What date is Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year and traditions of its celebration. Get together with the whole family

Russia is a special country in which many nationalities live, a huge number of cultures and traditions coexist.

In particular, many Russian people attach great importance to the eastern horoscope. And according to him, next year will be held under the auspices of Blue-green Wood Goat .

At the same time, most of the population celebrates the onset of the Chinese New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, which is not true. And today we will tell our readers about when the Chinese New Year 2015 (Goats) will come. Let's just say that The official date for the Chinese New Year is February 19th. But even here everything is very ambiguous.

When is the Chinese New Year 2015 of the Goat?

As stated above, The official date for Chinese New Year is February 19, 2015. On this day, the first New Moon will occur in the sign of Aquarius after the winter solstice.

On this day, millions of people around the world will celebrate the Chinese New Year. Meanwhile, February 19, 2015 is the beginning of the calendar (lunar) Chinese New Year. As for the onset of the astrological (solar) New Year, when the symbol of the New Year 2015 the Goat fully comes into its own, this event is associated with the beginning of spring, when the Sun enters the 315th degree of the tropical zodiac (the middle of Aquarius).

Spring next year in China comes February 4, 2015. Thus, the exact date of the Chinese New Year 2015 of the Goat is 02/04/2015. It is on this day that the patron of 2015, the Wood Goat, replaces the Wood Horse.

It is easy to understand these dates. It is only necessary to understand that the New Year in the East is determined both by the lunar and by the solar (astrological) calendar. In this case, the lunar calendar is used for the official chronology of time. In turn, the solar calendar is an astrological calendar, according to which the astrological chronology of Ba Zi and Feng Shui is kept. And according to the astrological solar calendar, the exact time of the 2015 Chinese New Year of the Goat is February 4th.

How to celebrate Chinese New Year of the Goat?

We have already told our readers about how to celebrate the New Year of the Goat 2015. But within the framework of today's publication, we will say a few more words. In China, it is customary to celebrate the New Year for 15 days. Moreover, each day of the celebration has its own special status.

The Chinese are preparing for the New Year just like the Europeans - they carefully clean their homes, decorate them and prepare delicious dishes. On the 15th day of the celebration, the Chinese arrange a lantern festival: they take to the streets with lit lanterns in their hands.

The tradition of celebrating the New Year in China has a thousand-year history. Many centuries ago, China was an agricultural country. Every new year, the country's authorities announced a new annual calendar. It included a solar, lunar and weather calendar. This knowledge was needed mainly by peasants in order to know the time for sowing seeds, performing various agricultural work, and harvesting.

After the harvest, the Chinese peasants thanked the gods for mercy, brought them offerings and asked for good luck, prosperity and a rich harvest next year.

The ancient Chinese paid special attention to preparing for the New Year. A thorough cleaning of the house was an absolute must. Dirt in the dwelling was perceived as disrespectful to the patron of the next year. Also, the Chinese before the onset of the New Year seek to distribute all their debts. According to ancient belief, if you celebrate the New Year with debts, it will become even more difficult to return them.

After the return of debts and cleaning of housing, the house must be decorated. It is furnished with figurines of the patron of the next year, and images of deities and guardian angels, always made in red shades, are pasted around the house. The fact is that red is considered sacred in China. He personifies happiness, joy, protection from troubles.

New Year in Russia for many is associated with tangerines. Interesting, but so do the Chinese. These fruits symbolize prosperity and wealth. Therefore, it is very desirable to place vases with tangerines around the house before the New Year.

The topic of New Year's outfits deserves a special discussion. We have already talked about what to wear for the new 2015 year of the Goat. But it will not be superfluous to say a few words about Chinese traditions in this matter. In China, it is customary to celebrate every New Year in new clothes. If you meet the New Year in old things, there is a risk of transferring all last year's problems to the new year.

It is very important to know the exact time of the 2015 Chinese New Year of the Goat for the following reason. The fact is that on this day it is very important to show absolute courtesy to all people. Even those people with whom you have conflicts that are unpleasant to you should be treated with respect. On this day, you should be very responsible in your speech. In no case should you say out loud any words that may be associated with misfortunes and troubles.

And of course, the Chinese pay great attention to the New Year's table. It is believed that the richer and more varied the festive table is furnished, the more full, full of positive events, happy life will be in the coming year. For the Chinese New Year 2015 of the Goat, traditional oriental dishes should be on the table - noodles (symbolizing longevity), rice (symbolizing wealth), fish (symbolizing prosperity); and dishes that will appeal to the patroness of the year Goat - cabbage, salads, herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Every year on March 23, a regional holiday is celebrated in the Chechen Republic - Constitution Day of the Czech Republic.

According to the Decree of the Head of the Administration of the Chechen Republic No. 34 dated March 24, 2003, the holiday date is an official non-working day in Chechnya, an additional day off.

That is, in the Chechen Republic:
* March 23, 2020 (Monday) - day off.

The working week will start on Tuesday and will last 4 days (with a five-day period). Tuesday 24 March 2020 - working day.

Another additional day off awaits the residents of the Republic on April 16, 2020, which is declared the Day of Peace by the Decree of the President of the Chechen Republic. And a week later, on April 22, 2020, a day off was appointed in connection with the All-Russian voting on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

On March 18, 2020, a message appeared on the official website of the Eurovision Song Contest about the cancellation of the event for the current year.

We tell why the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was canceled - the reasons why the event was not rescheduled to a later time, was not held without spectators or remotely.

Why Eurovision 2020 was cancelled:

The reason for the cancellation of the popular musical event was the uncertainty caused by the spread of a viral infection in Europe called COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Why the date of the Eurovision 2020 was not postponed to a later time:

The organizers posted a statement on the official website of the competition, in which they said that they were considering various alternative options for holding the competition. Including the option of holding the competition without spectators, or transferring the date to a later time, after the decline in the spread of infection.

However, the transfer was difficult because the situation with the epidemiological situation in Europe is extremely uncertain and it is not clear when everything will return to normal. If, nevertheless, it is possible to hold a competition, for example, at the end of 2020, the winner will have very little time to prepare the organization of the next event(which is scheduled to take place in May 2021).

Previously, the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was planned to be held in the second full week of May: from May 15 to 16, 2020.

Why didn't they hold Eurovision 2020 without spectators or remotely:

Currently restrictions in the Netherlands on the number of people who can attend public events at the same time do not allow Eurovision to be held even in the "without spectators" format.

As for the "remote" format, in this case the organizers will not be able to provide all participants with the same opportunities to showcase their talent which is contrary to the values ​​and traditions of the organization.

Where will Eurovision 2021 take place, in what composition:

Likely to host next year's Popular Song Contest will remain Rotterdam (the second largest city in the Netherlands after the capital Amsterdam).

The decision will be made by the organizers of the competition and the leadership of the Netherlands later.

It has also not yet been decided whether the selected members will be able to perform the submitted songs next year, or whether they will have to compose new compositions. Recall that this year to represent Russia at Eurovision 2020 was supposed to band "Little Big" with the song "UNO".

The lunisolar calendar is used in China to determine the dates of traditional holidays, the beginning of certain types of agricultural work.
The oldest Chinese holiday is a complex of ceremonies and rituals lasting more than two weeks. Unlike its Western counterpart, there is no fixed date for the beginning of the Chinese New Year and it is set at a different time each year. According to the lunisolar calendar, the first day of the holiday in China begins on the second new moon after the winter solstice. The Chinese New Year ends after fifteen days of the new lunar month with a procession with lanterns.

The following are the dates for Chinese New Year in the next five years:

In 2014 - from January 31 to 14;
- In 2015 - from February 19 to;
- In 2016 - from February 8 to;
- In 2017 - from January 28 to February 11;
- In 2018 - from March 2.

Chinese New Year celebration

It is the largest festival in the Chinese calendar, on par with Christmas and New Year's Eve in the Western world. On the eve, people are busy preparing for the celebration, compiling wish lists, buying gifts and decoration materials. Traditional festive treats are prepared, because even in the poorest Chinese family it is customary to richly set the table for a family dinner. Thousands of years of Chinese New Year celebrations are inspired by the legends of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire.

One legend about the origin of the Chinese New Year says that a dragon named Nian (or Nian) used to visit people in the village. He broke into houses, ate the crops harvested by the villagers, not disdaining the villagers themselves and their children, if they did not have time to hide in the mountains. In order not to give the dragon a reason to break into the house, the villagers put out treats outside. One fine day, people noticed how Nian was frightened of a baby dressed in red clothes. Realizing that it was a matter of color, every year the whole village began to decorate houses and streets with red cloth and lanterns, to wear red clothes. It was believed that the roar of pyrotechnics frightens evil spirits, so at the holiday the Chinese began to set fire to long bundles of firecrackers.

Another legend tells of a poor old man with a silver mustache who volunteered to help the unfortunate villagers. The inhabitants did not pay attention to the strange stranger, collected their belongings and went with the whole village to hide in the forest on the mountain. Having waited for the dragon at night, the old man went out to meet him in red clothes, thundered crackers and drove Nian away.

One of the legends says that once upon a time, Buddha invited all the animals of the earth to celebrate the New Year with him. Only twelve responded to the invitation, the names of which the Buddha named the subsequent years.
A common practice among the Chinese on the eve of the celebration is a general cleaning of the house, which drives away troubles and attracts good luck. Residents are scrubbing their rooms and apartments from floor to ceiling, washing and repainting windows and doors. According to legends, outside houses are decorated with lanterns, red linen, and leaflets with predictions are hung on which the hieroglyphs “wealth”, “happiness”, and “longevity” are inscribed.

In the evening, the whole family gathers at the festive table, in the morning tables with offerings to the monster are set outside the doors of the houses, and in the afternoon a team of actors with a huge figure of a dragon begins to roam the streets. The puppet nanny peers through every open door of the street where money is put into his mouth. After his departure, the owner of the house sets fire to pre-hung ribbons with firecrackers, scaring away invisible evil spirits and onlookers with a roar. So, when you find yourself witnessing a holiday, do not forget to buy earplugs at the pharmacy.

The Chinese and millions of people around the world celebrate The first day of the Chinese New Year is February 19, 2015. On this day, the calendar Chinese New Year (lunar) will come, but the astrological Chinese New Year of the Goat (solar) comes with the beginning of spring - the time when the sun enters the three hundred and fifteenth degree of the tropical zodiac.

In 2015, spring from China will come on February 4, 2015. It is on this day, a little earlier than the traditional Chinese New Year, that the real Year of the Wood Goat. The main thing is not to get confused in this "Chinese letter". The fact is that in the east the new year can be determined both by the astrological (solar) and by the lunar calendar. The difference is that the lunar calendar, in which the beginning of the year "floats", is used only to keep track of time. In 2015, the lunar year will begin on February 19th. In Chinese astrology, Ba Zi and Feng Shui use the astrological calendar.

How to Celebrate Chinese New Year 2015

The Chinese celebrate the New Year for 15 days. Every day has a special meaning, which depends on local traditions. But first, before the arrival of the new year, the houses are thoroughly cleaned and decorated to attract good luck. The holiday ends on the 15th day - the festival of lanterns; on this full moon, people take to the streets and carry lighted lanterns.

To understand more about the 15-day Chinese New Year Festival, we need to know some facts about Chinese culture. Thousands of years ago, China consisted mainly of a rural society. Every year the Dynasty announced an annual calendar for farmers. The calendar contained solar, lunar, and weather calendars - this information was essential for farmers to know when to plant seeds, plants, harvest their land, and even when to go to work, rest, pray, and celebrate holidays. Therefore, the original meaning of the Chinese New Year was associated with the farmers' harvest. Chinese farmers celebrated their achievements over the past year, a good harvest was a gracious reward from God. Therefore, offerings were brought to him and prayed, asking for prosperity and good luck in the coming year.

Traditionally, before the celebration of the Chinese New Year, it is necessary to thoroughly clean your home. Dirt in the house is a manifestation of disrespect for the owner of the next year. And if you meet the year of the wooden Goat in an untidy house, you don’t have to wait for favors from her. According to Eastern traditions, the New Year should not be met with debts, otherwise it will be very difficult to repay them.

In the East, red means the sun, joy, happiness and protects from evil spirits. Therefore, to celebrate the Chinese New Year, the house must be decorated in red shades. It is favorable to stick hieroglyphs made with dark paint on a red background on the front doors of the house, as well as images of guardian spirits and the deity of wealth in the hope that they will bring happiness and prosperity to the house. Be sure to arrange vases with ripe tangerines throughout the house - they represent wealth and prosperity. In addition to tangerine, the house can be decorated with peach and apricot flowers - they will symbolize new beginnings.

Traditionally, new clothes are worn for Chinese New Year. This is done in order not to transfer the problems of the outgoing year to the new year. On this day, it is also necessary to show exceptional courtesy to everyone, even to those people who are unpleasant to you. In no case should you pronounce any words that are associated with troubles and misfortunes.

A rich table for the Chinese New Year 2015 is the key to success and prosperity. On the New Year's table there should be both traditional oriental dishes: rice - a symbol of wealth, noodles - a symbol of longevity, fish - a symbol of prosperity, and dishes that will appease the Goat, the ruler of 2015. So it can be a variety of salads, fresh fruits, seafood and sweet pastries.

On February 19, the Year of the Goat will begin, and we will enter the New Year according to the Chinese calendar. Chinese New Year is the most important holiday for Chinese around the world. Like the New Year according to the solar calendar, this is a time for summing up, New Year's vows and hopes for the coming year. /website/

It lasts approximately 16 days from New Year's Eve to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month.

The Chinese lunar calendar includes both the lunar cycle and the position of the sun. Therefore, according to the Chinese lunar calendar, the first day of the year can fall on any date between January 21st and February 21st.

The Chinese have been using the lunar calendar since 2600 BC. e., when the mythical (or Huang Di) initiated the first cycle of the Chinese Zodiac.

According to legend, Huang Di (Yellow Emperor) appointed one kind of animal to represent each year of the twelve-year cycle, and they come in this order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar.

Good associations and meanings

(yang - yang), which means goat, sheep or ram, is considered a symbol of prosperity, good luck and peace. Since ancient times, people have used 羊 as a symbol of goodwill.

Goat and sheep are one of the most beloved animals in China. They have a calm, meek, reserved nature, and they are the source of many things useful to people.

羊 is used as part of many Chinese characters that signify some positive quality.

Here are some characters that include 羊.

祥 (xiáng - xiang) means a good omen or well-being. 羊 is on the right side of this character.

善 (shàn - shan) means kindness and mercy. 羊 is at the top.

義 (yì - and) means righteousness and justice. 羊 is also at the top.

美 (měi - mei) means perfection and beauty. It also has the character 羊 at the top.

鮮 (xiān - xian) means fresh and tasty. The character 羊 is on the right.

goat sign

The Goat is the eighth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. If you were born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 or 2015, then most likely your zodiac sign is Goat. However, if you were born in January or February, you need to take into account the date of birth and when the new year began in that year according to the Chinese calendar.

Since ancient times, the goat and the sheep have been closely associated with the life of the Chinese. Their meat and milk are very nutritious, and light, soft and warm things are obtained from their wool. The Chinese learned how to make brushes for writing from sheep's wool, and the skin was used for warmth.

The goat is considered a peaceful animal. People born in the year of the Goat also have a calm, gentle, restrained character. They have an easy-going and easy-going disposition. Standing on the sidelines, they quietly watch others shine in public. They enjoy life in their own way, lead a calm lifestyle.

The most characteristic feature of a goat or a sheep is its peaceful nature, so people born in the year of the Goat prefer a friendly atmosphere and try to avoid disagreements. Thus, the Year of the Goat is a time to leave conflicts and settle disputes peacefully.

Your zodiac sign

Find out your zodiac sign!

Chinese zodiac

12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac: rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, boar. Illustration: Zhiching Chen/Epoch Times

12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac: rat, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, boar. Illustration: Zhiching Chen/Epoch Times

The longest holiday and the grandest celebration

Chinese New Year is the most important and longest of the traditional Chinese holidays.

The celebration usually starts on New Year's Day and lasts until the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, over two weeks! It is not difficult to imagine how grandiose such a festival could be.

There are many things associated with the Chinese New Year. Chinese families carefully clean their homes to sweep away all troubles and hardships and make way for good luck.

Windows and doors are decorated with openwork red paper cutouts and poetic couplets that express joy and hope for the fulfillment of wishes in the New Year.

Fireworks, firecrackers, red envelopes, a lion dance, a dragon dance, and riddle lanterns are traditions observed during Chinese New Year celebrations.

Many families gather at a large festive table, and the Chinese visit relatives as a sign of respect. This is also part of the New Year tradition.

Happy Year of the Goat! Illustration: Jane Ku/EpochTimes

Happy Year of the Goat! Illustration: JaneKu/EpochTimes

New Year's greetings in the year of the Goat

The New Year is an occasion to let go of all unkind feelings and sincerely wish everyone peace, health and happiness. At this time, the Chinese greet each other with good wishes when they meet. Below are some of the most popular wishes for the Year of the Goat:

Happy Year of the Goat! (喜洋洋, xǐ yáng yáng - si yang yang)

Peace and good health in the Year of the Goat! (羊年安康, yáng nián ān kāng - yang nian an kang)

Three goats bring success and harmony. (三陽開泰, sān yáng kāi tài - san yang kai tai)

Happy Year of the Goat! (羊年吉祥, yáng nián jí xiáng - yang nian ji xiang)

Be always happy! (幸福伴你同行, xìng fú bàn nǐ tóng xíng - xing fu ban ni tong xing)

Happy New Year of the Goat everyone!