Methods of teaching calligraphy to junior schoolchildren. Methodological development of a methodology for teaching writing to younger students. calligraphy at the lessons of the Russian language. List of sources used

This article discusses the formation of the calligraphic skill of students in elementary school
This article examines the formation of the calligraphic skills of Junior pupils with impaired handwriting

Keywords: handwriting, violation, calligraphy, calligraphic skills, primary school student
Key words: handwriting, violation, calligraphy, calligraphic skills, younger student

One of the childhood memories of elementary school that every modern adult has is “minutes of calligraphy”. Until now, some schools practice calligraphy lessons in order to teach children beautiful handwriting.

The word "calligraphy" came to us from ancient times. Even in ancient Greek, it was formed from two words translated into Russian as “beauty” and “I write”.

This term refers to the ability to write clearly, beautifully and legibly by hand, based on existing writing patterns.

For calligraphic handwriting, it is important to follow the rules of the line, maintain even margins both on the right and left of the page, adhere to the same size and slope for letters (moreover, the slope is regulated and equal to 65 degrees), draw each letter correctly and connect the letters correctly.

A person knows calligraphy only if his handwriting has already been formed, he writes quickly and coherently, while the speed of writing does not affect its legibility and inclination. If a person violates the proportions, changes the slope of the letters, does not apply the rules for writing some elements, then it is considered that he makes calligraphic errors.

Today, the issue of teaching calligraphy to junior schoolchildren is very relevant. After all, modern scientific and technological progress and the rapid development of the world information field poses a mandatory task for a person to engage in self-education.

Therefore, a person has a need to write not only legibly, but also quickly, while maintaining calligraphic handwriting. It is in elementary school that the foundations of a person's handwriting are laid, so at this age you immediately need to start writing correctly. In the works of modern Methodists K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Ilyukhina, L.S. Vygotsky and others have scientific recommendations for solving this problem.

Today, most people do not have calligraphic writing skills. What has happened to handwriting in recent decades? Why do people make so many mistakes? Why is it increasingly difficult to teach children to calligraphy in elementary grades? These questions concern many educators. Every year we see an increase in the number of children who have difficulties in learning to write. Up to 30 percent of children have lingering problems in learning to write.

Today, teaching calligraphy is considered one of the main problems of school education. This problem is studied by many scientists and methodologists. The formation of the correct letter today is considered from different points of view. For example, the program "Letter with a Secret" involves the formation of muscle memory.

Why is this question so important to so many people? Because there are significant problems associated with poor calligraphy in children. If a child is careless about the legibility of his handwriting, then this carelessness goes to the assimilation of spelling. It is difficult for the verifier to determine which letters are in the text. A person who writes in poor handwriting is often given the false impression that he is illiterate and careless in life. Computerization in education leaves its mark, as children write less time, which prevents them from learning calligraphic writing skills.

The most common problems in writing words are difficulties in mastering the letter form, the methods of connecting letters, the slope of the line. Due to the fact that the exercises are carried out less often than before, all these skills are lost.

But there are even more serious signs of this problem - the process of developing writing skills is affected not only by physical difficulties, but also by the psychological characteristics of the individual.

According to E.M. Gurova, it is necessary to single out individual elements of calligraphic handwriting and practice each of them. At the same time, you need to teach children to write to the beat or on command.

There is a strong belief, based on facts, that if you stick to a strict time signature, you can easily master a fast and at the same time beautiful handwriting.

Writing exercises to the beat allow not only to write correctly, but also help children pay attention (after all, you need to understand and write what the teacher says the first time). It also allows you to train your memory and develop the ability to perseverance. The individual elements that Ilyukhina writes about must be written without interruption.

Another piece of advice that V.A. Ilyukhina offers is to pronounce each letter when writing it. Children easily learn the main elements that occur most often.
Each lesson introduces a new letter. At the same time, already in the second half of September, children are sent to “independent search”. Children are not always able to give a detailed answer to various questions of the teacher. But at the same time, children's speech is often heard in the lessons.

At the same time, children independently comment on their spelling of a letter or word. They pronounce each element at the time of its writing. In this case, the letter goes without interruption from the paper.

It has long been proven and tested in practice that with tactical (it is also called rhythmic) writing to the count, children learn calligraphy much better.
N.G. Agarkova offers her own system that applies the principles of rhythmic writing. Such writing becomes clearer and smoother. And the rhythm while writing letters significantly speeds up the pace without compromising the quality of the letter. This corrective method makes it possible to improve the graphic-motor component in children, which have their own motor characteristics.

Timed writing is introduced in three stages.

At the first stage, children perform the following tasks: they circle letters on specially prepared samples for tracing paper. The exercise is performed under the account.

At the next stage, children, using tracing paper, no longer circle letters, but words that are combined into groups. Each group contains words that have similar rhythmic structures and similar stresses.

The third stage is characterized by the fact that children are also beginning to circle entire sentences with the help of tracing paper. Poems and even small texts are also gradually being introduced.

To successfully complete all these exercises, a workbook was published. With its help, children in elementary school form a graph-motor element of writing. Classes on this notebook are held in the elementary grades of the school.

There are also effective alternative methods for teaching beautiful writing. Let us discuss in more detail the methodology proposed by N.G. Agarkov.

According to N.G. Agarkova, lessons on teaching beautiful and legible handwriting should be based on the principles that are used in Russian graphics. It is important to conduct regular classes, with the help of which children bring the actions of writing letters to automatism.

The principles that N.G. Agarkov, the following:

  • letters must be studied element by element;
  • it is important to achieve a stable single-variant spelling of the letter;
  • alphabetic characters need to be logically grouped.

Element-by-element mastering of letters is manifested in the fact that before proceeding with the inscription of a letter, it is necessary to form in the child its visual image in memory so that he clearly understands what individual elements this letter is built from. He must also remember well what relationships exist between these elements. The letter is reproduced element by element, but now motor elements are involved. As a result, a stable literal image is formed in the minds of students. This will create a solid foundation for the formation of good calligraphic handwriting.

Stable writing of different letters is achieved by observing the patterns of correct hand movement in the process of writing text on paper. These are circular movements that are closed and directed inward towards the shoulder. As a rule, the hand makes the same movements while writing different letters.

If you logically group different letters, then after studying individual letters, you can quickly form clear images of each letter in the minds of students, and this will avoid frequent graphic errors when writing quickly. As a result, a solid foundation is laid for the formation of the ability to automatically write in calligraphic handwriting.

The principles that we have described in this article can be implemented using the element-wise holistic method. It relies on the characteristics associated with the age of six or seven years and the psychological development of children of this age. This principle does not interfere with the development of coherent writing. On the contrary, we believe that it allows you to reveal it more deeply.

The technique is based on two categories of letter images. These are visual images of letters and motor images of letters. Visual images are based on patterns of perception through vision. Motor images are based on the patterns of movements in the process of writing.

Thematic literature, especially the works of E.N. Potapova, V.A. Ilyukhina and others, offers various methods. For example, one technique is based on the copywriting method. The other is genetic.

There are also rhythmic techniques, font techniques, which were developed by N.G. Agarkova. ON THE. Fedosova allows not only to acquire calligraphic handwriting, but also to develop fine motor skills, to form different types of memory. Particular attention should be paid to the recommendations of V.A. Ilyukhina. She offers a methodology that works effectively until the end of schooling.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Each methodology considered is based on principles and approaches that have reliable historical recommendations;
  2. These techniques allow students to consciously master calligraphic handwriting;
  3. Modern learning technologies develop not only the ability to write, but also other important qualities of the child;
  4. Methods also take into account the psychological and physical characteristics of elementary school students.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 6"

Methodical development


Kirillova Marina Ivanovna,

primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 6, Khanty-Mansiysk

Khanty - Mansiysk



Introduction ................................................ ................................................. .........................3

1. The period of work on calligraphy for six-year-olds .............................................. ...................4

2. Didactic materialto calligraphy lessons in grade 1 .................................. 7

3. Minutes of calligraphy in Grade 1……..……………………………………..…...…9

4. Teaching first graders to write in notebooks with one ruler…..…..……...13

5. Minutes of calligraphy in the 2nd grade .............................................. ...............................eighteen

6. Minutes of calligraphy in grade 3 .............................................. ...................................21

7. Teaching calligraphy in grade 4 …………………………………………….…25

8. Literature and references ............................................................... ................................................. .32

1. Introduction.

The problem of beautiful, legible handwriting has become very relevant today, one of the sore problems in modern school. What is it connected with?

One of the reasons is the introduction of computer technologies into all areas of our life, including the field of education. The keyboard has replaced the children's pen and pencil. How joyful it is to observe with what speed and ease children's fingers fly over the buttons, and what disappointment a teacher experiences when checking a home exercise in the Russian language or a class essay in literature ...

The reason, of course, lies not only in the computer. The reasons for this problem are the insufficient number of effective methods, the limited time that a teacher can devote to individual work with students to develop writing skills, the employment of parents who do not pay enough attention to consolidating the skills acquired at school, and sometimes simply a misunderstanding of the significance of this problem by teachers and parents. .

Realizing the urgency of this problem, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop an accessible methodology for mastering the skills of calligraphic writing, which would be not only effective, but also exciting for children.

“Writing beautifully is creating beauty,” says folk wisdom.How to teach this to a child? This question worries not only me, but alsomany of our teachers, since beautiful writing is also competent letter.

Writing is a complex coordinating skill that requires a coordinatedthe work of the small muscles of the hand, the correct coordination of movements of the whole body.Mastering the skill of writing is a long and laborious process that is not easy for all children.

The purpose of this work is to develop a methodology for teaching calligraphy to younger schoolchildren using personality-oriented, gaming technologies, implementing a differentiated approach to teaching, taking into account the age-related psycho-physiological characteristics of students.

Developing writing skills in younger students along with readingand computational skills a task of paramount importance,since the degree of formation and automation of theseaction depends not only on the success of the child's advancement in the educationalactivity, but also his mental development.

At the same time, the process of teaching children to write and developing their automated graphic skill is complex, due to the uniqueness of this type of speech activity. Due to thisthere is a need for practical work with younger studentsat the lessons of writing (during the period of literacy) and later at the lessons of the Russian language.

Teaching writing is complex, conscious in general and in itselements of the process and requires preliminarypreparation of children. Best results are achieved witha differentiated approach to teaching calligraphy. It's very important hereprovide a differentiated perception of letter shapes by children,to be written.

In the method of teaching writing, when teaching how to write letters, it is oftenthe same methods are used: preliminary examinationelements of letters, comparing them with elements of the corresponding printedletters, pre-writing complex letter elements. Undoubtedlythat these techniques are important in the initial teaching of writing letters. However, they do not always give the quality of the letter that you need to get.The reason for the low efficiency of this type of work is seen ina general approach in teaching children the differentiated perception of all written letters of the alphabet. After all, each letter has its own configuration, different from other letter forms, although many letters havesome common elements. Therefore, individualadditional work to teach children the correct and unmistakable perception of the configuration of each letter.


An important indicator of a child's readiness for schoolis the development of fine motor skills. Ability to produce accuratehand and finger movements are of great importance for mastering letter.

The ability to perform small movements with objects develops insenior preschool age. Precisely by the age of 6-7 yearsthe maturation of the corresponding areas of the cerebral cortex ends,development of small muscles of the hand. It is important that by this age the child beprepared to learn new motor skills (includingwriting skill) rather than being forced to correct wrongformed old.

Changing an ill-formed motor skillrequires a lot of effort and time from both the child and the parents. Is notonly complicates learning to write, but also, which is especially undesirable,creates additional stress on the central nervous systemchild in their first year of school. Therefore, work on preparing a child for learning to write should begin long before entering school.

Huge, if not leading role in this taskbelongs to the family, because the formation of this skill is duemany factors. Including those that affect the childoutside the walls of the preschool. In addition, the success of work on the formation of this skill depends on its systematic nature, and this conditioncan be performed only with the interaction of preschoolinstitutions and families.

Therefore, when preparing a child for school, it is important not to teach himwrite, but create conditions for the development of small muscles of the hand.

What are the ways to train a child's hand? Existsother games and exercises to develop motor skills that you canRecommend to parents of future first graders:

Modeling from clay and plasticine

Drawing, coloring pictures - a favorite pastimepreschoolers. But you need to pay attention to the drawings of children.Are they varied?

It is necessary to diversify the subject of drawings, pay attention tothe main details, without which the picture becomes distorted.

Making paper crafts. For example: executionapplications. The child needs to be able to use scissors and glue.

Making crafts from natural materials: cones,acorns, straw and other available materials.


Fastening and unfastening buttons, buttons, hooks.

Tying and untying ribbons, laces, knots on a rope.

Screwing and unscrewing the lids of jars and vials.

Suction with a pipette of water.

Opening and closing a door or box.

Stringing beads and buttons. In summer, you can make beads frommountain ash, nuts, pumpkin and cucumber seeds, small fruits, etc.

Weaving of braids from threads, wreaths of flowers.

All types of handicrafts: for girls - knitting, embroideryetc., for boys - chasing, burning, artistic sawing and etc.

Teach our children everything we know ourselves!

Bulkhead cereals. Pour into a small saucer, for example:peas, buckwheat and rice and ask the child to sort it out. For futurefirst graders is also a very useful activity.

"Display" of the poem. Let the child show with his hands everything, oh
what the poem says. Firstly, it’s more fun this way, which means that words andmeaning will be better remembered. Secondly, such a small performance will helpit is better for the child to navigate in space and use his hands.

Shadow theater. Ask the baby to connect the big andindex fingers, and spread the rest like a fan. Miracle: on the litA parrot will appear on the table lamp against the wall. If you straighten your hand, andthen connect the index finger and stick out the little finger, on the wallthe dog will appear.

Ball games, with cubes, mosaic.

All these exercises bring three benefits to the child: firstly,develop his hand, preparing to master the letter,secondly, they form an artistic taste in him, which is useful at any age; thirdly, child physiologists say that a well-developed hand will “pull” the development of intelligence with it.


Tasks No. 12 and No. 13 are performed by children independently withusing familiar "patterns" hatching.

Further, when studying letters, you can also use hatching, whereelements of the letters studied are applied, in this case:

You can offer children certain "patterns" for eachspecific drawing.


All written letters can be divided into three groups.
To the first group can be attributed to those letters in which it is not clearly visible their elements:

For this group, it is useful to carry out preliminary work onunlined sheets of paper. After the teacher explained the spellingletters, children write a letter or its elements in the entire sheet of paper received, as their hand allows them.

For example:

You can immediately check how the student perceivesgiven letter, and help him eliminate the mistakes before writing in the notebook.

second group make up letters in which they are clearly visibleelements, all these letters are different in shape, difficult to perceivefirst graders with their ratio.

These are the letters:

When preparing children to write such letters, it is advisable to givethem the image of a particular letter in the form of a picture resembling it inconfiguration. So, preliminary work on the perception of capitalletter A can be started by considering the drawing of a gymnast, whichif he changes his “pose”, he will fall. LetterBUT - she can't exactlystand on the line if it is written "wide" or "narrow".

Letter ABOUT -

Letters Y -

Letters U -

Letters TO -

third group make up letters in which an important element is a loop:

These are the most difficult letters to write. Teaching them to write is important to prevent practical work withwire, thread, etc. Children, as it were, modulate from threads orwire letters with loops. The teacher checks the progress of the work, and only after everything is done correctly, the students will be able to write down the letter in the notebook. If an error occurs while writing, the work is repeated.

A differentiated approach to teaching writing is also carried out with individual work with each of the students. First of all, this applies to children who write with their left hand. For them, copying can become the dominant technique.

When writing letters, left-handed children often confuse the trajectory of movements, write letters in the opposite direction, so the samples should have arrows that would show the beginning and further trajectory of movement when writing a letter:

For children who, when writing on the working line, due to fear, do notbring the letter to the limit line of the working linestrongly compress the handle (and this causes a significant overvoltagehands), preliminary work can be practiced on an unlineda sheet where the child freely writes letters or its elements:

For children who incorrectly correlate and reproduce individual elements of letters, a special line should be selected:

This line will help the student to control their actions.when writing out the elements of letters.

With children who have a high degreeinstability of attention, it is necessary to carry out preliminary work that arouses their keen interest. Before writing a letter or its elements innotebook, the child must first write down in the drawing a whole letter or its elements.

By implementing differentiated teaching in the writing lesson, teacher

gets the opportunity to prevent children's mistakes, to provide specific assistance of a long-acting nature, in which studentsstart writing correctly. This approach to teaching writing allows you to develop the skills of conscientious work, because it is designed for the abilities of each student.


A minute of calligraphy, depending on the purpose of the lesson, can becarried out at the beginning, middle or end of the lesson. The following ispractical material for further improvementcalligraphic skill among first-graders (3rd and 4th quarter).

Some letters are given in normal script. When conducting classesin calligraphy, the teacher shows the children samples of written letters.

3rd quarter

1. and and and and and and and and and

fox student russian

2. w w w w w w w w

pencil machine

3. y y y y y y y y

city ​​boots newspaper

4. p p p p p p p p p

coat pencil case cock

5. t t t t t t t t

notebook teacher shovel

6. n n n n n n n n

pencil case crow glass

7. R r r r r r r

guys work russian

8. uu / uu uu / uu uu / uu

cock teacher tutorial

9. lll / lll lll / lll lll / lll

shovel shawl coat

10. mm / mm mm / mm mm/mm

furniture frost machine

11. ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts

heron circus

12. schsch schsch schsch schsch schsch schsch

pike cabbage soup sorrel

13. b b b // b b b b // b b

bear coat stump

14. s s s s / s s s s

ski tongue

15. Oo / oo oo / oo oo / oo

milk clothes aspen

16. Aa // aa aa // aa aa // aa

girl hare glass

17. Yuyu yuyu / yuyu yuyu / yuyu

yula blizzard south

18. F f // f f // f f // f f

february flag

19. D d d d d d d

village girl

20. b b b b b b b b

work guys

21. yaiya // yaiya // yaiya //

january apple tongue

22. S S / S S S S

september magpie dog

23. e e / e e e e / e e her / her

cock village

24. yo yo / yo yo yo yo / yo yo yo / yo

hedgehog tree cheerful

25. h h h h / h h h h / h h

watch stockings

26. ъ ъ ъ / ъъ ъ / ъ

entrance announcement

27. xx xx xx xx xx xx xx

sugar good cock

28. cc // cc cc // cc cc // in

crow sparrow cow

29. LJ // LJ LJ // LJ LJ // LJ

clothing life

30. uh uh / uh uh / uh uh /

echo this floor

Z1. C / C C / C C / C C / C C / C C / C

plant frost hare

32. kkk // kkk kkk // kkk kkk // kkk
pencil skate class


Zoya Zelenogorsk Zverev

34. X OXO XX xx

Kharkiv Kharms Kharitonov

35. EZEZ EEEee

Elena Enisey Egorov

36. ESES Eeeee

Emma Edward

37. I am I am

Yasha Yaroslavl Yakovlev


Zhenya Zhora Zhitkov

39. N N N n

Nina Nosov

40. K K K K

Katya Kyiv Konotop

41. Yu Yu Yu Yu

Yury Yulia Yusupov

42. R R R R

Rachev Valentin Frunze

4th quarter

1. A A A Aa aaa

Alla Anapa Alexandra

2. BBB Bb bbb

Boris Brest Barto

Z. VVV Vv vvv

Vladimir Volgograd Vereysk

4. zhzhzh zhzh zhzhzh

Zhenya Zhitomir Zhitkov

5. 333 zz zz
Zinaida Zelenograd


Irina Irtysh Ilyin


Kirill Kyiv Kataev


Larisa Leningrad Lermontov

9. Mmm mm mmm

Marina Minsk Mayakovsky

10. nn nn nn

Nina Nekrasov


Olga Odessa Oseeva


Polina Penza Pushkin


Tatiana Tula Tolstoy


Rimma Riga Ryleev

15. S S S Ss ​​sss

Sima Saratov Sweet

16. Woo woo woo

Uliana Ufa Ushinsky

17.F F F Ff fff
Faina Frunze Fadeev

18. XXX Xx xxx

Kharitonov Kharkiv Kharms

19. tsst tsst tsst

Tselinograd Tsyferev

20. hhh hh hhh

Chita Chelyabinsk Charushin

21. schschsch schsch schschsch
Shchors Shchepkin

22. Sh Sh Sh Shsh Shshsh
Sholokhov Shura

23. Uh uh uh uh
Emma Estonia

24. Yuyuyu Yuyuyu Yuyuyu

Yuri Yulia

25. Yaya Yaya Yaya

Yakov Yaroslavl Yakovlev

26. aaa aa a a a a
watermelon pharmacy machines

27. bbb bb bbb
drum badger squirrel

28. Yaya Yaya Yaya
apple earth language

29. ss ss ss
boots sugar sand

30. hhh hh hhh
man working watch

31. vvv vv vvv

crow boots tuesday

32. xxx xxx xxx
sugar bread halva

33. zzz zz 333
plant frost hare

34. Lll Ll LLL
shovel fox pencil case

35. schschsch schsch schschsch
shchi brush sorrel


work guys autumn


newspaper pea city


Teaching first graders to write on a wide range is not new to elementary school. It is connected with the desire of the teacher to lay down the skill of writing with the systematic development of the independence of younger students. Writing without relearning in the 2nd grade, writing based on the conscious orientation of children in notebooks from the first days of being at school, writing that gives a clear advantage in the speed of completing written assignments - this is not so little with a cursory look at the problem.

Such training is especially necessary for those children who, even before school, have mastered the basics of reading and already in the 1st grade are ahead of their peers in mastering the program material. Prescriptions tend to hold students back.

Consider the order of work. Conventionally, in teaching writing to first graders, three stages can be distinguished.

First step "analytical". At this stage, children get acquainted with the technique of writing and its basic elements. Based on the syllable-sound analysis, students identify sounds and syllables in words, and also get acquainted with their letter designation. In terms of duration, it covers the entire preparatory period of literacy and part of the main one - the study of the first vowels.

Second phase - "analytical-synthetic" - is characterized by the fact that the mastery of sound-letter analysis is accompanied by the writing of syllables, words and small sentences. Switching students' attention to the content of these formations still causes frequent violations of graphic norms in children, and "the student's synthetic activity when performing these exercises is constantly connected with the analytical one."

At the third stage the unit of written expression becomes the word as a whole. “The process of writing gradually turns into a process of expressing thoughts” and is characterized by an acceleration in the pace of writing. The attention of children is increasingly directed to the content of the letter. In view of the predominance of the student's synthetic activity during the exercise of this stage, it can be called the synthetic, or stage of speech writing.

Let us consider how the basic qualities of writing are formed in six-year-olds.

In the first week of September, an album for drawing is used, where first graders draw, learn to draw segments in different directions, use stencils to draw the contours of game characters, animals, vegetables, geometric shapes, which are then hatched and painted. Thus, most of the lesson time is given to free activities of the choice of the first graders themselves. However, 7-10 minutes of the lesson is devoted to special exercises, the purpose of which is to master the following names.

These concepts are communicated to children when performing one of the possible borders or drawings in the line of the album, whichdrawn with a ruler by the teacher or by the student himself.

It is not difficult to notice that when making these borders on a board orin notebooks, the teacher and children will have to repeat the mainnames-terms: “draw in the working line”, “draw obliquelines, and now standing ones”, “determine the middle of the working line”, etc. Sopreparation for writing in notebooks with a wide ruler begins and masteringthe necessary terminology of the subject.

The following tasks are especially useful at this time:

1. Draw two circles in a whole line and two circles in halflines. Try to connect them together (sample on the board).

2. Draw three rectangles (squares) in a whole line and three inhalf at equal distance

3. Draw triangles at an equal distance from each other.Alternate them in this order: one triangle - in a whole line, one -half line.

These exercises are useful because orientation to the whole andhalf of the working line will help children in the further development of the height of the capital and small letters.

The next skill is the ability to enter now in a notebooka line of simple-shaped figures of objects and perform them inhalf size. For example, the exercise "locomotive and carriage driver"

Children draw rectangles in whole and half lines. You can explain to the children that “exactly the same height as a big steam locomotive, wewe will write capital letters with which the sentence begins, names andthe names of people, and we will write the rest of the letters in the words the same as small wagons. One of the familiar letters fits into the drawing and the children are invited to designate each trailer with familiar letters.

Trailers, like other drawings, can be hatched with straight lines andinclined lines, while the attention of the students is again directed tocorrect leaf position.

Several exercises to prepare children for writing one at a time

"Herringbone »

"Christmas tree and wind"


"Rain" then calms down, then resumes again. Thisthe exercise, like the previous one, is aimed at working out the inclination of the letter and training the exact movements of the hand to master the height of the hatching.

"Hill is low" - in half a line:

"Mountains high and low":

"Balloons" in various versions:

Useful exercise"Colored Ribbons" execution with green and blue ink.

It teaches first graders to draw wavy lines andmaster the actions associated with moving the hand along the line.
Similar exercises:"Air balloons" on a long rope,river", etc.

All these exercises or similar ones are carried out onletterless level of education. Work on sheets is 2-3 lines, independing on the complexity of the drawings or patterns in the borders, which can also be offered to children.

In the future, at the beginning of each lesson, it is advisableconduct exercises to warm up the muscles of the hand and fingers.

Important for calligraphic writingis ancoordinated work of the eye and hand (where the eye looks, there the handleads). The following are exercises to develop eye coordination andarms.

These exercises develop thinking, teach children to compare,analyze, find similarities and differences first on the proposedtables, and then in their works.

First the eyes are exercised, then the hand. Dictationthe teacher's gaze and hand work: “We look at the first point (I), put a hand on it, eyes up (2), hand up, eyes down (3), hand down. Thereafteryou can repeat the movement of the eyes and hands under the pronunciation of children (loud,in a whisper and the transition to mental pronunciation dictation). Atstudents develop self-control, attention develops,the confidence and firmness of the hand, stroke, a single pace are being worked outletters.

Later, each movement gets its own name: movement up - pull, movement down - tilt to the left. These are the main movementsany letter, compound.

Let's look at these movements on the example of the letter - M -, wherenumber 1 is a tilt to the left. 2- guy, 3 - tilt to the left, 4- guy, 5 -tilt to the left, 6 - guy (the cross indicates the beginning of the letter):

Similarly, we pronounce (in chorus, individually, loudly,in a whisper) writing the letters T and F combinations - ra -

If the guy is made, then the slope is observed very well andeasily.

Put the pen at the beginning of the letter, look to the right andlet's jump to the same height nearby, this is the beginning of the next letter,you need to write it. Let's put the pen at the beginning of the letter just written, make a "jump" to the right to the same height, etc.

What can be said about the distances between elementsslope?

Compare the width of the letters b and y. What can be said? Compare letters andspacing between letters (2) What can you say?

Conclusion: brace inside the letter and between the letters in width and height.
It turns out even letters - “girlfriends”.

It is very important to develop rhythmic writing. Firstly, rhythmic writing allows the student to control his work, to write each letter consciously, not to "leave" the line of the line, to bring its elements. Secondly, rhythmic writing, according to doctors, has a positive effect on the well-being of children, on their health, does not knock down the rhythm of the pulse, etc.

Rhythmic writing is achieved due to "a kind of brake". We copy with the “brake” in the air, squinting one eye, aligning the tip of the pen with the line on the board:

We say: “I’m leading down, brake, I’m pulling, brake, tilt to the left, brake, pull, brake ...”

The effectiveness of this technique is felt from the first application:the letter is beautiful, the continuity of the connecting lines is carried out -stretching, a single pace, the attention of children is concentrated on work.


When the children learned to write, the minutes of calligraphy themselves becamea bridge to the new, the unknown. They came alive and spoke. Minutes of penmanship allow you to continue to form the ability to write quickly,observing clarity, smoothness, rhythm, slope, coherence, linearityletters. And write the way you want to write! And be surecreating an emotional mood for the whole lesson. Develop children's speech throughpoetry, music, fine arts, because through the figurative worldchildren learn about the world around them. The speech of children is enriched, they catch andremember well-aimed figurative expressions bright epithet, poeticturnover, interesting comparison. Developing the ability to find the right word forexpression of thought, the ability to consistently express it, to connect phenomenanature with the surrounding reality, with poetic images. On thepoems by A.S. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, S. Marshak, worksoral folk art: folk song, jokes, proverbs,proverbs, stories. Everything excites the imagination of children: both jokes anda cheerful word and comparison, and everything that decorates our speech makes itimaginative, memorable, impressive.

The lesson can start with a poetic minute. To create in childrenemotional mood

Between thinning tops

Seemed blue

Noisy at the edges

Bright yellow foliage.

Drowning in foliage knee-deep,
Again, autumn stands at the yard.

Blizzard, snowstorm,

Spin us yarn
Whip the fluffy snows

Like swan fluff.

Here are a few minutes of calligraphy:

If you want to be literate, learn to think.

When writing off, do not rush, write letter by letter.

I will open my notebook
And how I should.
I will not hide from you, friends:
I'm holding my hand like this!

I tilt the notebook to the left
I hold my hand correctly
I'll sit straight, I won't bend
On "Excellent" I will work hard.

I'm not in a hurry at the lesson, I write carefully,

And that's why I only get "five" in my notebook

When the pen is in hand
Let the ear be deaf, and the sight sharp!

Accurate Malvina

Pinocchio taught to write,
But a blot fell from the nose,
How can we figure this out?

I won't see the notebook
I will write as needed.
And I'll show the guys
I'm happy with the five.

You will open a new notebook.

A blank page turns white in front of you

Notebook with excitement to rush to find out

What kind of student did she get?

What an honor from you.
You are for her - trouble or a gift,
Doesn't she often have to blush
Because of your mistakes and blots?



As mentioned earlier, minutes of calligraphy, depending on the purpose of the lesson, can be held at the beginning, middle or end of the lesson, sometimes as a relaxation after intense mental activity. And then you can say to the children:

- We have been working hard now, we are tired, many feel hot. Let's call the rain. We took the pens correctly, and a big blue cloud hung over us, it started to rain, with such drops.

- Please write down what letters these objects remind you of.What do they have in common in writing? All of them have the same element - an oval.Write down consonants from this group of letters first, give a descriptionconsonant sounds in the words you wrote: woodpecker, cobra, telephone.
Now write down the vowels.

And this is interesting! Among the recorded vowels are such,which in sentences are parts of speech, name them.

ABOUT - preposition, a - union, I -? (pronoun)

Often minutes of calligraphy turn into speech development classes,so, while working on the letters Vv, children conditionally draw two birdsand work out these letters with connections inthe following suggestions:

Two small birds perched on a branched tree in the school garden.
They liked to look out the classroom window.

Closely related to spending minutes of calligraphy with work onsound and spelling. Letters are checked almost dailypartial or complete sound analysis, closely linking withgrammatical concepts and the topic of the lesson.

The following is an example of calligraphy content.
1st group of lowercase letters: g, p, t, i, w, n, p, y

The tractor plows the field.

It is advisable to have a conversation about what quality depends ontractor work. Lead the children to the idea that a tractor driver canplow very quickly and a lot if the plowing is shallow. Ask the children who will be harmed by this.

“Look at the quality of your work. Have you done well now?”

Students make up a story about work in the yard or in the garden, cottage.
Letters sh, and

The sun bow yule wagons

With words denoting these objects come up withphrases adjective + noun , but so thatadjective wasn .

unfamiliar in beauty,
But I'm known around

The one that is very poisonous

My tender caviar. (marinka fish).

2nd group of lowercase letters: l, m, c, u, b

THE TASK. Decline the wordspruce (spruce, spruce, spruce, spruce, spruce, oh spruce)

We ride on ice.

TASK, decline the wordice (ice, ice, on ice, ice, ice, on ice)

THE TASK. guess a riddle.

The brothers were equipped to visit,
clinging to each other
And rushed off, the way is far,
They just left smoke.

Working with shorthand.

Letter b

They ask him, they are waiting for him, and when he comes, they will begin to hide. What's this?

THE TASK. Describe the soundX . draw a podpeas.

The golden bottom turned to the sun:
The head is on a leg, it has black polka dots.


Who can help find the answer?
You know, young gardener.

How many aphids ladybug
Eats a year in one?

(A.Ekimtsev) (five-six thousand)

THE TASK. Write down the clues.

Two neighbors - fidgets. Day - at work, night - on vacation. (eyes)
Thirty-two thresh. One turns. (teeth and tongue).

The tail is made of bone, and on the back there is a bristle. (Toothbrush).

k k k k bell


The need to continue work on calligraphy in the 4th gradedue to the fact that at the age of 9-10 the handwriting of children is still unstable,although the individual style of writing is already emerging. Morethere is a need for rapid writing, in which it is much more difficult to maintain the distinctness of each letter.Therefore, I consider the main goal of work in calligraphy to bethe formation in fourth-graders of the ability to write quickly in compliance withall other qualities of writing (clarity of letterforms, inclination, coherence,linearity, equal distance between letters). Areas of workremain the same as they were in the previous classes, but the specificthe weight of each of them changes: the first place is occupied by exercisesin cursive, smooth, rhythmic writing.

The specifics of work on calligraphy in the 4th grade isurgent need for organizingindividual work with students to correct handwriting.This task is very difficult, since, on the one hand, there is a large spread inindividual shortcomings in writing (some students have shortcomings inlettering, and different in some children, in others - violations.

3rd group of lowercase letters: o, a, u, f, d, b, i

I really need a needle with red thread.

The letter a

The sounds are loud... b.r.ban call the children to morning exercises.

I love b.r.zku ru..kuyu,

Either light ...., then sad.n ...

I love her, pretty...

Rodn..., sweetheart...

Letter f

THE TASK. Draw conditional clues.

golden head,
Big, heavy
golden head
Lie down to rest.

What letter do these objects resemble?

Carpenter with a sharp chisel
Building a house with one window.

THE TASK. Finish the story.

The children hung a k.rmushka on the village of Revo and in any weather in turn visiting feathered friends. Birds have always been happy to meet like this...

THE TASK. Solve riddles. Write your answers inspelling:

a) words with unpronounceable spellings,

b) hissing:end of nouns

c) separating b.

1. Fall - jump,
Hit, don't cry. (ball)

2. In the sun near the stumps
Lots of thin stems.
Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet light
Unfolding the stems
Collecting lights. (strawberry)

3. I won’t tear off a ruddy nesting doll from my friends,
I'll wait until the matryoshka falls into the grass by itself. (an Apple)

4. Always in the mouth, not swallowed. (language)

4th group of lowercase letters: e, e, h, b, v

Now the stream is already gurgling,
The snow darkens on the pine.
If long icicles
Long, long to be spring.


THE TASK. Write down the answers, grouping them by spelling.

1. Black, agile, shouting "crack", the enemy of worms. (rook)

2. Two twins, two brothers, sit astride the nose . (glasses)

3. From a hot well, water flows through the nose .(kettle)

4. Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere.

The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (cloud)

(Under) the window l.zhal puppy. He is all s. cowered from the cold. (To him
Misha came up and took him home.

THE TASK. Tell us how Misha took care of the puppy.
5th group of lowercase letters: x uk, e, h, k

The cramped house split into two halves.
And bead-shots rained down from there. (peas)

What are the features and content of the work oneach direction? As a rule, they are complex in nature, some are close in content to the natural writing of sentences and short texts. Others a fewartificial, used only as training fordevelopment of free, easy hand movements.

If we trace the dynamics of complication, we canisolate the following steps: in grade 1 - drawing,coloring patterns, borders of individual components
which resembled the elements of the studied letters, in grade 2 -tracing patterns - strokes in the air according to samples from the boardordry pen.

In grade 3, clean strokes were transformed intopeculiar bundles for painting the whole groupletters of the same type, which were already carried out in writing,
for example:

In grade 4, the exercises are similar in naturewarning, but more difficult to implement, since, more oftenbundles, more voluminous than the “portion” of an unseparated letter, the pace of their implementation is more accelerated. For example:

Many people ask why they are used for these purposesartificial elements - ligaments. First, ligaments reduce stressin the hand, give it a kind of rest in motion, as usuallyare performed on a larger scale and often with a change in direction of movement, secondly, the bundles allow you to include in a continuous chaina much larger number of letters, which cannot be done without them. Usuallyit is recommended to write in a row only as many letters as are found in the words of the Russian language (do not train your hand on the fact that she does not have toperform in natural writing). In school practice, this typeexercises are quite common, so instead of an exercise likedddd it is better to use its variants:

In order to achieve the rhythm of writing, it is recommended tocarry out such exercises under the account.If the flourish, ligaments are new for children, you can dedicate themmastering separate classes, the purpose of which will be the development of fluencyhands, for example:

It should be remembered that if the letter is rhythmic, then the elements of the letters will be located at equal distances. Consequently, work on the development of rhythm in writing is at the same time work on correcting a common defect in the handwriting of children of this age.

As you know, a single rhythm of writing also contributes to the establishment of a single cursive writing. In order to stimulate children to increase the speed of writing, you can also practice: 1) prescribing some words of phrases in different speed modes (slow at first, then faster) with the task of maintaining the quality of writing; 2) writing individual sentences (proverbs, short poems) from memory, for a while (who has time to write more in the allotted time, competently, clearly); 3) copying texts from the board, from individual cards, from a textbook, timing them and identifying the average writing speed (working speed) of each student and the class as a whole.

Working with small texts in natural writing (of course, after a series of preliminary training exercises) can also become the content of separate calligraphy lessons, the goals of which are to consolidate or test fluency, rhythm.
Writing speeds while maintaining calligraphy. Sometimes, before an exercise, a reinforcing character can be given for
"hand painting" some easy-to-execute flourish like:

The ice field shone, sparkled from the first rays of the sun. Arctic with
joyfully meets the polar day.

In the light of the main goal of the fourth year of teaching calligraphy, all other areas undergo some changes in the content and methodology of work (work on the forms of letters of the same height, parallelism, equally directed strokes), especially work on the forms of letters.

In the development of clear cursive writing, one cannot do without efforts to achieve the accuracy of the outline of all letters. Moreover, in the course of accelerated writing, letters are more often deformed (distorted), a natural contraction occurslettering paths. Therefore, in terms of “insurance” of the clarity of the letter, at the beginning of the school year, write down all the letters of the alphabet in terms of acceleration. It is better to use again the combination of letters according to the genetic principle (from simpler forms to more complex ones), we recall the groups of letters:

and w y I W Y, r p t r;

l m i L M i A;

ts y ts y, y h h;

c e e C E E, o O a d b;

b s b c;

N Yu K N Yu K;

h. e, h, f, V Z E X Zh, f;

F U, G P T, B, R, D.

Before class, very briefly clarify with the children the general anddistinctive features of the letters, both in form and in the movement of the hand inthe process of writing, as well as what shortcomings are typical for a number of studentsclass.

From the second half of the year, calligraphy classes should befocused on propaedeutic work to preventshortcomings associated with the use of forms of a number of letters to each other. The topics of such classes can be work on letters:

1) sh-ts, sh-sh,

2) i-p, sh-t,

3) l-i, i-e, l-i-e;

4) n-s, n-i, n-p, n-to, and-s;

5) w-w, w-t, w-w-t;

6) a-o, e-s, g-h (sconnecting elements), inaccurate reception of the connection maylead to spelling errors

7) k-i, k-p, k-i-p-n, k-x;

8) sh-m, i-l (with connecting strokes);
9) letters and letter combinations:
And-her, ee-ee, sh-sh, s-s;
Ie-ig-il, x-es, zhek, y-go ​​(o-o-o)
Os-og, ah-og

10) letter combinations:lu-mo, me-li

When comparing these pairs of letters or letter combinations, it is necessaryfocus children's attention on the specific features of each letter, onthe desire to write each letter distinctly. You can apply the samereception - from large letter to small.

In grade 4, in the context of the transition to cursive, the role ofthe ability to write without interruption (connectedly), and it, in turn, is associated withusing rational methods of connecting letters and their accuracywriting. When repeating the continuous connection of ovals orsemi-ovals (loop connection) emphasizes awarenessunderstanding that different connection options are introduced toconvenience, speed of writing and reducing the path of movement of the hand in the process of writing. Although seamless connection techniques contribute to morefast, fluent writing, this does not mean that all students will beIt is convenient to write without interrupting the movement even when writing quickly. exceptIn addition, with one stroke, some children can write 3-4 letters without interruptionothers more than 5-7. Therefore, I believe that it will be useful for them to equip students with various methods of connected writing, but to requirethere is no mandatory order from each unseparated letterneed.

As in the 3rd grade, the order of the calligraphy exercises is almost arbitrary, a certain sequence can be observed only when working on the smoothness and on the shapes of the letters (according to the degree of complexity of the material). The choice of the topic of classes is determined mainly by the needs of the class, shortcomings in the children's handwriting.

The amount of material for recording is also arbitrary. Usually, in the 8-10 minutes allotted by the program for handwriting classes, students manage to write down 4-5 lines, depending on the topic and goal, the volume can be less in one lesson, more in others, the teaching stream is important and achieving a certain result.

When evaluating the work, one should take control of that part of the written work that was successful during the training exercises, since it is at these minutes that a kind of study is carried out, training in the technique of writing, although here it must be borne in mind that not everything can work out right away.

All textual material to be recorded must be analyzed in terms of meaning and spelling literacy, unlearned spellings and punctograms should be warned. If possible, it should be related to the studied or studied material in the Russian language in order to use it as didactic material for repetition or learning new material in the program or spelling.

Taking into account that the 4th grade is transitional to the middle level, where the formation of children's handwriting continues, I advise you to familiarize yourself with the content and methodology of work in all areas indicated in this development, language teachers at a joint meeting of methodological associations to establish continuity in the formation of a full-fledged letter of schoolchildren .


Lvov M.R., Goretsky V.G., Sosnovskaya O.V. Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school. - M., 2000.

Ramzaeva T.G., Lvov M.R. Methods of teaching the Russian language in elementary grades. - M., 1979.

Russian language in primary school: Theory and practice of teaching / Ed. M.S. Soloveychik. - M., 1993

Prokhorova E.V. Difficulties among younger schoolchildren in writing lessons // Elementary School, No. 5, 1999.

Khoroshilova E.I. Characteristics of specific writing errors of younger schoolchildren // Elementary School, No. 7, 2001.

Tsynovnikova Yu.L. Automation of the writing skill at the stage of primary assimilation of alphabetic characters // Elementary School No. 7, 2001

Sheveleva O.P. Formation of calligraphy skills in younger schoolchildren // Elementary School, No. 1, 1999

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Smirnova Yuliya Alekseevna Primary school teacher MOU "Volosovskaya Primary General Education School" Education - Higher primary school teacher - I qualification category Pedagogical experience - 9 years

"Methods and techniques for the formation of calligraphic writing skills in primary school students"

The problem of the formation of calligraphic skills in children of primary school age is relevant. In the works of psychologists: L.S. Vygodsky "Thinking and Speech"; P.Ya. Galperin "Theory of the gradual formation of mental activity"; D.B. Elkonin "Psychology of teaching younger students" you can find the answer to the question: how to teach children to write quickly and beautifully?

Experience shows that a significant part of the children entering the first grade are not prepared for writing, and this creates a complex of difficulties from the first days of teaching. Children often have very little: experience in performing graphic tasks; drawing; imperfect coordination of hand movements; low level of hand-eye coordination, spatial perception and visual memory; most schoolchildren hold a pen and pencil incorrectly; do not know how to sit correctly; do not know how to arrange the paper; rarely anyone owns the basics of sound-letter analysis.

Doodles and careless handwriting in notebooks are most often not from unwillingness to try, not from inattention and laziness, but from a discrepancy between our requirements and the child's capabilities.

Is it possible to help children avoid serious difficulties in learning to write? Certainly yes. But it should be understood that this largely depends on the level, functional development of the child, is associated with his speech development and state of health.

What is the process of writing? Writing is a special form of speech in which its elements are fixed on paper by drawing graphic symbols corresponding to the elements of oral speech. Writing is one of the most complex skills that are formed in the learning process. The most important element of learning to write is the formation of a graphic writing skill, in parallel with which the formation of spelling skills is taking place.

What is a writing skill? “A skill is an action formed by repetition ...” (A Brief Psychological Dictionary). There are three main stages in the formation of a skill. The first stage is analytical, the main component of which is the isolation and mastery of individual elements of the action. The second stage is conditionally called synthetic. This is the stage of connecting individual elements into a holistic action. The third stage - automation - the stage of skill formation as an action, which is characterized by a high degree of assimilation and control. A characteristic feature of skill automation is speed, smoothness, ease. The main thing in the formation of a skill is exercise and training.

Methods for the formation of calligraphic writing skills The copy method - its essence was that the children circled the written samples (with dots or pale ink), the teacher himself could prescribe the task for the students in their notebooks with a pencil. The disadvantage of the method was that it did not contribute to the conscious mastery of handwriting. Today, elements of this method are used in copybooks and in individual work with children, when correcting handwriting.

Linear Method - Students learn based on accurate, equal spacing between letter elements, exact proportions of letter height and width, and an assisted grid can be used. As the only method, this method also did not justify itself, since a frequent oblique grid did not contribute to the development of writing skills, the formation of an eye. The pupils' eyes quickly grew tired. In a modern school, elements of this method are used, for example, when from the first days of training the teacher uses notebooks with one line, at the beginning of training the linear method is used as the main one.

The genetic method is to study the letters in order from the simplest in shape and style to the more complex. At school, this method has been known since the Middle Ages, it was successfully used by Pestalozzi. In recent methodological developments, the method is used to work out the shape of letters in the post-letter period, for example, in the manual "Didactic materials for teaching writing" for grades 2 and 3.

Rhythmic or tactical method - writing under the account, in the same rhythm. The method is convenient for frontal work with the class, develops confidence and smoothness of the hand, sets the desired writing speed, and is quite widely used in modern methods of teaching writing. It must be remembered that with prolonged use, the method does not justify itself, as children quickly get tired of constant counting.

The method of teaching writing by prescribing special exercises (the Carster method) - this method set the main task of developing clear and beautiful cursive writing in students. Carster applied a number of exercises in rapid hairline writing combined with letters and words. All these exercises were written on paper without any line. This was done so that all students learned to use the space of papers, and also in order to achieve a more refined eye. According to the methodologists, Carster's system of exercises was more suitable for adults in developing writing speed or correcting handwriting than for children. However, subsequently, individual exercises are also successfully used for teaching children (recipes by N.I. Tkachenko and A.I. Voskresenskaya, manuals by V.A. Saglin, N.N., Bogolyubov, etc.). The best result in the initial teaching of writing is given, as a rule, by a combination of all these methods without highlighting the leader.

Techniques for Teaching Calligraphic Writing Skills 1. Demonstration Demonstrate the process of writing and explain how to write letters, syllables, words, sentences during this demonstration. The display is carried out on the blackboard for the whole class or individually in the student's notebook. Ways of connecting letters are shown; the demonstration is accompanied by an explanation: where I start to write a letter, where I lead my hand, in which direction I make a rounding, pointing out the size of the element.

2. Copying I use this method to a limited extent due to the fact that the tracing of the sample is carried out by the student without sufficient awareness of the writing process and even seeing the shape of the letter. However, the student is trained in performing the correct movement: scope, size, direction, shape.

3. Copying from a finished sample The technique is based on imitation, reproduction of a sample letter. The psychological significance of copying from a sample and tracing a sample is different for the formation of writing skills. Tracing along the pattern exercises motor representations. Since the tracing of the sample is done mechanically, prolonged tracing is tiring for the student.

4. Imaginary writing, or writing in the air The technique is based on motor sensations and on a visually perceived pattern. In imaginary tracing, the child writes realistically, but in the air. This helps the student learn both the movement and the correct form of the letter. Letter shape analysis can be done in different ways. It is possible to analyze the shape of a letter by decomposing it into components, visually distinguishable elements, for example, a consists of an oval and a small straight oblique with a rounding to the right. Some letters are written in one indivisible movement, for example, the letters c and b.

5. Writing to the count or to the beat of the count It contributes to the development of a smooth rhythmic writing of a certain tempo. The count is carried out as follows: the main element of the movement - we write on ourselves under the count "one - two - three", the connecting movement - under the count "and", which we pronounce either longer or shorter, depending on the length of the path.

6. Showing erroneous spellings The method of showing erroneous spellings is debatable. I use it so that the children themselves see what the mistake is and find the answer, how to avoid such mistakes. In this case, an example of erroneous spelling is not taken out on the board, but a card is shown.

Stages of skill formation 1. Hatching Hatching is the development of muscle memory. This stage determines the success of the entire training. Children hatch objects that they have drawn or built using curly rulers (stencils). Task: hatch only in a given direction, do not go beyond the contours of the drawings, keep the same distance between lines (strokes). Children accept the conditions quickly, easily, as in a game. Strokes are worked out: from top to bottom, from bottom to top, from left to right.

2. Development of tactile memory A concept is formed in a child when a sensation is formed. It is advisable to teach the concept and image of a letter through touch. It is done like this. Two letters are glued onto the cardboard (uppercase and lowercase and their connection). The letters are made from velvet paper. Feeling the letter, the child pronounces to himself the whole way of the finger. The game "Guess the letter" is often used: children, closing their eyes, find the beginning of the letter and name it.

Preparation for writing and teaching graphic skills Preparation for writing is carried out at the expense of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 1 - put your feet together, straight, feet on the floor or stand; 2 - lean with your back on the back of the chair, check the distance between the edge of the desk and the chest with your fist; 3 - head tilt. Elbow of the right hand on the table, touch the temple with the tips of the fingers; 4 - take the pen correctly. The distance from the index finger to the metal part of the rod is one finger; 5 - the slope of the notebook. The lower left edge of the notebook is in the middle of the chest. The notebook is held with the left hand. Write straight, and the slope will be created due to the inclined position of the notebook.

In the process of work, the child may have difficulty in drawing straight, vertical, horizontal, oblique lines. The following tasks allow us to understand the causes of the difficulties that arise. 1. I check if the child knows how to manipulate small objects. For example, I give a package with buttons and ask them to separate small ones from larger ones, colored ones from white ones, etc. (I mark the completion of the task for myself + or -). 2. I ask the child to take a pencil with the index and thumb of the right or left hand and twist it. (It turns out +, it doesn't work -). 3. Write sticks (large and small) and count - one, two, three, four. (//// ////). 4. Shade a small drawing, having previously shown how to do it. "Minus" performance of tasks 1-4 is an indicator of difficulties associated mainly with shortcomings in the coordination of movements.

5. Copy drawings. 6. Find the same shape or combination of shapes. (No more than 6 seconds +, more than 6 seconds -). 7. Fold simple shapes from parts. (Fast +, slow -). 8. Look carefully and remember first one, then two, then three figures. Having closed the figure, draw from memory. 9. Complete (finish) the picture 10. You can play the following game: take a blank sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen. The teacher is in the role of a navigator, and the child is in the role of a driver: "We go straight, turn right, move forward, stop, the road is blocked, turn back, then left, make a circle and ...". Get a traffic plan. Poor performance of tasks 5-10 indicates difficulties in hand-eye coordination and visuo-spatial perception.

2. The next step is drawing parallel lines. It is the parallelism of all the strokes that gives the letter (handwriting) clarity, accuracy, makes the letter easier to understand and read. It should be noted that the non-parallelism of the strokes is the most frequent manifestation of a violation of handwriting. Before learning to write letters, it is necessary to teach the child to write vertical, horizontal and oblique lines in parallel. 3. Then comes the stage - the letter of the semi-ovals of the upper and lower, right and left with different directions of movement. To perform semi-ovals, you should pay attention to the position of the hand, and especially to the correct support of the hand (only on the little finger). 4. The last stage of preparation for writing is mastering the writing elements of written letters

In order to correctly explain how graphic elements (letters) are written, it is important to take into account some rules: Explain how a graphic element is written - at what point the movement begins, the direction of movement, the change in the trajectory, the end of the movement. There should not be a single incomplete or unfamiliar word in the explanation. In addition to a verbal explanation, a demonstration of movement is necessary. Slow motion "under dictation". Repetition of instructions. Independent action.

The process of forming calligraphic writing skills is of great pedagogical and social educational importance. So, teaching schoolchildren to accurate and clear writing, taking care of the stability of their handwriting, the teacher brings up accuracy, diligence, conscientious and diligent attitude to the performance of any work, not only written, respectful attitude towards people, to their work, finally, contributes to their aesthetic education. .

State budgetary professional educational institution

"Kurgan Pedagogical College"

Methods, methods and techniques for the formation of calligraphic skills in primary school students

Course work

Discipline Russian language with teaching methods

Student Mayorova A.V.

Specialty 050146 Teaching in elementary grades

Head Okhotnikova N.S.

Kurgan 2014

Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 4

    Historical and critical review of teaching calligraphy… ………… 6

    Psychophysiological foundations of teaching writing………………… 7

    Traditional methods, ways and techniques of teaching writing……… 8

4.1 Potapova E.N. “The Joy of Knowledge”……………………………….10

      Ilyukhina V.A. “Letter with a secret”…………………………… 11

    Teaching writing to right-handed and left-handed children………………… 13

5.1 Diagnosis of the definition of handiness…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5.2 Hygienic conditions for writing right-handed children………………16

5.3 Hygienic conditions for writing left-handed children……………… 18

5.4 Teaching writing to left-handed children……………………………… 19

      Mistakes of left-handed children and ways to eliminate them………………… 20

6. Studying the experience of teachers from different regions of Russia…… 21

Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 25

List of used sources ……………………………… 27




















From the first days a student enters school, they begin to teach him those initial reading and writing skills, without which further learning and acquiring knowledge is impossible. Reading and writing are closely related, but each of these skills has its own specifics.

The specificity of the letter lies in the fact that it has two sides - graphic and spelling. The child must learn to write not only clearly and fairly quickly, but at the same time and competently. Very often this causes certain difficulties for most students.

Calligraphy is the art of writing in clear, beautiful handwriting. Today, unfortunately, most students, like most of us, have far from calligraphic handwriting.

The process of forming a calligraphic writing skill is impossible without taking into account the literacy requirements of all records produced (spelling, grammatical, speech literacy). The studies of well-known linguists and methodologists (K.D. Ushinsky, S.P. Redozubov) found that the degree of mastery of the technique of writing, its calligraphic side affects the literacy of writing. For example, with large handwriting, children have a harder time learning spelling. This happens because the child's eye covers the word written in large handwriting with tension and does not perceive spelling well. Also, the appearance of spelling errors is often caused by a fuzzy or incorrect image of the shape of letters, connections, careless writing of words.

Thus, calligraphy affects spelling, and hence the intellect of the student, so the topic of this course work is relevant. This is confirmed by the statement of the linguist S.P. Redozubova: “By fighting for good handwriting and a good notebook, we are essentially fighting for the literacy of students.”

The purpose of this course work: to reveal the methods, methods and techniques for the formation of the calligraphic writing skill of younger students.

We have set the following tasks:

    To analyze the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on this topic.

    To consider the traditions, methods and techniques of work on the formation of the calligraphic skill of writing in younger schoolchildren on the example of traditional and author's methods of teaching writing.

    To reveal the features of teaching writing to right-handed and left-handed children.

    To analyze and summarize the experience of teachers from different regions of Russia on this topic.

The object of this course work is the methodology of teaching the Russian language in primary school.

The subject of the work is the traditions, methods and techniques of forming a calligraphic skill in the Russian language lessons in primary school.


    The study of psychological, pedagogical and scientific and methodological literature on this topic.

    Analysis of the existing practice in the formation of calligraphic skills.

    Generalization of the systematization of methods and techniques for the formation of a calligraphic skill

    Studying the experience of teachers from different regions of Russia.

Timing: 1.10.2012- 15.04.2013

  1. Historical and critical review of the teaching of calligraphy

The development of calligraphy techniques is connected with the history of writing, the emergence of which, in turn, was influenced by the stages of the historical development of society, the expanding and more complex needs of people in communication, and the achievements of scientific, technical and cultural progress of mankind.

As in any other area of ​​pedagogical science, in the field of teaching calligraphy there was a struggle of ideas, opinions, methods. What at a certain historical stage more satisfied the needs of society won.

In the 17th century learning to write was very difficult, the method of mechanical exercises, rewriting was used. For several months, students copied the same letters in alphabetical order, syllables, sentences, often not being able to read what was written. When teaching writing, the graphical difficulties of the written alphabet and the difficulties of mastering literacy were not taken into account.

After a while, teaching writing was introduced into the course of elementary school as a subject. It was part of a cycle of art objects. It was important to write beautifully and quickly. In the middle of the XIX century. a number of manuals for teaching cursive writing appear: Polovtsev “Scursive Writing Course”, Barantsevich “Shorswriting Manual”, etc.

The expanding needs of society in writing required a change not only in the font, but also in the methods of teaching writing, which went in isolation from learning to read. The letters were written in alphabetical order from "a" to "izhitsa". The main method of teaching writing was the mechanical repetition of exercises in writing letters, words and sentences.

In 1824 - 1870 K.D. Ushinsky created a new technique. He suggested teaching children to write together with reading, i.e. meaningful. Thus, the order of learning to write depended on the order of learning to read. As a result of the introduction of a new methodology, students began to master writing more successfully. This principle is applied in schools today.

In the XIX - XX centuries. there is a variety of methodological literature on teaching children to write. Among them, it is worth noting the methodological manuals of I.E. Evseev. His method of teaching calligraphy gives a historical overview and the origin of individual methods of teaching calligraphy, describes in detail the order of studying letters in groups and methodological techniques for teaching writing, copybooks and samples of different fonts are attached.

Thus, the development of calligraphy techniques directly depends on the demands of the society of a certain historical stage.

    Psychophysiological foundations of teaching writing

In order to properly teach calligraphy to children, it is necessary to know the psychophysiological foundations of teaching writing, i.e. how graphic writing skills are formed, what are the best conditions for the formation of these skills.

Graphic writing skills are related to sensory skills. They are connected with the educational activity of a person and serve the process of writing. This is the specificity and complexity of their formation. They are formed together with reading, spelling, development of written language.

The process of writing is complex and covers various areas of human mental activity. Writing, both from memory and from dictation, is associated with various anatomical and physiological structures of the brain. As shown by a number of works (by R.E. Levina, Zh.I. Shif, S.M. Blinkova, A.R. Luria), disturbances in certain areas of the cerebral cortex lead to various disorders of writing and written speech. The study of the nature of these disorders made it possible to consider different parts of the cerebral cortex in connection with different types of written speech. The temporal regions of the left hemisphere of the brain are associated with auditory analysis in the process of writing. The posterior central areas of the left hemisphere are also associated with the processes of writing - namely with the control of movements through the articulatory systems of speech. The occipital-parietal region is associated with the visual organization of the writing process. Compliance with the alternation and sequence of the desired repetition of letters is associated with the premotor area of ​​the cortex and the preservation of the motor image of the word. The left frontal lobes, the motor center of speech, are most associated with retention of intent when writing.

By school age, the child has not yet all parts of the cerebral cortex morphologically and functionally developed, especially the frontal lobes of the cortex, this can cause certain difficulties in the process of learning to write. When forming a particular skill, it is required that the student be prepared for learning this skill.

Thus, the process of writing is associated with the activity of all parts of the cerebral cortex, although their role in different types of writing is not the same.

    Traditions, methods and techniques of teaching writing

In the system of teaching writing, such methods as copying, linear, rhythmic, genetic, Carster's method have become widespread. In different years, preference was given to any one of them.

Teaching spelling by copying (or stigmographic) method consisted in tracing letters printed in special notebooks (dots) or handwritten by a teacher with a pencil. /APPENDIX 1/ The method was introduced into the school in the 19th century. and calculated that a long, mechanical, tracing of beautiful writing samples should eventually work out the correct shape of the letters. Leading Methodists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. (I.E. Evseev, F.V. Grekov) criticized this method for the fact that such training does not lead to conscious mastery of handwriting, but is built on a mechanical, mind-dulling exercise.

However, many methodologists (D.A. Pisarevsky, N.I. Bogolyubov) recognized that the use of the copy method in conditions of individual work with children at an early stage of education is quite advisable.

Thus, all Methodists allowed limited use of the copying method for any special purpose.

The linear method also originates in the distant past. This method is based on the font approach to learning - the same distance between the elements of the letters, the exact proportions of the height and width of the letter and its parts. The letter and words could be written using an auxiliary grid that determined the height of the letter, the slope, the distance between elements, etc.

Most of the methodologists before the revolution and in the Soviet era saw the harmful effect of a frequent oblique grid, recommended using it very limitedly, or called for its abandonment: E.V. Guryanov, F.G. Golovanov.

The genetic method lies in the fact that the letters are studied in order from a graphically simple letter in form to a graphically more complex one. According to the composition of similar elements, the letters are divided into groups according to increasing graphic complexity. However, all Methodists understood that it was impossible to write letters without understanding them, to teach writing in isolation from learning to read. The genetic method in our schools was used only to improve the writing of letters, syllables, words.

The tactical (or rhythmic) way is writing counting, at the same pace, rhythm for all students. /APPENDIX 2/

The rhythmic method has its advantages and disadvantages. But most methodologists recognize the positive features of the tactical method (with its limited use), as it is convenient for working with the whole class, increases interest in classes, develops confidence and smooth hand movements, and helps to establish the desired writing speed.

Another common method is teaching writing by prescribing special exercises for the development of hand movements: fingers, hands, forearms. This method went down in history as the method of the Englishman Carster, who described it at the beginning of the 19th century. When using this method, free and fast hand movements are achieved: first, writing 19 elements in close-up, then letters connected with special strokes, then words without auxiliary lines. Such strokes are necessary for mastering the ability to use the space of the sheet, for developing the ease of hand movement. /APPENDIX 3/

These methods of teaching writing are traditional. In the practice of broad education, none of them as the only one has justified itself. The best results have always been achieved by a reasonable combination of these methods at a certain stage in learning to write.

      Potapova E.N. "Joy of Knowledge"

One of the most popular author's techniques for teaching writing is a technique developed by Potapova Evgenia Nikolaevna and called "The Joy of Knowledge". Learning to write according to this technique is divided into three stages. The first stage is the development of muscle memory, the second is the development of tactile memory, the third is the consolidation of knowledge and skills with the help of an insert of letters. All stages are interconnected, combined in one lesson.

The first stage - the development of muscle memory determines the success of all training.

The development of muscle memory is carried out with the help of hatching. Children hatch objects that they have drawn or built using curly rulers with geometric shapes carved on them. /APPENDIX 4/

Hatching rules: hatch only in a given direction, do not go beyond the contours of the picture, keep the same distance between lines (strokes). Children accept these conditions quickly, easily, as in a game. Children start hatching from the first lesson and continue until the end of the literacy period.

The second stage is the development of tactile memory.

A concept is formed in a child when a sensation is formed. To this end, the second stage of this method of teaching writing involves the use of cards with letters cut out of delicate sandpaper (or thick thread) and glued to these cards in the lesson. / APPENDIX 5 / With the index finger of the hand, the student feels the contours of the letters, remembers their images, elements, the direction of writing.

Strong memorization of the letter is largely facilitated by game moments. They are of great importance, especially when working with first graders.

The main goal of the two stages: to teach how to divide complex geometric shapes into parallel segments - strokes, to develop muscle memory, to create a model of a letter in the child's memory. As a result of the implementation of these goals, the hand of students is trained, their thinking and speech develop.

The third stage is the writing of letters with the help of an insert (“The Holiday of Writing”). It lasts 10 - 14 days. During this time, the skills worked out at the first two stages are consolidated, i.e. with the help of an insert of letters, children develop the correct inclination of the letters and consolidate the acquired skills: the direction of the letter, the writing of the letter, its elements.

E.N. Potapova allows in the process of game situations through sensations with the active inclusion of visual and auditory analyzers to form the concept of a letter and its graphic design, develop logical thinking, internal and external speech, memory, as well as the creative abilities of students, solve the problems of training and education in a complex. In addition, this method allows you to effectively form in younger students not only the calligraphic skill of writing, but also the speed of writing, the method has a positive effect on the development of handwriting.

4.2 V.A. Ilyukhin "Letter with a secret"

Another well-known technique for developing the calligraphic skill of writing is the technique developed by Ilyukhina Valentina Alekseevna and called “Letter with a Secret”.

This method includes 4 steps:

    Introducing children to new activities. Learning to write from the very beginning

minutes is built on fabulous material. The children go to the amazing country of Bukvolandia, where interesting meetings await them, overcoming obstacles. At this stage, children look at interesting things made by human hands, including notebooks with beautiful, regular handwriting.

    Familiarization with the basic writing algorithm, consisting of 7

    Writing straight inclined lines with respect to intervals and

parallel lines.

    The ability to divide an inclined line, a working line into 2 and 3 parts

vertically in order to prepare for the correct connection of the elements of letters and letters in a word.

    Ability to correctly round off the bottom line

working line as a link with the next element.

    The ability to properly lift up after rounding - to the side,

to the middle of the line - the letter of the hook line, which, together with a straight oblique and rounding, is called a hook.

    The letter "secret" - a line that continues the hook line

from the middle of the line to its top line.

    Writing down the "secret" to the bottom line of the line, i.e. writing

a second slanted line that is parallel to the first slanted line ("hide a secret").

    Completion of writing the second hook (second rounding and

second "hook line").

All 7 parts of the algorithm determine the spelling of the letter And, and individually or several together are included in the spelling of many letters of the Russian alphabet. This means that when writing the rest of the letters, the children will not encounter new elements, writing them will be basically prepared.

    Using the basic writing algorithm when writing all

letters, working out the specific elements of writing each letter. This is a longer stage, which should correspond to the letter period.

    Automation of the graphic skill and further development of the ability to pronounce the way the letter is written.

This technology contributes to the development of memory, attention, logical thinking, written and oral speech of students, creates a positive motivation for learning. Children learn the educational material faster and better, which speeds up the process of forming the calligraphic writing skill.

    Teaching writing to right-handed and left-handed children

When teaching children to write, the methodological knowledge of the teacher plays an important role. Recently, the methodology of the Russian language describes a variety of techniques and exercises that help to form graphic skills. The main ones are the following:

1. Writing off by students from a finished sample - copybooks, a teacher's sample on a blackboard or in a notebook.

2. Showing the writing process by the teacher and explaining how to write letters, syllables, words, sentences on the blackboard or individually in the student's notebook.

3. Tracing a letter sample (copy technique).

4. Imaginary letter, letter in the air.

5. Analysis of the shape of the letter with the selection of visual elements.

6. Receiving display of erroneous spelling.

7. Letter under the account.

      Diagnostics for determining handiness

In order to ensure that students comply with certain hygienic requirements (for left-handed or right-handed people), the teacher is obliged to determine the child’s handiness in the 1st grade, i.e. the child's preference for the right or left hand when writing, drawing, etc.

To determine handiness, there are many exercises, tests.

The effectiveness of testing depends on the fulfillment of certain conditions:

    You should not fix the child's attention on what he has

trying to figure something out. It is better to say: "Now we will play with you."

    An adult should sit at the table opposite the child.

    All benefits, items should be placed in front of the baby on

middle of the table.

    If the child gets tired in the process of completing tasks, it is necessary

give him a chance b rest, get up, stretch.

During testing, it is convenient to fill in the table. /APPENDIX 6/ With a pronounced preference for the left hand, the plus sign (+) is placed in the "left hand" column, with a preference for the right - in the "right hand" column. If, when performing the test, the child uses both the right and left hands equally often, a plus is put in the “both hands” column.

Task 1. Drawing. A sheet of paper, a pencil are placed in front of the child and they are offered to draw something. Then, he draws the same thing with the other hand. This task takes into account in which case the quality of the drawing is better - more even and clear strokes, even corners.

Task 2. Opening a small box. The child is asked to open several boxes to rule out randomness in the evaluation of this test.

Task: 3 "Find a match (figure) in one of the boxes." The leading hand is considered to be the hand that performs an active action (opens and closes the boxes).

Task 4. Building a house from matches (sticks). The leading hand is the one that works more actively.

Task 5. Ball game. A tennis ball is placed on the table in front of the child, the teacher asks to throw the ball to him. The task must be repeated several times.

Task 6. Cut out a picture from a postcard along the contour with scissors. The more active hand is considered to be the leading one, and this is not necessarily the hand in which the child holds the scissors, since the scissors can be motionless, and he will turn the postcard, facilitating the cutting process.

Task 7. Stringing beads (or buttons) on a needle and thread or string. The leading hand is considered to be the one that performs an active movement, regardless of which hand the child holds a needle or string.

Task 8. Performing rotational movements (opening and closing lids). The leading hand is the one that is more active. Moreover, the child can hold the vial by the lid, and twist the vial itself.

Task 9. Drawing up a chain of paper clips. The child holds a paper clip in one hand, and the leader tries to attach the second.

Task 10. Building a house, cars, etc. from cubes. With the leading hand, the child often takes, stacks and corrects the cubes, details.

Task 11. Data on family left-handedness (for parents). If there are left-handed relatives in the family, you need to put a plus in the “left hand” column, if not, in the “right hand” column.

If, as a result of testing, more than seven pluses (70% of tasks) are obtained in the “left-handed” column, then the child is most likely left-handed. If in the “left hand” column all the pluses for tasks 2-9 are obtained, and for task 1 - drawing - the plus will be in the “right hand” column, this means that the child can better perform household actions with the left hand, graphic - with the right. In this case, when choosing a hand for writing, one should take into account the advantage of the right hand in performing graphic actions.

Often a child writes with both his right and left hands, sometimes he draws with his left, and writes with his right or shifts the pen from one hand to another, alternately using his right and left hands, which greatly complicates the process of developing writing skills.

Studies by French scientists have shown that in 90% of "graphic left-handers" are also "domestic left-handers." The same ratio is for right-handed people. But there are children - ambidexters (who are equally good at both right and left hands) both in everyday and in graphic actions. Such a variety of options creates difficulties when choosing a hand for writing.

Thus, there are many exercises that allow you to determine the leading hand of the student, which allows the teacher to organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child, and make this process as productive as possible.

      Hygienic conditions for writing right-handed children

Success in teaching calligraphy largely depends on the student's fulfillment of the most important hygiene requirements in the process of writing: proper fit, position of the pen in the hand, placement of the notebook on the desk, which ultimately helps to prevent violations of posture and vision of children, increase efficiency, and form clear, fast writing.

Of great importance for compliance with hygienic requirements is the correct determination of the duration of continuous writing. When performing large-volume exercises, children should be organized to rest, and exercises for the eyes should be introduced. It is also necessary to conduct 2–3 physical exercises / APPENDIX 7 /, special exercises for the development of fingers, hands, forearms. /APPENDIX 8/

The hygienic conditions of writing for right-handed and left-handed children have their own characteristics, certain similarities and differences.

General seating requirements for right-handed and left-handed children are as follows:

    Sit straight.

    Keep your torso, head and shoulders straight.

    Lean back against the back of a chair.

    The seat of the chair should go over the edge of the table.

    The chair slides under the table so that when resting on the back, a palm and a fist are placed between the chest and the table.

    You can not lean your chest on the edge of the desk.

    The distance from the eyes to the book (notebook) is approximately 30 cm.

    Hands on the desk lie freely: the right hand and left hand (for right-handers) lie on the notebook, the left hand and right hand (for left-handers) lie on the notebook.

    Both hands in the forearm rest on the edge of the table, while the elbows should protrude beyond the edge.

    Keep your legs straight, put your feet on the floor or stand.

    Both legs should rest with the entire foot on the floor.

    The light should fall on the left (for right-handers), on the right (for left-handers). /APPENDIX 9/

Particular attention should be paid to how to properly hold the pen. There are some peculiarities for right-handed children.

The position of the pen in the hand when writing a right-handed child / APPENDIX 10:

    The pen is held with three fingers: thumb, index and middle. It is located between the thumb and middle fingers, the index finger holds it from above.

    You can't tighten the handle.

    The index finger should not bend.

    The fingers are slightly extended.

    The distance from the tip of the index finger to the ball of the pen is 2 - 2.5 cm.

    When writing, lightly press the index finger on the pen.

It is important to teach students how to properly position the notebook on the desk / APPENDIX 11, A /:

    The notebook should lie directly in front of the child and be slightly shifted so that its lower right edge is slightly to the right. This option allows you to sit correctly, easily and freely move your hand along the line from the beginning to the end.

    As the sheet fills up, the notebook moves up. At first, the left hand supports it from below, and when the page is filled from below - from above.

    It is most expedient, tilting the notebook to the left, writing straight, without obstructing the line and observing the correct fit, pushing the right shoulder slightly forward.

The success of teaching children to write largely depends on the hygienic conditions that the teacher creates, and on the children's compliance with hygiene requirements in the process of this learning.

      Hygienic conditions for writing left-handed children

The position of the pen in the hand when writing a left-handed child / APPENDIX 10 /:

    The pen should rest on the right side of the middle finger. The index finger holds it from above, and the thumb supports it on the right side.

    Don't squeeze the handle too hard.

    The index finger can be lifted easily without the handle falling off.

    While writing, the hand rests on the upper joint of the little finger bent inward.

    The distance from the tip of the rod to the index finger should be no more than 4 cm. This is slightly higher than that of right-handers, and is necessary in order not to close the line of writing.

    Hold the pen so that it is in line with your hand.

The location of the notebook on the desk when writing a left-handed child / APPENDIX 11, B /:

    The notebook should lie directly in front of the child and be slightly shifted so that its lower left edge is slightly to the left. This option allows you to sit correctly, easily and freely move your hand along the line from the beginning to the end.

    As the sheet fills up, the notebook moves up. At first, the right hand supports it from below, and when the page is filled from below, from above.

    It is most expedient, tilting the notebook to the right, writing straight, without obstructing the line and observing the correct fit, pushing the left shoulder slightly forward.

Thus, the success of teaching left-handed children to write depends largely on the hygienic conditions that the teacher creates, and on the children's compliance with hygienic requirements in the process of this learning.

      Teaching writing to left-handed children

Particular attention should be paid to how to help a left-handed child learn to write, what teaching methodology to apply.

A left-handed child needs special help in the initial stages of learning:

It is necessary to fix attention on the right-left-sided orientation of the strokes, otherwise mirror writing is possible;

Particular attention should be paid to the direction of writing: from left to right;

It is necessary to analyze in great detail and carefully the trajectory of movements when writing each element (letter);

Disassemble the instructions in great detail with the child;

Complete all tasks at a slow pace.

A teacher teaching a left-handed child should first of all keep in mind the following points:

1. The slowness of left-handed children should not be the subject of reproach. A left-hander cannot be rushed; in the hustle and bustle, he can make a lot of mistakes.

2. The need to create a calm, friendly atmosphere during the lesson, designed to calm anxious students.

3. Consideration should be given to the organization of activity of the cerebral hemispheres of a left-handed child, which is different from that of right-handed people, which is reflected in his activity.

4. The presence of confusion in the spatial representations of left-handed children with the ensuing need to look for an arithmetic error.

5. The need to use a step-by-step presentation of the material with the allocation of the necessary stages in the process of assimilation of any algorithm, which makes it easier for left-handed children to build a logical chain for mastering this material and creating a complete picture of what they have learned.

6. The need to use creative tasks in the work that provide intellectual development and maintain interest in work.

7. The need to maintain feedback with a left-handed child.

8. Treat errors philosophically, with the interest of natural scientists.

Thus, when teaching writing to left-handed children, it is necessary to take into account their individual characteristics and, in accordance with them, choose the right method that will make the learning process more productive and interesting.

      Mistakes of left-handed children and ways to eliminate them

Observations of the writing of left-handed children, analysis of their workbooks show that the most common mistakes are in which children confuse letters that are close in shape and find it difficult to locate them. To properly organize the work to prevent errors of this kind, you should consider the spelling of these letters in more detail. So, the first group of letters has an organization when they are depicted from left to right, as well as a symmetrical structure: E, Z; S, E; k, n, d. When writing these letters, “mirror writing” errors often occur. To prevent a mirror image, it is necessary to include in the preliminary work a visual analysis of the letter (where the letter looks, where it originates from, what elements it consists of), the construction of the letter from its elements. It is better to write this letter in albums with written letters and their elements, where in each letter the beginning is indicated by a red arrow, and the trajectory of movement is indicated by black arrows. When writing these letters, it is desirable to mark the beginning of each letter in red.

The second group of letters has this form, where the top of one letter corresponds to the bottom of the other: t, w; p, i; c, d. To prevent errors in the image of these letters, they should be visually compared and compared, as well as superimposing one letter on another. When writing in notebooks, enter special indicators and supports (points) for them. After writing the letters, you need to compare them with the sample by visual comparison or overlaying the sample written by the teacher on transparent paper.

The third group of letters and elements has no orientation in space (o). When writing ovals, supports and indicators are especially needed, which would show the beginning and direction of movement when writing them.

Another type of error includes errors that are caused by forgetting rare forms of letters: H, h; X, x; F, f. For a more accurate memorization of the configuration of these letters, you should enter a figurative image of these letters. For example, the letter x can be seen in a walking person, h - in the spout of a teapot, f - in glasses, etc.

The proposed work on the prevention of visual errors, preparing the hand for the trajectory of movements and orientation in the line helps to remove negative phenomena when teaching left-handed children to write.

    Studying the experience of teachers from different regions of Russia

Teaching calligraphic writing is one of the most important tasks of elementary school, therefore every elementary school teacher must master the methodology of teaching children to write, both right-handed and left-handed.

At a writing lesson in grade 1, conducted by a primary school teacher O.V. Logunova, the following methods of teaching writing were used: graphical analysis of the letter, step-by-step writing of a letter in cursive, letter pattern. A visual method of teaching was actively used, exercises were performed to develop figurative memory, coordination of movements, speech and thinking of students. The methods and techniques used by the teacher in the lesson form the calligraphic writing skill of 1st grade students. /APPENDIX 13/

T.S. Sizova, a primary school teacher at school No. 2006 in Moscow, conducted a writing lesson in the 1st grade, in which V.A. Ilyukhina "Letter with a secret". At the lesson, various types of letters were worked out, exercises for orientation in space were performed. The teacher used a copying technique, methods of showing and explaining, a detailed analysis of the elements of the letter, comparison with a sample, shading. At this lesson, actual methods and techniques were presented that contribute to the formation of calligraphic writing skills in first graders. /APPENDIX 14/

Writing lesson conducted by I.I. Buslova, a primary school teacher in Moscow, also includes many relevant and effective methods for teaching children to write. The following types of work were carried out at the lesson: copying from printed text, an exercise for the development of tactile memory. Teaching motivation was carried out by including game moments in the lesson, creating situations of success. At this lesson, the stage-by-stage writing of a letter, connections was worked out, the teacher showed a sample of writing a letter, introspection. The lesson is interesting, meaningful, includes different methods of teaching writing. /APPENDIX 15/

Primary school teacher Kalininsky, Mariinsky district Kemerovo region M.S. Prudnikova at the writing lesson in grade 1 used no less interesting and effective methods of developing writing skills: writing with a wet finger on the board, writing with a finger on the palm, writing with a finger on the back of a friend. These techniques contribute to the high-quality mastery of calligraphic writing skills by children. Exercises were performed to develop speech, thinking, tactile memory. The methods used in the lesson are relevant and contribute to the formation of calligraphic writing skills. /APPENDIX 16/

Primary school teacher, secondary school No. 932, Moscow. T. V. Manokhina used the tasks in the additional album (2-3 min.) at the writing lessons.

    Children love to draw. The album has a stencil, which is made with an awl. The student studies the image of the letter through touch (feels the tattoos of the letters or their elements).

    A permanent calligraphy stand (replaceable canvas) is being set up.

    Special working methods are used to maintain the same height, distance, correction for a clone, the junction of letters.

    Special techniques for grouping letters by common elements. These are letters - “wheels”, “rocket”, “bugs”, “fences”.

    The game "Kochki". We must run away from the wolf. Pupils find bumps on which you can go through the swamp, but there is a condition - you can stand on bumps where there are letters with the same elements.

    The game "House of Found" (we fix the degree of memorization of the letter). What letter has lost this element?

Teachers of the Pskov Pedagogical College E. A. Zhukova, S. G. Ivanushkina offer the following systems of work in literacy classes in grade 1 under the I-IV program. From the preparatory lessons for teaching primary writing to first graders, work is being done on unlined sheets and in notebooks in a wide ruler with the possible use of a tilt stencil. At the stage of letterless literacy training, children get acquainted with the basic structural units of the graphic system, practice drawing eight elements. Children develop an important ability to reproduce elements in a given sequence. In the process of reproducing a border pattern and a graphic stroke, consisting of an unusual combination of letter elements, a copying technique is used. The preparatory period provides an opportunity to conduct 40 lessons in which children prepare for calligraphically correct writing, as well as lay the foundation for the formation of a graphic skill. Writing lessons in Grade 1 are integrated. The theme of reading lessons and the plot design of writing lessons are interconnected. From the 1st to the 6th lessons, children get acquainted with different types of hatching, working on unlined paper. At the same lessons, children work in parallel in notebooks, using ballpoint pens with colored pastes. From the 6th to the 4th lessons, patterns appear on the sheets - borders made with pencils, in which elements of letters are used. Strokes are introduced in notebooks, samples of which are given by the teacher, followed by auxiliary dotted lines, and then independent reproduction of the stroke. Before the end of the letterless period of literacy, children must learn to write all the structural elements of the letters of the Russian alphabet, as well as individual letters. When learning a new letter from the 39th lesson, the design of the work on an unlined sheet of paper changes. The sheet is divided in half. The left half is used to form a visual image of a written letter, the work is carried out jointly by the teacher and students on the board and sheet. At this stage of work, the initially formed visual image of the studied letter should be fixed in the system of corresponding hand movements. For this purpose, motor and visual elements are used. The right side of the sheet is left for independent creative work of students on the formation of images of the studied written letters. Such tasks contribute to the repetition, consolidation and systematization of the studied graphic material, but most importantly, they perform a developing function.

In the course of the work, methodological materials developed by primary school teachers from different regions of Russia were analyzed. The results of the study showed that all teachers use different methods of teaching children to write in the lesson, depending on the individual characteristics of each student in their class. Teaching writing is a very complex process. Teachers agree that when teaching writing, it is necessary to consider two sides: graphic and calligraphic. The child must:

    Correctly translate the phoneme into graphics.

    Write down the letter in accordance with the requirements of calligraphy.

It is very difficult for a child to solve these problems at the same time.


The formation of the calligraphic writing skill of younger schoolchildren is one of the most important tasks of elementary school: it depends on the elementary school how the child will relate to the writing process in the future. It is important for a primary school teacher not only to contribute to the formation of calligraphic handwriting, but also to develop in each student the need for a correct, beautiful and fast writing.

In the course of the study, the psychological and pedagogical aspects of the formation of a calligraphic skill were studied. It has been established that writing for children entering school is a complex process that requires continuous, intense control. Writing is associated with all types of mental activity of the child, therefore, children often experience difficulties when they enter school when they learn to write. The formation of the calligraphic skill of writing is of great pedagogical and social educational importance. By accustoming children to neat and clear writing, taking care of the stability of their handwriting, the teacher educates them in accuracy, diligence, conscientious and diligent attitude to the performance of any work, not only written, respectful attitude towards people, to their work, and finally, contributes to their aesthetic education. .

The author described the work of a primary school teacher on the formation of calligraphic writing skills, taking into account the individual characteristics of each student, using traditional and author's methods, methods and techniques for the formation of calligraphic skills, revealing the principles of organizing comprehensive assistance to children with learning difficulties. We came to the conclusion that writing lessons should not cause negative emotions in children. The teacher must work creatively, arouse interest at every stage of the lesson. At the lessons, children do not just copy the teacher's model, but create a letter themselves, which contributes to the development of creative imagination, thinking, spatial representations of hand motility, successful and confident mastering of the skills of graphic and calligraphic writing.

Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of teaching left-handed and right-handed children. Recently, the methodology of the Russian language describes a variety of techniques and exercises that help to form graphic skills. The main ones are the following:

    Copying by students from a finished sample - copybooks, a teacher's sample on a blackboard or in a notebook.

    Demonstration by the teacher of the writing process and explanation of the ways of writing letters, syllables, words, sentences on the board or individually in the student's notebook.

    Tracing a letter sample (copy technique).

    An imaginary letter, a letter in the air.

    Analysis of the shape of the letter with the selection of visual elements.

    Receiving display of erroneous spelling.

    Account letter.

The most effective is the implementation by the teacher of not one, but all of the above methods, which will allow him to diversify the activities of the student and achieve the greatest success in teaching children to write. At different stages of learning, the degree of application of a particular technique will be different, which depends on the level of mastery of writing skills.

After analyzing the notes of writing lessons conducted by primary school teachers from different regions of Russia, we came to the conclusion that each teacher uses traditional methods of teaching writing in the lesson, combining them with their own, non-traditional methods.

In the course of the work, the tasks set were solved, the goal was achieved.

This work is abstract in nature. The materials of the course work can be used in preparing teachers and students for writing lessons, in the lessons of theory and methods of teaching the Russian language, as well as in the upcoming practice.

List of sources used

Monographic and educational literature

    Antonova, E.S. Methods of teaching the Russian language [Text]: a textbook for students. avg. prof. textbook institutions / E.S. Antonova, S.V. Bobrov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2010. - 448 p.

    Bezrukikh, M.M. Do you know your child? [Text]: a book for primary school teachers / M.M. Bezrukikh, S.P. Efimov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 176p.

    Darvish, O.B. Developmental psychology [Text]: a guide for university students / O.B. Darvish. - M.: VLADOS - PRESS, 2005. - 264 p., ill.

    Zheltovskaya, L.Ya. Formation of calligraphic skills in primary school students [Text]: a guide for a four-year-old teacher. early school / L.Ya Zheltovskaya., E.N. Sokolov. – M.: Enlightenment, 1987. – 225p.: ill.

    Ilyukhin, V.A. Letter with a “secret” [Text]: from the experience of working on the formation of students' calligraphic writing skills. - M .: New school, 1994. - 48 p.

    Isaeva, S.A. Physical training minutes in elementary school [Text]: a practical guide / S.A. Isaev. - 3rd ed. - M .: Iris-press, 2006. - 48 p. - (Methodology).

    Kovalko, V.I. School of physical culture minutes (grades 1-4) [Text]: practical development of physical culture minutes, gymnastic complexes, outdoor games for younger students / V.I. Kovalko. - M.: VAKO, 2005. - 208s.

    Malenkova, L.I. Theory and methods of education [Text]: textbook for university students / L.I. Malenkov; ed. P.I. piddly. - 2nd ed. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004. - 480s. – (Education XXI century).

    Primary school: 1200 dictations and creative works in the Russian language [Text]: teacher's guide / comp. L.I. Tikunova, T.V. Ignatiev. - 2nd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2001. – 320p. - (The Big Bustard Library).

    Pedagogy [Text]: textbook for students ped. universities and colleges / ed. P.I. piddly. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2008. - 576 p.

    Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school [Text]: textbook for students ped. colleges / I.P. Sneaky. - M .: VLADOS, 2000. - 400s., Ill.

    Potapova, E.N. The joy of knowledge [Text]: a book for teachers / Potapova E.N. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990. – 96p.: ill.

    Uzorova, O.V. Physical culture minutes [Text]: material for conducting physical culture pauses / O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefedov. – M.: Astrel, 2006. – 94 p.: ill.

    Uzorova, O.V. Collection of control dictations and presentations in the Russian language (grades 1-4) [Text] / O.V. Uzorova, E.A. Nefedov. - M.: Astrel, 2007. - 286 p.

    Shapovalenko, I.V. Age pedagogy [Text]: a textbook for university students / I.V. Shapovalenko. – M.: Garadariki, 2007. – 349p.

Legislative and guidance materials

    How to design universal learning activities in elementary school. From action to thought [Text]: teacher's guide / A.G. Asmolov [and others]; ed. A.G. Asmolov. - 2nd ed. – M.: Enlightenment, 2010. – 152 p.: ill.

    A set of textbooks "School of Russia": Concept and programs for the beginning. class At 2 pm Part 1 [Text] / E.V. Alekseenko, M.A. Bantova, G.V. Beltyukova and others - M .: Education, 2003. - 222 p.

    Programs of educational institutions. Primary grades (Grades 1-4) At 2 pm Part 1 [Text] / comp. T.V. Ignatieva, L.A. Vinogradskaya. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001. - 320s.


    Arkhipova, E.F. Overcoming some types of writing disorders in primary school students [Text] / E.F. Arkhipova // Primary school: monthly scientific and methodological journal!!!. - 2009. - No. 5. - S. 22-23.

    Bezrukikh, M.M. On the organization of education in the first grade of a four-year elementary school [Text] / M.M. Bezrukikh [and others] // Elementary school: monthly scientific and methodological journal elementary school. - 2000. - No. 12. - S. 59-65.

    Bezrukikh, M.M. Difficulties in teaching writing and reading to left-handed children [Text] / M.M. Bezrukikh // Elementary school: a methodical newspaper for elementary school teachers. - 2009. - No. 21. - S. 3-10.

    Epifanova, O.V. Prevention of violations in the formation of written speech of students [Text] / O.V. Epifanova // Elementary school: monthly scientific and methodological journal elementary school. - 2001. - No. 7. - S. 31-35.

    Efremova, N. Notes of the left hand [Text] / N. Efremova // Primary school: public education. - 2002. - No. 9. – S. 225-230.

    Ilyukhin, V.A. New approaches to the formation of graphic skills Letter with a "secret" [Text] / V.A. Ilyukhina // Elementary school: monthly scientific and methodological journal elementary school. -1999. - No. 10. - S. 37-52.

    Kerzhentseva, A.V. A letter with a "secret" according to the method of V.A. Ilyukhina [Text] / A.V. Kerzhentseva // Elementary school: monthly scientific and methodological journal elementary school. - 2004. - No. 5. - S. 39-40.

    Manokhina, T.V. techniques and exercises for the formation of calligraphic skills [Text] / T.V. Manokhin // Elementary school plus before and after: monthly scientific - methodical and psychological-pedagogical journal. - 2009. - No. 6. - S. 54-56.

    Mochalkina, A. Mirror writing [Text] / A. Mochalkina // Elementary school: methodical newspaper for elementary school teachers. - 2009. - No. 6. - S. 2-3.

    Pazukhina, S.V. Formation of the readiness of future primary school teachers to work with left-handed children [Text] / S.V. Pazukhina // Elementary school: monthly scientific - methodical and psychological-pedagogical journal elementary school plus Before and After. - 2009. - No. 5. - S. 34-37.

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Reference materials

    Ozhegov, S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language [Text]: / S.I. Ozhegov. – M.: Rus. yaz., 1986. - 797 p.


Copy Method Exercise Samples


Samples of simple and complex strokes according to the Carster method

(Recipe "Russian graphics grade 1" N.G. Agarkova)


Hatching samples according to the method of E.N. Potapova

(Potapova E.N. "The Joy of Knowledge")


Samples of cards with letters from a thick thread according to the method of Potapova E.N.


Entertaining physical education minutes for the formation of the correct posture, maintaining the health of students

"First grade"

Charging first class.

We will swear ten times.

Let's raise our hands high

We will always live without boredom.

Let's turn to the right, to the left,

We will work boldly again.

"What I did?"

I took a bath on Monday

And on Tuesday I painted.

Washed for a long time on Wednesday

And played football on Thursday.

On Friday I jumped, ran,

I danced for a very long time.

And on Saturday, Sunday -

I rested all day.


Two girlfriends in the swamp

Two green frogs

Washed early in the morning

Rubbed with a towel

They stamped their feet,

hands clapped,

Right, left leaning

And they returned back.


The goblin walked along the path,

I found a mushroom in the meadow.

One fungus, two fungus,

Here is the complete box.

Goblin groans: tired,

From the fact that he sat down.

Leshy stretched sweetly,

And then leaned back

And then he leaned forward

And reached the floor.

And left and right

Turned around. Well, fine!

Leshy performed a warm-up

And sat down on the path.

"Who Can"

Who, tell me, can, children,

Repeat these movements?

I'll raise my hands up

Right-left I will divorce.

And I'll fly like a bird.

I'll turn my head

And then, I'll sit down, I'll get up

And I won't get tired.

I jump a little

And I'll walk on the road.

I'll run if I need to.

Everything in the world I can!


To become strong and dexterous (hands on the belt, "powerful figure")

Let's start training (hands up, hands to the side)

Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth (lower hands, breathe through nose, exhale through mouth)

Breathe deeper and then (repeat breath)

Step in place, take your time (walking in place)

How good the weather is! (hands on waist)

We are not afraid of powders, (turn right, left)

We catch snow - clap your hands (arms in front of you, clapping)

Hands to the sides, at the seams (hands to the sides, hands down)

Enough snow for us and you.


Tick ​​tock, tick tock

Who in the house can do that?

It's a pendulum in a clock

Beats every beat (tilts left - right)

And the cuckoo sits in the clock,

She has her own hut (sit in a deep squat)

The bird crows time

Hide behind the door again (squats)

The arrows move in a circle

Don't touch each other (torso rotation to the right)

We will return with you

Counterclockwise (torso rotation to the left)

And the clock goes, goes (walking in place)

Sometimes they suddenly fall behind (slow walking pace)

And sometimes they're in a hurry

Like they want to run away (run in place)

If they are not led,

Then they stand up (stop)

Here the game is over

It's time for us to sit down (sit down at desks).


A set of exercises for the development of fingers, hands, forearms

Alternately bend the fingers first of the right and then of the left hand.

We shared an orange
There are many of us, and he is one.
This slice is for hedgehogs,
This slice is for snakes,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for a wolf - peel.
He is angry with us - trouble,
Run away whoever!

"My little finger"

My little finger, where have you been?

I cooked cabbage soup with the Nameless One,

And with the Middle I ate porridge,

With the index sang.

And the Big One met me

And treated me to candy.

Index on the right

He led us on a campaign with the whole crowd.

The middle brother carries a backpack,

The nameless one walks like this

And Littlefinger began to play:

Invite brothers to listen.

The right Bolshoi danced.

And he invited me to dance.

We chop cabbage, chop,
We salt-salt cabbage,
We three or three cabbage
We press cabbage.
We three-three carrots,
We are cucumber mode-mode,
Mix the whole salad, mix -
Got a luxury salad

"One, two, three, four, five!"

One, two, three, four, five!

Fingers out for a walk!

One, two, three, four, five!

Fingers out for a walk!

This finger - a mushroom found,

This finger cleans the table

This one cut

This one ate.

Well, this one just looked!

"Our Fingers"

Together fingers lined up (show palms)

ten tough guys (clench fingers into a fist)

These two are a pointer to everything (show index fingers)

Everything will be shown without prompting.

Fingers - two middle peasants (show middle fingers)

Two healthy peppers.

Well, these are unnamed (show ring fingers)

Silent, always stubborn.

Two little fingers (pull out little fingers)

Fidgets and rascals.

Fingers are the main among them (show thumbs up)

Two large and remote (Clench the rest of your fingers into a fist)

"House on the Mountain"

On the mountain we see a house (fold the house of the palms: all fingers touch the tips - “roof of the house”)

Lots of greenery all around (wave-like movements of the hands)

Here are the trees, here are the bushes (depict trees and bushes)

Here are fragrant flowers (depict a "bud" from the palms)

Surrounds all the fence (depict a fence, myou can draw a zigzag line with your finger in the air)

Behind the fence - a clean yard (stroke the tableor air)

We open the gate (depict an opening gate)

We quickly run to the house (fingers “run” on the table)

We knock on the door : (fists on the table) Knock-Knock.

Is someone coming to knock on us? (put hand to ear)

We came to visit a friend

And the gifts brought (stretch arms forward)

"I'm going to visit"

The guests came running to Zhenya (fingers “run” on the table)

All shook hands with each other (several friendly handshakes)

Hello Zhora! (thumbs and forefingers are connected by pads)

Hello Zhanna! (the pads of the thumb and middle fingers are connected)

Glad, Seryozha! (thumbs and ring fingers join in greeting)

Glad, Snezhana! (thumbs and little fingers greet each other)

Wouldn't you like a pie? (palms are connected in the form of a pie)

Maybe a shortbread? (show open palms)

Or a horn? (clench fists on both hands)

Here's a dragee for you (open palms)

Everyone take a little! (pinch palm)

From the handles all shook the crumbs (shake hands)

And clapped their hands (clapping)


Correct posture when writing:

A - right-handed child

B - left-handed child


The position of the pen in the hand when writing a right-handed child


The position of the notebook when writing:

A - right-handed child

B - left-handed child


Handiness table

Last name, first name

Age Test date

The action is predominantly

right hand

with both hands

left hand

1. Drawing

2. Opening a matchbox

3. Finding a match in one of the boxes

4. Building a house of matches (sticks)

5. Ball game

6. Cutting with scissors along the contour of the picture

7. Stringing beads on a needle and thread or string

8. Performing rotational movements (opening and closing lids)

9. Making a chain of paper clips

10. Building a house from cubes

11. Family Left/Right


The position of the pen in the hand when writing a left-handed child



Ambidextrous- a person who is equally good at both right and left hands.

Ddifferentiated approach to teaching the Russian language - a form of organization of educational work of students on the basis of their unification within the class team into small interest groups, according to the level of readiness.

Graphics- a branch of the science of language that deals with the means of writing, the signs that are used in writing, their relationship with the sound side of the language.

Writing hygiene - a set of requirements, the fulfillment of which in the process of learning to write allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the student's body and his health.

inner speech- a special, unconscious, automatically acting form of speech that a person uses when thinking about solving verbal logical problems.

Visual memory- a special nature of memory for visual impressions, which makes it possible to retain and reproduce a living image of a previously perceived object or phenomenon.

mirror letter- one of the manifestations of violations of the letter.

The visual image of the letter it is a visual representation of the shape of a letter sign.

Calligraphy(handwriting) - the ability to write clearly, legibly, in accordance with the approved samples - inscriptions.

Calligraphy errors(writing flaws) is a violation of the proportion of the elements of letters in width, height and angle of inclination.

left-handedness- preference to operate with the left hand.

Boolean thinking- one of the types of thinking, characterized by the use of concepts, logical structures.

small motility- a set of coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems, often in combination with the visual system in performing small and precise movements with the hands and fingers and toes.

Methodology for teaching writing- section of the methodology of primary teaching of the Russian language; studies the ways of forming the skills and abilities of elementary writing.

A minute of calligraphy- a universal part of the lesson, the purpose of which is the formation of calligraphically correct, quick and continuous writing.

Motivation- motivation to action.

Learning to write- an integral part of the process of teaching the Russian language; is carried out in the 1st grade, then in subsequent classes the skills are fixed and improved.

Spelling- spelling, a system of rules that determine the uniformity of the ways of transmitting speech (words and grammatical forms) in writing.

Letter- a graphic system for fixing speech.

Handwriting- This is a very stable individual education.

Right-handedness - preference for left-handed use.

Recipe– samples of written fonts for teaching schoolchildren

flourish- a curl that complicates one or another letter spelling.

hand- the predominance or superiority of one hand over the other in writing, drawing, when performing any other actions.

Copying from printed text- one of the most common types of written exercises; used in teaching the technique of writing and calligraphy; when teaching spelling and grammar, usually with additional tasks.

Tactile memory- one of the five main types of feelings that a person is capable of, consisting in the ability to feel touch, to perceive something with receptors located in the skin, muscles, mucous membranes.

Calligraphy- the subject of school teaching, which has the task of teaching beautiful, clear writing.

Physical education minute- this is the prevention of fatigue, impaired posture and vision.