Maslenitsa week. Maslenitsa week in by days Maslenitsa week in a year

Published on 02/21/17 03:58 PM

Maslenitsa in 2017: what date do Orthodox Christians have, what are the days of Pancake Week called - read this and much more in the TopNews material.

Maslenitsa in 2017: from what date to what date

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In Russia, from February 20 to February 26, 2017, one of the most beloved among the people and reckless holidays is celebrated - Wide Maslenitsa. This event came to us from pagan times, but our ancestors called this period Cheese Week or Week, when they said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring.

Maslenitsa 2017 by day of the week

It is customary to have fun and bake pancakes throughout the Maslenitsa week. festivities intcbatch started on Monday, which is called Meet. On the first day of Maslenitsa, pancakes were baked, the first of which was always given to the poor. Also on Monday, the father-in-law sent the daughter-in-law to her parents, and in the evening they themselves came to visit them. On this day, a scarecrow of straw was also built, symbolizing winter.

Tuesday is called Winning. On this day, brides are held. Also, young people have fun, eat pancakes, ride down the hill.

Wednesday - Lakomka - was intended for the son-in-law to come to visit his mother-in-law for pancakes.

Thursday - Razgulyai - meant the beginning of festivities with a particularly wide scope. On this day, they stopped all chores and indulged in fun, participated in contests and even fisticuffs. Also, caroling, bonfires and singing songs are not forbidden.

The fifth day of Maslenitsa is called Mother-in-law evenings - on Friday, the wife's mother visits her son-in-law with a return visit.

Saturday - Zolovkin gatherings. Daughters-in-law are supposed to treat and give a gift to an unmarried friend or husband's sister.

On Sunday in Russia, they traditionally see off Maslenitsa and prepare for Great Lent. This day is called Forgiveness Sunday. The Orthodox ask each other for forgiveness and burn the straw effigy of winter.

It is not customary to indulge in despondency throughout Maslenitsa. You need to walk around and have fun. It was believed that a well-spent Maslenitsa week would attract a rich harvest for the coming year and avert any troubles.

What date does Shrovetide begin in 2018, what are the days of Shrovetide week called, what are the traditions, customs and essence of the holiday, read on this page.

Maslenitsa: the history of the holiday

For most people in our country Maslenitsa is the most fun holiday that marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Celebrating Maslenitsa in Russia began long before the adoption of Christianity. Then it was a pagan holiday, the main role in which was assigned to the worship of the Sun. In the past, the holiday was timed to coincide with the vernal equinox, and was celebrated seven days before it and seven after. Two weeks of festivities on Maslenitsa were devoted to saying goodbye to winter and the awakening of spring.

Today Date of Maslenitsa celebration tied to Orthodox Easter and changes every year. In 2018 Maslenitsa begins on February 12, but days of Pancake Week, respectively, falls on February 12-18.

Maslenitsa and Cheese Week 2018: what not to do and what you can

The church tradition does not consider the Maslenitsa holiday to be “its own”, there is no position with such a name in the Orthodox calendar. But there is Cheese Week and Cheese Week (Sunday). The days of the Orthodox Cheese Week and the folk Maslenitsa coincide, but they have a completely different meaning.

Cheese Week (Shrovetide) for the Orthodox is a week of preparation for Great Lent, when it is no longer possible to eat meat and play weddings, but you can still have fun and get the joy of communication. This week in the Christian sense is dedicated to one goal - reconciliation with others, forgiveness of offenses, preparation for the repentant path to God.

Maslenitsa 2018: traditions and customs of celebration

According to tradition, an integral part of the Maslenitsa festivities are outdoor fun, in which people of all ages participate.

The final event of the celebration is traditionally the burning of the Maslenitsa figure. The scarecrow is collected from straw, dry branches, on which old clothes are put on. The remaining ashes must be scattered to the wind. It is believed that this brings prosperity and good luck for the next year.

According to tradition, not only everyone's favorite pancakes are eaten on Maslenitsa, but also milk and cottage cheese, cheeses.

  • See also:

Days of Maslenitsa with their names and meaning: calendar

Traditionally, Shrovetide week is divided into Narrow Maslenitsa (from Monday to Wednesday): household work is allowed on these days, and Broad Shrovetide (from Thursday to Sunday): any work is undesirable. Every day of Maslenitsa has special traditions and names.. Let's tell the meaning of each day of Maslenitsa.

1st day of Maslenitsa. Monday - meeting

On this day they started to bake pancakes, and the first one was always given to the poor. Girls and boys sang songs and walked around the village with a straw effigy. Usually, by the first day of Maslenitsa, swings, slides were built, tables with sweets were set.

2nd day of Maslenitsa. Tuesday - "tricks"

On the morning of the second day of Oil Week, the girls were invited to go sledding and eat pancakes. The kids rode on ice-boats on old calfskins in whole companies. According to tradition, this day was arranged by the bridesmaids.

3rd day of Maslenitsa. Wednesday - "gourmet"

On the third day of Pancake week, everyone ate pancakes and other delicious dishes. They needed to be eaten heartily. On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invite their sons-in-law to pancakes.

4th day of Maslenitsa. Thursday - "revelry"

On this day, the celebration was in full swing. People rode from the icy mountains, swung on carousels and swings, rode in painted sledges pulled by horses. The newlyweds were put on a sled and lowered from the mountain, while they had to kiss in front of everyone. On the same day of Maslenitsa, men went out for fisticuffs. Young people stormed the snow fortresses, made fires and jumped over the fire. The mummers went from house to house, congratulated the hosts on the holiday, and the hosts fed the guests with pancakes.

5th day of Maslenitsa. Friday - mother-in-law evenings - guest day

On the fifth day of Pancake week, sons-in-law should treat their beloved mother-in-laws to pancakes. Other relatives are also invited to dinner that day.

6th day of Maslenitsa. Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings"

On Saturday, the farewell to the aged Maslenitsa is celebrated. On this day, the young daughter-in-law should call her relatives. In the evening, an effigy of Maslenitsa is burned. Everyone walks and eats.

  • See also:

7th day of Maslenitsa. Sunday - seeing off, kisser - Forgiveness Sunday

From morning to afternoon godfathers go to each other with gifts. The effigy of Maslenitsa was burned, and the ashes were scattered across the field. On the seventh, last day of Shrovetide week, which is called Forgiveness Sunday everyone asks each other for forgiveness: “Forgive me, a sinner, for Great Lent!”. In response, they said: "God will forgive, and I forgive." The farewell ends with a low bow and a kiss. Children should ask their parents for forgiveness for all their grief. On this day in the old days, after dinner, everyone gathers at the church for the service, which opened Great Lent.

Published on 20.02.17 11:32

Maslenitsa 2017: what date, when, the history, traditions and customs of the holiday, as well as much more, read in the TopNews review.

When is Maslenitsa in 2017: what date?

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In 2017, on February 20, one of the most traditionally reckless and beloved holidays among the people starts - Wide Maslenitsa. It ends on the 26th, and on February 27, Orthodox believers enter Great Lent.

Maslenitsa in 2017 coincides with the long weekend on the occasion of the celebration of February 23, so many people will celebrate their favorite holidays in a big way.

Maslenitsa 2017: the history and traditions of the holiday

According to one version, the very word "Maslenitsa" comes from the Russian custom of baking intcbatch oiled pancakes, which were traditionally considered a symbol of the sun. In addition to this round and so beloved dish, pancakes and pies with various fillings are served on Maslenitsa. Treats are prepared throughout the Maslenitsa week and treated to friends, relatives and guests.

It is also customary to have fun on Shrovetide, arrange festivities. skiing, you can indulge in the pleasure of singing and dancing, and another tradition of Shrovetide is the burning of an effigy at the stake, which symbolizes the departure of winter and the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Before the adoption of Christianity, Maslenitsa was celebrated for 14 days, and today it lasts a week.

Maslenitsa 2017: Do's and Don'ts

On Maslenitsa, you should definitely visit relatives, invite and go to visit friends. In no case should you be sad and indulge in despondency. It is believed that if you spend Maslenitsa fun and full, then the year will pass in abundance and with a rich harvest. In addition, on the eve of Great Lent, you should heartily eat and work up, have fun until you drop in the company of dear people.

Maslenitsa 2017 by day of the week

Traditionally, each day of the Maslenitsa week has its own name and meaning.

So, Monday- This is a meeting. On the first day of the week they started baking pancakes and the first pancake was always given to the poor. On this day, booths, ice slides, wooden swings and roundabouts were completed, a scarecrow was made of straw and carried in a sleigh along the street.

Tuesday called the Gamblers. People went to fairs, had fun at the performances of artists, and young people rode slides, built ice fortresses, fought in fistfights.

Wednesday- Lakomka. On Wednesday, mother-in-laws baked pancakes for sons-in-law.

On Thursday- Take a walk - a wide Maslenitsa began. On this day, celebrations and festivities gained strength and prowess.

On Friday on Mother-in-law's evenings, the mother-in-law already came to her son-in-law for pancakes.

Saturday- Zolovkin gatherings. On this day, young daughters-in-law were supposed to invite their sister-in-laws and other male relatives to visit them. On this day, the daughter-in-law should give something to the sister-in-law.

Sunday considered forgiven. On this day, they see off Shrovetide, kiss three times and ask each other for forgiveness. In response, they say: "God will forgive, and I forgive." Also on Sunday, an effigy is burned, and the ashes are scattered across the fields.

Each day of Shrove Week has its own name and rituals. The holiday week is divided into two periods: from Monday to Wednesday -Narrow Maslenitsaand from Thursday to SundayWide Maslenitsa. The Narrow Shrovetide still allows housework, but it is no longer possible to work on the Wide Shrovetide: no sewing, no washing, no cleaning.

Monday - meeting

On the first day of Maslenitsa, an effigy of Winter is erected and placed on the main square. The hostesses begin to bake pancakes, the first of which should be treated to a poor and needy person so that he commemorates dead relatives. Matchmakers come to visit each other.

Tuesday - Play

On Tuesday, people also go to visit pancakes, go to fairs, go sleigh rides. In addition, this is the day of brides and matchmaking, in order to have a wedding after Lent.

Wednesday - Lakomki

Mother-in-laws invite sons-in-law and other guests to enjoy their pancakes, show love and respect for sons-in-law.

Thursday - Walk around

From that day on, the Wide Maslenitsa begins, when you can’t work, but you can walk and celebrate. Fun festivities are arranged with entertainment: sleigh rides, fights, dances, songs, jumping over a fire. And everything is accompanied by treats with pancakes and dumplings, sour cream and butter.

Friday - Mother-in-law evening

The day of the return visit of the mother-in-law and relatives to their sons-in-law for pancakes. The task of the son-in-law on this day is to show his disposition and respect for his mother-in-law.

Saturday - Zolov's gatherings

On Saturday, daughters-in-law traditionally invite their sisters-in-law, that is, the husband's sisters, to treat them with pancakes and give gifts.

Sunday - Seeing Shrovetide, Forgiveness Sunday

On the last day of Maslenitsa, they say goodbye to winter and burn an effigy with the remnants of festive food, and scatter the ashes across the field. This ritual is accompanied by mass festivities and theatrical performances. After the evening church service, people ask each other for forgiveness for the troubles caused and possible offenses in order to enter Great Lent with peace in their souls. Also on this day, deceased relatives are commemorated.

Pancake week, in fact, is a preparatory stage for Great Lent and is dedicated to reconciliation with neighbors, establishing good relations and forgiveness of offenses.

rooted in pagan times. Initially, the holiday was associated with the day of the spring equinox, but with the adoption of Christianity, it began to precede Great Lent and depend on its timing. The Christian Church actually added Maslenitsa to its calendar, calling it Cheese Week, so church and folk traditions are closely intertwined in the holiday.

Proto-Slavic Maslenitsa is associated with the cult of fertility. The rites were designed to sanctify the earth and fill it with strength so that it would give a good harvest. In the popular mind, the fertility of the land was inextricably linked with the fertility of people and livestock. These days, boys and girls were looking for a mate for the purpose of procreation. The funeral essence of Shrovetide was closely connected with fertility. The departed ancestors, according to the peasants, were both in another world and in the earth, which means they could influence its fertility. Therefore, on Maslenitsa, the departed ancestors were cajoled in every possible way, including pancakes. They were considered a funeral meal.

Today, the sacred meaning of Maslenitsa is almost lost, and we perceive it primarily as a holiday of pancakes. However, until now, each of the seven days of the holiday has its own name, which tells us what to do. But this applies only to the folk tradition of the holiday.

People's schedule of Maslenitsa

Monday - Maslenitsa meeting

On this day, a scarecrow was made of straw, put on old women's clothes, put this scarecrow on a pole and, singing, drove it on a sleigh through the village. Then Maslenitsa was set on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.

Tuesday - win

On this day, brides were held. Girls invited young people to ride from the mountains and invited them to eat pancakes.

Wednesday - gourmet, mother-in-law pancakes

On this day, mothers-in-law invited their favorite sons-in-law to pancakes.

Thursday - revelry, broad Thursday

Day of fisticuffs. The blood spilled during such battles was perceived as a sacrifice to the spirits of the dead or to the gods themselves.

Friday - mother-in-law evenings

If on Wednesday the sons-in-law visited their mother-in-laws, then on Friday it was the other way around. At the same time, in the evening, the mother-in-law had to transfer to the son-in-law's house all the necessary products for making pancakes.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings

On this day, the young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her place and treated them to guess what? That's right - pancakes.

Forgiveness Sunday

On the last day of Maslenitsa, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from all relatives and friends, to which they usually answered "God will forgive!".

Sayings for every day of Shrovetide:

Monday: Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming!

Tuesday: Pancake is not a sheaf - you can’t stick it on a pitchfork

Wednesday: Pancakes and kisses don't like bills!

Thursday: Have fun on Maslenaya and treat yourself to a pancake!

Friday: Shrovetide is not given forever!

Saturday: Pancakes are relatives of the sun!

Sunday: Not all Maslenitsa for the cat, there will be Great Lent!