Perspective planning development of fine motor skills middle group. Self-development work plan “Development of fine motor skills in children. Hedgehog walks in the garden on the grass

September 1st week: Theme "Kindergarten and toys"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Friendship" "On a visit to the big finger" "Ball".
2. "Figures from sticks" (swing).
3. Game with peas or beans (lay out a toy, a ring, a cube).
4. Affectionate game for fingers "Wonderful bag (choose the one you need from 3x toys by touch).
5. "Finish the pattern"
Week 2: Theme "Berries"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Hello" "Grass" "This finger"
2. "Stick figure" (basket for berries).
3. Playing with pebbles (lay out the berries along the contour).
4. Nitkography (clearing).
5. Draw the pattern.
Week 3: Theme "Mushrooms"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Basket", "For mushrooms"
2. Figures from sticks (lay out a mushroom and a stump).
3. Game with barley (mushrooms).
4. An affectionate game for fingers "A wonderful bag, find a fungus among other objects."
5. Drawing on the image of light geomes. figures.
6. Draw the pattern.

Week 4: Theme "Vegetables"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Salting cabbage"
2. Figurines from sticks (the car carries the crop from the fields).
3. Game with red beans (put out beets).
4. Playing with a tennis ball, holding between the fingers.
5. Draw the pattern.
October 1 week: Theme "Migratory birds"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Flock of birds" "birdhouse" "Chicks in the nest"
2. Figurines from twigs (flocks of birds)
3. Game with women and peas (sort women and peas with eyes closed).
4. "Know me!" (connect the dots with one line)
5. Finish the pattern
Week 2: Theme "Poultry"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Ducklings" "Goose"
"Cock" "Hen".
2. Working with gouache [color the chickens with yellow gouache with your fingertips, crumple the paper into small lumps - food]
3. Game with rice: (circle the duck along the contour and
put it in rice)
4. Self-massage with faceted pencils
5. Draw the pattern.
Week 3: Theme "Mail"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Guests" "Mailbox 2. Figures from sticks (envelope).
3. Work with gouache (draw with your fingertip
4. Artistic work (envelope)
5. Draw the pattern.
4. week: 1. Finger gymnastics: "Fingers5" Rake "
2. Stick figurines
3. Clipping (the shape of the leaves of various trees)
4. Self-massage with balls.
5. Nitkography (autumn trees).
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 1: Theme "Family"
1. Finger gymnastics: "My family" "Who arrived"
2. Figures from sticks (face, glasses).
3. Working with decoy (draw a cheerful person with your fingertip on the decoy.)
4. Beads as a gift to mom from lumps of paper.
5. Game "Piano".
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 2: Theme "Our city"
1. Finger gymnastics: "The lawn is dry" "Well"

2. Figures from sticks (tower, house)
3. Figurines from branches (kindergarten building, group plan)
4. Working with stones (road and cars)
5. Self-massage with faceted pencils.
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 3: Theme "Our Motherland"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Hello" "Warm"
2. Figures from sticks (sun).
3. Work with millet (lay out a drawing along the contour)
4. Game (with the help of a stick with closed eyes, determine the object)
5. Mosaic panel based on Russian folk painting.
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 4: Theme "Winter"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Let's get warm" "Ice" "Frost"
2. Game: "Spread the ice into molds"
3. Work with cotton wool (snowdrifts)
4. Work with thin paper strips (snowflake in a smaller size).
5. Draw the pattern.

December 1st week: Theme "Wintering Birds"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Doves" "Sparrows"
2. Working with small geometric shapes (bird)
3. Breaking off (decorate the bullfinch with small pieces)
4. Nitkography (winter forest)
5. Beading.
6. Draw the pattern.
Week 2: Theme "Winter Fun"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Snowball" "Snowman"
2. Figures from sticks (sled)
3. Working with rice (winter landscape)
4. Self-massage with balls. 5. Draw a pattern.
Week 3: Theme "New Year"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Holiday" "Christmas tree"
2. Figurines from sticks (Herringbone)
3. Breaking off (Christmas tree toys)
4. Mosaic of Christmas tree and pine needles.
5. Draw a picture.
Week 4: Theme "Dishes and food"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Naughty" "we washed the dishes"
2. Figures from sticks: (sweets, saucepan, box)
3. Gentle fingers "Wonderful bag"
4. Game with rice (from large dishes to several small ones)
5. Game with peas (lay out any tea utensils)
6. Draw the pattern.
January 1 week: Theme "Clothes and shoes"
1. Finger gymnastics: "mittens, boots, hooks"
2. Working with buttons, hooks, zippers, locks.
3. Work with lacing.
4. Stretching the elastic (holding the ends with your fingers)
5. Work with waste material (decorate clothes, shoes)
6. Weaving a pattern of multi-colored laces.
7. Draw the pattern.
Week 2: Theme "Pets"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Met", "Horses" "Sheep" "Dog" "Cat" "Goat"
2. Stick figurines (pussy)
3. Work with pearl barley (calf along the contour)
4. Working with stamps
5. Draw the pattern.
Week 3: Theme "Wild Animals"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Our meadow", "Hedgehog"
2. Figures from sticks (hedgehog)
3. Thread printing.

4. Self-massage with a faceted pencil.
5. Draw the pattern.
Week 1: Topic "Animals of hot countries"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Turtle" "Elephant"
2. Working with pebbles (elephant along the contour)
3. Circle the drawing along the line without lifting the pencil from the paper.
4. Work with waste material (beloved animal)
5. Beading (peacock tail)
6. Finish the pattern and color without leaving the outline
Week 2: Theme "Defenders of the Fatherland"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Soldiers" "Fighters"
2. Figures from sticks (tank, plane).
3. Working with rice (salute on blue cardboard)
4. Competition "Who will tie more knots on a rope"
5. Stamp with a finger (finish the image)

3-4 weeks: Theme "Pisces"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Fish"
2. Figures from sticks (fish, shell).
3. Working with colored woolen threads (aquarium)
4. Working with stamps (turning into a fish)
5. Working with semolina (storm)
6. Nitkography (waves)

March 1st week: Theme "Spring"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Spring rain"
2. Work with paper (rolling) "rain lei"
3. Work with stamps (fill the cloud with rain)
4. Nitkography (colors of spring)
5. Draw the pattern and color without leaving the outline.
Week 2: Theme "Mom's holiday"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Mommy, tulip"
2. Figurine from sticks (a flower for mom)
3. Weaving (bow on the box)
4. Beading (beads for mom)
5. Break (plan)
6. Draw the pattern and color without leaving the outline
Week 3: Theme "Construction professions"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Painters, a house on a hill"
2. Stick figures (house and gate)
3. Game (guess riddles, put riddles according to the model)
4. Self-massage with balls.
5. Working with stencils.
6. Finish the pattern and color without going beyond the edges
Week 4: Theme "School and Library"
1. Finger gymnastics: "We wrote, bell"
2. Figures from sticks (notebook, pencil)
3. Graphic dictation

4. Game (with closed eyes, line up matryoshkas in a row)
5. Lay out letters and numbers with peas.
6. Draw the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
April 1 week: Theme "Space"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Palm play, Comet"
2. Figures from sticks (asterisk, rocket)
3. Lay out riddles with pebbles (rocket, sky)
4. Clipping (stars in a dark blue sky)
5. Working with rice
6. Finish the pattern
Week 2: Theme "Furniture"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Chair, table"
2. Stick figurines
3. Working with rice and peas
4. Exercises with walnuts (rolling between the palms)
5. Game (with closed eyes among several soft toys, choose 2 identical ones)
6. Draw the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
Week 3: Topic "Household appliances"
1. Finger gymnastics: "TV, watch, vacuum cleaner"
2. Figures from sticks (gas stove, TV)
3. Game with spinning tops (competition)
4. hit the target (crump up the newspaper, throw into the ring)
5. Winding balls from the center or edge clockwise and against it.
6. Draw the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
Week 4: Topic "Where did the bread come from?"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Bread, baker"
2. Figures from sticks (mill)
3. Nitkography (spikelets)
4. Work with millet (bread)
5. Self-massage with a faceted pencil.
6. Testoplasty (pretzels)
7. Finish the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
May 1st week: Theme "Flowers"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Flowers, poppy, chrysanthemums
2. Figures from sticks (cactus, vase)
3. Circle the drawing by dots (tulip)
4. Working with poke (wild flowers)
5. Finish the pattern and color without going beyond the edges.
Week 2: Theme "Victory Day"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Salute", "Soldiers"
2. Figures from sticks (tank, flatok)
3. Nitkography (eternal flame)
4. Work with coils (a monument to the fallen soldiers)
5. Draw a picture in mirror image
Week 3: Theme "Insects"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Ladybugs", "Wasps", "spider", "Butterfly", "Centipede".
2. Figures from sticks (butterfly, beetle)
3. Circle the drawing by dots (mosquito)
4. Logic chain with a stamp.
5. Nitkography (butterfly)
6. Draw the pattern and color without going beyond the outline.
Week 4: Theme "Vacations"
1. Finger gymnastics: "Funny guys" "Swing" "Fingers rest"
2. Figures from sticks (carousel)
3. Landscape on the semolina (where I will rest)
4. Beading (colors of summer)
5. Finish the pattern in a mirror image

The material contained in the plan has a multifunctional character: it forms a phonetic and phonemic base; develops phrasal and coherent speech, speech motor skills, general and fine motor skills of fingers; promotes sensory development; activates the development of higher mental functions, cognitive activity; teaches to play with toys; forms the process of social adaptation in children.

Each exercise is a productive speech training that successfully develops children's speech activity in conditions of high emotional comfort. Classes are held with children of the third year of life. The purpose of the classes: the development of fine and general motor skills in children with organic disorders. Materials of various textures and various techniques are used. Work with children will be effective only if it is carried out systematically, taking into account the age characteristics of children and with constant maintenance of interest in classes.

For the convenience of the teacher, the exercises are presented in the form of a calendar weekly plan. Classes include a variety of game exercises conducted on the material of various lexical topics. The form of work can be different: with small subgroups (3-4 children) and individually with each child.

Practice shows that a good result is achieved when, during the development of each lexical topic, the relationship between the work of the defectologist teacher and the educator is ensured.

This manual will help the development of fine and general motor skills, as well as speech in young children, to expand their horizons.


Classes start from the 3rd week.

1st and 2nd weeks - diagnostics;

3rd week :

1. "Smoothing crumpled paper lumps from colored paper." Target

2. "Find and put next to the same." Target: develop correlative actions, coordination of both hands, emotional attitude to the result of their activities.

3. "Beads for mom." Target Guidelines : Draw a circle or a smooth line (string for beads) on a piece of paper. Let the baby dip his fingers in gouache of different colors: one finger in red paint, the other in yellow, the third in green. Alternately applying the fingers of the right and left hands to the paper where the "thread" is drawn, the baby will give you beautiful multi-colored beads.

4. "We'll stomp our feet." Target

"Let's stomp our feet, ( stomp)

Let's clap our hands. ( clap)

Our fingers, make movements pointing

Like bunnies. fingers up and down)

Our pens are birds:

Sparrows, titmouse. ( make diverging "lanterns")

They flew to Matryosha, ( make flying movements with their hands, approaching the toy)

They sat down at Matryosha. ( sit down, put your hands on your knees)

Ate grains, ("peck" on the knees)

The song was sung.

4th week:

1. "Rolling on the table, between the palms of pencils, balls, dry berries, nuts." Target: develop fine motor skills.

2. "Tearing the paper (by pinching off the sheet)". Target: develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

3. "Funny frogs". Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers. Guidelines : frogs and flowers are drawn on the picture. You need to show the child how to help the frog jump from flower to flower: "jumps" with all five fingers of his right hand over the flowers at the same time as the pronunciation of the poem:

Jump-jump, jump-jump,
I'm from flower to flower
I am a funny frog
Your sweet friend.

4. "Two girlfriends." Target: develop general coordination of movements; learn to perform movements according to the text:

Two girlfriends in the swamp
Two green frogs
Washed early in the morning
Rubbed with a towel
They stamped their feet,
hands clapped,
Right, left leaning
And they returned back.


Topic: "Vegetables fruits"

1st week:

1. "In the garden at Fedora." Target: to activate active and passive movements of the fingers, to form a positive attitude towards classes with an adult.

In Fedora's garden
Growing tomatoes in the garden
And in the garden near Filat
Lots of salads.
Grandma Fekla
Four beds of beets.
Uncle Boris's
There are a lot of radishes.
Masha and Antoshka
Two beds of potatoes.
One, two, three, four, five
Let's help harvest!

(alternately bend fingers)

2. "Plasticine salad" - modeling of multi-colored balls (red - "tomatoes", green "sausages" - "onions"). Target: learn to roll balls and "sausages" between the palms, develop the ability to cut off small pieces in a stack from a large piece of plasticine; to form coordination of movements; to develop the ability to regulate the force of pressing the stack, to hold the stack correctly; develop imagination.

This is a green onion - I picked it ...
This tomato fell into my hands.
We cut quickly -
Onion - pieces
A tomato - round rings.

3. "Laying out the path in the garden, garden" (laying out of counting sticks). Target: develop fine motor skills of the fingers; develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper (up, down); activate the dictionary: "track", "palm".

It's hard for me to keep a finger
Right down the track
That's how he wants
Hide in your palm.
I threaten him, I threaten him
I shame him, I shame him
The finger is ashamed
I took and learned.
(B. Zakhoder)

4. "Walk". Target: develop general coordination of movements; perform movements according to the text.

One-two-three, one-two-three

We went along the path, march step)

We're running down the track
Changing legs frequently jumps)
They jumped, they jumped
And then, like a stork, they stood up.
Here we saw bumps,
We jumped over them. ( jumping
burning forward)

A stream flows ahead
Come quickly! ( walking on toes)
Let's put our hands to the sides,
We will cross it
And then we ran.

2nd week :

    "Gathering berries" (Montessori home school). Target: develop fine motor skills, learn to highlight red, green color according to the model, according to the word. Guidelines :

    Pull the rope, hang the unbent paper clips.

    Give the child the opportunity to blind (roll up) red and green balls ("cherries" and "gooseberries") on their own.

    Prick "berries" into "twigs" (for an adult).

    Pick "berries" one by one with three fingers of the right hand. Hold the paperclip with your left hand.

    Put the plucked "berries" into a basket (children perform as shown by an adult).

    "I take off the berries from the branches." Target: develop fine motor skills, perform actions in accordance with the content of the poem:

I take berries from the branches

And I collect in a basket.
Berries - a full basket!
I'll try a little.
I'll eat a little more
It will be easier to get home.
I'll eat more raspberries
How many berries are in the basket?
One, two, three, four, five…
I will collect again.
(I. Lapukhina)

    "I walked around the garden." Target: to form the ability to perform a task according to the model, to develop the ability to navigate on a plane and locate objects; activate the dictionary: "basket", "apples", "plums", "walked", "gathered". Guidelines : material- a basket cut out of cardboard along the contour, 5 small blue ovals ("plums"), 5 large red circles ("apples"). Invite the child to put the fruits in the basket on their own.

I walked in the garden
And collected in a basket
apples and plums,
It came out so beautiful!

    "Apples". Target: develop general coordination of movements.

The branches on the apple tree hung from sadness,
(raise your arms up, hands down)

Apples hung on branches and missed.
(shake the lowered brushes)

Girls and boys shook the branches,
(shake hands up)

Apples clattered loudly on the ground.
(raise and lower your arms bent at the elbows, palms straightened, fingers connected and tense).

3rd week:

    "Cooking salad with mom." Target: develop tactile perception (smooth tomato, rough cucumber); enrich the child's active and passive vocabulary: "cucumber", "tomato"; "salad", "rough", "smooth", "cut", "cook".

Material : vegetables (tomato, cucumber), a box with holes on the sides for the right and left hands.

Complicating the task is aimed at teaching the child to complete tasks according to the instructions ("Find and arrange vegetables in this order: rough cucumber, smooth tomato, etc.") You can offer for the game: natural vegetables, dummies, toys, pictures of vegetables.

    "Look who's hiding in the ball?" – smoothing

crumpled lumps of paper (fruits and vegetables crumpled into balls). Target

    "Who will pick more beans?" - collect the beans in a bottle with a wide and narrow neck. Screw caps on bottles. Target: develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    "We are autumn leaves." Target: develop general coordination of movements, perform movements in accordance with the text:

We are autumn leaves

we are sitting on branches.
The wind blew - flew
and sat quietly on the ground.
The wind came up again
and picked up all the leaves.
Twirled, flew
and sat quietly on the ground.

4th week:

1. "Cook compote". Target

Material : knife, soft wire, any fruit, thick cardboard circles (colored) with a hole in the middle.

Guidelines : cut an apple, pear, plum into thin rings and ask them to be strung on a wire (for drying). Then you can replace the fruit with circles cut out of cardboard (blue - "plums", red - "apples", yellow - "pears").

2. "Wonderful bag" - identify vegetables and fruits by touch. Target: develop exploratory activities by taking out objects by touch (from the bag).

3. "Find a soul mate" - split pictures. Target: learn to highlight parts of an object and combine them into a whole, develop visual orientation, fine motor skills.

4. "For a walk." Target: develop general coordination of movements.

In the autumn forest for a walk
I invite you to go.
Become friend after friend
Take hold of your hands firmly.
Autumn leaves swirl quietly
Leaves lie quietly under our feet
And rustling underfoot - rustling,
As if they want to spin again

(children spin, kneel, move their hands on the floor, shake their hands to the right - to the left).


Topic: "Cloth".

1st week:

1. "Big Wash". Target: relaxation of the hands, correlation of movements with the text, development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

Material : a bowl of water, pieces of soap - "ball", "brick";

clothes, clothespins, rope.

We erase, we erase
We wash clothes.
Rinse, rinse,
We rinse the linen.

2. "Three Katyushki" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills.

Three Katyushki
Got three coils.
One coil, two coils, three coils.
Shura sewed a sundress,
They sewed a caftan for grandfather,
We sewed socks for my grandmother,
And girls and boys -
To all Andryushkas and Natashas
Sew bright pants
Sewed colorful shirts.
(children alternately bend their fingers)

3. "Guests". Target: develop general coordination of movements.

Doll Masha heard -
She ran first.
Here are the roosters walking -
(high knee walking)
Golden combs.
And nesting dolls
(stomping step)
baby dolls,
They clapped their hands
They stomped their feet.
And funny Parsley
Picked up rattles
Rattles raised up
They danced very merrily.

2nd week:

1. "Pull out the ribbon." Target: develop fine motor skills.

Material : a jar with holes made in the lid, ribbons in four colors (blue, yellow, green and red).

Guidelines : offer first two, then three fingers to pull out a ribbon of a certain color. The child will learn not only to control his fingers, but also to remember the names of colors faster.

2. "Let's dress Manya for a walk." Target: strengthen the muscles of the index finger, develop rhythm and coordination of movements, form the eye-hand connection.

Material : contour stencil made of cardboard (hat, mittens); plasticine (multi-colored), a picture with a winter landscape and a doll cut out of paper.

Guidelines : look at the picture, pay attention that the doll's arms are bare, there is no hat on the head. Give the child a stencil of hats and mittens, offer to smear the plasticine inside the stencil. Admire your creativity and let the child dress on the doll.

3. "Lacing" - learn to put the lace into the hole. Target: learn to thread a lace into a hole according to imitation, a pattern; to develop purposefulness of actions and fine motor skills of fingers.

4. "Flowers have grown." Target

One, two, three - flowers have grown
(get up slowly from a sitting position)

(put your hands up and stretch)
The flowers are warm and good!
(wiggle one's face with one's hands)

3rd and 4th weeks:

1. "Funny girlfriends". Target: develop fine motor skills.

I-th option.

Material : "ladder" of buttons sewn to the fabric.

Together up the stairs
We are going with a friend.
On the steps, on the steps
We are not too lazy to rise,
On the steps, on the steps
We can jump all day long!

II variant.

Material : the picture shows a ladder (steps), two girls are girlfriends.

Guidelines: You need to help your friends up the stairs. "Step the fingers of your right hand up the ladder: thumb and index finger, index finger and middle finger, middle finger and ring finger, ring finger and little finger, thumb and little finger, thumb and ring finger, thumb and middle finger.

2. "Polka dot dress". Target: to form visual-motor coordination. To develop in the child a visual orientation to the shape of the object. Learn to grab small objects (circles of different colors) and lay them out on a stencil (dresses). Develop finger dexterity.

Material : dress stencil for a large doll, dress stencil for a small doll, mugs large and small.

3. "Button your clothes" - with buttons, Velcro, zippers. Target: learn to fasten buttons, Velcro, zippers; develop small hand movements. Develop flexion and extension movements of the hands.

4. "We are jumping on the track." Target: develop coordination of general movements.

We're running down the track
Changing legs frequently
They jumped, they jumped
And then, like a stork, they got up,
Come take a look
That is no longer a stork - a bird,
That frog is a frog
(sit down, put your hands on your knees)
Kwa-kva-kva girlfriends scream.
I jumped as far as I could.


Topic: " Winter. House".

1st week:

1. "Winter". Target: to develop fine motor skills (the ability to put the fingers of the right and left hands in turn), the ability to reproduce movements in accordance with the text.

Material : "winter" picture depicting children playing.

One, two, three, four, five
(in turn unbend fingers clenched into a fist)
We are going to walk.
(show spread fingers of right hand)
Katya's sleigh is lucky
(swipe with index and middle fingers
right hand on the table)

From porch to gate
And Seryozha on the track
(folded fingers "pinch", do throw-
moving movements)

Throws crumbs to pigeons.
Girls and boys
They bounce like balls.
(wave your right and left hands)

2. "Christmas tree". Target: teach children to sculpt round objects by rolling balls in a circular motion with their palms. To form control over muscle sensations; work out the rhythm in performing actions (strong - weak pressure with the index finger on the ball).

Material : plasticine of different colors, Christmas tree stencil from green cardboard.

Guidelines: 1. Offer to make beautiful balls for the Christmas tree (roll small multi-colored balls from plasticine). 2. Put the ball on the Christmas tree (on a twig) and press it with your finger - the ball will flatten out and you will get a "Christmas ball"

Let's decorate the Christmas tree
Beautiful balls.
Let the tree sparkle
Merry lights!

3. Laying out "The Christmas tree has come from the forest." Target: improve fine motor skills of fingers; develop visual attention and spatial orientation, activate the vocabulary: "tree", "needles", "paws".

1st option: laying out the contour of the Christmas tree from the counting sticks according to the picture offered to the child.

2nd option: laying out of triangles (small, medium, large) the contour of the Christmas tree.

herringbone green
grew up in the forest.
Christmas tree for a holiday
I bring home.
Like our Christmas tree
prickly needles,
Branches - paws are called,
kids are surprised!

4. "Bunny". Target: develop coordination of general movements.

Jump - jump, jump - jump,
It's cold for a hare to sit
You need to warm up your paws
Paws up, paws down
Pull up on your toes
We put our paws on the side,
On toes, jump - jump,
And then squatting
So that the paws do not freeze.

2nd week:

1. Finger game "Finger - boy". Target: to develop fine motor skills (the ability to put the fingers of the right and left hands in turn), the ability to reproduce movements in accordance with the text.

Finger - boy, where have you been?
Where did you go with your brothers?
(the fingers of the left hand are clenched into a fist, straighten and bend the thumb)
With this - I rolled in the snow,
With this - I rode down the hill,
With this - I walked in the park,
With this - I played snowballs.
(alternately bend fingers, starting with the index)
We are all fingers - friends,
Where are they,
There I am!

(squeeze and unclench fingers; show 4 fingers, pressing the thumb to the palm).

2. "We make ski poles for Vanya." Target: to form the child's ability to use plasticine correctly - roll out sticks; develop coordination of the right and left hands; develop the ability to perform actions rhythmically.

Material : plasticine, picture with a winter landscape. The picture shows a boy Vanya standing on a hill (on skis, but without ski poles).

Guidelines: 1. Offer to make ski poles for Vanya (roll out sticks). 2. At the bottom, attach a circle of cardboard - you get a "ski pole". Offer to make the second "stick" yourself. 3. Put the "sticks" on the drawing and press down in several places with your index finger. "Now Vanya will be able to slide down the hill and not fall!"

Oh, frost in the yard,
He's not scary kids
Vanya took skis at home
And ran up the hill.
But something is not rolling
It does not work…
I forgot my ski poles
Who would get them for him?

3. Laying out of sticks "Sled". Target: improve fine motor skills of fingers; develop visual attention and spatial orientation.

Sledges fly from the hills in winter,

The guys in the sled laugh and squeal.

4. "Snowflakes". Target: develop coordination of general movements.

Oh, fly, fly snowflakes,
White fluffs.
(alternately raise and lower hands)
It's winter - winter
She moved her sleeves.
(turn to the right, stretching the right hand to the side; repeat the same to the left)
All the snowflakes swirled
And dropped to the ground.
The stars began to spin
They began to lie down on the ground.
No, not stars, but fluffs,
Not fluff, but snowflakes.
(circle, arms to the sides; squat; performing the exercise, you need to monitor the correct posture all the time)

3rd week:

1. "House" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills; learn to reproduce finger movements in accordance with the text:

One, two, three, four, five,
(unclench fingers from the fist one at a time, starting with

The fingers went out for a walk.
(rhythmically unclench all fingers together)
One, two, three, four, five,
(squeeze in turn, widely spaced fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger)
They hid in the house again.
(rhythmically squeeze all fingers together)

2. "What kind of tower is this?" Target: develop fine motor skills; coordination of movements; to form purposefulness of actions and stability of attention.

Material : a pyramid with an even rod and three rings of the same size; pyramid with five rings, but different in size.

What kind of teremok is this?
Smoke coming out of the chimney...

(invite the child to string the rings on the rod (show how to hold the pyramid))

Complication: pyramid of 5 rings.

"Look how beautiful the teremok turned out, smoke is coming from the chimney."

3. "Lay out a house of colored geometric shapes." Target: fix attention on the fact that color and shape can be used to depict a variety of objects; learn to make simple objects from geometric shapes - a house with a window. Develop finer differentiation, the ability not to be distracted from the task at hand; improve motor skills of fingers, coordination of hand movements.

Material : geometric shapes of different colors and sizes.

    "The house is big, the house is small." Target: develop coordination of general movements.

The bear has a big house
Oh oh oh!
(spread hands through sides - up)
And the hare has a small one,
Ah ah ah!
(mournfully; squat, exhale, lower the go-
catch, cover the knee with hands)

Our bear went home
(goes into disarray)
Oh oh oh!
Yes, and the baby is a hare,
Ah ah ah!
(jump on two legs)

4-I week:

1. Finger game - "Castle". Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

There is a lock on the door
(rhythmic quick connections of the fingers of two hands into the lock)
Who could open it?
(fingers are clasped in the lock, hands stretch in different directions)
(movement with clasped fingers away from you, towards yourself)
(fingers clasped, bases of palms tapping against each other)

And they opened it!
(fingers open, palms out)

2. "This is a house" - laying out a one-story house with a window, a door, an antenna from sticks. Target: to learn to act according to the idea; continue to form more subtle differentiations in the implementation of selection, correlation; learn to assemble a house according to a graphic image (drawing); develop coordinated hand movements and fine fingertip movements.

Material : counting sticks, a picture of a house and a layout diagram.

Complication: when laying out, take into account the color of the object, according to the model, offer to lay out the cat.

I am building a house in the universe.
It has a roof and an antenna.
There is a door in it, and there is a window -
Let our cat live in it!

3. "Who lives in the house?". Target: develop tactile sensations; learn to perceive distance; show that the result of actions depends on it, pay attention to the direction of movement of the hand in space and independently choose this direction; develop fine motor skills; activate the dictionary: "bear - teddy bear", "squirrel - squirrel", "fox - fox cub", "big - small".

Material : a house, the windows open, cards are inserted inside, on which animals are drawn.

4. "Cat's House" - Russian folk amusement. Target: develop general coordination of movements.

Boom-boom, boom-boom!
(vigorously raise and lower hands clenched into fists)
Cat's house caught fire!
(gradually raise their hands up and lower them, describing a circle in the air and quickly fingering)
The cat jumped out
(grab your head with your hands and shake your head)
Eyes popped out
(put "glasses" from the thumbs and forefingers to the eyes)
I ran to the oak
(run after each other, alternately putting forward "paws - scratches")
Bit her lip
(stop, bite lip with upper teeth)
A chicken runs with a bucket
Fills the Cat's house,
(spread hands clenched into fists to the sides and run on toes)
And the dog - with a broom,
(lean forward, one hand on the belt, the other, as it were, sweeps the ground)
And the horse - with a lantern,
(raise hand clenched into a fist up)
Gray hare - with a leaf.
(with both palms, swing away from yourself)
One time! One time!
And the fire went out!
(raise your hands up, palms open down; for each syllable, gradually lower them jerkily)


Topic: " domestic and wild animals.

1st week:

1. Finger game "Goat and kid". Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

There is a horned goat
(index finger and little finger - up, press the rest to the palm, with the bent thumb on top)
There is a rich goat.
(index and ring fingers - up, the rest are pressed to the palm)
The kid hurries to her,
The bell rings.
(fingers connected in a pinch, lowered down)

2. "Wonderful bag" - determine by touch. Target: develop exploratory actions by taking out objects by touch (from the bag).

Material : tightening bag, toys of domestic and wild animals from different materials.

3. "Dance of animals in the forest". Target: develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

Material : figurines of animals (hare, bear, fox) cut out of colored cardboard, from shampoo bottles; string for stringing.

Shadow - shadow, sweat,
Above the city is a wattle fence.
The animals sat under the wattle fence,
Boasted all day.
The fox boasted:
- I am beautiful to the whole world!
Bunny boasted:
- Come on, catch up!
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

4. Dynamic exercise "Cubs". Target

Bear cubs lived in more often,
They turned their heads.
Bear cubs looking for honey
Friendly tree rocked:
Like this and like this
They shook the tree together.
And they drank water from the river.
And then they danced
Together they raised their paws:
Like this, like this
Together they raised their paws.

2nd week:

1. a) "Cat and dogs" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

The cat stepped forward
(the index and little fingers of the right hand are bent at the top, the remaining fingers are pressed to the palm, and the thumb is bent on top)
He comes to us, plays with his tail.
(Left palm waving at the base of the right hand)
Towards her from the gate
(thumbs of both hands up, the inside of the palms towards you, the rest of the fingers are in a horizontal position together, the tips of the middle fingers touch)
Two dogs run out.

b) "Dog" - the execution of figurines from the fingers. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers, learn to perform exercises (involving all fingers) with both right and left hands; to form a positive emotional attitude to classes with adults.

The dog has a pointed nose
There is a neck, and there is a tail.

Guidelines: performed first by an adult, then by imitation of a child. Right palm on the rib, on yourself; thumb up; index, middle and nameless - together; the little finger alternately lowers and rises.

2. "Footprints in the forest" - drawing with a finger. Target: create conditions for experimenting with paints; introduce children to the technique of drawing with fingers; learn to gently dip fingers (thumb, index, little finger) alternately in paint and leave marks on paper; cultivate accuracy.

Material : paper, paint, toys: bear, hare, squirrel; basin with water, napkins.

3. "Hedgehog" - a game with counting sticks. Target: learn to lay out a "hedgehog" from counting sticks; develop fine motor skills of fingers, attention, imagination, fantasy.

Material : hedgehog toy, counting sticks, hedgehog stick picture:

Puffing, dragging a fungus home
Agile little animal.
No head, no legs, -
Of course it's a hedgehog!

4. Dynamic exercise "Kittens". Target

Like our cat
Guys grew up
Guys grew up
Fluffy kittens.
The backs are arched
They play with the tail.
And on their paws
sharp scratches,
long mustache,
Green eyes.

(children imitate the actions of kittens: hunch their backs and hiss; kneel, stretch their arms forward and move their fingers, clench and unclench their fists)

They love to wash
Scratch the ears with a paw
And lick your tummy.
Lie down on the barrel

(imitate washing, scratch behind the ears, "lick" the tummy, bend the back)

And curled up in a ball
And then bent back
They ran out of the basket.

(scatter, run for 30 seconds).

3rd and 4th week:

1. a) "Mouse" - an exercise with fingers. Target

Little mouse in a hole
Quietly nibbled the crust of bread.
(scratch your nails on the table, on your knees)
"Crunch, crunch!" -
What's that noise?
(clench fingers into fists and unclench them)
This is a mouse in a hole
Bread eats crusts
(rub palms together).

b) "Claws" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of hands.

sharpens cat's claws
(fingers straighten and clenched into fists)
I'm sitting on the window.
Oh what are they
Cats are sharp!
Oh, what are her
Little paws!
(stroke palms together)
In these paws for the time being
Drowsy tsap-scratches.
(squeeze fingers into fists, turn fists to the right - to the left).
V.Kudryavtsev, V.Egorov

2. "Mouse in a mink, hid from a cat." Target: learn to tear paper with your fingers into small pieces; build a “mink” for a mouse from pieces of paper, filling the mouse with pieces of paper; develop fantasy.

Material : thin colored paper, toy (mouse, cat).

3. a) "Let's lay a path of pebbles" - modeling. Target: to arouse interest in the simplest actions with materials suitable for modeling; learn to pinch off small pieces from the main piece with your fingers and press them into the surface of the modeling board.

Material : toy mouse, plasticine.

b) "We sprinkle the paths" - an exercise-game (Montessori home school). Target: teach children to sprinkle sand (groats) with three fingers; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Material : a beautiful deep saucer with clean sand, millet, rice, strips of paper.

Guidelines: offer to sprinkle "sand" (millet, rice) on the table with a width of 3-5 cm; limit it to strips of paper. The path can go from one house made of matches to another. Pour sand with three fingers (fold them with a "pinch"), without going beyond the edges of the track.

4. a) "Mouse" - laying out of sticks. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Little mouse in a hole
Quietly nibbled the crust of bread.
"Crump, crump" -
What's that noise?
This is a mouse in a hole
Bread eats crusts.

b) "Mice" - an exercise with fingers. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Material : the picture shows: the cat is hiding, the mice are running away along the path (path of circles):

    index, middle, nameless (middle in the center);

    middle, nameless, little finger (in the center of the nameless);

    large, index, medium (in the center of the index).

    dynamic exercise.

a) "Squirrels". Target: develop general coordination of movements, learn to perform movements in accordance with the text:

Red-haired squirrels jump on the branches,
(movements according to the text)
Fluffy ponytails flicker here and there.
Little squirrels froze in the snow.
How to warm their paws in a winter blizzard?
The paw hits the paw,
Warms up quickly.
Jump and jump, jump and jump
And we'll curl up in a ball.

b) "Bear clubfoot". Target: develop general coordination of movements, learn to perform movements in accordance with the text:

bear clumsy
walks through the forest.
(children waddle from foot to foot)
collects cones,
(squat, pretending to collect cones)
sings songs.
The bump bounced
right on Mishka's forehead,
(touch forehead with hand)
Teddy bear got angry
and foot top!
(stomp foot)


Topic: "Birds".

1st week:

1. "Bird" - an exercise with fingers. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

birdie, birdie,
You have some water on you.
(call the bird, waving the brush of one hand towards you,
fold the other hand into a cup)

Jump off the branch to me
I will give you grains.
(pour food with one hand on the palm of the other)
(knock index fingers on the table, knees
in different rhythms).

2. "Look who's hiding in the ball?" - smoothing sheets of paper crumpled into balls with the contours of birds depicted on them. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

3. "Swan Lake" - drawing with palms. Target: create conditions for experimenting with paints, introduce non-traditional drawing techniques - palms; learn how to make hand prints.

Material : large format blue sheet, white gouache, a basin of water, napkins.

A swan floats along the river,
Above the bank carries a head.
Waving a white feather
She shakes off some water on the flowers.

4. "Sparrows" - a dynamic exercise. Target: develop general coordination of movements.

Birds sit in nests
And they look out into the street.
They want to take a walk
And quietly fly
flew, flew
And perched on branches.
The feathers have been cleaned
Shake off the tail.
They flew again.
Sat on the path
Jumping, chirping,
The grains peck.

(children, squatting, turn their heads, get up, run, waving their arms to the right and left; the pace is medium; sit on chairs, rub their shoulders with their hands, twist their asses, “fly” (run) again, squat down, turn their heads right - left, imitate the actions of the chicks).

2nd week:

1. "Birds" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

The birds have flown
(bend the thumb to a horizontal position, connect the rest of the closed straight fingers from above)
They waved their wings.
(wave palms with fingers wide open)
sat on the trees,
(hands up, all fingers spread wide)
They rested together.
(bend the thumb to a horizontal position, attach the rest of the closed straight fingers from above)

2. "Treat for the birds." Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Material : pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, large sheet of paper, plasticine, birds, feeder.

Guidelines: 1. Sorting seeds (pumpkin and sunflower). 2. Practicing the skill of tearing off small pieces from a large sheet of paper. 3. Pinch off small lumps of plasticine and put them on the feeder.

3. "Bird" - modeling. Target: cause a desire to fashion a small bird, rolling up balls, laying one on top of the other, eyes - peas; learn to pinch with your fingers, making a beak and tail.

Material : plasticine, toys, natural material - peas.

4. "Hands raised ..." - a dynamic exercise. Target: develop general coordination of movements, learn to perform movements in accordance with the text:

Hands raised and shook -
These are the trees in the forest
Hands bent, brushes shaken -
The wind knocks down the dew.
To the sides of the hand, gently wave -
The birds are flying towards us.
We will also show how they sit down,
Wings folded back.

3rd week:

1. "Magpie" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

magpie, magpie,
Where was? Long away.
(the child runs the index finger of one hand over the palm of the other)
cooked porridge,
Feeding children:
She gave porridge to this one,
This is kiselka,
(bend with one hand on one finger of the other hand)
This is sour cream
This is candy
But she didn't give it:
"You didn't chop wood,
(threaten with the index finger of both hands)
Didn't carry water
Didn't cook porridge.

2. "Heron" - laying out from sticks. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Standing on one leg
Everyone is looking at the frogs.
On one leg all day
She is not too lazy to stand.

3. "Birdhouse" (I option)

"Chicks in the nest" (II option) - making figurines from fingers. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers; learn to perform the exercise with both the right and left hands (involving all fingers), form a positive emotional mood.

The starling lives in the birdhouse
And sings a loud song.
(palms are vertically placed to each other; the little fingers are pressed like a "boat", and the thumbs are bent inward).

II option:

The bird flaps its wings
And flies to his nest.
He will tell his chicks
Where did she get the grain.
(grasp all the fingers of the right hand with the left palm and move them).

4. "Grey geese flew" - a dynamic exercise. Target: develop general coordination of movements, learn to perform movements in accordance with the text:

Gray geese flew
They sat quietly on the lawn.
They walked, pecked,
Then they quickly ran.

4th week:

1. "There was a crow across the field" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

A crow walked across the field
(index and middle fingers move on the table)
She carried six mushrooms in her hem:
(count fingers and straighten them one at a time)
Russula, boletus, sub-axis-no-vik.
(raise the little finger, nameless, middle from the fist)
Milk mushroom, mushroom, champignon.
(index, large, index)
Who has not seen -
(cover face with palms)
Get out!
(pointing to pointing)

2. "Cut pictures" - assemble a picture of a bird from three parts. Target: learn to make a whole (bird) from three parts; develop imagination, memory.

Material : the bird in the picture; a bird consisting of 3 parts (head, body, legs).

Guidelines: look at the bird in the picture; Option 1: superimpose (combine) parts of the bird's silhouette on the picture; Option 2: assemble a picture of a bird from 3 parts (head, body, legs).

3. "This is a bird - trace and draw" - a stroke of a stencil made of thick cardboard or a stencil of a bird made of plastic. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers; to teach to perceive an object with the help of a circling movement, to use the resulting image (birds) in visual activity.

Material : pencil, felt-tip pen, stencil made of cardboard or plastic bird silhouette.

4. "Bird house" - laying out a house from geometric shapes. Target: note that color and shape can be used to depict a variety of objects; learn to make a bird house out of geometric shapes; develop motor skills of fingers, coordination of hand movements.

Material : geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), card with the image of a house of geometric shapes.

5. a) "Birds" - a dynamic exercise. Target: develop general coordination of movements, learn to perform movements in accordance with the text:

The birds were flying
They played with the kids.
(run around in a circle on tiptoes, waving their hands)
Wings flapped,
(wave hands with fingers wide open)
They sat on the trees.
(hands on shoulders)

b) "Chicken":

The hen went out for a walk
Pinch fresh grass
(walk on toes, arms down, hands holding
perpendicular to body)

And behind her the guys -
Yellow chickens.
(easy run, arms bent to shoulders)
T. Volgina


Topic: " Transport".

1st week:

1. "Transport". Target: develop fine motor skills; learn to perform finger movements (bend in turn) in accordance with the text:

We are with the first finger - baby
Let's walk to the tram depot.
With another - we'll go by tram,
Singing songs softly.
And with the third - we will sit in a taxi,
Please take us to the store!
With a fourth finger in a rocket
We will fly to another planet.
Get on the fifth plane
Let's fly with you.

2. "What's with who?" - smoothing out crumpled balls of sheets of paper with images of a bus, car. Target: develop fine motor skills of hands.

3. "Wheels for the car" - modeling (rolling, pressing). Target: learn to roll plasticine balls, press the ball with your index finger, attaching it to the base in a certain place; develop fine motor skills, form interest in work, fix the color of the object.

Material : plasticine, car stencil without wheels made of cardboard.

4. "Machine". Target: develop general coordination of movements.

The car is humming.
(children rhythmically tap the fist of one hand on the palm of the other)
Knock-Knock -
The motor is knocking.
(clap hands rhythmically)
We're going, we're going, we're going, we're going,
(rhythmically stomp their feet)
He speaks so loudly.
Tires rubbing against the road
They rustle.
(rubbing palms)
The wheels are spinning fast
They rush forward.
(make a rhythmic "turntable" with your hands)

2nd week:

1. "How are you?" - finger game Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

How is it going?
- Like this!
(clench fist, thumbs up)
Do you swim?
- Like this!
(hands apart)
How do you run?
- Like this!
(arms bent at the elbows)
Are you looking into the distance?
- Like this!
(put palm to forehead)
Looking forward to lunch?
- Like this!
(arm bent at the elbow and fist under the cheek)
Are you following?
- Like this!
(waving hand)
Do you sleep in the morning?
- Like this!
Are you kidding?
- Like this!
(rubbing palms on cheeks)

2. "Funny bus". Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Material : a picture with a painted bus and a winding path.

Guidelines: invite the child to help get to the kindergarten, at home: “Walk with the fingers of your right and left hands. Each finger has its own path: thumb and index, index and middle, middle and nameless, nameless and little fingers, thumb and little fingers, big and nameless, big and middle.

Let's go, let's go in the morning
We're taking the kids to kindergarten.
We're going down a crooked path
The kids are looking out the windows.

3. "Let's make a car out of sticks." Target: to learn to act according to the idea; learn to assemble a car according to its graphic image (drawing); develop coordinated hand movements and fine fingertip movements.

Material : colored sticks, subject pictures depicting a car and a scheme for laying out with sticks, mugs for wheels.

The car rushes through the streets
Dust swirls from under the wheels.

4. "Airplane". Target: develop general coordination of movements, learn to perform movements in accordance with the text:

The plane is flying high, high
It's hard for him to land!
The pilot makes a circle around the circle ...
(children run easily on toes, arms to the sides)
He is a plane and a comrade, and a friend!
The plane landed on the runway
(squat, hands to the sides)
Ran forward -
and completed the flight.
The doors opened, under the ladder the earth,
And passengers are met by friends!
O. Aspisova.

3rd week:

    "Who has arrived?" - finger game Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Who has arrived?
(both palms up, each finger touching another finger)
- We, we, we!
(palms open only fingers, at the bottom of the palms

- Mom, mom, is that you?
(thumb bent to the side)
- Yes Yes Yes!
- Dad, dad, is that you?
(index finger bent to the side)
- Yes Yes Yes!
- Brother, brother, is that you?
(bend middle finger)
- Yes Yes Yes!
- Oh, sister, is that you?
(bend the ring finger)
- Yes Yes Yes!
- We are all together
- Yes Yes Yes!
(open palms)

2. "The road for the car" - drawing with a brush. Target: exercise in drawing long straight horizontal lines; develop fine motor skills, accuracy and the desire to draw.

Material : sheets with the image of cars of different colors, gouache in the color of cars, brushes, toys - cars.

Cars are coming

tires rustle.

Wait a little

here is the road...

And the sticks are long

machine traces.

We have different cars.

both yellow and red.

Cars after cars

rustle their tires.

3. "Truck" - stroke the stencil of the car. Target: to learn to perceive an object with the help of a circling movement; understand that circling movements outline the contour of the subject; develop fine motor skills.

Material : machine template for outlining.

Guidelines: first consider the pattern, teach to see the whole object in the pattern. If the child finds it difficult to correlate the template with the picture, then you need to help to circle the outline of the object with your index finger (according to the template); then the child traces the contour with a pencil according to the template together with the adult, and finally the child acts independently.

4. "Airplane" (A. Barto). Target: develop general coordination of movements.

Let's build the plane ourselves
(spread arms - "wings" to the sides)
Let's fly over the forests
(waving their hands up and down, slightly tilting their
trap right - left)

Let's fly over the forests
(running on toes, arms to the sides)
And then back to mom.
(squat on one knee, straight arms to the sides)

4th week:

1. "Sasha walked along the highway" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Sasha walked along the highway,
(index and middle "walk" on the table)
Carry dryers in a bag.
(thumb and forefinger connect: do
"drying" on both hands)

Drying - Grisha,
(one "drying" is, as it were, put on the other hand, that is

Drying - Misha,
(put on index finger)
There are drying Proshe,
(put on middle finger)
Vanyusha, Antosha.
(on the ring finger, on the little finger)
Two more drying Nyusha
(change hands, put on the thumb)
And Petrushka
Three more drying Pasha,
(we put on the index, middle)

Tanyushka, Vanyushka.
(nameless, little finger)

2. "Collect the wheels for the car" - a stringing game. Target: develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

Material : 4 buttons - "wheels" (two large, two smaller) of different colors, 2 drawn cars of different sizes with pushpins glued in place of the wheels.

Guidelines: ask the child to pin the same number of wheels (2 wheels) on the button as shown in the picture (two large wheels for a large car, two small wheels for a small car). Complication: in three years to introduce the concept of "smaller".

3. "Airplane" - modeling. Target: learn to roll out plasticine in length, make an airplane from ready-made sticks, play with it, imitating the sound of a flying airplane: "rrrr"; develop fine motor skills.

Material : plasticine, toy - a plane for viewing, a napkin.

4. "A plane flies by." Target: develop general coordination of movements; perform movements in accordance with the text:

an airplane is flying,
I took off with him.
(children look up and move their fingers as if for
flying plane)

He took the right wing away - looked!
He took the left wing away - looked.
(take their hands away alternately and follow with their eyes)
I start the engine
And I look closely.
I rise up - I fly,
I don't want to return.
(get up on your toes and perform flying movements)


Topic: "Furniture, dishes."

1st week:

1. "Hello, finger!" - a game. Target: learn to connect the fingers of both hands, put your finger in the indicated place.

Material : chair, table, sheet of clean paper, pencils.

Guidelines: 1. An adult shows: the elbows are on the table, the lower parts of the palms are closed, the fingers greet, starting with the little finger. Then the palms greet. After the show, the child performs independently. 2. An adult circles the child's palm with a pencil, shows that his fingers turned out on paper. Invites the child to say hello to the painted fingers (attach their fingers to the image). 3. The fingers of a child "hello" with the fingers of an adult; at the end of the game the child makes a "lock".

2. "Let's make a bed out of sticks." Target: learn to assemble a bed according to a graphic image (drawing); develop coordinated hand movements and fine fingertip movements.

Material : colored sticks, subject picture with the image of a bed, laying out scheme.

We put a bed in the bedroom
And we will sleep on it sweetly.

3. "Geometric mosaic game" - laying out a bed and a chair. Target: learn to make a bed, a chair from a geometric mosaic; develop finer differentiation, improve finger motility, coordination of movements.

Material : geometric color mosaic.

4. "We walked around the room." Target: develop general coordination of movements; learn to perform movements in accordance with the text:

We walked around the room
And they held flags in their hands.
Top - top, again!
Our flags are bright.
We hide the flags behind the back
And, like bunnies, we will jump.
Jump - jump, again!
We don't have any more flags.
We looked at the flags
Wanted to spin.
Here, here, again!
Our flags are bright.
We sat down quietly
They barely knocked.
Knock, knock, again!
Our flags are bright.
(A. Anufrieva)

2nd week:

1. "Walk" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Let the fingers go for a walk
(the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists, the thumbs are lowered down and, as it were, move around the table in jumps)
And the second to catch up.
(rhythmic movements on the table with index fingers)
Third fingers run
(movements of the middle fingers at a fast pace)
And the fourth on foot
(slow movements of the ring fingers on the table)
Fifth finger jumped
(rhythmic touch of the table surface with both little fingers
And at the end of the road he fell.
(clapping both fists on the table)

2. "Let's make a stool out of sticks." Target: learn to assemble a stool according to a graphic image (drawing); develop coordinated hand movements and fine fingertip movements.

Material : colored sticks, a subject picture of a stool and a scheme for laying out with sticks.

Sitting on a stool at the table
And without it, our house is uncomfortable.

3. "Laying out the table, benches" - a game with geometric mosaics. Target: learn to make a table, a bench from a geometric mosaic; develop a pinched grip with the index and thumb; improve eye-hand movement. Material : geometric mosaic.

4. "Walking". Target: develop general coordination of movements.

We checked your posture
and brought the shoulder blades together
(pull shoulders back)
We walked on our toes
(walk on tiptoe)
we walk on our heels.
We go like all the guys
(to march)
and like a clumsy bear.
(roll along)

3rd week:

    "Dishes" is a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

One two three four,
We washed the dishes
(alternately bend the fingers on the right hand)
Teapot, cup, ladle, spoon
And a big ladle.
We washed the dishes
We just broke a cup
Dipper too
fell apart
The teapot's nose broke off.
We broke the spoon a little -
So we helped mom!

2. "Let's make a TV out of sticks." Target: learn to assemble a TV according to a graphic image (drawing); develop coordinated hand movements and fine fingertip movements.

Material : colored sticks, a subject picture with the image of a TV and a layout diagram.

It's boring without TV, friends,
And you can't watch TV for a long time.

3. "Collect the whole." Target: continue to refine the idea of ​​objects; learn to identify parts and combine them into a whole; develop a visual orientation to the color of objects by comparison (this - not this); develop fine motor skills.

Material : subject pictures of dishes, subject pictures of dishes cut into two parts.

4. "Okay". Target: develop general coordination of movements.

almonds, almonds,
Baked pancakes,
("pancakes are baked", alternately clapping on top of one
palm on the other)

Put on the window
(stretch palms forward)
Left to cool.
Cool down, let's go
And we'll give it to the sparrows.
(alternately bring palms to mouth)
Sparrows sat down
(put hands on knees)
All the fritters have been eaten
(tap fingers)
Shoo, shoo - flew!
(raise their hands up, waving their hands, run)
Sat on the head!
(put hands on head)
(Russian folk amusement)

4th week:

1. "Whatever we want" - finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Anything we want
From the sand we will make
(clapping hands)
Sasha is making a bun
(fold your palms with a "ladle" and, as it were, sculpt a bun)
And Irinka is a teremok,
(connect straight palms above the head: "roof")
Lyuba sculpts different fish,
(press palms together and move them to the right - to the left)
Well, Vera is a white mushroom.
(Clench one hand into a fist and cover it from above with the palm of the other hand: "mushroom cap")

2. "Guess what is hidden in the lump?" - smoothing out crumpled paper wads. Target: develop fine motor skills.

Material : paper lumps with a contour image of dishes, furniture.

3. "Tea service" - drawing with paints. Target: fix the method of drawing points, strokes, lines, rings, etc. with a brush; learn to consistently use paint of two colors, place the pattern over the entire surface of the object; develop fine motor skills.

Material : silhouettes of a tea set (cups, teapot, saucers), brushes, gouache in two colors, samples of dishes.

Dolls dressed up in dresses
Dolls were invited to visit
They were given sweet tea
And fed rugs.

4. "Beautiful cup with peas" - tracing the stencil of the cup and sticking prepared colored circles on it. Target: to learn to perceive an object with the help of a circling movement and use the resulting image in the game; develop fine motor skills.

Material : pencils, felt-tip pen, paper or plastic stencil, colored mugs.

5. "Sun". Target: develop general coordination of movements.

This is how the sun rises
(slowly raise hands up)
Higher, higher, higher!
By night the sun will set
(lower hands slowly)
Down, down, down.
Good good
The sun is laughing
And under the sun everyone
Have fun singing!
(clap hands)
The sun rose early in the morning,
(hands up)
Washed with cold water.
(make hand movements "wash")
The sun has trodden a hundred tracks!
(follow each other)
Why does the sun have so many legs?
G. Lagzdyn


Topic: " Vegetable world. Toys".

1st week:

1. "Flower" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

A tall flower grew in a clearing,
(arms upright, palms facing each other,
spread your fingers and slightly round them)

Opened the petals on a spring morning.
(spread fingers)
All petals beauty and nourishment
(rhythmic movements of fingers together - apart)
Together they give underground roots.
(palms down and press the back side to each other, fingers apart)

2. "Each leaf has its own place" - close the contours of the various leaves with the necessary leaves taken from the box. Target: select the contour of the leaf according to the sample and check it by trying on; continue to distinguish colors "such - not such"; introduce the names of the color of the leaves; learn to act in accordance with verbal instructions; continue to develop small hand movements, purposefulness of actions; create a positive emotional attitude to the task.

Material : cards with leaves of birch, poplar, maple, mountain ash, oak; separate leaves from these trees.

3. "Magic flower" - drawing. Target: continue to introduce non-traditional drawing techniques, learn to draw with the palm of your hand; develop imagination.

Material : pictures depicting fabulous decorative flowers, a basin of water, napkins, gouache.

A butterfly is circling over a flower bed,
Where to sit? It won't solve everything.
Each flower is so beautiful!
What is more beautiful - you will not understand!

4. "On a narrow path" - Russian folk amusement. Target: develop general coordination of movements.

Along the narrow path
Our feet are walking
(walk in a circle one after another, raising legs high)
By pebbles, by pebbles
(jumping from foot to foot at a slow pace)
And into the hole ... wow!
(sit down on the floor on the last word)

2nd week:

1. "Top - top" - finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of hands.

Top - top, topotushki!
(palms up, palms down and fingers go)
A bunny is dancing on the edge,
(we bend the hands, like a bunny's paws in front of the chest)
Dancing hedgehog on a stump,
(we connect the hands at an angle)
The dog is dancing on the porch,
(the thumb is in contact with four fingers, the index finger is bent at the joint)
The mouse is dancing near the mink,
(raise your hands up on your head, spreading your fingers)
A goat is dancing on a hill,
(index finger is applied to the head)
A duck is dancing on the river
(we connect two palms, make, as it were, a beak and

Turtle in the sand
(with one hand we make a fist, and with the other hand this fist

Top - top, topotushki!
(fingers "walk" on the table)
Dancing - ducks,
(spread out, put palms on head)
What are you standing?
Swim and you!

2. "Collect a flower." Target: to form visual-motor coordination; develop visual orientation to the shape of the object; to form practical ways of orientation (trial method); arouse interest in their actions; learn to capture small objects (petals) with your fingers; to form the ability of coordinated action with the fingers of both hands.

Material : a flower (application) is made on a sheet of paper, separately petals, a tray.

3. "Dandelions in the clearing" - modeling (pinching, rolling, pressing). Target: learn to pinch off small pieces from a large piece, roll up balls, press the balls with your index finger, attaching them to the base.

4. "Beautiful dandelion" - sticking matches into a plasticine lump. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

5. "Flowers have grown." Target: develop general coordination of movements.

One, two, three - flowers have grown,
(get up slowly from sitting position)
Stretched high to the sun, high!
(raise hands up, stretch)
The flowers are warm and good!
(wiggle face with hands)
E. Pozhilenko

3rd week:

    "Two centipedes" - finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Two centipedes ran along the path,
(palms are straight, we touch with our fingers, i.e. connect

They ran, they ran, they met each other.
(palms up, fingers straight)
So they hugged each other
(we hook our fingers to each other like "hooks")
So they hugged each other
(palm to palm clings like a "lock")
So they hugged each other
That we barely separated them.
(Like a lock has been opened)

2. "Make a boat out of sticks." Target: learn to assemble (compose) a boat from sticks according to a graphic image (drawing); develop coordinated hand movements and fine fingertip movements.

Material : colored sticks, a subject picture depicting a boat and a layout diagram.

The ship is sailing on the river
The captain is leading him.

3. "Balls" - drawing. Target: learn to draw round objects, continue to introduce the names of colors, learn to distinguish them; learn how to hold a brush correctly, draw with paints and use paints of different colors; develop fine motor skills.

Material : sheets with the image of multi-colored balloons, gouache.

Balls, balls
They gave us!
Red, blue
Give to kids!
Balls raised
We are overhead.
The balls danced!
Red, blue.

4. "Fox" - a dynamic exercise. Target: develop general coordination of movements, perform movements according to the text:

Lisonka woke up in the morning,
Paw stretched to the right,
Paw stretched to the left,
The sun smiled softly.
She clenched all her fingers into a fist,
Rubbing all the paws began -
Arms, legs and sides:
What a beauty!
And then the palm
Slapped a little.
I began to stroke the arms, legs
And quite a bit on the side.
Well, beautiful - Lisa!
(showing off, perform half-turns of the body to the right -
to the left, putting your hands on your belt and straightening your back)

How good is that!

4th week:

1. "Fingers - friendly family" - a finger game. Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Guidelines: repeat the names of the fingers; invite the child to “say hello” to the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other hand, calling them: thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger.

Fingers are a friendly family,
They cannot live without each other.
(squeeze the fingers of each hand into fists and unclench them)
Here is a large one, and this is a medium one,
Nameless and last -
Our little finger, baby!
Woo! Index forgotten.
So that the fingers live together.
(alternately raise the fingers of both hands up)
Let's connect them
And make moves...
(we attach each finger alternately to the thumb)

2. "Rain". Target: develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Material : a picture (a cloud is drawn, it is raining from a cloud, children run away from the rain along the path).

Guidelines: invite the child to help the children hide from the rain: “Walk with the fingers of your right hand along the path (consisting of circles) to the umbrella: thumbs and index, index and middle, middle and nameless, nameless and little fingers, thumb and little fingers, large and nameless, large and medium .

A cloud floats quietly across the sky,
It's raining from this cloud.
All the kids are hiding from the rain
They run under an umbrella in the middle of the yard!

3. "Cut pictures" - collect pictures of toys from two parts. Target: clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bobjects (toys), learn to highlight parts and combine them into a whole; develop a visual orientation to the color of objects by comparison (this - not this); develop fine motor skills; reinforce an emotionally positive attitude towards the game.

Material : pictures of toys: a ball, a pyramid, a car, a matryoshka and split pictures of these items.

Guidelines: the teacher shows subject pictures, examines parts of these objects with the child, then invites the child to find the details for each toy and connect them (make a toy) with the help of an adult.

4. "Make a pyramid." Target: learn to assemble a pyramid of four to five rings of the same color, successively decreasing and located on a sheet of paper; to develop finer differentiation in the selection of items in descending order; develop fine motor skills.

Material : a sheet of clean paper, cardboard pyramids (rings) of four primary colors.

5. "Walk". Target: develop general coordination of movements; perform movements according to the text:

One, two, three, one, two, three
We went along the path.
(march step)
Winding path began
Among the tall grasses
We walk on it easily,
Raising his head.
(snake walking)
Here we saw bumps,
We jumped over them.
(jump forward)
A stream flows ahead
Come quickly!
(walking on toes)
Let's put our hands to the sides,
We will cross it.
We saw the spring forest
And everyone ran to him.
(hands to the side)
Looked at the run
Who grazes in the meadow.
(running in circles)


    Alyabyeva E.A. Logorhythmic exercises without musical accompaniment: Methodological guide. - M.: TC Sphere, 2006. - 64 p. (Speech therapist at preschool educational institution).

    Belaya A.E. Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers: a guide for parents and teachers. - M.: AST: Astrel: Profizdat, 2006. - 46, p.: ill.

    Borisenko M.G., Lukina N.A. Our fingers play (Development of fine motor skills). - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2003. - 144 p. - (Series "I am born. I grow. I develop.)

    Galkina G.G., Dubinina T.I. Fingers help to speak. - M.: Publishing house "Gnome and D", 2006. - 40 p.

    Dedyukhina G.V., Kirillova E.V. We learn to speak. Moscow publishing center "Techinform", MAI, 1997.

    Zakharova L.V. Games and exercises with young children with deviations in psychophysical development. 2004. - 23 p.

    Zakharova L.V. Perspective plan for drawing and application for children two to three years old. Perspective plan of lessons for a year on modeling for children of two to three years. (From the experience of working in the Orphanage), 2006.

    Isaenko O.V. Long-term planning for modeling, drawing. (From the experience of working in the Orphanage), 2007.

    "Games and activities with young children with disabilities in psychophysical development: A book for teachers" / Ed. E.A. Strebeleva, G.A. Mishina. M.: Polygraph service, 2002. - 128 p.

    Kartushina M.Yu. Logistics for kids. - M.: TC Sphere, 2005. - 144 p. (Development program)

    Kartushina M.Yu. Logorhythmic classes in kindergarten: Methodological guide. - M.: TC Sphere, 2004. - 192 p.

    Mashin L., Madysheva E. Montessori Home School. 2-4 for the little ones.

    Pozhilenko E.A. Articulation gymnastics: Guidelines for the development of motor skills, breathing and voice in preschool children. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2006. - 92 p.: ill. – (Popular speech therapy)

    Romanov A.A. Finger games for kids. Cards with game tasks: A manual for child psychologists, teachers, speech pathologists, parents. - M.: "Plate"; 2005. - 48 p.: ill.

    Timofeeva E.Yu., Chernova E.I. Finger steps. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills. - St. Petersburg: Crown print; M.: Binom - Press, 2006. - 32 p.; ill.

    Uzorova O.V. Finger gymnastics. - M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC: AST Publishing House LLC, 2003. - 127, p.

    Tsvyntary V.V. We play with fingers and develop speech. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 1996. - 32 p.

    Yanushko E. A. School of the Seven Dwarfs. The development of fine motor skills in children from two to three years. Plasticine pictures. 2006

    Yanushko E.A. The development of fine motor skills in young children (1-3 years). Methodological guide for educators and parents.-M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2007 - 56 p.

Perspective plan of correctional work on the development of fine motor skills in children.

Target - development of fine motor skills of fingers in children with speech impairment.

Topic: "I am a man"

1. Smoothing out crumpled paper lumps (human contour) and sticking on a sheet of paper

2. Laying out a house from geometric shapes in proportion (for a person)

3. Drawing glomeruli.

4. Stencil around the figure of a person.

5. Modeling of plasticine kolobok, sausages, bagels.

6. Sorting of two kinds of seeds.

7. Tear a yellow sheet of paper into small pieces (leaf fall).

8. Button fastening.

Topic: "Vegetables and fruits"

1. Stencil vegetables and fruits and color with a colored pencil in one direction.

2. Folding a picture from four parts.

3. Modeling vegetables from plasticine.

4. Outline the fruit.

5. Smoothing out wrinkled lumps, what happened? (vegetables and fruits)

6. Drawing vegetables fruits with your finger.

7. Laying out vegetables and fruits from a small colored mosaic.

Theme: "Birds in autumn"

1. Laying out the contour of a bird from sticks according to the model.

2. Imitation of pecking grains, with each finger and all at the same time.

3. Collecting a bird from parts.

4. Stencil around the bird.

5. Modeling a bird from plasticine

6. Tearing off small pieces from a whole sheet of paper.

7. Folding a bird from geometric shapes according to the model.

8. Sorting seeds and peas.

Topic: "Labor in nature"

1. Definition of the tool of labor "wonderful bag" (cut out of cardboard).

2. Wrapping the stick with a string.

3. Stroke tools on a stencil, painting.

4. Collecting a split picture from thick cardboard.

5. Work with a pipette drip to the mark.

6. Exercise with lacing.

7. Rolling lumps from napkins.

Topic: "Clothes and shoes"

1. Outline the clothes and color them.

2. Color the polka dot dress.

3. Winding thick threads into a ball.

4. Assemble clothes and shoes from the cut mosaic.

Topic: "Furniture, dishes"

1. Laying out furniture from sticks according to the model.

2. Laying out along the contour of furniture from plasticine sticks.

3. Tracing the dishes on a stencil, sticking colored circles on it.

4. Unscrewing and tightening plastic plugs.

Topic: "City, transport"

1. Construction of buildings from small wooden builder.

2. Lay out the house from the sticks according to the model.

3. Circle the transport on the stencil and stick windows on it.

4. Drawing with a stick in the sand.

5. Stroke the car along the contour and color it.

6. Assemble a car from a split picture.

7. Assemble a truck from geometric shapes.

8. Draw a rain with a pipette.

Theme: "Winter Forest"

1. Stencil around trees of different sizes.

2. Together with the children, stick snow on the trees from semolina.

3. Laying out tree branches with a thread.

4. Making snowballs from napkins.

Theme: "Wild Animals"

1. Identify small toys by touch.

2. Circle the fox figurine around the office, color it.

3. Laying out a split picture of a bear.

4. Modeling carrots from plasticine for a hare.

Topic: “Wild animals. Pets"

1. Laying out of the geometric shapes of the animal according to the model.

2. Modeling a hedgehog from plasticine, needles from matches.

3. Pouring water with a spoon from a glass into a plate.

4. Drawing glomeruli with pencils.

5. Collect a picture of a pet.

6. Smoothing lumps, what kind of animal?

7. Identify the pet by touch.

8. Modeling a puppy from plasticine

Theme: "Birds in winter"

1. Select bird food from seeds.

2. Pinch off small pieces from plasticine, rolling into balls.

3. Dropping with a pipette 4 drops of a titmouse and a sparrow.

4. Collect birds from geometric shapes

Topic: “Family. Professions»

1. Stencil a person.

2. Laying out a human figure from geometric shapes.

3. Smooth out wrinkled clothes.

4. Hang up clothes (clothespins)

Topic: "Professions"

1. Build houses from blocks.

2. Laying out a house from colored sticks.

3. Prepare forms, cutting a sheet of paper and folding in half.

4. Modeling pancakes and gingerbread from plasticine.

Topic: "Food"

1. Identify food by touch.

2. Modeling products for the store.

3. Sort buckwheat and rice.

4. Bending the contour of vegetables from the wire.

Theme: "Mom's Day"

1. Drawing flowers on a sheet of paper.

2. Make a pastry pie for mom.

3. let's make a postcard, cutting along the contour of flowers

Theme: "Beginning of Spring"

1. Finger drawing streams.

2. Rolling the sun out of napkins.

3. Work with water and a pipette.

4. Laying out the rays of the sun from the sticks

Theme: "Toys"

1. Collect toys - pictures from parts.

2. Identify flat toys by touch.

3. Smoothing toys from crumpled paper.

4. Collect a pyramid from tsv. paper ovals of different sizes.

5. Laying out the machine from the g. f.

6. Modeling a tumbler from plasticine.

7. Cut out details for doll furniture and lay out according to the pattern.

8. Continuous drawing of the ball from the point by building up around the circle.

Topic: "Clothes and shoes"

1. Stencil around clothes and shoes.

2. Lacing exercises.

3. Hatching clothes.

4. Put the desired patch in color and shape.

Topic: "Wild and Domestic Animals"

1. Identify the figure of the animal by touch.

2. Modeling an animal from plasticine.

3. Winding the thread into a ball.

4. Stringing buttons on a thread.

Theme: "Birds in spring"

1. Cutting birds along the contour.

2. Sorting beans and peas.

3. Laying out the silhouettes of birds from ready-made g.f.

4. Sculpting birds from plasticine

Theme: “Spring. Flowers. Trees"

1. Smoothing multi-colored flowers from crumpled paper.

2. Planting onions in holes.

3. Laying out trees from sticks.

4. Gluing the leaves to the tree.

Theme: “Spring. Labor in the spring

1. Make holes, plant flowers.

2. Laying out a fence of sticks.

3. Plane molding, flowers.

4. Sorting of watermelon and melon seeds

Topic: "City, transport"

1. Laying out the house from the mosaic according to the model.

2. Lay out the bus from g. f.

Topic: "What have we learned in a year"

1. Work with clothespins, pipettes, lacing.

2. Wire, counting sticks, beads.

3. Application from small g.f.

4. Hatching, painting.


for examining preschoolers

for the development of sensorimotor coordination

and fine motor skills of the hand

To determine the effectiveness of the used system of work on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, the following methods are used:

"Paths" (Wenger L.A., 1988).

"House" (Gutkina N.I., 1998, in a simplifiedoption).

Manometric test (Gavrina S.E., 1998)

Lacing (Bolshakova SE., 1996).

"Hatching" (Zakharova Yu.A., 2000


circle work on the development of manual skills and preparation of the hand for writing

« smart fingers ».

Age group: 5-7 years

Educator: _________________________________

2016 - 2018 academic year


  1. Explanatory note
  2. Introduction
  3. Methodological support
  4. Forms and methods of work
  5. Conditions for the implementation of the Program
  6. Perspective work plansenior group
  7. preparatory group
  8. Final diagnostics
  9. Bibliography

Explanatory note

In modern conditions of functioning and development of preschool education, the task of increasing the effectiveness of training and education of the younger generation is more acute than ever. The task of preschool education is not to maximize the development of the child, not to function the timing and pace of transferring him to the “rails” of school age, but, first of all, to create conditions for each preschooler for the most complete disclosure and development of the child’s individual capabilities and characteristics of his uniqueness and originality.

The content of additional education in MDOU is aimed at creating conditions for social, cultural self-determination, creative self-realization of the child's personality, strengthening mental and physical health. The purpose of the introduction of additional educational services is the development of individual abilities, creativity, independence in preschool children through the organization of circle work.

The staff of the institution is a close-knit, creative team of like-minded people who carry out activities for the manifestation of constructive cooperation, personality-oriented interaction in the education and upbringing of children, respectful partnership with families.

An additional educational program has been developed taking into account the interests and requests of parents in the institution, and provides for the work of a circle for the development of fine motor skills of the hand and its preparation for the letter "Smart fingers"


Going to school is an extremely important moment, both for the child and for the parents. A psychological examination shows that not all children are comprehensively prepared for a painless and successful entry into educational school activities.

Preparing children for schooling is currently one of the urgent problems of modern pedagogy. This is explained by the fact that in recent years a very definite trend has been observed in the practice of a mass school - a steady complication of the first grade program, the introduction of alternative forms of education and new pedagogical technologies into the practice of a general education school, forcing the future first grader to make higher demands.

The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Usually a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, he has sufficiently developed memory, attention, and coherent speech. Primary school teachers say that first-graders often have serious difficulties in mastering writing skills. Children experience great difficulty in the distribution of attention. When writing a letter, they forget about the inclination of the notebook, that there should be the same distance between the letters, the lines should be even, of the same size and pressure. Analyzing the graphics of writing in children, teachers note frequent separation of the pen from the paper, pauses between elements, extreme slowness of writing, instability of graphic forms and hand movements. These shortcomings are especially pronounced in children with speech disorders: they poorly coordinate hand and eye movements, they have poorly developed muscle motor skills and finger coordination. Such children do not know how to organize their activities and copy the model presented to them, they are not sufficiently oriented in time and space. Researchers dealing with problems associated with the beginning of schooling: V.M. Lykov, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, N.T.Terekhova, A.V. Keneman, M.Yu. Kistyakovskaya, T.I. Osokina, M.V. Antropova, M.M. Koltsova, S.O. Filippova, note that many of the difficulties faced by students are largely due to the lack of work at the previous, preschool stage. According to statistical data, in our country every year the number of children who, upon entering school, have unformed physiological prerequisites for mastering writing, auditory-visual motor coordination, is increasing.

Writing is a complex skill involving the execution of fine, coordinated hand movements. The writing technique requires the coordinated work of the small muscles of the hand and the whole arm, as well as well-developed visual perception and voluntary attention.

To master the skill of writing, a certain functional maturity of the cerebral cortex is necessary. Unpreparedness for writing, insufficient development of fine motor skills, visual perception, and attention can lead to a negative attitude to learning, academic failure, and anxiety in the child at school. Preparation for teaching writing requires special pedagogical influence, built into a system of special games, exercises and tasks. This should not be a mechanical training, but a conscious creative activity of the child under the guidance and with the help of an adult.

It is impossible to develop a clear, beautiful and fast letter in children in a short time. This will take a number of years, as the skill of writing is formed slowly. Therefore, work on preparing a child for learning to write should begin long before entering school. At preschool age, it is important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills.

To prevent these difficulties, we organized a circle to develop fine motor skills and prepare the hand for writing. This service was also in demand among the parents of children in our kindergarten.

Purpose of the Program:

ensuring high-quality preparation of children for school, generating interest in performing graphic exercises, preventing violations and difficulties in mastering writing.

To achieve this goal, psychological and pedagogical tasks were put forward, and areas of work focused on the development of manual skills in children in different age groups were identified. The system of work is built taking into account achievements in the field of pedagogy and psychology, while maintaining the traditions of public preschool education. The work used modern methods and technologies of different authors: I.A. Podrezova, E.V. Kolesnikova, S.A. Kalik, S.O. Fillipova, G.G. Galkina, T.I. Dubinina…

The content, volume, order of studying the program material are designed for attending a circle for two years, and are built taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

General tasks:

To form motivation for learning, focusing on the implementation of tasks.

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Formation of spatial perception, spatial representations.

Form mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, classification, analogy).

Increase the amount of attention, memory.

Develop speech.

To create the same conditions for the successful preparation of the hand for writing, both for right-handed and left-handed children.

Maintaining health.

Tasks for children 5-6 years old:

1. Continue to work on the development of general and fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity, exercise in coordination of movements with speech.

2. To form hand pressure, improve graphic skills and skills in tasks for hatching and drawing objects by cells.

3. To develop spatial coordination, constructive skills, the ability to perform tasks according to verbal instructions.

4. Contribute to the development of visual-spatial perception, auditory memory, attention, phonemic hearing.

5. Expand knowledge and ideas about the world around.

6. To cultivate organization, perseverance and accuracy in work.

Tasks for children 6-7 years old:

1. Train finely coordinated movements of the hand, small muscles of the fingers.

2. Continue to work on the development of auditory-visual-motor functions, orientation on the microplane.

3. Improve graphic skills in tasks of various types.

4. Learn to observe the rules of writing while working (the position of the notebook in front of you, hold the pencil correctly, sit correctly), form the ability to work at a general pace.

5. Contribute to the development of mental processes - attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

6. To form the skill of self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.

7. To educate diligence, diligence and a conscientious attitude to work.

Work to prepare children for learning to write involves the organization of various types of work in the following areas:

1. Gymnastics of fingers and hands;

2. Tasks for activity and design.

3. Development of fine motor skills in working with small objects

4. Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper;

5. Formation of elementary graphic skills.

The child acquires the experience of graphic movements by performing various types of hatching, drawing, copying drawings, tracing contours using dots and dotted lines. At the same time, it is necessary to learn the correct methods of action: to draw a line from top to bottom and from left to right; hatch evenly, without spaces, without leaving the contour.

Particular attention should be paid to the correct sitting at the table, the correct holding of the writing object, the location of the sheet of paper on the table, the formation of the ability to perform lines of various thicknesses and shapes, orientation on the sheet of paper.

The success of the formation of a graphic skill largely depends on the level of development of educationally important qualities: the ability to accept a task and arbitrarily control one's actions; learnability; visual analysis and visual-motor coordination of hand movements; spatial orientation skills.

Estimated result of mastering the program

By the end of the program, students should know and be able to:


Be able to

know the hygienic rules of writing

Maintain proper posture and hand position while writing.

Know the correct position of the notebook and pen when writing.

be able to hold a pen and pencil correctly.

Know the rules of hatching.

Be able to navigate on a sheet of paper in a box, in a notebook.

Know the rules for working with a notebook.

Be able to perform hatching, following the rules.

Know the rules for working with scissors.

Be able to independently draw simple elements, shapes.

Be able to navigate in a notebook, on a line, on a page.

Know how to properly hold scissors and work with them.

Drawing by cells according to auditory perception.

This work involves a system of techniques and tasks from simple to complex. Given the age characteristics of older preschoolers, the characteristics of auditory and visual perception, classes are held in notebooks in a large cell. The cage provides great opportunities for the development of fine motor skills and elementary graphic writing skills, since drawing by cells requires small and precise movements, and also develops the ability to navigate in space.

At the first stage, the child gets acquainted with the notebook in the box, then learns to perform tasks in a limited space-cell, improves the ability to measure with a conditional measure-cell.

Subsequently, the tasks will become more complicated, we gradually move on to complex auditory dictations after the children have already formed sufficiently clear spatial guidelines and they freely perceive auditory tasks. Classes are recommended to be held once a week for 25 minutes. Before completing the task, the psychological attitude, and after the completion - exercises for the hands. Tasks can be completed with various materials: a ballpoint pen, a felt-tip pen, simple or colored pencils.

All the knowledge and skills acquired in the classes of the circle "Magic Cells" are fixed by children in free activities. To do this, in the corner of educational games, notebooks and checkered leaves, pens, pencils, samples of various tasks from the books of the publishing house "Karapuz from the series" Preparing the child's hand for writing "," Mathematics in a box "and others.

Children independently redraw the pictures in the cells, come up with their various shapes.

Preparing the hand for writing.

The development of correct posture, the inclined position of the notebook on the desk and the ability to hold a pencil and pen while writing and drawing. Preparatory exercises for the development of the eye, hand and small muscles of the fingers: tracing and hatching contours, connecting lines and shapes, drawing and coloring patterns and borders with a continuous movement of the hand. Line mastery.

Writing elements of letters: a straight oblique short stick, a straight oblique long stick, a stick with a rounded bottom, a long stick with a loop, a stick with a rounded top and bottom, a semi-oval and an oval.

Finger gymnastics.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the formation of speech areas is carried out under the influence of kinesthetic impulses from the hands, or rather from the fingers. It is necessary to stimulate the speech development of children by training the movements of the fingers. Performing various exercises with fingers, the child achieves a good development of fine motor skills of the hands, which not only has a beneficial effect on the development of speech (since this inductively stimulates speech centers), but also prepares the child for drawing and writing. The hands acquire good mobility, flexibility, stiffness of movements disappears, which will further facilitate the acquisition of writing skills. "Finger games" are very emotional and exciting. They seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During the "finger games" children, repeating the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of the hands. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control one's movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity.

"Finger games" is a staging of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate in terms of "right", "left", "up", "down", etc.

These games are very important for the development of children's creativity. If a child has learned any one "finger game", he will definitely try to come up with a new staging. Children over 5 years old can decorate games with a variety of props - houses, cubes, small objects, etc. It is advisable to start each lesson in preparation for writing with "finger games" in order to stretch the fingers, activate the motor skills of the hands for the children to successfully complete a variety of graphic exercises. Time of holding 3 - 7 minutes.

Graphic exercises. Hatching.

Performing graphic exercises and shading help prepare the hand for writing. The development of fine motor skills is determined not only by the clarity and beauty of the image of the lines, but also by ease and freedom: hand movements should not be constrained, tense. Correctly observing graphic proportions, writing smoothly and symmetrically is important for developing a beautiful and clear handwriting. The child should try not to tear the pen from the paper and not interrupt the lines. When drawing straight lines, the clarity of the handwriting and the confidence of the movement of the hand are clearly visible. The ability to freely draw smooth lines from left to right is important in the formation of handwriting. The ability to write with an inclination from top to bottom and from bottom to top is necessary for the formation of handwriting. Graphic exercises also contribute to the development of accuracy of movements, attention and control over one's own actions.

Hatching is one of the most important exercises. By mastering the mechanism of writing, children develop such confidence in the stroke that when they start writing in notebooks, they will succeed as a person who has written a lot.

Hatching rules:

Hatch only in the specified direction.

Do not go beyond the contours of the figure.

Keep the lines parallel.

Do not bring the strokes together, the distance between them should be 0.5 cm.

Performing various exercises in preparation for writing, the child and the teacher must constantly remember and observe the hygienic rules of writing, bringing their implementation to automaticity. Compliance with hygiene rules will help the child to overcome the difficulties of the technical side of writing in the future.

Cutting with scissors.

The teacher pays special attention to mastering the basic techniques of cutting - the skills of cutting in a straight line, the ability to cut various shapes (rectangular, oval, round). The task is to bring children to a generalized understanding of how to cut out any objects. When explaining the task, it is necessary to teach children not only to passively master the process of cutting, but also to encourage them to give a verbal description of the movements of the teacher's hands when showing the methods of cutting. Getting symmetrical shapes when folding paper folded like an accordion, children should learn that they are not cutting out a whole shape, but half of it.

Older preschoolers begin to master the skills of silhouette cutting without preliminary drawing, preparing the contour line. When teaching silhouette cutting, the technique of tracing the contour of an object in the air is successfully used. The development of the ability to "see" an object in the air is facilitated by the systematically conducted games "Guess what I'm drawing?", "Guess, I'll guess" (children or a teacher outline an object in the air, guess). Before you start cutting out the silhouette, you should consider where, from what angle, in which direction of the sheet, to direct the scissors, i.e. learn to plan ahead.

The ability to confidently use scissors plays a special role in the development of manual skill. For preschoolers, this is difficult, it requires coordination of movements. Symmetrical cutting, cutting out various figures from old postcards, magazines is a useful and exciting activity for future first graders.

Methodological support

Classes to prepare children for learning to write are held in the afternoon. The circle is attended by children from the age of 5. The course duration is two years. Children of the senior group are engaged - 25 minutes, preparatory group - 30 minutes.

Forms and methods of work

Didactic games and game exercises.

Entertaining tasks and games-competitions.

Visual and creative activity.

A visual method of teaching and a method of practical actions.

Approximate research activity.

Methods of problem-search character.

Modeling and coding information

Conditions for the implementation of the Program

1. Systematic conduct of classes

2. Providing an individual and differentiated approach.

3. Creation of conditions for independent activity of children.

4. Cooperation between the teacher and the family.

Didactic material and technical equipment

Board and board-printed games, various construction sets, mosaics of various sizes, puzzles, Lego, Little Builder…

Material for drawing, modeling, applique, manual labor (paper and cardboard of various textures, plasticine, salt dough, paints, wax, colored and simple pencils, scissors, natural material, fabric, threads, needles, wire ...)

Small items: counting sticks, toys, natural material, beads, buttons, large beads, cereals (peas, beans, buckwheat), sunflower seeds, zucchini, melons, shells ...

Card file of finger games, physical education minutes, pauses, speech gymnastics, drawings by cells.

"Dry" pools with different fillers (buckwheat, beans, Kinder Surprise, chestnuts ...)

Curly and geometric stencils, letters and numbers of the magnetic alphabet,

Step-by-step schemes for making crafts, card-tables for visual dictations, schemes for "Origami", drawings-simulators for laying out the outline of objects.

Sensorimotor aids (pyramids, inserts, laces, "Sensory" mats, cubes, balls of thread, bottles with screw caps, buttons, locks of various types ..)

Notebooks in a cage, a ruler, notebooks on a printed basis with tasks.

Thematic illustrations.

Perspective work plan

for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

senior group


The content of the work


Acquaintance with the work on the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Introduce and interest parents, involve them in joint work.

Examination of children's hands

Identify deviations for further work.

Develop manual skills, coordination of movements, imagination.

Games: "Pick up the shape", "Domino", "Composite pictures".

Finger games: "Five little men", "Friendly fingers", "Visiting", "Little men".

References: S.E. Bolshakova “Formation of fine motor skills of hands”, A.U. Belaya, V.I. Miryasova Finger games for the development of speech of preschoolers.


Getting to know the pencil

Games for the development of 3 fingers.

Teaching kids how to hold a pencil

Working with a pencil + ready-made forms (shading): "Vegetables-Fruits", "Mushrooms", "Domestic and Wild Animals" ...

To consolidate the skill of painting without spaces, without going beyond the outline.

Games: "Sculpting from hard material", "Stringing beads, buttons", "Colored threads"

Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory, ingenuity.

Finger games: "Exercise for fingers", "Bunnies", "River and fish".

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands.


Acquaintance with the elements of Dymkovo painting

Learn to lay out an ornament from stripes, circles, sticks - fix the colors.

Lacing: "Dress", "Boot", "Bag"

Develop manual skills, imagination

Finger painting "Snowball", "Berries"

Develop tactile sensitivity.

Finger games: “And on the hill there is snow, snow ...”, “Accordion”.

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements

Literature: Shcherbina S.V. We develop hands to learn and write and draw correctly.


Drawing to the image.

Games: “Trace the contours of the figures”, “Bright sun”, “Salting vegetables”.

Learn to bring the image to the end, paint over the figure with colored pencils.

Laying out figures from counting sticks

Games: "House and Gate", "Herringbone", "Swing".

Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory, ingenuity.

Finger games: "Castle",

" Dog Cat".


Work in notebooks: exercises "Draw a pattern", "Rain".

Develop logical thinking, form attention, accuracy, eye

Stencils geometric and subject

Learn to draw to the image; develop the work of both hands, thinking, fantasy.

Working with scissors (ribbons, tracks)

Develop constructive abilities, spatial orientation, fine motor skills of hands.

Games: "Drawing to the image", "Street of geometric shapes"

Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory, ingenuity.

Finger games: "Mouse", "Bunny"

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands

Literature: Nikitin B.P. Steps of creativity or educational games


Origami "Fold a square, a rectangle", "Frog"

Develop intelligence, thinking, constructive and creative abilities.

Creative work with paper

"Mimosa", "Chicken", "Cloud".

Learn to crumple, pinch off, cut paper (bringing to the image), develop creative abilities.

Work in notebooks "Continue the pattern"

Develop spatial orientation, the ability to analyze, plan,

Finger games: "House with a pipe", "Butterfly", "Dandelion"

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands

Literature: Bogateeva Z.A. Wonderful paper crafts


Orientation on a sheet of paper, "Decorate a handkerchief", "Who will draw more."

Develop coordination of movements, form attention, eye.

Wire work

Develop the ability to make wire toys, wind a spring around a pencil

Working with cereals "Cinderella"

"Path", "Flower".

Develop fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity

Finger games: "Mirror", "Frog", "Centipede".

Develop fine motor skills of hands, attention, optical - spatial perception.

Literature: Dyachenko O.M. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children.


Introduction to silhouettes

Learn to draw with the help of silhouettes, painting them and cutting along the contour.

Telling a fairy tale with your fingers (see Appendix)

Develop the work of both hands, ingenuity.

Hand examination

Detection of changes.

Finger games: “A mushroom climbed onto a stump”, “Birds in a nest”.

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands

Literature: Tsvyntary V.V. We play with fingers and develop speech.

Perspective work plan for the development of fine motor skills of the hands

preparatory group


The content of the work

Goals and objectives of the ongoing work


Hand examination

Identify deviations for further work

Frames and inserts

To consolidate the ability to hold a pencil correctly and paint over without gaps in a certain direction


Mastering 3 types of hatching on geometric shapes

Finger games "Meeting", "Sleeping on an ice floe all day."

Literature: Nikitin B.P. Steps of creativity or educational games.

Tsvyntary V.V. We play with fingers and develop speech.


Mathematical Mosaic

Continue creating objects and plots from geometric shapes.

Construction from geometric shapes

Develop imagination, ingenuity.

Work in notebooks - "Continue the pattern"

Consolidation of work skills in notebooks, the formation of figurative thinking, the development of coordination of movements

Games "Shop", "Let's make a pattern", "Decorate a doll's coat"

Finger games: "Visiting a big finger", "Twigs on apple trees"

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands

Literature: Shcherbina S.V. We develop hands to learn and write and draw beautifully.


Drawing with fingers, palm "Snowflakes", "Sparrow", "Bear", "Elephant".

Develop creative imagination, tactile sensitivity.

Christmas decorations making toys, garlands, snowflakes with your own hands, using stencils, silhouettes, scissors.

Develop reproductive and creative imagination, memory, thinking, hand-eye coordination, eye

Small building material games

Develop manual skill, optical-spatial perception

Finger games: "Clockwork cars", "Morning", "Legs go along the path."

Development of fine motor coordination, sense of rhythm

Literature: Venger I.B., Venger A.A. Sensory education of a child's culture


Hatching with oblique lines

Develop the ability to hatch in a certain direction.

Embroidery on paper, cardboard "Path", "Bright sun"

Learn to work with a needle and thread, introduce the seam "forward with a needle"

Work in notebooks.

Develop movement coordination

Finger games: “Colored strings”, “In the garden behind the fence”, “Bell”.

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands

Literature: Gavrilova S.E. We develop hands - to learn and write and draw beautifully.


Hatching with arcs

Fix familiar types of hatching to introduce a new type.

Wire crafts

Develop thinking, imagination, ingenuity, eye

Origami "Bunny", "Fungus", "Bird"

To consolidate the ability to make paper crafts, to form the ability to act in accordance with the verbal instruction of the teacher

Finger games: "Chain", "Baker", "Rope"

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands

Literature: Preschool education No. 9,11.1998.


Hatching with wavy lines

Strengthen the ability to hatch, observing parallelism.

Buttons, lacing

To consolidate the ability to make a pattern of buttons and learn how to sew them

Gift for mom (embroidery on fabric)

Fasten the seam "forward with a needle" and the ability to work with a needle and thread

Games: "Flower", "Composite pictures", "Stringing buttons", "Lacing".

Develop reproductive and creative imagination, hand-eye coordination, eye

Finger games: “Four brothers”, “Wolf”, “Where does the shoemaker live?”.

Development of fine motor coordination, sense of rhythm


Coloring books

To consolidate the ability to hatch with all types of hatching.


Learn how to make bookmarks from film, sewing around the edges with a needle and thread.

Mathematical dictation

Learn to perform tasks in the cells in a notebook, develop attention, thinking

Finger games: "Hares and the wolf", "Building a house", "Finger boy, where have you been?"

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands

Literature: Shcherbina S.V., We develop hands to learn and write and draw beautifully. Nikitin B.P. Steps of creativity or educational games


Orientation on paper

To consolidate the ability to navigate in notebooks in a cage, to develop the ability to draw in the cells in the right direction.

Working with scissors

To consolidate the ability to work with scissors, cut out shapes along the contour, divide the shapes into parts

Telling a story with your hands

Development of fine motor coordination of both hands

Hand examination

Detection of changes.

Finger games: "Vera Rope", "Watch", "Gourmet"

Develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, fine motor skills of hands

Literature: Tsvyntary V. We play with fingers and develop speech.

Final diagnostics

By the end of the visit to the "Smart Fingers" circle, we assume that the following skills will be formed in children:

The child shows interest in performing graphic tasks.

Oriented in space and on the microplane.

Quickly and successfully copes with tasks that require coordinated hand movements.

Performs tasks according to verbal and visual instructions.

Graphic skills developed.

Can independently assess the correctness of the task

Diagnosis of hand readiness for mastering writing is carried out using the methodology of E.V. Kolesnikova from the book "Diagnostics of readiness for reading and writing children 6-7 years old" Moscow, 2009, K. Jirasik's test, graphic dictations by D.B. Elkonin, monometric test "Circle cutting".

Last name First name


Development of graphic skills






Kern Jerasik test

1. Development of fine motor skills

Exercises "Ring", "Bunny" - the fingers are clenched into a fist, the index and middle fingers are straightened (the combination of fingers is performed according to the show),

- "Make beads" stringing small and large beads (quickness is estimated, creating a pattern)

Tying shoelaces of different sizes

Button fastening (5pcs) different sizes

2.Orientation in space

Visual, auditory dictations

D/I "Find where it's hidden?"

3. Drawing a sample

Tasks on a sheet of paper in a cage, in a line

Finishing the second half of the picture (mirror reflection)

4. Hatching

Hatching is performed in different directions, in different shapes.

The parallelism of the lines, the observance of the distances between them, the preservation of the direction, the observance of the contour of the image are evaluated.

5. Graphic dictation.

Task of the type "Continue the pattern"

Graphic dictation by D.B. Elkonin

6. Kern Jirasik test

Drawing the phrase "He ate soup»

Drawing a group of points

Drawing a human figure

When evaluating a drawing of a person, the following is taken into account:
- the presence of the main parts: head, eyes, mouth, nose, arms, legs;
- the presence of minor details: fingers, neck, hair, shoes;
- a way of depicting arms and legs: with one line or two, so that the shape of the limbs is visible.

7. Cutting with scissors.

- Cutting out the silhouette of an object

Test N.N. Ozeretsky “Cutting a circle” (The card shows a thick line circle with a diameter of 30 mm, divided into 8 sectors. Around it there are 3 large and 3 small circles in diameter, depicted as a thin line at a distance of 1 mm from each other. The main circle is cut out. The work should be completed in 1 minute. Deviations are allowed no more than 2 times.)

Criteria for evaluating the child's activities:

5 points for each correct task.

High level - tasks are completed without errors and independently. The sum of points for tasks -60-80 points

Average level - there are 2-4 mistakes, the child uses guiding and stimulating help, the total score is from 36 to 59 points

Low score - the task is not completed, the total score is from 25 to 35 points.

Methods for determining the leading hand

To assess the degree of right-handedness and left-handedness, simple tests are used:

The child is offered several matchboxes. Task: "Find a match in one of the boxes." The leading hand is the one that opens and closes the box.

The child is invited to open and close several vials with screw caps. The dominant hand performs active actions, the non-dominant hand holds the bubble.

The child is invited to untie several knots from a lace of medium thickness. The leading hand is considered to be the hand that unties the knot (the other holds).

The child should wipe the blackboard (table, cupboard, etc.) with a rag. Active actions are performed by the leading hand.

The child is asked to catch the ball with one hand. Active actions are performed by the leading hand.

Distribute cards (the leading hand is the one that lays out the cards).

Clap your hands (leading hand on top).

Stroke the toy while holding it in your hand (the leading hand strokes).

Draw with the finger of one hand on the palm of the other.

The non-dominant hand holds the watch, the leading one performs active, precisely dosed movements that wind the watch.

Interlacing fingers. Above is the thumb of the dominant hand.

Crossing the arms is the “Napoleon pose”. The hand of the leading hand is on the forearm of the other hand, the hand of the non-dominant hand is under the forearm of the leading hand.

Cutting around with scissors. The dominant hand is the one that holds the scissors

In children, the dominant hand is formed by the age of 4, and before this age, hand preference can be unstable. If at 4 years old a child prefers the left hand, and even more so if there are left-handed people among relatives, then the child cannot be retrained


  1. Tsvyntary V.V. We play with fingers and develop speech - Lan, St. Petersburg, 1997.
  2. Bezrukikh M.M., Filippova T.A. Steps to the school. We train fingers - Bustard, 2000.
  3. Losev P., Plutaeva E. Preschool education. The development of fine motor skills in children 5-7 years old - No. 3, 5,6 2005.
  4. Gavrina S.E., Shcherbinina S.V. Getting ready to write. Rosman-Press, 2006.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 33"

"Development of fine motor skills of hands in preschool children through finger games"

Artemovsky 2017


I. Substantiation of the topic……………………………………………………………………4

1.1 Purpose, objectives, expected results………………………………………..4

1.2 Relevance of the selected


1.3 Novelty


II.Practical part………………………………………………………………………………..8

Long-term plan…………………………………………………………….…………………..8



An important factor in the development of the child is fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are the flexibility, dexterity of the hands and the accuracy of the movement of the fingers. The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips. A variety of actions with hands, finger games stimulate the process of speech and mental development of the child.

Fine motor skills interact with such properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, imagination, observation, visual and motor memory, and speech. It follows that the level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of the intellectual readiness of the child. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the rest of the child's life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw, write, and perform a variety of household and educational activities.

The issue of the development of fine motor skills of preschool children is quite relevant. This is repeatedly emphasized by teachers, psychologists and other specialists in the field of preschool education. The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow, which feed the source of creative thought. This means that the more a child can, wants and strives to do with his own hands, the smarter and more inventive he is. Therefore, the level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling.

“The hand is the instrument of all instruments,” said Aristotle. “The hand is a kind of external brain,” wrote Kant. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in his novel about education “Emile”, wrote about the needs of a small child: “... he wants to touch everything, take everything in his hands. Don't interfere with him, this is an absolutely necessary matter for him. So he learns to distinguish between heat and cold, hardness and softness, heaviness, size and shape of objects. The child learns about the properties of the things around him by comparing what he sees with the sensations that he receives from his hands ... ".

How pleasant it is for a parent when his child has skillful fingers: they deftly hold a pencil. Carefully draw, build from the designer.

This methodological development draws attention to the long-known problem of the development of fine finger movements in children, which is recognized by teachers. The main attention is paid to teaching children finger games. Such games are very emotional and exciting for children. In the process of implementing the work, it is planned to involve parents in the process of developing fine motor skills of the hands of babies, to provide them with the opportunity to learn finger games as a means of developing fine motor skills.

Rationale for the topic

Purpose: development of fine motor skills of the hands in preschool children through finger games.

    to develop fine motor skills of the fingers of children's hands through finger games, speech abilities, taking into account age and individual characteristics;

    create a card file of finger games;

    involvement of parents in active participation in the educational process and the introduction of activities at home.

Expected results:

As a result of the proposed exercises, fine motor skills will develop, the hands acquire mobility and flexibility, the stiffness of movements disappears and, as a result, the speech of children develops.

Children show interest in finger games, use finger gymnastics in everyday life.

Parents become like-minded with the teachers of the preschool educational institution on the development of fine motor skills of children and the use of speech finger games.

List of main events:

The choice of complexes of finger gymnastics and the implementation of these complexes.

The study of literature of best practices on the problem of the development of fine motor skills.

Performers of activities: educators, children and parents.

The relevance of the development of fine motor skills in children lies in the fact that children of primary preschool age have a low level of development of fine motor skills. A consequence of the poor development of general motor skills and hands, the general unpreparedness of most modern children for writing or problems with speech development.

The problem of the development of fine motor skills in children of primary preschool age is reflected in the "Federal State Standard for Preschool Education", presented in the targets at the stage of completion of preschool education - "The child has developed fine motor skills."

The problem of developing manual skills and fine motor skills of the hands is also important for the personal development of the child himself. Owning a hand, the child in the process of his development becomes more independent, autonomous and independent of an adult, which contributes to the formation of his initiative in various types of children's activities.

The modern concept of primary upbringing and education, changes in the requirements for the content and nature of primary education determine the need to improve the development of a preschool child as a multidimensional holistic process, an important direction of which is holistic development.

Science has proven that one of the indicators of the normal physical and neuropsychic development of a child is the development of the hand, manual skills, or, as they say, fine motor skills. According to the skill of children's hands, specialists, based on modern research, draw a conclusion about the features of the development of the central nervous system and the brain.

Probably, few of the parents, and even more so of the teachers working with preschoolers, have not heard about the need for the development of fine motor skills in children, about its relationship with the speech of children. What is fine motor skills? Physiologists by this expression mean the movement of the small muscles of the hands. Why is it so important to develop fine motor skills in a child's hands? The motor centers of speech in the human cerebral cortex are located next to the motor centers of the fingers, therefore, by developing speech and stimulating the motor skills of the fingers, we transmit impulses to the speech centers, which activates speech. But in fact, sufficiently developed fine motor skills of the child's hands affect not only his speech, but also his general development, his intellectual abilities.

At preschool age, the main activity is the game. Significant experience is accumulated by the child in the game. From his play experience, the child draws ideas that he associates with the word. As V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “Without the game there is, and cannot be, full-fledged mental development ... The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.” Based on this, finger games are a good tool for developing fine motor skills. These games are very emotional, exciting, captivate children with their improvisation, spontaneity, theatricalization, elements of surprise and suggest a situation of success. Finger games reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During finger games, children repeat the movements of adults, activate the motor skills of their hands, thereby developing dexterity, the ability to control their movements, and concentrate on one type of activity. Modern concepts of preschool education recognize the irreplaceable influence of finger games on the development of fine motor skills of the child, and the problem is also caused by insufficient education of parents in this matter.

The urgency of this problem is obvious today.

Hypothesis: it can be assumed that as a result of mastering all the exercises, the hands and fingers will gain strength, good mobility and flexibility, and this will further facilitate mastering the writing skill and improve the child's speech abilities.

Object: the development of fine motor skills in preschool children.

Subject: to focus the attention of parents on the development of fine motor skills

The novelty of the topic

The federal state educational standard shifts the focus from the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities to the upbringing of a general culture, the development (of qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success) of the child not through a knowledge system, but through effective forms of organizing educational and educational work with preschool children . The game, as a form of organizing children's activities, is given an important role, this special activity of the child, through which he organically develops, learns a huge layer of human culture of relationships, helps to solve educational problems. Therefore, all the "lessons" of education for preschoolers should take place in the form of a game. One of the options for developing games are finger games. This is a wonderful way to form a child's oral speech and fine motor skills of hands, a great opportunity to instill cultural and hygienic skills in an interesting playful way, correct the emotional state, as well as a fun way to spend time with benefit. Through such games, communication skills with other children and adults are developed. The concept of gender identity is being formed, and familiarization with the origins of folk culture takes place. In the course of the game, horizons expand; children receive elementary ideas about the work of adults, the world around them. Finger games will help children master counting, spatial concepts. Many games are based on fairy tales, which helps to form interest and the need to perceive the artistic word, develop memory, imagination and speech. With the help of games, you can organize any regime moment in an interesting way, joint and independent activities of children, build an exciting lesson in kindergarten. Also, finger games enable parents to play with children, to please them, at the same time to develop fine motor skills. Such games form good relationships between children, as well as between an adult and a child. The best result in the development of fine motor skills of a child can be achieved by a special principle of selecting games, which is presented below.

forward planning

finger games


Name of the game

Game words

Children's actions




"Autumn leaves"

One, two, three, four, five, Let's collect the leaves. birch leaves,

Rowan leaves, poplar leaves,

aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

Mom will take the autumn bouquet.

They clench and unclench their fists.

Bend the thumb.

Bend the index finger.

Bend the middle finger.

Bend the ring finger.

Bend the little finger.

They clench and unclench their fists.



3-4 weeks

"Fingers in the Forest"

One two three four five,

The fingers went out for a walk.

This finger mushroom found

This finger began to cut,

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to cook,

And this finger sat down and ate everything,

That's why he got fat!

Fingers in fists, palms up.

Thumbs up!



1-2 weeks

"How is it going?"

How is it going?

Like this!

Do you swim?

Like this!

How do you run?

Like this!

Are you looking into the distance?

Like this! Are you following?

Like this! Do you sleep at night?

Like this! (Palms under the head).

Are you kidding?

Like this!

(The thumbs of both hands are up, the rest are gathered into a fist).

(Hands depict the movements of the swimmer).

(Hands bent at the elbows, movement along the body).

(Alternately put palms on the forehead).

(Energetic movements of the hands).

(Fists of both hands clap on puffed cheeks)



3-4 weeks

"Friendly Fingers"

This little finger

The little finger is remote.

Nameless - wears a ring,

Will never leave him.

Well, this one is medium long,

He's right in the middle.

This one is pointing

The finger is wonderful.

Thumb, though not long,

The strongest among the brothers.

Fingers do not quarrel

Together they argue.

The fingers of one hand, clenched into a fist, slowly unbend one at a time, starting with the little finger.

At the end of the game, they again clench into a fist, but the thumb is placed on top.



1-2 weeks


There is a lock on the door

Who could open it? Pulled, twisted, knocked

And - opened!

(rhythmic quick connections of the fingers in the "castle").

(repetition of movements).

(fingers are clasped into a "lock", pull the hands to one, then the other side.) (Movement of the hands with clasped fingers from oneself to oneself).

They knocked (fingers are clasped, the bases of the palms are tapped against each other).

(fingers to disengage, palms to the sides).



3-4 weeks


We shared an orange.

There are many of us, and he is one.

This slice is for the cat,

This slice is for the hedgehog,

This slice is for the snail

This slice is for the siskin.

Well, the wolf - peel!

Alternately connect the fingers of both hands: the little finger with the little finger, index with index, etc.

Bend your thumbs.

Bend your index fingers.

Bend your middle fingers.

Bend your ring fingers.

Bend your little fingers.



1-2 weeks

"Merry Dwarf"

Once upon a time there was a cheerful dwarf

with round ears.

he's on the sugar mountain

slept under the gate.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a giant appeared,

He wanted to eat the mountain, but he choked!

Well, what about a funny gnome?

So he sleeps deeply!

(children show their hands above their heads, depicting a cap) (describe large circles around their ears with their hands)

(elbows on the table, arms straight, palms folded so that a triangle is formed)

(fingers represent the gate)

(arms raised high above head)

(put hands to mouth)

(children laugh)

(children depict a sleeping gnome)



3-4 weeks


Fast from finger to finger

Bunny jumping Bunny jumping

Went down, turned around

And came back again.

Finger to finger again

Bunny jumping Bunny jumping

Down again and up again

Jumped the bunny above all!

The right hand is a bunny. First for each syllable

index finger jumps 2 times on each

Above all - on the thumb of the left hand.



1-2 weeks


Boys and girls are friends in our group.

We will make friends with you little fingers.

One, two, three, four, five!

One, two, three, four, five.

(fingers are connected rhythmically into a “lock”).

(rhythmic touch of the fingers of the same name of both

(touching fingers, starting with the little fingers).

(arms down, shake hands).



3-4 weeks

"White snow"

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And quietly falls to the ground

And then, and then

We are sculpting from the snow

Rhythmically, smoothly lower your hands down

Circular movements of the hands

Gently lower your hands down

Simulated snow shoveling

Perform the movement "make pies"

Throw snowball forward



1-2 weeks


There is a house in the meadow

Well, the way to the house is closed.

We open the gate

We invite you to this house.


(palms turn parallel to each other),



3-4 weeks


Let the fingers go for a walk

And the second to catch up

Third fingers run

And the fourth on foot

Fifth finger jumped

And at the end of the road he fell.

The fingers are clenched into fists, the thumbs are lowered down and, as it were, jumping around the table. Rhythmic movements on the table with index fingers. Movement of the middle fingers at a normal pace. Slow movement of the ring fingers on the table. Rhythmic touching of the surface of the table with both little fingers. Clap with fists on the surface of the table.



1-2 weeks


The guests came running to Katya,

Everyone shook hands with each other.

Hello Zhora,

Hello Zhanna,

Happy Seryozha,

Happy Snezhana

Wouldn't you like a pie?

Maybe shortbread

Ile horn

Here's a dragee for you

You take a little

Everyone shook off the crumbs quickly

And they clapped their hands!

(run fingers on the table or on the floor)

(connect thumb and index fingers)

(large and medium)

(big and nameless)

(big and pinky)

(put palms together)

(show 2 open palms)

(2 fists put on top of each other)

(finger poke into open palm)

(we bend our palms into fists several times)



3-4 weeks

"Building a house"

All day - knock and knock,

There is a loud knock.

Hammers are knocking

We are building a house for squirrels.

This house is for squirrels

This house is for bunnies

This house is for girls

This house is for boys.

What a nice house

We will live happily in it.

Let's sing songs

Have fun and dance. Clench your hands into fists, thumbs up. Throughout the poem, "the hammer drives in the nails" - first a straight and then a bent thumb moves from top to bottom. At the end, the children show "ready houses" - they stretch their hands forward, clenched into fists.



1-2 weeks


A tall flower grew in a clearing,

Opened the petals on a spring morning.

All petals beauty and nourishment

Together they give underground roots. Put your hands vertically, palms - to each other, round.

Spread your fingers

wiggle your fingers

Palms - down, back to each other, fingers apart.



3-4 weeks


A squirrel sits on a cart, she sells nuts.


Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Mustachioed hare.

Flexion and extension of the fingers of both hands.

Clap your hands according to the text of the poem.


1-2 weeks


I will go through the forest.

I'll find cranberries.

If there is no basket,

I'll take it in my palm.

I'll jump over the puddle

The head will spin.

And lingonberries are in the grass - find them here!

Children walk on the carpet, collecting scattered peas, reading a poem and imitating movements.


3-4 weeks

"Jump Rope"

I'm jumping, I'm spinning

New jump rope.

I want - I'll jump

Galya and Natalka.

Come on, one, come on, two

In the middle of the track

Yes, running, with the breeze,

Yes, on the right leg.

I'm jumping, I'm spinning

New jump rope.

I ride, I teach

Galya and Natalka.

Come on, one, come on, two

Sisters are learning.

Behind the back day by day

Jumping pigtails.

Clench your fingers into fists, palms down. Put your thumbs out to the sides and bring them closer to each other. Rhythmically make circular movements with a large amplitude, first in one direction, then in the other direction.
