Weaving braids inside out step by step. French braid. Photo how to braid. Step by step instructions and hairstyles. Openwork French braid - step by step instructions on how to braid long hair for girls

Braiding is an ancient way of styling long hair, and although women have been doing it since time immemorial, it is still very relevant today. On many of the world's catwalks, you can find models with elaborate weaving, and many designers prefer long-haired girls for their shows - thus complementing the created image. But instead of the usual weaving, they come up with new ways, for example, a French braid on the contrary, many small African braids or an unusual wreath of beautifully braided hair.

Description of the purl French braid, weaving pattern

How to braid the braid inside out correctly - step by step

Weaving in reverse

  • In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crown, a large strand should be separated;
  • We divide it into three parts - one lies on the right, the other in the middle, and the left part;
  • Start weaving from the right side, we put it under the middle one;
  • Then the left strand should be placed under the right, which should be located in the middle;
  • Then we again select a strand from the left side and connect it with the 2nd curl, which should be located on the left side;
  • Move medium hair under the newly created strand;
  • In the center of the strand we grab the hair and create a new strand, and place it on the right side;
  • In this technique, braid all the hair, picking up the hair on both the right and left each time.
  • Secure the remaining hair with a decorative clip or you can remove them under the braid with invisible ones.
  • For a casual look, pull out some strands and cover your hair with a fixing hairspray.

On the video, the braid weaving pattern is vice versa for beginners:

And here is how the wedding hairstyle looks like on the side of the braid and how impressive it will look, it is indicated

Some tricks of weaving braids in reverse

To make the hairstyle look original and magnificent, before styling, wash your hair, dry it naturally and comb it.


  • On the back of the head, select one strand - and the thicker it is, the more voluminous the hairstyle will turn out;
  • Divide the selected strand into three equal parts;
  • Start the procedure with the left strand - take it in your hand and place it between the remaining strands;
  • Further weaving will go in the same technique, just do not forget to pick up strands from the temporal areas and lay them from below.

So the braid is ready on the contrary. You can diversify it a little by stretching out a little strand - exquisite negligence will add charm and charm to hairstyles!

Weaving technique from all hair to the side:

  • Part your hair with a straight parting in the middle;
  • Divide one of the parts again into 3 equal parts;
  • During the weaving process, add small strands located on the sides of the main curl, using the reverse weaving technique;
  • At the end, connect the pigtail with the remaining side curls with an elastic band, stretch the strands a little, creating an openwork image of a braid.

Braid in the form of an openwork rim:

Zigzag weave

It is worth mentioning right away that this type of braid is most popular with young girls, and it is based on the usual French braid:

These are the main types of braids on the contrary, and it will not be difficult to make a beautiful styling.

To braid a French braid, follow these steps step by step:

  1. Comb your hair, select a wide strand from the hairline at the top of your head. The wider the strand, the more voluminous the braid will turn out.
  1. Divide the selected strand of hair into three equal parts. All the following strands involved in weaving should be of the same volume. Shift the strands as when weaving a regular braid: throw the right one on the middle one, and then throw the left one on top.

  1. Holding the left strand together with the middle one, grab a new strand of hair from the right side and connect it with the right strand of the main part of the braid.

  1. Weave the resulting right part with the middle main part, acting similarly to weaving a simple pigtail.

  1. Take with your right hand all three resulting strands.

  1. With your left hand, take a new strand of hair from the left side.

  1. Weave a new strand of hair with the leftmost strand and throw it over the middle strand of the main part.

  1. Repeating the steps above, braid the braid to the base of the neck, then braid the loose hair into a simple braid.

  1. Secure the resulting hairstyle with an elastic band or hairpin.

The whole process is shown in more detail in the video below:

The following step-by-step tutorial will show you how to weave a French braid with a bun. In order for the hairstyle to turn out neat, you will need a special bagel for hair.

  1. The braid can be braided in any area of ​​​​the head. Having chosen a place on the head, select three equal strands of hair and make several weaves, as in a regular pigtail.

  1. As you move along the head, grab additional strands of hair and weave them into the main part of the future braid so that the French braid is fixed on the head.
  2. Weave the braid and fasten.

  1. Tie the remaining free hair with an elastic band in the tail, putting on it a special roller for the bun.

  1. Comb the hair collected in a ponytail and tuck it inside the roller, forming a voluminous bun.

  1. Wind the previously braided braid onto the base of the bundle.

Romantic hairstyle is ready!

Weaving "French Falls"

The hairstyle got its name "French Falls" for its similarity with falling jets of water. It is quite simple to perform, after a little training you can easily braid it not only to your girlfriend or daughter, but also to yourself.

Scheme for creating a braid

This hairstyle looks especially impressive on curly hair. Naturally straight hair can be slightly curled at the ends with a curling iron to make the braid more voluminous and voluminous.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Make a deep side parting on the head and separate three equal small strands of hair from the larger combing area.

  1. Make several classic braids with the fence of additional strands over the head, after which weave the braid in such a way that the lower strands remain free and do not participate in further weaving. Instead of the released lower strand, take a new one, moving around the circumference of the head.

  1. Having reached the ear, take a strand above it and tightly fix the weave with it.

  1. Having reached the other side of the head, fix the finished braid with an inconspicuous thin elastic band.

Hairstyle completed!

The finished braid can be decorated with studs with flowers or rhinestones.

The following step-by-step instruction allows you to master the technique of weaving an inverted French braid:

  1. Separate a wide strand of hair from the forehead and divide it into three equal parts.
  2. Bring the left strand under the middle one, crossing them.
  3. Bring the right strand under the left.
  4. To the left strand add a thin new strand of hair from the left temple.
  5. Similarly, we weave the right strand with an additional one taken from the right temple. Continue weaving until all the hair at the temples is woven into a braid.
  6. Finish braiding by tying the remaining loose hair into a ponytail, or weaving it to the very ends.

In more detail, the technique of creating a French braid inside out is presented in the following video:

In the same way, you can make a hairstyle from two inverted French braids at the same time.

Weaving braids diagonally

  1. The braid is woven from five strands. We take the beginning just above the right ear and finish under the left. Select a strand of hair and divide it into three equal parts (each strand is numbered in the photo).

  1. Throw strand 1 on strand 2. Throw strand number 3 on 1.

  1. To the left of the main part, select the fourth strand.

  1. Place strand 4 under strand 2, and then draw over strand 3 so that they form a checkerboard pattern.

  1. Above the right temple, highlight the fifth strand and draw it under 1 and over strand 4. Thus, the main part will be created by strands numbered 2, 3 and 5.

  1. Now bring 2 strands under 3 and over strand 5.

  1. Bring the third inverted strand up.

  1. On the left, pick up a new strand.

  1. Pickup add to 2 strands.

  1. Release strand 3. Take a section from strands 2, 4 and 1.

  1. Pull strand 4 up.

  1. Pick up the new strand on the right and add it to the first section. Bring strand 1 over 2 and under strand 3. Lower section 4.

  1. We repeat the steps from the fifth step until all the strands from the head are in the braid.

  1. Having completely finished weaving, stretch the sides of the braid for a lace effect until the braid is fixed.

  1. Braid the braid to the end and secure with a transparent silicone rubber band. Optionally, it can be additionally decorated with flowers or rhinestones.

french braids

Small French braids tightly fitting to the head, which are also called braids, are one of the varieties of Afro hairstyles. The technique of weaving French braids is no different from creating ordinary spikelets, the difference lies in the width of the braid and its tighter weaving.

Until some time ago, they could only be seen on African hair. Today, this type of braiding is also popular with representatives of other races.

To create French braids, a special material is very often used - kanekalon, which is woven together with strands for greater density and long-term hairstyles.

Braids with kanekalon, provided that they are properly cared for, can be worn for up to 1 month, while without them, their wearing period is only 1-2 weeks.

Such braids can be woven with a hair length of 10 cm, while the pattern created by ready-made braids can be absolutely anything - it all depends on the client's imagination and the master's talent.

Braided hair gives the hairstyle neatness and grace, which always attracts admiring glances and the attention of others. Spruce up your everyday look with braided hair and you will feel the difference!

The last few years can be noted an increased interest in the weaving of various braids. At the same time, it can be both rather modest hairstyles that you can do at home yourself, and real masterpieces that are performed by masters of hairdressing. Even evening and wedding hairstyles have adopted this fashion. Today we would like to talk about weaving a French braid, popularly known as a “spikelet”. And any girl can easily braid it at home, having familiarized herself with the basic rules.

French braid weaving pattern

The French braid, the weaving pattern of which is quite simple, is one of the most popular options. This hairstyle has a large number of advantages. Firstly, it is not difficult to weave it, and secondly, such a braid will look good on hair of almost any length, as long as it allows you to braid your hair into a braid. Such a hairstyle can be done for every day at work or school, or make it a festive version and then it will act as an evening one. If you have not yet encountered weaving such a braid, we recommend that you watch the weaving of a French braid step by step video:

French braid weaving video

French braid patterns can be easily found in many women's magazines, specialized books, and of course on the Internet. Moreover, there is a lot of information on the World Wide Web both about weaving a French braid, photo instructions, and weaving a French braid, video tutorials. Here everyone must decide for himself how it is easier for him to learn: from photographs or from video clips. We invite you to watch the weaving of the French braid video clips for review:

Step-by-step instructions for weaving a braid

Weaving a French braid can be carried out both in the form of an ordinary braid, that is, from the forehead just down in the direction of hair growth, and in other variants, for example, diagonally, or you can make two braids, or in the form of a wreath. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video instruction - weaving a French braid step by step, different options:

reverse french braid

In addition to the usual French braid, there is also the reverse, or as it is called vice versa. Weaving a French braid, on the contrary, can also be easily mastered, and such a braid, just like a regular one, can be braided on your own, especially if you have already learned how to braid a standard French braid for yourself. In order to make it easier for you to do this, we suggest watching the weaving of a French braid on the contrary video tutorials:

Today we told you about one of the varieties of braids - the French braid, but there are a huge number of them. You can alternate between braiding a regular French braid and vice versa, braiding them in different directions, or doing two braids. If the first time you didn’t manage to braid the perfect pigtail, as in the videos you watched, don’t be discouraged, just train more often and then everything will start to work out for you.

It's hard not to notice how braids are gaining popularity. Still would! They are diverse, beautiful, combined with all styles of clothing and suitable for ladies of any age. The most interesting variation is the twisted braid. What is she like and is it possible to weave such a braid for herself?

The progenitor of the inverted braid is the French braid. For weaving a French hair, it is necessary to twist the hair from above, and for an inverted hairstyle, the strands are woven under the bottom and go out.

To create a truly beautiful braid, the hair needs to be prepared. Before weaving, wash the curls thoroughly, dry them and treat them with a detangling spray. Additional volume can be created by curling your hair with a curling iron or flat iron. But keep in mind that curled hair is more difficult to braid, especially the first time.

Let's deal with the scheme of weaving a braid on the contrary from three strands. It is similar to weaving a French braid, only all actions are performed up and down.

    Separate a strand of hair at the crown. The thicker it is, the more voluminous the hairstyle will turn out.

    Divide the strand into three equal parts. You can start on the left or right, whichever is more convenient for you. For example, let's start on the left.

    Place the left strand under the middle strand.

    Then, with the same movement, put the right strand under the middle one.

    Repeat this action two times.

    Secure the base of the braid with your thumb, and with your other hand grab the loose hair from the side and add it to the middle section of the braid.

    Again, put the left strand under the middle one, take the section of hair on the left and add it to the middle section.

    Continue braiding in this pattern.

    Tie the end of your hair with an elastic band.

Stroke your hair all the time so that the braid is smooth and even.

If the text is still unclear to you how to braid a pigtail, watch this video:

A braid, on the contrary, of four strands looks much more interesting and attracts more attention. If you decorate the braid with hairpins, hairpins and flowers, you can go with a hairstyle to any solemn event. How to braid such a non-trivial braid?

    Separate a strand of hair at the crown. You can tease them a bit to add volume.

    Divide it into four equal parts.

    Let's start on the left. Lay the left strand under the next two and draw over the right.

    Now lay the right strand under the two neighboring ones and draw over the left.

    Loose hair lay under the two left parts and draw over the right.

    Repeat the action with the right section.

    Continue braiding the braid in reverse according to this pattern until all the hair is collected.

An even more interesting version of the braid is the opposite. It will take more time and skill to weave such a hairstyle, but the result is worth it.

    Separate a section of hair at the crown and divide it into three sections.

    Start weaving a regular three-strand inverted braid (we talked about this above).

    For convenience, visually number the hair from left to right.

    Take the free part on the left, put it under the second strand and draw it over the third.

    Take the strand on the right side, put it under the fourth and pass over the third.

    Continue weaving in this pattern.

To give the pigtail extra volume, straighten its edges a little. You need to pull it out exactly along the edges, and not all the strands, otherwise the braid will unravel.

If the pigtail inside out seems boring to you, add a ribbon to the weave. This is not as difficult to do as it seems.

    Tie a small knot in the ribbon so it doesn't slip out.

    Attach the ribbon to the top of the head using hairpins.

    Take a strand at the crown and divide it into three equal parts.

    Start weaving like a three-strand braid.

    Add a ribbon to the left strand, and bring the right strand under the middle one.

    Repeat the action with the other part.

    Add hair to the braid on the left and right.

    Braid all your hair in this pattern.

    Cut the ribbon at the end.

    Unfasten the ribbon from the crown, cut off and carefully hide in the ponytail.

A good end to such a French braid, on the contrary, will be the tip of the hair tied with a ribbon.

Fix the braid with varnish so that it lasts as long as possible and does not fluff.

Now you have learned only one way to weave a ribbon into a pigtail. But we have a whole where there are many more of these methods.

Best of all, the hairstyle is combined with a light dress or a business suit. From third-party accessories, you can safely use beads and elegant long earrings.

With such a pigtail, you can attend any solemn event, an official meeting, or just go for a walk with friends.

The longer the hair, the more interesting the hairstyle looks. The pigtail inside out suits girls with any type of face. The presence or absence of bangs does not matter.

At first glance, it seems that braiding such a hairstyle for yourself is an impossible task. However, a couple of workouts, and the hands will automatically begin to braid the braid.

With the help of such a hairstyle, you will make the image original, feminine and emphasize the uniqueness of your own style.

How to weave a voluminous braid (French braid in reverse): step by step photo + video

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Braids are different, they are all beautiful in their own way. Braids make a girl feminine, tender, and in the latest fashion trends, also stylish. Of course, you should not avoid braided hairstyles for long-haired girls, because a correctly, beautifully and stylishly braided braid looks very modern. Pigtails are suitable for everyone: little girls and adult girls. But to create such hairstyles, you need to have long or medium hair, as well as know the weaving pattern in order to create beautiful styling on your own.

Today the site will show how to weave a voluminous braid, or rather a French braid in reverse. Step-by-step photos of weaving will help you understand the technique and order of crossing the strands. Weaving a braid is very simple and after a couple of workouts you will definitely get a beautiful, lush and voluminous braid.

The most important and only difference between an inverted braid and a classic French braid is that the strands are intertwined not through the top, but through the bottom. That's the whole secret. Weaving, as it were, turns inside out and a voluminous braid with a clear pattern of intertwined strands is visible from the outside. In a classic French braid, the weave is hidden and the hairstyle looks smoother. Also, there is a little secret how you can get an openwork, wide braid - after weaving or during it, the strands that are already woven into the braid are pulled out with gentle movements. The braid becomes wide, lush, the effect of super-thick hair is created.

It is good to weave a voluminous braid on thin and liquid hair and not only long, but also medium length. Thin hair is wound on curlers before weaving, waves are created, a small, light bouffant is made near the roots. Wavy hair is more pliable, holds its shape well and, together with the pile, creates volume. For medium-length hair, when weaving a voluminous inverted braid, hairpins and invisible hairpins are used to pin up strands that lack length and hairspray - it will fix the hairstyle and prevent the braid from spreading.

How to weave a voluminous braid: step by step photos

The pigtail can be braided in the center of the head or you can start weaving from the side. The pigtail looks beautiful, braided diagonally to the side. In general, having mastered this simple weaving, you can create many beautiful styling, which will be based on a voluminous braid. Here everything depends on the imagination, and the technique and skill of weaving can always be worked out.

First step, separate a wide strand where you want to braid: above the forehead or above the ear for a side braid. Divide the wide strand into three strands of the same thickness.

Do you know how to weave a simple three-strand braid? Start as if you wanted to braid it - a regular braid. With only one difference - the strands are placed under the bottom. The outer strand (No. 1) must be placed under the middle strand (No. 2).

Now do the same with the other strand. Place the leftmost strand (No. 3) under the middle one through the bottom.

Now you need to weave strands from the total mass of hair on the sides into the braid. To do this, a new thin strand is added from the total mass of hair on the right and joins the existing far right strand.

And already such a double strand must be placed through the bottom under the middle strand.

We repeat the same on the other side. We take a strand from the total mass of hair on the left, connect it with our leftmost strand and cross it with the middle one through the bottom.

We continue by repeating the same steps. We direct the weaving along the planned line.

After all the hair is woven into a braid, you can tie a ponytail or continue weaving a regular braid, repeating the weave motif - the extreme strand is placed under the middle one through the bottom. The secret of a wide, openwork braid is to gently pull the edges of the already woven strands with two fingers, alternately straightening and pulling them out a little. You do not need to pull the entire protruding edge, just pull 1/3 of the part. That is, a strong weave should remain in the center of the braid.

Weaving video lesson

How to weave a voluminous braid, a French braid on the contrary: photos of hairstyles

On the basis of this weaving, beautiful hairstyles are created. The braid can be braided, starting weaving upside down from the back of the head and finishing with a lush bun. It is very convenient and stylish to weave regrown bangs or facial hair into a braid, leaving the rest of the hair loose.