Face mask for wrinkles with honey at home. Honey for the face - nature's best recipe for wrinkles Does honey help with wrinkles

Many have them.

And so you want to look young! Does honey help wrinkles on the face? And what are the rules for using honey masks?

Honey as a cosmetic has been used for a long time. When there were no other cosmetics than natural substances, women used honey for external and internal rejuvenation.

Face masks made from honey for wrinkles were a popular cosmetic product 3 thousand years ago, in the ancient states of Egypt and Mesopotamia.

An interesting fact: if you completely replace sugar with honey in the menu, you can push back old age, prolong youth. Who said you can't look 25?

Replacing artificial sugar with honey will not only make you look, but also feel 25! Natural honey gold will help.

How honey works against wrinkles on the face

The effect of a honey mask against wrinkles is due to its composition.

This is a real elixir of youth and health, which contains:

  • (these are natural antioxidants).
  • Microelements.
  • Enzymes and phytoncides are natural antibiotics.

The beneficial properties of honey for the skin, the ability to rejuvenate and heal, are manifested in the following:

  • Honey activates metabolism and provides skin cells with vitamin and mineral nutrition.
  • Removes decay products.
  • Stimulates subcutaneous blood flow.
  • Leaves a film on the surface of the skin that retains moisture (moisturizing effect).

The film after honey does not impede skin breathing. Moisture loss is the main cause of aging.

Rules for the use of honey masks

How to use a bee product in the fight against wrinkles?

There are several important rules that must be observed during medical treatment:

  1. Honey is one of the possible allergens. It should not be used by people with an atypical reaction to bee products.

  2. If the honey anti-wrinkle face mask has a complex composition (in addition to honey, it contains other components), it should be used immediately in full, without further storage.

  3. Honey for the face from wrinkles should not be overheated. You can slightly warm it in a water bath, but you can not completely overheat. It must be understood that the amount of nutrients after remelting will be noticeably less.

Face masks with honey for wrinkles are made on the basis of liquid or paste-like honey. By spring, any honey is sugared - even early acacia and linden.

After opening the honeycombs, the honey flows out and hardens within a day.

How to apply a honey face mask?

We list the sequence of applying a cosmetic product:

  • Wash up.
  • Steam your face - over the steam of an inhaler or in a hot bath (to open the pores).
  • Apply the composition of the honey face mask for wrinkles.
  • Hold for 30 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm and cold water (it tightens pores).

Wrinkle honey mask

The first wrinkle mask with honey is just liquid honey. It can be applied and washed off after 30 minutes or left on the face for several hours (until completely absorbed).

You can do it (easily pat your cheeks and forehead smeared with honey with your fingers). In this case, honey will work like a scrub, and will cleanse the top layer of the skin.

If you try very hard, you can lighten too much tan.

The next version of the mask with honey for wrinkles is a tonic for daily care. For its preparation, the bee product is diluted with water in the ratio of 3 teaspoons of honey per 250 ml of water. Store this tonic in the refrigerator.

Daily use of tonic maintains a healthy complexion and is the prevention of wrinkles, skin aging.

Anti-wrinkle masks with honey and other ingredients

Other useful ingredients are added to honey face masks for wrinkles - onions, cinnamon.

Honey and egg white

Honey mask with egg white is a composition for normal non-problem skin. It is necessary to beat the protein, add 1 teaspoon of flour (preferably coarse) and 1 tablespoon of honey. Flour provides density. This mask is recommended to be applied, kept until dry and washed off with water.

A similar mask can be made from honey and egg yolk. The components are mixed and beaten until a homogeneous mass is formed, without flour.

Honey for oily/dry skin

Anti-wrinkle honey is an excellent component of nutrition and recovery. This is a universal basis for the care of any skin - dry, oily, problematic.

Anti-wrinkle honey mask provides nutrition for dry skin, if added to the composition. Classic nourishing cream uses, but also suitable,. The oil is mixed with honey and applied to areas of dry, tight skin. Additionally, in the composition or warm milk (1 tablespoon of sour cream for 1 tablespoon of honey).

For oily skin, lemon juice (freshly squeezed, 1 tablespoon) is added to honey. It tightens pores and reduces sebum production, reduces redness and gives the skin a healthier complexion.

The wrinkle honey mask also treats problematic skin.

Recipe #1 Tonic
No. p / p Components for a mask Proportions / doses Unit.

Tea spoon

Cooking order: Dilute with water in the specified proportion
Application: Steam your face. Apply the mask on your face. Rinse with warm water.
Time of action: 30 minutes
Storage: In a refrigerator
Recipe number 2 Honey and egg white
No. p / p Components for a mask Proportions / doses Unit.
1 Egg white 1
2 Flour 1

Tea spoon

3 liquid honey 1


Cooking order: Mix ingredients until smooth
Application: Steam your face. Apply a face mask. Keep until dry. Wash off with warm water.
Time of action: 20 minutes
Storage: Used immediately

Medical masks with honey

Honey is a universal medicine and cosmetics. It is used against acne and purulent acne. To enhance the antibacterial action, other antiseptics are added to honey - aloe, calendula tincture, cinnamon. For oily problem skin - diluted with medical alcohol.

Here are the recipes:

  • We treat problematic and oily skin - a mask with aloe (aloe juice is diluted with honey 1: 1, sometimes alcohol tincture of calendula is added 1: 1: 1). This composition effectively helps with acne.
  • Honey mask with cinnamon - the most delicious face mask for wrinkles with honey. Cinnamon (1 teaspoon) is added to liquid honey (1 tablespoon). This composition tones and tightens sagging skin and has a strong bactericidal effect. Cinnamon is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics.
  • Another natural antibiotic is onion. It is added to the mask in the form of freshly squeezed juice (the onion is rubbed on a grater and squeezed through cheesecloth). In addition to onions, a spoonful of warm milk is bred in the composition. Liquid "lotion" is applied to the face with a cotton swab (except so as not to irritate the mucous membrane).

Liquid masks are often used as a daily tonic. In this case, they are stored in the refrigerator.

And in addition to the above - we suggest watching the video "Honey Face Mask".

Every year, the skin of the face becomes more flabby, wrinkles appear, which you want to get rid of as quickly as possible. An ideal way out of a problem situation is a face mask for wrinkles with honey. A folk remedy made from natural ingredients will ensure the return of youth to the skin and prevent the appearance of unwanted wrinkles.

In addition, honey masks have another significant advantage - minimal financial costs. After all, all the ingredients that are used for its preparation are necessarily present in everyone's house.

Properties of honey

Since ancient times, it has been known that honey is a useful product. Although it should be noted that in the modern world its use has not been neglected. This is due to the fact that this product is increasingly being used in the activities of pharmaceutical companies and plastic surgery. Old recipes have come down to us, with which our ancestors were healed of many different problems. The ancient magicians and healers invented new means that were unusual for that time, but modern people still pay attention to them.

It should be noted that honey is not such a simple product. Its main features:

  1. Made by bees.
  2. It has a special structure.
  3. Has a special composition.

This tool can cure colds, sore throats, rejuvenate the skin or quickly heal wounds. The modern production of face creams and masks necessarily introduces propolis extracts and honey extracts into its products, which guarantees a positive result.

From wrinkles with honey will help get rid of not only the main problem, but also cleanse the skin well, and also remove unpleasant and annoying acne. Means, which include honey, are sold in every specialized store, but their price is not acceptable to all buyers. Therefore, most people think that it would be much better to make a mask yourself from natural ingredients than to spend money.

Product Terms of Use

The valuable composition of honey can heal only if you follow the basic rules:

  1. Before use, clean the pores with a special tool.
  2. It is recommended to use only fresh formulations, since a mixture of long-term storage cannot guarantee the desired result.
  3. For masks and scrubs, which contain milk and eggs, you should take homemade products.
  4. The finished mixture (facial mask with honey for wrinkles) is applied around the eyes and all over the face with gentle massaging movements.
  5. Keep the mask on the skin for no more than 20 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the remnants of the unabsorbed composition with cool water, if possible, use wet wipes.
  7. After all the remnants of the mask have been removed from the face, it is necessary to immediately treat the skin with a nourishing cream.

Glycerin mask

The most popular is a face mask with glycerin and gelatin for wrinkles. Both honey and other components can really surprise your own skin. The result after using this mask will amaze everyone.

For cooking, you should take the yolk, about 7-10 grams of liquid honey, a little gelatin and 15-20 milliliters of glycerin. All elements are mixed in a ceramic bowl as thoroughly as possible, and then the finished mixture is applied to the skin of the face. It is allowed to keep it for 10-15 minutes.

With added alcohol

For many people, alcohol is a repulsive element, as it can damage the skin. In fact, this opinion is erroneous. This mixture will not harm the skin in any way, but quite the contrary. Thanks to regular use, the skin will be significantly rejuvenated, wrinkles will disappear, pimples and blackheads are unlikely to appear in the near future.

For cooking, you need alcohol and clean water. All ingredients are taken in 50 milliliters and combined together. The mass is applied to the face with a thin layer and washed off with chilled water after 15-20 minutes.

Nutritious Option

A nourishing face mask for wrinkles with honey at home will not require much effort. For her, you need to mix liquid honey with milk and sour cream (it is advisable to take rustic products). All this is done in a 1:1 ratio. Then the same amount of sunflower oil and yolk are added. The mask is evenly distributed over the face, but in areas where wrinkles are especially pronounced, it is necessary to apply a slightly larger layer. You can keep it for no more than 15 minutes.

Getting rid of wrinkles with honey and tea

Not the worst effect will give a tea face mask for wrinkles with honey. It will be easy to prepare it at home. This will require only a tablespoon of honey and exactly the same amount of strong tea. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. The main advantage of this composition is that it can be applied not only on the face, but also on the neck and décolleté. It is allowed to keep for 20 minutes, and then washed off with clean water.

If you want to experiment, you can replace tea with homemade milk, but with a high percentage of fat content.

Mask-cream for face and neck

Stretch marks and wrinkles on the face will help eliminate the face mask for wrinkles with honey and egg. Regular use guarantees only a positive result. It is prepared from the simplest products that are always present in every refrigerator: egg yolk and natural honey. You need to beat it until foam appears. The finished mixture will not have to be infused, it is ready for use immediately. It should be applied not too thinly on the skin, and should be washed off after 20 minutes.

In the process of preparation, it should be remembered that the more thoroughly beat the composition, the better the face mask with yolk and honey from wrinkles will turn out. This mask has quite good reviews, so there is no doubt about the result.

honey water

Another good remedy for rejuvenation and getting rid of wrinkles is honey water. It can be used not only for external use. Professional cosmetologists and doctors even recommend adding it to your daily diet.

Cooking will not take much time, but the result will be excellent. You should pay attention to the proportions that are not recommended to deviate from: a tablespoon of honey is mixed with a glass of water at room temperature. When the honey is completely dissolved, you can already begin the procedure. In general, water is used for washing. You can do this several times a day. After 10-15 minutes after washing with this liquid, you should rinse the skin again, but with ordinary water (without adding soap, balms, and so on).

Among other things, it should be noted that honey water is very popular not only because of the above benefits. Also, girls who want to lose weight love to use it. Before breakfast, you should drink a glass of water, which will start the digestive system and give the body the necessary energy for the coming day.

Natural scrub

Quite unusual ingredients (almonds and oatmeal) attract all girls, because they have many positive features. And in facial care, they are also useful. If you grind them, mix with honey and apply to the skin, then you can no longer worry about the first manifestations of old age on your face. A thin layer, applied with massaging movements, lasts about 5 minutes, and then washed off with lukewarm water. As a result, the skin will be smooth, wrinkles will go away, and the feeling of cheerfulness and energy will increase.

Oily skin is not a problem

Often girls and women worry about oily skin, because they cannot get rid of it. Many folk remedies struggle with this, but for honey this is not a problem at all. To prepare the mask, you will need fresh lemon juice, green tea and a couple of tablespoons of honey. The mass will turn out not very pleasant for the skin, but it will not have to endure for too long. After 15-20 minutes after application, the mask can be washed off with cool water (it is better to take thawed water).

For dry skin

In addition to oily, dry skin also irritates. This problem occurs quite often, but it can be solved very quickly. Unfortunately, many people, not finding a quick solution, often give up and do not take care of their skin at all. But still, the option with honey should be considered.

One tablespoon of milk / sour cream is combined with the same amount of honey and a teaspoon of cottage cheese. The last ingredient should be thoroughly kneaded so that no lumps remain. Then you can safely apply on the face and keep for 10-15 minutes.

This mask guarantees, first of all, getting rid of wrinkles. Along with this, the skin will also improve. After a couple of uses of the mixture, traces of dry skin will no longer remain.

With the addition of medicines

And honey against wrinkles helps instantly. To prepare the mass, you will need to take a couple of tablets of ordinary aspirin, slightly dissolve in water and mix with natural honey. Rub this mask into the skin carefully, with smooth movements. It is necessary to wash it off literally 10 minutes after application, and then you should definitely apply a nourishing cream or just wash your face with a special balm.

After that, wiping your face with a towel is strictly prohibited. You just need to collect excess moisture and tap your fingertips all over your face. Thanks to these actions, the miraculous effect will be noticeable very soon.

In our article, we will tell you how to make honey face masks for wrinkles and provide the best 6 recipes that you can cook at home.

The use of honey in home beauty treatments for facial rejuvenation is a big hit among women today. And not in vain, because this product has a lot of healing properties that help not only smooth out wrinkles and restore the former freshness and smoothness to the integument, but also additionally solve many cosmetic imperfections of the skin.

To prepare masks for wrinkles with honey, usually only a natural and fresh product is taken, which has a valuable composition. And so let's quarrel about how a honey face mask is useful.

Composition of honey

Natural honey is a very useful and multifunctional tool that is actively used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. This is due to the fact that the composition of this product contains the following components:

  • Amino acids
  • Carbohydrates (fructose, glucose, maltose and sucrose)
  • Minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, copper, etc.)
  • Vitamins (B1, B2, C, PP, A, etc.)
  • Hormones
  • Squirrels

Thanks to such a rich composition, the product helps to fight the following cosmetic skin imperfections:

➣ Heals all wounds and cracks on the upper layer of the epidermis;

➣ Significantly improves blood circulation and lymph flow in tissues and the body as a whole;

➣ Helps to expand blood vessels, which in turn improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition with useful substances;

➣ Improves many metabolic processes in the skin;

➣ Cleanses the top layer of the skin;

➣ Soothes irritation and inflammation on the integument;

➣ Rejuvenates the skin and smoothes wrinkles;

➣ Removes sagging skin.

➣ Indications and contraindications for face masks with honey

Honey face mask is suitable for all skin types and is recommended not only for wrinkles, but also for those who:

  • Dry, dehydrated skin;
  • Visible age-related changes in the integument;
  • Dullness and flabbiness of the skin on the face;
  • Enlarged pores, inflammation, redness and other cosmetic imperfections;
  • Sagging tissues due to age-related changes in the body;
  • Pigmentation of the skin on the face.

Rules for the use of face masks for wrinkles from honey

It is possible to get a positive and visible result from the use of masks with honey only if the following rules are observed:

❶ We recommend preparing all face masks for wrinkles with honey before directly applying the product to the skin of the face. Therefore, carry out all the procedures for cleansing the covers from decorative cosmetics in advance.

❷ Only fresh and liquid honey is used for preparation. Candied product for skin rejuvenation is not suitable. In addition, we recommend giving preference to honey with a light shade, as it rarely causes an allergic reaction compared to a dark variety.

❸ Before mixing honey with other components, we recommend preheating it in a water bath to room temperature. This will improve the effectiveness of the mask due to the fact that all the beneficial substances will pass into the active phase.

❹ Be sure to check all masks with the addition of this product for allergies. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the inner bend of the elbow and hold for 15 minutes. If the skin at the site of application does not turn red, and there are no unpleasant sensations, then the product is suitable for use.

❺ To see visible results from using honey masks, it is recommended to apply them up to 2 times a week for a month.

❻ These home remedies are not applied to the area under the eyes.

Top 6 honey wrinkle mask recipes

Among the large number of recipes for honey-based home remedies, we have selected for you only the best and most effective masks that help fight wrinkles and have anti-aging properties.

For wrinkle smoothing

– Honey

— Yolk

- Lemon juice (1 tsp)

- Boiled potatoes

- Almond oil (1 tsp)

Boil the potatoes in their skins so that they can be easily peeled and mashed. Next, take half the potatoes and knead thoroughly so that there are no lumps left. Add a tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, yolk and almond oil to the resulting puree. We grind everything well and apply it while still warm on the skin of the face. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, then remove it with cotton pads and rinse the skin with cool water.

The action of such a mask can be attributed to nutrition, hydration and softening of the skin. Additionally, it effectively smoothes wrinkles, tightens flabby skin and restores fresh color to the integument. The product is recommended for use by women with dry, aging and wrinkled skin.

- Honey (1 tbsp.)

- Lemon juice (1 tablespoon)

- Wheat germ oil (1 tsp)

Take a tablespoon of honey and add the same amount of lemon juice to it. In the resulting consistency, we introduce 1 teaspoon of oil, wheat germ. We bring the components to a homogeneous consistency and apply on the face. Keep the product for no more than 10 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Lifting mask

– Honey

- Carrot juice (1 tbsp.)

— Yolk

- Grape seed oil (1 tbsp.)

Take a tablespoon of carrot juice and mix with a teaspoon of grape seed oil. In the resulting mixture, add a teaspoon of natural honey and yolk. Beat the mixture until smooth and apply on the skin in several layers, allowing the previous ones to dry a little. Keep the product for no more than 15 minutes, after which it is carefully removed with water.

The mask perfectly tightens the skin, makes it more elastic, smooth and velvety to the touch. Additionally, this recipe helps smooth out wrinkles and restores a fresh and healthy complexion to the face. Recommended for mature, sagging and flaky skin.

Anti-wrinkle honey face mask

– Honey

- Milk

- Rice flour

Take an egg and beat it with two tablespoons of milk. In the resulting mixture, add a teaspoon of honey and rice flour in such an amount until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. The resulting composition is applied to the skin of the face and held for 20 minutes, removed with a cotton pad dipped in chamomile decoction. Additionally, rinse the covers with cool water.

The product perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and restores skin elasticity, making it more elastic, toned and smooth. An additional effect of such a mask is the smoothing of wrinkles, including mimic ones, as well as the narrowing of pores and the improvement of complexion. Recommended for aging, dry, dehydrated and sagging skin.

– Honey

- Cottage cheese

— Yolk

— Avocado oil

Grind two tablespoons of fatty cottage cheese with chicken yolk, a teaspoon of honey and avocado oil until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting composition is distributed over the skin and kept for 20 minutes. Remove with running water at room temperature.

This recipe helps restore skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, nourishes, moisturizes and restores integument. Additionally, such a tool does an excellent job with pigmentation on the face and restores clarity to the contours.

- Oat flour

- Milk

– Wheat germ oil

- Grape seed oil

We heat the milk to room temperature and add oatmeal to it, a teaspoon of oils and natural flower honey. We bring the consistency to a homogeneous mass resembling thick sour cream. The resulting composition is distributed still warm on the skin of the face and hold for 20 minutes. We remove the remnants of the product with warm water.

The main action of such a remedy is rejuvenation, nutrition and hydration of the integument. Additionally, there is a pronounced face lifting, whitening of age spots, as well as smoothing wrinkles.

Mask with banana and honey against wrinkles

— Banana

- Cream

— Yolk

Add half a ripe banana, yolk and a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream to the blender. The last component in the mask is a teaspoon of honey. All ingredients are thoroughly whipped in a blender until smooth and applied to the skin of the face. The composition is kept for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

The tool actively fights flabby, flaky skin, which is prone to the formation of wrinkles. After use, you will notice how your integument has become smooth, taut and silky to the touch.

Using the above 6 recipes for anti-wrinkle honey face masks that you can prepare at home, you will very quickly notice how wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes more elastic, toned and youthful.
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Honey is justifiably considered a storehouse of vitamins and minerals and enjoys well-deserved recognition not only in cooking and healthy eating, but also in cosmetology. Masks, face creams based on this popular ingredient help to effectively fight the typical first signs of skin aging without resorting to hardware cosmetology.

Honey from the first wrinkles is convenient to use at home: it is a truly effective care based on a completely natural composition of cosmetics (without parabens, fragrances and other popular ingredients in anti-aging lines).

High quality natural honey contains a number of amino acids, trace elements, essential oils and vitamin complexes. Its use on the skin of the face allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • softening;
  • deep hydration and nourishment of the skin;
  • toning and elimination of wrinkles (also used against wrinkles around the eyes);
  • stimulation of blood circulation (as a result - a better supply of oxygen, a healthier and more well-groomed appearance, a beautiful and healthy shade);
  • skin cleansing;
  • cell regeneration;
  • rejuvenation due to the high concentration of ascorbic acid and vitamin C in honey;
  • smoothing skin color, combating dark circles under the eyes, local redness and peeling.

Honey-based formulations are found in many facial skin care lines from well-known manufacturers. You can use this ingredient as an integral part of anti-wrinkle therapy at any home.

Honey, as a natural antibiotic, contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Due to the large amount of B vitamins, it helps to effectively fight various infections, it stops the growth and development of harmful bacteria, helps against all kinds of fungi, and skin diseases.

Rules for using honey as a basis for cosmetics

  1. before using honey, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the pores: from the surface of contaminated skin, propolis can “carry” pathogenic microbes deep into the pores;
  2. only freshly prepared formulations are suitable for use: they cannot be stored;
  3. if among the ingredients there is milk, eggs - it is better to give preference to home-made products;
  4. masks and creams are applied with gentle massage movements, delicately affecting the skin of the face so as not to injure it; around the eyes, the products are applied in a thin layer, bypassing the area directly in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelashes;
  5. if, according to the prescription, the product has a liquid consistency, it is more convenient to apply it on top of a paper napkin: this way it will spread less over the skin;
  6. it is not recommended to heat honey during the preparation of anti-wrinkle masks, since during heat treatment its vitamin composition is lost and potentially dangerous compounds for the skin can be released;
  7. the optimal exposure time for honey masks is up to 20 minutes; the operating time of the product should not be increased, since this ingredient can cause dangerous allergic reactions, and the frozen crystals of the mask are quite difficult to painlessly remove;
  8. during this procedure, it is necessary to try to relax the skin of the face as much as possible and distract from all worries (honey aroma contributes to this);
  9. honey-based creams can be used no more than three times a week;
  10. it is necessary to wash off the unabsorbed remnants of honey with cool water, if necessary, you can use cotton pads or napkins (it is especially convenient to remove masks around the eyes in this way);
  11. settled or thawed water is excellent for washing off the mask, and not tap water with consistently low quality;
  12. Be sure to apply a nourishing cream after washing off the mask.

Recipes for honey anti-aging masks in home cosmetology

The simplest form of honey cosmetic (in terms of preparation and use) is a mask. In addition, creams, honey water for washing, scrubs, cleansing lotions are also used.

The properties of natural honey have an extremely effective effect on the skin of the face. Honey tightens the skin, making it supple and thus resistant to wrinkles.

Honey and protein

A rejuvenating mask made from honey and egg white is most effective in the fight against wrinkles. It is necessary to beat the protein with 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. flour. As a result, a creamy mixture should come out, which must be kept on the face for about 15 minutes. Also, to rejuvenate the skin, you can add 1 tsp. oatmeal. The result will not keep you waiting.

Honey and yolk

From honey and yolk, you can get a light nourishing cream that can be applied around the eyes.

The most effective anti-wrinkle face mask is a mixture of honey and egg yolk. We take honey 1 tsp. for 1 yolk. Such a mask gradually gives the face freshness and firmness, rejuvenates it, eliminates the possibility of small wrinkles around the eyes.

The mask should be kept for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Recommended for those with dry, dehydrated skin. In the morning after sleep, the best time for this procedure.

Honey and banana

Honey with a banana will protect the skin from the effects of polluted city air, and will also help get rid of small pimples.

2 tsp honey should be mixed with one banana, mashed into porridge. It is also useful to apply to the area around the eyes. Keep on the skin of the face for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse well.

The composition is suitable for any skin with pronounced signs of aging. After such a mask, the skin becomes more hydrated and soft, looks healthy, with a beautiful shade. For a more comfortable application, you can add lemon juice or milk to the listed ingredients.


In the same proportion, mix decoctions of medicinal herbs (you can take chamomile, nettle, plantain, mint or sage) with honey. Herbs should be ground to powder in a mortar. We drip a couple of drops of boiled water to form a thick mixture.

Natural juice

You will need one tablespoon of grape or pear juice. Juice should not be store-bought, packaged. For the mask, only natural, freshly squeezed juice is suitable. We walk with a mask on our face for 10-15 minutes, after which we wash ourselves with barely warm water. This rejuvenating mask produces a nourishing effect, makes the skin of the face much softer and more even.

Add cottage cheese and juice from fresh berries to honey and get an excellent anti-aging anti-wrinkle mask. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions. You need to walk with the mask for about 20 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Lemon honey mask

Dry skin, devoid of tenderness and velvety, will help lemon-honey mask. Squeeze 1 lemon, add honey (100 grams). We apply on the skin of the face. Do not keep more than 10 minutes. The composition gives the face a beautiful shade, deeply cleanses the pores, produces a whitening effect.

Honey and glycerin

Glycerin can be used against wrinkles around the eyes and for cleansing whatever skin you have. A mask is made from these components by stirring honey, glycerin (both ingredients are 1 tsp each) and 3 tsp. cold water, then slowly add 1 tsp. flour, stirring all the time. The resulting mass is applied to previously cleansed skin, and left for 20 minutes. .

Honey and vodka

This composition is suitable for disinfecting the skin, has a drying effect, it is not recommended to apply it around the eyes, where the skin is especially thin and requires the most careful treatment.

So, we take 25 grams of vodka, gradually mix it with honey slightly warmed up in a saucepan (100 grams). Keep the mask for 15 minutes.

Rejuvenating eye mask

Barley flour (90 g), egg white, natural honey (2 tbsp): beat the ingredients into a thick foam (the chilled protein is pre-whipped separately and then carefully added to the honey-barley mixture). You can also use wheat flour, in which case the skin will be especially velvety and soft after the procedure.

Honey and yogurt

Use our photo recipe to prepare a wonderful face mask for aging skin based on honey (1 tablespoon), yogurt (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (1 teaspoon).


With the help of honey, you can effectively solve a number of cosmetic problems. It is a great natural ingredient for homemade affordable skin care products for mature skin.

An allergic reaction may be a concern for him, because. it is a strong allergen. For cosmetic purposes, you can use only a natural product, without impurities. All types of product are suitable, including linden, buckwheat and herbs. Due to the content of essential oils, the procedure for applying honey products is a great way to get rid of apathy, bad mood, get a boost of energy from the usual systematic care at home.

Once upon a time, honey was one of the most popular skin care products until the technology of cosmetics gained its popularity. Due to the fact that it penetrates deep into the pores, and thus, as much as possible, nourishes the skin. Moisture does not evaporate and the chance for the skin to remain dry (and thus wrinkles) is minimized. This honey captivates most of the owners of the fair sex in pursuit of beauty and perfection.

Anti-aging masks based on honey can be done at home.

Only masks using clay can compare with them in terms of effectiveness, but the nutritional value of the bee product is much higher.

Many women claim that honey masks for wrinkles in their effect in some cases superior to expensive cosmetic procedures.

Product properties

This bee product is natural antiseptic. When it is diluted with water, such a substance is formed, hydrogen peroxide in low concentration. It is antibacterial a means that gently cleanses the skin of the face and relieves it of certain types of acne. Honey can do wonders and its beneficial properties are:

  1. Deep cleansing. Honey penetrates deep into the pores, expands them and removes accumulated dirt from them. After such a mask, the face becomes clean and fresh.
  2. Moisturizing. Honey retains moisture in the skin for a long time, and hydrated skin will be more elastic and fresh looking. In addition, she will breathe freely.
  3. Protection. Honey-based masks protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, restore it and prolong youth.
  4. Wrinkle Prevention. Honey is a natural remedy that slows down skin aging. Since the honey product is a natural antioxidant, it fights damage to the skin and smoothes early wrinkles.

Read about the use of a series for facial skin care in our article.

  • skin inflammation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne
  • rashes of different origin;
  • flaky and aging skin, wrinkles.

A woman can pamper herself with masks with honey any age. Honey is useful for dry, oily and combination skin.

Applying a honey mask is a pleasant procedure that gives an effective end result.


Anti-wrinkle masks for dry skin:

  1. Components: yolk, carrot juice - 1 tsp and so much honey. Beat the yolk and mix with the rest of the ingredients. The mixture will moisturize and cleanse the neck and face skin well. Wait after application 15 minutes and then wash off the mask.
  2. Ingredients: yolk - 1 pc., vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, lemon juice and a little honey. Slightly heat the oil and rub it with the yolk, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and honey there. On the skin of the face and neck, the mask is applied in a thin layer on 15 minutes.

Nourishing masks from wrinkles:

  1. It will take: honey - 2 tsp, cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons, and the same amount of warm milk. The components of the mixture must be thoroughly rubbed and put the mixture on the face. 10 min. Such a mask is removed with a cotton swab dipped in water.
  2. Need to prepare: melted honey - 3 teaspoons, half a yolk, grape seed oil - 5 ml, carrot juice - 20 ml. Mix all ingredients and apply on face 15 – 20 minutes.

From wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. Components: warm honey - 1 tbsp. spoon, whipped protein, a little flour. Mix the products and apply on the skin around the eyes. When the mask has cooled, it must be washed off with water.
  2. Take: honey - 2 tbsp. spoons, chopped hercules - 2 tbsp. spoons, strong brewed tea - 1 tbsp. spoon.

    Stir all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained, add a little water and heat in a water bath. The mask is applied to the area around the eyes, and then to the entire face. Top with a cotton towel and take a break from the procedure 20 minutes. After removing the mask, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer on the face.

Expected effect

Honey is the remedy that will nourish the skin of the face and thereby prevent wrinkles.

Honey masks are a great way to improve skin condition.

Lots of honey vitamins and microelements. In addition, honey is a natural antiseptic and is often used in industrial cosmetology.

Masks based on a bee product in combination with other products can be used for any skin, with the exception of rosacea(dilated blood vessels).

Before applying the mask, make sure that there are no allergies for honey.

You will find the best recipes for face masks with fish oil only on our website.

Contraindications for use

Honey masks have their own contraindications:

  • allergic reaction;
  • rosacea;
  • diabetes.

In other cases, a honey-based mask allows you to achieve fantastic result due to the properties of honey.

The protective properties of the skin increase, toxins are removed, and the cells are saturated with energy.

Honey masks should be prepared directly before application.

If the honey is thick, it can be melted in a water bath. His do not overheat, hot honey cannot be applied to the face, and besides, at a temperature of +60 degrees, it will lose its beneficial qualities. Masks should be done regularly to achieve desired effect.

The recipe for a rejuvenating mask with honey in this video:

Read also:

The food of the gods, the elixir of youth and the universal medicine - all this is about honey, a product that ranks second in terms of digestibility by the human body after mother's milk. Beauticians could not pass by such a unique product. Lotions, compresses and masks with amazing properties are prepared from it. Honey anti-wrinkle face mask will tighten the skin, relieve puffiness and smooth out wrinkles. She is the leader in popularity among the masks from the available products.

The effect of honey mask on the skin

Even with careful care, by the age of 30, wrinkles begin to appear on the skin of the face. They may be barely noticeable. But even the smallest wrinkles near the eyes, lips and on the forehead can significantly spoil the mood.

If age-related changes in the skin have become visually noticeable, you should immediately start medical therapy. After all, bee products are not only food and medicine, but also an effective cosmetic product. If you are struggling with acne, then the link describes a honey face mask for acne.

Honey in cosmetology

Honey is a natural preservative. This product will never spoil. And its useful properties are confirmed by official medicine. In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it includes:

  • enzymes (more than 15 enzymes);
  • 27 essential organic amino acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • phytoncides;
  • hormones.

Each of the elements significantly affects the condition of the skin when applied externally. Such a palette of components gives a pronounced lasting effect as masks on aging and mature skin. Let's take a closer look at these components.

Learn how to make sugaring paste at home.

Read which is better: photoepilation or laser.

Feedback on the use of micellar water:

When applied, honey penetrates the skin through the pores, where:

  • nourishes the cells
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • restores damaged areas;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • accelerates the process of cell renewal.

Wrinkles on the face occur due to the loss of natural moisture. Honey moisturizes the skin well, thereby preventing the appearance of wrinkles. It is an excellent prophylactic against skin aging.

As a result, the skin after simple masks, which include honey, looks fresh and supple. This is due to the action of essential acids, enzymes and phytoncides. These, and other elements in the composition of the product, act on the skin in a complex. They nourish and restore it, creating a visual effect of lifting.

Honey masks are a powerful anti-aging cosmetic product with an antioxidant effect. Their effectiveness largely depends on the method of application.. Therefore, it is important to learn how to apply and rinse off the honey mixture correctly.

For the procedure you will need:

  • thin cotton cloth or gauze according to the size of the face with slits for the eyes;
  • skin scrub;
  • cotton pads;
  • soft wide cosmetic brush;
  • hair cap;
  • glass, ceramic or plastic utensils for making a mask;
  • towel.

Honey should not be boiled, combined with hot liquids or foods. When heated, it loses its healing properties. It should be understood that only natural, good quality honey is needed. In falsified, and even more so artificial honey, there are no elements necessary for the skin. Masks with their use will not have the desired effect.

The consistency of honey for the mask can be any: liquid or thick. After sugaring, the chemical composition of honey does not change. Changes occur only in its structure, which in no way affects the quality of the procedure.

Rules for applying a mask with honey

  • The mask is applied to clean skin.
  • You need to prepare the mask before applying. It is impossible to store ready-made compositions from several components.
  • Hair should be tied in a bun and put under a hat.
  • For maximum effect, you need to prepare the skin: apply a gentle scrub on it, rinse it off and steam your face with a hot wet towel. Keep the wet compress for about 15 minutes, dipping the towel in hot water from time to time.
  • A thick mask is applied with a brush along the massage lines of the face. Begin the procedure with the neck and décolleté, then move on to the chin, nose and forehead.
  • A liquid mask is applied differently. To do this, you need a fabric mask with slits for the eyes, which is impregnated with a healing composition with honey. The fabric is applied to the face.
  • After the mask is applied, you need to relax, lie down and close your eyes. You can’t read, talk, watch TV at this time: only peace and tranquility, and no negative emotions.
  • The exposure time of the honey mask for wrinkles is about 20 minutes.
  • The mask is removed with a damp cotton pad. It must be moistened in warm water or tonic. For dry skin, you can apply a moisturizer.


Even such a wonderful product in all respects as honey has contraindications for use. These include:

  • individual intolerance to bee products;
  • rosacea (vasodilation);
  • excess hair growth on the face.

Caution should be used in honey therapy for people suffering from bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, diathesis and those who are prone to carbohydrate retention in the body. People who are prone to allergies should do a sensitivity test. Why honey is applied to the bend of the elbow for half an hour. If redness does not appear during this time, then you can start applying the mask on your face. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy to bee products, the mask should be discarded.

On the video - a mask with a cleansing and tightening effect:

To improve the general condition of the skin, honey-based masks are usually prepared with the addition of dairy products, egg yolk, lemon juice, glycerin, cosmetic and essential oils.

Sour cream mask

1 st. a spoonful of non-acidic thick sour cream (it can be replaced with milk, cottage cheese, or unsweetened yogurt) mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and 3-4 drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on your face for 20 minutes. The mask must be damp, do not let it dry. To do this, during the procedure, the face can be covered with cling film. This mask works well.


The combination of herbal decoctions with honey is an old way of rejuvenating and cleansing the body, improving skin quality and removing toxins, toxins. They are taken orally, applications are made from them. For masks, decoctions or fresh herbs of mint, nettle and lemon balm are taken.

Fresh herbs, grind in a blender, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cottage cheese. The exposure time of the herbal composition is 20 minutes, after which the mask is removed with a cotton pad.

On the video - honey mask for dry skin:

With glycerin

A face mask with glycerin is a real salvation for aging skin. For the mask you will need: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and pharmacy glycerin and 1 egg yolk. Mix the components and dilute with 1 teaspoon of water (mineral can be used). Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour or oatmeal. Leave the mask to act for 20 minutes.

With wheat germ

For this mask, you need to grow natural wheat germ. Grind in a blender 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sprouts, mix them with 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda, quenched with vinegar. Add 3-4 drops of glycerin, 1/4 tablespoon of honey and 1 egg yolk to the mixture. Mix everything and enjoy peace for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with cool water.

A leaf of a three-year-old aloe is peeled and finely chopped. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gruel, mix it with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and beat with egg yolk. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with a swab and enjoy your appearance. The mask fights fine wrinkles well.

On the video - another mask with aloe vera:


Take 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, sour cream and chopped ripe banana, mix. Beat the gruel together with 1 egg yolk. Leave the mask on the face and neck for 15 minutes. A good lifting effect is given by a series of 15 masks twice a week.

With clay and lemon

Squeeze the juice from the lemon, dilute it with honey and add white clay and sour cream. All components are taken in equal parts. Apply the healing composition for 20 minutes on cleansed skin. The mask gives a good effect with regular use. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week.

On the video - another recipe for a mask with the addition of lemon:

1 st. spoon of honey and onion juice mix together and add to the emulsion ½ tbsp. spoons of hot wax This component must be introduced carefully, vigorously stirring the mixture. Keep on face for 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most delicate. It suffers greatly from weather factors and chemical exposure. It is in these areas that the first signs of aging appear. These are the so-called crow's feet - mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. They give out the age of their mistress with a head.

If the fight against age wrinkles begins somewhere around the age of 30, then you need to take care of the skin of the eyelids and around the eyes as early as possible. At the age of 20, delicate skin needs your help. She needs hydration and nourishment.

Conventional masks are not applied to areas of the skin near the eyes. They need special compositions, for example, such:

  • egg-honey masks (yolk and honey in equal proportions);
  • tea mask (2 teaspoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of strong tea);
  • honey-curd mask (1 teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1 tablespoon of cream, 3-4 drops of olive oil).

These masks are gently applied to the skin around the eyes for 15 minutes. On the eyelid, you can put a cotton pad dipped in strong tea.

On the video - a strawberry-honey mask for wrinkles around the eyes:

Whatever comes up with the fair sex in order to keep youth as long as possible. Beauticians go to meet them and come up with various means to combat wrinkles. But do not rush and buy newfangled creams or expose yourself to various, not always safe procedures. All the best comes from nature. After a month of regular honey treatments, you will notice a significant improvement in the skin.

A honey mask is a safe and natural way to get rid of wrinkles. With proper application technology, it gives excellent results on different skin types. Honey is widely used in cosmetology. The technique of honey facial massage is described here. Here you will find a recipe for wrapping with mustard, honey and sugar. You may also be interested in a face mask with honey, aspirin and water (recipe here), a face mask with soda and honey.

A healthy complexion, toned clear skin without age-related pigmentation, black spots and various rashes are a significant feature of female beauty, an unconditional result of daily facial skin care. In our rapid age of progress, against the backdrop of a deteriorating state of the environment, facial skin loses firmness and elasticity even in some young women of 20-30 years of age, not to mention the natural age-related changes after 40 years.

As practice shows, not always with the help of modern cosmetics it is possible to solve all problems and significantly improve the condition of the skin. But, fortunately, in the arsenal of skin care products there are many natural products from which you can make very effective anti-aging masks at home.

For example, regular use of tightening masks with gelatin and activated charcoal for deep cleansing of pores helps to achieve an incredible result in improving the condition of the skin of the face in just a few courses! Be sure to look at the recipes for making homemade gelatin masks and anti-aging masks from white, blue or green clay. You will definitely find the right lifting options for your skin type, which will help you get a toned face and get rid of wrinkles at home.

In this article you will find recipes for homemade face masks that rejuvenate and tighten the skin, the main ingredient of which will be a product that is amazing in its powerful healing properties - honey. Yes, it is this common product that can return your skin to a healthy color, cleanse pores, and smooth out wrinkles. IN honey face mask recipes includes such healthy products as an egg (yolk or protein), cinnamon, lemon, olive oil. Honey in home masks helps to saturate and retain moisture in the epidermis. Regular use of rejuvenating honey masks helps prevent photoaging of the skin, as the resulting protective film reliably protects the face from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Honey contains a huge amount of useful trace elements that penetrate deep into the pores, cleanse the remains of fat, give the face a feeling of freshness and moisture.

Material navigation:☛ functional purpose of honey mask ▪ ☛ for what type of skin ▪

☛ for what age ▪

☛ before and after effect ▪

☛ egg yolk honey mask recipe ▪

☛ recipe for honey mask with cinnamon ▪

☛ recipe for honey mask with lemon ▪

☛ recipe for honey mask with aspirin ▪

☛ recipe for honey mask with olive oil ▪

☛ 5 useful application tips ▪

☛ step by step video tutorials ▪

♦ FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE OF HONEY MASKS The composition of various homemade honey masks includes products that more specifically solve problems and help improve the condition of the skin of the face faster. Tightening masks with honey not only rejuvenate the face and smooth wrinkles, but also tone up, cleanse blackheads and blackheads, eliminate dryness and flaking, restore elasticity and firmness, and also saturate the skin with all the necessary substances for normal metabolism. Honey contributes to the rapid restoration of the lipid layer of the epidermis of cracked and dry skin, accelerates cell regeneration, and neutralizes age-related changes.

♦ FOR WHAT TYPE OF SKIN For normal skin (masks from: honey with analgin);

For dry skin (masks from: honey and olive oil);

For problematic oily skin (masks from: honey and cinnamon);

For combination skin (masks from: honey and lemon).

♦ AGE In adolescence, you can use recipes for honey masks with an emphasis on cleansing pores, treating inflammatory processes, including acne. Women over 30 are recommended to make such masks 1-2 times a month to prevent inflammatory rashes, as well as to clear blackheads and improve facial skin elasticity. After 40 years, it is advisable to apply masks with honey weekly for 6-8 weeks, followed by a break for a month. For women over 50, for rejuvenation and getting rid of wrinkles, it is recommended to perform the procedure 1-2 times a week for 8 weeks, followed by a break of 1-1.5 months.

♦ EFFECT The result of cleansing the skin from acne and blackheads appears after a 6-month course of using honey masks with egg, cinnamon or lemon. Some women already after the first course observe a noticeable effect of rejuvenation and smoothing of shallow wrinkles. In order to restore a toned face with smooth elastic skin and noticeably improve complexion, it is necessary to apply a mask with honey at home for 4-5 months, taking into account monthly breaks between courses of 6-8 weeks.

In the photo: BEFORE and After applying the mask with honey and aspirin

In the photo: BEFORE and After applying the mask with honey and egg yolk

Recipe number 1: honey and egg maskAction: The face will look well-groomed and toned. The mask effectively smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin supple and velvety. The egg contains a large number of useful trace elements and amino acids. The yolk is rich in vitamins A, B, as well as biotin and riboflavin. Protein dries the skin well.

What is included: 1 fresh egg and 1 teaspoon of liquid honey (for example, linden).

Cooking method:
Break an egg over a bowl and add a spoonful of liquid honey. Thoroughly mix the contents with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed in the bowl.

Mode of application:

✽ for 20-30 minutes, try not to touch the mask with your hands and do not move your facial muscles. Then you can remove the mask with a soft sponge dipped in cool water, and then thoroughly wash your entire face without using soap;

Well: To prevent deterioration of the skin condition at a young age - 2-3 times a month. For rejuvenation and tightening of facial skin - 2 times a week for 7 weeks with a break of 1.5 months.

Recipe number 2: honey and egg yolk maskAction: Great product for softening and moisturizing dry skin. A honey mask with yolk saturates the skin with useful substances and restores metabolism. Regular use helps smooth wrinkles and lighten age spots.

What is included: 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey. You can also add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.

Cooking method: Beat the yolk well in a bowl, add honey and oatmeal, and then stir everything until a homogeneous mass.

Mode of application:
✽ prepare the skin for the procedure. With the help of cleansers (foams, gels, tonics, milk), we remove all decorative cosmetics, and then rinse our face with warm water;

✽ with a sponge, brush with hard bristles or fingertips, apply the mask to the face along the massage lines. The mass is applied from the bottom up, starting from the chin area. Then from the chin area we move to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the ears. Then we apply a mask from the middle of the forehead to the hairline and to the temples. In addition, we apply a mask on the neck and décolleté area. The area around the eyes and lips are left clean;

✽ It remains to apply a cream on the face that soothes and moisturizes the skin.

To prevent inflammatory processes on the skin and prevent age-related changes, you can make a mask 3 times a month. To rejuvenate the skin and get rid of wrinkles, apply a homemade mask 2 times a week before going to bed for 8 weeks with a break of 1 month.

Recipe number 3: honey and cinnamon mask
Action: A great option for any skin type. If the first signs of skin aging appear, then be sure to try this recipe. This rejuvenating mask tightens the skin of the face, perfectly stimulates metabolism and improves blood circulation in the epidermis.

What is included: 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder, 1 teaspoon honey. You can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil if you have very dry skin.

Cooking method: Mix all the ingredients in a bowl until the whole mass is homogeneous.

Mode of application:✽ prepare the skin for the procedure. With the help of cleansers (foams, gels, tonics, milk), we remove all decorative cosmetics, and then rinse our face with warm water;

✽ with a sponge, brush with hard bristles or fingertips, apply the mask to the face along the massage lines. The mass is applied from the bottom up, starting from the chin area. Then from the chin area we move to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the ears. Then we apply a mask from the middle of the forehead to the hairline and to the temples. In addition, we apply a mask on the neck and décolleté area. The area around the eyes and lips are left clean;

✽ for 20 minutes, try not to touch the mask with your hands and do not move your facial muscles. Then you can remove the mask with a soft sponge dipped in cool water, and then thoroughly wash your entire face without using soap;

✽ It remains to apply a cream on the face that soothes and moisturizes the skin.

Well: Until the age of 30, it is enough to make such a mask 2-3 times a month to improve the tone and complexion. To eliminate age-related changes in the skin and smooth wrinkles, it is advisable to apply a mask 2 times a week for 2 months, then a break of 1.5 months.

Recipe number 4: honey and lemon maskAction: Quickly eliminates inflammatory processes and age-related pigmentation, improves skin elasticity, effectively smoothes the network of wrinkles. A honey mask with lemon, with regular use, perfectly whitens and tightens the skin of the face.

What is included: 1 teaspoon liquid honey, 1 tablespoon squeezed lemon juice. You can add 1/3 teaspoon of royal jelly.

Cooking method: Squeeze the right amount of lemon juice into a bowl and add honey. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Mode of application:✽ prepare the skin for the procedure. With the help of cleansers (foams, gels, tonics, milk), we remove all decorative cosmetics, and then rinse our face with warm water;

✽ with a sponge, brush with hard bristles or fingertips, apply the mask to the face along the massage lines. The mass is applied from the bottom up, starting from the chin area. Then from the chin area we move to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the ears. Then we apply a mask from the middle of the forehead to the hairline and to the temples. In addition, we apply a mask on the neck and décolleté area. The area around the eyes and lips are left clean;

✽ for 25-30 minutes, try not to touch the mask with your hands and do not move your facial muscles. Then you can remove the mask with a soft sponge dipped in cool water, and then thoroughly wash your entire face without using soap;

✽ It remains to apply a cream on the face that soothes and moisturizes the skin.

As a prophylaxis to enrich the skin with useful substances and to improve skin elasticity, you can use this homemade mask 3 times a month before bed. To rejuvenate and tighten the skin of the face, we apply a mask on the skin of the face 2 times a week for 8 weeks, then a break of 1 month.

Recipe number 5: a mask of honey and aspirin

This tool will not only return you a toned face, but also stops inflammation, and restores a healthy complexion. A honey mask with aspirin will help young girls get rid of acne and blackheads, as it is a very effective antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for any skin type.

What is included:
1 teaspoon of honey, 3 aspirin tablets, 1 teaspoon of water (preferably mineral without gas).

Cooking method: First you need to crush the aspirin tablets to a powder and mix with water. Then add honey and stir all the ingredients until smooth.

Mode of application:
✽ prepare the skin for the procedure. With the help of cleansers (foams, gels, tonics, milk), we remove all decorative cosmetics, and then rinse our face with warm water;

✽ with a sponge, brush with hard bristles or fingertips, apply the mask to the face along the massage lines. The mass is applied from the bottom up, starting from the chin area. Then from the chin area we move to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the ears. Then we apply a mask from the middle of the forehead to the hairline and to the temples. In addition, we apply a mask on the neck and décolleté area. The area around the eyes and lips are left clean;

✽ for 20 minutes, try not to touch the mask with your hands and do not move your facial muscles. Then you can remove the mask with a soft sponge dipped in cool water, and then thoroughly wash your entire face without using soap;

✽ It remains to apply a cream on the face that soothes and moisturizes the skin.

Well: Young girls can successfully use the mask to combat acne and blackheads (pores contaminated with oil residues) no more than 3 times a month. To rejuvenate the skin of the face and smooth out wrinkles in adulthood, we use a mask once a week for 2 months, and then a break for 1 month.

Recipe number 6: a mask of honey, olive oil and sour creamAction: An excellent remedy for peeling and inflammation for dry skin. Honey mask with olive oil moisturizes and tones the skin, has a rejuvenating and anti-inflammatory effect.

What is included: 2 teaspoons honey, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/2 tablespoon low-fat sour cream.

Cooking method: Stir olive oil with honey in a bowl, and then add sour cream and stir the contents until smooth.

Mode of application:✽ prepare the skin for the procedure. With the help of cleansers (foams, gels, tonics, milk), we remove all decorative cosmetics, and then rinse our face with warm water;

✽ with a sponge, brush with hard bristles or fingertips, apply the mask to the face along the massage lines. The mass is applied from the bottom up, starting from the chin area. Then from the chin area we move to the earlobes, from the corners of the lips to the ears. Then we apply a mask from the middle of the forehead to the hairline and to the temples. In addition, we apply a mask on the neck and décolleté area. The area around the eyes and lips are left clean;

✽ for 20 minutes, try not to touch the mask with your hands and do not move your facial muscles. Then you can remove the mask with a soft sponge dipped in cool water, and then thoroughly wash your entire face without using soap;

✽ It remains to apply a cream on the face that soothes and moisturizes the skin.

Well: To rejuvenate the skin, restore elasticity and eliminate peeling, apply the mask on clean skin of the face and neck 2 times a week for 3 weeks in a row, then a break for 1 month.


❶ Before using masks with honey at home, be sure to check for an allergic reaction. Apply a smear on the wrist or on the bend in the elbow joint. If after 5-10 minutes you feel a burning sensation or redness appears on the skin, then it is better to refuse to use a mask with honey;

❷ use only natural and filtered honey to make masks at home;

❸ There is a huge variety of varieties of honey. You can experiment with different options, adding one or another variety through the course, identifying the most effective of them. The most effective varieties of honey include linden, white, angelica, flower, wild (from wild bees), green (with spirulina), forest;

❹ consult with your doctor if you can use honey masks if you have diabetes;

❺ before using the mask, you can do a rejuvenating facial massage (for example, Japanese - see the video below) to increase blood circulation in the epidermis.

- in the photo: apply a mask along the massage lines

♦ STEP-BY-STEP VIDEO TUTORIALS How to make a mask of honey, olive oil, egg yolk:

How to make a face mask with honey, low fat yogurt, lemon and vitamin E:

Score 4.2 voters: 118

Anti-aging masks based on honey can be done at home.

Only masks using clay can compare with them in terms of effectiveness, but the nutritional value of the bee product is much higher.

Many women claim that honey masks for wrinkles in their effect in some cases superior to expensive cosmetic procedures.

Product properties

This bee product is natural antiseptic. When it is diluted with water, such a substance is formed, in low concentration. It is antibacterial a means that gently cleanses the skin of the face and relieves it of certain types of acne. Honey can do wonders and its beneficial properties are:

  • skin inflammation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne
  • rashes of different origin;
  • flaky and aging skin, wrinkles.

A woman can pamper herself with masks with honey any age. Honey is useful for dry, oily and combination skin.

Applying a honey mask is a pleasant procedure that gives an effective end result.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


Anti-wrinkle masks for dry skin:

  1. Components:, juice - 1 tsp and so much honey. Beat the yolk and mix with the rest of the ingredients. The mixture will moisturize and cleanse the neck and face skin well. Wait after application 15 minutes and then wash off the mask.
  2. Ingredients: yolk - 1 pc., vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, lemon juice and a little honey. Slightly heat the oil and rub it with the yolk, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and honey there. On the skin of the face and neck, the mask is applied in a thin layer on 15 minutes.

Nourishing masks from wrinkles:

  1. It will take: honey - 2 tsp, cottage cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons, and the same amount of warm milk. The components of the mixture must be thoroughly rubbed and put the mixture on the face. 10 min. Such a mask is removed with a cotton swab dipped in water.
  2. This mask is very useful for normal skin, but instead of milk, yogurt and a little lemon juice are used.

  3. Need to prepare: melted honey - 3 teaspoons, half a yolk - 5 ml, carrot juice - 20 ml. Mix all ingredients and apply on face 15 – 20 minutes.

From wrinkles around the eyes:

Expected effect

Honey is the remedy that will nourish the skin of the face and thereby prevent wrinkles.

Honey masks are a great way to improve skin condition.

Lots of honey vitamins and microelements. In addition, honey is a natural antiseptic and is often used in industrial cosmetology.

Masks based on a bee product in combination with other products can be used for any skin, with the exception of rosacea(dilated blood vessels).

Before applying the mask, make sure that there are no allergies for honey.