Pedology. Lesson in mathematics plan-outline of classes in mathematics (junior group) Mathematical game pick up a patch to the rug

Summary of the GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children of the second junior group of kindergarten, the topic "Walking in the forest"

Program content:

To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle);
Exercise in the ability to highlight the main features of objects (shape, size, color);
To consolidate the ability to understand the question "how much", when answering, use the words "many", "one", "equally";
Continue to learn how to compare the number of items using the application method.

Integration with educational areas:

"Cognition" ("FTsKM", "Sensory development"), "Communication", "Physical culture".

Demo material:

Whatman with the image of squirrels on a branch, nuts cut out of cardboard (according to the number of squirrels), musical accompaniment "Train", sound recording from the series "Sounds of Nature": "Snowstorm".


For each child, a picture of a train without wheels, a pencil, an envelope with a set of geometric ticket shapes of the same color (circle, square, triangle);
A picture depicting "bunny pants", a set of geometric patches;
Envelopes with triangles.

GCD progress:

Individual work (at tables)

Guys, I invite you to go on an unusual walk through the forest with me and our guests. We will go to the forest by train because it is very far away. See which train is in front of you. Can we take it on the road? (no) Why? (the train has no wheels). Let's repair our train: take pencils and draw wheels for it. What shape should the wheels be? (Round).

(Children draw wheels with pencils).

Well done guys - they fixed the train! And now each of you needs a ticket to get on the train. On the table in an envelope you have geometric shapes. Please name these figures (circle, square, triangle). Let's circle each figure with your finger. Guys, what figure looks like a ticket (square). Please put the circle and triangle in an envelope, and leave the square on the table. Take a square ticket and get on the train. (The teacher collects tickets).

Dear passengers, present your tickets. Be careful - the train is leaving! Please take your seats.

Physical education "Train"

Motor exercise "Train" to the music.

Subgroup work (in pairs)

Here we are in the forest. Guys, look, there is not a single Christmas tree here! What do you think happened? (Answers of children). Maybe all the Christmas trees were cut down before the New Year? We have to fix everything. Geometric shapes will help us with this. What do you think, from what shapes can a Christmas tree be folded? (From triangles). Guys, split into pairs. I give each couple an envelope with triangles. From the triangles you need to lay out a Christmas tree on the floor (carpet).

How many trees did your couple make (ask several couples a question)? (One). How many trees did you make in total? (Many).
What a beautiful forest! Well done boys! Now gather the triangles into envelopes and return them to me.
Now I suggest you take a walk along the forest paths.

Physical education "Along the forest paths"

Along forest paths
Our legs are walking.
Top, top, top, top
Our legs are roaming.
We walked, walked, walked
They came to the meadow.

Children perform movements with speech.

group work

On a magnetic board whatman paper with the image of squirrels.

Guys, look! Who is sitting on the branch? (Squirrels). Do you guys see that squirrels have gray fur coats in winter? What color is their coat in summer? (Redhead). How many squirrels are on the branch? (Many). And I have a treat for them - nuts. How many nuts? (Many).

Let's find out if all the squirrels have enough nuts. We will give each squirrel one nut. (We attach nuts to whatman paper).

How many nuts? (As many as squirrels, equally). All the squirrels had enough nuts!
And let's invite the squirrels to play with us in the forest clearing! Belchata, will you come to play with us? The guys, the squirrels whispered in my ear that they really want to come down to us from the branch, but they can’t - they tore their panties, but they don’t know how to fix them.
I think we can help them. Sit down at the tables. We will try to close the holes on the squirrel panties with patches.

Individual work

Look carefully at the pants. You need to pick up a patch the same shape as the hole and the same color as the panties. (Children put “patches” suitable in shape and color on the “holes”).
Well done guys - they helped the squirrels, made them happy!

And now we can play.

Physical education "Squirrels"

It's cold for squirrels to sit
You need to warm up your paws.
Paws up, paws down
Get up on your toes.
We put our paws on the side,
On toes, hop-hop-hop.

Here our walk through the forest ended. It's time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes. (An audio recording sounds - “blizzard”). Listen to the blizzard howl. One two Three. You, blizzard, circle us and return us from the forest to the garden.


Well, here we are back in our group. Guys, you enjoyed the walk through the forest. And what did you like the most? What were we doing in the forest? Whom did we help?

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of mathematics in the intellectual development of the child. The study of this subject stimulates thought processes, trains memory, forms ideas about the properties of objects, space and time, cultivates patience, perseverance, independence. In a preschool institution, targeted teaching of elementary mathematical concepts to children begins with the second junior group, respectively, of the Federal State Educational Standard. And on how much the teacher will be able to interest children in classes and other types of work on FEMP, their further successful education at school depends.

Tasks for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the second junior group and methods for their implementation

Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the second younger group of children are aimed, first of all, at the assimilation by children of a number of primary concepts and skills, on which the successful mastery of more complex logical operations and mathematical actions in older groups will be based (solving problems and examples for addition and subtraction, determination of the composition of a number, adjacent numbers in the natural series, etc.).

Problems of formation of elementary mathematical representations

During educational activities, children of the fourth year of life should learn the following concepts:

  • Set (group). Preschoolers learn to identify a common feature in a set of objects (for example, all balls are round, this group of cubes is blue, the other is large), make groups of identical objects and isolate individual ones from them. A more difficult task is to look for homogeneous objects in the environment (for example, bring all the green cubes).
  • Quantity. At a younger age, the study of numbers has not yet been introduced, the number of objects is determined only by such concepts as “one”, “many” or “none” (this is how the kids answer the teacher’s question “how much?”). Pupils of the younger group also learn to compare groups of objects by comparison (for example, you need to plant a squirrel on each Christmas tree), establish equality between unequal groups (add one more squirrel so that there are as many of them as Christmas trees). Toddlers master the concepts of "more", "less" and "equally" (synonymous with "equally"). In the future, qualitative relationships will gradually turn into quantitative ones in the understanding of preschoolers.
  • Value. Toddlers learn to compare objects on a specific basis - this is size, length, width and height, using the concepts of "long" and "short", wide and "narrow", "high" and "low", "big" and "small", "equal". For comparison, they master the techniques of imposition and applications.
  • The form. Children get acquainted with the basic geometric shapes - circle, square and triangle, explore them using sight and touch. Preschoolers should be able to recognize these shapes despite their different sizes and colors.

Also, kids should be able to:

  • Orientation in space. The children learn to navigate in the location of their body parts, to distinguish directions relative to themselves (to the right or left, above or below), on a plane.
  • Orientation in time. At a younger preschool age, children master the concepts of "morning", "day", "evening", "night", learn to use them correctly in speech.

Photo gallery: mathematical concepts and skills that pupils of the second junior group should master in a year of study

Toddlers should recognize the circle, square and triangle, regardless of their color and size One of the tasks of teaching at a younger preschool age is to get acquainted with the concept of quantity Pupils of the second younger group master the concept of size In the second younger group, kids learn to navigate in space relative to themselves
Children of the 4th year of life get acquainted with the concept of "part of the day"

Photo gallery: tasks for orientation in space

"Who is where?" "What's on the left, what's on the right?" “Who is under the chair, who is on the chair?” "Who is on the shore, and who is in the water?" “Who is in front of the house, who is in the house?”

Photo gallery: tasks for the formation of the concepts of "big", "small", "long", "short"

The sheep is big and the lamb is small The cat is big and the mouse is small The cat is big and the kitten is small Pencils of different lengths Comparison of ribbons by length Example of pictures for series by size Pictures for series by size “Locks and keys”

When working with children of primary preschool age, the teacher uses special teaching methods.

Techniques for the formation of mathematical representations

  • emotional impact. Kids learn much better any material if it is presented emotionally. This will help the appropriate tone of the teacher, the ability to empathize with what is happening in the classroom, rejoice and grieve along with the children, expressively present this or that problem situation.
  • Game reception. The main activity of a preschooler is a game. Therefore, the introduction of the game component is mandatory in the FEMP classes. These can be didactic or outdoor games, and it is desirable to involve all children in them so that no one has to wait in line for a long time. However, game techniques should fulfill their task - to help the development of a certain mathematical concept, and not just entertain the guys. They are especially relevant at the stages of repetition and consolidation. When a property is highlighted for the first time, game moments can be kept to a minimum.
  • Training should be visual and effective. The child follows the movements of the adult, listens to his instructions (extremely clear and precise) and repeats the manipulations with the didactic material. The teacher must give a detailed pattern of action, otherwise the child will not cope with the task and will quickly lose interest in it. Visualization should be expressive - the teacher uses pictures and toys in which a particular property is clearly expressed, without unnecessary details. For a better perception, it is recommended for kids to examine the object with the help of touch, for example, to hold a pen along the ribbons (comparing them in length).
  • In the second younger group, the reception of repetition is especially relevant. For better assimilation of knowledge, the educator repeatedly shows and designates a specific method of action, while changing the visual material. Preschoolers also perform the same type of exercises two or three times, changing the methods of work (to avoid fatigue).
  • To maintain the attention and activity of young children, a change in the nature of the activity is necessary. It is unacceptable for children to sit at tables during the entire lesson. They must move, some task can be performed on the carpet. In addition, the integration of educational areas, for example, the combination of mathematics and fine arts, will help to avoid fatigue: the guys fold a simple image (house) from paper geometric shapes, and then stick it on the base.
  • The teacher reinforces each new property and concept with the help of the exact word. Moreover, it should be pronounced slowly, with an excretory intonation. The kids in chorus repeat the word after the teacher (several preschoolers can do this individually at the request of the teacher). As practice shows, the greatest difficulties for kids are the use of the unions “a”, “and”, which reflect mathematical relationships, in speech. At first, the teacher helps the children with leading questions, and then asks to summarize the story (How many squirrels? How many bumps? Now tell me about squirrels and bumps). If the child finds it difficult to answer, then you can start the phrase, and he will already finish it.
  • In their free time, it is useful to give younger preschoolers assignments that reinforce mathematical knowledge. For example, the teacher asks the child to bring as many spoons as the children are sitting at the table, or to take pencils out of the box and give each child one at a time.

Photo Gallery: Learning Techniques for Working with Toddlers

Changing activities is a mandatory technique for working with children of the second younger group. A game component will help to attract the attention of preschoolers, for example, the appearance of an unusual hero in class. The teacher should provide the kids with a maximum of visual material

Motivation of cognitive activity of children (looking at pictures, talking, playing)

The attention of 3–4 year olds is still unstable, therefore, in order to interest them in cognitive activity, a FEMP lesson should begin with surprise moments, the appearance of toy characters, unusual things, and the arrival of guests.

To motivate preschoolers to activities (both cognitive and visual), the following motives can be successfully used: a request from a fairy-tale hero or toys for help, an invitation to go on a journey, transformation (into a wizard, a representative of any profession) and creating a situation of success (request teacher to teach a toy or character something that he does not know how). All these motives are acceptable when working in a mathematical lesson with pupils of the second junior group.

For example, the teacher brings in a plush Mishutka and notices that for some reason he is sad. Mishutka "whispers" in the teacher's ear that he accidentally spilled two boxes of cubes. One had large ones, the other had smaller ones, but now they are mixed on the carpet. Mishka alone, of course, cannot cope, and he asks the guys to help him sort the cubes into boxes. Such a request will inspire the kids, and they will gladly agree to help their favorite toy, while mastering the concept of quantity.

The bear is sad that his cubes have crumbled and mixed

Another option for motivation is that a chicken (toy) appears in the group. She is also sad. Children express their assumptions about her condition: the bird is sick, tired, bored. The teacher finds out from the chicken that she is really bored: there is no one to play with. And the guys can help - put together chickens from geometric shapes with which she can play.

Another option for starting the lesson is a knock on the door, the teacher brings the doll in and shows it to the children. This is the girl Masha, she “tells” that she did not obey her parents, went alone into the dense forest and, of course, got lost. With the help of a teacher, children guess that this is the heroine of the fairy tale "Three Bears" they know. There is a short conversation about the need to always obey mom and dad, and then Masha asks the guys to help her find her way home. The girl reports that she lives in a large beautiful house, to which a wide path leads. And at home, animals live with her and her parents - a kitten, a puppy and a cockerel. Based on this information, the main content of the lesson is built: choose a wide path from two paths, select the necessary animals and determine their number (a lot).

The lesson can be started with the appearance of the heroine of a familiar fairy tale

The teacher can use the motive of travel as motivation for the kids. For example, children are invited to go to the forest to cute forest dwellers with whom they can play interesting games, but for this you need to show attention and ingenuity. The kids will go on the train - the teacher appoints one child as a steam locomotive, and the rest become wagons, all together imitating the movements and sounds that the train makes.

For greater effect, you can turn on the audio recording from the cartoon "The Train from Romashkovo" or sing a fun song about traveling by train together.

Here is our train
The wheels are rattling
And in our train
The guys are sitting.

Choo-choo, choo-choo-choo-choo
The steam locomotive is running.
Far, far
He took the guys.

We arrived in the forest
Stopping again
Get up guys
Go for a walk.

Music by N. Metlov, lyrics by T. Babajan

You can start your math class by riding an imaginary train

Methodology for conducting GCD in mathematics at primary preschool age (forms of work, structure)

FEMP classes in the second junior group begin in mid-September, since the first two weeks the kids go through an adaptation period (after all, some of them did not attend the first junior group, but came to the kindergarten at the age of three). Until October, it is better for the educator to do mathematics in turn with two subgroups of children, and then to involve the entire team in cognitive activity at once.

The structure of the lesson is determined by its content: the study of a new concept, the repetition and consolidation of what has been learned, or the verification of acquired knowledge. Each lesson always has three stages:

  1. Motivational and incentive beginning (2–3 min).
  2. The main organizational and search part (10 min).
  3. Final part (2 min).

In between cognitive activities, it is imperative to conduct a physical education session, an outdoor game or finger gymnastics - this will relieve the stress of the pupils (physical and mental).

Physical education or an outdoor game is necessarily included in the structure of a mathematical lesson

The lesson in the second younger group lasts 15 minutes, but if preschoolers get acquainted with unfamiliar material (which requires more stress from them), then it can be slightly reduced to 10–12 minutes. At the same time, the teacher closely monitorsstate andbehavior of children - after all, fatigue inevitably leads to a loss of interest.

At the FEMP lesson with children of the fourth year of life, the teacher uses various forms of work. In the process of individual activity, preschoolers are engaged in handouts. It is given to each pupil in a separate set - a box, an envelope or on a tray. If the guys add up a figure from homogeneous elements, for example, a house of counting sticks, then you can put one tray on a table for two children.

Working with handouts allows you to feel your independence

It is good if children have already familiarized themselves with this material before the lesson: then it will be easier for them to focus on the properties of objects. Toys or paper figures should not be too small and heavy. Preschoolers should be taught to take care of teaching aids, and after completing the work, put them back on a tray, in an envelope, etc.

Also in the second younger group, you can organize pair work when two kids simultaneously complete the task. For example, one makes a long sofa for a large doll out of cubes, while the other makes a shorter one for a small one. Two children can be compared in length with their fingers or palms in width.

Outdoor games and physical education, of course, involve teamwork.

Topic options, temporary lesson plan

According to the learning objectives, the teacher selects topics for mathematics in the second junior group. During the GCD, one or two tasks are solved (for example, repeat the comparison of two sets of objects and learn to distinguish between the left and right hand). At the end of the school year (May), final classes are usually held: children systematize their knowledge, the teacher evaluates the components of their readiness for further mathematical development.

Table: thematic planning for FEMP by the educator of the second junior group L.V. Poletaeva

1. "Ball and Cube"To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a ball (ball) and a cube (cube), regardless of their size and color.
2. "Kitties"To consolidate the ability to distinguish between contrasting objects in size, using the words "big", "small".
3. "Journey to the Zoo"To consolidate the ability to distinguish between the number of objects, using the words "one", "many", "few".
4. "Flowers"To acquaint with the methods of composing groups of separate objects and a group of one object, to learn to understand the words "many", "one", "none".
5. "Caterpillar"Get to know the circle to teach to answer the question “how much?”, to teach to define aggregates with the words “many”, “one”, “none”.
6. "Kolobok"Learn to compare circles in size - large, small.
7. "Andryusha and the chicken"Learn to compare two objects in length and indicate the result of the comparison with the words “long”, “short”, “longer”, “shorter”; to consolidate the ability to distinguish between the number of objects, using the words "one", "many", "few".
8. "Journey to the Forest for Mushrooms"Learn to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question "how much?" Using the words "one", "many"; compare two objects by length in the ways of superposition and application.
9. "Princess Nesmeyana"Introduce the square, learn to distinguish between a circle and a square, indicate these figures in the pictures at the request of the teacher, put their images in the order suggested by the teacher.
10. "Patches for rugs"To consolidate the ability to determine the number of objects (one and many), use the concepts of “one”, “many”, distinguish and name a circle and a square.
11. "Journey to the Forest"To improve the ability to compare two objects in length, denote the comparison results with the words “long”, “short”, “longer”, “shorter”, “same in length”.
12. "Circle and Square"To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square; to improve the ability to compare two objects in length, to find one and many objects in the environment.
13. "Cat and Mice"To learn to compare two different groups of objects in an overlay way, to understand the word "equally", to navigate the location of parts of one's own body, to distinguish between the right and left hand.
14. "Christmas Tree"Learn to compare objects in length, depict Christmas trees; develop creative imagination, fine motor skills; to activate the use of the words "short", "long", "low", "high" in speech.
15. "Hares"To learn to compare two objects that are contrasting in width, using overlay and application techniques, to designate the results of the comparison with the words “wide”, “narrow”, “wider”, “narrower”.
16. "Squirrel and Bunny"Improve the ability to compare two objects in width; to consolidate the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square.
17. "Triangle"Get to know the triangle learn to distinguish and name a figure, use the words “wider”, “narrower”, “same in width”.
18. "House for the frog"Continue to introduce the triangle; learn to compare a triangle with a square.
19. "Horse photography"Improve the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).
20. "Cockerel"To acquaint with the methods of comparing two objects in height; learn to understand the words "high", "low", "higher", "lower".
21. "Christmas Trees"Exercise in comparing two objects in height, two equal groups of objects in the way of superposition and application.
22. "Airplane for Dad"To learn to compare two unequal groups of objects in an overlay way, to designate the results of the comparison with the expressions “more”, “less”, “as much as”.
23. "Two Dolls"Learn to compare two unequal groups of objects, designate the results of the comparison with the words “more”, “less”, “as much”, “how much”.
24. "Postcards for moms"To consolidate the ability to compare two objects in length, width, height, designate the results with the appropriate words.
25. "Competition"To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: day, night.
26. "Ships"To form the ability to distinguish the number of sounds by ear (many and one); consolidate ways of comparing objects.
27. "Chick"Learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to a model within three (without counting and naming a number).
28. Russian folk tale "Teremok"Exercise in the ability to compare two objects in size, designate the results of the comparison with the words “big”, “small”.
29. "Toy Store"Learn to distinguish a certain number of movements and call them the words “one”, “many”.
30. "Morning and Evening"To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: morning, evening; develop thinking.
31. "The Story of Grandma and Grandpa"To consolidate the ability to compare two equal groups of objects by way of superposition and application.
32. "Kittens"
33. "Acquaintance"To form in children the main components of readiness for successful mathematical development; help each child to feel satisfaction with the learning process, not to experience uncertainty and fear when completing tasks.
35. "Birthday of a good sorceress"Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, cube; develop attention, thinking, memory, imagination.

Table: fragments of abstracts of classes in mathematics in the second junior group

Author and topic GCDLesson progress
Antonova O.
"One figurine, two figurines"
The teacher informs the preschoolers that a guest will come to them and make a riddle:
The funny animal is sewn from plush:
There are paws, there are ears.
Give the beast some honey
And arrange a lair for him.
Who is it guys? (Bear)
A plush Mishutka appears in the group, who wants to play with the guys.
Game task "Put the cubes into boxes" (Performed on the carpet).
It is necessary to sort into boxes large and small cubes that the bear accidentally scattered. Children also name the colors of objects and, at the request of the teacher, show large and small.
Physical education "Bear" is held:
Raise your paws
Bear paws down
Teddy bear, Teddy bear spin around
And then touch the ground
And rub your tummy - one, two, three!
Task "One-many" (individual work with handouts at the tables: yellow plates and green circles in a box). Mugs are placed and removed from the plates - the concepts of “none”, “one”, “many” are fixed.
An outdoor game “Even circle” is held: preschoolers walk in a circle, holding hands, repeating the words after the teacher:
In an even circle
One after another
We go step by step
Stay where you are!
Let's do it like this!
For the last words, you need to perform certain movements that the teacher shows: jump, stamp your foot, sit down, etc.
The guys say goodbye to Mishutka, and he leaves.
Motkova L.V.
"Little Birds"
The teacher invites the children to play with the birds: he shows toy figures, and then distributes them to the children. The concept of "One - many" is fixed (everyone has one bird, and everyone has a lot of them together). Kids show how birds fly - make movements with a toy in the air.
There is a horizontal track on the board. There you need to put the birds in one row, name their number (a lot), determine whether they are the same in size (different - large and small). Several people answer (at the choice of the teacher).
The teacher offers preschoolers to feed the birds - for this, children are given yellow magnets (grains). The teacher puts a magnet under the first bird, and then the children “feed” the others (several people go to the board in turn). It turns out that one bird did not have enough seeds - there are more birds than grains. We need to balance them out. The teacher brings the kids to different ways of equation - add one more grain or remove the bird.
Game task "Let's close the windows in the houses." There are colored houses on the tables. Each child receives several geometric shapes (from 3 to 6 - according to the level of development). The teacher recites the poem:
The birds are sitting in the houses
And they look through the windows.
The wind blew! (children blowing) Help!
Close all windows!
And the children at this time should close the windows of all the houses with windows - geometric shapes (selecting the right ones). The kids, moving freely between the tables, cover all the windows with multi-colored geometric shapes.
An outdoor game is held at the request of the children - “Birds and a cat” or “Birds and a car”.
Graphic task. On the magnetic board there are large and small birds, and next to them there are nests of different sizes. It is necessary to connect the bird and the nest of the appropriate size with a line: the teacher does this with a marker on the board, and the children then perform the same task on an individual card.
The results of the lesson are summed up, the children tell which games they liked the most.
Simonova E.A.
"Visiting the forest dwellers"
Bear Misha (a toy) comes to visit the guys from the forest. The teacher invites the kids to go to the forest, for this he says the magic words: “Turn around yourself and find yourself in the forest.”
Silhouettes of Christmas trees are displayed on the board: the concept of height (high and low trees) and quantity (there are many Christmas trees, but only one bear) is fixed.
A physical education session is held (children perform movements according to the text - rub their sides, stroke their legs, tickle their ears, etc.):
The bear is exhausted
Berries, mushrooms wore,
We'll rub his sides
To loosen them up a bit
And then we stroke the legs,
To rest a little.
And then we scratch the belly,
Tickle near the ear,
He ran into the woods
We growled thanks.
The teacher reports that Mishka also did exercises and dropped his basket. Geometric figures woke up from it - circles, squares, triangles, which he needed to help him collect.
Another guest from the forest appears in the group - a squirrel. The bear wants to give her beautiful ribbons. Children, with the help of a teacher, find out that they differ in color, length and width. To compare the tapes in length and width, you need to put them one on top of the other: preschoolers complete the task.
The journey to the forest ends, Mishka leaves the treat and says goodbye.

Features of conducting an open lesson in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

In the second junior group, open classes in mathematics are practiced. This is a responsible job for the teacher and preschoolers, primarily because children 3-4 years old can behave differently in the presence of guests. Toddlers at this age are unpredictable: someone may cry, and someone can look at adults all the time, not paying attention to the actions of the teacher. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct an open lesson with a subgroup of children. In addition, the guys need to be psychologically prepared in advance, to explain that guests will come to the group who do not need to be afraid.

At the beginning of the lesson, you need to show the guests to the kids, let them examine them, say hello - this will satisfy the children's curiosity, and the teacher will be able to calmly continue the lesson.

An open math review is different from a regular class. The educator must demonstrate some innovative methodology, an innovative method of presenting material, unusual didactic material, effective forms of working with children. In this case, colleagues will be interested, and they will enrich their pedagogical experience, learn something new and useful for themselves.

There is no need to rehearse with the kids in advance all the games and questions that will be presented in an open lesson. In this case, they will not be interested - and the guests will immediately understand this. It is better to work out similar tasks with children, but using different didactic material (visual and handouts). As for physical education and finger gymnastics, you can do it with the guys in advance.

Table: a fragment of the script for an open lesson on a fairy-tale theme “There is a tower in the field” by the educator T. B. Chernets

GCD stageStage content
Introductory partThe teacher draws the attention of preschoolers to the guests, the guys greet them. The teacher invites the children to hold hands, smile at each other and have a wonderful day, and then invites the children to take a trip to a fairy tale.
Train riddle:
I ride in it on the top shelf
To the sun, to the south.
And the wheels are incessant
Main partPreschoolers have to go to a fairy tale on a magic train. The teacher gives them tickets - geometric shapes are drawn on them. Each child takes a seat in accordance with his figure (there are also pictures on the chairs) The conductor (teacher) checks the tickets and the train sets off.
A stop is announced - the children get off the train. On the floor they see a long and a short path. The teacher shows a toy mouse and says:
Stands in the field Teremok.
He is not low, not high.
As the mouse ran across the field,
I saw Teremok.
The kids must determine which path the mouse will quickly get to the tower (compare the paths in length).
The teacher continues to tell the tale - a frog appears. She is crying because she lost her beads while riding. You need to help the frog - lay out beads from geometric shapes (individual work with handouts under the instructions of the teacher - he names the shapes that need to be taken).
A bunny appears. He has trouble - his shorts are torn (he caught on a bush while he was in a hurry to the teremok). You need to help him - pick up a patch to the hole (in the form of a circle, square or triangle).
A physical education session “Bunny” is being held: It’s cold for a bunny to sit,
you need to warm the paws (children rub their hands).
Paws up, paws down
rose on toes (actions according to the text).
We put our paws on the side,
on toes lope - lope - lope (jumps).
The fox decorates the tower with flags, and the children name their colors. The game “What flag is gone” is being played: the guys close their eyes (night has come), and the teacher removes one object (the game is repeated several times).
A big bear appears. Children, with the help of a teacher, argue whether he will fit into the tower (no, it's too big). To console the bear, the guys decide to build him a new big house later.
Final partChildren name the fairy tale they have visited and share their impressions. The teacher praises all the children.

Video: FEMP open viewing in the second junior group

The lesson is aimed at studying the concept of quantity. There are game characters (grandmother - an adult and a bunny - his role is played by a pupil of the group).

How to conduct a lesson analysis with kids

In the second junior group, the teacher begins to analyze each lesson, including mathematics. Talking with the children, he asks them to remember what they did, what they especially liked, and what seemed difficult. At this age, it is important to praise all the pupils, since a child of the fourth year of life may perceive the indication of mistakes incorrectly: he will be upset, withdraw into himself and next time will not want to do anything. The teacher should tell the children what they learned in the lesson and delicately indicate to some kids what needs to be worked on (in no case say that the task was done poorly).

If the lesson in mathematics was open, then the present teachers analyze it according to a certain plan (this is also done by the teacher himself for self-analysis).

Here are some examples of such a plan.

  1. The level of development of preschoolers, their behavior and atmosphere in the team (corresponding to age, all the children were active, good discipline, friendly relations between children).
  2. Evaluation of the content and structure of the GCD (the lesson is not prolonged, the children have learned the material and at the same time are not tired, the material is presented sequentially, all stages are interconnected).
  3. Selection of didactic material (visibility and handouts correspond to the topic of the lesson, the didactic material is expressive and interesting).

Card file of entertaining material (riddles, tasks, poems, mathematical counting rhymes)

In order for the FEMP lesson in the second junior group to be exciting, the teacher should include various entertaining material in its content - riddles, counting rhymes, short poems, tasks that are appropriate for a given age. It will also develop speech and train the memory of babies (they learn new words, and funny poetic texts are always well remembered).

If the teacher offers riddles to the kids, then it is advisable to demonstrate the answer with visual material, for example, show the kids a traffic light model, a real mitten, a table, and so on). In this case, the cognitive process will be more efficient.

Mathematical riddles for the second junior group

  • Who has one foot, and that one without a shoe? (mushroom).
  • Many arms, one leg (tree).
  • Two ends, two rings, and in the middle of carnations (scissors).
  • Each face has two beautiful lakes.
    There is a mountain between them.
    Name them, kids (eyes).
  • Two look and two listen (eyes and ears).
  • It has two wheels and a saddle on the frame
    there are two pedals at the bottom, they are twisted with their feet (bicycle).
  • I have two horses, two horses.
    They carry me on the water.
    And the water is as hard as stone! (skates).
  • Has 4 teeth. Every day appears at the table, and does not eat (fork).
  • One hundred clothes, and all without fasteners (cabbage).
  • The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears (bow).
  • He has colored eyes
    Not eyes, but three lights,
    He took turns by them
    Looks at me from above (traffic light).
  • Four legs, but cannot walk (table).
  • Four brothers stand under one roof (table).
  • All four petals moved at the flower.
    I wanted to pluck it, it fluttered and flew away (butterfly).
  • Five brothers live in one house (mitten.)

Riddles about geometric shapes and fairy-tale characters are interesting.

  • I have no corners
    And I look like a saucer
    On a plate and on a lid
    Who am I, friends? (A circle)
  • He has known me for a long time
    Every angle in it is right.
    All four sides
    Equal length.
    I'm glad to present it to you
    And his name is ... (Square)
  • Near the forest on the edge
    Three of them live in a hut.
    There are three chairs and three mugs,
    Three beds, three pillows.
    Guess without a clue
    Who are the heroes of this tale? (Mashenka and three bears).

Poems with mathematical content

Short poems are close to riddles, which preschoolers must finish on their own - choose the last word that is suitable in meaning and rhyme:

  • Spinning on one leg
    Carefree, cheerful.
    In a colorful skirt, a dancer,
    Musical ... (yula).
  • oval frog,
    But not an animal at all.
    A well done vegetable -
    Green ... (cucumber.)
  • The sky is like a blue house
    There is one window in it:
    Like a round window
    In the sky sparkles ... (the sun.)

Children of the fourth year of life will like funny math verses, but they should not be too long so as not to tire the kids:

  • I took a triangle and a square,
    He built a house out of them.
    And I am very happy about this:
    Now a gnome lives there.
  • We will put two squares,
    And then a big circle.
    And then three more rounds,
    Triangular cap.
    Here comes the merry eccentric.
  • The sun lifts us up to recharge.
    We raise our hands on the command "one".
    And the foliage rustles merrily above them.
    We lower our hands on the command "two".
  • The mice came out once
    See what time it is.
    One two three four -
    The mice pulled the weights...
    Suddenly there was a terrible sound
    The mice ran away.

Math counting

The guys should also be taught fun math counting rhymes, which will be useful to them later for collective games:

  • One two three four five,
    The bunny went out for a walk.
    Suddenly the hunter runs out,
    Shoots straight at the bunny
    But the hunter didn't hit
    The gray bunny ran away.
  • One two three four five,
    The bunny went out for a walk.
    What should we do? How can we be?
    You need to catch a rabbit.
    We will count again:
    One, two, three, four, five.
  • There were a hundred guys.
    Everyone went to kindergarten
    Everyone sat down for dinner
    Everyone ate a hundred cutlets,
    And then they went to sleep
    Start counting again.
  • One two three four.
    Who lives in our apartment?
    Dad, mom, brother, sister,
    Murka cat, two kittens,
    My puppy, cricket and me -
    That's my whole family!
    One two three four five -
    I'll start counting again.

Leisure and entertainment in mathematics

As pedagogical practice shows, preschoolers are very fond of mathematical leisure and entertainment. And you can introduce children to this fun and interesting joint cognitive activity from the second younger group. They differ from the usual classes in a relaxed atmosphere and a light atmosphere. Children can move freely around the group or the music hall (if the event is held there), be more active - talk more, speak freely and make suggestions.

If a kid gets tired or loses interest during the entertainment, then he may well change the type of activity (the teacher thinks in advance what to do with such children).

The task of the teacher is to think over an exciting game program, for this game characters are usually used, but not just toys, but life-size puppets or disguised adults (you can connect a colleague, junior teacher or one of the parents who want to show their acting abilities). There is definitely a surprise moment that will cause a surge of activity in the kids.

A bright game character is an obligatory component of mathematical leisure in a preschool educational institution

The scenario of mathematical entertainment is best drawn up based on a fairy tale or cartoon familiar to the kids, while the actions should not be clearly tied to the plan, leaving room for the leader's creative improvisation. The material should be familiar to the children, not cause difficulties, since the main purpose of leisure is entertainment. The teacher should look for unusual and interesting visualization and didactic aids.

Conducting mathematical leisure requires a certain pedagogical skill from the educator. For example, before the event, you should analyze the individual characteristics of your pupils. After all, some of the children have speech problems, someone is afraid to take the initiative. In accordance with this, it is necessary to select tasks for the children so that each child feels comfortable and joyful.

Mathematical leisure should not be held too often (no more than once a quarter): let it be a small holiday for preschoolers. In addition, for this event to be worthy, a lot of preparation is needed.

Table: a fragment of the synopsis of mathematical entertainment in the second junior group

Author and subjectEvent progress
Kurchukova E.V.
"What a miracle - these fairy tales!"
(conducted in music
flax hall)
Kolobok appears before the children, who tells the children that he is lost and wants to return to his fairy tale. The teacher invites preschoolers to go on a trip, gives them rudders. Each child names the color of their steering wheel.

To the music and words of the teacher, the children go on their way:
We have different cars
Blue and red.
yellow, green
Ready for a trip to a fairy tale.
We drive quietly at first
(go step by step)
And then faster, faster.
(run at a moderate pace)
Quiet, don't rush
And stop your cars.
Stop at the first story. The guys are met by Mishka and the naughty mouse. The characters have mixed all the dishes (Mishka has a big one, and the mouse has a small one), and now they don’t know what they should eat and drink from. Children sort things.
Physical education is carried out:
The bear has a big house
Oh-oh-oh (stretch your hands up).
And the mouse is small
Ai-ai-ai (squat).
The bear went home
Oh-oh-oh (they walk in place).
And the mouse jumped.
Ai-ai-ai (jump).
Gingerbread man says that this is not his fairy tale and the children "go" further.
Stop "Geese-swans". The guys see an image or a model of an oven that has baked ruddy pies. Kids determine their number (many), shape (round, square, triangular), and then take one at a time. Each child should put his pie on a plate with the corresponding picture (geometric figure).
The next stop is the fairy tale "Teremok". Using her heroes, the teacher conducts a didactic game "Who hid".
Finally, preschoolers get to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". The hero arrives at his home and says goodbye to the guys. Children "go" back to kindergarten.
The teacher sums up the lesson: finds out what the children liked the most, they name all the fairy tales they saw.

Tasks and topics of self-education of the educator according to FEMP in the second junior group

Mathematics provides great opportunities in choosing a topic for self-education of the educator. The most important thing is to find innovative playful and entertaining techniques necessary for teaching children of this age. After all, it is very interesting to develop new manuals, create didactic games with your own hands, which will later be very useful for improving the qualifications of a teacher.

The educator can creatively arrange a report on his topic of self-education, for example, in the form of a presentation for colleagues, an exhibition for parents. You can even organize a creative mini-performance - play a mathematical fairy tale, where kids will be the heroes.

Here are examples of possible self-education topics related to mathematics.

  1. The role of didactic games in teaching children of the second younger group of mathematical concepts.
  2. The development of fine motor skills in the classroom for FEMP in the second junior group.
  3. Mathematical fairy tales for pupils of the second junior group.
  4. Riddles, joke tasks, entertaining questions in teaching mathematics to younger preschoolers.

Mathematics plays an important role in the modern world, penetrating into various fields of knowledge. This subject needs to be given attention from early preschool age. Moreover, the child should not just memorize various information, but also learn to analyze objects and concepts. In an accessible form, introducing children to the number, shape, size of objects, teaching them the primary skills of orientation in space and time, the teacher not only gives knowledge, but also contributes to the development of logical and abstract thinking of children.

1. "Multi-colored flags"

1. Multi-colored flags are made of colored cardboard. The leg of the flag is made of a food stick-straw, they stand on the cap of a plastic bottle.

2. The manual helps to consolidate the skills of counting both ordinal and reverse; knowledge of numbers as well as colors. Develops memory, attention, orientation in space.



Learn to build a number series, fix numbers, ordinal and reverse counting.

"What number is missing"

The children close their eyes, the teacher removes any number, one or two, then the children guess which number is gone.

"What changed"

The children close their eyes, the teacher swaps the numbers, then the children guess what has changed, where is the mistake.

"Find Your Place"

Children pick up one flag with a number in their hands and walk in all directions, at the signal of the leader, they must stand in a row in the order of the numbers.

2. "Funny cubes"

1. The manual is made of ordinary cubes from a plastic constructor. One is pasted over with numbers, and the other with images of various objects.

2. The manual reinforces the knowledge of numbers, counting, exercises the ability to correlate quantity with a number.


“What number” - the children sit in a circle, the teacher throws a cube on the floor, the child near which the cube stops, must name the top number, and then throws it to another child of choice.

“How many” - one child shows a cube with a certain number of objects, and the other must show the corresponding number, or vice versa, shows the number, and the other is looking for as many objects as the number shows.

3. "Rug patch"

1. The manual is made of linoleum, in which various geometric shapes are carved.

2. The manual reinforces the knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to select suitable ones, orientation on the plane. Develops attention, memory, fine motor skills of the hand, eye.

Option 1 You need to choose the right patch for the rug.

Option 2 (complicated) You need to choose a patch so that the pattern matches.

Summary of continuous educational activities of children Cognition (F.E.M.P.) (II junior group)
Topic: "Patches for the rug"

Improve the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), distinguish them by color and shape.
- develop thinking: teach visually, correlate geometric shapes in size (large, small), name them; - develop active speech; - develop attention and memory; - educate purposefulness; - develop motor activity.
a cat toy, a blanket, an application on the wall - a mouse in a mink, a rug, geometric shapes made of fabric (of different shapes, sizes, colors), a magic chest, arcs, a ball and a cube, sticks.
The content of direct educational activities of children.

He brings a cat in a basket into the group room, it is covered with a veil. - Oh, guys, look what I have! Who cares, come to me, you can even touch. Let's touch what's hidden under the covers. How do you think? (Children's answer options) Just don't open the cover right away, first guess the riddle: Shaggy, Mustachioed, Drinks Milk, Sings songs.
Well done boys! (shows a cat). Let's pet her. Listen to the cat sing loudly. She told me that she had holes on her rug (shows the rug with holes to the children) - What do you think, who could do this? (children's answers) Why did holes appear? (Children's answers) Yes, a mouse has been here. - Can we help the cat fix the rug? What is needed for this, and what needs to be done with the rug so that it becomes like new again? (children's answers).
Guys, let's go to the workshop. Here we have multi-colored geometric shapes made from scraps of fabric - choose the right patch for the rug in shape and size, and we have multi-colored patches, square, round, oval. - What are the patches for the rug? (square, round, triangular) - How many holes did the mouse gnaw through? (many) Individual work: - And what form of patch did (child's name) choose? And why is she big (small)? What color is (child's name)? Children work together as a teacher.
Well done! Guys, let's put the rug in a magic chest and cast a spell to make the rug look like new.
I twist - I twist, I want to confuse There are shreds in the chest And for my son and daughter I twist - I twist, I want to confuse I will turn you into masters! Until the magic happens. Let's think about why the mouse ruined the rug for the cat (children's answers). And so that the mouse does not get bored, we will teach it to play. Do you agree?
The teacher conducts outdoor games:

Game: Climb in the hole

Well done boys! - And let's teach the mouse to play one more game? (children's answers)
"Ball and Cube"

Well done boys! We taught the mouse to play, now it will no longer spoil the rug for the cat. Did you enjoy playing? (children's answers)
- Oh, guys, we completely forgot about the rug, where is it? Let's see what happened to him, did our magic work or not?
The teacher takes out a whole rug from the box and shows it to the children.
- Thanks to our magic, the rug is just like new! And now we will give it to the cat. The teacher strokes the cat, and after that thanks the children on her behalf. - The cat says thank you! She liked it very much with us, and she liked you too. She will definitely visit us again. Goodbye! (Children say goodbye to the cat).