Find congratulations for colleagues on the Easter holiday. Beautiful poems and congratulations on Easter to colleagues at work. Happy Easter Mom

Christ is Risen! Congratulations!
I give you Easter cake and eggs.
The great holiday has come
Filled the heart with love.
God bless you colleague
Achieve joy, success.
Let the Orthodox cross rise
Bring love and happiness.
Make your dreams come true
And let them be clean.

Again, grace will descend from heaven,
How Jesus came down from the cross.
And sin will fall before us,
And we will clench our fingers.
Let's say a prayer out loud
Congratulations to all our relatives,
And let's go to church,
And remember the dead and the living.
Christ is Risen my colleague,
Health, joy to you.
Huge, mental success,
I send the same to your family.

Christ is risen! Truly risen!
And touched us from heaven.
The father sent a blessing
Holy Easter - Sundays.
Colleague, I steal away from you,
I wish: grace and prosperity.
Let nothing interfere in life
Enough for the soul of everything.

Happy Easter colleague,
And I want you to rest.
Drive away the sadness, drive away the sadness
And don't miss this holiday.
Live, do not sin - try
Above the foolishness of the enemy - smile,
He can judge us
Lord! Earth bow to him.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
And forever in the soul remained
He, like faith, did not disappear,
From heaven he admired us.
Happy Easter colleague,
You and all your family
Health to you, spiritual success,
With great happiness I send today.

Easter has come, the greatest holiday,
Christ is risen colleague -
Happy Easter!
May the Lord not judge us with you,
And judge in disagreement.
May happiness and goodness bring
Save from passion and sin.
Let's exist in love
Colleagues must be respected.
Don't pay attention
To malice and misunderstanding.
We are together like a big fist
And we can do any enemy.
Let us unite with the joy of the soul,
Work is our life.

The belfries carry the heavenly ringing,
And the church opened its doors
It's time! It's time to go there
Soul to breathe grace.
Colleague with the great Easter,
God bless you, dear
Let it fly past famously
And they will be close to you.

I wish my colleague happiness
Health, interesting life,
Happy Easter today -
Wonderful wonderful holiday.
So let the miracle happen
And bring other colors to life,
May all good things happen
And it will be joyful, like in a fairy tale!

I want to wish my dear colleague
On Easter day, smile more often
A cherished desire to guess
Believe that it is easy for him to come true.
I want you to always be lucky
So that joy constantly happens,
Luck in life led
And I wasn't afraid of anything!

We've been working together for a long time
I wish you happiness this Easter.
Life is like in a Hollywood movie!
Congratulations on a good holiday!
Let things always work out
To advance your career
For the company to be proud of,
The fact that it happened to work with you!

I congratulate my colleague today
I wish you good health
After all, Easter is near, do not forget
Today you be happy!
I want to wish you
Be successful at work
For you to be beautiful
I could always live in fun!

On this day, I want to wish a colleague
Good deeds and beautiful deeds,
Meet every day with a smile
More sunny-clear holidays,
Let luck go ahead
Gives the world only bright colors,
Let nothing stand in the way
On the bright holiday of the divine Easter!

Happy Easter

Solemn congratulations and sincere, sincere wishes to employees, employees and colleagues at enterprises, companies and organizations on the bright Orthodox holiday of Easter in prose, the text of congratulations in your own words.

Happy Easter Wishes to Employees

My dear and most wonderful colleagues!

With all my heart and soul, I am glad to congratulate you all on the Bright Resurrection of Christ! I wish you fun and laughter, joyful events and excellent mood, well-being in everything - both small and large!

May Easter bring light and warmth to everyone, and return you for a day to a happy childhood, when we all joyfully exchanged colorful eggs and wished each other happiness.

Christ is Risen, my dear colleagues! Rejoice and rejoice together!

Cool Easter greetings to colleagues from the head

So the bright and cheerful, joyful and long-awaited Easter has come! Christ is Risen, my dear colleagues!

I am glad to congratulate all of you on this wonderful and magical holiday. Let the smile never leave your faces today, and the mood will be just fabulous. Light and warmth to you, luck and good luck.

May an Angel keep each of you, may Jesus Christ be in each of you! With a wonderful and best holiday, my dear and most wonderful colleagues!

Wishes on the church holiday of Easter in your own words

Christ is Risen, Truly Risen, my dear and wonderful colleagues!

Let's glorify the heavens together and rejoice in such a wonderful event together! Smiles to everyone and happiness, kindness and warmth of the sun, faith and good mood. Let's rejoice, like children, at such a great miracle!

Happy magical holiday to all of you, my colleagues! May luck turn to each of you. May the Guardian Angel always be there and help in everything.

Original congratulations on Easter to employees of a friendly team in prose

Congratulations on the Orthodox holiday to all my dear colleagues! Christ is risen, my dear!

I wish you all children's fun, boundless joy, and good deeds. May life be as beautiful and fun as an Easter egg. May life be as sweet and tasty as a festive cake. And let the soul be bright and kind, like holy heaven.

Christ is risen today! He is truly Risen, dear colleagues!

Happy Easter Wishes to Hardworking Colleagues

Christ is Risen today, my dear colleagues!

Let's have fun and be happy together, laugh and love each other. Let's glorify heaven together! Blessings to all of you and your families! Kindness and smiles, bright days and good deeds!

May the holy Easter egg bring joy and peace, kindness and fun, laughter and joy to your home. Let the children's voices sound like bells today for all of you.

Christ is Risen today, dear colleagues! Happy Easter to all of you! I wish you purity of soul and kindness of heart today! Happy holiday, dear, best and beloved colleagues!

To receive beautiful congratulations on Easter is a wonderful, pleasant gift, and the ability to create such a congratulation, beautiful in form, and even more - in fact, is a gift that deserves a lifetime. Therefore, when preparing this section, we decided to deviate from the usual path and drew your attention, first of all, to the congratulations on Easter posted in the right column, written by the spiritual mentors of our time (you can read them by opening the pictures). Perhaps these Easter texts will become a source of inspiration for you (which happened to our authors), help you to feel the greatness of this special day more subtly, more fully, and therefore choose the very right, most accurate, most sincere, warmest word. for congratulations on Easter to family and friends, colleagues and acquaintances, customers and business partners.

Happy Holidays! Christ is Risen!

Artur Pozhelaikin


Official congratulations on Easter 2017 in prose

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on the Great Feast of the Resurrection of Christ! May this day be filled with light, hope, love and Easter joy! We wish that all your ideas come true and all projects are crowned with success! Health, prosperity, kindness and peace to you and your loved ones! May the Easter Holiday be the beginning of a new stage in your work and life. Christ is Risen!

On the feast of Easter, solemn and bright, the soul is filled with reverence, and the thought ascends to the Eternal. Since ancient times, according to the testament of the Holy Apostles, the first seven days after Christ's Resurrection, everyone rejoiced and rejoiced - it is not for nothing that this time is called Bright Week. “… Rich and poor, rejoice with one another… fasting and non-fasting, rejoice now!” - says the word of John Chrysostom. So let this Celebration of Celebrations become a real feast of the spirit for you and your family! Let the festive table with fragrant Easter cakes and krashenka unite your family, friends and loved ones in a single impulse - a sense of gratitude for the sons of peace and prosperity, for the hope and faith that are so graciously sent down to us. Happy Easter to you, with Christ's Resurrection!

Ancient Christians marked the Easter days with charitable deeds, gifts of charity were generously showered on those in need. Let us rejoice at the good feelings that are born in our hearts on this amazing Holiday, which reconciled heaven and earth. Let's keep these feelings in ourselves and multiply them with actions! Love and warmth to you! May the necessary help and support be with you at the right time, and the indifference and generosity of each of us will become the key to prosperity in our country. Let us follow the call of the poet Konstantin Konstantinovich Roche, who wrote the following lines a century and a half ago:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
May these joyful sounds
Like the singing of angels from heaven
They will dispel anger, sorrow, torment!
Join all brotherly hands
Let's hug everyone! Christ is risen!

“Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice!” - every year in churches these words of St. John Chrysostom resound solemnly, echoing in our hearts with bright Paschal joy. Paschal joy is the light of the greatest feast of the Resurrection of Christ, a holy feeling, an endless expectation of eternal life and bliss; it is precisely the joy that the Gospel speaks of: “Your heart will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy from you” (John 16:22). “The power of the Resurrection of Christ is unspeakably great!” - wrote St. Theophan the Recluse, bequeathing to us "the joy of this to take." So let our hearts be kindled with the light of the Resurrection, and the soul be renewed by the life-giving source of Life, contain the streams of inspiring power, and sparkle with rays of joy! And may the holy Paschal joy be with us all year, revealing the perfection of the world, giving us the opportunity to see a glimpse of Easter in the cycle of our weekly worries - every Sunday! Christ is Risen! (Text: team of authors site; fragments of the instructions of Bishop Grigory (Lebedev) are used))

Saint Gury (Karpov), Archbishop of Tauride, spoke of Pascha: "... on this... holy day, God's omnipotent love for us sinners manifested itself with special power and glory." His contemporary Prince Gorchakov said this in verse:

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,

Violet - bloom again

And send up a fragrant hymn

The one whose commandment is love.

With reverence and awe let us perceive this love with all our souls, with all our hearts. Let's wish each other to become purer and better - more worthy of such love. Let's be more restrained and patient, softer and more responsive! Love to you and light, peace in the soul, in thoughts, in the family and in the world! Happy Easter, with the bright Resurrection of Christ!

Easter has been considered the main Christian holiday, symbolizing sacrifice and all-forgiving love, from time immemorial. This day is always filled with care. But even if you are at home, do not forget about the people you see almost every day, your fellow workers. For example, you can call them and tell them your happy easter greetings to colleague that will not leave anyone indifferent. Indeed, you should not forget about this, in addition to preparing, going to church, consecrating Easter cakes and eggs, you also need to do the selection of the right congratulatory words.

You still do not know what to come up with for your comrades? Then a special thematic section of the portal on the Internet will come in handy in this situation. After all, on it you can definitely find suitable verses with the Resurrection of Christ to a colleague. If you are also going to visit one of your employees, then for a beautiful congratulation there will be a very appropriate small souvenir or gift. Make sure that the atmosphere of the holiday is filled with joy, but do not forget about traditional Easter treats, Easter cakes, colored eggs and sweets. But if you do not have the opportunity to meet personally on this bright day with your friends, you can use the SMS distribution function. To do this, you do not have to type the text again on your phone at all, the SMS wish is sent directly from the site on the Internet, simply by entering the mobile number in the space provided. When the Easter message reaches its addressee, you will definitely be notified about it.

Dear Colleagues! I congratulate you on Easter, I wish you spring mood, renewal in everything and peace in your soul on this bright holiday. Let household chores bring joy, and work give satisfaction. I wish that the feeling of the fullness of life does not leave you, the world shines with bright colors, every new day is a holiday. Good luck in everything!

My dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of a bright Easter. I want to wish everyone every day to meet with love, faith and hope, to stand their ground confidently and firmly and by all means achieve great and honest success. May there be harmony in your families, prosperity in your homes and happiness in your hearts.

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on the Easter holiday! May prosperity, health, harmony and success always be with you. We wish you and your families health, stability and peace.

Dear colleagues, congratulations on the bright holiday of Easter! We wish you peace in your heart, clear thoughts and that the love of loved ones warms your soul! Good, sunny days, honest people around and success in business!

Dear colleagues. Christ is risen! And he brought with him the good news that soon joy will come in life, and only success and prosperity await you ahead. The main thing is to believe in a miracle and yourself, never lose hope for a good outcome, never break the commandments and honor the laws. I wish you all warm heartfelt goodness, inner spiritual light and crystal purity of thoughts. Happy holiday!

Happy Easter, my dear colleagues. I wish everyone peace and good luck, prosperity and happiness, health and patience, strong strength and inspiration, enthusiasm and confidence, support from relatives and understanding of the team. Be inspired by your dreams and do good deeds, friends.

Dear colleagues, Happy Easter to you. Christ is Risen! I wish you on this holy Sunday a fun and joyful time with your friends and loved ones. Enjoy Easter cakes, share positive emotions, let communication bring joy. I wish you all health and success. In work, in personal life, in all your endeavors. Kindness to you in life and light.

I congratulate you on Easter, colleagues. With all my heart I wish you material prosperity in life and happiness for the heart, great victories on the front of activity and immodest success in personal interests. May everything always succeed with God's help, may not a day pass without faith in the best and the justification of all good hopes.

Happy Easter, my dear colleagues. I wish you strong strength and health, good days and ideas, peace outside the window, harmony in the family, hope in the soul and bright love in the hearts. May the Lord remove all evil from you, may this holiday give you all inspiration, faith and happiness.

Congratulations! Let happiness burst into life like a stormy river, like a hurricane that sweeps away all sorrows and difficulties. This Easter will be especially warm, especially family, especially joyful.