Bathing a newborn for the first time. How to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home - when and at what temperature. Bathing water for a newborn

After the mother and baby are discharged from the hospital and returned home, the question arises about the first bathing a newborn. How to carry out the procedure correctly, at what time and what means to use, parents have a lot of questions. The main thing is safety, so you can not leave the child alone in the room. In addition, it is advisable not to forget about a comfortable temperature, bathing should take place in water no higher than 37 degrees. Gentle touches and kind words will inspire peace and happiness, strengthen the emotional bond between mother and child.

Water temperature for bathing a newborn

The skin of a newborn is very delicate, so you need to carefully check the temperature of the bathing water. For these purposes, a thermometer is suitable, with which it will be possible to determine whether the temperature is suitable.

  • Too cold water leads to hypothermia and colds.
  • Heat expands the pores through which infections enter the body.
  • Too hot leads to burns and problems in the functioning of internal organs.

If a newborn cries while bathing, this is a signal that something is wrong, and the actions cause the baby anxiety and discomfort.

To accustom the baby to the schedule, it is enough to choose the same time for bathing the baby, for example, before bedtime. Pleasant warmth will relax and help you fall asleep soundly. It is important to wash every day and not do it afterwards - this can lead to spitting up.

In some cases, the baby cries after bathing, why this happens:

  • The wrong temperature or too cold air in the room can cause discomfort.
  • The desire to drink or are also the cause of crying.
  • Fear of the new and the unknown.
  • Colic.
  • Fatigue and stress.
  • Skin irritation.

If for bathing there are no devices for a newborn yet, then the process can be carried out in an adult bath. It can be filled completely so that the little one can freely move his arms and legs, in addition, it will cool down much more slowly.

Important! You need to know how to wash the bath before bathing the baby. For this, ordinary baking soda will do, which will destroy bacteria, dirt and leave no plaque or odor behind.

It is not necessary to constantly boil water for a newborn, this is done only in the first weeks, until the umbilical wound has healed and the baby has enough rubbing with a sponge.

How to bathe a newborn

  • Daily splashing is a mandatory item in the baby’s routine, but what to do if he fell asleep in the evening, is it possible to wake him up. If this is an isolated case, then you should not wake up the baby, but if this happens constantly, then it is preferable to adjust his regimen to include a visit to the shower room.
  • Take a bath of water (temperature +37 ºС). It is necessary to take into account the time of year and air temperature. Filling the bath with water, it is necessary to stir it periodically so that there is uniform heating. To determine the temperature, it is appropriate to use a water thermometer. The volume of water is such that it slightly covers the body, and the head is open.
  • When using decoctions of herbs or a solution of potassium permanganate, add them after filling the bath.
  • Wash your hands well with soap, remove rings, bracelets so as not to scratch the baby. Set the time for the duration of bathing the baby.
  • The baby is carefully undressed and slowly immersed in water. For a more comfortable stay in the water, you can use a diaper. Gradually getting wet, she will wrap the baby, he will be calmer, like a mother in the tummy (adaptive bathing of a newborn).
  • While bathing a newborn, the door should be slightly ajar for a more comfortable stay of the baby in the water.
  • Bathing the baby is best done together. It's safer this way, because the baby twitches actively, and sometimes soapy. if this is not possible, then you can use various devices for bathing a newborn, for example, a hammock can come to the rescue. Additionally, bathing together, when mother and father are in the bathroom with the baby, strengthens the bond between them, pacifies and makes the process more interesting.
  • Newly-made parents are afraid that the baby will not take a sip of water from the bathroom, but there is nothing to worry about.
  • Young parents wonder how to hold a newborn while bathing to make it safe and convenient. In a large bathing suit, the baby can only be supported under the head, allowing the body to hold on to itself, or to keep the fingers under the neck and armpits.
  • To prevent the baby from slipping out, you need to grab the shoulder farthest from you and hold your hand in the armpit. Back of the wrist. The other hand under the ass. In this position, lower and remove the baby from the water. After immersion in water, the legs can be left free.

How to bathe a newborn. Photo:

  • For washing, you can use a stream from the tap, how to hold a newborn - lay it on your left wrist, face up, holding the leg with your fingers, and the second to perform ablution.

How to properly hold a newborn under a faucet. Photo:

  • At first, you can carry out adaptive bathing of the baby several times, which will help you get used to the new conditions. To do this, he is wrapped in a diaper and bathed right in it, so that he plunges into a state close to being in his mother's stomach.
  • Wash the baby with your free hand: neck, chest, stomach, arms, armpits, legs, inguinal folds, back, and at the very end the head. Thoroughly rinse all folds, unclench the cams.
  • Wash the perineum very thoroughly. In girls: folds between the labia. In boys, gently wash the penis without moving the foreskin, scrotum, then the area around the anus.
  • Wash the head gently, holding it with your hand and slightly tilting it back. Pour water from the face to the back of the head. Rinse the creases behind the ears. To teach the baby to hold his breath and swim, you can already pour water from the back of the head to the forehead while bathing the newborn, using marker words "Attention" or "one two Three"(you can think of it yourself).
  • Pour the baby with the help of a bathing ladle after ablutions (the temperature in it is 1 degree lower than the water in the bath).
  • The frequency of bathing the baby does not depend on the degree of contamination; it is advisable to wash the newborn daily. At 2-3 months, there is no need to use any cream, gel, soap or shampoo, if the baby is not dirty with feces, a warm stream from the tap is enough.
  • After discharge, the child has a clothespin on the navel, and many parents doubt whether it is possible to bathe the newborn with it. It is necessary to solve this issue together with the pediatrician, if the event is decided to be held, then it is enough to adhere to the rules: heat the water to 37 degrees; boil water so as not to lead to suppuration.
    Is it possible to wet the navel and what to do if it gets wet, it is advisable to wait until it dries, gently blot with a cotton swab and smear with peroxide or brilliant green.
  • To cleanse the skin of a newborn, you can take a bathing sponge, which gently cleanses, makes a light massage and the baby will like it. It can be used alone or with baby bath.
  • If, during bathing, water gets into the baby’s ear, do not be afraid, for starters, it is placed on one side so that the liquid flows out, and then on the second. You can use cotton swabs, thanks to which you can check for dampness in the ear canals. To prevent a cold, it is advisable to put on a baby cap or hat.
  • Bath time for the first time from a few minutes to 15, as you get used to it. After a month, you can increase to 20-30 minutes.

Important! If the baby's nasolabial triangle turns blue, it is advisable to observe it. Children have a very delicate and thin dermis through which blood vessels show through, so in some cases, turning blue is a natural reaction to stress, for example, when crying for a long time. If accompanying symptoms appear, for example, wheezing when breathing or a runny nose, it is advisable to contact a pediatrician for clarification.

What you need for bathing a newborn

In addition, for the procedure, you need to prepare a room in which the newborn will be. The room should be warm, avoid drafts, but if everything goes in the bathroom, then you should leave the door open. The main thing for mother or father is to keep calm, which will be transmitted to the baby and then the event will take place without complications.

If you briefly analyze what you need to bathe a newborn baby, you get a small list.

  • You can put a sponge in the bath, which makes the process more comfortable for the baby.
  • For convenience, the container can be placed on a stand, which will allow you to adjust the height, relieve the lower back and free your palms. In addition, such a stand can be used as a dryer for things.
  • The basin is supposed to be thoroughly washed before and after ablution.
  • To communicate with a newborn, it is recommended to talk with the baby, tell various nursery rhymes, rhymes and sing songs while bathing.
  • Thermometer for water.
  • Towel and clothes for the baby.
  • Bathing facilities.
  • Products for bathing the baby.
  • A decoction of herbs or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Newborn Bathing Equipment

In some cases, a bath for bathing a baby is not the best option, because. the child starts crying and worrying. In this case, a special small bath for a newborn is suitable - this is the best option, because the baby is in a limited space, like a mother's in the stomach and feels safe.

  • Bathtub with stand makes life easier, because it will be at the right height, it will be enough just to substitute a chair and sit next to it for washing.
  • folding the design is convenient and easy to use, safe, takes up little space, you can take it with you to the country house or on a trip.

For ordinary baths, special liners will be required that will facilitate the process of washing the newborn.

Bath for bathing a newborn. Photo:

Slide for bathing a newborn

The plastic hill is convenient in application, since. the anatomical shape repeats the curves of the body, the baby sits tightly in it and this does not cause him any inconvenience, and the human palms will be free. From what age can a slide be used for bathing a newborn - from birth, because. it is safe, does not allow the baby to fall out and gives the opportunity to control the situation. There are also fabric slides for swimming - they are a metal frame on which the fabric is stretched. However, many parents prefer plastic or anatomical ones, because. they are safer, the baby does not fall out of them, does not slip.

Not so long ago, it became popular to wear a circle for babies. From how many months can you bathe a newborn in a circle - doctors advise starting to use the device from 1.5 months.

Before putting on a bathing circle around the neck of a newborn, it is useful to introduce him to him, for this you can let him touch, and then put them on. How to wear a circle:

  • carefully, spread the latches on the back;
  • put on the neck;
  • bring the parts together and adjust the fit so that there is little space left;
  • the chin should lie in a special recess.

Although it is safe to bathe a baby with a ring around his neck, it is not advisable to leave him alone in the room, even for a short period of time. Young parents are also concerned about the question of whether such a circle harms the newborn. If a quality product is chosen, then its use will only benefit, because. this improves and enhances its development.

Bathing circle for a newborn. Photo:

Hammock for bathing a newborn

In order for the hands to be free while bathing the baby, there is a hammock. It consists of a strong mesh that is attached to the structure with strong hooks and supports the baby during the entire process without restricting movement.

Bathing mattress for a newborn

For bathing in a large volume, you can use the mattress, which has an anatomical shape, perfectly floats and can withstand a child weighing from 3 to 8 kg. You can not use oil-based cosmetics while bathing the baby, and after the event, the mattress is thoroughly dried.

Bathing cap for a newborn

The cap for babies is a cotton cap on which foam liners are sewn. The essence of this dress is to support the baby's head - this will affect his ability to stay in the waves, develop the muscles of the back and limbs. However, this does not mean that the little one will not need to be supported, because he can roll over and swallow liquids.

You can buy a foam cap at any store, or you can make it yourself, it does not take much time and effort.

Cap with foam for bathing a newborn. Photo:

Collar for bathing a newborn

A collar is also suitable for bathing a baby, which is worn around the neck and keeps it afloat in a large font, pool or sea. Such a device will last up to six months and help the baby hold his head, and then his body. However, you should be careful, because the inflatable collar can be harmful, for example, if the baby learns to reach the bottom with his legs, this will lead to a lack of coordination.

Bathing bed for a newborn

Used to free the hands and make the child feel comfortable and safe. However, it is desirable to support the baby so that it does not slip and fall out. Despite the resemblance to a slide, the deck chair is soft and pleasant to the touch.

Baby bath pillow and net

For swims in a large bath, a bathing pillow is suitable for a newborn, thanks to which he will hold on, but it is not advisable to leave the child alone, because. it is easy to slip off and swallow water. For a small volume, a mesh is suitable in which the baby feels comfortable, does not slip and holds confidently.

Herbs for bathing a newborn

Pediatricians advise adding decoctions of herbs for bathing a baby.

  • - the most popular antiseptic plant that treats problems with the gastrointestinal tract, increases, fights microbes and pathogens, and is also great for bathing a newborn. It reduces inflammation, soothes the epidermis. To prepare a decoction, it is enough to pour a tablespoon of flowers with a liter of boiling water, let it brew and strain.
  • Since ancient times, parents use to bathe newborns. The grass perfectly copes with itching, inflammation and hives, it is recommended to arrange such manipulations no more than 2 times a week. To prepare a decoction, take 150 g of chopped grass, pour it out, boil, insist.
  • for bathing the baby has a beneficial effect on inflammation, irritation, the effects of diathesis and prickly heat. To prepare a tablespoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse, after which the sage infusion is filtered.
  • Due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, it is suitable for washing, because it reduces the activity of pathogenic bacteria, heals wounds, relieves muscle spasms and does not cause.
  • The decoction fights various skin diseases, relieves itching and burning. Before use, it would be appropriate to visit a doctor and obtain permission and recommendations from him. For cooking, take 2 tablespoons of flowers for 0.5 liters of boiling water, then insist.
  • Bathing a newborn in a bay leaf relieves allergic manifestations and soothes the dermis. For cooking, take 10 leaves of laurel, add boiling water to a liter and boil for 10 minutes, after infusion apply.

To normalize sleep, you can use soothing herbs for bathing a newborn.

  • Lavender pacifies the nervous system of the baby, disinfects, improves well-being and improves sleep.
  • for bathing it is also useful in the form of an infusion, because. calms arousal and normalizes sleep.

Need to know! For bathing the baby is used, which contains iodine, which means it improves the functioning of the endocrine system, reduces sweating, relieves stress and sets you up for a pleasant sleep. The temperature should not exceed 35 degrees, take 5 tablespoons of salt, after 10-15 minutes the baby is pulled out and rinsed under the tap.

Means for bathing a newborn

After bathing the baby for the first time after discharge from mom and dad, they think about whether it is necessary to use soap or shampoo. Doctors recommend using them only for cleaning dirt, for example, foam for newborns.

  • The French brand has developed a bathing gel that is suitable for use from the first days of life and is hypoallergenic. It cleanses the skin, softens it, does not dry out and does not cause irritation.
  • Weleda is a manufacturer of organic cosmetics and they have released a series of products suitable for children that soften, tune in to healthy sleep.
  • suitable for use in severely dry skin, indicated from the beginning of life. This remedy is suitable for infants with atopic dermatitis, psoriasis or other skin diseases.
  • German company Bübchen has been collaborating with pediatricians for years, collecting important information and inventing cosmetics specifically for newborns. It does not cause irritation, soothes inflammation and.
  • In addition, some practice potassium permanganate for bathing a baby, so you need to know how much to add it. How to properly dilute potassium permanganate for bathing a newborn: DO NOT throw the crystals of the substance into the bath; Place 5-7 crystals in a glass, pour hot water (does not dissolve in cold water); stir to dissolve the crystals completely; strain through cheesecloth; Check if there are any crystals on the bottom. A pink-violet solution. Gently add to the bath without a child, make sure that the water becomes evenly slightly pink. There are both opponents of this method and defenders, some argue that the solution disinfects the epidermis, promotes the healing of the umbilical wound, fights diaper rash, and others that it is poison for the child's body.

Interesting fact! Dr. Komarovsky clearly spoke out that bathing a newborn in a potassium permanganate solution does not bring much benefit, but can lead to mucosal burns and poisoning if this remedy is not properly diluted.

What to do after bathing a newborn

  • After bathing is over, gently blot the skin and wrap it in a towel with a hood or corner, which will protect the baby from colds.
  • All folds must be dried well.
  • Treat the umbilical wound.
  • After bathing, the epidermis of the baby must be smeared with something, such as cream or oil. In addition, it is important to carefully treat the baby's folds and lubricate them with powder, oil or cream to avoid diaper rash. For these purposes, ointment is well suited.
  • If the skin of a newborn flakes off after bathing, it is advisable to abandon the solution of potassium permanganate and cosmetics, and after the procedure, use oil and cream that will soften and moisturize the layers of the dermis.
  • After wiping the newborn, put on a cap, diaper and wrap in warm diapers. It must be remembered that the baby keeps the temperature for about 15 minutes. Do not remove the cap until the hair is dry.
  • Then you can feed the baby and put to sleep.

Interesting! The best advice for caring for young children before, during and after taking a bath was provided by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia in recommendations for skin care.


Regardless of which baby bathing kit parents choose, the main thing is to keep the epidermis of the newborn clean. Regular bathing of a newborn not only cleanses the skin, but also participates in the physical development of the child, as well as improving his psycho-emotional state. Water sessions relax the body, relieve colic, muscle spasms and develop.

Bathing a baby for the first time is a real holiday in a family where a baby has just been born. But in order to carry out this procedure correctly, you need to follow a certain procedure. At the first stage, there are a million questions that need to be answered.

Only after the first bath, the answers come by themselves. But still, for a responsible family, it is better to prepare for this procedure.

Bathing a newborn for the first time: how to bathe a newborn baby?

The main question that I want to answer is when can I bathe a newborn baby after the hospital? The first time you can bathe a newborn as soon as the umbilical wound heals. It will be possible to buy a baby immediately after discharge.

But the presence of an umbilical wound can complicate this process. Therefore, pediatricians advise not to rush and wait until the ass is completely healed. The risk of infection is not excluded and can be dangerous for the baby. Once the umbilical wound has healed, then the risk will disappear and it will be possible to start bathing the baby for the first time without any fear.

Bathing a newborn baby for the first time at home: what to cook?

All bath accessories for the baby are purchased before the birth of the crumbs. But if still not bought, then after the hospital, there is a little time to make purchases.

When to bathe a newborn: how to choose the time?

When choosing a time for water procedures, it is worth considering that bathing a child is best done at the same time. This will be the most important point for accustoming the baby to a certain regimen.

Bathing a child on the advice of pediatricians is best before direct feeding or bedtime. This process is due to the fact that after bathing the baby gets tired and therefore sleeps much stronger and longer. But do not forget about the personal qualities of the newborn. After all, not every child will be able to swim in the evening, there are also children who prefer to take a bath in the morning. Despite such a small age, the child understands everything, however, he cannot yet say.

The main rule is that Bathing your baby on a full stomach is not recommended.. You need to wait about an hour after feeding and only then start bathing. Water procedures act on the child quite hard and take away his strength. After the procedure, the baby is guaranteed to want to eat. Therefore, it is recommended to wait a while between these two processes, and then carry out the procedure.

How to bathe a newborn: at what temperature

It is especially important to understand at what temperature it is worth bathing a child. The temperature during swimming should not be lower than 37 degrees. Thus, an optimal comfortable environment for the child is created. If the water is cold or hot, then the baby can swim due to a sharp change in temperature.

If your home does not have a thermometer to measure the water temperature, then the parent can determine the optimal temperature in a tactile way by dipping his hand into the water. If the water is equal to body temperature, then you can safely bathe the baby. In addition, pediatricians advise gradually lowering the temperature of the water in the bathroom by several degrees in order to harden the child. It is recommended to do this carefully, for several months.. After that, sudden temperature fluctuations will not harm the baby and bring him discomfort. The first bath should be carried out at a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

The first bath of a newborn: water preparation

Our grandmothers are sure that in order to disinfect water and see all pathogens, you need to boil water before bathing a newborn. Do not trust this method too much and follow it unquestioningly. Doctors have long been assuring us that you can bathe your baby in ordinary tap water. If the child accidentally swallowed some water, then nothing terrible will happen in this case.

Among mothers and grandmothers, there is an opinion that something should be specially added to the water. It can be solutions and various herbal infusions. It is not recommended to add potassium permanganate to the bath, as it can cause burns of the mucous membrane. If water gets into the mouth and eyes of the crumbs, there may be a serious skin burn. A few decades ago, a solution of potassium permanganate disinfected water. To date, the quality of water is not so sad, so there is a need for potassium permanganate.

You can bathe a child with the addition of a variety of herbal infusions. They can be used as an anti-inflammatory and sedative. These herbal infusions include string and chamomile; lavender and oak bark; calendula and motherwort; nettle and St. John's wort.

These herbs can help get rid of diaper rash and soothe your baby. In addition, they will help improve sleep. But before using them, you need to determine the presence or absence of an allergic reaction to a particular herb. Since many of the herbs can cause a variety of rashes, redness and swelling.

How to bathe your baby for the first time

In order for the first bath to go smoothly, you need to follow a few rules.

Folk omens about bathing

In Slavic culture, many signs and beliefs can be associated with the first bath. Whether or not to believe in signs is up to you, but you can use the wisdom that has been accumulated for centuries. The first bath of a child is one of the most memorable events in the life of a family. For the first time, it may seem that the procedure is complicated.

There is a sign that for the first time after the birth of a baby, a grandmother or grandfather should bathe. In fact, it does not matter who will bathe the child. It will be easy and pleasant to go this way for the first time. The main thing is to prepare and not complicate the task. Any relatives can bathe a newborn for the first time or after a few weeks. From folk signs, you can use some options:

In order to have good lactation, a little breast milk is added to the water at the first bath. For the first time, you can redeem a child only by father and mother without anyone's help - this is a powerful amulet against the evil eye and damage. So that everyone loves the child and he grows up beautiful. Add a decoction of herbs to the bathroom lovage. In the event that the girl is dressed in a white shirt while bathing, then her skin will remain white and beautiful.

In addition to the basic things, children's cosmetics may be needed. In the first month of a baby's life, this is unlikely, but it is still necessary to prepare all the ingredients. In the second and third months of a child's life, you can buy rubber toys that will attract the attention of the baby. At a more conscious age, you will need a washcloth, as well as a bathing circle. Some mothers purchase special bathing caps so that water does not get on the baby's face.

Bathing can take place in any conditions, the main thing is that this process is comfortable for the child. Parents, grandparents should provide the newborn with everything necessary as much as possible. Proper bathing is the key to sound sleep and a good appetite. Therefore, not only the health of the child, but also the sleep of the parents will directly depend on this process. By taking care in advance and purchasing everything necessary for this process, you can be ready for bathing a newborn for the first time.

Bathing a baby is a serious procedure that should be given special attention. At first glance, it would seem that there is nothing complicated in this, but this is not entirely true. It seems to an adult that the bathing procedure is simple and uncomplicated, and a baby who has just been born into the world requires special attention.

Therefore, it is advisable for mom and dad to know in detail about the rules for bathing a newborn in order to avoid problems in the future.

Before the bathing procedure, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician on this topic. The responsibility of the pediatrician, of course, includes this moment. Having come home to the baby for the first time, the pediatrician is obliged to tell the mother in detail about the rules for bathing the child, about nutrition, and also tell about the features of walking, communicating with relatives and other important points.

When to bathe a newborn for the first time

The question of when to bathe a newborn for the first time should be discussed with the pediatrician. It depends on the condition of the baby himself and on how much the umbilical cord has healed.

Recently, as a rule, babies are allowed to bathe for the first time days after the baby arrives home from the hospital. Basically it is 5-6 days after birth.

However, often the bathing procedure takes place directly in the maternity hospital itself. But this, of course, is not a full-fledged bathing, but all just washing under the tap in the sink.

Often, the nurse shows the mother for the first time how to properly wash the baby's ass under running water. This picture seems very scary to mothers, because they have never done this. And nurses are faced with washing children every day and it is not difficult for them to hold the child over the sink.

So, when the child comes home and if everything is in order with his health, then you can start bathing the next day. If the umbilical cord heals without features and complications, then for the first two weeks the baby is bathed only in boiled water. Water must be boiled and cooled in advance. For the convenience of bathing, you must purchase a baby bath.

If the umbilical cord heals for a long time, then bathing is postponed. It is only allowed to wipe the child with wet wipes or a diaper moistened with boiled water. Wiping is necessary to remove sweat and dirt from the baby's skin.

If you neglect wiping and bathing, then skin irritation may appear, as well as diaper rash. Particular attention should be paid to the folds on the baby's body in the neck area, behind the ears and on the ass. It is there that diaper rash usually appears, if you do not lubricate hard-to-reach areas of the skin with a special cream, oil or powder.

Benefits of a baby bath:

  • less time will be spent on boiling water;
  • it is easier to wash and disinfect the bath, since its area is smaller;
  • it is more convenient for mom to stand over the bath than over the adult bath.

Preparing for a baby bath

So, a bath tub is a must buy. In addition to the bath, you will need a number of necessary things.

List of things needed for bath procedures for a newborn:

  • a thin diaper, a soft mitten instead of a regular washcloth;
  • baby head and body wash;
  • baby cream or oil for a newborn;
  • children's comb (soft) for combing the husks from the scalp;
  • a bath towel;
  • cotton swabs for ears and umbilical cord;
  • peroxide, a solution of manganese or brilliant green;
  • a toy - a rattle to distract the attention of the baby, if he suddenly becomes capricious or afraid of water;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, string);
  • ladle for dousing a child (mug);
  • thermometer for water.

All these things are very important, do not forget about it, otherwise the child can be seriously harmed if something is missed or saved on something.

Step-by-step instructions for bathing a newborn at home

In order to properly carry out the procedure for bathing a baby for the first time after birth, you must use simple rules and be guided by instructions that are specially written by experienced pediatricians. So, how to bathe a newborn baby for the first time at home:

Every child is different and applying the same rules to everyone is wrong. Each baby should have an individual approach, so each individual case may have its own characteristics.

Rules for home bathing newborns

If a mother has any question regarding the care of a newborn, it is better to consult a doctor on this topic.

In the next video - some more tips on how to bathe a newborn.

When a child is born in a family, young parents may face many difficulties, among which the question of what water to bathe a newborn child in is far from the last.

Before proceeding to the bathing process, you need to decide on the container in which you will wash your newborn baby. The bath can be large, roomy, or a special children's bath, which does not require a lot of water.

Almost all parents are wondering if it is necessary to boil water for bathing a newborn? My opinion is that bathing water can be ordinary. If there is a water filter in the apartment, you can not worry about the newborn at all. Boiling will not soften the water, as some moms and dads think.

Water is supplied to the taps of the apartments already in a purified and filtered form, so there is no need to be afraid that your newborn baby will become infected with any skin infection.

However, there is another side of the coin in this matter, when boiling water for bathing a newborn baby is necessary. If the water coming from your pipeline has an unpleasant odor or a suspicious color, then it needs to be boiled.

In this case, boiling will be the only correct means of disinfection.

Do I need to use potassium permanganate for bathing newborns?

This tool is often used to disinfect bathing water, as well as to prevent dermatological diseases in a newborn baby. But what can be used with benefit by adults is not always safe for babies, because their skin is still very delicate and sensitive.

If water cannot be boiled, but disinfection is required, here is how to dilute potassium permanganate to bathe a newborn :

  • Take a small bowl (preferably white or neutral in color) and pour a few cups of water into it (two will be enough);
  • Add manganese powder to a bowl of water gradually and little by little;
  • Dip your palm into the bowl and observe the color of the water. Your hand should be visible through the water dyed with potassium permanganate. The mixture should have a light pink hue.

Important! If the water is very dark, bright, saturated in color, then this can harm the skin of a newborn baby.

It is not necessary to add potassium permanganate to the water every time a newborn is bathed. It dries out the skin and can lead to damage or infection. It is better to find useful substitutes for this substance that can disinfect water for bathing a newborn.

In order to improve and strengthen children's immunity and health, you can add decoctions of various medicinal herbs to the bathing water:

  1. chamomile flowers (more about chamomile for bathing a newborn >>>)
  2. oak bark;
  3. herbs of a series of tripartite (read about >>>).

But even with these funds, you need to be extremely careful not to overdo it and not cause allergic reactions.

What plants are better to use for bathing a newborn, and how are they useful?

  • A decoction of a string relieves irritation from the skin of a newborn, helps to get rid of pimples and pimples:
  • Chamomile, added to water, perfectly soothes and has a positive effect on the digestion of crumbs; Read the article to find out how many times a newborn should have a stool?>>>
  • When bathing in a decoction of oak bark, blood circulation improves;
  • Water with valerian officinalis has a hypnotic and sedative effect, relieves a headache in a child;
  • Celandine, added to bathing water, heals microscopic wounds, relieves the newborn from itching and allergic reactions.

Make sure that the decoctions are weak. Otherwise, the effect of bathing will be just the opposite.

We create favorable conditions for the baby

An important question is what should be the water for bathing a newborn? First of all, it concerns its temperature. To clearly measure it, you will need a special thermometer, fortunately, now there is no shortage of them. Various children's thermometers for measuring water temperature are on sale:

  1. in the form of animals;
  2. fruits;
  3. geometric shapes, etc.

The water temperature should always be no higher than 37 degrees. If you overheat the water, you can burn the baby. This will lead to the fact that in the future he will be terribly afraid of water, and will no longer want to swim.

In the first days of a newborn's life, it is better to rinse it with clean water, or add a little herbal decoction to the bathing water.
How to bathe a baby, see the video:

Of course, you will be interested in the question, is it possible to wash a newborn with soap? It all depends on what kind of cosmetic you are going to use for this purpose.

Today, children's stores provide a wide selection of soaps made from natural ingredients and without chemical additives. They practically do not contain chemistry, only natural substances that can soothe the skin of a newborn, relieve irritation and allergic reactions.

Baby soap can be used for bathing a few days after you and your baby are at home. Choose a product that is odorless, because your main task is to keep the skin of the newborn clean and prevent the development of dermatological infections.

Washing a child with soap is not more than 1 time per week. In all other bathing, it is enough just to wash the baby with warm water.

The first bath of a newborn is a responsible process, especially if this is done for the first time. From birth, it is important to make this procedure as comfortable as possible so that the child is not afraid of water and endures water procedures with pleasure. For parents who have this first child, bathing a baby is a very exciting process, and the question arises: how to do it right. It is not difficult if you know the basic rules and features of washing a newborn.

Preparing for the first swim

The first question that arises in new parents is when to bathe a newborn for the first time. Usually they bathe the child on the day they return from the hospital, but there are exceptions:

  • if the newborn was vaccinated on the day of discharge;
  • poorly healed umbilical wound.

Bathing time should be chosen individually, based on the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness of the child. It is better to choose a period of time when he does not sleep after feeding. Most often this happens in the late afternoon.

Bathing is recommended before feeding. But if the child is very nervous, feed him first, and then proceed to water procedures. For a newborn, you do not need to wait 40 minutes between eating and going to the bathroom.

The benefits of water procedures

If bathing a newborn is comfortable and according to the rules, this will have a positive effect on his health and full development. Pediatricians noted that thanks to water procedures:

Bathing a newborn is important not only physically but also emotionally. Being in the water helps the baby discover new facets of our world. It is necessary to make this process enjoyable so that the baby receives a charge of positive emotions. Therefore, you need to prepare for the first bath with all responsibility.

Necessary things for bathing a newborn

In order for the bathing of the baby to pass without problems and unnecessary nerves, you need to prepare everything you need in advance . First of all, you will need:

Take your watch into the bath with you to keep track of the duration of the treatments.

It is important to choose the right baby cosmetics for a newborn - soap and shampoos. They must be hypoallergenic and suitable for use by babies from birth. On the packages of children's products, age restrictions are usually indicated, and shampoos marked "0+" are suitable for a newborn. Before buying, be sure to study the composition of the product so as not to injure delicate skin with unnecessary parabens, fragrances and dyes.

Features of water for a baby bath

In order not to harm the health of the baby after the hospital, it is necessary to properly prepare the water for bathing. For this you need:

The bath is filled to 15 centimeters so that the chest and shoulders remain dry. Modern doctors say that the first bath can be carried out in ordinary tap water, but you need to be more careful for children with an incompletely healed umbilical wound. It can become a gateway for bacteria that teems with tap water.

How to bathe a newborn properly

It is important to prepare everything for the first water procedures in advance, as the baby should not be left unattended in the bath even for a second! It is recommended to bathe the baby before the last feeding of the day. A newborn up to six months is bathed daily, and then you can reduce the number of visits to the bathroom to 3 times a week.

Rules for the first trip to the bathroom

Make sure that the air temperature in the bathroom is not lower than 23 degrees. Otherwise, the child will be cold and may get sick. If the baby has crusts on his head, they should be smeared with oil 10-15 minutes before bathing.

Before taking the child to the bathroom, spend 5-7 minutes of air procedures. Let the child lie down this time without extra diapers, diapers and clothes. At this time, you can talk to him affectionately and calm him down so that he is not nervous.

It is important for parents to know how to bathe a newborn baby in a bath. For the first time, bathe your baby in a baby's undershirt or put on a diaper to make him feel more comfortable. Immerse the newborn in water slowly until it covers the tummy, chest and shoulders. With your left hand, support the head so that it lies firmly on your forearm, and with your fingers keep the baby under your arm. If a newborn is bathed by one adult, then with the other hand he rinses him. But if there is an assistant, then with the second hand, the mother can support the child under the ass. At this time, dad can rinse the baby from the ladle.

The correct procedure for bathing a baby:

Washing a baby is not difficult at all. Methods for washing a baby's perineum may differ depending on gender:

  • Girls are washed away in the direction from the urethra to the priest.
  • Boys are simply washed, thoroughly washing the folds on the genitals, to prevent infection.

It is undesirable to stay in the bath for more than 10 minutes. After completing all the procedures, the newborn should be rinsed with clean water, holding it on the arm and watering from the back.

Then we wrap the baby in a towel and wipe the moisture with gentle movements. After bathing, the newborn is treated with an umbilical wound with brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide, and if necessary, Xeroform yellow powder can be used. To complete the procedure, it remains only to treat all the wrinkles with baby oil or baby cream on the changing table. And also clean the ears with cotton swabs.

You should not immediately put a diaper on the baby and wrap it in diapers - the skin of the newborn should breathe a little. Under the diaper, you can use talcum powder or other powder so that the butt does not rot and there is no irritation.

How to bathe a newborn baby for the first time in a diaper will tell our instructions:

This procedure helps the baby to more easily survive postpartum stress, get used to life outside the mother's tummy and remain calm during the first bath. Bathing in a diaper does not allow the child to freeze while in the water.

Not everyone knows how to bathe a newborn in a bath with a slide. A slide or hammock is a very convenient device, it is attached to the bottom or edge of the bath. With it, you can do without an extra pair of hands when washing your baby. Be sure to put a diaper on her before putting the baby in - this way he will feel more comfortable.

When the child grows up and it will be cramped in the baby bath, the slide can be placed in a large bath and bathe the child with it until he grows up and learns to sit well on his own.

Possible problems

It happens that a newborn at the first bath actively shows his displeasure and cries. If this happens, it is recommended to postpone the water procedures for the next time so that the child is less nervous. The process should bring only positive emotions! Reasons for crying while swimming:

  1. Wants to eat.
  2. Something hurts.
  3. Frightened by the first contact with water.
  4. I wanted to go to the toilet.

Parents should try to foresee the problems that cause the child to cry and warn them. The baby may also cry because of the temperature difference that he feels when immersed in water or vice versa.

If the newborn cries when he is pulled out of warm water, warm the towel next time.

It may happen that the child fell asleep in the tub while bathing. Nothing wrong with that. This means that the baby is comfortable, and warm water helps to soothe and relax the muscles. But bathing is better to interrupt and transfer to the crib. Otherwise, careless action can greatly frighten the baby.

If, after the first and subsequent baths, the newborn does not immediately fall asleep, but shows activity with might and main, transfer the time of water procedures to the morning.

There are options when you can invite a nurse to the first bath. This is possible if young parents do not have experience and are afraid to do it for the first time on their own. But now, even in the maternity hospital, mothers are shown how to swaddle and wash a newborn. Therefore, when the question arises of bathing at home, the mother has basic knowledge.

Healthy Recipes

Many herbs have medicinal properties. Instead of ordinary bathing water, decoctions can be used:

They perfectly relieve irritation and inflammation on the delicate skin of a baby, and also help get rid of diaper rash. Solutions can be prepared on the basis of one herb or from a mixture. Bathing with decoctions is carried out once or twice a week, their more frequent use can cause an allergic reaction.

Calming decoction

Herbs and fees are sold in any pharmacy. If the baby does not sleep well or is overexcited, it is recommended to bathe him in a decoction prepared from a mixture of herbs, such as:

  1. Melissa.
  2. Mint.
  3. Valerian.
  4. Lavender.

Anti-inflammatory decoction

It is used if the baby has a tendency to prickly heat and diathesis. For its preparation it is necessary:

  1. Grind the string and pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave covered for 4 hours to infuse the broth.

It is recommended to prepare the infusion 12 hours before bathing. Before use, it is filtered through cheesecloth and added to water. Chamomile or calendula has similar properties, so without losing the properties of the decoction, they can replace a string. You can buy mixtures for infusions at a pharmacy.

Disinfectant solution

Disinfection of water is done using potassium permanganate. But this solution must be properly prepared so that it does not harm the delicate skin of the baby.

Take 2-3 grams of potassium permanganate crystals and dissolve in a glass of boiling water. You need to mix everything well. All crystals should dissolve, and the water should acquire a transparent purple hue.

A disinfectant solution is added to the bath, causing the water to turn pinkish.

Before using decoctions or solutions, it is better to consult a pediatrician. If a newborn is suspected of having rickets, he may be prescribed saline or coniferous baths. But they are not allowed to be used on their own during the first bath!