Pea masks: benefits for any skin. Using Pea Facial Masks - The Best Recipes Pea Flour Face Mask

A pea face mask is one of the simplest cosmetic procedures that allows you to restore youthfulness to your skin. But this is not the only positive effect of peas on the skin. Due to the high content of trace elements, proteins, vitamins, a pea mask will help to cope with many phenomena on your face that do not please you.

The effect of peas on the skin

Both fresh peas and flour obtained from a dry product contain a lot of skin-friendly substances.

  • Vitamin E greatly increases cell regeneration, which leads to accelerated healing of all microcracks and to an increase in the level of all energy processes.
  • Potassium maintains optimal moisture levels.
  • Calcium is also found in peas, it is from its normal amount in the skin that cell strength, silkiness and softness of the face depend.
  • Vitamin B1 creates the thinnest protective film on the skin, which reduces the effects of ultraviolet radiation, wind and low temperatures.
  • Peas are also rich in iron, useful for cells, an increase in the level of which regulates the delivery of oxygen to cells.
  • Fast contributes to the natural antioxidant contained in the pea mask - zinc.

Cosmetologists advise using both fresh peas and flour in home face care. It is preferable to still choose recipes from pea flour, so they will be available to you at any time of the year.

Indications for use

Pea flour, used as the basis for masks, will give your face both rejuvenation and relief from irritation. Pea masks have received a lot of positive feedback from those who use them to solve such cosmetic defects.

  • For fading and aging skin, a pea mask for wrinkles will help reduce their visibility, get rid of crow's feet, and effectively tighten the oval of the face.
  • Peas will give the necessary moisture to a dry face, eliminate areas of peeling.
  • Pea flour mask has a light peeling effect, thanks to which all pores are quickly cleansed, and the number of black spots is reduced.
  • The high content of trace elements allows the use of peas as the basis for a nourishing mask. Regularly doing the procedures, you will notice the disappearance of a dull color, an amazing silkiness of the face and a decrease in various rashes.

Pea flour is absolutely safe for any skin, and therefore masks based on it have practically no contraindications. Useful trace elements of peas penetrate the skin cells quickly enough, and 20 minutes of application is enough for the beneficial effect of the mask.

Pea flour - face mask recipes

The classic mask is made from pure flour, diluted to a gruel with warm water. A simple recipe will already give an extraordinary feeling of cleanliness and softness. The introduction of additional ingredients into the mask will make facial care the most effective, the rejuvenating and cleansing properties of pea masks are beyond doubt. You can also grind peas into flour yourself using a coffee grinder.

  • With sour cream
    Two tablespoons of pea flour should be mixed with a small amount of warm water, after which two tablespoons of homemade sour cream are added to the gruel.
  • With milk
    Pea flour is diluted with warm milk, after which a spoonful of olive oil is added to the mass.
  • With aloe juice
    A pea mask is also used for wrinkles. It is necessary to crush young peas and add a teaspoon of honey dissolved in warm milk and a spoonful of aloe juice to two tablespoons of puree.
  • With carrot juice
    Two tablespoons of pea flour should be mixed with unsalted mashed potatoes. The prepared mixture is diluted to gruel with fresh carrot juice.

Since ancient times, pea flour has been used for washing; for this, a small amount of it must be diluted with water and applied with massaging movements on the face. After rubbing, the mixture is washed off the face.

Bean culture spread many centuries ago, a symbol of wealth and fertility, today it is available everywhere. Peas for the face is a unique product that allows you to care for all types of epidermis. A full complex of vitamins, minerals helps to maintain youth and elasticity. It is difficult to overestimate the effect of peas on the skin, relieves dryness and wrinkles, treats purulent pustules.

The benefits of peas for the skin

  1. Helps to refresh, rejuvenate;
  2. Cleanses, removes toxins;
  3. Treatment of acne, acne;
  4. Tones, strengthens capillaries;
  5. Removes puffiness.

The composition contains:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C, E, PP, H;
  • minerals;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • starch.

Contraindications– individual sensitivity. Large particles that scratch the skin can cause harm.

Rules for using a bean plant for the face

To reveal the maximum properties of the product, it is worth using peas for facial skin, guided by certain recommendations:

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

  1. The cooking procedure begins with the processing method, you can cook mashed potatoes, or grind into powder, young beans are easily kneaded with a fork;
  2. The skin must first be cleaned, for a greater effect, steam with a compress;
  3. The duration of the procedure ranges from ten minutes to half an hour.

Did you know about the magical natural remedies that allow you to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin? - flour masks from various types of flour, you will find recipes. To preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, it is imperative to use tonics that can be prepared at home, and see how to make it at the link:. If you want to smooth out all kinds of folds and wrinkles, then use olive oil.

Homemade pea face mask recipes

They allow you to rejuvenate and tone up the integument of folk recipes from peas. An unsurpassed refreshing effect is provided by regular procedures based on bean peas. Nutrients help provide complete care for all types of dermis.

Anti-wrinkle mask

The use of recipes from peas allows you to smooth out mimic and age wrinkles, activate collagen synthesis. To correct the oval, reduce swelling and puffiness, it is enough to use a folk remedy three times a month.


  • 10 gr. peas;
  • 15 ml cream;
  • 5 ml aloe.

Production and method of application: prepare a puree from dry peas, add cream and moisturizing juice. Apply with a cosmetic spatula from the bottom up with smoothing movements. Wash off after eighteen minutes of action.

Mask for acne and inflammation

At home, you can improve the condition of problem skin, cure acne and pustules. The plant has an excellent effect on intracellular processes, clears clogged ducts, and stops the spread of infection. It is advisable to perform the mask before going to bed so that after that you do not apply decorative cosmetics, and do not expose to the sun and temperature changes.


  • 15 gr. peas;
  • 5 gr. plantain.

Production and method of application: on a coffee grinder, turn grass and dry beans into powder, mix with spice, dilute with warm mineral water. Apply the product to all problem areas - cheeks, forehead, nose, chin. Wash your face after seven/eight minutes.

Mask for problem skin

The cosmetics of nature will relieve the surface of black dots, refresh and soften the epidermis. The water-lipid balance is normalized, facial capillaries are strengthened.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of peas;
  • 1 teaspoon of rapeseed oil;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B2.

Production and method of application: bean powder, combined with oil, introduce a vitamin solution. Covers can be steamed, then distributed and wait a quarter of an hour.

Mask for aging skin

Pea flour for the face after thirty is indispensable. Leave the aging process, accelerate the blood flow are capable of natural components.


  • 10 gr. peas;
  • 20 gr. kelp;
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

Production and method of application: for convenience, grind the seaweed in a dry form, leave it in water for seven / ten minutes, add bean powder and fruit juice. After distribution, wait up to twenty minutes, remove the residue in the usual way.

Mask for oily skin

A honey mask is what the dermis needs with increased secretion of glands. The tonic and cleansing effect will allow you to forget about shine and unhealthy color for a long time.


  • a teaspoon of peas;
  • Art. a spoonful of dark chocolate;
  • 3 drops of grapefruit ether.

Production and method of application: bring the beans to a powder consistency, mix with melted chocolate and tonic drops. Having processed the steamed dermis, you can allow fifteen minutes of rest, then remove the hardened coating.

Mask for dry skin

The feeling of a tightened film disappears after the first application, along with flabbiness and peeling. The complexion will also please with a snow-white matte tone, redness in the nose and cheek area disappears.


  • a teaspoon of peas;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir;
  • a teaspoon of rice germ oil.

Production and method of application: mix heated sour milk with bean powder and rice liquid. Wipe the covers with thermal water, and immediately distribute the homemade mass. Complete in eighteen/twenty-five minutes.

Softening mask

With frequent use of cosmetics, the pores become clogged, the keratinized layers of the epidermis do not have time to exfoliate. Able to soften and restore a healthy color is a simple but effective spa treatment. Peeling with pea flour to refresh the skin once a month.


  • Art. a spoonful of peas;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • a teaspoon of cherry juice.

Production and method of application: after preparing the puree, carry out fruit juices. Cleanse the face from make-up, apply on surfaces, except for the eyelids and nasolabial triangle, depending on sensitivity, the duration of action is from five to fourteen minutes.

Nourishing mask

In winter, the skin suffers especially from a lack of moisture and fatty acids. Home care can be applied to all types, especially those with signs of sagging and flaking.


  • 5 gr. peas;
  • 20 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 10 ml of serum.

Production and method of application: grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with whey and bean powder. Treat the face with the mixture and keep for at least thirty-five minutes, remove with a damp sponge.

Refreshing mask

You can relieve fatigue, erase traces of insomnia and age-related changes with your own hands. The procedure is best done with a regularity of three times a month.


  • 10 gr. peas;
  • 10 gr. starch;
  • 25 ml milk.

Production and application method: mix the main ingredient with milk, corn starch, treat the steamed surface with a thin layer. Enjoy the action for about thirty minutes, rinse as always.

Purifying mask

A home procedure with a scrub effect allows you to deeply clean the ducts, forget about comedones and freckles, and get rid of pigmentation. Excellent tonic effect has a beneficial effect on the elasticity of capillaries.


  • 10 gr. peas;
  • 5 gr. rice
  • 20 ml carrot juice.

Production and method of application: Grind cereals together with beans and mix with carrot juice. Remove decorative cosmetics and distribute a gentle scrub in a circular motion. Wash off after 3/4 minutes.

Interesting video: The secret of clear skin and how to use peas for beauty

Pea mask with sour cream

A soothing mask will help to whiten and moisturize the integument. Natural ingredients smooth wrinkles, saturate with moisture and vitamins.


  • Art. a spoonful of pea puree;
  • 2 teaspoons of sour cream;
  • 5 drops of retinol.

Production and method of application: apply a mushy mixture on the face, hold for ten to fourteen minutes, remove the remaining composition with a sponge.

Indispensable for smoothing wrinkles young green peas, rich chemical composition can enhance the immune properties of the dermis. The synthesis of elastin is activated, the renewal of the epidermis occurs faster.


  • 15 gr. young peas;
  • yolk;
  • 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil.

Production and method of application: you can knead the peas with a fork or in a mortar, add the yolk and aroma drops. Distribute on the covers, after thirty minutes, complete the caring session.

Pea flour mask

For combination skin, with periodic acne, it is worth using folk recipes. The pores are noticeably narrowed, dryness and peeling disappear.


  • 15 gr. pea flour;
  • 20 ml of tomato juice;
  • 5 drops of avocado oil

Production and method of application: prepare a homogeneous mixture from the available ingredients. Wipe the covers with micellar water, spread with a spatula and leave for twelve minutes.

Interesting video: Homemade skin care recipes with rice and buckwheat flour

This simple pea face mask proves to be a great home remedy for dull and problematic skin. It helps to hide the first traces of age-related changes and soothes irritated, inflamed skin, dissolving foci of inflammation.

As a result, the skin blooms, wrinkles are smoothed out, pimples and acne begin to slowly but surely disappear.

The anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties of pea masks are explained by the fact that this herbal product contains substances that are beneficial for the skin. They quickly solve many skin problems:

  • amino acids make the skin supple and smooth;
  • starch softens;
  • carotene moisturizes;
  • B vitamins fight inflammation;
  • vitamin C rejuvenates;
  • vitamin PP refreshes;
  • vitamin K whitens;
  • choline soothes.

As useful as peas are for the face, so effective are homemade masks made from it. The main thing is to use them correctly and for their intended purpose.

Rules for the use of masks from peas

First of all, a pea mask is recommended for problematic and withered skin, although it can also be a real salvation for oily skin. But dry skin will not feel very comfortable under a mask that has a drying effect. To make the mask meet your expectations, follow a few tips for its use.

  1. If you use green peas (only fresh, but by no means canned) to prepare the mask, you need to knead it with a fork. Dry peas must first be boiled and mashed or directly grind dry in a coffee grinder.
  2. Apply masks only on clean, steamed skin.
  3. To find out the reaction of your skin to the mask, apply a small amount of it on the skin behind the ear or on the wrist, and rinse after 15 minutes. If no allergic reaction occurs within an hour, the mask can be used on the face.
  4. Pea masks can be removed after 15-20 minutes.
  5. To consolidate the result, you will need 6-7 masks, which are recommended to be done every five days.

The best pea face mask recipes

The best pea face mask is the one that suits your skin type perfectly.


  • 1. Kefir-pea mask

Mix green pea puree (3 tablespoons) with kefir (1 tablespoon).

  • 2. Pea mask of sour cream

Grind dry peas, mix (2 tablespoons) with mineral water and sour cream (a teaspoon each).

  • 3. Pea Peeling Mask

Grind dry peas (2 tablespoons) with oatmeal (2 tablespoons) in a coffee grinder, add cinnamon and chopped nutmeg (a pinch each). Massage for a minute, then leave on the skin for 5 minutes.


  • 4. Pea honey mask

Grind dry peas, mix (2 tablespoons) with two whipped proteins and honey (2 teaspoons).

  • 5. Lemon Pea Mask

Puree from green peas (3 tablespoons) diluted with fresh, manually squeezed lemon juice to a creamy consistency.


  • 6. Pea mask with olive oil

Grind dry peas, mix (3 tablespoons) with olive oil (a tablespoon), egg yolk and orange essential oil (3 drops).

  • 7. Berry pea mask for wrinkles

Grind dry peas, mix (2 tablespoons) with blackcurrant puree (the same amount).


  • 8. Pea mask with aloe

Grind dry peas, mix (2 tablespoons) with two yolks and honey (2 teaspoons), add aloe juice (a tablespoon) and tea tree essential oil (3 drops).

  • 9. Classic pea mask

Apply green pea puree to acne and inflammation.

  • 10. Pea mask on herbs

Puree from green peas (3 tablespoons) dilute with a decoction of chamomile or sage (a tablespoon).

Peas for the skin are such a natural beautician, and it is foolish not to use his services in this capacity. The skin after such a mask will shine with health and beauty.

Peas are a very simple familiar product that can be used not only in cooking. This product is able to provide the skin with almost all the substances, vitamins and microelements it needs, while pea flour face masks are available at any time of the year and do not require large financial costs, because ordinary dry peas can be bought at any grocery store and it is quite inexpensive .

Benefits of pea flour for skin

Pea flour for facial skin is a very valuable product, because it is able to saturate the cells of the epidermis with many valuable elements, providing proper and nutritious nutrition. As a result, a complex effect is carried out on the skin, which contributes to its overall healing and rejuvenation.

Mature dry peas contain:

  • Vitamin E, which contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged skin areas by enhancing regeneration processes, it heals cracks, scratches and other damage. Many cosmetologists call vitamin E a special beauty vitamin.
  • Potassium, which helps cells retain moisture in the amount they need, providing full hydration of all layers of the skin without the formation of tissue swelling.
  • Vitamin B1, with which it is possible to slow down the natural aging process, as well as protect skin cells from the harmful effects of various external factors.
  • Calcium, which contributes to the effective cleansing of the skin from acne, acne, blackheads, various impurities and toxic substances. Calcium also improves the smoothness of the skin, gives it a special silkiness and tenderness.
  • Zinc is an active natural antioxidant. This substance effectively fights acne and other pathogenic elements, accelerating the healing process, while rejuvenating the skin.
  • Iron, which contributes to the saturation of cells with a large amount of oxygen, improves all metabolic processes, and slows down aging.

As a rule, if you apply masks from pea flour regularly, following the recommended intervals for the procedures, you can see tangible results after 2-3 weeks. At the same time, the use of such masks in skin care allows you to solve many cosmetic problems at the same time.

Indications for the use of pea face masks and contraindications to them

Pea flour masks have a complex beneficial effect on the skin, so experts recommend using them:

  • For the care of aging and mature skin, since in this case such products will be especially useful. Pea flour can quickly improve the general condition of the skin and its color, even out its tone, increase firmness and elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles.
  • For dry skin care, since pea flour masks not only saturate the cells with nutrients, but also contribute to intensive and deep hydration. Therefore, using such products on a regular basis, you can quickly get rid of the symptoms of skin irritation, rashes, peeling, feeling of dryness and tightness of the epidermis.
  • In the presence of problem skin with a large number of contaminated pores and acne. Pea flour masks can be used as an effective peeling and remedy for acne, blackheads, by dissolving the contents in the pores.

Also, pea flour masks can be used for skin care of any type as an effective nourishing, cleansing and rejuvenating agent that allows you to maintain health and beauty.

It is also important that pea masks have no contraindications for use, with the exception of the presence of individual intolerance to the vegetable, which is very rare. It is only necessary to follow the recommended preparation procedure and the time of keeping the compositions on the face. As a general rule, most masks should be left on the skin for 20 minutes.

Pea flour masks

Recipes for pea masks are quite diverse, but they should be prepared correctly. It is best to make pea flour yourself, harvesting dried peas in the summer and grinding it, if necessary, in a coffee grinder in small portions. It is not necessary to grind a large portion of peas at once for further use for cosmetic purposes, since many important components are destroyed during storage.

Before applying the mask to the skin, it must be prepared by washing with the usual means or liquid soap (preferably household or tar, but you can also use children's). After that, a scrub should be applied to the skin of the face, and then, a steaming procedure should be carried out using a decoction of medicinal herbs.

The most popular pea flour masks include:

  • The classic version of this remedy, for the preparation of which 2 full tablespoons of pea flour must be diluted with warm liquid. For breeding, you can use ordinary boiled warm water, high-quality green tea (strong infusion), decoctions of medicinal herbs, mineral water.
  • You can mix pea flour with sour cream. To do this, the flour should be diluted with a small amount of water to a very thick porridge, then add fresh sour cream. This mask is great for dry skin types.
  • Milk mask. To prepare it, you need to take a full spoonful of pea flour and dilute it with warm milk to a consistency that is convenient for applying to the skin. In this version, the mask is recommended for combination and oily skin. With a dry type of epidermis, you need to add a spoonful of natural olive oil to the composition.
  • To prepare a remedy for wrinkles, mix a spoonful of pea flour with the same amount of fresh cream and freshly squeezed aloe juice, in an amount of 5 ml. If the skin is oily, you can add a spoonful of natural liquid honey or beaten white of one egg.
  • A mask against inflammation and acne can be prepared by mixing 15 grams of pea flour with dry ground plantain grass (5 grams) and 2 grams of turmeric powder. The finished dry mixture should be diluted to the consistency of sour cream with mineral water or a decoction of medicinal chamomile.
  • A mask for blackheads, blackheads and pimples, which is an excellent option for caring for problem skin. To prepare it, you should take a full spoonful of pea flour, add an ampoule of pharmacy vitamin B2 to it, as well as a spoonful of natural rapeseed oil.
  • Mask for oily skin care, for the preparation of which you need to take a full spoonful of pea flour, add a spoonful of natural liquid honey and a full tablespoon of melted natural (high-quality) dark chocolate to it. At the end of kneading, 3-5 drops of grapefruit essential oil should be added to the mixture.
  • For dry skin, you can prepare a mask from a spoonful of pea flour mixed with two tablespoons of fresh kefir and wheat germ oil in the amount of a teaspoon.
  • To cleanse the skin, you can mix a spoonful of pea flour with the same amount of potato starch and dilute the resulting mixture with warm milk, in an amount of 25 ml.

Rinse off any pea flour masks after 20 minutes using clean running cool water. After that, the skin can be wiped with an ice cube from a decoction of medicinal herbs and smeared with a cream for moisturizing or nourishing.

Pea flour can also be used for daily washing of the skin, using it instead of the usual products and soap. To do this, the flour must be diluted with warm water or a decoction of medicinal herbs to the consistency of sour cream and applied to the wet surface of the face, rubbing the skin in circular massage movements for about 3-5 minutes, then rinse off the rest of the mixture with cool water. This approach to the procedure allows you to effectively cleanse the skin, increase its elasticity, smooth wrinkles, eliminate pimples and blackheads and maintain the skin in a healthy state.

A rejuvenating pea flour face mask is available today to every beauty who wants to provide her skin with proper care at any time of the year. Pea flour is sold ready-made in any of the stores, so you will not have any problems with the preparation of this cosmetic product, but the result will be very pleasing.

Pea flour is a very valuable product, rich in various vitamins and microelements. Their complex effect on skin cells gives that amazing rejuvenating effect that pea flour masks have:

  • vitamin E regenerates damaged areas of the skin, heals microcracks and is rightfully considered a beauty vitamin;
  • vitamin B 1 will not allow your cells to grow old, forming a protective film around them, which protects them from the aggressive effects of external factors (ultraviolet, temperature changes, etc.);
  • potassium regulates the level of moisture in the cells;
  • calcium makes the skin silky to the touch and very smooth, with excellent cleansing properties;
  • zinc is an excellent antioxidant, which also helps to rejuvenate the skin;
  • iron will provide your skin cells with oxygen, without which there is a violation of recovery processes and rapid aging.

Using a mask of pea flour constantly, in a couple of weeks the skin will change, as it solves many skin problems.

Pea flour masks: indications and contraindications

Given the beneficial properties of pea flour, a mask from it can be recommended in the following cases:

  • such a mask will be useful primarily for aging skin, since pea flour for the face is an unsurpassed cosmetologist who will improve color, smooth wrinkles, and give elasticity;
  • dry skin will receive the necessary moisture and stop suffering from peeling;
  • with contaminated pores, a pea flour mask will give an extraordinary cleansing effect, having peeling properties;
  • being a treasury of vitamins and microelements, the pea flour mask will become an indispensable nutritious cosmetic product for skin care of any type.

Wonderful pea flour masks have absolutely no contraindications, so you can safely apply them to the skin, but the main thing is not to overdo it: 20 minutes will be enough.

Pea flour masks: the best recipes

You can choose the classic recipe for making a pea flour mask, which comes without additional ingredients, or you can dilute the main mask with other ingredients.

  • classic mask

Dilute pea flour (2 tablespoons) with warm water to a mushy state.

  • Sour cream

Dilute pea flour (2 tablespoons) with a small amount of warm water and mix with sour cream (2 tablespoons).

  • Dairy

Dilute pea flour (a tablespoon) with a small amount of warm milk, add olive oil (a tablespoon).

  • For washing

Washing with pea flour will be very effective, which will replace your usual gel or foam. Dilute the flour to the consistency of gruel, apply to a slightly moistened face, grind and rinse.

Pea flour masks are those natural remedies that our grandmothers used and even looked 100% even in old age.