Ointments for cracks in the skin of the feet and heels. Careblog: Oily Cream for Rough Skin and Cracked Heels Kleona Best Inexpensive Foot Cream

Due to the frequent load on the legs, as well as the poor quality of the materials from which the shoes are made, people may develop such unpleasant manifestations as corns, corns, cracks, dryness, etc. All these problems cause great inconvenience. For example, calluses and cracks make a person feel pain, and the smell makes them feel uncomfortable. To prevent this, it is worth considering the selection of good foot care products. The most popular among them are creams.

Among the wide variety it is easy to find products from corns, corns and cracks. As a rule, the compositions of creams are very different. Unscrupulous manufacturers add various harmful substances that adversely affect the skin. Therefore, we have compiled a rating of the best creams, based on reviews from experts and customers.

best foot cream for corns

4 GehwolMed Callus Cream

Proven effectiveness, long-term results
Country: Germany
Average price: 700 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

GehwolMed Callus Cream has earned a place among the very best thanks to its proven effectiveness. Both the manufacturer and users talk about anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. The composition includes fern, avocado and sea buckthorn oils, which saturate the skin with nutrients. Algae extract and allantoin have moisturizing properties. The cream is recommended for daily use, it has a cumulative effect. The tool relieves dryness and heaviness, has nutritional properties. The manufacturer says that regular use will prevent keratinization and peeling of the skin of the legs.

The reviews say that it is better to apply the cream on the most roughened zones, where corns most often appear. For prevention, it is not very suitable, since the oily consistency is not absorbed into the skin. Many people praise the aroma of the cream. They mention easy application and an instant feeling of chill. However, the product leaves a film on the feet, it is unsafe to walk barefoot on the tile. To achieve the effect, you need to apply the cream regularly, but the price is quite high.

3 Arabian Super Moisture

First Aid Legs
Country Russia
Average price: 600 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Aravia Super Moisture takes its rightful place in the list of the best due to its effective fight against dry, rough skin on the feet. The composition claims allantoin, salicylic acid and glycerin, which have a moisturizing and nourishing effect. They are able to remove small cracks, remove coarsened areas. Urea fights corns and calluses. Pleased with the number of plant components (avocado, sunflower, coconut oils), which have antiseptic properties, prevent the appearance of fungus. The cream does not cause allergic reactions, as evidenced by laboratory tests. The dispenser will not allow you to overdo it with the amount.

Users in the reviews say that menthol is very felt. The consistency is greasy and does not spread. At the same time, there is no feeling of a film, the cream does not roll into lumps. It's a little embarrassing that the manufacturer did not indicate the rules for use. Buyers say that it is enough to apply once a day for the evening. Banks of 550 ml are enough for many months. On the other hand, traveling with her is inconvenient. The reviews warn that the cream is absorbed for 20 minutes.

2 Domix Green

Professional removal of corns
Country Russia
Average price: 275 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Among professional cosmetic brands, Domix is ​​especially popular. Thanks to a moderate pricing policy, the company's products are often bought for use not only in salons, but also at home. Domix Green foot cream with lemon and silver provides professional care, quickly and effectively relieving the skin of painful corns, corns, cracks and signs of fatigue. To achieve the best result, experts advise using special socks after application. It also nourishes the skin, filling it with beneficial substances such as lanolin and various oils. The packaging has a special dispenser. A volume of 200 ml is enough for a very long time, because. a small amount is required for one application.

The cream comes in a transparent tube, through which it is convenient to track the amount of the product. The dispenser will not allow you to overdo it, and bacteria do not get inside. Users in the reviews note a pleasant citrus aroma. The action of the cream lasts for 12 hours, the nutritional effect disappears faster. The skin remains hydrated and smooth. However, users did not notice protection against fungal infection and antiseptic properties. The cream is quite light, serious problems and heaviness of the legs will not be removed.

1 ForaFarm "Sofya"

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 175 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The domestic manufacturer ForaFarm produces one of the most popular foot creams for corns. This remedy has a beneficial effect on the skin, relieving dryness, calluses and other undesirable effects. Buyers prefer ForaFarm "Sofya" because of the excellent composition. It includes only natural ingredients, such as: tea tree oil, beeswax, various plant extracts (chamomile, propolis, etc.).

The main ingredient is urea. It helps to get rid of corns, soften the heels and intensively moisturize them. The effect is noticeable after just a few applications. The 75 ml tube has a fairly economical consumption. The cream also has a pleasant light aroma and optimal consistency.

best foot cream for odor

2 Christina Pampering foot cream

The most delicate care
Country: Israel
Average price: 1100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Christina Pampering foot cream is an example of excellent effective foot care. After application, the feet become smooth, microcracks disappear, and the special formula has a deodorizing effect. The soft texture gently envelops the skin and fills it with beneficial elements. The composition includes several nourishing oils: shea, tea tree, eucalyptus. Natural ingredients contribute to the restoration of the skin of the legs. Cream created specifically for delicate care.

Users say that the effect is noticeable with daily use, otherwise it practically does not work. But after a few weeks, sweating of the feet noticeably decreases, unpleasant odors cease to appear. We consider moisturizing and nourishing properties as a pleasant bonus. However, the price scares off some buyers, and many did not notice the declared antibacterial effect.

1 Gehwol Deodorant foot cream

Best result
Country: Germany
Average price: 750 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Thanks to unique developments, as well as the use of natural beneficial ingredients, Gehwol Deodorant foot cream can be considered one of the best. Many people who have experienced problems with unpleasant odors prefer this remedy. It instantly deodorizes the skin while moisturizing it. During application, a mint-herbal aroma is felt. Experts recommend this product to combat the occurrence of odor on the legs. It is necessary to use the product every day to achieve the maximum cumulative effect. It has a greasy thick consistency that penetrates deep into the inner layers of the skin.

Despite the many advantages of the cream, some cannot tolerate its smell. Herbs and fragrances are strongly felt. But you need quite a bit of it, the product is easily distributed over the legs, quickly absorbed. It gets rid of odors perfectly, it is difficult to achieve better efficiency. Users say that the product has antiseptic properties, prevents the appearance of fungus. There is a slight nourishing and moisturizing effect. Visible results are achieved only with regular use for several months.

best inexpensive foot cream

4 Organic Shop "Thai SPA-pedicure"

Very popular affordable cream
Country Russia
Average price: 90 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Cream Organic Shop "Thai SPA-pedicure" has a pronounced softening effect, relieves the feet of rough skin. The composition is enriched with natural eucalyptus oil, cumin and lime extract. Another important plus is the absence of parabens and silicone. The cream is also a gel, as evidenced by its special consistency. This contributes to easy application, effective nutrition and softening of the skin. As for the smell, the product has a pleasant eucalyptus scent. The cream also relieves fatigue.

The tube has a convenient dispenser with a narrow neck that controls the amount of product. The lid closes very tightly, nothing flows out. Judging by the reviews, the best result is achieved with regular use, fatigue and heaviness go away. The skin becomes more hydrated and soft. It absorbs quickly, the consistency is liquid and light. However, the product will not cope with the restoration of the skin. Cracks and calluses will remain on the legs. Users say that it is a light daily helper and not a remedy.

3 EVO "With Urea"

Cooling effect, relieves pain
Country Russia
Average price: 100 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

We considered EVO "With Urea" as one of the most worthy, which is an effective preventive cream. The manufacturer claims that the tool helps to cope with the most neglected skin, reduce large corns. The effect is felt after the first application - fatigue and heaviness go away, the legs feel a pleasant chill. The composition contains olive and coconut oils, which relieve pain, heal cracks. It is based on urea, which restores skin elasticity. There are also moisturizing plant extracts of sunflower, oak bark and sage.

Buyers in the reviews note the pleasant herbal aroma of the cream. Talk about a light consistency. Means is quickly absorbed, does not leave marks on clothes. Pleased with a small price and a decent volume. However, a miracle will not happen, the cream will not relieve varicose veins, it will not hide the veins. It is quite nutritious, copes with dryness, but there is no therapeutic effect. After completing the full course (5 weeks, 2 times a day), the condition of the heels will improve, the skin will become noticeably softer.

2 Natura Siberica "Sea buckthorn"

Best Cast
Country Russia
Average price: 343 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Natura Siberica "Sea Buckthorn" has an almost instant exfoliating effect, softening the rough skin of the legs. Its composition is enriched with the famous Altai sea buckthorn and no less useful Yakut oxalis. These components soften the feet, get rid of existing corns and calluses, and also prevent the appearance of new ones. In addition to the main ingredients, the cream includes regenerating sage oil. When applied, a floral-menthol aroma is felt. After prolonged use, the feet literally change - cracks, corns and dryness disappear. Available in 75 ml.

Users warn that natural ingredients are in the middle of the list, so the cream is not completely natural. But in the composition there is shea butter, which has a nourishing and moisturizing effect. Separately, I would like to note cedar elfin and pine extract, which restore blood circulation. The cream has a slight soothing and cooling effect. However, he will not cope with the severity and serious problems. The cream is not the most nutritious, it cannot eliminate dryness. But for daily use and prevention is perfect.

1 Healer "With urea"

Excellent cumulative effect
Country Russia
Average price: 110 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The first among the best inexpensive creams was the Doctor "With urea", which softens the rough skin of the legs, relieves the feeling of heaviness and fatigue. The manufacturer says that with regular use, small cracks, corns, corns will go away. Easy to use: just apply the cream once a day on dry feet. It contains many natural ingredients, including urea, allantoin, tea tree oil, celandine, oak bark, vitamin E. The product is hypoallergenic, suitable even for sensitive skin. The consistency of the cream is oily, light, it is quickly absorbed. However, for a noticeable effect, you need to use the product regularly for several months. There are practically no immediate results.

The reviews warn that a 50 ml tube is not enough for a short time, half is spent in 7 applications. After the first use, the skin becomes a little softer, but the real changes are noticeable after a month. Gradually, the keratinized layer decreases, the heels cease to peel off. However, there is silicone in the composition, so many instant effects are more cosmetic than therapeutic. The cream is not very nutritious, with severe dryness it will not help.

Good cosmetics, including those for foot care, are not so easy to find and choose. In this article, we will talk about the ingredients that should be present in the right foot cream. How to choose a good and inexpensive foot cream.

Dry and rough feet are a real problem for many of us. Probably, there are many folk remedies and one-time miracle masks for renewing and softening the skin of the legs, but today I propose to learn how to understand a little about the ingredients and choose a cream by reading the composition. That is how I found my wonderful foot cream for 50 rubles, which I would never exchange for any Baby Foot.

Why daily care of the skin of the legs and feet is important

Because they don’t postpone taking care of themselves, but their legs too.

If you remember the skin of your feet only when cracks appeared, your problems will be more difficult than how to find a foot cream. There are possible infections, and the difficulty of moving and wearing shoes.

How to choose a foot cream - learning to understand the ingredients

Let's analyze all the desired ingredients of a foot cream that will work and please you with the results. Substances are divided according to purpose, so that it is clearer for what purpose they are added to the composition of cosmetics.


  • Shea Butter

Shea butter is very often added to cosmetic products, however, as part of a face cream, this oil can be of dubious benefit. Shea butter face cream is more suitable for dry skin, but for the skin of the legs and feet, this is one of the best ingredients.

  • Glycerol

Glycerin in cosmetics is added not so much to moisturize the skin, but to protect it. The fact is that this substance creates an invisible protective film on the skin and prevents moisture loss.

  • Jojoba oil

One of the most gentle caring oils. Very useful in body, hand and foot creams. Well absorbed and nourishes the skin.


  • Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid- if you really need a product that will show radical results in 1-2 applications, then be sure to pay attention to creams with glycolic acid. The action of the now popular Asian foot masks (baby foot) is based on the action of AHA acids, of which glycolic acid is in the first place.

Isn't it better to buy a glycolic acid cream that can be used for a long time than to buy disposable masks?

AHA acids will primarily help when the skin of the feet is already rough and the first cracks begin to appear. Until they turn into wounds, it is enough to use an acid cream for 1 week and we will see a huge difference.

  • Urea

We all know that urea is found in urine, but cosmetics use synthetically produced urea. It is one of the most important ingredients in a foot cream. If you are looking for quick and visible results, urea combined with glycolic (possibly lactic) acid renews the skin, promotes regeneration and prevents cracked heels.

Antifungal and antibacterial ingredients

  • Tea tree oil

The oil, which is obtained from the leaves of the tea tree, has a powerful antibacterial effect. With it, you can get rid of the unpleasant smell of the feet, warts (checked on yourself), from the fungus. Also, this essential oil is used when cleaning the house if you do not want to poison your relatives with strong chemicals.

  • eucalyptus oil

It also has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It also has a deodorizing effect.

  • Camphor

In cosmetics, camphor and camphor oil are used as anti-inflammatory agents. This substance is also known for its ability to stimulate cell renewal and regeneration, improves skin elasticity.


  • Peppermint oil

Often, in high-quality foot creams, instead of the usual deodorizing substances, natural essential oils are added, the benefits of which are far from only in the smell. Peppermint oil also tones and stimulates the skin while having a fresh and pleasant smell.

  • lavender oil

lavender oil relieves irritation, inflammation, and also accelerates the healing of wounds, while having a strong and pleasant smell that cannot be confused with anything. This is a great ingredient for both foot cream and homemade baths.

Additional Ingredients:

  • Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate)

It is a powerful antioxidant, but in addition to neutralizing free radicals, it is responsible for skin elasticity. A useful ingredient in foot cream, as one of the causes of dry skin is a deficiency of this vitamin. If your favorite cream does not contain vitamin E, add a couple of drops of AEvit oil. Read about the benefits of AEvit and how to use it in the material: AEvit for facial skin.

  • Ceramides

Building material for cells, ceramides are a useful ingredient for all skin types, at any time of the day. If these substances are listed in the composition of any cosmetics, feel free to put a plus sign.

  • Aloe

Aloe juice is a universal moisturizing, toning and soothing agent for the skin. The presence of aloe in the composition of any cream brings only benefits.

Overview of popular leg and foot creams

The cream that saved me from summer cracked heels, from dry and rough skin of the legs, is

"Cream against dry corns" from the Belarusian manufacturer Belita-Vitex. Contains urea, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, camphor and tea tree essential oil.

The price is more than affordable, and the results are visible after 3 days. I use it regularly and the skin does not have time to coarsen and crack.

BUTvon footworks heel softening cream

A good cream with a solid base of admirers. The reviews are positive and the smell is somewhat more pleasant than the analogue from Belita. Contains urea and lactic acid as active ingredients.

CreamfromPlaneta OrganicaShea butter foot cream

The basis of the cream is shea butter. Vitamin E is also present. Good caring foot cream - nourishes and protects the skin. Suitable for daily care and not for getting rid of rough skin and cracks.

Natura Siberica active foot cream for calluses

Suitable for the treatment of problem feet, calluses, prevention of acne. The composition contains many ingredients useful for the skin of the legs, such as: urea, niacinamide, linoleic acid, panthenol, calendula and chamomile extracts, vitamin E.

In addition to reviews on the Internet, use this knowledge to get exactly what you need for care on the first try. Manufacturers can be deceitful when they advertise a product, but they write reliable information in the composition.

Excessive dryness is the main reason for the appearance of keratinized skin on the feet. Calluses and calluses look rough and sloppy. Cracks of various depths appear on their surface, which can cause pain when walking.

Defects can be dealt with without medical attention if their appearance is caused by uncomfortable shoes, work on the feet and improper skin care. Cosmetic products that heal damage to the heels are characterized by a dense oily composition. Their task is to moisturize and soften roughened zones, to give the foot smoothness, softness, cleanliness.

Evo with urea

50 ml for 80 rubles.

An inexpensive solution to the problem is presented by a Russian cosmeceutical company. The product contains 10% urea. Penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, the chemical compound reduces moisture loss and quickly improves the condition of the affected areas. Dryness and roughness gradually disappear, dead skin scales are removed more intensively, and the protective functions of the epidermis are strengthened.

Olive and coconut oils also fight against dehydration, and extracts from oak, celandine, sage and pine needles against irritation and unpleasant odors.

Suitable for sensitive skin.

Balm intensive "Shungite" from "Fratti NV"

75 ml for 110 rubles.

Cream-balm softens and heals layers on the feet. This result is achieved by the joint work of the active complex: Karelian shungite, natural oils, essential fatty acids.

The cream-balm is based on a natural mineral - shungite. It reduces pain, inflammation and swelling, protects skin cells from destruction processes. A powerful antioxidant, helping to improve blood flow, triggers rejuvenation processes.

The tool allows you to forget about dry flaky heels. It deodorizes, cools, relieves fatigue and tension.

There are no alcohols and hormones, synthetic dyes and fragrances.

DNC foot wax for cracks and dryness

80 ml for 300 rubles.

A cosmetic product resembling petroleum jelly is packaged in tin washers. The wax contains no water, which eliminates the need to add synthetic preservatives. This role is assigned to vitamin E.

The natural remedy includes a whole complex of oils - castor and flax, orange and cocoa, apricot and lavender. Organic substances heal damage, saturate with moisture, accelerate regeneration. The effect enhances the action of beeswax, which resists the penetration of bacteria and fungi.

Cosmetic wax improves the condition of tired skin, quickly filling in bumps and cracks. To speed up the recovery process, the application is combined with massage.

"Snake Fat" from "Secrets of Lan"

60 g for 90 rubles.

Budget Chinese cosmetics with snake oil relieves itching and pain, tightens wounds, removes peeling and corns.

A feeling of hydration occurs after the first days of application. With constant use, you can achieve a more significant effect: normalize sweating, restore elasticity and comfort. The cuticle and periungual ridges are gradually softened.

Good care qualities allow you to apply the cream on your hands, protecting delicate skin during the cold season.

Cream-balm Lekkos from cracked heels

30 ml for 230 rubles.

The composition of the natural cream impresses with its diversity: organic oils, extracts from medicinal plants, beeswax, beauty vitamins, essential oils.

Video recipe for the occasion:

The active ingredients soften calluses, inhibit the growth of bacteria, dissolve swelling, and heal damage.

The product, which belongs to the Crimean cosmetics that is gaining popularity, has a thick oily consistency. It is economical and pleasant to use: melting on the skin, smoothes wrinkles, removes sagging, soothes, gives lightness and freshness.

Gehwol Med foot cream

75 ml for 880 rubles.

The tool, made by the German company Gehwol, belongs to a series of therapeutic creams. It is designed specifically for hard and rough keratinized feet.

Gehwol ointment can help in advanced cases, when the skin is so rough that it interferes with wearing thin tights. The active ingredients are natural oils, provitamin B5, bisabolol, nutritious fats. They protect against infection, reduce pain, restore elasticity, smoothness and grooming.

The yellowish texture is similar to a typical pharmacy ointment, not only in appearance, but also in smell. It is applied to problem areas in courses of up to 3 weeks. Gehwol is not suitable for permanent use.

Ointment "Radevit" from CJSC "Retinoids"

35 g for 360 rubles.

Another pharmacy product, the Russian remedy "Radevit" includes a vitamin mixture. The active ingredients, vitamins A, E and D, fight against flaking and itching, enhance barrier properties, moisturize and soften rough skin. The active formula stabilizes the process of keratinization.

Ointment is prescribed for cracks, wounds and dermatitis. "Radevit" is a medicine, not a moisturizing cosmetic. It is applied in courses prescribed by a dermatologist.

The medicine has its own contraindications: it is not used during pregnancy and lactation. In order to prevent an overdose, vitamins and retinol derivatives, as well as antibiotics of the tetracycline group, are not taken during treatment.

Natural oily cream from "Cleons"

75 ml for 380 rubles.

Biocream "Cleon" is remembered for its thick orange texture: sea buckthorn gives it a bright color. The active ingredients also include two natural oils - simple onion and exotic karite.

The first results of the oily cream are noticeable immediately. Rigid heels become softer and more pleasant to the touch, and over time acquire softness and accuracy. The natural hydrobalance is restored, the processes of cellular renewal of the epidermis are stimulated. The condition of rough skin improves every day.

A small amount of orange is enough for a long time. A prerequisite for use is to apply it at night and then put on socks. The product is absorbed for a long time and can stain the laundry in a bright color.

Not tested on animals. Does not contain sulfates, artificial colors, synthetic fats.

Scholl Nourishing Foot & Nail Cream

75 ml for 450 rubles.

Panthenol, allantoin, bisabolol, vitamin E and urea are ingredients that provide moisture, softening and protection to the feet. They also take care of the cuticles, putting in order the area around the nails. With Scholl cream, you can do less pedicure.

Dry skin, prone to keratinization and irritation, becomes smooth and silky. The effect is enhanced if the product is used after baths.

Suitable for sensitive type.

"Podorozhnikovy" from "Neva cosmetics"

50 ml for 40 rubles.

The most budget tool in our review is rich in active ingredients. Plantain, which gave the cream its name, is known for its healing and hemostatic properties. Its action is supported by keratin. Lanolin and glycerin act as moisturizers.

In terms of efficiency, the product is not inferior to expensive analogues. Absorbing fairly quickly, it gives a feeling of comfort, hydration and softening. If you use "Plantain" constantly, the condition of the skin of the feet improves noticeably, cracks and seals are less disturbing.

Cream for the skin of the feet is used to improve blood circulation, nutrition, restoration, regeneration of the epidermis. Cosmetics for the care of your favorite legs can be bought at a pharmacy, ordered via the Internet, or prepared on your own.

Deprived of elasticity, dry skin is not able to withstand the influence of external factors. A cosmetic flaw turns into a serious problem. Inflamed areas, cracks appear on the skin, difficulties arise when walking. You can avoid trouble with the help of a special cream, the action of which is aimed at restoring water balance, increasing elasticity.

  • Cream "Mummy Altai"

SPA Planet Altai cosmetic product of complex action is suitable for hypersensitive skin. With it, you can get rid of redness, peeling, coarsened epidermis. The product protects against sunlight, cold and frost. It can be used on different parts of the body, including the legs. The main ingredient is coconut oil. Thanks to him, a protective film appears on the skin, which ensures a normal water balance. Aloe juice gives the cream antiseptic action. Accelerates the process of wound healing, prevents the growth of bacteria on the surface of the epidermis. The cream saturates the skin with amino acids, vitamins, useful components. The volume of the tube is 30 ml. Can be used over the age of 18. Apply a thin layer to clean skin twice a day.

  • Cedar balm for dry skin of the feet

Included in the series of cosmetics "Recipes of Grandma Agafya". The composition includes pine resin, mustard oil, cedar milk. The product saturates the skin with nutrients, restores integrity, soothes, increases the protective barrier. The volume of the tube is 75 ml. Apply with massage movements to clean skin. Balm can be used after 18 years. Eliminates all the imperfections of dry and very dry skin.

  • Foot cream Hundred Beauty Recipes "Golden pumpkin and corn oil softening"

The product is designed to soften the skin, restore its elasticity. Handles minor imperfections. Absorbs quickly, leaves no film feeling. Nice, smells good. The basis is corn oil, pumpkin fills the skin with nutrients. The volume of the tube is 80 ml. Means from the series "One Hundred Recipes of Beauty".

Intensive moisturizer

A complete balance of moisture in the cells of the epidermis provides the skin with a healthy look, silkiness, elasticity. With insufficient quantity, the skin of the legs dries up, cracks, becomes inflamed.

  • Natural Thick Siberian Foot Oil Natura Siberica fromSauna&Spa

The effect of the cream is noticeable after the first application. The tool quickly nourishes, intensively moisturizes, eliminates unpleasant sensations of tightness, pain. The thick texture is easily distributed on the skin, penetrates into the epidermis in a matter of seconds, begins to act. The tool moisturizes, softens without feeling the film. Leaves behind a light citrus scent. The composition includes cedar oil - a powerful antioxidant, lemongrass - with a pronounced tonic effect, lavender oil - a strong skin regenerator. The cream is produced in Estonia. Apply to clean, dry skin.

  • Cream for intensive moisturizing "Stop dryness"

Means of Polish production from the company Lirene. The tool relieves dryness, quickly moisturizes, smoothes wrinkles, protects against moisture loss in the future. The innovative formula contains 10% urea, glycerin, olive oil. Apply twice a day.

Products are manufactured in Germany. Universal cream quickly removes all skin imperfections associated with excessive dryness. Intensive hydration and instant restoration of water balance is provided by sea buckthorn and avocado oils. Healing extracts of algae endow the product with an antibacterial, regenerating effect. To make the skin of the legs flawless, it is enough to pay attention to them once a day. The cream is applied in a thin layer, massaged until completely absorbed.

Cream for rough skin

The defect is popularly called corns. It appears due to the constant load on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heels and fingers.

  • Horse Power cream for rough skin

The tool was developed by the leading cosmetic company LekoPro. The rich composition of the cream allows you to quickly soften the skin, remove keratinized areas. Active moisturizing provides allantoin. It also contributes to the disappearance of small cracks. The main work on restoring the normal state of the skin is provided by extracts of the fruits of the shea tree, grease, vaseline oil, lanolin. Boric and salicylic acid prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria, protect against fungus, sweating. Antiseptic action gives the product menthol, tea tree essential oil. The rich active composition of the cream allows you to see the result immediately after application.

  • Foot cream against corns and corns "Green Pharmacy"

The tool was developed in Ukraine, produced in Poland. The universal remedy has a pronounced moisturizing, nourishing effect. The natural composition of the cream provides full protection of the skin from the negative influence of external factors. Active ingredients: cedar oil, essential oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, fir, aloe vera juice. AHA acids help exfoliate the skin from keratinized areas. The product is intended for all skin types. Suitable for daily use.

Cream for softening the skin of the legs

Softening of the skin occurs due to intensive nutrition, elimination of keratinized skin, moisturizing. The tool in this series is universal. Suitable for daily use.

  • Emollient creamSOSfromEveline

A professional cosmetic product helps to get rid of rough skin on the heels, small cracks. The active ingredient is wheat germ oil. Vitamins A, E, F stimulate the process of regeneration of the skin. It relieves inflammation, softens the skin, medicinal chamomile extract. Refreshes, heals wounds menthol. Camphor disinfects, eliminates unpleasant odors. Increases skin elasticity natural betaine. Emollient cream relieves painful cracked heels in 7 days of daily use.

  • softening cream NanoCode Callus Remover Feet Gel

The tool is great for use in the summer, when rough skin appears due to high heels, open sandals, sandals. And also for winter, when tight shoes are the cause of coarsened areas. The gel has a light liquid structure. Quickly absorbed, penetrates the epidermis layer. Apply it to clean skin. After 15 minutes, gently rub the keratinized areas with a pumice stone. The gel perfectly refreshes, soothes the skin after a hard day. The composition includes panthenol, glycerin, allantoin, propylene glycol and some other components.

Cream for fungus

An unpleasant disease can be picked up in a public place with bare feet. The disease begins to develop with the big toe, then passes to all the others. Of the unpleasant symptoms, there is severe itching, an unpleasant odor. At the initial stage of the disease, you can easily cope with the fungus cream.

  • Nizoral

The active ingredient is ketoconazole. The cream quickly penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, begins therapy. Its action is aimed at inhibiting the development of fungi, restoring damaged areas of the body. Nizoral is applied once a day to damaged skin, as well as surfaces adjacent to it. The duration of treatment is about 6 weeks.

  • Lamisil

Cream with a wide spectrum of action, is actively used to treat foot fungus. The active ingredients are terbinafine hydrochloride. Treatment with Lamisil lasts only 1 week. Apply the cream twice a day to the cleansed affected areas of the skin, adjacent. The product is not rubbed, left to be absorbed on its own. Allowed to use from 12 years.

Skin cream between fingers

Inflamed areas of the skin, cracks of different depths between the fingers appear due to a fungus, due to diabetes, in the presence of gastritis. And also with a deficiency of vitamin A, long walking, wearing synthetic socks, tights. Which cream will help eliminate the problem depends on the cause of its occurrence. If the skin lesion is not associated with a fungus, you can use the following cosmetics:

  • Healing foot cream "Green Pharmacy"

The tool has anti-inflammatory, wound healing, nourishing, regenerating effect. Thanks to the unique natural composition, it acts gently, but confidently. Apply before bed. The active ingredients are coconut oil, mineral oil, lanolin, sea buckthorn extract, camphor, menthol, salicylic acid. The cream has a complex effect - heals wounds, restores the skin, nourishes with the necessary substances, eliminates odor, kills bacteria, and provides a protective function.

It has a healing, antifungal effect. A quick effect is provided by the new formula of the cosmetic product. As part of the balm urea, avocado oil, coconut, sea buckthorn, beeswax, lactic acid. Apply every day. It is recommended to use for skin imperfections in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Foot Shine Cream

Beautiful well-groomed legs attract the attention of men, and women are made to envy. A new series of foot care products allows you to make the skin glossy, like the models from the pages of a fashion magazine.

  • Foot cream "Safari"

A highly effective daily care product that leaves the skin soft, supple, silky with a glossy sheen. The composition of the cream includes soybean oil, lanolin, mink fat. Thanks to the last component, the skin acquires shine, but not a layer of fat, but a glamorous consistency. In addition, the cream provides a full level of moisture, nourishes, refreshes, restores. Lavender has an excellent tonic effect, camphor is a well-known antiseptic. Pine extract allows you to feel the coolness of the morning forest on your feet.

  • Cream Honey Dream

The product is made in France. Nourishing cream allows the skin to become silky, smooth, without flaws, small and gross defects. Works great on rough skin. The rich composition of the cream allows you to see the result after the first application. Efficiency is provided by cereal oils, honey, rice bran, shea butter, echium.

Whitening foot cream

Dark spots on the skin spoil the appearance, irritate the nervous system. They can be present on different parts of the skin, including the feet. To get rid of imperfections, use a whitening cream.

  • Natura siberica (Natura siberica)

Cream Siberian rowan contains a large amount of vitamin C, fatty acids, components that not only brighten the skin, but also restore the structure. Cedar elfin normalizes metabolism. Oak bark promotes rejuvenation. Turmeric root extract has a pronounced whitening effect. The product visibly brightens the skin with daily use.

  • Vitex whitening

It is recommended to apply at night. The tool reduces the activity of melanin, promotes rapid lightening of the treated areas of the skin. The effect can be seen already in the morning. Provides it with natural bearberry extract. In addition, the cream perfectly moisturizes the skin, restores elasticity.

Cream with urea

Currently, many manufacturers include urea in their products. The substance quickly copes with rough skin areas, helps to restore the structure, makes the skin silky, smooth, healthy. In addition, urea eliminates corns, calluses, removes itching, peeling. Eliminates fatigue after a hard day, dulls pain. Cream with urea is considered the latest development in the world of cosmetology. The best option is considered if the proportion of the active component is within 1–4%. Products containing 10% urea should be used with caution, an allergic reaction is possible. Popular products include:

  • Healer;
  • Diaderm Intensive;
  • Joanna;
  • Vitex.

Homemade Foot Cream Recipes

You can prepare an effective remedy yourself. It is possible to choose such components that do not cause allergies, are suitable for smell, action. Individual foot cream is prepared quickly. All ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  • mint cream
  • Mint oil - 5 g;
  • Cocoa butter - 75 g;
  • Glycerin liquid - 20 g;
  • Stearic acid - 15 g;
  • Emulsion wax - 25 g;
  • Distilled water - 350 ml.

Mix all ingredients except mint oil. Put in the microwave or in a water bath to melt everything well. Let cool a little. Add mint. Everything is well mixed to a uniform consistency. You can use a blender for this purpose. Placed in a jar. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

  • Shea Butter Cream
  • Coconut oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Shea butter - ¼ cup;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vanilla essential oil - 8 drops;
  • Peppermint oil - 9 drops;
  • Beeswax - 20 g.

Mix all the ingredients except the essential oil. Warm up as in the previous recipe. After cooling, add the remaining components. Everything is well mixed. Stored in the refrigerator.

Rating of foot creams from popular brands

Among the variety of products it is difficult to make the right choice. The rating of the most effective means presented below will help to do this.

Intensive cream with black sea mud. Produced in Israel. Active ingredients instantly penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, improve the condition from the inside. An excellent combination of black sea mud with extracts of tea tree, aloe vera, shea butter, olive, coconut, lavender. The price for a tube is 1440 rubles. You can order via the Internet.

  • Evree Max Repair Foot Care

Regenerating cream for dry, very dry skin of the feet. The main purpose is nutrition, hydration. Country of origin - Poland. It is recommended to apply before bed. It has a calming effect on the skin, after application there is a slight chill. Active ingredients: lavender oil, panthenol, urea, allantoin. The cost of the cream is about 450 rubles. Mostly ordered online.

  • Schooll

Cream for removing rough skin, corns. Hypoallergenic product for all skin types. Contains urea, natural emollients. The effect is noticeable immediately, lasts about 3 days after one application. Gets rid of corns in a week. It acts in a complex way - nourishes, moisturizes, restores, rejuvenates. Can be bought at a pharmacy. The average price per tube is 500 rubles.

The skin of the legs needs the same care as on other parts of the body. A few minutes a day devoted to your legs will make your skin healthy, youth long!

  • Choose comfortable, loose shoes for the season. Preferably from natural materials.
  • If dry skin occurs, apply moisturizers to the entire surface of the foot. For skin diseases and diabetes, it is recommended to apply on the entire leg (from the feet to the inguinal region).
  • Regularly treat areas of hyperkeratosis with urea-based creams.
  • If cracks and wounds appear on the heels, do not use alcohol-containing antiseptics.
  • Wash your feet thoroughly with warm soapy water using a washcloth or a stiff brush. Use a pumice stone from time to time.
  • Do not walk barefoot in public places (baths, swimming pools). Use personal or disposable slippers.
  • Use special means for the prevention of fungal infections of the feet. Such creams are applied between the toes and along the edge of the nail plate.

So what is the best heel cream to choose?

Generally speaking, all the products that are included in this rating noticeably help rough, cracked feet. It's just that some of them do it faster, while others act cumulatively. Some of the creams provide sufficient care on their own, others need "helpers".

When choosing a cream for cracked heels, be guided by the condition of the feet. The optimal solution, in our opinion, is the course use of different means. For example, you can start with "heavy artillery" - pharmacy products, and after that you constantly use creams for daily care.

That's all we have. Be soft and gentle from head to toe! And don't forget to read the "Price Expert" ratings.

Take care of your feet and be healthy!