Observation and analysis of the guide conducting the walk. Analysis of the data obtained and discussion of the results of the game for a walk in the older group in the fall

Sections: Working with preschoolers

The most important task of preschool institutions is to preserve and strengthen the health of children. Children's health and its state is one of the most important characteristics that determine the position of children in society, and reflects the state of health of the whole society. At preschool age, optimal physical activity and physical education are the leading factors in maintaining health, full physical and mental development of the child.

Being in the fresh air is of great importance for physical development. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds.

Thus, properly organized and thoughtful walks help to carry out the tasks of the comprehensive development of children.

Children spend up to four hours a day outdoors.

The daily routine of the kindergarten provides for a daytime walk after classes and an evening walk after an afternoon snack. The time allotted for walks must be strictly observed.

For the implementation of the tasks of the comprehensive development and organization of a variety of activities for children, a planned and equipped site is of great importance in accordance with pedagogical and hygienic requirements.

To ensure the quality organization of a walk in the winter, it is necessary to create certain conditions: clear the area from snow, build buildings for the development of basic movements (walking, running, balance exercises, climbing, jumping, throwing).

Registration of winter sites is not an easy job, requiring large physical costs. Therefore, the involvement of the parent community is a prerequisite.

Every year we hold a review competition of winter sites "The best design of a winter site". This competition is held in two stages: preparatory and final. At the preparatory stage, consultations are held on site preparation, a master class on the design and decoration of the site with snow buildings. A month later, the final stage is held: inspection of sites, snow buildings, decorations of verandas, compliance with the requirements for the age category of children, compliance with safety regulations at the site

snow buildings :

    shapes to reinforce balance skills.

    walking figures.

    figures for throwing exercises.

    climbing figures.

    slides for skiing.

Great importance must be attached to the prevention of injuries during walks. Buildings must be strong, smooth. When building slides, the following requirements are met:

In the 1st junior group - a height of 70-80 cm with a slope of 3 m, a landing area of ​​​​1.5 m * 1.5 m must be made on top. To the right of the slope - a ladder (step height 12-14 cm, width 25 cm. The width of the slide is 50 -60 cm with sides along the edge of the slope up to 10 cm) + slide for dolls.

In 2 ml. group - height 80-90cm.

In the middle group - height 90-100 cm, with a slope of 4-5 m, the rest of the parameters are the same.

In the senior and preparatory groups - the height is 1-1.2 m, with a slope 5-6 m, the height of the steps is 14 cm, the rest of the parameters are the same.

I, as a senior educator, without fail provide methodological assistance to educators in organizing work in the winter. A consultation is being held on planning and organizing walks, a review of articles and recommendations in the methodological literature, workshops on making decorations for verandas from waste material.

When educators plan walks in VOR plans, it is important to follow all 5 stages.


    Labor activity;

  1. Gaming activity;
  2. Individual work;

    Independent activity of children.


VOR plans indicate the object, topic, purpose of observation, purpose of conducting and with whom it is carried out;

observation of living and non-living objects;

observations of the phenomena of the surrounding reality.

Labor activity. Household work is planned (on the veranda, on the site), the form of work is indicated - individual group assignments, collective work

Outdoor games. It is recommended to play three games during the walk. When choosing games for a daytime walk, it is necessary to take into account the previous activities of children. After quiet classes (drawing, modeling), games of a more mobile nature are recommended. They need to be carried out with the whole group at the beginning of the walk. After physical education and music classes, games of medium mobility are recommended. You need to spend them in the middle or end of the walk. The plan should include games

Sedentary ("Make a figure", "Snake", "Find out who called"); games of medium activity (“Winter”, “I will freeze”, Who is the most attentive”); games with high physical activity (“Mousetrap”, “Ribbon Trap”, “Swan Geese”).

Without fail, the plans reflect the learning of a new game and games to consolidate motor skills and develop physical qualities. Approximately 10-15 new games are held during the year.

Walking games:

    sports exercises (“Sledding”, “Sliding”, “Skiing”);

    relay games;

    games with elements of sports;

    story mobile games;

  • attractions;

    story mobile games;

    plotless mobile games;

    folk games;

    round dance.

Individual work. It is aimed not only at improving physical qualities, but also at developing mental processes, consolidating the material in all sections of the program, and forming moral qualities.

Independent activity of children. For its organization, it is necessary to create conditions: attributes, external material, tools for labor activity.

Approximate trip planning:


Tasks (to develop, consolidate, etc.)

Watching (birds, sparrow)

Remind the children that winter has come. Repeat the signs of winter together. Name folk signs of winter (see below), ask how children understand them.

Draw the attention of children to the birds that have flown to the site. Feed them. Recall which birds are called wintering. Name which ones winter with us. Remind which birds are called sedentary, list them together with the children. Make a riddle about a sparrow (see below). Together with the children, pay attention to the characteristic features of a sparrow: a small one with short and rounded wings, a brown back, black spots on the cheeks, stripes on the wings, short and strong legs. The beak is thin, hard, pointed at the end. Draw the children's attention to how the sparrow walks. In cold weather, sparrows sit huddled together, spreading their wings, ruffled. In winter, sparrows are cold and hungry, there are no insects, no grains, seeds, everything is swept up in snow.

Strengthen children's knowledge about the signs of winter.

To consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds;

Repeat the characteristics of a sparrow

Poems, riddles, proverbs.

Winter signs:

December ends the year, winter begins.

December will pave, and nail, and give the sleigh a run.

Develop observation, memory,

- the ability to solve riddles.

“I've been catching bugs all day,
I eat insects, worms.
I don't fly away for the winter
I live under the ledge.

I have legs
And I can't walk
I want to take a step -
It's a jump."

Outdoor games with running, for a landmark. in space

New game “Cat, what are you standing on?” (look in the card index of games).

- "Traps"

– “Snow carousel”

- dodging run

- orientation in space.

Games with remote material

Role-playing game “Shop”

- the ability to make "signets" from the snow, to play by the rules.

Ind. Job

Games: – “Bird on a tree”

– “Show me where the bird is”

- orientation in space.

Remove branches from the site.

Clean up the veranda.

Strengthen hard work skills.

We pay special attention to the presence of remote material:

  • Shovels for snow and for creative activities.
  • Ledyanki.
  • Signets.
  • Sultans.
  • Turntables.
  • "The pencils".
  • Sticks.
  • Bags, balls for throwing.
  • Waste material for playing with snow.
  • Attributes for role-playing games:
    - a doll dressed according to the season, a sleigh;
    - steering wheel…;
    - material for the game "Shop";
    - etc.
  • Attributes for sports games:
    - masks;
    - ribbons;
    - etc.
  • Marking material.
  • Set for research activities:
    – containers for snow and water;
    - molds for freezing;
    - sticks for measuring the depth of snow;
    - magnifier;
    - etc.

In our kindergarten, work with parents is carried out at a high level. Already in November, parents are consulted on preparing for the creation of conditions on the sites for walking in the winter, such as: “Motor activity of children during a walk”, “Creating a winter fairy tale on the site”. Educators invite parents to take part in the creation of snow buildings for children, the design of the site, clearing the territory, acquiring and manufacturing portable material.

In groups on information boards there are consultations of the following content: "Walking in winter", "The role of walking in hardening the child's body." "Moving games for the whole family." Parents also take an active part in the winter competitions “Forward to the Olympics”, “Snow Fortress”, holidays “New Year's Tale”, “Shrovetide”, and entertainment “Winter Fun”, “Visiting Frost”.

I carry out operational control on the organization of walks in each age group. On the basis of operational control, I receive information about the organization of walks, identify the need for methodological assistance to the educator, and adjustments to the educational process. In our kindergarten, a point system of control has been introduced: 3 points - “excellent”, 2 points - “good” (with minor remarks, 1 point - “bad” (rude remarks).

Issues under control:

- creating conditions on the site and conducting a walk;
- the procedure for dressing and undressing children;
– the content and condition of the remote material;
– organization of observations and experimental activities;
- the work of children on the site;
- independent games of children;
– individual work on the development of the main types of movements;
- the condition of the site equipment;
- organization of various activities on the walk.

In my work, I use specially designed control cards. In which the analysis of the walk is carried out in detail. For example:


date of

Group number, age

Full name of the educator

Walk Analysis


1. Are all parts of the walk planned?

2. Dressing for a walk:
- gradualness
- independence,
– help of an assistant educator.
- having conversations with children.

3. Methodological observation:
- object selection
- the quality of the questions
- solving mental problems
- vocabulary work
- art word.

4. Conducting outdoor games:
- knowledge of the rules
- presence of attributes
– variability
– ways to organize children
– duration

5. Labor of children:
– Equipment/Age Compliance
- independence
– duration

6. Individual work with children:
- according to FIZO and other sections of the program.

7.Change of children's activities.

8. The presence of role-playing games:
- attributes.
– duration

9. Protection of life and health of children.


Familiarized by: Senior educator:

The issues of organizing and conducting walks are also included in the plan of thematic inspections. For example, "Motor activity of children for a walk." Conclusions and recommendations of operational and thematic control contribute to the professional growth of teachers, quality walks.

In conclusion, a final analysis of the work of preschool educational institutions in the winter is carried out. The purpose of this analysis is to sum up the results of activities and evaluate the results of work for the past period. Recommendations are being developed for teachers on the organization, regulation, planning of work in the winter period, tasks for the next academic year are outlined. Educators write reports, organize photo exhibitions for parents.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES), the education of children in preschool educational institutions is carried out in five areas: cognitive, physical, artistic, speech and communicative development. These categories are interconnected in the educational process and are implemented throughout the day in kindergarten. Proper organization of walks allows you to achieve the goal of educating a comprehensively developed personality of the child, improving the best qualities in him.

Theoretical foundations for walking in a preschool educational institution

Organizing and conducting a walk is the most difficult type of pedagogical activity. During their stay on the playground of the kindergarten, not only the need of preschoolers for outdoor games is met, but also a set of tasks for versatile development is realized. According to the requirements of SanPiN, pupils must spend 3-4 hours outdoors every day (except for those days when weather conditions shorten the walk time or prevent classes on the site). Staying outside is a health-saving activity: a change of scenery improves the emotional background of children, prevents overwork and restores functional resources. Walking is one of the best types of leisure, during which the protective functions of the body are activated, hardening occurs. At the same time, during the walk, the Federal State Educational Standard is being set for the development of abilities and motivation in children for various types of activities.

Daily walks boost children's immunity

Modern kindergartens operate in accordance with the programs built according to the Federal State Educational Standard and adhere to the Federal State Requirements (FGT) for the activities of children. The regulatory documents indicate 7 main activities for preschool education:

  • game;
  • communicative;
  • labor;
  • cognitive research;
  • productive;
  • musical and artistic;
  • reading.

A walk is a complex of educational activities with children. All types of FGT activities can be used on a walk in various combinations, depending on what activities the guys were doing before going outside and what will happen according to plan after.

If a walk in a regimen follows after physical education or other active physical activity, then on the street the lesson begins in a calm rhythm. And vice versa, after singing, speech development, outdoor artistic activities, active physical exercises are supposed.

Walking tasks

  • Cognitive, expanding knowledge about the world: natural phenomena, flora and fauna.
  • Replenishment of active vocabulary through the study of objects and natural phenomena.
  • Development of mental abilities. The children learn to independently establish causal relationships, analyze, draw conclusions.
  • Development of observation, curiosity, search and research activities, cognitive activity.
  • Formation of communication skills in relationships with peers during joint play and work activities.
  • Promoting artistic, aesthetic and speech development.
  • Increasing the level of physical fitness of preschoolers.
  • Optimization of motor activity.
  • Education of respect for nature, love for the native land.
  • Creating a positive emotional background.

Techniques (structural components) of walking

  • observation. It is carried out with a group, in subgroups or individually. Children can observe natural phenomena and situations in public life. To attract the attention of pupils to the observational process, the following are used: setting a pedagogical task, riddles, game and problem situations, surprise moments, conducting a conversation with search questions, comparisons, drawing on the personal experience of the children.

    Children learn about the world through observation.

  • Outdoor games and physical exercises, including sports games with elements of competition in older groups (badminton, football, towns, etc.).

    Outdoor games for a walk are one of the favorite entertainments of children.

  • Creative tasks and exercises for speech development. They are held in good weather conditions, using external material (listening to a fairy tale about nature, talking about questions or pictures, making crafts from natural materials, etc.).

    Creative tasks attract children with their unusualness

  • Labor assignments: involving children in collecting toys, providing all possible assistance in restoring order on the site (collecting leaves, clearing paths from snow, caring for plantings). Labor activity should cause joy from a sense of the significance of the work done.

    Winter walk - time to clear paths and playgrounds

Types of walks

There are 2 types of walks with preschoolers at the place of their conduct:

  • At the kindergarten site. There are walks every day, all the main pedagogical tasks are implemented. You can diversify classes on the group site with various tasks, new games, and the use of unusual remote materials.
  • Walking tours outside the preschool. Pupils should be instructed about the route plan and the observance of safety measures during its passage. The purpose of walking in the nearest parks and squares is to observe representatives of the flora and fauna (birds, squirrels, various trees, flowers) and the life of people (work, sports, etc.). If the children have to cross the roadway in order to reach the place of the walk, they should repeat the rules of behavior for pedestrians with the pupils the day before (where it is allowed to cross the road and how to do it).

Depending on what type of children's activity prevails during outdoor activities, we can distinguish types of walks on the subject:

  • Walking trips. With children 5–7 years old, you can walk on the territory of the kindergarten or outside it, taking into account a well-thought-out route and the ultimate goal. This type of walk trains the endurance of preschoolers, activates the ability to observe the environment around, to highlight what is set by the task of the trip (search for natural materials suitable for crafts, recognizing bird species studied in developing classes, repeating the rules of the road).

    It is worth conducting walks-hikes several times in the school year (one for each season) so that the pupils do not lose interest in this type of activity.

    Hiking can be carried out on the territory of the preschool educational institution at any time of the year

  • Walk with character. This type of walk contains an entertaining element at the core and is aimed at creating a good mood among the pupils. A fairy tale character usually acts as the leading character of the walk (his role is played by a teacher or another employee of the preschool educational institution by agreement), he entrusts children with exciting tasks, creating a problematic situation (“Help me solve all the riddles and find hidden objects so that I can get back to fairy-tale land”, for example) and involving them in outdoor games.

    Children are happy to respond to the tasks of fairy-tale characters

  • Walk event. It is held during an important event in the life of the kindergarten (Autumn Festival, Maslenitsa Week, Easter Week, Cosmonautics Day, Victory Day, Patriotic Week, Ecology Week, etc.). Tasks during the walk correspond to the thematic focus of the event, emphasize its importance, and create the involvement of children. A walk-event can be dedicated to a particular event in the life of a particular group (new equipment has appeared, sand has been brought in, it's time to start gardening the site).

    Thematic walk during the week dedicated to the study of traffic rules will be remembered by the children for a long time

  • Labor actions are aimed at maintaining order on the territory of the kindergarten, ennoblement of sites and plots. It is good that such walks with a predominance of collective labor activity are recorded in the memory of the guys. You can create wall newspapers with information about the work done, make photo collages for the DOW information stand.

    The children will remember the walk better if they observe the results of their work.

  • Sports walks are aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to conduct such walks at different times of the year, focusing the attention of the children on the importance of hardening.

    Group exercise in the winter in the fresh air contributes to the hardening of children

Removable walking material

The teacher determines the items and materials necessary for conducting classes on the street based on the plan for the walk. At the sites of many kindergartens there are special warehouses for toys and equipment, in the absence of such, the necessary tools and items should be prepared in advance. According to the seasons, various options for portable material are attracted. The correct selection of additional equipment and tools contributes to the development of children's positive motivation for cognitive activity, physical activity, craving for work.

Removal material options:

  • For the sandbox: scoops, buckets, molds, strainers, cars (trucks, excavators). To decorate buildings made of sand, flags, cubes, plastic windows, etc. will come in handy.

    Playing in the sandbox is one of the favorite outdoor activities for younger preschoolers.

  • For outdoor games and sports exercises: sets for bast shoes, towns, masks, skittles, balls, jump ropes, rubber bands, hoops, in winter - sleds and ice floes.

    The game of bowling always arouses the interest of the children.

  • For observations: nets, windsocks, turntables, colored glasses (safe, preferably plastic), sunglasses, magnifiers.

    The pinwheel is the best tool for observing the strength of the wind

  • For labor assignments: shovels, brooms, wheelbarrows, watering cans, rakes.

    Pupils of the preparatory group actively help adults in cleaning the territory

  • For games: dolls, toy strollers or sleds, cars, cubes, a set of doll utensils, a set for playing in a store, sets for playing with water.

    Water games are a favorite summer fun for kids of all ages.

  • For creative activities: sheets of paper or cardboard, coloring books, paints and brushes for drawing, plasticine.

    Drawing with colored water on the snow will add variety to winter walks

  • For the development of speech: books for reading and discussion, albums and postcards with illustrations for viewing.

Organization of walks in kindergarten

The walk consists of five structural elements, each of which lasts 7-15 minutes:

  • independent gaming activity,
  • individual work in various areas of development of preschoolers,
  • work,
  • surveillance,
  • physical activity.

The feasible work activity of children on a walk in the preschool educational institution forms useful skills

The sequence of activities on a walk is built in accordance with the previous activities of the children, their emotional state (fatigue, apathy, agitation, activity), learning tasks and calendar-thematic planning. Therefore, the organization of each stay of children in the fresh air requires the preparation of a summary, which will reflect the sequence of activities and their educational content. The preparation of a walking tour outside the kindergarten also includes drawing up a route plan indicating the distance of the final destination. The administration of the preschool educational institution should be warned about this walk and appoint an additional escort for a group of children (head teacher, nurse, one of the parents).

Table: file of walks in different age groups

Theme of walksJunior groupmiddle groupSenior grouppreparatory group
Acquaintance with natural phenomena
  • "Wind",
  • "Clouds".
  • "Clouds and Clouds"
  • "What is the weather."
  • "Watching the Sun"
  • "Watching Snow and Ice".
  • "The sun is a source of heat and light",
  • "Snow: wet, fluffy, groats",
  • Why does day and night change?
  • "Autumn leaves",
  • "The Study of Icicles".
  • "Signs of Autumn"
  • "Watching the Spring Rain"
  • "What is leaf fall",
  • "What is a blizzard."
  • "First Frost"
  • "What is a thaw?"
Observation of people's lives, social life
  • "Surveillance of the bus/trolleybus/tram",
  • "Carriageway".
  • "Observation of work in the garden",
  • How does a driver work?
  • How public transport works
  • "Observation of the work of the janitor."
  • "Observation of special transport",
  • "Air Transport".
The study of representatives of the plant and animal world
  • "Watching a cat / dog",
  • "The study of the structure of trees."
  • "Observation of a birch / aspen / poplar",
  • "Bird Watching".
  • "Spider/Ant Watch"
  • "Nettle/Dandelion Watching"
  • "Watching Migratory Birds".
  • "Observation in the vegetable garden",
  • "Coniferous and deciduous trees",
  • "Comparative observation of birds (crow and dove, sparrow and tit)".
Rules for human interaction with nature"Walk-hike along the ring route on the territory of the kindergarten.""Walk in the winter forest"."Observation of the flower garden / pharmacy garden.""Observation of mushrooms and berries on the ecological path."
Road safety rules"Monitoring the movement of cars and pedestrians."Regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings.
  • "Traffic Light Watch"
  • "Surveillance of the Pedestrian Crossing".
  • "Observation of the work of the traffic controller",
  • Pedestrian Watch.
Entertaining walks with character"We study flowers with Cheburashka.""Playing with the Easter Bunny""We repeat the features of migratory and wintering birds with a gray neck.""Repeat road signs with a cheerful traffic light."
Raising love for the hometown"The courtyard where we live.""Street of our childhood"."Our area"Favorite city/town.
labor promotions"Cleaning the site in the fall.""We plant a flower garden / flower bed.""Shoveling snow and building a slide for everyone.""Help fill the rink."
Health: creating motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle"Get on the charger!""Walk on plastic skis"."How and why to harden the body.""Observation of the training of athletes in the stadium."

Making a trip outline

In the summary of the walk, the educator indicates the educational tasks, the equipment used and the external material, the place where the lesson is organized (on the territory or outside the kindergarten), and the walk is described in detail. After the walk, it is recommended to return to the outline and conduct a self-analysis of the lesson, noting the completed tasks and successful stages, identify the causes of failures and outline ways to improve teaching activities during the walk.

Table: an example of a summary of a walk in the middle group

The authorsFedorova L. P. and Frantseva E. I., educators of GBDOU No. 71 of the Kalininsky district
Name"Autumn Journey"
Walk tasks
  • To consolidate the children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature in autumn (it often rains; fruits and root crops have ripened; a cold wind blows and leaves from trees fly around; birds fly away to warm lands).
  • To develop and enrich the speech of children on the topic, to exercise in the ability to select adjectives for nouns.
  • To promote the development of fine motor skills, the ability to construct planar pictures from natural material (leaves).
  • Develop diligence and the ability to help adults.
  • To form the ability to implement game ideas and the ability to establish relationships in the game.
  • To continue work on the formation of the ability to jump on two legs in length from a place, to increase motor activity.
Remote material and equipment
  • mnemonics,
  • cards for didactic games,
  • rakes for cleaning foliage from the territory,
  • items for independent play activities.
Progress of the walkV .: Guys, today let's take a trip to the fabulous world of nature, where amazing adventures await us. But first, solve the riddle:
  • The house is open on all sides
    It is covered with a carved roof.
    Come into the green house
    You will see miracles in it. (Forest).

V .: Today we will go to the forest.

  • We are going on a hike now.
    We go along the path into the forest.
    We put our hands behind our backs.
    And we walk along the log (they walk on toes).
    How high the grass is (they walk, raising their legs high):
    Either nettle or sedge.
    Raise your legs higher
    Don't step on the grass.
    And now on bumps
    Jumping on toes (go very quietly on toes).
    If you fall from a bump,
    You will drown in the swamp!
    We're on the road again
    We stood here for a little while.
    All turned around
    And they started running (they run one after another).
    Again everyone stood in a column
    And the familiar path
    Everyone followed me!

V .: So we came to our clearing. Let's inhale with our noses to smell the Autumn. What air? What does he smell like? (Answers of children).

  • Everything was covered with gold
    Like in a wonderful fairy tale.
    Who brought us these
    Golden colors? (Autumn).

Q: Why is autumn called golden? (Answers of children).
Didactic game "What happens in autumn?".
The game "Traces of Autumn" (according to the mnemonic table):

  • often cold and drizzling rains;
  • the sun is shining, but no longer warm;
  • a cold wind is blowing, leaf fall has begun;
  • mushrooms and berries disappeared in the forest;
  • harvested mushrooms and berries;
  • Birds fly south.

V .: Guys, look how many leaves are on the ground. Let's walk along the dry leaves and listen to how they rustle.
Game exercise "Crushing leaves".
Experimental activity "What materials can be rustled?" (fabric, paper and polyethylene film).
V .: Dropping their leaves, the trees prepare for the winter cold. They cover the whole earth with a warm, fluffy carpet. This carpet will protect the roots of trees from the bitter cold. Fallen leaves are not garbage, trees need them! Let's play with you the game "We are autumn leaves."

  • We are leaves, we are leaves (they wave leaves above their heads),
    We are autumn leaves.
    We were sitting on a branch
    The wind blew - they flew (scatter around the site).
    The wind stopped blowing (they sit in a circle),
    We all sat in a circle.
    The wind suddenly blew again (they scatter around the site)
    And the leaves quickly blew away.
    All the leaves flew (squat down)
    And they sat quietly on the ground.

V .: The playful wind mixed all the foliage from the trees. (Go to the willow). Who knows what this tree is called? (Willow). What geometric shape do willow leaves look like? (Oval). What color are they? (Brown). What length: short or long? (Long). What are willow leaves called?
V: Let's move on. What tree is this? (Birch). What color are his leaves? (Yellow). What geometric shape does a birch leaf look like? (on a triangle). What are birch leaves called? (Birch).
Didactic game "Leaflet, run to the tree!".
Labor activity.
B: We played with you. And now let's remove the fallen leaves from the site. She's wet and slippery. And during the games you can fall! We collect leaves from the site. We will transport it on wheelbarrows and transfer it to heaps. (Children rake leaves and transport them in wheelbarrows).
Game exercise "Through the stream".
V .: While we were working, a little rain passed, and a cheerful stream appeared on our site. Can you tell me if the stream is wide or narrow? We need to get through it! How will we do it? (Let's jump over, step over.) The girls stand near the narrow part of the stream, and the boys stand near the wide part of the stream. (Girls step over a stream, and boys jump over).
Independent activities of children: games "Family", "Shop", "Sand confectionery", etc. During the games, individual work is carried out to develop speech.
Finger game "The wind flew through the forest ...".
Individual work on FEMP - "Pyramid" (lay out the leaves in size).
Individual work on artistic and aesthetic activity - the exercise "Make a pattern of leaves" (construction of flat figures of flowers, birds, animals, fish, insects from autumn leaves).
At the end of the walk, the teacher says:

  • A pile of leaves lies here
    Someone is rustling the leaves.
    From under the leaves
    Black nose.
    Who is covered in needles?
    Of course you guessed
    Who did we meet? (With a hedgehog).

V .: While he is still awake, wrapped in foliage, let's play with him!
Round dance game "Hedgehog".
At the end of the walk, the children line up in pairs and go to the group.

Temporary walk plan

The total duration of the stay of preschoolers in the fresh air is 3-4 hours daily and consists of a morning and evening walk. Each of the five structural components of the walk takes 7-15 minutes, the rest of the time falls on the independent activities of children. On a walk in the first half of the day, physical activity lasts 6-10 minutes in the younger group (with an increase of 5 minutes for subsequent age groups), on an evening walk - 10-15 minutes for any age of pupils.

In inclement weather, children's time outdoors is reduced

In winter, with low temperatures and high wind speeds, the duration of walks is reduced. In inclement weather conditions, the walk is canceled, provided that the lesson is held indoors, replenishing the need for physical activity and preventing overwork of the child's body.

Table: approximate time plan for the walk "Hello, autumn!" in the second junior group

Observation of seasonal changes in naturePhysical development: walking, jumping and running exercisesDidactic games "Find and show", "Guess what is in my hand", "Name the bird or animal according to the description"Labor activity: all possible assistance in cleaning the leaves from the territory assigned to the groupSpeech development: conversations about harvesting, about outerwear and shoes in the fall, about favorite cartoons on the theme of autumnIndependent play activity
Time spending8–10 minutes6–10 minutes7–8 minutes10–12 minutes10–15 minutes30 minutes

Table: approximate time plan for the winter walk "Weather yesterday and today" in the preparatory group

Structural component of a walkObservation of the sky, sun, moon, stars, regular measurement of air temperature, recording observations in a weather diaryPhysical development: outdoor games (snowballs, marathon skiing from the crust), the creation of snow buildingsDidactic and plot games of winter themeLabor activity: assistance in clearing paths, filling the rinkSpeech development: learning and explaining sayings about January, holding conversations about the folk calendar, wintering of animals and plantsIndependent activity
Time spending10–15 minutes7–10 minutes10–12 minutes7–10 minutes10–12 minutes35 minutes

Table: approximate time plan for the walk "Messengers of Spring" in the older group

Structural component of a walkObservation of the first insects, plants, buds on trees, birds returning from the southPhysical development: exercises for agility and accuracyDidactic games: "Find out whose voice" (birdsong), "Who is more?"; mobile game of burnersLabor activity: cleaning the site from pebbles, branches, chips.Speech development: reading and discussion of V. Bianchi's story "Sinichkin calendar"Independent activity
Time spending8–10 minutes6–8 minutes8–10 minutes5–7 minutes10 minutes40 minutes

Analysis of the walk in the second group of early age "The onset of winter" The walk was carried out in the first half of the day, according to the planned work of the educator. The teacher offered the children to help each other, she herself helped the children, together with the assistant teacher, tie hats, fasten the top buttons, tie scarves, shoelaces for the children who turned to them for help.
Remote material was prepared in advance for the walk: shovels, sleds.
During the walk, the weather was monitored. The children were interested and active during the observation.
Outdoor games were held: the games correspond to the age of the children and the season. The games were familiar to the children. Leaders were chosen with the help of counting rhymes. The teacher made sure that the rules were followed. The games were repeated 2-3 times.
I also did individual work on throwing snowballs. I consolidated the ability to throw a snowball at a target, to do the right swing of the hand from behind the head. Throughout the walk, the children moved, the teacher made sure that none of the children stood still. She monitored the appearance of the children, their condition (whether their cheeks, hands, feet, etc. were frozen). The walk lasted 50 minutes.
The teacher of this group was given the following recommendations: During undressing, teach children to carefully put things in the closet, not to scatter them around the locker room.
The purpose of the walk: to acquaint children with the properties of snow, with seasonal changes - snowfall. The walk consisted of: - observation in nature (the object of observation is snow);
- finger gymnastics "Snowball";
- outdoor game "We stomp";
- sports game;
-individual work;
-independent activity of children;
- labor assignments.
All parts of the walk were completed. The object of observation and the theme of the walk corresponded to the age of the children. All the children were interested and active, asking questions (“Why does the snow melt?”, “What does a snowflake look like?”). We admired the calmly falling snowflakes, snowdrifts shining in the sun. We examined the snowflake on the coat sleeve. We examined how beautifully the snow adorned the houses, the trees, how it glitters in the sun. We got acquainted with the properties of snow: light, cold, white. In warm weather (as it is now on the street), the snow is sticky, you can sculpt from it. To pay attention to the fact that the snow falls in a solid wall is a snowfall.
To interest children, an artistic word was used:
“The star circled in the air a little. It sat down and melted On my palm.” The outdoor game “We stomp” was already familiar to the children. The teacher reminded the rules of the game. The purpose of this game: the development of a sense of rhythm, the ability to correlate words with the movements "Snow is spinning." Exercise in the ability to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game. The game is appropriate for the age of the children and the season. The teacher made sure that the rules were followed. The game was repeated 2-3 times.
The sports game was performed to achieve the goal: running in a given direction.
I also did individual work on throwing snowballs. I consolidated the ability to throw a snowball, to do the right swing of the hand from behind the head. Throughout the walk, the children moved, the teacher made sure that none of the children stood still. She monitored the appearance of the children, their condition (whether their cheeks, hands, feet, etc. were frozen).
In independent activities, the children were offered to ride puppets on a sled, which they happily did.
The labor assignment to collect all the toys from the playground was actively fulfilled by all the children.
At the end of the walk, the teacher asked if the children liked the walk. What have you learned about snow? And she invited the children to go to the group to undress and prepare for dinner.
Thus, such walks fulfill the tasks of the comprehensive development of children. For educators, a walk is a unique opportunity not only to improve children's health, but also to enrich the child with new knowledge, show experiments, the material for which nature itself provides, develop attention, memory, etc.

Synopsis 1 "The sun warms"

Purpose: to give children the first impressions of early spring.

Progress of the walk

The children went for a walk. The teacher addresses them: “Look how beautiful it is today. The sun smiles, everything around sparkles. The snow sparkles with multi-colored lights: yellow, red, green. And lift the snow on the shoulder blade - it is heavy, wet. This sun tried, warmed so that the snow slowly began to melt. So spring will come soon. The sun is getting hotter. Feel the bench, is it warm? And now your coat? (Sleeve of a dark fur coat?) And now a tree trunk. Warm? The sun is working, warming, calling spring. Spring is coming, bringing warmth.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the blue-blue sky, to white light clouds that slowly float, take their time, admire the kids from above. Spring is coming!

Together they approach the building of the kindergarten, stop at the window. The teacher says: “Look. Icicles hang from the windowsill. Children note who they are. The teacher specifies: long, short, thick, thin. “You see, the sun is warming and the icicles are melting, singing their song: drip-drip! (holds up an empty bucket to make it easier to hear). Icicles sing a song, they call spring. Having knocked down a few icicles with a spatula, you can allow the children to hold them in their palms.

The teacher suggests: "Let's clear the path of snow so that there is where to run, play." Everyone takes shovels, engines and, together with the teacher, clears the path, then they take the inventory to the place, start the game.

After some time, the outdoor game “Birds, once! Birds, two!

Synopsis 2 "Where, whose house?"

Purpose: to consolidate children's ideas about spring; show buds and first spring leaves; clarify the names of different houses.

Progress of the walk

The children came for a walk in the park. The teacher tells the children that spring has come, the sun warms, sends its cheerful warm rays to the earth. He tilts a branch of a bush with large buds: “This is a leaf house, called a bud. A ray knocks on the house: "Hey, leaf! Enough sleep, wake up! Spring has come, brought warmth!" Heard a leaf, looked out - and indeed spring! And the rays are running, in a hurry, knocking first at one house-kidney, then at another! What is the name of the house near the leaf - a question for older children.

If possible, the kids watch how the children of the older groups, together with an adult, fix a birdhouse on a tree - a house for a starling: "Live here, starling, sing songs, make everyone happy."

The teacher says: “The crows saw this, croaked loudly, loudly:“ Why are we sitting, looking at the sky? After all, spring is in the yard, it’s time for us to make ourselves at home - to build nests. They began to make nests from twigs, from sticks, from feathers. Crows are trying. These are the big nests we got, high on the tree so that no one would get it (shows). All together repeat the name of the house of the starling, the house of the crow.

The teacher continues the story: “And the rays work, warm, keep up everywhere, do not let anyone through. The rays also reached the bear's lair. Knock-knock, and the bear is fast asleep and hears nothing. What to do? How to be? The sun then began to warm even more strongly, so much so that streams ran instead of snow. Funny streams ran and ran and ran right into the lair where the bear was sleeping. They wet his entire side. The bear does not like to lie wet, he woke up, got out of the den, was surprised: warm, good. “Thank you, kind sun, that you didn’t forget about me, woke me up in time!”

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme "The Sun-Bell", and then asks the children: where did the bear sleep? What is the name of his house? What is the name of the bird house? What about the leaves? Colors? And the fox, the dog?

Children move on to independent actions, then the game "Naughty goat" is played.

Icicle Watching Walk

to acquaint with various natural phenomena;

show the diversity of water conditions in the environment.

Progress of observation

What grows upside down? (Icicle.) Pay attention that icicles form on the sunny side. Why? On the south side, the snow melts and flows down in droplets, the icicles do not have time to fall and freeze. An icicle grows in frosty weather, and decreases in warm weather. The icicles begin to cry. Find a place where droplets drip. How is it different from neighboring areas? Where did the word "drop" come from?

Icicle - frozen drops of water that have turned into ice. Offer to look around through the icicle.

Did the children sit on the ledge and grow all the time down? (Icicles.) Why do icicles "grow" with their tip down? When a droplet flows down the icicle, falls down, it seems to stretch out, and the tip becomes thin.

Playful icicles sat on the ledge,

Playful icicles looked down.

Tired of them hanging down, they began to throw droplets.

The whole day goes ringing: “Drip-drip-drip! Don-don-don!"

Labor activity

Snow removal from paths.

Purpose: to learn to work together, to help each other.

Purpose: to improve coordination of movements.

Remote material

Shovels, molds, buckets


MBDOU "Forest Tale"

Indicators of the development of integrative qualities of the personality of children from 4 to 5 years old.

Integrative qualities What assessment criteria are used to diagnose integrative qualities
Physically developed, mastered basic cultural and hygienic skills "Physical culture" 1-7; "Health" 1
Curious, active "Knowledge" 3-5 "Labor", 7 "Art. creativity”, 6-7 “Music”, 4
Emotionally responsive" "Socialization", 5 "Khudozh. creativity”, 7 “Music”, 1
Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers "Communication", 1-6 "Socialization", 1 "Labor", 6 "Reader. thin liters", 1-5
Able to manage their behavior, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior "Safety", 4-5 "Socialization", 2
Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) "Knowledge", 1-5 "Safety", 1,4-6
Having primary ideas about himself, family, society, state, world and nature "Socialization", 3-4 "Health", 2 "Safety", 2-3
Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activity “Knowledge”, 1-5 “Artist. creativity", 6
Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities "Physical culture", 1-6 "Health", 1-2 "Labor", 1-6 "Artist. creativity”, 1-5 “Music”, 2-4

MBDOU "Forest Tale"

Educational area "Physical culture"

Average preschool age from 4 to 5 years

Criteria for evaluation.

In connection with the introduction of federal state requirements for the structure of the educational program, the pedagogical teams of kindergartens experience the greatest difficulty in organizing monitoring of children's achievement of the planned results of mastering the program. At the present stage, with an abundance of diagnostic methods, their narrow, specific focus, high time, material and labor costs when used in combination, their focus on the criteria of the main general educational program of the institution under the section “Planned results” are noted.

When organizing monitoring, it is logical to ensure the coordination of the activities of all teachers working with the child, through the distribution of research areas in accordance with the competence of specialists. So, in the MBDOU "Forest Fairy Tale" the educational area "Artistic Creativity" is diagnosed by educators in art activities, "Music" - by music directors, "Physical Education" - by a physical education instructor. With the transition to autonomy in many kindergartens, the rates of specialists are reduced. Thus, the main volume of monitoring falls on the shoulders of the educator.

This means that it is necessary to develop a mechanism that would ensure a minimum of effort for the educator in monitoring and preparing diagnostic documentation.

We believe that diagnostics should not be an end in itself, a special event that requires separate time for itself. It should be integrated into the educational process.

We are sure that the optimal frequency of monitoring is 2 times a year: October, April.

Practice shows that in a group, the educator is most comfortable with low formalized methods in which conclusions are drawn on the basis of visual observations, ongoing conversations with the child, parents, specialists, and analysis of the products of children's activities. Highly formalized diagnostic methods (tests, samples, etc.) are used by specialists, for example, a teacher-psychologist.

Educational area “___________”

A protocol is drawn up for each educational area:

Educational area “___________”

Group _____________________________ 2010 – 2011 academic year

№№ Name of the child Criteria for evaluation Total:
Alena Petrova 2,6 2,8
Vasya Sidorov 3,6 3,8
Pasha Ivanov 2,2 2,4
The average score of the group according to the criterion 2,3 3,3 3,3 2,7 3,0 2,7 3,0 3,3 3,3 2,8 3,0
- - 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3 - 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3
High level (children / %) 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3 2/ 66,7 2/ 66,7 - 1/ 33,3 2/ 66,7 1/ 33,3 2/ 66,7 2/ 66,7 1/ 33,3 2/ 66,7
Average level (children / %) 1/ 33,3 2/ 66,7 - - 2/ 66,7 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3 1/ 33,3 - - 1/ 33,3 -
Low rate (children / %) 1/ 33,3 - - - - - - - - - - -

Note: 1, 2, 3… - numbers of questions by educational areas and age groups, which are given to the protocol below; 10 is the month of October, 04 is the month of April.


4 - the criterion is fulfilled independently, support from an adult is not required.

3 - the criterion is met with little support from an adult.

2 - the criterion is not always fulfilled, the participation of adults is required.

1 - the criterion is met only together with an adult or is not met.

Ideal (red) - from 3.5 to 4 points.

High (blue) - from 2.4 to 3.4 points.

Medium (green) - from 1.3 to 2.3 points.

Low (yellow) - up to 1.2 points.

Color design helps the educator quickly navigate the goals, methods and means of individual work with children, suggests which direction needs to be “pulled up”. Numerical designations demonstrate the dynamics of progress in work. For example, in terms of color, indicators may remain at an average level throughout the year, but the numbers will show a positive trend in the level of assimilation of the program by the child and the group as a whole.

Educational area “Cognition”

(Educational system “School 2100”)

Criteria for evaluation:

Junior preschool age.

1. Sensory development.

Able to highlight color, shape, size as special properties of objects, group homogeneous objects according to several sensory features: size, shape, color.

Establishes the identities and differences of objects according to their properties: size, shape, color.

Creates and plays with buildings, combining them according to the plot. He owns the techniques for creating design options by overlaying, attaching, attaching parts, replacing some parts with others or building them up in height, length, adding other parts.

Representations, knowledge and skills are adequate to the corresponding stage of the continuous course "The World Around" for preschoolers (a textbook on familiarization with the environment "Hello world!" for the smallest).

Representations, knowledge and skills are adequate to the corresponding stage of the continuous course "Mathematics for Preschoolers" (textbook "Player" part 1).

Participates in games - experiments (with sand and snow, water and soap suds, paper and shadow). Asks a lot of ascertaining questions to adults.

Middle preschool age.

1. Sensory development.

Possesses the skills of examining objects by actively using all the senses (touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell), uses standards as socially designated properties and qualities of objects (color, shape, size, weight, etc.).

2. Development of constructive activity.

Creates, transforms and plays with buildings and crafts from a variety of designers, uses building parts, taking into account their structural properties.

3. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children.

Representations, knowledge and skills are adequate to the corresponding stage of the continuous course "The World Around" for preschoolers (textbook on familiarization with the environment "Hello, world!" Part 1).

4. Formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Representations, knowledge and skills are adequate to the corresponding stage of the continuous course "Mathematics for Preschoolers" (textbook "Player" part 2).

5. Development of cognitive research activities.

Participates in games - experiments with sand, snow, ice, water, soap suds, shadows, mirrors, optical glasses, sounds. Asks a lot of search questions to adults.

senior preschool age

1. Sensory development

He possesses the skills of examining objects of various shapes with the movement of hands on the object, highlights various properties and relationships, uses planar and volumetric forms, achromatic and chromatic colors and their shades as standards.

2. Development of constructive activity.

Creates, transforms and plays with buildings and crafts from a variety of designers, finds creative design solutions and plans the stages of creating his own building, uses and replaces parts of various shapes and sizes.

3. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children.

Representations, knowledge and skills are adequate to the corresponding stage of the continuous course "The World Around" for preschoolers (textbook on familiarization with the environment "Hello, world!" Part 2).

4. Formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Representations, knowledge and skills are adequate to the corresponding stage of the continuous course "Mathematics for Preschoolers" (textbook "One - a step, two - a step ...", part 1).

5. Development of cognitive research activities.

He actively experiments with liquid and granular bodies, mirrors, optical glasses, magnets, rubber, sounds, non-traditional visual means. Asks a lot of search and problematic questions for adults.

preschool group

1. Sensory development.

In practice, he uses standards for all sense organs (touch, sight, hearing, taste, smell), when perceiving objects, he distinguishes characteristic qualities, main parts and additional details.

2. Development of constructive activity.

He builds and plays with various designs of the same object in accordance with their purpose, selecting and combining parts, from various designers creates models according to a drawing, verbal instructions, and his own plan.

3. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children.

Representations, knowledge and skills are adequate to the corresponding stage of the continuous course "Informatics for preschoolers" (textbook "Everything is on the shelves").

4. Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Representations, knowledge and skills are adequate to the corresponding stage of the continuous course "Mathematics for Preschoolers" (textbook "One - a step, two - a step ..." part 2.

5. Development of cognitive research activities

He actively experiments with seeds, plants, liquid and granular bodies, the properties of objects (stability, mass, hardness, etc.), and non-traditional visual means. Asks a lot of search and problematic questions for adults, makes independent conclusions and conclusions.

Educational area “Safety”

(Educational system “School 2100”, manual “Hello world!”)

Criteria for evaluation:

Junior preschool age

He freely navigates in the group (reception room, bedroom), knows the purpose of these rooms, remembers the places for storing personal belongings, his place at the table, his bed.

Understands the words “good”, “bad”, “impossible”, “possible”, “necessary” and acts in accordance with their meaning.

Has primary ideas about the consequences of violation of the rules of conduct, about the danger of household appliances and dangerous situations in the immediate environment, fire, some dangerous liquids, gaseous substances, substandard products, about the danger of taking medications.

Has primary ideas about poisonous plants.

Caution when meeting with animals.

Adequate in various unexpected situations, when meeting strangers.

Average preschool age from 4 years to 5 years

Under the heading “Home Safety”:

He has elementary ideas about possible traumatic situations that are hazardous to health, how to prevent them, about the dangers of household appliances and dangerous situations in the immediate environment, the main groups of fire hazardous objects, some dangerous liquids, gaseous substances, low-quality products, about the dangers of taking medications.

Under the section "Safety in nature":

He has primary ideas about poisonous plants, edible and inedible mushrooms.

Has the notion that contact with animals can sometimes be dangerous.

Under the section “Child and other people”:

Has elementary ideas about typical dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers, behaves adequately in such situations.

According to the section "Safety on the street and the road":

Has an idea about the rules of behavior on the road in accordance with the age criteria proposed by the Regional standard for teaching preschool children the rules of safe behavior on the roads of the Republic of Tatarstan.

He has elementary ideas about possible traumatic situations in the yard that are dangerous to health, and ways to prevent them.

Senior preschool age from 5 years to 6 years

Under the heading “Home Safety”:

Has a clear understanding of the dangers of household appliances, the main groups of flammable items, some hazardous liquids, gaseous substances, substandard products, the dangers of taking medications. If necessary, he can call for help, call the fire department by calling “01”.

Under the section "Safety in nature":

He has ideas about poisonous plants, edible and inedible mushrooms, berries. Adequately behaves when meeting with animals.

Under the section “Child and other people”:

Adequately behaves if a stranger comes to the house. Adequately responds to various life situations, including dangerous and extreme situations. Can call the security service by calling “02”.

According to the section "Safety on the street and the road":

Has an understanding of the rules of ethical and safe behavior on the road and in public transport in accordance with the age criteria proposed by the Regional standard for teaching preschool children the rules of safe behavior on the roads of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Has a clear understanding of possible traumatic situations in the yard that are dangerous to health, and ways to prevent them.

Knows his home address and phone number.

Preparatory group for school from 6 to 7 years

Under the heading “Home Safety”:

Has an active position in the implementation of the rules of safe behavior. The skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations, independence and responsibility for one's behavior are developed. Has an expanded understanding of objects that can serve as sources of danger in the house.

Under the section "Safety in nature":

Has ideas about poisonous plants, edible and inedible mushrooms, berries, rules of safe behavior in the forest, by the water, during a thunderstorm, etc. Adequately behaves when meeting with animals.

Under the section “Child and other people”:

Adequately behaves if a stranger comes to the house. Has ideas about the rules of behavior in a situation of violent actions by an unfamiliar adult on the street.

According to the section "Safety on the street and the road":

Has a developed sense of responsibility for personal safety, a culture of behavior in public places, on the road and in urban transport in accordance with the age criteria proposed by the Regional standard for teaching preschool children the rules of safe behavior on the roads of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Has a developed sense of responsibility for personal safety, a culture of behavior in public places.

He knows the route to the kindergarten, his home address and phone number, the name and patronymic of his parents, their place of work, he freely navigates his neighborhood.

Educational area “Health”

Criteria for evaluation:

Junior preschool age.

Uses soap correctly, gently washes hands, face, ears; wipes himself dry after washing, hangs the towel in place, uses a comb and a handkerchief.

He has elementary ideas about the rules of maintaining health (do not walk in wet shoes, wet clothes, etc.), the health benefits of hardening procedures, and proper nutrition. He turns to adults when he feels unwell and correctly talks about what exactly and how he is worried.

The average preschool age is from 4 years to 5 years.

1. Cultural and hygienic skills.

Self-washes, washes hands with soap before eating, when soiled, after using the toilet. Uses comb, handkerchief. Uses only personal hygiene items, clothing. When coughing and sneezing, he turns away, covers his mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

2. Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Has ideas about the benefits of physical exercises and games, the benefits of hardening.

3. Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Senior preschool age from 5 years to 6 years.

1. Cultural and hygienic skills.

Monitors the cleanliness of the body, neatness of clothes, hairstyles; independently cleans teeth, monitors the cleanliness of nails. Uses only personal hygiene items, clothing. When coughing and sneezing, covers the mouth and nose with a handkerchief, turns away.

2. Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Has an idea about his body, the importance of organs, the need and ways to maintain his health (mode, nutrition, movement, hygiene, fresh air). He has elementary ideas about infectious diseases and their pathogens. Uses well-known types and methods of hardening at home and in kindergarten.

Can call an ambulance by calling “03”.

3. Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Preparatory to school group from 6 to 7 years.

1. Cultural and hygienic skills.

Owns the skills of personal hygiene for caring for your body.

2. Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

He has developed ideas about the structure of his own body, useful and harmful to the body, some diseases and their prevention, and the provision of elementary first aid. A stable habit has been developed to constantly take care of one's health, the need for regular physical education. Uses well-known types and methods of hardening at home and in kindergarten.

3. Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Scoring of the criterion “Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children”

No cases of morbidity for 6 months - 4 points.

1-2 cases of morbidity for 6 months lasting no more than 5 days each - 3 points.

1-2 cases of morbidity lasting more than 5 days in 6 months - 2 points.

More than 2 cases of morbidity in 6 months - 1 point.

As a result of all the work, a summary table is displayed:

Monitoring the achievement of the planned intermediate results of mastering the program by children ________________________________ groups

2010 - 2011 academic year (beginning of the table)

No. p / p Name of the child Educational areas
Physical Culture Health Security Socialization Work
Average score for the criterion
Ideal level (det. / %)
High level (children / %)
Average level (children / %)
Low rate (children / %)

Table continuation

No. p / p Name of the child Educational areas
Cognition Communication Reading thin. literature Artistic creation Music Total
Average score for the criterion
Ideal level (children / %)
High level (children / %)
Average level (children / %)
Low rate (children / %)

MBDOU-kindergarten No. 13 "Forest Tale"

The article highlights the experience of the work of teachers of a preschool educational institution in organizing and conducting a complex of recreational activities aimed at maintaining health and cultivating the habit of a healthy lifestyle in children. Examples of therapeutic and preventive measures, the use of various forms and methods in the rehabilitation of children and work with parents are given.

"The only beauty I know is health."

Heinrich Heine

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. Until the age of seven, a person goes through a huge path of development, not repeated throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body take place, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. The significance of the formation in children of a certain knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports is also obvious.

The upbringing of a physically healthy child has become the main core in the educational process of a preschool institution. The current socio-economic situation has led to a sharp deterioration in the health of the Russian population, mainly children. Solving the problems of physical education and development of children, reducing their incidence is possible only through the joint efforts of teachers, medical workers and parents.

According to the Research Institute of Social Hygiene and Health Organization in Russia, only about 40% of children can be considered conditionally healthy. Therefore, the improvement and education of the need for a healthy lifestyle are urgent tasks facing society.

In MBDOU-kindergarten No. 13 "Forest Fairy Tale", the program "Education of the habit of a healthy lifestyle" for 2010-2013 for children from 2-7 years old was developed, aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of children, forming the motivational foundations for a healthy lifestyle life.

An important factor that has a versatile effect on the body is physical education. Modern physiological science invests in this concept a very broad content: the preservation and promotion of health; hardening, development of muscle strength, speed of movement, endurance, flexibility and dexterity; cultivating the habit of daily physical education; resistance of the child's body to external adverse influences.

The implementation of various health-improving and preventive programs in preschool educational institutions leads to positive results. However, the incidence rate of preschool children as a whole remains at a high level and does not have a pronounced downward trend in recent years.

Therefore, the following tasks were set in the preschool educational institution for the analysis of pedagogical activities for the physical development and health promotion of children:

1. Analysis of the health status of pupils and monitoring of the educational area "Health" and the educational area "Physical culture" of children.

2. Creating conditions for physical development and reducing the incidence of children.

3. The introduction of a system of health-saving activities into the activities of the preschool educational institution.

4. Formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle in all subjects of the educational process.

Analysis of the health status of children and monitoring of the educational area "Health" and the educational area "Physical Education" of children in the preschool educational institution is carried out by a medical worker, educator and physical education instructor, which allows you to timely adjust the system of health-saving activities in the preschool educational institution, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

Summary table on the state of health of pupils for the 2010-2012 academic years.

Health groups 2010 2011 2012

First 24% 31% 39%

Second 54% 51.4% 49%

Third 17% 16% 12%

Fourth 3% 0.8% -

Fifth 2% 0.8% -

Number of children 127 130 146

Analyzing the state of health of children over the course of 3 years, it should be noted that the number of healthy children increased by 15%. There are 5% fewer children in the second health group than in 2010. Compared to 2010, in 2012 there are no children with the fourth and fifth health groups.

Monitoring of the educational area "Physical culture" in 2010 showed that 85% of children correspond to their age, 15% of children have individual abilities. In 2011, 93% are age-appropriate, 7% of children with individual abilities. In 2012, 97% of children are age-appropriate, 3% of children have individual abilities (see the Histogram, we can conclude that the health status of pupils has improved by 12% (children are age-appropriate) and decreased by 12% of children with individual abilities.

Monitoring the development of children in the educational field

"Health" for 2010-2012 academic years

Natalya Zebnitskaya
Self-analysis of a walk in the early age group "Walking with a bunny"

Self-analysis of walking in the early age group

« walk with a bunny»

Target: health promotion, physical and mental development of children, prevention of fatigue, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity.


1. To form in children the first ideas about winter (it has become cold, it is snowing, the trees are bare without leaves). Create a positive, emotional, joyful state in children.

2. Develop mental operations during observations and didactic tasks, accumulate sensory experience.

3. Enrich and energize dictionary: winter is cold, it is snowing; snow: cold, wet, fluffy; clothes: winter, warm pants, socks, winter boots, hats, mittens, scarves.

4. Continue to cultivate respect for nature.

5. Teach respect for inventory: do not throw, do not throw, do not step on the shoulder blades.

6. To form a positive attitude and respect for the work of adults. Raise the desire to be included in the labor process.

7. Play an outdoor game "White Bunny sits".

Purpose of the game:

- listen to the words and perform movements in accordance with the text.

- learn to bounce on two legs, clap your hands, respond to a signal.

- creating a joyful mood.

8. Contribute to the improvement of the implementation of basic movements.

Methodological techniques: Game situation, introduction of the hero. Artistic word, observation, showing the method of action with a simultaneous verbal explanation.

preliminary work:

1. A conversation about winter in pictures (to develop the ability to listen to the teacher's story, answer the questions posed).

2. Didactic game "Let's dress the Katya doll on walk» (algorithm).

3. Examining the picture "In the winter walk» .

4. Reading an excerpt from the work of A. Barto "Snow".

5. Listening to a Russian folk song "Zimushka-winter".

6. Observation of the work of the janitor.


- shoulder blades according to the number of children,

- sled (for bunny, icicles.

- wolf mask

– hats "Bunny" by the number of children.

- toy "Bunny" dressed in winter clothes.

Great potential opportunities for the comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality are laid down in the process of upbringing and educational work with children in conditions walks. However, due to age Features Toddlers themselves can not use all the time walks with the maximum benefit for their development. The educator must pedagogically correctly guide their activities.

I carefully thought over the methods and techniques for regulating the motor activity of children. She used various methodological techniques, such as a game situation, an artistic word, observation, etc., because in that age children have visual-active thinking.

All these methodological techniques contributed to the establishment of game interaction, as well as the creation of a game moment, the line of which was maintained throughout walks.

The structure of the latter was built on the basis of the rational use of the alternation of physical and mental activity of children, which allows solving the problems of strengthening the health of children and preventing fatigue, as well as their comprehensive harmonious development.

From start to finish walks according to my idea, accompanied the children bunny, with which the playing of various pedagogical situations made it possible to update the already existing basic knowledge in children, as well as to expand their vocabulary and understanding of the features of nature in the winter.

In addition to activating the cognitive sphere of children, they were involved in labor and physical activities, which also had an educational impact. Snow removal formed in children a positive and respectful attitude to work and a desire to be involved in the labor process. Playing with bunny, in turn, contributed to the improvement of the implementation of the main motor actions and created a situation of emotional upsurge.

Thus, the structure and content walks fully corresponded age characteristics of children, which we can find reflected in program content. The goals and objectives set by me were achieved. The children themselves showed interest in this kind of walk, with pleasure participated in all forms of activity organized by me.