Open lesson on robotics in kindergarten. Abstract of a lesson in robotics in kindergarten in the preparatory group. Is it robotics?

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution
"Kindergarten No. 22 of a general developmental type"
Synopsis of NNOD
on design and robotics
bird project
454025281305 senior group
Compiled by educator:
Sokolova Larisa Vladimirovna
Type of NNOD: Lesson to consolidate knowledge, skills.
Type of NNOD: Design and robotics.
NNOD theme: Bird project.
Senior group.
The purpose of NNOD: Development of children's ability to visual modeling, creation of a working model of a bird.
Development of logical thinking and the ability to program the given behavior of the model.
Program content:
1. To form practical skills in designing and programming models using gears;
Teach children how to improve their model by adding a distance sensor and changing the program for the model.
2. Develop fine motor skills of hands, elements of logical thinking, attention, design skills. To consolidate the ability to design according to the scheme, developing counting, comparison skills
in size, orientation on the plane. To develop the speech of children when guessing riddles, compiling a description of their model.
3. Raise interest in building from LEGO. To cultivate mutual understanding, goodwill, initiative, responsibility, a desire to help each other, working in a subgroup, to cultivate the ability to analyze one's work.
Vocabulary work:
Gear, ring gear, distance sensor, program blocks, model.
1. TV to show the presentation.
2. Audio recording of "birdsong".
Demo material:
multimedia presentation.
Pictures-schemes of the work plan.
Pictures blocks of the program.
1.Constructors lego lead
2. Schemes for assembling a bird model for each child.
1. Previous work (establishing relationships).
- Observation of birds on a walk (comparison of appearance, behavior, comparison of the speed of the wings of small and large birds, we recognize birds by footprints in the snow).
- System operator: "Chicken", "Titmouse", "Crow".
- View presentations: "Feathered friends", "Titmouse", "Hummingbird - the smallest bird in the world", "Birds of our region".
- Album design: "Birds of the Komi Republic", "The largest flying birds", "Birds".
- Children's projects: "Titmouse", "Klest", "Ostrich", "Hummingbird".
- Construction of non-programmable bird models from Lego, Lego duplo, crumbs and other types of constructors. Designing a bird according to the picture by the constructor "First mechanisms".
- Organization of the exhibition "Designing Birds".
Course progress.
children stand in a semicircle, facing the teacher
- Spring came! The clouds are running faster, the sky has become higher, the sparrow chirped more cheerfully on the roof! Why did the birds with the advent of spring become louder and more fun to sing?
- children's answers (the sun began to bake, it gets warmer, they rejoice at the warmth)
- What birds come to us with the advent of spring?
- answers of children (migratory, rooks, starlings, gulls, ducks, geese)
- What birds did not leave our land?
- children's answers (wintering, pigeons, tits, sparrows)
What are the benefits of birds?
- children's answers (they eat harmful insects, saving plants from death, pollinate plants and spread seeds)
- Can we call ourselves friends of birds?
- children's answers (yes, because we take care of the birds in winter, we make feeders and feed them, we don't hurt the birds)
What rules should real bird friends know?
- children's answers (do not approach bird nests, do not touch the chicks and do not take them home)
- We hear the sound of an e-mail, the presentation turns on, with animation.
Children are invited to sit on chairs to watch the presentation.
Viewing a presentation.
Slide 1. Owl speech: “Hello guys! Magpie brought the news to our fairy forest that you are the best friends of birds! Many birds of the forest want to make friends with you, but in order to leave the forest, you need to fly over the Lego bridge and turn into Lego pieces.
Only three birds decided to set off and now only you can revive them.
If you guess my riddles, then decide which bird you will collect.
Slide 2. Are you ready to find out which birds could leave the fairy forest?
Slides 3,4,5. Guess the bird by sounds, owl, woodpecker, cuckoo.
Slide 6. Recognize a bird by color (bullfinch, magpie, tit).
Slide 7. Recognize a bird by the shape of its beak (pelican, crossbill)
Slide 8. Find out by the structure of the paws which of the birds is waterfowl, which is predatory.
Slide 9. Find out by size (albatross, hummingbird).
Slide 10. Owl praises (well done guys, you distinguish birds well, I wish you good luck!).
The presentation turns off, the children are invited to come up to discuss the work plan.
-What will we have to do in order to revive the birds that have flown to us?
Work plan scheme (symbols are displayed)
1. Assemble the model according to the scheme.
2. Compose programs.
3. Connect the model to the program
4. Presentation of models. Children's stories about their "birds".
- Before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers!
Finger gymnastics
With the onset of spring
The birds are flying.

The starlings return
Workers and singers.
The fingers are clenched into fists and unclenched.
And the rooks by the puddle
The palms are open, connected by a cup.
They circle in a noisy flock.
Circular movements with the hands.
Cranes fly, hurry,
Fingers apart, palms crossed. The thumbs are connected, the rest are flapping like wings.
And the robin and the thrush,
Engaged in nesting.
Fingers of the hands in the palm lock are open.
2. Guys, look at the platform, the bird’s paws and the stand for the motor are already installed, and the parts are laid out on three trays so that you can quickly assemble the bird in parts, agree in your triplets which of you will assemble the body and mechanism of the bird, who will head and who are the wings.
-Look carefully at the diagram, do not forget to hold the parts when attaching. I'll help you put the pieces together.
Children agree and sit down at the tables, start assembling according to the scheme. We work to the music of "singing birds".
- As soon as the models are assembled, we discuss together the construction of a program for a small bird and for a large one (we work at the board with pictures of the program blocks)
3. The choice of the program by the children (depending on the intended size of the bird),
Connection to the program.
4. Improving models (adding a distance sensor, thereby voicing a bird), changing programs, entering a waiting block for a distance sensor, to turn on the sound, the bird's voice.
Presentation of your models.
Example: our bird is small, it often flaps its wings, lives in a birdhouse and eats harmful insects, benefiting plants.
- Did you and I manage to revive the fabulous birds? What mechanism did we use in our models, what sensor did we use to add birdsong. What helped us achieve our goal?
- our friendship and knowledge.
- Now I suggest you evaluate your work, if it was interesting and not difficult for you at all stages of our work, then attach a green magnet, if at any stage you experienced difficulties, then attach a red magnet there.
- You were able to revive the birds, despite the fact that you experienced difficulties, your friendship and, of course, your knowledge helped you. Our exhibition has been replenished with new "birds" and we can invite children from other groups to talk about birds and introduce them to the rules of true bird friends!

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education

"Boksitogorsk center of additional education"


"Fun Zoo"

Developed by: additional education teacher

Ksenofontova Natalia Nikolaevna

Pikalevo 2015

Lesson summary

"Fun Zoo"

Ksenofontova Natalia Nikolaevna,teacher of additional education MBOU DOD "BTsDOD", the city of Pikalevo.

Association "Creation of animated video films", 1st year of study

The focus of the association's work: technical

15 boys, 6-9 years old, are engaged in the association

Topic: Creating a project on a selected topic

Lesson type: repetition and consolidation of new knowledge.

Interdisciplinary connections: information technology, social science, physics, mathematics.

Purpose of the lesson:

Create animal models using the LEGOWeDo First Robot (LEGO Education WeDo Construction Set) and program it to perform an action using the LEGO Education WeDo program.


- educational

    to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities in working withconstructor PervoRobot LEGOWeDo (LEGO Education WeDo Construction Set);

    consolidation of knowledge and skills when working with.

- developing

    develop imagination and creativity, communication skills, cognitive interest of students.

- educational

    educate information culture, aesthetic perception of the world around.

Form of the lesson: combined

Form of organization of work: collective, group.

Lesson type: consolidation, application and improvement of knowledge.

Material and technical equipment:

1. Cabinet equipment study tables, chairs, blackboard, computers with installedLEGO Education WeDo, constructors « First Robot LEGO® WeDo (building set),projector.

2. Demo material: illustrations for physical minutes, a zoo layout, a presentation with riddles about animals, additional instructions for assembling "Giraffe", "Frog", "Goby".

The structure of the lesson

1. Organizational stage of the lesson (3 min.)

1.1. Greetings from the teacher.
1.2. Mark absent.
1.3. Checking student readiness.

2. Preparing students for active educational and practical activities at the main stage of the lesson ( 10 min.)

2.2. Topic message.

3. The main stage of the lesson is the assimilation of new knowledge ( 35 min.)

    1. Repetition of the rules of behavior in the computer class.

      Explanation of the material for performing creative work.

      Practical work of students.

4. Summing up the lesson (10 min.)

4.1. Analysis of students' activities. Demonstration of the resulting models and replacing them on the layout.

5. Cleaning the workplace (2 min.)

The course of the lesson:

Lesson stage

Actions of the teacher

Student Actions

    Organizational stage

    Welcome speech of the teacher

    Mark absent

    Students greet the teacher

    Checking your readiness for work

    Activation of students' knowledge

    Preparing to learn new material

    Students watching a presentation

    Students listen carefully and answer questions from the teacher.

    The main stage of the lesson is the implementation of practical work

    The teacher reminds the safety rules when working in a computer class.

    Answers additional student questions

    Supervises the performance of work and the implementation of TB

    The teacher conducts physical education

    The teacher provides the necessary assistance to the students

    Speak safety rules

    Listen carefully to the teacher

    Students perform independent work, observing TB

    Students perform exercises to relax the eyes, muscles of the cervical vertebrae, hands.

    The final stage

    Analysis of student activity

    Workplace cleaning

    Students demonstrate their work and view and evaluate the work of their comrades.

    Clean up the workplace

Planned result:

During the lesson, students should demonstrate the following results in the form of universal learning activities:

- Regulatory:

    Learn how to program robots with the LEGO Education WeDo software.

- Cognitive:

    Learning robotics, creating your own robot, the ability to program using the LEGO Education WeDo program;

    experimental study, assessment (measurement) of the influence of individual factors.

- Communicative:

    develop communication skills when working in a group or team.

- Personal:

    development of memory and thinking, the possibility of studying robotics in senior courses.

Expected metasubject results:


    are able to correct practical activities, make changes in the educational process;

    are able to analyze the emotional state received from successful or unsuccessful activities;

    are able to evaluate the result of activity (both someone else's and their own);

    able to distinguish and compare the studied objects;

    are able to publicly express their opinion;

    capable of dialogue

    they develop a common outlook and creative abilities.

Expected personal results:

    strive to bring the work begun to the end;

    ready to help each other;

    the ability to adequately assess their activities;

    their individual achievements correspond to the level of knowledge of the students.

Methods, learning technologies:

    emotional stimulation;

    game method;

    traditional technologies;

    Computer techologies;




    developmental learning technology.

Expanded outline of the lesson


    Organizational stage

1.1. Welcome speech of the teacher

    Hello children and dear parents, guests of today's event! I'm glad to see you in class!

1.2. Mark absent

    Let's check who is absent from the lesson and for what reasons? (Address to students)

    1. Checking student readiness for class

induction training

    Look, is everyone ready for the lesson?(Students' answers)

    Everyone has a computer turned on and there is a designer on the table.

    Preparing students for active educational and practical activities at the main stage of the lesson

2.1. Activation of students' knowledge

introductory talk:

    Let's start our lesson with a warm-up, which later will allow us to formulate the topic of our today's lesson.

    At the warm-up we will solve riddles.

    A log floats in the river

He really wants to eat it.

Toothy mouth opened

Evil green...


    Very smart, funny

And so mischievous.

Through trees and vines,

Without fear they jump zealously.

There are many types, they can not be counted

They are available in all sizes.

Families live together

Fruits are fun to chew.


    This bird is the largest of all birds,

She runs faster than a car

And her wings are like a sail,

A bird can't fly...


    He cannot think

Likes to repeat.

But don't scold him

This bird...


    Very formidable and courageous,

He waves his hairy mane:

And growls, as if in a chant -

It is brave, strong...

(a lion)

    Jump and slap along the path

The head has four legs.

sang the head

Very loud: qua-qua-qua.


    There is a hoofed giant.

Neck like a crane

With horns, spotted,

But not very fast.


    four hooves,

Variegated all sides,

Looks like a cow

But no milk!


    (Attachment 1.Demonstration of a presentation with riddles )

    1. Presentation of the topic and purpose of the lesson

    What animals did we remember in our warm-up?(Students' answers)

    Where do these animals live?(Students' answers)

    Where else can we see them, other than their native habitats?(Students' answers)

    You are all great fellows! The theme of our lesson today is a zoo, but not simple, but fun.

    Here we have a model of our "Merry Zoo", but for now, if you notice there are no its inhabitants, the task of our lesson is to populate our zoo with funny animals.

    If you remember, at the warm-up we guessed riddles about eight animals, we have the same number of enclosures on the layout and designers in the classroom, which means that each group will assemble their own animal.

    Who will tell me what we must do to make our animals come to life?(Students' answers)

    Well done! Of course, write a program.

    After completing the models, we will be happy to see how they will move.

    Well, are you ready?(Students' answers)

    1. Preparation for creative work

    Before starting work, we will distribute who will collect whom, we have:

    1. Crocodile (group of children )

      Monkey (group of children )

      Bird - ostrich (group of children )

      Funny birds - parrots (group of children )

      A lion (group of children )

      Frog (group of children )

      Giraffe (group of children )

      Bull (group of children )

    For a crocodile, a monkey, a bird, a lion and funny birds, we find instructions in the LEGO Education WeDo program, and the rest are already open on the computer desktop.

    We open our program, we find the desired model. Has everyone found their animal?(Students' answers)

    1. Physical education minute

    We have done a good job, and now we will warm up a little. Let's get up and do a little exercise together with the animations. (Appendix 4. Demonstration of the presentation with physical education)

    The main stage of the lesson is the implementation of creative work.

    1. Repetition of safety regulations

    Before we get started, let's remember the rules of TB.

(Student responses, response examples:

    To be in class in outerwear;

    Put clothes and bags on tables;

    Be in the classroom with drinks and food;

    Be located on the side or behind the monitor when it is on;

    Connect or disconnect cables, touch connectors, wires and sockets;

    Move computers and monitors;

    Turn computers on and off by yourself.

    Attempt to troubleshoot the equipment on your own;

    Block the ventilation holes on the system unit and monitor;

    Hit the keyboard, press the keys aimlessly;

    Put books, notebooks and other things on the keyboard, monitor and system unit;

    Delete and move other people's files )

    Well done!

    1. Doing creative work

    Let's get to work, turn on the instructions, take the constructors.

    1. Physical education for the eyes

    We are doing a great job, but our eyes are tired, so we will do exercises for the eyes. (Appendix 4.Demonstration of a presentation with a physical minute )

    1. Continuation of the practical part

    We continue our work

    I'm sure everyone did great.

    Summing up the lesson

    1. Analysis of student activity

    What good fellows you are, you worked with interest and were attentive. All animals turned out cheerful, bright. I am very pleased with your results, each of you did a good job.

    And now let's see what we got.

    Great! And now let's place the animals in our fun zoo.

    Thank you for your work!

    Workplace cleaning

    You know that after work it is necessary to turn off computers, clean up your workplace, tidy up your classroom.

Students clean their workspaces.

Photo archive of the lesson

Yakovleva Marina Balanchaevna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MADOU Kindergarten No. 1 "Golden Key"
Locality: Tyva Republic, Kyzyl city
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Abstract of a lesson in robotics in the senior group "Designing a kid"
Publication date: 05.05.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Abstract of the lesson on

robotics in senior



Teacher MADOU Kindergarten No. 1 "Golden Key" Yakovleva Marina Balanchaevna
Abstract of a lesson in robotics in the senior group "Designing a kid"
1) development of fine motor skills of hands, development of attention; 2) development of thinking, imagination, creative abilities. 3) development of design skills.
1) Show a sample of the assembled goatling model, examine it. 2) Teach how to assemble a kid from the details of the designer. 3) Cause positive emotions from playing with crafts.
Materials and equipment:
- a diagram of a kid from the details of the designer; - a set of toys "Pets"; - illustrations depicting a kid; - sets of HUNA MRT constructor by the number of children.
Preliminary work:
- looking at toys "Pets".
Working process.
Educator: today we have a pet that you all know. And who is it that you must guess with the help of a riddle: Curious, mischievous, And shakes his head, Jumps, butts, What is his name? Answer: goat. Educator: Guys, what good fellows you are! And now we will assemble a kid from the details of the designer. (Shows the assembled goat model and distributes the necessary details to the children). Please name what geometric shapes the details laid out in front of you look like? How many square pieces?
How many parts of yellow, green and purple? Are there round pieces? (children's answers) Task: the shape, color and size must exactly match the sample diagram. Completing of the work. Educator. Guys, let's stretch our hands a little, and then we will continue to work. Finger game "Two goats" (On both handles we press the middle and ring fingers with our thumbs). Once a goat was walking across the bridge to visit someone, (We hold the hands horizontally, we bring our hands together). And another was walking towards, He was returning home. (On the first syllable of each line we join hands with a swing). Two stupid horned brothers Began to butt heads on the bridge, Not wanting to give in And let the other pass. For a long time the goats fought, ran and pushed. Here's a running forehead - bang! (On the word "bang" - clap your hands). And from the bridge into the water - plop! (We drop our hands on our knees). (Continuation of the work) Did you get kids? Well done! Now check if they are stable? Let's name our goats and play with them a little.

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region basic comprehensive school No. 19

city ​​of Novokuibyshevsk, city district of Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region

structural subdivision Kindergarten "Golden Key"



Construction LEGOWeDo

« hungry alligator »

( for preschool children)

Developed by:

additional education teacher

Rotova Elena Viktorovna

Novokuibyshevsk, 2015

Construction « hungry alligator »


Creation of animal models using the "LegoWeDo First Robot" constructor and programming it to perform an action using the LEGO EducationWeDo program


1. Educational

Consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities when working with the constructor PervoRobotLEGOWeDo;

Consolidation of knowledge and skills when working with the LEGO EducationWeDo program.


To develop imagination and creativity, communication skills, cognitive interest of students.

3. Educational

To educate information culture, aesthetic perception of the world around.


Vos-l: "Hello guys! I'm glad to see you in class!

Look, is everyone ready for the lesson?(Students' answers)

Everyone has a computer turned on and there is a designer on the table.

Let's start our lesson with a warm-up, which later will allow us to

State the topic of our today's lesson.

Organizing time. (Creating an emotional background).

All friends in this group

I you he she.

Hug the neighbor on the left

Hug the neighbor on the right.

Stroke the neighbor on the left

Stroke the neighbor on the right.

Pinch the neighbor on the left

Pinch the neighbor on the right.

Smile at the neighbor on the left

Smile at the neighbor on the right.

We are all a friendly family

I you he she."

Vos-l: “At the warm-up we will solve riddles.

Do you like to solve riddles? (reckless)

He lives on the equator.

And he has a huge mouth.

He swallowed the sun in a fairy tale.

Who? Guessed? - …….. (crocodile)"

Vos-l:- " But today we will not make a crocodile, but a “hungry” alligator.There are only two countries in the world where representatives of this genus live - these are the United States of America and China. Florida is the only place on earth where alligators and crocodiles coexist. Does anyone know what the difference is between a crocodile and an alligator? (Children's answers).

Difference Between Crocodile and Alligator: The biggest difference is in their teeth. When the jaws of a crocodile are closed, the large fourth tooth of the lower jaw is visible. In an alligator, the upper jaw covers these teeth. They can also be distinguished by the shape of the muzzle: in a real crocodile, the muzzle is sharp, V-shaped, in an alligator it is blunt, U-shaped.

Alena Popovich

« monkey drummer»

Synopsis of an additional lesson in robotics for preschool children(6-7 years old).

Time classes: 45 minutes. Phys. minute -15 minutes.

Members: 10 people.

The form: Occupation type"Engineering Game" (work in pairs)

Target: Creating a musical duet using Lego- constructor"WeDo".


1. Continue learning children building structures from Lego"WeDo", according to technological maps, be able to create programs for their functioning or invent them yourself.

2. Develop logical and spatial thinking skills construction, creative approach to the task, the ability to work in a team and effectively distribute responsibilities, technical vocabulary children.

3. To cultivate the desire to bring the work begun to the end, creativity, imagination, respect for the material and a friendly attitude towards peers.

Efficiency of used technologies: honing skills construction, development of spatial and constructive thinking, replenishment of knowledge about the world around, the development of logic, ingenuity and cooperation with peers.

Expected results: create duets from monkey drummers, with different rates of beating the rhythm, the development of knowledge about the world around us, the ability to guess riddles, the development of musical ear and rhythm.


ProgramLEGO Education WeDo

Projector (interactive whiteboard)


Plastic cups, metallophone plates.

vocabulary work: repeat names already familiar details: gear wheel, gear, acquaintance with a new detail: "cam". Recall the names of musical ensembles consisting of one, two, three or more participants solo, duet, trio...

Phys. minute: mobile game « Monkeys and a mirror»

One leader is selected - a mirror, he shows the children - monkeys various facial and motor exercises, and children monkeys repeat after him. The one who copied the movements best of all becomes the leader.

Lesson progress

The teacher asks a riddle:

Whose antics without difficulty

Repeats the kids?

Who lives among the vines?

A flock of wild ones.

Children guess the riddle and check their answer by watching the video for task No. 9580.

Talk to children on topic: Where live monkey what they eat and where they can be seen in captivity.

caregiver: Our Lego little men Max and Masha built monkey, which beats the rhythm on the drums. I suggest you build your monkeys and when changing the position of the part, which is called "cam", set for each monkeys your individual rhythm, and in the end we will arrange a duet performance monkey drummers.

Children in pairs construct a monkey looking at an interactive whiteboard with assembly instructions "Duet monkey drummers»

caregiver: Verbally accompanies each slide to the assembly instructions.

Slide #1 Find the details you see on the screen and take them. You and I need to take a platform, a yellow brick and a multiplexer, connect these parts as shown in the diagram.

Slide number 2 Take the following parts, connect them as shown in the diagram. Children take two yellow cut pieces at an angle and connect them.

Slide #3 (Similar).

slide number 4 (Similar).

Slide number 5 Now take the most important detail. What do you think it is? (answers children) it's a motor. Guys, what do you think the engine is for? (answers children) . Yes, the motor powers the model. Find the axle on 3, connect the ego with the motor, put the bushing and gear on the axle, as shown in the diagram.

Connect the two parts as shown in the diagram.

The remaining slides are similarly accompanied verbally.

caregiver: You did great monkeys, guys. Now I suggest you check if your model works. To do this, on the computer, create for your monkey drummers a simple program of beating the rhythm, relying on the prompt. What command icons (blocks) do you need for this?

Suggested answers children: an arrow icon that indicates the start of work and a motor icon that rotates clockwise.

Children make a program and check if they work designs. Plastic cups are great for drums.

The teacher helps children whose building is not functioning to find and correct the error.

The most common mistake is insufficiently tight attachment of parts to each other.

caregiver: Now I suggest you arrange an ensemble of two monkeys by teaming up. Change position "cams" so that your monkey duet beat a different rhythm.

You can play sounds on your computer to set the beat. And for a greater sound effect, I suggest that you use metallophone plates of different sizes instead of cups, so that the sounds differ in height.

Children in groups of 4 compose a program on the screen, following the model or composing their own, as a result of which the team should get a duet monkey drummers.

Reflection (don't forget to describe)

Outcome classes: Children, together with the teacher, make up duets monkeys that do not sound similar to each other.

You can arrange a competition for the best duet.

In the end classes children understand their construction, and fold the parts neatly into the box.

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