Treatment of the common cold in the second trimester of pregnancy. Runny nose during pregnancy: the safest ways to get rid of the problem Runny nose during pregnancy 2nd trimester treatment

Update: October 2018

Every person has experienced a runny nose at least once in their life. This phenomenon is rather unpleasant, but easily tolerated. But what to do if rhinitis occurs in a pregnant woman? It is believed that for the entire period of gestation, the expectant mother will definitely encounter rhinitis to one degree or another. But during pregnancy, a runny nose should not be treated "disregard", as it threatens with complications not only for a woman, but also for her unborn baby. Moreover, it is impossible to uncontrollably use various drugs for the common cold, because many of the usual remedies are contraindicated and even dangerous during gestation.

Runny nose: its essence and types

A runny nose or rhinitis is a condition of the nasal mucosa when it becomes inflamed, and abundant mucus is released from the nasal cavity. As a result of this process, the nasal mucosa significantly increases (swells), which makes breathing difficult.

There are acute and chronic rhinitis. In turn, chronic rhinitis is divided into several types:

  • atrophic, when the nasal mucosa becomes thinner;
  • hypertrophic, with a thickening of the mucosa, which leads to a narrowing of the nasal passages;
  • allergic, the body responds to various stimuli with an inadequate reaction, that is, an allergic one.

There are also other types of rhinitis:

  • medication - with prolonged and uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictors for the nose;
  • traumatic - caused by any injury (burn, blow, etc.);
  • vasomotor - occurs after stress or due to hormonal changes, or after eating spicy food or external stimuli (smoke).


In expectant mothers, a runny nose appears as a result of the following factors:


During gestation, the level of estrogen increases significantly, due to which the production of mucus increases, and the mucous membranes swell, which naturally affects the nasal mucosa. This runny nose is called vasomotor rhinitis.


An existing allergy to various external irritants, such as plant pollen or animal hair, provokes the development of an allergic rhinitis during pregnancy. Allergy may be absent before pregnancy and will appear with its onset, which is facilitated by a decrease in immunity in a pregnant woman.


Various infections, whether viruses or bacteria, affect expectant mothers much more easily than ordinary people. This is facilitated by the weakening of the protective forces during gestation.

In addition, the following circumstances can provoke the occurrence of rhinitis in pregnant women:

  • deviated septum of the nose;
  • predisposition to frequent colds;
  • taking birth control pills before pregnancy;
  • a number of diseases of endocrine origin;
  • disturbed ecology;
  • excessively dry climate;
  • emotionally labile women with frequent mood swings;
  • polyps in the nasal cavity;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • spicy dishes;
  • stress and strong emotional experiences;
  • various tumors.

Common causes of rhinitis in humans

In "ordinary" people, the causes of a runny nose are as numerous and varied as in pregnant women. These include all the same factors:

  • bacterial and viral infections (various SARS);
  • hypothermia;
  • allergic reaction to various irritants;
  • nervous and endocrine pathology;
  • surgical interventions in the nasal cavity, trauma;
  • passion for vasoconstrictors;
  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa (chemical production and other harmful working conditions);
  • displacement of the nasal septum;
  • “special” climatic conditions (for example, increased dryness);
  • adenoids and polyps;
  • decrease in the body's defenses.

In its development, the disease goes through 3 stages. On the first, there are no reflex discharges from the nose, and upon examination, the mucous membrane is pale and dryish. On the second - catarrhal, rhinorrhea appears - an abundant discharge of watery-transparent mucus, and the nasal mucosa is bright red. At the third - final stage, dense and thick discharges appear, the so-called "snot", which become yellow or green.

Bloody discharge, or even bleeding, is characteristic of atrophic rhinitis. What is associated with withering and damage to the nasal mucosa.


The manifestations of the disease, as well as the causes, are very diverse. The main signs of rhinitis include (it is not at all necessary that all will appear at once, a combination of two or three symptoms is possible, followed by the addition of the rest):

  • it is noted that the nose is blocked, the voice becomes deaf, as if speaking through cotton wool;
  • persistent sniffling associated with nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, especially aggravated during exercise and in a horizontal position (usually characteristic of late pregnancy);
  • it becomes difficult to breathe, which only worsens the mood;
  • rhinorrhea (mucus or thick discharge from the nose);
  • sudden rise in temperature
  • feeling of constant headache (due to breathing difficulties);
  • decreased sense of smell, that is, loss of "scent";
  • constant and frequent sneezing (irritation and swelling of the nasal mucosa);
  • decreased appetite due to impaired breathing;
  • feeling of a foreign body in the nose, the nose constantly itches;
  • disturbed sleep.

Bacterial rhinitis, as a rule, is associated with colds, and begins with the characteristic signs of SARS. Suddenly, in addition to a runny nose, the temperature rises, a cough appears, and headache and muscle pain are also possible. Runny nose is characterized by copious flow of watery discharge from the nose, which is transparent and mucous in consistency. Due to mucosal edema, shortness of breath joins, which disrupts sleep. At the final stage, the "snot" becomes viscous and yellowish-green.

In addition, rhinitis caused by bacteria or viruses is very dangerous for the unborn child. In the early stages of pregnancy, it can cause her "fading", and in the later stages lead to intrauterine fetal malformations. In the third trimester, an infectious rhinitis is fraught with intrauterine infection of the fetus.

In any case, rhinitis, no matter what origin, contributes to respiratory failure in a woman, which is fraught with the development of fetoplacental insufficiency and. In the future, these complications of pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortion or premature birth, or birth.

Treatment of rhinitis during gestation

You should not rely on "folk wisdom" that claims that with treatment, a runny nose goes away in a week, and in the absence of treatment in just 7 days. A runny nose during pregnancy is not only possible, but also needs to be treated, since it does not cause any inconvenience to the woman, how much it is dangerous for the unborn baby. But in no case should you self-medicate, many of the usual drugs for rhinitis are contraindicated for pregnant women. Therefore, the solution to the problem should begin with a visit to the doctor, it is he who will determine the form of the common cold and recommend effective therapy.

Cold drops

When rhinitis appeared, many rush to the "magic wand", that is, special preparations - drops in the nose. Before starting the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy, you need to consult with your doctor which drops you can and how to apply them. Drugs with a vasoconstrictive effect are strictly prohibited, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The most common ones are:

  • naphthyzine;
  • naphazoline;
  • galazolin;
  • oxymetazoline and others.

Undoubtedly, vasoconstrictor drops have a good effect, and in just a few minutes they eliminate the “flood” from the nose. But pregnant women should not use them for several reasons:

  • the vasoconstrictive effect also extends to the placental vessels, which means that the spasm of the blood vessels in the placenta inhibits the delivery of oxygen to the fetus, which will cause its hypoxia;
  • these drops cause rapid addiction, therefore, they become ineffective after a short time, which requires an increase in the dosage of the drug, which means it exacerbates fetal hypoxia;
  • drops can increase blood pressure, especially in pregnant women, whose pressure is labile and prone to increase (usually in 2-3 trimesters);
  • vasoconstrictor drops due to vasospasm in the nose dry out the mucous membrane of both the nose and the nasopharynx, which makes it susceptible to infections.

With a significantly pronounced rhinorrhea, the doctor may prescribe drugs with a vasoconstrictive effect, but only for a short time (no more than 3 days), at night (if necessary, up to 2-3 times a day). These are children's drops Nazol Baby or Nazol Kids, which include phenylephrine, which is less dangerous during gestation than the above drugs.

It is allowed to drip into the nose the drug Pinosol, consisting of pine oils, and. This drug facilitates breathing, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, accelerates the healing of the nasal mucosa and is absolutely safe during the period of gestation.

Nasal lavage

The procedure for washing the nasal passages has a very good effect. During this procedure, mucus, dust and other foreign particles, as well as microbial agents, are removed from the nose. For washing, you can use saline or preparations that include sea salt (Humer and Dolphin, Aquamaris and, Salin and Marimer). Preparing saline solutions for washing at home is not recommended, as it is very difficult to comply with the dosage. But it is allowed to wash the nose (brew 1 tablespoon in a liter of boiling water and insist for an hour, strain and cool to room temperature).

Thermal treatments

Of the thermal procedures, warming up the nose has proven itself well. 2 boiled eggs wrapped in a cloth are applied to the wings of the nose on both sides, bags with heated pebbles, sand or salt. This method increases blood circulation in the nasal mucosa, which improves blood flow and thins the mucus. As a result, the nasal passages are cleared, and breathing becomes easier. But it is forbidden to warm the nose in case of elevated temperature.

You can also warm your feet, but in a “dry” way. That is, in case of a cold, a pregnant woman should walk in woolen socks.


No less effective are steam inhalations, which should also be performed at normal temperatures. 10-15 drops of eucalyptus, peppermint, or tea tree oil are added to boiling water. Covering your head with a towel, you need to breathe in steam for 5 to 7 minutes. You can use medicinal herbs (chamomile, wild rosemary, mint or sage) or breathe over boiled potatoes or potato peels.

But it is advisable to carry out the procedure using a nebulizer (the composition of the solution will be prescribed by the doctor).

Drinking regimen and nutrition

It is very important for the described disease to observe the drinking regimen. Abundant discharge from the nose is a loss of fluid, which is very dangerous during pregnancy. The amount of fluid you drink should be at least two liters per day. Preference should be given to herbal teas and infusions (chamomile tea,), fruit drinks (cranberries, currants), still water and milk.

You also need to rethink your diet. It is necessary to exclude spicy dishes and seasonings, possible food allergens (honey, citrus fruits, nuts).

Folk remedies

Folk remedies that are safe during pregnancy and quite effective are widely used in the fight against the common cold:

Onion and garlic

You can simply chop an onion and a few cloves of garlic and inhale the vapors, which contain phytoncides that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. You can use these vegetables for steam inhalation (dip onion and garlic into boiling water), or squeeze out the juice, dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1 and instill a few drops into each nostril three times a day.

Carrots and beets

Squeeze finely grated carrots or beets through gauze or strain through a strainer, and dilute the resulting juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. Prepared drops are instilled into the nose up to 4-5 times a day (up to 6-8 drops).

Soda-tannin drops

To prepare these drops, add 1 teaspoon of black tea to a glass of boiling water, and then evaporate the resulting infusion over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Strain the broth, add a teaspoon of soda. The resulting product is dripped into the nose a few drops three times a day.

horseradish root

On a fine grater, grate horseradish root and apple in a ratio of 1: 2, add a teaspoon of sugar and stir. The resulting vitamin mixture is taken 1 teaspoon twice a day. The mixture has a decongestant effect, which means it improves breathing. In addition, this mixture stimulates the immune system.

Self massage

It will help to cope with nasal congestion and self-massage of reflex zones. You should simultaneously massage (light circular pressure) the bridge of the nose and the area under the nose. It is also allowed to tap the nasal bone on both sides, massage the maxillary sinuses (infraorbital region) and the area above the eyebrows.

Vitamin infusion

To stimulate the immune system, prepare a vitamin infusion. Mix 2 tablespoons and pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. Strain and drink in several doses. The infusion is prepared several times, the general course is 5-7 days.

Viral rhinitis

In the treatment of viral rhinitis, all the methods described above are used. In addition, antiviral drugs should also be used:

  • oxolinic ointment (lubricate the nasal passages 2-3 times a day);
  • ointment Viferon (apply to the nasal mucosa three times a day);
  • dragee Derinat (consists of extracts of medicinal herbs, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect), take 2 tablets three times a day.

Treatment of allergic rhinitis

In the case of an allergic rhinitis, it is necessary, firstly, to eliminate allergens (food, flowering plants in the house, pets) as much as possible. Secondly, the methods described above are applied (rinsing the nose, inhaling with essential oils). With significant rhinorrhea, the doctor may prescribe drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect. Reception of antihistamines during the period of gestation is contraindicated, but the use of third-generation antiallergic tablets, for example, Telfast, is allowed. Or non-aggressive drugs are prescribed, such as Nazalval spray (contains mint extract) or sodium cromoglycate in the form of a spray (contraindicated in the 1st trimester).

Other procedures

  • ventilation of the room;
  • wet cleaning of housing;
  • indoor use of aroma lamps with essential oils;
  • prevent overheating of the body (aggravates the course of rhinitis);
  • correct breathing (take shallow and long breaths and exhalations, breathe smoothly and evenly);
  • during sleep, put an extra pillow (sleep half-sitting), which relieves nasal congestion:
  • avoid nasopharyngeal irritants (cigarette smoke and exhaust gases);
  • apply “star” or “Doctor Mom” balms on the wings of the nose (they help relieve swelling and nasal congestion).

Question answer

Is it possible for a pregnant woman with a runny nose to warm her legs or put mustard plasters?

How is a nasal rinse performed?

Answer: In the first 2-3 days of the disease, washings are performed up to 5-6 times a day, then their number can be reduced to 3-4 times. You can rinse the nasal passages with a syringe, a small teapot, or special devices that are attached to the preparations for washing.

What are allergy tests and can they be done during pregnancy?

Answer: Allergy testing is an intradermal introduction of allergens. After that, the local reaction is evaluated and the allergen to which the subject is sensitive is established. During pregnancy, allergic tests should not be carried out, allergic rhinitis is diagnosed by a blood test (determination of specific immunoglobulins G to certain irritants).

The doctor says that my runny nose will disappear after childbirth. How soon after giving birth will it go away?

Answer: The doctor is right, the "runny nose of pregnant women" goes away after the birth of the baby, but, of course, this takes time. As a rule, rhinitis disappears on the 7th - 10th day of the postpartum period.

How can you prevent the occurrence of an infectious rhinitis?

Answer: Firstly, avoid visiting crowded places, especially during epidemics of influenza and colds. Secondly, you should dress according to the weather, do not get cold and do not get your feet wet. If possible, avoid contact with allergens and irritants. You should also follow a balanced diet rich in vitamins. And, of course, take walks in the fresh air, avoiding polluted places.

Does a runny nose affect pregnancy" title="(!LANG:>Does a runny nose affect pregnancy">!}

Do not underestimate the danger of a runny nose for a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Rhinitis of viral origin often causes diseases such as pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, sinusitis. Drying of the nasal mucosa, a decrease in local and general immunity are additional risk factors for the development of complications.

The penetration of bacteria and viruses into the body, starting with the appearance of a runny nose, can lead to the development of fetal malformations, "fading" of pregnancy, infection of the unborn child in the last weeks of its development.

Violation of the full breathing of a pregnant woman negatively affects the supply of oxygen to the fetus. - the cause of premature birth and the birth of children with malnutrition, pathologies of the respiratory, nervous and circulatory systems.

Any condition that affects the health of a pregnant woman should be evaluated by the attending physician in order to prescribe adequate and safe treatment.

Pregnancy in women is accompanied by serious hormonal changes due to an increase in the level of estrogen and progesterone, which are necessary for bearing a child and its normal intrauterine development. In parallel, the volume of circulating blood in the woman's body increases. This affects the state and functions of many organs and systems. The result of an increase in blood volume and an increase in the level of female sex hormones is swelling and thinning of the mucous membrane of the sinuses, which leads to the formation of congestion.

In this case, the nasal mucosa becomes dry, irritated. Negative factors - dust, dry air, chemicals contained, for example, in air fresheners, only increase the swelling of the sinuses and cause a runny nose, which can accompany a woman throughout pregnancy. Congestion and flow from the nose significantly complicate breathing, reduce the supply of oxygen, the lack of which causes headaches and, moreover, negatively affects the development of the fetus. All this, together with a weakened immune system, explains the cause of frequent runny nose and colds in pregnant women.

Viral diseases are very dangerous for a pregnant woman and fetus. In the first trimester of pregnancy, miscarriages often occur precisely because of infectious diseases. Therefore, if a runny nose occurs during pregnancy in the early stages, especially accompanied by fever, cough, sore throat, which are integral companions of colds and SARS, you should immediately contact your doctor. In no case should you self-medicate, since most drugs are contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the developing fetus, adversely affect its health.

Another cause of a runny nose during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is allergies. During pregnancy, the sensitivity of the body increases significantly, so allergic rhinitis in this position is not uncommon. It is especially pronounced during the spring flowering of plants. In addition to pollen, allergies can be caused by air pollution, animal hair, cosmetics and other factors. Treatment of allergic rhinitis should also not be postponed, otherwise it will become chronic, and this is not safe for the baby, the disease can be transmitted to him.

Tumor formations, anatomical features of the nasopharynx, adenoids, polyps, nasal trauma, stress and depression, diseases of the cardiovascular system, prolonged treatment with certain medications, chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis) can also lead to the appearance of a runny nose.

Since it is in the first trimester that the main organs and systems of the fetus are laid, any medication is taken only in extremely severe cases. Therefore, it is recommended to start the treatment of a runny nose with folk remedies that have practically no contraindications and do not pose a threat to the baby and his mother.

Runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

The second trimester is considered the calmest period of pregnancy, when the child is already sufficiently formed, his body is a little stronger and adapted. A runny nose in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy no longer poses a threat of miscarriage, since the formed placenta can protect the baby from adverse factors, but nevertheless, rhinitis carries no less threat to the fetus. And this is due primarily to mucosal edema against the background of hormonal changes, which causes congestion, shortness of breath and oxygen starvation.

Oxygen deficiency can cause a number of different pathologies in the fetus:

    The lack of oxygen (hypoxia) has a negative effect on the brain and nervous system, which actively develops in the second trimester. As a result of hypoxia, a child may be born with pathologies associated with nervous and brain activity;

    Fetoplacental insufficiency develops - a violation of the functions of the placenta, in which there is not sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus;

    As a result of oxygen and fetoplacental insufficiency, the child may gain weight poorly;

    The endocrine system of the child suffers, the development of which falls on the second trimester.

The big mistake many women make is that they start the treatment of the common cold on their own. Although some drugs are allowed for use in the second trimester (and then in a child's form and at a minimum dosage), they should be taken under the strict supervision of a gynecologist and only after tests have been carried out to determine the causes of the disease. As in the first trimester, you can not take vasoconstrictor drugs. And some medicines for the common cold and colds, most often causing it, can lead to a weakening of the tone of the uterus and miscarriage.

Also, the danger to the child lies in the risk of infection through the placenta if the baby's mother has to breathe through her mouth due to nasal congestion. Viruses enter the bronchi and lungs, are absorbed into the blood, causing infectious intoxication, which cannot but affect the development of the child.

A runny nose can accompany a woman both in early and late pregnancy. One of the side effects of rhinitis is a lack of oxygen due to swelling and nasal congestion. As in the previous two trimesters, in the last weeks of pregnancy with a runny nose, there is also a danger of oxygen deficiency and its consequences for the fetus.

In addition, in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the development of a runny nose caused by viruses is fraught with:

    Infection in the amniotic fluid, infection of the child before childbirth, this can lead to the fact that the child is born infected;

    Aging of the placenta, which leads to a weakening of its protective functions and more free entry of harmful substances, for example, components of drugs, to the fetus;

    premature birth;

    Negative effect on milk production after childbirth.

Thus, a runny nose in late pregnancy and the colds that caused it do not directly affect the development and formation of the fetus, since it is already formed, but can lead to infection and the birth of an unhealthy child.

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor for any change in the body, even with a slight runny nose, to follow disease prevention measures throughout the entire period of gestation, as well as regularly undergo a routine examination, take the necessary tests, which will allow timely detection of the inflammatory process that has begun and prevent the development of the disease. Fresh indoor air, regular wet cleaning, frequent walks, no stress, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle will help keep the unborn baby and his mother healthy.

Is a runny nose dangerous during pregnancy for the fetus?

To answer the question of how a runny nose affects the unborn child, you need to understand that the most dangerous is a runny nose during pregnancy caused by colds and viral diseases, since there is a risk of infection of the fetus and the development of pathologies. To prevent these consequences, it is necessary to eliminate the infection. This requires taking antibacterial drugs, which are undesirable during pregnancy, especially in the first and second trimesters, when important organs are formed and develop in a child.

Infectious diseases threaten not only with swelling of the nasal mucosa, as mentioned above, but can also provoke a thickening of the walls of the placenta, as a result of which the child will receive an insufficient amount of nutrients and oxygen. Such a negative impact on the fetus leads to a lag in its development and growth, and in the first trimester of pregnancy it can lead to miscarriage. In addition, viral diseases are often accompanied by an increase in body temperature, which disrupts metabolism and blood circulation. A woman at a temperature loses her appetite, eats less food, therefore, the child receives less nutrients, which will certainly affect his growth. In addition, viruses affect not only the nasopharynx and respiratory tract, but also the bronchi and lungs, causing inflammation. In response to this, a cough appears, debilitating the already weakened body of a woman.

So, a runny nose, first of all, is dangerous because a woman experiences difficulty in breathing, and this limits the supply of oxygen and leads to fetal hypoxia. A runny nose makes it difficult to breathe, prevents the flow of oxygen, which causes dizziness, increased pressure, due to which a pregnant woman may experience weakness, constant fatigue, loss of strength. This is due to a decrease in efficiency, drowsiness, bad mood, nervousness.

How to treat a runny nose during pregnancy?

So, how to treat a runny nose during pregnancy, and, most importantly, how? Choosing among the many remedies intended for the treatment of the common cold during pregnancy, preference should be given to the safest, for example, alternative methods. In any case, taking medications should be carried out on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision. If it is not possible to visit a doctor now, you can use the following recommendations for emergency relief of the condition.

Drops and sprays from the common cold during pregnancy

When choosing such drugs, care must be taken, since the action of almost all drugs is based on a vasoconstrictor effect. The wrong choice or overdose of medication can adversely affect the health of a woman and her unborn child.

During pregnancy, drops and spray Pinosol are recommended to be used no more than 7 days in any trimester.

Composition: Pinosol contains fir, menthol and eucalyptus essential oils, vitamin E, thymol.

Pharmacological properties: the drug, created on the basis of natural substances of plant origin, has a local anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Drops and spray relieve swelling of the mucosa and reduce the viscosity of the separated secret.

Indications: Pinosol is used in the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx with increased dryness of the mucosa.

, individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects: burning and hyperemia of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, swelling and itching.

During pregnancy, use of Nazivin is allowed only at the dose recommended by the manufacturer. The drug in the form of drops or spray is used in cases where the benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus.

Composition: oxymetazoline hydrochloride (main active ingredient), water, citric acid, sodium citrate, glycerol 85%.

Pharmacological properties: nasal drops and spray Nazivin Sensitiv belong to the group of vasoconstrictor drugs.

Indications: runny nose with viral or colds, rhinitis of any origin, otitis media, eustachitis.

Contraindications for use: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, atrophic rhinitis, glaucoma.

Side effects: burning, sneezing, dry mucous membranes, drug-induced rhinitis with prolonged use. Perhaps tachycardia, headache.

Nasic nasal spray has not been tested for reproductive toxicity and is therefore not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Composition: xylometazoline hydrochloride, dexpanthenol, water, excipients.

Pharmacological properties: 2-3 minutes after use, it constricts blood vessels, normalizes nasal breathing, and stimulates the regeneration of the nasal mucosa.

Indications: rhinitis with acute respiratory infections, vasomotor and allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis.

Contraindications for use: lactation, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis.

Side effects appear extremely rarely.

It should be borne in mind that the drug has a systemic vasoconstrictive effect, so it is taken only according to the doctor's indications.

Composition: Vibrocil drops and spray contain phenylephrine, dimethindene maleate, water, lavender oil, excipients.

Pharmacological properties: eliminates mucosal edema, has a local vasoconstrictive effect, exhibits an antihistamine effect.

Indications: all types of rhinitis except fetid atrophic, sinusitis, acute otitis media.

Contraindications for use: high sensitivity to the components of the drug, atrophic rhinitis.

Side effects: mild burning and dryness of the nose.

Ointments from the common cold during pregnancy

The use of ointments allows you to act pointwise on the foci of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

During pregnancy, Evamenol ointment is used in the dosage prescribed by the manufacturer. Its components do not penetrate the placental barrier, do not have a teratogenic effect.

Composition: eucalyptus oil, levomenthol, vaseline.

Pharmacological properties: components of the ointment stimulate the receptors of the nasal mucosa, have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects

Indications: acute and chronic rhinitis.

Contraindications for use: children under 2 years of age, hypersensitivity to eucalyptus oil, menthol.

Side effects: an allergic reaction is possible.

During pregnancy, a doctor's consultation is needed to clarify the correct therapeutic regimen, the use of an ointment does not harm the process of bearing a child.

The drug belongs to homeopathic medicines.

Composition: calendula, witch hazel, esculus, menthol, zinc oxide, petroleum jelly.

Pharmacological properties: has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and drying effect. Ointment improves microcirculation of tissues, accelerates their regeneration.

Indications: vasomotor rhinitis.

Contraindications for use: hypersensitivity to the components of the ointment.

Side effects: extremely rare allergic reactions.

Nasal lavage during pregnancy

The washing procedure has a positive effect on the condition of the nasopharynx. As a result of irrigation of the nose, microbes, mucus, and dust are removed from it. The mucous membrane is moistened when the surrounding air is dry, the crusts in the nose soften.

Dolphin is offered to the consumer in the form of a set of sachets with a mineral herbal remedy and an inhaler. It is an antiviral and antimicrobial agent.

Composition: sea ​​salt, rosehip extract, sodium bicarbonate, licorice extract. Patients with a history of allergies are offered a slightly modified composition of the drug Dolphin, which does not contain herbs.

Pharmacological properties: stops swelling of the inflamed mucosa by removing viruses and microbes from the nasopharynx, eliminates mucus, restores airway patency, regenerates tissues, accelerates the outflow of mucus from the sinuses.

Indications: runny nose, otitis, sinusitis, inflammatory diseases of the pharynx, sinusitis, rhinosinusitis.

Contraindications for use: complete nasal congestion, tumors of any etiology, predisposition to nosebleeds, children under 4 years of age.

Side effects: nosebleed, eustachitis.

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the use of Aquamaris.

Composition: sterilized water of the Adriatic Sea, rich in salts and trace elements, ordinary sea water.

Pharmacological properties: relief of inflammation, stimulation of local immunity, softening of crusts and excretion of waste products of bacteria, regeneration of nasopharyngeal tissues.

Indications: allergic rhinitis in pregnant and lactating women, nasopharyngeal diseases, prevention and treatment of viral infections.

Contraindications for use: obstruction of the nasal passages, allergy to the components of the drug, predisposition to nosebleeds, neoplasms in the nasal cavity.

Side effects: local allergic reactions.

Composition: sterile isotonic sea water.

Pharmacological properties: the drug has a local cleansing and moisturizing effect, relieves irritation of the nasal mucosa, facilitates breathing.

Indications: prevention and treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx, sinuses, allergic rhinitis.

Contraindications for use: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects: in rare cases, allergic reactions, mucosal hyperemia.

During pregnancy, Salin is used in any trimester after consulting a doctor.

Composition: isotonic 0.65% sodium chloride solution, additional substances, purified water.

Pharmacological properties: used to eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa, has an anti-inflammatory effect, softens dry crusts and thins mucus, facilitates nasal breathing. Nasal spray Salin allows you to reduce the dosage of vasoconstrictor drugs, acts as an antiviral and antifungal agent, improves the sense of smell.

Indications: infectious, allergic and atrophic rhinitis, increased dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Contraindications for use:: pulmonary or cerebral edema, hyperkalemia, hyperchloremia, hyperhydration, cardiac or.

Side effects missing

Miramistin does not penetrate into the systemic circulation, therefore it is not dangerous for a pregnant woman and her unborn child, and does not have a toxic effect.

The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of antiseptics.

Composition: Miramistin, purified water.

Pharmacological properties: Miramistin solution has a bactericidal effect on bacteria, pathogenic fungi, viruses. The drug accelerates tissue regeneration, stimulates local immunity, prevents infection of the mucosa, stops inflammatory processes.

Indications: treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.

Contraindications for use: hypersensitivity to the main active substance.

Side effects: extremely rarely allergic reactions, burning at the site of application.

There are several drugs called "Asterisk". This is a spray, nasal drops based on Xylometazoline and a Vietnamese balm based on a composition of essential oils. Spray and nasal drops belong to the group of vasoconstrictor drugs.

Indications for the use of "Asterisk": allergic and viral rhinitis, sinusitis, inflammatory diseases of the pharynx. Contraindications: allergy to drug components, arterial hypertension, thyrotoxicosis, atrophic rhinitis,.

During pregnancy, the use of balm, spray and nasal drops "Asterisk" is not recommended. These restrictions are caused by the vasoconstrictive properties of Xylometazoline, as well as the high likelihood of an allergy to the essential oils of the balm.

It is not at all easy to find folk recipes that are safe for the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn child.

However, some methods can still be resorted to:

    Inhalation of vapors of chopped onions and garlic;

    Instillation into the nasal passages of onion or garlic juice, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1, is carried out 3 times a day;

    Instillation into the nose of the juice of beets or carrots, diluted in water 1: 1, 5-6 times a day, 7-8 drops;

    Instillation into the nose of a solution from the infusion of black tea evaporated for 15 minutes (1 tsp per glass of boiling water) and 1 tsp. soda food. The agent is dripped 3 times a day, 2-3 drops;

    Reception of a vitamin mixture of grated horseradish root and apple in a ratio of 1: 2 with the addition of a teaspoon of sugar. The mixture is taken 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

Self-massage of the bridge of the nose, the reflex zone under the nose, above the eyebrows and points on the posterolateral surface of the neck will help reduce discomfort and nasal congestion.

Aloe during pregnancy from a cold. Aloe should not be used to treat a runny nose in women who are expecting a baby, since the active substances in the juice of this plant increase the tone of the uterus. This circumstance can lead to premature birth, spontaneous abortion in the early stages of pregnancy.

Kalanchoe juice is considered a very effective remedy for the common cold. However, during pregnancy, such recipes should be treated extremely selectively. Firstly, an allergy to Kalanchoe juice may appear. Secondly, the action of drops from the juice of this plant causes intense sneezing, which does not always have a positive effect on the well-being of a woman and her child.

If a pregnant woman is not afraid of such side effects, she can prepare drops from Kalanchoe.

Cooking sequence:

    Rinse and dry the leaf of the plant, place it in the refrigerator for 5 days.

    Grind the leaf into gruel, send in the refrigerator for another 2 days.

    Squeeze the juice through a sterile gauze.

    Bury in each nostril 3 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 10 days.

The appearance of a runny nose in pregnant women is not necessarily due to a viral infection, although among more than 200 types of rhinoviruses there are those that cause acute respiratory infections without fever. In addition, allergies or elevated estrogen levels can be the cause of a runny nose without fever. This phenomenon is called vasomotor rhinitis of pregnant women.

A runny nose without fever can be caused by excessive dryness in the room, when the secretion of mucus in an increased amount is a protective reaction of the body to an unfavorable microclimate. In addition, the causes of a runny nose during pregnancy can be stress, tumors of the upper respiratory tract and violations of their structure.

As preventive measures, you need:

    Walk in the fresh air as often as possible, ventilate the room several times a day, carry out wet cleaning in the house every day;

    To prevent colds, you should take vitamins throughout pregnancy and monitor your diet;

    Hypothermia should not be allowed;

    In the cold season, when an epidemic of respiratory diseases occurs, you should use oxolin ointment before leaving the house, and it is better to refrain from visiting public places.

And remember, if there are signs of a runny nose and other symptoms of infectious diseases during pregnancy, you should immediately seek the advice of a doctor.

Education: In 2009 he received a diploma in the specialty "Medicine" at Petrozavodsk State University. After completing an internship at the Murmansk Regional Clinical Hospital, he received a diploma in the specialty "Otorhinolaryngology" (2010)

Runny nose during pregnancy 2nd trimester: how to treat? This issue must be approached as responsibly as possible. During this time, the already fully formed fetus begins to actively grow and gain weight. His condition still depends on the physical and emotional state of the mother.

Unfortunately, it is very easy to catch a cold, especially in autumn and spring. At this time, the viruses and bacteria that cause this disease function especially rapidly. But not everything that a woman coped with this disease before will be suitable during childbearing. It is necessary to choose drugs that will be harmless to the developing new life. Therefore, even a mild cold is considered a potential threat to the well-being of the baby, especially during the period of development from 13-26 weeks.

A more difficult problem is allergy-induced runny nose during pregnancy, since it is eliminated by taking completely different medications. Most of them have a long list of contraindications and side effects.

What treatments are contraindicated

Since a pregnant woman is concerned not only about herself, but also about the well-being of the unborn child, some treatments will have to be excluded or used only in a difficult situation and with the permission of the attending physician.

It is impossible to treat a runny nose in the second trimester of pregnancy with antibiotics: there is a risk of losing a child due to dysbacteriosis.

The fetus also does not tolerate sudden and significant temperature changes around it. Therefore, it is contraindicated for pregnant women not only to soar the whole body, but also to take foot warming baths. Rubbing with alcohol is also not recommended.

If a runny nose causes a strong increase in body temperature, then you can knock it down if it has risen above 38 ° C. Not all vasoconstrictor drops designed to relieve nasal congestion will harm a baby. But before you start using anything, you should get a doctor's permission.

The use of pharmaceutical preparations for the common cold

Common methods of dealing with a runny nose include drops and sprays. Most of the drops will not get rid of rhinitis during pregnancy. The results of their frequent use include addiction, drying of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, the possibility of a significant increase in pressure in the arteries, which can contribute to the development of oxygen deficiency in a child. Therefore, in case of rhinitis, drops made on the basis of natural oils are preferable. A common drug with this composition is Pinosol.

When it is the doctor who prescribes the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, nothing threatens the baby. The use of any sprays is not reliable, as some of these drugs have not passed the necessary tests for side effects. These drugs can cause the same undesirable effects for the body as drops. Therefore, in case of urgent need, the doctor may prescribe Vibrocel, which includes lavender oil.

The third type of medicines applicable for rhinitis are ointments. Since they act directly on the affected area, cases of getting used to them are extremely rare. They are used more often than other drugs. When symptoms of rhinitis appear, the doctor may advise the use of Evamenol, based on eucalyptus, petroleum jelly and levomenthol, or Fleming, which consists of bactericidal and anti-inflammatory substances.

An effective procedure is considered to be washing the nose with Aquamaris, Salin, Humer or Dolphin. These funds well remove the infection from the nasal cavities. They are so safe that they are recommended for treatment not only for pregnant women, but also for young children.

Nose washing techniques are also different:

  1. We pass the solution through one nostril with excretion through the mouth. The second one is stuck.
  2. Tilt your head back and inject the product with a syringe without a needle.
  3. If the sinuses are so clogged that they practically do not let the liquid through, you can simply drip a little money inside.

During the period of bearing a child and subsequent breastfeeding, the use of medicines should be treated with extreme caution. The consequences of uncontrolled treatment may be the birth of a child with genetic abnormalities or congenital diseases.

Treatment of the common cold with folk remedies

Since drug treatment in general is used very carefully in the treatment of pregnant women, the first place in the appearance of any ailment is given to procedures based on the action of natural products or medicinal herbs. But before starting therapy, you still need to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Inhalations are often considered a good remedy for the common cold. Procedures using eucalyptus or calendula have shown great effectiveness. Inhalations are recommended every 2-3 hours. First, boil water with one of the types of medicinal herbs and then inhale the vapors for up to half an hour. It is important not to burn the nasal mucosa when performing this procedure. Inhalations with onions and garlic are considered effective. Only the mixture is placed in a teapot and inhaled through each nostril in turn. The duration of the procedure is determined by about 3-4 days.

Proper and balanced nutrition becomes even more important during illness. Therefore, when symptoms of the disease appear, it is worth eating more low-fat broths, soups and sour-milk products.

With a cold with a runny nose, drinking plenty of water is recommended. Preference should be given to tea with lemon. Recommended for use are decoctions of berries rich in vitamin C (rose hips, lingonberries or cranberries). Useful for a woman's body in position will be dry fruit compote or alkaline mineral water. All this contributes to the removal of viruses and microbes from the body with maximum comfort for the fetus. The only side effect of such therapy may be the appearance of edema, so the difference in incoming and outgoing fluids should be controlled. In case of detection of symptoms of edema or preeclampsia, you should make an appointment with the doctor. It is not worth prescribing diuretics for yourself.

Since most of the drops sold in the pharmacy are not focused on the safety of the unborn child in the treatment of the common cold, it is possible to prepare natural drops at home. For the treatment of rhinitis, 2 drops of freshly squeezed carrot juice are dripped into the sinuses. Beetroot juice also helps to cope with a runny nose. Drops obtained from carrot-apple juice or a decoction of medicinal herbs are considered an effective remedy. Maximum dose: 3-6 drops three times a day.

Although most warming methods are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, methods to retain body heat are still necessary. If you have a cold, keep your feet warm by wearing woolen socks. The sinuses of the nose are heated with an egg or soda in special bags.

Do not forget a simple and free remedy for many diseases. Fresh air and sunlight can also kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Therefore, make sure to regularly ventilate the room and give the sun's rays the opportunity to warm your home. Put a pillow on the bed a little higher because it will make it easier to breathe. A good sleep will help you recover.

You can rinse your nose not only with formulations purchased at a pharmacy. For this procedure, use the following solution: stir 1 tsp in 1 glass of warm water. sea ​​salt or table salt with a drop of iodine. This method is not recommended for predisposition to otitis media.

Another remedy for a runny nose during pregnancy is massage. It is held with the fingers near the outer base of the nostrils. To enhance the effect, you can use the Golden Star ointment.

Rhinitis therapy should be carried out at the onset of the disease. This will be better than treating a runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester in a severe form or with complications.

How to overcome allergic rhinitis

Consider how to treat a runny nose if it was the result of an allergic reaction. The reason for the formation of this disease makes it necessary to reconsider approaches to therapy.

If a woman knows the causes of allergic rhinitis, she can make efforts to reduce exposure to the allergen and reduce the symptoms of the disease. If this is not possible, you should consult a doctor. When complaining of rhinitis, you need to explain the cause of its occurrence. Only then, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the development of the fetus inside the womb, can the doctor prescribe one of the anti-allergic drugs. It could be Zodak, Zirtek and others like them.

Even a slight runny nose during the second trimester of pregnancy is serious and requires treatment. During this period of time, a woman should reconsider her approaches to the fight against the disease. She should not make decisions in this matter without first consulting her doctor.

Since most drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, the main focus is on products based on natural ingredients. These include inhalations on medicinal herbs, drops made from vegetable juice. The most ordinary things become important for recovery during this period: good nutrition, plenty of drink, sunlight, fresh air and sound sleep. All this will be a good prevention for the health of the mother and her unborn baby.

Almost every pregnant woman during the period of bearing a baby is sure to face such a problem as a runny nose. People say: "If a runny nose is not treated, it goes away in seven days, and if treated, then in a week." But during pregnancy, let it take its course, even such a seemingly harmless disease is not worth it. And of course, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its appearance and rather begin its treatment.

Information is the most common upper respiratory tract disease among people of all ages.


The causes of nasal congestion during pregnancy are absolutely no different from those outside of it.

  • . The appearance of a runny nose may be the first sign of the onset of an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI). Unfortunately, during pregnancy, this is facilitated by the suppression of cellular immunity in the body of a woman. And then the expectant mother becomes an easy "target" for viruses and bacteria;
  • . It's spring outside, poplar fluff, a lot of freshly blooming flowers, and you have a stuffy nose? Then there is the place to be - seasonal allergic rhinitis. If house dust or the smell of paint is causing you to have a runny nose and difficulty breathing, then year-round allergic rhinitis has not been avoided;
  • Non-allergic and non-infectious rhinitis. Very often, from the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman has problems with nasal breathing, sometimes they continue until the very birth, and disappear only a few days after them. This is the so-called. It occurs due to the fact that the body of pregnant women actively produces estrogen, which affects the increased production of mucus and provokes swelling of tissues, including the nasal mucosa. An increase in the volume of circulating blood and fluid in the body of a pregnant woman towards the end of pregnancy can also contribute to the occurrence of nasal breathing disorders.


Symptoms are most pronounced and are accompanied by a violation of nasal breathing (due to mucosal edema), watery transparent or mucous discharge from the nose at the beginning of the disease and yellow-green - at the end. But if these symptoms of the disease were added, such as sore throat, cough, headache, fever, then you absolutely fell ill with an acute respiratory infection. Treatment must begin immediately. Because the infection can be dangerous for the further full development of the baby.

In the event that a pregnant woman paid attention to the fact that she only occurs in certain situations, accompanied by continuous sneezing and copious streams of discharge from the nose, we can assume the nature of this phenomenon. But such a diagnosis requires special diagnostics, so a visit to a specialist is mandatory.

manifested by a constant feeling of nasal congestion and poor discharge, causes no small discomfort during wakefulness, and can also disturb sleep. Does not require special treatment. However, you definitely need to help yourself start breathing normally by choosing the most appropriate method, not forgetting to start with the safest one.


If the cause of a runny nose is an infection that has affected the entire body, then you should not delay treatment, which should be strictly controlled by a doctor. With almost any infection, there is a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus, the risk of developing placental insufficiency and fetal malformations.

Additionally Hormonal rhinitis, accompanied by constant nasal congestion and causing difficulty in breathing in the mother, to one degree or another causes fetal hypoxia.

Rhinitis itself, if left untreated, can be complicated by the following diseases: sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, otitis media.

Runny nose treatment

It is best to start treating a runny nose during pregnancy with the safest and most harmless methods, but they can only help well if they are used early.

This procedure helps to clear the nasal passages of mucus and dust particles, allowing you to fight infection more effectively. When washing the nose, it is best to use warm saline, sea salt solution, or herbal infusions, such as chamomile.

This procedure should be carried out 5-6 times a day for the first couple of days, then you can reduce the number of procedures to 3-4 times a day. At the end of washing, it is recommended to drip medicinal oils into the nose that have a softening effect on the mucous membrane (for example, sea buckthorn or peach), 1-2 drops in each nasal passage.

Improve the discharge of discharge from the nose, help clear the nasal passages. For inhalation, you can use an infusion of chamomile or add eucalyptus leaves to warm water. Steam inhalations are allowed only if your body temperature is within the normal range!

Using two boiled eggs or a bag of warm salt, you can warm the nose on both sides, this promotes blood flow, the discharge becomes more liquid, the sinuses are cleared. This procedure is also better not to carry out at elevated body temperature!

The first thing everyone thinks about! But during pregnancy, vasoconstrictor drugs, such as Naphthyzin, Galazolin, etc., cannot be used! There is a possibility that they will narrow the vessels not only in the nose, but also in the placenta, which can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the baby. Of course, if all the methods have been tried and nothing helps, then you can resort to their use, only you need to use them strictly according to the instructions. It is allowed to instill 1-2 drops into each nasal passage, 1-2 times a day for no more than 2-3 days, and it is better to do this only at night before going to bed.

It will be much safer to use plant-based drops, for example, Pinosol. Of course, many complain that it does not help, but many are satisfied. So why not try?

With a runny nose with discharge from the nose, the body loses up to 2 liters of fluid per day. It is imperative to replenish the water reserves in the body. Fruit drinks, tea with raspberries, lemon, rosehip broth will help you with this.

Ventilating the room and humidifying the air in the room you are in will help you feel much more comfortable.

Light massage movements with your fingertips at the outer base of the nostrils will help improve nasal breathing, while you can use eucalyptus ointments, Dr. Mom or "asterisk".


A few simple rules on how not to get rhinitis:

  • Ventilate the room you are in more often;
  • Use humidifiers;
  • Dress warmly if it's cold outside;
  • Avoid contact with potential allergens (dust, powders);
  • Avoid contact with people with SARS.

Undoubtedly, a runny nose during pregnancy should not be ignored and should be treated. The most accurate cause of rhinitis will help you to establish a doctor. But no matter what caused the nasal congestion, choose for yourself the safest method of dealing with this ailment.

Runny nose during pregnancy

The female body during pregnancy already in the early stages becomes very sensitive to a variety of infections, drafts, temperature changes, dust particles, and odors. Unfortunately, a runny nose during pregnancy occurs very often. There is always an allergic component of the disease.

Rhinitis always leads to a violation of nasal breathing. The lack of oxygen during pregnancy affects the condition of the mother and fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the common cold. But it is better not to try to use conventional means. They may contain chemicals that adversely affect the fetus, the formation of internal organs and systems.

Consider how a runny nose in pregnant women affects the fetus at different times.

First trimester

The onset of pregnancy may not be immediately noticed by the woman herself. To understand where a runny nose comes from, pay attention to the constantly coughing and blowing nose environment in the store, on public transport. Man does not live in a sterile world. Viruses and bacteria are always ready to perform their insidious work. They are waiting for the right opportunity. People with reduced immunity are the first to fall ill (stress, malnutrition, chronic diseases, occupational hazards). Pregnancy is one of those factors. Obstetricians and gynecologists believe that it is necessary to prepare for the conception of a child. The best time to start pregnancy is considered early autumn, when there are a lot of vegetables and fruits and there is time before the period of the epidemic rise in respiratory diseases.

Symptoms such as a slight runny nose, nasal congestion, increased fatigue may be signs of pregnancy. They are associated with the beginning of hormonal changes in the body. Over time, they go away on their own or continue until childbirth and do not require treatment.

In the early stages, the laying and formation of the internal organs of the fetus occurs. Thoughtless treatment of the common cold can cause miscarriage, a violation of the development of the child.

It is especially dangerous to get rubella for the first time. With this disease, a runny nose with liquid secretions is accompanied by a rash on the skin, an increase in lymph nodes.

Due to the increased vulnerability, simple rhinitis can turn into sinusitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia. Treat infectious rhinitis during pregnancy should only be agreed with the doctor.

Second trimester

A runny nose during pregnancy at the twentieth week is already less dangerous for the fetus. Its main organs and systems have already been built and are being prepared for operation. During this period, the formation of eggs occurs in girls. Therefore, the use of chemical medicinal substances by a future mother can lead to infertility of her daughter. Mandatory medical supervision of the use of drugs.

Another nuisance can be placental insufficiency of the vessels through which the fetus is nourished and oxygen is delivered. The cause of the complication is the use of drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect. The development of the nervous system of the child is disturbed.

The development of allergic rhinitis requires strict dissociation from the allergen prior to delivery. Often used for treatment, homeopathic remedies become excessive in their dosage.

The most undesirable outcome is premature birth and low fetal weight.

third trimester

Rhinitis of the mother in late pregnancy is also dangerous for the fetus, as in the early stages. The body of a woman and a child are preparing for childbirth. Viral infection during this period

  • can cause premature birth;
  • causes aging of the placenta and deprives the fetus of the necessary nutrition and protection;
  • contributes to the appearance of unclear allergic reactions;
  • violates hormonal preparation for the production of breast milk;
  • enters the amniotic fluid and causes disease of the fetus.

A runny nose during pregnancy from 37 weeks requires frequent monitoring of urine tests, and for a period of 38 weeks, the preparation and management of childbirth are associated with an indispensable separation of the child from the mother. A mother's illness can cause a severe respiratory tract infection in a child because the baby is completely defenseless. Women with cold symptoms are isolated in a separate room or department of the maternity hospital. The best thing is to cure a runny nose before childbirth.

Some people think that the mother passes on her ready-made immunity to the newborn, but this is not so. Maternal immune cells provide the necessary information to fetal cells for the learning process, early recognition of allergens in the "friend or foe" system. This is what the baby's immune system does in the first months of life.

Chronic runny nose

With a prolonged and severe runny nose during pregnancy, the most common causes should be excluded:

  • untreated foci of infection in the throat (chronic tonsillitis), in the oral cavity (carious teeth, stomatitis, inflammation of the gums), in the nasopharynx (adenoids, chronic sinusitis);
  • mechanical obstacles to the outflow of mucus (curvature of the nasal septum, tumors of the nose);
  • chronic allergic rhinitis associated with a specific allergen or unclear etiology;
  • the influence of occupational hazards (dust and gas contamination of the workplace, strong odors, temperature changes);
  • the presence of vegetovascular reactions of the nervous system (to stress, work at night, chronic diseases);
  • long-term use of any drugs.

Of course, it is better to do this before pregnancy. Doctors find themselves in a difficult situation when a woman comes to an appointment no longer at an early date with a long, unclear runny nose. It is necessary to conduct all examinations based on clinical data. X-ray examination of the maxillary sinuses is contraindicated. An allergic reaction with antigens can look very paradoxical during pregnancy. In the treatment of carious teeth, temporary techniques have to be used, since good anesthesia is required. Surgical treatment for adenoids and exacerbation of sinusitis is carried out only in a serious condition of a woman.

How can a runny nose be treated?

For conservative treatment, you can choose a relatively safe means without allergic components. You should always start with washing the nose with drops and sprays based on sea salt (Aqua Maris, Dolphin, Salin). For anti-inflammatory purposes, homeopathic spray Euphorbium compositum and ointment Evamenol, herbal preparation Pinosol are recommended.

It is strictly forbidden to use vasoconstrictors in the first trimester. They disrupt the nutrition of the fetus through the placenta. In the second trimester, drops can be used 1-2 times a day (at night), as agreed with the doctor. It is recommended to use the children's concentration of drugs.

Alternative methods help in the treatment, if allergic reactions have not been observed before. In washing the nose, you can use decoctions of calendula or chamomile. For inhalation, the usual methods are suitable (breathing over an alkaline solution, over boiled potatoes, over a chopped onion), but you should not cover your head with a towel and overheat.

The use of massage of active points is easy to master and carry out at any stage for the prevention and treatment of rhinitis.

For local heating of the nose, a boiled egg or compresses from a decoction of a bay leaf are best suited.

Any methods of treatment require a doctor's consultation and the patience of the expectant mother.

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We treat a runny nose in the second trimester of pregnancy

A runny nose in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, in terms of the nature of its course and symptoms, is practically no different from a runny nose in earlier periods. Its main specificity on these terms is in the reasons.

If in the first 12-13 weeks of gestation the leading causes of a runny nose are colds and infectious diseases, then in the second trimester hormonal changes in the body intercept the palm. The fetus needs abundant nutrition and a powerful blood flow, therefore, the blood vessels in the placenta must expand. To do this, the endocrine system produces progesterones and estrogen, an increase in the amount of which in the blood contributes to vasodilation. However, these hormones do not act pointwise on the placenta, but contribute to the expansion of blood vessels throughout the body. In the nasal mucosa, this phenomenon leads to swelling and congestion - a runny nose.

According to statistics, at 13-14 weeks of pregnancy, a runny nose without concomitant diseases occurs in 27% of women, at 20 weeks - in 30%.

The hardest thing is for women who, with pregnancy and a runny nose, also work

Such a runny nose is colloquially called hormonal, doctors call it rhinitis of pregnant women or vasomotor rhinitis.

More often than in the early stages of pregnancy, allergic rhinitis also develops in the 2nd trimester. The reason for it is often associated with the same change in the hormonal background of the expectant mother, only here, due to the release of hormones, the sensitivity of the pregnant woman to various allergens can increase, often not causing reactions outside the gestational age.

But an allergic rhinitis can also develop with a simple meeting of a future mother with an allergen, to which she always has a reaction.

You should not guess what caused the runny nose, and treat it if only with something. It is much safer to see a doctor right away.

However, a runny nose due to a common cold or a dangerous flu can also occur in the second trimester. In this case, the disease is much more dangerous for both the mother and the fetus than vasomotor rhinitis.

Consequences of the disease

In the 2nd trimester, a runny nose during pregnancy is dangerous in itself. At this time, the active formation of fetal tissues and its growth begins. A large amount of oxygen is now very important for the future baby. The mother herself, due to the inability to take normal breaths, is usually limited to chest breathing, and if the runny nose drags on for several weeks, the fetus begins to suffer from hypoxia. In conditions of lack of oxygen, developmental delays and disturbances in the formation of various organ systems are possible.

The secondary danger of a runny nose is an increased risk of contracting SARS - if the mother breathes through her mouth, the air entering the respiratory tract is less heated and cleared of the viral particles present in it. And for this reason, and in cases where the runny nose itself is a consequence of SARS, the mother may have complications of the infectious disease itself, and the virus can directly affect the fetus.

Elevated body temperature with a runny nose - a sign of acute respiratory infections

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the treatment of a runny nose is dangerous and uncontrolled by doctors. During this period, unauthorized medications can have both a teratogenic effect on the fetus, resulting in developmental anomalies or underdevelopment of individual organs or systems (most often the nervous and cardiovascular systems), and toxic effects, sometimes leading to fetal death and various forms of abortion. Moreover, the probability of this or that effect on the fetus in the second trimester is approximately the same. Therefore, as in other periods, it is necessary to treat a runny nose in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy only after consultation and under the supervision of a doctor.

According to WHO, 81% of pregnant women in different countries of the world use drugs during pregnancy, and more than half of them admitted that they took certain drugs without consulting a doctor.

The nature of the course and the clinical picture of the common cold

Depending on the reasons for which rhinitis occurs in the 2nd trimester, a runny nose can occur in different forms.

The characteristic appearance of a pregnant woman with a runny nose is a pounded and swollen nose, watery eyes

Being caused by hormonal fluctuations and not complicated by anything, a runny nose simply manifests itself in a dry nasal congestion. At the same time, there is practically no snot and sputum, and with a low level of humidity in the room, the nasal mucosa in a pregnant woman can even dry out, which is fraught with cracking.

Allergic rhinitis is usually accompanied by other manifestations of allergies - hives, tearfulness, itchy nose, profuse secretion of mucus and sneezing.

It is characteristic that at night the symptoms of a runny nose are felt more strongly. During the day, with active movement, a runny nose in mild forms may not be felt at all.

With SARS, rhinitis is manifested by an abundance of sputum in the nose and severe congestion, which does not pass even during the day. Depending on the course of the defining disease, it may be accompanied by fever, fever, pain in the muscles and head, but such symptoms are consequences of the actual viral infection. A runny nose is simply one of those consequences.

Depending on the form of a runny nose in the 2nd trimester and the causes that caused it, the doctor decides how to treat the disease.

Treatment of the common cold in the second trimester of pregnancy

Treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester usually consists in relieving symptoms and alleviating the patient's condition. In cases where possible, the causes of the disease are eliminated:

  1. With an allergic rhinitis, an allergen is detected and the pregnant woman is isolated from it;
  2. If the runny nose is caused by ARVI, if possible, the infectious disease is treated, and the runny nose disappears after the elimination of the infectious agent;
  3. In rare cases of drug-induced rhinitis, the use of the drugs that caused it is stopped.

Most often, doctors avoid prescribing drugs to pregnant women. In the 2nd trimester, standard procedures are prescribed, if the runny nose is not allergic - instillation and washing of the nasal cavity with saline solutions. These measures are harmless to the fetus and can significantly alleviate the condition of the pregnant woman up to the complete elimination of the symptoms of the common cold.

Video: Means for washing the nose in pregnant women

Indications for the treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester with the use of drugs is a severe form of the common cold with constant complete nasal congestion and a duration of more than 2 weeks, as well as bronchial asthma in a pregnant woman. In such cases, it is especially dangerous to prescribe a medicine for yourself: even an ENT chooses a drug based on its properties, the individual characteristics of the patient, the specifics of the course of the disease and his own experience.

Conditionally permitted pharmacological drugs in the 2nd trimester

All medicines designed to facilitate nasal breathing in the second trimester of pregnancy are second-line drugs and are prescribed only in cases where a runny nose complicates the condition of the pregnant woman too much, and other measures and remedies do not give a pronounced effect.

For allergic rhinitis, the drug Nazaval is used. It is injected into the nose as symptoms of a runny nose appear and continue to be used until the allergen is found and eliminated. Nazaval does not lead to vasoconstriction and does not penetrate into the blood, its function is to isolate the respiratory mucosa from the entry and absorption of allergens.

“I have been looking for a long time how to treat a runny nose in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. So I haven't found anything that gives a quick result. My runny nose started at 17 weeks and lasted a month. Not that she was very strong, but she spoke through her nose, snored at night and breathed more or less normally only on the street after a long walk. I immediately dismissed all corticosteroids, and these are all drops in the nose, Nazaval did not help me (it was not an allergy), and Aquamaris, inhalations and Asterisk alleviate the condition just a little. But in general, if you use them an hour before bedtime, it becomes a little easier. ”

Of the vasoconstrictors, doctors most often prescribe hormonal drops and polymer-based sprays to pregnant women. They contribute to the rapid removal of inflammation, but are not absorbed from the mucosa into the blood and do not lead to side effects - Altsedin, Baconase, Nasonex. These drugs quickly have the desired effect, when used for no more than 3 days, they are considered relatively safe for the fetus. Conditionally acceptable for use in the second half of pregnancy and at the end of the second trimester are conventional decongenants such as Naphthyzine, Tizin, Otrivin, Vibrocil.

Marimer line - products based on sea water

It is also allowed to use a product based on essential oils Pinosol, saline solutions Physiomer, Salin, Aquamaris and some others.

In any case, the pregnant woman herself must understand that any nasal drops and pharmacological agents in the second trimester from the common cold are used only in critical cases. Even the most experienced doctor can never guarantee the safety of even the most modern medication. If the expectant mother succeeds in facilitating the course of the disease with the help of inhalations and non-drug procedures, it is necessary to use them. Although this is more difficult than just dripping your nose, it is much safer for the unborn baby.