One-handed paper sword. How to make a paper sword. How to make a homemade sword

To please a child with an original and attractive toy, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money. Often all you need is free time, a little diligence and imagination. Even from plain paper, you can make various options for attractive swords for a boy. Based on photos and videos, using the diagrams and tips below, you can make real paper swords with your own hands, which will be many times more attractive than ready-made plastic options.

Step by Step Instructions for Making a Paper Sword

Making a sword out of paper with your own hands is not as difficult as it seems to most parents and children at first glance. To create crafts, you will need the most affordable and budget materials. To get an original toy, you usually need to stock up on patience and time, and paper, tape, glue and scissors are sure to be found in every home. So, let's get down to the creative process, shall we?

The most common sword

Making the most ordinary sword with your own hands is quite simple, but it will take a certain amount of time. However, the result is worth it! After all, the toy is realistic and voluminous. This option is suitable both for home children's games, and as an addition to costumes for a masquerade or a theatrical performance.

  1. For work, you will need to prepare whatman paper or cardboard. You can take any thick A4 paper. You will also need a pencil, decorative foil, scissors, colored paper for decoration, a centimeter, glue, which can be replaced with a stapler or tape. After preparing all the necessary materials, you will need to start creating the main part of the paper sword. To do this, a rectangular sheet must be folded in the form of an accordion. The result should be about 9 longitudinal strips. Four ribs need to be treated with glue and fastened by folding one bend onto another.

  1. Next, you need to do the formation of fastening fragments. These details are necessary in order to fix the structural basis of the future paper sword. To form parts of the product, you need to make a drawing, as in the photo below. It should be borne in mind that the sides a1 and a2 are equal to each other. It is necessary to make 2 identical blanks in the form of rhombuses.

  1. Then you need to start creating the tip of the paper sword. To do this, you will need to make a kind of pyramid out of paper separately. At the base of such a figure will be a rhombus. The resulting pyramid will need to be fixed with glue on one side of the future paper sword. Based on the photos below, making such a detail is not difficult.

  1. Now you need to connect the received fragments of the future paper sword. The main structure, which acts as the frame of the sword, is attached to the two paper diamonds obtained. They are fixed to the workpiece with glue on both sides. Also in this step you need to glue the tip to the sword.

  1. Next, you should make a handle for the toy. To do this, take a sheet of paper in the shape of a square. Its edges must be wrapped so that the result is a corner.

On a note! In order not to make a mistake in the process of making a sword handle, you should rely on the tips below.

One of the resulting edges must be fixed with glue, after which the paper blank is tried on for the design of the sword. A cut must be made along the fold lines at the very tips of the corner. The resulting edges must be turned outward. Based on the sword, they need to be fixed. To do this, on the inside, the part is smeared with glue or fixed with tape.

  1. The next step is decorating the sword out of paper. To create an imitation of a steel blade, you need to wrap the corresponding part of the toy with foil. At the very tip of the point, it is necessary to wrap all the corners very carefully and carefully. Each edge will need to be aligned. It would be advisable to glue the joints. The handle of the finished paper sword can be decorated with applications. It is proposed to do it easier and paste over this part with fragments of colored paper.

That's all! A voluminous, most ordinary paper sword for a child is ready! You can start fighting.

origami sword

You can make a sword out of paper in another way. You can do the craft using the origami technique. To create a model, you need to take a sheet of A4 paper or loose cardboard. The following diagram and step-by-step images will help you through the process. It is also worth mentioning that the design will not be very large, about the size of a table knife.

Note! You should not use larger paper, as in this case the model of the sword will not turn out realistic, plus the product will bend and turn out to be fragile.

  1. Cut out a square from a piece of paper. Next, a pair of opposite corners must be wrapped to the center. The remaining two corners need to be bent on them. The result should be a double square, after which the workpiece must be rotated so that the lower corners are without folds and are free. From them, the two lower edges should be wrapped towards the center and straightened.

  1. The folded parts of the workpiece will need to be straightened. After that, the top layer of the part is unfolded. To do this, just gently pull the bottom corner of the fragment. Next, you need to bend the side lines of the resulting rhombus inward.

  1. The side contours of the figure must be wrapped towards the center. After the fragment is turned over to the back. Then the corners need to be wrapped as shown in the photo below.

  1. Next, the corners need to be deployed so that the workpiece takes its original position. According to the contours of the obtained folds, they should be filled into the inner part.

  1. The figure needs to be flipped again. Now you need to fold the blade for the future sword. To do this, the side corners, which are located on the upper (extreme) layer of paper, must be folded parallel to the central vector. As a result, the resulting folds should be in contact with the contour of the axis. The figure must again be turned over, after which the wedges of the future sword must be bent to the center.

  1. Once again, the part is turned over, after which the wedges need to be straightened. The lower corner will need to be taken to the right side and open the workpiece. You will get a kind of triangle. The lower part of this fragment should be aligned with the vertical outline of the blank for the future sword in the origami technique.

  1. It is necessary to form a part along the contours of the resulting inflection. In its shape, it should resemble a rabbit's ear. The form will need to be bent down, after which exactly the same action is performed with the left side of the structure.

  1. Now you need to designate the hilt of the sword from paper. To do this, the lower corner of the fragment will need to be turned to the right. It should be bent along the diagonal contours.

  1. Similar actions should be performed on both sides. The result is a kind of fence for the handle of the sword. After that, the fragment must be turned over.

  1. To the center you need to wrap the lower corners of the resulting figure. The rays of the impromptu fence must be bent up. To do this, simply fold their tips in the right direction.

  1. That's all! A real paper samurai sword is ready and eager to be in a righteous battle! The child will certainly be happy with such an instance for his collection of weapons.

ninja sword

Despite the fact that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were incredibly popular a long time ago, among the younger generation, many boys are still fascinated by the culture of these characters. To create crafts, you will need to prepare half a sheet of brown and yellow paper. No glue or tape is required to fix the structure.

  1. To find the middle, the yellow sheet must be folded in half. Then it straightens out, after which it is necessary to roll its sides three times to the central bent contour. The resulting element is folded in half again.

  1. The handle of the future sword is made from half a sheet of brown paper. This workpiece is taken in a ratio of 2:1.

  1. Most of the katana material is folded in on each side. At the same time, on the left side, the cut is wrapped up, and on the right edge it must be laid inward. The width of the resulting contour should not be more than 1 cm.

  1. The previously folded sheet will need to be wrapped around the yellow katana blade. For reliable fixation, it is best to fix the fragment with adhesive tape or glue, but this is not necessary, after which the handle should be made. For this, a small part of the remaining material is used. It simply twists on the blade, in the opposite edge from the yellow fragment.

  1. From brown paper you need to cut a small square or rectangle. With this whole, you can use not too thick cardboard. Its width should be two or three times more than this blade parameter. In this part, you need to create a slot and insert the katana blade itself into it. It will turn out a guard, that is, a fence for the handle.

  1. So the real Japanese saber is ready, like the legendary ninja turtles. As you can see, the original craft for a child is made quite simply. Diagrams and videos will help in the process.

Samurai sword

The proposed step-by-step instructions will help parents, together with their children, make a completely realistic and believable samurai sword with their own hands. Katana is made of thick cardboard or hard paper. Such material will allow the product to keep its shape better.

  1. Cut out the silhouette of a samurai sword from the selected material. You need to make 3 parts. Moreover, the blade is made approximately three times as narrow as the handle of the weapon itself.

  1. Additionally, cut out 2 more fragments. These are parts for the handle that the katana is equipped with. On both sides, these obtained blanks are fixed with glue or tape on the prepared model of the sword.

  1. Now you need to take a small piece of corrugated cardboard and cut a small rectangle out of it. A slot is created in it, into which the blade of a paper weapon must pass.

  1. Katana (its narrow part) is decorated with silver paint. The handle is glued in a spiral with strips of colored paper in a contrasting color or with electrical tape. The partition is painted over in black.

  1. Katana is ready! Samurai paper sword is ready to play!

Titan Sword

Based on this step-by-step instruction, you can make the original titanium sword. For crafts, you will need not only paper (newspaper), but also ice cream sticks, scissors, glue and tape.

  1. Cut out the silhouette of a sword with a handle from a newspaper or plain paper.

  1. Glue ice cream sticks over the entire area of ​​the paper blank. The handle can be reinforced with a double layer of these elements.

  1. The sword of the titan is leveled by applying several layers of paper. To do this, wrap the blank with chopsticks several times in newspapers or thick paper.

  1. We cut off the tip of the blade with scissors and cover it with several layers of adhesive tape so as not to cut ourselves.

Video: how to make a paper sword with your own hands

For a few more ideas on how to make a sword out of paper, you can watch the video below.

A variety of crafts are made from paper! It doesn't take much time, and the result is simply magnificent. For example, you can make a sword out of paper! For a little hero, this is what you need!

This master class describes in detail the process of creating a paper sword with your own hands.

All you need for this craft is paper, a pencil and a ruler.

It is necessary to make a square from an A4 sheet. Then it folds in half and diagonally.

Having outlined the lines, you need to fold the sheet into a triangle.

Then make a rhombus out of it, folding the sides inward.

All lines need to be ironed very well!

Then, it should be folded like this.

After that, spread it out.

Having found the “pockets”, tuck the sides into them, along the marked lines from the previous action.

Then unfold the resulting workpiece.

And the upper part, fold equal to the line in the center. This will be the blade of the sword.

Turning the workpiece on the back side, fold the sides again, equaling the main one, in the center.

Expand them again.

In the "pockets" hide the corners.

Having smoothed all the lines well, turning the workpiece on the reverse side, fold the sides of the handle like this.

Then all deploy the workpiece in this position.

Having found the necessary points, which are located at the junction of two rhombuses of the workpiece, draw a line.

Raising the lower part of the rhombus, fold it along this line.

And then spread them out.

Then, you need to fold the side of the rhombus along the line, and by unfolding it and lifting it, fold the lower part inward.

You will get such a base of the sword.

Fold the middle of the handle to the axis.

After that, the “blade” of the sword is folded along the line, while the side, protective parts of the sword are also folded.

Turning the blank on the reverse side, fold the central part of the sword, wrapping the sides afterward and thereby forming the base of the handle almost completely.

Having folded the sword in half, perform the final stage in creating protection, which is located at the base of the hilt.

First bend them down. And then spreading the sword, fold them up along the lines.

There remains the last final stage in creating a sword from paper. The hilt of the sword must be folded again to the center line. All folds must be properly pressed!

A wonderful paper sword is ready!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

If desired, it can be painted with paints, introducing a child to such an activity!

Good afternoon! Today we offer you a master class on origami - how to make a sword out of paper.

To implement this rather complicated scheme, you will need patience and a sheet of square-shaped paper. Or you can take A4 and cut it to a square.

Do-it-yourself paper sword instruction.

1. Taking a sheet of paper, fold it first diagonally in one direction, then in the other. Next, we turn horizontally, and then vertically. In order for the sword to turn out even and neat, carefully ironing each origami fold.

2. Now it is necessary to fold the origami, turning it with a rhombus, we fold the triangle, there are fold lines on the left and right sides, we place them inside the triangle and we should get a rhombus.

3. We fold the side "wings" of the rhombus, you get two triangles, as in the picture. Now we open the resulting triangles back and hide them inside the “wings” along the fold lines of the diagram.

4. Let's expand the resulting design so that you get a rhombus from the "wings".

5. Iron the fold lines well, you can use a plastic card.

6. The upper triangles of the rhombus are first left, then right, gently bend in half and again carefully iron the folds.

7. We turn over our origami on the other side and fold the rhombus so that we get two triangles, as in paragraph number 3.

8. We lay out the triangles back and bend along the fold lines inside the left side and right side, approximately, as we did in paragraph No. 4.

9. We turn over the origami and bend the side corners to the middle of the structure.

10. Turn over again - here we take the right and left corners, separating the sheet (since we have two layers on this side) and turn to the middle, it should turn out like in the picture.

11. Let's flip the structure and decompose it. Next, we suggest that you turn to the video, since the picture cannot be described in such detail. Let's unfold the folds. We take it aside: opening, folded to the center, first the right, then the left side.

12. We combine the lower parts of the triangles with the origami verticals.

13. Fold the triangle sticking up along the fold lines, press it back down. We do the same action with the other side.

14. We make a handle - we take the lower corner of the structure to the right and fold it diagonally.

15. We repeat the algorithm of actions on both sides - we get the first part of the handle.

16. Do not forget to iron all the fold lines. Turn the origami over to the other side again. Watch the video.

17. At the bottom of the sword, turn the corners towards the center.

18. We form the second part of the handle - bend the corners up.

19. Congratulations, the paper samurai sword is ready for battle! If during the creation of an origami sword you have any questions about how to bend or unfold the structure, then you can familiarize yourself with the diagram in our video instructions in detail and step by step.

  • Do you know what to do with your child origami - this is a very useful process. For example, because it develops fine motor skills in children. And also fantasy.
  • Color the paper sword together with your own hands: the handle is dark or bright, and the blade of the sword is either silver or gold. It will look much more interesting.
  • You can use originally colored paper. Wrap the blade in foil.
  • Such a sword is great for children's games in various warriors, knights, samurai.
  • The sword is completely harmless, and is not able to cripple a child, his friends or parents.

Making a paper sword with your own hands is easy and simple even for a child, while the craft will be safe and easy, and will not injure the baby or others. The process of making such weapons will not take much time and will require a minimum of tools and materials, especially since this activity will help develop attentiveness, logical thinking, perseverance and fine motor skills. Along the way, you will not only be able to teach your son or daughter elementary paper skills, but also introduce you to the history of weapons, explaining exactly how to use the blade so as not to harm anyone.

Do you know when the first swords appeared?

Archaeologists say that people began to make swords back in the Stone Age almost immediately after the ax and knife, while this type of edged weapon was originally a wooden blade, around which sharpened stones were fastened.

We make a blank

  1. It is necessary to make a square from a paper sheet by bending one corner to the opposite side.
  2. Cut off the remaining rectangle or carefully tear off along the fold line.
  3. Turn the square down with the painted (or colored) side, then bend it exactly in half. Repeat the procedure again, bending the now smaller square in half. Make sure that all corners of the paper match perfectly, otherwise a full-fledged blank will not work.
  4. Thus, a folded square should lie in front of you. Then straighten one of its sides so that you get a triangle, do the same with the second side. After that, straighten the triangle, carefully turn it over and fold the special fold lines located diagonally from the sides of the resulting triangle.

We continue to make a sword

Fold the triangle diagonally and in half, then once again bend the paper sheet diagonally so that you get a square, and bend the two sides in the direction of the center, bend the fold exactly, then unfold it again. Straighten the deflection of the sides and corners as carefully as possible. If you did everything right, you will get a rhombus, the sides of which should be folded towards the center. The result should be a figure that resembles a pointed plane in silhouette.

Forming the blade of the sword

Turn the resulting figure over, and fold the back part first in the middle, then bend it inward with the side. You should get a triangle a second time. The figure should be turned over again, while bending all the sides to the center. Do the same with the other part. Thus, your sword has a blade, now we proceed to the manufacture of the handle and crosspiece.

The final stage of work

In order for the crosspiece to be as close as possible in appearance and thickness to a real weapon, bend parts of the workpiece to the right and left for this. The beauty and functionality of the sword will be given by spectacularly curved tips. Thus, you have an almost real sword, equipped with a comfortable handle, and the crosspiece will serve as a shield for the hands.


To make the craft look attractive and be large, use A4 colored paper.


You can make a functional and attractive sword out of paper in a short time. Such a craft, with your direct participation, will be mastered even by a child. Suggest that he decorate his own paper weapon, or, for example, wrap the blade with foil for more believability. If desired, for such an entertaining little thing, you can use not too thick cardboard, the sword from which will be stronger and more durable.

How to make a paper sword

How to make a paper sword

Origami paper sword

How to make a sword out of paper for games, a theater for a young spectator, or as a gift? In order to provide the child with a useful surprise, in case of passion for knightly tournaments or games of pirates, as well as to create a theatrical attribute for a young actor, you may need to make a sword from paper raw materials with your own hands.

Varieties of paper swords

Games with a blade made of cardboard or parchment are the safest for the life and health of children, as they are usually used in very active games, where the risk of various types of injuries is especially high.

By using several sheets of parchment, it is quite possible to make several types of weapons:

  • voluminous sword;
  • katana;
  • tube blade;
  • flat product;
  • cutter in origami style.

Origami is a paper folding technique that is very common in the east and has gained great popularity in almost all countries of the modern world, from children to pensioners.

This style of addition is distinguished by a sufficient level of simplicity and strength of the finished product. That allows you to use it without any age restrictions.

Step by step creation algorithm

How to make a paper sword on your own? To create an origami-style product, you will need to take a sheet of parchment of the required format and then:

In the same way, you can make a samurai katana sword. A katana is a long blade common in Japan and used by samurai in combat or to protect their own honor.

In order to decide how to make a katana out of paper, in the stationery department of the store you will need to select a sufficient sheet format to obtain the finished product of the size required by a particular child.

If it is not necessary to adhere to the authenticity of the appearance, then there is another easy way to make a paper sword with your own hands. Such an option for gluing fake weapons is a blade made of parchment tubes. It is created as follows.

Often the material for the manufacture of swords or sabers is thick cardboard. The algorithm for creating a sword from cardboard is quite simple. It is important to correctly develop a diagram or create a correct stencil that will be applied directly to the cardboard. Then, from a single sheet, the figure necessary for the manufacturer is cut out, which can be complicated by the formation of slots, in order to more conveniently and realistically position the blade handle.

Volumetric design

In cases where you need a sword as close as possible to its actual shape, the most suitable option would be to glue the three-dimensional version. To properly figure out how to make a blade from office raw materials with your own hands, you will need:

In order to create one or another fake weapon product from parchment raw materials with your own hands, you can and should involve the children themselves in this activity. Cutting, gluing and coloring can have a very positive impact on the overall development of skills, including motor skills, as well as improve mood and put into practice what your child already has.

It will be very useful to involve the youngest owner in the design of crafts, since only a child's imagination can create a paper weapon that is unique and most attractive to a particular child.

It is also possible to use wooden raw materials to create toy weapons with the most realistic design.

Titanium has nothing to do with a paper sword.

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