Light makeup on the arm. Makeup rules. Stages of creating makeup

Halloween makeup: a large selection of photos

The evening on the eve of All Saints' Day in the form of an unusual holiday takes root in our country - albeit slowly, but surely. Such an opportunity to have fun is especially to the liking of young people. So they dress up in costumes of monsters and monsters, for which the appropriate halloween makeup.

It's time to move away from stereotypes. Halloween makeup isn't all about vampires, witches, and skulls

Halloween Makeup

This holiday is generally impossible to imagine without traditional witches, werewolves, vampires and other evil spirits. Such characteristic costumes need a cool make-up, without which the creation of the image simply will not work. And one of the most popular costumes on this day is the witch outfit. Natural moderate makeup will not suit him in any way: on Halloween you will have to imagine yourself at the Sabbath, where witches have their own dress code with a ban on pastel colors.

Anime doll and predatory grin

So, for starters, lipstick, blush and shadows of the brightest shades are being prepared. First, a tone is applied: since it is customary to consider witches to be pale, the tonal base and powder are selected from the lightest palette. And blush, on the contrary, is chosen brighter, for example, under the color of fuchsia. They should be well shaded so that the image looks like a witch, and not like a rouged peasant woman. The tone of the shadows is better to choose darker.

Well suited shadows in a rich range of dark purple, dark green, dark blue and even black. Instead of thick makeup, you can do a smoky eyes make-up, which will make you look magical and mysterious, and not pretentious at all. Eyelashes should be generously painted with colored or black mascara, which will give them extra volume.

You can use false thick eyelashes. Arrows that are not entirely appropriate in everyday make-up and bold black eyeliners will very well complement makeup at a gathering of witches.

Fulfilling halloween makeup for girls, be sure to pick up catchy lipstick. On such a day, it can be bright scarlet, deep brown and even extreme black. You can complement the witch's makeup by drawing a cobweb, a wart or a mole with a cosmetic pencil. We must not forget about the hairstyle, which can be replaced with a wig: red, purple, classic black and even ... bright green.

Already rather addictive, but no less popular Sugar Scull

DIY Halloween Makeup

Many girls choose the image of a vampire for such a holiday. And not just because the vampire theme has been at the height of popularity in recent years, but also because the pale colors of the face and the aristocratic outfit of a female vampire are very sexy. With a similar make-up and an appropriate Halloween costume, you can definitely become a real queen of the ball. And you can make a make-up yourself without any problems.

Everyone knows that vampires are children of the night who do not know the light of the sun. Therefore, their complexion is selected intensely light, a couple of tones lighter than the natural skin tone. The tone should be well shaded so that transitions from tone to skin are not noticeable. In order not to give out the color of the hands and neck, you can choose a floor-length dress with a deaf collar for the suit and complement it with lace gloves. A layer of powder of the same tone is applied to the tone, which will fix the deathly pale appearance of the skin. Cheekbones stand out with blush of a rich shade, for example, plum, which also cannot be overdone, but which is important to blend well.

DIY Halloween Makeup should very clearly highlight the eyes, because the celebration takes place in the evening, when any deliberate brightness will only be advantageous. So in the image of a vampire, a lot of attention is paid to the eyes. So, first, the base for the shadows is applied and carefully shaded. Then comes the turn for liquid bright eyeliner. The most popular in this look are black or dark purple eyeliners. A bold arrow is drawn from the outer to the inner corner of the eye, both on the upper and lower eyelids. It is necessary to achieve the effect of "cat's eyes". To make the contour of the eye more expressive, you should use a black pencil to draw the inner line of the eyelid at the roots of the eyelashes. On the crease of the eyelid and the inner corner of the eye, pink shadows, carefully shaded with a brush, look good. The upper eyelid is decorated with plum shadows, from which the eyes will seem a little larger. With a clean brush, a smooth transition of pink shadows into plum ones is made. Plum-colored shadows should be applied on the lower eyelid along the line at the roots of the eyelashes, and then also blend well. At the end of tinting the eyes, a highlighter is applied under the eyebrow. Lip makeup is done with a pearlescent ruby ​​lipstick that creates the effect of bloody lips. A little wet, colorless gloss is applied in the center of the lower sponge. Lips should not be outlined very much. And when such an element of makeup is performed, then you need to use a soft brush, not a pencil, and do not touch the corners of the lips. A trickle of blood drawn from the corner of the mouth will give more credibility to the image.

For the image of a cat woman Halloween makeup at home is also quite easy to do. This popular black character is considered to be a mystical creature, an accomplice of the worst witches and the most insidious sorcerers. The implementation of this makeup begins with giving the skin a gothic-pale shade, but first the problem areas of the skin of the face are masked with a concealer. Then a light tonal base and white powder are selected. The cheekbones are accentuated with blush, but in this image, not so bright shades of blush are used. To achieve the effect of sunken cheeks, which is necessary in the image of a catwoman, the cheekbones need to be shaded with beige-brown blush and a dark shade of powder. If vampire makeup was performed entirely, then the catwoman is always in a mask, and therefore makeup is applied only in those places where it will be visible. Therefore, before performing eye makeup, the mask is tried on to see exactly where the shadow should be applied. With a black or dark brown pencil, the eyebrows are given a close to triangular shape. The eyes are outlined with a black cosmetic pencil in a slightly elongated cat shape. The pencil must be shaded, and then shadows are applied. And the most successful is considered to be coal-black shadows. They are applied to the upper and lower eyelids and at the same time emphasize the shape of the cat's eyes. The shadows are slightly shaded towards the temporal part of the face. The inner line of the eyelid is drawn with a soft black pencil with an emphasis on the inner corner of the eye. Highlighter or mother-of-pearl shadows are applied under the eyebrow and in the inner corner. Eyelashes are painted with thick black or brown mascara. The lips are outlined with a red cosmetic pencil, which gives them a clear shape. Scarlet lipstick is applied with a brush and emphasis is placed in the center of the lower lip with gloss.

scary doll

Gross and scary. Evil spirits will definitely get scared

Use only high-quality cosmetics, and even better - professional makeup

Animated horror doll

Creepy smile of the Cheshire cat

Bride of Frankenstein

You can be a cat, not at all evil

Ariel as the little mermaid

Here makeup is combined with body art

In addition to such popular types of make-up, such as witch makeup for halloween, vampire and catwoman makeup, there are still a huge number of images that require the addition of color accents. But one should avoid the erroneous opinion that makeup for this holiday necessarily consists of dark stains near the eyes, false vampire jaws and sloppy application of paints on the lips and eyes. Yes, this is how artists for horror films make up. But on a fun holiday, you can use something more interesting.

Makeup, even for Halloween, should be done as elegantly and stylishly as possible. At the same time, as part of an integral image, it should be harmoniously and skillfully combined with hair, clothes and manicure. Therefore, it is important to decide in advance what the reincarnation will be, because makeup should be the same. But, by the way, the creation of some kind of abstract image is also acceptable. Here, make-up and a difficult manicure can become its highlight, and clothes of a discreet look and black color will strengthen them in the simplest way. And all the options for costumes and makeup offered on the Internet are not a dogma at all. You can always apply the outfit of any character you like or invented. And your inventions and interest in your character will make your image the most memorable and original!

Halloween makeup photo

First of all, I would like to pay attention to the make-up in the style of the Mexican Feast of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos). This make-up is very bright and is the best for Halloween. Let's look at sweet skull.

Every girl dreams of being beautiful, but not on Halloween. The uglier the look, the better! Here is the motto of this holiday. And you can't do without scary Halloween makeup. In this article, we tried to collect the most interesting ideas, as well as detailed instructions on how to “embellish” yourself on this holiday.

Halloween Makeup Step by Step Instructions

You don't have to be a make-up artist to do original makeup on Helloween. Detailed master classes and step-by-step photos will help in creating an exciting image. We will also need shadows, cosmetic pencils, you can use water-based children's makeup.

Another necessary element of scary make-up is blood. Do not try to replace it with lipstick, which looks unnatural and will instantly ruin the whole look.

What can you make blood for Halloween:

  1. Made from sugar syrup dyed with food coloring.
  2. From tinted jelly cooked on starch.
  3. From a gelatin solution with dyes.

Regardless of the recipe, the mass should not be too liquid. In addition to red, you can add a few drops of blue, so the color will be much more believable. And pieces of gore will help to make black paint.

How to do zombie makeup for Halloween

Zombie is one of the easiest Halloween makeup options that can be easily done at home. It suits both girls and boys equally well.

Zombie makeup step by step:

  1. Zombies are distinguished by pale skin, so you need to start with it. Apply a light foundation, blend with a sponge.
  2. We cover the face with a thin layer of powder. Also a light shade.
  3. We take light brown shadows and with a brush draw bags under the eyes, shade the hollows.
  4. With the same shadows we cover the upper eyelid and the area above it to the very eyebrow.
  5. We draw bruises. To do this, you need dark gray shadows or brown. Shade them under the eyes. Paying special attention to the inner corner.
  6. Similarly, we draw with dark shadows the upper part of the eye to the very eyebrow.
  7. With the help of a brush and light gray shadows, we make a “blush”.
  8. Cover lips with foundation.
  9. We apply a little lipstick, but without affecting the contours of the lips. It is necessary to create the effect of a casually blood-stained mouth.
  10. Apply fresh blood with a brush. Put a little caked mass on top.

Halloween makeup is ready! The photo is an example of what should happen. But you can always experiment. For example, add drops of blood, scars and other interesting elements 🙂

Makeup with cartoon inserts on Helloween

An interesting and very beautiful makeup for girls on Halloween, which is made in a comic style. Before performing, you need to carefully prepare the skin of not only the face, but also the neck and décolleté. Align the tone with a dense means of a light shade, then apply a layer of powder.

Makeup steps:

  1. With a black liner, draw eyebrows and draw eyes.
  2. We outline the oval, draw the line of the nose and sinus.
  3. We cover the lips with red lipstick. Draw black on the left side. You can use the same liner. On the lower lip on the left side, draw white highlights.
  4. With white paint we draw light stripes of peas on the face and body.
  5. We represent tears with blue paint. For clarity, we thinly outline with a black liner.
  6. To give the image of mystery, we use self-adhesive rhinestones. We arrange for each pea.

As you can see, such a charming and unusual makeup for Halloween is not difficult to do with your own hands. If you try a little and follow the instructions, then everything will definitely work out!

How to do witch makeup for Halloween

This witch makeup for Halloween is done in lilac and pink tones, which makes it unusual. Similarly, it can be done using red, blue, green paints.

How to make Halloween witch makeup step by step:

  1. We take pink shadows and begin to paint over the moving eyelid.
  2. Apply over the entire surface, up to the eyebrows.
  3. Apply black over pink shadows. We also color the area under the eyes. Shade lightly.
  4. Wet the brush in purple paint and make splashes on the painted areas.
  5. We tint the moving eyelid with purple paint.
  6. We prepare eyelashes, straighten with a brush.
  7. Glue on the top and bottom lashes.

Makeup is ready! It turned out ugly, but very charming witch. And she's ready to celebrate!

Making Scary Halloween Makeup

Of course, this drawing can hardly be called makeup. This is a real make-up, so it is better to use the appropriate paints.

Halloween makeup step by step:

  1. You will need a white base for the tone. You can use makeup paint.
  2. Evenly cover the face with tone.
  3. Draw eyebrows with a pencil.
  4. With black paint (you can use brown or graphite), paint over the area around the eyes from all sides, depicting a circle.
  5. We draw a nose with the help of the same paint, we make two arrows on top.
  6. Let's start drawing the mouth. With a pencil, continue the smile line until such a mouth size is needed.
  7. Along the entire line, draw lips from teeth, cover with black paint.
  8. To give the skull a relief, we make a semblance of eyebrows one centimeter higher than our own. Shade well.
  9. We powder the forehead.
  10. We begin to draw a crack on the side of the skull.
  11. We make several thin branches in the form of a branch.
  12. We draw a skeleton on a neck. To do this, take a brush and dark paint, preferably gray.
  13. We draw lines. Simulating vertebrae.

Ready! To give the image a special tragedy and fear, you just need to put on a dark cloak with a hood and get a scythe.

scars for halloween

A scar is a great face decoration for a holiday. It can be used alone or in addition to other makeup. Moreover, they are made very simply.

How to make scars on Helloween:

  1. We draw the line of the future scar. We do it with a pink pencil.
  2. For the scar you will need a viscous glue collodion. It is sold in makeup departments, as well as in pharmacies.
  3. Mix the collodion well. Remove excess from the brush.
  4. Gently apply over the previously drawn line.
  5. With the help of a foundation, we correct the shape.

Scar ready! It turned out embossed and looks very natural.

Halloween Makeup Ideas (20 Photos)

In fact, there are a huge number of interesting ideas for transforming for Halloween. And to choose the right option, you just need to turn on a little imagination and look at our photos!

Dolls: creepy and adorable

Doll makeup is one of the most popular holiday ideas. Still, not all girls are eager to transform into witches and prefer the image of creepy beauties.

To create these cute images, ordinary cosmetics, consisting of bright lipsticks and a few pencils, are enough. But if the cute image is not impressive. Then you can make a creepy doll makeup for Halloween. Scars, blood and red eyes - this is exactly what you need. But, of course, do not forget about themed clothes with hair.

Vampires and vampires

Vampires are one of the most frequent guests of the holiday. What could be more beautiful than meeting a charming bloodsucker tonight? Halloween vampire makeup can be done in both a female and a male image. The main thing is fair skin, expressive eyes and lips.

By the way, you can use the usual smokey makeup. If desired, add a few drops of blood and snow-white fangs. But the image will not be complete without the appropriate attire. The retro style is perfect.

Children's vampire makeup for a theme party looks no less interesting. It turns out that bloodsuckers can be incredibly cute and even a little glamorous. The child will be delighted with the transformation, as well as others.


Cat makeup for Halloween is a great way to dilute the crowd of evil spirits from vampires and witches. A cute and fluffy animal is sure to amaze with its attractiveness.

To create a festive look, it is enough to make an expressive make up with arrows, use bright lipstick, and draw a mustache. And if you want to look even more like a fluffy charm, then you can use special lenses with elongated pupils.

In this video, you can see what a charming kitty beauty blogger Irene Vlady has turned into. The make-up was created from improvised means and mineral makeup.

Skeletons at the festival of evil spirits

What can be a holiday without skulls and bones? Skeleton makeup for Halloween is considered one of the most difficult and requires certain abilities.

To depict shadows, voluminous bones and believable teeth will have to try. And first take care of the perfect tone. But nothing is impossible!

Video bloggers are also getting ready for a fun Halloween. And MakeUpKaty has already come up with an unusual skeleton makeup and shared the technique of its creation.

Halloween is the day when you can try on a creepy look and look cute at the same time. Interesting images will add charm to the holiday, make it mystical and unforgettable.

The celebration of Halloween in our country is getting bigger every year. Everyone wants to look spectacular at an All Saints' Day party. Therefore, it is important to choose an image, an appropriate outfit and make a frightening Halloween makeup.

DIY Scary Halloween Makeup

The original make-up for the scariest day of the year can be done on your own, using cosmetics or aqua make-up. Below are the options that will make the girl the star of any party.

Makeup "Corpse Bride"

The image of this bright character implies the presence of an old wedding dress (preferably torn, dirty), a blue wig, a flower wreath and a veil. In addition, you need to do the appropriate Halloween makeup at home.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. A pale face is made using various means. The first is a mixture of blue shadows with white powder, and the second is a pale blue make-up. Also, do not forget about the whole body, so that the image is complete.
  2. Next - circle the eyes with purple and blue (the area around the eyebrows and under the lower eyelid). With the same shade, highlight the line of the nose, temples, cheekbones. This is done in order to emphasize thinness. Fill the eyelids with a white pencil to form huge eyes.
  3. Outline the area filled with white with black. Draw eyelashes along the outer side, highlight the nostrils. Particular attention - eyebrows. They should be thin and rather original in shape. For their clarity, eyeliner is used. Plus, you need to draw the pupils in such a way that the bride's gaze is directed upwards.
  4. Make up your lips with bright pink lipstick and attach a rich blue wig.
  5. The final touch is a golden wreath. A bright image of the cartoon heroine is ready.

Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad

Following the success of the Suicide Squad movie, this character is one of the most requested characters at Halloween parties. Harley is the crazy, merciless and charismatic girlfriend of the Joker.

Step by step makeup can be done as follows:

  1. Apply a light base on the face. With the help of shadows or paints, make accents on the eyes pink and blue, like the character's. Blend thoroughly, as if the paint had spread on the cheeks.
  2. Apply a bright red lipstick to your lips. You can add glitter on top.
  3. Highlight in a darker tone the line of the nose, cheekbones and temples. Circle the face with black paint from the forehead to the neck under the chin. At the cheeks, the line should become oblique, passing through the lower part of the cheekbones.
  4. Highlight eyebrows. Outline the lips with black, making small strokes with a brush. The same careless stripes should run along the nose, on the drawn black line of the cheekbones, next to the eyebrows. On the lower lip and upper add white.
  5. It remains to put on a spectacular memorable wig and choose the right costume.

America and Europe are already preparing for Halloween with might and main: they are buying up symbols, carving out "pumpkin lamps", inventing branded decor. And this is all - only in order to protect their souls and homes from the invasion of evil violent forces!

Although, personally, I believe that evil forces are already so accustomed to the paraphernalia accompanying the holiday that they practically do not fall for it. The evil forces are becoming more and more boring every year, and this (everyone knows!) is fraught with really unpredictable terrible consequences! Therefore, in order to convince ghosts, vampires and monsters that you are also from their kind - you need not just to put on an outfit similar to them with foam rubber green ears, but really transform into a terrible image! And in this case, you can’t do without a good, high-quality make-up! We at Dikmi have developed a special Halloween seven of exclusive make-up options for your whole family! Try it, because this is just the case when even if you can’t do everything exactly according to the hint picture, it will be cool, fun and outrageous!


Image 1. Queen of Evil

An ephemeral image, the queen of witchcraft and the goddess of evil... A vamp woman capable of much. She can kill with a light heart, and then - with an absolutely unwavering hand - eat the heart of her enemy! If you - always peaceful, kind and radiant - have just such a mood before the feast of All Saints - emphasize it with the help of such an unusual, bright and expressive make-up!

And from me - catch a detailed step-by-step instruction!

Step 1. Shaping the Eyebrows and Eyes

You will need: black liner, gel and a small brush for blending.

Advice: It is best (for the symmetry of the cat's eyes) to use a stencil template.

Subsequence: With a black liner, carefully draw a curved line from the temple to the middle of the wing of the nose, focusing on the natural eyebrow. In parallel, we outline the upper eyelid and shade the exact line of the liner with a brush. Then - we connect the upper and lower points of the "cat's eye" to each other. We also “conjure” over the second eye. From the middle of the forehead, draw curved eyebrows.

Step 2. Apply the red shadow

You will need: red lipstick, lip brush, foam sponge, pearlescent powder.

Subsequence: Using a lip brush, apply lipstick above the eyebrow line and on the cheeks, under the lower line of the cat's eye. Blend with foundation sponge. Under the drawn eyebrow, in order to shade it and give the image of the queen of evil mystery, we apply mother-of-pearl shimmering powder.

Step 3. Making Black and Pink Cheeks

You will need: black shadows, pink blush, blush brush.

Subsequence: using a blush brush, apply black shadows under the cheekbones, and pink blush on the cheekbones. We shade to give softness to the shadow of femininity and hidden evil on the face of the Queen.

Step 4: Add Eyelashes and Shadows

You will need: gel black liner, red lipstick, lipstick brush, white eye shadow.

Subsequence: We apply white shadows to the inner corners of the eyes, then we shade the area between the bottom line of the cat's eye and the white shadows with red lipstick. We also apply white shadows between the upper line of the eye and the natural eyebrow of the Queen. With a helium liner, draw “eyelashes” on the cheeks and above the corners of natural eyebrows.

Step 5. Shaping a wickedly charming smile

You will need: lip contour with black liner, red lipstick, lip brush.

Subsequence: With a black outline, draw the outline of the lips, shade the lower part of the lower lip and the nose of the upper one. Apply red lipstick with a brush.

The mysterious Queen of Evil is ready to meet her guests on the threshold of an intriguing house with pumpkin lights!

Image 2. Skull

Well, if you are an extraordinary girl, extraordinary and similar even in real life to a natural disaster - you will surely like this shocking, even the most vivid imagination, makeup for Halloween!

1. Black latex swim cap

2. Gypsum powder

4. Matte Foundation

5. Black eye shadow and mascara, black helium liner

6. Sponges and makeup brushes


Step 1. Hide your hair under a latex hat.

Step 2 Dilute the plaster to the consistency of a liquid slurry (remember, we are not going to make a cast of the face of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, we are doing makeup, which means that the structure should be light and prepared for a very active evening with dancing!). Apply plaster to the forehead of the latex cap and sculpt your eyebrows. Wait until it freezes.

Step 3 Using a light tonal base, correct the “living” part of the face (including lips) to match the plaster forehead.

Step 4 With a black liner, draw the lines of the skull on the plaster part of the forehead, nose, circle the eyes and retouch the eyelids.

Step 5 With the same black liner, draw the teeth on the skull.

Step 6 Apply black powder along the cheekbones, blend it on the cheeks with a blush brush.

Everything, the skull-makeup is ready! Of course, a black diving suit, “decorated” with snow-white bones, or alien greenish skin, which also perfectly emphasizes an equally perfect figure, is best suited for such a make-up!

And one moment. If you don't really want to hide your chic hair under a rubber hat - you can (using the same matte tonal base and black liner) draw this, probably more feminine, skull.

And for adherents of a kind of ethnoglamour, there are also several outrageous novelties using the skull theme!

Such makeup can be done under a chic medieval dress, and under an almost naked nude.

And another interesting trend that girls abroad really like is the game of contrasts. Delicate, peach warm, well-groomed skin of one half of the face looks simply amazing against the background of the bloodless skull of the second.

Image 3. Black Widow

That's where the pure glamor for Halloween is! A mysterious woman who can make any man fall in love with her and eat him to the last furry paw, if he allows himself to violate her personal comfort zone! The true embodiment of violent female deceit, ferocious female revenge for male insults - the Black Widow!

Materials for creating an image:

1. A set of shadows for a purple make-up

2. Black liner and black mascara

3. False eyelashes and glue

4. Rhinestones for the face

5. Purple lip liner and mauve lipstick

6. Powder purple blush

7. Matte tone with reflective effect for the face


Step 1. We tone the skin of the face, give it uniformity and pearly phosphorescent radiance with the help of an appropriate makeup base (preferably a few tones lighter than your natural skin).

Step 2 Put on false eyelashes.

Step 3 We circle the eyes with a black liner and shade the upper eyelid in an intense black color.

Step 4 We apply purple shadows, shading the corners of the eyes with a shimmering soft purple tone.

Step 5 Above the eyebrows and below, on the cheeks, draw a web grid with a black liner. We decorate the web with shining rhinestones.

Step 6 Outline the lips with an intense dark purple pencil, then apply purple lipstick with a brush.

Step 7 Purple blush (two tones - light and dark) with a blush brush, apply under and on the cheekbones. We shade, emphasizing the shimmering cold light of the moon halo of the incredible erotic mystery of the Black Widow.

Depending on the general direction of your upcoming party, as well as the type of your face, a similar Black Widow makeup can be performed in other colors and shades.

For example, ocher looks amazing as an eye shadow on the face of a fiery (warm, summer) Widow.

For such a makeup, you need 3-4 shades of orange shadows and bright red lipstick. The technique of applying make-up remains unchanged, similar in principle to the previous, purple version.

For Earth-type Widows, shimmery emerald shadows are suitable.

Another interesting point is the accessories that complement the make-up. For example, with the help of several furry felt paws, you can create a 3D spider effect in the corners of the lips. And with the help of a large mesh mask and several “diamond” spiders, fill the image with the missing visualization.

And, of course, a very sexy black dress will be a must for the Black Widow with such outrageous makeup.

Image 4. The Snow Queen and other fairy-tale characters

The famous, powerful and all-powerful Snow Queen is also a representative of the dark world. Has it ever occurred to you at least once in your life to re-read the fairy tale by H. - K. Andersen from a different angle? But what if the evil ice woman had a vulnerable soul like yours? And what if she, at her North Pole, is only waiting for someone to come and melt her outer snowy shell with love and free the quivering butterfly-soul? Try on yourself all the torments of the Snow Goddess!

The principle of creating such a make-up is similar to others that we have already described in detail. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves, but we will draw your attention only to the special nuances of the image.

Make-up nuances: The main feature of the Snow Queen is the game of contrasting classic and stylish colors - black, red and white. White powder, black eye liner, bright red lipstick are must-have materials to create this look. Plus, smoky solid lenses for the eyes. You can buy them both in optics (recently, stylish contact lenses have become a hit in the fashion circles of our country), and in stores dealing with holiday paraphernalia and costumes.

If the image of the Snow Queen seems a little unfinished to you (like me), add a fantasy openwork glasses mask to it.

In addition to the Snow Queen, fabulous images are popular among the beautiful half of the Western (and, to tell the truth, parts of the Eastern) world. alien aliens. This multi-eyed monster is also performed with the help of improvised cosmetics. Feature - a mixture of matte powder and green oily shadows for the main tone of the face.

Also, for quite a long time, the images of the noble woman, beloved by many ladies, have not descended from the podium. Cat Women, Robin Hood And pirate(in skirts, of course!) and rainbow intergalactic princess. The peculiarity of her make-up is a snake (thrown over her face and pinned in her hair) and the use of mirror crumbs to give a shimmering tint to the inner multi-colored essence of a mysterious lady hidden under human skin.

And the last moment that can (I'm 1000% sure of this!) Surprise and inspire many of the fairer sex who are going to a terrible party -.

Black cats, ghosts, headless horsemen and the Sun and the Moon, hidden in the gaze of the most mysterious earthly creature - Women - perfectly convey the whole essence of Halloween.


It would seem that the many-sided variety for insidious ladies can outshine any other offers! And indeed it is! However, for the representatives of the stronger sex, I also have several unusual options worthy of their rightful share of your admiration!

Image 5. Mummy

Elementary in execution, the make-up (and at the same time - the mask) of a revived monster that left one of the Egyptian pyramids is the best fit for Halloween!

"Ancient skin" for a mummy can be made from improvised means that can be found in any kitchen:

1. Medical gauze (it must first be dipped in cold brewed coffee and allowed to dry naturally, without wringing).

2. Miracle paste (for this you need to mix 2 tablespoons of flour with 1 tablespoon of corn oil and a few grams of brown tanning cream).

3. Brown powder, graphite shadows, makeup brushes and spatulas.


Step 1. Cut carefully prepared gauze into pieces. Then - carefully wind the pieces around the head, lubricating each layer with the previously prepared paste so that the structure holds well.

Step 2 Make slits in the area of ​​​​the eyes and mouth, leaving the threads of gauze to hang freely.

Step 3 Tone the skin around the eyes with brown and black shadows, creating the effect of earth and dirt.

Step 4 Let your homemade makeup mask dry (you can even use a hair dryer for this) and, enjoying the effect produced on others, go to the party! There you, for sure, have already been waiting for!

Image 6. Count Dracula

There are many mysterious legends about this follower of the Prince of Darkness! And only the most courageous and fearless men can actually try on his image and really feel what he felt! Are you ready to put on the “skin” of a bloodsucker?


1. Latex ears (available at any costume store)

2. Green, black and white cream makeup

3. Castor oil

4. Makeup sponges, cotton swabs

5. Black eyebrow pencil

6. False mustache and beard, wig

7. Red hairspray

8. Plastic fangs


Step 1. Fix latex vampire ears on your ears with special glue, tone them with matte powder with the addition of emerald shadows.

Step 2 Mix powder, green shadows and a couple of drops of castor oil. Apply the mixture with a sponge on the face, creating a makeup base.

Step 3 Outline the eyes with black pencil and create a grey-black shadow under the eyes using a cotton swab.

Step 4 Pin up your mustache and beard, put on a wig, and cover a few strands of red lacquer on your forehead.

Step 5 Insert fangs.

The vampire is ready to drink the blood of all the party guests (especially the woman who today dared to oversalt the soup with skulls and has been a wife for many years) ... Well, that's right, a drop of my personal conclusions, so to speak, from the inside of the image!

Image 7. Hades

If you fantasize a little, then the ruler of the realm of the dead could look exactly like that! Demi-god and half-human, half-alive and half-dead - why not use it as an option for a Halloween themed party?


1. Paints for body art - red, white and black, theatrical white, foundation.

2. Contour cosmetic pencil.

3. Blue contact lenses.


Step 1. Visually divide the face into two parts. One - cover with theatrical white, the other - with a foundation of a warm, natural color for human skin.

Step 2 Paint the eye socket of the skull on the white side with black paint, paint the teeth and shade the nose. On the natural side - distribute red paint on the cheekbones, nose and forehead.

Step 3 Highlight the cheekbones with black paint.

Step 4 Put on your lenses.

You can continue this makeup on the neck and shoulders. The main thing is to have enough desire, artistic imagination and soap in the shower (because all this will have to be washed off sooner or later)!

By the way, fantasy and at the same time difficult to perform options for men's makeup for Halloween can be quite outrageous images. tiger men, Half-robot, half-human, gingerbread doll from horror movie and walking Nightmare with a foam head!

My dears! Hurry up to fantasize, because there is very little time left until the day of All Saints! Try on my ideas and let your family be the most charming (in the scariest sense of the word) at a Halloween party!

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a gothic Halloween dress or sew a vampire princess costume, do not be sad - Halloween makeup 2016 can change our image much faster and brighter. Sometimes one burgundy lipstick can transform us more than a dress and shoes!

Halloween itself does not carry a serious meaning, but this holiday promotes creativity - girls all over the world put on Halloween makeup, create costumes and come up with images. No other holiday provides such opportunities for experimentation, and in order not to get lost in the creative diversity, Militta has prepared a list of makeup ideas for this dark and bright celebration at the same time.

Crazy Halloween Makeup 2016

Recently, the fashion world has gravitated towards. Many designers bring fat women or dwarfs to the podium, girls with ugly crooked legs or serious defects in appearance. For the unsophisticated public, this trend looks strange, but for the fashion community, everything is fine. We have long been fed up with true beauty! Therefore, we want to see the ugly non-standard beauty in all its manifestations.

Halloween in 2016 and in other years gives everyone the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of ugly beauty. At first glance, it may seem that crazy Halloween makeup does not require much effort, but it is not. In some cases, you will have to apply all your skills and lime a lot of decorative cosmetics.

1. Makeup - double face

Such a strange and unusual makeup will definitely be remembered by everyone for a long time. The idea came from Promise Tamang on Instagram, where she posts her many Halloween looks. You will have to work hard on the double face makeup and, possibly, involve one of your friends. Even better if you have a friend who is a makeup artist or just an artist.

You will have to try, but if the image succeeds, it will be impossible to look away from you, and you will surely become the heroine of social networks.

2. Ornaments on the face

Makeup in the form of a time-tested. This makeup has already been used before and not only for Halloween looks, but for a variety of projects and photo shoots. However, facial ornaments are a great makeup solution today in 2016. Girls with such makeup will certainly stand out from the crowd of vampires and witches. Just do not forget that the creation of such makeup will require even more effort and cosmetics.

3. Cuts, scars and lacerations on the face

Personally, I don’t like the imitation of various wounds on the face, but if you calmly perceive makeup in the form of deep cuts and lacerations, stock up on proven cosmetics and choose a photo. In recent years, thousands of girls from all over the world have done similar makeup, so you can find a lot of images for inspiration on the Internet.

Mystical makeup for Halloween 2016

Halloween isn't very fashionable - vampires, witches, and so on don't change much over time. These images can be used if we want to get a guaranteed successful result.

1. Vampires

Thanks to books and cinema, the image of a vampire is very mysterious and attractive, and a vampire girl seems especially seductive and at the same time insidious. Creating a vampire look for a girl on Halloween is not difficult at all, just whiten her face, highlight her cheekbones, make up her lips with bright burgundy lipstick, put on a choker collar and complete the look with a black dress.

If you find a dress with a corset and frills, draw a small web of cobwebs on your face, you can become a real vampire queen.

2. Skeletons and Zombies

Unlike vampires, zombies and simple skeletons exist in reality, but they are not as attractive and seductive. Despite this, skeletons are very popular on Halloween, so you can do makeup that gives our image elements of the skeleton.

Drawing a realistic skull with the help of makeup and decorative cosmetics is not at all easy, without special skills and talents you should not even take on this task, you will get a miserable likeness.

Makeup and images of different characters for Halloween 2016

Not everyone wants to flirt with dark forces and death, drawing on the face the image of a vampire or a mask of death, and rightly so. The image for a girl on Halloween is not limited to all sorts of follies and evil spirits. Try to transform into your favorite celebrity.

A costume party gives you the opportunity to transform into Kim Kardashian, Nicki Minaj and other celebrities. In addition, you can put on a costume and make up in the style of your favorite characters from movies, fairy tales, or create just an anime look!

1. Anime makeup

Creating an anime image is not difficult at all. The main focus is huge eyes, like cartoon characters. You will have to work hard with drawing, but the result is worth it. Also highlight the eyebrows, cheekbones, outline the lips and contour the face with a black pencil or eyeliner. Search the web among a huge number of pictures for exactly the image that you like, and transfer it to your face. Also don't forget about a suitable suit to complete your look.

2. Queen or princess

Now the upbringing of girls is undergoing major changes, but we, adult girls who are already over 25 years old, keep images of princesses in our memories. A costumed holiday is a great opportunity to wear a crown, a luxurious evening dress or a real historical costume rented. Makeup will be the simplest, because the image of a real princess or queen requires dignity, not buffoonery.

3. Space girl

Space theme periodically returns to fashion. Not so long ago, space prints on clothes and accessories were relevant. Stars, galaxies, nebulae and quasars are reflected in makeup, some girls paint half their faces with stars, it looks beautiful, but you have to work hard.

You can also take the color of an alien. Do you know what beautiful aliens look like? No one knows for sure, but in Halloween 2016 it is not very important to meet the knowledge and expectations of others. You can draw an image of an alien solely from your own imagination, that's when you get genuine creativity, and not copying other people's ideas.

4. Doll and makeup for Halloween 2016

Initially, they did not play games with dolls, they carried a sacred meaning and participated in a variety of magical rituals. Then Pandora dolls appeared, they showed fashionable clothes, and then the dolls were given to children to play with. But in the subconscious of people, the original sacred meaning of dolls is still preserved. From here arise various fears and fantasies about the evil dolls that can be seen in the movies.

Therefore, on Halloween 2016, you can do make-up in a puppet style, this is a much nicer solution than drawing faces of death and evil spirits on yourself. You can focus on the images of dolls from famous horror films, or you can use the basic principles of doll makeup.

It does not matter at all what kind of doll you become - good or evil, in any case, this image is perfect for a girl on Halloween. If you have a beautiful BJD doll or Evangeline Ghastly at home, it is not necessary to apply a thick layer of makeup to take on a festive color. It is enough to put on a black dress, whiten your face and pick up your beauty, she will complement the image.

5. Beauty nymph

In conclusion, consider the most interesting option. It is not necessary to become a doll, a witch or a vampire. During the existence of glossy magazines, photographers and models have shot many incredible photo shoots, where girls look like nymphs and just fantasy beauties, richly decorated with golden shadows, mother-of-pearl, sparkles ...

Use purple lipstick, bright eyeshadow colors, glitter, and create a beautiful Halloween 2016 makeup in the style of the most glamorous photo shoots.