The best ways to tie a tie. All ways to tie a tie: learning how to tie together. Basic rules for wearing a tie

There are over 100 ways to tie a tie.
Usually, all methods are divided by the size and shape of the bud, which is the result.

Bud size:
The tie knot is wide and voluminous.
Suitable for almost all ties.
The tie bud in this case turns out to be narrow, often asymmetrical. Well suited for wide ties in combination with dress shirts.

Bud shape
Most often they have a triangular or trapezoidal shape. To tie such a knot, you will need a medium or long tie.
Best suited for use with narrow ties, but wide ties are often seen tied this way.

Popular ways to tie a tie

simple knot

The most popular and easiest way to tie a tie.
Often this method is also called the "four" or "quarter", because it is performed in four steps.

The method is convenient because it does not take much time, and it is suitable for a variety of types of ties.
With all the advantages of the ease of this technique, there is one small minus - it will definitely not work to stand out from the crowd with such a knot. But in this case, you can always choose a tie with an interesting texture, pattern or color combination.

This knot belongs to simple universal knots. It is asymmetrical. Size is small. Suitable for both wide and narrow collars. Unpretentious to the material of the tie.


This knot is ideal for festive events, while it is also the most comfortable - it does not overtighten the shirt collar, allowing you to freely loosen and remove it without untying it.
The main thing you need to know about this method is that the tie for it should be 4 centimeters longer than the standard one so that it can go down almost to the belt.

This way of tying allows you to get a symmetrical tie. The shape of the bud is triangular, and the base is solid. Can be used on shirts with any collar position, with one condition: the edges of the knot are under the collar. Able to visually shorten a long neck in combination with a wide tie.

Half Windsor (Simple Windsor)

Half-Windsor is not only simpler than its "big brother", it also looks much more elegant - mainly due to the fact that it is asymmetrical and less voluminous.
However, this knot still remains formal, suitable for most types of collars and shirts, and can be used on all types of ties.
Many love it for its simplicity and accuracy.

The bud of such a tie is asymmetrical (almost symmetrical). Size is medium. Universal in width and tie material. In combination with a thick material, this knot will work well with a wide collar.

It was invented by Jerry Pratt, but gained popularity thanks to Don Shelby, a well-known American reporter who regularly aired on it.
This method is not common, although the result is similar to Half Windsor.
The advantage of this knot is that it fits even short ties. Best suited for a wide collar.

The knot is purl, so the initial location of the tie on the neck is with the front side to the body, inside out.

Despite the large number of ready-made butterflies with ties or elastic bands, many prefer the classic version.
Therefore, it is believed that every gentleman should know how to tie a bow tie.

Important rules for choosing a tie

  • The front end of the tie should reach the belt buckle, but fall no lower than its middle.
  • It is unacceptable to tuck the narrow end of a tie into pants.
  • The width of the tie must be proportional to the width of the lapels of the jacket, but this width must not be exceeded.
  • Usually try to use a darker tie than the shirt.
  • You should avoid using checks and stripes at the same time in a suit and tie. It is also believed that the pattern of a suit and tie should not be repeated.
  • For ties made of thick materials, thin and small knots should be selected, because otherwise a large knot will look even more voluminous.
  • The knot must fit the type of face. A wide and voluminous knot will not fit a narrow face, as this will draw attention to such a bright contrast. The same is true in the opposite case.


An easy way to tie a tie: Prince Albert.

How to tie a tie. Half-windows.

How to tie a tie? Tie knots, 3 basic tie knots.

How to tie a tie in the Windsor knot? Twice with a tie right at the neck and with a separate loop.
How to tie a tie in a half windsor knot?
How to tie a tie with a Pratt knot?


18 ways to tie a tie

Windsor, quarter, diagonal - now you will know everything about tie knots

For many men, it is considered a huge and insoluble problem to fasten a tie around the neck beautifully and neatly. After all, there are quite a few options for tying. can be both simple and complex.

The tie has always been one of the most expressive. This is due to the fact that it is practically the only one that brings variety to the monotonous and conservative clothes of men and gives individuality. This accessory can tell a lot about the character of its owner, habits and lifestyle.

What should be a tie

The larger the man in the shoulders, the smaller the visible part of the tie should be. The optimal width is 9-11 cm. If the owner of the tie is large, this measurement of this accessory should exceed the standard and be approximately 12-13 cm.

The color of the described item of clothing should be in harmony with the color of the suit and shirt. In this case, the shirt should be a tone lighter than the tie, and the jacket should be a tone darker.

A dark-colored accessory with a small pattern is considered everyday, while a bright one with a large pattern is considered solemn.

The knot must be tight.

The tie should go down a couple of centimeters below the belt, while covering the distance between the belt of the trousers and the bottom button of the shirt.

There must also be harmony between the width of the accessory and the collar. Nowadays, the optimal width of a tie near the neck is 8.2 cm, but options from 7 to 9 cm are acceptable.

Fashion and traditions

Designers and fashion experts advise every stylish man to get several types of this item of clothing. First of all, it is a plain tie. It must be chosen so that it fits several suits at the same time.

The second mandatory option is a striped tie. It should be matched with a monochromatic outfit.

The third option is a bright tie. Of course, it is more suitable for young people and people of creative professions. And for respectable gentlemen, stylists recommend wearing bright ties in the summer and under light-colored jackets.

Also, designers are advised to have a polka-dot product in the wardrobe, but the main rule when choosing it is not to overdo it with the size of the circles.

simple tie knots

1. Simple. This option is suitable for people who are just starting to tie a tie knot. It is standard and fits almost any type of product.

2. Universal. This option is the most popular way to tie a tie. This can be built from a wide dense or silk standard width, as well as from a narrow product that is now in vogue.

3. Elegant. This tie knot is slightly different from the universal one. Just one more turn is added on the right side. You can achieve the desired size of the knot if you experiment with accessories of different widths or change the position of the wide and narrow ends.

4. Interesting. Perfectly harmonizes with high collars. Such a knot will be just a godsend in the winter. For this, woolen or cashmere products are suitable.

These were standard and simple knots for a tie, but there are knots that are more ornate and more interesting.


It is a double knot, due to which an additional thickening is formed on the tie. This option is often used for thin or products that have lost their original appearance. The following photo clearly shows a double knot.


This option is the simplest and fits a narrow buttoned shirt collar. The highlight of this method is that it is tied from the beginning to the end inside out. This option will initially require some effort, and the speed of tying depends mainly on the material from which the tie is made.


This knot is suitable for shirts with a standard collar. It has a straight long shape and is quite easy to tie. The knot has a wedge-shaped, slightly asymmetrical appearance, and also has the property of self-dissolving. Of course, it's not as easy as tying a tie with a double knot, but for people who don't want to master several ways at once, this one is perfect.


This knot harmonizes well with divergent collars. It turns out tight, wide and voluminous, while having a triangular shape. It is quite difficult to execute the node, the main difficulty is remembering the sequence of actions. Most often, "Windsor" can be found at official events.

"Half Windsor"

This method is a simplified variation of Windsor. It has an average width relative to the original method. The shape of the "Half Windsor" is triangular, symmetrical and best suited to standard width collars. The knot looks decent, but at the same time does not require much effort to design.


The tie knot has a rather non-standard shape. It is somewhat reminiscent of weaving a fishtail. Although this knot is difficult to perform, it is worth it, as it looks very impressive! The complexity of tying the "Eldridge" knot consists of 15 steps of its implementation. The procedure is different from all the others, because the main role is played by manipulations only with the narrow end of the tie. And after the knot is completed, the short remainder should be hidden behind the shirt collar. refers more to corporate than to official options.

It can be concluded that there are different knots for tying the main male jewelry. How to tie a tie, a person chooses for himself. Of course, you should pay attention to the fabric from which this accessory is made, the color in which it is made, to the suit and shirt with which the tie is worn. You should also take into account the event that the man was going to go to. If all the points are observed, the person will not look ridiculous, rather, on the contrary, he will attract attention to himself with an elegant look.

This article will talk in detail about the most popular tie knots, their types and methods of tying.

It's hard to believe, but there are about 85 types of tie knots.

Although, men most often use only four methods: the Windsor knot, Half Windsor, Four-In-Hand and Pratt.

To expand our horizons with you, below it will be shown in detail in the photo and video how to tie the knot you like.

17 types of the most popular tie knots

Before you start studying the material, remember that in honor of this attribute of clothing, an unspoken holiday "" is celebrated every year, and see the knot tying technique itself.

1. Four-In-Hand knot. Also known as "Simple Tie Knot", "Quadruple Tie Knot", "Italian Tie Knot".

The knot is considered universal, since it is easy to tie, and it looks beautiful and neat.

The knot is unpretentious neither to the material nor to the length of the tie, but it holds its shape especially well on a wide tie made of dense material.

You can tie it easily - in just 4 steps, so it is especially popular among beginners.

2. Half Windsor Knot- "Half Windsor Tie Knot" or simply "Half Windsor Tie Knot".

This knot, derived from the Windsor knot, is preferred by most men.

It looks neat, has the shape of an even triangle and is medium in size. It is larger than the Four-In-Hand knot, but smaller than the Windsor knot.

This knot is suitable for many ties, regardless of their width and the fabric from which they are made, but it works perfectly on thin material and medium-weight fabrics.

3. Full windsor node- "Windsor Tie Knot" or "Windsor Tie Knot".

It is the tie with the Windsor knot that men most often wear in everyday life.

The shape of the knot is a symmetrical wide triangle. The Duke of Windsor, after whom the tie is named, favored ties made of thick material, which looked good on a wide tie knot.

It is practical to wear and easy to tie. But for men who want to look original, it is better to learn other ways to tie a tie knot.

Widely spaced slanting collar looks great in combination with such a knot.

In order for such a knot to look beautiful, the tie should be 4 cm longer than usual. Despite its massiveness, it is comfortable to wear, since the neck is not squeezed with such a knot.

4. Nicky knot- Nicky's Tie Knot. Also known as "New Classic Tie Knot", "Olney Tie Knot", or "Free American Tie Knot"!

The knot is elegant because its triangle is quite narrow and upside down. The material should be medium in weight, and the tie should be long.

The shape of the knot resembles a pyramid, it is similar to the Plattsburgh knot. Ties with a pattern in combination with this knot look sophisticated and luxurious.

It is not so easy to tie it, it takes time and some skill.

5. Bow Tie- "The bow tie"

A butterfly, dressed with an elastic band and a bow tie, tied with one's own hands, at first glance, do not have a difference, but a person who understands this issue sees the difference.

You will feel comfortable if you master the technique of tying a bow tie.

For these purposes, the knee imitating the neck, which has a girth commensurate with it, is best suited. This knot is combined with a winged collar - this is a standing collar with bent corners.

If you have a simple regular collar, then a bow tie will also work with it.

6. Knot Oriental- Eastern tie knot. Also called "Small Tie Knot", "Oriental Tie Knot", "Asian Tie Knot", "Red Tie Knot".

The eastern knot is small in size, and you can tie it in 3 steps.

The knot is elegant, looks great on voluminous ties made from heavy types of fabric: woolen, knitted, woven, etc.

Beginners should not master this knot, because it needs to get used to it.

Otherwise, it may untie at the most inopportune moment or look not very neat.

7. Kelvin knot- "Kelvin Tie Knot"

If you complicate the East node a little, then the Kelvin node will come out, which is named after the famous physicist and mathematician.

It is necessary to wrap the wide end of the accessory around the knot again. The result will please you - a small elegant knot will appear in front of you, clear, dense and symmetrical.

The tie is tied with the seam on the outside. The knot is considered purl, but the seam is not visible, but is completely hidden under the collar.

8. Pratt Knot- Pratt Tie Knot. Also called "Shelby Tie Knot", "American Tie Knot".

The Pratt knot bears the name of its inventor, who worked for the American Chamber of Commerce.

He received his second name - Shebli, in honor of the famous American reporter, who unwittingly made him popular, constantly being on the air in a tie with just such a knot.

This knot is preferred by Americans. It is discreet, moderately wide and has its own peculiarity: a short tie is also suitable for it.

But on accessories that are too long, such a knot will not look. It goes well with shirts that have a narrow collar.

9. St Andrew Knot- "Saint Andrew Tie Knot". Also called "Saint Andrew's Knot" or "Saint Andrew's Knot".

The knot got its name in honor of the Apostle Andrew, crucified on an oblique cross.

This knot is tied exactly like this: crosswise. It is classified as universal, you can try it on different ties.

It will definitely look good if the tie is woolen and plain.

Saint Andrew is suitable for everyday wear, as well as for a costume for a celebration. It looks presentable in combination with wide collars.

10. Balthus knot- Balthus Tie Knot.

Balthus is the largest knot in size. It is large, wide, cone-shaped.

It was designed by the Swiss artist whose name it bears. The inventor of the knot presented his "innovation" in a somewhat strange way: the wide end of the tie lay on his chest, and the narrow end reached the waist.

If you prefer this knot, then practice well to be able to tie it, otherwise it will look unpresentable and sloppy.

The knot turns out beautiful from light and thin fabrics.

11. Hanover knot- Tie knot Hannover.

"Hanover" is a knot that forms a symmetrical triangle. It belongs to large knots and is larger than Windsor.

Knots of this type are suitable for collars with a wide neckline.

If you ignore this rule, then the shape of the knot may be distorted or the collar may bulge.

12. Plattsburgh Knot- Plattsburgh Tie Knot.

Plattsburgh is a wide inverted cone shaped knot that is suitable for light to medium weight materials.

If you have a worn but beloved tie, then with the help of this knot you can bring it back to life.

In form, Plattsburgh refers to asymmetric knots.

13. Grantchester knot- "Grunchester Tie Knot".

Grantchester looks like a big knot. A long tie will suit him.

It is large even when made of a narrow tie and light fabric.

In order to tie it, you need to learn 9 steps, which not everyone will like.

Granchester is better to choose men of small stature. It goes best with the Shark collar.

14. Victoria knot- Victoria Tie Knot.

The knot is wonderful against the background of a thin tie that has lost its appearance. In appearance, "Victoria" is similar to a simple knot.

The difference is an additional thickening, since the fabric of the tie is wrapped around the loop 2 times.

This makes Victoria ideal for tying thin or heavily worn ties.

15. Eldredge knot- Eldridge Tie Knot.

If you want something out of the box, then learn the 15 steps required to create an Eldridge knot.

It is difficult to perform, but your efforts will be rewarded.

Invented in 2007 by Jeffrey Eldredge, the fishtail knot has an impressive size. The popularity of the node was brought by the Internet.

Men who have chosen Eldridge for themselves should be careful, since the knot is rather “capricious”.

16. Trinity knot- Trinity Tie Knot.

Trinity is an unusual knot that appeared not so long ago, but is becoming more and more popular every year.

It has an asymmetric shape, which maintains interest in this node.

A person who has learned to tie it attracts attention, stands out from the crowd.

To acquire the necessary skill, you need to practice a little.

17. Christensen knot- Christensen Tie Knot. Also called "Cross Tie Knot" and "Square Tie Knot".

Christensen is suitable for shirts with a high collar. It looks beautiful on both narrow and wide ties.

The knot is effective for ties made of wool, cashmere or other dense fabrics.

It is easy to adjust, it has a small volume and is comfortably pressed.

Basic rules for wearing a tie

1. With its end, the tie should reach the belt buckle.

2. You can't tuck a tie into your pants.

3. In width, it should be commensurate with the width of the lapels of the jacket, but should not be wider.

4. If you prefer to wear the collar unbuttoned, then it is better not to wear a tie.

5. A tie does not need to use both hairpins and pins at the same time - your image will turn out to be “overloaded”. Use any of the listed elements, but only one.

6. Choose a knot for the type of your face. So, for example, if you have a narrow face, it is not necessary to have a massive knot that will bring disharmony into the image.

8. No need to combine such colors of a tie and clothes as a cage, stripes, patterns of the same size. For example, if your suit is pinstriped, then your tie may have a wide stripe. You put on a catchy shirt, then the tie should be calm tones.

9. First, get a suit, and already to him - a tie.

The existing rules, as well as the concept of "fashionable tie knot" can be considered subjective, relative. You have probably come across the fact that there are men who wear a tie contrary to existing rules and look quite presentable and non-trivial.

There are no strict rules and restrictions for a tie that adorns a delicate female neck - wear them as you like.

Try on the accessory not only with suits, try to wear it with a T-shirt or even a dress. Experiment, find new unusual images for yourself!

This advice is not just for women. Men also want to look great, dress beautifully.

After all, there are so many seductive women around ...

Please yourself with new suits, shirts, put on incredibly stylish ties for them and celebrate this unusual holiday with joy!

Ability to tie a tie- the main foundation of business etiquette for any modern gentleman and man. Almost every man should know how to tie a tie. Today there are more than 85 variations of tie knots, but you need to know at least a few in order to be able to tie a tie correctly. How many ways do you know how to tie a tie? If you don’t know how to tie it correctly at all, then we offer you several ways to tie a tie!

Choose a more practical and interesting knot for yourself! We wish you success.

The easiest way to tie a tie

To quickly and most importantly just tie a tie, you need to use the following scheme. This is a common illustration of the Kent knot and goes well with informal and dressy attire.

How to tie a tie - Double Windsor. Below you can see a detailed diagram of how to tie a tie like this.

How to tie a diagonal knot? To do this, you need to put a wide part on top. After you have a crosshair.

The end with a thin tie after your actions should be directed to the right side. Then pass the wide part through the front of the knot, at the same time throwing it over the loop on the neck, leading to the left side.

Insert the wide part into the ear and pull.

3 easiest ways to tie a tie - video

Better than a beautiful tie can only be a properly tied tie. Even the most elegant tie, which is successfully combined with a suit in color and pattern, can be clumsily tied in such a way that it will spoil the whole image. To avoid this situation, you need to learn how to properly tie a tie. This is not the most difficult art and you can learn it quickly by following the step-by-step instructions.

Basic Rules

In tying ties, as in wearing them, there are immutable rules. In order to look solid and not cause others to feel that something is wrong with him, a man should take into account not only techniques, but also tie tying rules.

  1. The knot should not be tight, but the tie should also not hang. Many men do not like to wear ties due to the feeling of a noose around the neck. To do this, it is worth relaxing the knot a little and after a while you will get rid of the feeling of discomfort.
  2. The tie is not tied on a jumper or T-shirt, only on the shirt collar.
  3. It is recommended to tie the knots not on the neck, but in the hands, on the neck the tie is only tightened.
  4. The wide end of the tie should not be higher or lower than two centimeters from the waist. To do this, stretch the tie under the collar so that the narrow end hangs down to half the length of the wide one.
  5. To make the knot harmonious, it is necessary to take into account the width, fabric and texture of the tie. A huge number of ways to tie a tie were invented taking into account the fact that not every knot is suitable for ties made of different fabrics, different widths and varying degrees of fabric slip. So, the most versatile knot for any type of tie is the “Four-in-hand”, knitted, woolen and thick ties are best tied with “Kent”, and narrow and flat ones with “Victoria” or “Prince Albert”.
  6. In addition to the look of the tie, the type of event you are wearing your tuxedo should also be considered. A simple or classic knot is great for everyday wear in the office, but for a formal event, it is better to choose a more elegant knot.

Tie tying techniques

Types of tie knots are comparable to knowledge of Albanian - they are not used in everyday life, but if there is an opportunity to show off, then there will be no competitors. Every man appreciates a woman who is able to create an impeccable tie knot on his neck with a slight movement of her hand ... appreciates and is secretly a little afraid.

There are many techniques for tying a tie, but the article shows the most basic and easy for beginners to learn: a simple knot, classic, Windsor and Pratt.

Simple knot: step by step instructions

This knot is the basis of the foundations, the simplest method that fathers pass on from generation to generation. The easiest way is also called "quadruple" or "four-in-hand" because it is done in four movements.

The easiest quadruple knot: step by step instructions.


  1. Position the tie around your neck so that the wide end is on the left and the narrow end is on the right.
  2. Throw the wide end over the narrow end and wrap underneath.
  3. Turn over immediately.
  4. Bring the end of the tie in and up, straighten it and slide it down.
  5. Adjust in height and tighten.

Easy classic knot: step by step instructions

The lightest of the classic knots is called the "half-windsor". This is the first step towards truly intricate tie knots. A tie tied in this way is perfectly worn in everyday life, but inspires respect in society: a light classic with a twist.

It ties like this:

Easy classic knot (half-windsor) instruction step by step
  1. Position the tie around your neck so that the wide end hangs below the narrow end.
  2. Throw the wide end over the narrow end.
  3. Pass the wide end under the narrow end.
  4. Insert the wide end into the neck loop.
  5. Drag down and to the right.
  6. Overlap wrap the resulting loop.
  7. From the bottom left, pull the wide end inward into the neck loop.
  8. Insert the wide end into the resulting pocket.
  9. Tighten the tie at the bottom end.

Windsor knot

Classic "Windsor"- the simplest of the most complex, looking dignified and solid due to the voluminous tie loop, which is done with a few additional turns. Such a knot works great on ties made of thin fabric, on a dense one it will look too pretentious. In addition, it is better to tie medium-width ties with a Windsor knot: on too narrow and too wide it will look clumsy.

Instructions for tying a tie with the Windsor knot:

Windsor knot step by step instructions
  1. Wrap the tie around your neck.
  2. Throw the wide end over the narrow end.
  3. Pass the wide end through the loop.
  4. Pull it down and to the right.
  5. Pass the wide end under the narrow end.
  6. Repeat loop.
  7. Pull the wide end down and to the left.
  8. Wrap around the narrow end.
  9. Pass the wide end of the tie through the neck loop again.
  10. Tuck the tie into the pocket.
  11. Tighten.

Knot "Pratt"

This knot was invented by Jerry Pratt, an employee of the US Chamber of Commerce, which is why the knot is also called "American". It is sometimes found under the name "Shelby". Such a knot is very popular in America due to its versatility and elegance, which made it popular both in office life and at social events.

The Pratt knot is tied in the following way:

Knot "Pratt" - step by step instructions
  1. The tie is thrown over the neck with the seams outward, with the wide end on the right, the narrow end on the left. The left end is extended to the level of the navel, the main movements are made wide.
  2. Pass the wide end under the narrow end to form a cross.
  3. Pass the wide end from this position under the collar of your tie.
  4. Wrap under the collar and pull out to the left.
  5. Shift the wide end from left to right, forming the front side of the knot.
  6. Pass the wide end through the collar loop again.
  7. Pass the wide end into the pocket.
  8. Tighten your tie.

Thus, there is nothing complicated in tying ties. The basic movements are simple and vary among themselves in the number of revolutions. With these simple instructions, you can easily learn how to tie a tie with the most classic knots.