Need a girl for the new year. What to give a girl for the new year. Luxurious gift for your loved one

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are for men not just the keepers of the hearth, they can also rightfully be called real pearls of life that adorn the gray fate of men. Therefore, guys are always obliged to be attentive to girls, take care of them and take care of them.

Our article today will be devoted to how you can surprise your girlfriend, what you need to do for this and how to act. To make the article more useful for guys, we divided it into 17 parts, each part will talk about a separate situation and ways to surprise a girl in it. So, let's begin!

How to surprise a girl without money

Money in the life of any man plays one of the most important roles, with the help of them they solve problems, feed and clothe the family and, of course, surprise their beloved girls, giving them gifts and just signs of attention. When there is no money or there is very little of it, a man may even panic, because it never occurs to him how to surprise a girl without money. However, there are a lot of options: write a poem, sing a song, write music, cook dinner or breakfast, show the most beautiful view of the city, grow beautiful flowers for her, finally fulfill her requests (hang a picture, screw in a light bulb, fix a tap, etc.). P.). About some of these options, we will once again dwell in detail in the article, since they have their own nuances.

How to surprise a girl in contact

Everyone knows that the social network "VKontakte" is one of the most popular sites visited by Internet users. He is especially loved by girls. We can't speak with 100% certainty, however, your girlfriend is likely to visit the contact very often, so you have a chance to surprise her there. To do this, you can buy a place in the advertising section, where you can put words of congratulations and her photo. In addition, you can send a beautiful poem containing words of love in private messages. You can also leave love messages in the comments on the wall. Contact can also be used as a means of communication: by inviting her to dinner at a chic restaurant.

How nice to surprise a girl

You can pleasantly surprise a girl only in those ways that she will surely like. That is, in order for your surprise to be pleasant, you must know the girl and her tastes well. For example, some girls prefer romance, so they will really like the offer to meet the dawn on the seashore, and those girls who are closer to drive and thrills will be pleasantly surprised by the offer to jump from a parachute and drink a bottle of champagne in the air. Remember that each girl is individual, so a PLEASANT surprise for each will be individual too. In this case, we can only give banal advice: give a large bouquet of your favorite flowers or prepare a hot bath in which you sprinkle scarlet rose petals.

How to surprise a girl from a distance

Do you think that a girl can be surprised only at a meeting?! You are deeply mistaken! Even despite the long distance, you still have the opportunity to make the girl smile pleasantly and think about you. To do this, you can buy a gift and deliver it by courier, and the courier will deliver the gift personally to your hands, no matter where in the city it is. You can use home delivery of flowers, to do this, find an online flower shop in the city where she lives and place an order, you can even order in a regular store, for this it is enough to know the phone number and current account to which you want to transfer money. In extreme cases, you can come to the city yourself, without talking about this girl, and meet her on the street with flowers, thereby causing a storm of pleasant emotions in her.

How to surprise a girl with words

To surprise a girl with your own words, you, first of all, must “set your speech”, that is, learn to speak correctly, without mistakes, beautifully and concisely. To do this, it is better to compose your speech in advance, and then learn it. Choose such a timbre of your voice so that it sounds the most beautiful, you do not need to say words of love in bass, but high notes will also not be appropriate during words of recognition. Use pathos in your words in moderation, otherwise your speech will seem like empty promises. Each promise should sound convincing, for this try not to smile, and in your words there should be convincing guarantees that you will fulfill what was said, no matter what the cost!

How to surprise a girl when you meet

Surprising a girl at a meeting is the easiest way. Many guys come to a meeting with a bouquet of flowers, some prefer more useful and tangible gifts, such as cosmetics, perfumes, household appliances, soft toys, souvenirs, etc. You can surprise a girl by arriving on a first date in a beautiful limousine and inviting her to drive around the evening city. As a rule, in such limousines there is always champagne, glasses and sweets, that is, you will spend this time not only in a beautiful car, but also be able to relieve some tension that could arise due to an unexpected surprise. Much of course depends on the duration of your relationship, for example, if you recently met, then you can even surprise a girl with a simple trip to an expensive restaurant.

How to surprise a girl in bed

If you are just starting a joint sexual life with a girl, then you do not need to try to surprise your girl, but simply show how much you are ready to give all your best in order to give her maximum pleasure. To do this, pay maximum attention to her, trying to notice what body movements and postures bring her maximum pleasure. If you and your girlfriend have been together for more than a year and your sexual attraction is no longer as strong as before, then you really need to think about what can be changed in sex. Study the Kama Sutra, remember the most comfortable positions for you, read about the erogenous zones in women, try to have sex in an unusual place for the two of you. Items from a sex shop (handcuffs, sexy lingerie, “toys”, etc.) can add zest to sex. Pay more attention to foreplay, and not to sex itself, you may need to learn how to do erotic massage

How to surprise a girl with a gift

Decided to surprise your girlfriend with a gift?! Then make the right choice first. If you want a real surprise, then don't give her what she's been thinking about for the last month or two. Try to choose the thing that she dreamed of for a very long time, but still couldn’t buy it. On the one hand, the gift should be very desirable, but on the other hand, she should not even guess that you can give it. After the choice is made, now it's the turn to wrap the gift in beautiful wrapping paper. It will be even better if you place your surprise in a large box beforehand so that the girl cannot guess what is inside. When putting a gift in a box, make sure that it does not break, otherwise the whole holiday will be ruined.

How to surprise a girl on a first date

A lot depends on the first date, because it is by him that the girl will judge how interesting you are. Try to arrange it in such a way that she likes it. As we already wrote, girls are different, which means they will like different things. You can learn about the girl's tastes from her friends and friends. Ask them if she likes romance, how she treats gifts, if she likes animals, what drinks she drinks, what flowers she likes. Also, you should study her page on the social network, she can also tell you a lot of useful things: about her interests, favorite music, favorite genres of films, etc. And based on this information, build a first date.

How to impress a girl online

There are also enough ways to surprise a girl on the Internet. For example, you can create a website for her, where you can place her photos, after processing them in Photoshop, add a little biography of the girl, writing her in very beautiful words. You can also just create her personal one and give her access to it. Thus, making her a real blogger girl. You can create a blog yourself, or you can use the services of webmasters who will not only do the technical part correctly, but also visually decorate it with the help of designers. A girl with the help of such a blog can even become popular, or she can start making money on the Internet. That is, in any case, she will like such a gift.

How to surprise a girl at home

If you live with a girl together, this does not mean that now you do not need to surprise the girl with gifts or signs of attention. On the contrary, now she deserves even more than before, because if before she only spent nice time with you on absenteeism, now she does laundry, cleans, cooks and takes care of you. Surprising a girl at home is quite simple: start helping her with household chores, washing dishes, doing laundry, cooking, etc. Thus, you will not only surprise her, but also provide incredible help. You can also surprise a girl at home with a gift, for example, by giving a gift certificate to a clothing store of a famous brand. After all, she should feel not only a housewife, but also an attractive girl. Do not forget to give flowers from time to time, as all girls and women like them very much. Also a pleasant surprise will be a subscription to a beauty salon, solarium or massage center.

How to surprise a girl in the morning

To surprise a girl in the morning, you need to get up as early as possible. However, you do not need to set a common alarm clock that will wake up not only you, but also your soulmate. It's easier to set an alarm on your mobile phone, then put it next to you or under your pillow. Of course, you can surprise a girl in the morning with a delicious breakfast and the smell of her favorite flowers. Try to cook for breakfast not a banal scrambled eggs with bacon, but some original salad that will be both healthy and tasty. To do this, study a recipe book or watch cooking TV shows. If you need products that are extremely rare in refrigerators, then it is better to buy them either early in the morning, or agree with your neighbors, keep your products in their refrigerator for one night, and in the morning you will pick them up from them. By the way, you can also leave the flowers bought the night before with the neighbors. However, choose those neighbors with whom you have a good relationship, and they may wake up early in the morning. It is best to serve breakfast in bed to a girl on the day in which she will have a day off, so that she can slowly enjoy your breakfast while lying in bed.

How to surprise a girl in the evening

You can surprise a girl in the evening by going to a restaurant, so you can save her from cooking dinner. When choosing a restaurant, pay attention to the cuisines that are present in it. For example, some girls prefer Japanese cuisine, others prefer European dishes. Try to choose the place where it would be comfortable for your girlfriend, and not for you. After all, you want to surprise her, not yourself. In the evening, you can also go with a girl to the cinema, to an evening session, and then take a walk around the evening city. If this happens in the summer, then you can lie down in a clearing and watch the stars in the sky. And in winter, you can play a little "naughty" - climbing onto the roof of a high-rise building and watching the city at night.

How pleasant to surprise a girl by SMS

If you do not have the opportunity to meet (you live in different cities or countries), and most often your communication takes place in the format of communication via SMS, then you can also surprise her with short messages. To do this, you can be the first to confess your feelings of your love for her, but try to come up with a beautiful and original phrase, but rather use ready-made options. You can do otherwise, for example, come to her in the city, but she does not talk about it, continuing to communicate via SMS. Then find it somewhere in the park or in the store and write: “Turn around! I want to kiss you! ”, She will be simply shocked by such a message, and very pleasantly surprised when she turns around and sees you next to her. She certainly does not expect such a surprise.

Valentine's Day (February 14) is considered the day of all lovers, so try to make only romantic gifts on this day. No need to donate goods from the department of cosmetics or perfumery, of course, various household appliances will also be superfluous. On this day, gifts related to the expression of your feelings for a girl are more suitable. It is best if you make a gift with your own hands, for example, mold a beautiful animal or a heart out of polymer clay (then do not forget to bake your gift so that the clay becomes hard). You can try to make beautiful origami out of colored paper or even out of money. It will be relevant to give flowers, a soft toy, jewelry and chocolates in a beautiful box.

On this World Women's Day, it is customary to give girls and women gifts that can somehow help them in everyday life, that is, it is more correct to give practical gifts: washing machines, microwave ovens, beautiful vases, perfumes, creams, cosmetics sets, etc. On March 8, men usually give what women order from them, so feel free to ask your favorite girls what kind of gift they expect from their men. Let them give you several options, and you yourself choose the one that you can bring to life. You may not be able to surprise your chosen one, but you will certainly please her, and she will be very grateful to you for such a useful gift.

How to surprise a girl on her birthday

To surprise your beloved girl on her birthday, you will have to try hard, since you must take into account that many people will give her gifts on this day: relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Therefore, you will need to make a gift that someone else will not repeat. Especially if you are planning to give an expensive thing that parents or close relatives can give, so if you are on good terms with them, then it is better to discuss with them in advance who and what will give. In addition, your girlfriend's close people can even tell you what she wants to get the most from you.

Now you know how easy it is to surprise your girlfriend in a variety of situations. Good luck! If you have any questions - ask them in the comments, we will be happy to answer them.

Every young person asks himself this question on the eve of December 31 ... On this wonderful holiday, most people surprise their loved ones. I would like to surprise and give something useful ... If you still don’t know what to give your beloved girl for the New Year 2020 inexpensive and original, so that you like it 100%? This article contains some useful information and a classification of gifts that can help you decide which one to buy the best gift for the New Year 2020. After reading it, making a choice will be much easier.

What are the best gifts to give a girl for the New Year 2020

Romantic - those that create a romantic atmosphere and inspire feelings ... For example, a chic bouquet of flowers with a postcard (just do not forget about the language of flowers, this is important when choosing a bouquet: for example, a white rose is a symbol of tenderness, and a red one is love), and the best gift for a girl is a ring, not necessarily with a diamond and immediately propose, and the very fact that you gave the ring deserves great respect.

  1. Intellectual - everything related to development, knowledge, intelligence. Books, CDs, a subscription to an interesting edition of a magazine, an art or music album, a tool for studying.
  2. Cosmetic - perfumery - creams, gels, salts, perfumes, etc. (here you need to be very well aware of the tastes and preferences of a loved one who is planning all this), because this is suitable for a young couple or close mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers.
  3. Culinary - who loves to eat delicious food? Everything… You can buy a cake, a bottle of an elite drink or a box of chocolates. And it is best not to neglect information about the diet and lifestyle of the person to whom the present is selected.
  4. Practical - those that a person can 100% apply and benefit from it. For example: pajamas, gloves, scarf, umbrella. Attention, it is important to remember that underwear is given only to relatives or close people.
  5. Household - Among them - a blender, a kettle, a kitchen scale, a set of spices, salad bowls, a tablecloth with napkins, a toaster, a cake spatula, a tea or small coffee set, cushions for a sofa, an egg stand, flower vases, etc.
  6. Developing and encouraging - here it is necessary to have information about the interests and hobbies of a person. Sledge, ball, brush set, embroidery fabric, paints, roller skates, camera, dumbbells, chess, drumsticks, spinning, fins, club, skis, etc. Just do not try to impose a hobby on a person with your gift. So, it is useless for a man who is interested in motorcycles to give a saxophone or a hunting rifle.
  7. Souvenirs - that's where to roam! They can be original, with a joke, with a twist, with a riddle, with a hint. A soft toy is perfect for this role. A souvenir can correspond to the upcoming new year 2020 of a yellow metal rat, then you can buy a figurine or a soft toy of a snake, as well as paintings, icons, unique crafts made of wood, glass, metal.
  8. Classic - take place to be given for various holidays, except for the new year - for birthdays, February 23, March 8, May 9 and other holidays. Here is a short list of them: a belt, a watch, an e-book, a player, money, a gift coupon ...
  9. Choosing a souvenir is a creative and interesting process that requires knowledge and money. It must be chosen in a good mood and it can be with a friend or girlfriend, a gift and presentation of it is a pleasant and memorable process, and the present itself is a long memory! Therefore, do not skimp on this and choose with your soul.
  10. Gifts hide a lot of information about the giver. People who constantly count their income and expenses, or those who have the character of a guardian, usually prefer to buy useful, functional things. Lovers, most often make extraordinary and unexpected surprises, over which they think and select for a very long time, traveling through many stores and scouring the Internet. There is a special kind that, first of all, insanely pleases the donor himself - these are those that your loved ones wanted, but you doubted to take one or the other, and when you see the joyful face of a person, inside you shout “Hurrah, I guessed it.”

Giving and exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve is an ancient tradition, and you should not create torment and problems for yourself from it. The ideal option is to choose one that brings joy and warms the soul, that's what really matters! There is no need to suffer with the search at all - it should always be a pleasure. There are presents from which the girl will be delighted, even if you have met or lived for a very long time, they will be very relevant.

Top inexpensive gifts for a girl for the New Year 2020

When there is not enough money to buy an expensive gift, but you want to please your beloved with something, then we have a list of inexpensive but good gifts for you, which will become a reminder for the girl about you and how much you love her.

  • Plush toys (here the first place is occupied by a teddy bear, 2nd bunny, 3rd heart)
  • The tea set will be an excellent option for your beloved. This personalized set includes twelve portions of tea, it includes tea with rose and vanilla.
  • Romantic and unusual chocolate sweets - every city already has handmade chocolate crafts (suitable for a sweet tooth)
  • Cosmetic bag or small beauty item.
  • Pillow in the form of a heart with your joint photo.

Top original gifts for a girl for 2020

Sometimes it is better for a girl to give an original gift that will not only be useful, but also surprise her. Our list will help you quickly make a choice.

  • Erotic lingerie - many girls love sex as much as we do, only it is not always shown (for passionate girls)
  • Hollywood star Funny (ceramic) with her name will delight the girl.
  • Pet - kitten, parrot, dog (for girls who are often at home and waiting for their boyfriends, husbands)
  • Gift coupon of the Shopping Center where your girlfriend often buys.

The best gifts for a girl for the New Year

It is best to give the girl something cool and creative that will be useful for her in everyday life. Our list of the best gifts will help you choose the right gift for you.

  • Ring - (a super gift for a beloved girl, which she will always appreciate, the only reminder of the ring should be gold, because gold is the metal of love and wealth, and silver is friendship)
  • Chain or earrings
  • Elite perfumes - expensive perfumes from such manufacturers (Dior, Versace, Chanel, Gucci Guilty, Nina Ricci, COCO) you just need to know the taste of your girlfriend
  • A romantic trip to Paris - I don’t think it’s worth explaining why 🙂

DIY gifts for a girl for the New Year 2020

An equally beautiful and pleasant gift is one that is made by oneself; for a girl, such a souvenir seems very sweet and sincere. And to make such a gift does not cost a lot of money and does not take a lot of time, below are detailed video instructions on how to make a gift to a girl for the New Year with your own hands, and that's what we have prepared for you:

  1. But it's best not to be too lazy and release your own magazine, which will be dedicated to your loved one. Today, there are many magazine cover templates on the web, on the first page of which you need to put all the main events in the life of the person you decided to glorify with your glossy issue. But you need to make sure that on New Year's Eve your loved one accidentally stumbles upon this miracle in the mailbox and appreciates all your efforts.
  2. Can donate a website with a beautiful template in the form of a heart or a photo, where you can do anything: upload photos, videos, communicate with the whole world.
  3. You can record a disc for a loved one, choosing only those songs that can evoke positive associations and good memories in him. But for this you need to be as knowledgeable as possible in the tastes of the recipient. And for the disk, you can also make a personalized box with best wishes with your own hands.
  4. As options, you can bake stem pizza with the ingredients that you love and show your imagination with the inscription “To the most beloved, to the best mother in the world”; Buy a simple cookie and pour it with chocolate icing so that it is clear that this is your work. Everything will depend on the tastes of the person to whom you plan to make a surprise.

cash gift


Your favorite winter holiday is coming. And, probably, all men think about what to give a girl for the New Year. There are a lot of options, for every taste and budget. You just need to turn on your imagination, and you will definitely find inexpensive New Year's gifts for a young girl or unusual and original ones for yours.

How not to get lost in this variety and find exactly the one gift that will light the eyes of your beloved girl with fire.

Men are heroes who are ready to accomplish a feat, fly to the moon and perform real miracles, but often give in to such a test as choosing a present for the holiday. Really, what gift will your girlfriend like?

What you need to know in order to like a gift, where to buy it and what rules to follow so as not to make a mistake. Let's look at these questions in more detail. For an additional list of gifts, you can.

The last month before the New Year is always fussy and fleeting. Before you know it, it's time to give gifts. Have you already bought everything? Or still do not know what to give a girl for the New Year? I offer you a list of the most versatile gifts, divided into categories. And first, decide what you need to consider when choosing a gift for the New Year.

The gift should bring joy to the girl, and therefore be desired. But it should be noted right away that all people are different. It depends on the character which gift you need to choose.

Conventionally, all girls can be divided into two categories - PRACTICAL and ROMANTIC.

The first, quite earthly, prefer useful and necessary presents that can be applied in life. They may even offer you a list of items they would love to see as a gift.

Such persons will be delighted:

  • kitchen appliances
  • humidifier
  • professional curling styler or hair dryer
  • fondue set
  • warm blanket with sleeves
  • aroma lamp and bundle of essential oils
  • home textiles and other useful little things.

But beautiful candles, souvenirs and gift sets will be considered outright stupidity.

But romantic ladies will be delighted with beautiful, albeit useless things, and get angry at more practical presents. For example, my friend was mortally offended by her beloved, who gave her a luxurious, expensive frying pan! Here, not only the present itself is important, but also the way it is presented - beautiful design, words, time of giving (you should not leave this solemn moment on the morning of January 1st).

It is also worth considering the level of relationships. For instance, New Year's gift to a colleague should be a small, inexpensive token:

  • box of sweets
  • christmas ball
  • decorative candles
  • Handmade soap
  • souvenirs on the theme of the year.

A female leader can buy a more expensive universal present:

  • quality office supplies
  • a bottle of good wine
  • scarf
  • writing instrument
  • solid organizer
  • beautiful picture.

For a girl in the first few months after meeting, choose more restrained things. For example, a set of underwear might be taken as a hint. But the beloved girl or wife is allowed to give everything that can bring her joy.

If you are going to make a gift to an ex-girlfriend, then think about why you need it? If you are going to renew a relationship with her, then remember everything that she loves so as not to make a mistake in choosing. In this case, a win-win option would be a romantic gift.

Another important criterion is the budget for the holiday. Do not jump above your head and climb into debt. Wrinkle your brow and come up with affordable, affordable gifts for your pocket. Read about options below.

What not to give a girl for the New Year

  • You should not give cosmetics for the New Year if you do not know exactly the preferences of your beloved, as it is very difficult to guess with the company, color, texture. The same applies to perfumes, because everyone has a different taste. But here you can cheat by putting a certificate for a purchase in a good cosmetics store under the Christmas tree.
  • It is difficult to choose the right underwear. It is very difficult to figure it out the first time, and you can miscalculate the size. I remember my husband "underestimated" me, it was nice, but what to do with underwear? Conversely, after all, they do not accept. True, the problem will be solved if you discreetly photograph the label on the girl’s favorite set in advance.
  • Do not get carried away with soft toys, although they look cute, they are absolutely useless, they only collect dust in the room. Such gifts are allowed to be presented for the New Year to young girls who have a special love for all kinds of bears and bunnies. I had a friend who was a panda lover. There is a plus in this - her husband knew how to please his beloved.
  • Naturally, counterfeit, low-quality items are banned - a real woman will immediately distinguish a fake from the original and the impression will be spoiled. Also, do not choose things that can be perceived as a hint of imperfection, for example, present an epilator, slimming underwear or acne tonic.

List of original gifts

I have prepared for you a list of original, creative and unusual gifts that you can give your girlfriend for the New Year.

  • Decorations. What girl would refuse earrings, a beautiful bracelet or even… a ring! Such an elegant gift will definitely create a bright and romantic atmosphere for this festive night. It is also good that, depending on the budget, the age of the beloved and her tastes, it is not necessary to be limited to products made of gold with diamonds, silver and even beautiful jewelry will do just fine.
  • If time is short, but you really want to surprise and please your beloved, then you can return her to childhood. She will definitely remember the video congratulations from Santa Claus when he addresses her by name, praises her for something good and wishes happiness and love in the New Year.
  • Electronics. A new mobile phone, an original flash drive, a wireless mouse, a tablet, an e-book, cute headphones - the list of modern gadgets is huge, and you can find the perfect present for both your wife and an ordinary girlfriend.
  • Sweet. Well, who doesn't love candy and chocolate? Only ladies who are on strict diets, but even they are ready to sacrifice their figure on New Year's holidays. Therefore, a box of good sweets is a universal present for colleagues, acquaintances, but it is better to present an original bouquet of sweets to your beloved girl. You can order various options for sweet gifts with your photos and even a chocolate IPAD. This gift is more suitable for a teenager girl.
  • Pear chair or soft ottoman
  • Shopping with a stylist
  • Thai massage session
  • Roof top night tour
  • Photo session and romantic dinner on the rooftop at night
  • A wonderful gift option would be a portrait on canvas. Just choose your favorite photo of the girl for the portrait. Otherwise, you risk running into trouble.

Top unusual gifts for a girl

Unusual gifts will appeal to a romantic or practical girl. To emphasize your feelings and show everyone that you are a couple, paired things will help. For example, identical T-shirts, pendants, cups. This is an inexpensive but memorable product.

Give your loved one not a thing, but an impression.

It could be:

Top creative gifts

Creative gifts are sure to be appreciated by a smart and adventurous girl

A rather unusual, but memorable present is a calendar or a whole magazine with a picture of a girl. Fortunately, now such things can be ordered for little money or even made independently in simple programs and printed at the nearest printing house.

If you are friends with a computer, then present the girl with her personal website. For example, a blog where she can share her thoughts with others is definitely a creative option!

If you have imagination, you can turn New Year's Eve into a real action. To do this, buy a few small but necessary gifts, think over and draw a “treasure” map in advance, spread clues around the room and hide presents, and your beloved will remember such an original pastime for many years.

You can participate in the quest - choose any topic that is interesting for both and go on an adventure.

More options:

  • arrange fireworks or launch Chinese lanterns
  • magic ball of predictions for decision making
  • decorative water fountain
  • feng shui gift The list includes decorative panels or amulets, wind music. Everything that creates a certain atmosphere at home.

Romantic Gift Ideas

Does your girlfriend love romance? Dreaming of spending New Year's Eve together? Then give her a romantic gift.

  • You can organize a romantic evening by decorating the room in an original way or even inviting your loved one to some unusual place, for example, to the winter garden.
  • Leave for the holidays in a secluded house (depending on the budget, this can be a mountain base or a neighboring holiday home). Perhaps New Year's Eve in a cozy house among the mountains is my best memory!
  • Visiting a real New Year's ball is an unforgettable gift for a girl who dreams of the role of Cinderella.
  • Ride your beloved in a carriage or carriage - a great romantic present!
  • Arrange for a girl or go with her to a photo shoot to capture your feelings.

DIY gifts for your girlfriend

Don't be scared! Now in stores there is a large selection of handmade gizmos. You can also look at the Fair of Masters, where creative people live.

So, gift options:

  1. Set of Christmas balls. This option is suitable if you decide to congratulate the girl’s mother or her parents.
  2. Pictures from felt on any winter theme.
  3. Pictures embroidered with beads
  4. Cool Christmas trees: from beads, from felt, from wood. The son's girlfriend will certainly like the Christmas tree made of sweets
  5. Felt home slippers
  6. Jewelry box made using decoupage technique. You can choose a box that matches the interior of the girl's room.
  7. Soap in the shape of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus. A wonderful gift for the new year 2020 for a girl of 15 years old will be soap in the form of a snow maiden or a symbol of the New Year - a mouse
  8. Panel embroidered with ribbons
  9. felt toys
  10. Decoration made of polymer clay. Here, the main thing is not to get confused. Give your girlfriend, as if by chance, a site with jewelry and remember what she liked. Imagine how delighted she will be when she receives an almost perfect gift.
  11. Original New Year's wreaths and unusual interior decorations
  12. Try to surprise a girl - bake a cake. You can ask your or her mother for help. Such a gift, especially if she has a sweet tooth, will definitely appreciate it.

What to give a creative girl

If you still have not figured out what to give a girl for the New Year, then you can choose the ones that I have selected for you.

  1. Decide what type of creativity your girlfriend is engaged in, and give her a certificate for a course that she has long wanted to take, but it was not possible. Or a gift certificate to a craft store where she can enjoy a selection of craft supplies.
  2. Your girlfriend loves music - buy a ticket to a concert of your favorite artists.
  3. If a girl is fond of dancing, get a subscription to a dance school. In this case, keep in mind that you will most likely have to go there too. Especially if it's pair dances.
  4. The girl does not part with the camera - give her the necessary accessories for him or a master class on learning.
  5. The girl dreams of learning to draw - a certificate for schooling.

Inexpensive Gift Ideas

Your budget is limited, and you need a lot of gifts. Choose from the list:

  1. Handmade chocolate with a photo or a New Year's theme
  2. Candy sets
  3. Bright mittens or socks with New Year symbols
  4. A couple of teas along with a pack of good tea or coffee
  5. Inexpensive jewelry
  6. A soft toy, only if you are sure that she will be delighted with such a gift
  7. Soft blanket

What to give a girl for the New Year 2020

In no case do not give souvenirs on the mouse theme. At best, they will tell you - thank you. Such gifts are usually either thrown into the far corner or thrown away. Alternatively, it remains on the desktop if the girl works in the office. Such gifts do not deliver pleasure, but are perceived as an excuse. You don't want to ruin the relationship, do you?

Now there are a lot of online stores specializing in original gifts. For example, arrange a chocolate New Year for a girl. This store can order various varieties of chocolate, decorated in the New Year's style, and even with a photo of your beloved girl. Moreover, the layout can be created directly on the site.

In another store you can buy Christmas balls with a surprise. And what a surprise - you decide. There are also sets of magic cookies "New Year's fun" and gift sets "Tea with Santa Claus" An unusual gift for a girl will be a video letter from Santa Claus.

Of course, these are only the most general options. But I strongly advise you to take a closer look at your beloved, think about her character, taste, habits, desires, and proceed from this when buying.

And listen carefully to her. Often we, girls and women, gently tell our halves about our preferences, mentioning “a luxurious dress in a window”, “a cool phone” or “a cute ring of a friend”. Now you know what you can give a girl for the New Year. If the information was useful to you, share it on social networks. See you soon, I sincerely wish you a great 2020!

Everyone is waiting for New Year's gifts, including every girl on the planet, even if she denies it. No one will jump to the ceiling with happiness, albeit on the sly, if they receive an unexpected one. But how to surprise a girl for the New Year? To do this, just one secret is enough: prepare two surprises for the girl, she may well know about one, but the second will be unexpected and most pleasant, even if it is a simple chocolate egg with surprises (by the way, in this case there will be 3 surprises). It is even easier to surprise a girl for the New Year, if you agree with her in advance, do not exchange New Year's presents. Say that you are having financial difficulties, etc., and so that you "do not feel uncomfortable", offer to cancel the gifts this New Year. The girl will definitely agree and imagine her happiness and surprise when she receives her gift for the holiday. However, you may be upset if the girl does not give you a gift, but a kiss from your beloved is ready to solve all problems.

What to give a girl for the New Year: ideas for a New Year's gift.

A gift for a girl can be made by parents, guys, men, friends of her partner, close friends, acquaintances, girlfriends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors, etc., who just want to do something nice on New Year's Eve:

  1. A New Year's souvenir in the form of an angel, for example, so that you do not have to put it away after the holiday in a box until the next New Year;
  2. Decorations for the Christmas tree and home (Christmas tree decorations, garlands, tinsel, etc.) will always come in handy and will remain appreciated;
  3. An aromatic lamp will always come in handy, both as a gift for the New Year and for other holidays;
  4. A doll with a girl's face, but be aware that such a gift will be expensive;
  5. Decoration with a reminder of the New Year: a pendant with a Snowflake, a silver ring or white gold jewelry;
  6. Candles in the shape of the symbol of the New Year, complete with a candlestick;
  7. The pet that the girl dreams about;
  8. A large photo in the form of a collage in the New Year's style;
  9. Travel to warm countries or to a ski base (depending on what the girl prefers);
  10. An offer of a hand and heart on New Year's Eve or an offer to make you a father.

This or that gift, of course, must be done based on your relationship with the girl. A friend can give a warm knitted scarf, a manicure set or Christmas tree decorations. A loved one should give something romantic, such as a sweet gift of chocolate hearts, an offer to become his wife, or jewelry with heart elements. Friends can give souvenirs, candles, figurines of New Year's "guests" under the Christmas tree or a photo frame with a beautiful joint photo. Relatives always make expensive gifts, these can be wardrobe items, jewelry or money, beautifully packaged in the New Year's style. It will be very nice to make a sincerely generous gift: give the animal that the girl dreams of! Of course, you can say that your apartment is small, that the animal will smell, that you need to walk with it (especially with dogs), but generosity will be appreciated beyond praise.

What to give a friend's girlfriend.

It is easy to discuss a gift when you know the girl well, you are friends with her and you understand. But what if you have to celebrate the New Year in a big company where your friend's girlfriend is? The hardest thing is to surprise a girl on New Year's Eve if you are new or "insofar as".

  • The simplest thing is to give fresh flowers to a friend's girlfriend for the New Year, even one gerbera will do (it tolerates cold well and is well received in winter, when there are not enough bright colors);
  • A glass with the image of Santa Claus: it will always come in handy and remind you of the winter holiday;
  • A book is a good gift, it can be a cookery book, a collection of poems, a humorous genre of a book, etc., which will be a neutral and pleasant present. And the book itself can be packed in a New Year theme cover;
  • A beautiful mirror - a girl will always come in handy and will be liked at any age;
  • Big delicious chocolate bar (ask your friend in advance what kind of chocolate the girl likes - bitter, milk, with nuts or raisins, etc.)

It is enough just to show imagination. The main thing is to choose a gift without a personal hint, it should be a simple sign of attention and respect for a friend's girlfriend. Also choose a gift that will be cheaper than a gift from her boyfriend and cheaper than the gift that you buy for your girlfriend on New Year's Eve. How to surprise a girl for the New Year? Give her an unexpected gift. Now it is not customary to give gifts to friends, not to mention the girls of friends, because they will obviously be surprised and happy!

Whatever one may say, but your young lady should be with a gift for the New Year. And just the time has come to think about how you will surprise her this time, when you meet in 2014.

Men's magazine MPORT understands: you are too lazy to strain and think what to give a young lady. Therefore, we have found some simple but interesting ideas for New Year's presents. Be sure: with such she will remember for a long time the magic that you are capable of.


Although this is not particularly masculine, but a song dedicated to your soulmate is a hit right in the bull's-eye (in a good way). These are magical emotions that she will experience for a long time to come. Can't play the guitar or write poetry? Turn to professionals. These guys know how to get through to a girl's heart with the help of music and words. Those to whom a song has been dedicated at least once in their lives know what it feels like.


DIY gifts

What could be more interesting for a young lady than collecting a gift for herself? This opportunity is provided by the products of the Italian company Fullspot. For example, rubber designer bag Obag. Under the case, presented in 20 different colors, handles (textile, leather, eco-leather) and other accessories (sealed inner box lining, purse, woolen or fur winter cuffs) are selected. The cost depends on the configuration, starts from 540 UAH.

Another option is homemade watches with Swarovski crystals. You can choose both the color of the dial and the strap. They cost 440 hryvnia. By the way, the showroom is also open on December 31 - until 18.00, so you can make it right on New Year's Eve.



Do you think a song dedicated to a girl is the romance of yesterday? Show off your creativity: make sure that your track is played on her favorite radio station for at least a few days. It will be generally gorgeous if the chorus contains words about how you love her (you can use the DJ's lips).


Wireless headset

Your young lady does not part with music, but her headphone cord constantly breaks? Give her a wireless headset. Three targets in one shot: practicality, cool sound and no line fuss. Yes, and you gadget will come in handy more than once - you can always borrow from her.



You've been looking at Victoria's Secret angels all year round. Maybe it's time to buy your girlfriend the same underwear? Who knows, what if she will also become one of the brand's models?



Do you like it when the apartment is cool, but do not want it to freeze? Give her pajamas. This present is another win-win option to please a girlfriend.


Sushi set

There is nothing better than spending time together. Do you want to see this for yourself? Buy a sushi set and you will see that you will automatically have a desire to cook an oriental dish. What could be cooler than an exotic do-it-yourself menu for the New Year? The answer is only sake.