Autumn holiday in kindergarten. Middle group. Scenario. Scenario of the autumn holiday in the middle group of kindergarten. Interesting scenario Autumn holiday scenarios for the middle group

Oksana Dityatkina


Autumn, autumn outside the window,

The rain is pouring down,

Leaves fall rustling

How do you autumn is good!

To the music "We are leaves" children with leaves in their hands enter the hall, sing and dance.


Kostya: Autumn outside the window is crying,

Leaves leads a round dance,

Forgotten favorite ball

On the bench at the gate!

Denis: He was offended a little,

Red-sided my friend,

And dreaming on the track

Do the jump again.

Ilya L.: And I look at the rain,

Pressing your nose against the glass.

Autumn- crybaby sheds tears

By the gone warmth!

Song: « Autumn sweet rustle» (Children sit in their seats)


Today we are asking for a visit

The mistress of the forest is a miracle autumn!

Comes to the music Autumn!


Here I am! Hey autumn you friends.

Are you glad to meet me?

Do you like the forest parade,

Autumn gardens and parks?

I came to holiday to you sing and have fun

And I want to make friends with everyone here!

Do you know poems about me?

Julia: What time of year?

The rain is drizzling

It's simple autumn

Hurry to visit us.

Maksim: how quiet autumn garden,

Leaves fly from the branches.

Quietly whispering, rustling,

They want to lull us.

Roma L.: Yellow leaf on the palm

I'll put it on my cheek.

It's a sunny summer

I hold in my hand.

The yellow leaf does not fly away

Doesn't forget about me.

Styopa: Gloomy weather,

Rain in the yard

The birds are flying away

Stay in September.

Vika: walks autumn in the woods

Walking, smiling.

Like in a fairy tale here and there

All colors change.

Mila: walks autumn on the path

got wet autumn legs

It's raining and there's no light

The sun is lost somewhere.

Vedas: Guys, let's sing a song about the rain

Song "Drip-drip on the palms"

Autumn: Rain, rain drumming on the glass all day

All the earth, all the earth got wet from the rain.

Vedas: And we'll take umbrellas in the rain, let's go for a walk.

A game "Umbrellas" (sit on chairs)

Autumn: Well done guys, have fun playing.

I'll tell you guys

I autumn riddles.

1. The fields are empty, the earth is getting wet, the rain is pouring, when does this happen?

2. Grows in the ground in the garden, red, long, sweet.

3. As I put on a hundred shirts, I crunched on my teeth.

4. Sundress on a sundress, a dress on a dress,

And as you begin to undress, you will cry to your fill.

5. Stands on a thick leg

In a hat on the path.

Vedas: Well done guys, you know how to guess riddles But a lot of mushrooms grow in the forest.

Let's see sketch"How Animals Gathered Mushrooms"

scene"How Animals Gathered Mushrooms"

Leading: Mushrooms have grown

In a small forest.

Their hats are big.

And they themselves are different.

The mouse ran past

And I saw mushrooms.

mouse: Here are beautiful mushrooms,

I'll take them to my daughter.

Leading: What are you, mouse!

What are you, mouse!

You ask the kids.

All the guys say:

Children: Mushrooms don't eat mice!

Leading: A fox ran past

And I saw mushrooms.

A fox: That's how many mushrooms are here,

I will take them to my daughters.

Leading: Oh, little fox, don't!

Do not feed, fox, foxes.

All the guys say:

Children: Fox cubs don't eat mushrooms!

Leading: The bear passed by,

Almost crushed the mushrooms.

Bear: Well, there are a lot of mushrooms here!

Eat them, let them warm the blood.

Leading: You are funny, lazy Misha,

You ask the kids.

All the guys say:

Children: Bears don't eat mushrooms.

Leading: Hedgehog with a squirrel ran through

And we saw mushrooms.

Let's ask our guys:

Do hedgehogs eat mushrooms? (Yes)

Squirrel: Dry my mushrooms

I'm on a sharp bitch.

Hedgehog: I'll take my mushrooms

Straight to the hedgehogs in the bushes.

(Squirrel and Hedgehog pick mushrooms)

Vedas: Guys, you all know that mushrooms are edible and inedible. Yes? And now we will check it and play a game "Pick mushrooms"

Autumn Yes but that's not all autumn harvest season

Ilya G.: Harvest in the garden

Collect whatever you want

Cucumbers and tomatoes,

Have carrots and lettuce

Onion in the garden, sweet pepper

And a whole bunch of cabbages.

Arseniy: What grows in our garden?

Cucumbers, sweet peas,

Tomatoes and dill

For seasoning and for sampling

There are radishes and lettuce

Our garden is a treasure!

Vedas: Now let's sing a song "Harvest"

Autumn: It will rain quietly drip

Leaves will fall from above

Only sadness can not be seen

It's time for us to play!

A game: "Gather vegetables and fruits"

Vedas: And let's have another song for let's sing in autumn.

Song « Autumn in a golden scarf»

AUTUMN: Oh yes, kids, well done,

Both dancers and singers!

I'll be glad to say goodbye

You, friends, give an award.

For a good attitude towards nature,

TO Autumn attention and respect.

There is a common table

I have a treat!

Autumn brings out a fruit basket.

Autumn: There are none tastier in the world,

Eat your vitamins, kids!

It's a pity to part with you

But it's time to say goodbye.

Related publications:

GCD in the middle group "Journey to the autumn forest" Calendar-thematic period "How animals and birds prepare for winter" Educational activity "JOURNEY TO THE AUTUMN FOREST" Tasks "KNOWLEDGE":.

Purpose: - To teach children to understand and correctly use the prepositions "in", "on", "under", "for" in speech - To form singular and plural forms.

Music sounds, children enter the hall by the hands, in a round dance. Vedas. If the leaves on the trees turned yellow, If the birds flew away to a distant land,

Autumn matinee Children enter the hall to the music. become a semicircle. Vedas. Look, guys, how beautiful it is today in our hall! How.

AUTUMN HOLIDAY Leading: How beautiful it is in our hall, We invited everyone to the holiday! We will wait for autumn to visit. Sing with her.

Autumn holiday in the middle group "Adventures of the Sunflower"



All roles are played by adults




Models of vegetables

Hats "sunflowers"

colored handkerchiefs

The course of the holiday

To the music of the waltz “White Stars Are Falling”, children enter the hall with leaves, they are met by Autumn.


I am golden autumn

I came to you for the holiday.

autumn leaves

I gave it to all the kids.

I blow with the breeze

And the leaves will fly.

And the kids dance with them

They want to fulfill you.

The dance "Autumn Leaves" is performed, words and music by N. Veresokina.


Now these leaves

All will be gathered in a bouquet.

Children give autumn leaves.


What a big bouquet!

There are no brighter colors in the world.

We will put it in a vase, sit down comfortably and continue our holiday.

They sit on the rug.


And now my friends

Tell about me.

1st child.

Autumn colors gold

Groves and forests.

2nd child.

Scarlet and yellow

The wind rips the leaves

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance.

3rd child.

The sun just peeks out

Hide again.

Long summer red

We will remember.

4th child.

And we have autumn

She brought a cloud.

Pours from this cloud

Rain like a bucket.

Autumn. That's right, guys! Aren't you afraid of my rain? (Answer of children.) Guys.

We're not scared at all

Run in the rain.

We are even talking about the rain

Let's sing a song.

The song "Rain" is performed, lyrics by P. Chumichev, music by V. Gerchik.

Autumn. Thank you, dear singers, I praise you, you are great! I am Autumn deciduous, golden, rainy. They also call me productive, because in autumn they gather a rich harvest of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, bread.

And now my boys

Guess the riddles.

And green and thick, a bush grew in the garden.

Dig a little, under a bush ... (potato).

Before we ate it

Everyone managed to cry. (Onion)

Our piglets grew up in the garden,

Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails. (Cucumbers)

Autumn. Well done! You have solved the riddles. For this I will play with you. Can you help harvest the garden beds? (Children answer.)

Game "Harvest"

There are models of vegetables in two hoops. At the other end of the hall are baskets. Two children are transferred from the hoop to the basket one vegetable at a time: who is faster.

The game is played 2 times.

After the game, Autumn gathers the children around him.

Autumn. The whole crop has been harvested! Well done! Look carefully, did you leave anything on the beds?

Children's answer.

Behind the curtain, weeping and sobbing can be heard.

Autumn. Children, what is it? Which one of you is crying? (Finds no one.) But who was so offended? Where does this bitter cry come from? (Children point.) From here? So let's take a look at what's going on there.

Autumn opens the curtain. Sunflower sits behind the wattle fence and sobs.

Autumn. Guys, it's Sunflower! Sunflower hello!

Sunflower(through tears). Hello!

Autumn. Why are you crying so bitterly? What happened?

Sunflower. How can I not cry and shed tears? The whole crop was harvested, but they forgot me in this garden. Nobody needs me. (Crying.)

Autumn. Children, how can we help Sunflower? Or maybe we invite him to our party? Let's cheer him up. (Children answer.) Sunflower, the guys and I will pick you up from this garden and take you to our holiday.

Sunflower. Truth? I'm so happy! Thank you guys!

Autumn brings the Sunflower out from behind the wattle fence, leads to the hall.

Autumn. Well, then, Sunflower, be a guest at our holiday, have fun with us. After all, our children are the most fervent, the most vociferous. And how they know how to play the pipe, just listen!

The song "Pipe" sounds, the words of P. Sinyavsky, the music of M. Partskhaladze.

Sunflower. Ay, well done! Real musicians! Do you want to play a game with me? (Children answer.) Then I will teach you.

Sunflowers game

4-5 sunflower hats are placed in a circle. The number of children is called one more than the number of attributes. To the music, everyone moves in a circle.

For a pause, they put on a “sunflower” on their heads. The winner is the one who remains in the game last with a "sunflower" on his head.

Sunflower. So I also got a sunflower friend!

Crow flies to the music.

Flies through the hall, stops near the Sunflower.


And here is my Sunflower!

Why did you leave the garden?

How-kar-kar! Nightmare!

I found you hard.

Sunflower. The guys took pity on me and invited me to their party.

Crow. Celebration? Kar-kar-kar! What other holiday?

Autumn. Children, what is our holiday today?

Children. Autumn Festival!

Crow. Just think... Kar-kar-kar! And this is my Sunflower, I found it first!

Sunflower. Guys, help! I do not want to go to the Crow, she will peck me! (Hides behind the children.)

Autumn. Dear Crow, where are you in such a hurry? Better look how our children can dance with handkerchiefs.

Crow. Okay! Kar-kar-kar! I'll take a look. Only Sunflower will still be mine!

Game with handkerchiefs "Looking for a couple"

All children have colored handkerchiefs.

The girls move in a light run in a circle, the boys stomp their feet. For the second part of the music, the boys move in a circle.

Girls at this time make a "spring".

On the third part of the music - whirling in pairs.

Then on the first and second parts of the music - whirling.

The third part - couples stamp their feet, wave handkerchiefs over their heads.

Crow. Oh oh oh! Kar! Kar! Guard! Nightmare! Waving your handkerchiefs! Scared me! Guard! Save! (Flies out of the room.)

Sunflower. Thank you guys for saving me from the Crow.

Autumn. And thank you, Sunflower, for playing and having fun with us. And our holiday is over. And we will finish it with a comic dance “Reconciled”. And you, Sunflower, I invite you to dance with us.

The dance "Reconciled" is performed.

Sunflower. Guys, I'm so glad that I visited your holiday, that I met and became friends with you. And I want to present you with all my heart a surprise: a golden seed. It is not simple, but magical.

Autumn. Thanks Sunflower. And we invite you to our group to stay with us.

Sunflower. With pleasure!

Autumn. We invite you to tea!

Everyone leaves the room for tea.

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the preschool educational institution "Sorceress-Autumn"

Autumn holiday script for children 4-5 years old





Event progress

Cheerful music sounds, the children, together with the leader, enter the hall.

Leading. Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall today! How many colorful leaves are around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? Of course, the festival of autumn!

The leaves were flooded with sunshine

Leaves soaked in the sun

Poured, weighed down

And flew in the wind...

Rustled through the bushes...

You can see them here and there.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!

So the breeze brought the leaves to us here! Oh, how many of them (points to the leaves scattered around the hall), look!


Leaves all autumn day

Such beautiful

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves!

The song "Golden Leaves" is performed, lyrics by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko. The facilitator invites the children to sit on the chairs.

Leading. Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest are festively dressed!

1st child.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

2nd child.

Admire the masquerade!

The forest changes its dress

He took off the green, measures a new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

3rd child.

Autumn drops gold

Autumn steals the birds.

- Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!


Someone is running to us here,

Someone is rushing over here...

Let's slam, we'll stomp friendly,

May he find us soon!

Music sounds, the children clap their hands, stomp, and Cloudy runs into the hall, in her hands are two sultans from the New Year's "rain".


I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue,

Let it be small, but very strong!

If I only want

I'll wet you all with rain!

Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and “splashes” them with a rain-sultan.


Cloud, cloud, wait

Take away your rains!

We know the song about the rain

And we will give it to you!

The song "Rain" is performed, lyrics by N. Solovieva, music by P. Partskhaladze.

Cloud. What a beautiful and interesting song! Thank you guys!

Rain, rain all day

Drumming on glass.

All earth, all earth

Wet from the rain.


We'll take umbrellas

Let's go for a walk in the rain!

The host takes out 2 umbrellas and conducts the game"Umbrellas".

Children are divided into 2 teams, each team is given an umbrella. The first players with an umbrella in their hands run to the Christmas trees standing at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, pass the umbrella to the next player. So the whole team should run.


Very fun to play

They showed their skill!

But as always,

We are missing someone...

Leading. We have no sun, friends!

Music sounds, the Sun enters the hall.


Hello! Here I am!

The sun all the guys know

The sun is highly respected

The sun shines bright, bright

And the sun is very hot!

The sun is the most important

Everyone needs the sun!


Sun, sun, wait

Look at me... (Whirls.)

I have water inside

And you always need water!

So I'm more important

So I need more!

The sun and the cloud are arguing, stamping their feet, which of them is more needed, more important.


Take it easy, take it easy

And please don't fight!

Get better at dancing

Have fun with us!

Dance, if not lazy,

It will help you reconcile!

The dance “Quarreled-reconciled” is performed, music by T. Vilkoreiskaya.


Well thanks kids!

We danced with all our hearts!


In the dance they circled merrily,

We became very close friends!

Leading. Well, if everything is in order, then you can continue the holiday!

Harvest ripened in the forest

Everyone takes baskets.

What will be collected

On forest paths?

What will they collect?

You will have to guess!

And on the hill, and under the hill,

Under the birch and under the tree

Round dances and in a row

Well done in hats!

What is this?

Children. Mushrooms!


Let's take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.

Stumps and paths smell

Delicious autumn mushroom!

The song "For Mushrooms" is performed, words and music by L. Abelyan. Cloud and Sun take toy mushrooms from baskets and arrange them among the Christmas trees.


Look guys

There are honey mushrooms, here are butterflies ...


And here it is in the meadow

Poisonous toadstools!

(Points to fly agaric.)

Who knows what they are called? (Children answer)

Cloud. Well, everything is ready! Here are the clearings, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are also here.

Sun. It's time to go mushroom hunting! The game is being played "Collect the mushrooms."

Blindfolded children (4-5 people) collect mushrooms in baskets while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, the mushroom picking stops. The winner is the player who collected the most mushrooms, in whose basket there will not be a single fly agaric or their number will be the smallest.


Interesting we played

We quickly collected all the mushrooms!


But now it's time to say goodbye

We will return to heaven.

Together. Goodbye!

Children. Goodbye!

Cloud and Sun run away to the music.

Bonadykova Elena Vladimirovna
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 of the combined type", Novozybkov, Bryansk region.
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-04 The scenario of the autumn holiday in the middle group of the preschool educational institution Bonadykova Elena Vladimirovna MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 of the combined type", Novozybkov, Bryansk region. The script presents song, dance, game material for the autumn festival for children 3-4 years old. Autumn comes to visit the children, who plays with the children, listens to songs and poems performed by them. At the end of the holiday, children receive a long-awaited treat. The holiday cheers up, promotes the socialization of children, strengthens friendly ties between them.

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The scenario of the autumn holiday in the middle group of the preschool educational institution


(thematic lesson for children of the middle group) 2018

To the music, children run into the hall with a piece of paper in their right hand, stand in a circle.Presenter: Why are there so many colors - red, red, gold?

This autumn knocked softly on the door to you and me.

In autumn, we are very happy, how beautiful her outfit is!

Yes, everyone is happy to admire autumn nature.

So let's be together

Praise and praise autumn

Sing a lot of beautiful songs

And speak in verse.


Autumn again, birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm land.
And again the autumn holiday

Comes to kindergarten!

Day after day is inaudible

Autumn is walking on the ground.

The forest stands in a magnificent outfit

And quietly falls asleep.

How beautiful in our hall -
It's like we're in a fairy tale.
We will visit Autumn waiting
And dance with a leaf.

Dance with a leaf "Cute red leaf"

Children sit down

Presenter: The wind will spin to the song of the rain,

Throw leaves at our feet.

What a beautiful time this is

A miracle autumn has come to us again!

Children: The leaves are falling, falling, falling.

And clouds float across the sky.

Again with bright colors pleases

This long-awaited time!

We will arrange a holiday today

And we will call Autumn to our garden.

We will dance with her, we will play,

Let's sing autumn songs.

Song "Golden Autumn"

Autumn enters the hall

Autumn: Who sings so wonderfully here?
Who is visiting Autumn like that?
We haven't seen each other for a whole year.

Over the summer, it's my turn again.

I've been working, drawing,

Decorated with bright colors.

Hello my friends,
I'm glad to see you all!

Presenter:Hello dear Autumn!

Come on, we beg you.

We will play together

Songs to sing and dance.
Autumn: Listen, I'll tell you a riddle:
What a bright, painted
The circle opened up above me?
If you go for a walk in the rain

Don't forget to take it.
Children: Umbrella!
Autumn opens a large beautiful umbrella over your head.

Autumn:My umbrella is not simple, but magical! Want to check it out?
Who stands under the umbrella
He speaks in verse!
Presenter:How interesting! I invite you under an umbrella ... (calls the name of the child)

Children go out one by one read poems standing under an umbrella

Presenter: We know poems about you

Let's start round dances.

Listen, golden autumn,

How do we sing a song?

Song "Golden Autumn"


And our holiday, go on!

Presenter:Early, early in the morning
Look out the window:
The rain came out in the yard
Play a little.

Rain, honey, stop it

Don't wet the path

You see, we did not put on

Boots on the feet.

Autumn: I'll twist my magic umbrella again,
I want to see a dance about rain.

Dance "Rain" (boys)

Presenter: The rain is falling harder and harder

Along the branches and along the path.

We will not interfere with him.

The earth and people need rain.

Girl: We'll take umbrellas

Let's go for a walk under an umbrella!

"Umbrella Dance" (girls)

("Rain drips through the puddles")

Autumn: And now guys

Listen to riddles:

Riddles about vegetables (cabbage, carrots, potatoes, turnips, beets)

Presenter: Get it together people

We're going to the garden!

Autumn, have fun with us

Spin in the round dance!

Round dance "Autumn Gifts" by A. Evtodieva

Autumn: I see vegetables

Well you know.

I'll see how it tastes

You distinguish them.

Taste vegetables game

Autumn: My magical umbrella, turn around,

And our holiday, go on!

Presenter: Listen, Autumn

Our orchestra is autumn.

Let him put you in the mood!

"Orchestra for Autumn"

Autumn: Nicely we had fun, played, frolic!
But the time has come to say goodbye, to return back to the forest!
You are wonderful guys, I look at everyone,
And for this, dear ones, I will generously reward you!
I ask everyone to close their eyes - miracles begin!
The umbrella is mine ... it's magical, guys,
It can do wonders in the fall!
Expect autumn gifts now
Close your eyes honestly and firmly!
Now help, open your eyes,
You receive gifts from Autumn!
Opens an umbrella - sweets are hung there

Well now it's time to say goodbye

After all, I have a lot to do!

I wish everyone good health

Goodbye friends!

Autumn is leaving.

Presenter: It's time for us to say goodbye to autumn

And return to your group.

Children leave the hall to the music.

, . .

Autumn morning in kindergarten. middle group

The scenario of the autumn matinee in kindergarten

The script for the autumn holiday "Autumn Bouquet"


Autumn leaves - for each child; vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes) and four baskets for the game; musical instruments (tambourines, rattles, wooden sticks) - for each child; autumn bouquet; bear's basket with berries; fruit basket.




bear cubs

The hall is decorated in the form of an autumn forest; among the low bushes are garden beds with vegetables on them (cabbage, turnip, carrot, cucumber).


The brushes of the mountain ash burned brightly,

Dresses of aspens became golden.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

1st child

Outside the window the breeze is having fun -

It will jump up, and then hide.

2nd child

And the leaves run along the path,

Like yellow mice from a cat.

Dance with leaves (optional)

Children collect them in a bouquet and sit down.

Autumn enters the hall.


I bring the harvest

Sowing the fields again

Sending birds to the south

I undress the trees.

But I don't touch the pines

And Christmas trees. I am Autumn.

Autumn song (optional)

Children greet Autumn and sing along with her.


Here you go guys

All that I am rich in the forest,

Everything that I collected

Everything I stocked up for the summer.

And in the spring, my rabbit helpers planted cabbage.

French folk song "We Plant Cabbage"

Autumn. For our cabbage to grow well, we need rain.

1st child

Rain, rain, more

Blooming meadows.

Rain, rain, pour all day

For oats and barley.

2nd child

Let the green wheat

Hurry up.

3rd child

Rain, rain, pour -

There will be a loaf of bread

There will be rolls, there will be drying,

There will be delicious cheesecakes.

(Russian folk call)

Rain song (optional)


Let's see now guys

What has grown in the garden.

Lots of dresses, lots of crunch.

What is her name? .. (Cabbage.)

Yellow side, round side,

Sits on the garden bed,

Rooted firmly to the ground.

What is this? .. (Turnip.)

Red hidden spine

Only an inch is visible from above.

And you will deftly pick up -

And in the hands ... (carrot).

One summer under a leaf

A house has grown in the garden.

We took him from the ground

And they brought it home to us.

Not a hut and not a palace,

And green ... (cucumber).

Game "Harvest"

Four children participate: the 1st collects carrots, the 2nd - potatoes, the 3rd - tomatoes, the 4th - cucumbers. The number of vegetables should be the same. The winner is the participant who first collected their vegetables in a basket.

Autumn. And now let's see what kind of cabbage we have grown.

Dramatization of the poem by T. Petukhova


tanned tomato

Started a conversation with cabbage.

A tomato

Why are you white

Not tanned at all!


Here, try to sunbathe,

If there are forty-five dresses.

While I'm taking off my dress

The sun will set.

Autumn. What a wonderful cabbage the rabbits have grown! I will now reward them for their good work, I will present an autumn bouquet.

Fairy tale "Just like that"

(based on the cartoon)

Autumn gives the bunny an autumn bouquet.

Autumn. Bunny runs along the path, rejoices. Suddenly he sees, in the clearing, the mice are naughty.

Russian folk melody "Like at our gates"

Mouse children play noise instruments.

Autumn. The hare liked the way the mice play in the orchestra, and he gave his autumn bouquet to the smallest mouse. The mouse ran further with a bouquet and met a hedgehog in the forest.


Hedgehog curled up

You won't turn around for anything.

This is a gray bun -

It has a prickly side.

A. Blinov

Song "Hedgehog" by F. Leschinskaya

Autumn. The mouse liked the song and gave her autumn bouquet to the hedgehog.

Hedgehog. That's for me?

mouse. You!

Hedgehog. For what?

mouse. Just.

Autumn. The hedgehog thanked the mouse for the gift and began to play with it.

Game "Hedgehog and Mice"

Children stand in a circle, in the center of which is a “hedgehog” child.

A hedgehog is running - stupidly stupid, Holding hands, the children walk in a circle.

All prickly, sharp tooth! The "Hedgehog" runs in counter-movement inside the circle.

“Hedgehog, hedgehog, where are you going?

What's wrong with you?"

Hedgehog legs - "Hedgehog" and the children do three springy half-squats.

Tup-tup! Stomp first with the right foot, then with the left.

Hedgehog with eyes - Do three half squats.

Loop-loop! Raise the arms bent at the elbows up and 2 times squeeze and unclench the fingers.

Hears a hedgehog - Put the right hand to the right ear (“listen”).

Silence everywhere. Put the left hand to the left ear.

Choo, a mouse is scratching in the leaves! Squeeze and unclench fingers ("scrape").

Dance, dance, hedgehog! Children clap their hands, "Hedgehog" dances.

Don't feel sorry for your legs!

You catch mice

Catch up with our children!

Autumn. And here are the bears with their mother-bear in the forest clearing.

Dramatization of the song "Merry Bears" by E. Poplinova

The role of mother-bear can be performed by a teacher.

Autumn. Only one teddy bear does not dance. He is afraid of losing the basket of raspberries. Sitting pouting. The hedgehog decided to please him and gave the bear a bouquet.

bear. That's for me?

Hedgehog. You.

Bear. For what?

Hedgehog. Just.

Bear. Okay! Thanks!

Autumn. The bear decided to get home as soon as possible, but troublesome squirrels met him.

"Squirrel Dance"

Sl. M. Sadovsky

Muses. M. Kartushina

The sun is hot, shine!

You mushroom my sushi!

Oh, how in an evil cold

Dried mushroom needed! (2 times)

This hat on a knot -

Got a cap.

And behind her and the leg

I'll dry it a little. (2 times)

I tirelessly jump

I want to find a hundred mushrooms

Will be in the winter cold

I feel warmer with them. (2 times)

And I'll pick up nuts

By the stream in a steep ravine,

I will be without haste

Autumn. It's a pity for a bear to give a bouquet to squirrels. He began to back away and he himself ran into a squirrel, and immediately hid the basket behind his back.

Squirrel. It's all for me?

bear(holds out the bouquet). You!

Squirrel. For what?

Bear. Just!

Squirrel. Many thanks!

bear(holds out basket). Here, have a raspberry.

Squirrel. Thanks!

Autumn. Oh yes, Mishka, how generous he has become! Well done! Completely ruthless!

Round dance under the "Song-exercises" by M. Lazarev

Autumn treats children with fruits, says goodbye and leaves.