Mineral oil in cosmetics is harmful. Mineral engine oil. Video about mineral oils

It has long been no secret that mineral oil is on the "black list" of unwanted cosmetic ingredients. Adherents of natural and "eco" cosmetics react especially sharply to it. The oil receives many accusations, for example, that it does not allow the skin to breathe, clogs the pores and, worst of all, is a petrochemical product. That's how it is, but let's see if mineral oil really has no right to exist.

Mineral oil is

Mineral oil is a colorless and odorless substance, which in reality belongs to petrochemical products. Minoils (or hydrocarbons) include:

  • petrolatum;
  • paraffin;
  • ceresin;
  • petrolatum;
  • isoparaffin;
  • microcrystalline wax.

There are two types of mineral oil: cosmetic and technical. The first, unlike the second, goes through a multi-level degree of purification from harmful impurities. On the basis of cosmetic mineral oil, a lot of care and decorative cosmetics, as well as pharmacy ointments, are made.

The task of mineral oil is to create a thin film on the skin and protect it from moisture loss. With the help of oil, the skin looks well-groomed and moisturized, but the disadvantage lies in the fact that the film often inhibits the natural process of skin regeneration. The skin is a living organ that can regenerate itself, the main thing is not to interfere. Mineral oil creams can be a hindrance and cause more trouble than good.

Is it safe to use oil

Oil is the dead remains of the animal and plant world, which "settled" underground for a very long time. But the chemical composition of this fossil cannot be called useful and safe. Lovers of all natural try to avoid this component by all means, however, there are situations when mineral oil is simply irreplaceable.

Thus, some cosmetics manufacturers are convinced that mineral oil increases UV absorption and works great in tandem with UV filters in sunscreen cosmetics.

In addition, when contacting a pharmacy for an ointment, with a high degree of probability you will receive a product with mineral oil in the composition. Especially if such an ointment is necessary for the treatment of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, when the skin barrier cannot recover on its own. After salon acid and laserpeelingsthe skin is also restored due to mineral oils (in the most acute period). Also, such ointments can help to cope with exacerbations for people with particularly sensitive skin.

A well-purified oil can remove flaking, retain moisture and prevent it from evaporating from the surface of the skin. It does not contribute to the appearance of acne and clogging of pores. This substance is found in makeup removers, tonal creams, lipsticks. It provides durability and shine, prevents drying of the skin, protects it from harmful factors.

Let's talk about the cons

It is worth mentioning right away that mineral oil, like any other cosmetic product, is not perfect and an overabundance of its use can lead to excessive moisturizing of the face and the appearance of acne. Mineral oil is great for people with dry to very dry skin. For many women, this is just salvation. But if you have normal or oily skin, then you should not get carried away with creams with this component.

How to use cosmetics with mineral oil without harm:

  • purchase only high-quality cosmetics from trusted manufacturers;
  • do not use nourishing night creams more than 3 times a week;
  • forget about cosmetics with mineral oil in the warm season, during sports or physical labor;
  • if you have oily problematic skin, do not use oil at all.

How to replace mineral oil

Organic cosmetics manufacturers have found many ways to replace mineral oil:

  1. lanolin (animal wax);
  2. squalene and its derivative squalane;
  3. vegetable solid oils: shea butter, mango butter, cocoa butter;
  4. natural waxes: beeswax, candelilla, flower wax from rose petals.

The advantage is that natural oils consist of many components (fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants) that the skin breaks down into small “bricks” and uses to restore and nourish, as opposed to mineral oil, which does not interact with the skin and does not nourish it, but only by forming a thin film.

It is important to remember that natural oils are absorbed into the top layer of the epidermis and clog pores, which can cause skin problems. Carefully use oils in accordance with your skin type and follow the measure.

When is the best time to use mineral oil? This question is of interest to motorists. Engine oil is the basis for the perfect operation of the engine. Moreover, the right choice of lubricant will help the engine of your car to serve for a long time and flawlessly. Today it has become very fashionable to recommend lubricants based on synthetic oils, to be poured into all components of a modern vehicle, from the engine to the transmission. Recommendations about the expediency of this are much less common.

Mineral oil for flawless engine operation.

There is no doubt that the characteristics of synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants are the best today, but are they suitable for your car? Synthetic and semi-synthetic lubricants have something to show off in front of mineral ones. Their advantages:

  1. Much better pumpability, which is very useful when operating a car in cold weather.
  2. High levels of stability when working at high temperatures.
  3. Synthetics are much less prone to deposit formation.
  4. Perfectly protects engine elements from wear, which affects the motor resource.
  5. Optimizes fuel consumption.

Where is the best place to use mineral oil?

Mineral oils serve where the advantages listed above are not very quoted. A car that is over five years old will appreciate mineral oil much better. Everything that should wear out has already begun to do so, and it is no longer practical to protect anything.

But petroleum oil for some time will be able to revive worn rubber seals, which will turn out to be quite useful after 500 thousand kilometers.

The shops have a large selection of mineral oils.

But experts immediately warn against being too optimistic about mineral oil. Mineral grease is less stable than its synthetic counterpart, especially in cold conditions. To prevent oil grease from failing, it should be changed much more often.

Mineral grease is obtained by a fairly simple and inexpensive fuel oil distillation technology, which is why it has such an affordable price. Petroleum-derived lubricants use the original "white" oil of natural origin as their base. Then various property modifiers - additives - are added to it.

These modifications significantly improve the quality of the lubricant. Additives help cleanse the engine of wear products, protect against corrosion, premature wear, etc. But each improvement has its own price. Such a price for additives is their poor stability under the influence of loads and high temperatures.
They simply break down under the conditions of a running engine and thereby reduce the life of the oil itself. A lubricant devoid of additives loses a lot in its performance characteristics. Such a lubricant no longer suits anyone, and it is replaced.

Mineral oil is poured into the car engine.

Taking into account all these minuses of mineral oil, the hand involuntarily reaches for the wallet in order to finally make a choice in favor of the best product. But the price of a synthetic oil product “bites”: it is at least four times higher than that of a mineral one.

If even the thought of the high cost of lubricant does not scare you away, then considerations about the age of your car and the likelihood of passing precious fluid through old gaskets to the ground again bring you back to the point of choice.

Automotive experts believe that synthetic lubricants should not be used on older cars. Let the consumption of mineral oil be much higher, but you can change it more often without critical damage to your budget.

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Benefits of using mineral motor oil

Kalton mineral oil is used for car care.

Everything said above about the protective functions, until recently, remained exclusively oral statements of manufacturers. Until the Finnish company Teboil undertook to investigate used mineral motor oil.

The purpose of the study was the desire to confirm or refute the feasibility of using mineral lubricants for older cars.

True, they undertook such a study on the example of a DAF 95 XF 430 truck with a Euro 2 engine. The total mileage of the car was one and a half million kilometers. Teboil Super HPD 15W-40 oil has worked in a truck engine for 36 thousand km. No toppings were made.

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Approvals and specifications

The specified grease is intended for diesel engines operating under severe conditions. Tolerances and specifications:

  • API: CI-4/SL;
  • ACEA: E7, E5, B3, B4;
  • MB 228.3;
  • MAN M3275;
  • Mac EO-M Plus;
  • Volvo VDS-2, VDS-3;
  • CAT ECF-1a, -2;
  • Global DHD-1;
  • Cummins CES 20.071, -2, -6, -7, -8;
  • Jaso DH-1;
  • MTU2.

A study of the used lubricant showed that the kinematic and viscosity characteristics changed insignificantly. This indicates the stability of the characteristics of the lubricant even after a run of 36 thousand km. According to the main indicators, the used material showed a half margin of safety even after such a run. The acid number of mining remained at the level of fresh oil.

The pour point of the grease is -33°C. Such a qualitative indicator of viscosity already corresponds to the lower limit of the viscosity characteristics of semi-synthetic lubricants.

Oils designed to operate in diesel-fueled engines in harsh conditions are forced to use a lot of additives. Analysis of the used oil showed that the lubricant contains all the necessary modifiers in the right amount. There were no significant losses in the composition of additives. In fresh and used lubricant, the percentage of metal remains unchanged.

For the final decision, the number of metal particles in the used oil is estimated. Their sharp increase in working out indicates that the lubricant has ceased to protect the parts, and it is time to change it. For such an analysis, a fluorescent study is usually used.

Summary. Teboil Super HPD SAE 15W-40 meets the requirements for a semi-synthetic oil in many respects. According to a number of indicators, this oil product even surpasses them.

If you use mineral petroleum oils, this will keep the engine running even after such a long run. Good mineral oil kept the engine long life without major repairs.

The engine oil worked without replacement for 36 thousand km with virtually no loss whatsoever.

The answer is quite simple: a quality petroleum lubricant from an honest seller guarantees the flawless operation of an old engine for a very long time. Engine oil and transmission oil in this case should be mineral.

Practice shows that the question of the type of lubricant poured into the engine has long been no longer insoluble. In order to use a synthetic lubricant, you need to have very serious reasons for its use, if there are no such conditions, then it makes absolutely no sense to spend significant funds on the purchase of such a product.

About twenty years ago, at the zenith of my naive trust in the authority of the manufacturer, I thought that mineral oil was something terribly useful, like mineral water, and saturates my skin with valuable substances. You know, at 20+, having problem-free skin, it's easy to make mistakes without consequences.
But time passed and forced to deal with the compositions, in particular, to look for the culprits of the problems that suddenly appeared. Oh… it was a period of surprises :)

However, closer to the topic. Today I propose to discuss a product that causes a lot of controversy.

Mineral oil

Mineral oil is a refined product. There are different ways to produce oil from petroleum feedstocks, as well as different ways to refine it. I won't go into too much detail here, it's of little interest to us.
It is curious that in addition to cosmetic and pharmaceutical purposes, mineral oil is actively used for the production of lubricants, electrical insulation and conservation.

Something like that:)

In terms of viscosity and density, mineral oil also varies: from liquid fluid to dense solid.

As a rule, what is indicated in the composition by the general Mineral oil, Paraffinum liquidum is a liquid oil
Names: Deobase; Heavy Mineral Oil; Light Mineral Oil; Liquid Paraffin; Liquid Petrolatum; Paraffin Oil; Paraffin Oils; Paraffin Liquidum; Petroleum White Mineral Oil; Prolatum Oil; White Mineral Oil, Petroleum

Mineral oil can also be ointment like Vaseline.
Names: Mineral Grease (Petrolatum); Mineral Jelly; Petrolatum Amber; Petrolatum White; Petroleum Jelly; Yellow Petrolatum

And finally, mineral oil can be hard, even crumbly. This includes not only mineral oils, but also mineral waxes.
Names: Ceresin, Crystalline Petroleum Wax, High Melting Point Paraffin, LOW Melting Point Paraffin, Paraffin Wax, Paraffin Waxes, Petroleum Wax, Crystalline, Waxes, Paraffin

It all looks creepy for the most part, but it is added to cosmetic products in small quantities. Usually plays the role of a solvent and structurant.

Why do manufacturers of cosmetics and medical products love mineral oil so much?

+ Mineral oil is hypoallergenic, which makes it valuable for children's cosmetics, allergy sufferers and those with sensitive skin.
Vaseline oil is generally sometimes prescribed orally as a laxative.

+ Mineral oil has a high degree of occlusion (fluid entrapment in the stratum corneum).
The occlusion here is so significant that it is similar to the effect of a compress, which enhances the action of the actives contained in the product, improves the penetration of beneficial ingredients into the skin.
This effect is very useful in cases where you urgently need to put in order the skin injured in various ways (overdried, chapped). When you need to quickly reanimate lips, elbows, cuticles or chapped cheeks.
It is also valuable for medicinal ointments, because. accelerates the healing effect.

+ The stable film that mineral oil creates on the skin perfectly performs protective functions, protects the skin from frost, wind and excess moisture.

+ Mineral oil is not absorbed, i.e. does not build into the lipid layer, therefore it serves as an excellent means for massage, providing a long-term easy glide over the skin.

+ And finally, mineral oil is a cheap raw material, especially in our country :) For this quality, mineral oil is especially loved by the mass market segment.

Judging by the pros - well, just a perfect product! However, the downsides come from the same upsides...

Why do we hate mineral oil so much?

- Mineral oil has a high degree of occlusion (fluid entrapment in the stratum corneum). :) In fact, mineral oil creates the effect of a compress, which prevents gas exchange of the skin, delays sweat-fat secretions on the surface, which only intensify under the influence of this compress, because. creates the effect of a steam bath. The skin heats up, blood vessels dilate.
Because excess moisture does not evaporate, then with a predisposition it is easy to get prickly heat.
It is even easier to get clogged pores and breakouts.
And of course it's easy to get a swollen face.

- Mineral oil is not absorbed, i.e. does not integrate into the lipid mantle. Therefore, the feeling of softening and nourishment of the skin, which we get when applying mineral oil, is an exclusively cosmetic effect, which is washed off with the oil.

Well, that's enough. I name only two minuses, but they are so significant that in some cases they cross out all the advantages of mineral oil.

How to be?

Of course, the manifestation of both pluses and minuses will depend on the amount of mineral oil in the composition and on the exposure time of the product on the skin: one thing is washable products, another thing is long-term exposure products.

Based on all of the above, I have developed for myself the following principles for choosing products with mineral oil:

I avoid creams, serums, elixirs, etc. for the face with mineral oil in the top five ingredients.

I avoid balms, masks and other leave-in hair products with mineral oil, regardless of its place in the composition.

I carefully select mineral oil face masks in the first place, weighing the risks and benefits. As an SOS remedy, a mineral oil mask can be quite useful given the short exposure time.

I do not avoid, but carefully choose products for lips, cuticles and other especially dry areas with mineral oil in the first positions in the composition.

I am loyal to mineral oil in body treatments (such as anti-cellulite products) that are not applied to the collar area (a high risk area for prickly heat).

I am loyal to mineral oil in rinse-off products (hydrophilic oil, make-up remover milk, etc.).

These are my thoughts on this controversial ingredient.
Girls, I wonder how you feel about mineral oil?

Thank you for your attention to my review!
I am Vera.

P.S.Why am I suddenly... I recently saw in a review a four-figure luxury cream, the composition of which starts with mineral oil and ends with a couple of dull extracts right before preservatives. My subtle spiritual organization trembled from such an obvious scam. I figured out how many tins of Vaseline you can buy for this amount to get the same effect - I so directly admired the commercial genius of the descendants of Ostap Bender.

Photos for review are taken from open sources.

  • Mineral oil in cosmetics - what is it?
  • What products contain mineral oils?
  • What is mineral oil used in cosmetics?
  • Does it make sense to choose cosmetics without mineral oils?
  • Myths about the dangers of mineral oil and refutation

Mineral oils have many opponents. In the wake of the popularity of natural cosmetics with ingredients of plant origin, they argue that these oils, refined petroleum products, are harmful to the skin in its purest form. At the same time, they turn a blind eye to many nuances that indicate otherwise. Recently, we have already talked about the pros and cons of ingredients such as and. What can be said about the presence of mineral oil in cosmetics? Is it good or bad? Let's figure it out right now.

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Mineral oil in cosmetics - what is it?

Mineral oils are hydrocarbons extracted from petroleum. Unlike technical mineral oil, cosmetic oil undergoes multi-stage processing and purification. Thanks to this, impurities that could harm the skin do not remain in it. Cleaning, by the way, is specially made in such a way as to adapt the properties of the final product to the characteristics and needs of the skin; vegetable oils lack this advantage.

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In cosmetics, this ingredient has several functions at once. It is largely responsible for the comfort of the texture. On the skin, mineral oil creates the thinnest film that retains moisture. At the same time, it has “zero” comedogenicity. Also, this ingredient has a dissolving ability - therefore, it is included in the composition of special oils for make-up removal. In other products, this property allows it to exfoliate dead skin particles.

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What are mineral oils?

The division of mineral oils into technical and cosmetic ones is not the only one. They differ in their characteristics, such as texture, for example. Paraffin wax, for example, leaves a greasy feel and is often compared to wax. Ceresin is just a mineral wax. Oily vaseline, produced in the form of an ointment, also enters beauty products in the same form. The choice of one or another type of mineral oil depends on the product to which it is added. Creams, for example, need a more viscous texture than cleansers.

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It is worth noting that, in addition to the standard cosmetic mineral oil, which is suitable for inclusion in creams and lotions, there is a pharmaceutical or medical mineral oil of the highest quality. Sometimes it is used not only in medicines, but also in cosmetics, increasing the level of confidence in the ingredient. Based on pharmaceutical oils, care products are made for the smallest.

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Cosmetic mineral oil: good or bad?

We all use mineral oils in one way or another. This ingredient is found in many products, and manufacturers have objective reasons to supplement the formulas of their cosmetics with such oils.

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If we talk about the minuses of mineral oils, then it is worth noting that products with a high content of this ingredient in the composition are not recommended for oily and problem skin. During the day, an oily film appears on it, and this effect should not be enhanced.

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Many negatively perceive the fact that the softness of the skin, which these substances provide, disappears when you wash off the cosmetics from the face. The thing is that mineral oils, as we have already said, do not interact with the skin and do not improve it “from the inside”.

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Like other herbal ingredients, these oils can cause allergies; they are not adapted to the properties of the skin. It would be naive to assume that vegetable oils get into cosmetics in their natural form (and that this is due to their benefits). They are also being processed.

What do you know about the properties of mineral oils? Write a comment.

Mineral oil It is a transparent derivative of oil, colorless and odorless. It is chemically similar to petroleum jelly and can have varying degrees of viscosity. In accordance with the type of alkanes used for its production, there are three main varieties of it (paraffinic, aromatic and naphthenic), which differ slightly in their chemical composition and properties. Inexpensive and easy to manufacture, mineral oil is used in many different products, including cooling systems, lubricants, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.

Mineral oil is found in a number of beauty products, including popular skin care products such as cold cream, and medical ointments for adults, children, and babies. In a purified, semi-solid form called petroleum jelly, it is often used as a base for ointments, protective dressings, and skin softeners. It is widely believed to be one of the most effective moisturizers.

Many people express concern about the function of this oil in cosmetics, in particular that it can "block" the skin and prevent the release of toxins. However, most researchers believe that a very small amount of toxins leaves the body through the skin. However, unlike some other substances added to skin care products, the refined form of mineral oil used in cosmetics, studies suggest, does not clog pores and is generally considered safe for all skin types.

People with naturally oily skin should avoid products that contain mineral oil as it makes the skin even oilier.

There are also concerns about the possibility of harmful impurities in this oil. However, the refined type of oil used in products for personal use is different from that used for industrial purposes and does not contain the impurities present in it. There is also some legitimate concern that petrolatum (another name for mineral oil) and liquid paraffin can make the skin more sensitive to the sun, so people who use products containing it should exercise caution and control sun exposure.

Marketed as early as the 19th century under the trade name Nujol (medicinal oil), mineral oil has a long history as a remedy for constipation. When taken orally in small amounts, it acts as a lubricant and prevents water absorption in the colon. It also interferes with the absorption of certain types of nutrients, and therefore, if abused, can cause a deficiency problem.

A few drops of warm—not hot—oil can also be used to soften earwax. Followed by a gentle rinse with water or hydrogen peroxide, treatment with this oil can help remove excess wax from the ear canal.
Impact effects

While most people can use mineral oil without any ill effects, it causes allergic reactions in some people, including hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. These symptoms can be dangerous, so if you experience any of them, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. While there is concern about the use of high viscosity oils in food, they are generally safe when consumed in moderation.

Exposure to mineral oil aerosols is considered an occupational hazard for some workers. In spray form, it is an irritant to the respiratory system, and people with impaired lung function may experience an aggravation of their condition under its influence. Similarly, those with pre-existing skin conditions are more likely to develop inflammation if exposed to this substance. The risk of exposure to high concentration spray is a regulated occupational hazard that requires control of workplace exposures in many countries.

Due to its water repellency, mineral oil can also be used on wooden utensils, kitchen utensils and food preparation tools such as cutting boards.

Because it is virtually odorless and tasteless, highly refined, edible varieties can be used to protect wood from cracking and bacterial buildup without imparting an undesirable odor or taste to the food. Some people also use it to grease the pan before baking or frying. Since industrial oils can contain toxic impurities, cooks only use oils that are labeled safe for use in the kitchen.

Application in industry and science

Mineral oil has two properties that make it a popular choice for use with industrial and electrical components: it does not conduct electricity and is a poor conductor of heat, and it displaces air and water where it is used, and therefore can protect parts from corrosion. Because of this, some varieties of mineral oil are used to treat tools, machines, and even metal surfaces and ship components to protect them from rust. It is also resistant to compression, so it is often used to provide resistance in hydraulic assemblies.

Among other things, mineral oil prevents the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere, so it serves as a good preservative for lithium and other alkali metals. These elements react to exposure to the atmosphere, darken quickly, or even ignite or explode, depending on the metal. Some laboratories also use mineral oil to create a protective layer for cultures in Petri dishes.