Why does pigmentation appear on the face. Photo gallery: folk remedies used in the fight against pigmentation. Treatment of changes in skin pigmentation

Skin pigmentation disorders are a problem considered by cosmetologists and dermatologists in three aspects - psychological, cosmetic and therapeutic. Limited pigmented areas, especially those located on the face, create an unattractive appearance and can be the result and cause of various diseases. Treatment of pigmentation is impossible without understanding the mechanisms of melanin formation, as well as the causes and mechanisms of pathological excessive pigmentation (hyperpigmentation).

Reasons for the formation of age spots

In accordance with the existing theory of pathological pigment formation, the predisposing factors are:

  1. Excessive ultraviolet exposure - 52 - 63%.
  2. Disorders of the hormonal system of the body without taking into account the number of changes during pregnancy and inflammatory processes - 25 - 26%.
  3. Pregnancy - 18 - 24%.

In 95%, hyperpigmentation (excessive) occurs on the face.

Synthesis and regulation of melanin formation

Melanogenesis, or the synthesis of melanin, is one of the protective mechanisms of the adaptation of the human body to the influence of the external environment. It is carried out by melanocyte cells located among other cells of the basal layer of the skin. The ends of their processes are in close contact with keratinocytes. Such a structural and functional association is called the epidermal-melanin unit of the epidermis. On 1 cm 2 of the skin, on average, there are up to 1200 melanocytes, each of which is connected with 36 keratinocytes by its processes.

The body of melanocytes contains special highly organized structures surrounded by a membrane, in which melanin is produced. It is transported along the processes to keratinocytes and plays the role of an optical filter that absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

Biochemistry of synthesis

Synthesis in the body is carried out from the amino acid tyrosine, which is part of almost all animal and vegetable proteins, catecholamines (norepinephrine, adrenaline) and dihydroxyphenylalanine. Under the influence of the enzyme tyrosinase, they are oxidized and converted through a series of subsequent biochemical reactions into dark-colored melanin. The latter combines with protein and is found in the human body in the form of a melanoprotein complex.

Process control systems

If the biochemical processes of melanin formation are known, then the mechanisms of their regulation and the function of pigment cells are still not well understood. The role of the trigger mechanism belongs to ultraviolet rays, which cause irritation of peripheral receptors. In the following, two ways of regulation are considered:

  1. Impulses enter the brain centers located in the hypothalamus and adenohypophysis, which stimulates the secretion and release of melanin-stimulating hormones (MSH) into the blood. They activate the biosynthesis of melanin and its transport.
  2. The function of melanocytes in terms of melanin synthesis is suppressed under the influence of the pineal hormone melatonin, which is an antagonist of MSH.

Since the skin is a hormone-dependent organ, sex hormones have a significant effect on the processes of epidermal cell division, the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the function of the hair follicles, and the synthesis of melanin. Fluctuations in their level in the body of women (during the ovulatory cycle, pregnancy, menopause, taking oral contraceptives) are reflected in all these processes. For example, 1/3 of women using oral contraceptives have melanosis, that is, the accumulation of melanin in the tissues of internal organs and skin. In addition, other hormones also influence the mechanisms of melanin synthesis, for example, adrenocorticotropic, thyroid-stimulating, somatotropic hormones of the pituitary gland.

Thus, skin pigmentation occurs as a result of a cascade process triggered by ultraviolet radiation, in the development of which the nervous and hormonal systems take part.

There is another theory according to which the excess synthesis of melanin is affected by free radicals (oxidizing agents), the excess and accumulation of which occur in conditions of a lack of antioxidants - chemical compounds that suppress oxidative processes. As a result, skin cells with damaged DNA structure appear and areas with increased pigmentation are formed.

Types and types of pathological hyperpigmentation

Treatment of age spots on the face depends on their type and type. In accordance with the conditional classification, there are three types of hyperpigmentation:

  1. Primary - congenital, the occurrence of which does not depend on the influence of external factors, and acquired.
  2. Secondary, or post-infectious.
  3. Generalized (common) and local.

Most often, cosmetologists are treated by persons with age spots acquired as a result of exposure to ultraviolet rays or chemical agents, or a combination of these two factors.

Types of excess pigmentation

melasma- a chronic skin disease that manifests itself as uneven brown and bronze spots on the face and hands. Subsequently, they can appear on closed areas of the body. Sometimes against their background there are warty formations, comedones, peeling and itching. Melasma can be congenital (rare) and acquired as a result of diseases of the pituitary gland (tumor), taking certain medications of the quinine or sulfanilamide series, amidopyrine, sensitization to ultraviolet rays by various photodynamic substances, more often hydrocarbons (petroleum products, lubricating oils, crude petroleum jelly, organic resins ).

Hormonal melasma or melanosis skin - usually found in brunette women with skin phototype IV. As in pregnant women, spots of irregular shape are located on the forehead, chin, symmetrically on the cheeks, upper lip and temples. Their occurrence is associated with a change in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, and the color depends on the total dose of ultraviolet radiation.

Chloasma is acquired limited melanosis. Spots are localized on the forehead, cheeks and are characterized by clearly defined irregular outlines. The disease is acquired, but the appearance of spots is promoted by ultraviolet radiation and congenital hypersensitivity of pigment cells to estrogens.

Pigmentation can appear in girls during puberty, in women with inflammatory gynecological diseases, while taking oral contraceptives. Often, chloasma disappears on its own after the first menstruation, first birth, or discontinuation of contraceptives, but sometimes it can persist for many years.

Hepatic chloasma accompanies chronic hepatitis occurring with relapses. It appears as spots with a pronounced network of telangiectasias. Pigmentation has no clear boundaries, localized on the lateral surface of the cheeks with a transition to the neck.

eyelid hyperpigmentation occurs in women after 25 years of age as a result of excessive ultraviolet radiation with an imbalance of hormones (diseases of the thyroid gland, ovaries, adrenal glands) and genetic predisposition. Before this age, spots can also occur when using oral contraception, certain medications, cosmetic preparations containing citrus fruit oil.

Secondary hyperpigmentation occurs in places of rash elements after suffering secondary syphilis, lichen planus, burns, purulent inflammation of the skin, neurodermatitis.

Senile lentigo- has the appearance of small spots of round, oval or irregular shape, mainly on the face, neck and hands. Color can be from light to dark brown. Their appearance is explained by a decrease in the total number of melanocytes (by 8% every 10 years after the age of thirty) and a violation of pigment transport to keratinocytes. At the same time, in places exposed to the sun, the density of pigment cells is maintained or even increased, which leads to the appearance of a marker of skin photoaging - speckled pigmentation.

Broca's pigmented dermatosis- symmetrical yellowish-brown spots with indistinct borders in the chin area, nasolabial folds and around the mouth. The cause may be dysfunction of the ovaries or the gastrointestinal tract.

About the treatment in the video

Treatment and prevention of pigmentation

The answer to the question of how to treat age spots on the face is based on the principles of taking into account the causes and mechanism of their occurrence. The methods and preparations used are aimed at:

  1. Reducing the synthesis of melanin with the help of phonophoresis (with vitamin preparations, tyrosinase inhibitors, etc.) and depigmenting agents.
  2. The use of exfoliating procedures -, chemical and, and.
  3. Selective photothermolysis, including laser (lasers,), light pulse, and.

Also, the treatment of pigmentation on the face is carried out by such external preparations, such as:

  • inhibiting the action of tyrosinase - creams and gels with vitamin "E", kojic acid, arbutin, licorice extract; the main drug hydroquinone, used earlier, is currently banned in Russia and most foreign countries due to its toxicity;
  • peelings with inorganic ( , ) and organic ( , ) acids;
  • others - with ascorbic and retinoic, azelanic, glycolic acids, soy milk, etc., but their effectiveness is less than hardware methods.

Preventive measures

Prevention is to prevent long-term chronic exposure to ultraviolet rays. In sunny weather in open areas, it is necessary to use creams and gels containing sunscreens, to abandon the use of oral contraceptives and visit places with high solar activity - the sea coast, mountain resorts. Chemical peels are highly effective in combating hyperpigmentation. However, persons predisposed to it can apply these procedures only in late autumn and winter with the inclusion of pre-peeling preparation with tyrosinase blockers (kojic, ascorbic, azelaic acids, arbutin, etc.) for several weeks.

There are no universal methods for the treatment and prevention of increased facial skin pigmentation. It is possible to cope with age spots only on the basis of an integrated approach to this problem, taking into account the understanding of the individual mechanisms of its occurrence.

A huge number of people suffer from age spots today. Formations not only spoil the appearance, but also give their owner a lot of inconvenience. People stop being photographed, they are embarrassed to speak and just communicate, they become withdrawn. Age spots especially affect women's self-esteem. However, it is possible and necessary to fight formations, the main thing is to carefully study the nature of their occurrence and methods of treatment.

What are age spots

A pigmented spot is a specific pathology of the skin. The latter manifests itself in the form of a changed color of the surface of the face or body. For skin tone, in turn, special pigments are responsible: melanin, hemoglobin, bilirubin and others. Spots appear precisely when the concentration of one of the listed components is disturbed, or its complete absence is observed. As a rule, formations can have a completely different shape: from even rounded to vague and oblong.

Pigment spots are also called:

Types of age spots

The main types of age spots are:

  • Freckles. They usually appear on the face and are small pigmented formations with a minimum size of a dot, and a maximum of a pea. Freckles are most commonly seen in people with fair skin tones. As a rule, the cause of such formations is ultraviolet radiation. In fact, freckles are an uneven distribution of tan marks. In this regard, in winter and in other cold seasons, formations can become barely noticeable, and sometimes completely disappear. Interestingly, with age, freckles appear less brightly, since the tan falls on the skin more evenly.

    Freckles most often appear in people with fair skin and red hair.

  • Nevuses. As a rule, these are small intensely colored areas of the body or face. A benign nevus should have smooth edges and a uniform shade. The color of the formation can vary from light beige to dark brown. Nevi must be monitored especially carefully, since their increase or deformation may indicate the degeneration of a benign mole into a malignant one. It is recommended to be observed by a specialist at least once a year in order to detect the problem in time.

    If you have moles, be sure to have them checked by an oncologist at least once a year.

  • Lentigo. These are pigmented formations that occur, as a rule, in older people. Most often, lentigines are found on those areas of the face and body that have been most often exposed to ultraviolet light throughout life. Also, a pigment spot may appear at the site of a sunburn. Interestingly, lentigines rarely occur on the cheeks, hands, and décolleté. Such formations are only a cosmetic defect and do not pose a health hazard. After menopause, lentigo become brighter, and their number grows.

    Lentigo are spots that appear on the surface of the face with age.

  • Dyschromia during pregnancy. During this period, a woman often has age spots on her body or face. This phenomenon is due to a change in the hormonal background. Usually, these formations resolve on their own after the birth of the child. However, in rare cases, pigmentation requires the intervention of a cosmetologist.
  • Chloasma. They are pigmented formations on the face of a rather impressive size. Such spots, as a rule, appear in women aged 20 to 35 years. Initially, several formations arise, but then they tend to unite. In this regard, the size of the spot increases, due to which pigmentation can move to the neck and ears. However, education rarely spreads to the neckline and shoulders. The problem can be aggravated by constant exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The main cause of chloasma is hormonal failure.

    Chloasma are initially individual pigment spots, which, if not removed in time, tend to unite.

Causes of age spots

The main causes of age spots are:

Methods for dealing with age spots

There are three main ways to deal with pigmentation:

  • Cosmetic procedures: peeling, mesotherapy and others.
  • Lightening creams: Achromin and others.
  • Folk remedies.

Cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic procedures aimed at removing age spots can be carried out only after consulting a specialist and under his constant supervision. First of all, education is checked for good quality, and only then a decision is made on the expediency and how to eliminate it. Not so long ago, concentrated acid and / or a scalpel was used to combat pigmentation. Today, cosmetology has stepped forward in this matter and offers the following methods:

  • Peeling: chemical, ultrasonic, laser, carbon, gas-liquid and radio wave.
  • Mesotherapy.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Phototherapy.


Peeling is the application of a special product containing active ingredients to the surface of the face or body. Sometimes the technique is carried out using radiation (for example, light or ultrasound). There are several types of peels that are commonly used against age spots:

  • Chemical. Various methods of such peeling have long been an integral part of the fight against noticeable pigment formations. Before the session, the cosmetologist should carefully examine your skin to determine the intensity of the effect of the composition. Depending on this factor, peeling can be superficial, medium or deep. Usually, phytic, azelaic or kojic acids are used for the procedure (compositions based on them are applied to the skin for a certain time after preliminary cleansing of the treated area). Interestingly, preparations based on these substances can be bought to conduct a session at home. However, it is not recommended to do this, because in this way you, due to inexperience, can harm the skin. The side effects of the procedure include: peeling, increased sensitivity and darkening of the treated areas, swelling, thinning of the skin, exacerbation of acne, and so on. However, the technique also has advantages, so the decision to use it is up to you and your beautician. The benefits of chemical peels include:
  • Laser. The laser has been used in cosmetology for more than ten years. Peeling of this kind can only be done in the salon, since special equipment is required. Before the procedure, the skin is cleansed, and during the session, problem areas are treated with irradiation. In this case, you must put on glasses and, if necessary, administer anesthesia. The main advantages of the procedure are: the destruction of the pigment itself, speed and painlessness. However, laser peeling is rarely used to combat dark and light spots on the surface of the skin. The fact is that radiation sometimes provokes an increase in pigmentation.

    When performing laser peeling, the beautician must put glasses on you

  • Ultrasonic. During the procedure, bleaching agents are injected into the skin tissues while being exposed to ultrasound. The main advantage of this peeling is its versatility: you can conduct a session all year round. Ultrasound technique is suitable for young skin, on which there are no obvious inflammations and acne.

    Ultrasonic peeling can be done all year round

  • Radio wave. It is an innovative technique in cosmetology - the treated surface is exposed to high frequency radio emission. Such peeling is carried out using special equipment, which is why it is impossible to practice it at home. The main advantage of the technique is that during the session there is an impact not only on the upper layer of the skin, but also directly on the pigment cells. Thanks to this principle, immediately after the procedure, the color of the treated surface is noticeably improved. In addition, radio wave peeling reduces the likelihood of re-pigmentation to a minimum. Also a pleasant bonus of the session is the lifting effect. The procedure itself is carried out by a cosmetologist who has a medical education, as well as a certificate of completion of courses on working with microwave equipment. Be sure to make sure that the specialist has all the necessary documents. Often, the salon buys equipment, and saves on staff training. The consequences of a negligent attitude to the choice of a cosmetologist can be: hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation and severe redness of the treated area.

    Radio wave peeling can only be performed by a specialist who has undergone appropriate training.

  • Gas-liquid. The procedure is carried out contactless. The pigmented surface is treated with a jet consisting of carbon dioxide and oxygen. This technique allows you to get to the basal level of the epidermis. This means that a sufficiently thick layer of skin is removed. Thanks to this, during the session, not only pigmentation is eliminated, but also the tone of the treated area is evened out, and wrinkles become less noticeable. In addition, the skin is intensively cleansed, due to which it functions better after the procedure. Interestingly, gas-liquid peeling is practically painless.

    When performing gas-liquid peeling, a jet of oxygen and carbon dioxide is directed to the skin from a special tube

  • Carbon. This type of peeling is a symbiosis of chemical and laser types. At the beginning of the procedure, the skin is cleansed and then lubricated with a composition containing hydrogen dioxide. When the agent dries, the surface is treated with a laser beam, due to which the molecules burst. Carbon peeling contributes to the rapid destruction of melanocytes. After the procedure, the skin quickly recovers, so the technique is considered one of the most comfortable.

    Carbon peeling combines the effects of the active composition and the laser


Mesotherapy is a procedure during which special cocktails are injected under the skin that have a positive effect on cell function. In addition to lightening age spots, the session helps to get rid of fine wrinkles and dryness of the treated area. Mesococktails contain in their composition substances such as: antioxidants, collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid, minerals, vitamins, plant extracts, and so on.

Mesotherapy is the introduction of an active composition under the skin by means of injections.

Mesotherapy, when used against pigmentation, literally "whitens" the formations. The duration of the course, the frequency of sessions and the composition of the cocktail should be determined by the cosmetologist. As a rule, everything is limited to 4-7 procedures. The result is stored for 2-3 months. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to repeat the course after a preliminary consultation with a specialist. It must be borne in mind that the technique has an impressive list of contraindications and side effects. The cosmetologist should acquaint you with these nuances before prescribing a course of procedures.


Cryotherapy is a procedure based on the treatment of the skin with liquid nitrogen. The latter is used with a spot atomizer. When this happens, the pigmented area freezes and then swells up. 2-3 days after the session, the skin is very flaky and leaves. In this way, the treated surface is intensively renewed, making it smoother and more uniform.

Cryotherapy involves exposing the skin to liquid nitrogen from a special nebulizer.

Interestingly, cryotherapy is characterized by painlessness and almost complete absence of contraindications, unlike other methods of getting rid of pigmentation. There are also few side effects of this method, the cosmetologist will acquaint you with them during a personal consultation. In addition, the procedure is very short - from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes. You will have to repeat the session only if there is a serious problem. However, as a rule, everything costs one procedure. A noticeable result appears after 10-14 days after the session.


Phototherapy is a procedure during which light radiation acts on the skin, destroying the coloring pigment. Interestingly, this type of radiation is considered the safest. Immediately after the session, the treated skin darkens and then exfoliates.

Phototherapy is the effect on the skin by means of light radiation.

The main advantages of phototherapy in the fight against pigment formations are:

  • Security. During the procedure, severe tissue injury is excluded. Due to this, the session cannot provoke infectious diseases and scarring.
  • Comfort. During the session, you can experience only a barely noticeable burning sensation.
  • Fast recovery. Subject to the recommendations of the cosmetologist, the treated surface returns to its natural state 2-5 days after the session.
  • Efficiency. The technique works with any formations. Spots disappear regardless of their location and size. In addition, the result will be noticeable after the first procedure.

Video: elimination of pigmentation through phototherapy

Cosmetic creams

The convenience of using cosmetic anti-pigmentation creams is that you can apply them yourself. You do not have to go to the salon and spend a decent amount on procedures. However, such remedies do not act as quickly as, for example, peeling or mesotherapy. The most famous creams to combat age spots are:

  • Vichy Idealia PRO. The product contains many vitamins (in particular, a large amount of tocopherol, known for its whitening properties). The cream contains no parabens. Interestingly, the product from Vichy not only whitens the treated surface, but also has a noticeable smoothing effect on it. The cream is not cheap, from 2000 rubles per 30 ml.

    Vichy Idealia PRO cream is one of the most expensive lightening creams.

  • Elure. The active substance of the cream is melanosum. The latter is of natural origin. Elure cream effectively evens out the surface and tone of the face. The remedy costs from 2600 rubles for 50 ml.

    Elure cream effectively evens out skin tone

  • Neotone Radiance. The product contains active ingredients such as salicylic acid and licorice extract. The tool effectively fights pigmentation and peeling on the treated surface, so it can be used even for very dry skin. The product costs from 1800 rubles per 30 ml.

    Neotone Radiance cream fights not only pigmentation, but also peeling

  • Vitex IDEAL WHITENING. The active substances of the cream are AHA acids, which have the ability to exfoliate dead skin cells. In addition, the cream actively slows down the synthesis of melanin and visibly evens out the tone of the treated area. The product costs only 70 rubles per 75 ml.

    Cream Vitex IDEAL WHITENING is one of the most budgetary means to combat pigmentation

  • Synthomycin ointment. The main active ingredients of the product are chloramphenicol (fights inflammation and “bad” bacteria on the surface of the skin) and castor oil (nourishes cells, softens the treated area and brightens pigment formations). It costs synthomycin ointment from 75 rubles per 25 ml.

    Synthomycin ointment can be found in almost every pharmacy

  • Achromin. Whitens the skin and protects it from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. When using Achromin, melanin synthesis is actively inhibited, due to which pigment formations become less and less noticeable. Interestingly, the cream also fights the recurrence of pathology. Achromin costs, as a rule, no more than 100 rubles per 45 ml.

    Achromin is the most recognizable budget remedy for age spots

  • Evinal. The main active ingredient is placenta extract. The tool inhibits specific enzymes, thanks to which it helps to fight colored formations of any shape and size. It is recommended to use the product for problematic facial skin. Evinal costs 250-300 rubles for 75 ml.

    Evinal cream contains placenta extract

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are a budget and natural alternative to salon procedures to combat pigmentation. However, a noticeable result will have to wait a longer period. The most commonly used folk remedies for age spots are:

All home remedies are recommended to be pre-tested for an allergic reaction: apply a little composition to the crook of the elbow, rinse after 15 minutes and wait 15-20 hours. After this time, burns, rashes and other unpleasant side effects should not appear on the skin. Otherwise, the use of the product will have to be abandoned.

Video: causes of age spots and how to deal with them

Prevention of the formation of age spots

Dealing with age spots is not always easy. That is why it is recommended to take care of your skin and protect it from the occurrence of such formations. To prevent the appearance of pigmentation, follow these recommendations:

Age spots, like any pathology, are easier to prevent than to treat in the future. To do this, you must carefully monitor the condition of your skin and protect it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. However, if formations have already appeared, carefully approach the issue of getting rid of them. First of all, consult with several cosmetologists, and only then proceed to active treatment. If you use home remedies or cosmetic creams, don't forget to test them for an allergic reaction.

The condition of the skin is one of the priority issues for a woman, so if dark age spots begin to appear on the face, the causes and treatment are sought with special diligence. Is such a visual defect dangerous, why is it observed in children? Is it possible to treat a face with hyperpigmentation on its own and what methods of stain removal does modern cosmetology offer?

What are age spots

Each person's skin cells contain a certain amount of melanin pigment, which is responsible for its shade - the more it is, the darker the skin will be. In albinos, it is completely absent, in the rest it is observed to a lesser or greater extent. If a person is healthy, the distribution of melanin will be uniform, which will give the skin an even, beautiful shade. If inside there are some disorders that affect the production of melanin, its focal accumulations appear, which are called age spots.


Age spots do not cause a general deterioration in well-being - apart from the appearance of a cosmetic defect, women and men do not notice any changes in themselves, unless diseases of the internal organs are among the causes of hyperpigmentation. If the spots form in the upper layer of the skin (epidermis), they can be characterized by a light shade and small sizes. Mostly freckles.

Hyperpigmentation in deep layers can have the following characteristic features:

  • a dark shade of brown and even black;
  • relief change.

Separately, doctors mention cases of age spots due to a chemical burn - in such a situation, a person will:

  • complain of itching;
  • experience discomfort when touching the spot;
  • see a large area of ​​​​the lesion (mainly the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nose, forehead).


A key prerequisite for the formation of such skin defects is a genetic predisposition - in rare cases, it causes facial hyperpigmentation even in infants, although it mainly makes itself felt later, as the hormonal background forms. However, spots can also indicate skin diseases or internal disorders, up to dangerous pathologies. Some of the most obvious options, from which age spots appear on the face:

  • Due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • In case of hormonal disruptions, especially those associated with pregnancy, age spots can form not only on the face - they often affect the entire body, but doctors do not recommend treatment in such a situation: after childbirth, the body will return to normal.
  • If the spots that appear are yellow, the area of ​​hyperpigmentation is extensive and localized mainly in the lower half of the face, the reason for their formation may lie in liver diseases.
  • Due to pathologies of the kidneys and malfunctions of the endocrine system, scaly large spots form.

Separately, doctors remind that the face and body can be covered with age spots:

  • with prolonged use of hormonal drugs (especially incorrectly selected ones);
  • after the work of an unskilled cosmetologist (often during chemical peeling);
  • due to chemical burns;
  • after laser peels to eliminate acne;
  • after the use of phototoxic drugs (antihistamines, tetracyclines, sulfonamides) simultaneously with exposure to the sun.

Dark spots on the face in the elderly

As a person ages, the process of producing melanin changes, as does the amount of this pigment in melanocytes, so all older people are susceptible to the appearance of age spots (especially on the face). However, a special risk group are those who are actively exposed to sunlight, which provoke increased melanin synthesis. In addition to this reason for the appearance of brown (mostly) spots in the elderly, doctors distinguish several more:

  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements, which is especially pronounced as the body ages, can increase the severity of pigmented formations.
  • In women, hormonal imbalances caused by the period of menopause are a common cause of hyperpigmentation, which mainly appears first on the hands, and then passes to the face.
  • The causes of pigmentation on the face include malfunctions of the intestines and kidneys, but the spots in this situation are large, not always brown - they may have a yellowish tint.

Types of pigmentation

Doctors distinguish 5 main varieties of hyperpigmentation based on their appearance and the reasons why they appear:

  • Freckles. A natural reaction of fair skin that occurs when it is exposed to UV rays for a long time.
  • Lentigo. Age spots.
  • Chloasma. These are hormonal dark pigment spots on the face - the causes and treatment depend on the degree of changes in the ratio of hormones: in pregnant women, everything normalizes on its own, with endocrinological diseases, complex treatment should be resorted to.
  • Vitiligo. They are also associated with a malfunction in the endocrine system, but tend to increase over time, have a dark color and a large affected area.
  • Moles. They are congenital in nature, for the treatment or removal of pigmented formations of this type, serious indications are needed: a precancerous condition, etc.

How to get rid of age spots on the face

A treatment regimen cannot be drawn up without understanding the cause of the appearance of hyperpigmentation: if pregnancy or contraceptives are to blame, after their cancellation (or after childbirth), the problem disappears on its own. Age-related pigmentation also cannot be put away - you can lighten its foci (using home skin whitening methods or in the salon), but not completely get rid of it.

If hyperpigmentation is not freckles or lentigo, and we are not talking about birthmarks, a person needs to be examined by a neurologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist, and complex therapy is used for treatment:

  • A course of laser therapy to reduce spots.
  • Skin whitening procedures (at home and in the salon).
  • Treatment of diseases that caused hyperpigmentation.

Cosmetic preparations

It is necessary to decide how to deal with age spots on the face with the help of potent cosmetics together with a doctor: along with effective treatment, you can get a lot of side effects. This is especially true for pregnant women. Most doctors use drugs based on:

  • zinc;
  • mercury;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Special creams

If you have undertaken an enhanced treatment of a cosmetic defect, doctors may advise you to whiten the pigmented areas on your face with the following means:

  • Retin-A - the cream well eliminates any age spots on the face - the causes of the appearance and the treatment prescribed by a specialist do not affect its effectiveness. The course is 30 days, the drug acts through a decrease in the amount of melanin.
  • VC-IP works due to ascorbic acid, is one of the anti-aging agents, it helps well with lentigo, after chemical and laser peels. The course is from a week to a month.

Cosmetic procedures

Among the treatments that cosmetologists can offer, phototherapy, laser and chemical peels provide the most significant results: before-after photos clearly show the difference after several procedures. Features of these techniques:

  • Chemical superficial peeling helps to treat age spots on the face through the launch of regenerative processes in the skin, so the effect will be long-term. It is possible to completely eliminate the pathology.
  • Phototherapy - the effect of infrared rays on pigmentation, but with dark skin this is not the best treatment, since all melanocytes are affected.

Laser peeling

If a woman is tired of looking for ways to remove pigmentation on her face from a large area, a beautician can offer laser peeling. It is effective against superficial pigmented formations, it can help in removing freckles, but it is useless if the skin is prone to chloasma due to hormones. Disadvantages of procedure 3:

  • After exposure to the laser beam, the face should not be exposed to the sun for 14-20 days, otherwise new spots may begin to appear, so it is better to treat in winter.
  • The invasiveness of laser peeling makes it inaccessible to people with sensitive skin, blood clotting problems. In the presence of moles, peeling is also not done.
  • High price, because a complex of 5-10 frequent procedures is needed.

Treatment at home

Traditional medicine gives a weak effect when compared with laser pigmentation removal or other salon methods, or with treatment with pharmaceutical preparations. However, as one of the stages of the fight against stains, you can use:

  • washing with herbal decoctions (wipe the face with infusion of chamomile, birch buds);
  • use of hydrogen peroxide (3%) to wipe the face;
  • whitening masks.

Effective masks

The visual side of the issue can be partially solved even at home, using the following mask recipes for facial hyperpigmentation:

  • For spots caused by prolonged exposure to the sun, a mixture of white clay and chamomile decoction (up to gruel) works well, which is washed off after half an hour. Course - 2 weeks.
  • For the treatment of lentigo, you can try a homemade mask made from grated pulp of fresh cucumber, with which you need to sit for 15 minutes. The duration of the course is until positive results appear.

Milk yeast mask

In a situation where spots are formed under the influence of UV rays, or are associated with frequent rashes on the face (reddish areas appear after they disappear), you can try one of the effective masks based on fresh milk and live yeast. They are interfered with so that a slurry is obtained, so the proportion is taken by eye. A warm mixture is applied to the face, kept for half an hour and gently washed off. Course - 2 weeks.


If you are worried about freckles that tend to appear as soon as the sun begins to warm up, use fresh lemon juice daily: they need to wipe those areas of the face where pigmentation forms. If the skin is dry, mix the juice with live (!) yeast using a 3:1 ratio. Apply the mixture thinly on the face, hold for 10 minutes and rinse, after smearing the treated areas with cream. Procedures are recommended to be carried out every evening for 3 weeks.

parsley juice

Fresh chopped parsley also shows good results: the finished gruel is combined with fresh milk (only 2 tablespoons per large bunch of greens). Apply the mask on the face in a thick layer, wash off after half an hour. The duration of the course of "treatment" is not limited - you can carry out procedures until noticeable results appear, or 3-4 weeks and take a break.

Prevention of the appearance

You can only protect yourself from hyperpigmentation associated with beriberi, the work of internal organs, or exposure to sunlight:

  • do not get carried away with tanning (especially from a solarium) and do not go outside in summer and spring without SPF products;
  • take multivitamin complexes;
  • monitor the condition of the liver.


Why do red and brown age spots appear on the face and what should be the treatment? These questions are not limited to women. A similar problem can overshadow a person’s life at both 16 and 50 years old. Spots on the cheeks and other areas can be difficult to get rid of. Sometimes they go away on their own. This is due to the fact that their nature is different. But women of any age are especially depressing with pigmentation on the face. Why the skin deteriorates, let's try to figure it out.

A pigmented spot is a collection of melanin, the pigment that determines skin color. If it lies deep in the epidermis, then the spots are bright, if close to the surface, the darkening is pale brown. These are freckles, moles.


Dark spots on the face due to disturbances in the functioning of internal organs:

  1. If the blood stagnates and circulates poorly, it cannot be completely cleansed of toxins and decay products. They appear on the skin in the form of accumulations of melanin.
  2. Insufficient work of the gallbladder does not provide the liver with enzymes that help break down fat. After that, bad cholesterol is formed, which clogs the vessels and all organs. Lipid metabolism is disturbed. This can also cause age spots on the face.
  3. A clogged intestine does not remove toxins from the body, they accumulate in fecal stones and interfere with metabolic processes. This is what causes bad rashes. The reasons are different, which means that the methods of treatment are individual in each case.
  4. Pigmentation may be the result of disorders of the cardiovascular activity, especially the nervous system, after 40-50 years.

By the nature and color of the spots, you can determine their nature. Red formations appear due to poor bowel function. First of all, you need to take care of its cleansing and regular emptying. Stagnation in the "factory of life" leads to the development of putrefactive bacteria, the production of toxins and harmful substances. Poisoning in the intestine directly affects the condition of the skin. Brown age spots that are difficult to get rid of indicate liver or gallbladder disease. Light spots on the cheeks of a yellowish tint occur in patients suffering from renal failure. In case of diseases of the internal organs of digestion and cleansing, the diet should be reviewed, enriched with healthy foods - fresh fruits, vegetables, fried, smoked, pickled foods should be excluded. Purification of the intestines, the liver is facilitated by cereals boiled in water, bran, sour-milk low-fat products. Dangerous diseases, which are signaled by spots. Pigmentation means that it is necessary to begin treatment of diseased organs.

In addition, there are many reasons for "spotting" due to skin diseases, the use of low-quality cosmetics. The type of skin and the level of its sensitivity for each person is individual.

Skin problems

External causes can also provoke age spots on the face.

The reasons may be the following:

  • Active sunlight can cause not only burns on the face and body, but also provoke a surge in melanin production in the deep layers of the skin. A similar reaction may be after visiting a solarium. In spring, pigmentation is especially noticeable, since after winter the skin loses melanin. And after intense exposure to the rays, the pigment is formed unevenly. If a tendency to pigmentation is known, then during the period of active sun, when the skin has not yet adapted to it, you should shade your face, arms, and shoulders. The sun is at its brightest in the morning and afternoon hours.
  • Often, pimples and pustules appear on the skin. Usually, such phenomena occur at the age of 15-17. Young people and girls strive by any means to get rid of terrible acne. They squeeze them out, trying to disguise them with a thick layer of makeup. Such actions are extremely detrimental to the epidermis. After that, scars and spots remain for several more years. It's hard to get rid of them. This phenomenon is known as post-acne.
  • After 40-50 years, many women bloom "flowers of old age" - spots, large freckles on the face, arms, neck, and back. By themselves, they are not dangerous, but spoil the appearance. Heredity can also manifest itself in moles, freckles, large birthmarks. Such darkening is noticeable already at the birth of a child. Their treatment is possible only with the help of cosmetic procedures.
  • Chloasma - melanin accumulation spots caused by hormonal disorders. They occur on the eve of menstruation, during pregnancy, with diseases of the female organs. It does not make sense to act on them externally until the cause of their appearance is eliminated. After some time after childbirth, age spots turn pale and disappear on their own. In addition to gynecological diseases in women, such formations on the skin occur due to disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Long-term use of certain medications can temporarily darken the skin in places. This is caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements, which can be easily eliminated by introducing the missing substances in the form of vitamin complexes.
  • Rashes, inflammation on the skin and flaky plaques are an allergy to cosmetics or food. If you do not get rid of them in a timely manner, then they can remain in the form of dark traces for many years. It is necessary to find out the type of allergen and eliminate it. Then, using antihistamines, it is necessary to begin the treatment of allergies. In cosmetology, it often occurs when using essential oils. You can not use expired cosmetics.

Each cause requires its solution and treatment. But in any case, cleansing and brightening will be useful for the skin.

As a result, there are:

  • boils;
  • various burns;
  • cuts;
  • wounds;
  • abrasions and more.

Skin lesions may be deep. In this case, long-term complex treatment is necessary. The sooner it starts, the greater the chance of success. Postoperative sutures, for example, can be treated immediately with Contractubex ointment. It reduces scars.

External treatment of age spots

By itself, pigmentation is not dangerous. She says that not everything is good in the body and that measures must be taken to improve it. There are ways to influence the skin, whitening darkened areas. And there are quite a few of them. These are cosmetic procedures, care products - creams, ointments, scrubs, tonics, getting rid of folk methods that help some of the women get rid of pigmentation. The choice of methods depends on how old you are.

Cosmetic procedures include peelings, laser resurfacing, mesotherapy, ELOS - procedure:

  1. Laser resurfacing. The laser beam penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis and evaporates moisture from melanin-stained cells. As a result, they die, and new non-pigmented cells take their place. This is an effective and fairly safe way to get rid of pigmentation.
  2. Ultrasonic exposure solves the problem when spots are hardly noticeable. Ultrasound affects only the surface layer of the skin, creates the effect of a light massage, activating the process of cell renewal due to increased blood circulation.
  3. Peeling- this is the removal of the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis with the help of chemical means or mechanical action. The color of the renewed skin is more even and lighter. Accelerates the process of cell division. Chemical peeling is not used so often due to its aggressive effect on the epidermis. Chemicals are applied to it, which include acids. They burn the top layer of the skin with a dark spot. This is a painful procedure, after which the skin recovers for a long time. This type of peeling has a number of contraindications. There should be no inflammation, pimples, rashes on the skin. The patient must be healthy, not have chronic diseases in the acute stage, infections. In one session, the stain does not disappear. Depending on the depth of melanin accumulation, 3 to 10 sessions are required. The break between them is at least 10 days. Such a procedure is prescribed only by a doctor after examination and consultation.

Traditional medicine methods

Ways to whiten the face and remove pigmentation with folk remedies take more time than salon procedures. They require patience and regular application. But most of these methods are safe and affordable.

For a long time, hydrogen peroxide has been used to whiten the face. For cosmetic procedures, a pharmacy 3% composition is used. Peroxide can be added to masks and wipes. Or you can just soak a cotton pad in this product and wipe your face daily. Another available remedy is baking soda. It is dissolved in water and rubbed on the face in the same way. These wipes will help prevent acne on the chin and forehead.

A lot of recipes for masks with herbal ingredients, in addition to whitening, nourish the skin with vitamins and microelements.

Recipes for brightening masks and face wipes

  • Any citrus juice, it is better to apply lemon on a napkin and attach to the accumulation of age spots for 15 minutes. Then rinse your face and treat with a nourishing cream. Instead of fruit juice, you can use radish juice or sauerkraut brine. All these substances contain a large amount of vitamin C. The procedure is carried out in the morning and evening for 2 weeks. Then the skin must be given a rest.
  • Yeast mask effectively lightens dark spots. Crush the yeast stick, add 10 g of lemon juice and dilute the composition with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Apply to face with a brush or spatula and leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse everything with warm water and lubricate the face with cream.
  • Dairy products used for many generations to whiten the skin. Our grandmothers washed themselves with whey or curdled milk. We offer a mask from cottage cheese. Take 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, add a few drops of ammonia and peroxide. The composition is applied only to spots for 15 minutes. After rinsing with warm water, the face can be smeared with sour cream or a moisturizer.
  • calendula used fresh and in a decoction. The juice of the leaves is applied pointwise to acne and blackheads and kept for several minutes. The action of calendula can be enhanced with freshly squeezed juices of viburnum and lemon. All ingredients are mixed equally. Wipe your face with a mixture of these juices.
  • Cleopatra mask. Combine equal amounts of white clay, sour cream, light honey and lemon juice. Mix the composition well. The mask is applied for 25 minutes. After washing off with cool water, the skin must be moisturized, as clay and lemon juice dry it. Instead of sour cream, you can take heavy cream.
  • Remarkable rejuvenating effect produces a mask from honey and fish oil. If the smell of it does not scare you away, you can look younger before your eyes. Mix honey and fish oil equally and apply the composition on the face with a spatula. The effect of the mask is 15-20 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water. Before making masks with honey, check if you are allergic to it.

Effective disposal of hyperpigmentation can only be provided that the cause is eliminated. It is best to seek advice from a dermatologist - cosmetologist and strictly adhere to his appointments.