Nutrition of your eyelashes while wearing extensions. Important rules for the care of cilia in the first days after extension. Cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations

Fluffy and long eyelashes are the result of professional eyelash extensions. The rules for caring for them depend on the material for the manufacture of artificial cilia, the skills and efforts of the master. They do not require special manipulations, but everyday attention is as important to them as the compliments of others.

You can facilitate care if they are made of mink or sable wool. Less quality and requiring more attention - artificial or silk materials, which are more susceptible to the negative influence of external factors. The master must tell in detail how to care for extended eyelashes at home before the correction, which will take place in 2-4 weeks.

Maximize the life of your lashes

The luxurious appearance of eyelash extensions and the duration of its preservation are 90% determined by the quality of daily care. Careful attitude does not mean that they should not be touched, although it is also not worth combing endlessly.


  • The first 24 hours after the extension procedure, you can not wet the eyelashes.
  • In the first 48 hours, do not visit the sauna, bath, swimming pool and do not take a hot bath - steam is also a liquid that can damage the adhesive base.
  • Cancel a trip to the solarium if it is planned in the next 2 days after the procedure.
  • Try to touch your eyes less often and, if possible, do not cry. If you need to use lenses every day, carefully clean your hands and touch your eyelashes to a minimum. You do not need to touch them and in order to test for strength.
  • Comb with a special brush every day. After washing, dry not with a towel, but with a small fan.
  • It is recommended not to use mascara. Paint your eyelids gently, wash off makeup even more gently.
  • Fatty cosmetics and care products containing oils should not come into contact with the eyes. Replace them with water-based gel products. This applies to both cosmetics for washing, and for removing makeup.
  • Eliminate cotton pads and other fibrous materials from eyelash care. For example, cotton wool exfoliates, the villi remaining after it are difficult to remove, which is fraught with irritation.
  • In no case do not curl the extended eyelashes with tweezers.
  • When sleeping, do not lie face down on the pillow.
  • Do not skip scheduled correction procedures.
  • Use a special fixer to protect the glue that holds the artificial hairs.

If you wear glasses, in order to avoid unexpected breaks in new cilia, pay attention to their length - they should not come into contact with the lenses. With proper care, eyelash extensions do not complicate, but make life easier, especially in the process of creating day and evening makeup.

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Folk remedies for eyelash care

Caring for extended eyelashes is, by and large, in protection from external influences. Folk remedies should not be applied to them, however, if your goal is to strengthen your own hairs, accelerate growth, this must be done after removing the extensions.

The application of any oils and creams on a greasy basis to artificial eyelashes is excluded.

Cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations

Competent daily care will maximize the life of artificial eyelashes. Special items and cosmetics will help in this.

  1. Eyelash brush. With its help, gluing is eliminated, hairs fluff, creating the necessary volume. Comb carefully, avoiding bonding lines.
  2. Means for strengthening extended eyelashes. For example, Lady Victory. Prevents breakage and fading.
  3. Cosmetic products to protect the adhesive that holds the artificial eyelashes.
  4. Nourishing tonics for strengthening natural hairs, because they are the basis for extensions.

Video tips

How to apply mascara to eyelash extensions

The increase in volume of eyelashes due to extension does not imply the daily application of mascara. Rich black artificial hairs create the effect of length and splendor. If you think that an upcoming event requires creating a flawless make-up with the obligatory use of mascara, ask your master how to do it so that premature correction is not required.

  1. Use water based mascara. The stores sell special products for artificial eyelashes. Waterproof mascara is unlikely to be removed without harm.
  2. Paint from the middle of the length. If you apply mascara from the roots, you can damage the adhesive base.
  3. It is enough to paint with a few strokes of the brush. Several layers of mascara will only spoil the makeup and condition of the eyelashes.

Remove mascara carefully too. Cotton swabs are not recommended. Replace them with your own small fabric rollers. Only non-greasy lotions are used to remove mascara.

Eyelash extension correction

Your eyes will be framed by lush and long eyelashes only if the correction is carried out in a timely manner.

After the first extension, it is done in 2-3 weeks. Subsequent correction procedures are performed at intervals of 1 time per month.

The upper eyelid has about 110 continuously growing and renewing cilia. Correction is necessary to remove the hairs glued to strongly regrown eyelashes and replace them with new ones. Otherwise, they themselves will fall out, spoiling the appearance. The procedure rarely lasts more than an hour.

After 3-4 months, the extended eyelashes are completely removed and renewed. This is due to the expiration date of the used glue. For sensitive eyes, this period is reduced. Another reason for the mandatory replacement is the accumulation of dust, cosmetic residues and secretions between the hairs, which can cause irritation.

How to remove eyelash extensions at home

If you are too late with the correction procedure and the eyelashes already look frankly sloppy, it is better to remove them. How to do it without harm yourself? The procedure is not easy and long, but it is quite doable at home.

Would need

  • Eyelash extension remover. Choose a gel, because the liquid preparation can get into the eyes, and the cream will take a long time to work.
  • Microbrush.
  • Cotton discs.
  • Eye makeup remover.
  • Nourishing oil.

How to shoot - step by step instructions

  1. Close the eye to be treated and carefully apply a special tool to it using a microbrush.
  2. Wait the amount of time indicated in the instructions.
  3. Place a cotton pad under the eyelashes and remove the artificial hairs with gentle vertical movements. If everything is not removed, wait a few more minutes for the gel to finally work.
  4. Remove the adhesive with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover.
  5. Treat your eyes with milk and wash your face.
  6. Apply castor, burdock or olive oil to natural eyelashes to nourish and enhance growth. The procedure should last no more than 1.5 hours, otherwise irritation and temporary swelling of the eyelids is possible. Loading...

Long fluffy eyelashes are the dream of every girl, but nature has not endowed everyone with such wealth. And in order to correct the situation, we often spend hours looking for magic mascara or we build up these very eyelashes. And after the procedure, questions begin, how to care for eyelashes, how to wash your face with extended eyelashes, how to wear them in general? Many do not dare to undergo such a procedure, because they think that they need to treat eyelash extensions like crystal ones. But it's not that hard! Yes, there are some rules for taking care of eyelash extensions, but they are not so difficult to follow.

How to care for eyelash extensions - general rules

Eyelash extensions should be touched as little as possible. Ideally, no more than 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening when washing. It is impossible to clean the eyelids and eyelashes with greasy makeup removers. Also, do not lubricate the eyelids with oil or greasy cream, since any fat dissolves the glue with which the cilia are strengthened on the eyelids. In general, the easiest way to remove eyelash extensions at home is to apply a greasy cream or oil to the attachments. Apply in the evening, and in the morning the whole pillow will be in the cilia. So, if you want to take care of your eyelash extensions, choose creams and makeup removers as carefully as possible. Now you need only the lightest products, with a minimum content of fat and oils.

Do not curl eyelash extensions, there is a risk of breaking them. True, they are already a little twisted, so no additional manipulations are required.

You need to sleep with eyelash extensions carefully and only on your side or back. Burying your face in the pillow in the evening, in the morning in front of the mirror you will find your gorgeous eyelashes broken.

You can comb the extended eyelashes, like natural ones with a special brush, but you need to do this very carefully.

How to paint with extended eyelashes?

The question is generally quite strange when it comes to mascara. Why did you build up eyelashes so that they were long, thick and fluffy, right? Well, that's how it worked out, right? So why use mascara? No mascara will make your eyelashes more beautiful than they are now. And its daily use will only shorten the life of eyelash extensions. Yes, and removing makeup from the eyes, you will lose much more eyelash extensions than if you began to wash them as usual with water without using milk and rubbing your eyelids. As for other cosmetics (shadows, eyeliner), then you need to use it carefully, trying not to touch the fasteners. And of course, you also need to wash off makeup with caution.

Can you wet eyelash extensions?

Many girls doubt whether it is possible to wet eyelash extensions. Throw away anxiety, there will be nothing for such cilia from exposure to water. So you can wash with them, but you need to do it carefully, like all manipulations with extended eyelashes. It is necessary to avoid rubbing the cilia during washing, but otherwise you can wash as usual. Even a bath, sauna, pool or beach is not forbidden to visit. But only after washing the cilia can be gently combed with a brush and left to dry.

Do I need to do eyelash correction?

Even with the most careful handling, artificial eyelashes still fall off. This is due to the fact that natural cilia also not eternal and approximately every 20-25 days are replaced. As soon as our own eyelash falls out, the extension falls out with it. The correction will consist in the fact that a new one will be glued to the place of the dropped eyelash. After each loss, it is probably not worth visiting the master. But when the eyelashes begin to lose their "presentation", it's time to contact a specialist, well, or remove the eyelashes altogether. You decide.

As you can see, no special care is required for extended eyelashes, so if you really want to clap long eyelashes, you can safely build up, just keep your hands away from your eyes.

You have fulfilled your dream, made extensions and now your eyes are decorated with stunning eyelashes.

What I recommend to do right away so comb your lashes after extensions in front of a mirror. So, you can check if there are any glues, if the master did his job well. If you notice places where an artificial eyelash is glued to two natural ones, or natural or artificial eyelashes are glued together, immediately ask the master to correct the shortcomings.

If you find a large number of flaws (gluing, lack of indentation from the eyelid when setting an artificial eyelash, incomplete gluing of the lower part of the artificial eyelash), it is better to ask the master to remove the extension and simply contact another specialist.

However, in this article you should not focus on the possible mistakes of the masters, I paid attention to them in the blog earlier. Just remember, if you look at your eyelashes after the procedure in the mirror and see the master’s mistake, ask to correct it. Do not be shy, because every mistake affects the health of your eyelashes, and the appearance, and wear time. If a lot of mistakes are made, it is better for you to refuse the build-up from this master and ask to remove it.

So, you combed your eyelashes, examined them in front of the mirror - everything is fine! Satisfied, you go home and the main thing here is proper care. There are no particular difficulties, but some restrictions and rules are still present, all of them are aimed at preserving the luxurious appearance of your eyelashes for a long time, ensuring durability and safety for your natural eyelashes.

  • The first 24 hours, eyelashes should not be wetted. In the future, you can wash your face daily, as you used to do. Don't worry, water will in no way harm either the durability or appearance of your lashes. Wash your face gently, do not rub your eyes, just rinse them with water. Pat them dry with a lint-free towel. After water procedures, comb your eyelashes with a special brush and let them dry completely.
  • But what can really cause significant damage to them is the habit of rubbing their eyes. Remember touch your eyes as little as possible and only when needed. Touch, pull, check, scratch - all this is a bad idea. If you want to check how the extension looks, look in the mirror.
  • The first 3 days you can not steam your face, go to the sauna, bath. At first, until the adhesive is fully cured, steam can adversely affect its strength. Therefore, any exposure to steam should be avoided these days; in the future, neither a bath nor a sauna are contraindicated.
  • From day one, you need to watch your posture while you sleep. There is one limitation here - do not sleep with your face in the pillow so that the eyelashes do not break in a dream.
  • There are no restrictions on swimming either. but Diving and swimming underwater in a pool of chlorinated water or in the sea/ocean is not welcome, since salt and chlorinated water adversely affect the properties of the adhesive.
  • Also, from the first day you need to change all eye cosmetics containing oils. Oils and other fats break down the adhesive and artificial lashes can come off. Therefore, if you need to remove eye makeup or you use eye cream (zones around the eyelids) choose cosmetic products without oils in their composition.
  • Makeup can be applied from the second day after the extension, but is there a need for this? Your lashes are dark, thick and long, so you don't need to use mascara every day. If you want to color your eyelashes, you need to use a special oil-free mascara. The same rule applies to shadows.
  • Having made a build-up, you do not use mechanical curling irons. But, fortunately, you do not need this, because if you want to get more curled eyelashes, the master will be able to choose for you the appropriate curl of artificial eyelashes when building. So your eyelashes without any tools will have a seductive curve.

Your lashmaker can offer you a special protective agent that prevents the negative effects of external factors. Also, to strengthen the eyelashes, you can use a special Blue Bird tonic, which promotes the growth of eyelashes and makes them stronger (by the way, it can also be used for eyebrows).

Remember, if you experience any discomfort, burning, itching, eyelashes prick or interfere, you should immediately contact the lashmaker who performed the extension and remove the eyelashes. With a normal reaction, you get used to new eyelashes in just a couple of hours and then you simply don’t feel them on your eyelids and perceive them as your own.

Enjoy your extensions, but do not forget about the simple rules of care! After all, it depends on how long the new luxurious, long and thick eyelashes will last!

High-quality extension gives the look seductiveness and depth. With proper care, even at home, they will last for a long time and will not cause any discomfort. With lash extensions, there is no need to do a full eye makeup every day, worry about whether the mascara has flowed in the pool or in the rain.

Only high-quality extensions will help to eliminate the appearance of possible problems. Proper care is of great importance. A qualified master will always assess the condition of natural hairs before starting work, give advice on the length and density of the villi, taking into account the wishes of the client. Too long and thick hairs attached to your own will last a short time, as a result, they can simply break them off. This will lead not only to a spoiled appearance, but also to discomfort in the eyes. Read more about the duration of operation in the article

In order for the effect of the procedure to last longer, you must follow a number of simple rules. This list serves as a reminder for clients of beauty salons:

  • During the day, do not allow water to enter the eyelids. Refuse to visit the beach, swimming pool, sauna, bath, any places with high temperature and humidity.
  • Avoid mechanical impact. In the first couple of days, you should not comb, twist the villi, rub your eyes with your hands.
  • You can not sleep with your face in the pillow, so as not to find broken and fallen eyelashes on it in the morning. After sleep, be sure to gently comb with a soft brush to separate and straighten the flattened, tangled hairs.
  • Two-phase make-up removers with oily components are prohibited. They reduce the strength of the adhesive. It is also forbidden to use acid-containing products that can damage the material.
  • Do not use cotton pads or swabs so that the pile does not get between the hairs. It will be difficult to remove it, it often causes redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
  • At home, you should take care of your own cilia with the help of special vitamin products. You need to carefully read the composition and make sure that there are no oils in it.
  • The correction procedure is recommended to be carried out every 3 weeks. In this case, a fixative is necessarily applied to the adhesive in order to protect it from external influences.

Features of care and application of eye makeup

Eyelash extensions will last longer if properly cared for. It is necessary to properly paint and wash off cosmetics from them, namely mascara. Make-up removal or regular washing at home should be carried out using soft water-based gel-consistency products. You should also use creams or masks containing oily components as carefully as possible. At the same time, contact with the eyelids is avoided both when applying and when washing off.

Mascara can be used under the following conditions:

  • apply it in small amounts, from the middle to the tips of the hairs in one or two layers;
  • it is not recommended to use silicone or waterproof, which is difficult to remove;
  • mascara should be light in consistency, exclusively water-based;
  • you don't have to paint every day.

It is better to do full eye makeup on special occasions so that the lashes last longer. So the effect of building up will remain for a long time. Remove eye makeup at home with plain water. For care, it is better to use dense cosmetic napkins without lint. They are convenient to carefully remove the remnants of cosmetics with a water-based makeup remover (optimally gel or lotion).

To maintain the effect of building up, it is necessary to carry out regular care after removal. After make-up removal, it is recommended to apply a special restorative composition to the hair growth line, which allows you to strengthen the hair follicle and stimulate growth.

Care at home with the appearance of irritation in the eyes involves the use of herbal lotions. Sometimes after extension, you can notice a slight reddening of the skin near the growth of hairs. Even one damaged eyelash can cause discomfort.

Normally, irritation after the extension procedure passes quite quickly. The skin is soothed within the first few hours. If redness reappears, a soothing compress can be applied to the area under the eyes. For lotion 1 tbsp. l. crushed pharmaceutical chamomile is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered and allowed to cool completely. Then a piece of gauze rolled up in several layers is soaked in herbal infusion and applied to the area under the hairline. In this case, it is desirable that the compress does not come into contact with the extended eyelashes.

Chamomile has an antiseptic, soothing effect on the skin, promotes its regeneration, and also strengthens the hair follicle and moisturizes the hairs along the growth line. With such home care, the extended eyelashes will last for a really long time, and the natural ones will remain strong and intact even after the removal procedure.

What is forbidden to do after building?

Home care for eyelashes after the procedure involves the use of a special tool to strengthen your own hairs. But many girls confuse it with recovery after removing artificial hairs. Therefore, they begin to actively use castor and any other oil to strengthen the hair follicles. Such care cannot be carried out. Artificial hairs will not stick after the adhesive base comes into contact with oil.

In order to reduce the cost of the procedure, many craftsmen use resin instead of special glue. The substance fixes the artificial hair well on the natural one. You can't swim in salt water. There is also no guarantee that when heated, the resin will not exfoliate and lose its adhesive qualities.

1. The main enemy is mechanical friction. You need to get rid of the habit of rubbing your eyes. You can gently run your finger over the villi if you feel any discomfort. You should also apply mascara carefully. You can not start staining from the root, the brush will pry off the artificial hair and remove it with one movement.

2. Do not remove eyelash extensions on your own. You can seriously damage the hair follicle.

To emphasize the beauty of the eyes, it is important to regularly care for both natural and artificial eyelashes. In the first and second cases, it is necessary to use special means of strengthening action.

Eyelash extensions are especially popular among the fair sex. In order for them to make the look more expressive for as long as possible, they must be properly looked after. How to do this - later in the article.

There are several effects of eyelash extensions:

Volume types:

Eyelash Extension Techniques

There are two main extension techniques: eyelash and beam.

Eyelash extensions include:

  • Japanese technology- carried out by gluing one artificial eyelash on one live one. The length of the eyelashes can be different depending on the wishes of the client. Material used: mink, sable and silk;
  • Indonesian technology- differs from Japanese technology in that it uses a special glue with a vitamin complex in the composition;
  • American technology– extension occurs using silicone materials that are able to withstand sudden changes in temperature and a humid environment. This technology is suitable for those who often go to the pool, sauna or bath.
  • volumetric technique- implies the extension of several synthetic ones on one natural eyelash, thus creating a 3d and 5d volume.

Beam extension is performed with the help of ciliary bundles, which are attached to living hairs. The bundles are kept for a short time, but a big plus of this method is the speed and low cost of the service. Suitable for those who want to get eyelash extensions without damaging their own.

Eyelash extension materials

The most popular materials for building are: mink, silk and sable.

Pros and cons of eyelash extensions

Like any cosmetic service, the extension procedure has its pros and cons.



  • eyelash extension procedure lasts about 3 hours;
  • once every 1-1.5 months you need to visit a beautician for hair correction;
  • artificial eyelashes require careful handling. It is impossible to touch the eyes unnecessarily;
  • the procedure is not recommended for people with a tendency to allergic reactions and various eye diseases.

Why won't lash extensions last?

Artificial eyelashes can start to fall out for several reasons:

  • incorrect technology (glue not neatly applied, hair not glued, etc.);
  • low-quality, cheap materials;
  • oily facial skin. Owners of this type of skin are advised to regularly use a degreasing agent for the eyelids;
  • taking medicines and antibiotics;
  • features of the woman's body (hormonal background, weak root system of native hairs).

What not to do after eyelash extensions

Care on the first day after extension

How to care for eyelash extensions immediately after the procedure:

  • after the master finishes the work, you should comb the cilia. Thus, you can check the quality of the lash maker, the presence of glues and lumps will indicate unprofessional work;
  • in the first hours after the extension, a slight reddening of the eyes is possible: this is due to the evaporation of the glue. It is not advisable to use drops at this time, it is better to purchase a fan in advance;
  • it is necessary to avoid getting any moisture on the eyes;
  • you can wash your face one day after the build-up, and going to the sauna or pool is possible after 3 days.

How to care for eyelash extensions correctly, a simple reminder will tell you:

How to care for extended eyelashes, a professional lash maker must tell at the end of the procedure.

  • when washing, use water-based cosmetics;
  • water should be at room temperature;
  • do not rub eyelashes;
  • it is better to wipe your face with a terry towel with patting movements, without touching the hairs;
  • for daily facial skin care, you need to choose creams that do not contain oils in the composition;
  • to prevent sticking and tangling of hairs, they need to be combed with a brush several times a week;
  • to avoid fragility of artificial eyelashes, it is necessary to use special care products;
  • sleeping position should be on the side, and preferably on the back;
  • it is desirable to experience as little negative emotions as possible, tk. tears destroy the composition of the adhesive.

How does a bath and sauna affect eyelash extensions

Extension masters do not prohibit visiting a bath or sauna, but not earlier than after 2-3 days.

The effect of sea water on artificial eyelashes

Sea water and high temperatures can damage the glue that holds your lashes together, so don't go diving without a mask or stay out in the sun for too long. Also, professionals do not recommend doing too voluminous and long eyelashes.

Makeup and eyelash extensions

Making makeup is not difficult at all if you follow some rules for applying it.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Every makeup starts with washing. After the eyelashes are completely dry, they need to be combed;
  • after applying concealer or tonal foundation, apply and blend shadows with a special brush;
  • you need to apply liquid eyeliner, trying not to stretch the skin, and not getting on the hairs;
  • if mascara is used in makeup, then it should not have fats in the composition and be applied in one layer;
  • after the mascara dries, the eyelashes need to be combed and the eyebrows put in order;
  • it is impossible to twist the extended hairs, this will lead to their rapid deformation;
  • micellar water is suitable for removing makeup from the eyes. It easily removes makeup, and its composition will not harm the extended hairs.

Cosmetics and eyelash extensions

How to care for eyelash extensions, and what cosmetic products to choose to keep their flawless appearance for a long time:

Eyelash extensions and contact lenses

There are no contraindications to eyelash extensions for those who wear contact lenses every day. But their constant use can reduce the wear time of artificial eyelashes.

A few tips will help avoid various complications and extend the life of artificial eyelashes:

  • before the extension procedure, you need to remove contact lenses and put them in a container with a solution. Thus, particles of glue will not get on the lenses and will not cause irritation;
  • you need to put on lenses carefully, without touching artificial hairs;
  • solution for storing contact lenses should have a soft and high-quality composition.

Care of artificial eyelashes in winter

Frequent temperature changes and cold adversely affect natural eyelashes, and even more so on artificial ones.

How to sleep with eyelash extensions

During sleep, you need to monitor the position of the body so as not to spoil the artificial hairs.

The most suitable position is on the back or on the side, without touching the pillow with eyelashes.


The correction procedure allows you to remove damaged hairs and restore the original appearance of the extended hairs. Duration of wearing is 3-4 weeks. Wearing them for a longer period is undesirable, as this will lead to the depletion of your own hairs. A timely correction will save money and time spent in the lash maker's office.

Correction takes place in several stages:

In no case should a professional master stick hairs on the eyelid without stepping back from the edge of about 1 mm. Also, you can not stick them on fluffy eyelashes, because. they have a weak structure. To prevent the formation of lumps, only one artificial element is glued to the natural eyelash.

How often can you get eyelash extensions?

Wearing lash extensions all the time puts a lot of strain on the living hairs, especially if it's 3-d or 5-d volume. With this type of extension, you can walk with extended elements for about 3 months, after which you need to give your own hairs 2-3 months to recover. If the deterioration of natural eyelashes is not observed (they do not break off, do not fall out), then you can wear them for up to six months.

An experienced lash maker should always take into account the individual characteristics of the natural eyelashes of each client, this will help determine the optimal load on the hairs.

How to remove eyelash extensions yourself

You can remove eyelash extensions at home with the help of various means.

1. Castor or sunflower oil.

  • first of all, you need to remove the make up from the eyes, if any;
  • after washing, you should steam your face;
  • apply oil using a cotton swab to the lash line;
  • wait 10 - 15 minutes;
  • remove artificial elements and wash with warm water.

2. You can replace castor and sunflower oil with burdock. Before use, it must be heated to a comfortable temperature. If the first time it was not possible to remove the extended hairs, then the procedure is repeated how many times.

3. A debonder or albucid can handle the task of removing eyelashes. Both drugs are sold in pharmacies. They must be used with caution and avoid contact with eyes.

  • Albucid is applied with a cotton pad in several layers, after 30 minutes the extended elements are removed.
  • Debonder is applied in the same way. After 5 minutes, you should try to remove the eyelashes, if this does not happen, you should apply another layer.

For those who have sensitive skin, these products are not suitable, you can replace them with a remover. It works in exactly the same way, but has a more delicate composition.

Eyelash care after extension

After removing the extension hairs, it is important to restore native eyelashes.

For this, the use of various folk remedies is suitable:

  • Castor oil- allows you to renew and strengthen hair follicles. The oil is heated in a water bath to the optimum temperature and applied for an hour to the lash line. This procedure should be applied for at least a month.
  • Burr oil- has a similar effect as castor oil. Heals eyelashes and moisturizes the skin of the eyelids.
  • olive, almond and peach Oils can be used individually or in combination. They prevent hair loss, give a shiny, healthy look, saturate with vitamins, accelerate growth. Relieve irritation after removing lash extensions.

Beauticians assure that it is especially important to properly care for natural hairs before deciding to make eyelash extensions.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video: How to care for eyelash extensions

How to wash your face with eyelash extensions: