Happy new year template. Happy New Year! Happy New Year greetings to the team in verse

Letter #1 (Happy New Year greetings):
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Reliability, stability and prosperity are the key to the success of our cooperation! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the coming New Year 2014! Let the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success!

Petr Petrov

Letter #2 (New Year's greetings):
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and the tasks set come true! We wish good health, good luck and love to you and your loved ones! Good mood and fulfillment of the most cherished desires on New Year's Eve!

Petr Petrov

Letter #3 (Happy New Year greetings):
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New Year bring you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dream and strengthen your faith in the future. May success accompany all your undertakings always and in everything.

I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Petr Petrov

Letter #4 (Congratulations on the New Year 2012):
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the outgoing year find their continuation in the coming year! I wish you good health, realization of your ideas and plans, respect and mutual understanding in the team. Happy New Year!

Petr Petrov

Letter #5 (Happy New Year greetings):
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

Working with professionals is a valuable experience, which is the key to success in any business. Our cooperation has made it possible to overcome many difficulties and maintain the stability and reliability of relations. The outgoing year will go down in the history of the development of our company as a successful one, and your professional team also deserves a lot of credit for this. In the coming year, we wish you prosperity and prosperity, new successful joint projects and an inexhaustible source of creative ideas! Happiness and health to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!

Petr Petrov

Letter #6 (Congratulations for the New Year):
Dear Sirs!

In the New Year, I want to wish only the best. May the coming year bring you new discoveries, pleasant acquaintances, even more self-confidence, strength of mind and body, honest victories and universal love!

Petr Petrov

Letter #7 (happy new year, new year greetings):
Dear Ivan Ivanovich,

We need you as much as you need us! We look forward to further cooperation. We wish the coming year 2014 to be just as successful and profitable! Happy holiday!

Petr Petrov

Making plans for the next year, we always hope for the best, dream, make wishes. I would like to sincerely wish that everything you dream about and wished for the New Year came true!

Colleagues! I want to wish you Happy New Year! I wish you the implementation of the planned, new creative projects, cheerful and friendly corporate parties, condescending and tolerant bosses! May only pleasant surprises, wonderful news, good luck and success await you in the New Year! Let colleagues, friends, loved ones and close people please you with their understanding and support, a reliable shoulder, a faithful hand. I wish you, your family, relatives and our entire team a festive mood, laughter, joy, no sorrows and worries! Let things go uphill and good luck with us!

New Year is not just the beginning of a new calendar, it is new hopes, successes, victories. We look to the future with confidence and we have every reason for optimism - clear and concrete plans for socio-economic development, real opportunities for their implementation! May luck and good mood be your constant companions in the New Year, may the joy of fulfilled hopes and desires never leave you. May there be prosperity in the house, and peace and love in the family. We wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!

On New Year's Eve, I somehow believe in a special way that our world should become better, kinder, that happiness and success will certainly come to every home and every family. I am sure that it is in our power to give our loved ones and relatives the most precious thing - this is warmth, understanding and love!
May the New Year help in the fulfillment of your most cherished dream, strengthen faith in the future, may success accompany all your undertakings always and in everything! Happy New Year! Happiness, peace and prosperity to you and your families!

Each passing year leaves behind completed projects, new collaborations and pleasant moments. So let this New Year open up new opportunities for you, conquer new heights. Let your every step, every movement lead you only to the best. Let difficulties bypass you, and good luck helps in all your endeavors.
We wish you happiness, success, luck in life and great creative heights.

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! The New Year is a special holiday: it gives hope for happiness and good luck, brings the joy of new beginnings. The outgoing year was full of important events and accomplishments.
In the coming year, we wish you good health, happiness, mental stamina, self-confidence and optimism. May your relatives and friends always be with you, and prosperity, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New Year bring you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dream and strengthen your faith in the future. May success accompany all your undertakings always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and the tasks set come true! We wish good health, good luck and love to you and your loved ones! Good mood and fulfillment of the most cherished desires on New Year's Eve!

Please accept our most sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish you good health, great personal happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, the realization of all professional plans! May the New Year bring you success in the important work that you are doing! May your best endeavors always be accompanied by creative inspiration and creative initiative, and your energy and ingenuity serve as the key to the successful implementation of your plans. I would like to wish you to always be surrounded by the warmth and love of your loved ones, the respect of colleagues and friends, and a good mood and elation will always accompany your life! Love, kindness and prosperity!

Dear our clients. Happy New Year! We wish you creative and financial growth, successful conclusion of contracts and responsible partners in the New Year. And thanks for partnering with us!

Reliability, stability and prosperity are the key to the success of our cooperation! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success! And the first lines of all information programs will not be occupied by show business news
, and the news of your sensational successes! Good luck and Happy Holidays!

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the outgoing year find their continuation in the coming year! I wish you good health, realization of your ideas and plans, respect and mutual understanding in the team. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! The past year has been eventful and fruitful. He filled us with vital wisdom and strength.
May the coming New Year be accompanied by further successes and achievements, bring joy, mutual understanding, harmony and love. May the most difficult problems be solved and the best hopes and wildest dreams come true.
May the coming New Year be a year of new achievements and achievements for all of you!
Happiness, health, joy, success and all the best!

Working with professionals is a valuable experience, which is the key to success in any business. Our cooperation has made it possible to overcome many difficulties and maintain the stability and reliability of relations. The outgoing year will go down in the history of the development of our company as a successful one, and your professional team also deserves a lot of credit for this. In the coming year, we wish you prosperity and prosperity, new successful joint projects and an inexhaustible source of creative ideas! Happiness and health to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!

The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the outgoing year will certainly find their continuation in the coming year. May the New Year bring you well-being, the fulfillment of your cherished dream, strengthen your faith in the future, and may success accompany all your undertakings always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

We sincerely congratulate your organization on the brightest holiday - Happy New Year!
We wish all your employees to experience more ups and downs in the New Year, to reach unprecedented heights, to overcome sadness, melancholy and all problems and to strengthen family relationships! Income growth, new achievements, amazing discoveries and unforgettable meetings!
May the New Year bring your organization an improvement in business positions and revenue growth!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May each of these nights
will bring quiet family happiness and joy to your home. Don't skimp on
good and it will return to you multiplied! What else does a person need?
Only confidence in the future and thoughts pure as snow.
I wish you all the above and happy holidays!

Dear Sirs, Our team sincerely congratulates you on the upcoming
Happy New Year and wish you and yours success and prosperity
Your colleagues, (company name). Dear Colleagues!
Another year has come to an end! It's a bit of a pity, because
those wonderful events that rallied our
team. But don't be discouraged, there's a lot more to come
which we will experience together! May whatever comes in
New Year will bring our team only changes for the better,
well-being and income growth! Happy new year dear friends!

New Year we all believe in miracles. Another one opens before us.
a new page in life. We enter the New Year with the best
mood, with the kindest wishes and bright feelings.
Keep them in your soul, in your heart for the whole coming year. AND
even if you are angry and you want to quarrel - stop and
remember this wonderful moment, the happy faces of your loved ones and
those wonderful words that you said to each other on New Year's Eve
night. Life will surely thank you for your kindness and optimism. FROM
New Year!

The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best,
so let all the good things that made you happy in the past year,
will certainly find its continuation in the coming year. Let the New
the year will give you well-being, the fulfillment of a cherished dream, strengthen faith
into the future, and success accompanies all your undertakings always and in
everyone. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course,
well, good luck! Happy New Year! Congratulations on the New
year and the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! The only time in
year, a unique event takes place that the calendar gives us. This
amazing and unusual day when, seeing off one year, we immediately
we meet another. And this is very symbolic, because on this day we
we strive to leave all problems and worries in the old year, and in the new
take with you a good mood, victories and achievements! Let be
all your most secret dreams will come true, and your house will light up
bright smiles of relatives and friends. I wish you health, good,
prosperity, fortitude and faith in the future! Happy New Year! New
year is the holiday of our childhood. New Year is the best
holiday of all. New Year's Eve is always associated with
waiting for something new, that our hopes and dreams will come true. FROM
early childhood, we retained in our souls a vivid impression of
celebration of the New Year: this is a festive fuss in the house, decoration
colorful toys and Christmas tree garlands. We are always looking forward
waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus. Early in the morning with bated breath
looked under the Christmas tree with the hope of seeing the treasured gift there, which
carefully placed by our parents.
New Year is a fairy tale of our
childhood! The workshop team congratulates investors, administration, the entire
friendly team of the enterprise Happy New Year! Cordially
Happy New Year! New Year is usually associated with hopes
for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the outgoing
year, will find its continuation in the coming year! I wish you strong
health, implementation of your ideas and plans, respect and
mutual understanding in the team. Happy New Year! Accept the most
sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish you good health
great personal happiness, well-being, inexhaustible energy,
implementation of all professional plans! May you in the New Year
invariably accompanies success in the important business that you
doing! May your best endeavors always be accompanied by
creative inspiration and creative initiative, and your energy and
ingenuity is the key to the successful implementation of the plans.
I would like to wish you that you are always surrounded by warmth and love.
their loved ones, respect for colleagues and friends, and excellent mood and
elation has always accompanied your life! love, kindness and
well-being! Dear our clients. Congratulations on your new
year! We wish you creative and financial growth in the New Year,
successful conclusions of contracts and responsible partners. And thanks for
that cooperate with us! We sincerely congratulate you on
New Year! New Year is a special holiday: it gives hope for
happiness and good luck, brings the joy of new beginnings. The outgoing year was
full of important events and accomplishments. In the coming year we wish
I wish you good health, happiness, mental stamina, confidence in
strength and optimism. May your family always be with you
friends, and prosperity, love and prosperity reign in your homes. Dear friends! The New Year is coming - a time of new hopes, successes and
victories. What will be the coming year depends on each of us.
Therefore, first of all, I want to wish you all faith in yourself and your
strength, great achievements, discoveries and hopes. We have them for sure
let's bring it to life! Let the coming year only multiply the number of happy
moments, people dear to you will be nearby, and the warmth of the family hearth
attract welcome guests. Cheer up the weary, smile at those who
lonely - and life will repay you a hundredfold for your care. Accept
heartfelt wishes for health, well-being, happiness and prosperity!
Have a great mood and happy New Year holidays! Happy New Year
You! I wish you luck and success in the New Year
on your heels, happiness and love have become your constant companions, and
health is the most faithful friend. Happy New Year! Meeting the New
of the year is a mysterious, exciting, always joyful time. And these
simple words "Happy New Year! With new happiness!" we pronounce with
special feeling, because you can say them only once in
year! This is a great opportunity to speak out and congratulate all of you on
this charming holiday and wish you good health, good luck and
endless happiness!!! Happy new year friends! Dear
gentlemen! I have the honor to congratulate you on the powerful and impetuous
coming New Year! May this year Luck, Recognition and Success
will be your constant companions. Blessings to you and your families! Dear citizens! I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New
year! May all your cherished dreams come true this year! Let in
happiness, faith, hope and love will always live in your homes! FROM
holiday you!

Official congratulations on the New Year 2017 in prose

Official congratulations in prose

This New Year, we would like to sincerely congratulate you on the winter
holiday. To wish you this most cheerful, most popular and most
the favorite holiday in Russia is a lot of happiness and joy.
Tag him
in the circle of friends and relatives. Remember that congratulating them on the New Year,
You not only give them a drop of your soul, but bring into your
heart warmth, love and a kind smile of the people around you.
Let be
along with frosts and snowstorms, lush elegant spruce and gifts,
the new year will bring many innovations into your life: successful, joyful,
fun and the most incredible adventures and miracles.
As a sign of the beginning
new year and a new successful turn in your destiny, let them shine
there are millions of bright stars above your house and the holiday will fill your house
noisy fun!

I want to wish you a Happy New Year! Let him
will bring prosperity and confidence in the future, new acquaintances
and happy occasions! Let him please every hour and minute,
multiplying all that is good! I wish to enter this new year with a wonderful
positive mood, pure thoughts, with confidence in their
strength! May everything that is planned come true! And they will appear
new thoughts and ideas! Relatives, relatives, friends will always support.
And all the bad things will be in the past!

Official congratulations on the New Year in prose

Ladies and Gentlemen! Wishing you all the best for the coming year
the best: financial stability, pleasant discoveries, useful
dating, success in your endeavors, great opportunities and confidence in
in their own power, and most importantly - good health, without which all
the rest doesn't matter. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! Let's raise our champagne glasses to everyone
the old and unnecessary remained in the outgoing year. And in a new way we
let's go with pleasant memories, best friends, heroic
health, favorable luck, faithful loved ones - then the road
will bring only pleasure, joy and happiness! Happy new everyone
of the year!

Official wish in prose for the New Year

Ladies and Gentlemen! I have the great honor to congratulate you on the upcoming
holiday! A lot of things have happened in the past year, but I
I hope you remember the good times more than the bad ones.
Let's leave everything that can upset us in the past. When the clock
twelve will strike, we will step into the new year with hope and faith in
a better future. May the coming year bring wisdom, mutual respect and
understanding. It is important in the new year to believe that everything will be fine. But
believing is sometimes not enough, you need to strive for it. I wish to save
yourself and those you love.

I wish all your dreams come true. Let the new
the year does not skimp on joyful moments and new achievements for you.
May the sun illuminate your families and give mutual understanding and kindness.
Live every moment of the new year with hope and optimism.
Forget old grievances and believe that only love and friendship are ahead.
Please accept these warm and sincere wishes on New Year's Eve.

New Year's greetings in prose

Happy New Year everyone! I wish you new
accomplishments in the New Year, filled with hopes and unchanging good luck.
Let the career move irresistibly forward with giant strides,
health is only getting stronger, and the closest people please with care and
love. Happy New Year!

New Year's greetings prose, New Year's greetings words

New Year's greetings prose, text, official words, wishes

My dears!

Please accept our most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the New Year!

May it bring joy, new experiences, hopes and optimism.

Let it be different: bright and cheerful, romantic and
dreamy, successful and purposeful. Let the arrival of this year
will be met with the dearest and closest people.

May the New Year be a great opportunity to continue your
successful undertakings and a great chance for those who decide to start everything
at first.

Let the sad and sorrowful moments be a thing of the past, and the most
the best and pleasant memories warm the soul with affectionate

Let old grievances be forgotten, opening the way for new friendship and
love. Let your wishes come true, your favorite work brings
satisfaction, new knowledge and achievements.

May the stars shine brighter, and the sun illuminate the path full of rainbow hopes, joyful events, peace and travel.

May each person find their own happiness this year,
family harmony and home comfort. Long live the New Year, and yes
He will bring us only goodness and light!

New Year greetings text, words

We congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!

On this, the most magical holiday of the year, I would like to wish before
all wish fulfillment. After all, on what other holiday are we so
We sincerely believe in miracles and magic.

Let the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only wonderful mood.

Let the news be good, acquaintances pleasant, business successful,
but minor annoyances. May your house be full of friends, love,
smiles and warmth!

May all your plans come true, health will not fail, and loved ones will always be there. Happy New Year!

congratulations prose

When planning for the coming year, we always hope for the best,
we dream, we make wishes. I would like to wish that everything you
wished and wished for the New Year it turned out!

So that you and your loved ones are healthy and happy, so that good luck
accompanied in business, so that love would surround and fill you and your

So that bad weather passes by, and it always shone overhead
the sun, warming and giving a good mood. May this year be
full of fulfilled hopes, fulfilled dreams, achieved goals and pleasant

Happy New Year to all of you!

My dears! I congratulate you on this wonderful coming New Year!

Let it become one of the most successful in your life, bring
success and awareness of happiness, more joyful moments in life!

May dreams come true - real, unreal - simply because
You want it, simply because you deserve it! I wish in the new
Year of love, happiness, prosperity and health! Heartily…

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas
I congratulate you heartily.
May this year come
Will be kind and carefree.
With the warmth of sincere days,
With a hearth that warms the house
With the scent of mandarin
In the circle of relatives and friends.
May God give you everything.
Let the snow sweep away fatigue
And bring health
So that happiness does not end!

Let the candles burn
Let an angel fly into the house
On this wonderful evening.
Along with it will come love,
Happiness and hope
Joy, faith and peace,
Warmth and tenderness.
Let go of everything that
It's very sad to think.
A spark in the heart of faith
Let it burn softly.

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Christ. I wish only peace, bright happiness, true love and
prosperity. Let blessings and goodness come to the house. Let everything in the family
will be loved and healthy. May there be joy and success around. Let be
the soul is pleased with the warmth of relatives and ringing laughter.

Let life be filled with miracles
I wish you happiness, magic,
I wish you great health,
More harmony, goodness!
May your house be peaceful
It will be calm in the soul,
Wealth, joy, good luck,
I also wish you!
I wish you beautiful days
And let everything be fine
Congratulations, congratulations
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!

With winter light magic -
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Good fairy tale, gentle caress
Let them enter your house.
Let them bring peace, comfort,
Happiness in the house will be saved.
Yuletide winter round dance
May it bring a generous year.

Merry Christmas!
And I want it to be
Lots of happiness and warmth
Good fairy tales, magic!
So that there was a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsmiles,
So that you do not know grief.
May good luck
Lots of money to boot!
Both health and love.
Sun, peace again and again!

And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
I will congratulate you.
I will try for every holiday
All and much to wish.
For Christmas - health, strength,
Great joy, love,
Warmth of home, comfort
And dreams come true!
And in the New Year - solid luck,
Success and big victories,
Prosperity, laughter and luck,
Live the whole year without knowing the troubles!
You put a snowflake in your palm
And take a little time.
She will melt - wishes
All at once mine will come true!

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas.
Let happiness fill the house
A new fairy tale, inspiration,
The best impression!
Let there be a whole load of gifts
Santa Claus will give you:
Chest of precious smiles,
The best and finest!
Let him add health to them,
A chest of wealth will add
Five bags of luck, laughter
Combined with success!

Happy New Year
And Merry Christmas!
Let all adversity rush away
Happiness will visit your home!
May it always be comfortable
In the house, in the world and in the soul!
And let it momentarily
Happiness will come to you already!

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Let the house be rich.
Everyone - health and good luck,
Personal happiness in addition.
Don't get sick, live forever
Cherish your life.
So that you don't feel bad
Believe in a fabulous miracle.
May wishes come true
On this night of enchantment.

Happy New Year,
Merry Christmas.
May the magical winter holiday
Your house will be filled with happiness.
Let the bag full of gifts
You will be left at the gate.
May all wishes come true
Christmas and New Year.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas 2018 in verse and prose

The New Year is knocking on the door, with it is Christmas.
Believe in miracles, let magic enter the house!
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas,
Let all the relatives gather at the festive table!
Wishing you health and kindness, peace, happiness and love.
Let the bright Christmas tree lights bring joy to the house!

As if in a fairy tale, a miracle gives
White snow and white light:
Happy New Year,
Christmas greetings to you!
May the holidays bring
Only happiness and good
They will throw joy for the whole year,
So that everything is always lucky!

New Year's and Christmas -
Good fairy tale witchcraft.
She comes to us from childhood,
Remedy for any sadness.
Let happiness come into the house
Passing the longing and sadness.
Let kindness sparkle
There will be beauty in life.

New Year comes to the house
And then there's Christmas!
And from wonderful holidays
Heart warm, light!
I wish these days:
Don't sit alone
Go visit a friend
Call to the house of relatives!
Have fun from the heart
Smile and joke
And let happiness into the house.
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!

Winter does not please the weather,
We don't like it anyway.
When there is snow and cold around
Ile is relatively warm.
But again it warms my heart,
As if in anticipation of magic.
Warmer than the sun will warm us
A wonderful Christmas holiday.
So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Miracles - immeasurably, laughter - darkness.
May there be so much happiness
Enough for everyone around you!

Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas!
May all adversity
Your walk around the house.
Let the hearth not go out
Let comfort reign.
We wish you happiness!
Let them love you, wait.
Let the soul shine
Your kindness
May God help
By faith live a saint.

The snow is festive today
And all around such grace
What is so hard not to believe in a miracle
And it is so important to wish happiness.
On this New Year's bright holiday
I wish peace and kindness.
So that every day brings only joy,
So that it is always a good time!
Happy New Year, I congratulate you.
And, of course, Merry Christmas
And with all my heart I wish:
Let the holiday come to the house for a long time!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
The languid smell of spruce
Let a miracle burst into your house
By chance, out of nowhere.
May wishes come true
And all dreams, yes dreams,
The ones that are sweeter than candy
Embodied in this holiday!

Snowflakes in a friendly round dance
We are congratulated on the New Year,
Another Merry Christmas,
They bring joy to every home.
I want to put in my word
And happy holidays to everyone.
May the cup always be full
For your dreams to come true
May you be lucky all your life
And luck lies ahead.

I wish never to be separated
I want to love until the end.
I wish not to scold, not to swear,
Keep the family hearth from all troubles.
And next year I wish it will come true
All your wishes and dreams!
And bad days - quickly forget,
And flowers bloom in your soul.
And happiness, already standing on the threshold,
Knocking softly on your bright house,
Let it drive away all troubles and anxieties!
And Happy New Year to you, Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

"Make a wish quickly"
Catch a beautiful snowflake soon
Make a wish quickly
When the snowflake turns to ice
That wish will come true, so you know.
I wish you good luck in the New Year
And on Christmas - fun and kindness,
Luck in every life task,
And in the soul - spring warmth.

“All this is definitely waiting for you!”
May this New Year
It will only bring you joy!
And Christmas is good luck
She means a lot in life.
I also wish you a lot of happiness
To keep the road straight.
So that a foreign currency account grows in the bank -
All this is definitely waiting for you! "Here Comes Christmas"
Christmas and New Year
Loves to celebrate people!
We celebrated the New Year
Well noted!
Here comes Christmas
It became warm in my heart.
I wish you everything
And congratulations again! "Joy and joy are coming soon"
Soon joy and fun
Fill the whole house to the top.
The New Year is coming to Earth
And then Christmas followed.
And let them carry with them
The gift of happiness and success.
Health will remain strong
Dreams come true for everyone! "It's time for the magical winter holidays"
It's time for magical winter holidays
She came again, she came to us again,
To the great joy of cheerful children -
Crunchy snow covered the yards.
The time for wonderful holidays is coming -
It's almost Christmas and New Years.
I want to wish you good luck
And welcome the New Year with a smile! "Every perfect time of the year"
Every beautiful time of the year
But in winter - special weather,
White snow covers the path,
All sorrows will melt with him.
On New Year's Eve, on Christmas Eve -
Every meeting will be great.
Wishing you a lot of luck
Congratulations on a wonderful holiday! "An angel from heaven will come to the house"
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
Smells like spruce, pie,
Brings warmth to the heart
An angel from heaven will come to the house ...
Let him bring hope
And get rid of adversity
Joy, peace, goodness and faith,
Grace will send from heaven! "And Merry Christmas!"
Happy New Year
And Merry Christmas!
Let winter bring freshness
And decorate everything around!
Freeze the water in the rivers
Sweep fields, forests!
Let him create for the joy of people
Magic and miracles! "The heart fills with joy"
Heart fills with joy
Happiness quietly enters the house.
I would like to congratulate the whole world:
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
May health be strong
Awaits success in all matters,
Let it stay forever
Festive enthusiasm in the eyes! "New Year's and Christmas"
New Year's and Christmas -
This is a fairy tale, magic.
Since childhood, we have been waiting for the holidays,
We invite them to come soon.
We congratulate you today
We sincerely wish you
For all dreams to come true
To smile more often! "Let the dream come true"
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas!
Let the dream come true
You are always your hard work
You can achieve more.
I wish you to be
As always, irresistible
To be loved and to love
Let sadness pass by! "Winter gives us a sea of ​​​​positive"
Winter, in addition to snow and frost
She gives us a lot of positive
Inspires faith in fairy dreams,
And every courtyard is beautiful.
I want to wish you Happy New Year
And also Merry Christmas!
Let me leave a wish -
Let your cozy home be bright! “Since childhood, everyone loves winter”
Since childhood, everyone loves winter -
It's time for the holidays
After all, she is irreplaceable!
We dance from night to morning
We are big on holidays -
Christmas and New Year,
We wish you peace in the house,
Let luck come!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Poems

Winter time is generous for the holidays,
New Year and the joy of Christmas,
I sincerely congratulate you, I wish you
Peace, light, and warmth in the soul.
Fulfillment of sincere desires
Remember the main thing, forget about everything bad,
May luck be with you everywhere
Happy New Year to you and Merry Christmas.

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Let joy come to the house
Round dance of happiness is circling,
Let luck wink
May success smile
It will be the best holiday ever!

Happy New Year, Merry Christmas!
Let joy come to the house.
Let dreams come true
You believe in God's miracle.
Don't get sick, live forever
Cherish your life.
Do not swear often at home,
Do not part with loved ones.
New Year and Christmas
Believe, people, in magic.
Let happiness come to your home.
Happy holidays, friends.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We wish you all the best!
May your whole year be cheerful,
Doesn't worry you at all!
May good luck and luck
They're on their heels!
Let joy and mood
You are always welcome everywhere!

May Christmas and New Year
Your dreams will come true
Let the magic come to you
And whatever you want!
May these holidays be good
Give a lot of heat
To have a positive life
I wish you great happiness!

May the New Year and Christmas
God will send us happiness from heaven,
Goodness and magic will come
And life will be full of miracles!
And let the winter add color
Heavenly, white purity,
So that, as in the kindest fairy tale,
All dreams have come true!

New Year's and Christmas -
Two warm holidays wonderful.
When the magic comes
In the soul sounds and happiness song!
May the holidays bring you
Kindness, smiles, laughter and happiness,
And in the house - warmth, peace and comfort,
To make life even more beautiful!

May the New Year and Christmas
They give you happiness and goodness,
Everything that was asked from heaven,
May you have abundance!
Let luck live nearby.
I wish you peace and harmony
Lots of health, strength and money!
Do not know sadness and anxiety.

When the January blizzard is still in full swing,
And white snow covered the cities,
Church bells ring throughout the district:
A star lights up over Bethlehem.
The savior of the world was born that night!
The Lord sends forgiveness to all people.
And the Angel of God suddenly descended from heaven,
And people proclaim good news.
May Christmas fill your home with happiness
And the good news will sound like a song,
Bypass all bad weather,
And joy will knock on your door soon.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas,
Let happiness, joy rush into the house,
Illuminate everything with a fabulous radiance,
May all cherished desires be fulfilled.
Good and wonderful holidays to you,
Sweet, warm, certainly interesting.

Dear our clients!

We have the honor to congratulate you on the New Year 2019!

Traditionally, the New Year is associated with hopes for the best in our lives. Let the positive phenomena that bring you joy and inspiration in the outgoing year will certainly find continuation in the new one. May this year further strengthen your faith in a happy future for you, may every day only good luck accompany you this year, leading along the beaten path to the desired goal. May reign in your life:

  • indestructible peace and harmony;
  • mutual understanding and respect;
  • goodness and prosperity.

May success and well-deserved recognition be your faithful companions in 2019. We wish you creative and financial growth, stability and responsible partners, useful contacts and pleasant discoveries, the implementation of new projects and the conquest of new heights.

Dear friends, we are glad to enter the new year with you! Let me congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, wish you health, success and prosperity to you and your families. So that in the new year there are new victories and achievements, the most cherished desires come true. And we will continue to help you reach your goals, giving the best that we have. Yours sincerely (company name).

Dear friends, Happy New Year! In the coming year we wish you peace, goodness, health, as much warmth and comfort as possible, inexhaustible vitality, and the achievement of your goals. Let the new year be accompanied only by positive emotions and significant events.

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! We wish you good health, prosperity and concomitant good luck. We sincerely tried to be of service to you, so we hope to please you in the future. Thanks for choosing us!

Dear customers, we congratulate you on the New Year and hasten to wish you only profitable agreements and contracts, only promising and successful ideas, only successful and fruitful days. Happiness to you and your loved ones, great victories and significant events.

Happy New Year! Let your product quickly find a market, be in demand and supply. And it will be able to compete sensibly with similar enterprises. I want to be the first in my business.

Happy New Year. We wish you a successful present and promising future. May the new year be successful and profitable for your organization. Let the work go smoothly and confidently throughout the year, let every new day be marked by high results and achievements.

Happy New Year. From the first days of the new year, we wish you a confident start to a great victory, to an important goal, to a grandiose success. And let your companions in the new year be perspective, profit, luck, profit, confidence, activity, professionalism and skill.

Happy New Year, dear partners. I would like to wish you great prospects and good luck, worthy victories and significant breakthroughs in your activities. Let there be enough strength, ideas and inspiration for new starts and important things. Good health to you in the new year and all the best.

Happy New Year, dear partners. I wish you enthusiasm in your work, striving for success, prosperity in life. May the new year be the year of our joint victories and achievements, may it bring you good luck, prospects and great potential.

Happy New Year, partners. I want to wish you health, health and once again health. If there is health, we can achieve everything else. May this year be successful and successful for you, may it bring prosperity to your families and joy to your hearts. I wish you more new prospects and income, new ideas and opportunities.

Dear colleagues!

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and Merry Christmas! In the new year, in new dreams, we wish you to take all the best from the outgoing year: trusted old friends, reliable partners, established traditions of fruitful cooperation. We wish that your undertakings and initiatives in 2019 give a new voice to the wonderful Russian proverb - "Everything that is done is for the better!". Blessings to you and your loved ones!

Dear friends, dear colleagues!

On behalf of the whole team (company name), let me wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We want to thank you for the successful cooperation in 2018 and we believe that the coming year will be even more fruitful and successful for you! We wish that 2019 will bring you the opportunity to confidently look into the future and good luck in all your affairs and undertakings. Happy holiday!

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope that the New Year will bring with it success in professional activities, joy in life, creativity, good luck in all endeavors, prosperity in business, support from friends, colleagues and partners! On behalf of the team (…) best wishes (…)

Dear clients!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Thank you for your cooperation in 2018. We hope that in 2019 our cooperation will become even more fruitful!

We wish the coming year to be filled with bright and positive events. May success and prosperity always accompany you!

Happiness, health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Sincerely, (…).

We are glad to see you in winter and summer
May the New Year be filled with light!
Good luck, love, dreams come true!
Health, kindness, warmth, beauty!
Adversity and troubles will remain in the past,
And victories are on the horizon!
Clients open the way to success,
And we can overcome any obstacle!

Beloved customers - hello New Year!
Let the winter and fabulous light shine on you,
And let "tomorrow" be more beautiful than "today",
And know: there are no more beautiful clients!

Let the holiday swirl you in a joyful whirlwind,
And everything that bothered you, let it go,
May this year bring you luck
May it bring you much joy!

Thanks for the trust
We are talking to all our clients!
And wholeheartedly congratulate
Happy New Year we want you.

All will be filled with hope -
You just have to wish!
Inseparable as before
We will be with you in the future.

May this New Year be with you
It will only bring joy.
In your house, let it always
The world lives and kindness.

In personal life, only happiness
Always waiting for you.
And in finance, only profit,
And good luck forever.

For a whole year they tried for you,
Tried to please everyone
There were different moments
Happy New Year to you customers!

With new happiness, dear ones,
Do good deeds
We, of course, wish you
And congratulations again!

We wish you a Happy New Year
For dreams to come true
To increase your income,
May you smile more often!

And let happiness in the eyes
Every moment will be read!
Come visit us more often
To buy goods!

Good luck to you customers
We wish you a New Year
Let the number of orders
Steadily growing upwards.

We wish that our
Relations were strengthened
Increased profits
The mood lifted.

Looking forward to the New Year
We have new orders from you
And wish you were
Both rich and healthy.

Dear partners without you
Could not in the outgoing year
I solve any problems
And avoid any misfortune.
Happy New Year to you
I want to wish from my heart
So that the business goes on, only holding us together -
I can definitely be trusted.
May competence, faith, accuracy,
Stability this New Year
They will add only strength to our union,
So that we do not steer at random.
Let the profit grow neatly
It should be enough for life
And so that everything comes true many times,
What have you guessed.

May the coming New Year
In business, it will bring good luck.
Let there be joy in the heart
And a miracle will happen in an instant!

Health to you and your loved ones.
May the New Year be generous
And let our partnership continue
Only strengthens, blooms!

I wish you a New Year organization
I'm only good and prosperity!
May you have enough motivation
To make your wishes come true!

May all goals be achievable
I want to always move forward!
May all troubles always pass by,
May success await you in the new year!

Let the organization always
In everything he has success, flourishes!
Let good luck bright star
You always shine in the sky!

I wish this New Year
It was full of wonderful moments!
May it bring you a lot
Great victories and a sea of ​​​​achievements!

We wish you a Happy New Year, partners,
Thrive in your favorite business
Strive for new, important goals,
Believe in luck, win.

May the year bring you good luck
And let the money go into your hands
Let your workdays
Only positive is always carried.

Cooperation fruitful
Let it be ours, as always.
We wish you happiness and health,
And never give up.

I wish you a New Year
Brought success, achievements,
Let your business grow uphill
And life will be full of luck!

I wish you strength, lots of health,
More colorful ideas
And happiness bright, big,
And a lot of bright days!

May the New Year give you
New profitable project.
Don't let taxes scare you
Success is ahead of you.
May all wishes come true
And dreams come true.
We congratulate you, partners,
We are heartfelt today.

Dear friends!

May all good things multiply in the coming 2018,
Let there be acquaintances, meetings
And nice neighborhood
Happiness, joy, chances in life
And funds!
Happy holiday!

Dear friends, colleagues, clients, partners!

It's not long before the New Year.
Living in anticipation of the holidays
We hasten to congratulate you, reliable partners,
Desired clients and good friends!

May happiness accompany you in the New Year
And your wishes will come true,
For business - profit, success and luck,
Health, love and prosperity - in the family!

At any moment in winter and summer,
Hearts are open to you - without days off!
(Company name) with sincere greetings
Wishing you victories and good luck!

We value existing relationships
In partnership, both friendly and business.
And we don't hide our aspirations
Continue them now and later!

Universal wishes for official business congratulations:

  • implementation of creative ideas;
  • interesting fruitful ideas and opportunities for their implementation;
  • ongoing good luck and a fair wind in all endeavors;
  • stable financial position;
  • success in business and achievement of your goals;
  • thoughtful decisions and implementation of all projects;
  • wisdom, vigilance, patience and consistency;
  • well-being (for you and your company) and prosperity;
  • confidence in the future and inexhaustible optimism;
  • good spirits and good mood;
  • remain full of energy and vitality;
  • life luck and good luck;
  • positive attitude and great creative heights;
  • fulfillment of all your most cherished desires;
  • do not lose enthusiasm and enthusiasm;
  • mental comfort;
  • a sea of ​​joyful impressions;
  • let Luck, Recognition and Success be your constant companions.

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, one of the most responsible tasks of the secretary is to prepare gifts and wishes for partners and clients of the company. In the article we will tell you how to arrange souvenirs in a corporate style, what types of congratulations are better to use - electronic or paper, we will give examples of successful and unsuccessful texts of business congratulatory letters.

To congratulate partners and clients on New Year and Christmas is the most important tradition and rule of business etiquette.

The New Year holidays are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate a high corporate culture, the company's reliability, and attentive attitude towards representatives of various organizations.

A well-composed and timely sent New Year's greeting will pleasantly surprise partners and customers, remind you of the important results of your cooperation.


The New Year is widely celebrated in Russia and in many countries of the world. But holidays coincide only in some of them. If according to the Gregorian calendar, the New Year begins on January 1, then according to the eastern one, which is followed, for example, by China, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Mongolia, in the interval from January 21 to February 20.

In countries with the Persian calendar (Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan), the New Year is celebrated from 21 to 22 March. And in India there are several similar holidays that fall on different days of the year (in February, April, May, October).

Christmas, unlike the New Year, is an exclusively Christian holiday. According to the Catholic tradition, it is celebrated on December 25, and according to the Orthodox tradition, on January 7.

In the Catholic countries of Europe (Germany, Austria, France, etc.), just before Christmas, a huge number of fairs open, people carefully choose and pack Christmas gifts. New Year in Europe is celebrated much more modestly.

When composing postcards, consider the dates and sequence of the holidays mentioned. For example, write "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!" in congratulations for Orthodox partners; "Merry christmas and a happy new year!" - in congratulations for representatives of the Catholic faith.

Since these holidays follow each other, it is quite enough to send one congratulation.


It is better to prepare gifts and postcards for partners and counterparties in advance so as not to be nervous again due to late delivery on the eve of the holidays.

If you decide to give your customers useful memorable souvenirs with the company logo (thermo mugs, blankets, cooler bags, etc.), order branding gifts a month and a half before the holidays - there are a lot of orders in printing houses in the New Year period.

To save time and money on logoing, you can order stickers with the logo of the organization and place them on all gifts and envelopes. Branding will give gifts a finished look and help identify the sender. Sticker designs can be customized.

For New Year's celebrations, stickers for gift bottles will also come in handy. Due to this decision, you can save money on buying New Year's versions of champagne. A bottle with a company logo and New Year wishes will look just as good as a store-bought one and will cost less.

Many companies want to please their partners just before the holiday - December 29-30. But if during this period the courier service is overloaded, then you will have to forget about timely congratulations. To avoid overlaps, start looking for addresses for delivering gifts and cards in advance - about a week before sending. In Russian companies, it is customary to start sending congratulations on the 20th of December.

If your organization is limited to email greeting cards, you can send them December 28-30.


It is customary to congratulate foreign and Russian partners, suppliers, VIP clients and regular customers, directors and heads of branches on the New Year holidays (Example 1). If you need addresses of organizations or branches to send congratulations, check them in advance.


The first thing that people pay attention to when receiving New Year's greetings is its design. Even the most original wish is important to present beautifully.

In many modern organizations, a special internal corporate document has been developed - a brand book, which contains a guideline section that regulates the use of the main elements of the brand's corporate identity (logo, color combinations, etc.). For example, at Kaspersky Lab, green and red are considered corporate colors. They are always present on holiday cards and New Year's gift wrapping from this company.

If your organization has not developed a brand book and there are no requirements for the design of New Year's cards, then choose colors for decoration based on your preferences.

Consider the most common ways to design New Year's greetings.

New Year's greetings on letterhead or special paper

This is perhaps the easiest and least creative way. Letters of congratulations, drawn up on a letterhead, may contain the following details in accordance with GOST R 6.30 - 2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation Requirements:

. "The State Emblem of the Russian Federation";

. "Coat of arms of the subject of the Russian Federation";

. "Organization emblem or trademark (service mark)";

. "Name of the structural unit - the author of the document";

. "Reference data about the organization";

. "Document date";

. "Document registration number";

. "Destination";

. "Heading to the text";

. "Signature", etc.

Letters of congratulations are in free form. Their length varies from one or two sentences to several extended paragraphs.

Such letters can be drawn up not only on letterheads of the organization (Example 2), but also on special paper of various shades, decorated with ornaments, watermarks, having a high density, etc. (Example 3).

New Year's card handmade

Despite the fact that modern organizations in most cases use e-mail for internal and external communications, it is more pleasant for many to receive a beautiful paper postcard. This way of congratulations becomes a rarity and is valued more against the backdrop of paper correspondence losing its relevance.

When choosing a New Year's card, pay attention to its design. A few years ago, there was a huge selection of postcards with gold embossing, sparkles, raised letters in stores. Now a more concise style is relevant. Handmade postcards using eco-friendly materials (kraft paper, twine, vegetable paints, etc.) are popular. Such a card will make it clear to the client or partner that you have prepared a gift especially for him.

Handmade postcards are most often sold in specialized stores, flower shops. They can also be ordered from various masters, for example, on the site-aggregator "Fair of Masters" - livemaster.ru.

Personal experience

Last year, our training center ordered handmade postcards to congratulate partners and clients. Each of them was unique. We just pasted the wishes and sent postcards to the recipients. And in response received words of admiration and gratitude. For example: “Thank you very much for the congratulations and souvenirs! We are touched by your attention, cordial attitude and look forward to continued cooperation!”

New Year's e-mail

Its design corresponds to the theme of the holiday. In a New Year's letter, you can add an image of a branded New Year's hat, Christmas decorations, gifts.

Best of all, professional designers will cope with the development of design for the New Year's mailing list, who will create a style according to your wishes.

When adding text to a congratulatory email, use universal fonts - Arial, Courier, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana so that the recipient can read the message both from a computer monitor and from a tablet or smartphone.

New Year e-card

This is the most convenient way to congratulate. Making an e-card is easy. It will take about 10 minutes to make.

To design an e-card you will need:

Adobe Photoshop is a multifunctional graphics editor. You can install it or use the online version of the program.

New Year's card template from the Internet, on which you need to apply text in online photo editors, for example picmonkey.com, avatan.ru.

In the photo editor, you can add the necessary filters, change the color and size of the font to make the postcard more attractive. Save the finished postcard on your computer and send it with an email.

You don't have to use a template for an e-card. It can be developed independently on one of the special sites, for example canva.com.

When registering on the site, the resource developers offer to take a two-minute master class on creating online postcards. It will allow you to understand how to use the functionality of the site.

Creating a postcard is best to start with choosing a background, and then move on to graphic elements and text. If you need to add an image to a postcard, for example, a Christmas tree, enter the word "tree" in the search bar, and the site will display options for illustrations.

Some features on the site are paid, to use them you need to subscribe. However, even free services and pictures allow you to create a stylish and concise New Year's card. It must be saved and attached to an email congratulatory letter.


Like all business letters, a congratulatory business letter has a certain structure, but not all of its elements are required.

A congratulatory letter is drawn up in free form, and each organization decides for itself what to include in it. If the recipients of congratulations differ in status and rank, then the secretary prepares several texts of congratulations.

Consider the words and phrases that are most characteristic of a business congratulatory letter.

Address and greeting:

. "Dear (th) ..!";

. "Dear colleagues!";

. "Dear Colleagues!".

Reason for writing the letter:

. “From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on the coming New Year!”;

. "Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming holidays - New Year and Merry Christmas!";

. On behalf of our team, we wish you a Happy New Year!

Holiday Meaning:

. "The New Year is everyone's favorite and joyful holiday, filled with hopes and faith in the future";

. "The New Year is the time of a beautiful, kind fairy tale that comes at the end of each year";

. “The New Year is both a holiday and a good occasion to take stock and set new goals.”

Characteristics of the outgoing year (significant changes and significant events in the life of the organization):

. “The outgoing year was very important and successful for us in terms of the results achieved. Over the past year, we have managed to raise the level of sales of our product by 20%, to conclude strategically important contracts”;

. “The past year was marked for us by important events in the life of the company. Together, we rebranded the organization and raised the quality of customer service to a new level. This is our common merit!

Thanks for cooperation:

. “On behalf of our entire team, we would like to thank you for choosing our center!”;

. “Thank you for your invaluable contribution to the development of our partnerships in the past year”;

. “We sincerely thank you for your professionalism and understanding. Together we managed to achieve our goals in 2017.”

Plans and hopes for the new year:

. “Let the new year bring us new loyal customers and the popularity of our brand is growing exponentially”;

. “May the coming year be even more successful for us and bring only positive changes.”


. “May your most cherished wishes come true in the new year and the coming 2018 be bright, successful and happy.”

. “May the coming year justify the best hopes, bring peace, health and prosperity to your families. I wish you that everything that you think of under the chiming clock in the last minutes of the outgoing year will come true! Happy holiday, dear colleagues! Happy New Year 2018!”;

. “Let every day of the new year give you only positive emotions and an ambitious mood, with which you can easily achieve your goals. We wish that your reliable partners and colleagues will always be nearby. Happy New Year!".

Final phrase (etiquette formula):

. "Sincerely…";

. "With best regards…";

. “With wishes of prosperity to each of you…”;

. "Sincerely…";

. “With deep respect and gratitude…”;

. “With a wish of good luck and success…”;

. “With hopes for further fruitful cooperation…”.


. “General Director of Profi-Career LLC A.A. Ivanov";

. “The head of the council of the Strogino district of the city of Moscow V.V. Konovalov.

Based on the above structure, you can compose texts of New Year's greetings for company employees, partners, customers, managers (see Appendix).


A congratulatory New Year's letter is drawn up in any form, but taking into account the requirements of an official business style. Therefore, for congratulations, it is better not to use:

  • Banal poems found on the Internet. It is unlikely that your partner or client will like congratulations without an individual approach. Therefore, if your organization still prefers a poetic form, then it is more correct to compose a text using the name of your company and mentioning significant events from its life. Such works can be ordered on freelance sites, for example youdo.com, workzilla.com.
  • Slang and colloquial words. They are appropriate in the texts of congratulations for relatives and friends, but are not suitable for business congratulatory letters.

Do not use highly professional vocabulary and abbreviations, as well as the words "super", "cool", etc. in the texts of congratulations.

The main thing is to show respect for partners and clients, share your warmth and festive mood with them.

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish the secretaries and assistant managers good luck in compiling New Year's business greetings, as well as response letters with gratitude and best wishes!