shapes and sizes (for molding), etc. Tanks are used for construction, which are filled with water, a polyethylene film, which is lined with the bottom of the structures. The guys build pools, ponds, lakes, rivers.

Organizing the work, get involved in the construction yourself more often, explain, show the methods of working with the material, help the children develop the plot of the game. Conducting excursions, reading works of art, looking at illustrations, talking about what they saw, watching filmstrips, transparencies provide an opportunity to acquaint children with various types of architecture, features of structures, enrich their knowledge. The development of interest in construction is facilitated by involving children in the manufacture of various crafts that they use to play with buildings.


In the process of work, ask the children such questions that contribute to the development of their ingenuity, the desire for creative search: “How to make a bridge out of a hill?”. “How to use a hose to draw water and pour water into this pool?”, “What needs to be done to strengthen these parts of the buildings?” (insert rods between them).

By playing, develop the children's communication skills. In groups of primary preschool age, continue to teach how to express your thoughts and desires: “Invite me to play! Thanks for the help! Treat the dolls with “gingerbread”, “cakes” made of sand.

The role-playing game "Confectionery Shop" contributes to the formation of stable motives for active joint activities in children.

The main task in working with children of middle preschool age is the formation of independence and self-management skills in the process of joint activities with sand (small subgroups of 3-4 people). Teach children to set a goal, find a constructive solution based on experience, plan work on their own or with the help of an adult, build together, uniting their buildings with a common plot, and achieve the ultimate goal.

Constantly encourage joint construction: “How unitedly you work! What a beautiful city you have built! It would be nice to save the building, and tonight continue work, make a pond, a beach, plant a park. Such proposals serve as a program of creation, they teach to take care of the results of labor.

Children of older preschool age are united in large subgroups, their buildings are diverse and interesting in content. An effective technique in organizing joint construction is to offer children to alternately choose foremen who learn to direct common activities towards a single goal. An important educational task in the process of construction at the senior preschool age is to give each child the opportunity to establish himself that he can become a leader.

It is unacceptable for children to aimlessly dig in the sand. Bored, they begin to throw sand at each other, wallow, etc. Try to organize the activities of the children so that an active childish life, interesting and meaningful, boils in the sand.

The theme of buildings made of sand echoes the theme of classes on designing from building materials and constructors. This makes it possible to teach the children to build structures, performing them from different materials.

Kids are taught to rake sand into small piles with the help of scoops and spatulas, to compact them, to dig holes in the sand, to put sand into small low molds and to make pies, gingerbread cookies, cakes and other treats for dolls. You can teach them to build a dog house. An adult rakes sand into a pile, compacts it and makes a deepening in it with a scoop at its base, invites the baby to place a dog in it.

You can teach children to make a path in the sand by moving a plank lying flat and pressing it lightly into the sand. After that, together with the kids, the teacher makes bumps and holes on the path, and the building is played up. You can use a folk joke. An adult moves a toy along the path, saying: “Over the bumps, over the bumps, along the flat path into the hole - bang!”.

Kids are taught how to mold, show how to take on a full shape, compact the sand in it, tip it over, where it is necessary to knock on it, how to lift it without damaging the Easter cake. So children form cakes, towers, houses.

You can teach children to build slides. To do this, a pile of sand is poured, compacted and, with the help of a plank, slopes are laid near the hill (similar to the construction of a path). After that, you can build a bench, a gate, a table, a chair, a bridge (a plate is applied to one or two Easter cakes standing next to each other).

To build fences, you need to rake sand from both sides with your hands, compacting it, gradually building up the structure in length towards you.

In the middle group, they strengthen the ability of children to mold various parts, constructing simple buildings, combining them with a common content, and decorating buildings. You can teach children to build a high tower from three forms of different sizes: at the base is the largest part, a smaller part is placed on it, and the smallest one, which is decorated with a flag, completes the construction.

The guys continue to independently build different slides (high, low, wide, narrow), fences, fences, paddocks, etc. Easter cakes are installed at the same distance, and sticks are inserted between them, either several in a row, or one horizontally, one end is inserted into side part of the Easter cake, the other - in the next one.

Using cubic shapes, children shape houses, decorate them with multi-colored windows, pressing pieces of plexiglass into the sand. To keep the window better, the upper part of it is pressed deeper.

Children love to dig tunnels in the sand. More often they do it together on both sides, until the hands are joined inside the heap.

Children of the older group build more complex and large buildings from sand. The teacher shows how to cut houses, ships, cars, trains, pieces of furniture, etc. from a rammed heap with a spatula or planks.

The guys adapt a variety of materials for molding. Large forms are constructed using wooden frames, hollow cubes, cans without a bottom, pieces of plastic pipes of large diameter (in this case, the form does not turn over, but is removed, rises up).

Children build high-rise buildings, palaces, towers, theaters, rocket launch sites, build railways, build swimming pools, stadiums, kindergartens, villages. At the same time, buildings are generously decorated with various materials and details: cylindrical high-rise buildings are made with loggias, inserting pieces of plexiglass or plywood in a row from top to bottom at the same distance, television antennas made of colored wire are installed on the buildings, and wires are laid between the masts of street lamps.

You can build on the themes of familiar fairy tales and play out fairy tales (“The Frog Princess”, “The Hare Hut”, the Snow Queen”, “The Scarlet Flower”, etc.).

Teach the kids a new way to work with sand. The sand is poured into a bucket, mixed with water, then the children are invited to pick up the resulting “porridge-malash” in their palms and let it out in a trickle, while the sand falls in patterns. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to build high palaces, castles, towers and other cone-shaped structures, gradually increasing the building in height and width (Fig. 2).

For playing with sand, children themselves make toys from materials that do not deteriorate from moisture (coils, foam rubber, polystyrene, colored oilcloth, wire, etc.). To arrange a room for dolls, you can make furniture from milk bags. Preschoolers make flags and flagpoles, trees, road signs from oilcloth, sticks, coils, etc.


A long-term plan for sand construction using waste and natural material for the summer period with children 5-7 years old.
1: Theme "Ship" by condition.
To form the ability to analyze natural material as the basis for future construction.
Learn to make a building by carving its figure out of a dense pile of sand.
2: Port theme by design.
To consolidate the acquired skills in the construction of the ship.
Teach children to work together.
3: Theme "Bridge over the river" according to the drawing.
Learn to design from sand and natural materials.
Reflect the originality of the architectural style.
4: Theme "Tunnel" from the photo.
Learn how to build a tunnel.
Development of independence, labor skills.
5: Theme "Garage for the car" by condition.
To create structures necessary for people to live and work.
Learn to outline the outlines of the future structure.
6: The theme is "Machine" by design.
To learn how to create the shape of a car in a known way - by carving a figure out of a dense pile of sand.
Use junk material to decorate crafts.
Cultivate confidence and independence in the implementation of plans.
7: Theme "Fortress" from the photo.
Learn to create structures from photographs.
Develop the ability to plan your work.
Develop initiative when creating a building.
8: Theme "Mill" according to the drawing.
Learn to see the overall form and find ways to fulfill it in accessible ways.
Develop imagination, sense of form.
1: Theme "Castle" according to the photo.
To form the ability to plan their work and technologically implement the plan.
2: Theme "House with underground garage" by condition
Develop the ability to build according to the condition.
To develop independence, the ability to plan the stages of creating a building.
3: Theme "House with a porch" according to the drawing.
Form generalized ideas about buildings.
Learn to build according to the drawing, using natural material.
4: The theme "Teremok" by design.
To develop independence and initiative in the implementation of the construction plan.
5: Theme "City Street" by condition
Strengthen the ability to build houses.
Learn to place your buildings, taking into account the placement of buildings of other children.
6: Theme "Theater Building" from a photo
Learn to reflect the originality of the architectural style.
The development of fine motor skills, spatial thinking.
7: Fairy House Theme
To cultivate the ability to show creativity and ingenuity in work.
Develop a sense of composition.
8: Theme "High-rise building" according to the drawing.
Learn to plan the stages of creating a building.
Encourage initiative and ingenuity.
1: Theme "Metro" from the photo.

2: Theme "Train" according to the drawing.
Teach children how to work together.
Develop imagination, sense of form.
Encourage initiative and ingenuity.
3: Theme "Railway station" according to the photo.
Learn how to build from a photograph.
To form communication skills, enrich the experience of cooperation and co-creation.
4: Palace theme by design.
Develop creativity and aesthetic taste.
5: Theme "Furniture" according to the drawing.
Learn to form pieces of furniture from a dense pile of sand by cutting off excess.
Cultivate confidence and independence in the implementation of ideas.
6: Theme "Airfield" according to the photo.
To develop the skills of cooperation in collective creativity.
7: Theme "Our kindergarten" by condition.
Learn to plan your actions, correlate the image of a building with a real building.
Purposefully bring the job to the end.
8: The theme is "My Dream Home" by design.
Cultivate the ability to show creativity and ingenuity in

Competition of buildings made of sand "Let's build a ship out of sand" MDOU No. 4 of a combined type

Summer is the most fun time in kindergarten. The organized activity of children is focused on their inclusion in various forms of leisure activity. To introduce a preschool child to different ways of using their time for the benefit of their health and development is one of the tasks of educating a healthy lifestyle. To this end, you can introduce children to games in the sandbox. Sand fascinates children, playing with it and building buildings from it is one of the most exciting activities for children in the summer.

For parents, organizing games in the sand is not an easy task, you need to make or find a sandbox, help the kid come up with a sketch, etc. But in kindergarten in the summer - it's the time when children can combine their skills and abilities, combine imagination and creativity of each other, organize their time for a walk, independently draw up a project for a future building. Playing in the sand and building sand buildings is a global design effort. The kids enjoy getting into it. The educator only needs to help, direct the child's thoughts, coordinate his knowledge, skills and abilities, focusing them on the result. Such a result can be both separate buildings of children, united by a common theme, they will make up a small plot, and collective buildings of different structures, united by a single plot. Any building or structure made of sand is an exciting creative activity for children, and for a teacher, this activity helps to solve a whole range of tasks aimed at the development of children.

In the midst of summer, at the end of July, in our MDOU No. 4, a competition of sand buildings "Let's build a ship out of sand" was held among groups. The purpose of the competition was to create favorable conditions for educational activities with children in the summer. Fortunately, there was a lot of material for crafts. Under the terms of the competition, the buildings could be supplemented not only with waste, natural material, but also with "Mosaic" and "Children's Builder" (cubes, bricks, bars, etc.). Our competition was timed to coincide with the celebration of the Navy Day. In all groups of MDOU No. 4, classes were held dedicated to this holiday, the purpose of which was to give an idea of ​​​​the navy, to acquaint you with the history of the emergence of the Russian fleet, with professions on the ship, to arouse interest in sailors, to arouse a sense of admiration and pride for our fleet. As the final stage of acquaintance with this holiday, our contest "Let's build a ship out of sand" was organized.

Sand buildings are the most accessible activity for children, but at the same time, it is exciting and can fulfill a wide range of children's desires and support their interests. For each age of children, sand can be used in different ways, but always children join in sand activities with great pleasure.

Our pupils with great interest and impatience began to build their ships, they worked very amicably - as one team, cheerful laughter was heard here and there. Our youngest pupils were helped by teachers, prompted, and of course supported. In playing with sand, the children felt like the masters of their own little fairy-tale world, the authors of their own fairy tale. Playing in the sandbox, children feel like real wizards.

In the evening, an exhibition of sand ships was held in our garden, where the guides were the children themselves. They told parents and other children about their buildings. Our guys were very proud of their ships, because they tried very hard and everyone put a part of themselves into this common cause. I would like to note that all groups of our MDOU received commemorative diplomas for their sand ships, no one was left without attention. And we must not forget that sand is a therapy that is very necessary for all children, and especially for preschoolers.