Do-it-yourself paper rat. Schemes, patterns and ideas for children. White rat from modules Rat from newspaper tubes: a master class in pictures


The New Year is approaching, and it's time to think about how to prepare your home for this holiday. Traditionally, it is customary to put up a Christmas tree and decorate it and. But if you properly approach the interior design and try in the details, you can.

For example, do it yourself. In 2020, it will be a mouse (or a rat), so cute animals from a variety of materials will be the topic of our conversation today.

In this article, I have collected as many as ten master classes that tell in detail about what products can be made for the upcoming holiday. Most of the ideas are designed for children, so adult readers of this article will seem too easy. However, you can use them as a basis for your own, more complex ideas, or apply them in your work if you are suddenly an educator or teacher.

I look forward to your comments under the article and suggestions on how to improve this or that idea. Or maybe you can share a link to a photo of your product, created according to one of the lessons? Both will be just wonderful! In the meantime, I propose to move from theory to practice and get acquainted with our first little mouse.

How to make a symbol of 2020 Rat from kapron

Although, in fact, the word "mouse" is not entirely appropriate here. In the first MK, we will take on the implementation of a rather complex idea and make our own whole animal king! And not from any standard materials, but from nylon. The result will be impressive. However, you can see for yourself in the photo.

Necessary materials:

  • 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • Nylon tights;
  • Sintepon;
  • Foil and yellow rope for the crown;
  • Bright fabric;
  • Wide ribbons: red and black;
  • Unnecessary bow;
  • Gilded button;
  • Toy eyes;
  • Plaque from the belt;
  • Threads and needle.


We stuff nylon tights with padding polyester and make muzzles for the mouse king out of them.

We start with the nose. To do this, we sew our workpiece in the right places, pulling it together with threads.

Heads can turn out a little different - it's even more interesting. After all, each head has its own character!

From the two halves of the nylon trace we make ears for one head. We also stuff them with synthetic winterizer.

Repeat the same for the rest of the heads.

Now it's time to make the body. We wrap a five-liter bottle with padding polyester and put tights on it.

We sew three heads to the resulting base.

We make paws from small pieces of nylon.

We also sew them to our craft. Glue on toy or painted eyes.

Now it remains only to make an outfit for our mouse king!

From a piece of bright fabric we sew a high collar. There are no exact sizes, because the size of the toy will be different for everyone. We decorate it around the edges with ribbons. From the same materials we make a mantle.

We make a real belt from a wide black ribbon and a plastic plaque.

We put it on a toy. We make cuffs from the same tape.

We dissolve the bow so that the king has a jabot.

This is how it will look like.

A wide red ribbon and a button turn into a beautiful ribbon that can be thrown over the shoulder.

We make the basis of the crown from wire. We wrap it with foil in several layers.

And then decorate with a yellow rope.

We put the crown on the king.

We sew a collar and put on a raincoat. Don't forget the ponytail! The author of this description tied it up and stuffed it with padding polyester. You can go the other way - for example, sew it from a piece of fabric.

The craft is completely ready. Look what a chic mouse king turned out! Such a toy will definitely take first place at any exhibition.

Let's see what other toys can be made from similar materials. How do you like this sweet couple?

This baby, in my opinion, will also be an excellent decoration for the house for the New Year holiday.

These babies, too, I'm sure will delight everyone.

In general, as you can see, there is plenty of room for creativity here! Fantasize and embody your ideas in this unusual technique.

Mouse (rat) made of paper

And this version of the mouse is for the very smallest. Great idea for a lesson in kindergarten. Any child can cope with the creation of such crafts even without the help of a teacher. What you need to develop imagination, fine motor skills and independence.


  • Double-sided colored paper;
  • Black marker;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Simple pencil.


Cut out two circles from colored paper. They can be different colors or the same, but the main thing is that they must be equal in size. We also need a strip, also made of paper. Fold the circles in half.

We draw half of the heart on one of them, as shown in the photo. And then we cut it out.

We bend the two upper edges at the heart. These are ears. With a black marker, draw a nose and eyes on the muzzle.

Glue the muzzle to the body. We twist the tail from a strip of colored paper. We glue it too.

These are the mischievous mice we get. And best of all, it took literally 5 minutes to make them!

In general, paper mice can be very different. For example, like this.

Or like that. Which option do you like better?

Paper crafts are convenient because even a child can make them.

Therefore, if you want to take your baby or look for an unpretentious activity, I advise you to pay attention to this harmless type of creativity.

Rat for the New Year 2020 from a sock

Another cute souvenir for the New Year can be made from an ordinary sock. Yes, to get a cute toy, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive materials. The main thing is a little perseverance and love for creativity.

Necessary materials:

  • Sock;
  • Two buttons for the eyes;
  • Pompom for spout;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Pencil or marker;
  • Scissors.


We take a sock, turn it inside out and draw such details on it with a marker or a soft pencil. This is the body and ears.

Cut them out along the marked outline.

And then we sew along the edge, leaving holes for the filler. The body has a hole for the tail.

We fill all parts of the mouse with padding polyester or other soft filler.

Do not forget to first turn the parts inside out so that the seams are not visible.

From the remaining upper part of the sock we cut off such a strip. There should be a rubber band.

Cut off the left and right edges, and then sew the strip along the contour. We turn it inside out.

We sew the tail to the body of our toy.

We do the same with the ears.

We decorate the face with buttons and a pom-pom.

And finally, antennae are obtained from such protruding pieces of thread.

A cute little mouse from a sock is ready. As you can see, nothing complicated at all!

You can experiment with the shape and color of the figurine as you like. There are many options here.

These are such cute little animals obtained from those who have already managed to get their hands on this business.

Would you like to learn the same?

You can even let a whole company of funny animals into your house.

Craft in the form of a plasticine mouse

Plasticine crafts are also a common type of creativity in children of kindergarten and primary school age. Why, sometimes adults are happy to take up this activity. In the next step-by-step instructions, we will make such a wonderful little mouse and even blind New Year's attributes for him!

We will need:

  • Plasticine of different colors;
  • stack;
  • Wooden skewer;
  • Toothbrush;
  • Pen.


We sculpt such a barrel from a piece of gray plasticine.

We cut it into three parts. Roll each into a ball.

From the largest we make the body a. To do this, you need to give it the shape of a pear, and then flatten the upper part, making a small platform on which the head will attach.

The head will be a ball of the second size. Since the muzzle of the mouse is sharp, you need to give the ball the appropriate shape.

We connect these two parts with each other.

Using a ballpoint pen, make two holes for the eyes on the head.

We make each eye from a white ball and a black plasticine ball. Slightly flatten them, and then insert them into the holes.

We will make smaller details from pink plasticine: ears, paws and tail. To do this, we need four of these pieces.

We take the largest of them and divide it into two parts. We roll each part into a pancake, and then we turn it off, as shown in the photo, making a small incision.

Attach the ears to the head.

At the end of the muzzle we make a nose - also from pink plasticine. Draw the mouth with the sharp end of the skewer.

From an oblong pancake of white plasticine we make a belly for a mouse. Just attach it to the body and gently smooth it.

Two small pink balls and two gray sausages turn into very cute paws.

We attach them to our craft. Also do not forget to make the legs and attach them too.

And finally, we make a tail from the flagellum of pink plasticine.

Now it's up to the little things. It remains only to decorate the toy. From plasticine of two colors we make a scarf for her. Like this.

If desired, you can give your pet a New Year's candy. Blinding it is also not at all difficult.

With the help of a toothbrush we create the texture of the fur of a mouse. That's all. Now the toy is completely ready!

And of course, I can’t help but show examples of other crafts in the same technique.

Look how serious!

Who knows, maybe these options will inspire you and you will come up with something completely different based on them? It would be great!

Plasticine modeling is a quick and affordable way to make a cute figurine for your home. And this is not only an interesting activity for children, but also a wonderful anti-stress for adults.

We sew a rat from felt + pattern

Very cute crafts are made from felt. The advantage of this material is a neat appearance. It does not bloom, so the finished toys look neat. In addition, it can be found in a variety of colors, which is also convenient for the realization of your ideas.

If you are just learning how to work with felt, a great way to practice is to make this mouse, which will definitely cheer up everyone who comes to your house.


  • Pink and gray felt;
  • Soft filler;
  • Threads and a needle;
  • Marker or pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Buttons for the eyes;
  • Pink ribbon.


Patterns for this toy look like this. We transfer them to the material and cut out the details of the desired size.

Here's what we get.

Let's make the inner part of the ears. To do this, you just need to sew two pieces of felt in suitable colors.

We sew them to where the muzzle will be.

We fold the parts of the body with each other and sew along the contour. At the same stage, we attach the tail tape.

We turn out the toy. From beads or buttons we make her eyes.

It remains only to sew on the tummy and fill the mouse with filler. Ready!

Here are some more felt charms for you.

Even children can cope with the creation of this kind of crafts.

The main thing is to help them handle sharp tools.

And you can even make a full-length doll with a child. I'm sure he will enjoy playing with her!

Master class on creating a mouse using the origami technique

Origami is perhaps one of the most accessible techniques. Both in terms of materials and in terms of its development. The creation of such a mouse will be on the shoulder even for kindergarten children, so I recommend that educators reading this article take note.


  • Scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • Glue stick;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • Ruler;
  • Simple pencil.


We will make the figure in several stages. All of them are shown in the photo below.

First, let's make the dress. To do this, take a large square of colored paper and add the basic shape of a “kite” out of it. Open it up and then fold up the bottom corner. We return the left and right sides of the “serpent” to their place, turn the workpiece over.

In order to make the sleeves, we need a blue square. We make a scarf out of it. Glue it to the first triangle, bending the corners along its sides. We straighten the resulting pockets.

For the head, cut out another square, already orange. We make a triangle out of it. We bend the left and right sides down, and then raise their corners. We turn over the workpiece. Drop down the center corner.

We draw eyes and a nose on the muzzle. We glue all the details together.

Look at what wonderful mice the guys turned out to be.

I think it's very nice.

It is possible to make a simpler option. This is for very little kids.

This mouse is almost like a real one! Do you agree?

Experiment with materials - it always gives an interesting effect!

Look at these funny guys. They will definitely fit into your New Year's party!

And of course, do not forget about modular origami. Yes, it will take patience, but what a result!

Beautiful rat from a plastic bottle

Everyone must have met at least once in their lives crafts made from plastic bottles. Usually they decorate the territory near houses or in summer cottages. But have you thought about making one of these toys for your home? The coming of 2020 is a great way to try and make this adorable mouse out of just a couple of materials.


  • Plastic bottle;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Any dense material (drape, felt, etc.).


Since the bottle is too long, we cut it in half, shorten each of the parts, and then put them back together by inserting one into the other.

We wrap this place with a piece of material.

We do the same with the neck of the bottle. This is the nose of our toy.

Cut out the eyes, ears and nose from the material. Glue them to the craft.

It remains to make the legs. To do this, we make such dense rolls from felt, drape or other material that we use.

Glue them into place.

Look what funny little mice we got. You can experiment with the shape of their ears and nose to make it more recognizable.

Here's one you might like too.

Funny figures, isn't it? Before the holiday, you can plant a couple of spruce branches in them for entourage.

Well, the best part is that the cost of such crafts is absolutely low.

Mouse made from natural material

Sometimes you don't have to go far for craft materials - they literally lie under your feet! Especially if you get out into the forest at least a couple of times before the start of cold weather. See what wonderful mice are obtained from ordinary cones. Do you want these for yourself? Let's see how we can make them.

Materials for two toys:

  • 2 bumps;
  • Silver sequins;
  • 4 pumpkin seeds;
  • Dense golden threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Peppercorns;
  • 2 acorns.


We use pine cones as the basis for the toy. It is desirable that they are not very large, otherwise the torsos will be disproportionate to their acorn heads.

So, take a cone and glue an acorn to it, as shown in the photo below.

We glue ears from pumpkin seeds to the acorn. They first need to cut off the top obliquely.

We cut off small pieces from the threads. We plant them with glue on the pointed part of the acorn. Mustaches are ready!

From three peppercorns we make eyes and a nose.

We twist a few red threads. This is a ponytail. Glue it to the back of the body.

If the mouse is a boy, then glue a few short threads of 2-3 cm between the ears.

If it's a girl, then you need longer hair.

We mix PVA glue with silver sparkles and apply on the ears and torso. Mice are usually gray, right?

We are waiting for complete drying. Now our crafts are ready!

Despite the fact that the materials are the same, the result is different for everyone. Let's see.

How do you like such a pet?

And there's a whole bunch of them! Try to get at least one. I think it will be fun.

How to make a craft in the form of a rat from threads (step by step instructions)

Here such a funny rat will also be happy to settle in your house before the New Year 2020. The cutest creature, isn't it? I would definitely be delighted to see such a house in one of my friends. Do you like it?


  • wine cork;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • jute twine;
  • White, black and yellow acrylic paints;
  • Three pins with balls at the ends;
  • Wire;
  • Dense woolen thread of gray color;
  • wire cutters;
  • Scissors.


As a basis, we take an ordinary wine cork. You can take a dense foam instead.

Using a knife, we give it the shape that the body of our mouse will have. It turns out that such a semblance of a pear.

From different sides we stick 6 pieces of wire (1.5 mm in diameter) into it. These pieces are the head, legs and tail.

To the end of the wire, which means the head, we fasten a pin with a ball at the end. Pre-lubricate it with “Moment”. The nose at this stage can be painted immediately.

We continue to coat the wire with glue and wind jute twine on it in several layers, giving the head the desired shape.

We wrap the arms and legs in one layer with a gray woolen thread.

At the ends, we bend them like this to make a paw.

And we continue to wrap.

Repeat for all limbs. We do the same for the tail.

With the same gray threads, we completely wrap the torso, her neck and head.

To make the ears, take two paper clips and bend as shown in the photo. We also wrap them with thread.

Loops should form at the ends of the paper clips.

Having cut off the excess, we stick the ears into the head, smearing the tip with glue. From the same pins as the nose, we make eyes. Just paint them white.

If you want, you can make a piece of cheese from a white eraser.

We cut holes in it with any convenient object.

And then paint with light yellow acrylic paint.

That's all. Our toy is ready.

Here is a toy in a similar technique. And no less cute!

These guys will also be a great interior decoration.

A simpler option is such a mouse. A very small figurine, which, nevertheless, will warm the soul.

Mouse from vegetables

Well, the last description will be the simplest and shortest. This is a great idea to cheer up your child) Well, or decorate the festive table in an original way. To create such mice, you already have everything you need at hand - you can trust me!


  • two cucumbers;
  • 4 matches;
  • Board.


Cut one cucumber into two parts, as shown in the photo. From the second we make ears and ponytails (thin stripes).

We connect all the details with each other by making cuts on the “torsoes” of the mice in the right places. We make eyes out of matches. Ready!

Often such lemon mice are made for the festive table.

Or other fruits and vegetables. It's a great way to entertain guests, right?

It turns out such crafts are always very cute. And, of course, children will be especially delighted.

Knitted rat-mouse in the style of amigurumi do-it-yourself crochet

And now catch a couple of descriptions in the style of amigurumi. And you will find many other developments on the topic of knitted rodent toys and mice in particular, there are a lot of them. I recommend to get acquainted.

This completes the master class. Be sure to write in the comments which of the proposed ideas you liked the most, and which one you definitely would not want to repeat. Let's see how different your tastes are. I wish you all good luck in your work and I look forward to being regular readers in the vastness of my blog! Bye!

2019 is coming to an end and 2020 is starting. I want to make this event bright and memorable. And, of course, first of all, for this you need to create a festive atmosphere in your own home.

But how? Christmas trees, snowmen and snowflakes are already tired. From year to year the same thing, although it is a "classic". Maybe there is something more original? I am sure that such thoughts visited at least once, if not everyone, then very many.

If you find yourself in this mood this year, I will help you out of your confusion. Especially for you, I have collected five master classes that tell you how to make crafts in the form of a symbol of the coming year - a mouse (or a rat) with your own hands.

Such products will become an unusual and, most importantly, boring interior decoration. And if you show imagination when creating them, they will also cheer you up and your guests well! Now you will see why.

Unfortunately, we do not always have the opportunity to purchase expensive materials in order to decorate our home. In this case, you have to be content with what is at hand. Such things, which are used in creativity, are called "junk material". And one of its most common varieties is plastic bottles.

To make a mouse out of a plastic bottle we will need:

  • Bottle with cap;
  • Black and white paint;
  • Dummy knife;
  • Twine;
  • White and pink cardboard;
  • Plasticine;
  • Black marker.


We take a bottle and carefully wash it. And then we get rid of the paper sticker, if there is one, it will interfere.

We paint the bottle from the inside in white or gray. To do this, pour a little paint of the shade we need into the container and shake the bottle (of course, having previously closed the lid) so that its entire surface is painted. Let's dry. In parallel, we paint the lid black - this is the spout of the toy.

Using a mock-up knife, we make cuts in the bottle and insert two ears of white and pink cardboard into it.

Add details: twine tail, plastic or paper antennae, eyes. In order for the mouse to be New Year's, you can wrap it with silver tinsel - it will look like wool.

Let's see what other rats can be made from plastic bottles. How do you like these beauties?

This is an option for a garden or vegetable garden. Not New Year's at all. But, I think, the principle of creation is clear, and in general, this idea can be taken as a basis for creating New Year's crafts.

But this piggy bank mouse looks more like a pig. But the author of MK confidently calls it a mouse, so I also give you an example.

Here is a rat can be made from a plastic bottle. Realistic, do you agree? Look, she even has red eyes. Impressive, but I'm not sure that such a toy will create a festive atmosphere.

Well, here's another option that caught my eye. In principle, with proper decoration, it can also become a symbol of the New Year. The idea is quite interesting.

How to make a sock rat

If plastic bottles as a material did not impress you very much, I suggest considering another master class. It is dedicated to the manufacture of such unusually soapy mice from socks.

Simply lovely.

From materials we will need:

  • Sock;
  • Scissors;
  • Soft filler;
  • Threads with a needle;
  • A marker for marking.


We start by drawing the contours of the body and ears of the toy on the inside-out sock. Where the line is interrupted in the diagram, the workpiece will not need to be sewn immediately: these are filling holes.

When we sewed the parts, we turn them back and, where the holes remain, we fill them with something soft. For example, synthetic winterizer.

Cut out a ponytail from the rubber band. We insert it into the hole on the body of the mouse and carefully sew everything up.

We do the same with the ears.

Well, at the end we add details: eyes, antennae and nose. From what it is better to make them - think for yourself. Here, for example, the author took a pompom and buttons, and made a mustache from ordinary threads.

These funny little animals should turn out.

From socks you can make not only such cute animals, but also a very realistic rat.

And you can - and here is such a funny character.

Also a variant of making a mouse from a sock. Striped.

Absolutely charming little animals with buttons instead of noses. Very cute, isn't it? And I think they look very stylish.

And how do you like such a baby?

"Three girls under the window ...")) Just a fairy tale.

Would you squeeze this?

In general, as you can see, from ordinary socks you can get just a mass of a wide variety of rats.

But, of course, certain skills are required. If you are not very fond of sewing, you may like the next master class more.

Master class on creating crafts in the form of a paper mouse

The material that we will use here is plain paper and cardboard. The instruction is very simple and perfect for conducting with children of kindergarten or primary school age.

We will need:

  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Colored paper and cardboard;
  • Black marker.


First of all, we need to cut out these details. Everything except the body is made of paper. The body is made of cardboard to make the toy stable.

You choose the colors yourself.

We begin to glue the head of our mouse. The eyes can not be cut out separately, but drawn with a black felt-tip pen.

We attach ears to it.

Here is such a cute muzzle turns out.

We turn the cone from the blank for the body and glue it.

We attach the head to the body.

We put the paws on the glue.

And a ponytail.

The apron completes everything. How to do it - I think it's not worth explaining. The craft is ready! We decorate with tinsel and other decor as you wish and plant it under the Christmas tree - and the New Year's keeper of the family hearth is ready.

You can also make a New Year's mouse out of paper using the origami technique.

Look how lovely it turns out.

In fact, it is not necessary to make something complicated at all. Sometimes the simpler the better.

But, of course, if you want, you can spend a little more time. As, for example, the author of the following work did.

How to sew a mouse out of felt fabric (+ pattern)

Since we are talking about making toys, I can’t help but dwell on the classic technique for this type of creativity - sewing from fabric. In this case, it will be felt fabric, from which we will make such a wonderful little mouse:

Making it will not be difficult at all, even if you do not have special skills.

Necessary materials:

  • Needle and threads of different thicknesses;
  • Felt;
  • Scissors;
  • Black beads;
  • Soft filler.


Cut out templates for toy parts from paper. Dimensions are visible in the photo.

We need two pieces for each part.

We sew the body. First, we only stitch the back, leaving the tummy intact.

From gray and pink felt we make ears. We also do not sew them to the end.

Cut or knit a ponytail. We sew it to the body along with the tummy of the mouse.

We turn all the details inside out.

And then we fill everything with filler. Holofiber is used here.

We sew up.

Sew on the ears. We make eyes and a nose from beads.

Everything is ready!

Fabric toys always look very cozy. And therefore perfectly complement any interior.

It can be both complex products and very simple ones.

Such a hostess on New Year's Eve will definitely make sure that the holiday goes perfectly.

And this cutie will simply cheer up all the guests!

The mouse (left), made in this style, looks no less cute.

But these kids can even be hung on a Christmas tree along with balls and other toys.

Thread Rat

The next selection with a description showing how to make a mouse out of thread. Also a rather unusual technique, I think you will be interested.


  • Foil;
  • Black and pink nail polishes;
  • Scissors;
  • Woolen threads;
  • Glue "Moment".


Cut off a piece of foil.

And we make it the basis for our future rodent.

Now we need a small piece of yarn. From it we will make ears.

We take the thread and tighten the loop on it according to the scheme shown below.

Then we make another one of the same size next to it.

We fix the knots by dropping glue on them.

And we attach to our base.

Now we slightly grease the foil with glue (so that the yarn does not slip off) and wrap the entire surface of the toy with threads from nose to tail.

Let the product dry.

Trim a little if needed.

Draw eyes and nose with nail polish.

Ready! Here we have such a cute toy.

But do not think that only simple crafts are created in this technique. Look how many different options the masters came up with!

Very funny, isn't it?

Insanely cute symbols of the New Year!

Plasticine mouse toy

Recently I saw a super idea and moreover, it is obtained from a banal material, use everything that you have at hand, for example, modeling dough or plasticine. You can, if you think about it and natural material here zabatsat. Well, I won’t languish for a long time, see what a wonderful little mouse came out in this video. Moreover, the fur is structured and resembles a real one. Handsome, isn't it?

Knitted mouse in the style of amigurumi crochet (diagrams and descriptions)

For everyone who is fond of knitting, I have picked up a lot of all kinds of instructions and master classes so that you succeed. Create toys in the form of mice with pleasure and enchant everyone. By the way, there is another one on the blog, look for a visit there too).

But a souvenir of a round shape, this is a mouse ball.

Video on how to make kapron rats

Well, now I want you not to get bored to offer this video for viewing. See what pretty people come out of nylon fabric. Straight bride and groom. Saddle yourself with such stocking dolls.

Rat mice in origami style for kids

Everyone knows that kids are very fond of fiddling with paper, what they do not do with it, and this is already a traditional activity. How about teaching them how to add the symbols of the New Year? Think you won't like it? Surely such an occupation will only please them.

Make origami rat souvenirs. I am attaching folding schemes, choose and create with the kids.

And in an even lighter model:

But this one is more interesting.

Well, here you and I have learned how to make wonderful mice and rats for the New Year 2020. I personally have already had a bunch of ideas for creating decorations for my home in the form of a symbol of the upcoming holiday. And you? I hope so too. I congratulate everyone and wish that interest in creating something with your own hands appears not only in winter. See you soon!

The rat, unlike other animals included in the Chinese horoscope, boasts several distinctive character traits at once. Its criteria are: a great logical mindset, sensitivity, greed towards strangers, generosity to loved ones, shyness, great efficiency and secrecy. Therefore, in order to achieve success in the New Year and win the respect of the Symbol of the Year 2020 on New Year's Eve, you should take care of the menu, interior, crafts and even plans for the future. And if everything is clear with food, since rats are not picky people and can eat everything, then the rest of the points should be carefully considered. First, it is worth devoting as much time as possible to work if you want to succeed. Secondly, the table can be decorated with crafts made from wheat and other plant products. Last but not least, gifts should show respect for the animal. For example, an interesting option would be embroidery on pillowcases depicting mice or a rat hostess. An easier job will be to make an image of a rodent using one of such techniques as: macrame art, crocheting and knitting, modeling from polymer clay, plasticine and even dough. Do not forget about weaving key chains made of beads and small beads - it looks very bright and really interesting!

Rat (Mouse) symbol of 2020 with your own hands, what crafts can you do?

The choice of an idea for creating crafts with the image of a rat depends primarily on the purpose for which it is created. For example, if you want to decorate the premises of a house or apartment, adding bright colors to the interior design, you should think about creating items using the origami technique from white or corrugated sheets of white paper. Another interesting idea is cutting out snowflakes from foil, and connecting them into a large garland, stretched across the width of the baguette or assembled in the form of an interesting figure. The novelty and emphasis of the Eastern horoscope will be crafts for the Christmas tree, personifying the symbol of the year. For example, toys with a rat's tail, the muzzle of a cartoon rat from the cartoon Ratatouille, the heroes of the fairy tale "The Night Before Christmas: Mouse Stories" or the animated series, so popular in the 90s - "Pinky and the Brain".

The interior of the kitchen can also be improved for the New Year theme by sewing a potholder in the shape of a rat or mouse. As accents for bedrooms and living rooms, hand-embroidered pillowcases in the form of an image of the main character of the coming year, as well as tilde rats, crocheted mice and knitting needles from high-quality yarn, are more suitable.

Schoolchildren can be offered ideas such as: modeling from puff and salt dough, beading according to ready-made and understandable patterns, cutting out protrusions and drawing postcards with a bright cover. Well, to make it work, parents can help or at least provide a step-by-step master class with a photo. This will allow you to make the symbol of 2020 with your own hands - beautiful, neat and possibly fabulous, as children imagine it to be.

Master class No. 1 - cross-stitch and stitch embroidery on a pillowcase (pillow)

Bright pillowcases will help bring brightness to the interior of one of the bedrooms. Embroidery with a rat or mouse can be done both on decorative pillows located on the sofa, and on large beds that complement the bed. The image of a rodent can be located on the entire front side of the product or on its individual parts - corners, middle, bottom or top edging. For a sketch, you can choose any idea. It can be one rat, a family, rodents in love, offspring resting in a small basket or mink, fabulous and cartoon mice, remembered from famous animated films of the Soviet era or foreign film companies.

It is easy to reproduce the master class step by step with your own hands. The symbol of the year can turn out to be identical to the scheme if you follow a simple step-by-step instruction, using tools such as:

  • pillowcase (one or more). If the pillow is plain, you can use it as a material;
  • gypsy needle (you can just take a thick one);
  • floss or woolen threads;
  • hoop;
  • scissors for cutting the thread;
  • pattern for embroidery, as a hint.

To visually understand how to make embroidery with your own hands, you should carefully look at the best patterns and patterns presented in the photo below. They will help you decide on an idea, choosing a job that meets your individual taste, the interior of the room and the level of complexity.

In order to get started, just download the picture you like on your desktop and print it using a printer.

Rat on a rocking chair photo

MK - a rat toy on a Christmas tree made of felt

A Christmas toy can be presented not only in the form of a glass ball or a snowflake cut out of paper, but also in the form of an inanimate rodent - a rat, used as a Christmas tree decoration. A festive decoration made of felt looks incredibly cute, original, and most importantly, childishly fabulous. It is not difficult to make such a craft with your own hands. If you have a desire and free time, you can repeat according to the scheme not only the muzzle of a rat and a mouse, but also animals dressed in New Year's costumes, sitting in Christmas socks and even dancing in a single tandem.

There are many options for master classes. However, not everything can be repeated by a beginner who decides to do needlework from scratch. Therefore, the step-by-step works and diagrams below are divided by complexity, from the simplest to the most intricate. You can choose any of the options, depending on experience, time and effort. After all, as many people know, during the creative process at home, time flies unnoticed.

Master class number 3 - potholder rat

A very useful and incredibly beautiful gift for the New Year for friends, sisters, mothers, grandmothers and other relatives of the fair sex will be a potholder in the form of a rat. You don't need to buy it! It is enough to show diligence to sew a nice kitchen accessory with your own hands. A kind symbol of 2020 in bright colors, sewn from fabric, crocheted or knitted, will cheer up loved ones, making their pastime in the kitchen positive, even more creative and fun. A funny potholder will always bring a smile to the face of a dear person, reminding you of the attention and time spent of the giver.

The color scheme will not play a role. The coming year is distinguished by metallic (iron) shades and white. And since a rat can have an extraordinary color, be bald and even black, you can choose any of the tones you like. Even unusual tones are acceptable: yellow, red, blue, purple, pink. The choice depends solely on individual preference and the materials available at home.

Knitted crochet potholder in the shape of a rat in the photo

Potholder pattern photo

Nylon rat - a beautiful and complex master class

The symbol of 2020 can be made not only from white and colored paper, cardboard and beads, but also from torn nylon tights and stockings that have been lying around in a closet for a long time or are preparing to move to a trash can.

Not every adult can repeat the craft, let alone children ...

For work you will need:

  • tights of different density and color;
  • filler;
  • needle;
  • thread;
  • additional attributes for jewelry (fabric, faux fur, buttons and large rhinestones).

Below are illustrative examples of master classes that demonstrate step-by-step work using photos.

Important! Before doing work, it is important to evaluate your abilities. You should not take on complex options that will take several days.

Origami mice and rats from paper and cardboard, paper schemes + fifth master class

Not only adults like to engage in creativity in their free time. Children are also able to recreate real masterpieces from improvised means. And if on the eve of the New Year they have a desire to learn something new, it is worth telling them about a technique with a beautiful name - “Origami”. Folding paper allows you to bring to life the images of domestic and wild animals, birds, and of course rodents such as mice and rats.

Making a symbol of 2020 out of paper will not be difficult. If there is a visual photo instruction at hand or, as is customary lately, a master class, the child will not get confused, and may even become interested in the art of Origami, which has come these days from China.

Interesting! In China, origami is so developed that some beginners are looking for an experienced teacher who knows all the subtleties and patterns of paper art by heart.

Sixth master class - beaded rat

Like previous works, weaving can vary in complexity and amount of work. To date, several solutions are offered that allow you to make a souvenir that is different in appearance. The scheme allows you to weave a voluminous rat, a brooch and even a key chain.

A thin aluminum wire, a thick fishing line and even a nylon thread, which is distinguished by its strength and durability, can be used as a basis.

Seventh master class - rat pattern soft toy made of fleece

A beloved child can be instilled with love for all living things from childhood, so that as they grow older, their attitude towards animals, birds and even rodents remains kind and sincere. To do this, psychologists recommend reading as many good fairy tales with positive characters as possible. Another trick can be a gift in the form of a beautiful and bright soft toy made according to a pattern. On the eve of the new year, the best solution would be a rat, repeating the images of the heroes of your favorite children's cartoons and Soviet fairy tales.

The symbol of 2020 in a master class with a photo will become elementary if parents prepare the attributes necessary for work in advance: a pattern, a needle and threads, a fabric (fleece) of several colors and a glue gun that glues any materials.

Important! To make the child interested in the toy and become his favorite soft friend, come up with an interesting story where the main character will be a rat. Children love everything mysterious and fabulous.

Master class Rat-tilde and mouse - No. 8

Making an interior textile doll with your own hands is subject only to girls with a good soul, as experienced needlewomen say. And not in vain! The patroness of 2020 - the White Metal Rat made using the rag technique, in comparison with other crafts, will take more than one hour of free time, patience and perseverance. However, if there is a desire, and you want to make an incredible souvenir for the interior of the house, the tilde will be the perfect solution that fits into the design of any apartment.

Below are the best patterns in the photo, allowing you to sew any mouse, rat, and even an adult rat, using a rag technique.

Drawing - an animal rat with a pencil in stages

The symbol of the year can not only be sewn from improvised means, but also drawn and even copied on a blank sheet of paper. A small animal with a long tail will look good on the cover of a postcard, a poster, a personal diary and a children's profile created for friends during the winter holidays.

A step-by-step lesson will help you draw an animal, demonstrating the simplicity of the sketch.

Master class number 10 - rat, pictures drawn for sketching

Unlike drawing techniques, sketching allows you to redraw any picture using a visual representation and a simple pencil. Choosing a complex work, the technique allows the use of carbon paper.

Mice and rats can be shown not only in "rainbow light", but also in their natural habitat. For example, rodents eating cheese look interesting at the moment of rest, mother and rat pups.

Crocheted rat like a real one - diagram and description of amigurumi

The amigurumi technique cannot be called new. It was used by our grandmothers in Soviet times, when there was a shortage of toys in stores, and children played mainly with homemade dolls made by themselves. Today, crocheted toys have not lost their relevance, but, on the contrary, have become a luxury for most children. To tie even the simplest work is far from being subject to every woman. Purchased toys are quite expensive ...

If you have knitting experience, but there is no trust in modern toys, you should try to make a small rat yourself, following the diagram with a detailed description and photo.

Rat shunechka crochet

Master class number 12 - do-it-yourself rat from a sock

Surely in every home there is a pair of old torn socks gathering dust on the closet shelf idle. So why not find a useful application for them, breathing new life into the product?!

Do-it-yourself master classes allow the use of socks from different materials, regardless of the quality, density and color of the fabric. If desired, the rat can turn out to be multi-colored, with a print and even sewn from several products at once.

A similar craft for the New Year is a good analogue of intricate and complex soft toys.

Rat-shaped sock toy photo

Shapoklyak photo:

Master class number 13 - rat stencils for cutting

You can distract children from the TV and computer by cutting out stencils. To do this, just select a few pictures you like, download and print them on a printer.

You can use ready-made images in different ways. As an option, as a Christmas tree decoration, part of tinsel and even stickers on a window, door or mirror.

Do-it-yourself mouse for fishing - the fourteenth master class for men

Not only women and children have hobbies, men also like to make interesting things. Especially if it is related to hunting or fishing. The unnatural fishing mouse is an excellent bait for catching predators in rivers, ponds and other bodies of water with strong currents.

You can make a bait from five available materials: polystyrene foam, foam rubber, birch bark, fizzy drink cork and even rubber.

Below are examples and diagrams of "mice":

Mouse for fishing (bait) photo

No. 15 master class - do-it-yourself mouse and rat from a rope

As an unusual souvenir, work colleagues, teachers and relatives can be presented with a craft made from a rope or, as it is also called, twine. The symbol of 2020 in a calm color will surely appeal to even skeptics who do not recognize handmade presents.

Mouse - application template

Create a beautiful application for children, ready-made templates will help. Below are the options for the actions of the patroness of the coming year and her closest relatives - norushka mice.

Application-mouse photo

MC for drawing - minecraft mouse

Especially for boys who are fond of the Minecraft computer game, the artists offer to transfer the characters of the survival simulator to real life. And even if it is only on paper, the drawing will become pride and proof to parents that the child even has creative abilities.

No. 17 - souvenirs from salt dough and plasticine

Children who decide to take part in the creation of gifts with their own hands can be offered a safe job consisting of modeling souvenirs. Rats and mice made of dough and plasticine will be a good distraction for parents and an indispensable developmental process for girls and boys of preschool age.

MK No. 18 - rat (mouse) from beads - the simplest weaving

Important! Small children should not be allowed to attend the workshop. Small beads can get into the nose and mouth of a child, causing irreversible consequences.

The scheme for beading the symbol of the year is simple. To repeat it, it is enough to study the type of weaving, finding out how many beads are taken for each row.

What other materials are suitable for creating a rat with your own hands? List:

1) boiled eggs;
2) eggshell;
3) textiles;
4) threads;
5) LEGO constructor;
6) light bulb;
7) tree;
8) balloon;
9) from artificial and natural wool;
10) sequins;
11) buttons.

Mouse masks and headbands with rat ears for kids, print photo

Do-it-yourself rat from plastic bottles:

Plush Yarn Rat:

Rat from a towel, video lesson:

Craft from cotton wool and polymer clay:

Craft from newspaper tubes:

Greetings, dear friends! Very soon, the new year 2020 will come to the threshold, what it will bring with it is still unknown, but you can already start preparing for its arrival. The patron of the year will be the White Metal Rat and I already have original ideas on how to make interesting figurines. Believe me, you will get a unique rat with your own hands, which will not only please the symbol of the coming year, but will also become your home talisman. Below you will also find the author's video master class with patterns!

Do-it-yourself rat for the New Year 2020 with master classes

The rat is a very cute creature that will appeal to all your family and friends without exception. Prepare all the materials that you have - we will create New Year's beauty!

To help beginners (and not only) needlewomen, the detailed master classes presented below will come.

We sew a mouse Pip from felt

I suggest you quickly make a beautiful felt mouse that will decorate the house. Such a souvenir can be used as a pendant or key chain, turning it into a stylish Christmas tree toy.

Download pattern

Download patterns in 1 click

Just save the record by clicking on any button

And here is my video master class on creating a New Year's souvenir.

To make another craft, you should follow a simple instruction:

  1. Find on the Internet or draw your own template of the body of the animal.
  2. Transfer the template to the felt of the desired color, circle and cut out.
  3. Cut out a trapeze dress from felt of a different color, it will not be difficult to draw such an outfit, look at the photo and repeat everything on your desktop.
  4. Fold the body and dress together, sew along the edge with threads.
  5. Take a thick thread or a thin cord and make a tail for the mouse.
  6. Embroider the muzzle with threads of different colors, making a mustache and eyes.
  7. Cut out a small flower and sew on the dress.

On average, it will take you up to 20 minutes to create such a toy. You can experiment with the color of felt, and such a toy will not only become a Christmas tree decoration, but also an original detail in the interior.

Symbol of 2020 from paper

If you are very fond of origami or have just begun to learn the features of this technique, I suggest making an interesting souvenir that you can even hang on a Christmas tree by adding a small loop.

Look carefully at the master class on making a paper figurine, repeat after the author and create with pleasure.

Beautiful metal medallion

Friends, I offer you a unique master class on making a stylish bat-shaped pendant. Agree, the symbol of the year can also have such a guise, so let's start watching the video and start making crafts without further ado.

A stylish medallion with a bat will be a wonderful gift for a loved one for the New Year.

Christmas Rope Mouse

When preparing small gifts for the holiday, be sure to try making a small mouse out of a rope.

You need to tightly wrap the frame with a rope, making the eyes and nose of the animal from beads or threads of a different color. I suggest you look at the photos of similar works and create something similar for yourself.

It is better to glue the threads additionally - so your craft will not fall apart, but will decorate the house or even the Christmas tree if you make a small loop.

Rat mask for the New Year's ball

When going to a New Year's party, you definitely need to take care of a suitable mask. I suggest that you do not stray far from the theme of the symbol of the coming year. The original mask is suitable for a morning and evening event.

To make such a mask you need:

  • find a suitable mask template;
  • print the image on an A4 sheet;
  • cut the mask along the contour;
  • transfer the blank to cardboard, circle, cut;
  • decorate the mask;
  • make fasteners from elastic, gluing it on the sides.

I offer you several options for templates that are suitable for a boy and a girl.

Rat from a plastic bottle

Reviewing the options for creating a symbol of the year from various materials, I propose to put plastic bottles into work. To create a rat you need:

  • take a 1.5- or 2-liter bottle, paint it gray;
  • the cover, if necessary, must be painted black;
  • paint the muzzle of the animal on the bottle;
  • cut a piece of plastic in the center of the bottle;
  • cut the tail from excess material and glue it to the workpiece;
  • also cut out the ears from plastic, paint them pink, glue them.

As a result, you will get an original form that can be turned into a small flower bed in summer, and in winter you can put sweets under the tree in it.

Cute clay mouse

Not only a textile rat will be an original gift or decoration for the New Year, but also a figurine made of polymer clay.

For work you need to prepare:

  • multi-colored polymer clay;
  • a thick needle or a special knife for working with such material;
  • plastic or wooden skewer;
  • a rolling pin or other object that can be used to roll clay;
  • beads for making eyes.

To create a figurine, it is enough to buy gray and white clay. If necessary, the remaining shades can be finished with paints.

Stages of work:

  1. Take a large piece of base color clay, shape it into a ball, and then gently pull it out to form a pear shape. Put the workpiece on the table, this will make a stable bottom for future crafts.
  2. With a skewer, draw 2 vertical stripes along the most protruding part. This will be the basis for the paws of the mouse.
  3. Take white clay, roll it out with a layer about 2-3 mm thick.
  4. Use a knife to cut out a piece of clay in the shape of a drop.
  5. Gently attach the resulting part to the base and straighten it - this will be the breast of the mouse.
  6. From white clay, roll 2 small balls the size of a pea - these are blanks for future paws. Take a needle, flatten the clay a little and make 4 fingers.
  7. Now it's time to make the hind legs. White peas should be exactly this size, but in the process of shaping them, stretch them a little to make a "pear". Make 3 fingers with a needle.
  8. Another mandatory element is the tail, keep in mind that it should be long and thin, make it also from white clay and attach it to the workpiece.
  9. Roll up two small sausages from clay of the main color - these will be the paws of our mouse, attach them to the body along with the previously made palms.
  10. Now it's time to form the head. Make an even ball of small size, and then gently pull out one of its sides. Look at the photo and you will understand how to proceed. Make a mouse mouth with a skewer and attach the head to the body.
  11. Take 2 balls of clay of different colors - these are blanks for the ears. Roll out into small round layers of different sizes - one larger, the other smaller. Fasten the blanks together, forming ears and attach them to the head.
  12. Take care of your eyes. Make a thin layer of clay of the same color, and then attach a small ball of material in a contrasting shade and after that another ball that is already black.
  13. Don't forget to add a neat nose and two black eyebrow stripes to the mouse.
  14. At the last stage, you should bake the toy in the oven. The instruction regarding the required temperature regime must be on the packaging with consumables, follow it and the mouse will be just perfect.

Such a figurine is suitable for a home collection and will be a wonderful souvenir for family and friends.

If you used clay of the same color, after baking in the oven, paint the symbol of the coming year with acrylic paints and open it with varnish.

Bat costume for carnival

On the eve of the New Year and matinees, all parents and kids are busy creating themed costumes. I suggest you make a stylish and budget version of the image of a bat. There is no pattern in the traditional sense, and the main consumable will be a black broken umbrella! You will be able to make bat wings very quickly, and you can look for additional accessories for the look at home.

Watch the video that I found on YouTube, make a mouse costume for a child and enjoy the result.

Twine mice

If you really like a variety of fridge magnets, I suggest watching a detailed master class on creating such an original and practical symbol of 2020. For work, the author uses thin twine, you can take other threads if you wish.

Watch the video carefully, experiment with pleasure and decorate your refrigerator with an original craft.

Mouse in the technique of felting

If you are only considering options on how to dump a cute mouse on a frame, I suggest watching a detailed master class, where the author reveals all the secrets of such work.

You can turn such a toy into a brooch or a fridge magnet, decide for yourself upon completion of the work.

Rat Lariska from a sock - a cute prankster for your home

I suggest you make a cute rat without a pattern in just a few minutes. Lariska will turn out to be mischievous and can live under the tree all the New Year holidays.

Follow the instructions and carefully look at the step-by-step photos:

You can sew such a toy from fabric, and not just from a sock, but then you will need to carefully prepare the patterns. The resulting soft toy will decorate the house on the eve of the holiday and the kids will definitely like it.

The most beautiful mouse costume for your princess

Friends, I found a simply amazing tutorial on creating a beautiful and delicate mouse costume for a girl. I am sure that your little ones will want to transform into these characters as soon as they see how beautiful they can be. Watch the video, start creating while there is still a little time before the New Year's party.

Cute little mouse made of thread

Dear needlewomen, if you really like knitting, I suggest making a couple of souvenirs for the holiday. I found a very simple video on how to crochet a mouse. Such work is within the power of even novice craftswomen.

Learn with pleasure and delight your loved ones with original knitted toys for the Christmas tree, or you can even use such a product as a keychain.

Coffee mice - needlework with children

A great idea for a family evening can be the creation of cute coffee mice. I have for you the most simple pattern that you need to print and enlarge to the desired size, and then transfer to the fabric.

For work you need to take:

  • dense natural fabric, previously soaked in coffee and dried;
  • threads;
  • a needle;
  • fabric paints;
  • coffee beans.

Transfer the pattern to the fabric, outline, cut out and sew all the parts, filling the mouse with padding polyester. You can write whatever you want on the toy. Experiment with the size of the product, you can even make a full-fledged pillow, presenting it as a gift for the New Year.

Jute symbol of the year

From jute you can make not one mouse, but a whole family! Don't know how yet? Look carefully, repeat after the author, and by the New Year, new residents will appear in your house, attracting good luck and prosperity throughout 2020.

Beautiful kapron doll

If you still don’t know what can be made from nylon tights, I can offer you an interesting master class on creating real mouse dolls. They look so natural and beautiful that they will become a real decoration of the house.

The Mouse King from The Nutcracker

I suggest you make a character from a cartoon beloved by many children and an adult. To make the Mouse King, you need to take:

  • kapron tights;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • multi-colored fabric;
  • beads for the eyes;
  • bow;
  • a plaque from the belt;
  • foil;
  • yellow rope.

Stages of work:

Piggy bank mouse

The patrons of 2020 are thrifty, so I suggest you make an original piggy bank so that there is prosperity in your home.

Main material for work:

  • white, gray, pink felt;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • beads;
  • scissors.

Stages of work:

wire mouse

A wire souvenir in the form of a mouse can be made in 10 minutes. It is enough to use the silhouette below.

Beautiful accessory "Mouse ears"

All girls really like stylish accessories, I suggest you make a charming Minnie Mouse headband. The image of a cute mouse can be complemented by face painting on the arm and face.

New Year's mouse in Tilda style

Dear needlewomen, especially for you, I found a tutorial on creating a festive mouse in the Tilda style. Listen to the author's recommendations, create for the whole family, getting beautiful souvenirs for the holiday.

Wallet mouse for your prosperity

A powerful talisman for attracting money is a purse mouse, which you can buy in a gift shop, but I suggest you make it yourself.

  1. Take an oblong bead or semi-precious stone.
  2. Apply 2 drops of glue and glue on a pair of eye beads.
  3. From a woolen thread, make a tail by gluing it to the base.
  4. Make ears out of paper or long beads, but you can do without this detail.

The talisman must dry and you can put it in your wallet, it is charged with your energy and thoughts, the poet will work for your good.

papier mache mouse

The papier mache technique is an interesting option for creating a beautiful rat toy. I found a master class for you that you will definitely like, watch it and write your opinion in the comments.

Cotton rat

You can make a beautiful mouse from improvised means, for example, cotton wool. To do this, you don’t even need to study some serious master classes. You can look at the picture and follow my little instruction:

  1. From felt, cut out two blanks for the ears and nose of the rat.
  2. Make three lumps of different shapes out of cotton.
  3. Cut out paws from cotton pads.
  4. Prepare 2 beads for the rodent eye.
  5. Glue everything together with glue forming a mouse.

Mice and rats from other materials

Gifts for the rat that lives with you

You need to pamper not only the patroness of the coming year, but also pets. If a rat lives in your house, then gifts should also be prepared for it.

Plywood rat house

Starting to make a house, you need to decide on the material. Often, all pet owners choose plywood because it is easy to work with. Next, you need to decide on the appearance of the house, its size. You can not ignore the place where it will be located, the methods of fastening. After that, it remains only to take measurements, prepare a drawing and get to work. A jigsaw is suitable for cutting plywood.

In addition to the entrance to the house, it must also have ventilation holes that provide good air circulation. It is better to choose the dimensions of the passage at least 5 cm wide, height. I have prepared for you one of the simple layouts with a drawing of a house, see if it will be more suitable for you.

When building a house for mice, it is important to consider that the excrement of a rodent will certainly cause an unpleasant odor. To eliminate this problem, the dwelling can be made without a bottom. It will just need to be placed on the cage. It is much easier to clean up in such a house.

It is not recommended to cover the dwelling with chemicals such as varnish, paint, glue. They can be toxic to the rodent, which negatively affects its health.

Check out what I found for your pet clothes making videos, I hope you enjoy them:

Bed for rats

A lounger, as well as a hammock, are the main place for a rodent to sleep. It can be made from a variety of materials that are only in the house. It should be borne in mind that not all rats will be happy with such furniture in their cage and may gnaw it or not use it at all for its intended purpose.

Look at what I found video tutorials on making pet beds at home. Be sure to tell me if you liked any of the options, I will definitely take this into account and I will be glad to hear your opinion.

Accessories for rats to avoid

You do not want the owner of the year to be offended by you. There is a list of accessories that cannot be purchased for a rodent. If your pet is happy, then so is the owner of the year. I have prepared a video for you that tells you what you can not put in a cage for a small pet. Be sure to check it out!

Rat toys

In order for a pet to always be busy and not get bored, it is important to choose the right toys for rats. They must be present in his cage. If the mouse has something to do, he will get sick less often, because everyone knows that from boredom, sadness, animals, just like people, can get sick. And the patroness of 2020 will not like it. I suggest you, my dear friends, watch a video that tells what toys for rats will be ideal.

Now, friends, you just have a lot of ideas for creating mouse-shaped souvenirs and many options for accessories for your pet. Create with pleasure, often visit the pages of my blog and share your favorite publications with friends on social networks. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

With the approach of cold weather and the onset of autumn rains, everyone begins to remember that the New Year holidays are ahead, which almost everyone loves to meet in a great mood and a fabulous atmosphere. Christmas paraphernalia helps to add magic. It includes not only tinsel and a Christmas tree, but also souvenirs in the form of a symbol of the year.

2020 is the year of the rat, so don't be surprised to see a lot of figurines and objects depicting gray and white mice on store shelves. You can make a symbol of the new year with your own hands in different ways: crafts from felt, from fabric, from paper, felting from wool.

Not everyone knows how to sew beautiful and neat fabric toys, so the sewing option is suitable for a narrow circle of craftsmen, but almost everyone can make a symbol of 2020 with their own hands from felt or paper, this is also a useful activity with children. Turn on your imagination and do not forget to look at all your stocks of handmade material.

Having made several crafts for the year of the rat, you can please your loved ones and friends with cute souvenirs. Small souvenirs in the form of a symbol of the new year 2020 can decorate your desktop, Christmas tree and find a cozy place in any home. To create a craft symbol of the year with your own hands does not take much time and expense, but the result will be interesting and enjoyable.

Rat made of felt: do-it-yourself symbol of 2020

It is hard to find a person who has not encountered felt. It is a pleasure to work with him. In order to create a felt rat craft, the symbol of 2020. It will take only a small piece of gray felt and very small shreds of pink.


  • Pink and gray felt
  • Scissors
  • beads
  • Gray plait or braid of threads
  • Filler
  • Ribbon

We make a pattern on paper and transfer the details to the felt. We cut out the required number of parts from felt - ears (two gray, two pink), side parts (two gray parts), tummy (black or white).

Sew the side details along the back line, sew the belly of the mouse in the right place - from the muzzle to the back of the animal. Don't sew all the way through so you can turn it inside out and stuff it. Sew two parts of the ears together and turn inside out.

For the tail, we need to cut off the tourniquet or make a pigtail out of thread. Tie knots at the ends of the bundle or pigtails. Sew the tail into the body of the mouse, securing it well. Now we can turn our blank.

Fill tightly the mouse figurine, completely filling it. Sew up the remaining hole.

It remains only to decorate the muzzle of the rat from felt: sew on the eyes and nose, attach the ears. The tail of the rat can be decorated with a bow.

Rat from felt: pattern

You can make a symbol of 2020 from felt in different ways, and depending on the pattern, the figures will differ from each other. But any craft can become the talisman of the house in which it will settle for the whole next year.

Rat from nylon tights: master class

It is a very good tradition to make souvenirs with your own hands. They also include crafts for the new year. For this, you can use everything that is at home, even old tights can be used to make a rat. From the nylon tights that you were sorry to throw away, you get a funny little rat.


  • Nylon tights
  • Filler
  • Decor: fabric, fur, beads, rhinestones

Fill your head with padding polyester, make a nose out of black fabric or thick black tights. Nom is sewn in the center of the head. Add padding polyester to highlight the cheeks. From the nose in the center, grab and sew what was stuffed for the cheeks.

Pull the needle up behind the nose. We repeat the same action back. We sew the cheeks of your mouse from tights.

To secure, return to the center. In the same way we make the second cheek.

Fill your mouth with filler and sew, making a return to the starting point

We do the same on the other side. And we bring out the needle according to the picture. The needle must be withdrawn at the back of the head.

We make outlines for the eyes. We stuff the forehead. We sew up the crown and outline the place where the ears will be.

To make ears, wrap rings of the same size with nylon wire. Glue or sew the ears to the marked places. Glue eyes or make in a convenient way.

Making a rat from nylon tights is not as easy as from felt, but it's worth a try. Moreover, spoiled tights can be found in any home.

Rat made of wool using felting technique: crafts for the New Year

In a couple of hours you can make a cute felted wool rat. From this material, the most believable and close to real figures of animals are obtained.


  • Wool: white, gray (carded), pink
  • Felt (mat for felting)
  • Needles #36, #38, #40
  • Hairbrush thin
  • eye beads
  • Scissors
  • Monofilament white

Pull out some white wool from the combed ribbon. Do not forget that when felting, the volume of wool will decrease by about half. Roll up the wool. Bend the top edge of our cone and pass the needle at the fold many times. This is necessary for fixing. We give this roll the shape of the torso and head.

Now you can add some wool. Make a pattern out of gray carding. On the face of the rat we will make a wedge (go a little on the cheeks), on the back you can make a spot of any shape.

Carded wool consists of tangled hairs, so you do not need to do complex manipulations with it. The body of our felted rat is almost ready.

To make the paws, you need two identical strips of wool (a pair of small ones for the upper paws and a larger pair for the lower paws). In thickness, our paws should be approximately the same, but the length of the upper ones is 1.5 times less than the lower ones. Fold in half, remove excess by stretching for a free edge.

Roll the paws in parallel so that they are the same.

Rub between your fingers, tangling the hairs. You need to felt along the strips of wool, holding between your fingers, slowly turning. Use a pair of #38 needles. The place of the fold must be treated with a needle. Add wool if needed. The upper paw should be approximately 2 cm, and the lower paw should be 3 cm.

We need pink wool to make the palms when the paws are felted. We begin to felt with a needle No. 38, we continue with No. 40.

Make a fold.

We make the tail by analogy with the paws, about 3 cm in length. It should be quite soft and bendable. To make the ears, lay the strips of wool in the center, fold a little and fold in half.

Felted on both sides, processing the edges with a thin needle. Wait for the required size and make a recess.

These are the little details that need to be put together now.

Fluff the non-felted bases, falling through all the details to the torso.

With a thin needle, treat the stomach, forming the navel with a #38 needle. Black wool is necessary for the nose and mouth.

Bend the paws and process the back and muzzle. Make indentations for the eyes, sew on the mustache and eyes.

You can make a rat out of wool with your own hands in a few hours, but it is advisable to do this in daylight and in a good mood. Since small details must be made the same so that your little animal does not turn out to be awkward.

Paper Rat: DIY Christmas Crafts

Kids love to create beautiful crafts with their own hands that can be presented by grandparents. Paper is the simplest, cheapest and most fertile material for children's creativity. From colored paper, you can create interesting crafts and applications on various topics.

It is fashionable to make a funny voluminous mouse from several details - a circle, a heart, a strip.

We cut out a circle and a slightly smaller heart, twist the strip for the tail with a tube. Glue the heart onto the circle by folding the rounded places. Attach a tail, and eyes and a nose from black paper.

A voluminous paper rat can be made according to a ready-made template. To do this, you just need to print it, cut it neatly and glue it.

How to make a paper rat

You can make not just a craft in the form of a symbol of 2020, but a cute box with a rat face. You can put a pleasant surprise in it, or a memorable souvenir. The size of such a box can be made any, depending on your gift.


  • White cardboard
  • pink cardboard
  • Scissors
  • ribbon
  • felt-tip pens

We make a blank of our box from white cardboard: draw triangles with equal sides on the cardboard. Find the middle of each side, and draw another triangle in the center, which also has equal sides. Above the large triangle, draw the ears. Cut out the toy and fold along the lines. We need pink cardboard to make the ears. Glue them on the inside.

On the front of the rat craft for the new year, draw a muzzle with a black felt-tip pen. Use a hole punch to make holes for the ribbon to pass through.

There can be a variety of paper mice, and all of them will be cute and funny in their own way, especially considering that they are made by your child's hands.

Rat from newspaper tubes: a master class in pictures

Do not rush to throw away or recycle old newspapers or magazines. From them you can make interesting crafts for the new year.

Twist many tubes of the same diameter. You can paint them white or gray paint. After the paint has dried, you can start working.

Weaving rat crafts from newspaper tubes is not a quick task, but if you varnish the finished product, it can last you for quite a long period.

Funny rat from a sock with your own hands

If you don't have the right fabric to make a funny mouse, you can use a single sock that has lost a pair.


  • Filler
  • Sock
  • 2 black buttons or beads
  • Nose felt

We fold the sock and draw the torso on the sole, and details for the ears. Cut out and sew on the inside. Leave one edge unsewn.

Fill the rat from the sock with cotton wool or padding polyester. You can make a tail out of the gum of the sock, and sew it into the body of the mouse. Now you can sew up the left hole. Make ears and sew to the rat. Sew on the eyes and nose. Make a mustache out of thread.

How to make a rat out of twine and cork

If you have a desire to create on the weekend, but there is a problem in the lack of material, then this master class will show you that you can make crafts from what you wanted to throw out. By saving a wine cork after the holiday, you can get a funny twine and cork rat.


  • Pair of sewing pins
  • wine stopper
  • Wire
  • Twine / tourniquet
  • fishing line
  • wire cutters
  • Scissors
  • Black marker
  • hot glue or instant glue

Use a knife to cut the cork into a cone shape. Turn the wire into 6 identical pieces. We bend four pieces at the ends to make paws.

We insert the wire into the base of the cork and bend it the way we want to see the paws, tail and neck of the rat. We attach a pin to the wire with hot glue so that its ball becomes the nose of the future animal.

We wrap the neck with twine, making fasteners with glue. The body of the rat should gradually become pointed in the part of the muzzle.

We wrap the rat's paws separately with gray yarn, and then its tail, body, neck and muzzle. So that the base does not shine through, you will have to make several layers of winding. We make ears from wire and wrap them in the same way.

We stick the ends of the wire into the head. We insert two more pins with round tips into the head and body of the rat so that only white balls remain outside. Make black pupils on them.

From a thick fishing line, you need to make three pieces and stretch them through the rat's face to get the antennae. A yellow dishwashing sponge will make a lovely piece of cheese.

Do-it-yourself rat from a plastic bottle

One of the quickest ways to make a funny rat is to use a plastic bottle and felt or cloth.

For this craft, we need a 1.5 liter plastic bottle. Cut off the middle and bottom. Join the two parts together to get the torso. Wrap the body of the bottle with a cloth or felt and fix with glue. From the fabric we cut out the details of the muzzle of the rat - eyes, nose, tail, ears. You can also make these parts out of cardboard.

Glue all the details to the craft. Make paws from the same material that was wrapped around the torso and glue them.

Rat from salt dough for the New Year

From an early age, children love to sculpt different figures and crafts from plasticine. This material develops fine motor skills well, therefore, in kindergartens, classes with this material begin from younger groups. You can also replace it with salt dough, which is simply done at home.

The positive aspect of crafts from the dough is that during the day the product will dry out and will look like a figurine.

Salt dough recipe for crafts:

  • 1.5 cups flour
  • A glass of fine salt
  • Half glass of cold water
  • Watercolor paints
  • Clear nail polish
  • rolling pin

Combine salt and flour with water. Add PVA and knead. Roll out the mass on the table.

Separate a small piece from the dough to make cheese out of it, on which our salt dough rat will sit.

Using a pencil, make holes of different sizes on the cheese. Break off a larger piece and form an oval out of it. Pull it out from one side to create a spout. We plant this rat blank on a piece of cheese.

From two small pieces of dough we make ears, squeezing indentations on them. Attach the ears to the body with water. Eyes and a nose can be made from black peppercorns. Make a tail from dough by rolling a tube out of it. You can also attach it with water.

Dry the rat from the salt dough at room temperature. If you put the craft in the oven, it may crack. It will take about 1-2 days for the craft to dry naturally.

After drying, paint the cheese and mouse with the appropriate colors.

Vytynanki for the year of the rat 2020

In early December, you can start preparing for the holidays and New Year's mood. You can cut out vytynankas that decorate windows from paper with your children. This is a wonderful creative activity that will not only fill your free time, but can also distract you from household chores and worries.

Vytynanki for 2020 of the rat can be varied, but they must contain the image of the mistress of the next year. Such original pictures can decorate the windows of houses, offices and schools. Since next year is a metal or white rat, plain paper is quite suitable for such crafts.

Window Stencils: Year of the Rat

To make beautiful rat window displays, print out stencils and cut them out with small scissors or a utility knife.

Plasticine rat: children's craft for the New Year

If he doesn’t know what to do with the child on the weekend, then hand him the plasticine. Everyone knows that this material leaves no one indifferent. Kids like to sculpt animals, flowers and other figurines from it. On the eve of 2020, create with your child his symbol - a white rat made of plasticine with your own hands.

How to mold a rat from plasticine

For older children who know how to use stacks, you can offer to make a cute rat that can live in your home or end up at a school exhibition.

We start with the preparation of the body - blind an oval from gray plasticine, stretching it from one side into a cone. Use the stack to make indentations to represent your rat's thighs. From beige plasticine we make a blank for the tummy. Attach it to the front of the body. From two balls of beige plasticine, make paws with fingers.

Attach the legs to the bottom of the body. Roll up a thin tail of beige plasticine. To make the ears, we need two gray circles and two beige ones. Similarly for the lower paws, make the upper ones.

From a gray ball of plasticine, make a muzzle by stretching out the nose, and attach the ears to the top of the head.

It remains to form only the muzzle of your plasticine rat

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